Pitch Angle Control for Variable Speed Wind[1]



KEY WORDS: wind turbine; pitch system; condition prognosis; support vector machines; Gaussian mixture model
摘要:传统阈值法难以及时准确地辨识出运行设备的劣化状 态,针对风力发电机组实施状态检修工作的要求,提出一种 风机变桨系统劣化状态在线辨识方法。在阐述风机变桨控制 原理和变桨系统监测参数的基础上,建立了以风速、有功功 率为输入,风轮转速、3 个叶片的桨距角和变桨驱动电流为
文献[8]评估了 D-S 证据、贝叶斯网络、模糊推 理、神经网络等几种信息融合方法在早期故障诊 断、寿命预测、退化状态评价方面的特点和优势。 文献[9]认为残差的均值和标准差可以直观地反映 其大小和分布情况。文献[10]建立了自适应模糊推 理 模 型 (adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system , ANIFS)检测风电机组关键部件的早期缺陷或潜在 故障,并且与专家知识结合进行故障诊断和定位。 文献[11]通过时间序列模型和自适应神经网络对历 史数据中蕴含的特征进行挖掘,以实现设备异常的 快速检测。文献[12]通过实验验证了支持向量机应
采用变桨变速控制策略的风电机组通过调节 叶片攻角控制风能转化率和发电功率,叶片变桨还 可作为气动刹车防止高风速时的风机超转速。为避 免风电机组在最佳叶尖速比跟踪控制阶段向恒功 率控制阶段过渡的运行区间发生较大的功率波动 及较强的瞬间载荷,风电机组多采用了独立变桨控
图 1 为典型风电机组电动独立变桨系统结构及 控制原理图。单个叶片变桨距装置一般包括控制 器、伺服驱动器、伺服电机、减速器、变桨轴承、 传感器、角度限位开关、蓄电池、电源等。变桨系 统常见故障可分执行机构故障、传感器故障、和控 制系统故障 3 类。其中部分故障形式(如渗漏油)可 通过定期人工巡检的方式发现,此类故障不在本文 研究范围内。 1.2 风电机组变桨系统控制策略及运行特点

第三届机械、控制与计算机工程国际学术会议(ICMCCE 2018)

第三届机械、控制与计算机工程国际学术会议(ICMCCE 2018)

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轴向接触轴承 axial contactbearing
轴向平面 axial plane
轴向游隙 axial internalclearance
轴向载荷 axial load
轴向载荷系数 axial loadfactor
肘形机构 togglemechanism
主动齿轮 driving gear
轴向当量动载荷 dynamic equivalent axialload
轴向当量静载荷 static equivalent axialload
轴向分力 axial thrustload
轴向基本额定动载荷 basic dynamic axialload rating
轴向基本额定静载荷 basic static axial loadrating
平面副 planar pair, flatpair
平面机构 planarmechanism
平面连杆机构 planarlinkage
平面凸轮 planar cam
平面凸轮机构 planar cammechanism
平面运动副 planar kinematicpair
平面轴斜齿轮 parallel helicalgears
曲柄存在条件 Grashoff`slaw
曲柄导杆机构 crank shaper (guide-bar)mechanism
曲柄滑块机构 slider-crank (orcrank-slider) mechanism
曲柄摇杆机构 crank-rockermechanism
曲齿锥齿轮 spiral bevelgear
少齿差行星传动 planetary drive withsmall teeth difference



Modeling a DFIG Wind Turbine System using PLECSDr.John SchönbergerPlexim GmbHTechnoparkstrasse18005ZürichDecember20081IntroductionVariable speed operation is essential for large wind turbines in order to optimize the energy capture under variable wind speed conditions.Variable speed wind turbines require a power electronic in-terface converter to permit connection with the grid. The power electronics can be either partially-rated or fully-rated[1].A popular interface method for large wind turbines that is based on a partially-rated interface is the doubly-fed induction genera-tor(DFIG)system[2].In the DFIG system,the power electronic interface controls the rotor cur-rents in order to control the electrical torque and thus the rotational speed.Because the power elec-tronics only process the rotor power,which is typi-cally less than25%of the overall output power,the DFIG offers the advantages of speed control for a reduction in cost and power losses.This report presents a DFIG wind turbine system that is modeled in PLECS and Simulink.A full elec-trical model that includes the switching converter implementation for the rotor-side power electronics and a dq model of the induction machine is given. The aerodynamics of the wind turbine and the me-chanical dynamics of the induction machine are in-cluded to extend the use of the model to simulating system operation under variable wind speed con-ditions.For longer simulations that include these slower mechanical and wind dynamics,an averaged PWM converter model is presented.The averaged electrical model offers improved simulation speed at the expense of neglecting converter switching de-tail.2Background2.1Power in the windThe mechanical power that can be extracted from a wind turbine is givenby Figure1:Typical performance coefficient vs.tip speed ratio curve showing the effect of varying the blade pitch angle.P w=0.5ρAC p v3(1) whereρis the air density,A is the area swept by the turbine blades,C p is the performance coefficient of the turbine and v is the wind velocity.A typical performance coefficient curve is shown in Fig.1, whereβis the blade pitch angle.The performance coefficient is dependent on the tip speed ratio,λ,given byλ=ωt Rv(2)whereωt is the rotational speed of the turbine and R is the turbine radius.It can be seen thatλshould be held constant to harness maximum power from the wind.The turbine rotational speed must there-fore increase as the wind speed increases.When the wind turbine reaches its maximum rotational speed however,blade pitch angle control can be employed to shed the excess wind power.Increasing the blade pitch angle decreases the optimum C p andλvalue as shown in Fig.1.(a)Fully-rated powerelectronics(b)Partially-rated power electronicsFigure2:Interface options for wind turbines.2.2Types of Wind Turbine InterfacesAlthough wind turbine generators can be interfaced directly with the power system,the use of a power electronic interface is preferred since it permits variable speed operation and thus offers increased power extraction from the wind.Variable speed op-eration also allows wind gusts to be absorbed in the mechanical inertia of the turbine,reducing torque pulsations andfluctuations in the output power. Power electronic interfaces can be of the fully-rated or partially-rated type as shown in Fig. 2. The fully-rated interface,shown in Fig.2(a),pro-cesses all power produced by the turbine.This type of interface is often used with a permanent magnet generator.The fully-rated interface permits con-trolflexibility over the entire operating range of the wind turbine;however,the converter and EMIfilter is costly compared with a partially-rated interface. The partially-rated interface processes a portion of the power output of the turbine and offers con-trolflexibility over most of the operating range of the wind turbine.A partially-rated interface is typically used with a DFIG where the power elec-tronic interface only processes the rotor power.This scheme is shown in Fig.2(b).The main advantages of this scheme are a reduction in the size and cost of the interface converter and a consequent reduction in overall converter losses.2.3DFIG systemThe DFIG is based on a wound-rotor type induc-tion machine.The torque-speed profile of a typi-cal induction machine with a short-circuited rotor is shown in Fig.3.The induction machine has two operating regions,subsynchronous and supersyn-chonous,that correspond to rotation below orabove Figure3:Torque-speed characteristic of induction machine withshort-circuited rotor.Rotor current control permits alteration of torque profile in subsynchronous and supersynchronous regions.the synchronous speed.The synchronous speed of the generator in rpm is defined byn s=fz p×60(3) where f is the grid frequency and z p is the num-ber of pole pairs.For a50Hz generator with two pole pairs,n s=1500rpm.To act as a generator,the machine must normally operate in the supersynchronous region,since the negative torque needed for generation is normally only realized in this region where the rotational speed is faster than the synchronous speed.If rotor is no longer short-circuited but supplied by a con-verter using a slip ring arrangement,control of the torque profile is possible.At a given wind speed,ro-tor current control permits optimal negative torque generation.Therefore,operation at the optimum ro-tational speed is achievable.The powerflow through the rotor converter is de-pendent on the slip of the machine as shown in Fig. 2(b).The slip is defined bys=n s−n gn s(4)where n g is the rotational speed of the ma-chine.For supersynchronous operation(negative slip),powerflows out of the rotor and for subsyn-chronous operation(positive slip)power is delivered to the rotor from the system.However,the net powerflow out of the DFIG system is positive.The required operating speed range in the machine de-termines the slip range and consequently the rat-ing of the rotor converter.Normally the system is designed to operate over a range of s=±33%.For such a case,the required rotor converter rating is 25%of the maximum power rating of the turbine.Figure 4:Block diagram of doubly-fed induction generator system.3Example DFIG SystemThe block diagram of the example DFIG system pre-sented in the paper is shown in Fig.4.The rotor supply circuit comprises a grid-side converter and rotor-side converter that are linked via a dc bus.The dc bus capacitor decouples the two converters,allowing them to be independently controlled.Theparameters of the turbine and induction machine are given in Table. 1.The parameters have been adapted from a GE 1.5MW turbine [3].It shouldbe noted that the inertia was reduced by a factor offive in order to speed up the mechanical dynamicresponse of the turbine and allow for a faster simu-lation.This has a minor impact on the selection of parameters for the speed controller in the rotor-side converter control loop.3.1Grid Converter ControlThe task of the grid side converter is to regulate the voltage of the dc bus,V dc .To achieve this,a volt-age control loop controls the d-axis current,I ∗d thataffects the real power exported to or imported fromthe grid.The grid side converter can also be usedfor system power factor control by adding a reactive power control loop to control the q-axis current.Inthe example system,unity power factor operation is assumed and the q-axis current reference is there-fore set to zero.3.2Rotor Converter ControlThe the purpose of the rotor converter is to con-trol the generator speed to achieve maximum power Table 1:DFIG Turbine &Induction Machine Parameters Rated power P m 1.5MW Rated voltage (line)V l575V Frequency f 50Hz Stator/rotor turns ratio N 1Stator resistance R s0.0014ΩRotor resistance R r 0.992m ΩStator leakage inductance L s λ89.98µH Rotor leakage inductance L r λ82.09µH Magnetizing inductance L m1.53mHPole pairs z p 2Bus capacitance C 38mF Inertia J 5kg.m 2Gearbox ratio n 1:75.71Turbine radius R 35m Rated wind speed v max12m/sFigure5:Wind turbine performance coefficient vs.tip speed ratio.from the wind over a range of wind velocities.The rotor contverter control scheme is based on a multi-tiered structure that comprises a speed,power and current control loop.It should be noted that omis-sion of the power control loop is possible by imple-menting decoupled current control[4].The reference speed for the outer speed control loop is determined by a maximum power point (MPP)calculation based on the wind velocity.Speed control is implemented by controlling the real power reference to the power control loop.In the power control loop,the reactive power reference is set to zero because it is assumed that the grid side converter will supply the needed reactive power to the system.The current controller tracks the power reference by controlling the rotor currents.Current control is performed in a dq reference frame that is aligned with the position of the rotor.4System ModelingThe simulation model takes into account the dy-namics of the wind turbine,the mechanical and electrical dynamics of the induction machine,and the electrical dynamics of the grid and rotor-side converters and dc bus.What is not taken into ac-count are the slower dynamics of blade pitch con-trol.It is therefore assumed that the blade pitch angle remains constant at0◦and the wind speed never exceeds the rated value of12m/s.4.1Wind Turbine ModelThe wind turbine is modeled by converting the aero-dynamic power created by the wind into a mechan-ical torque that drives the induction machine.The aerodynamic power,P w,is calculated using Eq.(1) and the mechanical torque is calculated withFigure6:Wind turbine dynamics modeled as a torque surface.T m=−P wωt(5)=−0.5ρAC p v360n2πn g(6)where n is the gearbox ratio.The performance characteristic,C p,is approximated with the follow-ing equation:C p=0.244 130λ−6.56 e−13.3/λ(7) The performance characteristic for the example wind turbine is shown in Fig.5.It can be seen that an optimal C p of0.45exists at the optimal tip speed ratio of8.0.The torque model of the turbine,calculated from Eq.(6),is dependent on two variables,v and n g. When these parameters are swept over their oper-ating range,the resultant torque characteristic is a surface,as shown in Fig.6.For reasons of com-putational efficiency,the torque model of the wind turbine is implemented in the simulation model as a lookup table.4.2Induction Machine ModelThe induction machine model is implemented us-ing the standard PLECS library model of an induc-tion machine with an open rotor.The electrical part of the machine is implemented as an equivalent dq model and the mechanical dynamics of the rotor are represented using˙ω=1J(T e−Fωm−T m)(8) where T m is the external torque input from the wind turbine model,T e is the electrical torque cal-culated in the electrical machine model,F is the co-Figure7:Output power graphs of the wind turbine showing the maximim power points for different wind speeds.Valid operating range of the simulation model is indicated by the shadedareas.Figure8:Switched PWM Converter Model.efficient of friction and J is the combined inertia of the rotor and turbine.4.3Converter ModelTwo different converter models are used in the sim-ulation;a switched3phase PWM converter model shown in Fig.8and an averaged PWM converter model shown in Fig.9.The switched model is used to simulate the fast electrical dynamics of the sys-tem and the averaged model idealizes the switch-ing action,making it suitable for longer simulations in which the slower mechanical and wind speed dy-namics arestudied.Figure9:Averaged PWM Converter Model.With the averaged PWM converter model,the as-sumption is that the PWM is ideally imposed.The ac-side voltages are therefore modeled as controlled voltage sources whose magnitude is calculated us-ingV i=0.5m i V dc(9) where m i is the modulation index of each con-verter phase.The dc-side current is then calculated from the measured ac currents as follows:I dc=0.5(m a I a+m b I b+m c I c)(10)4.4Operating RangeThe output power of the wind turbine that is cal-culated using Eq.(1)and(7)is shown in Fig.7 as a function of wind speed and generator rota-tional speed.It can be seen that the maximum out-put power of1.5MW,generated at a wind speed of12m/s,is harnessed at a generator rotational speed of2000rpm.The wind turbine is not de-signed to produce a steady-state output of more the 1.5MW.In practice,blade pitch control is used to re-duce the aerodynamic power at higher wind speeds. Blade pitch control has been omitted from the tur-bine model since the focus of the simulation is on the faster electrical and motor dynamics.Therefore the model is only valid up to wind speeds of12m/s.4.5Maximum Power TrackingIn the example system,maximum power tracking is implemented using a simple technique that infers the optimal rotational speed of the generator,n∗g, from the wind speed measurement,v.The relation-ship between optimal generator rotational speed in rpm and wind speed is given as follows:n∗g=60λopt n2πR v(11) where n is the gearbox ratio.4.6Algebraic LoopsAlgebraic loops are present in the DFIG system model that contains the averaged PWM converter model.The output states are directly dependent on the previous output due to the feedback-based control loops.This forces Simulink to solve each simulation time step iteratively,slowing down the simulation.Memory blocks or low-passfilters can be placed in the algebraic loop in order to rectify this problem.Since the simulation is configured for variable time step simulation,low-passfilters are used to break the algebraic loop.Low-passfilters produce more deterministic behaviour than a mem-ory block in a variable-step environment.5Running the SimulationTwo simulation models are included in the example package.One model is based on switched PWM con-verter models and the other on averaged PWM con-verter models.Both examples have identical sys-tem parameters to allow for a direct comparison of results.The system parameters can be found in the.m Matlabfiles that are supplied with the Simulink .mdlfiles.The.m function is automatically exe-cuted when the simulation is started.The name of the.m function can be found in the simulation modelfile under File>Model Properties>Call-backs>InitFcn.The simulation start and stop time and the induction machine parameters are specified and the wind turbine torque lookup table is initial-ized with data from thefile TmLookupData.mat. Running the simulation will initialize the DFIG system to run at a steady state operating point for a wind speed specified by the variable Vw1in the.m initialization function.The magnitude and time of the step change are also specified in the initializa-tion function.The steady state operating point is imposed by loading an initial condition vector and applying the values to the integrators in the control loops and the parameters of the induction machine.A step change in wind speed can be applied to the turbine to observe the operation of the system in re-sponse to such a disturbance.The example simulation models are configured to show the effect of a step change in wind speed from12m/s to10.5m/s or from10.5m/s to8m/s. With a wind speed of12m/s the total output power of the system is1.5MW,and the generator rota-tional speed is2000rpm.Reducing the wind speed to10.5m/s causes the output power to decrease to 1MW and the optimal generation speed to decrease to1750rpm.These operating points corresponds to the output power graph shown in Fig.7.It should be noted that when the wind speed is decreased from10.5m/s to8m/s,the slip direction changes and consequently the rotor converter begins supply-ing power to the generator in order to permit gener-ation in the subsynchronous region.6ConclusionIn this report,a combined electrical-mechanical simulation model of a DFIG system has been pre-sented.The model includes all electrical details of the rotor side converters and induction machine and the mechanical dynamics of the rotor and wind turbine.The wind turbine is modeled using a unique torque model.Two models are included in the example package.One model,implementing full PWM switching is useful for examining the op-eration of the system down to the switching level. The second model,based on average PWM con-verter models,is an order of magnitude faster than the full switching model and is suitable for longer simulation runs where slower dynamics such as the mechanical performance and maximum power point tracking operation are studied.References[1]F.Blaabjerg and Z.C.amd S.Kjaer,“Powerelectronics as efficient interface in dispersed power generation systems,”IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,vol.19,pp.1184–1194, Sept2004.[2]S.Muller,M.Deicke,and R.D.Doncker,“Dou-bly fed induction generator systems for wind turbines,”IEEE Industry Applications Maga-zine,vol.8,pp.26–33,June2002.[3]ler,W.Price,and J.Sanchez-Gasca,“Dy-namic modeling of ge1.5and3.6wind turbine-generators,”tech.rep.,GE Power Systems En-ergy Consulting,2003.[4]R.Pena,J.Clare,and G.Asher,“Doubly fed in-duction generator using back-to-back pwm con-verters and its application to variable-speed wind-energy generation,”IEE Proceedings Elec-tric Power Applications,vol.143,pp.231–241, May1996.。



风力发电机组优化控制器的设计作者:杨德亮李泰邹博刘海舰王琪祥高斌来源:《科技创新导报》 2015年第9期杨德亮李泰邹博刘海舰王琪祥高斌(江苏科技大学电子信息学院江苏镇江 212003)摘要:风力发电机组是一种复杂时变非线性系统,当风在额定值以上时,机械载荷能力和功率波动的范围是影响风电机组稳定性的重要因素。



关键词:风能转换系统双频环优化控制节距角中图分类号:TP273 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-098X(2015)03(c)-0062-0320世纪90年代以来,全球风能产业迅速发展[1],风能逐步被广泛应用到很多领域。

在风速低于额定值时,提高风能转换效率是最受到人们关注的问题之一,国内外相关学者就捕获最大风能方面的研究已经取得了很多的成果,常用方法是MPPT和LPV [2-3]。







1 风能转换系统的建模1.1 风轮数学模型风经过风轮时产生的功率和气动转矩为:2.2 神经网络BP控制器设计高频环稳态优化的目的为使功率保持在其额定值,采用结构为2-4-1的BP网络,网络输入分别为高频参考风速与实际高频风速误差和电机高频转速,网络输出为高频节距角,BP网络结构如图3所示:3 仿真分析仿真参数如表1。



风能 /wind energy 空气流动所具有的能量。

风能资源 /wind energy resources 大气沿地球表面流动而产生的动能资源。

空气的标准状态 /standard atmospheric state 空气的标准状态是指空气压力为101325Pa,温度为15℃(或绝对288.15K),空气密度1.225kg/m3时的空气状态。

风速 /wind speed 空间特定点的风速为该点空气在单位时间内所流过的距离。

平均风速 /average wind speed 给定时间内瞬时风速的平均值。

年平均风速 /annual average wind speed 时间间隔为一整年的瞬时风速的平均值。

最大风速 /maximum wind speed 10 分钟平均风速的最大值。

极大风速 /extreme wind speed 瞬时风速的最大值。

阵风/gust 超过平均风速的突然和短暂的风速变化。

年际变化 /inter-annual variation 以 30 年为基数发生的变化。

风速年际变化是从第1 年到第 30 年的年平均风速变化。

[风速或风功率密度]年变化/annual variation 以年为基数发生的变化。

风速(或风功率变化)年变化是从 1 月到 12 月的月平均风速(或风功率密度)变化。

[风速或风功率密度 ]日变化/diurnal variation 以日为基数发生的变化。

月或年的风速(或风功率密度)日变化是求出一个月或一年内,每日同一钟点风速(或风功率密度)的月平均值或年平均值,得到0 点到 23 点的风速(或风功率密度)变化。

风切变/wind shear 风速在垂直于风向平面内的变化。

风切变指数 /wind shear exponent 用于描述风速剖面线形状的幂定律指数。

风速廓线 /wind s p e e d p rofile, wind s hear law 又称“风切变律”,风速随离地面高度变化的数学表达式。


Hub inertia(around z-axis hub coordinate system)
Root length
radius of the blade flange
Low speed shaft (LSS) rotational stiffness
LSS rotational damping
High speed shaft (HSS) rotational stiffness
Hub inertia(around x-axis hub coordinate system)
Hub inertia(around y-axis
hub coordinate system)
Nacelle drag coefficient
Mass of nacelle
Position of centre of mass of nacelle to side of tower axis



风力发电机用专业英语中文对照风力发电机wind turbine风电场wind power station wind farm风力发电机组wind turbine generator system WTGS 水平轴风力发电机horizontal axis wind turbine垂直轴风力发电机vertical axis wind turbine轮毂(风力发电机)hub (for wind turbine)机舱nacelle支撑结构support structure for wind turbine关机shutdown for wind turbine正常关机normal shutdown for wind turbine紧急关机emergency shutdown for wind turbine空转idling锁定blocking停机parking静止standstill制动器brake停机制动parking brake风轮转速rotor speed控制系统control system保护系统protection system偏航yawing设计和安全参数design situation设计工况design situation载荷状况load case外部条件external conditions设计极限design limits极限状态limit state使用极限状态serviceability limit states极限限制状态ultimate limit state最大极限状态ultimate limit state安全寿命safe life严重故障catastrophic failure潜伏故障latent fault dormant failure风特性wind characteristic风速wind speed风矢量wind velocity旋转采样风矢量rotationally sampled wind velocity 额定风速rated wind speed切入风速cut-in speed切出风速cut-out speed年平均annual average年平均风速annual average wind speed平均风速mean wind speed极端风速extreme wind speed安全风速survival wind speed参考风速reference wind speed风速分布wind speed distribution瑞利分布RayLeigh distribution威布尔分布Weibull distribution风切变wind shear风廓线风切变律wind profile wind shear law风切变指数wind shear exponent对数风切变律logarithmic wind shear law风切变幂律power law for wind shear下风向down wind上风向up wind阵风gust粗糙长度roughness length湍流强度turbulence intensity湍流尺度参数turbulence scale parameter湍流惯性负区inertial sub-range风场wind site测量参数measurement parameters测量位置measurement seat最大风速maximum wind speed风功率密度wind power density风能密度wind energy density日变化diurnal variation年变化annual variation轮毂高度hub height风能wind energy标准大气状态standard atmospheric state风切变影响influence by the wind shear阵风影响gust influence风速频率frequency of wind speed环境environment工作环境operational environment气候climate海洋性气候ocean climate大陆性气候continental climate露天气候open-air climate室内气候indoor climate极端extreme日平均值daily mean极端最高extreme maximum年最高annual maximum年最高日平均温度annual extreme daily mean of temperature 月平均温度mean monthly temperature空气湿度air humidity绝对湿度absolute humidity相对湿度relative humidity降水precipitation雨rain冻雨freezing rain霜淞rime雨淞glaze冰雹hail露dew雾fog盐雾salt fog雷暴thunderstorm雪载snow load标准大气压standard air pressure平均海平面mean sea level海拔altitude辐射通量radiant flux太阳辐射solar radiation直接太阳辐射direct solar radiation天空辐射sky radiation太阳常数solar constant太阳光谱solar spectrum黑体black body白体white body温室效应greenhouse effect环境温度ambient temperature表面温度surface temperature互联interconnection输出功率output power额定功率rated power最大功率maximum power电网连接点network connection point电力汇集系统power collection system风场电器设备site electrical facilities功率特性power performance静电功率输出net electric power output功率系数power performance自由流风速free stream wind speed扫掠面积swept area轮毂高度hub height测量功率曲线measurement power curve外推功率曲线extrapolated power curve年发电量annual energy production可利用率availability数据组功率特性测试data set for power performance measurement 精度accuracy测量误差uncertainty in measurement分组方法method of bins测量周期measurement period测量扇区measurement sector日变化diurnal variations浆距角pitch angle距离常数distance constant试验场地test site气流畸变flow distortion障碍物obstacles复杂地形带complex terrain风障wind break声压级sound pressure level声级weighted sound pressure level; sound level 视在声功率级apparent sound power level指向性directivity音值tonality声的基准面风速acoustic reference wind speed 标准风速standardized wind speed基准高度reference height基准粗糙长度reference roughness length基准距离reference distance掠射角grazing angle风轮风轮wind rotor风轮直径rotor diameter风轮扫掠面积rotor swept area风轮仰角tilt angle of rotor shaft风轮偏航角yawing angle of rotor shaft风轮额定转速rated turning speed of rotor风轮最高转速maximum turning speed of rotor 风轮尾流rotor wake尾流损失wake losses风轮实度rotor solidity实度损失solidity losses叶片数number of blades叶片blade等截面叶片constant chord blade变截面叶片variable chord blade叶片投影面积projected area of blade叶片长度length of blade叶根root of blade叶尖tip of blade叶尖速度tip speed浆距角pitch angle翼型airfoil前缘leading edge后缘tailing edge几何弦长geometric chord of airfoil平均几何弦长mean geometric of airfoil气动弦线aerodynamic chord of airfoil翼型厚度thickness of airfoil翼型相对厚度relative thickness of airfoil厚度函数thickness function of airfoil中弧线mean line弯度degree of curvature翼型族the family of airfoil弯度函数curvature function of airfoil叶片根梢比ratio of tip-section chord to root-section chord 叶片展弦比aspect ratio叶片安装角setting angle of blade叶片扭角twist of blade叶片几何攻角angle of attack of blade叶片损失blade losses叶尖损失tip losses颤振flutter迎风机构orientation mechanism调速机构regulating mechanism风轮偏测式调速机构regulating mechanism of turning wind rotor out of the wind sideward变浆距调速机构regulating mechanism by adjusting the pitch of blade整流罩nose cone顺浆feathering阻尼板spoiling flap风轮空气动力特性aerodynamic characteristics of rotor叶尖速度比tip-speed ratio额定叶尖速度比rated tip-speed ratio升力系数lift coefficient阻力系数drag coefficient推或拉力系数thrust coefficient偏航系统滑动制动器sliding shoes偏航yawing主动偏航active yawing被动偏航passive yawing偏航驱动yawing driven解缆untwist塔架tower独立式塔架free stand tower拉索式塔架guyed tower塔影响效应influence by the tower shadow<<功率特性测试>>功率特性power performance净电功率输出net electric power output功率系数power coefficient自由流风速free stream wind speed扫掠面积swept area测量功率曲线measured power curve外推功率曲线extrapolated power curve年发电量annual energy production数据组data set可利用率availability精度accuracy测量误差uncertainty in measurement分组方法method of bins测量周期measurement period测量扇区measurement sector距离常数distance constant试验场地test site气流畸变flow distortion复杂地形地带complex terrain风障wind break声压级sound pressure level声级weighted sound pressure level视在声功率级apparent sound power level指向性directivity音值tonality声的基准风速acoustic reference wind speed标准风速standardized wind speed基准高度reference height基准粗糙长度reference roughness基准距离reference distance掠射角grazing angle比恩法method of bins标准误差standard uncertainty风能利用系数rotor power coefficient力矩系数torque coefficient额定力矩系数rated torque coefficient起动力矩系数starting torque coefficient最大力矩系数maximum torque coefficient过载度ratio of over load风力发电机组输出特性output characteristic of WTGS 调节特性regulating characteristics平均噪声average noise level机组效率efficiency of WTGS使用寿命service life度电成本cost per kilowatt hour of the electricity generated by WTGS 发电机同步电机synchronous generator异步电机asynchronous generator感应电机induction generator转差率slip瞬态电流transient rotor笼型cage绕线转子wound rotor绕组系数winding factor换向器commutator集电环collector ring换向片commutator segment励磁响应excitation response制动系统制动系统braking制动机构brake mechanism正常制动系normal braking system紧急制动系emergency braking system空气制动系air braking system液压制动系hydraulic braking system电磁制动系electromagnetic braking system机械制动系mechanical braking system辅助装置auxiliary device制动器释放braking releasing制动器闭合brake setting液压缸hydraulic cylinder溢流阀relief valve泻油drain齿轮马达gear motor齿轮泵gear pump电磁阀solenoid液压过滤器hydraulic filter液压泵hydraulic pump液压系统hydraulic system油冷却器oil cooler压力控制器pressure control valve压力继电器pressure switch减压阀reducing valve安全阀safety valve设定压力setting pressure切换switching旋转接头rotating union压力表pressure gauge液压油hydraulic fluid液压马达hydraulic motor油封oil seal刹车盘brake disc闸垫brake pad刹车油brake fluid闸衬片brake lining传动比transmission ratio齿轮gear齿轮副gear pair平行轴齿轮副gear pair with parallel axes 齿轮系train of gears行星齿轮系planetary gear train小齿轮pinion大齿轮wheel , gear主动齿轮driving, gear从动齿轮driven gear行星齿轮planet gear行星架planet carrier太阳轮sun gear内齿圈ring gear外齿轮external gear内齿轮internal内齿轮副internal gear pair增速齿轮副speed increasing gear增速齿轮系speed increasing gear train中心距center distance增速比speed increasing ratio齿面tooth flank工作齿面working flank非工作齿面non-working flank模数module齿数number of teeth啮合干涉meshing interference齿廓修行profile modification , profile correction 啮合engagement, mesh齿轮的变位addendum modification on gears变位齿轮gears with addendum modification圆柱齿轮cylindrical gear直齿圆柱齿轮spur gear斜齿圆柱齿轮helical gear single-helical gear节点pitch point节圆pitch circle齿顶圆tip circle齿根圆root circle直径和半径diameter and radius齿宽face width齿厚tooth thickness压力角pressure angle圆周侧隙circumferential backlash蜗杆worm蜗轮worm wheel联轴器coupling刚性联轴器rigid coupling万向联轴器universal coupling安全联轴器security coupling齿tooth齿槽tooth space斜齿轮helical gear人字齿轮double-helical gear齿距pitch法向齿距normal pitch轴向齿距axial pitch齿高tooth depth输入角input shaft输出角output shaft柱销pin柱销套roller行星齿轮传动机构planetary gear drive mechanism 中心轮center gear单级行星齿轮系single planetary gear train柔性齿轮flexible gear刚性齿轮rigidity gear柔性滚动轴承flexible rolling bearing输出联接output coupling刚度rigidity扭转刚度torsional rigidity弯曲刚度flexural rigidity扭转刚度系数coefficient of torsional起动力矩starting torque传动误差transmission error传动精度transmission accuracy固有频率natural frequency弹性联接elastic coupling刚性联接rigid coupling滑块联接Oldham coupling固定联接integrated coupling齿啮式联接dynamic coupling花键式联接splined coupling牙嵌式联接castellated coupling径向销联接radial pin coupling周期振动periodic vibration随机振动random vibration峰值peak value临界阻尼critical damping阻尼系数damping coefficient阻尼比damping ratio减震器vibration isolator振动频率vibration frequency幅值amplitude位移幅值displacement amplitude速度幅值velocity amplitude加速度幅值acceleration amplitude控制与监控系统远程监视telemonitoring协议protocol实时real time单向传输simplex transmission半双工传输half-duplex transmission双工传输duplex transmission前置机front end processor运输终端remote terminal unit调制解调器modulator-demodulator数据终端设备data terminal equipment接口interface数据电路data circuit信息information状态信息state information分接头位置信息tap position information监视信息monitored information设备故障信息equipment failure information 告警alarm返回信息return information设定值set point value累积值integrated total integrated value瞬时测值instantaneous measured计量值counted measured metered measured metered reading 确认acknowledgement信号signal模拟信号analog signal命令command字节byte位bit地址address波特baud编码encode译码decode代码code集中控制centralized control可编程序控制programmable control微机程控minicomputer program模拟控制analogue control数字控制digital control强电控制strong current control弱电控制weak current control单元控制unit control就地控制local control联锁装置interlocker模拟盘analogue board配电盘switch board控制台control desk紧急停车按钮emergency stop push-button限位开关limit switch限速开关limit speed switch有载指示器on-load indicator屏幕显示screen display指示灯display lamp起动信号starting signal公共供电点point of common coupling闪变flicker数据库data base硬件hardware硬件平台hardware platform层layer level class模型model响应时间response time软件software软件平台software platform系统软件system software自由脱扣trip-free基准误差basic error一对一控制方式one-to-one control mode一次电流primary current一次电压primary voltage二次电流secondary current二次电压secondary voltage低压电器low voltage apparatus额定工作电压rated operational voltage额定工作电流rated operational current运行管理operation management安全方案safety concept外部条件external conditions失效failure故障fault控制柜control cabinet冗余技术redundancy正常关机normal shutdown失效-安全fail-safe排除故障clearance空转idling外部动力源external power supply锁定装置locking device运行转速范围operating rotational speed range 临界转速activation rotational speed最大转速maximum rotational speed过载功率over power临界功率activation power最大功率maximum power短时切出风速short-term cut-out wind speed外联机试验field test with turbine试验台test-bed台架试验test on bed防雷系统lighting protection system外部防雷系统external lighting protection system内部防雷系统internal lighting protection system等电位连接equipotential bonding接闪器air-termination system引下线down-conductor接地装置earth-termination system接地线earth conductor接地体earth electrode环形接地体ring earth external基础接地体foundation earth electrode等电位连接带bonding bar等电位连接导体bonding conductor保护等级protection lever防雷区lighting protection zone雷电流lighting current电涌保护器surge suppressor共用接地系统common earthing system接地基准点earthing reference points持续运行continuous operation持续运行的闪变系数flicker coefficient for continuous operation 闪变阶跃系数flicker step factor最大允许功率maximum permitted最大测量功率maximum measured power电网阻抗相角network impedance phase angle正常运行normal operation功率采集系统power collection system额定现在功率rated apparent power额定电流rated current额定无功功率rated reactive power停机standstill起动start-up切换运行switching operation扰动强度turbulence intensity电压变化系数voltage change factor风力发电机端口wind turbine terminals风力发电机最大功率maximum power of wind turbine 风力发电机停机parked wind turbine安全系统safety system控制装置control device额定载荷rated load周期period相位phase频率frequency谐波harmonics瞬时值instantaneous value同步synchronism振荡oscillation共振resonance波wave辐射radiation衰减attenuation阻尼damping畸变distortion电electricity电的electric静电学electrostatics电荷electric charge电压降voltage drop电流electric current导电性conductivity电压voltage电磁感应electromagnetic induction 励磁excitation电阻率resistivity导体conductor半导体semiconductor电路electric circuit串联电路series circuit电容capacitance电感inductance电阻resistance电抗reactance阻抗impedance传递比transfer ratio交流电压alternating voltage交流电流alternating current脉动电压pulsating voltage脉动电流pulsating current直流电压direct voltage直流电流direct current瞬时功率instantaneous power有功功率active power无功功率reactive power有功电流active current无功电流reactive current功率因数power factor中性点neutral point相序sequential order of the phase 电气元件electrical device接线端子terminal电极electrode地earth接地电路earthed circuit接地电阻resistance of an earthed conductor 绝缘子insulator绝缘套管insulating bushing母线busbar线圈coil螺纹管solenoid绕组winding电阻器resistor电感器inductor电容器capacitor继电器relay电能转换器electric energy transducer电机electric machine发电机generator电动机motor变压器transformer变流器converter变频器frequency converter整流器rectifier逆变器inverter传感器sensor耦合器electric coupling放大器amplifier振荡器oscillator滤波器filter半导体器件semiconductor光电器件photoelectric device触头contact开关设备switchgear控制设备control gear闭合电路closed circuit断开电路open circuit通断switching联结connection串联series connection并联parallel connection星形联结star connection三角形联结delta connection主电路main circuit辅助电路auxiliary circuit控制电路control circuit信号电路signal circuit保护电路protective circuit换接change-over circuit换向commutation输入功率input power输入input输出output负载load加载to load充电to charge放电to discharge有载运行on-load operation空载运行no-load operation开路运行open-circuit operation 短路运行short-circuit operation 满载full load效率efficiency损耗loss过电压over-voltage过电流over-current欠电压under-voltage特性characteristic绝缘物insulant隔离to isolate绝缘insulation绝缘电阻insulation resistance 品质因数quality factor泄漏电流leakage current闪烙flashover短路short circuit噪声noise极限值limiting value额定值rated value额定rating环境条件environment condition 使用条件service condition工况operating condition额定工况rated condition负载比duty ratio绝缘比insulation ratio介质试验dielectric test常规试验routine test抽样试验sampling test验收试验acceptance test投运试验commissioning test维护试验maintenance test加速accelerating特性曲线characteristic额定电压rated voltage额定电流rated current额定频率rated frequency温升temperature rise温度系数temperature coefficient 端电压terminal voltage短路电流short circuit current可靠性reliability有效性availability耐久性durability维修maintenance维护preventive maintenance工作时间operating time待命时间standby time修复时间repair time寿命life使用寿命useful life平均寿命mean life耐久性试验endurance test寿命试验life test可靠性测定试验reliability determination test 现场可靠性试验field reliability test加速试验accelerated test安全性fail safe应力stress强度strength试验数据test data现场数据field data电触头electrical contact主触头main contact击穿breakdown耐电压proof voltage放电electrical discharge透气性air permeability电线电缆electric wire and cable电力电缆power cable通信电缆telecommunication cable油浸式变压器oil-immersed type transformer 干式变压器dry-type transformer自耦变压器auto-transformer有载调压变压器transformer fitted with OLTC 空载电流non-load current阻抗电压impedance voltage电抗电压reactance voltage电阻电压resistance voltage分接tapping配电电器distributing apparatus控制电器control apparatus开关switch熔断器fuse断路器circuit breaker控制器controller接触器contactor机械寿命mechanical endurance电气寿命electrical endurance旋转电机electrical rotating machine直流电机direct current machine交流电机alternating current machine同步电机synchronous machine异步电机asynchronous machine感应电机induction machine励磁机exciter饱和特性saturation characteristic开路特性open-circuit characteristic负载特性load characteristic短路特性short-circuit characteristic额定转矩rated load torque规定的最初起动转矩specifies breakaway torque交流电动机的最初起动电流breakaway starting current if an a.c. 同步转速synchronous speed转差率slip短路比short-circuit ratio同步系数synchronous coefficient空载no-load系统system触电;电击electric block正常状态normal condition接触电压touch voltage跨步电压step voltage对地电压voltage to earth触电电流shock current残余电流residual current安全阻抗safety impedance安全距离safety distance安全标志safety marking安全色safety color中性点有效接地系统system with effectively earthed neutral 检修接地inspection earthing工作接地working earthing保护接地protective earthing重复接地iterative earth故障接地fault earthing过电压保护over-voltage protection过电流保护over-current protection断相保护open-phase protection防尘dust-protected防溅protected against splashing防滴protected against dropping water防浸水protected against the effects of immersion过电流保护装置over-current protective device保护继电器protective relay接地开关earthing switch漏电断路器residual current circuit-breaker灭弧装置arc-control device安全隔离变压器safety isolating transformer避雷器surge attester ; lightning arrester保护电容器capacitor for voltage protection安全开关safety switch限流电路limited current circuit振动vibration腐蚀corrosion点腐蚀spot corrosion金属腐蚀corrosion of metals化学腐蚀chemical corrosion贮存storage贮存条件storage condition运输条件transportation condition空载最大加速度maximum bare table acceletation 电力金具悬垂线夹suspension clamp耐张线夹strain clamp挂环link挂板clevis球头挂环ball-eye球头挂钩ball-hookU型挂环shackleU型挂钩U-bolt联板yoke plate牵引板towing plate挂钩hook吊架hanger调整板adjusting plate花篮螺栓turn buckle接续管splicing sleeve补修管repair sleeve调线线夹jumper clamp防振锤damper均压环grading ring屏蔽环shielding ring间隔棒spacer重锤counter weight线卡子guy clip心形环thimble设备线夹terminal connectorT形线夹T-connector硬母线固定金具bus-bar support母线间隔垫bus-bar separetor母线伸缩节bus-bar expansion外光检查visual ins振动试验vibration tests老化试验ageing tests冲击动载荷试验impulse load tests 耐腐试验corrosion resistance tests 棘轮扳手ratchet spanner专用扳手special purpose spanner 万向套筒扳手flexible pliers可调钳adjustable pliers夹线器conductor holder电缆剪cable cutter卡线钳conductor clamp单卡头single clamp双卡头double clamp安全帽safety helmet安全带safety belt绝缘手套insulating glove绝缘靴insulating boots护目镜protection spectacles缝焊机seam welding machine。



变速变桨风力发电机组的桨距控制及载荷优化何玉林;苏东旭;黄帅;任海军;陈真【摘要】The issue that how to reduce system overshoot and decreasewind turbine load for large variable speed variable pitch wind turbine over the rated wind speed is discussed. Because the wind turbine is strongly nonlinear, the pitch control strategy based on fuzzy-immune-PID controller is adopted to reduce generator speed fluctuation and improve power quality. Aiming at how to decrease the tower fore-aft vibration, tower side-side vibration and gearbox vibration of the wind turbine, corresponding control strategies such as pitch and torque damping filter and acceleration feedback are proposed. Finally, this paper uses Bladed external controller module to program and simulate. It's shown that the proposed control strategy can improve the dynamic characteristics of variable pitch control and reduce the load of key parts.%讨论了大型变速变桨风电机组在额定风速以上如何减小系统超调量以及降低机组载荷.根据风电机组的强非线性特点,采用基于模糊免疫PID的桨距控制策略,以减小发电机转速波动,改善功率品质.针对风电机组的塔架前后和侧向振动以及传动链扭转振动,提出了桨距、转矩阻尼滤波和加速度反馈等控制方式.通过Bladed外部控制器模块编程并进行仿真,结果表明所提出的控制策略能够改善变桨距控制的动态特性,降低关键部位载荷.【期刊名称】《电力系统保护与控制》【年(卷),期】2011(039)016【总页数】6页(P95-100)【关键词】风电机组;变桨距控制;振动;模糊免疫;阻尼【作者】何玉林;苏东旭;黄帅;任海军;陈真【作者单位】重庆大学机械传动国家重点实验室,重庆400030;重庆大学机械传动国家重点实验室,重庆400030;重庆大学机械传动国家重点实验室,重庆400030;重庆大学机械传动国家重点实验室,重庆400030;重庆大学机械传动国家重点实验室,重庆400030【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM315;TM760 引言变速变桨风电机组在低风速时通过调节发电机转矩使风轮按照最佳叶尖速比运行,追踪最佳风能利用系数,风能利用率较高,高风速时通过变桨限制气动力矩,稳定功率输出,在并网过程中,变桨距控制还可实现快速无冲击并网。



1.ISA 国际标准大气2.ICAO 国际民航组织3.Altitude 高度4.Attitude 姿态5.Indicated speed 表速6.IAS(指示空速)7.True airspeed 真速(真空速)8.TAS Ground speed 地速9.GS Mach number 马赫数10.Static pressure 静压11.Dynamic pressure 动压12.Total pressure 总压13.Venturi 文丘利管14.horizontal stabilizer 水平安定面15.mean camber 中弧线16.aerofoil thickness 翼型厚度17.chord 翼弦18.maximum camber 最大弧度19.coefficient of lift 升力系数20.coefficient of drag 阻力系数21.induced drag 诱导阻力22.parasite drag 废阻力23.skin friction drag 摩擦阻力24.viscosity 粘性25.swept-back angle 后掠角26.airspeed indicator 空速表27.altitude indicator 高度表28.turn coordinator 转弯侧滑仪29.throttle 油门30.wing span 翼展31.aspect ratio 展弦比32.taper ratio 稍根比33.normal category 正常类飞机34.stick force 杆力35.glide angle/ descent angle下滑角36.configuration 构型37.flap 襟翼38.CG(center of gravity) 重心39.Controllability 操纵性40.Stability 稳定性41.Flaring 拉平42.restoring moment 回复力矩43.sideslip 侧滑44.high wing 上单翼45.low wing 下单翼46.dihedral 上反角47.anhedral下反角48.CP(center of pressure)压力中心49.Pitch 俯仰50.Nose down/up 低/抬头51.Longitudinal stability纵向稳定性,即俯仰稳定性52.Directional stability 方向稳定性53.Side-wise stability 侧向稳定性teral stability 横侧稳定性55.Tailplane尾翼56.Approach 进近57.Normal(vertical) axis 立轴58.control column 操纵杆59.trim tab 调整片60.fin 垂直安定面61.longitudinal axis 纵轴teral axis 横轴63.Dutch roll 荷兰滚64.Spiral instability 螺旋不稳定65.Blade angle 桨叶角66.Winglet 翼尖小翼67.Clockwise 顺时针方向68.Anticlockwise 逆时针方向69.Fuselage 机身70.Wing 机翼teral axis 横轴72.Normal axis 立轴73.Longitudinal axis 纵轴74.Rolling 滚转75.Aileron 副翼76.Pitching 俯仰77.Elevator 升降舵78.Yawing 偏航79.Rudder 方向舵80.Stabilator 安定面81.Control surface 控制面82.Control column/ Control wheel/ Stick 控制杆(杆,盘)83.Rudder pedals 脚蹬(实现舵的控制)84.Trim/ Tab 配平片,调整片85.Trim wheel 配平轮86.Stick force 杆力nding gear 起落架88.Nose wheel airplane 前三点飞机89.Tail wheel airplane 后三点飞机90.Propeller 螺旋桨91.Thrust/pull 拉力92.Blade 桨叶93.Chord line弦线(翼弦,桨弦)94.Blade angle(pitch)桨叶角95.Plane of rotation 旋转面96.Blade twist 桨叶扭转97.Angle of attack 迎角(桨叶迎角)98.Relative flow/wind 相对气流99.Torque reaction 反作用力矩100.Gyroscopic effect 进动作用101.Spiral slipstream effect 滑流作用102.Stall 失速103.Variable pitch propeller 变距螺旋桨飞机104.Propeller efficiency 螺旋桨效率105.Pitot tub比托管(用于测量空速)106.Static pressure 静压107.Dynamic pressure 动压108.Total pressure 总压109.Transition altitude 过渡高度110.Transition level 过渡高度层111.MSL mean seal level 海平面112.Aerodynamic 空气动力113.inHg 英寸汞柱114.hPa百帕115.boundary layer (BL)附面层minar BL 层流附面层117.turbulent BL 紊流附面层118.continuity equation 连续性方程119.Bernoulli’s theorem 伯努力定理120.Stabilizing surface 安定面(指尾翼)121.Undercarriage 起落架122.Right hand rotation of propeller 右转螺旋桨飞机123.Aerofoil翼型剖面124.Leading edge 翼型前缘125.Tailing edge 翼型后缘126.Chord 翼弦127.Camber line (mean line) 中弧线128.Angle of sweepback 后掠角129.MAC (mean aerodynamic chord) 平均空气动力弦130.Root 翼根,桨尖131.Tip 翼尖,桨根132.Stream line 流线133.Unsteady flow 不稳定流动134.Mass flow 质量流量135.Free stream flow 远前方来流136.Flight path 飞行轨迹137.Stagnation point 驻点138.Downwash 下洗139.Negative 负的140.Positive 正的141.Lift formula 升力公式142.Symmetrical aerofoil对称翼型143.Asymmetrical/cambered aerofoil非对称翼型144.Rectangular wing 矩形机翼145.Elliptical wing 椭圆机翼146.Tapered wing 梯形机翼147.Steady level flight 稳定平飞148.Balance 平衡149.Separation point 分离点150.Wake 尾涡151.Wingtip vortex 翼尖涡152.Plain wing 平直翼153.Winglet 翼尖小翼154.Stalling angle/ critical angle 失速迎角,临界迎角155.Lift/drag ratio 升阻比156.Coefficient of lift 升力系数157.Coefficient of drag 阻力系数158.Maximum 最大159.Minimum 最小160.Polar curve 极曲线161.Drag curve 阻力曲线162.Lift curve 升力曲线163.Aerodynamic force 空气动力164.Differential ailerons 差动副翼(减小横侧反操纵用)165.Deflection 偏转166.Arm 力臂167.Spoiler 扰流板168.Brake 刹车169.Lift augmentation 增升装置170.Plain flap 简单襟翼171.Spilt flap 分裂襟翼172.Slotted flap 开缝襟翼173.Flower flap 后推襟翼174.Slatted flap 前缘缝翼175.Trailing edge flap 后缘襟翼176.Flapped takeoff 放襟翼起飞177.Flapless takeoff 不放襟翼起飞178.Accelerating 加速179.Decelerating 减速180.Positive pressure gradient 正的压力梯度181.Adverse pressure gradient 逆压梯度182.Reversed flow 反向流动183.Descending 下降184.Climbing 爬升185.Steep turn 急转弯186.Spin 尾旋187.Centrifugal force 向心力188.Angle of climb 上升角189.Climb gradient 上升梯度190.Climb rate 上升率191.Glide 下滑,下降192.Angle of glide 下滑角193.Descend rate 下降率194.Steady coordinated turn 稳定协调转弯195.Load 载荷196.Load factor 载荷因数197.Turn radius 转弯半径198.Rate of turn 转弯速率199.Slipping turn 内侧滑转弯200.Skidding turn 外侧滑转弯201.Damp 使衰减202.Oscillation 震荡203.Gust 阵风(主要指扰动)204.Neutral point/Aerodynamic center 焦点205.Pitching moment 俯仰力矩206.Curve slope 曲线斜率207.Minimum drag speed 最小阻力速度208.Minimum power speed 最小功率速度209.Ground effect 地面效应210.Resultant velocity 合速度211.Resultant force 合力212.Rotation 旋转,抬前轮213.Torque 扭矩214.Gyroscopic effect 进动作用215.Slipstream effect 滑流扭转作用216.Torque reaction 反作用力矩217.Mach wave 马赫波218.Shock wave 激波219.Free stream Mach number 来流马赫数220.Local Mach number 局部马赫数221.Subsonic 亚音速222.Transonic 跨音速223.Supersonic 超音速224.Critical Much number 临界马赫数225.Wind shear 风切变226.Drift 偏流227.Drift angle 偏流角228.Crosswind 侧风229.Run/roll 滑跑/滑行230.Taxi 滑行231.Excess thrust 剩余拉力232.Excess power 剩余功率233.Lowest value of drag 阻力最小234.Configuration 构型235.Bank angle 坡度角236.Rolling rate 滚转角速度237.Slip indicator 侧滑指示器238.Envelope 包线239.Manoeuvring speed 机动速度240.Limit load factor 限制载荷因数241.Tail wheel aircraft 后三点飞机242.Undercarriage/Landing gear 起落架,起落装置243.Symptoms 症候244.Buffet 抖动245.Stalling speed 失速速度246.Audible warning device 声音警告装置247.Spin avoidance 尾旋的避免248.Balloon 拉飘249.Bouncing 跳跃250.Flare/Round-out 拉平251.Upwind 上风方向252.Downwind 下风方向253.Mach number 马赫数254.Critical Mach number 临界马赫数255.Local Mach number 局部马赫数256.Flight Mach number 飞行马赫数257.the airframe 机身,结构258.The front (fore) part 前部259.The rear (aft) part 后部260.port 左旋(舵)261.starboard 右旋(舵) 262.the inboard engine or inboards 内侧发动机263.the outboard engine or outboards 外侧发动机264.the nose 机头265.the belly 腹部266.the skin 蒙皮267.the windscreen or windshield 风挡268.the wing 机翼269.the trailing edge 机翼后缘270.the leading edge 机翼前缘271.the wing tip 翼尖272.the control surface 操纵面273.ailerons 副翼274.flaps (inboard flap,outboard flap,leading edge flaps) 襟翼(内侧襟翼,外侧襟翼,前缘缝翼)275.spoilers (inboard\outboard spoiler)(spoiler down\up) 阻力板,扰流板(内、外侧扰流板)(扰流板放下、打开)276.slats 缝翼277.elevators (elevator control tab) 升降舵(升降舵操纵片)278.rudder (rudder control tab) 方向舵(方向舵操纵片)279.flap angle 襟翼角280.flap setting 襟翼调整281.the full flap position 全襟翼位置282.a flapless landing 无襟翼着陆283.the landing gear 起落架284.stabilizer 安定面285.the nose wheel 前轮286.gear locked 起落架锁定287.the wheel well 起落架舱288.the wheel door 起落架舱门289.a tyre 轮胎290.to burst 爆破291.a deflated tyre 放了气的轮胎292.a flat tyre 走了气的轮胎293.a puncture 轮胎被扎破294.to extend the flaps (to retract the flaps) 放下襟翼(收上襟翼)295.gear extention (gear retraction) 起落架放下(起落架收上)296.The gear is jammed. 起落架被卡死。



機械設計英文名詞B 按中文名詞中文拼音排序T形螺栓T-head bolt , hammer head boltV帶傳動V-belt drive阿基米德螺線Archimedes spiral阿基米德螺旋面screw helicoid阿基米德蝸杆straight sided axial worm安全離合器safety clutch安全銷safety pin凹面concave side擺動載荷oscillating load擺線cycloid擺線齒廓cycloidal profile擺線齒錐齒輪epicycloid gear擺線少齒差傳動cycloidal drive with small teeth difference擺線針輪減速器cycloidal-pin gear speed reducer板彈簧leaf spring板式鏈leaf chain半交叉傳動quarter-twist belt drive半圓鍵woodruff key包角angle of contact寶石軸承jewel bearing保持架cage背對背配置(滾動軸承)back to back arrangement (rolling bearing)背錐齒廓back cone tooth profile背錐角back cone angle背錐面back cone邊界摩擦boundary lubrication編織平帶cotton belt變幅載荷variable amplitude loading變剛度彈簧variable rate (stiffness) spring變位齒輪gear with addendum modification變位齒輪副X-gear pair, modified gear pair變位圓柱蝸杆傳動profile shifted gears for cylindrical worm gear 變載荷fluctuating load變質量系統variable mass system標準圓柱蝸杆傳動standard gears for cylindrical worm gear標準中心距reference center distance表面加工係數surface machining factor波發生器wave generator波發生器長軸major axis of wave generator波發生器短軸minor axis of wave generator波高wave height波數wave number波紋管聯軸器coupling with corrugated pipe剝落Spalling補償器(靜壓軸承〕compensator (hydrostatic bearing)不等節距圓柱螺旋彈簧variable pitch cylindrical helical spring 不完全齒輪機構incomplete gear mechanism步進機構step mechanism擦傷Scratching操縱離合器controlled clutch槽輪機構geneva mechanism槽銷grooved pin差動機構differential mechanism差動螺旋機構differential screw mechanism產形齒面generating flank產形齒條counterpart rack長幅擺線prolate cycloid長幅外擺線prolate epicycloid長幅外擺線的等距曲線equidistant curve of prolate epicycloid 常閉制動器normally engaged brake常開制動器normally disengaged brake超越離合器overrunning clutch成對安裝(滾動軸承)paired mounting (rolling bearing)尺寸偏差deviation尺寸系列(滾動軸承)dimension series (rolling bearing)尺寸係數size factor齒槽tooth space齒槽底面bottom land齒槽寬spacewidth齒頂crest齒頂高addendum齒頂角addenddum angle齒頂圓tip circle齒頂圓直徑tip diameter齒端修薄end relief齒高tooth depth齒根高dedendum齒根過渡曲面fillet齒根角dedendum anle齒根圓root circle齒根圓角半徑fillet radius齒根圓直徑root diameter齒根圓錐面root cone齒厚tooth thickness齒厚tooth thickness齒厚半形tooth thickness half angle齒距pitch齒寬facewidth齒廓tooth profile齒廓修形profile modification齒輪gear齒輪承載能力load capacity of gears齒輪傳動gear drive齒面tooth flank齒式聯軸器gear coupling齒數number of teeth齒數比gear ratio齒條rack齒向修形axial modification齒形角normal pressure angle齒形鏈inverted tooth chain衝擊shock衝擊波shock wave衝擊脈衝shock pulse衝擊回應譜shock response spectrum衝擊回應譜shock spectrum稠度Consistency初拉力initial tension傳動比transmission ratio傳動比speed ratio, transmission ratio 傳動精度transmission accuracy傳動鏈transmission chain傳動誤差transmission error傳動裝置transmission, driving磁粉離合器magnetic powder clutch磁力滑動軸承magnetic bearing磁流體動力潤滑magneto-hydrodynamic lubrication 磁滯制動器magnetic remanence brake從動齒輪driven gear從動帶輪driven pulley從動件driven大齒輪wheel, gear帶長belt length帶傳動belt drive帶式制動器band brake單導程圓柱蝸杆cylindrical worm單耳止動墊圈tab washer with long tab單級諧波齒輪傳動single-stage harmonic gear drive 單級行星齒輪系single planetary gear train單列軸承single row bearing單排滾子鏈simplex roller chain單線螺紋single-start thread單向離合器one-way clutch單向推力軸承single direction thrust bearing單圓弧齒輪single-circular-arc gear彈簧spring彈簧墊圈helical spring lock washer彈簧柔度flexibility of spring彈簧中徑mean diameter of coil彈性擋圈snap ring彈性墊圈spring washer彈性聯軸器resilient shaft coupling彈性流體動力潤滑elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication彈性套柱銷聯軸器pin coupling with elastic sleeves彈性圓柱銷spring-type straight pin ,spring pin彈性柱銷齒式聯軸器elastic pin coupling當量齒輪virtual gear當量齒數virtual number of teeth當量摩擦係數equivalent coefficient of friction當量載荷equivalent load導程lead導程角lead angle導杆guide bar, guide link導軌guide rail導輪idler pulley導向平鍵feather key ,dive key等剛度彈簧constant rate (stiffness) spring等高齒弧齒錐齒輪spiral gear with duplex tapered teeth 等速運動軌跡constant velocity motion curve等效構件equivalent link等效力equivalent force等效力矩equivalent moment等效品質equivalent mass低副lower pair低周疲勞low-cycle fatigue地腳螺栓foundation bolt點蝕Pitting電磁離合器electromagnetic clutch電磁渦流制動器electromagnetic whirlpool brake墊圈washer吊環螺釘lifting eye bolt吊環螺母lifting nut調速器governor, speed regulator調心滾子軸承self-aligning roller bearing調心軸承self-aligning bearing碟形彈簧belleville spring頂隙bottom clearance頂圓錐角tip angle動載荷dynamic load動載荷dynamic load端面齒厚transverse tooth thickness端面齒廓transverse profile端面齒輪contrate gear端面模數transverse module端面嚙合線transverse path of contact端面弦齒厚transverse chordal tooth thickness端面諧波齒輪傳動harmonic gear drive with transverse gear meshng 端面壓力角transverse pressure angle端面重合度transverse contact ratio短幅擺線curtate cycloid短幅外擺線curtate epicycloid短幅外擺線的等距曲線equidistant curve of curtate hypocycloid斷裂力學fracture mechanics對稱迴圈symmetry cycle對心曲柄滑塊機構centric slider-crank mechanism多股螺旋彈簧stranded wire helical spring多級諧波齒輪傳動multiple-stage harmonic gear drive多級行星齒輪系multiple-planetary gear train多孔質滑動軸承porous bearing多排滾子鏈multiplex roller chain多線螺紋multi-start thread多楔帶poly V-belt多楔滑動軸承lobed plain bearing多油楔滑動軸承multi-oil wedge bearing多油葉滑動軸承bobed bearing額定壽命rating life發生圓直徑generating diameter發生圓柱面generating cylinder法平面normal plane法向側隙normal backlash法向齒厚normal tooth thickness法向齒距normal pitch法向齒廓normal profile法向模數normal module法向弦齒厚normal chordal tooth thickness法向壓力角normal pressure angle法向直廓蝸杆straight sided normal worm反作用力reaction方墊圈square washer with round hole方螺母square nut防塵蓋shield (bearing)防塵蓋軸承shielded bearing飛輪flywheel非變位齒輪X-zero gear非工作齒面non-working flank非金屬彈性元件聯軸器coupling with non-metallic elastic element非摩擦制動器non-friction brake非線性振動non-linear vibration非圓齒輪機構non-circular gear mechanism分度圓reference circle分度圓螺旋線reference helix分度圓直徑reference diameter分度圓柱面reference cylinder分度圓錐角reference cone angle分度圓錐面reference cone分離時間(離合器)disengaging time (clutch)分錐頂點reference cone apex粉末冶金滑動軸承powder metallurgy bearing封油面land浮環滑動軸承floating bearing負變位negative addendum modification負角變位齒輪副gear pair with negative modified center distance 複合鉸鏈compound hinges, multiple hinges複合軸承材料compost bearing material概率密度函數probability density function幹摩擦dry friction干涉interference剛性聯軸器Rigid coupling鋼絲擋圈round wire高變位齒輪副gear pair with reference center distance高度系列(滾動軸承)height series (rolling bearing)高副higher pair高徑比(彈簧) slender ratio (spring)高周疲勞high-cycle fatigue根切(挖根)undercut根圓錐角root angle根錐頂點root apex工作齒面working flank工作高度(彈簧) working height (spring)工作載荷specified load工作阻力effective resistance公差帶tolerance zone公稱直徑nominal diameter公法線長度base tangent length公共錐頂common apex共軛齒廓conjugate profile共軛齒面conjugate flank共振resonance共振頻率resonance frequency鉤頭楔鍵gib-head taper key構件link鼓形齒crowned teeth固體潤滑solid-film lubrication固體潤滑滑動軸承bearing with solid lubricant故障fault冠輪crown gear慣性積product of inertia滾動體rolling element滾動軸承rolling bearing滾花高螺母knurled nut with collar滾針needle roller滾針軸承needle roller bearing滾珠活齒ball oscillating teeth滾珠絲杠ball screw滾珠絲杠ball screw滾柱離合器roller clutch滾子鏈roller chain滾子軸承roller bearing過渡配合transition fit過盈配合interference fit恒幅載荷constant loading喉圓gorge circle弧齒錐齒輪spiral gear花鍵spline滑動率sliding speed滑動軸承plain bearing, sliding-contact bearing滑鍵feather key滑塊slider滑塊聯軸器NZ clao type coupling環面蝸杆toroid worm, enveloping worm環形彈簧ring spring簧片聯軸器flat spring coupling回程return travel回程運動角motion angle for return travel回轉半徑radius of gyration活齒少齒差齒輪副oscillating tooth gear pair with small teeth difference 機構mechanism機構簡圖schematic diagram of mechanism 機構學theory of mechanisms機構運動簡圖kinematic diagram of mechanism 機構運動學kinematics of mechanism機構綜合synthesis of mechanism機器machine機械machinery機械衝擊mechanical shock機械動力學dynamics of machinery機械化學磨損mechano-chemical wear機械離合器mechanically controlled clutch 機械磨損mechanical wear基本尺寸basic size基本齒廓basic rack tooth profile基本齒條basic rack基本額定壽命basic rating life基本牙型basic profile基孔制hole basic system基圓base circle基圓螺旋線base helix基軸制shaft basic system基準寬度datum width基準平面datum plane基準線差datum line differential基準圓周長datum circumference基準直徑datum diameter畸變distortion極限尺寸limits of size極限高度height under ultimate load 極限載荷ultimate load極壓潤滑extreme-pressure lubrication極轉動慣量polar moment of inertia急回運動機構quick-return mechanism棘輪ratchet棘輪機構ratchet mechanism棘爪pawl擠壓效應squeeze effect夾殼聯軸器split coupling間隙配合clearance fit間歇潤滑periodical lubrication間歇運動機構intermittent mechanism減磨軸承材料anti-friction bearing material 減速比speed reducing ratio減速器speed reducer簡諧振動simple harmonic vibration漸開麵包絡環面蝸杆toroid enveloping worm with involute helicoid generatrix 漸開線involute漸開線齒廓involute profile漸開線花鍵involute spline漸開線蝸杆involute helicoid worm漸開線圓柱齒輪involute cylindrical gear鍵key鍵槽key way交叉傳動cross-belt drive交叉滾子軸承crossed roller bearing交錯軸齒輪傳動gear drive with non-parallel non-intersecting axes交錯軸斜齒輪副crossed helical gear pair角變位齒輪副gear pair with modified center distance角度傳動angle drive角接觸推力軸承angular contact bearing角接觸軸承angular contact bearing鉸鏈連接hinge, pilot pin joint接觸疲勞contact fatigue接觸疲勞contact fatigue接合過程(離合器)engaging(clutch)接合時間(離合器)engaging time(clutch)節徑pitch diameter節距(彈簧) pitch (spring)節寬pitch width節流器(靜壓軸承〕restrictor (hydrostatic bearing)節圓pitch circle節圓螺旋線pitch helix節圓直徑pitch diameter節圓錐角pitch angle節圓錐面pitch cone截錐螺旋彈簧conical spring截錐渦卷彈簧volute spring金屬陶瓷ceramic friction material緊邊拉力tight side tension緊定螺釘set screw緊固件fastener近休止角nearest dwell angle徑節diametral pitch徑向變位addendum modification徑向變位量addendum modification (for external gears)徑向變位係數addendum modification coefficient徑向滑動軸承plain purnal bearing徑向諧波齒輪傳動harmonic gear drive with radial gear meshng徑向載荷係數radial load factor徑向-止推滑動軸承thrust-purnal bearing靜電軸承electrostatic bearing靜載荷static load靜載荷static load矩形花鍵rectangle spline均載機構load balancing mechanism開槽半沉頭螺釘slotted raised countersunk (oval) head screw 開槽沉頭螺釘slotted countersunk (flat) head screw開槽盤頭螺釘slotted pan head screw開槽圓頭螺釘slotted round head screw開槽圓柱頭螺釘slotted cheese head screw開口傳動open-belt drive開口銷cotter pin ,split pin開尾圓錐銷taper pin with split可靠性reliability可傾瓦塊滑動軸承tilting-pad bearing空程lost motion空氣彈簧air spring空心銷軸hollow pin塊鏈block chain塊式制動器block brake快卸銷quick-release pin寬V帶wide V-belt寬度系列(滾動軸承)width series (rolling bearing)雷諾方程Reynolds’ equation離合器clutch離散系統discrete system離心拉力centrifugal tension離心離合器centrifugal clutch離心力centrifugal force力矩moment力偶couple力偶矩moment of couple力平衡equilibrium連杆coupler, floating link連杆機構linkage mechanism連架杆side link連心線line of centers連續潤滑continuous lubrication連續系統continuous system聯接鏈節connecting link聯軸器coupling聯組V帶joined V-belt鏈板link plate鏈傳動chain transmission鏈輪chainwheel, sprocket鏈條chain鏈條聯軸器chain coupling臨界油膜厚度oil film critical thickness流變學Rheology流體摩擦fluid friction六角螺母hexagon nut六角頭螺栓hexagon bolt輪齒gear teeth輪胎式聯軸器coupling with rubber type element螺釘screw螺杆screw螺距pitch螺距累積誤差cumulative error in pitch螺距偏差deviation in pitch螺母nut螺栓bolt螺紋Screw thread螺紋槽寬thread groove width螺紋大徑major diameter螺紋導程lead螺紋接觸高度thread contact height螺紋升角lead angle螺紋小徑minor diameter螺紋旋合長度length of thread engagement螺紋牙厚thread ridge thickness螺紋中徑pitch diameter螺旋傳動screw drive螺旋彈簧helical spring螺旋機構crew mechanism螺旋角helix angle螺旋線helix脈動迴圈pulsation cycle梅花形彈性聯軸器coupling with elastic spider密封圈seal (bearing)密封圈軸承sealed bearing密圈螺旋彈簧tightly coiled helical spring面對面配置(滾動軸承)face to face arrangement (rolling bearing) 名義中心距nominal center distance模數module膜片聯軸器diaphragm coupling摩擦friction摩擦材料friction material摩擦輪傳動friction wheel drive摩擦式離合器friction clutch摩擦順應性frictional conformability摩擦係數friction coefficient摩擦相容性frictional conpatibility摩擦學tribology摩擦制動器friction brake磨合磨損running-in wear磨合性running-in ability磨料磨損abrasion, abrasive wear磨損wear磨損度wear intensity磨損率wear rate內擺線hypocycloid內擺線的等距曲線equidistant curve of epicycloid內齒輪internal gear內齒輪ring gear內齒鎖緊墊圈internal teeth lock washer內齒針齒輪internal pin wheel內鏈節inner link內六角沉頭螺釘hexagon socket countersunk head cap head screw 內六角圓柱頭螺釘hexagon socket head cap head screw內螺紋internal thread內圈inner ring內舌止動墊圈internal tab washer內錐距inner cone distance耐磨性wear resistance黏彈性visco-elasticity黏度viscosity黏著磨損adhesion wear齧出recess, engaging-out嚙合engagement嚙合角working pressure angle嚙合區tone of meshing, region of engagement嚙合曲面surface of action嚙合線path of contact齧入approach, engaging-in牛頓流體Newtonian fluid扭矩torque, torsional moment扭轉角torsion angle扭轉振動torsional vibration耦合振型coupled modes盤形击輪plate cam, disk cam皮革平帶leather belt疲勞積累損傷cumulative fatigue damage疲勞極限fatigue limit疲勞強度fatigue strength片彈簧flat spring偏位角attitude angle偏心率relative eccentricity偏心輪機構eccentric mechanism偏心元件eccentric element偏置距offset偏置曲柄滑塊機構offset slider-crank mechanism平帶傳動flat belt drive平墊圈plain washer平頂齒輪bevel gear wuth 90 face angle平頂鏈hinge type flattop chain平衡品質balancing mass平鍵flat key平均應力mean stress平面鉸鏈四杆機構planar pivot four-bar mechanism平面渦卷彈簧spiral spring平行軸齒輪傳動gear drive with parallel axes剖分式滑動軸承split plain bearing剖分軸承split bearing普通V帶classical V-belt普通平帶conventional belt普通平鍵general flat key氣膜振盪gas whirl氣蝕磨損cavitation wear氣體靜壓滑動軸承aerodynamic bearing氣體潤滑gas lubrication前錐面front cone嵌入性embeddability切向鍵tangential key擒縱機構escapement球籠式同步萬向聯軸器synchronizing universal coupling with ball and sacker 球面漸開螺旋面spherical involute helicoid球面漸開線spherical involute球面鉸鏈四杆機構spherical pivot four-bar mechanism球軸承ball bearing曲柄crank曲柄滑塊機構slider- crank mechanism曲柄搖杆機構crank-rocker mechanism曲度係數(彈簧) curvature correction factor (spring)曲線齒錐齒輪curved tooth bevel gear驅動力driving force擾動力perturbed force人字齒輪herringbone gear ,double helical gear柔性齒輪flexible gear, flexpline潤滑lubrication潤滑劑lubricant三排滾子鏈triplex roller chain上偏差upper deviation燒結金屬sintered metalic material燒結軸承材料sintered bearing material少齒差行星齒輪傳動機構planetary gear drive mechanism with small teeth difference 蛇形彈簧聯軸器serpentine steel flex coupling深溝球軸承deep groove ball bearing失效failure十字槽沉頭螺釘cross recessed countersunk head screw十字槽盤頭螺釘cross recessed pan head screw十字滑塊聯軸器Oldham coupling實際尺寸actual size實心銷軸solid pin壽命係數life factor受迫振動forced vibration輸出機構output mechanism輸送鏈conveyor chain雙導程圓柱蝸杆dual lead cylindrical worm雙耳止動墊圈tab washer with long tab and wing雙列軸承double row bearing雙面V帶double V-belt雙排滾子鏈duplex roller chain雙曲面齒輪副hypoid gear雙頭螺柱stud雙向推力軸承double direction thrust bearing雙圓弧齒輪double-circular-arc gear雙重錐度齒錐齒輪bevel gear with circular arc tooth profile雙作用離合器dual clutch瞬態振動transient vibration瞬心線機構centrode mechanism四點接觸軸承four-point contact ball bearing四杆機構four-bar mechanism松邊拉力slack side tension速比velocity ratio of link速度瞬心instantaneous center of velocity速度係數speed factor塑膠軸承plastic bearing隨機載荷random loading隨機振動random vibration縮短漸開線curtate involute索默菲德數Sommerfeld number鎖圈retaining snap ring塔輪step pulley太陽輪sun gear套筒聯軸器sleeve coupling套筒鏈bush chain添加劑additive跳齒現象slippage phenomenon同步帶傳動synchronous belt drive同步離合器synchro clutch同側齒面corresponding flanks頭數number of threads击輪cam击輪從動件cam follower击輪工作輪廓cam contour, cam profile击輪理論輪廓cam pitch curve击面convex side击緣聯軸器flange coupling击緣軸承flanged bearing塗抹Smearing推程rise travel推程運動角motion angle for rise travel推杆活齒push-rod oscillating teeth推力軸承thrust bearing橢圓滑動軸承elliptic bearing外擺線epicycloid外擺線的等距曲線equidistant curve of epicycloid外齒輪external gear外齒鎖緊墊圈external teeth lock washer外齒針齒輪external pin wheel外鏈節outer link外螺紋external thread外圈outer ring外舌止動墊圈external tab washer外形尺寸(滾動軸承)boundary dimension (rolling bearing) 彎板鏈cranked link chain彎曲振動bending vibration萬向聯軸器universal joint微動磨損fretting wear穩態振動steady-state vibration蝸杆worm蝸杆頭數number of threads of worm蝸杆旋向hands of worm蝸輪worm wheel蝸輪端平面transverse plane of wormwheel蝸輪節圓pitch circle of wormwheel蝸輪軸平面axial plane of wormwheel無級變速infinitely variable speed無限壽命設計infinite life design下偏差lower deviation弦齒高chordal height相對耐磨性relative wear resitance相交軸齒輪傳動gear drive with intersecting axes相嚙合齒面mating flank向心滾子軸承radial roller bearing向心球軸承redial bearing橡膠板聯軸器coupling with rubber plates橡膠彈簧rubber spring橡膠軸承rubber bearing銷pin銷軸clevis pin with head銷軸pin小齒輪pinion效率efficiency楔鍵taper key楔塊離合器sprag clutch楔效應wedge effect斜齒輪helical gear斜齒錐齒輪skew [helical] bevel gear斜交錐齒輪angular bevel gear諧波齒輪傳動harmonic gear drive諧波齒輪減速器harmonic gear reducer行程速度變化係數coefficient of travel speed variation, advance- to-return time ratio 行星齒輪planet gear行星齒輪系planetary gear train行星架planet carrier修緣tip relie修正額定壽命adjusted rating life虛約束redundant constraint, passive constraint旋繞比(彈簧) spring index (spring)迴圈潤滑circulating lubrication迴圈特性stress ratio迴圈載荷cyclic loading壓並高度(彈簧) solid height (spring)壓並載荷(彈簧) solid load (spring)壓力角pressure angle牙嵌式離合器jaw clutch牙嵌式聯軸器jaw and toothed coupling牙嵌式制動器jaw brake牙型半形half of thread angle牙型角thread angle咽喉面gorge延伸漸開線prolate involute氧化磨損oxidative搖杆rocker咬死seizure液體動力潤滑hydrodynamic lubrication液體動壓滑動軸承hydrodynamic bearing液體靜力潤滑hydrostatic lubrication液體靜壓滑動軸承hydrostatic bearing液體潤滑fluid lubrication儀器精密軸承instrument precision bearing移動击輪translating cam異側齒面opposite flanks翼形螺母wing nut應力幅stress amplitude應力集中stress concentration油槽oil groove油道oil duct油墊潤滑pad lubrication油環潤滑oil-ring lubrication油孔oil hole油膜剛度oil film stiffness油膜振盪oil whirl油腔oil recess, oil pocket油霧潤滑mist lubrication油浴潤滑bath lubrication有限壽命設計finite life design有效寬度effective width有效拉力effective tension有效圈數effective coil number有效線差effective line differential有效應力集中係數effective stress concentration factor 有效圓周長effective circumference有效直徑effective diameter右旋齒right-hand teeth右旋螺紋right-hand thread右旋錐齒輪right-hand spiral bevel gear余弦加速度運動軌跡cosine acceleration motion curve浴盆曲線bathtub curve預潤滑軸承prelubricated bearing圓帶傳動round belt drive圓弧齒廓circular arc profile圓弧齒廓錐齒輪bevel gear with circular arc tooth profile圓弧圓柱齒輪circular-arc gear圓弧圓柱蝸杆hollow flank worm圓環面toroid圓螺母round nut圓周側隙circumferential backlash圓柱齒輪cylindrical gear圓柱滾子軸承cylindrical roller bearing圓柱螺紋Parallel screw thread圓柱螺旋拉伸彈簧cylindrical helical tension spring圓柱螺旋扭轉彈簧cylindrical helical torsion spring圓柱螺旋線circular helix圓柱螺旋壓縮彈簧cylindrical helical compression spring圓柱蝸杆cylindrical worm圓柱銷cylindrical pin, straight pin圓錐滾子軸承tapered roller bearing圓錐螺紋taper screw thread圓錐螺旋線conical spiral圓錐銷conical pin , taper pin遠休止角farthest dwell angle運動副kinematic pair運動鏈kinematic chain載荷譜loading spectrum雜訊noise增速比speed increasing ratio閘帶離合器brake-band clutch窄V帶narrow V-belt張緊輪tension pulley針齒輪pin wheel振動vibration振動模態modal of vibration振型mode shape整體式滑動軸承solid bearing正變位positive addendum modification正常錐度齒錐齒輪bevel gear with standard taoered tooth profile 正交錐齒輪bevel gear with axes at right angles正角變位齒輪副gear pair with positive modified center distance 正弦加速度運動軌跡sine acceleration motion curve直齒輪spur gear直齒錐齒輪straight bevel gear直動從動件translating follower直徑系列(滾動軸承)diameter series (rolling bearing)直廓環面蝸杆toroid enveloping worm with straight line generatrix 直線(運動)軸承linear (motion) bearing直線齒廓straight-side profile直線齒廓錐齒輪bevel gear with straight tooth profile止動環locating snap ring止推滑動軸承plain thrust bearing制動襯片brake lining制動鼓brake drum制動塊brake piece制動器brake制動蹄brake shoe制動瓦shoes of brakes質徑積mass-radius product中點錐距back cone distance中間平面mid plane中間錐面middle cone中心距center distance中心距變動係數center distance modification coefficient中心輪center gear重合度contact ratio週期振動periodic vibration軸承bearing軸承襯bearing liner軸承承載能力bearing load carrying capacity軸承徑向載荷bearing radial load軸承寬度bearing width軸承內徑bearing bore diameter軸承潤滑油流量oil flow in bearing軸承套圈bearing ring軸承特性係數Bearing characteristic number軸承外徑bearing outside diameter軸承系列(滾動軸承)bearing series (rolling bearing)軸承壓強bearing mean specific load軸承軸向載荷bearing axial load軸端擋圈lock ring at the end of shaft軸肩擋圈ring for shoulder軸交角shaft angle軸交角shaft angle軸頸journal軸平面axial plane軸套bearing bush軸瓦liner軸線交點crossing point of axes軸向齒距axial pitch軸向齒廓axial profile軸向模數axial module軸向載荷係數axial load factor軸心軌跡locus of journal bearing主動齒輪driving gear主動帶輪driving pulley主動件driving link轉動慣量moment of inertia轉子的動平衡dynamic balance of rotor轉子的靜平衡static balance of rotor裝滿滾動體的軸承full complement bearing裝填槽球軸承filling slot balll bearing錐齒輪bevel gear錐距outer cone distance錐孔軸承tapered bore bearing錐輪cone pulley錐面包絡環面蝸杆toroid enveloping worm with cone generatrix 錐面包絡圓柱蝸杆milled helicoid worm錐入度penetration錐蝸杆spiroid錐蝸輪spiroid gear自動調心滑動軸承plain self-aligning bearing自攻螺釘tapping screw自攻螺紋tapping screw thread自激振動self-excited vibration自控離合器auto-controlled clutch自潤滑滑動軸承self-lubricating bearing自潤滑軸承材料self-lubricating bearing material自鎖機構self-locking mechanism自由度degree of freedom自由高度(彈簧) free height (spring)總圈數total number of coils總作用弧total overlap arc總作用角total angle of transmission縱向振動longitudinal vibration縱向重合度overlap ratio阻尼damping組合彈簧combined spring組合行星齒輪系compound planetary gear train最大極限尺寸maximum limits of size最大應力maximum stress最小極限尺寸minimum limits of size最小應力minimum stress左旋齒left-hand teeth左旋螺紋left-hand thread左旋錐齒輪left-hand spiral bevel gear作用弧overlap arc作用角angle of transmission作用力active force, applied force21。



变桨控制系统设计变桨控制系统(Variable Pitch Control System)是风力发电机组中重要的控制系统之一,用于调控风机的桨叶角度,以对风能进行最佳转化和发电。


变桨控制系统的设计原理是通过改变桨叶的角度,调节桨叶的攻角(Angle of Attack),从而改变桨叶对风的阻力,调节转速和发电功率。
















新能源常用语中英文对照新能源常用语对照英文传统能源Conventional energy source可再生能源Renewable energy sources高能效技术Energy-efficient technology环境友好型Environmentally friendly可持续性发展Sustainable development生态平衡系统Balanced ecological system生物燃料Biofuel矿物燃料Fossil fuel绿色电力Green power温室气体Greenhouse gases (GHG)温室气体减排GHG emission reduction生态系统Ecosystem全球变暖Global warming京都议定书Kyoto Protocol风力发电场Wind power plant地热发电厂Geothermal power plant光伏发电Photovoltaic power generation水力发电Hydroelectric generation潮汐发电厂Tidal power station核电站Nuclear power plant垃圾电厂Refuse power plant国际固体废物协会International Solid Waste Association (ISWA)0.风力发电Wind Power Generation风力机、风轮机Wind turbine风力发电机Wind-driven generator风力发电机组Wind turbine generator system (WTGS) 风能发电机集群Wind farm风能利用率Utilization rate of wind energy风矢量Wind velocity海上风力发电场Offshore wind farm标准大气压Standard/normal atmospheric pressure 标准风速Standardized wind speed风场布置Wind farm layout风地图Wind atlas电力汇集系统(风力发电机组)Power collection system (for WTGS)电网连接点(风力发电机组)Network connection point ( for WTGS) 电网阻抗相角Network impedance phase angle风力机端口Wind turbine terminal马格努斯效应式风力机Magnus effect type wind turbine风车Windmill风轮实度Rotor solidity风轮尾流Rotor wake风轮偏侧式调速机构Regulating mechanism of turning wind rotor out of the wind sideward尾翼Tail fins顺桨Feathering桨距角Pitch angle节圆Pitch circle, nodal circle节点Pitch point, nodal point变速箱Gearbox旋转采样风矢量Rotationally sampled wind velocity 变速风力发电机Variable speed wind turbine变桨距调节机构Regulating mechanism by adjusting the pitch of blade定桨距失速调节型Constant pitch stall regulated type 变桨距调节型Variable pitch regulated type主动失速调节型Active stall regulated type双馈型风力发电机Double-fed wind turbine generator永磁直驱风力发电机Permanent magnetic direct-driven wind turbine generator恒速恒频Constant speed and frequency变速恒频Variable speed constant frequency 节距角Pitch angle叶尖速比Tip speed ratio叶轮Blade整流罩Spinner, nose cone叶片数Number of blades叶片安装角Blade angle, setting angle of blade 齿数Number of teeth齿市Tooth depth齿面Tooth flank工作齿面Work flank齿槽Tooth space齿根圆Root circle齿顶圆Tip circle柱销套Roller叶根Blade root蜗轮Worm wheel叶片展弦比Aspect ratio叶片根梢比Ratio of tip section chord to root section chord等截面叶片Constant chord blade变截面叶片Variable chord blade叶片扭角Twist of blade增强型玻璃钢翼型叶片Enhanced GRP/FRP airfoil blade叶片几何攻角Angle of attack of blade叶片投影面积Projected area of blade瑞利分布Rayleigh distribution威布尔分布Weibull distribution平均几何弦长Mean geometric chord of airfoil机械寿命Mechanical endurance啮合干涉Meshing interference比恩法Method of bins滑块联接Oldham coupling前缘Leading edge弯度Degree of curvature弯度函数Curvature function of airfoil弯曲刚度Flexural rigidity升力系数Lift coefficient背风Leeward软并网Soft cut-in自动/人工解缆Automatic /manual cable untwisting 停车机构Halt gear风电场Wind farm, wind field, wind power station 风力气象站Wind synoptic station气流Wind stream, airflow气流畸变Flow distortion颤振Flutter外部动力源External power source外推功率曲线Extrapolated power curve自由流风速Free stream wind speed风气候Wind climate风玫瑰图、风向图Wind rose风系、风况Wind regime横向风Cross wind风能潜势Wind energy potential风能密度Wind energy density风功率密度Wind power density风能利用率Utilization rate of wind energy 风资源评估Wind resource assessment启动风速Start-up wind speed切入风速Cut-in wind speed切出风速Cut-out wind speed短时切出风速Short term cut-out wind speed 极端风速Extreme wind speed额定风速Rated wind velocity距离常数Distance constant位移幅值Displacement amplitude对数风切变律Logarithmic wind shear law风廓线风切变律Wind profile wind shear law 对数变幂律Power low for wind shear声的基准风速Acoustic reference wind speed 视在声功率级Apparent sound power level 衰减Attenuation齿啮式联接Dynamic coupling齿宽Face width, tooth width齿廓修形Profile modification齿向修形Axial modification径向销联接Radial pin coupling支撑结构Support structure下风向Downwind direction上风向Upwind direction指向性Directivity (for WTGS)风轮扫掠面积Rotor swept area风剪切Wind shear塔影效应Tower-shadow effect三维旋转效应Three-dimensional (3-D) rotational effect非定常空气动力特征Unsteady aerodynamic characteristic风切变影响Influence by the wind shear风切变指数Wind shear exponent大风安全保护Security protection against gale (strong wind) 迎风机构Orientation mechanism, windward rudder风速表、风速计Anemometer,anemograph风速测定站Anemometry station安全风速Survival wind speed极端风速Extreme wind speed参考风速Reference wind speed水平轴风力机Horizontal axis wind turbine垂直轴风力机Vertical axis wind turbine翼型族The family of airfoil可变几何翼型风力机Variable geometry type wind turbine文丘里管式风力机Venturi tube wind turbine风机控制器Controller for wind turbine全永磁悬浮风力发电机All-permanent magnet suspension wind power generator风场电气设备Site electrical facilities湍流强度、扰动强度、紊流强度Turbulence intensity湍流尺度参数Turbulence scale parameter湍流惯性负区Inertial sub range环境温度Ambient temperature空气动力学Aerodynamics空气制动系统Air braking system室内气候Indoor climate透气性Air permeability防滴Protected against dropping water防溅Protected against splashing防浸水Protected against the effect of immersion 风轮空气动力特性Aerodynamic characteristics of rotor基准粗糙长度Reference roughness length容量可信度Capacity confidence level光电器件Photoelectric device太阳轮Sun gear内齿圈Annulus gear,ring gear内齿轮副Internal gear pair圆柱齿轮Cylindrical gear人字齿轮Double helical gear柔性齿轮Flexible gear刚性齿轮Rigid gear从动齿轮Driven gear主动齿轮Driving gear变位齿轮Gear with addendum modification 小齿轮Pinion大齿轮Gearwheel, main gear行星齿轮Planet gear单级行星齿轮系Single planetary gear train多级行星齿轮系Multiple stage planetary gear train 行星齿轮传动机构Planetary gear drive mechanism 增速齿轮副Speed increasing gear pair非工作齿轮Non working flank齿轮扳手Ratcher spanner柔性滚动试验Flexible rolling bearing空载最大加速度Maximum bare table acceleration 过载度Ratio of overload风力机最大功率Maximum power of wind turbine 最大转速Maximum rotational speed最大系数Maximum torque coefficient风轮最高转速Maximum turning speed of rotor 风轮仰角Angle of rotor shaft空转Idling锁定blocking停机Parking静止Standstill尾迹损失Wake loss轮毂高度Hub height变桨系统Pitch system变桨调节Pitch regulation活动桨Active pitch调向系统Yaw system静音离网型Silent off-network主动偏航Active yawing被动偏航Passive yawing风轮偏航角Yawing angle of rotor shaft气动弦线Aerodynamic chord of airfoil轴向齿距Axial pitch球头挂环Ball eye球头挂钩Ball hook可调钳Adjustable pliers联板Yoke plate接闪器Air termination system发动机舱Engine nacelle微观选址Micro-siting集网风能Central-grid wind energy孤网风能Isolated-grid wind energy 离网风能Off-grid wind energy风柴混合互补系统Wind-diesel hybrid system 潜伏故障Latent fault, dormant failure 严重故障Catastrophic failure使用极限状态Serviceability limit state最大极限状态Ultimate limit state。



风电项目常用英语词汇tubular tower 塔筒式塔架lattice tower 桁架式塔架nacelle 机舱gearbox 齿轮箱rotor shaft 转轴generator 发电机yaw base 偏航基座、偏航盘yaw gear 偏航齿轮asynchronous generator 异步发电机turbine 涡轮hub 轮毂grid 电网blade 叶片diameter 直径area swept 扫掠面积speed of revolution 旋转速度operational interval 转速变化范围power regulation 功率调节air brake 空气制动cut-in speed 切入风速nominal wind speed 额定风速cut-out speed 切出风速stop wind speed 停止风速hub controller 轮毂控制器pitch cylinder 桨距调节气缸blade hub 叶片轮毂blade bearing 叶片轴承main shaft 主轴oil cooler 油冷却器parking brake 制动装置service crane 维护吊车transformer 变压器yaw 偏航revolution 旋转anemometer 测风仪vane 风向标planet/parallel axles 行星/平行轴microprocessor 微处理器pitch regulation 桨距调节synchronous 同步的asynchronous 异步的foundation 基础wind turbine generating 风力发电机组power performance 功率特性off-grid 离网grid connected 并网acoustic noise 噪声diameter直径epoxy. 环氧的beam. 梁pitch angle. 桨距角perpendicular正交的humidity 湿度operational interval 转速变化范围corrosion腐蚀cable 电缆grid dropout掉网earthing接地terrain 地形anchor 锚moisture 潮湿pickling 酸洗rinsing 清洗circumferential 圆柱的longitudinal 经度的proportionate 成比例的zinc 锌,涂锌于micron 微米quench 淬火armature 电枢slewing 定位girder 梁,支架polyurethane 聚亚安酯boom 上升luffing 上下摆动counterweight 平衡物sleeper 枕木miscellaneous 混杂的,各式各样的gear box 齿轮箱capacitor 电容reactive power 无功功率lag 滞后FIFO 先进先出Switch cabinet 开关盒Slip 滑动Slewing 定位Aerodynamically 空气动力splash-type lubricating system. 飞溅润滑reduction gearbox 减速箱untwist the cables 电缆解绕jib 臂stator 定子stall 失速upwind 上风向downwind 下风向active stall power control 主动失速控制alternating current (AC) 交流电azimuth angle 方位角Betz' law 贝茨定律dB (A), decibel (A) scale 分贝delta connection Δ连接density of air 空气密度direct grid connection 直接并网efficiency 效率energy balance 能量平衡extreme load 极端负荷fatigue load 疲劳负荷flange 法兰grid frequency 电网频率gust 阵风horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) 水平轴风力机hub height 轮毂高度hydraulics system 液压系统Hz (Hertz) Hzinduction generator 感应电机Installation 安装Obstacle 障碍offshore wind energy 海上风能pitch control 桨距控制pole changing generator 变极发电机power curve 功率曲线Rated power, nameplate power 额定功率,铭牌功率Rectifier 整流器renewable energy 可再生能源Roughness 粗糙度site, siting 现场,选址soft start 软起动speed up effect 加速Stall 失速stall control 失速控制star connection 星形连接Stator 定子structural dynamics 结构动力学Three phase alternating current 三相交流电turbulence 紊流(rotor blade) twist 扭曲叶片vertical axis wind turbine (V AWT) 垂直轴风轮机yaw mechanism 偏航装置风电词汇中英文对照表-I abrasive研磨料abrasive disc磨料盘accumulator 储压罐acetone丙酮activation活动,赋活,激活,活化,激励,启用acute angle锐角adhesive 带粘性的, 胶粘, 粘合剂adjustable spanner 活动扳手admixture 混合, 混合物adversely逆地, 反对地adze扁斧aerial航空的, 生活在空气中的, 空气的, 高耸的,天线aerosol 浮质,气溶胶, 气雾剂, 烟雾剂aggregate 合计, 总计, 集合体aggressively 侵略地, 攻势地air inlet通风口air-cushion vehicle气垫船air gap气隙align对准,校直,定位;调,排列, 使结盟, 使成一行alkali-sensitive碱性感测allen key 六方allen wrench 六方扳手alloy 合金alteration变更, 改造alternator 交替符;交流发电机ammeter安培计,电流表anaerobic没有空气而能生活的, 厌氧性的anchor 锚, 抛锚, 锚定aneroid barometer无液气压表, 无液晴雨angle grinder角锉angle plate角盘annealing 退火annulus环面anode阳极, 正极anodization阳极氧化antenna 天线;触角antifriction减低或防止磨擦之物, 润滑剂anvil铁砧approximate近似, 接近, 约计 adjarbor 树阴;凉亭;藤架〈机〉柄轴;心轴arc 弧, 弓形, 拱,电弧arc welding 电弧焊archimedean screw阿基米德螺线arrmature 电枢articulated接合,链接,有关节的assemble集合, 聚集, 装配assorted files分类排列;相匹配(文件)assume假定, 设想, 采取, 呈现attenuation变薄, 稀薄化, 变细, 衰减auger打孔钻,螺丝钻averagen. 平均, 平均水平, 平均数, 海损, 一般的, 通常的awln锥子axe斧, (经费的)大削减axle. 轮轴, 车轴Bback saw背锯backlash反冲,无效行程;间隙,偏移;退ball bearing滚珠轴ball saddle滚珠支撑ball-peen hammerband区;带,波段带子, 镶边, 波段, 队, 乐队. 联合, 结合bandsaw用带锯锯bar magnet磁条barometer气压计;晴雨表battery power drill电池钻beach海滨;湖滨;河滩bead 珠子, 水珠beam compass长臂圆规beam trammel骨架bearer 支架,托架,支座,载体bell crank曲柄belting制带的材料, 带类, 调带装置bessemer酸性转炉钢bessemer converter . 酸性转炉,贝塞麦转炉bevel gear斜角;斜齿轮bevel-edge shisel斜缘薄钢板biconcave lens两面凹镜biconvex lens两面凸镜bifurcated rivetbimetallic双金属的bin二进制;双态bit 位, 比特blade for iron saw剧刃blast 强风,过载blast furnace鼓风炉blast cleaning皮老虎bleed 放出(液体,气体等);漏出,漏入,泄漏,色料扩散bleeder valve 溢流阀block and tackle滑轮组blowlamp喷灯blowpipe吹风管blowtorch 吹管, 喷灯board 底板,板boiler锅炉;煮器;烧水器bolt螺栓,螺钉,支持,维持bone 骨剔除bonnet软帽,汽车发动机罩bore钻孔,钻bottom dead-centrebow-spring compassbox spanner管钳子box spanner insetbrac支柱, 带子, 振作精神bracket托架, 括弧, 支架brad曲头钉bradawl小锥Brakebrake lining闸, 刹车的衬里, 内层, 衬套brake shoe 闸轨branch of joint连接分支brass黄铜, 黄铜制品,brazing铜焊breast drillbreather 呼吸者, 喘息者, 剧烈的运动bricklayer's hammerbubble 磁泡,水泡,气泡bucket桶, 一桶的量, 铲斗Buffing wheelbulk大小, 体积, 大批, 大多数, 散装bulkhead隔壁, 防水壁bulldozer 推土机bunsen burner 本生灯burr芒刺;刺果植物;针球burstn. 突然破裂, 爆发, 脉冲bursting discbush 矮树丛, (机械)衬套bushing轴衬, 套管Ccabinet screw drivercable bundle 束,光纤束;捆,卷cable reel电缆盘cable shear电缆剪cable shoes电缆靴cable tie电缆带calibration标度, 刻度, 校准caliper测径器, 卡钳, 弯脚器cam凸轮camber 拱形camshaft凸轮轴cantilever伸臂,悬臂;悬臂梁cap帽,罩cap nut螺冒capaciron电容汞弧管capacitance电容;电容量capstan lathe绞盘车床carburettor 汽化器cardan shaft万向轴cartridge额盒式磁盘[带](机);夹头cast投;掷;抛casting. 铸件, 铸造castle nut城堡螺母catalyst 催化剂,触媒cathode 阴极cathode-ray tube阴极射线管catwalk桥上人行道, 狭小通道caulking 填...以防漏caution小心, 谨慎, 警告cement 水泥, 接合剂, 接合, 用水泥涂, 巩固, 粘牢center puncher中心冲centre bit中心位centrifugal离心centrifugal unit离心单元ceramics 陶瓷;陶瓷技术chain vice链式钳chain wheel 滑轮chain-grate stoker链条炉排加煤机change over 改变成,对调位chaser猎人, 驱逐舰cheese 干酪,垫砖cheese-head screw 有槽凸圆柱头螺钉chisel 凿子砍凿chloride氯化物,漂白粉choke窒息, 阻气门choke valve阻气阀chord弦, 和音, 情绪chrome 铬;铬矿石;氧化铬chuck. 轻拍, 抛掷, 驱逐, 丢弃, 用卡盘夹住circlip环形circular圆形,环;循环circular saw圆锯circulate 循环;流通circulating循环, 流通circumference周线;外围;周围clamp夹子, 夹具, 夹钳clamp ammeter钳形表claw hammer 拔钉锤clearancen清理,清除;出空,间空,间隔;距离cleat夹板clog填塞;塞满close grainedclout nail大帽钉club hammer锤子,榔头clutch离合器,联轴器coarse粗(糙,略),近似cobalt钴(符号为Co), 钴类颜料, 由钴制的深蓝色coil线圈,绕组coil spring弹圈collar 凸缘;圈,环,套环,轴;卡圈;安装环collar bolt凸缘螺栓combination结合, 联合, 合并, 化合, 化合物combination pliers台钳combustion chamber燃烧室compound 混合物, [化]化合物复合的, 混合, 配合compresso压缩物, 压缩机, 收缩肌comutator 换向器, 转接器concave len凹面镜concave-convex len凸凹镜concrete混凝土;具体concrete drill混凝土钻condenser冷凝器;凝结器,电容器conduit管道, 导管, 沟渠, 泉水, 喷泉cone数、物]锥形物, 圆锥体, (松树的)球果, 使成锥形cone and cup unionconical 圆锥的, 圆锥形的conjunction联合, 关联, 连接词connecting rod连接杆considerably 相当地consistency连结, 结合, 坚固性, 浓度, 密度, 一致性, 连贯性console 安慰, 藉慰,控制台container箱;罐;容器集装箱,货柜contaminate污染,弄污contrast使与...对比, 使与...对照, 和...形成对照, 对比, 对照, (对照中的) Controlconvection传送;运流;对流converter换流器;变换器;变流器convex lens凸透镜cooling冷却;冷却技术core sandcorrespond符合, 协调, 通信, 相当, 相应corrosion腐蚀,浸蚀cotter pincountersink bit装定位countersunk埋头孔, 暗钉眼countersunk rivetcountersunk-head screwcounting计算coupling bolt 联结, 接合, 耦合,耦合性,耦合技术coverage 覆盖;敷层;有效区域crack 裂纹,裂缝cramp 钳位(电路);压[夹板];卡子,夹(子);压[夹]紧crane起重机crank不稳定的,摇晃的,曲柄crankcase曲柄轴箱crankshaft曲轴;机轴criterion标准,判据,准则cross mark十字标记cross slotted screw十字长孔crosshead 小标题, 子题, [机]十字头, 丁字头cross-peen hammer 横头锤cross-section横断面;横切面;截面crosswise斜地, 成十字状地, 交叉地crowbar撬棍;铁棍;起货钩crown wheel 顶圈crucible坩锅, 严酷的考验cupola furnace园顶熔炉current ration电流定值customs 进口税, 海关cutter刀具, 切割机cutting disk切割盘cylinder block缸体cylinder head缸头cylinder-head gasket缸头垫片,垫圈;接合垫cylindrical圆柱形,圆柱体;柱面Ddampen使潮湿, 使沮丧damper风门;节气阀darwing board画图板deactivate释放;去激励;停用;退出工作;使无效debris碎片, 残骸decimal 十进的, 小数的,小数defective有缺陷的,欠缺的deflect (使)偏斜, (使)偏转deflection偏向;偏斜;转向deformation 变形,形变;畸变,失真degrease脱脂, 除油污degree celsius摄氏度deploy展开, 配置deposit 堆积物, 沉淀物, 存款, 押金, 保证金, 存放物depress使沮丧, 使消沉, 压下, 压低depression 沮丧, 消沉, 低气压, 低压depressurizes 使减压, 使降压depth gauge深度计detergent 清洁剂, 去垢剂deviation 偏差,偏移dial gauge量规dial micrometer千分尺dielectric 电介质, 绝缘体diestock螺丝攻differential gear差速齿轮differential protection差动保护diffuser 漫射体;(扬声器)纸盆;扩散器digger挖掘者挖掘机digital clock数字钟digitizing tablet数字面板dilute 冲淡, 变淡, 变弱, 稀释discharge 卸下, 放出, 清偿(债务), 履行(义务), 解雇, 开(炮), 放(枪), 射(箭). 卸货, 流注, 放电dismantle拆除,拆卸dismount 拆卸,卸下disposal 处理, 处置, 布置, 安排, 配置, 支配dissipation 分散, 浪费, 损耗,耗散,消耗distance ring间隔环distributor发行人,分电盘,配电器dividers圆规double phase两相dog clutchdolly洋娃娃 ,移动车,台车,,移动摄影车domed nut 圆顶螺母doubt不确定;疑惑dowel 木钉, 销子, 用暗销接合drain排水沟, 消耗, 排水drain tap排气阀draw bar绘图刀drawing pin图钉drawing point绘图点drift 漂移,偏差drill 训练, 钻孔, 条播, 钻头;锥子;钻孔机;钻床;钻drill gauge钻规driller 钻孔者, 钻孔机drilling machine 钻床drip pan油滴盘drop hammer落锤drum鼓, 鼓声drum brake鼓状刹车dryness干, 干燥duplex双(向,重),双工,二重durability 耐久性,耐用性duration宽度,持续时间dust 灰尘, 尘土, 尘埃dynamo 发电机dynamometer 测力计, 功率计Eearthmover 重型推土机eccentric古怪的;偏执的不同圆心的,离心的;不正圆的edge刀口, 利刃, 锋, 优势, 边缘, 优势, 尖锐elbow机械肘, 肘electric furnace电熔炉electric plier电气钳electric screw driver电钻electric welding电焊electricalelectrode 电极electrolysis 电解,电蚀electrolyte电解, 电解液electroplating 电镀, 电镀术eliminate消除,删去,排除;切断emery 金刚砂, 刚玉砂emery cloth砂布,金刚砂布emery wheel. 金刚砂旋转磨石, 砂轮endplate终板endwise末端朝前或向上的,向前的energizing使活跃, 给予精力, 加强, 给与...电压激励,赋能;接通epicyclic gear计数齿epoxy 环氧树脂epoxy-glued环氧胶equilateral triangle 等边三角形erection直立, 竖起, 建筑物errorexectric arc电弧exhaust pipe 排气管exhaust valve排气阀expanded metal膨胀金属expander扩展器,扩展电路,扩大器expansion bolt自攻螺丝explanatory quad填充铅块extension tube伸缩管extern外(面)的, 外来的external callipers外卡钳extrusion 挤压,挤压成形eye bolt吊耳eye screw螺丝眼Ffabrication 制造;生产;结构faceplate面板, 花盘facilitate使容易, 使便利, 推动, 帮助, 使容易, 促进fag bolt, 疲劳螺栓fake假货, 欺骗, 伪造, 赝造, 捏造, 假造, 仿造fan belt风扇皮带fan heate风扇加热器feeler gauge触规felling axe外轮轴fetch 接来, 取来, 带来, 售得, 引出, 吸引, 到达, 演绎出filament灯丝;细丝fire extinguisher灭火器firebrick 耐火砖fireman's axe消防斧firmer chisel . 凿子flange 边缘, 轮缘, 凸缘, 法兰flange coupling凸缘联轴器flanged nut凸缘螺母flanged union凸缘连接flank侧面, 军队侧翼, 侧腹, 胁flash welding 闪光焊flashlight 手电筒, 闪光灯flashpoint闪点flat 平坦的, 扁平的, 单调的, 倒下的, 浅的flat nut平螺母flat-head rivet平头铆钉flaw裂缝,缺陷,疵瑕flex弯曲(四肢), 伸缩, 折曲flexure 弯曲,挠曲float chamber浮子floating. 漂浮的, 浮动的, 移动的, 流动的, 不固定的flue烟洞, 烟道, 暖气管, 蓬松的东西flush刷新flux 磁通,通量;焊剂;流动, 熔化, 流出footpump脚泵forge炼炉;熔炉fork 派生(指令),分叉(指令),分支fork-lift truck叉架式运货车,铲车formation 构造,结构;形成,建立;形式forming印版foundry铸造, 翻砂, 铸工厂, 玻璃厂, 铸造厂foundation 基础, 根本, 建立, 创立, 地基,four-jaw chuck四爪卡盘four-stroke四冲程frame帧,画面;框架机架,架,机柜fret-saw线剧friction 摩擦, 摩擦力friction grip摩擦盘frictional摩擦的, 摩擦力的frost霜, 霜冻, 严寒, 结霜funnel 漏斗, 烟窗furnace炉子, 熔炉furnish 供应, 提供, 装备, 布置Ggale强风,大风galvanizing. 通电流于, 电镀gang saw 直锯gas burner. 煤气灶, 煤气火焰gas main. 煤气总管gas mask防毒面具gas pedal气体, 煤气, 毒气, 汽油, 瓦斯gas turbine 燃气涡轮gas well 天然气井gas works煤气厂gasket垫片,垫圈;接合垫gaskets垫片,垫圈;接合垫gasometer煤气厂, 气量计gate pole门极gate valve门阀gauge标准尺, 规格, 量规, 量表, 测量gavel 槌gear lever 变速杆gear train齿轮系gear wheel齿轮geiger counter盖格计数器gel-coated胶衣gimbals 平衡环,平衡架gimlet手钻;螺丝锥girder 梁, 钢桁的支架girder bridgegland腺,密封管glass cutter玻璃刀glaze釉料, 釉面, 光滑面, 上釉, 上光globe valve球形阀gloss注释;注解;评注, 光泽的表面, 光彩, 欺人的表面, 假象, gloss paint光滑涂料glossy 平滑的, 有光泽的glove手套glue胶, 胶水, 胶合, 粘贴, 粘合goggle 眼睛睁视, (复数)风镜, 护目镜gold leaf金叶goons细打包麻布gouge弧口凿,半圆凿governor 调节器;控制器grab 抢夺, 攫取, 夺取grader 分类机,分级机grain 颗粒,晶粒,粒度;纹理graph 图表, 曲线图grease油膏;润滑油grease gun注油枪;滑脂枪grease nipple油管grinding磨的, 磨擦的, 碾的grinding disk 磨擦盘grinding machine磨床grinding wheel 砂轮groove凹槽, 惯例, 最佳状态grout. 薄泥浆, 水泥浆grouting给…灌灰浆,给…涂薄胶泥grub screw自攻螺丝guide bars导向棍guide block导向块guide ring导向绳guiding shaft导向轴guillotine闸刀,处斩刑, 切(纸)gumming树胶分泌gyroscope 陀螺仪, 回旋装置, 回转仪, 纵舵调整器Hhacksaw可锯金属的弓形锯, 钢锯hairspring细弹簧, 游丝half shaft半轴half-round file半圆锉halfway中途的, 部分的, 不彻底的,半路地,在中途, 在半途handling 处理(技术,方法)hanging顶端对齐,悬挂hardener 固化剂,硬化剂harder硬的, 坚固的, (问题, 工作等)困难的,艰苦的, 猛烈的, 确实的harness导线,装备;利用harrow耙hatch, 舱口, 舱口盖,开口,. 孵, 孵出,策划, 图谋hatchet. 短柄斧hazard 冒险(性);相关危险;事故,故障headscrew主轴螺杆headstock主轴箱helical gearing螺旋齿helix. 螺旋, 螺旋状物hemp 大麻, 纤维hereafter. 今后, 从此以后herring-bone gearhexagon screw diehexagon spanner六方hexagonal nut六角螺母hightensile 高强度high-tension cable高压电缆hissing发嘶嘶声, 蔑视hob滚刀, 铁架hoe 锄头,用锄耕地, 锄hoist升起;吊起;推起, 起重机,(台、架等)支持物, 固定器hollow空的,中空的hook bolt吊耳hook spanner 钩,弯脚扳手hook's jointhopper. 单足跳者horizontal地平线的, 水平的horseshoe magnet马蹄形磁铁hose 软管,胶皮管,蛇管hose clip管夹hot-dip热沾hottest. 热的,热烈的housing住房,房屋,护盖,框架hovercraft 水翼船hub rigidity轮毂刚度hubcap. 轮毂罩hull外壳, 船体humidity湿气, 潮湿, 湿度hydraulic水压的;液压的hydraulic block液压块hydraulic ram液压活塞hygrographs 自动湿度记录计hygrometer湿度计hysteresis. 滞后作用, [物]磁滞现象Ii-beamidler gear惰轮齿idler pulley惰轮,空转轮,导轮idling 空载,无载impeller 推进者, 叶轮impinge 撞击,冲击imprint 印记imprison监禁, 关押impulse推动, 刺激, 冲动, 推动力, 脉冲impurity杂质, 混杂物, 不洁, 不纯inductance 感应系数, 自感应,电感induction coil电感线圈inductive 诱导的, 感应的inflammable易燃的, 易怒的ingot条,块,锭initial 最初的, 词首的, 初始的initialize初始化initials缩写injector. 注射器injure 损害, 伤害inlet 进口, 入口inlet valve入口阀inner 内部的, 里面的, 内心的,内部inoperative不起作用的;无效的inspection 审查,检查instance 例图;事[实,范]例,样品,实例, 建议, 要求, 情况, 场合instantaneous瞬间的, 即刻的, 即时的,瞬时,立即insufficient不充足的,不适合的,不能胜任的insulation绝热;绝缘;隔离,绝缘体;绝缘材料intensive强烈的, 精深的, . 加强器interchange 互换,交换;交换机interlock连锁装置, 连锁internal callipers内卡钳internal-combustion engine内燃机inertia switch惯性开关interval 间隔,时间间隔,区间intervene干涉, 干预, 插入, 介入inverter反用换流器, 变极器, 反相器;"非"门irregularity 不规则, 无规律不规则性,不正则性irritation激怒;被激怒疼痛处isolating 孤立的,绝缘的isolation 隔绝, 孤立, 隔离, 绝缘, 离析isometric projection等边体isosceles triangle等边三角形Jjack 插孔,插口,插座;插头,接头;千斤顶jet 喷嘴;射流jib crane挺杆臂,转臂起重机jig 钻模;夹具;定位;模具jointing compound复合填料joist托梁 ,搁栅jubilee clipjumper 跨接线,跨接,跨[短]接片,跳接器,∏型短路线Kkeyhole sawkey-operate键盘操作keyway 键槽king dick spannerking pin大头钉kit成套工具, 用具包, 工具箱, 成套用具knob 按钮;调节器knuckle joint万向接头knurled nut凸螺母knurling多瘤的, 多节的Llabel 标签, 签条, 商标, 标志labyrinth迷路, 迷宫, 难解的事物ladder. 梯子, 阶梯ladle杓子, 长柄杓lager贮藏啤酒lagging绝缘层材料laminate 层压(制品),迭片,迭层板,绝缘板; 碾压lamp holder 灯座lapjoint搭接lap 盖板;搭接,重迭;研磨,抛光lapping compound研磨,抛光化合物large power drill大型钻latch 锁存器;门闩线路;凸轮;闩锁lathe 车床lathe tool车床工具layout 规划, 设计, 编排, 版面, 配线, 企划, 设计图案,布局图, 版面设计leaf spring叠簧leaflet 小叶, 传单leak漏洞, 漏出, 漏出物, 泄漏, 泄漏leakage 漏, 泄漏, 渗漏left-hand thread左旋螺纹lengthwise纵长的,纵向长的level水平, 水平面, 水准, 标准, 级别leverage杠杆作用liberal自由,丰富,充足lid. 盖子lifting提升light光, 日光, 发光体, 灯轻的, 发光的light metal spirit level光金属水平仪lighting conductor光导体limit gaugelining内衬,衬里link链环, 连结物, 火把, 链接, 连结, 联合lintel楣, 过梁lip. 嘴唇, 唇缘lithium saponify锂基脂litre 升local地方的, 当地的, 局部的, 乡土的,当地居民, 本地新闻, 慢车, 局部locate定位,位置location单元;位置,定位lock 加锁,锁(紧,定),封闭;自动跟踪locking nut自锁螺母locknut防松螺母,对开螺母locomotive 机车, 火车头log(运行)记录,(系统)日志logging saw伐木锯loom. 织布机, 织机, 隐现, 迫近lorry卡车, 铁路货车lost-head nail断头钉loudspeaker 扩音器, 喇叭lubricant润滑剂lubricate 润滑lug 接线柱;柄,把手;突起Mmachine tools 工作母机magnet 磁体, 磁铁magnetic 磁的, 有磁性的, 有吸引力的magnifier 放大器magnifying glass放大镜main主要部分, 体力, 力量, 大陆, 要点, 干线main spar主梁mallet木槌 ,球棍mandrel 半导体阴极金属心;心轴manhole人孔, 检修孔manner礼貌, 风格, 方式, 样式, 习惯manometer 流体压力计manometric. 压力计的, 用压力计测量的manual 手册,指南,人[手]工,手控,手动marine engine海用引擎masonry 石工术, 石匠职业masonry drill石钻masonry nail 水泥钉master征服,控制,精通master cylinder主液压缸mat 字模,垫块material 物质,材料;资料measureing scale测量刻度measuring 测量measuring tape卷尺mechanical机械的, 机械制的, 机械似的mechanical drawing机械图mechanism 机制;机械学,结构方式;机械装置;技巧;机械论medium媒体;介质;平均值;手段,方法;中(等);粗略,一般[M]membrane 薄膜;隔板;表层memory记忆, 记忆力, 回忆, 存储(器), 存储器存储器,内存mention 提及, 说起mercury barometer 汞,水银气压计meshing接合;相合;啮合message 消息报文,电文;信息micrometer screw gauge螺旋测位器microprocessing unit 微处理器microscope显微镜microswitch 微动开关middle中间,中型;mill 碾磨, 磨细milling轧齿边milling machine 铣床mineral. 矿物, 矿石minimise 成极小,求最小值minor次要,局部,小minus 减(号);负missing 故障,损失,遗漏mitre block 斜接,斜面接合块mitre joint 斜接mitring machinemix 混合mixture混合, 混合物, 混合剂Monitoring监控mode方式, 模式, 样式, 时尚modem 调制解调器modification修改,改造,改变 ,变型,变体module 模数, 模块, 登月舱, 指令舱modulus模量,系数,模数moisture 湿气,湿度,潮湿molding塑造;铸型;造型塑造物;铸造物mole wrenchmomentary刹那间的;顷刻的;短暂的mortar 臼, 研钵, 灰泥mortise. 榫眼mortise chisel榫.Motor start马达启动moulding sand沙模multimeter 万用表,多用途计量器multi-meter万用表multiplication乘法, 增加,(动, 植的)繁殖, 增殖multiplier 增加者, 繁殖者,乘数, 增效器, 乘法器multiply 繁殖, 乘, 增加Nnacelle发动机舱,机舱nail指甲, 钉, 钉子needle file 针锉needle valve 针形阀, 针状活门negative 否定, 负数,阴性的;负极的network. 网络, 网状物, 广播网neutralization中立化, 中立状态, [化]中和noise噪声 ,噪音non-shrinking非收缩性normal正常,普通,标准nose cone. 火箭或飞弹之鼻锥体, 头锥体nozzle管口, 喷嘴nut 坚果, 螺母, 螺帽, 难解的问题nut tap自攻螺母nylon 尼龙Oobstruct 阻隔, 阻塞, 遮断(道路、通道等), 阻碍物, 障碍物obtuse angle 钝角obtuse-angled triangle钝角三角形occur 发生, 出现off-shore oil rig海上平台oil ringoil switch油开关oil well 油井oilstone油石oldham coupling欧氏联轴节on-site在场open ring wrench开口扳手open-hearth furnace平炉optimum最佳,最优orifice 孔, 口oscillation摆动, 振动outlet 输出;出口;引出线,电源插座output 产量, 输出, 输出量out yawing外偏航oval nail椭圆钉over speed过速overaging超龄的;老朽的;旧式的over current protection过电流保护overhead-valve engine 顶阀发动机,预置气门发动机overheat加热过度使发展过快,使过热overlap重叠,覆盖overload 超载,过载,过负荷overpressure过压overproduction生产过剩overspeed 超速over voltage过电压oxidation氧化[作用];氧化层oxyacetylene welding氧乙炔焊风电词汇中英文对照表-IIsaddle. 鞍, 鞍状物safety 安全, 保险, 安全设备, 保险装置sample. 标本, 样品, 例子sand blasting沙暴sander 沙, 沙子, [pl. ] 沙滩, 沙地sandingsandpaper砂纸sandwich夹层,层状[夹心]结构satisfactory符合要求的;合适的saturate. 使饱和, 浸透, 使充满saw 锯sawing machinescaffolding 脚手架scale 刻度,标度;比例尺,标尺;尺度,规模;【动】定标;换算;【WIN,NT】数值,缩放(比例scalene trangle不等边的(三角形)scarringscraper刮器,擦具;鞋刮子;刮刀,刮漆刀scratch 划痕,刻痕;【动】擦除;screen 屏(幕,面),荧光屏;筛选;屏蔽;网screw螺丝钉, 螺旋, 螺杆, 螺孔, 螺旋桨, screw callipersscrew clampscrew driverscrew extractor拉马screw jack 螺旋千斤顶screw pitch gaugescrew tap 螺丝攻screw thread. 螺纹screwdriver 螺丝刀,起子scriber划线器, 描绘标记的用具scribing block划线笔sealing密封seam welding接合焊seat座, 座位, 所在地, 场所, 席位secger plierrsecure安全,可靠,保密securedsecurity 安全(性),保密(性),安全措施segregation分离,分凝法self-starter自动点火装置;自动启动器self-tapping screw自攻螺丝sensitivity 敏感, 灵敏(度), 灵敏性sensor 传感器,检测器;读出器,感测器;敏感元件sentsequence 顺序,时序;数列;定序,排序,序列series connectionservice 服务,服务程序;业务;维修,维护set screwset squaresetting设置[定]值;设置settle稳定,固定;调整,调度shackle 手铐, 脚镣, 桎梏, 束缚物shaft 轴, 杆状物shank 胫, 腿骨shaping machineshaping toolsharpness锐利shears 剪, 修剪, 剪切shicknessshield屏蔽,罩;防护,庇护shim 垫片;填隙片shimming 摇动,震颤,晃动shock 冲击;震动shock absorber 减震器,震动吸收器short circuit. 短路shovel 铲, 铁铲shrink缩小,收缩shutdown 停止系统运行,停工[机],关机shutter 遮挡板,光闸,光阀;快门shuttle 梭;航天飞机,宇宙飞船,空间渡船;往返空间sidelight侧面射进来的光线, 侧灯,舷灯, 拾零, 杂闻, 间接说明side-valve enginesight glasssimultaneous同时的, 同时发生的sine wave正弦波single phase单相singnalsink 散热器,接收器,转接器;吸收(电流等);沟(半导体耗尽层的);汇点,收点;宿,汇集sintering烧结siphon 虹吸管site-mixedskew wind 歪斜,偏斜,扭斜[曲,动];相位偏移;变形,时滞(同一脉冲通过不同电路的时差);不齐,不齐量,偏离;【修】歪,斜,扭skin-halveskip 跳跃(进位);跳行[越,过];空指令slag. 矿渣, 炉渣, 火山岩渣sledge hammer大锤, 有压服力的东西sleeve 套筒,套管slide 滑动触头;【动】使滑动slide caliperrslide rule计算尺slide valve滑阀sliding滑动,活动;可调整slight 轻微的, 微小的slipping clutchslope 斜坡, 斜面, 倾斜slot 插槽,存储槽,(页)槽;槽口;开缝,存取窗口;裂缝[口],切口,沟;时间段,时间片slow-running screwsmelting熔炼smooth平稳,平滑snips 剪断socket 插座[槽,孔,口];管座;套接字(报文包的);【SunOS】网络界面[接口];【网】报路[SK]socket spanner套筒扳手soft cut in软切入software软件,软设备soldering 焊料,焊锡;焊接,结合soldering iron 烙铁solenoid螺线管solenoid valve电磁阀solitary单独,唯一solvent溶媒, 溶剂, 解决方法spacer. 取间隔的装置, 逆电流器,衬垫,衬套,衬片spade 铲, 铁锹spanner扳手;活络扳手;扳子sparking plug 火花塞spigot 插口;插头,塞子;(水)龙头spindle 主轴,心轴spinner 微调控制项spiral gear螺旋齿spirit level 水平仪spirit varnishsplash. 溅, 飞溅, 斑点spline方栓, 齿条, 止转楔, 花键splined shaftsplint夹板,托板split bearing分离轴承split pinspokeshave辐刀spot 斑点,点;地点;点焊spot welding点焊sprayer 喷出水沫者, 喷雾, 喷雾器sprig图钉spring 弹簧;【动】弹出spring balance弹簧秤spring washer弹垫spring-bow compasssprocket 链轮齿spur gear正齿轮spur wheel gear正齿轮square 平方;方块;【修】矩形[SQ],正方形的, 四方的,直角的, 正直的, 公平的, 结清的, 平方的, 彻底的square nut 四方螺母, 螺帽square thread矩形螺纹square-head bolt方头螺栓stabilizer稳定器;平衡器;安定剂stable稳定,稳态stage 级;阶段,程度;【动】登台,升级stain 着色,染色;着色剂;污点stainless 纯洁的, 无瑕疵的, 不锈的stall失速,使失速standard标准(型),规范,准则;【印】常身;正常体standing 直立的, 停滞的, 固定的, 常备的, 标准的, 常设的standstill静止状态;停顿star drillstart up 发动, 开动starter motor马达启动startup 启动steam engine 蒸汽机steam roller蒸汽压路机, 高压手段steam turbine 蒸汽轮机steel sheet scissorsteel wool钢丝线steering box舵盘steering gear方向齿steering wheel舵轮,方向盘step-down(up) transformer降压器stiffen 变粘, 变硬, 变猛烈stillson wrenchstipulate 规定, 保证stock 库存, 股票, 股份, 托盘, 祖先, 血统, 原料stoker 司炉, 烧炉工人, 加煤机stopcock管闩, 活塞, 活栓, 旋塞阀stoppage 中断, 填塞store 存储,存储器straight edge直刃strange陌生的, 生疏的, 前所未知的, 奇怪的, 奇异的, 不惯的strap 短接,跨接strap wrench绑扎带streak 条纹,拖尾strike 打, 打击, 罢工, 抓, 敲, 搏动, 打动, 穿透strip 条,带,(跨接)片;剥离,脱去,去除striplightstructure结构,构造,构件;structure结构,构造,构件;【C】(数据类型)结构,结构体[STRUC]stub axlestudstuffing box填充体sturdy 强健的, 坚定的, 毫不含糊的substantial 坚固的, 实质的, 真实的, 充实的substation变电所,分站,支局subsynchronous 次[再]同步suck 吸, 吮, 吸取suction. 吸入, 吸力, 抽气, 抽气机, 抽水泵, 吸引summation 求和,总和,加法sump润滑油槽;油盘;机油箱superheated 过热supervise监控,监督support 支援,支持(程序,软件);配套[SU]surface 表面,曲面;【修】表面,外部surplus 过剩,余量surrounding 围绕物, 环境suspension 吊, 悬浮, 悬浮液, 暂停, 中止, 悬而未决, 延迟,挂起;暂停,中止suspension systemsweating. 出汗的, 吃力的swept planeswitch 开关,转[交,切]换,翻转;接线器switch box开关柜switch off 切断switch over 转变symmetry对称,对称性synchronous同时的, [物]同步的synthetic合成的, 人造的, 综合的Ttachometer转速计,转速器tacktailstocktamperproof 防止窜改,可防止乱摆弄tangent 正切;切线,接触的, 切线的, 相切的, 离题的tank 储能电路;槽,箱,容器;油箱tap 分接头,抽头,三通头,, 活栓, 水龙头tap extractortap wrenchtap-drilltapdrill extensiontape 磁带,纸带;【修】带状tape decktape recordertaper 圆锥;递减;【修】分等级tappet 梃杆, 凸子tarmac 停机坪telephoto lens 远摄镜头,长焦镜头telescopic shaft伸缩轴television 电视, 电视机temperature 温度tempering 回火template样板,金属模片temporary暂时的, 临时的, 临时性tenon凸榫,雄榫,榫舌tenon sawtensile可拉长的, 可伸长的, [物]张力的, 拉力的tension压力, 张力, 牵力, 电压terminal point端子terminate 端接;终止test nipple测试嘴test piecetesthose for manomentert-head bolt T形头螺栓T-head bolt T型螺栓theodolite经纬仪thermal热的;热量的;热力的thermistor热敏电阻,热控管thermocouple温差电偶,热电偶thermograph温度记录器, 热录像仪thermometer . 温度计, 体温计thermostat自动调温器,恒温器thinner稀释剂,冲淡剂thread线, 细丝, 线索, 思路, 螺纹,线索;线程three way switch三路开关three-jaw chuckthrottle valve节流阀throttles节流阀;节流圈;风门thrust bearing推力轴承thyristor硅控整流器,半导体闸流管tie beamtime switch定时开关timing chain调速链timing gear调速齿tip尖头,技巧,端头,触点;忠告,提示toggle joint双态元件,触发器;(乒乓)开关;轮转,(来回)切换tolerance公差,容差[限,许],允许误差;容错度tolerate忍受, 容忍tommy bar撬棒,螺丝钻tongs钳子, 夹具tongue and groovetooqh强硬的tool box工具箱tool post工具站toolbox工具箱top dead-centretopmost最顶层,最高,最上面torch手电筒,火把;火炬torque arm力臂torque spanner力矩扳手torque wrench力矩扳手torsion扭(转);扭力;挠率;转矩torsion bar力矩杆torus 环形圆纹曲面,(圆)环面touch 触力;【动】按,揿,触toward. 向, 对于, 为了Towertower crane塔式吊车track rod磁棒tractor. 拖拉机, (履带式)输[进]纸器trailing (轨)迹;跟踪;【WIN】指针train 串,列,系列;链;列车trammel 拘束, 阻碍物, 束缚物transformer变压器transistor 晶体管transmission 传输,发送,传送TransmissionTransmitter发射器,变送器transport 运输;运输工具transverse横切的,横轴transverse engine水平机trapezium梯形travelling crane移动式吊车tread踩,踏treadle踏板trestle架,架柱triac 三端双向可控硅开关元件triangle三角(形)trigger触发trimming清理焊缝triple三层的,三倍的triple phase三相tripod三角架trowel泥刀, 小铲子try square曲尺, 检验角尺t-square丁字尺tubular管状的,管形的turbojet涡轮喷气飞机turbongeneratorturning 旋转, 转向, 转弯处turnstile 十字转门turntable转车, 转盘turret lathe 六角车床twist . 盘旋;缠绕twisting缠绕two-handed sawtwo-stroke engine二冲程发动机Uu-bolt U形螺栓ultrasonic超声波unbalance不平衡unconditional. 无条件地uncritical不加批判的, 无批判力的, 不严厉的under load switch底载荷开关under voltage低电压underfeed stokerundershot wheelundulate起伏uniform一样的union联合;联合会,团结unit单元,部件,单位(符号);装置,设备,器件universal coupling万向联轴节,万向连接器universal joint万向接头,万向节universal pliers万能手钳unloading卸,去载unscrew从...旋出螺丝, 旋开, 旋松unsymmetry不匀称untwisting拆开(搓合的绳,线等), 解开update更新;修改;校正;重新编辑。



消防用水驱动风机 消防用水驱动风机系统 小型风机用滑动轴承装置 小型直流风机 旋风导流板 旋式通风机机组 旋转式流体机叶轮 旋转式涡轮发动机 漩涡泵 压电风机 压气机护罩排气装置 压气机盘片组件 压气机叶轮 压气系统 摇头风扇 液压传动风机机组 液压风机驱动系统 运输通风装置 照明式吊扇 罩式家用风机 折叠式悬挂安装系统 真空电机风机罩子 真空吸尘器电机 整体式成型风机 直流电机驱动离心风机 制冰机泵组件 轴流风机叶轮 轴流风机叶轮 轴流风机叶片 轴流式风机 轴流式风机 轴流式风机机组 轴流式风机叶轮 轴流式风机叶片 轴流式环形风机 轴流压气机 轴流压气机密封环 转子式发动机 转子叶尖 组合式快装风机
解释 Spray unit for controlled droplet atomization Compressor flow fence Oscillating louver electric fan heater Pump impeller Wall mounted forced air electric heater Portable electric fan assembly Hand-portable fire fighting, positive pressure blower Portable misting fan portable spray paint guns Variable pitch fan Variable pitch propeller apparatus Low profile shrouded fan system Laminar flow fans Super gripper variable vane arm Compact fan unit for automobile Fan arrangement for a vehicular AC generator Diverter valve with bypass duct obturator Ducted fan Blades for low speed propeller fan Low noise fan Low noise impeller Electric fan cross-shaped base Electrical box hanger Ceiling fan Ceiling fan guard Rubber flywheel for ceiling fans Ornamental casing assembly for ceiling fan Ceiling fan mounting apparatus stator blades Multi stage centrifugal impeller Shrouding for engine cooling fans Reactivity control system Waterproof overhead fan Waterproof fan Non-vibrational oscillating blade piezoelectric blower Turbomolecular vacuum pump Ducted oscillatory blade fan Gear box of air fan Fan motor Protective fan shield Interlocking fan guard Suction chamber in a fan Synthetic fan blade Universal bracket for fans Fan shroud filter Fan blade Fan blade protection system Fan blade mount Fan blade cover Fan blade fabrication system Fan mounting Fan speed controller Fan rotor



专利名称:PITCH RANGE FOR VARIABLE PITCH FAN 发明人:BRANDON WAYNE MILLER,ブランドン・ウェイン・ミラー,BREEZE-STRINGFELLOWANDREW,アンドリュー・ブリーズ-ストリングフェロー,DAREK TOMASZ ZATORSKI,ダレック・トマス・ザトルスキ,SYED ARIF KHALID,サイド・アリフ・ハーリド,CHRISTOPHER JAMESKROGER,クリストファー・ジェームズ・クローガー,DANIEL ALAN NIERGARTH,ダニエル・アラン・ニーアガース申请号:JP2016219319申请日:20161110公开号:JP2017089651A公开日:20170525专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a variable pitch fan to enable a large pitch range with optimal design parameters.SOLUTION: A variable pitch fan 38 for a propulsion device includes a plurality of fan blades 40 coupled to a disk 42. Each of the plurality of fan blades extends radially outward from the disk, and extends along a span (S) from a root to a tip. A portion of the span (S) adjacent to the root defines a root span region (S), a portion of the span (S) adjacent to the tip defines a tip span region (S). Each of the fan blades is rotatable about a pitch axis to vary a pitch of the fan blade, the pitch axis extending radially through the fan blade. The pitch is variable within a pitch range, the pitch range being at least approximately 80° to approximately 130°. The solidity of the variable pitch fan is at least 1.0 in the root span region (S).SELECTED DRAWING: Figure 1申请人:GENERAL ELECTRIC CO ,ゼネラル・エレクトリック・カンパニイ地址:アメリカ合衆国、ニューヨーク州 12345、スケネクタデイ、リバーロード、1番国籍:US代理人:荒川 聡志,小倉 博,黒川 俊久,田中 拓人更多信息请下载全文后查看。



1 民航专业英语词汇民航专业英语词汇民航专业英语词汇民航专业英语词汇Main service points:主勤务点Cockpit arrangement: 驾驶舱布局Captain console: 机长操纵台Glare shield panel: 遮光板面板Observer console:观察员操纵台Landing gear free fall lever compartment:起落架自由落下手柄舱Control pedestal forward panel:控制台前面板Control pedestal:控制台Control stand:控制台Cockpit partition:驾驶舱分区Hanger: 机库Protective breathing equipment PBE: 呼吸保护器Crank handle: 摇臂Locking pin: 锁销Seat lateral unlocking: 座位横向锁Seat locking(neutral position): 座位锁Seat longitudinal unlocking:座位纵向锁Inertial real unlocked/locked::::Thigh rest upward/downward setting:Backrest locking:靠背锁Backrest reclining:靠背调节Seat height locking:座位高度锁Seat upward/downward setting:座位上下调整Lumber support pushbutton:Lateral locking pin:横侧锁销Manual control handle:人工操纵手柄Plug:插塞Electric actuator:电动致动器Top- off fitting:Cockpit emergency evacuation座:舱应急逃离Cockpit window emergency exit:座舱窗口应急出口Commonality:通用性Detent protection:致动器保护Cursor control device: CCD光标控制器光标控制器光标控制器光标控制器White stripped bar:白色斜纹条白色斜纹条白色斜纹条白色斜纹条Reversionary panel复:原面板复原面板复原面板复原面板Display selector knob:显示选择器旋钮Radio altitude data:无线电高度数据FPA acceleration pointer: FPA加速指针Electronic checklist: ECL电子检查单ECL Database loading page: EC数L据载入页面2Closed loops:闭环Total fuel quantity:De-clutter: 整理Cyan box: 蓝绿色盒子A dual concentric rotary knob:同心双旋钮Electronic bay:电子舱A 20-slot cabinet:插槽柜Glare shield lights control panel:Guidance panel: 制导面板Flood/storm panel lighting: 泛光灯面板照明Chart holder lighting control knob:Flight crew reading lights:机组阅读灯Adjust aperture size of light pattern:调整照明灯孔Passenger sign control panel:Toggle switch:搬扭开关Sterile toggle switch:Rain bow lights :Passenger cabin temperature rotating knob:Courtesy light reset switch:Lavatory dome light:厕所顶灯Water tank capacity and fault indication:水箱容量和故障显示Logotype lights : 航徽灯A colored solid square有:色实心方快Reinforced cockpit door:座舱加强门Electronic mechanic door latch: 机电门闩Waste compartment:废物舱Handset cradle : 通话手机托架Dispensing units : 氧气面罩放出装置Air gasper outlets: 换气口Manualdeploy tool:Individual reading light:独立阅读灯Waste flap:Waste disposal:废物箱Chart lights:航图灯Dome lights: 顶灯Fluorescent flood /storm light:萤光泛光灯Cabin /cockpit emergency flood light: 客舱/座舱应急泛光灯Emergency escape path:应急撤离线路Photoluminscent strip: 荧光发光带Protective grills:Vent flap:Escape slide:逃生滑梯External handle:Escape slide handle:逃生滑梯手柄3Lock/vent flap handle:Girt bar: 束缚杆束缚杆束缚杆束缚杆Fuel control unit:燃油调节器ramp扶梯Water line:吃水线Access door检:查盖Service door:Lock handle:锁销Proximity sensor: 近地传感器Fabric girt:Floor fittings:Floating device:漂浮设备Mooring line: 系绳系绳系绳系绳Fair safe:Inflation cylinder pressure readiness inspection window:充气瓶压力检查窗Girt bar engagement indicator window:Manual inflation handle:人工充气手柄Pressure gauge压: 力表NO.GO indication: 无冲压指示GO indication: 冲压指示Deflated handle:放气手柄Pivot pin:主销Strap handle:Security lever:安全手柄An emergency egress应: 急出口A passive lock:Blowout panel:Grill-protected openings: 防火孔/口Peephole:窥视孔Air compressor:空气压缩机Lavatory faucet:厕所水龙头Retention tanks: 贮藏箱Tarmac :停机坪停机坪停机坪停机坪Auto drain valve:自动排放活门Clogs: 塞满Drain mast heater: 排水加热器Vacuum waste system真: 空污水系统A flushing switch:冲洗电门Rinse:冲洗Water system controller:净水系统控制器Fill/drain nipple:Sump/sink:收水池,水箱Faucet:水龙头Water filter: 滤水器4Toilet bowl:抽水马桶Overflow tube:外溢排水管Lever sensor杆:式水量传感器Fill/ drain valve:加/放水阀Liquid level sensor: 液位/面传感器Waste line:污水管Rinse line:冲水管Vacuum waste servicing panel真: 空污水检查面板Waste drain ball valve handle污:水排泄阀手柄Fire extinguishing system: 灭火系统Automatic configuration monitoring system:自动配置监控系统Non-dispatchableMiscompare:Air management system:空气管理系统Pack flow control valve:主件流量控制活门Cockpit temperature rotating knob: 座舱温度旋钮Recirculation fan:再循环风扇Flight attendant control panel:乘务控制面板Cross-bleed button:交输引气按键Bleed air button: 引气按键Engine bleed valves发: 动机引气活门Stripped bar:条纹Cabin altitude selector knob: 座舱高度选择旋钮Pressurization mode selector knob增:压方式选择旋钮Outflow valve:外流活门Landing field elevation:着陆机场标高Differential pressure indication:压差指示ECS synoptic page: EC简S图页面Air shutoff valves status空:气关断活门状态页面Diagonal:斜的Outflow valve scale /pointer: 排放活门刻度/指针Flow line:排放管Ground cart:地面气源车Gasper:Flow control valve:流量控制阀Low/high stage bleed valve低:压/高压引气活门Engine start ground cart:发动机启动地面气源车发动机启动地面气源车发动机启动地面气源车发动机启动地面气源车Fan air bleed valve风:扇空气引气活门EMERG RAM air valve应: 急冲压空气活门Fan air valve风:尚空气活门Low pressure check valve低: 压单向活门Anti-ice supply ducting:防冰引气供气管道Overheat detection system:过热探测系统Dual loop sensing双:环探测5Trim pressure duct: 压力调节管道FLAPPER VALVE瓣S状活门Bleed source引:气源Bleed priority logic: 引气优先逻辑Takeoff data set: TDS起飞数据设置Cargo bay ventilation:货舱通风ECS cooling packs: EC散S热主件Packflow control valve:主件流量控制阀Cabin pull-up mode:座舱拉升方式Electronic compartment ventilation:电子设备舱通风Secondary power distribution assembly:辅助配电组件Emergency integrated control center: 应急集控中心Forced cooling air:强制散热散空气RAM air circuit: RAM 空气电路Emergency ram air ventilation valve应:急冲压空气通风活门Recirculation bay:再循环舱Static pressure port:静压孔Cabin pressure control system座: 舱压力控制系统Negative differential pressure:负压差Orifice:孔,口Sensing orifice探:测孔Cabin altitude rate of change: 座舱高度变化率Cabin altitude change rate: 座舱高度变化率Cabin pressure variation rate: 座舱压力变动率Pressure rate of variation:压力变动率Maximum differential pressure limiter: 最大压差限制器Offset of 0.11psi:偏差Bleed isolation valve: 引气隔离活门Lateral guidance control: 水平导航控制Lateral Navigation 侧向导航Vertical guidance control: 垂直导航控制Synchronize同:步HDG selector knob: HDG选择旋钮Autopilot approach status annunciator: 自动驾驶进近状态信号器Altitude holding mode: 高度保持方式Altitude pre-selected window: 高度预选窗FD guidance cue:飞行指引仪引导提示符Primary servo:主侍服Thrust control system :TCS推力系统Thrust reverser trigger: 反推触发器FD declutter button: FD整理键AFCS processing module:飞控系统处理组件Automatic pitch trim: 自动俯仰配平Elevator AP servo:6Aileron AP servo:A hot spare channel: 热备用通道Elevator thrust compensation: 升降舵推力补偿Captain /first office load feel: 机长/副驾驶载荷感应Synchronize the heading bug to the current heading:航向同步航向同步航向同步航向同步Approach preview mode: 进近预览方式进近预览方式进近预览方式进近预览方式Flight path reference line:飞行航迹基准线Flap-pitch based guidance:基于襟翼俯仰的引导Overspeed protection: 超速保护Vertical profile:纵向/垂直剖面Waypoint altitude constraint: 航路点高度限制Temperature compensation:温度补偿Descent angle: 下降角Path angle:航迹角Speed/altitude limit protection: 速度/高度限制保护Speed constraint:速度限制Speed reversion: 速度恢复速度恢复速度恢复Latched speed protection: 闩锁速度保护闩锁速度保护闩锁速度保护闩锁速度保护Trim rate command: 配平指令Thrust rating selection: 推力等级选择Thrust lever angle trim:推力手柄角配平Thrust control quadrant:油门操纵杆Speed control mode: 速度控制方式Flight level change thrust control mode: 飞行高度改变的推力控制方式Takeoff thrust control mode:起飞推力控制方式Go-around thrust control mode:复飞推力控制方式Takeoff thrust hold mode:起飞推力保持方式Retard mode: 减速方式Limited thrust: 限制推力Auto rating type transition logic:自动功率型过度逻辑Air cooler inlet:空气三热器进气口APU air inlet silencer: APU进气口消音器APU operational envelope: APU运行包线图APU selector knob :APU选择旋钮APU emergency stop button: APU应急停车键APU RPM indication: APU转速表APU EGT indication: APU排气温度表APU fuel supply: APU燃油供应Ejector fuel pump:喷射器燃油泵APU master switch: APU总电门Electronic starter controller:电子启动器控制器Brushless starter generator无:刷启动发电机Cooldown period: 冷却时间spool 級;短管7spool down 發動機減速spool up 發動機加速Spool down period:发动机减速时间Electrical fault isolation:电气故障隔离Bus tie contactor:母联接触器AC power quality requirement:AC电能质量规定Electrical flow line: 电力线High lift system actuation:大升力系统启动Load shedding减:负荷Electrical-electronic integrated device:电气电子集成设备Thermal circuit breaker:热跳开关Electronic mechanical relays:电子机械继电器Load distribution:负载分配负载分配负载分配Solid state power controller: 固态电力控制器Line select key行:选择键Priority logic:优先逻辑Load shedding protection:减负荷保护Fan rotor (N1 rotor speed):Compressor (N2 rotor speed)Exciter:激励器Thrust lever detent:Thrust reverser trigger:反推触发器Fire handle:灭火手柄Fire protection control panel:防火保护控制面板Engine control panel:发动机控制面板Start/stop selector knob:启动/关断选择旋钮Ignition selector knob:点火选择旋钮N1 wing anti-ice cyan line:Thrust level:推力级Thrust rating mode indication:推力等级方式显示N1 request indication:Auto re-light system: 自动重起系统Vibration level:变动级Fuel /oil heat exchanger:燃油/滑油热交换器Fuel-cooled oil cooler:燃油致冷式滑油散热器Fuel metering valve:燃油计量活门Fuel filter blockage:燃油滤堵塞Variable stator vanes可:变静子叶扇Fuel driven actuator:燃油驱动致动器Compressor efficiency压:缩机效率Fuel injector:燃油喷嘴Ejector fuel pump:喷射器燃油泵Lubrication system:Shaft bearings:8Accessory gearbox:附件齿轮箱Oil quantity sensors:滑油量传感器Scavenge pumping elements回: 油泵元件Lube and scavenge pump:Chevron nozzle:Sump drain: 收油池Puddle:坑A filter bypass:Cold start relief valve:冷启动释放活门Deaerator:CHIP detector: 金属探测器Scavenge screens回: 油筛Transfer gear box转: 换齿轮箱Starter cutout speed:启动机关断速度Ignition selector knob:点火选择旋钮Engine start selector knob:发动机启动选择旋钮Ground idle speed:地面慢车速度Thrust reverser stowing:Interlock function:互锁功能Actuator locks:启动器锁Cowl lock:Engine condition monitoring:发动机状态监控Engine inlet air temperature:发动机进气温度Fan speed data风:扇速度数据Airplane vibration monitoring system:飞机抖动监控系统Automatic dry monitoring:自动干转监控Performance calculation:Flexible takeoff:灵活起飞A reduced takeoff thrust:减功率起飞推力Assumed temperature:假定温度Minimum flex takeoff thrust: 最小灵活起飞推力Maximum rated takeoff thrust:最大额定起飞推力Flex takeoff reduction limit:灵活起飞推力减少限制N1 request valve:Takeoff reserve起:飞保留Default mode setting:默认方式设置Flat rated temperature:Hot start :热启动No light off:无点火Hung start:延迟启动ITT OVER limit protection: ITT超温限制保护Engine start high ITT prevention:发动机启动ITT温度过高预防Engine fire extinguisher handle:发动机灭火器手柄APU fire extinguisher button:9Hydraulic shutoff valve:液压关短活门High and low–rate cargo extinguisher bottle: 货舱大/小功率灭火瓶Fire detection system test button:火警探测系统测试键Engine fire protection system:发动机防火系统Fire extinguisher handle:灭火手柄Fuselage fairing机:身整流罩Engine bleed air shutoff valve发:动机引气关断活门Pneumatic fire detector:气源火警探测器Cargo smoke detection货:舱烟雾探测器Ventilation outflow valve:通风排放活门Smoke sensor烟:雾传感器Flight control system:飞控系统Multifunction roll spoiler: 多功能横滚扰流板Ground spoiler:地面扰流板Hydraulic actuator:液压制动器Control cables:操纵纲索Primary actuator control electronics:主控电子装置Flight control module:飞控组件Electro-hydraulic actuators:电子液压启动器Electro-mechanical actuators:Pitch trim switch:俯仰配平电门AP/Trim disconnect button:Slat/flap selector lever:Speed brake lever减: 速板手柄Pitch trim system 1 cutout button:Flight control mode panel:飞控方式面板Flight control mode button:Elevator disconnect handle:升降舵断开手柄Aileron disconnect handle:A solid green pointer:Analog control:模拟操纵Rudder /elevator surface actuator:方向舵/升降舵舵面驱动器Controller area network bus:Stroke limiting:High level function:高级功能Avionics standard communication bus: ASCB航空电子标准通讯汇流条System diagnostics系: 统诊断Central maintenance computer 中央维护计算机CMCElevator thrust compensation:升降舵推理补偿Brake control module:刹车控制组件Proximity sensor electronic module:近地传感器电子组件Airspeed augmentation commands:空速增益指令Latent faults:潜在故障Cells:电池10Reference thrust setting:基准推力值Control column displacement:驾驶杆移:离机械位Disconnect mechanism分Disconnect handle:分离手柄Tail strikeavoidance: TSA尾撬尾撬尾撬尾撬AOA limiter:迎角限制器AOA threshold: AOA 标准标准标准标准Pitch rate:俯仰变化率Wheel main trim switches: 手轮主配平电门Electrical servo motor: 电器侍服马达Horizontal stabilizer actuator:水平安定面致动器Speedbrake auto trim:减速板自动配平Electric trim motor:电动配平马达Automatic mach trim:自动马赫配平Pitch down tendency:机头下沉趋势FWD/AFT torque tubes:Gain scheduling增:益计划增益计划增益计划增益计划Rudder gain:方向舵增益Rudder effectiveness方:向舵效率Interconnect rod:内接连杆Pedal assembly脚: 蹬组件Yaw dumping:偏航阻尼偏航阻尼偏航阻尼偏航阻尼Slat system:Slat surface:缝翼翼面Double slotted flap surfaces双:槽襟翼操纵面Power driven unit:PDU 动力驱动组件Skew protection:不对称保护不对称保护不对称保护不对称保护Electronic skew sensor电: 子不对称传感器Strike protection:电气过载保护电气过载保护电气过载保护电气过载保护Displacement angle:偏转角度Control wheel displacement:驾驶杆偏移Wheel brake efficiency:机轮刹车效率Stopping distance:停止距离Fixed control laws configuration:Steep approach mode: 大角度进近方式大角度进近方式大角度进近方式大角度进近方式Flap low rate:Pitch trim low rate:Slat low rate:Gliding line:下滑线Aiming point 下滑点Climb angle:上升角Descend angle:下降角ALPHA门警告UNSTABLE MOD:ECONFIGURATION不稳定模式:构型不当11 UNSTABLE MODE::::STEEP 不稳定模式不稳定模式不稳定模式不稳定模式::::下降剖面陡下降剖面陡下降剖面陡下降剖面陡EXCESSIVE BANK ANGLE 坡度大EXCEEDENCE OF FLAP ALTITUDE L襟IM翼IT超高度限制EXCEEDENCE SPE速ED度超限HIGH NEGATIVE ACCELEARTI(O N I N FLIGHT)飞行中垂直过载小HIGH POSITIVE ACCELERAT(I O I N N FLIGHT)飞行中垂直过载大DIRECT LAW:Direct law 警告ALTITUDE ALER:TDESCENT高度警告:下降ABNORMAL CONFIGURATIO(N A T GO—AROUND):复飞构型错BOUNCED LANDIN:G:::着陆跳起着陆跳起着陆跳起着陆跳起LONG FLAR:E:::着陆有平飘着陆有平飘着陆有平飘着陆有平飘HIGH ACCELERATIO(NAT LANDING):接地垂直过载大HEADING DEVIATION(AT LANDING):着陆航向不稳定(接地—地速50KTS)PITCH LOW(AT TOUCHDOW)N 接地时刻俯仰角小TIRE LIMIT SPEED HIG轮H胎限制速度大LOW SPEED AT LANDIN接G地速度小HIGH SPEED AT LANDIN接G地速度大LANDING GEAR OUT OF SEQUEN起C落E架放出顺序错USE OF SPEEDBRAKES DURING FINAL APP最R终O A进C近使用扰流板LATE LANDING FLAP SETTI着NG陆构型设置过晚着陆构型设置过晚着陆构型设置过晚着陆构型设置过晚Exceddence of flaps/slats limit speed in conf full::CONF FULL构型时襟构型时襟构型时襟构型时襟/缝翼限制速度超缝翼限制速度超缝翼限制速度超缝翼限制速度超限限限限roll cycling during final approach::::最终进近横向姿态变化大最终进近横向姿态变化大最终进近横向姿态变化大最终进近横向姿态变化大pitch cycling during final approach最终进近俯仰姿态变化大最终进近俯仰姿态变化大最终进近俯仰姿态变化大最终进近俯仰姿态变化大Pitch Low In Final approach::::最终进近俯仰角小最终进近俯仰角小最终进近俯仰角小最终进近俯仰角小localizer deviation::::航向道偏差大航向道偏差大航向道偏差大航向道偏差大Glide slope deviation低于下滑道低于下滑道低于下滑道低于下滑道High rate of descent进近下降率大进近下降率大进近下降率大进近下降率大Late thrust reduction 收油门过晚收油门过晚收油门过晚收油门过晚Approach speed low进近速度小Approach speed high进近速度大进近速度大进近速度大进近速度大Descent Slope: shallow下降坡度下降坡度下降坡度下降坡度:::小小小、、、、Descent Slope: STEE下P 降坡度下降坡度下降坡度下降坡度::::大大大大Maximum Operating Altitude exceedence:高度超限Early configuration change (during initial climb) 初始爬升构型改变过早初始爬升构型改变过早初始爬升构型改变过早初始爬升构型改变过早Height lost 高度损失(初始爬升pitch rate high(during initial climb, 初始爬升俯仰率大climb out speed low 爬升速度小High positive Acceleration::::起飞阶段垂直过载大起飞阶段垂直过载大起飞阶段垂直过载大起飞阶段垂直过载大lift off speed high 离地速度大离地速度大离地速度大离地速度大N1 uncoordination 起飞时左右发起飞时左右发起飞时左右发起飞时左右发N1 不匹配不匹配不匹配不匹配taxi speed exceedence滑行速度大地貌飛行地貌飛行地貌飛行地貌飛行((((Contour FlyingContour FlyingContour FlyingContour Flying))))障礙物超越障礙物超越障礙物超越障礙物超越((((Obstruction ClearanceObstruction ClearanceObstruction Clearance Obstruction Clearance))))12SSSSteep turnteep turnteep turnteep turn::::小转弯小转弯小转弯小转弯空中動作(In-flight maneuver)特定飛航動作(*Specific flight characteristics)接近失速及改正(Approaches to stall and recovery)*環繞進場(Circling approach)誤失進場(Missed approach)Navigation radio sensor: 导航无线电传感器Airspeed tape indications:空速速度带显示Selected airspeed /mach readout:Selected airspeed bug:选择空速游标Vfs speed: takeoff final segment speed:Flap retraction speed reference襟:翼收上速度基准Airspeed trend vector: 空速趋势矢量Approach climb speed进:近爬升速度Reference speed基:准速度Ideal flap selection speed最:佳襟翼收上速度Drift down speed:飘降速度Flap maneuvering speed襟:翼机动速度Shaker speed抖: 杆速度Low speed awareness tape低: 速意识带Airspeed rolling digits:空速滚动数字Vmo/Mmo Barber Pole: 标杆速度Selected vertical speed direction arrow:选定升降速度方向箭头Selected vertical speed readout选:定升降速度值Vertical speed scale:Altitude tape indication:高度带显示Single or double line chevrons: 单或双线V 形标记Green hashed box:Barometric correction:气压修正Altitude trend vector: 高度趋势矢量ADI indication: ADI 显示Flight path reference line /readout: 飞行航迹基准线/读数FPA acceleration pointer: FPA加速指针Pitch limit indicator:俯仰姿态限制指示器Stick shaker AOA:失速抖杆AOAActual AOA: 实际AOASlip/skid indicator: 滑动指示器Roll scale /low bank limit ARC:横滚刻度/小坡度限制弧Inverted triangle:Steep turns:小转弯ILS glide slop deviation: ILS下滑道偏离Vertical approach path: 垂直进航迹FMS vertical deviation: FMS垂直偏离13Trapezoidal form: 不规则四边形ILS/VOR lateral deviation: ILS/VOR侧向偏离Pitch angle scale俯: 仰角刻度Takeoff crossbar起: 飞十子杆Excessive pitch chevron annunciator俯: 仰过大V形信号牌Radar altitude indication:雷达高度指示Minimum selected readout:最小选择读数Marker beacon annunciation:指点标信号Graphics test data monitor annunciator: 图形测试数据监控器信号牌Attitude source annunciation:姿态源信号Air data source annunciation:大气数据源信号VNAVA altitude constraint annunciation: VNAVA高度限制信号Vertical track alert annunciation:垂直航迹预警信号Primary navigation source annunciation:主导航源信号Selected heading readout: 选定航向读数Bearing pointer:方位指针Course select point:航道选择点Lateral deviation indicator: 侧向偏离显示器Drift angle bug:偏流角游标Dilution of Precision精度扩散因子精度扩散因子精度扩散因子精度扩散因子Bearing source annunciato:r方位源信号牌Selected heading bug选: 定航向游标Course select preview pointer:航道选择预览指针Desired track readout:目标航迹读数Dead reckoning mode推:测领航方式Approach sensitivity mode annunciator: 进近敏感性方式信号牌Waypoint data block indications:航路点数据块显示Range selection距:离选择Weather radar returns: 气象雷达回波Antenna position indicator:天线位置指示器Slave annunciation:随动显示随动显示随动显示随动显示ADI/HIS miscompare:不匹配Horizontal profile indications:水平剖面指示Vertical profile indications:垂直剖面指示Horizontal track line:水平航迹线FMS progress window: FMS进程窗Selected heading out of view arrow:选定航向隐藏箭头Cross track annunciations十: 子航迹信号Planned horizontal flight path:计划水平航路Airplane trajectory line:飞机空气轨迹线Vertical situation display:垂直状态显示Target alert checkbox目:标预警复选框/检查盒Rain echo attenuation compensation technique checkbox雨: 反射波衰减补偿技术复14 选框/检查盒Altitude compensation tilt check box:高度补偿倾斜复选框/检查盒Turbulence detection checkbox颠:簸探测复选框/检查盒Gain indication display:增益指示显示Receiver sensitivity level接:收机灵敏度Antenna stabilization checkbox:天线稳定复选框/检查盒Sector scan checkbox扇: 形扫描复选框/检查盒Forced standby override:强制等待超控键Lightning sensors雷:电传感器Rate of occurrence symbols:发生率符号Lightning mode:雷电方式Lightning clear function:雷电删除功能Scratch pad草:稿Index display:索引显示Brightness control button:灯光亮度控制键Function buttons:功能键Data link:数据链Thrust rating selection:推力功率选择Display control panel:显示控制面板Full compass全:罗盘ARC mode: ARC方式Flight path reference:飞行航迹基准Integrated electronic standby system IESS集成电子备用系统Reference barometric pressure indication基:准气压压力指示Meter altitude indication: 米制高度指示Negative altitude:负高度Baro rotary knob:气压设置旋钮Detent :卡位Control wheel chronometer:驾驶盘时钟Standby magnetic compass备: 用磁罗盘Glareshield communication:遮光板通讯Hand microphone controls:手持麦克风Headphone::::头戴式耳机头戴式耳机头戴式耳机头戴式耳机Headset头戴式耳机Boom microphone::::Ramp station:SELCAL annunciation button:选择呼叫信号键Digital voice data recorder: DVDRReversionary panel复:原面板Reversionary logic cycle复: 原逻辑循环Multifunction probe: 多功能探测管Side-slip effects侧:滑效应Totalpressure: 全压Static pressure静:压15Resistive heater element: 防热散失加温元件Airplane sink rate variation:飞机下沉率变动Record mandatory parameters强:制记录参数Barometric corrected altitude:气压修正高度Alignment phase: 校准阶段Lateral acceleration:侧向加速Compass card罗: 盘卡Lubber line: 罗盘准线Bowl:盘/碟/碗Modular radio cabinet:模块式无线电机柜Squelch type:静噪类型Signal-noise squelch:信噪静噪信噪静噪信噪静噪信噪静噪Signal /noise squelch high:Signal level squelch信: 号电平静噪EM mode: emission mode: 发射方式Carrier power:载波功率Power dispersion: 功率耗散Clarifier:无线电干扰消除器Capture a frequency: 频率截/捕获Communication management function”通讯管理功能Character–oriented communication: 面向字符通讯Voice communication: 语音通讯Airline operational communication:航空公司运营通讯Fault /events reports: 故障/事件报告Uplink:上传Inertial reference unit:惯性基准单元/组件Acquisition:截获Altitude aiding:高度帮助Velocity aiding:速度帮助Prompt:提示符提示符提示符提示符Designated airspace:指定空域Transponder field:Ground mapping:地面测绘Integrated receiver transmitter antenna unit:集成收发机天线组件集成收发机天线组件集成收发机天线组件集成收发机天线组件Radar weather detection mode:雷达天气探测方式Ground mapping mode:地面测绘方式Slave mode从:模式/方式/用户方式Off MODE:Standby /forced standby mode:备用/强制备用方式Angle of sweep: 扫描范围/角Tilt function: 倾斜功能Altitude compensation tilts function: 高度补偿倾斜功能Attenuation losses: 衰减损失16Transmit inhibit relay:发射抑制继电器Navigation MAP data: 导航MAP 数据Performance initialization data:性能初始化数据Vertical track alert:垂直航迹预警Initial cruise altitude:初始巡航高度Early/late descent:下降早/迟FMS speed plan:FMS速度计划Speed command flight phase速:度指令飞行阶段Approach speed limit activation logic:进近速度限制激活逻辑Waypoint speed constraints:航路点速度限制Navigation database: 导航数据库Customs database用: 户数据库Aircraft database:飞机数据库Performance learning function: “smart performance ”Company route identifier:公司航路代号FMS position integrity estimate:FMS 位置整体估计Lateral track alert:侧向航迹预警A steep climb:大角度上升Lateral offset:横横横横/侧向偏至角侧向偏至角侧向偏至角侧向偏至角Maintenance and system configuration:维修和系统构型Navigation identification:导航识别Positioninitialization:位置初始化Performance initialization: 性能初始化Route selection:航路选择Creating a flight route: 创建飞行航路Alternate flight route: 备用飞行航路Tail marker:机位标记Point of No turn: 航线临界点航线临界点航线临界点航线临界点Maximum endurance:最大续航能力Maximum range:最大航程Speed schedule速: 度计划Step climb increment:分段爬升增量Step size 分段爬升高度间隔差T/C:top of climb 目標爬升最高點S/C:step of climb 階段爬升起點符號E/D: end of descent目標下降終止點T/D:top of descent 目標下降點Fuel allowance :可用燃油Contingency fuel:意外情况备份燃油Average cruise wind平:均巡航风Temperature deviation:温度差异Ceiling altitude :升限Latest estimated fuel remaining:最新估计余油Excitation:励磁17Exciter:励磁器Redundancy冗:余/备份Fan Cowl:Feeder route:支线Feeder line:支线航线Feeder fix:支线定位点Final approach course最:后进近航段Full flight simulator:全飞模拟机Fixed base simulation固:定模拟机Flap speed schedule襟: 翼速度计划Flight controls:飞行操纵面Float switch:浮子开关Fuel conservation: 节油Throttle Position Idle ::::節流閥位於怠速節流閥位於怠速節流閥位於怠速節流閥位於怠速BUS TIE埠( 栓埠栓埠栓埠栓PACK(S空)( 調套件空調套件空調套件空調套件GASPER和和和和HUMIDIFIER增( 濕器增濕器增濕器增濕器)HI FLOW高( 流量開關高流量開關高流量開關高流量開關INERTIAL REFERENCE SYSTEM慣性參考系統慣性參考系統慣性參考系統慣性參考系統Gasper air:Gasper air outlet:Floor bracket:Hub cap:毂盖Ignition exciter: 点火励磁器Inlet guide vanes:进气引导叶扇/片/导向叶片International air route:国际航线Interlock:联锁Jet pump: 喷射泵/引射泵Joggle:折接Jumper wire 跨接线跨接线跨接线跨接线Electric actuator: 电力致动器Limit switch:极限电门Spot light:聚光灯Flood light:泛光灯Default:A confirm entry prompt: 输入提示符Figure of merit:指标值Steep climb /descent:大角度上升/下降Louver:百叶窗Flyover waypoint:飞跃航路点Outbound time/distance: 出航时间/距离18Procedure turn angle:程序转弯角Crossing point:穿越点Point of NO turn:航线临界点航线临界点航线临界点航线临界点Magenta: 洋红色Equal time point:Latitude /longitude crossing:横向/纵向穿越Point abeam:点切Slave cable随:动钢索随动钢索随动钢索随动钢索Flight idle:空中慢车/高慢Ground idle:地面慢车/地慢Turbine blade and vane cooling:涡轮转子和静子叶片散热涡轮转子和静子叶片散热涡轮转子和静子叶片散热涡轮转子和静子叶片散热Turbine case cooling涡: 轮机匣散热Turbine compartment cooling valve:涡轮段散热活门涡轮段散热活门涡轮段散热活门涡轮段散热活门Transfer gearbox:传动齿轮箱Thrust lever travel: 油门杆行程油门杆行程油门杆行程油门杆行程Thrust lever angle:推力手柄角Threshold overhaul: 大修时间大修时间大修时间大修时间Thrust lever resolver angle: 推力手柄解算器角度Thrust reverser directional valve: 反推换向活门反推换向活门反推换向活门反推换向活门Thermal couple:热电耦Underwater locator beacon: 水下定位信标Above ground level:地标位置地标位置地标位置地标位置Pictorial deviation indicator: 偏航图显示器Thrust rating panel: 推力等级面板Integral wing tanks:Windmill: 风转Fuel flow line:燃油供油管Refueling /defueling control panel: 加油/放油控制面板Collector tank:收油槽/收油油箱Surge tank: 通气防波油箱/缓冲油箱Hard breaking:Magnetic level indicator/dipstick: 磁性燃油尺Ejector fuel pump/jet pump: 引射泵引射泵引射泵引射泵Scavenge ejector pumps:回油引射泵回油引射泵回油引射泵回油引射泵Engine motive flow :发动机引射流发动机引射流发动机引射流发动机引射流Engine motive line:发动机引射管发动机引射管发动机引射管发动机引射管Ejector inlet port: 引射泵进口Fuel Collector Box燃:油集油箱Refueling point:加油点Fuel conditioning unit:燃油加温调节器燃油加温调节器燃油加温调节器燃油加温调节器Gravity refuel port:重力加油口Fluid communication point:Electric hydraulic pump:电动Engine driven hydraulic pump:液压泵19Power transfer unit: 动力转换器Hydraulic flow line: 液压管Hydraulic system distribution box: 液压系统分配箱Flight-critical function:飞行临界功能飞行临界功能飞行临界功能飞行临界功能Windmill restart: 风转启动Torque load:扭力载荷Temperature transducer: 温度传感器Pump cavitations: 泵空隙现象Mechanical piston:机械泵Hydraulic motor: 液压马达Pump unloader valve:液压泵卸栽活门Flow limiter valve:流量限制活门Bleed air manifold pressure: 引气总管压力Bleed air temperature:引气温度Anti-ice flow line:防冰管防冰管防冰管防冰管Anti-fogging: 防雾SAI IBIT缝: 翼防冰空中自箭缝翼防冰空中自箭缝翼防冰空中自箭缝翼防冰空中自箭Dual wheel unit:双轮组件A powered steering system:Downlock release button:电动转弯操纵系统Landing gear lever lock起: 落架手柄锁Alternate gear extension compartment:备用起落架释放舱Electrical overridden switch:起落架超控电门Landing gear warning inhibition button:起落架警告抑制键Emergency parking brake handle应: 急停留刹车手柄Brake line:刹车管Emergency/parking brake effectiveness:应急/停留刹车效应Emergency/parking accumulator pressure应:急/停留刹车蓄压器压力Steering handle:转弯手柄Hand wheel:手轮Steering disengage switch转: 弯操纵脱离电门Nose wheel steering system前: 轮转弯操纵系统Towing lights:牵引灯Proximity sensor electronic module: 近地传感器电子组件Landing gear free fall lever compartment:起落架自由下落手柄舱Downlock sensor:下位锁传感器Mechanical lock:机械锁Shock absorber减:震器Downlock springs:下位锁弹簧Brake wear pin:刹车装置磨损检查销刹车装置磨损检查销刹车装置磨损检查销刹车装置磨损检查销Locked wheel protection: 拖胎保护拖胎保护拖胎保护拖胎保护Differential braking: 差动刹车Locked wheel braking: 拖胎刹车拖胎刹车拖胎刹车拖胎刹车Wheels spinning:机轮旋转20Fusible plugs:易熔塞易熔塞易熔塞易熔塞Brake bracket outer face assembly刹: 车支架外表组件Nosewheel steering control module:前轮转弯控制组件Hardover test:Handwheel steering mode:手轮转弯方式Rudder pedal steering mode:方向舵脚瞪转弯方式Free wheel steering mode:自由机轮转弯方式Rechargeable cylinder可: 充液压缸Chemical oxygen generator化: 学制氧器Portable oxygen cylinder:手提式氧气瓶Protective breathing equipment:呼吸保护器呼吸保护器呼吸保护器呼吸保护器Mask deploy selector knob:面罩打开选择器旋钮Mask deployed indicator light: 面罩打开指示灯Bright yellow star:明亮黄色星星Harness inflation control valve:面罩带充氧控制活门Mask stowage box面:罩储存盒Automatic oxygen dilution:氧气自动稀释氧气自动稀释氧气自动稀释氧气自动稀释Membrane:膜A transparent oxygen hose透:明氧气软管Dispensing unit:分配组件。






基于bladed的风力发电机组变速变桨控制参数整定方法杨微韩花丽张杨帆(中船重工(重庆)海装风电设备有限公司重庆市 400021)摘要:针对风力发电机组设计和改型过程中,变速变桨控制器参数调整困难、控制效果不理想等问题,本文采用最优控制和单纯形法对控制器PID参数进行联合整定。


关键词:bladed,风力发电机组,变速变桨控制,PID参数整定Parameters Setting Method for Variable Speed Pitch Control ofWind Turbine based on BLADEDAbstract:Focusing on the difficulties in parameters adjustment for variable speed pitch controller and poor control performance in the process of Wind Turbines design and remodeling, in this thesis the optimal control scheme and simplex algorithm are applied to jointly set the PID parameters of the controller, and BLADED is used for load simulation as well as performance analysis in order to further check the accuracy of the employed method。



Analysis of Tower/Blade interaction in the cancellation of the tower fore-aftmode via controlW.E.Leithead,University of StrathclydeS.Dom´ınguez,University of StrathclydeC.J.Spruce,VestasCERPD,University of Strathclyde50George St,Glasgow,G11QE,Scotland,UKTel:+44(0)1415482408e-mail:*********************AbstractWith the increase in size of wind turbines,there is increasing interest in exploiting the pitch control ca-pability of variable speed turbines to alleviate tower fatigue loads.The most direct method is to modify theblade pitch angle in response to a measurement of tower acceleration.It is shown that theflap mode has acentral role in determining whether this approach is effective since there is a strong interaction between thebladeflap-wise mode and the tower fore-aft mode.Several different approaches to the design of the controllerfor the tower speed feedback loop are investigated.It is concluded that a reduction in the tower loads of up to18%is possible for multi-megawatt sized wind turbines.Keywords:Tower loads,flap loads,fatigue,feedback,control,pitch1IntroductionWith the increase of size of wind turbines,as evident in the market penetration of multi-megawatt sized ma-chines,there is increasing interest in exploiting the pitch control capability to alleviate fatigue loads.In partic-ular,the alleviation of tower fatigue loads has received special attention due to the fact that in off-shore wind turbines the tower and foundations cost can account for roughly40%of the total cost of the wind turbine.The most direct method is to modify the blade pitch angle in response to a measurement of tower acceleration to cancel the tower fore-aft mode.The analysis and design of controllers of this type are analysed in this paper.2Linear ModelsThe linear models for the wind turbine dynamics used in this paper are those reported in[1,2].These include all dynamic components significant for controller design and control performance assessment.In particular, it includes two modes for the tower,two modes for the blades and two modes for the drive-train.It also has models for the pitch and torque actuator and a model for the interaction of the rotor with the wind.The main differences to other linear models of wind turbines found in the literature is the explicit inclusion of the tower and blade modes.The tower modes are of special importance in the design of controllers for wind turbines since they introduce a pair of right half plane zeros which impose limitations on the generator speed loop[3,4].The blade modes are important since theflap mode interacts with the tower mode,as discussed in this paper,and the edge mode is strongly relevant in the determination of thefirst drive-train mode.An example of the wind turbine dynamics is shown in Figure1.Figure 1:generator speed3PotentialAs a prior step to designing a method for cancelling the tower modes,it is important to have an estimationof the impact that this cancellation would have on the fatigue loads to provide a benchmark,against which to measure the performance of the different approaches considered.In order to obtain this benchmark a full set of simulations,run with a commercial aerolastic package,are undertaken with wind speed varying between 4and 24m/s.The fatigue loads on the wind turbine were estimated using the Rain-Flow Counting algorithm.For suppression of the first tower mode an ideal filter is applied to the simulation loads to remove the whole of the fore-aft mode.In this evaluation only the fore-aft mode during production cases is considered,as it has been identified as the main source of fatigue in the tower.Since the loads are assumed to be suppressed by adding a component onto the pitch demand,the tower loads are only filtered when the pitch control is active.Given this constraint it is found that an upper limit,since it is estimated by an ideal filtering,for the reduction of the fatigueloads is 17%.These results are based on a more extensive study carried out for the former NEG -Micon.In Figure 2,two examples of this procedure are shown.Figure 2(a)shows the filtering carried out at a wind speed of 12m/s,where the pitching is still not fully active,and in Figure 2(b)the same procedure is carried out for a wind speed of 14m/s,where the pitch is active most of the time and,therefore,the tower mode is almost completely cancelled.(a)Wind Speed 12m/s (b)Wind Speed 14m/sFigure 2:Tower base moment power spectrum4Tower feedback loop for the cancellation of the tower fore-aft mode The cancellation of the tower feedback loop via control has received a good deal of attention over recent years, with several methods discussed in the literature[5,6,7,8].Essentially all methods involve a feed back of the tower speed,based on a measurement of tower acceleration,which thereby increases the aerodynamic damping of the tower,as in the structure depicted in Figure3.?+ωSET-C(s)-G act(s)q-W T cl-W T cl?+G tow (s )6+Figure 4:Block diagram including disturbancesωSET-C (s )-1-W T-ωg-−h -G act (s )-W T-ωg(a)Wind speed16m/s(b)Wind speed22m/sFigure7:Closed tower feedback loop and sensitivity functionIn Figure8(a),using the procedure described previously,the impact of the tower speed feedback on the tower fatigue is estimated.The power spectra with the feedback loop present is estimated byfiltering the spectra from a simulation without the tower speed feedback.The peak in the sensitivity function manifests itself as a similar prominent peak in the spectra.In Figure8(b)the results of running the full non-linear simulation with the tower speed feedback are shown. The estimation using the sensitivity function gives a very good approximation of the spectral shape.In order to compare the performance of this form of feedback with the benchmark set in Section3a full set of runs in the same conditions as before is done,this time implementing the tower feedback loop as described in this section.The result is that the tower fatigue loads are increased by a4%.A further issue with this type of controller,concerns the second condition stated at the beginning of this section.For the controller to be effective,it must not affect the generator speed loop performance.In Figure9 the Bode plot and Nyquist plot of the transfer functions for the generator speed open loop dynamics are plotted with and without the modification caused by the tower feedback loop,namely G eq.The tower feedback loop induces an increase in the gain at the critical frequency,rendering the system un-stable.It should be noted that the generator speed controller has additionalfiltering at intermediate frequencies to protect the actuator.This has been omitted to emphasise the impact of the tower feedback loop by rendering the closed-loop system unstable.With the additionalfiltering it remains stable but with very small stability margins.(a)Estimated(b)SimulationFigure 8:Estimated spectrum from filtering with the sensitivity function and spectrum of a simulation6Alternative design of the tower feedback loopAs discussed above,the consequences of the coupling of the flap mode to the tower mode is that feeding back a signal proportional to the tower acceleration,not only does not achieve a reduction on the tower fatigue loads,but it increases them.A new approach for a tower feedback loop is discussed in this section which actually achieves a reduction in the tower fatigue loads.The intention is still to feed back a signal proportional to the first tower fore-aft mode,but isolating it from the flap mode.In order to achieve this,the filter of the form shown in Figure 10is chosen for G tow in Figure 3.The filter consists of a bump centred at tower frequency to enhance the part of the signal correspondent to the first tower mode,and a wash out filter that has two main objectives:filter out low frequency signals,to avoid sensor problems such as drifts or offset in the measurement signal,and provide some phase advance at the region of the tower frequency,shifting the additional peak that arises from the tower feedback loop to higher frequencies,where it is less damaging.The peak at the left of the bump is placed at 1P frequency,to reduce locally the value of the sensitivity function.In Figure 11the open tower feedback loop and the Nyquist diagram result of implementing this filter as the tower filter is shown.It can be seen how the open loop now keeps the flap mode well under 0dB .The closed loop dynamics and sensitivity function for the alternate approach are shown in Figure 12.The dynamics for both the sensitivity function and the closed loop system show,in comparison with 7,less prominentpeaks.This is due to the fact that theflap mode has a very low gain in this implementation and to the fact that the phase is increased by the wash outfilter causing the positive part of the sensitivity function to be shifted to the right.The estimation of the power spectra of the tower loads byfiltering with the sensitivity function is again very effective when compared to the results of the simulation,as depicted in Figure13.The peak this time is considerably smaller than with the previous implementation,and that is properly reflected in the fatigue estimation results.For this modified controller a fatigue reduction of8%is achieved.As a last performance measure,the coupling with the generator speed loop induced by this tower feed-back loop is investigated.In Figure14it can be seen that there is almost no coupling and little reduction in performance.7Alternative Approaches:Integrated Controller DesignThe results in previous sections are obtained whilst constrained to use an existing generator speed loop con-troller.This is due to the controller being initially designed to control solely the generator speed and the tower feedback loop being only designed as an addition to the main loop.As has been shown,the generator speed loop and the tower speed loop interact strongly.Since the reduction of fatigue loads in the tower is of great in-terest,it is highly desirable to include this aim in the control design objectives from the beginning of the design process and re-design the generator speed loop accordingly.Some preliminary results of such a Coordinated Controller design are currently avaliable.It completely decouples the tower feedback loop from the generator speed loop to the extent that even without tower feedback a reduction in fatigue loads is already achieved.Since both loops are now highly independent the tower feedback loop is more effective.In the preliminary results a greater fatigue reduction,roughly double than that of current tower feedback loop,is achieved.This algorithm and its results will be reported elsewhere.8Discussion and ConclusionsThe most direct method of exploiting the pitch control capability to alleviate tower fatigue loads is to modify the blade angle in response to a measurement of tower acceleration.This approach is analysed using a simple linear dynamic model of the wind turbine.It is shown that theflap mode has a central role in determining whether the tower feedback loop is stable or unstable.However,the importance of this role is not usually recognised in the literature,probably because the situation described here does not necessarily arise in smaller wind turbines. Its importance is due to a phase difference of180o between theflap mode and the tower mode.The associated change in sign of the feedback loop results in instability when the gain of the feedback loop exceeds0dB atFigurefilter(a)Wind speed16m/s(b)Wind speed22m/sFigure12:Closed tower feedback loop and sensitivity functiontheflap frequency.The analysis and the linear models are validated using non-linear simulation and measured data from a multi-megawatt machine.A modified approach to the cancellation of the tower fore-aft mode is discussed.Afilter is included in the feedback loop and the tuning procedure described.In addition,more general methods,that permit implementations on a machine with a minimum of tuning,are proposed.The results are summarised below.•The cancellation of the tower mode by a signal proportional to the tower speed leads to an increase in fatigue loads•A G tow designed to make the tower mode more prominent and isolate it from other modes is effective, achieving a fatigue reduction of the8%•A Coordinated Controller design,having as control objectives both control of generator speed and reduc-tion of tower loads from the beginning of the design process,has the potential to improve on the previous figure:preliminary results indicate an attainable reduction of18%9AcknowledgmentsThe support,bothfinancial and technical,of NEG-Micon/Vestas for this work is gratefully acknowledged.(a)Estimated(b)SimulationFigure 13:Estimated spectrum from filtering with the sensitivity function and spectrum of a simulationReferences[1]W.Leithead and M.Rogers,“Drive-train Characteristics of Constant Speed HAWT’s:Part I-Representation by Simple Dynamics Models,”Wind Engineering,vol.20,no.3,1996.[2]W.Leithead and B.Connor,“Control of variable speed wind turbines:Dynamic models,”InternationalJournal of Control,vol.73,no.13,2000.[3]M.Seron,J.Braslavsky,and G.Goodwin,Fundamental limitations infiltering and control.Springer-Verlag,1997.[4]M.Sidi,“Gain-bandwith limitations of feedback systems with non-minimum-phase plants,”InternationalJournal of Control,vol.67,no.5,pp.731–743,1997.[5]T.Burton,D.Sharpe,N.Jenkins,and E.Bossanyi,Wind Energy Handbook.Wiley et sons.,2002.[6]E.Bossanyi,“Wind Turbine Control for Load Reduction,”Wind Energy,vol.6,no.3,pp.229–244,2003.[7]T.Engelen,P.Schaak,and C.Lindenburg,“Control for damping of the fatigue relevant deformation modesof offshore wind turbines,”Tech.Rep.ECN-RX-03-037,Energy Research Center of the Netherlands,June 2003.[8]E.van der Hooft,P.Schaak,and T.van Engelen,“Wind turbine control algorithms,”Technical ReportECN-C–03-111,ECN Petten,December2003.[9]A.Halfpenny,“A frequency domain approach for fatigue life estimation fromfinite element analysis,”(Dublin),International Conference on Damage Assesment of Structures,1999.[10]T.Dirlik,Application of computers in fatigue analysis.PhD thesis,University of Warwick,1985.。

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DRPT2008 6-9 April 2008 Nanjing China
Pitch Angle Control for Variable Speed Wind Turbines
Jianzhong Zhang, Ming Cheng, Zhe Chen, Xiaofan Fu
Abstract--Pitch angle control is the most common means for adjusting the aerodynamic torque of the wind turbine when wind speed is above rated speed and various controlling variables may be chosen, such as wind speed, generator speed and generator power. As conventional pitch control usually use PI controller, the mathematical model of the system should be known well. A fuzzy logic pitch angle controller is developed in this paper, in which it does not need well known about the system and the mean wind speed is used to compensate the non-linear sensitivity. The fuzzy logic control strategy may have the potential when the system contains strong non-linearity, such as wind turbulence is strong, or the control objectives include fatigue loads. The design of the fuzzy logic controller and the comparisons with conversional pitch angle control strategies with various controlling variables are carried out. The simulation shows that the fuzzy logic controller can achieve better control performances than conventional pitch angle control strategies, namely lower fatigue loads, lower power peak and lower torque peak. Index Terms--Blade aerodynamic, Fatigue load, Fuzzy logic control, Pitch angle, Wind turbine
978-7-900714-13-8/08/ ©2008DRPT
DRPT2008 6-9 April 2008 Nanjing king (MPPT) control and Ref. [10] proposes a fuzzy logic pitch angle controller for power system stabilization. In this paper, on the basis of previous three purposes, a fuzzy logic pitch angle controller is designed and analyzed. The simulations and comparisons of the different pitch angle control strategies are carried out and the conclusions are drawn at last. II. WIND TURBINE MODELING A. Power Capture of Wind Turbines The power in the wind is proportional to the cube of the wind speed and may be expressed as (1) where ρ is air density, A is the area swept by blades and υw is wind speed. A wind turbine can only extract part of the power from the wind, which is limited by the Betz limit (maximum 59%). This fraction is described by the power coefficient of the turbine, Cp, which is a function of the blade pitch angle and the tip speed ratio. Therefore the mechanical power of the wind turbine extracted from the wind is
The rain-flow counting method is widely used in the analysis of fatigue data which can assess the fatigue life of a structure subject to complex loading. From the view of the cycle counting method during a given time history, simple comparisons of the fatigue life for the turbine components can be carried out. In this paper, conventional pitch angle control strategy, in which various controlling variables may be used, is discussed. As the conventional pitch control strategy usually uses proportional and integral (PI) controller, the knowledge of the system dynamic is need [4-7]. However, fuzzy logic controller does not need a well known system and is potential for the system contains strong non-linearity. The fuzzy logic control for wind turbines has been proposed in some papers [8-10]. Refs. [8-9] propose a fuzzy logic controller for maximum
This work was supported in part by NSFC under Project 50777008, the Jiangsu High-Tech. Project under Grant BG2005035 and Graduate Student Innovation Plan of Jiangsu Province, China. Jianzhong Zhang, Ming Cheng and Xiaofan Fu are with the school of electrical engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing China. Email: seuzjz@, mcheng@. Zhe Chen is with the institute of energy technology, Aalborg University, Aalborg Denmark. Email: zch@iet.aau.dk.
Fig. 1 Structure of a model of variable-speed wind turbine
can have a dramatic effect on the power output. The purpose of the pitch angle control might be expressed as follows [1-3]: 1) 2) Optimizing the power output of the wind turbine. Below rated wind speed, the pitch setting should be at its optimum value to give maximum power. Preventing input mechanical power to exceed the design limits. Above rated wind speed, pitch angle control provides a very effective means of regulating the aerodynamic power and loads produced by the rotor. Minimizing fatigue loads of the turbine mechanical component. It is clear that the action of the control system can have a major impact on the loads experienced by the turbine. The design of the controller must take into account the effect on loads, and the controller should ensure that excessive loads will not result from the control action. It is possible to go further than this, and explicitly design the controller with the reduction of certain fatigue loads as an additional objective.