




◆活学活⽤根据所学技巧,完成以下读写任务Theautomobilehasmanyadvantages.Aboveall,itofferspeoplefreedomtogowhereverandwhenevertheywanttogo.ThebasicpurposeofamotorvehicleistogetfrompointAtopointBascheaply,quickly,andsafelyaspossible.However,tomostpeople,carsarealsopersonalfantasymachinesthatserveassymbolsofpower,success,speed,excitemen Inaddition,muchoftheworld'seconomyisbuiltonproducingmotorvehiclesandsupplyingroa ds,services,andrepairsforthosevehicles.Halfoftheworld'spaychecksareautorelated.IntheUnitedStates,oneofeverysixdollarsspentandoneofeverysixnon-farmjobsareconnectedtotheautomobileorrelatedindustries,suchasoil,steel,rubber,plastics,automobileservices,andhighwayconstruction.Inspiteoftheiradvantages,motorvehicleshavemanyharmfuleffectsonhumanlivesandonair,water,land,andwildliferesources.Theautomobilemaybethemostdestructivemachineeverinvented.Thoughwetendtodenyit,ridingincarsisoneofthemostdangerousthingswedoinourdailylives.Since1885,whenKarlBenzbuiltthefirstautomobile,almost18millionpeoplehavebeenkilledbymotorvehicles.Everyyear,carsandtrucksworldwidekillanaverageof250,000people-asmanyaswerekilledintheatomicbombattacksonHiroshimaandNagasaki-andinjureorpermanentlydisabletenmillionmore.Halfoftheworld'speoplewil lbeinvolvedinanautoaccidentatsometimeduringtheirlives.Sincetheautomobilewasintroduced,almostthreemillionAmericanshavebeenkilledonthehighways-abouttwicethenumberofAmericanskilledonthebattlefieldinallU、S.wars.Inadditiontothetragiclossoflife,theseaccidentscostAmericansocietyabout$60billionannuallyinlostincomea ndininsurance(保险),administrative(⾏政的),andlegalexpenses. Streetsthatusedtobeforpeoplearenowforcars.Pedestriansandpeoplerid ingbicyclesinthestreetsaresubjectedtonoise,pollution,stress,anddanger. Motorvehiclesarethelargestsourceofairpollution,producingahazeofsmogovertheworld'scities.IntheUnitedStates,theyproduceatleast50%ofthecountry'sairpollution.Ⅰ.根据短⽂,写⼀篇30~50词左右的摘要_________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _______Ⅱ.根据所读短⽂,选出最正确答案1、Carsrepresentpeople's________.A、occupationB、identityC、lifestyleD、fame2、Accordingtothepassage,theaveragenumberofpeoplekilledannuallyintrafficaccidentsaroundtheworl dis__________________________________________________________________ ______.A、18millionB、250,000C、halfoftheworld'spopulationD、60million3、Aseriousenvironmentalproblemresultingfromautomobilesis________.A、tragiclossoflifeB、trafficjamsC、airpollutionD、mentalstress4、Itcanbeinferredfromthispassagethatautomobiles________________________ ________________________________________________.A、areanimportantpartoftheworld'seconomyB、arebecominglessdangerousC、willproducelessairpollutioninthefutureD、arekillingmorepeopleinrecentyearsthaninthepast5、Thetitlethatsuitsthepassagebestis________.A、AutomobileandEconomyB、AutomobileandtheEnvironmentC、TheProblemswiththeAutomobileD、AdvantagesandDisadvantagesoftheAutomobile参考答案ⅠAutomobileshavebothadvantagesanddisadvantages.Theycangetpeopleanywhereandbringthemgoodfeelings,aswellasjobopportunities.Butinthemeantime,theykillandinjurepeople,costalotofmoneyandpollutetheearthweliveon.Ⅱ1~5:BBCAD***********************************************结束社会⽣活类---〔⼀〕[2018·宁夏六校联考]In1986,whenCarloPetrinifirstcoinedtheterm“SlowFood,”heorganizedlocallyinhisnativeItalytopreservethefoodandwinecultureandp rotestfastfood.Today,slowfoodhasspreadto132countrieswithover85,000members,addres singworldwideissueslikefarmerequityandenvironmental_stewardship—theactionspeopletaketorespecttherightsofalllivingthingsandallenvironm ents,tocontributetohealthyandlivablecommunities.CharacterizedbySlowFoodInternationalas“good,clean,andfairfood,”slowfoodmustenrichtheeaters'life,havenonegativeimpactonhumanorenvironmentalhealth,andcompensatefairlyforfoodproducers'work. TheaverageAmericanmealtravelsabout1,500milestoitsfinaldestination ,withproducingoffoodtravelingbyplanefromoverseasandotheritemsshippeda crossthecountry.However,costforfoodtravelandheavyprocessingarenottheonlyproblemsinthefoodindu strythattheenvironmentfaces.Industrialagriculturealsohasunsustainable practiceslikeinefficientwateruseanddecreasedbiodiversity.Ourideasinfe edingourselvesareexceptional,butatvariouspointsourtechnologiescomeintoconflictwithnature'swaysofdoingthings.Agreatmanyofthehealthandenviro nmentalproblemscreatedbyourfoodsystemowetoourattemptstooversimplifynaturescomplexities,atboththegrowingandtheeatingendsofourfoodchain.“Slowing”food,bypurchasinglocallyandsustainably,allowsconsumerstoreducetheimpa ctof“foodmiles”anddevelopacloserrelationshipwiththeirfoodproducers.“Weneedtochangeourfoodsystem,”saidDavidPrior,organizerofSlowFoodNationEat-In.“Ourcurrentfoodsystemissickandweneedtosupportfarmersandagricultureto ensurethateveryonehastherighttonutritiousfood.”36、Themainideaofthepassagecanbesummarizedas________.A、whyslowfoodissoimportantB、thefoodandwinecultureisrichinItalyC、whatyou'reeatingalwaystravelsalongwayD、slowfoodmakesthecurrentfoodsystemsick37、Accordingtothesecondparagraph,“environmentalstewardship”refersto________.A、measuresofenvironmentalprotectionsB、waystoestablishhealthyandlivablecommunitiesC、people'sadmirationforallthecreaturesontheearthD、actionstoprotecttherightsofalllivingthingsandenvironment38、Slowfood'scharacteristicdoesn'tliein________.A、improvingthequalityofeaters'lifeB、providingafairpayforfoodworkersC、beingfriendlytohumanandenvironmentalhealthD、developingalooserelationshipwithfoodproducers39、WhatisDavidPrior'sattitudetowardscurrentfoodsystem?A、Suspicious.B、Unsatisfied.C、Indifferent.D、Supportive.【要点综述】本⽂的作者告诉我们,如果想吃得更健康、更营养,那就提倡“慢⾷物”吧!36、A主旨⼤意题。



第二部分阅读理解(1)全翻译版(重点看)Passage 1Mr. Young ran his own business and worked very hard. His wife was afraid that he would get sick if he continued like that, so she often tried to get him to take a vacation. At last she managed to persuade him to do so, and she hoped that he would be able to enjoy his vacation without any disturbance, so before they left, Mrs. Young went to see her husband's secretary. She said to her, "My husband needs a vacation very much, so whatever happens, please don't bother him with telegrams and letters about business problems while we are away. Just wait till we get back."After Mr. and Mrs. Young had been away about a week, Mr. Young received a letter from his secretary which said, "Something terrible happened to your business, but I'm not going to bother you with it while you are enjoying your vacation."杨先生经营自己生意和工作很辛苦,他的妻子怕他这样继续下去会生病,所以她常常劝说他去度一次假。



小学英语短文阅读理解专练阅读理解1:选择正确的答案,把编号写在前面的括号里Therearesevendaysinaweek.TheyareSundayMondayTuesdayWed nesdayThursdayFridaySaturday.Sundayisthefirstdayoftheweek.In Sunday,Iamplayingcardswithmyfriends.Mondayisthesecond.Wea rewalkingtoschool.Tuesdayisthethird.Ioftendomyhomework.Wed nesdayisthefourth.Weareflyingkitesinthepark.Thursdayisthefifth. Wedomymath.Fridayisthesixth.Weareworkinghardatschool.Satur dayistheseventh.Wearehavingfuntogether.()1、Therearedaysinaweek.A、sixB、fiveC、seven()2、Whatisthefirstdayofaweek?.A、MondayB、SaturdayC、Sunday()3、WhatamIdoinginTuesday?.A、domyhomework.B、flykites.C、domymath.()4、Thefifthdayofaweekis.A、FridayB、ThursdayC、Wednesday()5、InSaturday,weare.A、doingmyhomeworkB、flyingkitesC、havingfuntogether判断下列句子意思与短文意思是否相符,用“T”或“F”表示MyFamilyIhaveahappyfamily.Myfatherisapoliceofficer.Heistall.Helikest oplaybasketballandcheckers.Mymotherisateacher.Shelikestowatc hTVandreadbooks.Iamastudent.Iamaboy.Iliketoplayonthecompu ter.Iamshorterthanmyfatherandmymother.Weliketoeatnoodles. Weliketogoforawalkaftersupper.Weareahappyfamily.()26.Myfatherisapoliceofficer.()27.Myfatherisshort.()28.Myfatherlikestoplayfootballandcheckers.()29.Mymotherisateacher.()30.MymotherlikestowatchTVandreadbooks.()31.Iamastudent.Iamagirl.()32.Iliketoplayonthecomputer.()33.Iamtallerthanmymother.()34.Weliketoeatsoup.()35.Weareahappyfamily.阅读理解3:选择正确的答案,把编号写在前面的括号里。





(每空一词)Wu Yifan’s grandpa wrote a diary after he visited his old school. Tuesday, April 24th Sunny and warm Today I visited my old school. It changed a lot.It is b____/ ____ than before. In my time there was only one building. Now there are many. Students can eat in the dining h____. They can do sports in the gym, draw pictures in the art room and sing songs in the m____ room.There are more learning ways than before. In my time we only l____/ ____ from books, teachers and friends. Now students can learn from the Internet.But I still miss(怀念)my old school. I could see the stars at night. I could read books u____ the trees. I could play with my friends.三、选词填空,补全短文。

Paul is my 1. _______. He is from London, England. He 2. _______ English well. He is now in Shanghai 3. _______ his parents, because they work in Shanghai. Paul can speak a little Chinese. There are five people in his family, his 4. _______, his two sisters and he. His sisters 5. _______ in China. They are in England now. Paul 6. _______ singing and dancing very much. He 7. _______ to school every day, because his home is not far from his school. But yesterday he went to school by car, because his leg 8. _______. And he can’t go to the cinema this weekend. He thinks it is so 9. _______. I wish he will be 10. _______ soon.四、阅读对话,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。



2020英语一阅读理解text1英文回答:The passage discusses the impact of technology on our lives, specifically focusing on the negative effects it has on our mental health. It argues that while technology has made our lives more convenient, it has also led to increased stress, anxiety, and depression.One of the main points made in the passage is that technology has created a constant need for connectivity and instant gratification. With smartphones and social media, we are constantly bombarded with notifications, messages, and updates. This constant stream of information can be overwhelming and lead to a sense of always being "on" and never being able to truly disconnect or relax. For example, I personally feel a sense of anxiety when I see a large number of unread messages or notifications on my phone. This constant need to be connected can also lead to a fear of missing out (FOMO), as we are constantly exposed to thehighlights of other people's lives on social media. Thiscan create feelings of inadequacy and negatively impact our self-esteem.Another point made in the passage is that technologyhas also affected our ability to focus and concentrate.With the rise of multitasking and constant distractions,our attention spans have become shorter. We are constantly switching between tasks and being pulled in different directions, which can make it difficult to fully engage in any one activity. For instance, I often find myselfchecking my phone or browsing social media while trying to work or study, which significantly reduces my productivity. This constant state of distraction can also lead tofeelings of frustration and dissatisfaction.Furthermore, the passage highlights the impact of technology on our sleep patterns. The blue light emitted by screens can disrupt our natural sleep-wake cycle, making it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. Many of us are guilty of using our smartphones or tablets right before bed, which can interfere with the production of melatonin, ahormone that regulates sleep. As a result, we may experience difficulty falling asleep, poor sleep quality, and daytime sleepiness. I have personally experienced this firsthand, as I often find it difficult to fall asleepafter using my phone late at night.In conclusion, while technology has undoubtedly brought many benefits to our lives, it is important to recognize and address the negative impact it can have on our mental health. The constant need for connectivity, the impact on our ability to focus, and the disruption of our sleep patterns are all significant factors that can contribute to increased stress, anxiety, and depression. It is crucial to find a balance and establish healthy habits when it comes to our use of technology.中文回答:这篇文章讨论了科技对我们生活的影响,特别关注了它对我们的心理健康产生的负面影响。






























英语阅读理解五篇及答案(一)第一篇This new school year is especially for some elementary school students in Auckland,New Zealand.They became the world’s first kids to be“taught” by a digital teacher.Before you start imagining a human-like robot walking around the classroom,Will—the digital teacher,is just an avatar that appears on the student’s desktop,or smartphone screen,when ordered to come.Just like humans,Will is able to instantly react to the students’responses to the topic.He not only responds to the kids’questions,but also picks up no n-verbal cues.For instance,if a student smiles at Will,he responds by smiling back.This two-way interaction not only helps attract the students’attention, but also allows the program's developers to monitor their engagement,and make changes if needed.Nikhil Ravishankar believes that Will-like avatars could be a new way to cat ch the attention of the next generation.He says,“1have a lot of hope in the technology.However,regardless of how popular it becomes.Will is unlikely to replace human educators any time soon.1.What was special some elementary school students in Auckland? ()A.This was a new school yearB.They saw something digitalC.They have new desktopD.A digital teacher taught them2.From the passage we know that ______.A.Will cannot respond to the kids’ questionsB.Will can hardly pick up non-verbal cuesC.Will is very popular with the studentsD.it is unlikely for Will to capture children’ attention3.What is the benefit of this two-way interaction? ( )A.It can smile backB.It can use microphoneC.It can talk any topicD.It can change if necessary4.What’s Ravishankar’s attitude to Will’s replacing Human educators soon?()A.DisapprovingB.DiffidentC.OptimisticD.Unclear5.What might be the best title for the passage?()A.Shortage of Human TeachersB.World-first Digital TeachersC.A New School YearD.New Contributes to Education第二篇A simple piece of clothesline hangs between some environmentally friendly Americans neighbors.On one side stand those who see clothes dryers as a waste of energyand a major polluter of the environment.As a result,they are turning to clothe slines as part of the“what-I-can do environmentalism.”______Arguing that clotheslines are unpleasant to look at.They have persuaded Homeowners Associations(HOAs)across the US to ban outdoor clotheslines,because clothesline drying also tends to lower home value inthe neighborhood.This has led to a Right-to-Dry Movement that is calling for laws to be passed to protect people’s right to use clotheslines.So far,only three states have laws to protect clotheslines.Right-to-Dry supporters argue that there should be more.Matt Reck,37,is the kind of eco-conscious person who feeds his trees with bathwater and reuses water drops from his air conditioners to water plants.His family also uses a clothesline,but on July9,2007,the HOA in Wake Forest,North Carolina,told him that a dissatisfied neighbor had telephoned them about his clothesline.The Recks paid no attention to the warming,and sill dried their clothes on a line in the yard.“Many people say they are envi ronmentally friendly but they don’t take matters into their own hands.”saysReck.The local HOA has decided not to take any action,unless more neighbors come to them.North Carolina lawmakers are saying that banning clotheslines is not the right thing to do.But HOAs and housing businesses believe that clothesline drying reminds people of poor neighborhoods.They worry that if buyers think their future neighbors can’t even afford dryers,housing prices will fall.Environmentalists say such worries are not necessary,and in view of global warming,that idea needs to change.As they say,“The clothesline is beautiful.Hanging clothes outside should be encouraged.We all have to do at least something to slow down the process of global warming.”1.One of the reasons why supporters of clothes dryers are trying t o ban clothesline drying is that ______.A.clothes dryers are more efficientB.clothesline drying reduces home valueC.clothes dryers are energy-savingD.clothesline drying is not allowed in most US states2.Which of following is the most suitable to be put in the blank a t the beginning of Paragraph 3?A.On the other side are people who are against drying clothes.B.Some other people dry their clothes on a line in the yard.C.Moreover, some environmentally friendly Americans prefer saving energy.D.Besides outdoor clotheslines should not be allowed to use in the yard.3.Which of the following best describes Matt Reck?A.He is an impolite man.B.He is a kind-hearted man.C.He is an experienced gardener.D.He is a man of social responsibility.4.Who are in favor of clothesline drying?A.Housing businessesB.EnvironmentalistsC.Homeowners AssociationsD.Reck’s dissatisfied neighbors5.What is mainly discussed in the text?A.Clothesline drying a way to save energy and money.B.Clothesline drying a lost art rediscovered.C.Opposite opinions on clothesline drying.D.Different varieties of clotheslines.第三篇On a hot day in Alexander City, Alabama, summer school was in full swing. Two girls were reading "Julius Caesar" as two others wrestled with maths. A boy worked his way through a psychology quiz, and a teacher monitored an online discussion with students from around the state: Was Napoleon the last enlightened despot(专制君主)or the first modern dictator?This is not a traditional classroom scene, but it has become common enough in Alabama. The state has many small, rural schools. Because of their size, and the relative scarcity of specialized teachers, course offerings have been limited. Students might have had to choose between chemistry or physics, or stop after two years of Spanish. But thanks to an innovative experiment with online education, the picture has changed dramatically.In 2005, the governor, Bob Riley, announced a pilot programme called Alabama Connecting Classrooms Educators and Students Statewide, or ACCESS. The idea was to use internet and videoconferencing technology to link students in one town to teachers in another. It was something of a pet cause for Mr. Riley, who comes from a rural county himself. He was especially keen that students should have a chance to learn Chinese.There were skeptics. The pilot programme cost $10 million, not pocket change in a poor state. Teachers worried about how they would connect totheir virtual students. But ACCESS quickly became a hit. In 2006, students took more than 4, 000 courses at 24 schools. In 2008, with ACCESS now in more schools, the number exceeded 22,000. Administrators are finding new ways to live up the experience. Last year a dozen schools went on a "virtual field trip" to Antarctica, with scientists beamed in by satellite, and a school in Birmingham has been liaising(取得联系)with a counterpart in Wales.As for the goal of leveling the academic playing field, the state is pleased so far. Joe Morton, the state superintendent of schools, points to the number of black students taking AP courses. In 2003, according to the College Board, just 4.5% of Alabama’s successful AP students (those who passed the subject exam) were black. In 2008, the number was up to 7.1%. There is still a big gap — almost a third of the state’s students are black — but the improvement in Alabama was the largest in the country over that period. "That makes it all worthwhile right there," says Mr. Morton.1.Why summer school is popular in Alabama?A.Because there are many rural schools in this state.B.Because there are not enough skilled teachers in this state.C.Because the online education made it possible.D.Because the courses for students are limited in number.2.What's Bob Riley's view about the ACCESS?A.It is not practical in the rural areas.D.It was set up for Chinese learning.C.It only connects part of the schools in Alabama.D.It can link the students and teachers in different towns.3.The "virtual field trip" is mentioned by the author to _____.A.indicate the government's efforts on ACCESSB.show that the ACCESS is costlyC.declare teachers worries on ACCESSD.point out the difficulties on ACCESS4.What can we learn about the effect of providing a fair academic atmosphere?A.There is little change by now since the implement of ACCESS.B.The black students have got benefits from this programme.C.The efforts devoted on ACCESS were not deserved.D.Almost a third of the students in Alabama have the education chance.5.It can be concluded from the whole passage that online education _____.A.is a cheap plan to AlabamaB.is not practical in AlabamaC.can improve the education qualityD.has been available to all American states第四篇Extinction has recently become a catchword(时髦话). Every day entire species of plants and animals die out,and for the first time in history this is due to the actions of just one species: humans. We already know about five mass extinctions,and now a sixth seems to be under way. This one is different,because it is man-made. Deforestation(毁林)of the rain forests is just one aspect of the phenomenon. Most people may have heard about that,but few people know that most of the species existing in the rain forests have never been described by science. Often,they die out before we ever know they existed. Nobody can tell what treasures we lose,perhaps a cure for cancer or other modern-day diseasesWorld-famous Harvard professor Edward O. Wilson examines life on our planet in his book The Diversity (多样性)of Life. He doesn’t lecture his readers,but states in a matter-of-fact way what is known about the Earths past and the impact of mankind on its plant and animal life. Meanwhile,he suggests solutions for the present crisis.If you are interested in the future of planet Earth and want to learn to see the bigger picture,this is the book for you. This is no light bedtime reading and will probably leave you feeling uneasy. However,it’s important for people living in the 21st century to think about how we can pass at least part of thisdiversity on to our children. Recent research shows that Earth needs about 10 million years to restore the lost diversity of species after a great crisis. Ten million years are not much in terms of the life of a planet,but the period is way too long for mankind. Wilson’s book should help us to start a process of reconsideration.1.Judging from the context,what does the word “extinction” (Line 1,Para 1)mean?Dying out of an entire species.Killing of wild animals by man.Deforestation of the rain forest.Death of many plants and animals.2.Why is the present mass extinction different from the five previous ones?Because it is larger in scale.Because it is caused by man.Because the lost diversity can never be restored.Because it threatens the very existence of humans.3.How long does the Earth need to restore the lost diversity of species after a great crisis according to recent research?About 10 million years.21 centuries.A life-long time.It could never be restored.4.It can be inferred from the passage that ______.now there are more species on our planet than before.every plant or animal is described in the book The Diversity of Life.without man’s interference every species would have survived.many species lived and died without ever being noticed by man.5.What is the chief purpose of Edward O. Wilson in writing the book The Diversity of Life?To provide readers with some interesting bedtime reading.To help specialists do research on plant and animal life.To arouse readers’ interest in the history of our planet.To remind us of the urgency of preserving the diversity of life.第五篇Chinese people are very hospitable and like to treat friends or business partners to a sumptuous dinner to show their hospitality and sincerity. Such dinners are important for Chinese, and many business deals are settled there.The seating arrangement is very particular, but may differ from place to place.Generally, the table for a banquet is round. The head seat is the central one that faces the entrance door, and this is normally where the host sits. Sometimes it can also be reserved for the guest who is either the eldest, the most important, or holds the highest rank.The seat on the immediate right is for the honored guest, and the seat on the immediate left is for the second guest. The seating arrangement usually follows two principals: one relates to the distance to the head seat, and the other gives priority to seats on the right.The seat opposite the head seat is usually taken by a person from the hosting group: sometimes it suggests that the person who is seated there will pay for the dinner.In a Chinese dinner, keeping the balance between the proportion of meat and vegetable dishes is viewed a a given. Normally, the main guest, olderpeople or those of higher rank are given the honor of ordering. Sometimes the host will order according to guest tastes.In a Chinese dinner, cold dishes are served first, then hot dishes, then staple food, fruits are served last. Cold dishes are regularly ordered in an even number depending on the number of guests. The number of hot dishes, as for main courses, usually falls as four, six or eight (or other even numbers because Chinese people believe them to be lucky). Regular dinner usually has six to twelve hot dishes Staples such as rice, pancakes, noodles, dumplings and others are provided after the hot dishes, then sometimes comes soup, with fruit served at the end.Unlike most Westerners, Chinese usually share all of the dishes on the table. There is usually a large rotating tray, and all the dishes ordered are placed on it. When eating one uses chopsticks or a spoon transfer the food into one’s own plate or bowl. People take just one portion each time not all the food they want to eat.In daily life, chopsticks also play an important role in Chinese table manners and some principals need to be kept in mind. Before the meal, the chopstick should be placed parallel to one another on the right side of one’s plate or bowl; during the meal, the chopsticks should be placed on the rack or plate after use, not placed casually back on the table. After the meal, thechopsticks should be placed in a vertical line on the middle of the rice bowl Do not use chopsticks to turn over the food in the dishes. Do not point at people with the chopsticks during a meal.In China, the dinner bill will usually be paid by the one who issued the invitation, but sometimes Chinese will compete to pay for the bill. This is mainly related to the culture of maintaining face. Chinese usually believe that whoever pays the bill is more generous and values the friendship more, and thus gains more face.China is a country with a splendid catering culture diverse in its various culinary regions; just remember, “A guest should suit the convenience of the host” and “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”.1.Which of the following statements about seating arrangement is NOT TRUE?A.Generally, round tables are used at Chinese banquets.B.The seat facing the entrance is the seat of honor.C.The seat opposite the head seat is usually reserved for the eldest.D.Those of higher position sit closer to the head seat.2.The main courses usually are ordered in even number because ______.A.Chinese people like to share the dishes with othersB.Even number symbolize the longevity and immortality in ChinaC.It is a traditional way to show respect to the guestsD.Chinese people regard even numbers as lucky numbers3. In a Chinese dinner, rice is usually served ______.A.before the cold dishesB.after the hot dishesC.after the soupD.at the end14.Which of the following behaviors may be regarded as impolite when using the chopsticks?A.During the meal, placing the chopstick on the rack of plate after use.B.Before the meal, placing the chopstick parallel to one another on the right side of the bowl.C.During the meal, inserting the chopsticks into the bowls or dishes.D.When eating, using chopsticks to transfer the food into one’s own plate or bowl.15.Why do Chinese people compete to be the one to pay for the bill according to the passage?A.To establish trust.B.To prove that they are humble and polite.C.To show they are very rich.D.To maintain face.答案第一篇1.本题考查细节题。



考研英一真题阅读理解考研英一真题阅读理解1A new survey by Harvard University finds more than two-thirds of young Americans disapprove of President Trump’s use of Twitter. The implication is that Millennials prefer news from the White House to be filtered through other source, Not a president’s social media platform.Most Americans rely on social media to check daily headlines. Yet as distrust has risen toward all media, people may be starting to beef up their media literacy skills. Such a trend is badly needed. During the 20XX presidential campaign, nearly a quarter of web content shared by Twitter users in the politically critical state of Michigan was fake news, according to the University of Oxford. And a survey conducted for BuzzFeed News found 44 percent of Facebook users rarely or never trust news from the media giant.Young people who are digital natives are indeed becoming more skillful at separating fact from fiction in cyberspace. A Knight Foundation focus-group survey of young people between ages14and24 f ound they use “distributed trust” to verify stories. Theycross-check sources and prefer news from different perspectives—especially those that are open about any bias. “Many young people assume a great deal of personal responsibility for educating themselves and actively seeking out opposing viewpoints,” the survey concluded.Such active research can have another effect. A 20XX survey conducted in Australia, Britain, and the United States by the University of Wisconsin-Madison found that young people’s reliance on social media led to greater political engagement.Social media allows users to experience news events more intimately and immediately while also permitting them to re-share news as a projection of their values and interests. This forces users to be more conscious of their role in passing along information. A survey by Barna research group found the top reason given by Americans for the fake news phenomenon is “reader error,” more so than made-up stories or factual mistakes in reporting. About a third say the problem of fake news lies in “misinterpretation or exaggeration of actual news” via social media. In other words, the choice to share news on social media may be the heart of the issue. “This indicates there is a real personal responsibility incounteracting this problem,” says Roxanne Stone, editor in chief at Barna Group.So when young people are critical of an over-tweeting president, they reveal a mental discipline in thinking skills – and in their choices on when to share on social media.26. According to the Paragraphs 1 and 2, many young Americans cast doubts on[A] the justification of the news-filtering practice.[B] people’s preference for social media platforms.[C] the administrations ability to handle information.[D] social media was a reliable source of news.27. The phrase “beer up”(Line 2, Para. 2) is closest in meaning to[A] sharpen[B] define[C] boast[D] share28. According to the knight foundation survey, young people[A] tend to voice their opinions in cyberspace.[B] verify news by referring to diverse resources.[C] have s strong sense of responsibility.[D] like to exchange views on “distributed trust”29. The Barna survey found that a main cause for the fake news problem is[A] readers outdated values.[B] journalists’ biased reporting[C] readers’ misinterpretation[D] journalists’ made-up stories.30. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?[A] A Rise in Critical Skills for Sharing News Online[B] A Counteraction Against the Over-tweeting Trend[C] The Accumulation of Mutual Trust on Social Media.[D] The Platforms for Projection of Personal Interests.考研英一真题阅读理解2Just how much does the Constitution protect your digital data? The Supreme Court will now consider whether police can search the contents of a mobile phone without a warrant if the phone is on or around a person during an arrest.California has asked the justices to refrain from a sweeping ruling, particularly one that upsets the old assumptions that authorities may search through the possessions of suspects at the time of their arrest. It is hard, the state argues, for judges to assess the implications of new and rapidly changing technologies.The court would be recklessly modest if it followed Californias advice. Enough of the implications are discernable, even obvious, so that the justice can and should provide updated guidelines to police, lawyers and defendants.They should start by discarding Californias lame argument that exploring the contents of a smartphone- a vast storehouse of digital information is similar to say, going through a suspects purse .The court has ruled that police dont violate the Fourth Amendment when they go through the wallet or pocketbook, of an arrestee without a warrant. But exploring ones smartphone is more like entering his or her home. A smartphone may contain an arrestees reading history, financial history, medical history andcomprehensive records of recent correspondence. The development of "cloud computing." meanwhile, has made that exploration so much the easier.But the justices should not swallow Californias argument whole. New, disruptive technology sometimes demands novel applications of the Constitutions protections. Orin Kerr, a law professor, compares the explosion and accessibility of digital information in the 21st century with the establishment of automobile use as a digital necessity of life in the 20th: The justices had to specify novel rules for the new personal domain of the passenger car then; they must sort out how the Fourth Amendment applies to digital information now.26. The Supreme court, will work out whether, during an arrest, it is legitimate to[A] search for suspects mobile phones without a warrant.[B] check suspects phone contents without being authorized.[C] prevent suspects from deleting their phone contents.[D] prohibit suspects from using their mobile phones.27. The authors attitude toward Californias argument is one of[A] tolerance.[B] indifference.[C] disapproval.[D] cautiousness.28. The author believes that exploring ones phone content is comparable to[A] getting into ones residence.[B] handing ones historical records.[C] scanning ones correspondences.[D] going through ones wallet.29. In Paragraph 5 and 6, the author shows his concern that[A] principles are hard to be clearly expressed.[B] the court is giving police less room for action.[C] phones are used to store sensitive information.[D] citizens privacy is not effective protected.30.Orin Kerrs comparison is quoted to indicate that(A)the Constitution should be implemented flexibly.(B)New technology requires reinterpretation of the Constitution.(C)Californias argument violates principles of the Constitution.(D)Principles of the Constitution should never be altered.考研英一真题阅读理解3An old saying has it that half of all advertising budgets are wasted-the trouble is, no one knows which half . In the internet age, at least in theory ,this fraction can be much reduced . By watching what people search for, click on and say online, companies can aim “behavioural” ads at those most likely to buy.In the past couple of weeks a quarrel has illustrated the value to advertisers of such fine-grained information: Should advertisers assume that people are happy to be tracked and sent behavioural ads? Or should they have explicit permission?In December 20XX Americas Federal Trade Cornmission (FTC) proposed adding a "do not track "(DNT) option to internet browsers ,so that users could tell adwertisers that they did not want to be followed .Microsofts Internet Explorer and Apples Safari both offer DNT ;Googles Chrome is due to do so this year. InFebruary the FTC and Digltal Adwertising Alliance (DAA) agreed that the industry would get cracking on responging to DNT requests.On May 31st Microsoft Set off the row: It said that Internet Explorer 10,the version due to appear windows 8, would have DNT as a default.It is not yet clear how advertisers will respond. Geting a DNT signal does not oblige anyone to stop tracking, although some companies have promised to do so. Unable to tell whether someone really objects to behavioural ads or whether they are sticking with Microsoft’s default, some may ign ore a DNT signal and press on anyway.Also unclear is why Microsoft has gone it alone. Atter all, it has an ad business too, which it says will comply with DNT requests, though it is still working out how. If it is trying to upset Google, which relies almost wholly on default will become the norm. DNT does not seem an obviously huge selling point for windows8-though the firm has compared some of its other products favourably with Googles on that count before. Brendon Lynch, Microsofts chief privacy officer, bloggde:"we believe consumers should have more control." Could it really be that simple?26. It is suggested in paragraph 1 that “behavioural” ads help advertisers to:[A] ease competition among themselves[B] lower their operational costs[C] avoid complaints from consumers[D] provide better online services27. “The industry” (Line 6,Para.3) refers to:[A] online advertisers[B] e-commerce conductors[C] digital information analysis[D] internet browser developers28. Bob Liodice holds that setting DNT as a default[A] many cut the number of junk ads[B] fails to affect the ad industry[C] will not benefit consumers[D] goes against human nature29. which of the following is ture according to Paragraph.6?[A] DNT may not serve its intended purpose[B] Advertisers are willing to implement DNT[C] DNT is losing its popularity among consumers[D] Advertisers are obliged to offer behavioural ads30. The authors attitude towards what Brendon Lynch said in his blog is one of:[A] indulgence[B] understanding[C] appreciaction[D] skepticism。

























英语阅读理解10篇阅读理解(一)There are forty-two students in our class. There are also two American boys.They are Jack and Mike. 。

They are our good friends.They like watching TV,but they don’t like playing basket-ball . They often go to school by bike.And I often go to school on foot.There is one English girl in our class. Her name is Lucy.She likes playing basketball and she also likes swimming.。

She usually does her homework in the evening.She often watches TV on Saturday afternoons.She is my good friend. 。

All of the Chinese students are Yong Pioneers.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。

( ) 1. There are thirty-nine Chinese students in our class.( ) 2. There are two American girls and one English boy in our class.( ) 3. Jack and Mike are our good friends.( ) 4. Jack and Mike like playing basketball.( ) 5. Luck often does her homework on Saturday afternoons.My name is Jack. I am a pupil of Grade One.I’m in No.1 Middle School. On weekdays I get up at six o’clock.I have breakfast at seven and then I go to school by bike.We begin our class at eight o’clock in the morning. We have four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon.At noon,I have lunch at home. Classes are over at four fifteen in the afternoon.After class, we often play football in the afternoon.I go home at about five.I have supper at about six thirty in the evening.I do my homework at seven thirty.At weekend, I watch TV.I often go to bed at ten.I’m very happy.根据短文的意思,选择正确的答案。

小学英语 四、五年级 阅读理解 带答案(一)

小学英语 四、五年级 阅读理解 带答案(一)

A. factory B. school
C. village D. park
( A )2. Are all the four people good friends?
A. Yes, they are.
B. No, they aren’t.
C. No, two of them are.
D. No, three of them are.
classes at school every day. C. five
5. The Twins' Bedroom 双胞胎的卧室
This is the twins' bedroom. It is a nice room. The two beds look the same. This bed is Lily's and that one is Lucy's. The twins have one desk and two chairs. Their clock, books and pencil boxes are on the desk. Their schoolbags are behind the chairs. Some nice flowers are on the desk. Some nice pictures are on the wall. Is there a kite? Yes, it's under Lily's bed. The bedroom is very nice.
( D )4. Which is right?
A. Jack's house is behind the doctor’s.
B. Jack gives his friends eggs.

































英语一考研历年真题阅读理解英语一考研历年真题阅读理解1Directions:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark [A],[B],[C] or [D] on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle viewed laughter as “a bodily exercise precious to health.” But __1___some claims to the contrary,laughing probably has little influence on physical fitness Laughter does __2___short-term changes in the function of the heart and its blood vessels,___3_ heart rate and oxygen consumption But because hard laughter is difficult to __4__,a good laugh is unlikely to have __5___ benefits the way,say,walking or jogging does.__6__,instead of straining muscles to build them,as exercise does,laughter apparently accomplishes the __7__,s tudies dating back to the 1930‘s indicate that laughter__8___ muscles,decreasing muscle tone for up to 45 minutes after the laugh dies down.Such bodily reaction might conceivably help _9__the effects of psychological stress. Anyway,the act of laughing probably does produce other types of ___10___ feedback,that improve an individual‘s emotional state. __11____one classical theory of emotion,our feelings are partially rooted ____12___ physical reactions. It was argued at the end of the 19th century that humans do not cry ___13___they are sad but they become sad when the tears begin to flow.Although sadness also ____14___ tears,evidence suggests that emotions can flow __15___ muscular responses. In an experiment published in 1988,social psychologist Fritz Strack of the University of würzburg in Germany asked volunteers to __16___ a pen either with their teeth-thereby creating an artificial smile – or with their lips,which would produce a(n) __17___ expression. Those forced to exercise their enthusiastically to funny catoons than did those whose months were contracted in a frown,____19___ that expressions may influence emotions rather than just the other way around __20__ ,the physical act of laughter could improve mood.1.[A]among [B]except [C]despite [D]like2.[A]reflect [B]demand [C]indicate [D]produce3.[A]stabilizing [B]boosting [C]impairing [D]determining4.[A]transmit [B]sustain [C]evaluate [D]observe5.[A]measurable [B]manageable [C]affordable [D]renewable6.[A]In turn [B]In fact [C]In addition [D]In brief7.[A]opposite [B]impossible [C]average [D]expected8.[A]hardens [B]weakens [C]tightens [D]relaxes9.[A]aggravate [B]generate [C]moderate [D]enhance10.[A]physical [B]mental [C]subconscious [D]internal11.[A]Except for [B]According to [C]Due to [D]As for12.[A]with [B]on [C]in [D]at13.[A]unless [B]until [C]if [D]because14.[A]exhausts [B]follows [C]precedes [D]suppresses15.[A]into [B]from [C]towards [D]beyond16.[A]fetch [B]bite [C]pick [D]hold17.[A]disappointed [B]excited [C]joyful [D]indifferent18.[A]adapted [B]catered [C]turned [D]reacted19.[A]suggesting [B]requiring [C]mentioning [D]supposing20.[A]Eventually [B]Consequently [C]Similarly [D]Conversely英语一考研历年真题阅读理解2Directions:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark [A], [B], [C] or [D] on ANSWER SHEET 1.(10 points)Though not biologically related, friends are as "related" as fourth cousins, sharing about 1% of genes. That is 1 a study published from the University of California and Yale University in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, has 2 .The study is a genome-wide analysis conducted 3 1932 unique subjects which 4 pairs of unrelated friends and unrelated strangers. The same people were used in both 5 .While 1% may seem 6 , it is not so to a geneticist. As James Fowler, professor of medical genetics at UC San Diego, says, "Most people do not even 7 their fourth cousins but somehow manage to select as friends the people who 8 our kin."The study 9 found that the genes for smell were something shared in friends but not genes for immunity. Why this similarity inolfactory genes is difficult to explain, for now. 10 Perhaps, as the team suggests, it draws us to similar environments but there is more 11 it. There could be many mechanisms working in tandem that 12 us in choosing genetically similar friends 13 than "functional kinship" of being friends with 14 !One of the remarkable findings of the study was that the similar genes seem to be evolving 15 than other genes. Studying this could help 16 why human evolution picked pace in the last 30,000 years, with social environment being a major 17 factor.The findings do not simply corroborate peoples 18 to befriend those of similar 19 backgrounds, say the researchers. Though all the subjects were drawn from a population of European extraction, care was taken to 20 that all subjects, friends and strangers were taken from the same population. The team also controlled the data to check ancestry of subjects.Section II Reading Comprehension?1、What2、Concluded3、On4、Compared5、Samples6、Insignificant7、Know8、Resemble9、Also10、Perhaps11、To12、Drive13、Ratherthan14、Benefits15、Faster16、understand17、Contributory18、Tendency19、Ethnic20、see英语一考研历年真题阅读理解3Directions:Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Trust is a tricky business. On the one hand, its a necessary condition 1 many worthwhile things: child care, friendships, etc. On the other hand, putting your 2, in the wrong place often carries a high 3.4, why do we trust at all? Well, because it feels good. 5 people place their trust in an individual or an institution, their brains release oxytocin, a hormone that 6 pleasurable feelings and triggers the herding instruct that prompts humans to 7 with one another. Scientists have found that exposure 8 this hormone puts us in a trusting 9: In a Swiss study, researchers sprayed oxytocin into the noses of half the subjects; those subjects were ready to lend significantly higher amounts of money to strangers than were their10 who inhaled something else.11 for us, we also have a sixth sense for dishonesty that may12 us. A Canadian study found that children as young as 14 monthscan differentiate 13 a credible person and a dishonest one. Sixty toddlers were each 14 to an adult tester holding a plastic container. The tester would ask, “What’s in here?” before looking into the container, smiling, and exclaiming, “Wow!” Each subject was then invited to look 15. Half of them found a toy; the other half 16 the container was empty-and realized the tester had 17 them.Among the children who had not been tricked, the majority were 18 to cooperate with the tester in learning a new skill, demonstrating that they trusted his leadership. 19, only five of the 30 children paired with the “20”tester participated in a follow-up activity.1. [A] on [B] like [C] for [D] from2. [A] faith [B] concern [C] attention [D] interest3. [A] benefit [B] debt [C] hope [D] price4. [A] Therefore [B] Then [C] Instead [D] Again5. [A]Until [B] Unless [C] Although [D] When6. [A] selects [B] produces [C] applies [D] maintains7. [A] consult [B] compete [C] connect [D] compare8. [A] at [B] by [C]of [D]to9. [A] context [B] mood [C] period [D] circle10.[A] counterparts [B] substitutes [C] colleagues[D]supporters11.[A] Funny [B] Lucky [C] Odd [D] Ironic12.[A] monitor [B] protect [C] surprise [D] delight13.[A] between [B] within [C] toward [D] over14.[A] transferred [B] added [C] introduced [D] entrusted15.[A] out [B] back [C] around [D] inside16.[A] discovered [B] proved [C] insisted [D] .remembered17.[A] betrayed [B]wronged [C] fooled [D] mocked18.[A] forced [B] willing [C] hesitant [D] entitled19.[A] In contrast [B] As a result [C] On the whole [D] For instance20.[A] inflexible [B] incapable [C] unreliable [D] unsuitable英语一考研历年真题阅读理解4Section I Use of LanguageDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(S) for each numbered blank and mark A, B ,C or D on ANSWER SHEET. (10 Points)As many people hit middle age, they often start to notice that their memory and mental clarity are not what they used to be. We suddenly cant remember 1 we put the keys just a moment ago, or an old acquaintances name, or the name of an old band we used to love. As the brain 2 , we refer to these occurrences as "senior moments." 3 seemingly innocent, this loss of mental focus can potentially have a(an) 4 impact on our professional, social, and personal 5 .Neuroscientists, experts who study the nervous system, are increasingly showing that theres actually a lot that can be done. It 6 out that the brain needs exercise in much the same way our muscles do, and the right mental 7 can significantly improve our basic cognitive 8 . Thinking is essentially a 9 of making connections in the brain. To a certain extent, our ability to 10 in making the connections that drive intelligence is inherited. 11 , because these connections are made through effort and practice, scientists believe that intelligence can expand and fluctuate 12 mental effort.Now, a new Web-based company has taken it a step 13 and developed the first "brain training program" designed to actually help people improve and regain their mental 14 .The Web-based program 15 you to systematically improve your memory and attention skills. The program keeps 16 of your progress and provides detailed feedback 17 your performance and improvement. Most importantly, it 18 modifies and enhances the games you play to 19 on the strengths you are developing--much like a(n) 20 exercise routine requires you to increase resistance and vary your muscle use.1.[A]where [B]when [C]that [D]why2.[A]improves [B]fades [C]recovers [D]collapses3.[A]If [B]Unless [C]Once [D]While4.[A]uneven [B]limited [C]damaging [D]obscure5.[A]wellbeing [B]environment [C]relationship [D]outlook6.[A]turns [B]finds [C]points [D]figures7.[A]roundabouts [B]responses [C]workouts [D]associations8.[A]genre [B]functions [C]circumstances [D]criterion9.[A]channel [B]condition [C]sequence [D]process10.[A]persist [B]believe [C]excel [D]feature11.[A]Therefore [B]Moreover [C]Otherwise [D]However12.[A]according to [B]regardless of [C]apart from [D]instead of13.[A]back [B]further [C]aside [D]around14.[A]sharpness [B]stability [C]framework [D]flexibility15.[A]forces [B]reminds [C]hurries [D]allows16.[A]hold [B]track [C]order [D]pace17.[A] to [B]with [C]for [D]on18.[A]irregularly [B]habitually [C]constantly [D]unusually19.[A]carry [B]put [C]build [D]take20.[A]risky [B]effective [C]idle [D]familiar英语一考研。



应对方法: 4 按组织材料的逻辑关系来划分 有些文章中的段落(段落中的语句)之间常常有一定的逻辑关系 (如例文四),这时我们可以按照段落(语句)之间的总——分、 分——总、总——分——总的关系或先概括、后具体的关系划分段 落层次。 解析:
教室闹翻了天 无声。
有的在下象棋; 有的在看漫画书;
班主任来了,教室顿时鸦雀 班主任狠狠地批评了我们。
【划分段落层次】 A 了解写作顺序——准确地划分段落层次 B 划分方法: 1、按事情的发展来划分; 2、按时间的推移来划分; 3、按空间位置的变化来划分; 4、按组织材料的逻辑关系来划分 C 常见考查方式: 1、考查文章段落层次的划分; 2、考查文章的写作顺序
【答案】 船夫的驾驶技术特别好。
马克思是共产主义理念的奠基人。他受反动政府的迫害,长期流 亡在外,生活很穷苦。但他毫不在意,仍然坚强地进行研究工作和 革命活动。恩格斯把马克思的生活困难看做自己的困难,省吃俭用 ,把节省下来的钱不断地寄给马克思。1863年初,马克思一家到了 一一贫如洗的地步。马克思打算让大女儿和二女儿停学,找个地方 做工去,自己和燕妮、小女儿搬到贫民窟去住。恩格斯得知这个消 息后,连忙打电报劝说马克思别这么做,又迅速筹集又一笔钱,汇 给了马克思,使马克思一家暂时渡过了难关。马克思在给恩格斯的 信中写道:“亲爱的恩格斯,你寄来的100英镑我收到了。我简直 没法表达我们全家人对你的感激之情。” 碰到恩格斯需要帮助的时候,马克思同样竭尽全力,毫不犹豫 。1848年11月,恩格斯逃亡到瑞士,因为走时匆忙,身边没带多少 钱。马克思知道了,连忙从病床上挣扎起来,到银行将自己仅有的 钱取出,全部寄给了恩格斯。



2020年高考英语“中国文化自信”题型专练题型一:阅读理解(1)1. Chinatown around the USAChinatown in San FranciscoIt is a true cultural wonder of America. Not only is it the most expansive Chinatown outsideof China, but it is also the oldest one in the United States. There are countless events, restaurants, and cultural attractions to be found and there is no better place to celebrate the Chinese New Year! Chinatown in New York CityIt is second only to that of San Francisco. The incredible amount of people selling everything from food, to herbs and spices is an expert’s lesson in how to bargain. You’ll find the authentic(地道的)Chinese cooking at the city’s first Chinese restaurant.Chinatown in Los AngelesIf you’re in California hut can’t make the trip up to San Francisco, SoCal (Southern California) can still provide you with a shining Chinatown to explore. The Chinatown in Los Angeles of today, however, is not the original Chinatown. The history of the construction, destruction, and reallocation(重新安置) of the Chinese in the city is a modest and inspiring story.Chinatown in Honolulu’sThe story of Honolulu’s Chinatown is one of total change. It developed from one of the worst neighborhoods in the city to one of the most culturally advanced. The Hawaiin Theatre, alsoknown as "The Pride of the Pacific", is the historical and entertainment crown jewel of thestill-developing town. Here, you can enjoy many visual performances, from vaudeville(歌舞杂耍)to concerts. You can learn about the luckiest days of the Chinese zodiac calendar.1.Which Chinatown has the longest history in the United States?A.Chinatown in San Francisco.B. Chinatown in New York City.C. Chinatown in I.OS Angeles.D. Chinatown in Honolulu.2.What do we know about the Chinatown in New York City ?A.It has the longest history.B. Cutting price is nowhere to be seen there.C. We can enjoy typical Chinese food there.D. It is the third largest Chinatown in America.3.What do Chinatown in Los Angeles and Chinatown in Honolulu’s have in common?A.They are both highly developed.B. They ail experienced great changes.C. They have been well preserved all the time.D. They are true cultural wonders of America.2.For Western designers, China and its rich culture have long been an inspiration for Western creative."It's no secret that China has always been a source(来源)of inspiration for designers," says Amanda Hill, chief creative officer at A+E Networks, a global media company and home to someof the biggest fashion(时尚)shows.Earlier this year, the China Through A Looking Glass exhibition in New York exhibited 140 pieces of China-inspired fashionable clothing alongside Chinese works of art, with the aim of exploring the influence of Chinese aesthetics(美学)on Western fashion and how China has fueled the fashionable imagination for centuries. The exhibition had record attendance, showing that there is huge interest in Chinese influences."China is impossible to overlook," says Hill. "Chinese models are the faces of beauty and fashion campaigns that sell dreams to women all over the world, which means Chinese women are not just consumers of fashion — they are central to its movement. "Of course, only are today's top Western designers being influenced by China-some of the best designers of contemporary fashion are themselves Chinese." Vera Wang, Alexander Wang, Jason Wu are taking on Galiano, Albaz, Marc Jacobs-and beating them hands down in design and sales," adds Hill.For Hill, it is impossible not to talk about China as the leading player when discussing fashion. "The most famous designers are Chinese, so are the models, and so are the consumers," she says. "China is no longer just another market; in many senses it has become the market. If you talk about fashion today, you are talking about China-its influences, its direction, its breathtaking clothes, and how young designers and models are finally acknowledging that in many ways."1.What can we learn about the exhibition in New York?A. It promoted the sales of artworks.B. It attracted a large number of visitors.C. It showed ancient Chinese clothes.D. It aimed to introduce Chinese models.2.What does Hill say about Chinese women?A. They are setting the fashion.B. They start many fashion campaigns.C. They admire super models.D. They do business all over the world.3.What do the underlined words "taking on" in paragraph 4 mean?A. learning fromB. looking down onC. working withD. competing against4.What can be a suitable title for the text?A. Young Models Selling Dreams to the WorldB.A Chinese Art Exhibition Held in New YorkC. Differences Between Eastern and Western AestheticsD. Chinese Culture Fueling International Fashion Trends3. The Song Dynasty(960 - 1279) is often thought of as the Chinese Renaissance(文艺复兴). For about three and a quarter centuries, under its rule, China enjoyed a period of economic growth with great and amazing artistic achievements.One of the most important factors in the Song Renaissance was the printing press(印刷机) which made for a rebirth of classical Confucian (儒学的) learning. By the 10th century, printers had produced a large number of copies of the classical Confucian texts. With this increase in the production of books, education spread and became widely available.Printing also had its greatest influence on the Chinese political system. In the Song Dynasty, government examinations became the most important way to gain political power in China. For almost 1 ,000 years, China was governed by men who had done very well in examinations. Thousands of students studied for the exams, and thousands of inexpensive books were required. Without printing, such a system would not have been possible.The Song period was also the golden age of Chinese painting. Emperor Huizong was a talented painter who encouraged the arts. A royal painting school was created and many fine artists were supported. The period is best known for nature subjects and landscape paintings. Guo Xi used perspective(透视法) in his paintings and The Quiet Valley is one of his best-known works. One of the greatest landscape painters of the period was Fan Kuan. His famous work, Travelling among Mountains and Streams, is one of the most famous Chinese paintings. Completed around the year 1000, it was inspired by the power of nature and the relative insignificance of humans.1.When was the Chinese Renaissance?A.Immediately after the Renaissance in Europe.B.During the Song Dynasty.C.At the time of Confucius.D.In the year 1000.2.What contributed to spreading the ideas of Confucius?A.The spread of education to all people.B.Peopled new interest in classical texts.C.The development of painting.D.The printing press and a wide availability of books.3.How did people become politicians at the time?A.By studying Confucian ideas.B.By reading many printed books.C.By learning painting.D.By taking government examinations.4.From the passage we can know the painter of Travelling among Mountains and Streamsis ___________.A.Guo XiB.Emperor HuizongC.Fan KuanD.Confucius4. Kung fu is one of the most popular topics of discussion among foreigners talking about China.As a discipline of kung fu with the largest number of practitioners in China, tai chi is gainingpopularity worldwide. Tai chi is sweeping the world thanks to its deep cultural roots and thehealth benefits coming from practicing it.The philosophy of tai chi features the concept of yin and yang, which is typical ofConfucianism and Taoism. Tai chi also takes in ideas from traditional Chinese medicine,including anatomy(解剖学) and physiology. It is a practice that connects hardness with softness,and it is a perfect example of traditional Chinese culture.Through lasting practice, learners begin to feel the positive impact(影响) of tai chi on theirhealth. Unlike other kung fu practice that focuses on attacking and defending against enemies, taichi focuses more on shaping good characters and keeping fit. By practicing tai chi, people will feelan improvement in their physical and psychological health by developing a balance between yinand yang within their bo dies. This is similar to Western medicine’s improving people’s self-healing ability and immune system(免疫系统).Tai chi is playing an important role in presenting Chinese culture to the rest of the world,acting like a bridge between China and other countries. Recent years have seen a lot ofinternational communication on tai chi. In provinces like Hebei t Henan, Shanxi and Shaanxi,where tai chi teaching and learning are particularly active, local governments andnon-governmental institutions often organize activities and competitions for learners and fans to attend and participate in. Large sporting events hosted by China such as the Asian Games and Olympics have featured tai chi performances or contests. These activities have opened a window for the outside world to know more about tai chi, paving the way for its overseas wide spread.Today, tai chi not only belongs to China, but also to the whole world and to everyone who loves it.1.Why is tai chi becoming popular around the world according to the passage?A.Chinese culture spreads quickly.B.Practicing it can prevent all illness.C.It is easier to practice than other kung fu.D.It has deep cultural roots and health benefits.2.What does tai chi represent?A.The ideas of Chinese medicine.B.The traditional Chinese culture.C.The characteristic of yin and yang.D.A practice of hardness and softness.3.According to Paragraph 3,tai chi practice is to __________.A.restore people’s immune systemB.help people keep healthy and get good charactersC.defend people’s body from being attackedD.improve people’s self-healing ability4.What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?A.Tai chi is China’s best event in Asian Games.B.Tai chi is active only in central China.C.Tai chi furthers cross-culture communication.D.Tai chi opens a window for people to know about the world.5. If it had not been for Fan Jinshi and her team, the world cultural heritage at Dunhuang Mogao Caves in a remote Chinese desert might have long been destroyed by sand, weather or humans.Born and raised in Shanghai, Fan has spent half a century fighting an uphill battle to preserve the ancient Buddhist wall paintings at Dunhuang, in Northwest China's Gansu Province. The1,600-year-old Dunhuang Mogao Caves are a huge collection of Buddhist art—more than 2,000 Buddha figures and 45,000 square metres of paintings spread among 735 caves. It is China s first UNESCO World Heritage Site.Archaeologist Fan was sent to Dunhuang after graduating from Peking University in 1963. While in Dunhuang, a remote village in the desert then, Fan lived in an abandoned temple. At first, she did not even dare to go out to the toilet at night. To protect the treasures from sand and dampness, Fan and other workers put doors on the caves,planted trees and started monitoring temperature and humidity(湿度) in the caves. They also control the number of visitors.In the late 1990s, with tourism booming nationwide since national holidays were extended, the local government planned to go public with Dunhuang Mogao Caves, but found Fan firmly in their way. "The heritage would have been destroyed if it had been listed," she said.Dunhuang academy has now photographed and catalogued online all the sculptures and paintings. "Despite our efforts to minimize damage, we can't completely stop them from being eroded(腐蚀). But the digital database will last."Fan was grateful when her husband joined her in Dunhuang in 1986 after 19 years of separation. Her two sons grew up in Shanghai with their aunt. "I have not been a good mother or wife. With regard to my family, I'm full of guilt," she said. Fan, retired as the director ofDunhuang Academy but continues her efforts.1. Which measure didn't Fan Jinshi take to protect Dunhuang Mogao Caves?A. Opening Dunhuang Mogao Caves to the public extensively.B. Planting trees and protecting the Dunhuang Mogao Caves from being eroded.C. Picturing and classifying all the sculptures and paintings online.D. Putting doors on the caves and monitoring temperature and humidity.2. When was Fan separated from her husband?A. In 1963.B. In 1967.C. In 1986.D. In the late 1990s.3. The passage is mainly about ________.A. the history of Dunhuang Mogao CavesB. the attractions of Dunhuang Mogao CavesC. Fan's devotion to preserving Dunhuang Mogao CavesD. the appeal for the protection of Dunhuang Mogao Caves4. What kind of person do you think Fan is?A. Considerate and easy-going.B. Kind and intelligent.C. Humorous and sweet-tempered.D. Devoted and persistent.答案以及解析1、答案及解析:答案:ACB解析:1.根据Chinatown in San Francisco部分中的"Not only is it the most expansive Chinatown outside of China, but it is also the oldest one in the United States."可知,正确答案为A。






























()1.接到老师的电话,妈妈的心一下子揪了起来,这是因为:A 星期六是他的七岁生日,妈妈怕他不能参加生日聚会。



Section Ⅱ Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions after each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)Text1France,which prides itself as the global innovator of fashion, has decided its fashion industry has lost an absolute right to define physical beauty for women. Its lawmakers gave preliminary approval last week to a law that would make it a crime to employ ultra-thin models on runways. The parliament also agreed to ban websites that “incite excessive thinness” by promoting extreme dieting.Such measures have a couple of uplifting motives. They suggest beauty should not be defined by looks that end up impinging on health. That’s a start. And the ban on ultra-thin models seems to go beyond protecting models from starving themselves to death –as some have done. It tells the fashion industry that it must take responsibility for the signal it sends women, especially teenage girls, about the social tape-measure they must use to determine their individual worth.The bans, if fully enforced, would suggest to women (and many men) that they should not let others be arbiters of their beauty. And perhaps faintly, they hint that people should look to intangible qualities like character and intellect rather than dieting their way to size zero or wasp-waist physiques.The French measures, however, rely too much on severe punishment to change a culture that still regards beauty as skin-deep-and bone-showing. Under the law, using a fashion model that does not meet a government-defined index of body mass could result in a $85,000 fine and six months in prison.The fashion industry knows it has an inherent problem in focusing on material adornment and idealized body types. In Denmark, the United States, and a few other countries, it is trying to set voluntary standards for models and fashion images that rely more on peer pressure for enforcement.In contrast to France’s actions, Denmark’s fashion industry agr eed last month on rules and sanctions regarding the age, health, and other characteristics of models. The newly revised Danish Fashion Ethical Charter clearly states:”We are aware of and take responsibility for the impact the fashion industry has on body ideals, especially on young people”. The charter’s main tool of enforcement is to denyaccess for designers and modeling agencies to Copenhagen Fashion Week (CFW), which is run by the Danish Fashion Institute. But in general it relies on a name-and -shame method of compliance.Relying on ethical persuasion rather than law to address the misuse of body ideals may be the best step. Even better would be to help elevate notions of beauty beyond the material standards of a particular industry.21. According to the first paragraph,what would happen in France?[A]Physical beauty would be redefined.[B]New runways would be constructed.[C]Websites about dieting would thrive.[D]The fashion industry would decline.22. The phrase “impinging on”(Line 2,Para.2) is closest in meaning to[A]heightening the value of[B]indicating the state of[C]losing faith in[D]doing harm to23. Which of the following is true of the fashion industry?[A]The French measures have already failed.[B]New standards are being set in Denmark.[C]Models are no longer under peer pressure.[D]Its inherent problems are getting worse.24.A designer is most likely to be rejected by CFW for[A]pursuing perfect physical conditions[B]caring too much about model’s character.[C]showing little concern for health factors[D]setting a high age threshold for models.25.Which of the following may be the best title of the text?[A]A Challenge to the Fashion Industry’s Body Ideals[B]A Dilemma for the Starving models in France[C]Just Another Round of Struggle for Beauty[D]The Great Threats to the Fashion Industry21.答案 A Physical beauty would be redefined解析:这是一道细节题,根据France定位到第一段第一句,主干成分为France has lost an absolute right to define physical beauty。





2024年考研英语一真题答案及解析:阅读理解一(回忆版)Section II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions after each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Nearly 2,000 years ago, as the Romans began to pull out of Scotland, they left behind a curious treasure: 10 tons of nails, nearly a million of the things. The nail hoard wasdiscovered in 1960 in a four-metre-deep pit covered by two metres of gravel.Why had the Romans buried a million nails? The likely explanation is that the withdrawal was rushed, and they didn’t want the local Caledonians getting their hands on 10 tons of weapon-grade iron. The Romans buried the nails so deep that they would not be discovered for almost two millennia.Later civilisations would value the skilled blacksmith’s labour in a nail even more than the raw material. As Roma Agrawal explains in her new delightful book Nuts and Bolts, early 17th-century Virginians would sometimes burn down their homes if they were planning to relocate. This was an attempt to recover the valuable nails, which could be reused after sifting the ashes. The idea that one might burn down an entire house just to reclaim the nails underlines how scarce, costly and valuable the simple-seeming technology was.The price of nails fell by 90% between the late 1700s and mid-1900s, as economist Daniel Sichel points out in a research paper. According to Sichel, although the falling price of nails was driven partly by cheaper iron and cheaper energy, most of the creditgoes to nail manufacturers who simply found more efficient ways to turn steel into nails.Nails themselves have changed over the years, but Sichel studied them because they haven’t changed much. Roman lamps and Roman chariots are very different from LED strips and sports cars, but Roman nails are still clearly nails. It would be absurd to try to track the changing price of sports cars since 1695, but to ask the same question of nails makes perfect sense.I make no apology for being obsessed by a particular feature of everyday objects: their price. I am an economist, after all. After writing two books about the history of inventions, one thing I’ve learnt is that while it is the enchantingly sophisticated technologies that get all the hype, it’s the cheap technologies that change the world. The Gutenberg printing press transformed civilisation not by changing the nature of writing but by changing its cost —and it would have achieved little without a parallel collapse in the price of surfaces to write on, thanks to an often-overlooked technology called paper. Solar panels had a few niche uses until they became cheap;now they are transforming the global energy system.21. The Romans buried the nails probably for the sake ofA. saving them for future use.B. keeping them from rusting.C. letting them grow in value.D. hiding them from the locals.22. The example of early 17th century Virginians is used toA. highlight the thriftiness of early American colonists.B. illustrate the high status of blacksmiths in that period.C. contrast the attitudes of different civilisations towards nails.D. show the preciousness of nail-making technology at that time.23. What played the major role in lowing the price of nails after the late 1700s?A. Increased productivity.B. Wider use of new energies.C. Fiercer market competition.D. Reduced cost of raw materials.24. It can be learned from Paragraph 5 that nailsA. have undergone many technological improvements.B. have remained basically all the same since Roman times.C. are less studied than other everyday products.D. are one of the world’s most significant inventions.25. Which of the following best summaries the last two paragraphs?A. Cheap technologies bring about revolutionary change.B. Technological innovation is integral to economic success.C. Technology defines people’s understanding of the world.D. Sophisticated technologies develop from small inventions.。



基础英语阅读理解11篇初级阅读1基础英语阅读理解11篇(初级阅读1)⼀Do you need friends? I'm sure your answer is "Yes,of course. Everybody does! " You need friends when you play and when you work. If you have friends, you will feel happy. If you have no friends. you will feel lonely .Do you know how to make friends? There is only one good way—You make friends by being friendly.A friendly person is interested in other people. He is always helpful If you want to make friends with a new classmate, you can talk with him, tell him about the other classmates in your class and try your best to be helpful to him.1. We need friends _____.A. because we must play with themB. Because we must work with themC. when we play and when we workD. when we talk with them2. If we want to make friends, we should _____.A. be politely to themB. be friendly to them.C. be afraid of themD. when we talk with them.3. A friendly person is _________ other people.A. interested inB. worried aboutC. surprised atD. like them4. If we want to make friends with a new classmate, ______.A. we can talk with themB. we must try to help himC. we can tell him about the other classmates in our classD. A、B and C5. Which of the following is true?A. No one needs friends.B. Everyone needs friends.C. Only classmates need friends.D. Someone needs friends.⼆Mr Smith made many tests with different animals and the monkey was the cleverest of all the animals.One day Mr Smith put a monkey in a room. He also put some small boxes in it. In one of the boxes there was some food. " How long will it take the monkey to find the food? " Mr Smith said to himself. " Let me wait and see. " He left the room and waited outside. Three minutes later, he put his eye to the keyhole . What did he see? He saw the eye of the monkey. The monkey was on the other side of the door and looked at Mr Smith through the keyhole.1. Mr Smith made tests with ______.A. different animalsB. the monkey onlyC. all the monkeysD. all of the cleverest animals2. There was some food in ____ of the small boxes. A. some B. none C. one D. each3. Mr Smith put a monkey and some boxes in a room because he wanted to know _____.A. how much food monkey could findB. how many boxes the monkey could carryC. how long it would take the monkey to put its eye to the keyholeD. how long it would take the monkey to find the food4. What was the monkey doing when Mr Smith was putting his eye to the keyhole?A. The monkey was eating food.B. The monkey was looking for food.C. The monkey was eating on the other side of the door.D. The monkey was looking at Mr Smith through the keyhole.5. Mr Smith is a ______. A. teacher B. scientist C. doctor D. farm worker三A man has a cat. He likes her very much. At mealtime the cat sits at the table with him. The man eats with a knife and a fork, but the cat eats from her plate. Sometimes, when she finishes her dish, her master will give her a bit of his food. He shares his meal with her. One day the cat is not at the table at mealtime.“Ah! Where is my cat?” asks the man..His wife says, “Can’t you eat without her?”So the meal begins without the cat. Before lunch is over, the cat rushes into the room and jumps into the chair quickly. She has two mice in her mouth, and before anyone can stop her, she drops one into her own plate, and the other into her master’s plate.“Dear me!” cries the woman, “A mouse is in your plate!”“Hush!” says her husband. “This shows that she is a nice cat. She knows what friendship is. She wishes me to share her dinner as I often share mine with her.根据短⽂内容,判断正误,正确(T),错误(F)。



商务英语阅读1参考答案一、阅读理解1. 问题1:文章主要讨论了什么?答案:文章主要讨论了全球化背景下商务英语的重要性以及如何提高商务英语的沟通技巧。

2. 问题2:为什么商务英语在当今世界如此重要?答案:商务英语重要性体现在跨国贸易的增长,国际商务交流的频繁,以及对专业商务人士的需求。

3. 问题3:文章提到了哪些提高商务英语能力的方法?答案:文章提到了扩大词汇量、学习商务术语、练习商务写作、参与商务会议以及利用在线资源等方法。

4. 问题4:作者对商务英语的未来趋势有何看法?答案:作者认为随着全球化的深入,商务英语将继续成为国际商务沟通的关键工具,并且其重要性将不断增加。

5. 问题5:文章中提到的“商务英语沟通的障碍”有哪些?答案:文章中提到的障碍包括文化差异、语言习惯、专业术语的误解以及非语言交流的挑战。

二、词汇理解1. 问题1: "Negotiation"在商务英语中通常指的是什么?答案: "Negotiation"在商务英语中通常指的是商务交易或协议过程中的协商过程。

2. 问题2: "Collaboration"一词在商务环境中的含义是什么?答案: "Collaboration"在商务环境中指的是不同个人或组织之间的合作,以实现共同的目标或完成项目。

3. 问题3: "Mergers and Acquisitions"通常指的是什么类型的商务活动?答案: "Mergers and Acquisitions"通常指的是公司之间的合并或收购活动,这是企业扩张或重组的一种方式。

4. 问题4: "Stakeholder"在商务英语中通常指谁?答案: "Stakeholder"在商务英语中通常指的是对公司或项目有直接或间接利益的个人或团体。

5. 问题5: "Due Diligence"在商务英语中的含义是什么?答案: "Due Diligence"在商务英语中指的是在进行商务交易前对相关事务进行彻底的调查和评估,以确保交易的合理性和安全性。

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A ★A student was one day taking a walk with his teacher. As they went along, they saw a pair of old shoes lying in the road. They were a poor farmer’s, who was working in the nearby field.The student turned to the teacher, saying: “we will hide his sho es, and hide ourselves behind those trees, and wait to see what he will do.”“My young friend,” answered the teacher, “we should never make fun of the poor. Why not put a coin in each shoe, and then we will hide ourselves and watch?” The student did so an d they both hid themselves behind the trees. The poor man soon finished his work, and came across the field to the road where he had left his coat and shoes.After putting on his coat, he put his foot into one of his shoes, and felt something hard. Then he bent (弯腰) down to feel what it was, and found the coin. Surprised, he looked at the coin, turned it around and looked at it again. He then looked around, but no person was seen. He put the money into his pocket, and continued to put on the other shoe. His surprise was doubled on finding the other coin.He couldn’t control his feelings and fell to his knees, looked up to the sky and expressed his thanks. Then he spoke of his wife, sick and helpless, and his children without bread. He said the help would save them from dying.The student stood there deeply moved, and his eyes filled with tears. “Now,” said the teacher, “are you not much happier than if you had hidden the shoes?”56. When the student saw the shoes, he wanted to _____.A. steal themB. find their ownerC. play a joke on the ownerD. give the owner some money57. According to the passage, the teacher is _____.A. quiet and honestB. kind and friendlyC. patient and cleverD. strict and careful58. When the farmer saw the second coin, he _____.A. was very excited and gratefulB. was worried and looked up at the skyC. was surprised and decided to find the ownerD. spoke of his difficulties and asked for more help59. At the end of the story, the student _____.A. was very proud of himselfB. was very pleased with his lifeC. felt very sorry about his first ideaD. felt sad for not taking his teacher’s advice60. What can we learn from the passage?A. It is never too late to learn.B. All good things come to an end.C. Where there is a will, there is a way.D. True happiness comes from helping others.B ★As the father of a student, I have experienced first hand what a great teacher is. My son was in the 4th grade last year, and he had a teacher called Miss Green. I believe that when he is an adult he will surely look back on her as the best teacher he has ever had.My son has attention deficit disorder (注意力缺损症) that makes it a little more difficult for him to learn. She was able to change her teaching methods for him so that he could keep up with the rest of the class. As a result, he got many As on many subjects. She regarded her class as a family and they even had their own class song. She would often have them sing it to encourage them and develop a team spirit for them. When she saw that they were no longer listening carefully to what she was teaching, she would have them close their textbooks, stand up all around the room and throw around a small football. This helped them clear their minds and then focus on the lesson again. Besides, she was quick to reply to any phone calls or emails from us and got rid of our worries about children quickly.When my son went to the 5th grade this year, we happened to pass her classroom. When she saw my son, her face lit up (露出喜色) and she came out and hugged him. She generally loves all of the children in her classroom and that love really shows. I can only pray (祈祷) that my son will continue to get teachers just like her for the rest of his school years.61. With the teacher’s help, the writer’s son _____.A. became the best student in his classB. was interested in singing songsC. quickly finished his 4th grade lessonsD. improved his grades greatly62. Which of the following is NOT true about Miss Green?A. She regarded the students as members of a family.B. She had special ways to help students study.C. She was good at teaching football and music.D. She usually made a quick reply to parents’ emails.63. The underlined phrase “focus on” in Paragraph 2 means _____.A. look forward toB. pay attention toC. get away fromD. take care of64. We can learn from the text that _____.A. Miss Green was the best teacher at the schoolB. all the students in the school liked Miss GreenC. Miss Green didn’t teach the writer’s son in the 5th gradeD. the writer’s son had many teachers like Miss Green65. In the text, the writer mainly tells us _____.A. what his son studied at schoolB. his son once had a good teacherC. how to be a good and popular teacherD. a teacher who liked playing with studentsC ★★Bill Gates is spending a lot of money improving education. His question: What makes a great teacher? You can help! What do YOU think makes a great teacher?Kara A great teacher has to be slow to anger and quick to praise his kids in the class.Benjamin A great teacher listens to every student and says that there is no stupid answer. They make the class interesting and ask for opinions.TJ I think a great teacher is someone who loves the subject he is teaching, whether it’s biology or chemistry. Great teachers get excited to go to school and share their knowledge.Alexis A great teacher is someone who has a passion (激情) for teaching. My 1st grade teacher taught as long as she could until cancer took her. She took the time to teach us all and to make sure none of us were left behind. She loved to teach and she loved every single one of us.Dorothy A great teacher will push you beyond what you think your limits (极限) are, and encourage you to go further. A great teacher will be proud of your efforts even if you fail.Carolyn A great teacher is one who is willing to teach even when the school has no money to pay them to do so. The school I graduated from is such a school. All the teachers went several months without pay because they believed God had called them to teach at this school.Dawn A great teacher is a person that has patience. When the students can’t understand right away, they don’t put them down. A great teacher cares about making sure each student is taught the right information. They encourage the students a lot when they are frustrated with themselves, and encourage them to try hard in everything they do.66. According to the text, a great teacher _____.A. is quick to anger and praise studentsB. refuses to answer stupid questionsC. asks for students’ opinions in the classD. is strict and makes his class serious67. Alexis’s teacher st opped teaching because _____.A. she was badly illB. the students were left behindC. the pay was too lowD. she found another job68. Who thinks a great teacher will praise your hard work though you don’t succe ed?A. Kara.B. TJ.C. Dorothy.D. Dawn.69. Carolyn thinks her teachers were great because they _____.A. were patient with studentsB. were willing to teach without payC. made their classes funD. encouraged students a lot70. Which would be the best title for the text?A. Different teaching methodsB. Great teachers in historyC. Bill Gates gives money to educationD. What makes a great teacher?AMiss Gorgers taught physics in a New York school. Last month she explained to one of her classes about sound, and she decided to test them to see how successful she had been in her explanation. She said to them,“Now I have a brother in Los Angeles. If I was calling him on the phone and at the same time you were 75 feet away, listening to me from across the street, which of you would hear what I said earlier, my brother or you, and for what reason?”Tom at once answered,“Your brother. Because electricity travels faster than sound waves.”“That's every good,”Miss Gorgers answered; but then one of the girls raised her hand, and Miss Gorgers said.“Yes, Kate.”“I disagree,”Kate said.“Your brother would hear you earlier because when it's 11 o'clock here it's only 8 o'clock in Los Angeles.”36. Miss Gorgers was teaching her class_________.A. how to telephoneB. about electricity C .about time zone D. about sound37. Miss Gorgers raised this question because she wanted to know whether______.A. it was easy to phone to Los AngelesB. her student could hear her from 75 feet awayC. her students had grasped her lessonD. sound waves were slower than electricity38. Tom thought that electricity was _________.A. slower than sound wavesB. faster than sound wavesC. not so fast as sound wavesD. as fast as sound waves39. Kate thought Tom was wrong because _______.A. clocks in Los Angeles showed a different time from those in New YorkB. electricity was slower than sound wavesC. Tom was not good at physics at allD. Tom's answer had nothing to do with sound waves40. Whose answer do you think is correct according to the law of physics?A. Tom'sB. Kate'sC. Both A and BD. Neither A nor BBIt was Monday. Mrs. Smith's dog was hungry, but there was not any meat in the house.Considering that there was no better way. Mrs. Smith took a piece of paper, and wrote the following words on it: “Give my dog half a pound of meat.”Then she gave the paper to her dog and said gently:“Take this to the butcher(*person whose job is selling meat). and he's going to give you your lunch today.”Holding the piece of paper in its mouth, the dog ran to the butcher's. It gave the paper to the butcher. The butcher read it carefully, recognized that it was really the lady's handwriting and soon did it as he was asked to. The dog was very happy, and ate the meat up at onceAt noon, the dog came to the shop again. It gave the butcher a piece of paper again. After reading it. He gave it half a pound of meat once more.The next day, the dog came again exactly at noon. And as usual, it brought a piece of paper in the mouth. This time, the butcher did not take a look at paper, and gave the dog its meat, for he had regarded the dog as one of his customers (*people who buy sth. from a shop).But, the dog came again at four o'clock. And the same thing happened once again. To the butcher's more surprise, it came for the third time at six o'clock, and brought with it a third piece of paper. The butcher felt a bit puzzled. He said to himself,“This is a small dog. Why does Mrs. Smith give it so much meat to eat today?”Looking at the piece of paper, he found that there were not any words on it!41. Mrs Smith treated her little dog quite_________.A. cruellyB. fairlyC. kindlyD. friendly42. It seemed that the dog knew well that the paper Mrs. Smith gave it_______.A. might do it much harmB. could do it much goodC. would help the butcherD. was worth many pounds43. The butcher did not give any meat to the dog __________.A. before he felt sure that the words were really written by Mrs SmithB. when he found that the words on the paper were not clearC. because he had sold out all the meat in his shopD. until he was paid enough by Mrs. Smith44. From its experience, the dog found that ________.A. only the paper with Mrs. Smith's words in it could bring it meatB. the butcher would give the meat to it whenever he saw itC. Mrs. Smith would pay for the meat it got from the butcherD. a piece of paper could bring it half a pound of meat45. At the end of the story, you'll find that _______.A. the dog was clever enough to write on the paperB. the dog dared not go to the butcher's any moreC. the butcher was told not to give any meat to the dogD. the butcher found himself cheated (*act in a way that is not honest)by the clever animalCLetter ADear Rose,I like your programmers very much. I’m now writing to ask you something about American social customs. My American friends want me to join them in their dinner party. I am very happy and have decided to go, but I’m a little worried about it, too.The social customs in my country are very different from here, so I’m afraid of making mistakes.Should I bring a present, such as sweets or flowers? Should I arrived on time or a little late? At thedinner table, how can I know which fork or knife to use? How can I let the family know that I’m thankful for their kindness? Wang LinLetter BDear Wang Lin,It’s a good idea to bring a smal l present when you go to a dinner party. Flowers are always nice, or you may bring a bottle of wine if you know that your friend drink it.You should arrive on time or five to ten minutes late. Don’t get there early. If you are going to be more than fifteen minutes late, you should call and tell themTry to be free at the dinner table. If you don’t know about choosing the right fork or knife, just watch the other people, and follow them. If you still have no idea of what to do, ask the person next to you.I f you like the food, say so. Of course, you’ll thank them for the meal and for their kindness. It’s also a good idea to send a thank-you card the day after. Rose46. Wang Lin wants to _______.A. make friends with RoseB. know some social customs for a dinner partyC. make her friends happy C. give her friends a surprise47. Rose is most possibly _______.A. a good housewifeB. a member of the dinner partyC. a TV hostessD. a friend o f Wang Lin’s48. If you’re asked to a dinner party but not sure about what to bring as a present, it’sgood to bring _______.A. some fruitB. a bottle of wineC. some flowersD. a knife and fork49. Which of the following is NOT good for joining in a dinner party?A. Get there 15 minutes earlierB. Make yourself at homeC. Follow others to use forks and knivesD. Thank your friends for the meal50. From the letters we’ve learned that it’s very _______ to know something aboutAmerican social customs.A. difficultB. friendlyC. enjoyableD. helpfulDDinner customs are different around the world. If you are a dinner guest in Ghana(非洲的加纳), this information will help you.In Ghana dinner is usually from four in the afternoon to six in the evening. But there are no strict rules about time in Ghana. Whenever a guest arrives, a family offers food.When you go to a home, the host takes you to the living room first. At this time everyone welcomes you. Then you go to the dinner room. There you wash your hands in a bowl of water. All the food is on the table.In Ghana you usually eat with your fingers. You eat from the same dish as everyone else. But you eat from one side of the dish only. It is not polite to get food from the other side of the dish. After dinner, you wash your hands again in a bowl of water.Most meals in Ghana have a dish called fufu. People in Ghana make fufu from the powder of some plants. Sometimes they cut the fufu with a saw because it is very hard and like rubber. You must chew fufu well, or you can get sick. You eat fufu with fingers of your right hand only.51. If you are a dinner guest to a family in Ghana, you’re first ________.A. told to wash your handsB. taken to the dinning-roomC. told some strict rules about dinnerD. taken to the living-room52. At a dinner you eat food from ________A. the top of dishB. the other side of the dishC. the dish only for youD. just one side of dish53. In the fourth paragraph, the writer wants to tell us ________A. what to eat in GhanaB. how much time to spend on a dinner.C. the way of eatingD. different food at a dinner55. In Ghana, ________A .dinner is always at six B. rules for dinner time are not strictC. a family offers food only at fourD. you don’t have to wash your hands again after dinner.。
