



目录一、概述1.1 产权说明····································································1.2 铭牌说明···································································1.3 型号说明································································1.4 选型说明································································1.5 开箱说明···································································1.6 功率分布表····································································1.7 制动单元和制动电阻选择······························二、安装和接线2.1 基准型机箱尺寸······························································2.2 基准型机箱安装要求····································································2.3 接线要求····································································2.4 接线说明····································································三、操作面板及安全事项3.1 面板尺寸示意图····························································3.2 面板按键说明···························································3.3 面板指示灯说明····························································3.4 参数修改方法····························································3.5 安全注意事项····································································四、功能参数一览表五、功能详细介绍5.1 主要功能方面参数····························································5.2 前驱动对象(电机)方面参数··················································5.3 矢量控制方面参数····························································5.4 V/F控制方面参数·····························································5.5 附加功能方面参数····························································5.6 PID控制方面参数·····························································5.7 多段速控制方面参数··························································5.8 保护功能方面参数·····························································5.9 起停控制方面参数·····························································5.10 输入端子功能方面参数·························································5.11 输出端子功能方面参数·························································5.12 人机界面方面参数·····························································5.13 485通信方面参数·····························································六、变频器RS485通讯协议6.1 通讯协议····································································6.2 协议内容····································································6.3 应用方法····································································6.4 总线结构····································································6.5 协议说明····································································6.6 通讯帧结构··································································6.7 命令码及通讯资料描述························································七、故障咨询及对策7.1 故障类型及处理办法··························································7.2 其它故障案列分析··························································八、标准规范8.1 规格型号····································································8.2 公共特性····································································8.3 显示········································································九、选件9.1 选件表······································································9.2 周边选件与变频器的连接图····················································9.3 外引线及连接示意图················十、变频器的维护10.1 日常检查····································································10.2 定期检查····································································10.3 除尘········································································10.4 零部件的更换································································十一、品质承诺11.1 保修范围···································································11.2 三包规定····································································11.3 维权规定········································································第一章概述1.1产权说明本公司生产的系列变频器已申请有以下专利,未经本公司授权请不要侵权,否则将予以法律追究。

SIMATIC NET 工业以太网交换机 SCALANCE XC-200 操作说明说明书

SIMATIC NET 工业以太网交换机 SCALANCE XC-200 操作说明说明书

SIMATIC NET工业以太网交换机SCALANCE XC-200操作说明02/2023法律资讯警告提示系统为了您的人身安全以及避免财产损失,必须注意本手册中的提示。












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Siemens AGDigital Industries Postfach 48 4890026 NÜRNBERG C79000-G8952-C442-14Ⓟ 02/2023 本公司保留更改的权利Copyright © Siemens AG 2016 - 2023.保留所有权利目录1简介 (7)2安全须知 (15)3安全建议 (17)4设备描述 (25)4.1产品总览 (25)4.2设备视图 (31)4.2.1SCALANCE XC206-2 (ST/BFOC) (31)4.2.2SCALANCE XC206-2 (SC) (32)4.2.3SCALANCE XC206-2G PoE (33)4.2.4SCALANCE XC206-2SFP (34)4.2.5SCALANCE XC208 (35)4.2.6SCALANCE XC208G PoE (36)4.2.7SCALANCE XC216 (37)4.2.8SCALANCE XC216-3G PoE (38)4.2.9SCALANCE XC216-4C (38)4.2.10SCALANCE XC224 (40)4.2.11SCALANCE XC224-4C (41)4.3附件 (41)4.4SELECT/SET 按钮 (47)4.5LED 指示灯 (49)4.5.1总览 (49)4.5.2“RM”LED (50)4.5.3“SB”LED (50)4.5.4“F”LED (50)4.5.5LED“DM1”和“DM2” (51)4.5.6LED“L1”和“L2” (51)4.5.7端口 LED (52)4.6C-PLUG (54)4.6.1C-PLUG 的功能 (54)4.6.2更换 C-PLUG (56)4.7组合端口 (57)4.8以太网供电 (PoE) (58)4.8.1符合标准的电源和电压范围 (58)4.8.2设备的 PoE 属性 (59)4.8.3电源传输和引脚分配 (30 W) (61)SCALANCE XC-200目录4.8.4电源传输和引脚分配 (60 W) (62)4.8.5组态 (62)5组装和拆卸 (63)5.1安装的安全注意事项 (63)5.2关于 SFP 收发器的一般说明 (66)5.3安装类型 (66)5.4在 DIN 导轨上安装 (67)5.4.1基于固定板的凹顶导轨安装 (67)5.4.2无固定板时的凹顶导轨安装 (69)5.5在标准 S7-300 导轨上安装 (70)5.5.1在带有固定板的标准导轨 S7-300 上安装 (70)5.5.2在不带固定板的标准导轨 S7-300 上安装 (71)5.6在标准导轨 S7-1500 上安装 (72)5.6.1在带有固定板的标准导轨 S7-1500 上安装 (72)5.6.2在不带固定板的标准导轨 S7-1500 上安装 (74)5.7基于固定板的墙式安装 (75)5.8更改固定销的位置 (76)5.9拆卸 (77)6连接 (79)6.1不使用 PoE 的设备的安全注意事项 (79)6.2PoE 设备的安全注意事项 (80)6.3有关在危险场所使用的安全注意事项 (82)6.4附加说明 (85)6.5接线规则 (86)6.624 V DC 电源 (87)6.754 V DC 电源 (88)6.8信号触点 (90)6.9功能性接地 (91)6.10串口 (92)6.11工业以太网 (94)6.11.1电气 (94)6.11.2光纤 (95)SCALANCE XC-200目录7维护和清洁 (97)8故障排除 (99)8.1使用 TFTP 下载新固件(无需 WBM 和 CLI) (99)8.2恢复出厂设置 (100)9技术规范 (101)9.1SCALANCE XC206-2 (ST/BFOC) 的技术规范 (101)9.2SCALANCE XC206-2 (SC) 的技术规范 (104)9.3SCALANCE XC206-2G PoE 的技术规范 (107)9.4SCALANCE XC206-2G PoE (54 V) 的技术规范 (110)9.5SCALANCE XC206-2G PoE EEC (54 V) 的技术规范 (113)9.6SCALANCE XC206-2SFP 的技术规范 (116)9.7SCALANCE XC206-2SFP G 的技术规范 (119)9.8SCALANCE XC206-2SFP EEC 的技术规范 (122)9.9SCALANCE XC206-2SFP G EEC 的技术规范 (125)9.10SCALANCE XC208 的技术规范 (128)9.11SCALANCE XC208G 的技术规范 (130)9.12SCALANCE XC208G PoE 的技术规范 (132)9.13SCALANCE XC208G PoE (54 V) 的技术规范 (134)9.14SCALANCE XC208EEC 的技术规范 (136)9.15SCALANCE XC208G EEC 的技术规范 (138)9.16SCALANCE XC216 的技术规范 (140)9.17SCALANCE XC216EEC 的技术规范 (142)9.18SCALANCE XC216-3G PoE 的技术规范 (144)9.19SCALANCE XC216-3G PoE (54 V) 的技术规范 (146)9.20SCALANCE XC216-4C 的技术规范 (150)9.21SCALANCE XC216-4C G 的技术规范 (153)9.22SCALANCE XC216-4C G EEC 的技术规范 (156)9.23SCALANCE XC224 的技术规范 (159)9.24SCALANCE XC224-4C G 的技术规范 (161)9.25SCALANCE XC224-4C G EEC 的技术规范 (164)9.26机械稳定性(运行时) (167)SCALANCE XC-200目录9.27射频辐射符合 NAMUR NE21 标准 (167)9.28电缆长度 (167)9.29交换特性 (168)10尺寸图 (171)11证书和认证 (179)索引 (189)SCALANCE XC-200简介1操作说明的用途这些操作说明适用于 SCALANCE XC-200 系列产品的安装和连接。



数学物理方法习题解答一、复变函数部分习题解答第一章习题解答1、证明Re z 在z 平面上处处不可导。

证明:令Re z u iv =+。

Re z x =,,0u x v ∴==。

1ux∂=∂,0v y ∂=∂,u v x y ∂∂≠∂∂。

于是u 与v 在z 平面上处处不满足C -R 条件, 所以Re z 在z 平面上处处不可导。

2、试证()2f z z=仅在原点有导数。

证明:令()f z u iv =+。

()22222,0f z z x y u x y v ==+ ∴ =+=。

2,2u u x y x y ∂∂= =∂∂。

v vx y∂∂ ==0 ∂∂。

所以除原点以外,,u v 不满足C -R 条件。

而,,u u v vx y x y∂∂∂∂ , ∂∂∂∂在原点连续,且满足C -R 条件,所以()f z 在原点可微。

()0000x x y y u v v u f i i x x y y ====⎛⎫∂∂∂∂⎛⎫'=+=-= ⎪ ⎪∂∂∂∂⎝⎭⎝⎭。

或:()()()2*000lim lim lim 0z z x y z f z x i y z∆→∆→∆=∆=∆'==∆=∆-∆=∆。

22***0*00limlim lim()0z z z z z z zzz z z z z z z z z=∆→∆→∆→+∆+∆+∆∆==+−−→∆∆∆。

【当0,i z z re θ≠∆=,*2i z e z θ-∆=∆与趋向有关,则上式中**1z zz z∆∆==∆∆】3、设333322()z 0()z=00x y i x y f z x y ⎧+++≠⎪=+⎨⎪⎩,证明()z f 在原点满足C -R 条件,但不可微。

证明:令()()(),,f z u x y iv x y =+,则()33222222,=00x y x y u x y x y x y ⎧-+≠⎪=+⎨+⎪⎩, 33222222(,)=00x y x y v x y x y x y ⎧++≠⎪=+⎨+⎪⎩。



SOC Flag Configuration A_1
TCSETVCT : 使能设置 [TC] Flag by primary charge termination • 1 = 使能 • 0 = 关闭 FCSETVCT : 使能设置 [FC] Flag by primary charge termination • 1 = 使能 • 0 = 关闭 TCCLEARRSOC :使能清除 [TC] Flag by RSOC threshold • 1 = 使能 • 0 = 关闭 TCSETRSOC :使能设置 [TC] Flag by RSOC threshold • 1 = 使能 • 0 = 关闭 TCCLEARV :使能清除 [TC] Flag by cell voltage threshold • 1 = 使能 • 0 = 关闭
SOC Flag Configuration A_2
TCSETV : 使能设置 [TC] Flag by cell voltage threshold • 1 = 使能 • 0 = 关闭 TDCLEARRSOC : 使能清除 [TD] Flag by RSOC threshold • 1 = 使能 • 0 = 关闭 TDSETRSOC :使能设置 [TD] Flag by RSOC threshold • 1 = 使能 • 0 = 关闭 TDCLEARV : 使能清除 [TD] Flag by cell voltage threshold • 1 = 使能 • 0 = 关闭 TDSETV : 使能设置 [TD] Flag by cell voltage threshold • 1 = 使能 • 0 = 关闭
Tino Pan 2015.08.23
Charging Configuration

华为EP631S V400R005C00快速指南问答版2018年05月08日说明书

华为EP631S V400R005C00快速指南问答版2018年05月08日说明书

EP631SV400R005C00 Quick GuideIssue02Date2018-05-08Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2018. All rights reserved.No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.Trademarks and Permissionsand other Huawei trademarks are trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective holders.NoticeThe purchased products, services and features are stipulated by the contract made between Huawei and the customer. All or part of the products, services and features described in this document may not be within the purchase scope or the usage scope. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, all statements, information, and recommendations in this document are provided "AS IS" without warranties, guarantees or representations of any kind, either express or implied.The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendations in this document do not constitute a warranty of any kind, express or implied.Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.Address:Huawei Industrial BaseBantian, LonggangShenzhen 518129People's Republic of ChinaWebsite:Email:******************Quick Guide ContentsContents1 Safety Information (1)2 Appearance (4)3 Installation and Use (8)3.1 Attaching the Antenna (8)3.2 Installing the Battery (9)3.3 Installing the Back Clip (10)3.4 Attaching the Strap (11)3.5 Charging the Battery and the Phone (12)3.6 Installing an SIM Card (13)3.7 Powering On and Powering Off (14)3.8 Indicator Status (14)3.9 Others (15)1 Safety InformationThis section contains important information pertaining to the operating instructions of yourdevice. It also contains information about how to use the device safely. Read this informationcarefully before using your device.Medical Devicel Follow rules and regulations set forth by hospitals and health care facilities. Do not use your device when using the device is prohibited.l Implantable medical devices, such as pacemakers, implanted cochleas, and hearing aids may be affected by radio waves generated by this device. If you are using such medicaldevices, consult their manufacturers for related restrictions. Pacemaker manufacturersrecommend that a minimum distance of 15 cm be maintained between your device and apacemaker to prevent potential interference with the pacemaker. If you are using apacemaker, use the device on the opposite side of the pacemaker and do not carry thedevice in your front pocket.Prevention of Hearing DamageUsing a headset at high volume can damage your hearing. To reduce the risk of damage tohearing, lower the headset volume to a safe and comfortable level.Safety of ChildrenComply with all precautions with regard to children's safety. Letting the child play with yourdevice or its accessories, which may include parts that can be detached from the device, maybe dangerous, as it may present a choking hazard. Ensure that children are kept away from thedevice and accessories.Potentially Explosive Atmospherel Power off your device in any area with a potentially explosive atmosphere, and comply with all signs and instructions. Triggering of sparks in such areas could cause anexplosion or a fire, resulting in bodily injuries or even deaths. Do not power on yourdevice at refueling points such as service stations.l Comply with restrictions on the use of radio equipment in fuel depots, storage, anddistribution areas, and chemical plants. In addition, adhere to restrictions in areas whereblasting operations are in progress. Before using the device, watch out for areas that havepotentially explosive atmospheres that are often, but not always, clearly marked. Suchlocations include areas below the deck on boats, chemical transfer or storage facilities,and areas where the air contains chemicals or particles such as grain, dust, or metalpowders. Ask the manufacturers of vehicles using liquefied petroleum gas (such aspropane or butane) whether this device can be safely used in their vicinity. Do not storeor transport the device and accessories in the same container as combustible or explosivegas, liquid or materials.Traffic SecurityDo not use your device while flying in an aircraft. Power off your device before boarding anaircraft. Using wireless devices in an aircraft may cause danger to the operation of the aircraftand interrupt the wireless telephone network. It may also be considered illegal.Operating Environmentl Do not use or charge the device in dusty, damp, and dirty places or places with magnetic fields. Otherwise, it may result in a malfunction of the circuit.l On a stormy day with thunder, do not use your device to prevent any danger caused by lightning.l Power off your device if using the device is prohibited.l If the ambient temperature is over high or low, the device may be faulty.Disposal and Recycling InformationThe device (and any included batteries and accessories) should not be disposed of as normalhousehold garbage. Local laws and regulations on the disposal and recycle of such objectsshould be followed.AccessoriesUse ONLY original batteries, chargers, and accessories supplied by the device manufacturer.The use of any other type of battery, charger, or accessory may invalidate any warranty for thedevice, may be in violation of local rules or laws, and may be dangerous.Battery and Chargerl Use ONLY the original charger to charge the battery and equipment.l Unplug the charger from the electrical plug and the device when not in use.l Do not connect two poles of the battery with conductors, such as metal materials, keys, or jewelries. Otherwise, the battery may be short-circuited and may cause burns andother bodily injuries.l Do not place the battery or device near any heating device, such as a microwave oven, an oven, or a radiator. Battery overheat may result in a fire, explosion or other hazard.l Do not modify or remanufacture, attempt to insert foreign objects into the battery,immerse or expose it to water or other liquids, Otherwise, it may lead to battery leakage,overheat, fire or explosion.l If battery electrolyte leaks out, ensure that the electrolyte does not touch your skin oreyes. If the electrolyte touches your skin or splashes into your eyes, wash your eyes andskin with clean water immediately and consult a doctor.l If there is a case of deformation, color change, or abnormal heating while the battery is being used, charged or stored, remove the battery immediately and replace it. Otherwise,it may lead to battery leakage, overheating, explosion, or fire.l If the power cable is damaged , or the plug loosens, stop using the cable at once.Otherwise, it may lead to an electric shock, a short circuit of the charger, or a fire.l Do not dispose of batteries in fire as they may explode. Batteries may also explode ifdamaged.Cleaning and Maintenancel Keep the device and accessories dry. Do not use microwave oven or other heaters to dry the device.l Do not place your device, battery, and charger in places where they can get damagedbecause of collision. Otherwise, it may lead to battery leakage, device malfunction,overheating, fire, or explosion.l Do not leave your device, battery, and charger in a place with an extreme high or lowtemperature. Otherwise, they may become faulty, and fire or explosion may be caused.l Do not place sharp metal objects such as pins near the earpiece. The earpiece may attract these objects and hurt you when you are using the device.l Do not use any strong chemical detergent, powder, or other chemical agents (such asalcohol and benzene) to clean the device and the charger. Otherwise, parts of the devicemay be damaged or a fire can be caused. You can clean the device and the charger with apiece of damp and soft antistatic cloth. Power off the device before cleaning ormaintenance, and disconnect the charger from the device. Secure the headset slot cover,interface cover, and battery cover.l Do not dismantle the device or accessories. Otherwise, the warranty on the device and accessories is invalid and the manufacturer is not liable to pay for the damage.l If the device screen is broken by colliding with hard objects, do not touch or try toremove the broken part. In this case, stop using the device immediately, and then contactan authorized service center in time.l Avoid dropping, knocking, or vibrating the device. Otherwise, the internal circuit andstructure may be damaged. If the device or battery is dropped, especially on a hardsurface, and the user suspects damage, contact the device manufacturer.l Keep the headset jack plug, port plug and battery cover installed tightly.l Clear the water from the surface and loudspeaker of the device if it is exposed to water. Specific Absorption RateThe maximum Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) of this device is 1.6 watts/kilogram (W/kg). OthersThe functions of Wireless Access Systems including Radio Local Area Networks (WAS/RLANs) within the band 5150-5350 MHz for this device are restricted to indoor use onlywithin all European Union countries(BE/BG/CZ/DK/DE/EE/IE/EL/ES/FR/HR/IT/CY/LV/LT/LU/HU/MT/NL/AT/PL/PT/RO/SI/SK/FI/SE/UK/TR/NO/CH/IS/LI).2 AppearancePhone BodyFigure 2-1 shows the phone body of an EP631S.Figure 2-1 Phone body of an EP631STable 2-1 describes the components on the phone body of the EP631S.Table 2-1 Components on the phone body of an EP631SFunctions of the keys vary depending on the setting on the network side and the software version. KeypadFigure 2-2 shows the keypad of an EP631S.Table 2-2 describes the keys on the keypad.Figure 2-2 Keypad of an EP631STable 2-2 Keys on the keypad3 Installation and Use About This Chapter3.1 Attaching the Antenna3.2 Installing the Battery3.3 Installing the Back Clip3.4 Attaching the Strap3.5 Charging the Battery and the Phone3.6 Installing an SIM Card3.7 Powering On and Powering Off3.8 Indicator Status3.9 Others3.1 Attaching the AntennaFigure 3-1 illustrates how to attach the antenna of an EP631S.Figure 3-1 Attaching the antenna of an EP631S3.2 Installing the BatteryFigure 3-2 illustrates how to install the battery of an EP631S.Figure 3-2 Installing the battery of an EP631S3.3 Installing the Back ClipIf a back clip is required, install the back clip on a battery, and then install the battery on aphone.Figure 3-3 illustrates how to install the back clip of an EP631S.Figure 3-3 Installing the back clip of an EP631SFigure 3-4 shows how to remove the back clip from an EP631S.Figure 3-4 Removing the back clip of an EP631S3.4 Attaching the StrapFigure 3-5 illustrates how to attach the strap of an EP631S.Figure 3-5 Attaching the strap of an EP631S3.5 Charging the Battery and the PhoneFigure 3-6 illustrates how to charge an EP631S and its battery using a charger.Figure 3-6 Charging using the chargerl Power cables and power plugs vary with power supply standards. The power plugs in preceding figure are for reference onlyl To prolong the battery lifespan, charge the battery regularly. Charge the battery at least once per three months. Otherwise, the battery will be damaged.3.6 Installing an SIM CardFigure 3-7 illustrates how to install an SIM card on an EP631S. Before installing an SIMcard, open the battery cover and remove the battery.Figure 3-7 Inserting an SIM card3.7 Powering On and Powering OffPowering OnWhen an EP631S is off, hold down to power on the EP631S.Powering OffWhen an EP631S is on, hold down to power off EP631S.3.8 Indicator StatusTable 3-1 describes the relationship between the indicator and working status of the EP631S.Table 3-2 describes the relationship between the indicator and charging status of the charger.Table 3-1 EP631S indicator and working statusesTable 3-2 EP631S charger indicator and charging statuses3.9 OthersFor more information, see EP631S User Guide.。

信捷电气 XL 系列 PLC 扩展模块 用户手册说明书

信捷电气 XL 系列 PLC 扩展模块 用户手册说明书

XL系列PLC扩展模块用户手册无锡信捷电气股份有限公司资料编号:PL04 20230427 1.1.1信捷电气XL系列PLC扩展模块用户手册目录—————————————————————模块信息概要—————————————————————输入输出扩展模块XL-EnXmY —————————————————————模拟量输入模块XL-E4AD —————————————————————模拟量输入输出模块XL-E4AD2DA —————————————————————模拟量输入模块XL-E8AD-A —————————————————————模拟量输入模块XL-E8AD-V —————————————————————模拟量输入模块XL-E8AD-A-S —————————————————————模拟量输入模块XL-E8AD-V-S —————————————————————模拟量输出模块XL-E4DA —————————————————————PT100测温模块XL-E4PT3-P —————————————————————热电偶温度控制模块XL-E4TC-P —————————————————————n路压力测量模块XL-EnWT-D —————————————————————手册更新日志—————————————————————123456789101112本手册包含了基本的保证人身安全与保护本产品及连接设备应遵守的注意事项,这些注意事项在手册中以警告三角形加以突出,其他未竟事项请遵守基本的电气操作规程。




SonicWall NSsp 13700 快速入门指南说明书

SonicWall NSsp 13700 快速入门指南说明书

6 使用本機管理進行初始設定和註冊
1 使用 192.168.1.x 子網路 (例如 上的靜態 IP 位址設定您的電腦,並將網路遮罩設為。
2 使用隨附的乙太網路線,將 MGMT 介面連線至您的 電腦。
3 在網頁瀏覽器中前往 並使用預 設認證登入: Username (使用者名稱):admin Password (密碼):password
備註:當連線到 MGMT 介面時,若是沒有先在介面 設定中設定預設閘道,將無法連線至網際網路或其他 外部目的地。 7 按一下 Register (註冊) 並輸入您的 MySonicWall 認證,
以註冊您的 NSsp。 提示:從 SonicOS/X 註冊設備時,必須設定用於 WAN 介 面 的 DNS 設 定 值。若 為 DHCP WAN 類 型,則 DNS 已自動設定。
SonicWall 交換器
Cloud App Security
Capture Security Center
單一窗格管理,採用 Zero-Touch 部署
備註:隨附的電源線經核准僅供特定國家或地區使用。使用電源線之前,務必先確認其額定電 壓且經核准可供您所在位置使用。電源線僅供交流電源安裝使用。請參閱 NSsp 13700 安全、法 規和法律資訊文件,瞭解其他安全資訊。 有遺漏的項目? 請透過下列資訊聯絡 SonicWall 技術支援: https:///support/contact-support
X20 X23
10/5/2.5GE SFP+ 連接埠和 LED: 琥珀色燈長亮 = 以 10G、5G 或 2.5G 連線,琥珀色燈閃爍 = 動作中 綠燈長亮 = 以 1G 或更低速度連線,閃爍綠燈 = 動作中 熄滅 = 無連線

X1p 说明书 R5.0

X1p 说明书 R5.0
监听 ------------------------------------------------- 11
静噪打开 ------------------------------------------- 11
静噪级别调整 ------------------------------------- 11
个呼 ------------------------------------------------- 7
组呼 ------------------------------------------------- 7
全呼 ------------------------------------------------- 7
本产品仅限于能够满足射频能量辐射要求的职业应用。 使用者必须清楚了解射频辐射危害并可采取相应措施, 满足射频辐射限定要求。
射频指可以辐射到空间的电磁频率,是通讯、医疗、 食品加工等领域广泛使用的一种技术,在使用过程中 会产生一定的射频辐射。
为了确保用户的身心健康,来自科学、工程、医药、 健康和工业的专家们与相关组织共同研究制定了射频 辐射标准和准则,如下所示: 美国联邦通信委员会联邦政府法规汇编第 47 卷第
一键呼叫 ------------------------------------------------ 12
遥测 ------------------------------------------------- 12
优先打断 ------------------------------------------------ 12 紧急报警 ------------------------------------------------ 13



PTO Applications Chevrolet/GMCCatalog HY25-3005/USJuly 2002Supersedes P400A-CHV August 1999Parker Hannifin Corporation Chelsea Products DivisionOlive Branch, MS 38654 USABulletin HY25-2XXX-M1/USPower T ake-Off XXX SeriesThe items described in this document are hereby offered for sale by Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries or its authorized distributors. This offer and its acceptance are governed by the provisions stated in the "Offer of Sale".Offer of Sale© Copyright 2002, Parker Hannifin Corporation, All Rights ReservedIIParker Hannifin Corporation Chelsea Products DivisionOlive Branch, MS 38654 USA1CHEVROLET TRANSMISSION INDEXIMPORTANT: See Safety Information in thePower Take-Off Safety & General Information catalog HY25-3001/US.M-20 CHV-2 4 L36-R36225955 (4 Speed Synchro - Mesh) CHV-1 4L33591703 (4 Speed Synchro - Mesh) CHV-1 4L33Transmission P .T .O. Driver & Aperatures (Viewed from Rear of Transmission)L-Left Side R-Right Side B-Bottom Side T -Top SideParker Hannifin Corporation Chelsea Products DivisionOlive Branch, MS 38654 USA2ALLISONEngine %Caution: Application Approval Required for P.T.O. Output Shaft Speeds Above 2500 R.P.M.ALL-17Chelsea Inter.Torq.Dir.Rot.Filler BlockAdapter Assy.Stud KitPITCH LINE TO APERTURE FACE:TRANSMISSION GEAR DATA:®RevLoHi64 Teeth - SPURR.H. 6-Bolt Opening - Gear Forward of Centerline.6.8648" (25.6032MM)Stud KitAdapter Assy.Filler BlockRevLoHiEngine %Dir.Rot.Inter.Torq.(1) Input Gear Part No. 5-P-1294CAUTION: Failure to use the approved provided components may cause premature failure of the power take-off, the transmission and /or the pump/hydraulic system .NOTE: There is torque converter lock up feature available with the 1000 series transmission. The torque converter lock up feature comes on and is controlled by the Transmission Control Module (TCM) at 1100 RPM transmission turbine speed when a signal is provided to the "PTO Enable" circuit of the TCM by the PTO switch. This equates to 1200-1250 RPM or higher engine speed, depending on P.T.O. load. Lock up will only come on in the "PARK" position. The lock up clutch does not come on automatically in "DRIVE" at 1100 RPM. Refer to the appropriate owner's manual for wiring installation.NOTE: The P.T.O. torque ratings shown are based on the maximum allowable torque of 250lb-ft at the 64 tooth gear in the transmission with the P.T.O. on one opening only. With P.T.O.'s mounted on both openings the maximum allowable torque at the 64 tooth gear in the transmission is 200lb-ft. For a more precise evalution of your P.T.O. application refer to the Allison Body Builders Book, Section F, P.T.O. Systems Provisions.NOTE: The 251 series requires special installations kit for this application. This kit will come with the PTO ordered as a 251 Series. To convert a 250 Series to a 251 Series you will need to order the following kit to complete the installation. Kit number 329331X - Complete conversion kit. Reference P410-250/251 parts book for complete parts listing.NOTE: Only the 12v "B" option shifter can be used on this application.NOTE: The left PTO aperture opening on this application is not usable due to engine fuel lines blocking the opening.ONE SPEED - TWO GEARFurnished122Eng120251GDHVP-*5 (1)Pumps for 251 SeriesOPTION CODE 251 Series Pumps**Cubic Inch Gals/Min Maximum Maximum NUMBERDisplacement@1000 RPM Pressure (PSI)Speed (RPM)508CGP-P5C008-1AA 0.180.8044004000510CGP-P5C010-1AA 0.23 1.0044004000513CGP-P5C013-1AA 0.31 1.3444004000519CGP-P5C019-1AA 0.44 1.90440033001116CGP-P11C016-1AC 0.37 1.60440040001121CGP-P11C021-1AC 0.49 2.10440040001126CGP-P11C026-1AC 0.60 2.60440036001129CGP-P11C029-1AC 0.67 2.90440036001137CGP-P11C037-1AC 0.85 3.70440033001449CGP-P14C049-1AE 1.13 4.90300036001462CGP-P14C062-1AE1.436.2030003400** = All 251 Series Pumps MUST be Rear PortedJuly 2002Parker Hannifin Corporation Chelsea Products DivisionOlive Branch, MS 38654 USA3CHEVROLETEngine %Caution: Application Approval Required for P.T.O. Output Shaft Speeds Above 2500 R.P.M.Chelsea CHV-1PITCH LINE TO APERTURE FACE:TRANSMISSION GEAR DATA:33 Teeth - R.H. HELIXInter.Torq.Dir.Rot.Filler BlockAdapter Assy.Stud Kit®RevLoHiStud KitAdapter Assy.Filler BlockRevLoHiEngine %Dir.Rot.Inter.Torq.L.H. 6-Bolt Opening - Gear Forward of Centerline.1.1320" (28.7500MM)ONE SPEED - SINGLE GEARFurnished54Eng125100XRBJX-*3 (1)ONE SPEED - TWO GEARFurnished 41Opp 250442XLBJX-*5 (2)Furnished 61442XSBJX-*5 (2)200Opp Furnished 73442XUBJX-*5 (2)195Opp Furnished 86442XWBJX-*5 (2)175Opp Furnished102442XXBJX-*5 (2)140OppONE SPEED - DUAL SHAFTFurnished62Opp140452XSBJX-*5 (2)ONE SPEED FORWARD & REVERSEFurnished8062Opp140352XSBJX-*5 (2)(1) Gear and Shaft Kit No. KXA-2-P-573(2) Input Gear Part No. 5-P-1017NOTE: No adapters availableJuly 2002Parker Hannifin Corporation Chelsea Products DivisionOlive Branch, MS 38654 USA4CHEVROLETEngine %Caution: Application Approval Required for P.T.O. Output Shaft Speeds Above 2500 R.P.M.CHV-2Chelsea PITCH LINE TO APERTURE FACE:TRANSMISSION GEAR DATA:36 Teeth - R.H. HELIXInter.Torq.Dir.Rot.Filler BlockAdapter Assy.Stud KitPITCH LINE TO APERTURE FACE:TRANSMISSION GEAR DATA:®RevLoHi36 Teeth - R.H. HELIXStud KitAdapter Assy.Filler BlockRevLoHiEngine %Dir.Rot.Inter.Torq.L.H. 6-Bolt Opening - Gear to Rear of Centerline.1.0850" (27.5600MM)1.0850" (27.5600MM)R.H. 6-Bolt Opening - Gear to Rear of Centerline.ONE SPEED - SINGLE GEAR8000-12X57Eng125100XRBQX-*4 (1)Furnished57Eng100308712(*)ONE SPEED - TWO GEAR7170-89X 36Opp 250236KDBQX-*4 (2)7170-89X 36Opp 250236KDBQX-*6 (2)7170-89X 477170-89X 25047236KKBQX-*6 (2)236KKBQX-*4 (2)250Opp Opp 7170-89X 637170-89X 25063236KQBQX-*6 (2)236KQBQX-*4 (2)250Opp Opp 7170-89X 727170-89X 22572236KUBQX-*6 (2)236KUBQX-*4 (2)225Opp Opp 7170-89X 357170-89X 25035442KFBQX-*6 (3)442KFBQX-*4 (3)250Opp Opp 7170-89X 457170-89X 25045442KLBQX-*6 (2)442KLBQX-*4 (2)250Opp Opp 7170-89X 487170-89X 22548442KQBQX-*6 (2)442KQBQX-*4 (2)225Opp Opp 7170-89X 567170-89X 22556442KRBQX-*6 (2)442KRBQX-*4 (2)225Opp Opp 7170-89X 677170-89X 20067442KSBQX-*6 (2)442KSBQX-*4 (2)200Opp Opp 7170-89X 807170-89X 19580442KUBQX-*6 (2)442KUBQX-*4 (2)195Opp Opp 7170-89X 947170-89X 17594442KWBQX-*6 (2)442KWBQX-*4 (2)175Opp Opp 7170-89X1117170-89X140111442KXBQX-*6 (2)442KXBQX-*4 (2)140OppOppONE SPEED - DUAL SHAFT7170-89X68Opp140452XSBQX-*6 (2)7170-89X68Opp140452XSBQX-*6 (2)ONE SPEED FORWARD & REVERSE7170-2X 7-A-140 (5)3332Opp 200340XFBQX-*4 (4)7170-2X 7-A-140 (5)3332Opp 200340XFBQX-*4 (4)887170-89X68887170-89X14068352XSBQX-*6 (2)352XSBQX-*4 (2)140OppOppTWO SPEEDS FORWARD & REVERSE7170-90X654396Opp140321XNBQX-*47170-90X654396Opp140321XNBQX-*6GEARED ADAPTERS7170-89X 626KBQX-4BP 7170-89X 626KBQX-3BP 7170-89X7170-89X645KBQX-3BP645KBQX-4BP(1) Gear and Shaft Kit No. KXA-2-P-578(2) Input Gear Part No. 5-P-1023(3) Input Gear Part No. 5-P-1084(4) Input Gear Part No. 5-P-720(5) Filler block furnished with P.T.O.(*) Single Gear P.T.O. with Extra Long Shaft.July 2002Parker Hannifin Corporation Chelsea Products DivisionOlive Branch, MS 38654 USA5NEW VENTURE GEAREngine %Caution: Application Approval Required for P.T.O. Output Shaft Speeds Above 2500 R.P.M.Chelsea NVG-1PITCH LINE TO APERTURE FACE:TRANSMISSION GEAR DATA:32 Teeth - R.H. HELIXInter.Torq.Dir.Rot.Filler BlockAdapter Assy.Stud KitPITCH LINE TO APERTURE FACE:TRANSMISSION GEAR DATA:®RevLoHi32 Teeth - R.H. HELIXStud KitAdapter Assy.Filler BlockRevLoHiEngine %Dir.Rot.Inter.Torq.L.H. 6-Bolt Opening - Gear Forward of Centerline.1.0110" (25.6794MM)1.0110" (25.6794MM)R.H. 6-Bolt Opening - Gear Forward of Centerline.ONE SPEED - TWO GEARFurnished 48Opp 250442XLFBX-*3 (1)Furnished 48Opp 250442XLFBX-*5 (1)Furnished 52Furnished 22552442XQFBX-*5 (1)442XQFBX-*3 (1)225Opp Opp Furnished 60Furnished 22560442XRFBX-*5 (1)442XRFBX-*3 (1)225Opp Opp Furnished 72Furnished 20072442XSFBX-*5 (1)442XSFBX-*3 (1)200Opp Opp Furnished 85Furnished 19585442XUFBX-*5 (1)442XUFBX-*3 (1)195Opp Opp Furnished 100Furnished 175100442XWFBX-*5 (1)442XWFBX-*3 (1)175Opp Opp Furnished119Furnished140119442XXFBX-*5 (1)442XXFBX-*3 (1)140OppOppONE SPEED - DUAL SHAFTFurnished73Opp140452XSFBX-*3 (1)Furnished73Opp140452XSFBX-*3 (1)ONE SPEED FORWARD & REVERSEFurnished9473Opp140352XSFBX-*3 (1)Furnished9473Opp140352XSFBX-*5 (1)(1) Input Gear Part No. 5-P-1063NOTE: No adapters available for this application.NOTE: The 100 series is not released for this transmission because there is no tooth round on the P.T.O. drive gear.July 2002Parker Hannifin Corporation Chelsea Products DivisionOlive Branch, MS 38654 USA6NEW VENTURE GEAREngine %Caution: Application Approval Required for P.T.O. Output Shaft Speeds Above 2500 R.P.M.NVG-2Chelsea PITCH LINE TO APERTURE FACE:TRANSMISSION GEAR DATA:30 Teeth - R.H. HELIXInter.Torq.Dir.Rot.Filler BlockAdapter Assy.Stud KitPITCH LINE TO APERTURE FACE:TRANSMISSION GEAR DATA:®RevLoHi30 Teeth - R.H. HELIXStud KitAdapter Assy.Filler BlockRevLoHiEngine %Dir.Rot.Inter.Torq.L.H. 6-Bolt Opening - Gear Forward of Centerline.1.1200" (30.4800MM)1.1200" (30.4800MM)R.H. 6-Bolt Opening - Gear Forward of Centerline.ONE SPEED - TWO GEARFurnished 49Opp 250442XLFCX-*3 (1)Furnished 49Opp 250442XLFCX-*5 (1)Furnished 53Furnished 22553442XQFCX-*5 (1)442XQFCX-*3 (1)225Opp Opp Furnished 61Furnished 22561442XRFCX-*5 (1)442XRFCX-*3 (1)225Opp Opp Furnished 73Furnished 20073442XSFCX-*5 (1)442XSFCX-*3 (1)200Opp Opp Furnished 87Furnished 19587442XUFCX-*5 (1)442XUFCX-*3 (1)195Opp Opp Furnished 102Furnished 175102442XWFCX-*5 (1)442XWFCX-*3 (1)175Opp Opp Furnished121Furnished140121442XXFCX-*5 (1)442XXFCX-*3 (1)140OppOppONE SPEED - DUAL SHAFTFurnished74Opp140452XSFCX-*3 (1)Furnished74Opp140452XSFCX-*3 (1)ONE SPEED FORWARD & REVERSEFurnished9674Opp140352XSFCX-*3 (1)Furnished9674Opp140352XSFCX-*5 (1)GEARED ADAPTERSFurnished 626XFCX-3HP Furnished 626XFCX-4HP FurnishedFurnished645XFCX-4HP645XFCX-3HP(1) Input Gear Part No. 5-P-1064NOTE: The 100 series is not released for this transmission because there is no tooth round on the P.T.O. drive gear.July 2002Parker Hannifin Corporation Chelsea Products DivisionOlive Branch, MS 38654 USA7NOTESParker Hannifin Corporation Chelsea Products DivisionOlive Branch, MS 38654 USA8NOTESThe items described in this document and other documents or descriptions provided by Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and its authorized distributors are hereby offered for sale at prices to be established by Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and its authorized distributors. This offer and its acceptance by any customer ("Buyer") shall be governed by all of the following Terms and Conditions. Buyer’s order for any such items,when communicated to Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiary or an authorized distributor ("Seller") verbally or in writing, shall constitute acceptance of this offer.have the right to alter, discard or otherwise dispose of any special tooling or other property in its sole discretion at any time.8. Buyer’s Property: Any designs, tools, patterns, materials, drawings,confidential information or equipment furnished by Buyer or any other items which become Buyer’s property, may be considered obsolete and may be destroyed by Seller after two (2) consecutive years have elapsed without Buyer placing an order for the items which are manufactured using such property, Seller shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to such property while it is in Seller’s possession or control.9. Taxes: Unless otherwise indicated on the face hereof, all prices and charges are exclusive of excise, sales, use, property, occupational or like taxes which may be imposed by any taxing authority upon the manufac-ture, sale or delivery of the items sold hereunder. If any such taxes must be paid by Seller or if Seller is liable for the collection of such tax, the amount thereof shall be in addition to the amounts for the items sold. Buyer agrees to pay all such taxes or to reimburse Seller therefore upon receipt of its invoice. If Buyer claims exemption from any sales, use or other tax imposed by any taxing authority, Buyer shall save Seller harmless from and against any such tax, together with any interest or penalties thereon which may be assessed if the items are held to be taxable.10. Indemnity For Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights:Seller shall have no liability for infringement of any patents, trademarks,copyrights, trade dress, trade secrets or similar rights except as provided in this Part 10. Seller will defend and indemnify Buyer against allegations of infringement of U.S. Patents, U.S. Trademarks, copyrights, trade dress and trade secrets (hereinafter ‘Intellectual Property Rights’). Seller will defend at its expense and will pay the cost of any settlement or damages awarded in an action brought against Buyer based on an allegation that an item sold pursuant to this contract infringes the Intellectual Property Rights of a third party. Seller’s obligation to defend and indemnify Buyer is contingent on Buyer notifying Seller within ten (10) days after Buyer becomes aware of such allegations of infringe-ment, and Seller having sole control over the defense of any allegations or actions including all negotiations for settlement or compromise. If an item sold hereunder is subject to a claim that it infringes the Intellectual Property Rights of a third party, Seller may, at its sole expense and option, procure for Buyer the right to continue using said item, replace or modify said item so as to make it noninfringing, or offer to accept return of said item and return the purchase price less a reasonable allowance for depreciation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Seller shall have no liability for claims of infringement based on information provided by Buyer, or directed to items delivered hereunder for which the designs are specified in whole or part by Buyer, or infringements resulting from the modification, combination or use in a system of any item sold hereunder.The foregoing provisions of this Part 10 shall constitute Seller’s sole and exclusive liability and Buyer’s sole and exclusive remedy for infringe-ment of Intellectual Property Rights.If a claim is based on information provided by Buyer or if the design for an item delivered hereunder is specified in whole or in part by Buyer,Buyer shall defend and indemnify Seller for all costs, expenses or judgments resulting from any claim that such item infringes any patent,trademark, copyright, trade dress, trade secret or any similar right.11. Force Majeure: Seller does not assume the risk of and shall not be liable for delay or failure to perform any of Seller’s obligations by reason of circumstances beyond the reasonable control of Seller (hereinafter ‘Events of Force Majeure’). Events of Force Majeure shall include without limitation, accidents, acts of God, strikes or labor disputes, acts,laws, rules or regulations of any government or government agency,fires, floods, delays or failures in delivery of carriers or suppliers,shortages of materials and any other cause beyond Seller’s control.12. Entire Agreement/Governing Law: The terms and conditions set forth herein, together with any amendments, modifications and any different terms or conditions expressly accepted by Seller in writing, shall constitute the entire Agreement concerning the items sold, and there are no oral or other representations or agreements which pertain there/to.This Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the law of the State of Ohio. No actions arising out of the sale of the items sold hereunder or this Agreement may be brought by either party more than two (2) years after the cause of action accrues.9/01-P1. Terms and Conditions of Sale: All descriptions, quotations, propos-als, offers, acknowledgments, acceptances and sales of Seller’s prod-ucts are subject to and shall be governed exclusively by the terms and conditions stated herein. Buyer’s acceptance of any offer to sell is limited to these terms and conditions. Any terms or conditions in addition to, or inconsistent with those stated herein, proposed by Buyer in any accep-tance of an offer by Seller, are hereby objected to. No such additional,different or inconsistent terms and conditions shall become part of the contract between Buyer and Seller unless expressly accepted in writing by Seller. Seller’s acceptance of any offer to purchase by Buyer is expressly conditional upon Buyer’s assent to all the terms and conditions stated herein, including any terms in addition to, or inconsistent with those contained in Buyer’s offer, Acceptance of Seller’s products shall in all events constitute such assent.2. Payment: Payment shall be made by Buyer net 30 days from the date of delivery of the items purchased hereunder. Amounts not timely paid shall bear interest at the maximum rate permitted by law for each month or portion thereof that the Buyer is late in making payment. Any claims by Buyer for omissions or shortages in a shipment shall be waived unless Seller receives notice thereof within 30 days after Buyer’s receipt of the shipment.3. Delivery: Unless otherwise provided on the face hereof, delivery shall be made F.O.B. Seller’s plant. Regardless of the method of delivery,however, risk of loss shall pass to Buyer upon Seller’s delivery to a carrier. Any delivery dates shown are approximate only and Seller shall have no liability for any delays in delivery.4. Warranty: Seller warrants that the items sold hereunder shall be free from defects in material or workmanship for a period of:(A) All Power Take-Off units one (1) year from date of installation.(B) Except 267, 277, 278, 242, 244, 250, 251 and 859 series two (2) years from date of installation. THIS WARRANTY COMPRISES THE SOLE AND ENTIRE WARRANTY PERTAINING TO ITEMS PROVIDED HERE-UNDER. SELLER MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTY, GUARANTEE,OR REPRESENTATION OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER. ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, WHETHER EXPRESS, IM-PLIED, OR ARISING BY OPERATION OF LAW, TRADE USAGE, OR COURSE OF DEALING ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. NOTWITH-STANDING THE FOREGOING, THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES WHAT-SOEVER ON ITEMS BUILT OR ACQUIRED WHOLLY OR PAR-TIALLY, TO BUYER’S DESIGNS OR SPECIFICATIONS.5. Limitation Of Remedy: SELLER’S LIABILITY ARISING FROM OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE ITEMS SOLD OR THIS CON-TRACT SHALL BE LIMITED EXCLUSIVELY TO REPAIR OR RE-PLACEMENT OF THE ITEMS SOLD OR REFUND OF THE PUR-CHASE PRICE PAID BY BUYER, AT SELLER’S SOLE OPTION. IN NO EVENT SHALL SELLER BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CON-SEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND OR NATURE WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOST PROFITS ARISING FROM OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THIS AGREE-MENT OR ITEMS SOLD HEREUNDER, WHETHER ALLEGED TO ARISE FROM BREACH OF CONTRACT, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, OR IN TORT, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION,NEGLIGENCE, FAILURE TO WARN OR STRICT LIABILITY.6. Changes, Reschedules and Cancellations: Buyer may request to modify the designs or specifications for the items sold hereunder as well as the quantities and delivery dates thereof, or may request to cancel all or part of this order, however, no such requested modification or cancellation shall become part of the contract between Buyer and Seller unless accepted by Seller in a written amendment to this Agreement.Acceptance of any such requested modification or cancellation shall be at Seller’s discretion, and shall be upon such terms and conditions as Seller may require.7. Special Tooling: A tooling charge may be imposed for any special tooling, including without limitation, dies, fixtures, molds and patterns,acquired to manufacture items sold pursuant to this contract. Such special tooling shall be and remain Seller’s property notwithstanding payment of any charges by Buyer. In no event will Buyer acquire any interest in apparatus belonging to Seller which is utilized in the manufac-ture of the items sold hereunder, even if such apparatus has been specially converted or adapted for such manufacture and notwithstand-ing any charges paid by Buyer. Unless otherwise agreed, Seller shallOffer of SaleParker Hannifin Corporation Chelsea Products DivisionOlive Branch, MS 38654 USAParker Hannifin Corporation Chelsea Products Division 8225 Hacks Cross Road Olive Branch, MS 38654 USA Phone: (662) 895-1011Fax: (662) 895-1019/chelsea Catalog HY25-3005/US, 8M, 07/02, TGHydraulics GroupSales Offices Integrated Hydraulics Division 595 Schelter Road Lincolnshire, IL 60069Phone: (847) 955-5000Fax: (847) 821-9622/ihd。

第6章 DSP系统初始化及中断..

第6章 DSP系统初始化及中断..

ZSD-U1 系列 交流伺服用户手册说明书

ZSD-U1 系列 交流伺服用户手册说明书
4.3.1 密码的输入与修改 ..............................................41 4.3.2 参数设置 ....................................................-U1 系列交流伺服驱动器
3.2 端口名称及功能 ....................................................26 3.2.1 端口介绍 ......................................................26 3.2.2 端口详细说明 ..................................................27
6.1 伺服系统的 JOG 控制................................................ 61 6.2 伺服系统的位置控制................................................ 62 6.3 伺服系统的速度控制................................................ 62 6.4 伺服系统的转矩控制................................................ 63 6.5 伺服系统的内部速度控制............................................ 64 6.6 伺服系统的内部四段位置控制 ........................................ 64
第 5 章 参 数................................................................. 44

hios 无刷电动螺丝刀 blg-zero1系列 操作说明书

hios 无刷电动螺丝刀 blg-zero1系列 操作说明书







・可组合使用的外部螺丝计数器的机种如下: 带螺丝计数器的电源:BLOP-STC3 分离式计数器:BLOP-SC1●请避免使用可与螺丝刀组合使用以外的电源。



无碳刷电动螺丝刀内置螺丝计数/脉冲系统BLG-ZERO1系列操作说明书(2017年4月现在)使用说明书NO.WT-A005-ZERO1 17A制造商 株式会社 HIOS总公司 邮编270-2223 日本国千叶县松户市秋山1-16-5TEL:81-47-392-2001 FAX:81-47-392-7773❶设定按钮设定学习和计数。

❷显示部 显示螺丝紧固计数和错误代码。

❸PASS(合格)显示灯* 螺丝紧固结果是"OK"时,绿色LED亮灯。


* 螺丝刀启动后,PASS显示灯或Fail显示灯灭灯。

计数显示部❷❸❹❶螺丝紧固的合格与否判定与计数功能的设定1 按下设定按钮。



2 使用实际螺丝在实际使用的工件上紧固螺丝6●如中途导致学习失败,请按下设定按钮进行重新学习。


3 按下设定按钮2秒以上。



嵌入式系统原理与应用实验指导书南航金城学院2013.2目录目录 (1)第一部分试验箱硬件结构 (2)第二部分实验 (11)实验一ADS1.2集成开发环境练习 (11)实验二汇编指令实验1 (17)实验三汇编指令实验2 (20)实验四汇编指令实验3 (23)实验五ARM微控制器工作模式实验 (28)实验六 C语言程序实验 (33)实验七 C语言调用汇编程序实验 (36)实验八GPIO输出控制实验 (39)实验九GPIO输入实验 (46)实验十外部中断实验 (50)实验十一UART通讯实验 (56)实验十二I2C接口实验 (64)实验十三定时器实验 (75)实验十四PWM DAC实验 (81)实验十五ADC实验 (87)实验十六RTC实验 (94)实验十七步进电机控制实验 (101)实验十八直流电机控制实验 (105)附录1 DeviceARM2410 专用工程模板 ..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。




图1.1 MagicARM2410实验箱外观图MagicARM2410实验箱功能框图如图1.2所示。

图1.2 MagicARM2410实验箱功能框图1.1 S3C2410A芯片简介S3C2410A是Samsung公司推出的16/32位RISC处理器(ARM920T内核),适用于手持设备、POS机、数字多媒体播放设备等等,具有低价格、低功耗、高性能等特点。





二、电容的定义与作用1. 电容是一种储存电荷的器件,通常由两个导体之间的绝缘材料构成。

2. 电容器的主要作用是储存电荷,在电路中起到储能、隔直通交、滤波等作用。

3. 0.01uf的电容具有较小的电容值,适用于一些高频、低功率的电子器件中的电路设计。

三、Proteus中的使用1. 在Proteus中,选择“电容器”元件,可以找到各种不同值的电容器。


2. 将0.01uf的电容器拖放到绘制电路的画布上,连接其他元件进行电路设计。

3. 在仿真过程中,可以对0.01uf的电容进行参数调整,观察不同条件下电路的运行情况。

四、0.01uf电容的应用领域1. 0.01uf的电容适用于通信设备中的射频模块、天线、滤波器等电路。

2. 在功率电子领域,0.01uf的电容常用于开关电源、逆变器、变频器等电路中。

3. 在传感器、控制系统中,0.01uf的电容也扮演着重要的角色。

五、0.01uf电容的特点与选型注意事项1. 0.01uf的电容具有较小的电容值,适用于一些对电容值要求较高的电路设计。

2. 在选择0.01uf电容时,需要考虑其工作频率范围、工作温度范围、精度要求等参数。

3. 0.01uf电容的工作频率范围一般在数百千赫兹至数兆赫兹之间,需根据具体应用场景选择合适的型号。







ABB drives Hardware manual du/dt filters AOCH0260-70 AOCH0400-70 NOCH0016-6x NOCH0030-6x NOCH0070-6x NOCH0120-6x NOCH0260-60 NOCH0400-60 NOCH0760-603AFE58933368 REV GENEFFECTIVE: 2009-09-15© 2009 ABB Oy. All Rights Reserved.3 Table of contentsTable of contentsAbout this manualWhat this chapter contains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Target audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Operation principleWhat this chapter contains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Operation principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Graphs illustrating the effect of the du/dt filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Selecting the du/dt filterWhat this chapter contains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Filter selection procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Applicability checks of the pre-selected filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Maximum current and heat dissipation capacity of the filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10InstallationWhat this chapter contains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 General notes and restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Mechanical installation and tightening torques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Tightening torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Power connection diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Detail photos of the NOCH0120-6 connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Technical dataAmbient conditions, operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Ambient conditions, storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Ambient conditions, transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Table of contents4Internal circuit diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Dimension drawingsFurther informationProduct and service inquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Product training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Providing feedback on ABB Drives manuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Document library on the Internet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Table of contents5 About this manualWhat this chapter containsThe chapter describes the target audience and safety in short.Target audienceThe manual is intended for people who select, plan the installation, install,commission and use the du/dt filter. Read the manual before working on the filter.The reader is expected to know the fundamentals of electricity, wiring, electricalcomponents and electrical schematic symbols.The manual is written for readers worldwide. Both SI and imperial units are shown.SafetyOnly qualified specialists are allowed to install, commission and maintain the du/dtfilter.The complete safety instructions for the drive are given in the drive hardwaremanual. Read and follow the complete safety instructions before working on thedrive.The following instructions are intended for all who install and service the du/dt filter.Ignoring the following instructions can cause physical injury or death, or damage tothe equipment.WARNING!•The filter is heavy. Lift the filter by the lifting holes only.•Ground the filter properly:- Fasten the filter with the four fastening screws to a metallic installation base.- Ensure that there is a proper galvanic connection in between the base andthe PE busbar of the cabinet.•Beware of hot surfaces. The surface temperature of the du/dt filter can exceed 150°C (302°F) during operation. Let the filter cool off for two hours beforeservicing it.•Ensure sufficient cooling. See chapter Installation.About this manual6About this manual7 Operation principleWhat this chapter containsThe chapter describes the operation of the du/dt filter and the intended use.Operation principleThe drive employs modern IGBT inverter technology. Regardless of frequency, thedrive output comprises pulses of approximately the drive DC bus voltage with a veryshort rise time. The pulse voltage can almost double at the motor terminals,depending on the attenuation and reflection properties of the motor cable and theterminals. This can cause additional stress on the motor and motor cable insulation.Modern variable speed drives with their fast rising voltage pulses and high switchingfrequencies can generate current pulses that flow through the motor bearings, whichcan gradually erode the bearing races and rolling elements.The common mode filters mainly reduce bearing currents. The du/dt filters alsoprotect the motor insulation system.To avoid damage to motor bearings and insulation system:•Select and install the cables according to the instructions given in the hardware manual.•Check if the installation needs to be equipped with additional protectionequipment, such as insulated N-end bearings in the motor, or the drive outputfilters. The requirements are specified in the drive Hardware manual. See chapterPlanning the electrical installation, section Selecting the motor, and chapter du/dtfilter.Operation principleOperation principle8Graphs illustrating the effect of the du/dt filterThe graphs show the peak line-to-line voltage (ÛLL ) and voltage change (du/dt) at the motor terminals as a function of the motor cable length. ÛLL and du/dt are scaled to the nominal line-to-line voltage (U N ). To calculate the actual peak voltage value in volts and du/dt value in volts per microsecond, multiply the values of the graph by the supply voltage (U N ).The values in the first graph are measured with an ABB du/dt filter while the second graph without any output filtering. The values in the second graph are onlyrepresentative. The actual unfiltered du/dt values depend on the drive type, and are usually in the range of 1 to 5kV/microsecond.In case of drives with an IGBT supply unit or resistor braking, the ÛLL and du/dt values are approximately 20% higher.The voltage rise time can be calculated as follows: t = 0.8 · ÛLL /(du/dt).ÛLL /U NWithout du/dt FilterCable length (m)du/dtU N------------(1/μs) length (m)With du/dt Filterdu/dtU N------------(1/μs)ÛLL /U N5.5Selecting the du/dt filter9Selecting the du/dt filterWhat this chapter containsThe chapter instructs in selecting a du/dt filter for your drive.Filter selection procedure1) For the ACS800 drives, the data can be found either from the appropriate Technical catalog orHardware manual . The PDF files are available at /drives .Applicability checks of the pre-selected filterLong or several parallel motor cables, or special cable types may cause excessive temperature rise in the filter. Therefore, check that the pre-selected filter fulfils these general requirements valid for every installation:•The motor cable length does not exceed the maximum allowed length. The maximum length is given in the Hardware manua l of the drive. For some filter types the length is still restricted independent on the drive type. Check themaximum values in section General notes and restrictions starting from page 11.•The energy loss in the du/dt filter does not exceed the maximum heat dissipation capacity of the filter (E max ) given in subsection Maximum current and heat dissipation capacity of the filter below. The energy loss is calculated as follows: E = ½ · C · (U dc )2 where•The current through the filter does not exceed the maximum value given in subsection Maximum current and heat dissipation capacity of the filter below .Step What to doMore information1.Check whether a du/dt filter is needed in the installation.The requirements are specified in the drive Hardware manual . See chapter Planning the electrical installation , section Selecting the motor , and chapter du/dt filter .1)2.Pre-select a filter according to the drive type.Filter selection tables are in the drive Hardware manual .1) The pre-selected filter is suitable for most applications.3.Check that the pre-selected filter is suitable for your application.Section Applicability checks of the pre-selected filter below.If the checks are passed, use the pre-selected filter. If any of the conditions is not met, choose a bigger filter, use two filters in series or change the motor cabling.E energy loss in the du/dt filterCtotal capacitance of the motor cable(s), i.e. the product of the capacitance/length value given in the cable catalogue and the length of the motor cable. In case of parallel motor cables, the total capacitance is the sum of the individual cable capacitance. U dc average intermediate circuit DC voltage of the drive = approximately 1.35 · U N U Nsupply voltage.====10Maximum current and heat dissipation capacity of the filterThe maximum current (I th) and heat dissipation capacity (E max) of the filter are givenin the table below.400 V500 V690 VDu/dt filter type I th / A rms I th / A rms I th / A rms E max / mJ P loss / WNOCH0016-60/219191524110NOCH0016-65191915858NOCH0030-60/241412828167NOCH0030-65414128995NOCH0070-60/21121126535210NOCH0070-651121126512150NOCH0120-6017816411394240*NOCH0120-6216615711347210*NOCH0120-6516615711315180*NOCH0260-60375345230134441*NOCH0400-60521495351252750*AOCH0260-70 1)26125817794309*AOCH0400-70 1)445440280176525*AOCH0260-70 2)375345230134441*AOCH0400-70 2)521495351252750*1) Filters mounted on top of each other2) Filters mounted side by side* Value is for a kit, which includes three filters.Selecting the du/dt filterInstallationWhat this chapter containsThis chapter contains general note and restrictions to be considered in theinstallation, and shows the connections diagrams.General notes and restrictionsWARNING! Do not attempt any work on a powered drive. After switching off themains, always allow the intermediate circuit capacitors 5 minutes to discharge beforeworking on the frequency converter, the motor or the motor cable. Check (with avoltage indicating instrument) that the drive is in fact discharged before beginningwork.•Encase the non-enclosed (IP00) filters to meet the safety requirements (for cabinet installation solely).•Beware of hot surfaces. The surface of the IP22/IP54 filter housing can reach a temperature up to 40 °C higher than the ambient temperature.•Use shielded cable between enclosures.•Mount the filter on a mounting structure that is of non-flammable material and strong enough to carry the weight of the filter.•Ground the filter to the protective earth (PE) terminal of the cabinet. No separate grounding conductor is needed if there is proper galvanic connection through thefilter fixing screws and the mounting plate.•Maximum allowed drive output frequency: 120 Hz•Maximum allowed average switching frequency:3 kHz (converter units with supply voltage < 500 V) or2 kHz (converter units with supply voltage > 500 V)Change the switching frequency with a drive parameter. If there is no suchparameter in the drive sw, apply the settings to be used with long motor cables.For example, for the ACS850 drive, set parameter 40.01 Motor noise to valueDefault.•Maximum cable length between the drive output and the filter: 3 m•Maximum motor cable length for AOCH0xxx-70 filters: 300 m (cumulative for several parallel-connected motors)•Maximum motor cable length for NOCH0xxx-6x filters (cumulative for several parallel-connected motors):•The filters cool by natural convection. The air space above the filter is hot (up to 70 °C (158 °F) depending on the installation and operating conditions). Take this into account in the cabinet design.•The following free space requirements apply for the AOCH0xxx-70 filters:150 mm free space on each free side. Exception: 500 mm above the filter if installed below the drive. Exception: 50 mm between the single phase filters which are connected to the same drive.If filters are mounted on top of each other with single drive types 0320-5,0610-5 and 0610-7, the filters need a minimum of 700m 3/h of forced cooling. Maximum of three filters can be mounted on top of each other.NOCH0016-60/62NOCH0030-60/62NOCH0070-60/62NOCH0120-62150 m(can be increased to 300 m by connecting two filters in series)NOCH0016-65NOCH0030-65NOCH0070-65NOCH0120-6550 m(can be increased to 100 m by connecting two filters in series)NOCH0120-60NOCH0260-60NOCH0400-60NOCH0760-60300 m150 / 500 mm150 mm150 mm150 mm150 / 50 mm150 mm150 mm150 / 500 mm150 mmAOCH filters side by sideAOCH filters on top of each other•NOCH0xxx-6x filters cool by natural convection, thus the following free space requirements apply:Enclosed (IP22 and IP54) filter units:300 mm on each free side. Exception: 500 mm above the filter if installed belowthe drive.Non-enclosed (IP00) filter units:300 mm on each free side. Exception: 50 mm between single phase filtersconnected to the same drive. Exception: 500 mm above the filter if installedbelow the drive.•Busbar and enclosure clearance distances from the input and output terminals and coil surfaces must be at least 15 mm (0.59 in.). Pay attention to the localregulations. Note: Due to high temperature of the coil surfaces during operation,route the motor cables at least 50 mm (1.97 in.) away from the coil surfaces andsecure them appropriately.Mechanical installation and tightening torques1.Lift the filter by the lifting holes to the installation position.2.Fasten the filter with four screws at the fastening points in the mounting legs.See chapter Dimension drawings for the dimensions.Tightening torqueThe following table applies to grade 8.8 screws with or without joint compound.Screw Torque[Nm][lbf ft]M5 3.5 2.6M69 6.6M82014.8M104029.5M127051.6M16180132.8Power connection diagramsNOCH0260-60NOCH0400-60NOCH0760-60NOCH0400-60NOCH0016-6x NOCH0030-6x NOCH0070-6x NOCH0120-6x NOCH0260-60 NOCH0400-60 NOCH0760-60 AOCH0260-70AOCH0400-70NOCH0760-60NOCH0400-60NOCH0400-60Detail photos of the NOCH0120-6 connectionIsolate the ends of the cable lugs with insulating tape or shrink tubing.PENOCH0120-6x: Cable lug installation [16to 70mm 2(6to 2/0AWG)cables]NOCH0120-6x: Cable terminal installation [95to 185mm 2(3/0to 350AWG)cables]a. Connect the cable to the terminal.b. Connect the terminal to the drive.WARNING! If the wire size is less than 95 mm 2 (3/0 AWG), a cable lug must be used. A cable of wire size less than 95 mm 2 (3/0 AWG) connected to this terminal willloosen and may damage the drive.PEbaTechnical dataNominal voltage: 380 … 690 V ± 10%.Rated short-time withstand current: 50 kA 1 s.Applicable standards and markings: EN 60204-1, EN 60529, EN 61800-3,EN50178, CE marking, UL approval.Ambient conditions, operationAir temperature: -15 to +50 °C. At temperatures from +40 °C to +50 °C, the ratedoutput current is decreased by 1% for every additional 1°C. The output current iscalculated by multiplying the current given in the rating table by the derating factor.Relative humidity: 5% to 95%, no condensation allowed. Maximum allowed relativehumidity is 60% in the presence of corrosive gases.Installation site altitude: 0 to 4000 m. At altitudes from 1000 to 4000m above thesea level, the rated output current is decreased by 1% for every 100 m.Vibration:AOCH0xxx-70: Max 1 mm (5 to 13.2 Hz), max 7 m/s2 (13.2 to 100 Hz) sinusoidal(IEC 60068-2)NOCH0xxx-6x: Max 0.3 mm (2 to 9 Hz), max 1 m/s2 (9 to 200 Hz) sinusoidal(IEC60068-2)Shock: Max 70 m/s2, 22 ms (IEC 60068-2-27)Ambient conditions, storageTemperature: -40 to +70 °C.Relative humidity: Less than 95%, no condensation allowedAtmospheric pressure: 70 to 106 kPaVibration:AOCH0xxx-70: Max 1 mm (5 to 13.2 Hz), max 7 m/s2 (13.2 to 100 Hz) sinusoidal(IEC 60068-2)NOCH0xxx-6x: Max 0.3 mm (2 to 9 Hz), max 1 m/s2 (9 to 200 Hz) sinusoidal (IEC60068-2)Shock: Max 100 m/s2, 11 ms (IEC 60068-2-27)Ambient conditions, transportationAmbient transportation conditions refer to the conditions du/dt filters are subjected toduring transportation in the protective package.Temperature: -40 to +70 °CTechnical dataTechnical dataRelative humidity: Less than 95%, no condensation allowed.Atmospheric pressure: 60 to 106 kPaVibration: Max 3.5 mm (2 to 9 Hz), max 15 m/s 2 (9 to 200 Hz) sinusoidal (IEC 60068-2)Shock: Max 100 m/s 2, 11 ms (IEC 60068-2-27)Bump: Max 300 m/s 2, 6 ms (IEC 60068-2-29)Free fall: 250 mmInternal circuit diagrams1 (A)2 (X) Connect the input terminals together.outputinput NOCH0120-601 (A)2 (X)NOCH0260-60NOCH0400-60NOCH0760-601. (A)2 (X)U1V1W1U2V2W2PE NOCH0016-6xNOCH0030-6x NOCH0070-6xU1V1W1U2V2W2PENOCH0120-6xDimension drawingsDimension drawingsDimension drawingsDimension drawingsDimension drawingsDimension drawingsDimension drawingsDimension drawingsDimension drawings64787845-AN O C H 0120-62, N O C H 0120-65 W e i g h t 45 k g (99 l b s )d u /d t f i l t e r k i t i n c l u d e s 3 f i l t e r s .Further informationProduct and service inquiriesAddress any inquiries about the product to your local ABB representative, quoting the type designation and serial number of the unit in question. A listing of ABB sales, support and service contacts can be found by navigating to /drives and selecting Sales, Support and Service network.Product trainingFor information on ABB product training, navigate to /drives and select Training courses.Providing feedback on ABB Drives manualsYour comments on our manuals are welcome. Go to /drives and select Document Library – Manuals feedback form (LV AC drives).Document library on the InternetYou can find manuals and other product documents in PDF format on the Internet. Go to /drives and select Document Library. You can browse the library or enter selection criteria, for example a document code, in the search field.3A F E 58933368 R E V G / E NE F F E C T I V E : 2009-09-15ABB Oy DrivesP .O. Box 184FI-00381 HELSINKI FINLANDTelephone +358 10 22 11Fax +358 10 22 22681Internet ABB Inc.Automation Technologies Drives & Motors16250 West Glendale Drive New Berlin, WI 53151USATelephone 262 785-3200800-HELP-365Fax 262 780-5135ABB Beijing Drive Systems Co. Ltd.No. 1, Block D, A-10 Jiuxianqiao Beilu Chaoyang DistrictBeijing, P .R. China, 100015Telephone +86 10 5821 7788Fax +86 10 5821 7618Internet 。

Parrot MKi9000 用户指南说明书

Parrot MKi9000 用户指南说明书

Parrot MKi9000User guideContentsContents (2)Installation (3)Before you begin (3)Checking the car configuration (3)Caution (3)Removing the car stereo (3)Installing the kit (4)Car stereo with ISO connectors (4)Car stereo with line-in (5)Installing the electronic box (5)Installing the kit’s power cable (6)Installing the audio connectors (6)Installing the individual components (7)Installing the double microphone (7)Installing the remote control (8)Getting started (10)Navigating through the menus (10)Associating the remote control to the electronic box (10)Commands (11)Establishing a Bluetooth connection with a phone (12)Using a phone with the Parrot MKi9000 for the first time (12)Using the Parrot MKi9000 with 2 phones (12)Dual mode allows you to simultaneously connect two phones to the Parrot MKi9000. (12)Managing the “Memory full” problem (13)Synchronizing the phonebook (14)Phone (15)Making and receiving calls (15)Making a call (15)Receiving a call (15)Using the Parrot MKi9000 while on a call (16)Using voice recognition (18)Receiving a call via voice recognition (18)Making a call via voice recognition (18)Music (20)Using the Parrot MKi9000 with an external source (20)Using the Parrot MKi9000 with an iPod / iPhone (20)Using the Parrot MKi9000 with a USB peripheral (21)Using the Parrot MKi9000 with an audio player connected via Bluetooth (21)Using the Parrot MKi9000 with an analogue audio player (21)Commands (22)Settings (23)Using the Virtual Super Bass effect (23)Deactivating the Mute on Streaming (23)InstallationBefore you beginChecking the car configuration∙The cables supplied with the kit feature ISO connectors and two pairs of line-out jacks. The line-out jacks can be used if your audio system features this option (use of an amplifier). Several set-ups aretherefore possible depending on the type of car stereo and your vehicle.∙If your car stereo is not fitted with ISO connectors, you need to purchase an ISO adapter cable to simplify the wiring procedure. Refer to the range of ISO adapters on our website.Caution∙Unplug the battery before installing the kit’s power cable.∙Before you install the individual components, check that the installation locations have been selected in such a way that the cable length is sufficient to connect every element.∙Do not install any component (remote control, microphone…) in the airbag deployment area.∙Once the installation is complete, make sure that no cables are pinched or trapped.Removing the car stereo∙Remove your car stereo from you vehicle. You may need release keys to do so.► Refer to your car stereo user guide or contact your car dealer for more information.∙Remove the audio system from your vehicles dashboard to access the wiring harness.∙The mute function is used to cut the sound of your car stereo to enable a phone call. The choice of the mute-in jack depends on your car stereo’s configuration.Installing the kitCar stereo with ISO connectors1.Connect the male connectors of the hands-free kit to the car stereo.2.Join the vehicle’s audio and power supply cables to the female connectors of the Parrot MKi9000.3.On the installation cable, connect the free yellow wir e to one of the audio system’s correspondingmute-in jacks if available (mute in 1, mute in 2 or mute in 3).Car stereo with line-in∙Use this type of connection by wiring the line-out (brown & white wire or red & black wire) to your car stereo’s line-in.∙Using the two pairs of line-out will enable you to take advantage of the music function in stereo over your veh icle’s speakers.∙On the installation cable, connect the free yellow wire to the corresponding audio system’s mute-input if available (mute in 1, mute in 2 or mute in 3).Installing the electronic box∙Avoid installing the electronic box near heating or air-conditioning system, on a spot directly exposed to sunlight or behind metal walls.∙Make sure the electronic box stays fixed once it is installed and that it will not move while you are driving.∙Do not reinstall the car stereo forcibly. If you are short of space behind the car stereo to install the electronic box, consider installing it in the glove box.Install ing the kit’s power cable∙Refer to your car stereo’s wiring diagram.∙The red wire of the kit’s cable must correspond to the constant +12V supply, the orange wire to the ignition +12V and the black wire to ground. Check that the orange wire is not connected to theconstant +12V supply, as you could run down the vehicle’s battery.Installing the audio connectorsInstalling the music cable Connect the music cable to the electronic box and place the USB / iPod / Jack connectors into the glove box, the central console or the parcel tray depending on the configuration of your dashboard. Make sure that the cable is not pinched.Installing the music cable grommet system The music cable grommet system allows you to adjust the cable lengthwhile reducing its wear.1.Drill a 20 mm hole in your dashboard (glove compartment or parcel tray).2.Insert manually two flexible arms of the grommet system.e a flat screwdriver in order to insert the last two arms.> You can now connect your music cable to the bluebox.Installing the individual componentsInstalling the double microphoneSelecting a location In order to get hi-quality conversations, we advise you to respect the followingrecommendations:∙Make sure the microphone is installed as close to the mouth of the user as possible.The ideal distance is 60 cm. The best possible location for the microphone is nearthe rear-view mirror.∙The microphone needs to be pointed towards the user.D < 60 cmα < 45°∙Make sure the microphone is not exposed to the air stream from air vents.∙Do not install the microphone cable in heating, ventilation or air conditioning systems.Mounting the double microphone ∙The mounting location for the microphone must be clean and free from grease or dust. Prior to installation, clean the area with an appropriate cleansing product.∙Once you have stuck the support on the dashboard, wait for approximately 2 hours to make sure the adhesive tape adheres well.Installing the remote controlInstalling the remote control on the steering wheel If you want to place the remote control on the steering wheel, make sure it is securely attached, so that it does not move when you are driving.Installing the remote control on the dashboardIf you want to place the remote control on the dashboard, stick the double-sided tape located on the flat side of the bracket to fix it against the dashboard. You can then insert the remote onto the bracket.Replacing the battery∙ The remote control only works with a 3V CR2032 battery.∙ Make sure the battery is correctly positioned before inserting it into the remote control.Getting startedNavigating through the menusAssociating the remote control to the electronic boxIf the remote control doesn’t seem to be associated to the electronic box while using the Parrot MKi9000:After verifying the CR2032 battery is properly inserted inthe remote unit, press and hold the and buttonsthen press the button several times. This has to be doneduring a 30 seconds period once the ignition is turned on.Within 1 to 2 seconds, you should then hear a voicemessage saying “Remote control pairing successful”. Atthat time, you can release the buttons and the remoteshould then be paired with the kit and the message will goaway. Youcan verify remote operation by navigatingthrough the menus.CommandsAccessing the main menu Press the central jog wheel to access the menus. > The kit says the name of the current menu.Browsing through themenus∙Turn the jog wheel to browse through the menus.∙Press the button or the jog wheel to confirm.∙Press the button to get back to the previous menu.Establishing a Bluetooth connection with a phoneUsing a phone with the Parrot MKi9000 for the first timePairing a phone 1.From your phone, search for Bluetooth® peripherals.2.Select «MKi9000» in the list.3.Enter «0000» on your phone when prompted.> The Parrot MKi9000 says «Pairing successful».Automatic connection Once your phone is paired to the Parrot MKi9000, the connection between both devices will be automatically established each time you enter your vehicle.Using the Parrot MKi9000 with 2 phonesDual mode allows you to simultaneously connect two phones to the Parrot MKi9000.Activating dual mode To activate dual mode and connect two phones, select Dual mode.Connecting two phones to the Parrot MKi9000 When the Parrot MKi9000 is switched on, it attempts to connect all paired phones in the vehicle. If there are more than two paired phones in the vehicle, the device connects the two phones with the oldest pairing.Main and secondary phones ∙When two phones are connected to the Parrot MKi9000, one of them becomes the main phone and the other is the secondary phone.∙By default, the main phone is the one with the oldest pairing to the Parrot MKi9000.∙To define the secondary phone as your main phone (and make your main phonethe new secondary phone), press and hold for two seconds.Making and receiving calls ∙You can receive calls (manually or through voice recognition) to your main or secondary phones. The Parrot MKi9000 ringtone varies according to the phone receiving the call.∙Only the phonebook for your main phone may be accessed through the ParrotMKi9000. You can only make calls using your main phone. However, you caneasily switch between the connected phones by pressing and holding for twoseconds.∙If you receive a call to one of your phones while you are on the other phone,only the latter will ring. You can take the call directly on that phone but not viathe Parrot MKi9000.Managing the “Memory full” problemYou can pair up to 10 devices with the Parrot MKi9000.If you attempt to pair a 11th phone, the Parrot MKi9000 says “Memory full”. To pair a new phone, you mustclear the memory by holding down simultaneously the and button for 3 seconds. Doing so will also delete all your contacts.Synchronizing the phonebookAutomatic synchronisation With most of the Bluetooth phones, the phonebook is automatically synchronized in the kit’s memory. Refer to the compatibility section of our website for more information.Sending contacts via Object Push If your phone doesn’t support automatic synchronization, you can also send contacts from your mobile to the car kit via Object Push. To do so:1.Press the jog wheel and select Settings > Receive contacts.2.Refer to your phones ‘user guide for more information about sending contactsvia Object Push.PhoneBefore using your Parrot MKi9000 telephone function, you first have to connect it with your phone.► For more information,refer to the Establishing a Bluetooth connection with a phone section.Making and receiving callsMaking a callCalling a contact in the phonebook If the contact you want to call is in the phonebook of the phoneconnected to the Parrot MKi9000:1.Press the jog wheel to enter the main menu and select Phonebook.2.Select a letter and press the jog wheel.> Once the contact chosen:- Press the button to call this contact.- Or use the jog wheel to choose between different numbersof the same contact.Bringing up the last dialled number Hold down the key of the Parrot MKi9000 for two seconds to redial the last dialled number.Receiving a callAn incoming call is indicated by a ringtone. The name of the caller is announced if his details are stored in the phonebook of the phone connected to the Parrot MKi9000.Answering a call Press the button to answer an incoming call.Declining a call Press the button to decline an incoming call.Using the Parrot MKi9000 while on a callAdjusting the volume Use the jog wheel during a call to adjust the communication volume. > The volume setting is saved for subsequent calls.Transfering a call to thephone∙ During a call, if you want to continue the conversation on your phone (private conversation), press the button of the Parrot MKi9000. > The call is automatically transferred to the phone.∙ If you want to switch back to the kit, press the button again.Muting a call∙If you want to deactivate the microphone during a call, press the button : you will still hear your caller but your caller will not be able to hear you.∙Press the button to reactivate it again.Managing a second callDuring a call, you can receive another call if your phone supports thisfunctionality.∙Press the button to accept the second incoming call. > The first call is automatically put on hold.∙Press the button to decline the second incoming call. You can also hang up directly from your phone.∙Press the button to switch from a call to another.Managing voice mail During a call, the Parrot MKi9000 allows you to send DTMFs to manageyour voice mail for example. To do so:1.Press the jog wheel to access the DTMF menu.> « 0 » is said by the kit.e the jog wheel to select your DTMF between the followingpossibilities : 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,# or *.3.Press the jog wheel to send this DTMF to your phone.Ending a call Press the button to end a call.Using voice recognitionReceiving a call via voice recognitionTo receive a call via voice recognition, magic words must be activated.Activating / deactivatingthe magic words1.Press the jog wheel and select Settings > Magic words.2.Press the jog wheel to activate/deactivate the magic words. Accepting a call Say « Accept » to answer an incoming call.Declining a call Say « Reject » to decline an incoming call.Making a call via voice recognitionCalling a contact with one phone number 1.Press the button to launch the voice recognition feature.> The Parrot MKi9000 asks you the name of the contact you want to call.2.Say the name of the contact.> The call is automatically launched if the voice tag is correctlyunderstood.> If it is not the case, a confirmation message is asked.3. Confirm if necessary by saying “Yes” or “call”.Calling a contact with several phone numbers ∙If there are several phone numbers associated to the contact you want to call, you can specify the type of number.∙To do so, the following vocal commands are available:-Home-At home-Work-At work-Office-At office-At the office-Mobile-Cellular-Cell-On mobile-On cellular-On cell-On mobile phone-On cellular phone-On cell phone-Mobile phone-Cellular phone-Cell phone-Other-General-Default-PreferredExiting voice recognition modePress the button to exit voice recognition mode.Music Using the Parrot MKi9000 with an external sourceUsing the Parrot MKi9000 with an iPod / iPhoneCompatibility ∙If you are using the Parrot MKi9000 with the iPod Mini, iPod Photo,iPod 3G and iPod Shuffle, then connect your iPod to the ParrotMKi9000 using the Jack cable.∙Use the iPod connector if you are using another model of iPod or aniPhone.Playing music files ∙If your iPod / iPhone is connected to the Parrot MKi9000 via the iPodconnector, press the jog wheel and select iPod.∙If your iPod is connected to the Parrot MKi9000 via the jack cable,refer to the Using the Parrot MKi9000 with an analogue playersection.Using the Parrot MKi9000 with a USB peripheral1.Connect the USB flash drive or the MP3 player using the USB cable.2.Press the jog wheel and select USB.Using the Parrot MKi9000 with an audio player connected via BluetoothCompatibility You can use the Parrot MKi9000 to listen to songs stored on your mobile phone/ PDA / smartphone. Your mobile phone must support the Bluetooth® A2DPprofile (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile).Playing a music file ∙If you are using a Bluetooth audio player for the 1st time, you have topair both devices.►Refer to the Pairing a phone section.∙If both devices are already paired :1.Select Audio Bluetooth.2.Start playing a song on your audio player.Using the Parrot MKi9000 with an analogue audio player1.Connect your audio player to the Parrot MKi9000 using the Jack connector.2.Press the jog wheel and select Line In.3.Start playing a song on your audio player.CommandsTo do so Proceed this wayPause a songPress the button.Resume playbackPress the button.Raise or lower the volume Turn the jog wheel.Rewind or fast-forwardHold down the or buttons.Restart a songPress the button.Skip to the next songPress the button.Skip to the previous songPress the button twice.Activate the Virtual Super Bass effectHold down the button for 2 seconds.SettingsUsing the Virtual Super Bass effectThe Virtual Super Bass effect allows you to amplify the low frequencies. To activate or deactivate it:1.Press the jog wheel and select Settings > Virtual Super Bass.2.Press the jog wheel to activate or deactivate this option.Deactivating the Mute on Streaming∙This option automatically mutes the tuner when a song is played. This option is activated by default.∙You can deactivate this option and mute the tuner manually via the Mute cable. To do so, hold downthe and buttons simultaneously to activate / deactivate this option.。

PM9801 电参数测量仪(报警型) 使用说明书

PM9801 电参数测量仪(报警型) 使用说明书

PM9801使用说明书东莞纳普电子科技有限公司Ver1.7目录前言 (2)提醒与警告 (3)第1章概述 (4)1.1简述 (4)1.2主要技术指标 (4)1.3面板结构 (7)第2章操作说明 (9)第3章检定与校准 (15)第4章使用注意事项与故障排除方法 (16)第5章更多产品介绍 (17)感谢您购买并使用本公司的产品!本手册是关于仪器的功能、设置、接线方式、操作方法、故障时的处理方法等的说明书。













第1章概述1.1简述PM9801电参数测量仪是本公司最新研制的高性价比的测量仪器,能测量出电压V、电流A、功率W、功率因数PF、频率Hz 等参数。


Parker Hannifin 400XR精密线性位器系列介绍说明书

Parker Hannifin 400XR精密线性位器系列介绍说明书

Screw Driven TablesThe “400XR” precision linear positioners family hasachieved global recognition for consistent accuracy, reliable performance, high strength, and unmatched versatility. The XRs have excelled in industries such as life sciences, fiber optics and instrumentation, where the highest degree of precision is required. And yet, because of the rugged construction, strength, and sealed design, these units have been used extensively for industrial automation applications (packaging, automotive, etc).The XR family offers an unrivaled array of features and options which are easily matched to fit any application, from the very basic to the highly complex. Premierperformance, modular compatibility, and quick delivery have made these tables the perfect building blocks for precision multi-axis systems.400XR Series Precision Linear PositionersPre-engineered packagePerformance matched components Environmental protection Laser certified precision401XR402XR404XR406XR412XR Limit/home position sensors Multi-axis brackets & adapters 401XR402XR 404XR 406XR 412XR Travel (mm)30060060020002000Load (kg)501001706301470Acceleration (m/sec 2)2020202020S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e sEncodersThe linear encoder option offers direct positional feedback of the carriage location. The rotary shaft encoder couples directly to the drive shaft to nullify any incurred mechanical error (particularly useful with the parallel motor mount). Not shown.Shaft BrakeThe electromagnetic shaft brake option couples directly to the drive screw and is employed primarily on vertical axes to halt carriage motion during a power loss. Not shown.Convenient Mounting SlotsContinuous T -slots along the side of the table body provide a convenient means of mounting the table to a worksurface as well as mounting accessories to the table.Positive Pressure PortA standard port (1/8 NPT) for pressurizing the interior to prevent particle intrusion.(Standard on 404XR, 406XR, 412XR units.)Easy Lube SystemA standard option on some models, enables easy access for ballscrew and bearing lubrication.High Strength Aluminum BodyExtruded aluminum housing is precision machined to provide outstanding straightness and flatness.Square Rail Linear BearingThese tables are equipped with square rail carriage support bearings which provide high load carrying capabilities, smooth precise motion and dependable performance.High Efficiency Ballscrew DrivePrecision ground, or rolled ballscrew drive (5, 10, 20, 25, 32 mm lead) offers high throughput, efficiency, accuracy and repeatability.Limit/Home SensorsProximity sensors establish “end of travel” and“home” location and are easily adjustable over entire length to restrict the travel envelope.Motor MountsA large selection of servo and stepper motor sizes plus selectable mounting configurations (in-line, parallel) permit a wide variety of motor mounting possibilities.IP30 Rated Strip SealsAn anodized aluminum cover combined withstainless steel strip seals provide IP30 protection to interior components as well as enhance the overall appearance.512364Screw Driven TablesCarriage equipped with dowel locating holes for repeatable positioning of tooling or payload.401XR (41 mm wide profile)402XR Series (58 mm wide profile)The 401XR and 402XR Series positioners enhance the 400XR family of precision linear positioners, addressing applications which involve precise positioning of smaller payloads within a very small space envelope.address the needs of industries such as photonics, life technology advancements dictate miniaturization of work envelopes.402XR401XRTravel/Screw Lead Dependent SpecificationsInput Inertia (10-5 kg-m 2)MaxScrew Speed (revs/sec)Unit Weight(kg)401XR 402XR2 mm 10 mm 5 mm 10 mm 401XR 402XR 401XR 402XR501020––20–0.6–––100– 1.0–1001020102020200.9–12.0–10090 1.2 2.3150122012202020 1.1–15.0–10090 1.3 2.6200163016302525– 4.720.0–10090 1.5 2.8300184018402525– 5.2–25.010090 1.7 3.2400––2140–30–––29.0–95– 3.8600––2550–30–––39.0–50–4.8*Accuracy stated is at 20°C utilizing slope correction factor provided.Common SpecificationsPrecision*Standard401XR402XR 401XR 402XR Bidirectional Repeatability 2 mm lead5 or 10 mm lead µm ±1.3 ±1.3– ±1.3±5 ±12– ±12Duty Cycle%100100100100Maximum Acceleration m/sec 2 (in/sec 2)20 (773)20 (773)20 (773)20 (773)Normal Load Capacity (1)kgf (lbs)50 (110)100 (220)50 (110)100 (220)Axial Load Capacity (1) 2 mm lead5 or 10 mm lead kgf (lbs) 5.5 (12.1)15.5 (34.2)–38 (84) 5.5 (12.1)15.5 (34.2)–38 (84)Drive Screw Efficiency %80808080Maximum Breakaway Torque Nm (in-oz)0.03 (4.2)0.086 (12.0)0.03 (4.2)0.086 (12.0)Maximum Running Torque (2)Nm (in-oz)0.028 (4.0)0.08 (11.3)0.028 (4.0)0.08 (11.3)Linear Bearing Coefficient of Friction Diameter 2 mm lead5 or 10 mm lead mm 68–1268–12Carriage Weightkg (lbs)0.045 (0.1)0.11 (0.25)0.045 (0.1)0.11 (0.25)* Requires linear encoder option E3 or E4. (1) Refer to life load charts found later in this section. (2) Ratings established at 2 rps.S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e sParallel Motor Mount(with limit/home sensor pack option)Travel/Screw Lead Dependent SpecificationsTravel (mm)Positional Accuracy (4) (5)(µm)Straightness & FlatnessInput Inertia (10-5 kg-m 2)Max ScrewSpeed (6) (revs/sec)Unit Weight(kg)Precision Standard5 mm 10 mm 20 mm 508126 1.68 1.81 2.3460 2.81008126 1.93 2.07 2.6060 3.015010149 2.19 2.32 2.8560 3.3200122010 2.44 2.57 3.1160 3.6250122212 2.69 2.83 3.3660 3.9300142413 2.95 3.08 3.6160 4.2350142615 3.20 3.33 3.8760 4.5400162616 3.46 3.59 4.1260 4.8450192818 3.71 3.84 4.3760 5.1500213419 3.96 4.10 4.6360 5.4550233621 4.22 4.35 4.8860 5.76002540224.474.605.14546.0Screw Driven TablesParallel Motor Mount (with limit/home sensor pack option)406XR Series (150 mm wide profile)The 406XR can position high loads (up to 630 kgf) over distances up to two meters. Because of its size and strength (270 Nm, 200 lb-ft moment load capacity) this durable table is ideal as the base unit in a multi-axissystem. From high resolution to high throughput, selectable ballscrew leads (5, 10, 20, 25 mm) make the desiredresolution/velocity ratio easy to achieve, and stainless steel seal strips alleviate environmental concerns.Travel/Screw Lead Dependent SpecificationsInput Inertia (10-5 kg-m 2)Max ScrewSpeed (6) (revs/sec)Unit Weight (kg)10 mm 20 mm 25 mm1008126 3.34 3.85 5.90–608.7200122010 3.92 4.43 6.48–6010.0300142413 4.50 5.017.06–6011.3400162616 5.08 5.597.64–6012.6500213419 5.65 6.178.22–5513.9600254022 6.23 6.758.80–4415.2700–922536.5137.02–40.614719.2800–942939.9640.47–44.074720.7900–1033243.4143.93–47.524722.21000–1053546.8747.38–50.974723.71250–1184255.5056.01–59.613527.61500–1345064.1464.65–68.242631.41750–1545772.7773.28–76.882035.22000–1596581.4081.92–85.511639.1Common SpecificationsStandardBidirectional Repeatability (5)µm ±1.3±3Duty Cycle%100100Maximum Acceleration m/sec 2 (in/sec 2)20 (773)20 (773)Normal Load Capacity (1)kgf (lbs)630 (1390)630 (1390)Axial Load Capacity (2)0 to 600 mm Travel 700 to 2000 mm Travelkgf (lbs)90 (198)–90 (198)200 (440)Drive Screw Efficiency %9090Maximum Breakaway Torque 0 to 600 mm Travel 700 to 2000 mm Travel Nm (in-oz)0.13 (18)–0.18 (26)0.39 (55)Maximum Running Torque (3) 0 to 600 mm Travel 700 to 2000 mm TravelNm (in-oz)0.11 (16)–0.17 (24)0.34 (48)Linear Bearing Coefficient of Friction 0.010.01Ballscrew Diameter 0 to 600 mm Travel 700 to 2000 mm Travel mm 16–1625Carriage Weightkg (lbs)2.7 (5.94)2.7 (5.94)(1) Refer to life load charts found later in thissection.(2) Axial load for parallel mount is limited to:140 lbs for the 5, 10 and 20 mm lead drives:104 kg (230 lbs) for 25 mm lead drives (3) Ratings established at 2 rps.(4) Positional accuracy applies to in-line motorconfigurations only. Contact factory for parallel motor specifications.(5) Consult factory for specifications withlinear encoder.(6) Consult factory for higher screw speeds.S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e s412XR Series (285 mm wide profile)The 412XR is a rugged heavy duty linear table (285 mm x 105 mm profile) that enables massive loads (up to1470 kgf) to be precisely positioned over distances up to two meters. Single point “easy lube” port is standard on carriage assembly for simple servicing and a convenient adapter plate (#100-6784-01) is available for easy X-Y configuration.An unrivaled array of options combined with mounting compatibility with the smaller 400XR tables makes the 412XR ideal as the base unit for multi-axis positioning of heavier payloads.Travel/Screw Lead Dependent SpecificationsInput Inertia (10-5 kg-m 2)Max Screw Speed (5)(revs/sec)Unit Weight (kg)5 mm 10 mm 25 mm 32 mm 5, 10, 25 mm 32 mm 5, 10, 25 mm 32 mm 15064927.2029.4546.7698.20474239.641.5250661230.2132.4649.78106.28474242.945.0350711533.2335.4852.79114.37474246.248.5650912442.2744.5261.83138.63474256.159.0800942946.7949.0466.35150.76474261.064.210001053552.8155.0672.37166.94454267.671.212501184258.8461.0978.40183.11344174.278.215001345067.8770.1287.44207.38243184.188.717501545775.4177.6694.97227.59182492.497.520001596582.9485.19102.50247.811519100.6106.2Common SpecificationsStandardScrew Leadmm 5, 10, 2532Bidirectional Repeatability (4)µm ±5±5Duty Cycle%100100Maximum Acceleration m/sec 2 (in/sec 2)20 (773)20 (773)Normal Load Capacity (1)kg (lbs)1470 (3241)1470 (3241)Axial Load Capacity kg (lbs)200 (441)460 (1014)Drive Screw Efficiency %9080Maximum Breakaway Torque Nm (in-oz)0.61 (86)0.76 (108)Maximum Running Torque (2)Nm (in-oz)0.55 (78)0.69 (98)Linear Bearing Coefficient of Friction 0.010.01Ballscrew Diameter mm 2532Carriage Weightkg (lbs)12 (27)13 (28)(1) Refer to life load charts found later in thissection.(2) Ratings established at 2 rps.(3) Positional accuracy applies to in-line motorconfigurations only. Contact factory for parallel motor specifications.(4) Consult factory for specifications withlinear encoder.(5) Consult factory for higher screw speeds.Screw Driven Tables400XR Series Life/LoadTh e following performance information is provided as asupplement to the product specifications pages. The following graphs are used to establish the table life relative to the applied loads. The useful life of a linear table at full catalog specifications is dependent on the forces acting upon it. These forces include both static components resulting from payload weight, and dynamic components due to acceleration/deceleration of the load. In multi-axes applications, the primary positioner at the bottom of the stack usually establishes theload limits for the combined axes. When determining life/load, it is critical to include the weight of all positioning elements that contribute to the load supported by the primary axis. Catalog load specifications are rated for 100 million inches of travel or 2,540 km.For final evaluation of life vs load, including off center, tension, and side loads refer to the charts and formulas found on our web site at .S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e s400XR Series Bearing Life/Load*Refer to Parker’s website for moment loading and other engineering data.*For 401XR and 402XR moment loading capacities, please refer to the maintenance manual.d1d2da 404XR 805728406XR 11490.342.5412XR20519243These charts are to be used inconjunction with the corresponding formulas found in the product manuals at to establish the life/load for each bearing (4 per table).Several dimensions, which are specific to each linear positioning table model, and the load geometry are required for these computations. These dimensions are supplied in the catalog information for each positioner. The dimensions are referenced as follows:d1 bearing block center-to-center longitudinal spacingd2 bearing rail center-to-center lateral spacingda Rail center-to-carriage mounting surfaceScrew Driven TablesSensor / Bracket Detail401XR Limits and Home SensorHome or Limit Sensor OptionsEnd of Travel and Home Sensors for the 400XR series are available in a variety of styles. The sensors can be ordered as part of the table or as separate componentswith the associated mounting hardware or in an enclosed sensor pack. A 5 meter high-flex extension cable (Part No. 003-2918-01) is included for use with the 401XR thru 406XR models having the locking connector option.• NPN (Sinking) or PNP (Sourcing)• Normally Closed (N.C.) or Normally Open (N.O.)• Flying Leads or Locking ConnectorSwitch TypeLogic Cable LengthConnector OptionH2 or L2006-1639-01N.C.Sinking 3.0 mF lying Leads H3 or L3006-1639-02N.O.Sinking 3.0 mF lying Leads H4 or L4006-1639-03N.C.Sourcing 3.0 mF lying Leads H5 or L5006-1639-04N.O.Sourcing 3.0 mF lying Leads H6 or L6006-1639-09N.C.Sinking 150 mm Locking Connector H7 or L7006-1639-08N.O.Sinking 150 mmL ocking Connector H8 or L8006-1639-11N.C.Sourcing 150 mmL ocking Connector H9 or L9006-1639-10N.O.Sourcing150 mmL ocking Connector H11 or L11See chart below N.C.Sinking See chart below Sensor Pack H12 or L12See chart below N.O.Sinking See chart below Sensor Pack H13 or L13See chart below N.C.Sourcing See chart below Sensor Pack H14 or L14See chart belowN.O.SourcingSee chart belowSensor Pack* Applies to 401XR thru 406XR models. 412XR models have limits and homes internally mounted with a connector termination. Sensor triggers (targets)ordered separately.Input Power 5-30 VDC, 20 mA Output 100mA max Wire Color (+) Supply: Brown Code(–) Supply: Blue NO Output: BlackNC Output: WhiteSensor Pack CableDescription Part Number 3 Meters 006-1742-017.5 Meters006-1742-02Wire ColorFunction Pin NumberRed +5 to +24 VDC A Blue Limit 1 (LXR –)B Orange Limit 2 (LXR +)C Green HomeD Black GroundE Green/YellowShieldShield Case406XR with Limit and Home Sensor PackS c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e sLinear Encoder Options (Tape Scale)A linear position feedback device which mountsdirectly to the table carriage. (Factory installation required.)• 1.0 µm resolution • 0.5 µm resolution • 0.1 µm resolutionNote: Dimensions shown apply tofactory for 412XR dimensions.401XR with Linear Encoder plus Sensor Pack404XR with Brake OptionBrake Assembly OptionElectromagnetic brake assembly used to prevent“backdriving” in vertical applications. The brake option includes a 5 m extension cable. The brake option is easily field installed. The brake option cannot be installed with the rotary encoder option.Table Series Part NumberInput PowerHolding Torque Dimensions (mm)A B 401XR/402XR—————404XR 006-1627-0124 VDC, 0.46 A 2.0 Nm 41.546.0406XR 006-1656-0124 VDC, 0.5 A 4.5 Nm 49.957.5412XR002-1916-0124 VDC, 0.75 A9.0 Nm54.072.0Input Power 5 VDC, 150mAOutput A/B quadrature and reference mark, differential line drive output Resolution 1.0, 0.5, 0.1 micron Cable Length3 mRotary Encoder OptionModular rotary encoder couples directly to the drive screw for position feedback and is easily field installed. The rotary encoder cannot be installed with the brake assembly option.• 5000 counts/revSpecifications Input Power 5 VDC, 135 mAOutput A/B quadrature and reference mark, differential line drive outputResolution 1250 lines/rev equals 5000 counts post quadrature (1 µm with 5 mm lead ballscrew)Cable Length150 mmScrew DrivenTablesTwo locating dowel pins shown in carriageDowel Pinning Options*Standard dowel pin locating holes are offered on most 400XR units to facilitate repeatable mounting of tooling or payload.*In addition, pinning options are offered for precise orthogonal mounting of the second axis in a multi-axis system. In this case, the bottom side of the table base is match drilled and reamed to the first axis to provide exact orthogonal location. This convenient optioneliminates concerns regarding contamination or damage often associated with machining for locating pins in an assembled unit.*Not available with 401XR or 402XR or 50 mm travel 404XR.S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e s(2) Mtg. Holes for 401XR/402XRPart Number: 002-2063-01/ 002-2064-01400XR Series AccessoriesRiser Plate AccessoryUsed to raise the table base to provide clearance for motors.401XR 002-2063-01402XR 002-2064-01404XR 002-3619-01406XR 002-3625-01412XR—(2) Mtg. Holes404XRPart Number: 002-3619-01406XRPart Number: 002-3625-01Dimensions (mm)A B C 401XR 65.050.417.0402XR90.075.410.0404XRPart Number: 002-3618-01Toe Clamp AccessoryUsed for convenient outboard mounting of table to a base plate, riser plates, Z-axis bracket, or other 400XR table. All hardware is included.404XR 002-3618-01406XR 002-3624-01412XR002-2160-01406XRPart Number: 002-3624-01412XRPart Number: 002-2160-01Screw DrivenTablesIf the Y-axis is 404XR with 50 mm stroke, a special plate or toe clamp option is required.400XR Multi Axis ConfigurationsS c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e s400XR Multi Axis ConfigurationsThese diagrams show the most popular variations of multi-axis configurations. Both standard and custom brackets are available. Standard X-Y orientation will place the X axis motor at the 6 o’clock position and the Y axis motor at the 3 o’clock position.Figure 1Two Axis (X-Y) Horizontal MountingTwo Axis (X-Z) Vertical Mounting Figure 3Two Axis (X-Y) Inverted MountingFigure 4Two Axis-Carriage to Carriage (Y Axis Inverted)Figure 5Two Axis (X-Y) Cartesian Horizontal Mounting Figure 6Three Axis (X-Y-Z) Cartesian Horizontal MountingFigure 7Three Axis (X-Z-Y) Horizontal Mounting Figure 8Three Axis (X-Y-Z) Horizontal MountingThree Axis (X-Y-Z) Inverted MountingTablesSM 16NEMA 17 BE 23SM 23 or NEMA 23In-Line Motor AdaptersUsed to easily accommodate the mounting of different servo Optional Encoder Enlarged End View(with Encoder and Limit/Home Sensor Pack Option)OptionalShaft 401XR DimensionsModel Travel (mm)Dimensions (mm)A B C D E J 401050XR 50209.382.880.0180.0123.0401100XR 100284.380.340.04160.0160.0401150XR 150334.385.340.05200.0185.0401200XR 200384.390.340.06240.0210.0401300XR300509.392.840.09360.0260.0Motor Size Order Code Dimensions (mm)F G H I SM 16M240.939.1– 6.5NEMA 23/SM 23M357.257.2 4.015.6NEMA 17M3740.939.1– 6.5BE 23M6157. (mm)S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e s402XR DimensionsIn-Line Motor AdaptersSM 16NEMA 17 BE 23SM 23 or NEMA 23Model Travel (mm)Dimensions (mm)A B D J 402100XR 100320.583.54184.0402150XR 150370.583.55214.0402200XR 200420.583.56234.0402300XR 300520.583.58284.0402400XR 400620.583.510334.0402600XR600820.583.514434.0Motor Size Order Code Dimensions (mm)F G H SM 16M240.640.6–NEMA 23/SM 23M357.257.2 4.0NEMA 17M3740.640.6–BE 23M6157.257.28.0Enlarged End ViewOptional Limit/Home Dimensions (mm)TablesSlip Fit .022Slip Fit Top ViewFront ViewBottom View.022View showing slots in extruded baseEnd View404XR DimensionsModel Travel (mm)Dimensions (mm)A B C D E F 404050XR502594––––404100XR10030912175.050.085.0404150XR 150********.050.085.0404200XR 20040912175.050.085.0404250XR 250459162150.050.085.0404300XR 300509162150.050.085.0404350XR 350559162150.050.085.0404400XR 400609203225.050.085.0404450XR 450659203225.050.085.0404500XR 500709203225.050.085.0404550XR 550759244300.050.085.0404600XR600809244300.050.085.0Dimensions (mm)NEMA 23SM 16for M3 Screws on 46.69 bolt circlefor M4 Screws on 66.68 bolt circle404XR Parallel Motor MountingParallel motor mounting is employed whenever a shorter overall unit length is needed. The motor is positioned along the sides or bottom of the table as designated by position A, B, or C. (No coupling required.)TablesS c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e sNEO 70 / SMN060NEMA 34 or NEO 34MPP092406XR In-Line Motor MountingIn-line motor mounting allows the motor to be mounted directly to the drive screw via the selected motor coupling.Used to easily accommodate the mounting of different frame sizes. These adapter plates can be ordered separately by partnumber below.NEMA 23 or SM 23406XR Parallel Motor MountingParallel motor mounting is employed whenever a shorter overall unit length is needed. The motor is positioned along the sides or bottom of the table as designated by position A, B, or C. (No coupling required.)NEMA 23/SM 23M39.541.0– 34M416.053.013.585.085.070.0NEO 34M1716.053.013.585.085.070.0NEO 70M2116.053.0– 92M2916.053.012.592.092.070.0for M5 Screws on 75.00 bolt circlefor M6 Screws on 100.00 bolt circleMotor Pilot66.68 bolt circle for M5 Screws on 98.43 bolt circleMotor PilotTablesX-Y Adapter Plate #100-6784(Used to mount any 404XR, 406XRor 412XR with toe clamps)0.0222 Holes (Top)Slip Fit412T10 and 412T12 are patternedfrom one hole on centerline Bottom ViewEnd ViewTop ViewFront ViewModelTravel(mm)Dimensions (mm)A B C D412T01150764122200412T02250864163300412T03350964163300412T046501264245500412T058001414245500412T0610001614286600412T0712001814327700412T0815002114409900412T091750236444101000412T102000261450121200Dimensions (mm)S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e sNEMA 34 or NEO 34MPP092M105 / SMN100412XR In-Line Motor MountingIn-line motor mounting allows the motor to be mounted directly to the drive screw via the selected motor coupling.Used to easily accommodate the mounting of different frame sizes. These adapter plates can be ordered separately by part number below.NEO 70 / SMN060Motor Size Order CodeDimensions (mm)KLMNMPP092M9068.012.0115.097.0M105, SMN100M33100.0–115.0115.0NEMA 34M468.012.0115.097.0NEO 34M1768.012.0115.097.0NEO 70M2168.0–115.097.0NEO 92M2968.012.0115.097.0412XR Parallel Motor MountingParallel motor mounting is employed whenever a shorter overall unitlength is needed. The motor is positioned along the sides or bottom ofthe table as designated by position A, B, or C. (No coupling required.)98.43 bolt circle75.00 bolt circle115.11 bolt circleon75.00 bolt circle100.00 bolt circleScrew Driven TablesFill in an order code from each of the numbered fields to create a complete model order code.** 50 mm stroke 401XR may only allow room for 2 sensors in sensor pack.S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e sFill in an order code from each of the numbered fields to create a complete model order code.Screw Driven TablesFill in an order code from each of the numbered fields to create a complete model order code.* Sensors with locking connector include 5 m extension cable. ** Sensor Pack includes 3 m cable.S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e sScrew Driven TablesFill in an order code from each of the numbered fields to create a complete model order code.** Sensors with locking connector include 5 m extension cable. *** Sensor Pack includes 3 m cable.S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e sScrew Driven TablesFill in an order code from each of the numbered fields to create a complete model order code.S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e s。


· 在以下場所使用時,請採取適當的遮蔽措施。 · 因靜電等而產生干擾時 · 產生強電場或強磁場的場所 · 可能有放射線輻射的場所 · 附近有電源線的場所 否則會導致機器損壞。
· 連接電池時,請注意極性。 否則會導致電池、伺服驅動器及伺服馬達損壞和爆炸。
· 請由專業技術人員進行接線或檢查作業。
伺服驅動器的介面規格為MECHATROLINK- II 通信指令型
<例> S-ON 書寫為/S-ON。
· 除了特殊用途以外,沒有必要變更多旋轉圈數上限值。 如果不小心變更了該資料,會非常危險。
· 發生“多旋轉圈數上限值不一致”警報時,請務必首先確認伺服單元的參數Pn205是否正確。 如果在參數值保持錯誤的狀態下對多旋轉圈數上限值設定(Fn013)進行操作,則會將錯誤的值設定 給編碼器。雖然可以解除警報,但會因檢出偏差很大的位置,而造成機械移動到意想不到的位置,非 常危險。
AC 伺服驅動器 Σ-V 系列型錄 (資料編號∶ KACPS80000042)
Σ-V 系列 SGM V/SGDV 使用手冊 數位操作器 操作篇 (資料編號∶ SIJPS80000055)
Σ-V 系列 AC 伺服單元 SGDV 安全注意事項 (資料編號∶ TOBPC71080010)
Σ 系列 數位操作器 安全注意事項 (資料編號∶ TOBPC73080000)
·如果在運轉過程中發生瞬間停電後又恢復供電,機械可能會突然再起動,因此切勿靠近機械。請採取 措施以確保再起動時不會危及到人身安全。 否則會導致受傷。
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