



萨缪尔森宏观经济学选择题100道(含答案)1. The scientific method is not applicable to the study of economics because economics is not a true scienee.A) True B) False2. Hypotheses derived from economic analysis can be validated through empirical analysis, but hardly ever with absolute certainty・A) True B) False3. Which of the following statements relates to the concept of efficiency?A) The absenee of waste・B) Using resources as effectively as possible・C) Being able to produce more of one good only by producing less of something else・D) All the above.E) b. and c・ only.Figure 14. Figure 1 displays the production-possibilities of two countries・ Given that both countries produce five units of x, which of the following best describes court try B's producti on of y?A) Less than country A's production of y.B) The same as country A*s production of y.C) More than country A f s production of y.D) Cannot be determined from the graph・E) None of the above・5・ Mass un employment of resources means society operates in side its production-possibility frontier.A) True B) False6. If two goods use the same resources and the same tech no logy, the producti on possibilities curve between the two goods will have a positive slope・A) True B) False7. It is scarcity that makes goods economic goods・A) True B) False8. Which of the following is the most basic of the subjects with which the study of economics must try to deal?A) Markets.B) Money ・C) Profit seeking.D) The price mechanism・E) Scarcity ・9・ Poor money management by the government, aside from increasing the unemployment rate, will have a relatively small effect on the economy.A) True B) FalseFigure 210. In Figure 2, what is Country B's cost of producing 1 unit of x in terms of y?A) 10 units of y.B) 1/2 units of y.C) 5 units of y.D) 2 units of y.E) None of the above・11 ・ Barter is inconvenient because:A) bargaining power is unequal between rich and poor.B) without money, who can define "fair" values?C) my wants and supplies do not match your supplies and wants.D) it leads to imperfect competition.E) all of the above・12. The econo mic role of gover nment in mixed econo mies can in elude:A) provision of public goods・B) tax collections.C) in come redistributio n.D) all of the above.E) none of the above・13. By the "in visible han d,n Smith meant the influe nee and lobbyi ng of the hidde n interest groups.A) True B) False14. A society which forgoes present consumption:A) is forced to do so because of excessive consumption within the country in the past.B) may be devoting new resources to new capital formation.C) is merely devoting resources to the replacement of capital.D) expects to consume only that amount tomorrow which was foregone today.E) does none of the above・15. An economic good is valued in part by its scarcity・A) True B) False1 6. The statement that roundabout methods of production are often more efficient than more direct methods:A) means that roun dabout methods use the same in puts as more direct methods, except for time, which is not a scarce economic good・B) means that consumers ought to choose those goods which most lend themselves to roundabout methods of production.C) means that the most roundabout method is always the most efficient method of producing any output・D) is false, for direct and indirect methods of production are usually the same in terms of efficiency.E) suggests that foreg one consumpti on devoted to investme nt sometimes in creases future output in ways that more closely match individual and/or social desires.17. Which of the following statements is true of specialization?A) Specializati on is inc on siste nt with the idea of in dividual freedom ・B) Economies that practice a division of labor are morally superior to those that do not.C) In accepting specialization, a person sacrifices his or her own interests for the sake of society's interest・D) While specialization has enormous advantages, the costs outweigh them・E) In creased productivity is more likely to be achieved through specializati on.18. In an affluent modern society, businesses may have to offer workers more fulfilling jobs ・A) True B) False1 9. Consumers vote their dollars primarily in:A) labor markets.B) land markets.C) capital markets ・D) goods markets ・E) none of the above. 20. An example of legal limitations on property rights is the prohibition of pollution.A) True B) False21. Lower pricescoax out higher quantities demanded along a downward-slopingdemand curve ・A) True B) False22. An increase in price will lead to a lower quantity demanded because:A) suppliers will supply only the smaller amount ・B) quality deteriorates.C) people will purchase less of the good ・D) all of the above.E) none of the above ・Use the following to answer question 24:Table 1Use the follow!ng to answer question 23:Quantity of QFigure 323. Let P* and Q* represent market clearing price and quantity, respective!y. Given the supply and demand curves drawn in Figure 3, a reduction in the price of an input used in the production of Q can be expected to cause:A) P* and Q* to climb.B) P* to climb while Q* falls.C) P* to climb while Q* holds steady ・D) P* to fall while Q* climbs.E) P* and Q* to fall. oThe Market for Potato Chips(quantities measured in bags per week)Price Quantity Supplied Quantity Demanded$1.00 500 20002.00 1000 17503.00 1500 15004.00 2000 12505.00 2500 100024. According to Table 1, the equilibrium price for potato chips is:A) $1.00.B) $2.00.C) $2.50.D) $3.00.E) $4.00.25. Upward-sloping supply curves are the result of:A) increasing returns to scale・B) increasing costs of production.C) changes in government policies・D) changes in technology・E) none of the above26. To say that a price "clears the market11 is to say that every one who wants that commodity is getting all they want.A) True B) False27. The position of the supply schedule for Americamade cars will not be directly affected by which of the following?A) Union wage rates.B) Car prices・C) The possibility of strikes・D) A cha nge in assembly tech no logy ・E) All of the above will affect supply.28. The demand curve for a normal good will shift to the right if:A) in come in creases.B) populati on in creases ・C) the price of a substitute good in creases ・D) all the above・E) none of the above・29. Given a fixed supply of lamb chops, a reduction in the price of pork chops (close substitutes) will tend to:A) shift the dema nd curve for lamb chops to the right ・B) shift the dema nd curve for pork chops to the right ・C) shift the dema nd curve for pork chops to the left ・D) raise the price of lamb chops・E) lower the price of lamb chops・30. One reason that supply curves display positive slope is that:A) expanded production may require the use of superior resources・B) people are not willing to pay a higher price for more goods・C) expa nded industry output might cause a labor shortage and subseque ntly in crease the wage rate in eluded in the cost of producti on.D) extra production brings in the more efficient, lower-cost producers.E) the law of diminishing returns is important to producers・31 ・ If a 1 percent change in price causes a 5 percent change in quantity demanded, then demand is price inelastic・A) True B) False32. Whenever total expenditure (i.e., total revenue) remains the same after a change in price, the elasticity of demand is:A) greater than 1 ・B) less than 1.C) equal to 0.D) equal to 1 ・E) equal to infinity.33. If price and quantity sold both decrease from one period to another, we may infer that the law of dow nward-sloping dema nd does not operate in that market ・A) True B) False34. In "tight” housing markets, rent controls are often applied to hold the price of hou sing to a ” reas on able" level. What is the immediate effect of this price policy with respect to the allocative functions of prices, and the relative in comes of ten ants and landlords?A) The allocative function of prices is impaired, but the tenants are prevented from gaining at the expense of the landlords.B) The allocative function of prices is not impaired, and the tenants are prevented from gaining at the expense of Iandlords・C) The allocative function of prices is impaired, and the tenants who find housing gain at the expense of Iandlords・D) The allocative function of prices is not impaired, but the Iandlords gain at the expense of tenants who do not find housing・E) None of the above・35. Which of the following in efficie ncies might be the result of mono poly power's destroyinga competitive equilibrium?A) Prices too high・B) Output too low.C) Wages distorted across the economy.D) In put prices distorted across the economy.E) All of the above.36. Dollar receipts for sellers of some commodities will be lower at higher prices・A) True B) False37. The quantity of a good which a person will purchase will not depend on which one of the following items?A) The price of the good・B) His or her tastes・C) The prices of substitute goods・D) His or her in come ・E) The elasticity of supply.Figure 438. Refer to Figure 4 once agai n. Suppose that now the dema nd curve has shifted to D'D'・ At what point along D'D' is price elasticity equal to 1 ?A) GB) between G and H.C) H.D) between H and I.E) I-39. Rank the supply curves in the figure below in order of greatest to least price elasticity at the common in tersection point ・QA) C, A, B.B) B, A, C.C) B, C, A.D) A, B, C.E) None of the above・40. A price subsidy of 20 cents per gallon on milk (which does not have a totally inelastic dema nd curve) will result in a:A) change in consumer tastes・B) drop in the equilibrium price of 20 cents per gall on.C) drop in the equilibrium price of less than 20 cents per gall on.D) drop in the equilibrium price of more than 20 cents per gallon.41 ・The law of dim inishing marginal utility states that the:A) ratio of MU to P for luxuries is lower than that for necessities・B) utility derived from the last unit of the good consumed falls as the consumption of the good increases・C) ratio of MU to P will be the same for all goods・D) utility derived from total consumption of a good falls as consumption increases・E) none of the above・42. A consumer is said to be in equilibrium in his or her choice between two goods A and B when:A) the purchase of good A gives the same satisfaction as the purchase of good B・B) the last purchase of good A gives the same addition to satisfaction as the last purchase of good B.C) each penny spent on good A gives the same satisfaction as each penny spent on good B.D) the last penny spent on good A gives the same addition to satisfaction as the last penny spent on good B.E) the last pennies spe nt on goods A and B gen erate no additions to satisfacti on.43. A con sumer spe nds all of her income on two goods, coffee and dough nuts. Shepurchases coffee at 25 cents a unit with a total utility of 800 and a marginal utility of 12・ Doughnuts are purchase at 75 cents a unit with a total utility of 200 and a marginal utility of 24. In order to reach consumer equilibrium, she should consume:A) less doughnuts and more coffee・B) more doughnuts but the same amount of coffee・C) more coffee but the same amount of doughnuts・D) more dough nuts and less coffee ・E) the same amount of coffee and doughnuts.44. If a person only consumes pickles and pea nut butter, he will consume peanut butter up to the point where the:A) marginal utility of the last unit of pea nut butter con sumed equals that of the last unit of pickles consumed・B) total utility of pea nut butter consumed equals the total utility of pickles con sumed ・C) con sumer surplus of peanut butter con sumption equals the consumer surplus of pickle consumption・D) last dollar spe nt on pea nut butter consumption provides the same marginal utility as the last dollar spent on pickle consumption.E) none of the above・45. Water tends to have a low marginal utility because substitutes for it are widely available ・A) True B) False46. A good which sells for a higher price than one which is more important for welfare reflects the concept of:A) complementarity in demand・B) substituti on.C) marginal or total utility.D) the paradox of value・E) law of diminishing marginal utility.47. The price of good X is $1.50 and that of good Y $1. A particular consumer who evaluates the marginal utility of Y to be 30 units, and is in equilibrium with respect to purchases of X and Y must consider the marginal utility of X to be:A) 15 units.B) 20 units.C) 30 units.D) 45 units.E) none of the above・48. It is possible to sum in dividual dema nd curves to get the market dema nd curve only whe n all con sumers are exactly alike in their dema nds.A) True B) False49. The paradox of value is not the result of declining marginal utility.A) True B) False50. In the figure below, which area represents consumer surplus at a price of 5?A) OADC.B) OBEC.C) CEH.D) OBEH.E) CEGF.51 ・ Both in nu mber and in dollar value of sales, the in dividual proprietorship is thedominant form of American enterprise ・A) True B) FalseUse the following to answer question 52:Figure 552. Suppose that two in puts, K and L, are variable and in crease at the same rate. Which one of the panels in Figure 5 represents Increasing Return to Scale (IRS)?A) Panel a.B) Panel b.C) Panel c.D) Panel d.E) None of the above ・53.”Unlimited liability** in partnerships refers to the liability of each partner for her percentage (C) LabOr (L ) QuantityTotal Product Total Product(b)share of any losses incurred, without limit, except for some legal minimum of property she is permitted to keep・A) True B) False54. The employme nt of which of the following in puts might be adjusted in the short run?A) Physical capital.B) Number of hours worked by labor.C) Units of energy required per unit output・D) Units of material required per unit output・E) None of the above・55. Numerically, the bulk of businesses in the U.S. are:A) corporati ons.B) partnerships ・C) sole proprietorships・D) farms.E) mom・and-pop retail shops・56. If in comes were properly distributed, competitive general equilibrium would move resources to the best use for consumers1 satisfaction.A) True B) FalseUse the following to answer questions 57:Total Product withVarious In put CombinationsLand 10 15 20LaborO 0 0 01 20 20.67 20.52 38 39.33 40.03 54 57.00 58.54 68 72.67 76.05 80 87.33 92.56 90 102.00 108.057. Suppose that product!on were defined by the function recorded in the table above. For diminishing returns to continue to hold for the 7th unit of labor with land equal to 15 units, total product for the combi nation of [labor =7; la nd = 15] would have to be less tha n:A) 0.B) 116.67.C) 115.67.D) 114.67.E) none of the above・Use the following to answer questions 58-59:Table 2 Total Product withVarious In put Combinati onsLandl0 15 20LaborO 0 0 01 20 20.67 20.52 38 39.33 40.03 54 57.00 58.54 68 72.67 76.05 80 87.33 92.56 90 102.00 10&058. The production process defined by the function recorded in Table 2 displays diminishing returns in both labor and land.A) True B) False59. The production process defined by the function recorded in Table 2 displays decreasing returns to scale for labor but not for land.A) True B) False60. Which of the following is an example of a project that could be observed in the short run?A) The construction of a new assembly line to match an existing one・B) The con structi on of a new assembly line to take adva ntage of a new tech no logy ・C) The moving of an established assembly line to bring it geographically closer to a market ・D) The sale of an existing assembly line on the scrap market to finance part of a new facility.E) None of the above・61 ・ Horizontal long-run MC is associated with constant returns to scale・A) True B) False62. A fixed cost is:A) the cost of any in put whose per-u nit price has bee n fixed, whether by Ion g-term con tract or by some similar means.B) a cost whose increases are exactly proportional to increases in output・C) any comp orient included in average cost which enters in AC as the same fixed per-unit amount, no matter what the level of plant output may be.D) a cost which the firm would in cur eve n if its output were zer o.E) none of the above.Use the follow!ng to answer questions 63・64:Table 3Quantity Variable Cost Total Cost1 2 3 4 5 6 7 25 40 45 60 60 75 70 85 85 100 105 120 132 14763.A)B)C)D)E) What is MC between Q = 3 and Q = 4 in Table 3?10152025None of the above.64.A)B)C)D)E) What is AFC at Q = 5 in Table 3? 3457.51565. unit.A) Total cost at " q + 1” minus total cost at “q " gives marginal cost for the 'q 'th True B) False66.A)B) The balanee sheet always balances because:by definition, profit is the residual between revenue and cost.every proper official business statement is audited by a firm of independentaccounta nts.C)D)E) accountants, like statisticians, know how to manipulate the truth・by definition, net worth equals the difference between assets and liabilities・ none of67. A driver wishes to buy gasoline and have her car washed・ She finds that the wash costs $3.00 when she buys 19 gallons at $1.00 each, but that if she buys 20 gallons, the car wash is free ・ Thus the margi nal cost of the twentieth gall on of gas is:A)B)C)D)E) -$2.00.$0.00.$1.00.$2.00.none of the above.68. If a firm produces more goods than it sells and buys more raw materials than it uses up during the year, an inventory adjustment must be made so as not to:A) overstate earnings for the year.B) understate earnings for the year.C) overstate liabilities at the end of the year.D) understate liabilities at the end of the year.E) overstate assets at the end of the year.69. Both the bala nee sheet and the in come statement in dicate the flow of sales, cost, and revenue over the accounting period.A) True B) False70. In calculati ng a firm's total costs, which of the following is not in eluded?A) The owner's expertise・B) The demand curve facing the firm.C) The taxes paid by the firm.D) Non・essential costs, such as advertising and entertainment experises・E) In put prices ・71. The zero・profit point for a perfectly competitive firm occurs where the price equals the minimum point of the:A) A VC curve ・B) AC curve.C) MC curve.D) AFC curve.E) none of the above・72・ In the long run, all costs:A) lie along a perfectly elastic Iong-run supply curve・B) are fixed costs・C) are variable costs・D) exhibit constant returns to scale・E) depe nd upon the dema nd structure of the give n market ・73. Pure economic rent is the price paid to a factor of production that is fixed in total supplyA) True B) False74. If, in long run equilibrium, the competitive price of some good is $1 6.67, then, for each and every firm in the industry,A) marginal cost > average cost = $16.67.B) marginal cost < average cost = $16.67.C) $16.67 = marginal cost = average cost・D) $16.67 = marginal cost > average cost・E) $16.67 = marginal cost < average cost・75. A tax on the emission of a pollutant from the firms of a competitive industry can be expected to cause the equilibrium quantity demanded and supplied to decline・A) True B) False76・ In a market economy, the short・run reaction to an excess supply of a commodity after a decrease in dema nd is:A) price will rise, but profits fall・B) price and profits will fall・C) price will fall, but profits will be unchanged.D) price will fall, but profits will in crease ・E) price and profits will both in crease ・77. In the long run, any firm will eventually leave an industry if:A) price does not cover at least average total cost・B) price is not equal to marginal cost.C) price is higher than average variable cost.D) price is not at least equal to the minimum of the marginal cost curve.E) other firms in the industry are leaving.Figure 678. In Figure 6, the firm's economic profits will equal:A) 0.B) $40.C) $100.D) $150.E) none of the above.79・ Which of the following is incompatible with an efficient economic optimum?A) Perfect competition.B) Absenee of externalities・C) Monopoly.D) All of the above are incompatible.E) None of the above is in compatible ・80. Under conditions of decreasing cost:A) externalities are irrelevant and in applicable ・B) each of the firms in the industry will continue to produce more output at falling costs per unit・C) a strong case can be made for supplanting complete individualism by some kind of group action.D) a few large sellers may come to dom in ate the industry.E) monopolization of the industry becomes impossible・Use the following to answer questions 81 ・82:Table 4P Q$5 8$4 12$3 17$2 22$1 2781 ・ Suppose an imperfect competitor faces the dema nd curve defi ned in Table 4, and its MC is constant at $2.00・ If the firm is able to produce at any output level, then it maximizes profits at:A) P =£>;q = 8B) P= 4q = 12.C) P=G q = 17.D) P= 2 !; q = 22.E) none of the above if fixed costs are less than $1.00.82. Consider the demand curve given in Table 4. If the imperfectly competitive firm is able to produce at any output level, then the price and quantity which maximize total revenueA) P = £>;8B) P= 4 q = 12.C) P= 3 q = 17.D) P= 2 •: q = 22.E) P= 1 ;q = 27.83. Falling marginal reve nue faci ng an individual firm is in compatible with:A) growth of the firm.B) perfect competition.C) oligopol y.D) barriers to entry.E) none of the above・84. A percentage tax on a monopolist's profit has no effect on the profit-maximizing output as long as the tax is no greater than 100%.A) True B) False85. A profit・maximizing firm will always try to operate at the level of output at which its average costs are at a minimum, i.e., at the bottom of its U・shaped cost curve・A) True B) False86. Steel is an oligopolistic industry in the U.S.A) True B) False87. If all firms in an industry sell identical products, then it would never pay to advertise ・A) True B) False88. The marginal cost schedule faci ng an imperfect competitor is con st a nt at $12 ・ The dema nd curve is give n in Table 5. The profit maximizing output for this firm is:Table 5P Q$20 6$19 7$18 8$17 9$16 IOA) 6 unitsB) 7 unitsC) 8 unitsD) 9 unitsE) 10 units89. If a firm*s dema nd curve is horiz on tai, then the firm's marginal revenue is:A) less than the price of the product.B) equal to the price of the product.C) greater than the price of the product.D) greater than, equal to, or less than the price of the product, depending on the particular circumstances・E) not determ in able from the above inf ormati on.90. An imperfect competitor is not willing to increase sales at the prevailing price because todo so would reduce marginal revenue・A) True B) False91 ・ If price equals P1 for a monopolist good and P2 for a competitive good, then for any single consumer the ratio of marginal utilities, MU1/MU2:A) is exactly 1, and equal to the ratios of marginal costs, MC1/MC2.B) is exactly 1, and less than the ratios of marginal costs, MC1/MC2.C) is exactly 1, and greater than the ratios of marginal costs, MC1/MC2.D) is exactly 1, and MC1 = MC2E) cannot be determined on data given.Use the following to answer questions 92・93:Figure 792. By the deadweight loss due to monopoly, we mean the area in Figure 7 labeled:A) PAB.B) ABCD.C) FDEQ.D) PCEB.E) BDE.93. Consider Figure 7. The cartel solution would occur at point:A) B.B) E.C) H.D) G.E) none of the above.94. The H separation of ownership and control H in the large corporation refers primarilyto:A) government limitations on the rights of capital ownership・B) the ability of a small minority of shareholders or management to exercise effective control.C) the issuanee of voting warrants to management personnel.D) the lack of diversification of stock ownership.E) the fact that an officer of the company can sit on the board of directors, even though hemay not be a shareholder.95. "There are thousands of 'Ma and Pa1 grocery stores in the United States that sellvery similar merchandise・Therefore, the retail grocery business must be perfectly competitive.H This statement is:A) correct; grocery stores are like wheat farms, and if wheat farming is perfectly competitive, so is the grocery business・B) incorrect; since the production of food is nearly perfectly competitive, the distribution of food must be perfectly competitive also.C) in correct; grocery stores are best described as oligopolistic.D) in correct; the thousands of separate retail grocery markets may best be described as monopolistically competitive with product differentiation determined by location.E) correct; retail groceries are notoriously unprofitable・96. A concentration ratio measures:A) the number of firms in a perfectly competitive industry・B) the rwmber of products sold in a monopolistically competitive market・C) the ratio of the total number of firms in the market to the dollar value of industry revenues.D) the percent of total industry output that is accounted for by the largest firms・E) none of the above・97. Monopolistic deviation from P = MC means that:A) no body can be made better off without maki ng someone else worse off.B) goods are being produced efficiently.C) society is more able to achieve its welfare optimum.D) someone can be made better off without maki ng some one else worse off.E) none of the above・98. Which of the following best explains why collusive oligopolies are not stable?A) Compa nies are in here ntly hostile to each other.B) Companies feel they have a moral responsibility not to collude・C) Each company in the oligopoly can in crease its profits by deviating from the agreed upon price and/or quantity.D) Oligopolies are not unstable; rather they are quite stable・E) None of the above・99. Many firms practice mark up pricing, since it allows for profit maximization.A) True B) False100.Strategic interaction is a term used to describe the condition in which a firm's business strategy depends upon its competitors1 actions・A) True B) False。



网络搭建与应用练习题及答案1、下面哪些设备工作在物理层( )。

A、交换机B、HubC、路由器D、防火墙答案:B2、在交换机上只配置spanning-tree mode rstp命令后,下列说法正确的是( )A、交换机自动开启快速生成树协议B、交换机自动成为根交换机C、生成树协议未被激活D、MSTP协议被激活答案:C3、目前网络设备的MAC地址由( )位二进制数字构成,IP地址由___位二进制数字构成A、48,16B、64,32C、48,32D、48,48答案:C4、以下设备中,( )主要用于连接几个不同的网段,实现较远距离的无线数据通信( )A、无线网卡B、无线网C、无线路由器D、无线网关答案:B5、进入线路配置模式命令 ()。

A、enbleB、config tC、line vty 0 4D、vlan 1答案:C6、域模式中,由( )来实现对域的统一管理。

A、客户机B、服务器C、成员服务器D、域控制器答案:D7、下列静态路由配置正确的是( )A、 ip route 16 serial 0B、ip route 16、 ip route 16、ip route答案:D8、在TCP/IP协议配置好后,Ipconfig命令显示的结果不包括下列()。

A、本机IP地址B、网关的IP地址C、子网掩码D、 DNS服务器地址答案:D9、在缺省的情况下,如果一台路由器在所有接口同时运行了RIP和OSPF两种动态路由协议,下列说法中正确的是: ( )A、针对到达同一网络的路径,在路由表中只会显示RIP发现的那一条,因为RIP协议的优先级更高B、针对到达同一网络的路径,在路由表中只会显示OSPF发现的那一条,因为OSPF协议的优先级更高C、针对到达同一网络的路径,在路由表中只会显示RIP发现的那一条,因为RIP协议的花费值metric更小D、针对到达同一网络的路径,在路由表中只会显示OSPF发现的那一条,因为OSPF 协议的花费值metric更小答案:B10、以下不属于电子数字计算机特点的是( )A、运算快速B、计算精度高C、形状粗笨D、通用性强答案:C11、 OSI参考模型将整个网络的功能划分成七层,由低层至高层分别称为物理层、数据链路层、网络层、()、表示层和应用层。



的路由器的最大跳跃记数是多少d2.用户需要在一个C类地址中划分子网,其中一个子网的最大主机数是16,如果要得到最多的子网数亮,子网掩吗应该是:d3.某单位搭建了一个有六个子网,C类IP地址的网络要正确配置该网络应该使用的子网掩吗是:a4.哪中协议是距离矢量路由协议,同时属于内部网官协议 c5.被路由的协议 bIPSPX6.防火墙的功能是什么bA,过滤MAC地址层B,过滤网络地址层C,保护硬件资源D,减少内部网络的活动7.关于VLAN,以下描述正确的是_______________。


类型1 B。

类型2 C。

类型3,4 D。

类型5 (答案:C)11、VLAN的特点是_____________。




.0.5 C。




























请问“表达数据与控制信息的结构或格式”是属于⽹络协议哪⼀个要素的内容?A.语法 B。

语句 C.同步 D。



请问:“保证在使⽤最少⽹络资源和具有最⼩时延的前提下,⽹络能提供可靠、连续的通信能⼒”是属于哪⼀个功能域?A.故障管理 B。

配置管理 C。

计费管理 D。


请问:停⽌等待协议采⽤的是什么⽅法来解决“重复帧”问题?A.启动超时计时器 B。

设置滑动窗⼝ C。


设置发送序号6.OSI的七层协议体系结构中,物理层、数据链路层、⽹络层、传输层的协议数据单元(PDU)分别称为:A.⽐特流、帧、数据分组、报⽂段 B。

帧、报⽂段、数据分组、⽐特流C.⽐特流、数据分组、帧、报⽂段 D。



1. 低酸罐头食品是指a) 内容物最终平衡pH为4.6以上的罐装食品b) 内容物最终平衡pH为4.6以上,7.0以下的罐装食品c) 内容物最终平衡pH为4.6以下的罐装食品 d) 内容物最终平衡pH为4.6以下,3.0以上的罐装食品2. 为了避免低酸性食品食物中毒,杀菌时以()为标准。

a) 沙门氏菌 b) 金黄色葡萄球菌 c) 肉毒梭菌 d) 大肠杆菌3. 以下各点,可以判定是肠球菌的常见指标之一是a) 革兰氏阴性b) 链球菌属 c) 多为嗜温细菌 d) 需要多种维生素和一些有机物4.以下特征,不适合于大肠菌群的有()。

(A)革兰氏阴性 (B)适应生长的pH范围为4.4~9.0 (C)生长被胆盐抑制 (D)主要来自人及温血动物的粪便5、哪个是革兰氏阴性菌?大肠菌、金葡菌、乳酸链球菌、??革兰氏阴性菌:大肠杆菌、变形杆菌、痢疾杆菌、肺炎杆菌、布氏杆菌、产气夹膜杆菌、流感(嗜血)杆菌、副流感(嗜血)杆菌、卡他(摩拉)菌、不动杆菌属、耶尔森菌属、嗜肺军团菌、百日咳杆菌、副百日咳杆菌、志贺菌属、巴斯德菌属、霍乱弧菌、副溶血性杆菌、类志贺吡邻单胞菌等。


6.由于病原微生物的生长与食品的水分活度密切相关,请判断下列食品中那种最不利于微生物的生长a)新鲜豆腐b)熟香肠c)糖蜜 d)蕨类饮料7. 微生物污染果汁后,是否能生长繁殖,主要取决于果汁的a) 水分含量b) pH值c) 味道 d) 颜色8.病原性微生物能在0~90℃的温度范围内生长。















借用位数 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 子网掩码 子网数 2 6 14 30 62 126 254 每子网主机数 16382 8190 4094 2046 1022 510 254
主讲: 刘

版本(4) 首部长度 优先级不服务类型 (4) (8) 总长度(16) 标志 (3)
TTL(8) 协议号(8)
20 字 节
源地址(32) 目标地址(32) 可选项 数据
3.每个子网不能有多于58台计算机,最合适的子网掩码为( A)。 A. B. C. D. 4.使用/28的子网掩码,划分出多少个可用网 络,每个网络可有多少个主机地址( E ) A.2个网络62台主机 B.6个网络30台主机 C.16个网络16台主机 D.62个网络2台主机 E.14个网络14台主机 F.没有正确答案
IP地址练习题 6.现要对C类192.168.10.0网络划分13个子网, 求各子网的子网掩码、网络地址、广播地址、以 及可容纳的最多主机数。 /28 即
7.现想对192.168.0.0/24、、、进行子网聚合, 求新网络的子网掩码。 /22



• • • • A B C D 答案: 0 1 2 5 C划分成尽可能多的子网,但是要求每个子 网内主机的数量不能少于200个,求子网数量
• 2^N-2 >= 200 2^N>=202 N>=8 掩码长度 32-8=24 10.Z.Z.0/24 其中Z为0到255的任意数 24-8=16 2^16
• 主机数计算公式: 2^N-2 N是掩码中零的 个数 • 子网数计算公式: 2^M M是子网掩码中1的 个数减去父网掩码中1的个数
Hale Waihona Puke •网络内最多能有多少台主机? •网络内最多能有多少台主机? • /8说明掩码中有8个1,则有24个零。
主机数计算公式: 2^N-2 N是掩码中零的个数 子网数计算公式: 2^M M是子网掩码中1的个数减去父网掩码中1的个数
• 1。网络里面可以有多少台 主机?
• 2。是一个标准的B类网,请问 能划分成多少个/24形式的子网?
主机数计算公式: 2^N-2 N是掩码中零的个数 子网数计算公式: 2^M M是子网掩码中1的个数减去父网掩码中1的个数
• 1。网络里面可以有多少台主机? 254 • 2^8-2=254 •
• 2。是一个标准的B类网,请问能划 分成多少个/24形式的子网? • 2^(24-16)=2^8=256 • ~



中国民航实施RVSM试题(问卷部分)1.RVSM是以下英文单词的首字母简写: bA.Revised Version for Separation MinimumB.Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum.C.Revised Version for System Maintenance.D.Reduced Vertical Separation Maximum.2.中国将于——实施RVSM。



A.米制B.英制C.A、B都正确D.其他5.我国RVSM飞行高度层,600米至8400米之间垂直间隔为(a)米,8400米至8900米之间垂直间隔为(c)米,8900米至12500米之间的垂直间隔为(a)米,12500米以上垂直间隔为(b )米。

A、300米B、600米C、500米D、1000米6.为保证由米制飞行高度转换为英尺飞行高度,并按100英尺“取整”之后,所有飞行高度层至少有1000英尺的垂直间隔,将8900米至9800米(b );将11900米至12500米(a )。




HCIA认证 《数通》全套题库(746道含标准答案)

HCIA认证 《数通》全套题库(746道含标准答案)

HCIA认证《数通》全套题库(746道含标准答案)1. 1、网络管理员在网络中捕获到了一个数据帧,其目的MAC地址是01-00-5E-A0-B1-C3。

关于该MAC地址的说法正确的是()[分值:5]正确答案:C. 它是一个组播MAC地址2. 2、以下哪项不是CSMA/CD的工作原理?()[分值:5]正确答案:B. 延迟固定时间后重发3. 3、主机的IPv4地址为200.200.200.201/30,拥有下列哪个IPv4地址的主机和其通信不需要经过路由器转发?()[分值:5]正确答案:B. 4、如果以太网数据帧Length/Type=0x0806,下列说法正确的是?()[分值:5]正确答案:A. 此数据帧为Ethernet II帧|C. 此数据帧的源MAC地址一定不是FFFF-FFFF-FFFFF5. 5、使能Proxy ARP功能的路由器收到一个ARP请求报文时,发现其所请求的IP地址不是自己,则会进行如下哪些操作?()[分值:5]正确答案:A. 如果查到有到该目的地址的路由,则将自己的MAC地址发给ARP请求方|D. 查找有无到该目的地址的路由6. 6、以下哪些存储介质是华为路由器常用的存储介质?()[分值:5]正确答案:A. SDRAM|B. NVRAM|C. Flash|E. SD Card7. 7、VRP操作系统命令划分为访问级、监控级、配置级、管理级4个级别。

能运行各种业务配置命令但不能操作文件系统的哪一级?()[分值:5]正确答案:C. 配置级8. 8、VRP界面下,使用命令delete或unreserved vrpcfg.zip 无法删除文件,必须在回收站中清空,才能彻底删除文件。

()[分值:5]正确答案:B. 错误9. 9、现有交换机MAC地址表如下,下列说法正确的有?()[分值:5]正确答案:B. MAC地址5489-9811-0b49是由管理员手工配置10. 10、如下图所示,交换机开启STP协议,当网络稳定后,下列说法正确的有?()[分值:5]正确答案:B. SWA是这个网络中的根桥|C. SWB的两个端口都处于Forwarding状态11、下图所示的两台交换机都开启了STP协议,某工程师对此网络做出了如下结论,你认为正确的结论有?()[分值:5]正确答案:A. SWB的G0/0/2端口稳定在Forwarding状态|B. SWA的G0/0/2端口稳定在Forwarding状态|D. SWA的G0/0/3端口稳定在Forwarding状态|E. SWA的两个端口都是指定端口12. 13、如图所示,两台交换机使用默认参数运行STP,交换机A上使用了配置命令STP root primary,交换机B上使用了配置命令STP priority 0,则下面哪个端口将会被阻塞?()[分值:5]正确答案:A. 交换机A的G0/0/213. 12、RSTP协议比STP协议增加了哪种端口角色?()[分值:5]正确答案:A. Alternate端口|B. Backup端口14. 14、STP协议的配置BPDU报文不包含以下哪个参数?()[分值:5]正确答案:C. VLAN ID15. 15、缺省情况下,STP协议Forward Delay时间是多少秒?()[分值:5]正确答案:B. 1516. 16、运行STP协议的交换网络在进行生成树计算时用到了以下哪些参数?()[分值:5]正确答案:A. 根路径开销|B. 端口ID|C. 桥ID17. 17、在STP协议中,假设所有交换机所配置的优先级相同,交换机1的MAC地址为00-e0-fc-00-00-40,交换机2的[分值:5]正确答案:MAC地址为00-e0-fc-00-00-10,交换机3的MAC地址为00-e0-fc-00-00-20,交换机4的MAC地址为00-e0-fc-00- 00-80,则根交换机应当为(B)18.18、如下图所示的网络,交换机的MAC地址已标出。





二、填空题1. 非接触式测量主要是基于_____、_______磁学等原理,来获得样件表面点的坐标。

2. 超精密切削加工主要指_______超精密车削,主要用于加工__________。


4. 工业机器人按结构形式分为______坐标机器人、_____坐标机器人、____坐标机器人、____坐标机器人。

5. 反求工程设计的三个阶段是_____、_______、_______。

6. 工业机器人一般由______、______、______以及______等部分组成。

7. 制造自动化的发展历程分为_____、_______、_______三个阶段。

8. 设计根据其活动中创造性大小,可分为_________,__________,_________三类。



11. 根据产品信息的来源不同,可将反求工程分为:_____、_______、_______。

练习 6.4.2:挑战难关- VLSM 计算和编址设计

练习 6.4.2:挑战难关- VLSM 计算和编址设计

练习 6.4.2:挑战难关- VLSM 计算和编址设计拓扑图学习目标:•确定所需子网的数量。


•使用 VLSM 设计适当的编址方案。

场景在本练习中,为您指定了一个网络地址,您将对它划分子网,并为拓扑图中显示的网络分配IP 地址。

在此将利用 VLSM,使用网络 才能满足编址需求。

该网络的编址需求如下:• East 网络部分• N-EAST (Northeast) 的 LAN1 需要 4000 个主机 IP 地址。

• N-EAST (Northeast) 的 LAN2 需要 4000 个主机 IP 地址。

•SE-BR1 (Southeast Branch1) 的 LAN1 需要 1000 个主机地址。

•SE-BR1 (Southeast Branch1) 的LAN2 需要 1000 个主机地址。

•SE-BR2 (Southeast Branch2) 的 LAN1 需要 500 个主机地址。

•SE-BR2 (Southeast Branch2) 的 LAN2 需要 500 个主机地址。

•SE- ST1 (Southeast Satellite1) 的 LAN1 需要 250 个主机地址。

•SE-ST1 (Southeast Satellite1) 的 LAN2 需要 250 个主机地址。

•SE- ST2 (Southeast Satellite2) 的 LAN1 需要 125 个主机地址。

•SE- ST2 (Southeast Satellite2) 的 LAN2 需要 125 个主机地址。

• West 网络部分• S-WEST (Southwest) 的 LAN1 需要 4000 个主机 IP 地址。

• S-WEST (Southwest) 的 LAN2 需要 4000 个主机 IP 地址。

•NW-BR1 (Northwest Branch1) 的 LAN2 需要 200 个主机地址。















计算机网络技术试题单选题(65题)1. 不属于局域网特点的有 D 。

A. 较小的地理范围B. 高传输速率和低误码率C. 一般为一个单位所建D. 一般侧重共享位置准确无误及传输的安全2. 协议是下列哪个选项之间的规约? A 。

A. 不同系统对等实体B. 上下层C. 不同系统D. 实体3. 下列哪个选项是对信息的描述? C 。

A.数据 B.记录下来可鉴别的符号 C. 经过加工处理过的数据 D. 数4. 在OSI参考模型中,网络层的PDU是 B 。

A. 帧B. 分组C. 报文D.比特流5. 网络层使用的核心设备是 B 。

A. 中继器B. 路由器C. 集线器D. 交换机6. 网络122.21.136.0/24和122.21.143.0/24路由汇聚后的地址是 A 。

A. B. C. D. 整个报文的端到端传送是下列哪一层负责? B 。

A. 数据链路层B. 传输层C. 表示层D. 网络层8. 采用CSMA/CD协议的网络是 B 。

A. 令牌网B. 以太网C. 因特网D. 广域网9. 当数据分组从高层向低层传送时,数据分组的头部要被 A 。

A. 加上B. 修改C. 去掉D. 重新处置10. OSPF区域内的路由器一般最好不超过 C 。

A. 26B. 35C. 200D. 1511.不属于网络所指的“三网”是 D 。

A. 电信网络B. 有线电视网络C. 计算机网络D. 因特网12.以下不属于从网络的交换功能来分类的网络是 D 。

A. 电路交换B. 报文交换C. 分组交换D. 局域网13.香农公式表明:信道的带宽或信道中的信噪比越大,则信息的极限传输速率就 A 。

A. 越高B. 越低C. 可能低,也可能高D. 先高后低14.某网络的子网掩码是255.255.255.248,该网络最多能连接的主机数是 D 。

















VIJOS【颜色代表内容形式!!!】题目附件算法正文注意引用说明1000 A+B Problem数学(?)请Ctrl c+ctrl vprogram Plus;var a,b:longint;beginreadln(a,b);writeln(a+b);end.注意:不是高精度加法程序来自:VIJOS1001 谁拿了最多奖学金模拟仔细点就行了。

1001.pas1002 过河解法1:动态规划设f[i]表示跳到i所能碰到的最少石子数,方程式很容易。



当s=t时我们的方法行不通,因为f数组中不会出现连续的相同值,这时可以特判,石子的坐标mod s=0的就会被踩到。



1002-2.pas1006 晴天小猪历险记之Hill动态规划如果只能从下往上走,那么本题会非常简单,但小猪还能左右走,于是只能把从i+1到i层的行动分为2步:从i+1到I层,再在i层左右移动。



通信网络习题库(含参考答案)一、单选题(共53题,每题1分,共53分)1.会话的MT过程中,S-CSCF会把被叫的()转化成()A、SIP号码,IP地址B、SIP号码,TEL号码C、IP地址,SIP号码D、TEL号码,SIP号码正确答案:A2.在BGP选路规则中,对Origin树形的优先级判断原则是()A、EGP>Incomplete>IGPB、IGP> Incomplete >EGPC、Incomplete >EGP>IGP AnswerD、IGP>EGP> Incomplete正确答案:D3.IP地址通常分为A、B、C三类在一个C类地址中,最多可以分出()个子网A、128B、126C、62D、64正确答案:D4.EMS通过厂站远动终端设备或测控装置采集的数据反映了电网的稳态潮流情况,其实时性为()A、分钟级B、小时级C、秒级D、毫秒级正确答案:C5.系统频率降低时,可以通过()的办法使频率上升A、增加发电机有功出力,减少用电负荷B、投入大电流联切装置C、减少发电机有功出力D、增加发电机的励磁,降低功率因数正确答案:A6.CDMA空中接口系统负荷对容量和覆盖的同时都有影响,当负荷越大()A、容量越大,覆盖越大B、容量越小,覆盖越大C、容量越大,覆盖越小D、容量越小,覆盖越小正确答案:C7.OTN系统中,OTU1的帧结构大小为4*4080字节,那么OTU2的帧结构大小为()A、8*4080B、4*4080C、16*4080D、32*4080正确答案:B8.IMS的概念是是从()中引入的A、CS网络B、NGNC、CDMA2000D、PS网络正确答案:D9.掺铒光纤的激光特性()A、主要由入射光的工作波长决定B、主要由掺铒元素决定C、主要由泵浦光源决定D、主要由起主介质作用的石英光纤决定正确答案:B10.OSPF的认证方式不包括下列选项中的()A、不认证B、简单口令认证C、MD5认证D、明文认证正确答案:D11.按照防火墙工作原理可以将防火墙可划分为()A、独立式防火墙和集成式防火墙B、软件防火墙和硬件防火墙C、边界防火墙和个人防火墙D、包过滤防火墙、代理型防火墙和状态检测型防火墙正确答案:D12.TMS系统中一级网检修计划发起时间为()A、人工在每月一日触发B、人工在每月第一个工作日触发C、系统自动在每月一日零时触发D、系统自动在每月第一个工作日零时触发正确答案:C13.TMS系统中机房编号以()开头A、R001B、A01C、H01D、H001正确答案:C14.当不同路由协议RIP、OSPF、BGP等各自得到了一条到达目标网络,()作为最优路由的选择原则A、管理距离越大,路由越优先B、管理距离越小,路由越优先C、度量值越大,路由越优先D、度量值越小,路由越优先正确答案:B15.L3MPLS-VPN网络中,P设备必须要维护的信息有()A、私网路由B、vpn-instanceC、公网路由D、私网LSP正确答案:C16.ADSL的不对称性是指()A、上下行线路长度不同B、上下行线路粗细不同C、上下行速率不同D、上下行信号电压不同正确答案:C17.MPLS-VPN网络中,作为P设备,那么一定需要支持的功能是()A、M-BGPB、LDPC、OSPFD、BGPv4正确答案:B18.高压输电线路的故障绝大部分是()A、单相接地短路B、两相接地短路C、两相相间短路D、三相短路正确答案:A19.公司有用户反映在使用网络传输文件时,速度非常低,管理员在网络中使用Wireshark软件抓包发现了一些重复的帧,下面关于可能的原因或解决方案描述正确的是()A、交换机在MAC地址表中查不到数据帧的目的MAC地址时,会泛洪该数据帧B、公司网络的交换设备必须进行升级改造C、网络在二层存在环路D、网络中没有配置VLAN正确答案:C20.通信专用蓄电池单体电压等级应是()A、48VB、24VC、12VD、2V正确答案:D21.TMS系统告警操作台中,点击标题栏中的红色手型按钮可以进行的操作是()A、归并B、批量定性C、批量确认D、查看地市告警正确答案:C22.两个UE之间为了建立、更改、释放媒体所需要建立的信令关系称为()A、对话B、会话C、事务D、信令连接正确答案:A23.以下协议中支持可变长子网掩码(VLSM)和路由汇聚功能(RouteSummarization)的是()A、IGRPB、RIPv1C、OSPFD、VTP正确答案:C24.在光路资源信息管理中,下列()资源与光路数据一一对应A、业务B、光缆C、传输段D、SDH网元正确答案:C25.本端产生支路输入信号丢失,对端相应支路收到()告警A、AISB、LOSC、LOFD、LOP正确答案:A26.光纤纤芯折射率为1.5,用OTDR定时装置测得信号从A点到B点往返的时间为15μs,那么()B两点间的光纤长度为()mA、1500B、3000C、6000D、4500正确答案:A27.两个主机之间要进行UDP协议通信,首先要进行()次握手B、1C、2D、3正确答案:A28.哪一种简单协议交换数据使不需要进行确认和保证数据到达()A、TCPB、ASPC、TCP/IPD、UDP正确答案:D29.电网运行的客观规律包括()A、异步性、变化性、电网事故发生突然性B、变化性、快速性、电网事故发生突然性C、同时性、平衡性、电网事故发生突然性D、瞬时性、快速性、电网事故发生突然性正确答案:C30.STP的主要目的是()A、防止“广播风暴”B、防止网络中出现信息回路造成网络瘫痪C、使网桥具备网络层功能D、防止信息丢失正确答案:B31.某AR2200路由器通过OSPF和RIPv2同时学习到了到达同一网络的路由条目,通过OSPF学习到的路由的开销值是4882,通过RIPv2学习到的路由的跳数是4,则该路由器的路由表中将有()A、RIPv2路由B、OSPF和RIPv2C、OSPF 路由D、两者都不存在正确答案:C32.TMS系统,月累计告警处理率,持续时间小于()分钟的未处理根告警不纳入统计A、60C、10D、15正确答案:D33.在ISO定义的七层参考模型中,对数据链路层的描述正确的是()A、提供应用软件的接口提供端到端数据传输的链路建立机制B、检查网络拓扑结构,进行路由选择和报文转发C、实现数据传输所需要的机械、接口、电气等属性D、实施流量监控,错误检测,链路管理,物理寻址正确答案:D34.C/S结构的LAN中,数据传输的瓶颈在()A、交换机与服务器连接的端口B、交换机与客户机连接的端口C、客户机与交换机连接的网线D、客户机与交换机连接的网卡正确答案:A35.RIP协议的路由项在()时间内没有更新会变为不可达A、180sB、90sC、240sD、120s正确答案:A36.在目前最常用的G.652光纤中,波长为()的光具有最小损耗A、1550nmB、850nmC、1720nmD、1310nm正确答案:A37.电感在直流电路中相当于()A、不存在B、开路C、断路D、短路正确答案:D38.TD-LTE为()系统A、TDMA/ TDDB、CDMA/TDDC、OFDM/FDDD、OFDM/TDD正确答案:D39.TMS系统资源管理模块中通信机柜的类型通常不包括()A、综合配线架B、ODF配线架C、RDF配线架D、VDF配线架正确答案:C40.EIRP是下列()端口的发射功率A、机顶B、RRU口C、馈线D、天线正确答案:D41.光缆和ODF进行连接时,连接芯数取决于()A、现场已被占用,完成光连接的芯数B、现场ODF带有光纤连接器的多少C、核实台账资料,实际光缆与ODF相连的芯数D、以上都不对正确答案:C42.STM-N帧结构中,B2字节的个数是()A、1B、NC、3ND、以上都不对正确答案:C43.在广播类型网络中,DIS默认发送hello时间间隔为多少()A、5sB、10sC、3.3sD、40s正确答案:C44.下列不属于通信统计指标的是()A、月度检修归档率B、通信检修申请票正确率C、月度计划检修完成率D、月度临时检修率正确答案:A45.IEE802.3ae10Gb/s以太网标准支持的工作模式是()A、单工B、全双工C、半双工D、全双工和半双工正确答案:B46.TD-LTE制式属于第()代移动通信技术A、1B、2C、3D、4正确答案:D47.在网络协议中,规定通信双方数据与控制信息的结构和格式的这部分是()A、规则部分B、规约部分C、语法部分D、语义部分正确答案:C48.TMS中告警操作台中对告警的统计格式为下面那种()A、已确认/未确认B、未确认/已确认C、已确认/总数D、未确认/总数正确答案:C49.不属于光纤衰减损耗的是()A、弯曲损耗B、散射损耗C、吸收损耗D、固有损耗正确答案:A50.单向通道保护环的触发条件是()告警A、MS-AISB、MS-RDIC、LOSD、TU-AIS正确答案:D51.目前,波分系统中信道波长是等间隔的,即()A、k*0.4nmB、k*0.2nmC、k*1nmD、k*0.8nm正确答案:D52.造成光纤中传输的光波信号出现畸变的重要原因是()A、光纤色散B、材料色散C、波导色散D、零色散波长正确答案:A53.再生段开销RSOH由()接入A、自己生成B、终端设备TMC、再生器REGD、再生器REG或终端设备TM正确答案:D二、多选题(共25题,每题1分,共25分)1.关于BGP/MPLSVPN第二种跨域方式(optionb,ASBRtoASBR)的说法正确是()A、ASBR之间建立MP-EBGP邻居关系B、ASBR之间建立MP-IBGP邻居关系C、私网数据在AS之间转发时不带标签D、私网数据在AS之间转发时带有标签正确答案:AD2.光同步传送网的主要传输损伤有()A、延时B、误码C、漂移D、抖动正确答案:ABCD3.通信用阀控式铅酸蓄电池主要由()等组成A、电解液(硫酸)B、二氧化铅(正极)C、安全阀及外壳D、铅(负极)正确答案:ABCD4.TD-SCDMA具有”3S”特点()A、智能天线(smart antenna)B、同步CDMA(synchronous cdma)C、软件无线电(software radio)D、软件无线电(software wireless)正确答案:ABC5.以太网交换机端口的通信方式可以被设置为()A、自动协商B、全双工C、Trunk模式D、半双工正确答案:ABD6.下面的器件既可以作为合波器又可以作为分波器的是()A、AWGB、TFF介质膜C、耦合器D、衍射光栅正确答案:ABD7.下列属于OTN线性保护技术的是()A、光线路保护B、板内侧1+1保护C、SW SNCP保护D、ODUk SNCP保护正确答案:ABCD8.SIP消息分两种()A、请求消息B、反馈消息C、查询消息D、响应消息正确答案:AD9.同步状态字节S1可以携带()A、网元IDB、时钟IDC、时钟质量D、线路信号频偏正确答案:BC10.1号信令是一种随路信令,它包括()A、用户信令B、线路信令C、管理信令D、记发器信令正确答案:BD11.通信值班工作台运行记录中不能启动哪些工单()A、工作通知单B、业务方式单C、缺陷单D、检修单正确答案:AB12.关于STP下列描述正确的是()A、一个非根桥上可能存在多个根端口和一个指定端口B、根桥上不存在根端口C、根桥上不存在指定端口D、一个非根桥上可能存在一个根端口和多个指定端口正确答案:BD13.TMS系统中,有关月度检修计划,以下说法错误的是( )A、计划检修只需要更改检修状态,不需要关联月度计划检修B、目前月检修计划分为一二级网、三四级网两种C、当月的月度检修计划必须当月填报D、月度检修计划由各单位自行发起填报正确答案:ACD14.四纤双向复用段保护环与二纤双向复用段共享保护环相比,其特点是:()A、业务量加倍B、保护倒换时间快。

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1. 使用掩码255.255.255.240 划分子网,其可用子网数为(),每个子网内可用主机地址数为()A. 14 14B. 16 14C. 254 6D. 14 622. 子网掩码为255.255.0.0 ,下列哪个IP 地址不在同一网段中()A. B类地址子网掩码为255.255.255.248 ,则每个子网内可用主机地址数为()A. 10B. 8C. 6D. 44. 对于C 类IP地址,子网掩码为255.255.255.248 ,则能提供子网数为()A. 16B. 32C. 30D. 1285. 三个网段192.168.1.0/24 , , 能够汇聚成下面哪个网段()A. 地址219.25.23.56 的缺省子网掩码有几位?A.8B.16C.24D.327.某公司申请到一个C 类IP 地址,但要连接6 个的子公司,最大的一个子公司有26 台计算机,每个子公司在一个网段中,则子网掩码应设为?A.一台IP 地址为10.110.9.113/21 主机在启动时发出的广播IP 是?A.规划一个C 类网,需要将网络分为9 个子网,每个子网最多15 台主机,下列哪个是合适的子网掩码?()A.没有合适的子网掩码10.与10.110.12.29 mask 属于同一网段的主机IP 地址是 ( )A. 地址190.233.27.13/16 的网络部分地址是? ()A.没有任何子网划分的IP 地址125.3.54.56 的网段地址是?()A.一个子网网段地址为2.0.0.0 掩码为255.255.224.0 网络,他一个有效子网网段地址是? ()A.一个子网网段地址为5.32.0.0 掩码为255.224.0.0 网络,它允许的最大主机地址是?()A.在一个子网掩码为255.255.240.0 的网络中,哪些是合法的网段地址?()A.如果C 类子网的掩码为255.255.255.224,则包含的子网位数.子网数目. 每个子网中主机数目正确的是?()A.2,2,62B.3,6,30C.4,14,14D.5,30,617. 网络地址: ,如果采用子网掩码255.255.192.0 ,那么以下说法正确的是()A.划分了2 个有效子网;B.划分了4 个有效子网;C.其中一个子网的广播地址为: ;D. 其中一个子网的广播地址为: 。

18. 关于主机地址192.168.19.125 (子网掩码: ),以下说法正确()A.子网地址为: ;B. 子网地址为: ;C.广播地址为: ;D. 广播地址为: 。

19. 一个C 类地址: ,进行子网规划,要求每个子网有10 台主机,使用哪个子网掩码划分最合理()A. 使用子网掩码255.255.255.192 ;B. 使用子网掩码255.255.255.224 ;C.使用子网掩码255.255.255.240 ;D. 使用子网掩码255.255.255.252 。

//252不能用20. 网络地址192.168.1.0/24 ,选择子网掩码为255.255.255.224 ,以下说法正确的是()A. 划分了4 个有效子网;B.划分了6 个有效子网;C. 每个子网的有效主机数是30 个;D. 每个子网的有效主机数是31 个;E. 每个子网的有效主机数是32 个。

21. IP 地址: ,子网掩码为:,该地址所在网段的网络地址和广播地址()A. , ;B. , ;C. , ;D., 。

22. 代表的是()A. 网络地址;B.主机地址;C. 组播地址;D. 广播地址。

23. 一个子网网段地址为10.32.0.0 掩码为255.224.0.0 的网络,它允许的最大主机地址是()A. ;B. ;C.;D. 。

计算题:1、已知某主机的IP地址为:,子网掩码为:,请推导出:A、该主机所在的网络地址:B、网络内允许的最大主机数:C、网络内主机IP地址的范围:D、广播地址:2、一个IP地址VLSM表示的方法为169.178.57.100/27,则此IP地址的子网掩码为() 。

A、、、、、、、一台主机的IP地址为10.10.10.10/18,则该主机位于的网络的地址为 ( ) ;A、、、、、、、 H、、现有一个B类网络地址160.18.0.0,如要划分子网,每个子网最多允许40台主机,则划分时容纳最多子网时,其子网掩码为( ) 。

A、、、、、、 H、、现有一个B类网络地址160.18.0.0,如要划分子网,需要最多划分40个子网,则划分时容纳最多主机时,其子网掩码为( ) 。

A、、、、、、、 H、、现有一个VLSM地址160.171.219.125/21,则其所处的网络地址为( )。

A、、、、、、、 H、、现有一个VLSM地址160.171.219.125/20,则其所处的网络的广播地址为( ) 。

A、、、、、、、 H、 分别写出这个地址所属的主类网络号、子网号、子网掩码、可用主机地址范围;并算出有多少个子网,并罗列出所有子网主类网络号:子网号:子网掩码:可用主机地址范围:子网数:4子网:1.0,1.64,1.128,1.1922: 分别写出这个地址所属的主类网络号、子网号、子网掩码、可用主机地址范围;并算出有多少个子网,并罗列出所有子网主类网络号:子网号:子网掩码:可用主机地址范围:子网:03: 分别写出这个地址所属的主类网络号、子网号、子网掩码、可用主机地址范围;并算出有多少个子网,并罗列出所有子网主类网络号:子网号:子网掩码:可用主机地址范围:子网数:子网:4:一个公司有5个部门,每个部门有20个人,公司申请了一个201.1.1.0/24的网络,请你为改公司做一下ip地址规划。


(需要算出每个子网的主机数、子网掩码、可用的子网)每个子网主机数:可用的子网:……6:将下面的地址精确的汇总成一个网络:7:对下面的地址做一下精确的汇总:1. What valid host range is the IP address a part of? ()A. through through through through through What is the broadcast address of the subnet address ()A. What is the broadcast address of the subnet address ()A. If you wanted to have 12 subnets with a Class C network ID, which subnet mask would you use? ()A. If you need to have a Class B network address subnetted into exactly 510 subnets, what subnet ()mask would you assign?A. If you are using a Class C network ID with two subnets and need 31 hosts per network, which of the following masks should you use? ()A. How many subnets and hosts can you get from the network ()A. 4 networks with 64 hostsB. 2 networks with 62 hostsC. 254 networks with 254 hostsD. 1 network with 254 hosts8. You have the network How many subnets and hosts are available? ()A. 1 subnet with 10 hostsB. 1 subnet with 254 hostsC. 192 subnets with 10 hostsD. 254 subnets with 254 hosts9. What mask would you assign to the network ID of if you needed about 100 subnets with about 500 hosts each? ()A. You have a Class C network. How many usable subnets and hosts do you have? ()A. 16 subnets, 16 hostsB. 14 subnets, 14 hostsC. 30 subnets, 6 hostsD. 62 subnets, 2 hosts13. You have the network How many subnets and hosts are available? ()A. 1 subnet with 10 hostsB. 1 subnet with 254 hostsC. 192 subnets with 10 hostsD. 254 subnets with 254 hosts14. You have a mask. Which two of the following are valid host IDs? ()A. You have a Class B network ID and need about 450 IP addresses per subnet. What is the best mask for this network? ()A. Which of the following is a valid host for network ()A. What is the valid host range that host is a part of? ()A.。
