实验步骤:1. 准备工作,检查实验仪器是否正常,选择合适的试样进行实验。
2. 实验操作,将试样放置在压力机上,施加不同的压力,通过测力传感器和数据采集系统记录试样在受力过程中的压缩变形情况。
3. 数据处理,根据实验数据绘制应力-应变曲线,分析不同材料在压缩过程中的力学性能,如弹性模量、屈服强度等。
需要考虑的耦合为流体-固体耦合,求解的方程是ρ(ðuðt +u⋅∇u)=−∇P+μ∇⋅(∇u+(∇u)T−23(∇⋅u)I)+F (3)ðρðt+∇⋅(ρu)=0 (4)u:流体流速,P:流体压力,ρ:流体密度,μ:流体动力粘度,F:作用在流体上的外力。
因此,相对求解升力和曳力本身,无量纲的升力系数C L 和曳力系数C D :C L =2F L ρU mean 2A (5)C D =2F D ρU mean 2A (6)其中U mean 是设置的平均速度,ρ是流体密度,A 是圆柱在流速方向的投影面积(圆柱厚度与直径的乘积)。
四、实验内容及步骤:4.1建模本实验的的建模与仿真可分为八步:1.模型向导2.参数定义3.几何建模4.材料设置5.层流设置6.划分网格7.研究求解8.结果分析操作步骤:1.模型向导1) 打开COMSOL 软件,在新建窗口中单击模型向导;2) 在模型向导窗口中,单击二维;3) 在选择物理场树中双击流体流动 单相流 层流;4) 单击添加,然后单击下方的研究;5) 在选择研究中选择一般研究 瞬态;6) 单击底部的完成;2.参数定义1) 在左侧模型开发器窗口的全局定义节点下,单击参数1;2) 在参数的设置窗口中,定位到参数栏;3) 在表中输入以下设置:图4.1 设置示范图4) 在左侧主屏幕工具栏中单击f(x)函数,选择全局 阶跃;5) 在阶跃的设置窗口中,定位到参数栏;6) 在位置文本框中输入0.1;3.几何建模1) 在上方的几何工具栏中单击矩形;2)在矩形的设置窗口中,定位到大小和性质栏;3)在宽度文本框输入W,在高度文本框输入H;4)单击构建选定对象;5)在上方的几何工具栏中单击圆;6)在圆的设置窗口中,定位到大小和性质栏;7)在位置栏的x文本框输入0.2,在y文本框输入0.2;8)定位到大小和形状栏,在半径文本框中输入R;9)单击构建选定对象。
要 :为探讨 三维波浪与结构物 的相互作用 , 以两相流 概念 、 大涡模 拟 的不 可压缩粘 性流体 运动方程 和 自由
水面追踪分段线性近似的流体体积 ( O ) V F 法为基础 , 建立 了三维波 浪与结构物 相互作用 的数学模 型 ; 三维 波 对 浪作用下大直径 圆柱绕流进行 了数值模拟 , 用两步边界定 位法和虚拟边 界力法确定 波浪 与结构物 接触面 . 结果
响应 .
重 视. 究波 浪 与结构 物相互 作用 不但 可 以了解结 研
国 内外 学者 对 波 浪 与结 构 物 的相 互 作 用进 行
收 稿 日期 : 0 10 .1 2 1 -71
基金项 目: 铁道部科技研究开发计划资助项 目(0 0 0 4L ;中央高校 基本科研业务费专项资金资助项 目(0 0 T 1 2 1G 0 一 ) 2 1Z O ) 作者简介 : 祝兵 (9 5一) 男 , 16 , 教授 , 博士生导师, 研究方 向为桥梁结构动力学及桥梁风浪耦合动力学 , - i: uig2 @16 cn Ema z bn 16 2 .o lh
度 , 常取 △=( :V , 中 、y和 分别 通 △△△ ) 其 A 为在 、 Y和 方 向上 的网格宽 度. 连 续方 程仍 为式 ( ) 1.
求波向与流向的夹角, 并用有限元法求解含流的缓 坡方 程 , 到在 缓变 地形 和定 常流场 共 同影 响 下 的 得
大 尺度 圆柱周 围波 流场 的耦合 解 , 对波 流共 同作 并 用下 大 尺 度 圆 柱 墩 群 周 围 的 波 流 场 进 行 了 数 值
Ke r s itrcin ewe n he —i n in a e n s cu e v lme f f i (V y wo d : nea t b t e tredme so w v a d t tr ; ou o ud o u r l OF)
Abstract: In immersed boundary method (IBM), N-S equations are solved with unstructured grid. In this article, we used IBM and the finite difference method, used C++ codes to simulate the flow over a static cylinder, to solve incompressible N-S equation and verify the reliability of projection of IB for the different Reynolds number. The distribution of velocity field,pressure field and vortex structure around circular cylinder were calculated and analyzed. At the same time, the best division of Cartesian grid is obtained.关键词:浸入边界法;有限差分法;圆柱绕流Key words: immersed boundary method;finite difference method;flow around a circular cylinder中图分类号:O174.63 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2018)07-0155-030 引言随着科技的发展和时代的进步,越来越多的水工建设和科学研究都涉及到流固耦合作用研究。
铜陵学院课程实验报告实验名称圆柱体压缩过程模拟实验课程材料成型计算机模拟指导教师张金标. 专业班级10 材控(2)姓名孟来福学号 1 0 1 0 1 2 1 0 5 82013年05月14日实验一 圆柱体压缩过程模拟1 实验目的与内容1.1 实验目的进一步熟悉AUTOCAD 或PRO/E 实体三维造型方法与技艺,掌握DEFORM 软件的前处理、后处理的操作方法与热能,学会运用DEFORM 软件分析压缩变形的变形力学问题。
1.2 实验内容运用DEFORM 模拟如图1所示的圆柱坯压缩过程。
(一)压缩条件与参数锤头与砧板:尺寸200×200×20mm ,材质DIN-D5-1U,COLD ,温度室温。
(二)实验要求砧板工件锤头图1 圆柱体压缩过程模拟(1)运用AUTOCAD或PRO/e绘制各模具部件及棒料的三维造型,以stl格式输出;(2)设计模拟控制参数;(3)DEFORM前处理与运算(参考指导书);(4)DEFORM后处理,观察圆柱体压缩变形过程,载荷曲线图,通过轴对称剖分观察圆柱体内部应力、应变及损伤值分布状态;(5)比较方案1与2、3与4、1与3和2与4的模拟结果,找出圆柱体变形后的形状差别,说明原因;(6)提交分析报告(纸质和电子版)、模拟数据文件、日志文件。
2 实验过程2.1工模具及工件的三维造型根据给定的几何尺寸,运用AUTOCAD或PRO/E分别绘制坯料、锤头和砧板的几何实体,文件名称分别为workpiece,topdie,bottomdie,输出STL格式。
2.2 压缩过程模拟2.2.1 前处理建立新问题:程序→DEFORM5.03→File→New Problem→Next→在Problem Name栏中填写“Forging”→ Finish→进入前前处理界面;单位制度选择:点击Simulation Conrol按钮→Main按钮→在Units栏中选中SI (国际标准单位制度)。
关键词:FLUENT;阻力系数;雷诺数1柱体绕流阻力研究1.1 圆柱绕流的基本参数雷诺数(O.Reynolds)描述粘性流体力学最重要也是最基本的参数,其他无量纲物理量必然依赖于Re数。
它反映了惯性力与粘性力的比值:(1-1)其中ρ为流体的密度,U、L分别描述流体的特征速度和结构物的特征长度;μ、υ分别为流体的动力学及运动学粘性系数;决定圆柱绕流流态的是雷诺数的值 ,雷诺数在300≤Re≤3×105范围内的称为亚临界区,此时边界层仍是层流分离,而尾迹中己经是湍流涡街了;当雷诺数增加到3×105≤Re≤3.5×106时为临界区,边界层从层流分离转化为湍流分离;而后当Re≥3.5×106时为过临界区,完全变为湍流分离[1]。
斯特鲁哈数(Strouhal number)St:斯特鲁哈数根据罗斯柯(A .Roshko)1954年的实验结果,它只于雷诺数有关,在大雷诺数(Re>1000)它近似地等于常数0.21[2]。
它是描述圆柱绕流的一个非常重要的无量纲数:(1-2)U是的均匀来流速度,直径为D的静止柱体,泻涡频率为;升力系数(1ift coemcient):(1-3)阻力系数(dragcoefficient):(1-4)式中为作用于单位长度圆柱上的升力,为作用于单位长度圆柱上的阻力。
圆柱和圆锥的制作过程文字【制作圆柱】1. 『准备材料』:首先,我们需要选取适合的制作材料,这通常包括质地均匀、易于塑形的石膏粉、陶土或者塑料片等。
2. 『确定尺寸』:使用尺规精确测量并标记出圆柱的高度和底面半径,这是制作过程中的关键数据,直接影响成品的精准度。
3. 『制作底面圆盘』:将材料揉捏或切割成圆形,确保其符合预设的直径要求,形成圆柱的底部基础。
4. 『卷绕成柱』:将长条状的材料围绕预先做好的底面圆心,按照设定的高度,通过旋转和挤压的方式,逐渐向上卷起,形成连续且平滑的侧面曲线。
5. 『调整平整』:在卷绕过程中,不断用工具修整表面,保证侧面每一部分到圆心的距离一致,从而形成完美的圆柱形态。
6. 『固化成型』:对于像石膏、陶土这样的可塑性材料,需要等待自然干燥或放入烤箱中进行烘烤,使其硬化定型。
【制作圆锥】1. 『初始步骤相同』:同圆柱一样,首先选择适当的制作材料,并根据设计图纸精确测量出圆锥的高度以及底面半径。
2. 『制作底面』:如同圆柱,将材料塑造成一个完整的圆形平面,作为圆锥的底部。
3. 『塑形锥体』:取适量材料,从圆心开始,沿着半径方向逐渐减薄并拉伸,同时保持中心点不动,向外螺旋上升,模拟圆锥的斜面结构。
4. 『角度控制』:在整个卷曲过程中,注意调控锥体的角度,使侧面轮廓线与底面圆心形成恒定的夹角,保证锥体形状的准确性。
5. 『精细打磨』:待初步塑形完成后,对圆锥的边缘和接缝处进行细致的打磨处理,确保表面光滑无痕。
6. 『最终固化』:同样需经过一段时间的自然晾干或是高温烧制(视具体材料而定),让圆锥模型达到稳定的状态,完成整个制作过程。
金属塑性成形过程模拟——关于圆柱体反挤压模拟上机试验报告班级:07材型2班姓名:组长:组员:日期:2010.5一、题目分析如图所示:一铅合金圆柱体试样反挤压图,试样几何参数、材料参数以及模具材料参数如下:模具弹性模量:206000泊松比:0.3屈服极限:235密度:7.8E-6摩擦系数:0.15试样弹性模量:17000泊松比:0.42屈服极限:30密度:11.34E-6材料尺寸:D=60mm L=30mm分析:该问题属于非线性接触问题,在分析中选择试样的1/4建立有限元分析模型,并选择相应的接触对单元进行求解。
二、操作过程一)概括介绍:1.选择单元类型(原则:必须有3种单元)Solid 8node 185 Contect—traget 170(刚性),contart174(柔性)2.先选solid 1)建模—划分网格—选接触单元2)选接触单元—建模—划分网格3.设置实常数4.网格划分 1)meshtool—直接定义大小—划分2)定义大小—mesh5. meshtool工具将2种接触单元分别附给模具、工件6.创建接触对msehtool—create—contart pair—picktraget—选取模具面—ok—next—选择工件面—ok—next—输入—摩擦因数—creat—finish7.加约束,加载合(或位移)8.求解运算二)详细过程:第一步:建立工作文件名和工作标题1)选择Utility Menu/File/Change Jobname命令,出现Change Jobnanme对话框2)在Enter new jobname文本框中输入工作文件名,单击ok按钮关闭对话框。
3)选择Utility Meum/file/change title命令,出现change title对话框,输入文件名,单击ok关闭对话框。
第二步:定义单元类型1)选main meum/preprocessor/element type/add/edit/delete 命令,出现element types对话框。
Eddy Currents in a CylinderIntroductionTo help you understand how to create models using the AC/DC Module, this section walks through an example in great detail. You can apply these techniques to all the models in this module, other optional modules, or even the many models that ship with the base COMSOL Multiphysics package.The example model concerns an AC coil surrounding a metal cylinder (core), and the coil induces eddy currents in the cylinder. It illustrates how to use the Coil Domain features to model the coil in different ways.Model DefinitionDue to the cylindrical symmetry of the problem, a 2D axisymmetric geometry is used.The modeling plane is the rz-plane; the horizontal axis represents the r-axis, and the vertical axis represents the z-axis. In this plane, the core appears as a rectangle and the coil as a circle. To obtain the actual 3D geometry, revolve the 2D axisymmetricgeometry about the z-axis.The physics interface used in this model is Magnetic Fields interface, with a Frequency Domain study type. The fundamental equations involved are explained in thefollowing sections.D O M A I NE Q U A T I O N SThe dependent va ria ble in this physics interfa ce is the a zimutha l component of magnetic vector potential, A, which, in frequency domain, obeys the relation:(1)where ω is the angular frequency, σ is the electric conductivity, μ is the permeability, εis the permittivity, and denotes the current density due to an external source. One wa y to define the current source is to specify a distributed current density in the right-hand side of the above equation. This current density gives rise to a current I as defined by:(2)B O U N D A R YC O ND I T I O N SThis model requires boundary conditions for the exterior boundary and the symmetry xis, a nd to specify bounda ry currents when a pplica ble. The physics interfa ce a utoma tica lly a pplies a bounda ry condition corresponding to zero ma gnetic flux through the exterior bounda ry, by setting the vector potentia l to zero. On the symmetry axis, a suitable symmetry boundary condition is applied.C O I L G R O U PD O M A I N SThe Magnetic Fields interface provides features, called Coil Group Domain, that can conveniently be used to model coils in 2D and 2D axisymmetric geometries.The Single-Turn Coil Domain models a single winding of a homogeneous metallic conductor, in which the current density ca n be non-uniform, due to the a xia l symmetry or skin effect. Note that applying the Single-Turn Coil Domain feature to multiple domains effectively consists in having multiple coils in parallel.The Multi-Turn Coil Domain is used to model a great number of tiny wires wound together. In this approximation, the current density is uniform, and no conduction currents appear in the domain. From this follows that the material used to model this domain should reflect the properties of the insulator covering the wires, rather than of the metal constituting the windings.A third Coil Doma in fea ture is provided, tha t is not used in this model. The Coil Group Doma in fea ture is identica l to the Single-Turn Coil Doma in, with the importa nt difference tha t a pplying this fea ture to multiple doma ins connects the resulting coils in series.j ωσω2ε–()A ϕ∇μ1–∇A ϕ×()×+J ϕe =J ϕe J e d s ⋅S ∫I =Results and DiscussionThe eddy currents induced in the cylinder are shown in the following figures. The induced currents on the cylinder are of comparable magnitude, due to the choice of the parameter, but the current density in the coil is different. Figure 1 presents the results obtained with a Single-Turn Coil Domain feature. The current density is not uniform and is greater in the inner part of the coil (the region closer to the z axis) and close to the surface (due to the skin effect).Figure 1: Results using a Single-Turn Coil Domain feature.In Figure 2, the Multi-Turn Coil Domain feature is used. While the effect on the cylinder is similar to the one obtained with a Single Turn Coil Domain, the current density in the coil is uniform, according to the coil approximation stated above.Figure 2: Results using a Multi-Turn Coil Domain feature.Model Library path: ACDC_Module/Tutorial_Models/coil_eddy_currentsThe Model Library path shows the location of the Model MPH-file. You can open it directly from the Model Library (accessible from the View menu) and browsing to ACDC Module>Tutorial Models>coil eddy currents.Modeling InstructionsM O D E L W I Z A R D1Go to the Model Wizard window.2Click the 2D axisymmetric button.3Click Next.4In the Add physics tree, select AC/DC>Magnetic Fields (mf).5Click Add Selected.6Click Next.7Find the Studies subsection. In the tree, select Preset Studies>Frequency Domain.8Click Finish.G E O M E T R Y1The following instructions explain how to build the model geometry.Rectangle 11In the Model Builder window, right-click Model 1>Geometry 1 and choose Rectangle. 2Go to the Settings window for Rectangle.3Locate the Size section. In the Width edit field, type 0.2.4In the Height edit field, type 0.5.5Locate the Position section. In the z edit field, type -0.25.6Click the Build Selected button.Rectangle 21In the Model Builder window, right-click Geometry 1 and choose Rectangle.2Go to the Settings window for Rectangle.3Locate the Size section. In the Width edit field, type 0.03.4In the Height edit field, type 0.1.5Locate the Position section. In the z edit field, type -0.05.6Click the Build Selected button.Circle 11In the Model Builder window, right-click Geometry 1 and choose Circle.2Go to the Settings window for Circle.3Locate the Size and Shape section. In the Radius edit field, type 0.01.4Locate the Position section. In the r edit field, type 0.05.5Click the Build All button.6Click the Zoom Extents button on the Graphics toolbar.This concludes the construction of the geometry. The next step is the definition of the material properties. Define the materials constituiting the coil and the core.M A T E R I A L SMaterial 11In the Model Builder window, right-click Model 1>Materials and choose Material.2Select Domain 3 only.3Go to the Settings window for Material.4Locate the Material Contents section. In the Material contents table, enter the following settings:PROPERTY NAME VALUEElectrical conductivity sigma 3.7e7[S/m]Relative permittivity epsilonr1Relative permeability mur15Right-click Material 1 and choose Rename.6Go to the Rename Material dialog box and type Coil in the New name edit field.7Click OK.Material 21Right-click Materials and choose Material.2Select Domain 2 only.3Go to the Settings window for Material.4Locate the Material Contents section. In the Material contents table, enter the following settings:PROPERTY NAME VALUEElectrical conductivity sigma 3.7e7[S/m]Relative permittivity epsilonr1Relative permeability mur15Right-click Material 2 and choose Rename.6Go to the Rename Material dialog box and type Core in the New name edit field.7Click OK.Material BrowserThe third material needed for the model is Air, used for the domain surrounding the core and the coil. The material parameters for air are already available in COMSOL Multiphysics, and can be accessed using the Material Browser.8Right-click Materials and choose Open Material Browser.9Go to the Material Browser window.10Locate the Materials section. In the Materials tree, select Built-In>Air.11Right-click and choose Add Material to Model from the menu.Air1In the Model Builder window, click Air.2Select Domain 1 only.M A G N E T I C F I E L D SThe next step consists in setting up of the physics interface. The Magnetic Fields interface automatically provides default domain and boundary conditions. Thefollowing instructions explain how to apply a current density using a Single-Turn Coil Domain feature.Single-Turn Coil Domain 11In the Model Builder window, right-click Magnetic Fields and choose Single-Turn Coil Domain.2Select Domain 3 only.3Go to the Settings window for Single-Turn Coil Domain.4Locate the Single-Turn Coil Domain section. In the I coil edit field, type 1[kA].No further actions are required in the physics interface. The next step is the mesh generation. To better resolve the induced current density in the core and the coil, choose Fine as the mesh size.M E S H11In the Model Builder window, click Model 1>Mesh 1.2Go to the Settings window for Mesh.3Locate the Mesh Settings section. From the Element size list, choose Fine.4Click the Build All button.S T U D Y1The last step consists in setting up the study. An operating frequency must be provided in the Frequency Domain study.Step 1: Frequency Domain1In the Model Builder window, click Study 1>Step 1: Frequency Domain.2Go to the Settings window for Frequency Domain.3Locate the Study Settings section. In the Frequencies edit field, type 100[Hz].4In the Model Builder window, right-click Study 1 and choose Compute.R E S U L T SWhen the solution process is completed, a default plot is generated, showing the norm of the magnetic flux density. Additional plots can be added to visualize other quantities. The following instructions illustrate how to plot the current density and the streamlines of the magnetic flux density.2D Plot Group 21In the Model Builder window, right-click Results and choose 2D Plot Group.2Right-click Results>2D Plot Group 2 and choose Surface.3Go to the Settings window for Surface.4In the upper-right corner of the Expression section, click Replace Expression.5From the menu, choose Magnetic Fields>Currents and charge>Current density>Current density, phi component (mf.Jphi).6In the Model Builder window, right-click 2D Plot Group 2 and choose Streamline.7Go to the Settings window for Streamline.8Locate the Streamline Positioning section. From the Positioning list, choose Start point controlled.9In the Points edit field, type 15.10In the upper-right corner of the Expression section, click Replace Expression.11From the menu, choose Magnetic Fields>Magnetic>Magnetic flux density (mf.Br,mf.Bz).12Locate the Coloring and Style section. From the Color list, choose Red.13Click the Plot button.14Click the Zoom In button on the Graphics toolbar.The plot shows the azimuthal current density in the core and in the coil. The current density in the coil is greater in the inner part, and due to the skin effect, is more concentrated at the surface.The next instructions illustrate how to modify the model in order to use a Multi-Turn Coil Domain for the excitation. The first step is to change the material model to an insulator. In this case, Air can be used.M A T E R I A L SAir1In the Model Builder window, click Model 1>Materials>Air.2Select Domains 1 and 3 only.Before adding a Multi-Turn Coil Domain feature, the Single-Turn Coil Domain must be disabled.M A G N E T I C F I E L D SSingle-Turn Coil Domain 1In the Model Builder window, right-click Model 1>Magnetic Fields>Single-Turn CoilDomain 1 and choose Disable.Multi-Turn Coil Domain 11Right-click Magnetic Fields and choose Multi-Turn Coil Domain.2Select Domain 3 only.Specify the conductivity of the metal constituting the coil wires.3Go to the Settings window for Multi-Turn Coil Domain.4Locate the Multi-Turn Coil Domain section. In the σcoil edit field, type 3e7[S/m].To obtain comparable effects on the core, set the number of windings to 1000 andapply a current of 1 A.5In the N edit field, type 1000.6In the I coil edit field, type 1[A].S T U D Y11In the Model Builder window, right-click Study 1 and choose Compute.R E S U L T SAfter the solution process, update the plot group to visualize the new results.2D Plot Group 21In the Model Builder window, right-click Results>2D Plot Group 2 and choose Plot.2Click the Zoom Extents button on the Graphics toolbar.©2011C O M S O L11|E D D Y C U R R E N T S I N A C Y L I N D E R3Click the Zoom In button on the Graphics toolbar.The induced current density in the core is comparable to the previous case; thecurrent density in the coil, instead, is uniform.12|E D D Y C U R R E N T S I N A C Y L I N D E R©2011C O M S O L。
Eddy Currents in a CylinderIntroductionTo help you understand how to create models using the AC/DC Module, this section walks through an example in great detail. You can apply these techniques to all the models in this module, other optional modules, or even the many models that ship with the base COMSOL Multiphysics package.The example model concerns an AC coil surrounding a metal cylinder (core), and the coil induces eddy currents in the cylinder. It illustrates how to use the Coil Domain features to model the coil in different ways.Model DefinitionDue to the cylindrical symmetry of the problem, a 2D axisymmetric geometry is used.The modeling plane is the rz-plane; the horizontal axis represents the r-axis, and the vertical axis represents the z-axis. In this plane, the core appears as a rectangle and the coil as a circle. To obtain the actual 3D geometry, revolve the 2D axisymmetricgeometry about the z-axis.The physics interface used in this model is Magnetic Fields interface, with a Frequency Domain study type. The fundamental equations involved are explained in thefollowing sections.D O M A I NE Q U A T I O N SThe dependent va ria ble in this physics interfa ce is the a zimutha l component of magnetic vector potential, A, which, in frequency domain, obeys the relation:(1)where ω is the angular frequency, σ is the electric conductivity, μ is the permeability, εis the permittivity, and denotes the current density due to an external source. One wa y to define the current source is to specify a distributed current density in the right-hand side of the above equation. This current density gives rise to a current I as defined by:(2)B O U N D A R YC O ND I T I O N SThis model requires boundary conditions for the exterior boundary and the symmetry xis, a nd to specify bounda ry currents when a pplica ble. The physics interfa ce a utoma tica lly a pplies a bounda ry condition corresponding to zero ma gnetic flux through the exterior bounda ry, by setting the vector potentia l to zero. On the symmetry axis, a suitable symmetry boundary condition is applied.C O I L G R O U PD O M A I N SThe Magnetic Fields interface provides features, called Coil Group Domain, that can conveniently be used to model coils in 2D and 2D axisymmetric geometries.The Single-Turn Coil Domain models a single winding of a homogeneous metallic conductor, in which the current density ca n be non-uniform, due to the a xia l symmetry or skin effect. Note that applying the Single-Turn Coil Domain feature to multiple domains effectively consists in having multiple coils in parallel.The Multi-Turn Coil Domain is used to model a great number of tiny wires wound together. In this approximation, the current density is uniform, and no conduction currents appear in the domain. From this follows that the material used to model this domain should reflect the properties of the insulator covering the wires, rather than of the metal constituting the windings.A third Coil Doma in fea ture is provided, tha t is not used in this model. The Coil Group Doma in fea ture is identica l to the Single-Turn Coil Doma in, with the importa nt difference tha t a pplying this fea ture to multiple doma ins connects the resulting coils in series.j ωσω2ε–()A ϕ∇μ1–∇A ϕ×()×+J ϕe =J ϕe J e d s ⋅S ∫I =Results and DiscussionThe eddy currents induced in the cylinder are shown in the following figures. The induced currents on the cylinder are of comparable magnitude, due to the choice of the parameter, but the current density in the coil is different. Figure 1 presents the results obtained with a Single-Turn Coil Domain feature. The current density is not uniform and is greater in the inner part of the coil (the region closer to the z axis) and close to the surface (due to the skin effect).Figure 1: Results using a Single-Turn Coil Domain feature.In Figure 2, the Multi-Turn Coil Domain feature is used. While the effect on the cylinder is similar to the one obtained with a Single Turn Coil Domain, the current density in the coil is uniform, according to the coil approximation stated above.Figure 2: Results using a Multi-Turn Coil Domain feature.Model Library path: ACDC_Module/Tutorial_Models/coil_eddy_currentsThe Model Library path shows the location of the Model MPH-file. You can open it directly from the Model Library (accessible from the View menu) and browsing to ACDC Module>Tutorial Models>coil eddy currents.Modeling InstructionsM O D E L W I Z A R D1Go to the Model Wizard window.2Click the 2D axisymmetric button.3Click Next.4In the Add physics tree, select AC/DC>Magnetic Fields (mf).5Click Add Selected.6Click Next.7Find the Studies subsection. In the tree, select Preset Studies>Frequency Domain.8Click Finish.G E O M E T R Y1The following instructions explain how to build the model geometry.Rectangle 11In the Model Builder window, right-click Model 1>Geometry 1 and choose Rectangle. 2Go to the Settings window for Rectangle.3Locate the Size section. In the Width edit field, type 0.2.4In the Height edit field, type 0.5.5Locate the Position section. In the z edit field, type -0.25.6Click the Build Selected button.Rectangle 21In the Model Builder window, right-click Geometry 1 and choose Rectangle.2Go to the Settings window for Rectangle.3Locate the Size section. In the Width edit field, type 0.03.4In the Height edit field, type 0.1.5Locate the Position section. In the z edit field, type -0.05.6Click the Build Selected button.Circle 11In the Model Builder window, right-click Geometry 1 and choose Circle.2Go to the Settings window for Circle.3Locate the Size and Shape section. In the Radius edit field, type 0.01.4Locate the Position section. In the r edit field, type 0.05.5Click the Build All button.6Click the Zoom Extents button on the Graphics toolbar.This concludes the construction of the geometry. The next step is the definition of the material properties. Define the materials constituiting the coil and the core.M A T E R I A L SMaterial 11In the Model Builder window, right-click Model 1>Materials and choose Material.2Select Domain 3 only.3Go to the Settings window for Material.4Locate the Material Contents section. In the Material contents table, enter the following settings:PROPERTY NAME VALUEElectrical conductivity sigma 3.7e7[S/m]Relative permittivity epsilonr1Relative permeability mur15Right-click Material 1 and choose Rename.6Go to the Rename Material dialog box and type Coil in the New name edit field.7Click OK.Material 21Right-click Materials and choose Material.2Select Domain 2 only.3Go to the Settings window for Material.4Locate the Material Contents section. In the Material contents table, enter the following settings:PROPERTY NAME VALUEElectrical conductivity sigma 3.7e7[S/m]Relative permittivity epsilonr1Relative permeability mur15Right-click Material 2 and choose Rename.6Go to the Rename Material dialog box and type Core in the New name edit field.7Click OK.Material BrowserThe third material needed for the model is Air, used for the domain surrounding the core and the coil. The material parameters for air are already available in COMSOL Multiphysics, and can be accessed using the Material Browser.8Right-click Materials and choose Open Material Browser.9Go to the Material Browser window.10Locate the Materials section. In the Materials tree, select Built-In>Air.11Right-click and choose Add Material to Model from the menu.Air1In the Model Builder window, click Air.2Select Domain 1 only.M A G N E T I C F I E L D SThe next step consists in setting up of the physics interface. The Magnetic Fields interface automatically provides default domain and boundary conditions. Thefollowing instructions explain how to apply a current density using a Single-Turn Coil Domain feature.Single-Turn Coil Domain 11In the Model Builder window, right-click Magnetic Fields and choose Single-Turn Coil Domain.2Select Domain 3 only.3Go to the Settings window for Single-Turn Coil Domain.4Locate the Single-Turn Coil Domain section. In the I coil edit field, type 1[kA].No further actions are required in the physics interface. The next step is the mesh generation. To better resolve the induced current density in the core and the coil, choose Fine as the mesh size.M E S H11In the Model Builder window, click Model 1>Mesh 1.2Go to the Settings window for Mesh.3Locate the Mesh Settings section. From the Element size list, choose Fine.4Click the Build All button.S T U D Y1The last step consists in setting up the study. An operating frequency must be provided in the Frequency Domain study.Step 1: Frequency Domain1In the Model Builder window, click Study 1>Step 1: Frequency Domain.2Go to the Settings window for Frequency Domain.3Locate the Study Settings section. In the Frequencies edit field, type 100[Hz].4In the Model Builder window, right-click Study 1 and choose Compute.R E S U L T SWhen the solution process is completed, a default plot is generated, showing the norm of the magnetic flux density. Additional plots can be added to visualize other quantities. The following instructions illustrate how to plot the current density and the streamlines of the magnetic flux density.2D Plot Group 21In the Model Builder window, right-click Results and choose 2D Plot Group.2Right-click Results>2D Plot Group 2 and choose Surface.3Go to the Settings window for Surface.4In the upper-right corner of the Expression section, click Replace Expression.5From the menu, choose Magnetic Fields>Currents and charge>Current density>Current density, phi component (mf.Jphi).6In the Model Builder window, right-click 2D Plot Group 2 and choose Streamline.7Go to the Settings window for Streamline.8Locate the Streamline Positioning section. From the Positioning list, choose Start point controlled.9In the Points edit field, type 15.10In the upper-right corner of the Expression section, click Replace Expression.11From the menu, choose Magnetic Fields>Magnetic>Magnetic flux density (mf.Br,mf.Bz).12Locate the Coloring and Style section. From the Color list, choose Red.13Click the Plot button.14Click the Zoom In button on the Graphics toolbar.The plot shows the azimuthal current density in the core and in the coil. The current density in the coil is greater in the inner part, and due to the skin effect, is more concentrated at the surface.The next instructions illustrate how to modify the model in order to use a Multi-Turn Coil Domain for the excitation. The first step is to change the material model to an insulator. In this case, Air can be used.M A T E R I A L SAir1In the Model Builder window, click Model 1>Materials>Air.2Select Domains 1 and 3 only.Before adding a Multi-Turn Coil Domain feature, the Single-Turn Coil Domain must be disabled.M A G N E T I C F I E L D SSingle-Turn Coil Domain 1In the Model Builder window, right-click Model 1>Magnetic Fields>Single-Turn CoilDomain 1 and choose Disable.Multi-Turn Coil Domain 11Right-click Magnetic Fields and choose Multi-Turn Coil Domain.2Select Domain 3 only.Specify the conductivity of the metal constituting the coil wires.3Go to the Settings window for Multi-Turn Coil Domain.4Locate the Multi-Turn Coil Domain section. In the σcoil edit field, type 3e7[S/m].To obtain comparable effects on the core, set the number of windings to 1000 andapply a current of 1 A.5In the N edit field, type 1000.6In the I coil edit field, type 1[A].S T U D Y11In the Model Builder window, right-click Study 1 and choose Compute.R E S U L T SAfter the solution process, update the plot group to visualize the new results.2D Plot Group 21In the Model Builder window, right-click Results>2D Plot Group 2 and choose Plot.2Click the Zoom Extents button on the Graphics toolbar.©2011C O M S O L11|E D D Y C U R R E N T S I N A C Y L I N D E R3Click the Zoom In button on the Graphics toolbar.The induced current density in the core is comparable to the previous case; thecurrent density in the coil, instead, is uniform.12|E D D Y C U R R E N T S I N A C Y L I N D E R©2011C O M S O L。
2022年高考物理总复习第二部分常考考点培优训练 考点六受力分析、共点力的平衡
六受力分析共点力的平衡(40分钟100分)一、单项选择题(共6小题,每小题6分,共36分)1. (2020·浙江7月选考)如图是“中国天眼”500 m口径球面射电望远镜维护时的照片。
为不损伤望远镜球面,质量为m的工作人员被悬在空中的氦气球拉着,当他在离底部有一定高度的望远镜球面上缓慢移动时,氦气球对其有大小为56mg、方向竖直向上的拉力作用,使其有“人类在月球上行走”的感觉,若将人视为质点,此时工作人员( )A.受到的重力大小为16mgB.受到的合力大小为16mgC.对球面的压力大小为16mgD.对球面的作用力大小为16mg【解析】选D。
以下关于甲、乙两个物体受力情况的判断正确的是( )A.物体甲一定受到四个力的作用B.物体甲可能只受到三个力的作用C.物体乙一定受到四个力的作用D.物体乙可能只受到三个力的作用【解析】选A。
在一次救援物资输送的过程中,无人机与下方用轻绳悬挂的救援物资一起在空中沿水平方向做匀速运动,救援物资受到与运动方向相反的空气阻力作用,当无人机改变速度大小仍然沿水平方向匀速运动时,绳子与竖直方向的夹角变大,则无人机速度改变后比改变前( )A.绳子的张力变小B.救援物资受到的空气阻力变小C.无人机受到的重力和绳子拉力的合力大小变大D.无人机受到的重力和绳子拉力的合力大小不变【解析】选C。
12.如图7所示,电源电压为18 V保持不变,滑动变阻器R2上标有“1 A” 字样.闭合开关S,移动滑动变阻器滑片P过程中,电源电压与电压表示 数比值的最大值为6,且电压表最大示数和最小示数的差值ΔU1=7 V, 则定值电阻R1的阻值为__1_0_Ω.
三、作图题(本题共3个小题,每小题2分,共6分) 13.如图8所示电路,电源由三节新的干电池组成,请用笔画线代替导 线将电路连接完整.要求:①L1与L2串联;②电压表测量L1和L2的总电 压.
生能源的是( C ) A.煤
将小灯泡 L和电阻R接入图4乙所示电路中,只闭合
开关S1时,小灯泡L的实际功率为1 W,下列说法正 甲
A.电源电压为2 V
B. R的阻值为10 Ω
C.再闭合开关S2时,小灯泡的亮度不变,电流表示数不变 D. 再闭合开关S2时,电路总功率将增加0.4 W
9.如图5所示,与众不同的“磁力杯盖”,采用了双色磁弹球翻转开关 设计,只需轻轻拨动磁弹球,原来被吸在杯盖上的茶仓就会与杯盖断开, 茶仓就会坠落入水,开始泡茶.磁弹球是利用磁体吸引 铁 、钴、镍 的性质实现吸引茶仓.
源在凸透镜的单侧玻璃(凸面镜)上反射形成的正立、缩小的虚 乙 像.请判断哪位同学的猜想合理,并说明理由:_小__华__的__猜___想__合__理__;___凸_ 透__镜__面__向__光__源__一__侧__反__射__光__时__可___看__做__凸__面__镜__,__可__成__正__立__、__缩__小__的__虚__像__,__类_ 似__于__转__弯__处__的__“__拐__弯__镜___”__;__而__如__果__是__光__源__发__出__的__光__经__凸__透__镜__折__射__后__成__的_ 虚__像__,__一__定__是__放__大__的__像__,__且__需__从__光__屏__一__侧__透__过__凸__透___镜__观__察______.
结 果基 本 相 同 。但 是 目前对 这 一 问题 的数 值 模 拟研 究
较少 , 且都 是进行 二维 的计 算。T m r a ua等 对 处 于 R 4 8 , /< .0的剪 切 流 中的 圆柱 体绕 流 问题 e= 0,00< 02 3
进 行 了数值 模 拟研 究 。 Li e 等 采 用 上 游 差 分法 对 R e
s e rfo h a w.Bo h t e Re nod umb r a d s e rp r mee n u n e t e mo e n ft t g to o n n e a ai n l t h y l sn e n h a a a t rif e c h v me to l he sa nain p i ta d s p rto p it o n .Thelf f r e i r a e t h n r a e o he rp r mee n tt a i o t e h g — e o i i e t h i o c nc e s swi t e i c e s fs a a a tr a d a he s me tmef m h i h v lct sd o t e t h r y
研 究 发现 阻力 与 升力 的结 果 和 Haah 和 Y sio4的 ysi ohn _
( 3 ) ㈩
式中: J为物 理 空 间和计 算 空 间 之 间 Jcba 列 式 , aoi n行 为 广义 曲线 坐标 下 的逆 变 速度 分 量 , 为 网格划 分 G
的偏 度 张量 。
Num e i a n l ss o e o na c f r e n i c l r c ln r i i e r s a o rc la a y i fa r dy mi o c so c r u a y i de n ln a he r f w l
通过焊接的方式将两个圆柱体连接在 一起,适用于钢材等金属材料。
通过胶粘剂将两个圆柱体粘接在一起 ,适用于塑料、木材等非金属材料。
通过螺丝、螺栓等机械方式将两个圆 柱体连接在一起,适用于各种材料。
通过压缩空气或液压方式将两个圆柱 体连接在一起,适用于密封要求较高 的场合。
根据材料力学、弹性力学等理论 ,可以对圆柱体结合的力学特性
确保圆柱体结合在使用过程中 保持稳定,不发生倾斜或倒塌
设计时应考虑到圆柱体结合的 安全性,避免在使用过程中发
通过实验和模拟分析,优化圆 柱体结合的性能参数,提高其
通过采用合理的结构设计和材料 选择,提高了桥墩的稳定性和安 全性,降低了成本。
采用新型的制造工艺和技术,提 高了柱的精度和生产效率,同时 保证了其美观性和功能性。
在建筑领域中,圆柱体 结合常用于构建桥梁、 高层建筑等大型结构。
在机械领域中,圆柱体 结合常用于制造各种设 备、机器等。
在航空航天领域中,圆 柱体结合常用于制造飞 机、火箭等高精度、高 强度结构。
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实验名称圆柱体压缩过程模拟实验课程材料成型计算机模拟指导教师专业班级姓名学号2012年5月6日实验一 圆柱体压缩过程模拟1 实验目的与内容1.1 实验目的进一步熟悉AUTOCAD 或PRO/E 实体三维造型方法与技艺,掌握DEFORM 软件的前处理、后处理的操作方法与技能,学会运用DEFORM 软件分析压缩变形的变形力学问题。
1.2 实验内容运用DEFORM 模拟如图1所示的圆柱坯压缩过程。
(一)压缩条件与参数锤头与砧板:尺寸200×200×20mm ,材质DIN-D5-1U,COLD ,温度室温。
(二)实验要求砧板工件锤头图1 圆柱体压缩过程模拟(1)运用AUTOCAD或PRO/e绘制各模具部件及棒料的三维造型,以stl格式输出;(2)设计模拟控制参数;(3)DEFORM前处理与运算;(4)DEFORM后处理,观察圆柱体压缩变形过程,载荷曲线图,通过轴对称剖分观察圆柱体内部应力、应变及损伤值分布状态;(5)比较方案1与2、3与4、1与3和2与4的模拟结果,找出圆柱体变形后的形状差别,说明原因;(6)提交分析报告(纸质和电子版)、模拟数据文件、日志文件。
2 模拟控制参数的设计与选择在整个模拟过程中,设定总步长为100,每10步保存一次,当变形体的网格尺寸为最小边界长度的三分之一时停止,即为1.27cm;3 实验过程3.1工模具及工件的三维造型根据给定的几何尺寸,运用AUTOCAD或PRO/E分别绘制坯料、锤头和砧板的几何实体,文件名称分别为workpiece,topdie,bottomdie,输出STL格式。
3.2 压缩过程模拟3.2.1 前处理建立新问题:程序→DEFORM6.1→File→New Problem→Next→在Problem Name栏中填写“Forging”→ Finish→进入前处理界面。
设置模拟控制:点击工具栏中Simulation Controls按钮→Main按钮。
在Simulation Title一栏中填入Forging。
在Operation Name一栏中填入deform。
添加对象:点击+按钮添加对象,依次为“Workpiece”、“Top Die”、“Bottom Die”。
定义对象的材料模型:在对象树上选择Workpiece→点击General按钮→选中Plastic选项→点击Assign Temperature按钮→填入温度为20→点击OK按钮;选择Top Die→点击General按钮→选中Rigid选项→点击Assign Temperature按钮→填入温度为20→点击OK按钮→勾选Primary Die选项→如此重复,定义其它工模具的材料模型(不勾选Primary Die选项)。
导入毛坯几何文件:分别选中Workpiece、Top Die、Bottom Die,在操作窗口中单击Geometry按钮→Import Geo按钮,导入在CAD中事先画好的造型文件。
调整对象位置关系:在工具栏点击Object Positioning按钮进入对象位置关系调整对话框→根据锻压要求及实体造型调整相互位置关系→点击OK按钮完成。
实体网格化:在对象树上选择Workpiece→点击Mesh →选择Detailed Settings的General选项卡→点击Absolute,Size Ratio改为3,Element Size选Min Element Size,设为3→点击Surface Mesh ,生成表面网格→点击Solid Mesh生成实体网络。
设置主动工具运行速度:选择Top Die→点击Movement→在type栏上选中Speed选项→在Direction选中主动工具运行,如-Z→在speed卡上选中Define选项,其性质选为Constant,填入速度值为1mm/s。
设置坯料边界条件:选中物体Workpiece→单击d按钮→选中Symmetry plane图标→然后分别选中坯料的对称面→单击添加按钮。
工件体积补偿:选择Workpiece→点击Property→在Target V olume卡上选中Active in FEM+meshing选项→点击Calculate V olume按钮→点击Yes按钮。
设置模拟参数:点击工具栏中Simulation Controls按钮→点击Step按钮→在Number of Simulation Steps栏中填入模拟步数为30→Step Increment to Save栏中填入每隔2步就保存模拟信息→在With Die Displacement栏中选Constant,填入1→点击OK按钮完成模拟设置。
边界条件定义:点击Inter-Object按钮→在对话框上选择Workpiece—Top Die→点击Edit按钮→点击Deformation卡Friction栏上选中Shear和Constant选项,填入摩擦系数为0→点击Close按钮→如此重复,依次设置其它接触关系→点击Generate all按钮→点击Tolerance 按钮→点击OK按钮完成边界条件设置。
3.2.2 生成库文件在工具栏上点击Database generation按钮→在Type栏选中New选项→选择路径→填入数据库文件名为forging →点击Check按钮→没有错误信息则点击Generate按钮→完成模拟数据库的生成。
3.2.3 退出前处理程序在工具栏上点击Exc按钮,退出前处理程序界面。
3.2.4 模拟运算在主控程序界面上,单击项目栏中的forging.DB文件→单击Run按钮,进入运算对话框→单击Start按钮开始运算→单击Stop按钮停止运算→单击Summary,Preview,Message,Log按钮可以观察模拟运算情况。
3.3 后处理模拟运算结束后,在主控界面上单击forging.DB文件→在Post Processor栏中单击DEFORM-3D Post按钮,进入后处理界面。
1)观察变形过程:点击播放按钮查看成型过程;方案一变形过程方案二变形过程方案三变形过程方案四变形过程2)观察最大应力分布:在状态变量的下拉菜单中选择Stress –Max principal,点击播放按钮查看成型过程中最大应力分布及其变化情况;3) 观察最大应变分布:在状态变量的下拉菜单中选择Strain –Total- Max principal ,点击播放按钮查看成型过程中最大应变分布及其变化情况;4) 观察破坏系数分布:在状态变量的下拉菜单中选择Damage ,点击播放按钮查看成型过程中可能产生破坏的情况;5) 成型过程载荷:点击Load Stroke 按钮,生成变形工具加载曲线图,保存图形文件为load.png ,并保存图表的数据;6) 点跟踪分析:点击Point Tracking 按钮,根据上图点的位置,在工件上依次点击生成跟踪点,点击Save 按钮,生成跟踪信息,观察跟踪点的最大应力、最大应变、破坏系数,保存相应的曲线图。
4 实验结果与分析 4.1观察最大应力分布图3 方案一(高度150;摩擦系数0)图4 方案二(高度150;摩擦系数0.2)图5 方案三(高度250;摩擦系数0)1)比较图2和图3的颜色分布并在每个区域随机用鼠标点击一些点查看最大应力值,可以看出:①摩擦系数为0时,坯料各部分应力分布较均匀,处于三向压应力状态,为均匀变形。
4.2观察最大应变分布图7 方案一(高度150;摩擦系数0)图8 方案二(高度150;摩擦系数0.2)图9 方案三(高度250;摩擦系数0)图10 方案四(高度250;摩擦系数0.2)1)比较图6和图7的颜色分布并在每个区域随机用鼠标点击一些点查看最大应变值,可以看出:①摩擦系数为0时,坯料各部分应变分布较均匀,为均匀变形。