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听力的短对话和长对话部分,其话题范围是以校园生活(campus life)为主题,主要是学习打工,衣食住行,英语是模式化的语言,固定场景只会用固定词汇,分场景总结记忆,听力场景词汇,归纳总结是十分必要的。


Day course 白天的课, Evening course 晚上的课

科目或专业:mathematic 数学,history 历史,chemistry 化学,Literature 文学,Physics物理, Chemistry 化学, Biology生物, Politics 政治, History历史, Geography地理 Math 数学

Final exam 期终考试, middle exam 期中考试, test测验,quiz 小测验,oral test 口试drawing near考试临近, delay / be off / hold up / postpone / put off考试延期或取消public school 公立学校, private school 私立学校,

学校中的人: president 校长, dean 院长, headmaster 中小学校长,professor 教授, lecturer 讲师 doctor 博士, master 硕士, bachelor 学士,freshman 大一新生, middle school student中学生,primary school student小学生

have a lecture 上课, cut a class/play truant 逃课, miss a class 错过了课, scholarship 荣誉奖学金, homework, exam, test, mid-term/ final examination, marks, text book, playground, department, Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, Doctor’s degree, Campus, lecture, dormitory, term, dining-hall, swimming-pool, courses, foreign language, gym,

2. 图书馆场景

lend / borrow借书reference book参考书, renew续借, overdue过期, return 还书, fine罚金, librarian图书管理员, subject主题, author作者,library 图书馆, reading-room阅览室, book-shelf书架, novel小说, story-book故事书, picture-book图画书,science fiction科幻小说newspaper报纸, magazine杂志, periodical期刊library card借书证


fare 车票, license 驾照, rush hours 高峰时间, traffic jam 交通堵塞one way street 单行道, over speed 超速ticket 罚单express way 高速公路 traffic police交警,

交通工具(出现频率从高到低) plane / train / bus / bike / walk / taxi tunnel / channel 隧道, ring road 环线, subway(美) / underground (英)地铁 Used car 旧车, afford买的起, Give sb a ride搭车Taxi/cab出租车, break down抛锚, flat tire爆胎rush hour 高峰期, traffic jam堵车, car accident事故fix/repair修理, garage 修车场, damage损害 dead 报废, survive 活下来, minor injury 轻伤subway(underground), boat, ship, transportation, timetable, journey, speed,


mobile phone 手机, pay phone 公用电话, telephone box/booth 电话亭yellow page 黄页, extension 分机, dial/ press(拨/按电话号码), put through 接通, wrong number记错号码,hold on 不要挂断, take / leave a message 留言,hang up ,挂断answering machine自动答录机,

long-distance call 长途电话,overseas call 越洋电话,mobile / cell phone 手机give sb a call / ring 给某人打电话the line is busy 占线operator 接线员The line is bad/ busy / engaged. It kept a busy line.电话占线5.机场场景

flight航班Welcome on board 欢迎登机plane 飞机,book 订票,timetable 时间表, destination 目的地safe landing 安全着陆, board 登机, take off 起飞, departure 离港safety / sect belt 安全带, land 着陆, arrival 进港, pick up 接机security check 安检, see off 送行, keep in touch 保持联系one way ticket 单程票, round trip ticket 来回票,non-stop / direct flight 直航 , check in 登记,behind schedule晚点luggage, baggage, airline, airport, passport, railway/train station, express train(快车), platform, sleeping car, Gate 1, flight number(班机号码), nonstop flight(直达航班), arrival time, conductor, ticket office, passenger; warning light, road sign, motorway, one-way(单程的), round-trip(双程的); bound for…飞往……方向去的


job vacancy 有空缺职位, letter of application 求职信, resume 简历resume包括:basic / personal information. 基本信息/个人资料,academic background 教育背景,work experience 工作经验, certificates证书interview 面试,offer 聘用信,work overtime 加班,ask for a raise 加钱, wage 周薪, salary 日薪,bonus奖金,allowance 津贴,annual income 年收入,promotion 升职, fire 解雇,
