1、Construction industry 建筑业2、High-rise apartments 高层公寓3、Institution and commercial building construction 办公和商业用房建设4、Oligopoly 垄断,供过于求5、Specialized industrial construction 专业化工业项目建设6、Infrastructure and heavy construction 重大基础项目建设7、Residential housing construction 住宅类房屋建设8、Take charge 负责9、Single-family house 独户住宅10、Professional consultant 专业征询人士11、General contractor 总承包商12、Mission-oriented 以目的(任务)为导向的13、Continuity 连续性14、Indispensable 不可或缺的15、Common-place 常见的16、Schedule 进度17、Maximization 最大化18、Communication 沟通19、Certification 认证20、Distinguish 区别,区分21、Predetermined 预定的22、Ingredient 组成部分,成分23、Linear programming 线性规划24、Trade off 均衡,权衡25、Delineation 叙述,说明26、Utilization 使用27、Integration 综合,整合28、Shop drawings 施工图,安装图29、Simultaneously 同时的30、Prebid site 投标前现场31、Nominated subcontractor 指定分包商32、Prequalified 预审合格33、An manual of professional practice 专业人员从业手册34、Risk-reward 风险和回报35、Structural design 结构设计36、Specialized subcontractor 专业分包商37、Work package 工作包38、Construction planning 施工计划39、Technical feasibility 技术可行性40、Construction operations 施工作业41、Structural or foundation details 结构或基础的具体情况42、Ingenuity and creativity 灵活性和发明性43、Construction constractors 施工承包商44、Monitoring and control 监督和控制45、Facility design 设施设计46、Estimate stage 估算阶段47、Evaluation stage 评估阶段48、equity partners 股权伙伴49. 、specifications and drawings 技术规范和图纸50.、Placing concrete on site 现场浇混凝土1、Job-site productivity 工地生产率2、Contractual agreements 协议3、Safety consciousness 安全意识4、Labor productivity 劳动生产率5、Foreign operations 国外施工6、Labor efficiency 劳动效率7、Infrastructure 基础设施8、Linear interpolation 线性内插9、Labor jurisdictions 劳动仲裁10、Non-productive activities 非生产性活动11、On-site 现场12、Labor characteristics 劳动力的特性13、Security sensitivity 安全敏感性14、Recognized strength 公认的实力15、Processing plant 加工厂16、Logistic problems 后勤问题17、Drilling platform 钻井平台18、Building construction 建筑施工19、Material procurement and delivery 材料采购和运送20、Bulk materials 大宗材料21、Overlapping and rehandling 搭接和再解决22、Semi-processed 半加工的,半成品的23、Concrete mix 混凝土拌和物24、Steel beams and columns 钢梁和柱25、. bills of quantity 工程量清单26、. minutes of the conference 会议纪要27、the lowest evaluated cost 经评审的最低造价28、reimbursable expenses 可补偿费用29、.Hierarchical structure 层级结构30、Critical path scheduling 关键线路进度控制程序31、.bonus and penalty clauses 奖励和处罚条款32、lump-sum agreement 总价协议33、.written authorization 书面授权34、unit-price agreement 单价协议35、Bids and quotations 投标和报价36、Off-the-shelf material 现货材料37、Earthwork to be excavated 土方开挖38 .general procurement notice 通用采购公告39、. conditions of contract 协议条件40、Construction supervision 施工监督41、Freight delivery 货品运送44、Slippage or contraction 延误或提前45、.Marginal efficiency of capital 边际资本收益46、.Equivalent uniform annunual net value 等额净年值47、changes clause 变更条款49、prequalification 资格预审49、limited international bidd ing 有限国际招标50、Unit Cost of Estimetion 单位估价1、Cost estimation 成本估算2、Cost engineering 工程估价3、Profitability 赢利4、Production function 生产函数5、Statistical inference 记录推断6、Construction equipment 施工机具7、General office overhead 总部管理费8、The cost engineer or estimator 估算师9、Cost control 成本控制10、Empirical cost inference 经验成本推论法11、Allocation of joint costs 综合成本的分摊12、Bill of quantities 工程量清单2、Cooling system 冷却系统3、Heat exchanger 热互换器4、Slabs and beams 楼板和梁5、Furnaces 锅炉6、Plus ancillary items 辅助设备7、Formwork 模板8、Detailed Estimates 具体估算9、Preliminary Estimates 具体估算10、Subcontractor Quotations 分包报价11、Construction Procedures 施工方法12、Factored Estimate Formula 系数估算公式13、Reinforcing bars 钢筋14、Building foundation 建筑物基础1、Economic evaluation 经济评价2、Sensitivity 灵敏度3、Planning horizon 规划周期4、Project alternative 备择项目5、Opportunity cost 机会成本6、Financial investment 金融投资7、Minium attractive rate of return 最低收益率8、Social rate discount 社会折现率9、Investment consideration 投资分析10、Decision maker 决策者11、Cash flow profile 钞票流分布形态12、Net annual cash flow 年净钞票流13、Capital project 资本项目14、Socially desirable programs 社会公益项目15、The Office of Management and Budget 财政部门16、Government agency 政府部门17、linear programming线性规划18、network analysis 网络分析19、Under ordinary circumstances, 在通常情况下20、best price/performance characteristics最优性价比特性21、an acceptable quality levelallowable可接受的质量水平22、a allowable fraction of defective items.可接受的缺陷比例23、ill structured棘手的24、critical ingredients关键因素25、identified as被看作为26、the rate of return资本回收率 cash flow 净钞票流量28.financing options 融资方式29.project finance 项目融资30.negative cash balance 负钞票结余31.profit measure 利润指标值32.private corporations 私营股份制公司33.Public agencies 公告机构34 instructions to bidders 投标人须知35 . conditions of contract协议条件36.Equivalent uniform annunual net value 等额净年值37.Capital recovory factor 资金回收因子38.Benefit cost ratio 收益费用比39.Profitability index 赚钱指数40. prequalification 资格预审41. bidding documents 招标文献42. domestic contractor 国内承包商43.Marginal efficiency of capital 边际资本收益44.Adjusted internal rate of capital 调整后的内部收益率45.Return on investment 投资收益46. international competitive bidd ing 竞争性国际招标47limited international bidd ing 有限国际招标48.national competitive bidd ing 国内竞争性招标49 .general procurement notice 通用采购公告50 substantially responsive 实质性响应1. changes 工程变更2. contract awards 协议授予3.changes clause 变更条款4.publicly financed priject 公共项目融资5.extra work 附加工作6.the prime contractor 主承包商7. pre-construction sercices 施工前服务8.reimbursable expenses 可补偿费用9. overhead and profit 管理费和利润10.Construction planning 施工计划11. chioce of technology 施工技术的选择12.The definition of work tasks 工作任务的定义13.Normative problem 规范性问题14.Cost control 成本控制15.Schedule control 进度控制16.Critical path scheduling procedure关键线路进度控制程序17.Job shop scheduling procedure 工作现场进度控制程序18.Datebases and information systes m 数据库和信息系统19.The duration of the activity 工作活动的连续时间20.Placing concrete on site 现场浇筑混凝土21 Placing forms 支设模版22. Installing reinforcing steel 绑扎钢筋23. Pouring concrete 浇筑混凝土24.Finishing the concrete 混凝土养护25. Removing forms 模版拆除26.Position forms on the cleanning station 在清理场合码放模版27. Hierarchical structure 层级结构28.fixed fee 固定费用29.overhead and profit 管理费和利润30.job shop scheduling procedure 现场进度控制程序31.change order 变更单32.cost –plus-fee agreement成本加费用协议33.quantity takeoff 工程量清单34. prequalification 资格预审35、decomposed into 分解为36.From the viewpoint of从某个角度看37.responsible for 对某事负责38.superior to 优于。
第24 章项目管理英语知识项目管理英语词汇考点梳理常用的项目管理英语词汇Projects ——项目。
PMBOK ——Project Management Body Of Knowledge ,项目管理知识系统。
Operations ——运作。
Process ——过程。
Activity Description ——活动描绘。
Activity Definition ——活动定义。
Activity Description ——活动描绘/说明。
Activity List ——活动清单。
Phases ——-阶段。
Approve ——允许。
Product Life Cycle ——产品生命周期。
PMO ——Project Management Office ,项目管理办公室。
Project Charter ——项目章程。
Project Manager ——项目经理。
Project Sponsor ——项目倡始人。
Project Stakeholder ——项目关连人。
Project Management Plan ——项目管理计划。
Project Team ——项目团队。
Functional Organization ——职能组织。
Matrix Organization ——矩阵型组织。
Project Organization ——项目型组织。
PMIS ——-Project Management Information System,项目管理信息系统。
Project Management Process Group ——项目管理过程组。
Initiating Process ——- 启动过程组。
Planning Process ——- 计划过程组。
Executing Process ——履行过程组。
Controlling Process ——控制过程组。
Closing Process ——扫尾过程组。
项目管理常用英语1. Project charter: A document that defines the project, including its objectives, scope, deliverables, and stakeholders.2. Work breakdown structure (WBS): A hierarchical decomposition of the project's scope into manageable chunks of work.3. Stakeholder: Any individual or group that is affected by or can affect the project.4. Project scope: The sum of all the project's deliverables, requirements, objectives, and work.5. Project milestone: A significant event or achievement during the project that helps track progress and provide motivation.6. Risk management: The process of identifying, assessing, and mitigating potential risks that may affect the project's success.7. Project schedule: A detailed timeline that outlines the project's activities, tasks, dependencies, and deadlines.8. Project budget: An estimate of the overall cost required to complete the project.9. Project sponsor: A person or group responsible for initiating, funding, and supporting the project.10. Project team: The group of individuals assigned to work on the project and achieve its objectives.11. Change management: The process of controlling changes to the project scope, schedule, and budget.12. Quality management: The process of ensuring that the project delivers the desired level of quality and meets the stakeholders' expectations.13. Communication plan: A document that outlines the project's communication channels, frequency, and stakeholders involved.14. Project closure: The process of formally completing and wrapping up the project, including documentation, lessons learned, and client acceptance.15. Lessons learned: A record of the project's successes, failures, and best practices that can be used to improve future projects.。
1、Construction industry 建筑业2、High-rise apartments 高层公寓3、Institution and commercial building construction 办公和商业用房建设4、Oligopoly 垄断,供过于求5、Specialized industrial construction 专业化工业项目建设6、Infrastructure and heavy construction 重大基础项目建设7、Residential housing construction 住宅类房屋建设8、Take charge 负责9、Single-family house 独户住宅10、Professional consultant 专业咨询人士11、General contractor 总承包商12、Mission-oriented 以目标(任务)为导向的13、Continuity 连续性14、Indispensable 不可或缺的15、Common-place 常见的16、Schedule 进度17、Maximization 最大化18、Communication 沟通19、Certification 认证20、Distinguish 区别,区分21、Predetermined 预定的22、Ingredient 组成部分,成分23、Linear programming 线性规划24、Trade off 均衡,权衡25、Delineation 叙述,说明26、Utilization 使用27、Integration 综合,整合28、Shop drawings 施工图,安装图29、Simultaneously 同时的30、Prebid site 投标前现场31、Nominated subcontractor 指定分包商32、Prequalified 预审合格33、An manual of professional practice 专业人员从业手册34、Risk-reward 风险和回报35、Structural design 结构设计36、Specialized subcontractor 专业分包商37、Work package 工作包38、Construction planning 施工计划39、Technical feasibility 技术可行性40、Construction operations 施工作业41、Structural or foundation details 结构或基础的具体情况42、Ingenuity and creativity 灵活性和创造性43、Construction constractors 施工承包商44、Monitoring and control 监督和控制45、Facility design 设施设计46、Estimate stage 估算阶段47、Evaluation stage 评估阶段48、equity partners 股权伙伴49. 、specifications and drawings 技术规范和图纸50.、Placing concrete on site 现场浇混凝土1、Job-site productivity 工地生产率2、Contractual agreements 合同3、Safety consciousness 安全意识4、Labor productivity 劳动生产率5、Foreign operations 国外施工6、Labor efficiency 劳动效率7、Infrastructure 基础设施8、Linear interpolation 线性内插9、Labor jurisdictions 劳动仲裁10、Non-productive activities 非生产性活动11、On-site 现场12、Labor characteristics 劳动力的特征13、Security sensitivity 安全敏感性14、Recognized strength 公认的实力15、Processing plant 加工厂16、Logistic problems 后勤问题17、Drilling platform 钻井平台18、Building construction 建筑施工19、Material procurement and delivery 材料采购和运输20、Bulk materials 大宗材料21、Overlapping and rehandling 搭接和再处理22、Semi-processed 半加工的,半成品的23、Concrete mix 混凝土拌和物24、Steel beams and columns 钢梁和柱25、. bills of quantity 工程量清单26、. minutes of the conference 会议纪要27、the lowest evaluated cost 经评审的最低造价28、reimbursable expenses 可补偿费用29、.Hierarchical structure 层级结构30、Critical path scheduling 关键线路进度控制程序31、.bonus and penalty clauses 奖励和惩罚条款32、lump-sum agreement 总价合同33、.written authorization 书面授权34、unit-price agreement 单价合同35、Bids and quotations 投标和报价36、Off-the-shelf material 现货材料37、Earthwork to be excavated 土方开挖38 .general procurement notice 通用采购公告39、. conditions of contract 合同条件40、Construction supervision 施工监督41、Freight delivery 货物运输44、Slippage or contraction 延误或提前45、.Marginal efficiency of capital 边际资本收益46、.Equivalent uniform annunual net value 等额净年值47、changes clause 变更条款49、prequalification 资格预审49、limited international bidd ing 有限国际招标50、Unit Cost of Estimetion 单位估价1、Cost estimation 成本估算2、Cost engineering 工程估价3、Profitability 赢利4、Production function 生产函数5、Statistical inference 统计推断6、Construction equipment 施工机具7、General office overhead 总部管理费8、The cost engineer or estimator 估算师9、Cost control 成本控制10、Empirical cost inference 经验成本推论法11、Allocation of joint costs 综合成本的分摊12、Bill of quantities 工程量清单2、Cooling system 冷却系统3、Heat exchanger 热交换器4、Slabs and beams 楼板和梁5、Furnaces 锅炉6、Plus ancillary items 辅助设备7、Formwork 模板8、Detailed Estimates 详细估算9、Preliminary Estimates 详细估算10、Subcontractor Quotations 分包报价11、Construction Procedures 施工方法12、Factored Estimate Formula 系数估算公式13、Reinforcing bars 钢筋14、Building foundation 建筑物基础1、Economic evaluation 经济评价2、Sensitivity 灵敏度3、Planning horizon 规划周期4、Project alternative 备择项目5、Opportunity cost 机会成本6、Financial investment 金融投资7、Minium attractive rate of return 最低收益率8、Social rate discount 社会折现率9、Investment consideration 投资分析10、Decision maker 决策者11、Cash flow profile 现金流分布形态12、Net annual cash flow 年净现金流13、Capital project 资本项目14、Socially desirable programs 社会公益项目15、The Office of Management and Budget 财政部门16、Government agency 政府部门17、linear programming线性规划18、network analysis 网络分析19、Under ordinary circumstances, 在通常情况下20、best price/performance characteristics最优性价比特征21、an acceptable quality levelallowable可接受的质量水平22、a allowable fraction of defective items.可接受的缺陷比例23、ill structured棘手的24、critical ingredients关键因素25、identified as被看作为26、the rate of return资本回收率 cash flow 净现金流量28.financing options 融资方式29.project finance 项目融资30.negative cash balance 负现金结余31.profit measure 利润指标值32.private corporations 私营股份制公司33.Public agencies 公告机构34 instructions to bidders 投标人须知35 . conditions of contract合同条件36.Equivalent uniform annunual net value 等额净年值37.Capital recovory factor 资金回收因子38.Benefit cost ratio 收益费用比39.Profitability index 盈利指数40. prequalification 资格预审41. bidding documents 招标文件42. domestic contractor 国内承包商43.Marginal efficiency of capital 边际资本收益44.Adjusted internal rate of capital 调整后的内部收益率45.Return on investment 投资收益46. international competitive bidd ing 竞争性国际招标47limited international bidd ing 有限国际招标48.national competitive bidd ing 国内竞争性招标49 .general procurement notice 通用采购公告50 substantially responsive 实质性响应1. changes 工程变更2. contract awards 合同授予3.changes clause 变更条款4.publicly financed priject 公共项目融资5.extra work 附加工作6.the prime contractor 主承包商7. pre-construction sercices 施工前服务8.reimbursable expenses 可补偿费用9. overhead and profit 管理费和利润10.Construction planning 施工计划11. chioce of technology 施工技术的选择12.The definition of work tasks 工作任务的定义13.Normative problem 规范性问题14.Cost control 成本控制15.Schedule control 进度控制16.Critical path scheduling procedure关键线路进度控制程序17.Job shop scheduling procedure 工作现场进度控制程序18.Datebases and information systes m 数据库和信息系统19.The duration of the activity 工作活动的持续时间20.Placing concrete on site 现场浇筑混凝土21 Placing forms 支设模版22. Installing reinforcing steel 绑扎钢筋23. Pouring concrete 浇筑混凝土24.Finishing the concrete 混凝土养护25. Removing forms 模版拆除26.Position forms on the cleanning station 在清理场所码放模版27. Hierarchical structure 层级结构28.fixed fee 固定费用29.overhead and profit 管理费和利润30.job shop scheduling procedure 现场进度控制程序31.change order 变更单32.cost –plus-fee agreement成本加费用合同33.quantity takeoff 工程量清单34. prequalification 资格预审35、decomposed into 分解为36.From the viewpoint of从某个角度看37.responsible for 对某事负责38.superior to 优于。
.ysd15#12使用道具中级加为好友只看该作者发表于 2007-5-24 08:47 资料个人空间个人短信会员 )工程项目管理常用英语(原创状态 process package 工艺包离线 process design 工艺设计process release工艺发表 initial process release工艺预发表 scope of work ; project scope ;工作范围项目任务范围 work package 工作包 work item 工作项 line item任务单项 breakdown structure分解结构 work breakdown structure[WBS]工作分解结构 organizational breakdown structure[OBS] 组织分解机构project summary work breakdown structure[PSWBS] 项目大项工作分解结构工程公司标准工作分解结;承包商标准工作分解结构 contractor's standard work breakdown structure[CSWBS] 构 responsibility assignment matrix[RAM] 责任分工矩阵 risk风险 risk analysis 风险分析 risk memorandum 风险备忘录home office公司本部 home office service 公司本部服务 utility 公用工程plan计划 project plan项目计划 (project)engineering plan 设计计划(项目)(project)procurement plan 采购计划(项目) (project)construction plan (项目)施工计划 (project)start-up plan (开车计划项目) patent专利 patent right专利权 proprietary technology 产权技术 licensed technology 专利技术 know-how 技术诀窍专有技术; license许可证 licensor 专利商;许可方 licensee 受让方受许可放; royalty )(技术转让费提成费; license fee许可证费..know-how fee 专有技术费 discipline专业 process design ; process engineering 工艺 systems engineering 系统 equipment engineering 设备 plant layout engineering 布置 piping design管道设计 piping mechanical engineering 管道机械instruments engineering 仪表 electrical engineering 电气architectural engineering 建筑 civil engineering 土建start-up 开车 commissioning试车 start-up ; test run ; initial operations投料试车 performance test run ; performance guarantee tests 生产考核性能考核, client acceptance用户验收and ; terms of payment ; conditions payment 支付条件;付款条件 termsofconditions of paymentadvance payment ; down payment 预付款 progress payment 按实物进度付款 schedule payment 按日工程进度付款 retention money ;扣留款保留金 final payment 最终付款 code ; number 编码代码; group code组码 standard classification of account 记帐码标准分类记帐码;numbers[SCAN];account codes ; code of accountsvariable code ; optional variable code 可编码 genericactivity type(numbers)[GAT] 通用型活动码 contingency 不可预见费issue ; release发表 bill of exchange ; draft 汇票 bill for negotiation议付汇票 owner 业主 client客户用户; design ; engineering ;设计工程设计 engineeringphase 设计阶段 process design phase 工艺设计阶段 basicengineering phase基础工程设计阶段 analytical engineering phase 分析设计阶段planning engineering phase平面设计阶段 detailed engineering phase ; final engineering详细工程设计阶段..phase ; production engineering phasemeeting会议 kick-off meeting开工会议 proposal kick-off meeting 报价开工会议 clientkick-off meeting 用户开工会议 project kick-off meeting 项目开工会议project kick-off meeting设计开工会议 construction mobilization meeting 施工动员会议review meeting 审核会 contract承包合同; effective date of the contract 合同生效日期termination of contract 合同终止 frustration of contract 合同失效lump-sum contract[L-S] 总价合同 (fixed) unit price contract单价合同固定)( (cost) reimbursable contract ; cost-plus 成本加抽筋合同偿付合同;(fee) contract [C-P]cost plus fixed fee contract [CPFF]成本加固定酬金合同 cost plus fluctuating fee contract ; cost plus 成本加浮动酬金合同sliding scale fee contract(target) cost plus fee contract , with bonus or 目标成本加奖罚合同penaltyconditionsreimbursable guaranteed ;限定最高成本加抽筋合同限定最高价偿付合同maximum price contract [RGMP] ; guarantee maximum cost plus fee contractcontractor 承包商 subcontractor 分包商joint venture [JV] 合营企业 delivery交货 delivery date ; date of delivery 交货日期 lead time交货周期 delivery to job-site 交货到现场 delivery note 交货单 delivery order 提货单 bill of lading 提单delivery terms 交货条件 free on board [FOB]离岸价) free on rail [FOR] ; free on truck [FOT] 价敞车上交货价);(铁路交货() cost and freight [CFR] or [C&F]价成本加运费( cost insurance and freight ; cost insurance freight 到岸价[CIF]) free alongside ship [FAS] 价(船边交货) free carrier [FCA] (货交承运人价) ex works [EXW](工厂交货价..estimate ' cost estimate 费用估算估算; types of estimate估算方法类别) detailed estimate ; defined estimate(发详细估算definitive estimate ; (发) defined equipment 设备详细估算(发);确切估算estimateequipment estimate 设备估算 analysis estimate 分析估算proposal estimate 报价估算 control estimate控制估算 interim control estimate ; initial control 初期控制估算estimate [ICE]initial approved cost [IAC] 批准的控制估算 check estimate核定估算 first check estimate [FCE] 首次核定估算production check estimate [PCE] 二次核定估算 man-hour estimate 人工时估算 certificate证明书证书; certificate of origin产地证明书 mechanical completion certificate机械竣工证书 client acceptance certificate (of 合同项目验收证书用户验收证书;plant)material 材料 equipment设备 bulk materials ; commodities 散装材料 materialclass材料分类 material take-off [MTO] 材料统计 bill of materials[BOM] ;材料清单材料表 material management 材料管理material control 材料控制 schedule;进度计划进度;进度表 progress ; physical progress 实物进度进度进展;; scheduling ; time scheduling编制进度计划 starter schedule ; early work schedule 初期工作进度计划(项目) project master schedule ; master project schedule 项目主进度计划 detailedschedule 详细进度表详细进度计划; network (diagram) 计划)网络(进度);网络(图milestone network 里程碑网络图 detailed network详细网络图 critical path method [CPM] 关键线路法 critical activity ;关键活动关键工序 activity 活动工序;loat 工序时差;浮动时间 milestone里程碑..schedule control ; progress control 进度控制 progress curve ; S curve曲线进度曲线;S resource loading curve ; Bell curve 资源负荷曲线ahead of schedule 进度提前 schedule delay 进度拖延default违约 default notice 违约通知 penalty clause 违约)罚款条款( liquidated damages 违约罚金 freight [Frt.] ; carriage 运费 freight paid ; carriage free ; carriage paid 运费付讫freight be to collected ; collect 运费待收;货到收运费 freight ; freightpayable at destinationfreight prepaid ; advance(d) freight 运费预付 freight forward ; carriage forward 运费未付;货到付运费 freight indemnity 运费担保函freight note运费单 forwarding agent承运商;运输商..ysd15#22使用道具中级加为好友只看该作者发表于 2007-5-24 08:48 资料个人空间个人短信会员 procurement 采购purchasing 采买状态 expediting 催交离线inspection检验 traffic ; transport 运输 bill of entry 报关单report报告 monthly cost and progress report 费用和进展月报告 (job) monthly progress report(项目)进展月报 engineering monthly progress report 设计进展月报project cost summary report项目费用汇总报告 project operation cost status report 项目实施费用状态报告schedule report 进度报告 control index控制索引 performance report 执行效果报告 productivity report 劳动生产率报告 exception report异常报告 material exception report [MER] ; equipment & 材料异常报告materials exception reportprocurement status report 采购状态报告 material status report材料状态报告 purchase order and requisition status report 请购单和订单状态报告 vendor drawing status report ; vendor data 供货厂商图纸状态报告schedulingstatus reportinspection report 检验报告 close-out report)完工报告(项目 bid ; quotation ; proposal ; tender ; offer 投标报价; inquiry review committee [IRC] 讯价文件评审委员会 bid strategy meeting报价策略会议 proposal manager报价经理 proposal ; quotation ; bid ;tender ;offer 投标书;标书;建议书 bid evaluation报价评审标书评审; bid tabulation form ; tabulation of bids 报价评选表标书评选表; negotiation谈判 vendor coordination meeting [VCM] ; 协调会议厂商协调会议;coordinationmeetingcommitment订货合约;定约成交; telex order ; notification of commitment ;订货电传订货通知purchase order [PO](订单即定单;);采买订单订货合同..contract award合同签约签订合同; inquiry ; invitation to bid 招标询价;pre-qualification资格预审 qualified bidders list ; qualified vendors ;合格投标商表合格供货商表listinquiry(package) ; request for quotation(package) ;招标文件询价书[RFQ];request for proposal [RFP] ; invitation to bid [ITB]requisition (package) ; requisition documents ;请购单请购文件purchasing specification [PS] ;采购说明书采购规格书 instructions to bidders [ITB] ;报价须知投标者须知 change变更 client change ;contract change ;合同变更用户变更 pending clientchange 待定的用户变更 approved client change认可的用户变更 client change notice [CCB] ; 单(通知)(用户变更通知)单;合同变更contract change order [CCO]project change ; internal change 内部变更项目变更; projectchange notice 单通知))单;内部变更(项目变更(通知[PCN] ;internal change order [ICO]change request ; deviation notice [DN] 偏差通知单变更申请单; quality质量 quality policy 质量方针 quality management 质量管理quality planning 质量策划 quality control [QC] 质量控制quality assurance [QA] 质量保证 quality system 质量体系quality improvement 质量改进 quality manual 质量手册quality plan 质量计划 drawing图纸 process flow diagram [PFD] 工艺流程图 processcontrol diagram [PCD]工艺控制图 piping and instrument diagram [PID] [P&ID] 管道仪表流程图plot plan装置布置图 piping planning (drawing) 管道平面设计图 piping layoutdrawing 管道平面布置图 isometric drawing;管道空视图管段图[AFD] Design Approved for issued 批准用于详细工程设计图纸drawingdrawings issued Approved for construction [AFC] 图纸批准用于施工)advanced certified final drawings [ACF] ; 纸供货厂商先期确认图(advanced certifiedvendors' drawings ; preliminary vendor drawings [PD]) certified final drawings [CF] ; certified(供货厂商最终确认图纸..vendor drawings[CD]diagram ; chart 图表 histogram直方图 bar ; bar-chart ; Gantt chart 横道图 schedule trenddisplay chart 进度趋势展示图 cost trend display chart 费用趋势展示图project工程项目项目; project execution 项目实施费用状态报告 projectphase项目实施阶段 initial phase of project execution 项目初始阶段construction phase 施工阶段 start-up phase开车阶段 project duration's 项目建设周期 projectmanagement 项目管理 project control 项目控制 projectteam 项目组 task force专责项目组 project manager [PM]项目经理 project engineering manager [PEM] 项目设计经理project procurement manager [PPM] 项目采购经理 project constructionmanager [PCM] 项目施工经理 project process manager 项目工艺经理project controls manager项目控制经理 project scheduling engineer ; project scheduler 项目进度计划工程师 project estimator项目估算师 project cost control engineer ; project cost 项目费用控制工程师engineerproject material control engineer 项目材料控制工程师 projectfinancial manager 项目财务经理 project quality manager 项目质量经理project start-up manager 项目开车经理 project safety engineer 项目安全工程师project secretary项目秘书 project controlling ; tools for project control 项目控制手段 control baseline ; ;实物进度基准控制基准;执行效果测量基准performancemeasurement baseline ; progress baselinedeviation ; variance 差异偏差; performance ;效绩性能执行效果; tracking ; follow up 跟踪 monitoring监控 trending ; trend projection ;趋势分析趋势预测 projected deviations 偏差预测值 projection ; forecasting预测..corrective action ; corrective measures 纠正措施integrated project control 项目综合控制 earned value concept [EVC] 赢得值原理 budgeted cost for work scheduled [BCWS] 计划工作量的预算费用budgeted cost for work performed [BCWP] 已完工作量的预算费用 actual cost for work performed [ACWP] 已完工作量的实耗费用 cost variance [CV] 费用差异schedule variance [SV] 进度差异 cost index [CI] 费用指数schedule index [SI]进度指数 cost performance index [CPI] 费用执行效果指数 schedule performance index [SPI] 进度执行效果指数 at completion variance [ACV] 竣工差异 budgeted cost at completion [BAC] 竣工预算费用estimated cost at completion [EAC] 竣工预测费用 cost成本费用; total installed cost [TIC]建设总费用 material cost ; direct material cost直接材料费用材料费用; equipment cost ; purchased cost of equipment 设备购买费用设备费用;of cost ; purchased 散装材料购买费用 bulk materials cost ;散装材料费用bulk materials ; commodities cost; related freight 运费和保险费等) cost of material (直接)材料相关费用(insurance , etc.construction cost施工费用 labor cost ; erection labor cost ; 施工劳力费用施工人工费用;construction force costlabor cost associated with equipment 设备安装人工费用labor cost associated with bulk 散装材料施工人工费用materialsstandard man-hours ; 标准工时定额施工人工时估算定额;人工时估算定额;standard labor man-hours ; standard construction man-hours ; standard hourslabor productivity ; productivity ;劳动生产率系数劳动生产率factor ; productivity ratioadjusted man-hours 修正的人工事估算值 man-hour rate人工时单价cost of construction supervision ; cost of 施工监督和管理费用施工监督费用;construction management and supervision ; field administration and direct supervision costcost of construction indirect施工间接费用 subcontract cost ; field 现场施工分包合同费用;分包合同费用subcontract costhome office cost ; cost of home office 费用服务公司本部()servers..overhead ; home office overheads 公司管理费non-payroll ; home-office expenses 非工资费用 commissioningactivities cost 试车费用 start-up cost 投料试车费用 othercosts其他费用 profit ; expected profit ;预期利润利润 servicegains服务酬金 internal transfer 内部费用转换 anticipated approvedcost 认可的预计费用 cost control;成本控制费用控制 budget ; project control budget );项目控制预算预算(值)under-run ; cost under-run 值费用结余值);(预算结余() over-run ; cost over-run值);费用超支(预算超支(值 construction施工 construction craft 施工工种 precommissioning试车准备 mechanical completion [MC] 机械竣工 batterylimit [BL]界区 process battery limit ; inside battery limit [ISBL] 工艺界区offsite battery limit [OSBL] 辅助设施界区界外设施区; process section ;process unit工艺装置 offsite section ; offsite unit ; offsite ;通用设施辅助设施界外设施;facilities ; general facilitiesguarantee ; warranty ;担保保证 performance guarantees性能保证 absolute guarantees 绝对保证 penaltiableguarantees 违约罚款保证 workmanship guarantees工作质量保证 mechanical guarantees ; mechanical warranties 机械担保机械保证;) bond 书;担保(保函 bid bond投标保函 performance bond ; );为履约出具的银行保证书(履约保函;履约担保书performance bank guaranteeadvance payment bond ; ;为预付款出具的银行保证书预付款保函bankguarantee for advance paymentsurety bond保险公司出具的保函保证书; bank guarantee ; letter of guarantee [L/G] ;银行保证书信用保证书 letter of comfort 安慰信 secrecy agreement保密协议 insurance ; assurance 保险 insurance policy 保险单 insurance certificate 保险证书 insurance premium保险费..bonded goods 保税货物 bonded warehouse 保税仓库letter of credit [L/C] 信用证 irrevocable L/C 不可撤销信用证revocable L/C可撤销信用证 sight credit ; sight L/C 即期信用证 termcredit ; term L/C 远期信用证 confirmed L/C 保兑信用证transferable L/C 可转让信用证 stand-by L/C 备用信用证drawing on L/Cs 信用证提款 CREDIT信贷 SUPPLIER'S CREDIT [S/C] 卖方信贷 buyer's credit [B/C] 买方信贷 line of credit 信贷额度 project finance 工程项目筹资项目融资; loan贷款 demand loan即期贷款 claim ; claim indemnity 索赔 training 培训tax(es) ;税金税 income taxes 所得税 duties关税 tax avoidance 合法避税 procedure程序 project coordination procedure 项目协调程序 project execution procedure 项目实施程序 project engineering procedure 项目设计程序 project procurement procedure 项目采购程序project inspection procedure 项目检验程序 project control procedure 项目控制程序 change control procedure 变更控制程序 budget change procedure预算变更程序 project commissioning procedure ; project ;项目开车程序项目试车程序start-up procedure ; project test run procedurechemical cleaning procedure化学清洗程序 performance test run procedure ; 生产考核程序性能考核程序;performance guarantee test procedureplant acceptance procedure 装置验收程序 data数据 supporting data设计条件条件数据; resultant feedback of data 返回的设计条件;返回的条件数据letter of intent意向书...。
1. Project: A project is a temporary endeavor with a defined beginning and end, undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result.2. Project Manager: The project manager is responsible for the planning, execution, and monitoring of the project to ensure its successful completion.3. Scope: The scope defines the work that is included in the project. It includes the deliverables, tasks, and resources required to complete the project.4. Schedule: The schedule is a timeline that outlines the start and end dates for each task in the project. It helps in tracking the progress of the project and ensures that it is completed on time.5. Budget: The budget is the financial plan for the project, including the costs of resources, labor, and materials required to complete the project.6. Risk: Risk is an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, hasa positive or negative impact on the project. Identifying and managing risks is an essential part of project management.7. Quality: Quality refers to the degree of excellence of the project deliverables. Ensuring quality throughout the project lifecycle is critical to project success.8. Stakeholder: A stakeholder is any individual, group, or organization that has an interest in or is affected by the project. Identifying and managing stakeholders is essential for project success.9. Communication: Communication is the process of sharing information between project stakeholders. Effective communication ensures that everyone is on the same page and helps in resolving conflicts.10. Change Management: Change management involves managing changes to the project scope, schedule, and budget. It ensures that any changes are properly documented and implemented.11. Quality Assurance: Quality assurance is the process of ensuring that the project deliverables meet the specified requirements and standards.12. Quality Control: Quality control is the process of monitoring and controlling the project deliverables to ensure that they meet the required quality standards.13. Project Life Cycle: The project life cycle is the sequence of phases that a project goes through from initiation to closure. It includes the following phases:a. Initiation: Defining the project scope, objectives, and stakeholders.b. Planning: Developing a detailed plan for the project, including the schedule, budget, and resources.c. Execution: Implementing the project plan and managing the project activities.d. Monitoring and Controlling: Tracking the project progress and ensuring that it is on schedule and within budget.e. Closing: Completing the project, documenting lessons learned, and celebrating the success.14. Critical Path Method (CPM): CPM is a project management technique used to determine the sequence of activities and the time required to complete a project.15. Program Management: Program management involves managing multiple related projects to achieve strategic business objectives.In conclusion, engineering project management is a dynamic and complex field that requires a comprehensive understanding of various concepts, techniques, and tools. The terms and words mentioned above are just a few examples of the many terms used in engineering project management. By familiarizing yourself with these terms, you will be better equipped to manage projects effectively and efficiently.。
工程项目管理常用英语一、项目启动阶段常用英语1. Project Initiation(项目启动)- Project Charter(项目章程)- Project Objective(项目目标)- Project Scope(项目范围)- Stakeholder Analysis(利益相关者分析)- Feasibility Study(可行性研究)- Project Kickoff(项目启动)2. Project Planning(项目计划)- Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)(工作分解结构)- Project Schedule(项目进度计划)- Resource Allocation(资源分配)- Risk Assessment(风险评估)- Cost Estimation(成本估算)- Quality Management Plan(质量管理计划)3. Project Execution(项目执行)- Project Team(项目团队)- Project Communication(项目沟通)- Change Management(变更管理)- Issue Tracking(问题追踪)- Progress Monitoring(发展监控)- Deliverable Acceptance(可交付成果验收)4. Project Control(项目控制)- Performance Measurement(绩效测量)- Change Control(变更控制)- Risk Mitigation(风险缓解)- Issue Resolution(问题解决)- Cost Control(成本控制)- Quality Assurance(质量保证)5. Project Closure(项目收尾)- Lessons Learned(经验教训)- Project Review(项目评审)- Project Documentation(项目文档)- Stakeholder Feedback(利益相关者反馈)- Project Handover(项目移交)- Project Closure Report(项目收尾报告)二、常用英语短语和表达- Define project objectives and deliverables.(明确项目目标和可交付成果。
Introduction:Engineering project management is a critical field that involves the application of project management principles and techniques to the planning, execution, and completion of engineering projects. It requires a strong command of both technical and management skills. In this article, we will explore some essential terms and phrases related to engineering project management in English.1. Project Initiation:- Define the project scope: "We need to define the scope of the project before we start."- Establish project objectives: "Let's set specific and measurable goals for each stage of the project."- Identify stakeholders: "We should create a project plan that outlines the tasks, timelines, and resources needed."2. Project Planning:- Develop a project plan: "We should create a project plan that outlines the tasks, timelines, and resources needed."- Identify project activities: "We need to identify the key activities and sequence them logically."- Allocate resources: "We should allocate resources effectively to ensure project success."- Estimate project duration: "We need to estimate the project duration based on the available resources."3. Project Execution:- Monitor project progress: "We need to monitor the progress of the project regularly and make adjustments as needed."- Manage project risks: "We should identify and manage project risks proactively."- Coordinate team members: "It's important to assign responsibilities and roles to each team member."- Communicate with stakeholders: "We should communicate regularly with stakeholders to keep them informed of the project's progress."4. Project Control:- Perform project status reports: "We should prepare project status reports to track the project's progress."- Analyze project performance: "We need to analyze project performance to identify any deviations from the plan."- Implement corrective actions: "We should implement corrective actions to address any issues or delays."- Control project costs: "We need to control project costs by managing resources effectively."5. Project Closure:- Conduct project review: "We should conduct a project review to evaluate the project's success and identify lessons learned."- Document project deliverables: "We need to document all project deliverables to ensure a smooth handover to the client."- Celebrate project success: "Let's celebrate the successful completion of the project."6. Common Engineering Project Management Terms:- Scope creep: "Scope creep refers to the uncontrolled expansion of a project's scope."- Critical path method (CPM): "CPM is a project management technique used to identify the critical activities in a project."- Risk management: "Risk management involves identifying, analyzing, and mitigating risks in a project."- Quality control: "Quality control ensures that the projectdeliverables meet the required standards."- Resource allocation: "Resource allocation involves assigning resources to project activities effectively."Conclusion:Engineering project management is a complex and challenging field that requires effective communication, collaboration, and technical expertise. By mastering the essential terms and phrases in English, professionals can enhance their ability to manage projects successfully andefficiently. Whether you are a project manager, engineer, or stakeholder, being proficient in engineering project management terminology can help you navigate the complexities of the industry and achieve project success.。
工程项目管理常用英汉词汇An English-Chinese Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in Engineering Project Management工程项目管理常用英汉词汇1Aabsolute guarantees 绝对保证activity 工序;活动actual cost for work performed [ACWP]已完工作量的实耗费用adjusted man-hours 修正的人工事估算值advance payment;down payment 预付款advance payment bond;bank guarantee for advance payment 预付款保函;为预付款出具的银行保证书advanced certified final drawings [ACF];advanced certified vendors'drawings;preliminary vendor drawings [PD]供货厂商先期确认图(纸)ahead of schedule 进度提前analysis estimate 分析估算analytical engineering phase 分析设计阶段anticipated approved cost 认可的预计费用approved client change 认可的用户变更architectural engineering 建筑at completion variance [ACV]竣工差异Bbank guarantee;letter of guarantee [L/G]银行保证书;信用保证书bar;bar-chart;Gantt chart 横道图basic engineering phase 基础工程设计阶段battery limit [BL]界区bid;quotation;proposal;tender;offer 报价;投标bid bond 投标保函bid evaluation 标书评审;报价评审bid strategy meeting 报价策略会议bid tabulation form;tabulation of bids 标书评选表;报价评选表bill for negotiation 议付汇票bill of entry 报关单bill of exchange;draft 汇票bill of lading 提单bill of materials [BOM]材料表;材料清单bond 保函;担保(书)bonded goods 保税货物bonded warehouse 保税仓库breakdown structure 分解结构budget;project control budget 预算(值);项目控制预算budget change procedure 预算变更程序budgeted cost at completion [BAC]竣工预算费用budgeted cost for work performed [BCWP]已完工作量的预算费用budgeted cost for work scheduled [BCWS]计划工作量的预算费用bulk materials;commodities 散装材料bulk materials cost;purchased cost of bulk materials;commodities cost 散装材料费用;散装材料购买费用buyer's credit [B/C]买方信贷Ccertificate 证书;证明书certificate of origin 产地证明书工程项目管理常用英汉词汇2certified final drawings [CF];certified vendor drawings[CD]供货厂商最终确认图(纸)change 变更change control procedure 变更控制程序change request;deviation notice [DN]变更申请单;偏差通知单check estimate 核定估算chemical cleaning procedure 化学清洗程序civil engineering 土建claim;claim indemnity 索赔client 用户;客户client acceptance 用户验收client acceptance certificate (of plant)用户验收证书;合同项目验收证书client change;contract change 用户变更;合同变更client change notice [CCB];contract change order [CCO]用户变更(通知)单;合同变更(通知)单client kick-off meeting 用户开工会议close-out report (项目)完工报告code;number 代码;编码commissioning 试车commissioning activities cost 试车费用commitment 订货合约;定约;成交confirmed L/C 保兑信用证construction 施工construction cost 施工费用construction craft 施工工种construction mobilization meeting 施工动员会议construction phase 施工阶段contingency 不可预见费contract 合同;承包contract award 签订合同;合同签约contractor 承包商contractor's standard work breakdown structure [CSWBS]承包商标准工作分解结构;工程公司标准工作分解结构control baseline;performance measurement baseline;progress baseline 控制基准;执行效果测量基准;实物进度基准control estimate 控制估算control index 控制索引corrective action;corrective measures 纠正措施cost 费用;成本cost and freight [CFR]or [C&F]成本加运费(价)cost control 费用控制;成本控制cost index [CI]费用指数cost insurance and freight;cost insurance freight [CIF]到岸价cost of construction indirect 施工间接费用cost of construction supervision;cost of construction management and supervision;field administration and direct supervision cost [FADS]施工监督费用;施工监督和管理费用cost of material related freight;insurance,etc.(直接)材料相关费用(运费和保险费等)cost performance index [CPI]费用执行效果指数cost plus fixed fee contract [CPFF]成本加固定酬金合同cost plus fluctuating fee contract;cost plus sliding scale fee contract 成本加浮动酬金合同cost trend display chart 费用趋势展示图工程项目管理常用英汉词汇3cost variance [CV]费用差异(cost)reimbursable contract;cost-plus (fee)contract [C-P]偿付合同;成本加抽筋合同CREDIT 信贷critical activity 关键工序;关键活动critical path method [CPM]关键线路法Ddata 数据default 违约default notice 违约通知defined equipment estimate;definitive estimate 设备详细估算(发);确切估算(发)delivery 交货delivery date;date of delivery 交货日期delivery note 交货单delivery order 提货单delivery terms 交货条件delivery to job-site 交货到现场demand loan 即期贷款design;engineering 设计;工程设计detailed engineering phase;final engineering phase;production engineering phase 详细工程设计阶段detailed estimate;defined estimate 详细估算(发)detailed network 详细网络图detailed schedule 详细进度计划;详细进度表deviation;variance 偏差;差异diagram;chart 图表discipline 专业drawing 图纸drawing issued "Approved for Design"[AFD]“批准用于详细工程设计”图纸drawing on L/Cs 信用证提款drawings issued "Approved for construction"[AFC]“批准用于施工”图纸duties 关税Eearned value concept [EVC]赢得值原理effective date of the contract 合同生效日期electrical engineering 电气engineering monthly progress report 设计进展月报engineering phase 设计阶段equipment 设备equipment cost;purchased cost of equipment 设备费用;设备购买费用equipment engineering 设备equipment estimate 设备估算estimate;cost estimate 估算;费用估算estimated cost at completion [EAC]竣工预测费用ex works [EXW]工厂交货(价)exception report 异常报告expediting 催交Ffinal payment 最终付款first check estimate [FCE]首次核定估算工程项目管理常用英汉词汇4(fixed)unit price contract (固定)单价合同"float"浮动时间;工序时差forwarding agent 运输商;承运商free alongside ship [FAS]船边交货(价)free carrier [FCA]货交承运人(价)free on board [FOB]离岸价free on rail [FOR];free on truck [FOT]铁路交货(价);敞车上交货(价)freight [Frt.];carriage 运费freight collect;freight to be collected;freight payable at destination 运费待收;货到收运费freight forward;carriage forward 货到付运费;运费未付freight indemnity 运费担保函freight note 运费单freight paid;carriage free;carriage paid 运费付讫freight prepaid;advance(d)freight 运费预付frustration of contract 合同失效Ggeneric activity type (numbers)[GAT]通用型活动码group code 组码guarantee;warranty 保证;担保Hhistogram 直方图home office 公司本部home office cost;cost of home office servers 公司本部(服务)费用home office service 公司本部服务Iincome taxes 所得税initial approved cost [IAC]批准的控制估算initial phase of project execution 项目初始阶段initial process release 工艺预发表inquiry;invitation to bid 询价;招标inquiry review committee [IRC]讯价文件评审委员会inquiry(package);request for quotation(package)[RFQ];request for proposal [RFP];invitation to bid [ITB]询价书;招标文件inspection 检验inspection report 检验报告instructions to bidders [ITB]投标者须知;报价须知instruments engineering 仪表insurance;assurance 保险insurance certificate 保险证书insurance policy 保险单insurance premium 保险费integrated project control 项目综合控制interim control estimate;initial control estimate [ICE]初期控制估算internal transfer 内部费用转换irrevocable L/C 不可撤销信用证isometric drawing 管段图;管道空视图issue;release 发表J(job)monthly progress report (项目)进展月报joint venture [JV]合营企业工程项目管理常用英汉词汇5Kkick-off meeting 开工会议know-how 专有技术;技术诀窍know-how fee 专有技术费Llabor cost;erection labor cost;construction force cost 施工人工费用;施工劳力费用labor cost associated with bulk materials 散装材料施工人工费用labor cost associated with equipment 设备安装人工费用labor productivity;productivity factor;productivity ratio 劳动生产率;劳动生产率系数lead time 交货周期letter of comfort 安慰信letter of credit [L/C]信用证letter of intent 意向书license 许可证license fee 许可证费licensed technology 专利技术licensee 受许可放;受让方licensor 专利商;许可方line item 任务单项line of credit 信贷额度liquidated damages 违约罚金loan 贷款lump-sum contract[L-S]总价合同Mman-hour estimate 人工时估算man-hour rate 人工时单价material 材料material class 材料分类material control 材料控制material cost;direct material cost 材料费用;直接材料费用material exception report [MER];equipment &materials exception report 材料异常报告material management 材料管理material status report 材料状态报告material take-off [MTO]材料统计mechanical completion [MC]机械竣工mechanical completion certificate 机械竣工证书mechanical guarantees;mechanical warranties 机械保证;机械担保meeting 会议milestone 里程碑milestone network 里程碑网络图monitoring 监控monthly cost and progress report 费用和进展月报告Nnegotiation 谈判network (diagram)网络(图);网络(进度)计划non-payroll;home-office expenses 非工资费用Ooffsite battery limit [OSBL]界外设施区;辅助设施界区offsite section;offsite unit;offsite facilities;general facilities 界外设施;辅助设施;通用设施organizational breakdown structure [OBS]组织分解机构工程项目管理常用英汉词汇6other costs 其他费用overhead;home office overheads 公司管理费over-run;cost over-run 预算超支(值);费用超支(值)owner 业主Ppatent 专利patent right 专利权penaltiable guarantees 违约罚款保证penalty clause (违约)罚款条款pending client change 待定的用户变更performance 执行效果;效绩;性能performance bond;performance bank guarantee 履约保函;履约担保(书);为履约出具的银行保证书performance guarantees 性能保证performance report 执行效果报告performance test run;performance guarantee tests 性能考核,生产考核performance test run procedure;performance guarantee test procedure 性能考核程序;生产考核程序piping and instrument diagram [PID][P&ID]管道仪表流程图piping design 管道设计piping layout drawing 管道平面布置图piping mechanical engineering 管道机械piping planning (drawing)管道平面设计图plan 计划planning engineering phase 平面设计阶段plant acceptance procedure 装置验收程序plant layout engineering 布置plot plan 装置布置图precommissioning 试车准备pre-qualification 资格预审procedure 程序process battery limit;inside battery limit [ISBL]工艺界区process control diagram [PCD]工艺控制图process design 工艺设计process design;process engineering 工艺process design phase 工艺设计阶段process flow diagram [PFD]工艺流程图process package 工艺包process release 工艺发表process section;process unit 工艺装置procurement 采购procurement status report 采购状态报告production check estimate [PCE]二次核定估算productivity report 劳动生产率报告profit;expected profit 利润;预期利润progress;physical progress 进展;进度;实物进度progress curve;"S"curve 进度曲线;S 曲线progress payment 按实物进度付款project 项目;工程项目工程项目管理常用英汉词汇7project change;internal change 项目变更;内部变更project change notice [PCN];internal change order [ICO]项目变更(通知)单;内部变更(通知)单project commissioning procedure;project start-up procedure;project test run procedure 项目试车程序;项目开车程序project construction manager [PCM]项目施工经理(project)construction plan (项目)施工计划project control 项目控制project control procedure 项目控制程序project controlling;tools for project control 项目控制手段project controls manager 项目控制经理project coordination procedure 项目协调程序project cost control engineer;project cost engineer 项目费用控制工程师project cost summary report 项目费用汇总报告project duration's 项目建设周期project engineering manager [PEM]项目设计经理(project)engineering plan (项目)设计计划project engineering procedure 项目设计程序project estimator 项目估算师project execution 项目实施费用状态报告project execution procedure 项目实施程序project finance 项目融资;工程项目筹资project financial manager 项目财务经理project inspection procedure 项目检验程序project kick-off meeting 设计开工会议project kick-off meeting 项目开工会议project management 项目管理project manager [PM]项目经理project master schedule;master project schedule 项目主进度计划project material control engineer 项目材料控制工程师project operation cost status report 项目实施费用状态报告project phase 项目实施阶段project plan 项目计划project process manager 项目工艺经理project procurement manager [PPM]项目采购经理(project)procurement plan (项目)采购计划project procurement procedure 项目采购程序project quality manager 项目质量经理project safety engineer 项目安全工程师project scheduling engineer;project scheduler 项目进度计划工程师project secretary 项目秘书project start-up manager 项目开车经理(project)start-up plan (项目)开车计划工程项目管理常用英汉词汇8project summary work breakdown structure[PSWBS]项目大项工作分解结构project team 项目组projected deviations 偏差预测值projection;forecasting 预测proposal;quotation;bid;tender;offer 投标书;标书;建议书proposal estimate 报价估算proposal kick-off meeting 报价开工会议proposal manager 报价经理proprietary technology 产权技术purchase order [PO]订单(即定单);采买订单;订货合同purchase order and requisition status report 请购单和订单状态报告purchasing 采买purchasing specification [PS]采购规格书;采购说明书Qqualified bidders list;qualified vendors list 合格投标商表;合格供货商表quality 质量quality assurance [QA]质量保证quality control [QC]质量控制quality improvement 质量改进quality management 质量管理quality manual 质量手册quality plan 质量计划quality planning 质量策划quality policy 质量方针quality system 质量体系Rreimbursable guaranteed maximum price contract [RGMP];guarantee maximum cost plus fee contract 限定最高价偿付合同;限定最高成本加抽筋合同report 报告requisition (package);requisition documents 请购文件;请购单resource loading curve;Bell curve 资源负荷曲线responsibility assignment matrix [RAM]责任分工矩阵resultant feedback of data 返回的条件数据;返回的设计条件retention money 保留金;扣留款review meeting 审核会revocable L/C 可撤销信用证risk 风险risk analysis 风险分析risk memorandum 风险备忘录royalty (技术)转让费;提成费Sschedule 进度;进度表;进度计划schedule control;progress control 进度控制schedule delay 进度拖延schedule index [SI]进度指数schedule payment 按日工程进度付款schedule performance index [SPI]进度执行效果指数schedule report 进度报告schedule trend display chart 进度趋势展示图schedule variance [SV]进度差异工程项目管理常用英汉词汇9scheduling;time scheduling 编制进度计划scope of work;project scope 工作范围;项目任务范围secrecy agreement 保密协议service gains 服务酬金sight credit;sight L/C 即期信用证standard classification of account numbers [SCAN];account codes;code of accounts 标准分类记帐码;记帐码standard man-hours;standard labor man-hours;standard construction man-hours;standard hours 人工时估算定额;施工人工时估算定额;标准工时定额stand-by L/C 备用信用证starter schedule;early work schedule (项目)初期工作进度计划start-up 开车start-up;test run;initial operations 投料试车start-up cost 投料试车费用start-up phase 开车阶段subcontract cost;field subcontract cost 分包合同费用;现场施工分包合同费用subcontractor 分包商SUPPLIER'S CREDIT [S/C]卖方信贷supporting data 条件数据;设计条件surety bond 保证书;保险公司出具的保函systems engineering 系统T(target)cost plus fee contract,with bonus or penalty conditions 目标成本加奖罚合同task force 专责项目组tax avoidance 合法避税tax(es)税;税金telex order;notification of commitment 订货电传;订货通知term credit;term L/C 远期信用证termination of contract 合同终止terms of payment;conditions of payment;terms and conditions of payment 支付条件;付款条件total installed cost [TIC]建设总费用tracking;follow up 跟踪traffic;transport 运输training 培训transferable L/C 可转让信用证trending;trend projection 趋势分析;趋势预测types of estimate 估算方法类别Uunder-run;cost under-run 预算结余(值);费用结余(值)utility 公用工程Vvariable code;optional variable code 可编码vendor coordination meeting [VCM];coordination meeting 厂商协调会议;协调会议工程项目管理常用英汉词汇vendor drawing status report;vendordata scheduling status report供货厂商图纸状态报告Wwork breakdown structure[WBS]工作分解结构work item工作项work package工作包workmanship guarantees工作质量保证10。
In the realm of construction and infrastructure development, effective project management is the cornerstone of successful execution. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of key terminologies and concepts in engineering project management, utilizing English, the lingua franca of the global business community.1. Project InitiationThe first phase in engineering project management involves defining the project's objectives, scope, and constraints. This process includes:- Project Charter: A document that authorizes the project and definesits high-level objectives.- Stakeholder Analysis: Identifying and analyzing the stakeholders' interests, influence, and impact on the project.2. Project PlanningThis phase involves developing a detailed plan to guide the project's execution. Key components include:- Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): A hierarchical decomposition of the project scope into smaller, manageable components.- Project Schedule: A timeline that outlines the sequence of activities and their durations.- Resource Allocation: Assigning resources (human, materials, equipment) to project activities.3. Project ExecutionThe execution phase focuses on carrying out the project plan. This includes:- Task Execution: Implementing the activities identified in the project schedule.- Change Management: Managing changes to the project scope, schedule, or resources.- Risk Management: Identifying, analyzing, and responding to risks that may impact the project.4. Project Monitoring and ControlMonitoring and controlling the project involves:- Performance Measurement: Tracking project progress against the baseline plan.- Variances Analysis: Identifying and analyzing the differences between actual and planned performance.- Corrective Actions: Implementing measures to address any deviations from the plan.5. Project ClosureThe final phase of engineering project management is project closure, which includes:- Deliverable Handover: Transferring completed project deliverables to the client or end-user.- Project Evaluation: Assessing the project's success against its objectives and lessons learned for future projects.- Final Reports: Preparing final project reports and documentation.Here are some commonly used terms in engineering project management:- Concurrent Engineering: An approach that integrates the design, development, and production of a product throughout the project lifecycle.- Contingency Reserve: A budget allocated to cover unforeseen events or risks.- Cost Estimating: The process of predicting the cost of a project.- Critical Path Method (CPM): A project management technique used to identify the longest path through a project network.- Risk Register: A document that lists identified risks, their potential impact, and mitigation strategies.- Stakeholder Management: The process of engaging with stakeholders to ensure their needs and expectations are met.In conclusion, effective communication and a clear understanding of these key terms and concepts are essential for successful engineering project management. By utilizing English as the language of communication, project managers can collaborate efficiently with international teams and stakeholders, ensuring the seamless execution of complex projects across the globe.。
ysd152中级会员状态离线#1使用道具发表于2007-5-24 08:47 资料个人空间个人短信加为好友只看该作者工程项目管理常用英语(原创)工艺包process package工艺设计process design工艺发表process release工艺预发表initial process release工作围;项目任务围scope of work ; project scope工作包work package工作项work item任务单项line item分解结构breakdown structure工作分解结构work breakdown structure[WBS]组织分解机构organizational breakdown structure[OBS]项目大项工作分解结构project summary work breakdownstructure[PSWBS]承包商标准工作分解结构;工程公司标准工作分解结构contractor'sstandard work breakdown structure[CSWBS]责任分工矩阵responsibility assignment matrix[RAM]风险risk风险分析risk analysis风险备忘录risk memorandum公司本部home office公司本部服务home office service 公用工程utility计划plan项目计划project plan(项目)设计计划(project)engineering plan (项目)采购计划(project)procurement plan (项目)施工计划(project)construction plan (项目)开车计划(project)start-up plan专利patent专利权patent right产权技术proprietary technology 专利技术licensed technology专有技术;技术诀窍know-how可证license专利商;可licensor受可放;受让licensee(技术)转让费;提成费royalty可证费license fee专有技术费know-how fee专业discipline工艺process design ; process engineering系统systems engineering设备equipment engineering布置plant layout engineering管道设计piping design管道机械piping mechanical engineering仪表instruments engineering电气electrical engineering建筑architectural engineering土建civil engineering开车start-up试车commissioning投料试车start-up ; test run ; initial operations性能考核,生产考核performance test run ; performance guarantee tests 用户验收client acceptance支付条件;付款条件terms of payment ; conditions of payment ; terms and conditions of payment预付款advance payment ; down payment按实物进度付款progress payment按日工程进度付款schedule payment保留金;扣留款retention money最终付款final payment代码;编码code ; number组码group code标准分类记帐码;记帐码standard classification of accountnumbers[SCAN];account codes ; code of accounts可编码variable code ; optional variable code通用型活动码generic activity type(numbers)[GAT]不可预见费contingency发表issue ; release汇票bill of exchange ; draft议付汇票bill for negotiation业主owner用户;客户client设计;工程设计design ; engineering设计阶段engineering phase工艺设计阶段process design phase基础工程设计阶段basic engineering phase分析设计阶段analytical engineering phase平面设计阶段planning engineering phase详细工程设计阶段detailed engineering phase ; final engineering phase ;production engineering phase会议meeting开工会议kick-off meeting报价开工会议proposal kick-off meeting用户开工会议client kick-off meeting项目开工会议project kick-off meeting设计开工会议project kick-off meeting施工动员会议construction mobilization meeting审核会review meeting合同;承包contract合同生效日期effective date of the contract合同终止termination of contract合同失效frustration of contract总价合同lump-sum contract[L-S](固定)单价合同(fixed) unit price contract偿付合同;成本加抽筋合同(cost) reimbursable contract ; cost-plus (fee) contract [C-P]成本加固定酬金合同cost plus fixed fee contract [CPFF]成本加浮动酬金合同cost plus fluctuating fee contract ; cost plus sliding scale fee contract目标成本加奖罚合同(target) cost plus fee contract , with bonus orpenalty conditions限定最高价偿付合同;限定最高成本加抽筋合同reimbursable guaranteed maximum price contract [RGMP] ; guarantee maximum cost plus fee contract 承包商contractor分包商subcontractor合营企业joint venture [JV]交货delivery交货日期delivery date ; date of delivery交货期lead time交货到现场delivery to job-site交货单delivery note提货单delivery order提单bill of lading交货条件delivery terms离岸价free on board [FOB]铁路交货(价);敞车上交货(价) free on rail [FOR] ; free on truck [FOT]成本加运费(价) cost and freight [CFR] or [C&F]到岸价cost insurance and freight ; cost insurance freight [CIF] 船边交货(价) free alongside ship [FAS]货交承运人(价) free carrier [FCA]工厂交货(价) ex works [EXW]估算;费用估算estimate ' cost estimate估算法类别types of estimate详细估算(发) detailed estimate ; defined estimate设备详细估算(发);确切估算(发) defined equipment estimate ; definitive estimate设备估算equipment estimate分析估算analysis estimate报价估算proposal estimate控制估算control estimate初期控制估算interim control estimate ; initial control estimate [ICE]批准的控制估算initial approved cost [IAC]核定估算check estimate首次核定估算first check estimate [FCE]二次核定估算production check estimate [PCE]人工时估算man-hour estimate证书;证明书certificate产地证明书certificate of origin机械竣工证书mechanical completion certificate用户验收证书;合同项目验收证书client acceptance certificate (of plant) 材料material设备equipment散装材料bulk materials ; commodities材料分类material class材料统计material take-off [MTO]材料表;材料清单bill of materials [BOM]材料管理material management材料控制material control进度;进度表;进度计划schedule进展;进度;实物进度progress ; physical progress编制进度计划scheduling ; time scheduling(项目)初期工作进度计划starter schedule ; early work schedule项目主进度计划project master schedule ; master project schedule 详细进度计划;详细进度表detailed schedule网络(图);网络(进度)计划network (diagram)里程碑网络图milestone network详细网络图detailed network关键线路法critical path method [CPM]关键工序;关键活动critical activity工序;活动activity浮动时间;工序时差"float"里程碑milestone进度控制schedule control ; progress control进度曲线;S曲线progress curve ; "S" curve资源负荷曲线resource loading curve ; Bell curve进度提前ahead of schedule进度拖延schedule delay违约default违约通知default notice(违约)罚款条款penalty clause违约罚金liquidated damages运费freight [Frt.] ; carriage运费付讫freight paid ; carriage free ; carriage paid运费待收;货到收运费freight collect ; freight to be collected ; freight payable at destination运费预付freight prepaid ; advance(d) freight货到付运费;运费未付freight forward ; carriage forward运费担保函freight indemnity运费单freight note运输商;承运商forwarding agentysd152中级会员状态离线#2使用道具发表于2007-5-24 08:48 资料个人空间个人短信加为好友只看该作者采购procurement采买purchasing催交expediting检验inspection运输traffic ; transport报关单bill of entry报告report费用和进展月报告monthly cost and progress report(项目)进展月报(job) monthly progress report设计进展月报engineering monthly progress report项目费用汇总报告project cost summary report项目实施费用状态报告project operation cost status report进度报告schedule report控制索引control index执行效果报告performance report劳动生产率报告productivity report异常报告exception report材料异常报告material exception report [MER] ; equipment &materials exception report采购状态报告procurement status report材料状态报告material status report请购单和订单状态报告purchase order and requisition status report 供货厂商图纸状态报告vendor drawing status report ; vendor data scheduling status report检验报告inspection report(项目)完工报告close-out report报价;投标bid ; quotation ; proposal ; tender ; offer讯价文件评审委员会inquiry review committee [IRC]报价策略会议bid strategy meeting报价经理proposal manager投标书;标书;建议书proposal ; quotation ; bid ;tender ;offer标书评审;报价评审bid evaluation标书评选表;报价评选表bid tabulation form ; tabulation of bids谈判negotiation厂商协调会议;协调会议vendor coordination meeting [VCM] ; coordination meeting订货合约;定约;成交commitment订货电传;订货通知telex order ; notification of commitment订单(即定单);采买订单;订货合同purchase order [PO]签订合同;合同签约contract award询价;招标inquiry ; invitation to bid资格预审pre-qualification合格投标商表;合格供货商表qualified bidders list ; qualified vendors list 询价书;招标文件inquiry(package) ; request for quotation(package) [RFQ]; request for proposal [RFP] ; invitation to bid [ITB]请购文件;请购单requisition (package) ; requisition documents采购规格书;采购说明书purchasing specification [PS]投标者须知;报价须知instructions to bidders [ITB]变更change用户变更;合同变更client change ;contract change待定的用户变更pending client change认可的用户变更approved client change用户变更(通知)单;合同变更(通知)单client change notice [CCB] ; contract change order [CCO]项目变更;部变更project change ; internal change项目变更(通知)单;部变更(通知)单project change notice [PCN] ;internal change order [ICO]变更申请单;偏差通知单change request ; deviation notice [DN] 质量quality质量针quality policy质量管理quality management质量策划quality planning质量控制quality control [QC]质量保证quality assurance [QA]质量体系quality system质量改进quality improvement质量手册quality manual质量计划quality plan图纸drawing工艺流程图process flow diagram [PFD]工艺控制图process control diagram [PCD]管道仪表流程图piping and instrument diagram [PID] [P&ID]装置布置图plot plan管道平面设计图piping planning (drawing)管道平面布置图piping layout drawing管段图;管道空视图isometric drawing"批准用于详细工程设计"图纸drawing issued "Approved for Design" [AFD]"批准用于施工"图纸drawings issued "Approved for construction" [AFC] 供货厂商先期确认图(纸) advanced certified final drawings [ACF] ; advanced certified vendors' drawings ; preliminary vendor drawings [PD]供货厂商最终确认图(纸) certified final drawings [CF] ; certified vendordrawings[CD]图表diagram ; chart直图histogram横道图bar ; bar-chart ; Gantt chart进度趋势展示图schedule trend display chart费用趋势展示图cost trend display chart项目;工程项目project项目实施费用状态报告project execution项目实施阶段project phase项目初始阶段initial phase of project execution施工阶段construction phase开车阶段start-up phase项目建设期project duration's项目管理project management项目控制project control项目组project team专责项目组task force项目经理project manager [PM]项目设计经理project engineering manager [PEM] 项目采购经理project procurement manager [PPM] 项目施工经理project construction manager [PCM]项目工艺经理project process manager项目控制经理project controls manager项目进度计划工程师project scheduling engineer ; project scheduler项目估算师project estimator项目费用控制工程师project cost control engineer ; project cost engineer 项目材料控制工程师project material control engineer项目财务经理project financial manager项目质量经理project quality manager项目开车经理project start-up manager项目安全工程师project safety engineer项目秘书project secretary项目控制手段project controlling ; tools for project control控制基准;执行效果测量基准;实物进度基准control baseline ; performance measurement baseline ; progress baseline偏差;差异deviation ; variance执行效果;效绩;性能performance跟踪tracking ; follow up监控monitoring趋势分析;趋势预测trending ; trend projection偏差预测值projected deviations预测projection ; forecasting纠正措施corrective action ; corrective measures项目综合控制integrated project control赢得值原理earned value concept [EVC]计划工作量的预算费用budgeted cost for work scheduled [BCWS]已完工作量的预算费用budgeted cost for work performed [BCWP]已完工作量的实耗费用actual cost for work performed [ACWP]费用差异cost variance [CV]进度差异schedule variance [SV]费用指数cost index [CI]进度指数schedule index [SI]费用执行效果指数cost performance index [CPI]进度执行效果指数schedule performance index [SPI]竣工差异at completion variance [ACV]竣工预算费用budgeted cost at completion [BAC]竣工预测费用estimated cost at completion [EAC]费用;成本cost建设总费用total installed cost [TIC]材料费用;直接材料费用material cost ; direct material cost设备费用;设备购买费用equipment cost ; purchased cost of equipment 散装材料费用;散装材料购买费用bulk materials cost ; purchased cost of bulk materials ; commodities cost(直接)材料相关费用(运费和保险费等) cost of material related freight ; insurance , etc.施工费用construction cost施工人工费用;施工劳力费用labor cost ; erection labor cost ; construction force cost设备安装人工费用labor cost associated with equipment散装材料施工人工费用labor cost associated with bulk materials 人工时估算定额;施工人工时估算定额;标准工时定额standard man-hours ; standard labor man-hours ; standard construction man-hours ; standard hours 劳动生产率;劳动生产率系数labor productivity ; productivity factor ; productivity ratio修正的人工事估算值adjusted man-hours人工时单价man-hour rate施工监督费用;施工监督和管理费用cost of construction supervision ; cost of construction management and supervision ; field administration and direct supervision cost施工间接费用cost of construction indirect分包合同费用;现场施工分包合同费用subcontract cost ; field subcontract cost公司本部(服务)费用home office cost ; cost of home office servers 公司管理费overhead ; home office overheads非工资费用non-payroll ; home-office expenses试车费用commissioning activities cost投料试车费用start-up cost其他费用other costs利润;预期利润profit ; expected profit服务酬金service gains部费用转换internal transfer认可的预计费用anticipated approved cost费用控制;成本控制cost control预算(值);项目控制预算budget ; project control budget预算结余(值);费用结余(值) under-run ; cost under-run预算超支(值);费用超支(值) over-run ; cost over-run施工construction施工工种construction craft试车准备precommissioning机械竣工mechanical completion [MC]界区battery limit [BL]工艺界区process battery limit ; inside battery limit [ISBL]界外设施区;辅助设施界区offsite battery limit [OSBL]工艺装置process section ; process unit界外设施;辅助设施;通用设施offsite section ; offsite unit ; offsite facilities ;general facilities保证;担保guarantee ; warranty性能保证performance guarantees绝对保证absolute guarantees违约罚款保证penaltiable guarantees工作质量保证workmanship guarantees机械保证;机械担保mechanical guarantees ; mechanical warranties保函;担保(书) bond投标保函bid bond履约保函;履约担保(书);为履约出具的银行保证书performance bond ; performance bank guarantee预付款保函;为预付款出具的银行保证书advance payment bond ; bank guarantee for advance payment保证书;保险公司出具的保函surety bond银行保证书;信用保证书bank guarantee ; letter of guarantee [L/G]安慰信letter of comfort保密协议secrecy agreement保险insurance ; assurance保险单insurance policy保险证书insurance certificate保险费insurance premium保税货物bonded goods保税仓库bonded warehouse信用证letter of credit [L/C]不可撤销信用证irrevocable L/C可撤销信用证revocable L/C即期信用证sight credit ; sight L/C 远期信用证term credit ; term L/C 保兑信用证confirmed L/C可转让信用证transferable L/C备用信用证stand-by L/C信用证提款drawing on L/Cs信贷CREDIT卖信贷SUPPLIER'S CREDIT [S/C] 买信贷buyer's credit [B/C]信贷额度line of credit项目融资;工程项目筹资project finance 贷款loan即期贷款demand loan索赔claim ; claim indemnity培训training税;税金tax(es)所得税income taxes关税duties合法避税tax avoidance程序procedure项目协调程序project coordination procedure项目实施程序project execution procedure项目设计程序project engineering procedure项目采购程序project procurement procedure项目检验程序project inspection procedure项目控制程序project control procedure变更控制程序change control procedure预算变更程序budget change procedure项目试车程序;项目开车程序project commissioning procedure ; project start-up procedure ; project test run procedure化学清洗程序chemical cleaning procedure性能考核程序;生产考核程序performance test run procedure ; performance guarantee test procedure装置验收程序plant acceptance procedure数据data条件数据;设计条件supporting data返回的条件数据;返回的设计条件resultant feedback of data意向书letter of intent。
项目管理中常用英语(转载学习)工程项目管理常用英语工艺包 process package工艺设计 process design工艺发表 process release工艺预发表 initial process release工作范围;项目任务范围 scope of work ; project scope工作包 work package工作项 work item任务单项 line item分解结构 breakdown structure工作分解结构 work breakdown structure组织分解机构 organizational breakdown structure项目大项工作分解结构 project summary work breakdown structure承包商标准工作分解结构;工程公司标准工作分解结构 contractor's standard work breakdown structure责任分工矩阵 responsibility assignment matrix风险 risk风险分析 risk analysis风险备忘录 risk memorandum公司本部 home office公司本部服务 home office service公用工程 utility计划 planproject plan项目计划.(项目)设计计划 (project)engineering plan(项目)采购计划 (project)procurement plan(项目)施工计划 (project)construction plan(项目)开车计划 (project)start-up plan专利 patent专利权 patent right产权技术 proprietary technology专利技术 licensed technology专有技术;技术诀窍 know-how许可证 license专利商;许可方 licensor受许可放;受让方 licensee(技术)转让费;提成费 royalty许可证费 license fee专有技术费 know-how fee专业 discipline工艺 process design ; process engineering系统 systems engineering设备 equipment engineering布置 plant layout engineering管道设计 piping design管道机械 piping mechanical engineeringinstruments engineering仪表.电气 electrical engineering建筑 architectural engineering土建 civil engineering开车 start-up试车 commissioning投料试车 start-up ; test run ; initial operations性能考核,生产考核 performance test run ; performance guarantee tests用户验收 client acceptance支付条件;付款条件 terms of payment ; conditions of payment ; terms and conditions of payment预付款 advance payment ; down payment按实物进度付款 progress payment按日工程进度付款 schedule payment保留金;扣留款 retention money最终付款 final payment代码;编码 code ; number组码 group code标准分类记帐码;记帐码 standard classification of accountnumbers[SCAN];account codes ; code of accounts可编码 variable code ; optional variable code通用型活动码 generic activity type(numbers)[GAT]不可预见费 contingency发表 issue ; releasebill of exchange ; draft汇票.议付汇票 bill for negotiation业主 owner用户;客户 client设计;工程设计 design ; engineering设计阶段 engineering phase工艺设计阶段 process design phase基础工程设计阶段 basic engineering phase分析设计阶段 analytical engineering phase平面设计阶段 planning engineering phase详细工程设计阶段 detailed engineering phase ; final engineering phase ; production engineering phase会议 meeting开工会议 kick-off meeting报价开工会议 proposal kick-off meeting用户开工会议 client kick-off meeting项目开工会议 project kick-off meeting设计开工会议 project kick-off meeting施工动员会议 construction mobilization meeting审核会 review meeting合同;承包 contract合同生效日期 effective date of the contract合同终止 termination of contract合同失效 frustration of contractlump-sum contract[L-S]总价合同(固定)单价合同 (fixed) unit price contract偿付合同;成本加抽筋合同 (cost) reimbursable contract ; cost-plus (fee) contract [C-P]成本加固定酬金合同 cost plus fixed fee contract [CPFF]成本加浮动酬金合同 cost plus fluctuating fee contract ; cost plus sliding scale fee contract目标成本加奖罚合同 (target) cost plus fee contract , with bonus or penalty conditions限定最高价偿付合同;限定最高成本加抽筋合同 reimbursable guaranteed maximum price contract [RGMP] ; guarantee maximum cost plus fee contract 承包商 contractor分包商 subcontractor合营企业 joint venture [JV]交货 delivery交货日期 delivery date ; date of delivery交货周期 lead time交货到现场 delivery to job-site交货单 delivery note提货单 delivery order提单 bill of lading交货条件 delivery terms离岸价 free on board [FOB]铁路交货(价);敞车上交货(价) free on rail [FOR] ; free on truck [FOT]成本加运费(价) cost and freight [CFR] or [C&F]cost insurance and freight ; cost insurance freight [CIF]到岸价.船边交货(价) free alongside ship [FAS]货交承运人(价) free carrier [FCA]工厂交货(价) ex works [EXW]估算;费用估算 estimate ' cost estimate估算方法类别 types of estimate详细估算(发) detailed estimate ; defined estimate设备详细估算(发);确切估算(发) defined equipment estimate ; definitive estimate设备估算 equipment estimate分析估算 analysis estimate报价估算 proposal estimate控制估算 control estimate初期控制估算 interim control estimate ; initial control estimate [ICE]批准的控制估算 initial approved cost [IAC]核定估算 check estimate首次核定估算 first check estimate [FCE]二次核定估算 production check estimate [PCE]人工时估算 man-hour estimate证书;证明书 certificate产地证明书 certificate of origin机械竣工证书 mechanical completion certificate用户验收证书;合同项目验收证书 client acceptance certificate (of plant)材料 materialequipment设备.散装材料 bulk materials ; commodities材料分类 material class材料统计 material take-off [MTO]材料表;材料清单 bill of materials [BOM]材料管理 material management材料控制 material control进度;进度表;进度计划 schedule进展;进度;实物进度 progress ; physical progress编制进度计划 scheduling ; time scheduling(项目)初期工作进度计划 starter schedule ; early work schedule项目主进度计划 project master schedule ; master project schedule详细进度计划;详细进度表 detailed schedule网络(图);网络(进度)计划 network (diagram)里程碑网络图 milestone network详细网络图 detailed network关键线路法 critical path method [CPM]关键工序;关键活动 critical activity工序;活动 activity里程碑 milestone进度控制 schedule control ; progress control进度曲线;S曲线 progress curve ; S curve资源负荷曲线 resource loading curve ; Bell curveahead of schedule进度提前进度拖延 schedule delay违约 default违约通知 default notice(违约)罚款条款 penalty clause违约罚金 liquidated damages运费 freight [Frt.] ; carriage运费付讫 freight paid ; carriage free ; carriage paids运费待收;货到收运费 freight collect ; freight to be collected ; freightpayable at destination运费预付 freight prepaid ; advance(d) freight货到付运费;运费未付 freight forward ; carriage forward运费担保函 freight indemnity运费单 freight note运输商;承运商 forwarding agent采购 procurement采买 purchasing催交 expediting检验 inspection运输 traffic ; transport报关单 bill of entry报告 report费用和进展月报告 monthly cost and progress report(项目)进展月报 (job) monthly progress reportengineering monthly progress report设计进展月报.项目费用汇总报告 project cost summary report项目实施费用状态报告 project operation cost status report进度报告 schedule report控制索引 control index执行效果报告 performance report劳动生产率报告 productivity report异常报告 exception report材料异常报告 material exception report [MER] ; equipment & materials exception report采购状态报告 procurement status report材料状态报告 material status report请购单和订单状态报告 purchase order and requisition status report供货厂商图纸状态报告 vendor drawing status report ; vendor data scheduling status report检验报告 inspection report(项目)完工报告 close-out report报价;投标 bid ; quotation ; proposal ; tender ; offer讯价文件评审委员会 inquiry review committee [IRC]报价策略会议 bid strategy meeting报价经理 proposal manager投标书;标书;建议书 proposal ; quotation ; bid ;tender ;offer标书评审;报价评审 bid evaluation标书评选表;报价评选表 bid tabulation form ; tabulation of bidsnegotiation谈判.厂商协调会议;协调会议 vendor coordination meeting [VCM] ; coordination meeting订货合约;定约;成交 commitment订货电传;订货通知 telex order ; notification of commitment订单(即定单);采买订单;订货合同 purchase order签订合同;合同签约 contract award询价;招标 inquiry ; invitation to bid资格预审 pre-qualification合格投标商表;合格供货商表 qualified bidders list ; qualified vendors list询价书;招标文件 inquiry(package) ; request for quotation(package) [RFQ]; request for proposal [RFP] ; invitation to bid [ITB]请购文件;请购单 requisition (package) ; requisition documents采购规格书;采购说明书 purchasing specification [PS]投标者须知;报价须知 instructions to bidders [ITB]变更 change用户变更;合同变更 client change ;contract change待定的用户变更 pending client change认可的用户变更 approved client change用户变更(通知)单;合同变更(通知)单 client change notice [CCB] ; contract change order [CCO]项目变更;内部变更 project change ; internal change项目变更(通知)单;内部变更(通知)单 project change notice[PCN] ;internal change order [ICO]change request ; deviation notice [DN]偏差通知单;变更申请单.质量 quality质量方针 quality policy质量管理 quality management质量策划 quality planning质量控制 quality control [QC]质量保证 quality assurance [QA]质量体系 quality system质量改进 quality improvement质量手册 quality manual质量计划 quality plan图纸 drawing工艺流程图 process flow diagram [PFD]工艺控制图 process control diagram [PCD]管道仪表流程图 piping and instrument diagram [PID] [P&ID]装置布置图 plot plan管道平面设计图 piping planning (drawing)管道平面布置图 piping layout drawing**sort out here)z O G {/e a+M 管段图;管道空视图 isometric drawing |.X$h }7v C ^ s7s批准用于详细工程设计图纸 drawing issued Approved for Design [AFD])Y$Q L u d批准用于施工图纸 drawings issued Approved for construction [AFC]供货厂商先期确认图(纸) advanced certified final drawings [ACF] ;advanced certified vendors' drawings ; preliminary vendor drawings [PD] vendorcertified ; [CF] drawings final certified ) 纸(供货厂商最终确认图drawings[CD]图表 diagram ; chart直方图 histogram横道图 bar ; bar-chart ; Gantt chart进度趋势展示图 schedule trend display chart费用趋势展示图 cost trend display chart项目;工程项目 project项目实施费用状态报告 project execution项目实施阶段 project phase项目初始阶段 initial phase of project execution施工阶段 construction phase开车阶段 start-up phase项目建设周期 project duration's项目管理 project management项目控制 project control项目组 project team专责项目组 task force项目经理 project manager项目设计经理 project engineering manager项目采购经理 project procurement manager项目施工经理 project construction manager项目工艺经理 project process managerproject controls manager 项目控制经理.项目进度计划工程师 project scheduling engineer ; project scheduler项目估算师 project estimator项目费用控制工程师 project cost control engineer ; project cost engineer 项目材料控制工程师 project material control engineer项目财务经理 project financial manager项目质量经理 project quality manager项目开车经理 project start-up manager项目安全工程师 project safety engineer项目秘书 project secretary项目控制手段 project controlling ; tools for project control控制基准;执行效果测量基准;实物进度基准 control baseline ; performance measurement baseline ; progress baseline偏差;差异 deviation ; variance执行效果;效绩;性能 performance跟踪 tracking ; follow up监控 monitoring趋势分析;趋势预测 trending ; trend projection偏差预测值 projected deviations预测 projection ; forecasting纠正措施 corrective action ; corrective measures项目综合控制 integrated project control赢得值原理 earned value concept [EVC]计划工作量的预算费用 budgeted cost for work scheduled [BCWS]budgeted cost for work performed [BCWP]已完工作量的预算费用.已完工作量的实耗费用 actual cost for work performed [ACWP]费用差异 cost variance [CV]进度差异 schedule variance [SV]费用指数 cost index [CI]进度指数 schedule index [SI]费用执行效果指数 cost performance index [CPI]进度执行效果指数 schedule performance index [SPI]竣工差异 at completion variance [ACV]竣工预算费用 budgeted cost at completion [BAC]竣工预测费用 estimated cost at completion [EAC]费用;成本 cost建设总费用 total installed cost [TIC]材料费用;直接材料费用 material cost ; direct material cost设备费用;设备购买费用 equipment cost ; purchased cost of equipment散装材料费用;散装材料购买费用 bulk materials cost ; purchased cost of bulk materials ; commodities cost(直接)材料相关费用(运费和保险费等) cost of material related freight ; insurance , etc.施工费用 construction cost施工人工费用;施工劳力费用 labor cost ; erection labor cost ; construction force cost设备安装人工费用 labor cost associated with equipment散装材料施工人工费用 labor cost associated with bulk materials人工时估算定额;施工人工时估算定额;标准工时定额 standard man-hours ; standard labor man-hours ; standard construction man-hours ; standard hours劳动生产率;劳动生产率系数 labor productivity ; productivity factor ; productivity ratio修正的人工事估算值 adjusted man-hours人工时单价 man-hour rate施工监督费用;施工监督和管理费用cost of construction supervision ; cost of construction management and supervision ; field administration and direct supervision cost施工间接费用 cost of construction indirect分包合同费用;现场施工分包合同费用 subcontract cost ; field subcontract cost公司本部(服务)费用 home office cost ; cost of home office servers公司管理费 overhead ; home office overheads非工资费用 non-payroll ; home-office expenses试车费用 commissioning activities cost投料试车费用 start-up cost其他费用 other costs利润;预期利润 profit ; expected profit服务酬金 service gains内部费用转换 internal transfer认可的预计费用 anticipated approved cost费用控制;成本控制 cost control预算(值);项目控制预算 budget ; project control budget预算结余(值);费用结余(值) under-run ; cost under-run) over-run ; cost over-run值(费用超支);值(预算超支施工 construction施工工种 construction craft试车准备 pre-commissioning机械竣工 mechanical completion [MC]界区 battery limit [BL]工艺界区 process battery limit ; inside battery limit [ISBL]界外设施区;辅助设施界区 offsite battery limit工艺装置 process section ; process unit界外设施;辅助设施;通用设施 offsite section ; offsite unit ; offsite facilities ; general facilities保证;担保 guarantee ; warranty性能保证 performance guarantees绝对保证 absolute guarantees违约罚款保证 penaltiable guarantees工作质量保证 workmanship guarantees机械保证;机械担保 mechanical guarantees ; mechanical warranties保函;担保(书) bond投标保函 bid bond履约保函;履约担保(书);为履约出具的银行保证书 performance bond ; performance bank guarantee预付款保函;为预付款出具的银行保证书 advance payment bond ; bank guarantee for advance payment保证书;保险公司出具的保函 surety bondbank guarantee ; letter of guarantee 信用保证书;银行保证书.安慰信 letter of comfort保密协议 secrecy agreement保险 insurance ; assurance保险单 insurance policy保险证书 insurance certificate保险费 insurance premium保税货物 bonded goods保税仓库 bonded warehouse信用证 letter of credit [L/C]不可撤销信用证 irrevocable L/C可撤销信用证 revocable L/C即期信用证 sight credit ; sight L/C L远期信用证 term credit ; term L/C保兑信用证 confirmed L/C可转让信用证 transferable L/C备用信用证 stand-by L/C信用证提款 drawing on L/C]信贷 CREDIT卖方信贷 SUPPLIER'S CREDIT [S/C]买方信贷 buyer's credit [B/C]信贷额度 line of credit项目融资;工程项目筹资 project financeloan贷款即期贷款 demand loan索赔 claim ; claim indemnity培训 training税;税金 tax(es)所得税 income taxes关税 duties合法避税 tax avoidance程序 procedure项目协调程序 project coordination procedure项目实施程序 project execution procedure项目设计程序 project engineering procedure项目采购程序 project procurement procedure项目检验程序 project inspection procedure项目控制程序 project control procedure变更控制程序 change control procedure预算变更程序 budget change procedure项目试车程序;项目开车程序 project commissioning procedure ; project start-up procedure ; project test run procedure化学清洗程序 chemical cleaning procedure性能考核程序;生产考核程序 performance test run procedure ; performance guarantee test procedure装置验收程序 plant acceptance procedure数据 datasupporting data设计条件;条件数据返回的条件数据;返回的设计条件 resultant feedback of data意向书 letter of intent。
工程项目管理常用词汇英汉对照“戴明环”Plan - Do - Check - Action, PDCA“交钥匙”承包Turn - key Contract“三时”估计法Three - Time - EstimateS曲线S - Curve按费用设计Design - to - Cost保留金Retention Money保险Insurance保证金Retainage报表Statement报告关系Reporting Relationship报价邀请Requestfor Quotation, RFQ变更指令Variation Order, Change Order标前会议Pre - Bid Meeting补充资料表Schedule of Supplementary lnformation 不可接受风险Unacceptable Risk不可抗力Force Majeure不可预见Unforeseeable不平等条款Unequal Term平衡报价法Unbalanced Bids材料Materials材料费Material Cost财产风险Probable Risk留风险Residual Risk层次分析法Analytic Hierarchy Process产品Product超前Lead成本预算Cost Budgeting承包方Contractor承包商代表Contractor's Representative承包商人员Contractor's Personnel承包商设备Contracto’s Equipment承包商文件Contractor's Documents承发包方式Contract Approach承诺Acceptance诚实信用原则In Good Faith触发器Triggers纯粹风险Pare Risk次关键路线Near - Critical Path大型项目Program代理型CM, 非代理型CM CM/Agency, CM/Non Agency 单代号搭接网络图Multi - Dependency Network单代号网络图Activity - on - Network, AON单价合同Unit Price Contract单时估计法Single - Time - Estimate担保Guarantee当地货币Local Currency当事方(一方) Party到岸价格Cost lnsurance and Freight, CIF 道义索赔Ex - Gratia Claims德尔裴法Delphi调整Updating, Adjustment定额Quota动员预付款Pre - Payment二次风险Secondary Risk法律Laws反义居先原则Contra Preferential返工Rework方差Variance非工作时间Idle Time费用计划Cost Planning费用索赔Claims for Lossand Expense分包商Sub - Contractor分项工程Section分支网络Fragnet风险Risk风险定量分析Quantitative Risk Analysis风险定性分析Qualitative Risk Analysis风险规避Risk Avoidance风险监控Risk Monitoring and Control风险减轻Risk Mitigation风险接受Risk Acceptance风险类别Risk Category风险评审技术Venture Evaluation and Review Technique, VERT 风险识别Risk Identification风险应对Risk期Response风险转移Risk Transference付款证书Payment Certificate概率与影响矩阵Probability and Impact Matrix赶工Crashing个人间的联系Interpersonal Interfaces工程变更Variation, Change工程量表Bill of Quantities工程师The Engineer, Consultant工程现场勘测Site Visit工程项目采购Proiect Procurement工程项目分解Project Decomposition工程项目沟通管理Project Communication Management工程项目简介Project Brief工程项目建设模式Proiect Construction Approach工程项目决策Decision to Project工程项目人力资源管理Project Human Resource Management工程项目审计Project Audit工程项目收尾阶段Project Closure工程项目投产准备Preparation for Proiect Operation工程项目团队Project Team工程项目质量Projectoualitv工程项目质量控制Proiect Quality Control工程项目组织方式Project Organization Approach工期Proiect Duration工期压缩Duration Compression工艺关系Process Relation工作规范Specification of Work工作说明Statement of Work, SOW公开招标Open Tenderine/Public Invitation沟通Communications购买—建设—经营Buy - Build - Operate, BBO顾客Customer雇主Employer雇主人员Employer's Personnel雇主设备Employer's Equipment关键活动Critical Activity关键路线Critical Path关键线路法Critical Path Method, CPM国际标准化组织International Standard Organization, ISO国际项目管理协会International Project Management Association, IPMA 国际咨询工程师联合会 Federation Internationate Des Ingenieurs-Conseils, FIDIC 国家私人合作模式Public - Private Partnership, PPP合同Contract合同工期Duration of Contract合同管理Contract Administration合同价格Contract Price合同内索赔Contractual Claims合同条件Conditions of Contract合同外索赔Non - Contractual Claims合同协议书Contract Agreement合资公司Joint Enterprise横道图Gantt Charts环境管理体系Environmental Management System, EMS环境绩效Environmental Performance环境指标Environmental Target回路Logical Loop混合型合同Mixed Contract活动持续时间估计Activity Duration Estimation活动范围Scope活动逻辑关系Activity Logical Relations活动描述Activity Description, AD活动排序Activity Sequencing活动清单Activity List伙伴模式Partnering货物采购Goods Procurement基准计划Baseline基准日期Base Date绩效评估与激励Performance Appraisaland Reward计划工期Planned Project Duration计划评审技术Program Evaluation Review Technique, PERT 计日工作计划Daywork Schedule计算工期Calculated Project Duration技术规范Technical Specifications技术联系Technical Interfaces价值工程Value Engineering, VE间接费Indirect Cost监理工程师The Engineer, Supervision Engineer监视Monitoring检查表Checklist建设工期Durationof Project Construction建设—经营—拥有—转让Build - Operate - Own - Transfer, BOOT建设—经营—转让Build - Operate - Transfer, BOT建设实施Construction建设—拥有—经营Build - Own - Operate, BOO建设—转让—运营Build - Transfer - Operate, BTO建设准备Construction Preparation建议书邀请Request for Proposal, RFP建筑师Architect接收证书Taking - Over Certificate节点Node节点编号Node Number结束到结束Finishto Finish, FTF结束到开始Finishto Start, FTS截止日期As - of Date紧后活动Back Closely Activity 紧前活动Front Closely Activity 进度报告Progress Reports进度偏差Schedule Variance, SV 纠正措施Corrective Action矩阵型组织结构Matrix Organization决策树分析Decision Tree Analysis 决策网络计划法Decision Network, DN 竣工时间Time for Completion 竣工试验Tests on Completion竣工验收Project Acceptance开工日期Commencement Date 开始到结束Start to Finish, STF开始到开始Start to Start, STS可交付成果Deliverable可接受风险Acceptable Risk可原谅的延误Excusable Delay控制Control控制图Control Charts快速路径法Fast Track类比估计Analogous Estimating 离岸价格Free on Board, FOB里程碑Milestone历史数据Historical Results利润Profit例外计划报告Exception Report联合集团Consortium联营体Joint Venture临时工程Temporm. Works流程图Flow Diagram路径会聚Path Convergence履约保函Performance Guarantee 履约保证Performance Security 履约证书Performance Certificate卖方Seller蒙特卡罗分析Monte Carlo Analysis敏感性分析Sensitive Analysis模糊数学法Fuzzy Set拟完工程计划费用Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled, BCWS 逆推法Backward Pass欧洲发展基金会European Development Fund, EDF排列图, 巴雷托图Pareto Diagrams偏差变量Cost Variance, CV评标Bid Evaluation期望值Expectation期中付款证书Interim Payment Certificate启动Initiation起始节点Start Node潜在的损失值Risk Event Value曲线法, 赢得值法Earned Value全面质量控制Total Quality Control, TQC权变措施Workoround缺陷通知期限Defects Notification Period确凿证据优先Prima Facie人工费Labor Cost人工量Effort人力资源Human Resource人身风险Life Risk人为风险Personal Risk人员配备要求Staffing Requirements任务Task上控制线Upper Control Limit, UCL设计方Designer设计一建造方式Design - Build, DB设计图纸Drawings生产设备Plant生命周期成本计算Life - circle Costing剩余工期Remaining Duration施工合同Construction Contract施工合同分包Subcontract施工合同转让Assignment施工机械使用费Expensesof Using Construction Machinery施工进度计划Construction Schedule施工组织设计Construction Planning时距Time Difference实际成本Actual Cost实际成本加百分比合同Cost Plus Percentage - of - Cost Contract实际成本加固定费用合同Cost Plus Fixed - Fee (CPFF) Contract实际成本加奖金合同Cost Plus Incentive - Fee (CPIF) Contract实际开始日期Actual Start Date, AS实际完成日期Actual Finish Date, AF世界银行The World Bank事件Event受资源约束的进度计划 Resource - Limited Schedule授予合同Award of Contract书面文字优先原则Written Word Prevail数据日期Data Date双代号时标网络法Time - Coordinate Network, Time Scale Network 双代号网络图Activity - on - Arrow Network, AOA税金Tax私人主动融资Project Finance Initiative, PFI松弛时间Slack索赔Claims条形图Bar Chart通货膨胀Currency Inflation统计和概率法Statistics投标Bidding投标保证Bid Security投标报价Bid Price投标函Letter of Tender投标决策Decision to Bid投标人Bidder投标人须知Instruction to Bidders投标书Tender投标书附录Appendix to Tender投标文件的递送Submission of Bids投标邀请书Initiation to Bids投标有效期Bid Validity投机风险Speculative Risk投资方Investor投资估算Cost Estimating投资回报期Investment Recovery Period图示评审技术Graphical Evaluation Review Technique, GERT 团队成员Team Member退却计划Fallback Plan外币Foreign Currency完成百分比Percent Complete (PC)完工估算Estimate at Completion, EAC完工尚需估算Estimate to Complete, ETC完工预算Budget at Completion, BAC五条件Unconditional, no Demand无限竞争性招标Unlimited Competitive Tendering下控制线Lower Control Limit, LCL现场Site线路Path限定性估算Definitive Estimate项目Project项目报告Project Report, PR项目档案Project Files项目的执行与监督Project Executionand Supervision项目定义Project Defining项目风险Project Risk项目干系人Stakeholder项目管理班子Project Management Team项目管理班子的偏好Preferences of the Project Management Team 项目管理承包型Project Management Contract, PMC项目管理模式Project Management Approach项目管理软件Project Management Software项目管理协会Project Management Institute, PMI项目管理知识体系Project Management Body of Knowledge, PMBOK 项目管理咨询型Project Management, PM项目后评价Project Post - evaluation项目计划Project Planning项目结构分解Project Breakdown Structure项目结束project Closing项目界面, 项目内在联系Project Interfaces项目进度计划Project Schedule项目经理, 项目负责人Project Manager项目可行性研究Project Feasibility Study项目控制Project Controlling项目评估Project Appraisal项目设计Project Design项目谈判project Negotiation项目型组织Projectized Organization项目选定Project Identification项目业主Owner项目预评估Project Pre - Appraisal项目章程Project Charter项目执行Project Executing项目周期Project Cycle项目准备Project Preparation项目综合管Project Integration Management信息技术Information Technology, IT虚活动Dummy Activity询价Solicitation亚洲开发银行Asian Development Bank, ADB延长工期索赔Claims for Extensionof Time, Claims for EOT邀请招标SelectiveTenderin6/InvitedBidding要约Offer已完工程计划费用Budgeted Costof Work Performed, BCWP已完工程实际费用Actual Cost of Work Performed, ACWP 因果分析图Cause - and - Effect Diagram银行保函Bank Guarantee应急储备Contingency Reserve应急费Contingency Allowance英国土木工程师学会Institute of Civil Engineer, ICE营运Operation影响图Influence Diagram永久工程Permanent works优化Optimization有条件Conditional有限竞争性招标Limited Competitive Tendering预可行性研究Pre - Feasibility Study运费在内价Cost and Freight, CFR暂定金Provisional Sum责任风险Liability Risk招标Bid Invitation/Tendering招标人拒绝投标书的权利Right to Reiiect Any or All Bids招标准备Tendering Preparation争端裁决委员会Dispute Adiudication Board, DAB 正推法Forward Pass直方图Histogram直线型组织结构Line Organization直线一职能型组织结构Line - Functional Organization职能型组织Functional Organization职业健康安全Occupational Healthand Safety, OHS 制约和限制Constraintsand Limitations质量Ouality质量保证Quality Assurance质量成本Cost of Quality质量环Quality Loop滞后Lag中标函Letter of Acceptance中标合同金额Accepted Contract Amount中介人Intermediary中心线Center Limit, CL终止节点End Node重叠Overlap主导语言Ruling Language专家谈判估计Expert Judgement咨询方Consulter资料表Schedules资源计划Resource Planning资源配置Resource Requirements资源平衡Resource Leveling资源效果Resource Capabilities子网络Subnetwork子项目Subpmject自然风险Natural Risk自由时差Free Float, FF总承包商General Contractor总价合同Lump Sum Contract总时差Total Float, TF租赁一建设一经营Lease - Build - Operate, LBO组织关系Organizational Relation组织规划设计Organizational Planning组织机构Organization Structure组织结构分解Organizational Breakdown Structure, OBS 组织联系Organizational Interfaces最悲观时间Most Pessimistic Time最迟结束时间Latest Finish Date, LP最迟开始时间Latest Start Date, I5最可能时间Most Probable Time最乐观时间Most Optimistic Time最早结束时间Earliest Finish Date, EF最早开始时间Earliest Start Date, ES最终报表Final Statement最终付款证书Pinsl Payment Certificate。
项目管理中常用英语(转载学习)工程项目管理常用英语工艺包process package工艺设计 process design工艺发布 process release工艺预发布 initial process release工作范围 ; 项目任务范围 scope of work ; project scope工作包 work package工作项 work item任务单项 line item分解构造 breakdown structure工作分解构造 work breakdown structure组织分解机构 organizational breakdown structure项目大项工作分解构造project summary work breakdown structure承包商标准工作分解构造 ; 工程公司标准工作分解构造 contractor's standard work breakdown structure责任分工矩阵 responsibility assignment matrix风险 risk风险剖析 risk analysis风险备忘录 risk memorandum公司本部 home office公司本部服务 home office service公用工程 utility计划 plan项目计划 project plan( 项目 ) 设计计划 (project)engineering plan ( 项目 ) 采买计划 (project)procurement plan ( 项目 ) 施工计划 (project)construction plan ( 项目 ) 开车计划 (project)start-up plan专利 patent专利权 patent right产权技术 proprietary technology专利技术 licensed technology专有技术 ; 技术窍门 know-how允许证 license专利商 ; 允许方 licensor受允许放 ; 受让方 licensee( 技术 ) 转让费 ; 提成费 royalty允许证费 license fee专有技术费 know-how fee专业 discipline工艺 process design ; process engineering 系统 systems engineering设备 equipment engineering部署 plant layout engineering管道设计 piping design管道机械 piping mechanical engineering仪表 instruments engineering电气 electrical engineering建筑 architectural engineering土建 civil engineering开车 start-up试车 commissioning投料试车 start-up ; test run ; initial operations性能查核 , 生产查核 performance test run ; performance guarantee tests 用户查收 client acceptance支付条件 ; 付款条件 terms of payment ; conditions of payment ; terms and conditions of payment预支款 advance payment ; down payment按实物进度付款progress payment按日工程进度付款schedule payment保存金 ; 拘留款 retention money最后付款 final payment代码 ; 编码 code ; number组码 group code标准分类记帐码 ; 记帐码 standard classification of accountnumbers[SCAN];account codes ; code of accounts可编码 variable code ; optional variable code通用型活动码 generic activity type(numbers)[GAT]不行预示费 contingency发布 issue ; release汇票 bill of exchange ; draft议付汇票 bill for negotiation业主 owner用户 ; 客户 client设计 ; 工程设计 design ; engineering设计阶段 engineering phase工艺设计阶段 process design phase基础工程设计阶段basic engineering phase剖析设计阶段 analytical engineering phase平面设计阶段 planning engineering phase详尽工程设计阶段 detailed engineering phase ; final engineering phase ; production engineering phase会议 meeting动工会议 kick-off meeting报价动工会议 proposal kick-off meeting用户动工会议 client kick-off meeting项目动工会议 project kick-off meeting设计动工会议 project kick-off meeting施工动员会议 construction mobilization meeting审查会 review meeting合同 ; 承包 contract合同奏效日期 effective date of the contract合同停止 termination of contract合同无效 frustration of contract总价合同 lump-sum contract[L-S]( 固定 ) 单价合同 (fixed) unit price contract偿付合同 ; 成本加抽筋合同 (cost) reimbursable contract ; cost-plus (fee) contract [C-P]成本加固定酬劳合同cost plus fixed fee contract [CPFF]成本加浮动酬劳合同 cost plus fluctuating fee contract ; cost plussliding scale fee contract目标成本加奖罚合同 (target) cost plus fee contract , with bonus orpenalty conditions限制最高价偿付合同 ; 限制最高成本加抽筋合同 reimbursable guaranteed maximumprice contract [RGMP] ; guarantee maximumcost plus fee contract承包商 contractor分包商 subcontractor合营公司 joint venture [JV]交货 delivery交货日期 delivery date ; date of delivery交货周期 lead time交货到现场 delivery to job-site交货单 delivery note提货单 delivery order提单 bill of lading交货条件 delivery terms离岸价 free on board [FOB]铁路交货 ( 价); 敞车上交货 ( 价) free on rail [FOR] ; free on truck [FOT]成本加运费 ( 价 ) cost and freight [CFR] or [C&F]到岸价 cost insurance and freight ; cost insurance freight [CIF]船边交货 ( 价) free alongside ship [FAS]货交承运人 ( 价 ) free carrier [FCA]工厂交货 ( 价) ex works [EXW]估量 ; 花费估量 estimate ' cost estimate估量方法类型 types of estimate详尽估量 ( 发) detailed estimate ; defined estimate设备详尽估量 ( 发); 切实估量 ( 发) defined equipment estimate ; definitive estimate设备估量 equipment estimate剖析估量 analysis estimate报价估量 proposal estimate控制估量 control estimate早期控制估量 interim control estimate ; initial control estimate [ICE]同意的控制估量initial approved cost [IAC]审定估量 check estimate初次审定估量 first check estimate [FCE]二次审定估量 production check estimate [PCE]人工时估量 man-hour estimate证书 ; 证明书 certificate产地证明书 certificate of origin机械完工证书 mechanical completion certificate用户查收证书 ; 合同项目查收证书client acceptance certificate(of plant) 资料 material设备 equipment散装资料 bulk materials ; commodities资料分类 material class资料统计 material take-off [MTO]资料表 ; 资料清单 bill of materials [BOM]资料管理 material management资料控制 material control进度 ; 进度表 ; 进度计划 schedule进展 ; 进度 ; 实物进度 progress ; physical progress编制进度计划 scheduling ; time scheduling( 项目 ) 早期工作进度计划starter schedule ; early work schedule 项目主进度计划project master schedule ; master project schedule 详尽进度计划 ; 详尽进度表 detailed schedule网络 ( 图 ); 网络 ( 进度 ) 计划 network (diagram)里程碑网络图 milestone network详尽网络图 detailed network重点线路法 critical path method [CPM]重点工序 ; 重点活动 critical activity工序 ; 活动 activity里程碑 milestone进度控制 schedule control ; progress control进度曲线 ;S 曲线 progress curve ; "S" curve资源负荷曲线 resource loading curve ; Bell curve进度提早 ahead of schedule进度迟延 schedule delay违约 default违约通知 default notice( 违约 ) 罚款条款 penalty clause违约罚金 liquidated damages运费 freight [Frt.] ; carriage运费付讫 freight paid ; carriage free ; carriage paids运费待收 ; 货到收运费 freight collect ; freight to be collected ; freight payable at destination运费预支 freight prepaid ; advance(d) freight货到付运费 ; 运费未付 freight forward ; carriage forward运费担保函 freight indemnity运费单 freight note运输商 ; 承运商 forwarding agent采买 procurement采买 purchasing催交 expediting查验 inspection运输 traffic ; transport报关单 bill of entry报告 report花费和进展月报告monthly cost and progress report( 项目 ) 进展月报 (job) monthly progress report设计进展月报 engineering monthly progress report项目花费汇总报告project cost summary report项目实行花费状态报告project operation cost status report进度报告 schedule report控制索引 control index履行成效报告 performance report劳动生产率报告productivity report异样报告 exception report资料异样报告 material exception report [MER] ; equipment & materials exception report采买状态报告 procurement status report资料状态报告 material status report请购单和订单状态报告purchase order and requisition status report供货厂商图纸状态报告 vendor drawing status report ; vendor data scheduling status report查验报告 inspection report( 项目 ) 完工报告 close-out report报价 ; 招标 bid ; quotation ; proposal ; tender ; offer讯价文件评审委员会inquiry review committee [IRC]报价策略会议 bid strategy meeting报价经理 proposal manager招标书 ; 标书 ; 建议书 proposal ; quotation ; bid ;tender ;offer标书评审 ; 报价评审 bid evaluation标书评比表 ; 报价评比表 bid tabulation form ; tabulation of bids谈判 negotiation厂商协调会议 ; 协调会议 vendor coordination meeting [VCM] ; coordination meeting订货合约 ; 定约 ; 成交 commitment订货电传 ; 订货通知 telex order ; notification of commitment订单 ( 即定单 ); 采买订单 ; 订货合同 purchase order签署合同 ; 合同签约 contract award询价 ; 招标 inquiry ; invitation to bid资格预审 pre-qualification合格招标商表 ; 合格供货商表 qualified bidders list ; qualified vendorslist询价书 ; 招标文件 inquiry(package) ; request for quotation(package) [RFQ]; request for proposal [RFP] ; invitation to bid [ITB]请购文件 ; 请购单 requisition (package) ; requisition documents采买规格书 ; 采买说明书 purchasing specification [PS]招标者须知 ; 报价须知 instructions to bidders [ITB]更改 change用户更改 ; 合同更改 client change ;contract change待定的用户更改pending client change认同的用户更改approved client change用户更改 ( 通知 ) 单; 合同更改 ( 通知 ) 单 client change notice [CCB] ; contract change order [CCO]项目更改 ; 内部更改 project change ; internal change项目更改 ( 通知 ) 单; 内部更改 ( 通知 ) 单 project changenotice [PCN] ;internal change order [ICO]更改申请单 ; 误差通知单 change request ; deviation notice [DN]质量 quality质量目标 quality policy质量管理 quality management质量策划 quality planning质量控制 quality control [QC]质量保证 quality assurance [QA]质量系统 quality system质量改良 quality improvement质量手册 quality manual质量计划 quality plan图纸 drawing工艺流程图 process flow diagram [PFD]工艺控制图 process control diagram [PCD]管道仪表流程图piping and instrument diagram [PID] [P&ID]装置部署图 plot plan管道平面设计图piping planning (drawing)管道平面部署图piping layout drawing**sort out here)z O G {/e a+M管段图;管道空视图isometric drawing |.X$h }7v C ^ s7s"同意用于详尽工程设计 " 图纸 drawing issued "Approved for Design"[AFD])Y$Q L u d"同意用于施工 " 图纸 drawings issued "Approved for construction" [AFC]供货厂商先期确认图 ( 纸 ) advanced certified final drawings [ACF] ;advanced certified vendors' drawings ; preliminary vendor drawings [PD] 供货厂商最后确认图 ( 纸 ) certified final drawings [CF] ; certified vendordrawings[CD]图表 diagram ; chart直方图 histogram横道图 bar ; bar-chart ; Gantt chart进度趋向展现图schedule trend display chart 花费趋向展现图cost trend display chart项目 ; 工程项目 project项目实行花费状态报告project execution项目实行阶段 project phase项目初始阶段 initial phase of project execution 施工阶段 construction phase开车阶段 start-up phase项目建设周期 project duration's项目管理 project management项目控制 project control项目组 project team专责项目组 task force项目经理 project manager项目设计经理 project engineering manager项目采买经理 project procurement manager 项目施工经理 project construction manager项目工艺经理 project process manager项目控制经理 project controls manager项目进度计划工程师project scheduling engineer ; project scheduler项目估量师 project estimator项目花费控制工程师project cost control engineer ; project cost engineer 项目资料控制工程师project material control engineer项目财务经理 project financial manager项目质量经理 project quality manager项目开车经理 project start-up manager项目安全工程师project safety engineer项目秘书 project secretary项目控制手段 project controlling ; tools for project control控制基准 ; 履行成效丈量基准 ; 实物进度基准 control baseline ; performance measurement baseline ; progress baseline误差 ; 差别 deviation ; variance履行成效 ; 效绩 ; 性能 performance追踪 tracking ; follow up监控 monitoring趋向剖析 ; 趋向展望 trending ; trend projection误差展望值 projected deviations展望 projection ; forecasting纠正举措 corrective action ; corrective measures项目综合控制 integrated project control博得值原理 earned value concept [EVC]计划工作量的估量花费budgeted cost for work scheduled [BCWS]已完工作量的估量花费budgeted cost for work performed [BCWP]已完工作量的实耗资用actual cost for work performed [ACWP]花费差别 cost variance [CV]进度差别 schedule variance [SV]花费指数 cost index [CI]进度指数 schedule index [SI]花费履行成效指数cost performance index [CPI]进度履行成效指数schedule performance index [SPI]完工差别 at completion variance [ACV]完工估量花费 budgeted cost at completion [BAC]完工展望花费 estimated cost at completion [EAC]花费 ; 成本 cost建设总花费 total installed cost [TIC]资料花费 ; 直接资料花费 material cost ; direct material cost设备花费 ; 设备购置花费 equipment cost ; purchased cost of equipment散装资料花费 ; 散装资料购置花费 bulk materials cost ; purchased cost of bulk materials ; commodities cost( 直接 ) 资料有关花费 ( 运费和保险费等 ) cost of material related freight ; insurance , etc.施工花费 construction cost施工人工花费 ; 施工劳力花费 labor cost ; erection labor cost ; construction force cost设备安装人工花费labor cost associated with equipment散装资料施工人工花费labor cost associated with bulk materials人工时估量定额 ; 施工人工时估量定额 ; 标准工时定额 standard man-hours ; standard labor man-hours ; standard construction man-hours ; standardhours劳动生产率 ; 劳动生产率系数 labor productivity ; productivity factor ; productivity ratio修正的人工事估量值adjusted man-hours人工时单价 man-hour rate施工监察花费 ; 施工监察和管理花费 cost of construction supervision ; cost of construction management and supervision ; field administration anddirect supervision cost施工间接花费 cost of construction indirect分包合同花费 ; 现场施工分包合同花费 subcontract cost ; field subcontract cost 公司本部 ( 服务 ) 花费 home office cost ; cost of home office servers公司管理费 overhead ; home office overheads非薪资花费 non-payroll ; home-office expenses试车花费 commissioning activities cost投料试车花费 start-up cost其余花费 other costs收益 ; 预期收益 profit ; expected profit服务酬劳 service gains内部花费变换 internal transfer认同的估计花费anticipated approved cost花费控制 ; 成本控制 cost control估量 ( 值 ); 项目控制估量 budget ; project control budget估量结余 ( 值); 花费结余 ( 值 ) under-run ; cost under-run估量超支 ( 值); 花费超支 ( 值 ) over-run ; cost over-run施工 construction施工工种 construction craft试车准备 pre-commissioning机械完工 mechanical completion [MC]界区 battery limit [BL]工艺界区 process battery limit ; inside battery limit [ISBL]界外设备区 ; 协助设备界区 offsite battery limit工艺装置 process section ; process unit界外设备 ; 协助设备 ; 通用设备 offsite section ; offsite unit ; offsite facilities ; general facilities保证 ; 担保 guarantee ; warranty性能保证 performance guarantees绝对保证 absolute guarantees违约罚款保证 penaltiable guarantees工作质量保证 workmanship guarantees机械保证 ; 机械担保 mechanical guarantees ; mechanical warranties保函 ; 担保 ( 书) bond招标保函 bid bond履约保函 ; 履约担保 ( 书); 为履约出具的银行保证书 performance bond ; performance bank guarantee预支款保函 ; 为预支款出具的银行保证书 advance payment bond ; bank guarantee for advance payment保证书 ; 保险公司出具的保函surety bond银行保证书 ; 信誉保证书 bank guarantee ; letter of guarantee宽慰信 letter of comfort保密协议 secrecy agreement保险 insurance ; assurance保险单 insurance policy保险证书 insurance certificate保险费 insurance premium保税货物 bonded goods保税库房 bonded warehouse信誉证 letter of credit [L/C]不行撤除信誉证irrevocable L/C可撤除信誉证 revocable L/C即期信誉证 sight credit ; sight L/C L远期信誉证 term credit ; term L/C保兑信誉证 confirmed L/C可转让信誉证 transferable L/C备用信誉证 stand-by L/C信誉证提款 drawing on L/C]信贷 CREDIT卖方信贷 SUPPLIER'S CREDIT [S/C]买方信贷 buyer's credit [B/C]信贷额度 line of credit项目融资 ; 工程项目筹资 project finance 贷款 loan即期贷款 demand loan索赔 claim ; claim indemnity培训 training税; 税金 tax(es)所得税 income taxes关税 duties合法避税 tax avoidance程序 procedure项目协调程序 project coordination procedure项目实行程序 project execution procedure项目设计程序 project engineering procedure项目采买程序 project procurement procedure项目查验程序 project inspection procedure项目控制程序 project control procedure更改控制程序 change control procedure估量更改程序 budget change procedure项目试车程序 ; 项目开车程序 project commissioning procedure ; project start-up procedure ; project test run procedure化学冲洗程序 chemical cleaning procedure性能查核程序 ; 生产查核程序 performance test run procedure ; performance guarantee test procedure装置查收程序 plant acceptance procedure数据 data条件数据 ; 设计条件 supporting data返回的条件数据 ; 返回的设计条件resultant feedback of data 意愿书 letter of intent。
项目管理中常用英语(转载学习)工程项目管理常用英语工艺包 process package工艺设计 process design工艺发表 process release工艺预发表 initial process release工作范围;项目任务范围 scope of work ; project scope工作包 work package工作项 work item任务单项 line item分解结构 breakdown structure工作分解结构 work breakdown structure组织分解机构 organizational breakdown structure项目大项工作分解结构 project summary work breakdown structure承包商标准工作分解结构;工程公司标准工作分解结构 contractor's standard work breakdown structure责任分工矩阵 responsibility assignment matrix风险 risk风险分析 risk analysis风险备忘录 risk memorandum公司本部 home office公司本部服务 home office service公用工程 utility计划 plan项目计划 project plan(项目)设计计划 (project)engineering plan (项目)采购计划 (project)procurement plan (项目)施工计划 (project)construction plan (项目)开车计划 (project)start-up plan专利 patent专利权 patent right产权技术 proprietary technology专利技术 licensed technology专有技术;技术诀窍 know-how许可证 license专利商;许可方 licensor受许可放;受让方 licensee(技术)转让费;提成费 royalty许可证费 license fee专有技术费 know-how fee专业 discipline工艺 process design ; process engineering 系统 systems engineering设备 equipment engineering布置 plant layout engineering管道设计 piping design管道机械 piping mechanical engineering仪表 instruments engineering电气 electrical engineering建筑 architectural engineering土建 civil engineering开车 start-up试车 commissioning投料试车 start-up ; test run ; initial operations性能考核,生产考核 performance test run ; performance guarantee tests用户验收 client acceptance支付条件;付款条件 terms of payment ; conditions of payment ; terms and conditions of payment预付款 advance payment ; down payment按实物进度付款 progress payment按日工程进度付款 schedule payment保留金;扣留款 retention money最终付款 final payment代码;编码 code ; number组码 group code标准分类记帐码;记帐码 standard classification of accountnumbers[SCAN];account codes ; code of accounts可编码 variable code ; optional variable code通用型活动码 generic activity type(numbers)[GAT]不可预见费 contingency发表 issue ; release汇票 bill of exchange ; draft议付汇票 bill for negotiation业主 owner用户;客户 client设计;工程设计 design ; engineering设计阶段 engineering phase工艺设计阶段 process design phase基础工程设计阶段 basic engineering phase分析设计阶段 analytical engineering phase平面设计阶段 planning engineering phase详细工程设计阶段 detailed engineering phase ; final engineering phase ; production engineering phase会议 meeting开工会议 kick-off meeting报价开工会议 proposal kick-off meeting用户开工会议 client kick-off meeting项目开工会议 project kick-off meeting设计开工会议 project kick-off meeting施工动员会议 construction mobilization meeting审核会 review meeting合同;承包 contract合同生效日期 effective date of the contract合同终止 termination of contract合同失效 frustration of contract总价合同 lump-sum contract[L-S](固定)单价合同 (fixed) unit price contract偿付合同;成本加抽筋合同 (cost) reimbursable contract ; cost-plus (fee) contract [C-P]成本加固定酬金合同 cost plus fixed fee contract [CPFF]成本加浮动酬金合同 cost plus fluctuating fee contract ; cost plus sliding scale fee contract目标成本加奖罚合同 (target) cost plus fee contract , with bonus or penalty conditions限定最高价偿付合同;限定最高成本加抽筋合同 reimbursable guaranteed maximum price contract [RGMP] ; guarantee maximum cost plus fee contract承包商 contractor分包商 subcontractor合营企业 joint venture [JV]交货 delivery交货日期 delivery date ; date of delivery交货周期 lead time交货到现场 delivery to job-site交货单 delivery note提货单 delivery order提单 bill of lading交货条件 delivery terms离岸价 free on board [FOB]铁路交货(价);敞车上交货(价) free on rail [FOR] ; free on truck [FOT]成本加运费(价) cost and freight [CFR] or [C&F]到岸价 cost insurance and freight ; cost insurance freight [CIF]船边交货(价) free alongside ship [FAS]货交承运人(价) free carrier [FCA]工厂交货(价) ex works [EXW]估算;费用估算 estimate ' cost estimate估算方法类别 types of estimate详细估算(发) detailed estimate ; defined estimate设备详细估算(发);确切估算(发) defined equipment estimate ; definitive estimate设备估算 equipment estimate分析估算 analysis estimate报价估算 proposal estimate控制估算 control estimate初期控制估算 interim control estimate ; initial control estimate [ICE]批准的控制估算 initial approved cost [IAC]核定估算 check estimate首次核定估算 first check estimate [FCE]二次核定估算 production check estimate [PCE]人工时估算 man-hour estimate证书;证明书 certificate产地证明书 certificate of origin机械竣工证书 mechanical completion certificate用户验收证书;合同项目验收证书 client acceptance certificate (of plant)材料 material设备 equipment散装材料 bulk materials ; commodities材料分类 material class材料统计 material take-off [MTO]材料表;材料清单 bill of materials [BOM]材料管理 material management材料控制 material control进度;进度表;进度计划 schedule进展;进度;实物进度 progress ; physical progress编制进度计划 scheduling ; time scheduling(项目)初期工作进度计划 starter schedule ; early work schedule项目主进度计划 project master schedule ; master project schedule 详细进度计划;详细进度表 detailed schedule网络(图);网络(进度)计划 network (diagram)里程碑网络图 milestone network详细网络图 detailed network关键线路法 critical path method [CPM]关键工序;关键活动 critical activity工序;活动 activity里程碑 milestone进度控制 schedule control ; progress control进度曲线;S曲线 progress curve ; "S" curve资源负荷曲线 resource loading curve ; Bell curve进度提前 ahead of schedule进度拖延 schedule delay违约 default违约通知 default notice(违约)罚款条款 penalty clause违约罚金 liquidated damages运费 freight [Frt.] ; carriage运费付讫 freight paid ; carriage free ; carriage paids运费待收;货到收运费 freight collect ; freight to be collected ; freight payable at destination运费预付 freight prepaid ; advance(d) freight货到付运费;运费未付 freight forward ; carriage forward运费担保函 freight indemnity运费单 freight note运输商;承运商 forwarding agent采购 procurement采买 purchasing催交 expediting检验 inspection运输 traffic ; transport报关单 bill of entry报告 report费用和进展月报告 monthly cost and progress report(项目)进展月报 (job) monthly progress report设计进展月报 engineering monthly progress report项目费用汇总报告 project cost summary report项目实施费用状态报告 project operation cost status report进度报告 schedule report控制索引 control index执行效果报告 performance report劳动生产率报告 productivity report异常报告 exception report材料异常报告 material exception report [MER] ; equipment & materials exception report采购状态报告 procurement status report材料状态报告 material status report请购单和订单状态报告 purchase order and requisition status report供货厂商图纸状态报告 vendor drawing status report ; vendor data scheduling status report检验报告 inspection report(项目)完工报告 close-out report报价;投标 bid ; quotation ; proposal ; tender ; offer讯价文件评审委员会 inquiry review committee [IRC]报价策略会议 bid strategy meeting报价经理 proposal manager投标书;标书;建议书 proposal ; quotation ; bid ;tender ;offer标书评审;报价评审 bid evaluation标书评选表;报价评选表 bid tabulation form ; tabulation of bids谈判 negotiation厂商协调会议;协调会议 vendor coordination meeting [VCM] ; coordination meeting订货合约;定约;成交 commitment订货电传;订货通知 telex order ; notification of commitment订单(即定单);采买订单;订货合同 purchase order签订合同;合同签约 contract award询价;招标 inquiry ; invitation to bid资格预审 pre-qualification合格投标商表;合格供货商表 qualified bidders list ; qualified vendors list询价书;招标文件 inquiry(package) ; request for quotation(package) [RFQ]; request for proposal [RFP] ; invitation to bid [ITB]请购文件;请购单 requisition (package) ; requisition documents采购规格书;采购说明书 purchasing specification [PS]投标者须知;报价须知 instructions to bidders [ITB]变更 change用户变更;合同变更 client change ;contract change待定的用户变更 pending client change认可的用户变更 approved client change用户变更(通知)单;合同变更(通知)单 client change notice [CCB] ; contract change order [CCO]项目变更;内部变更 project change ; internal change项目变更(通知)单;内部变更(通知)单 project change notice[PCN] ;internal change order [ICO]变更申请单;偏差通知单 change request ; deviation notice [DN]质量 quality质量方针 quality policy质量管理 quality management质量策划 quality planning质量控制 quality control [QC]质量保证 quality assurance [QA]质量体系 quality system质量改进 quality improvement质量手册 quality manual质量计划 quality plan图纸 drawing工艺流程图 process flow diagram [PFD]工艺控制图 process control diagram [PCD]管道仪表流程图 piping and instrument diagram [PID] [P&ID]装置布置图 plot plan管道平面设计图 piping planning (drawing)管道平面布置图 piping layout drawing**sort out here)z O G {/e a+M 管段图;管道空视图 isometric drawing |.X$h }7v C ^ s7s"批准用于详细工程设计"图纸 drawing issued "Approved for Design" [AFD])Y$Q L u d"批准用于施工"图纸 drawings issued "Approved for construction" [AFC]供货厂商先期确认图(纸) advanced certified final drawings [ACF] ; advanced certified vendors' drawings ; preliminary vendor drawings [PD]供货厂商最终确认图(纸) certified final drawings [CF] ; certified vendordrawings[CD]图表 diagram ; chart直方图 histogram横道图 bar ; bar-chart ; Gantt chart进度趋势展示图 schedule trend display chart费用趋势展示图 cost trend display chart项目;工程项目 project项目实施费用状态报告 project execution项目实施阶段 project phase项目初始阶段 initial phase of project execution 施工阶段 construction phase开车阶段 start-up phase项目建设周期 project duration's项目管理 project management项目控制 project control项目组 project team专责项目组 task force项目经理 project manager项目设计经理 project engineering manager项目采购经理 project procurement manager项目施工经理 project construction manager项目工艺经理 project process manager项目控制经理 project controls manager项目进度计划工程师 project scheduling engineer ; project scheduler项目估算师 project estimator项目费用控制工程师 project cost control engineer ; project cost engineer项目材料控制工程师 project material control engineer项目财务经理 project financial manager项目质量经理 project quality manager项目开车经理 project start-up manager项目安全工程师 project safety engineer项目秘书 project secretary项目控制手段 project controlling ; tools for project control控制基准;执行效果测量基准;实物进度基准 control baseline ; performance measurement baseline ; progress baseline偏差;差异 deviation ; variance执行效果;效绩;性能 performance跟踪 tracking ; follow up监控 monitoring趋势分析;趋势预测 trending ; trend projection偏差预测值 projected deviations预测 projection ; forecasting纠正措施 corrective action ; corrective measures项目综合控制 integrated project control赢得值原理 earned value concept [EVC]计划工作量的预算费用 budgeted cost for work scheduled [BCWS]已完工作量的预算费用 budgeted cost for work performed [BCWP]已完工作量的实耗费用 actual cost for work performed [ACWP]费用差异 cost variance [CV]进度差异 schedule variance [SV]费用指数 cost index [CI]进度指数 schedule index [SI]费用执行效果指数 cost performance index [CPI]进度执行效果指数 schedule performance index [SPI]竣工差异 at completion variance [ACV]竣工预算费用 budgeted cost at completion [BAC]竣工预测费用 estimated cost at completion [EAC]费用;成本 cost建设总费用 total installed cost [TIC]材料费用;直接材料费用 material cost ; direct material cost设备费用;设备购买费用 equipment cost ; purchased cost of equipment散装材料费用;散装材料购买费用 bulk materials cost ; purchased cost of bulk materials ; commodities cost(直接)材料相关费用(运费和保险费等) cost of material related freight ; insurance , etc.施工费用 construction cost施工人工费用;施工劳力费用 labor cost ; erection labor cost ; construction force cost设备安装人工费用 labor cost associated with equipment散装材料施工人工费用 labor cost associated with bulk materials人工时估算定额;施工人工时估算定额;标准工时定额 standard man-hours ; standard labor man-hours ; standard construction man-hours ; standardhours劳动生产率;劳动生产率系数 labor productivity ; productivity factor ; productivity ratio修正的人工事估算值 adjusted man-hours人工时单价 man-hour rate施工监督费用;施工监督和管理费用cost of construction supervision ; cost of construction management and supervision ; field administration and direct supervision cost施工间接费用 cost of construction indirect分包合同费用;现场施工分包合同费用 subcontract cost ; field subcontract cost公司本部(服务)费用 home office cost ; cost of home office servers公司管理费 overhead ; home office overheads非工资费用 non-payroll ; home-office expenses试车费用 commissioning activities cost投料试车费用 start-up cost其他费用 other costs利润;预期利润 profit ; expected profit服务酬金 service gains内部费用转换 internal transfer认可的预计费用 anticipated approved cost费用控制;成本控制 cost control预算(值);项目控制预算 budget ; project control budget预算结余(值);费用结余(值) under-run ; cost under-run预算超支(值);费用超支(值) over-run ; cost over-run施工 construction施工工种 construction craft试车准备 pre-commissioning机械竣工 mechanical completion [MC]界区 battery limit [BL]工艺界区 process battery limit ; inside battery limit [ISBL]界外设施区;辅助设施界区 offsite battery limit工艺装置 process section ; process unit界外设施;辅助设施;通用设施 offsite section ; offsite unit ; offsite facilities ; general facilities保证;担保 guarantee ; warranty性能保证 performance guarantees绝对保证 absolute guarantees违约罚款保证 penaltiable guarantees工作质量保证 workmanship guarantees机械保证;机械担保 mechanical guarantees ; mechanical warranties保函;担保(书) bond投标保函 bid bond履约保函;履约担保(书);为履约出具的银行保证书 performance bond ; performance bank guarantee预付款保函;为预付款出具的银行保证书 advance payment bond ; bank guarantee for advance payment保证书;保险公司出具的保函 surety bond银行保证书;信用保证书 bank guarantee ; letter of guarantee安慰信 letter of comfort保密协议 secrecy agreement保险 insurance ; assurance保险单 insurance policy保险证书 insurance certificate保险费 insurance premium保税货物 bonded goods保税仓库 bonded warehouse信用证 letter of credit [L/C]不可撤销信用证 irrevocable L/C可撤销信用证 revocable L/C即期信用证 sight credit ; sight L/C L 远期信用证 term credit ; term L/C保兑信用证 confirmed L/C可转让信用证 transferable L/C备用信用证 stand-by L/C信用证提款 drawing on L/C]信贷 CREDIT卖方信贷 SUPPLIER'S CREDIT [S/C]买方信贷 buyer's credit [B/C]信贷额度 line of credit项目融资;工程项目筹资 project finance 贷款 loan即期贷款 demand loan索赔 claim ; claim indemnity培训 training税;税金 tax(es)所得税 income taxes关税 duties合法避税 tax avoidance程序 procedure项目协调程序 project coordination procedure项目实施程序 project execution procedure项目设计程序 project engineering procedure项目采购程序 project procurement procedure项目检验程序 project inspection procedure项目控制程序 project control procedure变更控制程序 change control procedure预算变更程序 budget change procedure项目试车程序;项目开车程序 project commissioning procedure ; project start-up procedure ; project test run procedure化学清洗程序 chemical cleaning procedure性能考核程序;生产考核程序 performance test run procedure ; performance guarantee test procedure装置验收程序 plant acceptance procedure数据 data条件数据;设计条件 supporting data返回的条件数据;返回的设计条件 resultant feedback of data 意向书 letter of intent。
按实物进度付款progress payment
按日工程进度付款schedule payment
保留金;扣留款retention money
最终付款final payment
代码;编码code ; number
组码group code
标准分类记帐码;记帐码standard classification of account numbers[SCAN];account codes ; code of accounts
可编码variable code ; optional variable code
通用型活动码generic activity type(numbers)[GAT]
发表issue ; release
汇票bill of exchange ; draft
议付汇票bill for negotiation
设计;工程设计design ; engineering
设计阶段engineering phase
工艺设计阶段process design phase
基础工程设计阶段basic engineering phase
分析设计阶段analytical engineering phase
报价开工会议proposal kick-off meeting
用户开工会议client kick-off meeting
项目开工会议project kick-off meeting
设计开工会议project kick-off meeting
施工动员会议construction mobilization meeting
工艺包process package工艺设计process design工艺发表process release工艺预发表initial process release工作范围;项目任务范围scope of work ; project scope工作包work package工作项work item任务单项line item分解结构breakdown structure工作分解结构work breakdown structure组织分解机构organizational breakdown structure项目大项工作分解结构project summary work breakdown structure承包商标准工作分解结构;工程公司标准工作分解结构contractor's standard work breakdown structure责任分工矩阵responsibility assignment matrix风险risk风险分析risk analysis风险备忘录risk memorandum公司本部home office公司本部服务home office service公用工程utility计划plan项目计划project plan(项目)设计计划(project)engineering plan(项目)采购计划(project)procurement plan (项目)施工计划(project)construction plan (项目)开车计划(project)start-up plan专利patent专利权patent right产权技术proprietary technology专利技术licensed technology专有技术;技术诀窍know-how许可证license专利商;许可方licensor受许可放;受让方licensee(技术)转让费;提成费royalty许可证费license fee专有技术费know-how fee专业discipline工艺process design ; process engineering 系统systems engineering设备equipment engineering布置plant layout engineering管道设计piping design管道机械piping mechanical engineering 仪表instruments engineering电气electrical engineering建筑architectural engineering土建civil engineering开车start-up试车commissioning投料试车start-up ; test run ; initial operations性能考核,生产考核performance test run ; performance guarantee tests用户验收client acceptance支付条件;付款条件terms of payment ; conditions of payment ; terms and conditions of payment预付款advance payment ; down payment按实物进度付款progress payment按日工程进度付款schedule payment保留金;扣留款retention money最终付款final payment代码;编码code ; number组码group code标准分类记帐码;记帐码standard classification of accountnumbers[SCAN];account codes ; code of accounts可编码variable code ; optional variable code通用型活动码generic activity type(numbers)[GAT]不可预见费contingency发表issue ; release汇票bill of exchange ; draft议付汇票bill for negotiation业主owner用户;客户client设计;工程设计design ; engineering设计阶段engineering phase工艺设计阶段process design phase基础工程设计阶段basic engineering phase分析设计阶段analytical engineering phase平面设计阶段planning engineering phase详细工程设计阶段detailed engineering phase ; final engineering phase ; production engineering phase会议meeting开工会议kick-off meeting报价开工会议proposal kick-off meeting用户开工会议client kick-off meeting项目开工会议project kick-off meeting设计开工会议project kick-off meeting施工动员会议construction mobilization meeting审核会review meeting合同;承包contract合同生效日期effective date of the contract合同终止termination of contract合同失效frustration of contract总价合同lump-sum contract[L-S](固定)单价合同(fixed) unit price contract偿付合同;成本加抽筋合同(cost) reimbursable contract ; cost-plus (fee) contract [C-P]成本加固定酬金合同cost plus fixed fee contract [CPFF]成本加浮动酬金合同cost plus fluctuating fee contract ; cost plus sliding scale fee contract目标成本加奖罚合同(target) cost plus fee contract , with bonus or penalty conditions限定最高价偿付合同;限定最高成本加抽筋合同reimbursable guaranteed maximum price contract [RGMP] ; guarantee maximum cost plus fee contract承包商contractor分包商subcontractor合营企业joint venture [JV]交货delivery交货日期delivery date ; date of delivery交货周期lead time交货到现场delivery to job-site交货单delivery note提货单delivery order提单bill of lading交货条件delivery terms离岸价free on board [FOB]铁路交货(价);敞车上交货(价) free on rail [FOR] ; free on truck [FOT]成本加运费(价) cost and freight [CFR] or [C&F]到岸价cost insurance and freight ; cost insurance freight [CIF]船边交货(价) free alongside ship [FAS]货交承运人(价) free carrier [FCA]工厂交货(价) ex works [EXW]估算;费用估算estimate ' cost estimate估算方法类别types of estimate详细估算(发) detailed estimate ; defined estimate设备详细估算(发);确切估算(发) defined equipment estimate ; definitive estimate设备估算equipment estimate分析估算analysis estimate报价估算proposal estimate控制估算control estimate初期控制估算interim control estimate ; initial control estimate [ICE]批准的控制估算initial approved cost [IAC]核定估算check estimate首次核定估算first check estimate [FCE]二次核定估算production check estimate [PCE]人工时估算man-hour estimate证书;证明书certificate产地证明书certificate of origin机械竣工证书mechanical completion certificate用户验收证书;合同项目验收证书client acceptance certificate (of plant)材料material设备equipment散装材料bulk materials ; commodities材料分类material class材料统计material take-off [MTO]材料表;材料清单bill of materials [BOM]材料管理material management材料控制material control进度;进度表;进度计划schedule进展;进度;实物进度progress ; physical progress编制进度计划scheduling ; time scheduling(项目)初期工作进度计划starter schedule ; early work schedule项目主进度计划project master schedule ; master project schedule 详细进度计划;详细进度表detailed schedule网络(图);网络(进度)计划network (diagram)里程碑网络图milestone network详细网络图detailed network关键线路法critical path method [CPM]关键工序;关键活动critical activity工序;活动activity里程碑milestone进度控制schedule control ; progress control进度曲线;S曲线progress curve ; "S" curve资源负荷曲线resource loading curve ; Bell curve进度提前ahead of schedule进度拖延schedule delay违约default违约通知default notice(违约)罚款条款penalty clause违约罚金liquidated damages运费freight [Frt.] ; carriage运费付讫freight paid ; carriage free ; carriage paids运费待收;货到收运费freight collect ; freight to be collected ; freight payable at destination运费预付freight prepaid ; advance(d) freight货到付运费;运费未付freight forward ; carriage forward运费担保函freight indemnity运费单freight note运输商;承运商forwarding agent采购procurement采买purchasing催交expediting检验inspection运输traffic ; transport报关单bill of entry报告report费用和进展月报告monthly cost and progress report(项目)进展月报(job) monthly progress report设计进展月报engineering monthly progress report项目费用汇总报告project cost summary report项目实施费用状态报告project operation cost status report进度报告schedule report控制索引control index执行效果报告performance report劳动生产率报告productivity report异常报告exception report材料异常报告material exception report [MER] ; equipment & materials exception report采购状态报告procurement status report材料状态报告material status report请购单和订单状态报告purchase order and requisition status report供货厂商图纸状态报告vendor drawing status report ; vendor data scheduling status report检验报告inspection report(项目)完工报告close-out report报价;投标bid ; quotation ; proposal ; tender ; offer讯价文件评审委员会inquiry review committee [IRC]报价策略会议bid strategy meeting报价经理proposal manager投标书;标书;建议书proposal ; quotation ; bid ;tender ;offer标书评审;报价评审bid evaluation标书评选表;报价评选表bid tabulation form ; tabulation of bids谈判negotiation厂商协调会议;协调会议vendor coordination meeting [VCM] ; coordination meeting订货合约;定约;成交commitment订货电传;订货通知telex order ; notification of commitment订单(即定单);采买订单;订货合同purchase order签订合同;合同签约contract award询价;招标inquiry ; invitation to bid资格预审pre-qualification合格投标商表;合格供货商表qualified bidders list ; qualified vendors list询价书;招标文件inquiry(package) ; request for quotation(package) [RFQ]; request for proposal [RFP] ; invitation to bid [ITB]请购文件;请购单requisition (package) ; requisition documents采购规格书;采购说明书purchasing specification [PS]投标者须知;报价须知instructions to bidders [ITB]变更change用户变更;合同变更client change ;contract change待定的用户变更pending client change认可的用户变更approved client change用户变更(通知)单;合同变更(通知)单client change notice [CCB] ; contract change order [CCO]项目变更;内部变更project change ; internal change项目变更(通知)单;内部变更(通知)单project change notice [PCN] ;internal change order [ICO]变更申请单;偏差通知单change request ; deviation notice [DN]质量quality质量方针quality policy质量管理quality management质量策划quality planning质量控制quality control [QC]质量保证quality assurance [QA]质量体系quality system质量改进quality improvement质量手册quality manual质量计划quality plan图纸drawing工艺流程图process flow diagram [PFD]工艺控制图process control diagram [PCD]管道仪表流程图piping and instrument diagram [PID] [P&ID]装置布置图plot plan管道平面设计图piping planning (drawing)管道平面布置图piping layout drawing管段图;管道空视图isometric drawing"批准用于详细工程设计"图纸drawing issued "Approved for Design""批准用于施工"图纸drawings issued "Approved for construction" [AFC]供货厂商先期确认图(纸) advanced certified final drawings [ACF] ; advanced certified vendors' drawings ; preliminary vendor drawings供货厂商最终确认图(纸) certified final drawings [CF] ; certified vendor drawings[CD]图表diagram ; chart直方图histogram横道图bar ; bar-chart ; Gantt chart进度趋势展示图schedule trend display chart费用趋势展示图cost trend display chart项目;工程项目project项目实施费用状态报告project execution项目实施阶段project phase项目初始阶段initial phase of project execution施工阶段construction phase开车阶段start-up phase项目建设周期project duration's项目管理project management项目控制project control项目组project team专责项目组task force项目经理project manager [PM]项目设计经理project engineering manager [PEM]项目采购经理project procurement manager [PPM]项目施工经理project construction manager [PCM]项目工艺经理project process manager项目控制经理project controls manager项目进度计划工程师project scheduling engineer ; project scheduler项目估算师project estimator项目费用控制工程师project cost control engineer ; project cost engineer 项目材料控制工程师project material control engineer项目财务经理project financial manager项目质量经理project quality manager项目开车经理project start-up manager项目安全工程师project safety engineer项目秘书project secretary项目控制手段project controlling ; tools for project control控制基准;执行效果测量基准;实物进度基准control baseline ; performance measurement baseline ; progress baseline偏差;差异deviation ; variance执行效果;效绩;性能performance跟踪tracking ; follow up监控monitoring趋势分析;趋势预测trending ; trend projection偏差预测值projected deviations预测projection ; forecasting纠正措施corrective action ; corrective measures项目综合控制integrated project control赢得值原理earned value concept [EVC]计划工作量的预算费用budgeted cost for work scheduled [BCWS]已完工作量的预算费用budgeted cost for work performed [BCWP]已完工作量的实耗费用actual cost for work performed [ACWP]费用差异cost variance [CV]进度差异schedule variance [SV]费用指数cost index [CI]进度指数schedule index [SI]费用执行效果指数cost performance index [CPI]进度执行效果指数schedule performance index [SPI]竣工差异at completion variance [ACV]竣工预算费用budgeted cost at completion [BAC]竣工预测费用estimated cost at completion [EAC]费用;成本cost0m6m建设总费用total installed cost [TIC]材料费用;直接材料费用material cost ; direct material cost设备费用;设备购买费用equipment cost ; purchased cost of equipment散装材料费用;散装材料购买费用bulk materials cost ; purchased cost of bulk materials ; commodities cost(直接)材料相关费用(运费和保险费等) cost of material related freight ; insurance , etc.施工费用construction cost施工人工费用;施工劳力费用labor cost ; erection labor cost ; construction force cost设备安装人工费用labor cost associated with equipment散装材料施工人工费用labor cost associated with bulk materials人工时估算定额;施工人工时估算定额;标准工时定额standard man-hours ; standard labor man-hours ; standard construction man-hours ; standard hours劳动生产率;劳动生产率系数labor productivity ; productivity factor ; productivity ratio修正的人工事估算值adjusted man-hours人工时单价man-hour rate施工监督费用;施工监督和管理费用cost of construction supervision ; cost of construction management and supervision ; field administration and direct supervision cost施工间接费用cost of construction indirect分包合同费用;现场施工分包合同费用subcontract cost ; field subcontract cost公司本部(服务)费用home office cost ; cost of home office servers公司管理费overhead ; home office overheads非工资费用non-payroll ; home-office expenses试车费用commissioning activities cost投料试车费用start-up cost其他费用other costs利润;预期利润profit ; expected profit服务酬金service gains内部费用转换internal transfer认可的预计费用anticipated approved cost费用控制;成本控制cost control预算(值);项目控制预算budget ; project control budget预算结余(值);费用结余(值) under-run ; cost under-run预算超支(值);费用超支(值) over-run ; cost over-run施工construction施工工种construction craft试车准备precommissioning机械竣工mechanical completion [MC]界区battery limit [BL]工艺界区process battery limit ; inside battery limit [ISBL]界外设施区;辅助设施界区offsite battery limit [OSBL]工艺装置process section ; process unit界外设施;辅助设施;通用设施offsite section ; offsite unit ; offsite facilities ; general facilities保证;担保guarantee ; warranty性能保证performance guarantees绝对保证absolute guarantees违约罚款保证penaltiable guarantees工作质量保证workmanship guarantees机械保证;机械担保mechanical guarantees ; mechanical warranties保函;担保(书) bond投标保函bid bond履约保函;履约担保(书);为履约出具的银行保证书performance bond ; performance bank guarantee预付款保函;为预付款出具的银行保证书advance payment bond ; bank guarantee for advance payment保证书;保险公司出具的保函surety bond银行保证书;信用保证书bank guarantee ; letter of guarantee [L/G]安慰信letter of comfort保密协议secrecy agreement保险insurance ; assurance保险单insurance policy保险证书insurance certificate保险费insurance premium保税货物bonded goods保税仓库bonded warehouse信用证letter of credit [L/C]不可撤销信用证irrevocable L/C可撤销信用证revocable L/C即期信用证sight credit ; sight L/C远期信用证term credit ; term L/C保兑信用证confirmed L/C可转让信用证transferable L/C备用信用证stand-by L/C信用证提款drawing on L/C信贷CREDIT卖方信贷SUPPLIER'S CREDIT [S/C]买方信贷buyer's credit [B/C]信贷额度line of credit项目融资;工程项目筹资project finance贷款loan即期贷款demand loan索赔claim ; claim indemnity培训training税;税金tax(es)所得税income taxes关税duties合法避税tax avoidance程序procedure项目协调程序project coordination procedure 项目实施程序project execution procedure项目设计程序project engineering procedure 项目采购程序project procurement procedure项目检验程序project inspection procedure项目控制程序project control procedure变更控制程序change control procedure预算变更程序budget change procedure项目试车程序;项目开车程序project commissioning procedure ; project start-up procedure ; project test run procedure化学清洗程序chemical cleaning procedure性能考核程序;生产考核程序performance test run procedure ; performance guarantee test procedure装置验收程序plant acceptance procedure数据data条件数据;设计条件supporting data返回的条件数据;返回的设计条件resultant feedback of data意向书letter of intent。
Project management is a complex field that involves a multitude of terms and phrases. To facilitate effective communication and understanding among professionals in this field, here is a comprehensive list of project management English vocabulary, categorized into various sections:I. Basic Project Management Terms1. Project - A temporary endeavor with a defined beginning and end, undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result.2. Project Management - The application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements.3. Project Life Cycle - The sequence of phases that a project goes through from start to finish.4. Project Phase - A distinct section of the project life cycle with specific objectives and deliverables.5. Project Phase Exit or Termination Point - The point at which aproject phase is completed and the project moves to the next phase or is terminated.6. Project Management Office (PMO) - A group or department within an organization that oversees the management of the organization's projects.7. Project Portfolio - A collection of projects, programs, and other work that an organization has under way.8. Project Scope - The specific set of deliverables, tasks, andactivities that the project team is required to complete.II. Project Planning and Scheduling1. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) - A deliverable-oriented hierarchical decomposition of the work to be executed by the project team.2. Schedule - A document that lists the activities of the project, their durations, and the sequence in which they are to be performed.3. Critical Path Method (CPM) - A technique used to determine thecritical activities and the critical path of a project.4. Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) - A project management technique for scheduling and coordinating tasks.5. Milestone - A significant event or point in a project that indicates that the project has reached a critical stage or is on schedule.6. Resource Allocation - The process of assigning resources to project activities to ensure the project's objectives are met.7. Risk Management - The process of identifying, analyzing, and responding to project risks.III. Project Execution and Control1. Change Management - The process of managing changes to the project scope, schedule, or resources.2. Quality Management - The process of ensuring that the project deliverables meet the specified requirements.3. Communication Management - The process of planning, collecting, disseminating, and managing project information.4. Stakeholder Management - The process of engaging with stakeholders to ensure their expectations and concerns are addressed.5. Risk Response - The actions taken to reduce the likelihood or impact of a risk.6. Quality Assurance - The process of monitoring and evaluating project activities to ensure that the project is being executed according to the project management plan.7. Quality Control - The process of monitoring the results of project activities to ensure that the deliverables meet the specified requirements.IV. Project Closure1. Project Closure - The formal acceptance of the completed project deliverables and the conclusion of all project activities.2. Lessons Learned - The knowledge gained from a project that can be applied to future projects.3. Project Handover - The transfer of the completed project deliverables to the client or end-user.4. Post-Project Evaluation - The review of the project's performance and outcomes to identify successes, failures, and areas for improvement.V. Project Management Tools and Techniques1. Gantt Chart - A bar chart that illustrates a project schedule.2. PERT Chart - A network diagram that represents the project activities and their dependencies.3. Risk Register - A document that lists identified risks, their potential impact, and the risk response strategies.4. Quality Assurance Plan - A document that outlines the quality management activities for the project.5. Communication Plan - A document that defines the communication requirements for the project.By familiarizing yourself with these project management English vocabulary terms, you will be better equipped to communicate effectively with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders, and to successfully manage projects in the global marketplace.。
Engineering project management is a complex and multifaceted field that requires a strong command of specialized terminology. To ensureeffective communication and understanding among project team members, stakeholders, and other parties involved, it is essential to familiarize oneself with the following list of common engineering project management English terms:1. Project Management: The application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements.2. Project: A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result.3. Project Phase: A major division of the project into logical segments for management purposes.4. Project Lifecycle: The stages that a project goes through from start to finish, including initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and controlling, and closing.5. Project Plan: A document that describes the scope, objectives, activities, resources, and schedule of a project.6. Project Schedule: A document that outlines the sequence of activities, milestones, and deliverables required to complete a project.7. Scope: The defined boundaries and objectives of a project, including what is included and what is excluded.8. Stakeholder: Any individual, group, or organization that has an interest in, or can affect, the project.9. Risk: An uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on a project's objectives.10. Risk Management: The process of identifying, analyzing, and responding to project risks.11. Quality: The degree to which a project meets specified requirements.12. Quality Management: The process of planning and controlling the quality of the project outputs.13. Scope Creep: The uncontrolled expansion of a project's scope, resulting in additional work and resources.14. Change Control: The process of managing changes to the project scope, schedule, or budget.15. Resource Allocation: The process of assigning resources to project activities to ensure they are used effectively and efficiently.16. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): A hierarchical decomposition of the project scope into smaller, more manageable components.17. Critical Path Method (CPM): A project management technique that identifies the sequence of activities that determine the project duration.18. Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT): A project management technique that uses probabilistic estimates to determine the duration of project activities.19. Agile Project Management: An iterative and incremental approach to managing projects that focuses on flexibility and adaptability.20. Six Sigma: A set of techniques and tools for process improvementthat aims to reduce process variation and defects.21. Lean Project Management: A methodology that focuses on delivering value to the customer while minimizing waste.22. Project Performance Index: A measure used to evaluate the performance of a project relative to its objectives.23. Project Cost Variance: The difference between the actual and planned project costs.24. Project Schedule Variance: The difference between the actual and planned project schedule.25. Project Closeout: The formal completion of the project, including finalizing documentation, conducting lessons learned, and celebrating success.26. Project Portfolio Management: The management of a group of projects, programs, and operations to maximize their value to the organization.27. Project Procurement Management: The process of obtaining goods and services from outside sources to meet project needs.28. Project Contract Management: The process of managing contracts to ensure that they are executed effectively and efficiently.29. Project Communication Management: The process of planning, collecting, distributing, and managing project information among stakeholders.30. Project Risk Response: The actions taken to address identified risks.31. Project Issue Management: The process of identifying, analyzing, and resolving issues that arise during the project lifecycle.32. Project Team: The group of individuals working together to achieve the project objectives.33. Project Manager: The individual responsible for planning, executing, and controlling the project to ensure that its objectives are met.34. Project Success: The achievement of the project objectives within the agreed-upon constraints of time, budget, and quality.By understanding and utilizing these engineering project management English terms, professionals can enhance their ability to communicate effectively, manage projects efficiently, and achieve successful outcomes.。
工艺包process package工艺设计 process design工艺发表 process release工艺预发表 initial process release工作范围;项目任务范围 scope of work ; project scope工作包 work package工作项 work item任务单项 line item分解结构 breakdown structure工作分解结构 work breakdown structure组织分解机构 organizational breakdown structure项目大项工作分解结构 project summary work breakdown structure 承包商标准工作分解结构;工程公司标准工作分解结构 contractor's standard work breakdown structure责任分工矩阵 responsibility assignment matrix风险 risk风险分析 risk analysis风险备忘录 risk memorandum公司本部 home office公司本部服务 home office service公用工程 utility计划 plan项目计划 project plan(项目)设计计划 (project)engineering plan (项目)采购计划 (project)procurement plan (项目)施工计划 (project)construction plan (项目)开车计划 (project)start-up plan专利 patent专利权 patent right产权技术 proprietary technology专利技术 licensed technology专有技术;技术诀窍 know-how许可证 license专利商;许可方 licensor受许可放;受让方 licensee(技术)转让费;提成费 royalty许可证费 license fee专有技术费 know-how fee专业 discipline工艺 process design ; process engineering 系统 systems engineering设备 equipment engineering布置 plant layout engineering管道设计 piping design管道机械 piping mechanical engineering仪表 instruments engineering电气 electrical engineering建筑 architectural engineering土建 civil engineering开车 start-up试车 commissioning投料试车 start-up ; test run ; initial operations性能考核,生产考核 performance test run ; performance guarantee tests用户验收 client acceptance支付条件;付款条件 terms of payment ; conditions of payment ; terms and conditions of payment预付款 advance payment ; down payment按实物进度付款 progress payment按日工程进度付款 schedule payment保留金;扣留款 retention money最终付款 final payment代码;编码 code ; number组码 group code标准分类记帐码;记帐码 standard classification of account numbers[SCAN];account codes ; code of accounts可编码 variable code ; optional variable code通用型活动码 generic activity type(numbers)[GAT]不可预见费 contingency发表 issue ; release汇票 bill of exchange ; draft议付汇票 bill for negotiation业主 owner用户;客户 client设计;工程设计 design ; engineering设计阶段 engineering phase工艺设计阶段 process design phase基础工程设计阶段 basic engineering phase分析设计阶段 analytical engineering phase平面设计阶段 planning engineering phase详细工程设计阶段 detailed engineering phase ; final engineering phase ; production engineering phase会议 meeting开工会议 kick-off meeting报价开工会议 proposal kick-off meeting用户开工会议 client kick-off meeting项目开工会议 project kick-off meeting设计开工会议 project kick-off meeting施工动员会议 construction mobilization meeting审核会 review meeting合同;承包 contract合同生效日期 effective date of the contract合同终止 termination of contract合同失效 frustration of contract总价合同 lump-sum contract[L-S](固定)单价合同 (fixed) unit price contract偿付合同;成本加抽筋合同 (cost) reimbursable contract ; cost-plus (fee) contract [C-P]成本加固定酬金合同 cost plus fixed fee contract [CPFF]成本加浮动酬金合同 cost plus fluctuating fee contract ; cost plus sliding scale fee contract目标成本加奖罚合同 (target) cost plus fee contract , with bonus or penalty conditions限定最高价偿付合同;限定最高成本加抽筋合同 reimbursable guaranteed maximum price contract [RGMP] ; guarantee maximum cost plus fee contract承包商 contractor分包商 subcontractor合营企业 joint venture [JV]交货 delivery交货日期 delivery date ; date of delivery交货周期 lead time交货到现场 delivery to job-site交货单 delivery note提货单 delivery order提单 bill of lading交货条件 delivery terms离岸价 free on board [FOB]铁路交货(价);敞车上交货(价) free on rail [FOR] ; free on truck [FOT]成本加运费(价) cost and freight [CFR] or [C&F]到岸价 cost insurance and freight ; cost insurance freight [CIF]船边交货(价) free alongside ship [FAS]货交承运人(价) free carrier [FCA]工厂交货(价) ex works [EXW]估算;费用估算 estimate ' cost estimate估算方法类别 types of estimate详细估算(发) detailed estimate ; defined estimate设备详细估算(发);确切估算(发) defined equipment estimate ; definitive estimate设备估算 equipment estimate分析估算 analysis estimate报价估算 proposal estimate控制估算 control estimate初期控制估算 interim control estimate ; initial control estimate [ICE]批准的控制估算 initial approved cost [IAC]核定估算 check estimate首次核定估算 first check estimate [FCE]二次核定估算 production check estimate [PCE]人工时估算 man-hour estimate证书;证明书 certificate产地证明书 certificate of origin机械竣工证书 mechanical completion certificate用户验收证书;合同项目验收证书 client acceptance certificate (of plant)材料 material设备 equipment散装材料 bulk materials ; commodities材料分类 material class材料统计 material take-off [MTO]材料表;材料清单 bill of materials [BOM]材料管理 material management材料控制 material control进度;进度表;进度计划 schedule进展;进度;实物进度 progress ; physical progress编制进度计划 scheduling ; time scheduling(项目)初期工作进度计划 starter schedule ; early work schedule项目主进度计划 project master schedule ; master project schedule详细进度计划;详细进度表 detailed schedule网络(图);网络(进度)计划 network (diagram)里程碑网络图 milestone network详细网络图 detailed network关键线路法 critical path method [CPM]关键工序;关键活动 critical activity工序;活动 activity里程碑 milestone进度控制 schedule control ; progress control进度曲线;S曲线 progress curve ; "S" curve资源负荷曲线 resource loading curve ; Bell curve 进度提前 ahead of schedule进度拖延 schedule delay违约 default违约通知 default notice(违约)罚款条款 penalty clause违约罚金 liquidated damages运费 freight [Frt.] ; carriage运费付讫 freight paid ; carriage free ; carriage paids运费待收;货到收运费 freight collect ; freight to be collected ; freight payable at destination运费预付 freight prepaid ; advance(d) freight货到付运费;运费未付 freight forward ; carriage forward运费担保函 freight indemnity运费单 freight note运输商;承运商 forwarding agent采购 procurement采买 purchasing催交 expediting检验 inspection运输 traffic ; transport报关单 bill of entry报告 report费用和进展月报告 monthly cost and progress report(项目)进展月报 (job) monthly progress report设计进展月报 engineering monthly progress report项目费用汇总报告 project cost summary report项目实施费用状态报告 project operation cost status report 进度报告 schedule report控制索引 control index执行效果报告 performance report劳动生产率报告 productivity report异常报告 exception report材料异常报告 material exception report [MER] ; equipment & materials exception report采购状态报告 procurement status report材料状态报告 material status report请购单和订单状态报告 purchase order and requisition status report 供货厂商图纸状态报告 vendor drawing status report ; vendor data scheduling status report检验报告 inspection report(项目)完工报告 close-out report报价;投标 bid ; quotation ; proposal ; tender ; offer讯价文件评审委员会 inquiry review committee [IRC]报价策略会议 bid strategy meeting报价经理 proposal manager投标书;标书;建议书 proposal ; quotation ; bid ;tender ;offer标书评审;报价评审 bid evaluation标书评选表;报价评选表 bid tabulation form ; tabulation of bids 谈判 negotiation厂商协调会议;协调会议 vendor coordination meeting [VCM] ; coordination meeting订货合约;定约;成交 commitment订货电传;订货通知 telex order ; notification of commitment订单(即定单);采买订单;订货合同 purchase order签订合同;合同签约 contract award询价;招标 inquiry ; invitation to bid资格预审 pre-qualification合格投标商表;合格供货商表 qualified bidders list ; qualified vendors list询价书;招标文件 inquiry(package) ; request for quotation(package) [RFQ]; request for proposal [RFP] ; invitation to bid [ITB]请购文件;请购单 requisition (package) ; requisition documents采购规格书;采购说明书 purchasing specification [PS]投标者须知;报价须知 instructions to bidders [ITB]变更 change用户变更;合同变更 client change ;contract change待定的用户变更 pending client change认可的用户变更 approved client change用户变更(通知)单;合同变更(通知)单 client change notice [CCB] ; contract change order [CCO]项目变更;内部变更 project change ; internal change项目变更(通知)单;内部变更(通知)单 project change notice [PCN] ;internal change order [ICO]变更申请单;偏差通知单 change request ; deviation notice [DN]质量 quality质量方针 quality policy质量管理 quality management质量策划 quality planning质量控制 quality control [QC]质量保证 quality assurance [QA]质量体系 quality system质量改进 quality improvement质量手册 quality manual质量计划 quality plan图纸 drawing工艺流程图 process flow diagram [PFD]工艺控制图 process control diagram [PCD]管道仪表流程图 piping and instrument diagram [PID] [P&ID]装置布置图 plot plan管道平面设计图 piping planning (drawing)管道平面布置图 piping layout drawing管段图;管道空视图 isometric drawing"批准用于详细工程设计"图纸 drawing issued "Approved for Design" "批准用于施工"图纸 drawings issued "Approved for construction" [AFC]供货厂商先期确认图(纸) advanced certified final drawings [ACF] ; advanced certified vendors' drawings ; preliminary vendor drawings 供货厂商最终确认图(纸) certified final drawings [CF] ; certified vendor drawings[CD]图表 diagram ; chart直方图 histogram横道图 bar ; bar-chart ; Gantt chart进度趋势展示图 schedule trend display chart费用趋势展示图 cost trend display chart项目;工程项目 project项目实施费用状态报告 project execution项目实施阶段 project phase项目初始阶段 initial phase of project execution 施工阶段 construction phase开车阶段 start-up phase项目建设周期 project duration's项目管理 project management项目控制 project control项目组 project team专责项目组 task force项目经理 project manager [PM]项目设计经理 project engineering manager [PEM]项目采购经理 project procurement manager [PPM]项目施工经理 project construction manager [PCM]项目工艺经理 project process manager项目控制经理 project controls manager项目进度计划工程师 project scheduling engineer ; project scheduler 项目估算师 project estimator项目费用控制工程师 project cost control engineer ; project cost engineer项目材料控制工程师 project material control engineer项目财务经理 project financial manager项目质量经理 project quality manager项目开车经理 project start-up manager项目安全工程师 project safety engineer项目秘书 project secretary项目控制手段 project controlling ; tools for project control 控制基准;执行效果测量基准;实物进度基准 control baseline ; performance measurement baseline ; progress baseline偏差;差异 deviation ; variance执行效果;效绩;性能 performance跟踪 tracking ; follow up监控 monitoring趋势分析;趋势预测 trending ; trend projection偏差预测值 projected deviations预测 projection ; forecasting纠正措施 corrective action ; corrective measures项目综合控制 integrated project control赢得值原理 earned value concept [EVC]计划工作量的预算费用 budgeted cost for work scheduled [BCWS]已完工作量的预算费用 budgeted cost for work performed [BCWP]已完工作量的实耗费用 actual cost for work performed [ACWP]费用差异 cost variance [CV]进度差异 schedule variance [SV]费用指数 cost index [CI]进度指数 schedule index [SI]费用执行效果指数 cost performance index [CPI]进度执行效果指数 schedule performance index [SPI]竣工差异 at completion variance [ACV]竣工预算费用 budgeted cost at completion [BAC]竣工预测费用 estimated cost at completion [EAC]费用;成本 cost0m6m建设总费用 total installed cost [TIC]材料费用;直接材料费用 material cost ; direct material cost设备费用;设备购买费用 equipment cost ; purchased cost of equipment 散装材料费用;散装材料购买费用 bulk materials cost ; purchased cost of bulk materials ; commodities cost(直接)材料相关费用(运费和保险费等) cost of material related freight ; insurance , etc.施工费用 construction cost施工人工费用;施工劳力费用 labor cost ; erection labor cost ; construction force cost设备安装人工费用 labor cost associated with equipment散装材料施工人工费用 labor cost associated with bulk materials人工时估算定额;施工人工时估算定额;标准工时定额 standardman-hours ; standard labor man-hours ; standard construction man-hours ; standard hours劳动生产率;劳动生产率系数 labor productivity ; productivity factor ; productivity ratio修正的人工事估算值 adjusted man-hours人工时单价 man-hour rate施工监督费用;施工监督和管理费用cost of construction supervision ; cost of construction management and supervision ; field administration and direct supervision cost施工间接费用 cost of construction indirect分包合同费用;现场施工分包合同费用 subcontract cost ; field subcontract cost公司本部(服务)费用 home office cost ; cost of home office servers 公司管理费 overhead ; home office overheads非工资费用 non-payroll ; home-office expenses试车费用 commissioning activities cost投料试车费用 start-up cost其他费用 other costs利润;预期利润 profit ; expected profit服务酬金 service gains内部费用转换 internal transfer认可的预计费用 anticipated approved cost费用控制;成本控制 cost control预算(值);项目控制预算 budget ; project control budget预算结余(值);费用结余(值) under-run ; cost under-run预算超支(值);费用超支(值) over-run ; cost over-run施工 construction施工工种 construction craft试车准备 precommissioning机械竣工 mechanical completion [MC]界区 battery limit [BL]工艺界区 process battery limit ; inside battery limit [ISBL]界外设施区;辅助设施界区 offsite battery limit [OSBL]工艺装置 process section ; process unit界外设施;辅助设施;通用设施 offsite section ; offsite unit ; offsite facilities ; general facilities保证;担保 guarantee ; warranty性能保证 performance guarantees绝对保证 absolute guarantees违约罚款保证 penaltiable guarantees工作质量保证 workmanship guarantees机械保证;机械担保 mechanical guarantees ; mechanical warranties保函;担保(书) bond投标保函 bid bond履约保函;履约担保(书);为履约出具的银行保证书 performance bond ; performance bank guarantee预付款保函;为预付款出具的银行保证书 advance payment bond ; bank guarantee for advance payment保证书;保险公司出具的保函 surety bond银行保证书;信用保证书 bank guarantee ; letter of guarantee [L/G]安慰信 letter of comfort保密协议 secrecy agreement保险 insurance ; assurance保险单 insurance policy保险证书 insurance certificate保险费 insurance premium保税货物 bonded goods保税仓库 bonded warehouse信用证 letter of credit [L/C]不可撤销信用证 irrevocable L/C可撤销信用证 revocable L/C即期信用证 sight credit ; sight L/C 远期信用证 term credit ; term L/C保兑信用证 confirmed L/C可转让信用证 transferable L/C备用信用证 stand-by L/C信用证提款 drawing on L/C信贷 CREDIT卖方信贷 SUPPLIER'S CREDIT [S/C]买方信贷 buyer's credit [B/C]信贷额度 line of credit项目融资;工程项目筹资 project finance 贷款 loan即期贷款 demand loan索赔 claim ; claim indemnity培训 training税;税金 tax(es)所得税 income taxes关税 duties合法避税 tax avoidance程序 procedure项目协调程序 project coordination procedure 项目实施程序 project execution procedure项目设计程序 project engineering procedure 项目采购程序 project procurement procedure 项目检验程序 project inspection procedure 项目控制程序 project control procedure变更控制程序 change control procedure预算变更程序 budget change procedure项目试车程序;项目开车程序 project commissioning procedure ; project start-up procedure ; project test run procedure化学清洗程序 chemical cleaning procedure性能考核程序;生产考核程序 performance test run procedure ; performance guarantee test procedure装置验收程序 plant acceptance procedure数据 data条件数据;设计条件 supporting data返回的条件数据;返回的设计条件 resultant feedback of data意向书 letter of intent。
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工程项目管理常用英语工艺包 process package工艺设计 process design工艺发表 process release工艺预发表 initial process release工作范围;项目任务范围 scope of work ; project scope工作包 work package工作项 work item任务单项 line item分解结构 breakdown structure工作分解结构 work breakdown structure组织分解机构 organizational breakdown structure项目大项工作分解结构 project summary work breakdown structure承包商标准工作分解结构;工程公司标准工作分解结构 contractor's standard work breakdown structure责任分工矩阵 responsibility assignment matrix风险 risk风险分析 risk analysis风险备忘录 risk memorandum公司本部 home office公司本部服务 home office service公用工程 utility计划 plan项目计划 project plan(项目)设计计划 (project)engineering plan(项目)采购计划 (project)procurement plan (项目)施工计划 (project)construction plan (项目)开车计划 (project)start-up plan专利 patent专利权 patent right产权技术 proprietary technology专利技术 licensed technology专有技术;技术诀窍 know-how许可证 license专利商;许可方 licensor受许可放;受让方 licensee(技术)转让费;提成费 royalty许可证费 license fee专有技术费 know-how fee专业 discipline工艺 process design ; process engineering 系统 systems engineering设备 equipment engineering布置 plant layout engineering管道设计 piping design管道机械 piping mechanical engineering仪表 instruments engineering电气 electrical engineering建筑 architectural engineering土建 civil engineering开车 start-up试车 commissioning投料试车 start-up ; test run ; initial operations性能考核,生产考核 performance test run ; performance guarantee tests用户验收 client acceptance支付条件;付款条件 terms of payment ; conditions of payment ; terms and conditions of payment预付款 advance payment ; down payment按实物进度付款 progress payment按日工程进度付款 schedule payment保留金;扣留款 retention money最终付款 final payment代码;编码 code ; number组码 group code标准分类记帐码;记帐码 standard classification of accountnumbers[SCAN];account codes ; code of accounts可编码 variable code ; optional variable code通用型活动码 generic activity type(numbers)[GAT]不可预见费 contingency发表 issue ; release汇票 bill of exchange ; draft议付汇票 bill for negotiation业主 owner用户;客户 client设计;工程设计 design ; engineering设计阶段 engineering phase工艺设计阶段 process design phase基础工程设计阶段 basic engineering phase分析设计阶段 analytical engineering phase平面设计阶段 planning engineering phase详细工程设计阶段 detailed engineering phase ; final engineering phase ; production engineering phase会议 meeting开工会议 kick-off meeting报价开工会议 proposal kick-off meeting用户开工会议 client kick-off meeting项目开工会议 project kick-off meeting设计开工会议 project kick-off meeting施工动员会议 construction mobilization meeting审核会 review meeting合同;承包 contract合同生效日期 effective date of the contract合同终止 termination of contract合同失效 frustration of contract总价合同 lump-sum contract[L-S](固定)单价合同 (fixed) unit price contract偿付合同;成本加抽筋合同 (cost) reimbursable contract ; cost-plus (fee) contract [C-P]成本加固定酬金合同 cost plus fixed fee contract [CPFF]成本加浮动酬金合同 cost plus fluctuating fee contract ; cost plus sliding scale fee contract目标成本加奖罚合同 (target) cost plus fee contract , with bonus or penalty conditions限定最高价偿付合同;限定最高成本加抽筋合同 reimbursable guaranteed maximum price contract [RGMP] ; guarantee maximum cost plus fee contract承包商 contractor分包商 subcontractor合营企业 joint venture [JV]交货 delivery交货日期 delivery date ; date of delivery交货周期 lead time交货到现场 delivery to job-site交货单 delivery note提货单 delivery order提单 bill of lading交货条件 delivery terms离岸价 free on board [FOB]铁路交货(价);敞车上交货(价) free on rail [FOR] ; free on truck [FOT]成本加运费(价) cost and freight [CFR] or [C&F]到岸价 cost insurance and freight ; cost insurance freight [CIF]船边交货(价) free alongside ship [FAS]货交承运人(价) free carrier [FCA]工厂交货(价) ex works [EXW]估算;费用估算 estimate ' cost estimate估算方法类别 types of estimate详细估算(发) detailed estimate ; defined estimate设备详细估算(发);确切估算(发) defined equipment estimate ; definitive estimate设备估算 equipment estimate分析估算 analysis estimate报价估算 proposal estimate控制估算 control estimate初期控制估算 interim control estimate ; initial control estimate [ICE]批准的控制估算 initial approved cost [IAC]核定估算 check estimate首次核定估算 first check estimate [FCE]二次核定估算 production check estimate [PCE]人工时估算 man-hour estimate证书;证明书 certificate产地证明书 certificate of origin机械竣工证书 mechanical completion certificate用户验收证书;合同项目验收证书 client acceptance certificate (of plant)材料 material设备 equipment散装材料 bulk materials ; commodities材料分类 material class材料统计 material take-off [MTO]材料表;材料清单 bill of materials [BOM]材料管理 material management材料控制 material control进度;进度表;进度计划 schedule进展;进度;实物进度 progress ; physical progress编制进度计划 scheduling ; time scheduling(项目)初期工作进度计划 starter schedule ; early work schedule项目主进度计划 project master schedule ; master project schedule 详细进度计划;详细进度表 detailed schedule网络(图);网络(进度)计划 network (diagram)里程碑网络图 milestone network详细网络图 detailed network关键线路法 critical path method [CPM]关键工序;关键活动 critical activity工序;活动 activity里程碑 milestone进度控制 schedule control ; progress control进度曲线;S曲线 progress curve ; "S" curve资源负荷曲线 resource loading curve ; Bell curve进度提前 ahead of schedule进度拖延 schedule delay违约 default违约通知 default notice(违约)罚款条款 penalty clause违约罚金 liquidated damages运费 freight [Frt.] ; carriage运费付讫 freight paid ; carriage free ; carriage paids运费待收;货到收运费 freight collect ; freight to be collected ; freight payable at destination运费预付 freight prepaid ; advance(d) freight货到付运费;运费未付 freight forward ; carriage forward运费担保函 freight indemnity运费单 freight note运输商;承运商 forwarding agent采购 procurement采买 purchasing催交 expediting检验 inspection运输 traffic ; transport报关单 bill of entry报告 report费用和进展月报告 monthly cost and progress report(项目)进展月报 (job) monthly progress report设计进展月报 engineering monthly progress report项目费用汇总报告 project cost summary report项目实施费用状态报告 project operation cost status report进度报告 schedule report控制索引 control index执行效果报告 performance report劳动生产率报告 productivity report异常报告 exception report材料异常报告 material exception report [MER] ; equipment & materials exception report采购状态报告 procurement status report材料状态报告 material status report请购单和订单状态报告 purchase order and requisition status report供货厂商图纸状态报告 vendor drawing status report ; vendor data scheduling status report检验报告 inspection report(项目)完工报告 close-out report报价;投标 bid ; quotation ; proposal ; tender ; offer讯价文件评审委员会 inquiry review committee [IRC]报价策略会议 bid strategy meeting报价经理 proposal manager投标书;标书;建议书 proposal ; quotation ; bid ;tender ;offer标书评审;报价评审 bid evaluation标书评选表;报价评选表 bid tabulation form ; tabulation of bids谈判 negotiation厂商协调会议;协调会议 vendor coordination meeting [VCM] ; coordination meeting订货合约;定约;成交 commitment订货电传;订货通知 telex order ; notification of commitment订单(即定单);采买订单;订货合同 purchase order签订合同;合同签约 contract award询价;招标 inquiry ; invitation to bid资格预审 pre-qualification合格投标商表;合格供货商表 qualified bidders list ; qualified vendors list询价书;招标文件 inquiry(package) ; request for quotation(package) [RFQ]; request for proposal [RFP] ; invitation to bid [ITB]请购文件;请购单 requisition (package) ; requisition documents采购规格书;采购说明书 purchasing specification [PS]投标者须知;报价须知 instructions to bidders [ITB]变更 change用户变更;合同变更 client change ;contract change待定的用户变更 pending client change认可的用户变更 approved client change用户变更(通知)单;合同变更(通知)单 client change notice [CCB] ; contract change order [CCO]项目变更;内部变更 project change ; internal change项目变更(通知)单;内部变更(通知)单 project change notice [PCN] ;internal change order [ICO]变更申请单;偏差通知单 change request ; deviation notice [DN]质量 quality质量方针 quality policy质量管理 quality management质量策划 quality planning质量控制 quality control [QC]质量保证 quality assurance [QA]质量体系 quality system质量改进 quality improvement质量手册 quality manual质量计划 quality plan图纸 drawing工艺流程图 process flow diagram [PFD]工艺控制图 process control diagram [PCD]管道仪表流程图 piping and instrument diagram [PID] [P&ID]装置布置图 plot plan管道平面设计图 piping planning (drawing)管道平面布置图 piping layout drawing管段图;管道空视图 isometric drawing |.X$h }7v C ^ s7s"批准用于详细工程设计"图纸 drawing issued "Approved for Design" [AFD] "批准用于施工"图纸 drawings issued "Approved for construction" [AFC]供货厂商先期确认图(纸) advanced certified final drawings [ACF] ; advanced certified vendors' drawings ; preliminary vendor drawings [PD]供货厂商最终确认图(纸) certified final drawings [CF] ; certified vendor drawings[CD]图表 diagram ; chart直方图 histogram横道图 bar ; bar-chart ; Gantt chart进度趋势展示图 schedule trend display chart费用趋势展示图 cost trend display chart项目;工程项目 project项目实施费用状态报告 project execution项目实施阶段 project phase项目初始阶段 initial phase of project execution施工阶段 construction phase开车阶段 start-up phase项目建设周期 project duration's项目管理 project management项目控制 project control项目组 project team专责项目组 task force项目经理 project manager [PM]项目设计经理 project engineering manager [PEM]项目采购经理 project procurement manager [PPM]项目施工经理 project construction manager [PCM]项目工艺经理 project process manager项目控制经理 project controls manager项目进度计划工程师 project scheduling engineer ; project scheduler项目估算师 project estimator项目费用控制工程师 project cost control engineer ; project cost engineer 项目材料控制工程师 project material control engineer项目财务经理 project financial manager项目质量经理 project quality manager项目开车经理 project start-up manager项目安全工程师 project safety engineer项目秘书 project secretary项目控制手段 project controlling ; tools for project control控制基准;执行效果测量基准;实物进度基准 control baseline ; performance measurement baseline ; progress baseline偏差;差异 deviation ; variance执行效果;效绩;性能 performance跟踪 tracking ; follow up监控 monitoring趋势分析;趋势预测 trending ; trend projection偏差预测值 projected deviations预测 projection ; forecasting纠正措施 corrective action ; corrective measures项目综合控制 integrated project control赢得值原理 earned value concept [EVC]计划工作量的预算费用 budgeted cost for work scheduled [BCWS]已完工作量的预算费用 budgeted cost for work performed [BCWP]已完工作量的实耗费用 actual cost for work performed [ACWP]费用差异 cost variance [CV]进度差异 schedule variance [SV]费用指数 cost index [CI]进度指数 schedule index [SI]费用执行效果指数 cost performance index [CPI]进度执行效果指数 schedule performance index [SPI]竣工差异 at completion variance [ACV]竣工预算费用 budgeted cost at completion [BAC]竣工预测费用 estimated cost at completion [EAC]费用;成本 cost建设总费用 total installed cost材料费用;直接材料费用 material cost ; direct material cost设备费用;设备购买费用 equipment cost ; purchased cost of equipment散装材料费用;散装材料购买费用 bulk materials cost ; purchased cost of bulk materials ; commodities cost(直接)材料相关费用(运费和保险费等) cost of material related freight ; insurance , etc.施工费用 construction cost施工人工费用;施工劳力费用 labor cost ; erection labor cost ; construction force cost设备安装人工费用 labor cost associated with equipment散装材料施工人工费用 labor cost associated with bulk materials人工时估算定额;施工人工时估算定额;标准工时定额 standard man-hours ; standard labor man-hours ; standard construction man-hours ; standard hours劳动生产率;劳动生产率系数 labor productivity ; productivity factor ; productivity ratio修正的人工事估算值 adjusted man-hours人工时单价 man-hour rate施工监督费用;施工监督和管理费用cost of construction supervision ; cost of construction management and supervision ; field administration and direct supervision cost施工间接费用 cost of construction indirect分包合同费用;现场施工分包合同费用 subcontract cost ; field subcontract cost公司本部(服务)费用 home office cost ; cost of home office servers公司管理费 overhead ; home office overheads非工资费用 non-payroll ; home-office expenses试车费用 commissioning activities cost投料试车费用 start-up cost其他费用 other costs利润;预期利润 profit ; expected profit服务酬金 service gains内部费用转换 internal transfer认可的预计费用 anticipated approved cost费用控制;成本控制 cost control预算(值);项目控制预算 budget ; project control budget预算结余(值);费用结余(值) under-run ; cost under-run预算超支(值);费用超支(值) over-run ; cost over-run施工 construction施工工种 construction craft试车准备 precommissioning机械竣工 mechanical completion [MC]界区 battery limit [BL]工艺界区 process battery limit ; inside battery limit [ISBL]界外设施区;辅助设施界区 offsite battery limit [OSBL]工艺装置 process section ; process unit界外设施;辅助设施;通用设施 offsite section ; offsite unit ; offsite facilities ; general facilities保证;担保 guarantee ; warranty性能保证 performance guarantees绝对保证 absolute guarantees违约罚款保证 penaltiable guarantees工作质量保证 workmanship guarantees机械保证;机械担保 mechanical guarantees ; mechanical warranties保函;担保(书) bond投标保函 bid bond履约保函;履约担保(书);为履约出具的银行保证书 performance bond ; performance bank guarantee预付款保函;为预付款出具的银行保证书 advance payment bond ; bank guarantee for advance payment保证书;保险公司出具的保函 surety bond银行保证书;信用保证书 bank guarantee ; letter of guarantee安慰信 letter of comfort保密协议 secrecy agreement保险 insurance ; assurance保险单 insurance policy保险证书 insurance certificate保险费 insurance premium保税货物 bonded goods保税仓库 bonded warehouse信用证 letter of credit不可撤销信用证 irrevocable可撤销信用证 revocable L/C即期信用证 sight credit ; sight远期信用证 term credit ; term保兑信用证 confirmed L/C可转让信用证 transferable L/C备用信用证 stand-by L/C信用证提款 drawing on L/Cs ^信贷 CREDIT卖方信贷 SUPPLIER'S CREDIT [S/C]买方信贷 buyer's credit [B/C]信贷额度 line of credit项目融资;工程项目筹资 project finance贷款 loan即期贷款 demand loan索赔 claim ; claim indemnity培训 training税;税金 tax(es)所得税 income taxes关税 duties合法避税 tax avoidance程序 procedure项目协调程序 project coordination procedure项目实施程序 project execution procedure项目设计程序 project engineering procedure项目采购程序 project procurement procedure项目检验程序 project inspection procedure项目控制程序 project control procedure变更控制程序 change control procedure预算变更程序 budget change procedure项目试车程序;项目开车程序 project commissioning procedure ; project start-up procedure ; project test run procedure化学清洗程序 chemical cleaning procedure性能考核程序;生产考核程序 performance test run procedure ; performance guarantee test procedur装置验收程序 plant acceptance procedure数据 data条件数据;设计条件 supporting data返回的条件数据;返回的设计条件 resultant feedback of data意向书 letter of intent。