Journal of Poly-2013-890-898




甘肃医药2021年40卷第6期Gansu Medical Journal ,2021,Vol.40,No.6目前临床应用的免疫检查点抑制剂较多,卡瑞利珠单抗引起的反应性皮肤毛细血管增生症(reactive cutaneous capillary endothelial proliferation ,RCCEP )较多见。

RCCEP 是一种发生于皮肤的免疫不良反应,以真皮层毛细血管增多和毛细血管内皮细胞增生为其病理学特征,具有独特的形态学表现,且呈动态变化,是卡瑞利珠单抗最常见的药物治疗相关不良反应[1]。

我国临床肿瘤学会(CSCO )2019年免疫检查点抑制剂相关毒性管理指南将RCCEP 分为3级(轻度、中度、重度)。

本例报告提供阿帕替尼作为RCCEP 的治疗思路之一,为抗肿瘤免疫治疗提供“增敏减毒”的临床治疗方向。


B 超:双颈部、腋窝、锁骨上区多发淋巴结肿大,骨扫描(-),头颅MRI (-)。

胸部CT :前上纵隔肿块,累及上腔静脉,考虑淋巴瘤,右肺上叶实变,肿瘤性病变。



免疫组化肿瘤细胞呈:CD56(+),CgA (+),NapsinaA (-),P40(-),p63(+),SYN (-),TTF-1(+),TDT (-),CD5(-),CD117(弱+),Ki-67阳性率约80%。





2019年9月18日行EP 化疗2周期,后又因疫情化疗中断。


2020年4月18日EP 化疗(依托泊苷170mgD1,130mg D2,100mg D3静滴,顺铂40mg D1,30mg D2,30mg D3),化疗后出现Ⅳ°骨髓抑制,Ⅳ°白细胞减少。



局 部 高 度 函数 对 VOF方 法 进 行 了修 正 , 立 了适 建 用 于 规则 波 和随 机波 的波 浪 冲击 数 值模 型 。B o t r d-
k r[ 基 于 Kles n等 L 的 VOF模 型研 究 了 正 o b5 efma 4 ]
向和斜 向入射 波 及波 流共 同 作用 下 固定导 管架 平 台
了验 证 。
关 键 词 : 滑粒 子流体 动 力 学 ; 浪冲 击 ; 光 波 数值 水槽
中图分类号 : TV1 9 2 3 . 文献标志码 : A 文 章 编 号 :2 34 9 (0 2 0 —1 31 0 5— 13 2 1) 1 6 —5 0
1 引 言
波浪 对 浪溅 区透 空式 建筑 物 的冲 击作用 是 海岸 和 近海 工 程领 域至 今没 有解 决 的 困难课 题 。近 十多
任 冰 高睿 金 钊 , 国 玉 , 永 学 , , 王 王
(.大 连 理 工 大学 港 口 、 岸 及 近 海 工 程 国 家 重 点 实 验 室 , 宁 大 连 1 6 2 ) 1 海 辽 10 4
摘 要 : 于 光滑 粒子 流体 动力 学( P 方 法 的二 维数 值 波 浪水 槽 模 拟 了规 则 波对 透 空式 结 构 物 的 基 S H)
收 稿 日期 :0 00 -7 修 订 日期 :0 10—3 2 1—82 ; 2 1 -61 。
基 金 项 目 : 家 自然科 学 基 金 资 助 项 目( 1 7 0 0 5 9 1 0 ) 国 5 1 9 3 ;0 2 0 1 。
作者简 介: 冰( 92 , , 任 1 7 一) 女 山东省烟台市人 , 博士 , 从事港 口、 海岸及近海工程领域的研究 。E malbe { lte u c - i:rn ̄du.d . n



厦门大学本科课程大纲课程名称晶体学基础英文名称Fundament of Crystallography课程编号开课学期5学分/周学时 3 / 3课程类型学科类方向性课程先修课程无机化学、普通物理、高等数学、线性代数、材料科学基础选用教材潘兆橹,结晶学及矿物学(上册,第三版),地质出版社,北京:1993。


主要参考书[1]、埃文思(R.C.Evans) (英),胡玉才译, 结晶化学导论, 人民教育出版社,北京:1980。


[3]、陈焕矗,结晶化学, 山东教育出版社,济南:1985。

[4]、陈敬中, 现代晶体化学:理论与方法:Theories and technique, 高等教育出版社,北京:2001。

[5]、陈敬中, 准晶结构及对称新理论, 华中理工大学出版社,武汉:1996。

[6]、方奇, 于文涛, 晶体学原理, 国防工业出版社, 北京: 2002。

[7]、李中和等,结晶化学, 浙江大学出版社,杭州:1989。








[15]、钱逸泰, 结晶化学导论, 中国科学技术大学出版社,合肥:1999。

[16]、邱关明, 结晶化学, 华中工学院出版社,武昌:1986。


Journal of Poly-2011-3759-3768

Journal of Poly-2011-3759-3768

Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(2,5-furan dicarboxylate)s Based on a Variety of DiolsMO´NICA GOMES,ALESSANDRO GANDINI,ARMANDO J.D.SILVESTRE,BRUNO REISCICECO and Department of Chemistry,University of Aveiro,3810-193Aveiro,PortugalReceived23March2011;accepted23May2011DOI:10.1002/pola.24812Published online20June2011in Wiley Online Library().ABSTRACT:Novel polyesters from renewable resources based on2,5-dicarboxylic acid and several diols were synthesized and characterized using different polycondensation techni-ques.The aliphatic diols were sufficiently volatile to allow the use of polytransesterifications,which gave high-molecular weight semicrystalline materials with good thermal stability. In particular,the polyester based on ethylene glycol dis-played properties comparable with those of its aromatic counterpart,poly(ethylene terephthalate),namely,the most important industrial polyester.The use of isosorbide gave rise to amorphous polymers with very stiff chains and hence a high glass transition temperature and an enhanced thermal stability.The interfacial polycondensation between the acid dichloride and hydroquinone produced a semicrystalline material with features similar to those of entirely aromatic polyesters,characterized essentially by the absence of melt-ing and poor solubility,both associated with their remarkable chain rigidity.The replacement of hydroquinone with the corresponding benzylic diol was sufficient to provide a more tractable polyester.This study provided ample evidence in favor of the exploitation of furan monomers as renewable alternatives to fossil-based aromatic homologs.V C2011 Wiley Periodicals,Inc.J Polym Sci Part A:Polym Chem49: 3759–3768,2011KEYWORDS:aliphatic,aromatic and furan diols;crystallinity; furan polyesters;2,5-furandicarboxylic acid;polycondensation; renewable resources;thermal propertiesINTRODUCTION The growing interest in the preparation of new chemicals and materials based on renewable resources has naturally led to the development of a correspondingly original realm of polymers.1The interest of this strategy is to provide viable alternatives to the predictable dwindling of fossil resources associated with their price increase,as well as to counteract the environmental problems related to fossil CO2emissions.Although these actions are more frequently and more massively directed at novel sources of energy,the production of chemical commodities from renewable resour-ces has also become a major issue involving both academic and industrial research activities.2In this context,two basic nonpetroleum monomer precursors are readily accessible from polysaccharides or sugars bear-ing,respectively,pentose and hexose moieties,namely the first-generation furan derivatives furfural(F)and hydroxy-methylfurfural(HMF).2,3From them,a whole array of furan monomers can be prepared and polymerized to give materi-als often comparable to those derived from a whole host of monomers prepared from fossil resources,that is,the major-ity of today’s commercial polymers.3While F has been an industrial commodity for nearly a century,3the production of HMF has been slowed down by difficulties in terms of isolat-ing it in good yields and purity.However,in the last few years,a massive output of publications3(a,d,e)suggests that such a process will soon become a reality,motivated by the practical interest in optimizing its synthesis.This is under-standable,because HMF is the obvious precursor to2,5-dis-ubstituted furan monomers,like2,5-furandicarboxylic acid (FDCA)and its dichloride,3as well as to promising chemicals such as levulinic acid.4The key structural feature associated with these monomers is their close resemblance to aromatic counterparts and hence the interest in using them to synthe-size polymers via step-growth mechanisms,namely polyest-ers and polyamides.The realm of furan polyesters has been the subject of several investigations,3beginning with the pioneering work of Moore and Kelly530years ago,who studied the synthesis of a num-ber of linear polyesters prepared from FDCA or its dichlor-ide.Since then,these types of structures have been virtually ignored,except for a brief study by Storbeck and Ballauf,6 probably because of the lack of ready availability of FDCA. Therefore,the interest in furan polyesters shifted to the use of difuran dicarboxylic monomers prepared by the coupling of commercial2-furancarboxylic esters through a condensa-tion reaction involving aldehydes and,preferably,ketones.A series of systematic investigations were thus carried out cov-ering a wide range of diols,as well as of different moietiesCorrespondence to:A.Gandini( of Polymer Science Part A:Polymer Chemistry,Vol.49,3759–3768(2011)V C2011Wiley Periodicals,Inc.bridging the two furan heterocycles,7which provided a com-prehensive set of structure–property relationships.Okada et al.8extended this domain using diols from renewable resources.The prospect of HMF and its derivatives becoming viable commodities3(a,d,e)induced us to return to furan polyesters based on FDCA through a comprehensive investigation of their synthesis and characterization,including novel struc-tures and the re-examination of previously reported ones,as briefly described in two preliminary communications.9,10 Grosshardt et al.11concurrently tackled some of these systems.The present detailed report marks the start of this program with a first set of furan polyesters and copolyesters based on FDCA and several diols,prepared by straightforward routes,using mild conditions.It is important to reiterate that at the basis of this strategy lies the pressing requirement of developing novel materials from renewable resources capa-ble of replacing,or even surpassing,their fossil-based counterparts.EXPERIMENTALMaterialsFDCA was a generous gift from Dr.Claude Moreau,who pre-pared it during his pioneering studies related to the optimi-zation of the preparation of HMF.12Its purity was deemed adequate for its subsequent use as a monomer precursor.D-Isosorbide and isoidide were generous gifts from Roquette France.Bis(2,5-hydroxymethyl)furan was kindly donated by TransFurans Chemicals bvba,Geel,Belgium.Ethylene glycol (99%),propane-1,3-diol(99%),1,4-di-(hydroxymethyl)-ben-zene(99%),hydroquinone(99.5%),as well as all other reagents and solvents were purchased from Aldrich and used as received.D-Isosorbide,isoidide,and bis(2,5-hydroxy-methyl)furan were dried under vacuum in the presence of phosphorus pentoxide and1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane(TCE), which was dried over sodium hydride.TechniquesMolecular weights and their distributions were obtained using a home-made size exclusion chromatographer(SEC) equipped with a PL-EMD960light scattering detector.The column set consisted of a PL HFIPgel guard followed by two PL HFIP columns(300Â7.5mm2),kept at40 C.The HPLC was set with a flow rate of1.0mL/min and a v/v/v mixture of dichloromethane/chloroform/1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-pro-panol(HFIP)70/20/10was used as the eluent.The sample solutions with a concentration of about3mg/mL were fil-tered through a PTFE membrane before injection.A molecu-lar weight calibration curve was obtained with eight polysty-rene standards in narrow-range of molecular weights comprised between790and96,000g/mol.All FTIR-attenuated total reflection(ATR)spectra were taken with a Bru¨cker IFS FTIR spectrophotometer equipped with a single horizontal Golden Gate ATR cell.1H and13C NMR spectra were recorded on a Bru¨cker AMX300operating at 300.13MHz for1H and75.47for13C spectra in CDCl3,C2D2Cl4,CD3COCD3,or C3F6OD2.13C solid-state cross-polar-ized magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance(13CP-MAS[hpdec]NMR)spectra were recorded on a Bru¨cker Avance400spectrometer operating with a magnetic field of 9.4T,at9.7kHz,using glycidine as reference.Elemental analyses of C and H were conducted in duplicate with a Leco CHNS-932analyzer.The duplicate elemental analysis of C,H,O,and F were carried out at the CNRS‘‘Serv-ice Central d’A nalyse,’’Vernaison,France.The thermogravimetric properties were gathered using a Shi-madzu TGA50analyzer equipped with a platinum cell.Sam-ples were heated at a constant rate of10 C/min from room temperature to800 C,under a nitrogen flow of20mL/min. DSC thermograms were obtained with a Setaram DSC92calo-rimeter using aluminum pans under nitrogen with a heating rate of10 C/min in the temperature range of18–400 C. The X-ray diffraction(XRD)patterns were recorded with a Phillips X’pert MPD diffractometer,using Cu K a radiation. Monomer SynthesisThe diol comonomers were used as such and the furan monomers were prepared as described below.2,5-Furandicarbonyl Chloride11g of FDCA,2mL of SOCl2,and20l L of dimethylforma-mide(DMF)were introduced into a25mL round-bottom flask fitted with a condenser and a magnetic stirrer,and the mixture was refluxed at80 C for4h with constant stirring. The condenser was connected to a washing bottle,filled with a concentrated sodium hydroxide aqueous solution, through a glass tube packed with activated silica gel.After the reaction,the excess of SOCl2and DMF was removed under vacuum at room temperature and collected in a trap cooled with liquid nitrogen.The ensuing monomer was iso-lated and purified by high-vacuum sublimation(yield:78%). White crystalline powder,m.p.79 C.FTIR(m/cmÀ1):3143 (¼¼CH);1737(C¼¼O);1563(C¼¼C);974,824,712(C A H).1H NMR(CDCl3,d/ppm):7.5(s,H3and H4).13C NMR(CDCl3, d/ppm):155.9(C¼¼O);149.3(C2and C5);123.2(C3and C4).Bis(hydroxyalkyl)-2,5-furandicarboxylatesThe general procedure for the synthesis of these monomers deals with the classical Fischer esterification.Typically,1g of FDCA(6.41mmol),a large excess of diol,and1.8mL of concentrated HCl were introduced into a round-bottom flask. The mixture was heated at90 C for12h under magnetic stirring.The excess of diol was then removed under high vacuum after neutralization with a saturated solution of so-dium hydroxide in the used diol.The products were isolated by dissolution in acetone at room temperature,the impur-ities were filtered,and finally the solvent vacuum was removed.Bis(hydroxyethyl)-2,5-furandicarboxylate 2.FTIR(m/ cmÀ1):3354(OH);2952,2881(C A H);1716(C¼¼O);1582, 1511(C¼¼C);1272(C A O);963,832,764(¼¼CH).1H NMR (CD3COCD3,d/ppm):7.4(s,H3/H4furan ring); 4.4(t,JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A:POLYMER CHEMISTRY DOI10.1002/POLACH2A O A C¼¼O);3.9(t CH2-OH).13C NMR(CD3COCD3,d/ ppm):158.7(C¼¼O);147.7(C2/C5furan ring);119.7(C3/C4 furan ring);67.6(COOCH2A);60.6(A CH2OH).White crystal-line powder,m.p.91 C.Bis(3-hydroxypropyl)-2,5-furandicarboxylate 3.FTIR(m/ cmÀ1):3228(OH);3119(¼¼CH);2930,2873(C A H);1725 (C¼¼O);1573,1505(C¼¼C);1279(C A O);960,855,771 (¼¼CH).1H NMR(CDCl3,d/ppm):7.3(s,H3/H4furan ring);4.5(t,CH2A O A C¼¼O); 3.8(t,A CH2A OH); 2.0(q,A CH2A CH2A CH2A).13C NMR,(CDCl3,d/ppm):158.2(C¼¼O); 146.6furan ring);118.5(C3/C4furan ring);62.6 (CH2A O A C¼¼O);58.9(A CH2OH);33.9(A CH2A CH2A CH2A). White crystalline powder,m.p.79 C.Polymerization ProceduresThree different techniques were adopted taking into account the specific monomers involved.Solution and interfacial polycondensations were the procedures chosen for the syn-thesis of polyesters based on1and nonvolatile diols, whereas monomers2and3were submitted to a polytran-sesterification approach for preparing both polyesters and copolyesters.The detailed procedures are provided below. Solution PolycondensationThe procedure was adapted from Storbeck and Ballauff6and Gharbi et al.7e The reactions were carried out at low temper-ature under nitrogen with magnetic stirring and TCE as sol-vent.The diol monomer(2.59mmol)was first dissolved in1 mL of TCE and,after complete dissolution,1.7mL of pyri-dine was added.This mixture was cooled to about0 C with an ice bath and an equal molar amount of2,5-furandicar-bonyl chloride(2.59mmol),dissolved in1.5mL of TCE,was added.The reaction medium was kept under constant stir-ring at room temperature while its viscosity increased pro-gressively before the actual precipitation of the polymer, which was isolated by filtration,washed repeatedly with methanol,and dried.Poly(1,4-phenylbismethylene-2,5-furandicarboxylate).FTIR (m/cmÀ1):3124(¼¼CH);2880(C A H);1718(C¼¼O);1578 (C¼¼C);1267(C A O);976,826,761(¼¼CH).1H NMR (C3F6DOD,d/ppm):7.4(s,H9/H10/H12/H13aromatic ring);7.3(s,H3/H4furan ring);5.4(s,CH2A O A C¼¼O).13C NMR, (C3F6DOD,d/ppm):160.7(C¼¼O);147.1(C2/C5furan ring); 135.8(C9/C10/C12/C13aromatic ring);128.9(C8/C11aro-matic ring);120.4(C3/C4furan ring);68.3(CH2A O A C¼¼O). Polyester from1and Isosorbide6.FTIR(m/cmÀ1):1713 (C¼¼O);1579(C¼¼C);1267(C A O);967,810,761(¼¼CH).1H NMR(C2D2Cl4,d/ppm):6.61–6.56(H3/H4furan ring);3.40–3.29(H7/H12);4.76–4.71(H8/H11);3.98(H9);4.38(H10).13C NMR(C2D2Cl4,d/ppm):157.07and157.02(C¼¼O); 146.13and145.99(C2/C5furan ring);119.41and119.17 (C3/C4furan ring);73.05(C7);85.74(C8);78.84(C9);74.96(C10);80.96(C11);70.73(C12).Polyester from1and Isoidide7.FTIR(m/cmÀ1):1719 (C¼¼O);1579(C¼¼C);1267(C A O);976,826,761(¼¼CH).1H NMR(C2D2Cl4,d/ppm):6.61–6.56(H3/H4furan ring);3.40–3.32(H7/H12);4.76–4.71(H8/H11);3.97(H9);4.38(H10).13C NMR(C2D2Cl4,d/ppm):157.07and156.85(C¼¼O); 146.13and146.00(C2/C5furan ring);119.41and119.18 (C3/C4furan ring);73.06(C7);85.74(C8);78.80(C9);74.95(C10);80.95(C11);70.76(C12).Interfacial PolycondensationThe reactions were carried out at room temperature using a biphase system stirred mechanically at900rpm,consisting of(i)a0.19M aqueous solution of NaOH containing hydro-quinone(5.18mmol)and tetrabutylammonium bromide (72.4mg)as the phase-transfer agent and(ii)dichlorome-thane containing the2,5-furandicarbonyl chloride(5.18 mmol).A solid precipitate appeared almost immediately and the stirring was maintained further for an hour.The medium was then acidified to pH2,and the polyester was isolated by filtration,washed with water,ethanol and acetone,and vacuum dried.Poly(1,4-phenylene-2,5-furandicarboxylate).FTIR(m/cmÀ1): 3122(¼¼CH);1739(C¼¼O);1573,1572(C¼¼C).13C MAS (hpdec)NMR,d/ppm:160.6(C¼¼O);147.4(C2/C5furan ring and C7/C10aromatic ring);122.3(C3/C4furan ring and C8/C9/C11/C12aromatic ring).Poly(2,5-furandimethylene2,5-furandicarboxylate).FTIR (m/cmÀ1):1716(C¼¼O);1580(C¼¼C);1267(C A O);960,821, 764(¼¼CH).1H NMR(C3F6DOD,d/ppm):7.3(s,H3/H4furan ring);6.5(s,H3/H4furan ring),and5.3(s,COOCH2);13C NMR(C3F6DOD,d/ppm)160.5(C¼¼O),147.1(C2and C5), 127.0(C30and C40),123.7(C20and C50),120.0(C3and C4), and68.0(COOCH2).PolytransesterificationThe homopolymerization reactions were carried out in bulk using1g of the corresponding bis(hydroxyalkyl)-2,5-furandi-carboxylate mixed with1%(w/w)of the catalyst Sb2O3in a round-bottom flask equipped with a magnetic stirrer.The flask was connected to a high-vacuum line through a trap cooled with liquid nitrogen.The mixture was heated rapidly to70 C and then progressively,in steps of about10 C at a time,to240–250 C,under constant stirring.The tempera-ture increases were applied when a stagnancy occurred in the release of the glycol.The reaction was stopped when the product turned into a solid mass by letting the system return to room temperature.The ensuing polyester was dis-solved in trifluoroacetic acid(TFA)or in HFIP and then pre-cipitated into an excess of methanol,filtered,and vacuum dried.Poly(ethylene2,5-furandicarboxylate).FTIR(m/cmÀ1): 3123(¼¼CH);1716(C¼¼O);1578(C¼¼C);1264(C A O);960, 834,761(¼¼CH).1H NMR(C3F6DOD,d/ppm):7.4(s,H3/H4 furan ring); 4.8(s,A CH2A CH2A).13C NMR(C3F6DOD,d/ ppm):161.0(C¼¼O);furan ring);121.1(C3/C4 furan ring);64.7(A CH2A CH2A).Poly(3-propylene2,5-furandicarboxylate).FTIR(m/cmÀ1): 3129(¼¼CH);2968and2906(C A H);1715(C¼¼O);1576 (C¼¼C);1267(C A O);966,825,763(¼¼CH).1H NMR (C2D2Cl4,d/ppm):7.2(s,H3/H4); 4.5(t, A CH2A CH2A CH2A);2.3(q,A CH2A CH2A CH2A).13C NMR,ARTICLE(C 2D 2Cl 4,d /ppm):158.3(C ¼¼O);146.9(C2/C5);119.3(C3/C4);62.6(A CH 2A CH 2A CH 2);28.4(A CH 2A CH 2A CH 2A ).The copolymerization reactions involved monomers 2and 3in a molar feed of 1:3and were conducted following the same protocol used for the homopolymerizations detailed above.Poly(ethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate-ran-3-propylene-2,5-furanodicarboxylate).1H NMR (C 2D 2Cl 4,d /ppm):7.2(s,H3/H4furan rings); 4.7(s,A CH 2A CH 2A 4.5(t,A CH 2A CH 2A CH 2A ); 2.3(m,A CH 2A CH 2A CH 2A 13C NMR (C 2D 2Cl 4,d /ppm):158.2(C ¼¼O);147.0(C2/C5furan rings);119.5(C3/C4furan rings);63.5(A CH 2A CH 2A );62.7(A CH 2A CH 2A CH 2);28.4(A CH 2A CH 2A CH 2A ).RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONMonomer Synthesis and CharacterizationThe purity of the FDCA we used was deemed satisfactory for its use as a precursor in this study,as confirmed by TLC,1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy,as well as elemental analysis.The synthetic pathways leading to the furan monomers 1–3from it are sketched in Scheme 1,and the data relevant to their structure are summarized in Experimental section.The FTIR spectra of these monomers were in tune with their expected structures,through the absence (for 1)or the char-acteristic shift and narrowing of the OH band (from carbox-ylic to primary alcohol for 2and 3),respectively.The C ¼¼O bands of the carboxylic moieties shifted to the characteristi-cally higher wavenumbers,compared with that of FDCA .Fur-ther corroboration was acquired from both 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectra,in which the multiplicity,integration,and assignments were in tune with each monomer structure.Interestingly,the melting temperatures of 79,91and,78 C,respectively,for 1,2,and 3were similar to those reported for their terephthalic counterparts,namely,79–83,109–110,and 77–79 C,respectively,indicating that the 2,5-disubsti-tuted furan moiety introduces a cohesive energy similar to that of the 1,4-phenylene homolog.The diol comonomers 4–10(Scheme 2)were used as received,given their high purity,and were chosen for their specific structural peculiarities.The absence of detectable impurities in these commercial products was confirmed by TLC,FTIR,and both 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy.Ethylene glycol 4and propane-1,3-diol 5were aliphatic structures used to achieve materials with a degree of flexibility similarto that of their terephthalic polyester counterparts.With the purpose of preparing progressively stiffer polymer chains,we used D -isosorbide 6,isoidide 7,bis(2,5-hydroxymethyl)-furan 8,bis-(1,4-hydroxymethyl)benzene 9,and hydroqui-none 10.Additionally,diols 6,7,and 8were selected for the preparation of polyesters fully derived from renewable resources,considering moreover that isosorbide is a compet-itively priced chemical commodity.The latter considerations also apply,in principle,to 4and 5,because they can be pre-pared from glycerol,an abundant and cheap commodity pro-duced in the preparation of biodiesel.Polymer Synthesis and CharacterizationThe polycondensation processes adopted here were based on well-known mechanisms and procedures,adapted to the present context and to the different types of monomers and comonomers.For the reactions conducted in solution,a pro-ton trap insured the removal of HCl,whereas in the case of interfacial procedures,the presence of NaOH in the aqueous phase produced the corresponding neutralization.The poly-transesterification approach was limited to those diols pos-sessing a sufficient volatility to be vacuum removed,that is,the two aliphatic diols 4and 5.The polyester from (1)and isosorbide 6(PDASF ),polyester from 1and isoidide 7(PDAIF ),and PHMBF were prepared from monomer 1and diols 6,7,and 9using a conventional solution polycondensation protocol at low temperature,as shown in Scheme 3.The interfacial polycondensation between 1and 10(see Scheme 4)was carried out at room temperature using a sodium hydroxide water solution/dichloromethane system and tetrabutylammonium bromide as the phase transfer cat-alyst.These specific conditions were selected on the basisofSCHEME 1The synthesis of monomers 1–3.SCHEME 2The diols used in thisstudy.SCHEME 3Solution polyesterification.JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A:POLYMER CHEMISTRY DOI 10.1002/POLAa previously reported systematic study,7(d)which showed that they gave the best results for the interfacial polyconden-sation of furan monomers.This synthetic approach was also selected for the prepara-tion of the fully furan-based polyester,poly(2,5-furandi-methylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)(PBHMF ;Fig.1),because of the low thermal stability of bis-(2,5-hydroxymethyl)furan.Poly(ethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)(PEF )was prepared by the polytransesterification of monomer 2.After an investiga-tion aimed at optimizing the process,the best results,in terms of molecular weights for this polyester,were obtained with the synthetic approach described in Experimental sec-tion (Scheme 5),which was also applied to monomer 3to prepare the homolog polyester,poly(3-propylene 2,5-furandi-carboxylate)(PPF ).The co-polyester PEF-ran -PPF was also synthesized in these conditions,with a threefold excess of monomer 3in the molar feed ratio.The composition of the copolymer was determined by 1H NMR spectroscopy,using the relative inte-gration of the A CH 2CH 2A equivalent protons of the ethylene glycol units and the A CH 2A CH 2A CH 2protons of the propyl-ene glycol units.The respective values indicated 24%of eth-ylene units and 76%of propylene moieties,in good agree-ment with the monomer feed compositions,as one would indeed expect from very similar structures,both bearing ter-minal primary OH functions.The results of the optimized synthesis,in terms of yields of the isolated polymers and their higher molecular weights,are shown in Table 1.For instance,in the case of PEF,the transesterification of monomer 2gave much better results when compared with those obtained from its synthesis via the solution polycondensation from monomer 1and ethylene glycol 4,as already anticipated in our previous communica-tions.9,10Therefore,the transesterification procedure appears to be particularly suited for the synthesis of furan polyesters using aliphatic diols.Regarding the furan polyesters obtained with nonvolatile diols,solution and interfacial polycondensations were shown to be very good alternatives for the preparation of a wider range of materials from renewable resources with a large spectrum of applications.The number-average degree of polymerization (DPn )of the polyesters prepared by polytransesterification was also assessed by end-group determination.Samples from different syntheses were dissolved in TFA and treated with an excess of pentafluorobenzoyl chloride to esterify both terminal groups,as this polymerization technique generated macro-molecules bearing a primary OH function at each chain end.After precipitation in methanol and washing several times with it,the modified polymers were submitted to elemental analysis in terms of C,H,O,and F and their DPn was calcu-lated,assuming complete end-group modification.These val-ues turned out to be higher than those obtained from the SEC tracings,either because the fluorination had not been complete or,more probably,because of the partial insolubil-ity of the polyesters in the eluent medium used for the SEC analyses (We did not use pure HFIP because of its high price!),which excluded the higher molecular weights.Another source of discrepancy could have been the differ-ence in hydrodynamic volume of the polyesters compared with that of the polystyrene standards,which would also account for the fact that some polyesters gave polydispersity index (PDI )values lower than two.Cyclic products were not identified and this aspect requires a more thorough investigation.The lower molecular weight of PDAIF ,compared with that of PDASF ,was attributed to a difference in the purity of the corresponding diols,with D -isosorbide being certified as a thoroughly purified compound.The solubility of the polyesters was examined using different potential mon organic solvents such as dichloromethane,chloroform,and tetrahydrofuran did not dissolve poly(1,4-phenylbismethylene-2,5-furandicarboxylate)(PHMBF ),PEF ,PPF and their copolymers,and indeed,the only two compounds that induced total dissolution at room temperature were trifluoroacetic acid and HFIP ,with hot TCE as the third candidate.Mixtures of some common sol-vents containing some 10%of HFIP were successfully used as solvents for low polyester concentrations,as mentioned above in the context of the SEC analyses.PDASF was soluble in more manageable solvents like chloroform,whereas poly(1,4-phenylene-2,5-furandicarboxylate)(PHQF )was,as expected,the most intractable of all,with acceptable solubil-ity only in hot m -cresol.The FTIR spectra of all the polyesters reported in Table 2were found to be consistent with the corresponding macro-molecular structures.The characteristic bands of the ester carbonyl group appeared in the range of 1713–1739cm À1,depending on the nature of the group directly attached toit,SCHEME 4Interfacial polycondensation for the synthesis ofPHQF.FIGURE 1The fully furan-basedpolyester.SCHEME 5Synthesis of PEF and PPF via polytransesterification.ARTICLEand the C A O peak appeared around 1270cm À1.The typical and characteristic bands of 2,5-disubstituted furan rings were also present as given in the table.No significant absorption in the OH stretching region was detected,sug-gesting that the polymers had reached a plausibly high mo-lecular weight,thus confirming the SEC data.As an example of these features,Figure 2displays the typical FTIR spec-trum of the furan–aromatic polyester PHQF .The polyesters were also unambiguously characterized by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy.The data related to the spectra corresponding to the polyesters prepared by polytransesteri-fication are given in Table 3.In all instances,the spectra were found to be consistent with the expected structure in terms of both chemical shifts and relative integrations.The spectra of PEF and PPF were very similar in terms of the resonance peaks associated to the furan ring and the methyl-ene moieties directly attached to the ester group.The only difference arose from the extra middle CH 2group in the PPF structure.Their integration ratio (1:2)in the PEF and PPF (1:2:1)spectra reflected the expected behavior,together with the corresponding peak multiplicities.As a typical example of these spectra,Figure 3shows the 1H version of the PEF-ran -PPF copolyester,together with the chemical shift assignments.A particular feature,observed in both the 1H and 13C NMR spectra of this copolymer,was a slight split in all furan-related resonances,including that of the carbonyl carbons,pointing to a different chemical envi-ronment,as could indeed be anticipated for a random distri-bution of the two monomer units in its macromolecules.Similar splits in the chemical shifts were also observed in the 1H and 13C NMR spectra of the PDASF polyester,6which was fully derived from renewable resources,namely,in the H3and H4of the furan ring (6.61–6.56ppm),in the C2/C5and C3/C4carbons of the furan ring (146.13;145.99and 119.41;119.17ppm,respectively),as well as in the carbonyl carbon (157.07;157.02ppm).In this case,the splits were a consequence of the nonequivalence of the two OH groups of isosorbide.The other polymer prepared by solution polycondensation,PHMBF ,also gave NMR spectra,which corroborated its expected structure.The 1H NMR spectrum of its solution in C 3F 6DOD gave resonances peaks at 7.3and 7.4ppm,TABLE 1Conditions and Results Related to the Optimized Polyesterifications Carried Out in This Study Polymer Monomers Polycondensation Method Yield (%)a M n (g/mol)b M w (g/mol)b PDI b M n (g/mol)c PEF 2Transesterification 7922,40044,500 1.99$45,500PPF 3Transesterification 7621,60027,600 1.28$49,000PEF 1þ4Solution 232,0002,500 1.25PDASF 1þ6Solution 9113,75023,670 1.72PDAIF 1þ7Solution 805,6707,270 1.28PBHMF 1þ8Interfacial 603,8805,410 1.39PHQF 1þ10Interfacial 77–––PHMBF 1þ9Solution7522,10047,500 2.15PEF-ran -PPF2þ3Transesterification5814,10032,0002.27$48,000aRelated to the amount of polymer recovered after reprecipitation.bSEC analysis,PDI ¼M w /M n .cDetermined by end-group perfluorination.TABLE 2FTIR Data of the PolyestersAssignment Frequency (cm À1)PEF PPF PDASF PDAIF PBHMF PHQF PHMBF PEF-ran -PPF ¼CH Fu 31233119312431113127312131093121C A H (CH 2)29722968,29062979,28802931,28702973–29252965,2903C ¼O (ester)17161715171817171716173917131720C ¼C Fu 15781576157715731580157215791578C A O (ester)12641267126712661267126912671269Fu breathing10151024101710191024Superposition with aromatic bands101410172,5-Disubstituted Fu960,834,761966,825,763976,826,761976,822,762960,821,764967,810,761967,826,764Fu:furan ring.JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A:POLYMER CHEMISTRY DOI 10.1002/POLA。



华侨大学课题组主要成员郭亨群1944年10月生,华侨大学教授,材料学博士生导师. 1968年毕业于北京大学技术物理系,1984年—1986年作为教育部公派访问学者到英国伦敦帝国理工学院作研究工作,1993年—1994年由国家教委公派高级访问学者到美国圣地亚哥加利福尼亚大学合作研究,1996年—2004年任华侨大学副校长,现为福建省物理学会副理事长,福建省留学生同学会副会长。

长期从事纳米材料研究,近年来在硅基纳米材料结构及其光电特性研究方面取得一系列研究成果. 主持过国家自然科学基金重大项目子课题,国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题和国家自然科学基金面上项目,参加过863项目和福建省自然科学基金重点项目研究,主持过多项福建省自然科学基金和国务院侨办基金项目,在国内外杂志上发表50多篇论文,获福建省第四届自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖,2005年8月国务院批准为享受政府特殊津贴专家.承担的科研项目:1 国家自然科学基金项目:纳米Si-SiNx 复合薄膜和Si/SiNx多量子阱材料制备和非线性光学性质研究(项目编号60678053), 2007年1月-2009年12月2国家自然科学基金重点项目”硅基光电子学关键器件的基础研究”(项目编号60336010) 子课题: Si基纳米材料发光和非线性光学效应研究, 2004年1月—2007年12月3 国家自然科学基金项目: 多层纳米硅复合膜F-P腔皮秒光双稳研究(项目编号60178038), 2002年1月-2002年12月4 国家自然科学基金重大项目“半导体光子集成基础研究”(项目编号69896060)子课题: 硅基非线性吸收效应及其器件应用, 1998年1月—2001年12月近期已发表的主要论著目录:1 Nonlinear optical response of nc-Si-SiO2films studied with femtosecondfour-wave mixing technique. Chinese Physics Letters, 23(11): 2989-2992( 2006)2 纳米Si镶嵌SiO2薄膜的发光与非线性光学特性的应用. 半导体学报, 27(2):345-349( 2006)3 Nonlinear optical properties of Al-doped ncSi-SiO2 composite films. 半导体学报,28(5): 640-644( 2007)4 射频磁控溅射制备掺Al的纳米Si-SiO2复合薄膜及其光致发光特性. 功能材料,37(11): 1706-1708(2006)5 Top-emitting organic light-emitting devices with improved light outcoupling andangle-independence. J.Phys.D: Appl.Phys. 39(23): 5160-5163( 2006)6 360-nm photoluminescence from silicon oxide films embedded with siliconnanocrystals. Semiconductor Photonics and Technology, 12(2): 90-94(2006)7 富硅的氮化硅薄膜的制备及发光特性. 半导体光电,28(2): 209-212(2007)8 富纳米硅氮化硅薄膜发光机制. 华侨大学学报, 28(2): 147-150(2007)9 含纳米硅氧化硅薄膜的光致发光特性. 华侨大学学报,27(3):256-258(2006)薄膜的光致发光. 华侨大学学报, 27(1):35-38(2006)10 含纳米硅粒SiO211 多层纳米硅复合膜的共振光学非线性. 光子学报, 31(11):1340-1343(2002)12 Nonlinear absorption properties of nc-Si:H thin films. Chinese Journal of Lasers.B10(1):57-60(2001)陈国华1964年1月生, 博士, 华侨大学教授, 材料学博士生导师. 1984年毕业于厦门大学化学系, 1987年于吉林大学化学系获理学硕士学位, 1999年于天津大学材料科学与工程系获工学博士学位. 1995年5月-1995年12月在日本岐阜大学工学部作访问学者, 2000年10月-2000年12月在日本长崎工业技术中心任客座研究员, 2001年3月-2002年3月为美国密执根大学化学系访问学者. 长期从事纳米材料研究,近年来进行石墨在聚合物基体的纳米分散研究和聚合物/石墨纳米复合材料的结构与性能研究. 1999年5月被授予福建省新长征突击手称号, 2004 年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才计划, 2004年“天然石墨在聚合物基体中的纳米分散研究”获福建省科技进步三等奖。



2018年2月中国塑料•73 •sics, 2013, 139(2/3):988-997.[21] TANGB,LIU X B,ZHAOXL,et al.Highly Efficientin Situ Toughening of Epoxy Thermosets with ReactiveHyperbranched Polyurethane[J].Journal of Applied Po­lym er Science, 2014, 131(16) :1107-1 117.[22] CHENS F,ZHANG D H,JIANGS B,et al.Prepara­tion of HyperbranchedEpoxyResinContaining NitrogenHeterocycle an d tts Toughened an d Reinforced C om po-sites[J].Journal of Applied Polym er Science,2012,123(6)3 261-3 269.[23] LUO L J,MENGY,QIU T,et al.An Epoxy-endedHyperbranched Polym er as a New M odifier for Toughe­ning an d Reinforcing in Epoxy Resin[J].Journal of Ap­plied Polymer Science, 2013, 130(2) :1064-1 073. [24] JIANG S Z,YAO Y F,CHEN Q,et al.NMR Study ofTherm oresponsive H yperbranched Polym er in AqueousSolution with Im plication on the Phase Transition[J].M acrom olecules,2013,46(24)9 688-9 697.[25] FOTIADOU S,KARAGEORGAKI C,CHRISSOPOU-LOU K,et al.Structure and D ynam ics of Hyper­branched Polymer/Layered Silicate N anocom posites[J].M acrom olecules, 2013 , 46(7) :2 842-2 855.[26] BHARDWAJR,MOHANTY A K.M odification ofBrittle Polylactide by Novel H yperbranched Polym er-based Nanostructures[J].Biom acrom olecules,2007,8(8):2476-84.[27] HUBER T,Potschke P,POMPE G,et al.Blends of Hy­perbranched Poly(ether am ide)s andPolyamide-6[J].M acrom olecular Materials and Engineering, 2015,280/281(1) :33-40.[28]张静,靳玉娟,王娥娥.端环氧型超支化聚酯对聚(3-羟基丁酸戊酸共聚酯)的改性研究[].中国塑料,2016,30(10):42-49.ZHANG J,JIN Y J,WANG E E.Study on M odificationPolyChydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate)byanAmino-ended H yperbranched Polymer[J].ChinaPlastics, 2016 ,30(10):42-49.[29]司马阳阳,靳玉娟,常西苑,等.端胺基型超支化聚合物对聚碳酸亚丙酯的改性研究[].中国塑料,2017, 31(12):66-72.SIMA Y Y,JIN Y J,CAHNG X Y,et al.M odification ofAm ino-term inated H yperbranched Polym er on Poly(pro­pylene carbonate) [J].China Plastics, 2017 , 31 (12):66-72中国合成橡胶工业协会热塑性弹性体分会在北京成立12月8日,中国合成橡胶工业协会热塑性弹性体分会成立大会在北京西藏大厦举行。


J. Rheol.
Journal of Rheology
J. S. Afr. Inst. Min. Metall.
Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metic.
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
JOM Journal of the Minerals Metals and Materials Society
JPC J. Planar Chromatogr. - Mod. TLC
JPC Journal of Planar Chromatography Modern TLC
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Part 1
J. Thermoplast. Compos. Mater.
Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials
J. Toxicol. Environ. Health
Journal of Toxicology and Environment Health
J. Toxicol., Clin. Toxicol.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Part 2
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 2
Jpn. J. Cancer Res.
Japanese Journal of Cancer Research
JSME International Journal Series A: Mechanics and Material Engineering


Tongji University Master of Science Abstract
M-cresol and p-cresol are important intermediates in chemical industry, which play an important role in many fields, such as agricultural, pharmaceutical, dye, antioxidants, synthetic resin, etc. However, the existing methods for manufacturing the single isomers of m-cresol and p-cresol in China still have problems — the low purity, the heavy usage of organic solvent, and the high energy consumption in production, etc.
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本课题自行设计搭建了刮刀式悬浮结晶器和液压洗涤塔。通过对反应温度、 尿素用量、间甲酚与尿素反应时间、不同洗涤液、冷却结晶时间五个条件的间歇 结晶实验,摸索出尿素结晶法分离间、对甲酚的最佳实验条件;连续悬浮结晶分 离工业混合甲酚实验得到了较为理想的间、对甲酚产物,表明新型尿素结晶法是 切实有效的,为工业化生产打下了基础。






关键词:原子力显微镜;定量纳米机械力测量;高分子物理实验;本科教学中图分类号:G642.4;TH742.9文献标识码:A文章编号:'008-02'X(202')07-0203-02Application Examples of Atomic Force Microscope in PolymerPhysics Experiment TeachingGuo Yuanlong(College of Materials and Metallurgy,Guizou University,Guiyang550025,China)Abstract:Atomic force microscopy is widely used in many aspects of polymer research.It is easy to operate and has high resolution.It can qualitatively and quantitatively characterize the microscopic morphology and physical properties of the material surface.Taking nylon6fiber-reinforced rubber substrate as an example,the atomic force microscope is used in polymer physics experiment teaching and the quantitative nano-m echanical force measurement mode can better study the combination of fiber and rubber substrate,thereby improving the principle of fiber-reinforced rubber.Taking this experiment as an example,scientific research enhances students'interest in learning,deepens their understanding of what they have learned,improves practical skills,and cultivates better scientific research capabilities.Key words:atomic force microscopy;quantitative nano-mechanical force measurement;polymer physics experiment;undergraduate education《高分子物理实验》是高分子材料与工程专业的必修实验课程,是配套于《高分子物理》理论课的基础实验课程,作为高分子材料专业的必修课程,是学生继续学习《高分子加工工艺学》《高分子材料》及《高分子材料分析方法》等专业课程的基础。

J Polym Sci, Part A Polym. Chem. 2013,51,1099-1106.

J Polym Sci, Part A Polym. Chem. 2013,51,1099-1106.

Synthesis of PMHDO-g-PDEAEA Well-Defined Amphiphilic Graft Copolymer via Successive Living Coordination Polymerizationand SET-LRPGuolin Lu,1Yongjun Li,1Hongsheng Gao,2,3Hao Guo,2Xingliang Zheng,3Xiaoyu Huang1 1Key Laboratory of Organofluorine Chemistry and Laboratory of Polymer Materials,Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences,345Lingling Road,Shanghai200032,People’s Republic of China2Department of Chemistry,Fudan University,220Handan Road,Shanghai200433,People’s Republic of China3College of Chemistry and Biological Engineering,Changsha University of Science and Technology,Changsha410114, People’s Republic of ChinaCorrespondence to:H.Guo(E-mail:hao_guo@)or X.Huang(E-mail:xyhuang@)Received30October2012;accepted6November2012;published online5December2012DOI:10.1002/pola.26470ABSTRACT:A series of well-defined amphiphilic graft copoly-mer containing hydrophobic polyallene-based backbone and hydrophilic poly(2-(diethylamino)ethyl acrylate)(PDEAEA) side chains was synthesized by sequential living coordination polymerization of6-methyl-1,2-heptadiene-4-ol(MHDO)and single electron transfer-living radical polymerization(SET-LRP)of2-(diethylamino)ethyl acrylate(DEAEA).Ni-catalyzed living coordination polymerization of MHDO was first performed in toluene to give a well-defined double-bond-containing poly(6-methyl-1,2-heptadiene-4-ol)(PMHDO)homo-polymer with a low polydispersity(M w/M n¼ 1.10).Next, 2-chloropropionyl chloride was used for the esterification of pendant hydroxyls in every repeating unit of the homopolymer so that the homopolymer was converted to PMHDO-Cl macroi-nitiator.Finally,SET-LRP of DEAEA was initiated by the macroi-nitiator in tetrahydrofuran/H2O using CuCl/tris(2-(dimethy-lamino)ethyl)amine as catalytic system to afford well-defined PMHDO-g-PDEAEA graft copolymers(M w/M n 1.22)through the grafting-from strategy.The critical micelle concentration (cmc)was determined byfluorescence spectroscopy with N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine as probe and the micellar morphol-ogy was visualized by transmission electron microscopy. V C2012Wiley Periodicals,Inc.J.Polym.Sci.,Part A:Polym. Chem.2013,51,1099–1106KEYWORDS:graft copolymers;grafting-from;polyallene;self-assembly;single electron transfer-living radical polymerization (SET-LRP)INTRODUCTION As well-known,allene derivatives have cumulated double bonds so that they can be regarded as the isomers of propargyl ether derivatives.They have been used for sigmatropic rearrangements as well as for cyclization reactions in the field of organic synthesis.Also,allene deriva-tives are attractive monomers to produce polyallenes,a se-ries of reactive polymers bearing exo-methylene moieties directly attached to polymeric backbone or the internal dou-ble bonds in the main chain,by vinyl polymerization of ei-ther part of the cumulated double bonds.Polyallenes can be used as attractive synthetic precursors for the versatile materials including various functional groups due to the ver-satility of the addition reactions of the double bonds.1 Polyallenes can be obtained by different polymerization approaches of allene derivatives including radical,cationic, coordination,and zwitterionic polymerization,etc.2In compar-ison with radical or cationic polymerization of allene derivatives,controlled synthesis of polyallenes(i.e.,the control of structure,molecular weight and molecular weight distribu-tion,end functionalization,and block copolymerization,etc.) was a great challenge for polymer chemists.To overcome these obstacles,Endo and coworkers developed living coordi-nation polymerization of allene derivatives,which could afford well-defined polyallenes in high yields using[(g3-allyl)NiO-COCF3]2as initiator.3–5They also investigated the effect of ani-onic ligands6or protic solvents7on polymerization behavior and polymer structure.With the advent of this living coordi-nation polymerization,some well-defined polyallene-based polymers8–10and corresponding block copolymers11,12were synthesized.Moreover,block copolymers of allene derivatives with butadiene,isocyano monomers or PEG were also reported.13–15However,well-defined polyallenes-based copoly-mers of vinyl monomers cannot be obtained by this kind of Ni-catalyzed living coordination polymerization because of their different polymerization mechanism.Guolin Lu and Yongjun Li contributed equally to this work. V C2012Wiley Periodicals,Inc.Thus,we have been developing various strategies for the synthesis of well-defined copolymers of allene derivatives and vinyl monomers.Our main purpose is to synthesize polyallene-based graft copolymers with commercial vinyl monomers.As we know,graft copolymers have more compli-cated and confined structures,16,17which may provide more various parameters to control the polymers’properties and further design new nanomaterials.Nevertheless,synthesis of a well-defined graft copolymer with a controlled molecular weight and a narrow molecular weight distribution is much more difficult than that of a linear block copolymer,which has limited its application.With the development of reversi-ble deactivation radical polymerization(RDRP)in the past decades,such as nitroxide-mediated polymerization,18atom transfer radical polymerization(ATRP),19–21single electron transfer-living radical polymerization(SET-LRP),22–26and reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer polymeriza-tion,27,28well-defined graft copolymers containing diverse segments29–37have been prepared.Generally,three different strategies,including grafting-through,grafting-onto,and grafting-from,are used to synthesize graft copolymers.38 Graft copolymers can be obtained via the polymerization of macromonomers via the grafting-through method;but,the resulting graft copolymers via conventional radical polymer-ization of macromonomers possessed a broad chain-length distribution39and living polymerization of macromonomers yielded well-defined graft copolymers with low molecular weights.40The grafting-onto technique is to graft as-prepared side chains onto the backbone by a coupling reaction,normally with insufficient grafting efficiency.41The grafting-from approach used the pendant initiating groups on the backbone to initiate the polymerization of another monomer to form the side chains.42The recent boom of RDRP techniques have rendered the grafting-from strategy more prevailing.29,31–33,43,44In our early work,we used the graft-from strategy to synthe-size hydrophobic well-defined graft copolymers bearing polyallene backbone through sequential living coordination polymerization of allene derivative and ATRP of vinyl mono-mer.45–47After these successful synthesis of polyallene-based hydrophobic graft copolymers,we were then focused on the synthesis and self-assembly behavior of polyallene-based amphiphilic graft copolymers because that self-assembly behavior of amphiphilic copolymers could led to potential applications in many fields including solubilizer,48drug deliv-ery,49,50catalysis,51and microelectronics.52In2009,we synthesized a polyallene-based amphiphilic graft copolymer consisting of hydrophilic PEG side chains via the grafting-onto strategy.53However,the grafting density was not high (<40%)and most hydrophilic monomers are not suitable for this strategy.Herein,we used the grafting-from strategy to synthesize poly(6-methyl-1,2-heptadiene-4-ol)-g-poly(2-(diethylamino)ethyl acrylate)(PMHDO-g-PDEAEA)amphiphilic graft copolymers with well-defined structures and a high grafting density (>80%)by sequential Ni-catalyzed living coordination polymerization of6-methyl-1,2-heptadiene-4-ol(MHDO)and SET-LRP of2-(diethylamino)ethyl acrylate(DEAEA)as shown in Scheme1.Fluorescence spectroscopy and transmission elec-tron microscopy(TEM)were used to study the micellization behavior of these amphiphilic copolymers in aqueous media. EXPERIMENTALMaterialsDEAEA(Aldrich,97%)was passed through a basic alumina column and distilled from CaH2under reduced pressure before use.Copper(I)chloride(CuCl,Aldrich,99%)was puri-fied by stirring overnight over CH3CO2H at room tempera-ture followed by washing the solid with ethanol,diethyl ether,and acetone before drying in vacuo at40 C for1day. Allyltrifluoroacetate(Aldrich,98%)was redistilled before use.Triphenyl phosphorate(PPh3,Acros,99%)was recrys-tallized with CH2Cl2/hexane.Triethylamine(TEA,Aldrich, 99.5%)was dried over KOH and distilled from CaH2under N2before use.Tetrahydrofuran(THF,Aldrich,99%)and tolu-ene(Aldrich,99%)were dried over CaH2and distilled from sodium and benzophenone under N2before use.N-Phenyl-1-naphthylamine(PNA,Alfa Aesar,97%)was purified by recrystallization in ethanol for three times.2-Chloropro-pionyl chloride(2-CPC,Acros,95%),bis(1,5-cyclooctadiene)-nickel(0)(Ni(COD)2,Aldrich),4-(dimethylamino)pyridine (DMAP,Aldrich,99%),and tris(aminoethyl)amine(TREN, Aldrich,96%)were used as received.MHDO was synthesized according to previous literature.54Tris(2-(dimethylamino) ethyl)amine(Me6TREN)was prepared from TREN according to previous literature.55MeasurementsFTIR spectra were recorded on a Nicolet AVATAR-360FTIR spectrophotometer with a resolution of4cmÀ1.All1H(300 MHz)and13C(75MHz)NMR analyses were performed on a Varian Mercury300spectrometer in CDCl3,TMS(1H NMR), and CDCl3(13C NMR)were used as internal standards.Chlo-rine content was determined by the titration with Hg(NO3)2. Relative molecular weights and molecular weight distribu-tions were measured by conventional gel permeation chromatography(GPC)system equipped with a Waters1515 Isocratic HPLC pump,a Waters2414refractiveindex Synthesis of PMHDO-g-PDEAEA amphiphilic graft copolymer.detector,and a set of Waters Styragel columns(HR3(500–30,000),HR4(5000–600,000),and HR5(50,000–4,000,000), 7.8Â300mm,particle size:5l m).GPC measurements were carried out at35 C using THF as eluent with a flow rate of1.0mL/min.The system was calibrated with linear polystyrene standards.Steady-state fluorescent spectra of PNA were measured on a Hitachi F-2700spectrophotometer with the band width of5nm for excitation and emission;the emission intensity at418nm was recorded to determine the critical micelle concentration(cmc)where k ex was340nm. TEM images were obtained by a JEOL JEM-1230instrument operated at80kV.Esterification of PMHDO Homopolymer with2-CPCThe homopolymer of MHDO,PMHDO1(M n¼5700g/mol, M w/M n¼ 1.10),was first obtained by living coordination homopolymerization of MHDO in toluene at50 C using a feeding ratio of[MHDO]:[Ni(COD)2]:[allyltrifluoroaceta-te]:[PPh3]¼50:1:1:1,the procedure was similar to those in our previous reports45–47and the yield was78.9%.To a50-mL sealed three-neck flask,PMHDO1(0.4425g,M n¼5700g/mol,M w/M n¼1.10,3.512mmol A OH groups)and DMAP(0.0470g,3.847mmol)were first introduced for degass-ing and kept under N2.Next,dry THF(45mL)and anhydrous TEA(0.65mL, 4.664mmol)were charged via a gastight syringe.The solution was cooled to0 C and2-CPC(0.50mL, 5.139mmol)was added dropwise.The mixture was stirred at 0 C for1h followed by stirring at room temperature for another20h.The solution was concentrated and precipitated into CH3OH/H2O.After repeated purification of dissolving in THF and precipitating in CH3OH/H2O,0.6418g of PMHDO-Cl2 macroinitiator was obtained after drying in vacuo overnight. GPC:M n¼7500g/mol,M w/M n¼ 1.11.FTIR:m(cmÀ1): 2958,2932,2871,1736,1638,1468,1369,1342,1162.EA: Cl%:14.50%.1H NMR:d(ppm):0.92(6H,CH2CH(C H3)2), 1.26–1.78(3H,C H2C H(CH3)2and3H,CHCl(C H3)CO), 2.09–3.70(2HÂy,¼¼C A C H2and1HÂx,¼¼C A C H),4.34(1HÂx, CO2C H and1H,C H Cl(CH3)CO),4.93(1HÂy,CO2C H),5.44 (2HÂx,¼¼C H2and1HÂy,¼¼C H).13C NMR:d(ppm):22.1, 23.5,24.8,40.3,44.0,52.7,71.7,115.6,127.3,129.1,137.9, 144.6,169.6.SET-LRP Graft Copolymerization of DEAEAIn a typical procedure,CuCl(20.7mg,0.21mmol)and PMHDO-Cl2macroinitiator(M n¼7500g/mol,M w/M n¼1.11.Cl%¼14.50%,0.0549g,0.22mmol initiating groups) were first added to a25-mL Schlenk flask(flame-dried under vacuum before use)sealed with a rubber septum for degassing and kept under N2.Next,freshly distilled THF(8.0 mL),redistilled H2O(1.0mL),and DEAEA(7.9mL,42.6 mmol)were introduced via a gastight syringe.The solution was degassed by three cycles of freezing-pumping-thawing. Finally,Me6TREN(60l L,0.22mmol)was charged via a gas-tight syringe and the flask was immersed into an oil bath preset at40 C.The polymerization lasted8h and was terminated by immersing the flask into liquid N2.The con-version of DEAEA monomer was calculated from1H NMR spectrum of raw sample in CDCl3by comparing the integra-tion area ratio of3ethylenic protons of remaining DEAEA at 6.43,6.05,and5.80ppm to2methylene protons of remain-ing DEAEA and PDEAEA at4.23ppm.Before GPC measure-ment,raw sample was diluted in THF and passed through a neutral alumina column to remove residual copper complex followed by concentration and precipitation in cold n-hexane. The crude product was purified by repeated dissolution and precipitation followed by drying in vacuo overnight to give 0.6265g of a yellow sticky solid,PMHDO-g-PDEAEA3b.GPC:M n¼21,700g/mol,M w/M n¼1.18.1H NMR:d(ppm): 0.88(6H,CH2CH(C H3)2),1.14(6H,CO2CH2N(CH2C H3)2),1.22–2.27(3H,C H2C H(CH3)2of the backbone,4H,C H(C H3)CO,and 3H,C H2C H of PDEAEA side chains),2.76(2HÂy,¼¼C A C H2, 1HÂx,¼¼C A C H,and6H,CO2C H2N(C H2CH3)2), 4.23(2H, CO2C H2N(CH2CH3)2),5.35(2HÂx,¼¼C H2and1HÂy,¼¼C H). Determination of Critical Micelle ConcentrationPNA was used as fluorescence probe to measure the cmc of PMHDO-g-PDEAEA3graft copolymer in aqueous media.Ace-tone solution of PNA(1mM)was added to a large amount of water until the concentration of PNA reached0.002mM. Next,different amounts of THF solutions of PMHDO-g-PDEAEA3graft copolymer(2,0.2,or0.01mg/mL)were added to water containing PNA([PNA]¼0.002mM).The concentration of PMHDO-g-PDEAEA3graft copolymer ranged from 2.0Â10À5g/L to0.1g/L.All fluorescence spectra were recorded at25 C.TEM ImagesPMHDO-g-PDEAEA3graft copolymers were first dissolved in THF(2mg/mL)followed by adding deionized water slowly (0.4mL/h)to0.4mL of THF solution until the water content reached25%.The solution was sealed with a PTFE plug for equilibration under stirring for another12h.The solution was dialyzed against deionized water with slow stirring for 5days to remove THF and deionized water was changed twice a day.For TEM studies,a drop of micellar solution was deposited on an electron microscopy copper grid coated with carbon film and the water evaporated at room temperature. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONPreparation of PMHDO-Cl MacroinitiatorThe[(g3-allyl)NiOCOCF3]2-initiated living coordination homo-polymerization of MHDO was performed in toluene at50 C with a similar reported procedure45–47to afforded the poly-allene-based backbone,a well-defined PMHDO1homopoly-mer.The living nature of the homopolymerization of MHDO was demonstrated by the good conformity of the measured molecular weight(M n,GPC¼5700)of PMHDO1homopoly-mer with the theoretical molecular weight(M n,the¼124Â50þ203¼6400,124,and203are the molecular weights of MHDO and initiator,respectively)and the unimodal and symmetrical GPC curve of this homopolymer with a narrow molecular weight distribution of 1.10.The ratio of1,2-polymerized units to2,3-polymerized units in the current homopolymer was found to57:43via1H NMR spectrum, which was similar to our previous results.45–47Furthermore, we can estimate from the data of molecular weight thatevery PMHDO chain possesses 44.3double-bond-containing MHDO repeating units.In the current work,PDEAEA side chains were chosen for the construction of polyallene-based amphiphilic graft copolymers via the grafting-from strategy and DEAEA mono-mer was generally polymerized via RDRP.The pendant hydroxyls of PMHDO 1homopolymer obviously could not initiate RDRP of DEAEA monomer,which indicated the nec-essary conversion of these hydroxyls to RDRP initiating groups.These pendant hydroxyls were then esterified with 2-CPC so that PMHDO 1homopolymer was transformed into Cl-containing PMHDO-Cl 2macroinitiator,not our previously reported Br-containing macroinitiator.45–47This macroinitiator was characterized by 1H NMR,13C NMR,FTIR,and element analysis.The occurrence of esterification reaction was illustrated by the rising of Cl content from 0%before the reaction with 2-CPC to 14.50%after the reaction.The introduction of CHCl(CH 3)CO groups,that is,RDRP ini-tiating groups,was verified by the appearance of a new peak at 1736cm À1attributed to the carbonyls in FTIR spectrum after the reaction while the stretching peak of pendant hydroxyls around 3403cm À1became very weaker.Moreover,the molecular weight after the reaction was found by GPC to be raised to 7500g/mol in comparison with the value before the reaction (5700g/mol)due to the newly grafted CHCl(CH 3)CO groups.The unimodal and symmetrical GPC after the reaction (M w /M n ¼1.11)verified that the carbon-hydrogen backbone was inert during the reaction.Figure 1shows 1H NMR spectrum of PMHDO-Cl 2macroinitiator,which displayed the appearance of all typical proton signals of MHDO repeating including the broad peak around 5.44ppm of the protons of double bond.In particular,the promi-nent raising of the integration area of the peak at 4.34ppm also evidenced the new attachment of C H Cl(CH 3)CO group.In addition,a new signal at 169.6ppm corresponding to the carbon of carbonyl (CHCl(CH 3)C O)appeared in 13C NMR spectrum after the reaction,this indicating the presence ofCHCl(CH 3)CO ing the similar calculation formula in our previous reports,45–47the approximate grafting density of CHCl(CH 3)CO initiating group was evaluated to be 0.82/1from the result of Cl content (14.50%).Thus,it can be con-cluded from the aforementioned results that 36.3(¼44.3Â0.82)CHCl(CH 3)CO RDRP initiating groups were successfully attached onto PMHDO backbone.Synthesis of PMHDO-g-PDEAEA Graft CopolymerThe pendant CHCl(CH 3)CO initiating groups of PMHDO-Cl 2macroinitiator obviously could initiate RDRP of DEAEA monomer to yield the desired PMHDO-g -PDEAEA graft copol-ymer via the grafting-from strategy.As well-known,recently a new RDRP method,named SET-LRP ,was developed by Per-cec and coworkers,which provides a method for the ultra-fast synthesis of ultrahigh molecular weight polymers with narrow molecular weight distribution at ambient and subam-bient temperature.22–25The relative simplicity and versatility by which SET-LRP process can be performed is based on the catalysis by Cu(0)powder or Cu(0)wire in conjunction with a suitable combination of ligand and solvent.SET-LRP has emerged as a powerful tool for the rapid synthesis ofvarious1H NMR spectrum of PMHDO-Cl 2macroinitiator inCDCl 3.TABLE 1Synthesis of PMHDO-g -PDEAEA Amphiphilic Graft Copolymer aSample Time (h)Conv.b (%)M n c(g/mol)M w /M n c cmc d (g/L)3a 4 3.6719,300 1.11 3.45Â10À33b 88.3321,700 1.18 4.32Â10À33c1616.6727,1001.229.49Â10À3aInitiated by PMHDO-Cl 2macroinitiator (M n ¼7,500g/mol,M w /M n ¼1.11,density of grafted SET-LRP initiating group:0.82/1)at 40 C,solvent:THF/H 2O (v:v ¼8:1),[DEAEA]:[Cl group]:[CuCl]:[Me 6TREN]¼200:1:1:1.bObtained by 1H NMR.cMeasured by GPC in THF at 35 C.dDetermined by fluorescence spectroscopy using N -phenyl-1-naphthyl-amine as probe at 25C.1H NMR spectrum of PMHDO-g -PDEAEA 3graftcopolymer in CDCl 3.polymers with excellent control of molecular weight,molecu-lar weight distribution,perfect chain end fidelity,and ultra-high molecular weight.56–76In the current case,RDRP of DEAEA was conducted in THF/H 2O using CuCl/Me 6TREN as catalytic system and a control experiment was run to confirm SET-LRP mechanism of this polymerization.The results of SET-LRP graft copolymeriza-tion of DEAEA are summarized in Table 1and it was found that all graft copolymers’molecular weights were much higher than that of the macroinitiator,which indicated SET-LRP of DEAEA was performed.All graft copolymers showedunimodal and symmetrical GPC curves with narrow molecu-lar weight distributions (M w /M n 1.22),which meant that intermolecular coupling reactions could be neglected 29because a high feeding ratio of DEAEA monomer to the ini-tiating group (200:1)and a low conversion of monomer (<17%)were used to suppress the intermolecular coupling reactions.29,38Figure 2shows 1H NMR spectrum of the prod-uct of SET-LRP of DEAEA.All characteristic signals of the corresponding protons of PMHDO backbone and PDEAEA side chains appeared in this spectrum.The peak at 5.35ppm was attributed to the protons of the double bonds intheA:Kinetic plot for solution SET-LRP of DEAEA initiated by PMHDO-Cl 2in THF/H 2O at 40 C and (B)dependence of mo-lecular weight (M n )and molecular weight distribution (M w /M n )on the conversion of DEAEA for solution SET-LRP of DEAEA initi-ated by PMHDO-Cl 2in THF/H 2O at 40C.A:Fluorescence emission spectra of PNA in aqueous solution of PMHDO-g -PDEAEA 3c graft copolymer ([PNA]¼0.002mM)and (B)dependence of fluorescence intensity ratio I /I 0of PNA fluorescence emission spectra on the concentration of PMHDO-g -PDEAEA 3c graft copolymer.backbone.The signals at 1.14ppm,2.76ppm,and 4.23ppm belonged to 14protons of CH 2CH 2N(CH 2CH 3)2group of the side chains.From the data of conversions of DEAEA listed in Table 1,the semilogarithmic plot of Ln([M]0/[M])versus time is depicted in Figure 3(A).The plot shows a linear dependence of the conversion of DEAEA monomer on the time and the appa-rent polymerization rate is first order with respect to the concentration of DEAEA,which indicated a constant number of propagating species during the polymerization of DEAEA.Furthermore,the linear increasing of molecular weight (M n )with the raising of the conversion of DEAEA and low poly-dispersity throughout the whole polymerization process [Fig.3(B)]proved that SET-LRP graft polymerization of DEAEA proceeded under good control.These phenomena accorded with the characteristics of SET-LRP .22–25From these results,it is clear PMHDO-g -PDEAEA 3well-defined graft copolymers were successfully synthesized by SET-LRP of DEAEA via the grafting-from strategy.Self-Assembly of PMHDO-g-PDEAEA in Aqueous Solution PDEAEA is soluble in acidic solution as a weak cationic poly-electrolyte due to the protonation of tertiary amine group.So PMHDO-g -PDEAEA graft copolymer can aggregate in acidic solution to form micelles with hydrophobic PMHDO backbone as core and hydrophilic PDEAEA side chains as co-rona.The cmc of PMHDO-g -PDEAEA graft copolymer in aqueous media was determined by fluorescence technique using PNA as probe.PNA is a more suitable fluorescent probe than pyrene in terms of reproducibility because it dis-plays higher fluorescence activity in nonpolar environments and it can be very easily quenched by polar solvents such as water.77Fluorescence emission spectra of PNA in aqueous solution of PMHDO-g -PDEAEA 3c graft copolymer with dif-ferent concentrations are shown in Figure 4(A)and the rela-tionship of the fluorescence intensity ratio (I /I 0)of PNA as a function of the concentration of PMHDO-g -PDEAEA 3c graft copolymer was plotted in Figure 4(B).We can find that I /I 0increased sharply when the concentration exceeded a certain value,which affirmed the incorporation of PNA probe into the hydrophobic region of micelles.Thus,cmc of PMHDO-g -PDEAEA 3c graft copolymer with a value of 9.49Â10À3g/L was determined to be the intersection of two straight lines.As summarized in Table 1,cmc values of PMHDO-g -PDEAEA graft copolymers increased with the rising of molecular weights,that is,the length of PDEAEA sidechains.FIGURE 5TEM images of micelles formed by PMHDO-g -PDEAEA 3graft copolymer,initial copolymer content in THF:2mg/mL,water content:25%,(A)3c in pure water,(B)and (C)3a in brine,[NaCl]¼0.05M,(D)3a in brine,[NaCl]¼0.15M.Finally,the micellar morphology of PMHDO-g-PDEAEA graft copolymer was visualized by TEM as shown in Figure5.All graft copolymers formed spherical micelles either in water or in brine.CONCLUSIONSIn summary,well-defined PMHDO-g-PNIPAM amphiphilic graft copolymer were synthesized by the combination of liv-ing coordination polymerization of MHDO and SET-LRP of DEAEA via the grafting-from approach.The construction of the backbone and side chains was both controllable.The graft copolymers aggregated in aqueous media to form spherical micelles.These copolymers may find potential applications in nanotechnologies,such as serving templates to fabricate nanocomposites.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe authors thank the financial supports from National Natural Science Foundation of China(20974117and21274023), National Basic Research Program of China(973Program, 2012CB720304),Shanghai Pujiang Program(11PJD004), Shanghai Rising Star Program(11QH1402800),and the Speci-alized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Edu-cation of China(20110071120004).REFERENCES AND NOTES1M.P.McGrath,E.D.Sall,S.J.Tremont,Chem.Rev.1995, 95,381–389.2T.Endo,I.Tomita,Prog.Polym.Sci.1997,22,565–600.3I.Tomita,Y.Kondo,K.Takagi,T.Endo,Macromolecules 1994,27,4413–4414.4K.Takagi,I.Tomita,T.Endo,Macromolecules1997,30, 7386–7390.5K.Takagi,I.Tomita,T.Endo,Macromolecules1998,31, 6741–6747.6K.Takagi,I.Tomita,Y.Nakamura,T.Endo,Macromolecules 1998,31,2779–2783.7K.Mochizuki,I.Tomita,Macromolecules2006,39, 7474–7478.8M.Taguchi,I.Tomita,T.Endo,Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.Engl. 2000,39,3667–3669.9J.Wang,I.Tomita,T.Endo,Macromolecules2001,34, 4294–4295.10M.Kyohei,I.Tomita,Macromolecules2006,39,6336–6340. 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综上所述 ,在以下制备条件下可以达到最优效 果 :1 9/6(w/v)BHTTM 和 0.15 9/6(w/v)TMC,界 面 聚合 10 s,在 60℃下 热处 理 10 min.
3 结 论
采用 界面 聚合法 ,以 PSF中空纤 维 超 滤膜 为 基 膜,BHTTM 和 TMC分别为水相和油相单体 ,成功 制备 了 中空纤 维含 氟聚 酰胺 纳滤 膜.扫描 电镜 、原子 力 显微 镜 、红外 谱 图 和接 触 角 测 量 等结 果 均 证 明 了 含氟 聚酰胺 纳 滤功 能 层 已经 紧 紧覆 盖 在 基 膜 表 面. 当制 膜条 件为 1 9/6(w/v)BHTTM 和 0.15 (w/v) TMC,界 面聚合 10 s,在 60℃下 热 处理 10 rain时 , 所得纳滤膜具有最优分离性能.纳滤膜 对不 同无机 盐 的截 留率 大 小 均 为 Na2 SO4> MgSO4> NaCI ̄ MgC1。,为 带负 电纳 滤膜 .
2014,454:184~ 192.
[10] XuX X,Zhou C L,Zeng B R,et a1.Structure and proper— ties of polyamidoarnine/polyaerylonitrile composite nanofil—
参考 文献 : Ell Li Y,Su Y,Dong Y,et a1.Separation performance of
thinfilm com posite nanof iltration membrane through in— terfacial polym erization using different amine monomers
第 3期
任 翘楚 等 :界面 聚合法 中空纤 维含 氟聚酰胺 纳滤膜制备与表征



第 54 卷第 8 期2023 年 8 月中南大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology)V ol.54 No.8Aug. 2023装配式双拼槽钢−混凝土组合梁抗剪承载力试验研究周凌宇1, 2,石敬州1, 2,李分规3,戴超虎3,徐增武3,廖飞3,蒋卫3,朱志辉1, 2(1. 中南大学 土木工程学院,湖南 长沙,410075;2. 中南大学 高速铁路建造技术国家工程研究中心,湖南 长沙,410075;3. 中建五局第三建设有限公司,湖南 长沙,410004)摘要:提出一种装配式双拼槽钢−混凝土组合梁,以板宽、槽钢型号、抗剪连接件间距为试验参数,对7根组合梁进行静载试验,分析该组合梁剪切应变分布规律。




关键词:组合梁;装配式;抗剪承载力;有限元;剪跨比中图分类号:TU398.9 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672-7207(2023)08-3193-12Experimental study on shear capacity of assembled double −channel steel-concrete composite beamsZHOU Lingyu 1, 2, SHI Jingzhou 1, 2, LI Fengui 3, DAI Chaohu 3, XU Zengwu 3,LIAO Fei 3, JIANG Wei 3, ZHU Zhihui 1, 2(1. School of Civil Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China;2. National Engineering Research Center of High-speed Railway Construction Technology, Central SouthUniversity, Changsha 410075, China;3. The Third Construction Co. Ltd. of China Construction Fifth Engineering Bureau, Changsha 410004, China)Abstract: A kind of prefabricated double −channels steel-concrete composite beam was proposed. The static load test was carried out on seven composite beams. Taking the width of the concrete slabs, the type of the channel and收稿日期: 2022 −10 −12; 修回日期: 2022 −12 −15基金项目(Foundation item):国家自然科学基金资助项目(51978662);中建五局科研项目(cscec5b-2021-05) (Project(51978662)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China; Project(cscec5b-2021-05) supported by the Scientific Research Program of China Construction Fifth Engineering Bureau)通信作者:朱志辉,博士,教授,博士生导师,从事组合结构研究;E-mail :****************.cnDOI: 10.11817/j.issn.1672-7207.2023.08.022引用格式: 周凌宇, 石敬州, 李分规, 等. 装配式双拼槽钢−混凝土组合梁抗剪承载力试验研究[J]. 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2023, 54(8): 3193−3204.Citation: ZHOU Lingyu, SHI Jingzhou, LI Fengui, et al. Experimental study on shear capacity of assembled double −channel steel-concrete composite beams[J]. Journal of Central South University(Science and Technology), 2023, 54(8): 3193−3204.第 54 卷中南大学学报(自然科学版)the distance between shear connectors as the test parameters, the shear strain distribution of the composite beams was analyzed. The numerical analysis model was established by finite element software, and the mechanical properties and failure modes of composite beams were predicted accurately. On this basis, the shear span ratio, material strength, channel beam web height and thickness and concrete slab depth and width of composite beams were analyzed by parameterization. Based on the superposition principle, a formula for ultimate shear capacity of composite channel-concrete beams was proposed. The results show that the limit shear span ratios of shear failure, bending-shear failure and bending failure λ are 0.5 and 2.5, respectively. When the shear span ratio λ is 0.1−4.7, the shear bearing ratio of concrete slab is 4%−43%, which increases with the decrease of shear span ratio. The formula for ultimate shear capacity of composite channel-concrete beams has high accuracy and applicability.Key words: combination beam; fabricated; ultimate shear capacity; finite element; shear span ratio钢−混组合梁具有自身质量小、承载力高、刚度大的优点,在建筑和桥梁结构领域的应用越来越广泛[1]。



基于XRD的径向分布函数法研究碳纤维制备过程中的结构演变林雪;王成国;于美杰;徐勇;林治涛;张姗【摘要】The structural evolution of PAN carbon fiber during preparation process was studied by using the X-ray Diffraction and radial distribution function. The results show that the graphite-like structure exists in the PAN fiber, which is the important basis of graphite microcrystalline structure. The nearest neighbor distance of PAN is 0. 688 nm. The third neighboring distances of all carbon fibers are greater than that of graphite, indicating that planar six-member rings of graphene sheet are not formed between 500℃ and 1250℃ . The structure of fibers transforms from long-range order to long-range disorder, and then from short-range order to long-range order during the whole preparation process of carbon fiber.%采用X 射线和径向分布函数研究分析了聚丙烯腈( PAN)基碳纤维制备过程中的结构演变.结果表明,PAN原丝中存在着与石墨类似的结构,该结构是石墨微晶结构形成的重要基础;PAN大分子链最近邻链间间距为0.688nm;碳化温度在500 ~1250℃范围内的碳化纤维中的第三近邻距离均大于石墨晶体的第三近邻距离,表明碳纤维中没有形成平面构型的六元环石墨烯层片;在整个碳纤维的制备过程中,纤维结构经历了长程有序-长程无序、短程有序-长程有序的演变.【期刊名称】《航空材料学报》【年(卷),期】2013(033)001【总页数】6页(P72-77)【关键词】碳纤维;聚丙烯腈;X射线衍射(XRD);径向分布函数;结构【作者】林雪;王成国;于美杰;徐勇;林治涛;张姗【作者单位】山东大学材料液固结构演变与加工教育部重点实验室,济南250061;山东大学山东省碳纤维工程技术研究中心,济南250061;山东大学山东省碳纤维工程技术研究中心,济南250061;山东大学山东省碳纤维工程技术研究中心,济南250061;山东建筑大学材料科学与工程学院,济南250101;山东大学山东省碳纤维工程技术研究中心,济南250061;山东大学山东省碳纤维工程技术研究中心,济南250061【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ342+.31聚丙烯腈(PAN)基碳纤维及其复合材料具有高比强度、高比模量、耐热、耐化学腐蚀等优异性能,在航空航天、石油化工、交通运输、体育休闲以及国防军事等领域应用广泛[1,2]。

碧云天 BCA蛋白浓度测定试剂盒

碧云天 BCA蛋白浓度测定试剂盒

BCA蛋白浓度测定试剂盒产品编号产品名称包装P0012 BCA蛋白浓度测定试剂盒 500次产品简介:¾BCA蛋白浓度测定试剂盒(BCA Protein Assay Kit)是根据目前世界上最常用的两种蛋白浓度检测方法之一BCA法研制而成,实现了蛋白浓度测定的简单,高稳定性,高灵敏度和高兼容性。



¾BCA法测定蛋白浓度不受绝大部分样品中的化学物质的影响,可以兼容样品中高达5%的SDS,5%的Triton X-100,5%的Tween 20, 60, 80。



¾BCA蛋白浓度测定试剂盒对样品中各种物质的详细的兼容性,请参见碧云天如下网页:/Compatibility Chart For BCA Kit.pdf¾每个试剂盒可以检测500个样品。

包装清单:产品编号产品名称包装P0012-1 BCA试剂 A 100mlP0012-2 BCA试剂 B 3mlP0012-3 蛋白标准(5mg/ml BSA) 1ml—说明书1份保存条件:BCA试剂A和B室温保存,蛋白标准请-20℃冻存。







p38MAPK在糖尿病肾脏疾病中的作用研究进展沈霞蔚;邓德明;孙爱萍【摘要】介绍了p38MAPK家族成员、信号通知及P-p38(磷酸化的p38)MAPK 在肾脏组织的分布;p38MAPK通路是细胞内一条重要的信号转导通路,其发挥作用的方式复杂多样.它可通过调节转化生长因子、葡萄糖转运体蛋白等多种途径影响新生血管形成及纤维组织增殖过程来影响着糖尿病肾脏疾病的进程.【期刊名称】《长江大学学报(自然版)理工卷》【年(卷),期】2011(008)001【总页数】4页(P206-209)【关键词】糖尿病肾脏疾病;p38MAPK;细胞因子;葡萄糖转运体蛋白;炎症反应【作者】沈霞蔚;邓德明;孙爱萍【作者单位】长江大学医学院,湖北,荆州,434023;长江大学医学院,湖北,荆州,434023;长江大学医学院,湖北,荆州,434023【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R587.1糖尿病肾脏疾病( diabetic kidney disease,DKD)是糖尿病最常见的微血管并发症之一,在欧美目前是导致终末期肾脏疾病的首要原因。




现将p38MAPK(p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase)家族成员及其信号通路与糖尿病肾脏疾病关系方面的文献综述如下。

Han 等[1]首先从小鼠肝脏cDNA中分离出编码p38MAPK的基因,并克隆出p38MAPK分子,发现其为由360个氨基酸构成的38KD蛋白,故被称为p38MAPK。




第26卷 第7期2004年7月武 汉 理 工 大 学 学 报JOURNAL OF W UHAN UN IVERSIT Y OF TECHNOLOG Y V o l .26 N o.7 Ju l .2004聚癸二酸酐 聚乳酸共混薄膜的制备和降解性能陈连喜,熊 康,傅 杰,王 钧(武汉理工大学理学院,武汉430070)摘 要: 研究了一种用于药物缓释的生物可降解材料聚癸二酸酐 聚乳酸共混薄膜的制备,通过选择不同的溶剂,以及改变聚癸二酸酐和聚乳酸的比例,采用溶剂蒸发法得到了聚癸二酸酐 聚乳酸共混薄膜,同时对聚癸二酸酐 聚乳酸共混薄膜在生理盐水中的降解性能进行了研究。

结果表明当聚癸二酸酐的质量分数在10%~30%的范围内,用三氯甲烷和二氯甲烷作溶剂时可以得到成膜性能良好的共混薄膜,降解实验结果表明在降解过程中,聚癸二酸酐首先发生降解,并能在3d 内降解大部分,降解实验进行到第21d 后,溶液的pH 值变为3.0,此时共混薄膜总失重达到12.4%。

关键词: 聚癸二酸酐;; 共混薄膜; 降解中图分类号: O 63212文献标识码: A 文章编号:167124431(2004)0720049203Study on Prepara tion and Properties of Polysebac icAnhydr ide Polylactide Blend F il mCH EN L ian 2x i ,X ION G K ang ,FU J ie ,W A N G J un(Schoo l of Sciences ,W uhan U n iversity of T echno logy ,W uhan 430070,Ch ina )Abstract : T he p reparati on of po lysebacic anhydride (PSA ) po lylactide (PLA )b lend fil m that is u sed as b i odegrad 2ab le m aterial in drug delivery is studied .W ith the selecti on of differen t so lven ts and changing rati o s of PSA and PLA ,the b lend fil m w as ob tained by so lven t casting and the degradati on p roperties of the fil m in no rm al saline are also stud 2ied .T he experi m en t resu lts show that the excellen t b lend fil m can be ob tained by u sing trich lo rom ethane and dich lo rom ethane as so lven t w hen the m ass fracti on of PSA w as the range betw een 10%-30%.PSA w as firstly degrad 2ed and can be mo stly degraded in the degradati on of b lend fil m in the first 3days ,and the pH value of degradati on so lu 2ti on has been changed to 3.0and the w eigh t lo ss of the b lend fil m w as 12.4%after 21days.Key words : po lysebacia anhydride ; po lylactide ; b lend fil m ; degradati on收稿日期:2004203212.作者简介:陈连喜(19642),男,副教授.E 2m ail :clx @m ail.w hu t .edu .cn 聚酸酐是一类新型的生物医用高分子材料,不仅具有优良的生物相容性,而且具有独特的生物降解性,在医学领域,特别是药物控释方面正得到越来越多的应用[1~4]。

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Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Renewable Polyesters Based on2,5-Furandicarboxylic Acid and2,3-ButanediolE.Gubbels,1L.Jasinska-Walc,1,2*C.E.Koning1,31Laboratory of Polymer Materials,Eindhoven University of Technology,Eindhoven,The Netherlands2Department of Polymer Technology,Chemical Faculty,Gdansk University of Technology,Gdansk,Poland3DSM Coating Resins,Ceintuurbaan5,Zwolle,The NetherlandsCorrespondence to:L.Jasinska-Walc(;accepted24October2012;published online19November2012DOI:10.1002/pola.26446ABSTRACT:Novel polyesters from2,5-furandicarboxylic acid or 2,5-dimethyl-furandicarboxylate and2,3-butanediol have been synthesized via bulk polycondensation catalyzed by titanium (IV)n-butoxide,tin(IV)ethylhexanoate,or zirconium(IV)butox-ide.The polymers were analyzed by size exclusion chromatog-raphy,nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy,Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR),matrix-assisted laser ionization-desorption time-of-flight mass spectrometry,electro-spray ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry,electrospray ionization quadruple time-of-flight mass spectroscopy,ther-mogravimetric analysis,and differential scanning calorimetry. Fully bio-based polyesters with number average molecular weights ranging from2to7kg/mol were obtained which can be suitable for coating applications.The analysis of their ther-mal properties proved that these polyesters are thermally stable up to270–300 C,whereas their glass transition temperature(T g)values were found between70and110 C. Furthermore,a material was prepared with a molecular weight of13kg/mol,with a T g of113 C.This high T g would make this material possibly suitable for hot-fill applications.V C2012Wiley Periodicals,Inc.J.Polym.Sci.,Part A:Polym.Chem.2013,51, 890–898KEYWORDS:biomaterials;chemical structure;MALDI;NMR;pol-ycondensation;thermal properties;2,5-furandicarboxylic acid-based polyestersINTRODUCTION Polymeric materials synthesized from renewable monomers have already gained an established position among synthetic materials,both in academia and in industry.Owing to a growing concern about the depletion of the fossil fuel stock and the accompanying price fluctuations, a large drive has been created for finding suitable alterna-tives.Bio-based monomers proved to be very well-suited alternatives for fossil fuel-based building blocks.Materials based on these monomers have been intensively investigated by many research groups.1–17A particular attractive class of bio-based monomers are the furan-based molecules.These compounds show a high poten-tial in step-growth and chain-growth polymerizations.As reported by Gandini et al.,18–20furanic-based monomers are derived from two compounds,that is furfural(F)and5-hydroxymethylfurfural(HMF).18–21The acid-catalyzed dehy-dration of fructose to HMF can be performed with high selectivity and yields in high-boiling polar solvents.22How-ever,owing to expensive purification procedures using high-boiling solvents(e.g.,dimethyl sulfoxide)for the synthesis of HMF,this is not the most desired route.Recent develop-ments,including the synthesis of HMF performed in supercritical acetone and water or by the addition of phase modifiers,yielded a pure product without the requirement of an extensive purification.22–25Recently,2,5-furandicarbox-ylic acid(FDCA),as a HMF derivative,has gained particular attention as a suitable monomer for step-growth polymeriza-tion.26,27Owing to aromatic structure and bio-based origin, FDCA can be considered as an excellent replacement for fos-sil fuel-based monomers like,for example,terephthalic acid (TPA).Recently,Okkerse and van Bekkum28and Tavener29 presented strategies toward TPA synthesized from renewable resources such as limonene or FDCA.Nevertheless,the syn-thesis route of TPA from limonene involved stoichiometric amounts of lithium and chromium trioxide as reactants, which should be rather avoided in a large-scale synthesis. Moreover,there are methods known from the literature in which FDCA or other furans are reacted with a compound with a double bond by a Diels–Alder(DA)reaction.30 However,often these reactions are usually nonselective, yielding a low amount of the desired product.Monomers based on furanic residues can be successfully used in both chain-growth and step-growth polymerization processes.Furan-based monomers containing double bondsAdditional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article. V C2012Wiley Periodicals,Inc.or functional groups such as carbonyl or hydroxyl groups have been prepared for these purposes.As mentioned above, some furanic-based monomers can be successfully used to replace fossil fuel-based molecules.Moore and Kelly31,32ini-tially explored the scope and limitations of FDCA in polycon-densation reactions.The authors synthesized a series of pol-yesters based on FDCA and different diols and showed an enormous potential of this furan-based compound.However, owing to the limited availability of high-purity FDCA,the research interest in this field declined in the following years. Nevertheless,owing to the recent developments in the cata-lytic routes toward high-purity FDCA,it is currently possible to obtain high-purity FDCA in larger amounts.These devel-opments sparked a significant increase in the amount of research carried out toward FDCA-based polycondensates. Gandini et al.have shown that FDCA or related compounds are widely applicable in polymer chemistry.18–20,33–35Fur-thermore,recent studies concerning the properties of high-molecular-weight polyesters,that is poly(ethylene-2,5-furan-diacrboxylate)35,36revealed that polycondensates based on FDCA or other furanic derivatives could be interesting replacements for fossil fuel-based polymeric materials.It was shown that polyesters based on FDCA reveal higher glass transition temperature(T g),heat deflection tempera-ture,and better barrier properties when compared with TPA analogues.37Furthermore,the strong dienic character of FDCA19extends its range of the applications in polymer chemistry and material science.FDCA is very well suited for DA reactions,leading to new possibilities in the reversible curing of FDCA-derived polymers.18,20,38,39In this article,we present a series of novel,low-molecular-weight amorphous polyesters based on FDCA and2,3-buta-nediol synthesized by bulk polycondensation.Furthermore,a detailed study of the chemical structure using nuclear mag-netic resonance(NMR),Fourier transform infrared spectros-copy(FTIR),matrix-assisted laser ionization-desorption time-of-flight mass spectrometry(MALDI-ToF-MS),electro-spray ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry(ESI-ToF-MS),and electrospray ionization quadruple time-of-flight mass spectroscopy(ESI-Q-ToF-MS-MS)an analysis of the thermal properties has been performed.The relatively low-molecular-weight,high T g bio-based polyesters could be successfully applied for(powder)coating applications. EXPERIMENTALMaterialsFDCA was kindly supplied by Avantium.Meso-2,3-Butanediol (99%(2R,3S)-butanediol)(23BD,fractionally distilled prior to use),titanium n-butoxide(TiBO),tin(IV)ethylhexanoate (Sn(Oct)2),zirconium(IV)butoxide(80wt%solution in1-butanol)(ZrBO),37wt%aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid(HCl),anhydrous magnesium sulfate(MgSO4),4-dime-thylaminopyridine(DMAP),and0.1and0.5N methanolic solutions of potassium hydroxide(KOH)were purchased from Sigma Aldrich.Irganox1330was obtained from CIBA specialty chemicals.Methanol(MeOH),chloroform(CHCl3), and tetrahydrofuran(THF)were obtained from Biosolve.Chloroform-d(CDCl3,99.8%atom-d)was obtained from Cambridge Isotope Laboratories.All chemicals were used as received unless stated otherwise.Synthesis of Dimethyl-2,5-furandicarboxylate(DM-FDCA) FDCA(10g,0.064mol)was reacted with methanol(118.7g, 3.4mol)in the presence of hydrochloric acid(1mL)as a catalyst.This reaction was allowed to continue for18h and subsequently the catalyst was deactivated by adding30mL of0.5N methanolic KOH solution.The solvent was evapo-rated and the obtained white solid product was dissolved in CHCl3.The solution was filtered and washed with demi-water(2Â200mL)and brine(1Â200mL).Subsequently, this solution was dried over MgSO4.Then,the solution was filtered and the solvent evaporated using a rotary evaporator. The obtained solids were recrystallized from CHCl3,affording white crystals.Yield:80%.FTIR(m/cmÀ1);3118(¼¼CH);2964(C A H);1719 (C¼¼O);1583,1515(C¼¼C);1264(C A O);987,834,765 (¼¼CH).1H-NMR(400MHz,CDCl3,d,ppm):3.94(s,6H),7.23 (d,2H).13C-NMR(100MHz,CDCl3,d,ppm):52.36(OCH3), 118.44(furan ring C3and C4),146.67(furan ring C2and C5),158.29(C¼¼O).Melting point¼112 C,T m,lit¼107–108 C.40E LEM.A NAL.calc.C8H8O5:C,52.18;H,4.38;O,43.44, found:C,52.24;H,4.54;O,43.18.Synthesis of Poly(2,3-butylene-2,5-furancarboxylate)A mixture of FDCA(5g,0.032mol)or dimethyl-2,5-furandi-carboxylate(5.9g,0.032mol)and2,3-butanediol(8.65g, 0.096mol)was reacted in a100-mL three-necked round-bottomed flask equipped with a vigreux column,a Dean–Stark condenser,and a mechanical stirrer.The first step of the polymerization was carried out at180 C under argon atmosphere in the presence of Irganox1330(1wt%rela-tive to the amount of furan-based monomer)and the catalyst (0.1wt%relative to the total amount of the monomers).Af-ter the esterification/transesterification process by1H-NMR spectroscopy after24h,the second portion of catalysts(0.1 wt%relative to the initial total amount of the monomers) was added.The polycondensation was continued under reduced pressure for4h at220 C.The analyses of the obtained polyesters were performed on crude samples. METHODSSize exclusion chromatography(SEC)was performed on a Waters Alliance system equipped with a Waters2695separa-tion module,a Waters2414refractive index detector at35 C,a Waters2487dual absorbance detector,and a PSS SDV 5l guard column followed by2PSS SDV linearXL columns in series of5l(8Â300)working at40 C.THF stabilized with butylated hydroxytoluene and1v/v%acetic acid was used as eluent at a flow rate of1.0mL/min.The obtained molecu-lar weights were calculated with respect to polystyrene stand-ards(Polymer Laboratories,M p¼580Da up to M p¼7.1Â106Da).The acid value(AV)was determined by potentiometric titra-tion.The measurements were carried out using a Metrohm Titrino Plus848automatic buret equipped with a Metrohm801stirrer and Metrohm metal electrode.A known amount ($0.500g)of the crude polyester and7mL of MeOH were dissolved in THF.Subsequently,the solution was titrated using a0.1N methanolic solution of KOH.The AV was calcu-lated using the following formula:AV¼V sampleÂC KOHÂ56:1W sample(1)where V sample,C KOH,and W sample are the volume of the titrant used for the titration of the sample,the concentration of the methanolic KOH solution,and the sample weight,respec-tively.All samples were measured in duplo.Hydroxyl value(OHV)measurements were carried out using a potentiometric titration of acetylated hydroxyl end-groups of the polyesters.The measurements were carried out using a Metrohm Titrino Plus848automatic buret equipped with a Metrohm801stirrer and Metrohm metal electrode.A known amount($0.500g)of the crude polyester was dissolved in THF and subsequently reacted with an excess acetic anhy-dride in the presence of DMAP.Afterward,the unreacted ace-tic anhydride was hydrolyzed using a mixture of THF and water(3:1v/v).Subsequently,the samples were titrated with a0.5N methanolic solution of KOH.The OHV was calculated using the following formula:OHV¼ðV refÀV sampleÞÂC KOHÂ56:1W sampleþAV(2)where V ref,V sample,C KOH,W sample,and AV are the titrant vol-ume used for the titration of the references,the titrant vol-ume used for the titration of a sample,the concentration of the methanolic KOH solution,the weight of the sample,and the AV,respectively.All samples and references were meas-ured in duplo.MALDI-ToF-MS was performed on a PerSeptive Biosystem Voyager-DE STR Biospectrometry-Workstation.An accelera-tion voltage of20kV,a grid of63.2%,a delay time of320ns, and1000shots per spectrum were applied.For MALDI-ToF-MS analysis,the samples were dissolved in THF with a con-centration of1mg/mL.Trans-2-[3-(4-tert-butylphenyl)-2-methyl-propenylinden]-malononitril was used as the matrix. The matrix,potassium trifluoroacetate,and the polymer solu-tion were premixed in a weight ratio of4:1:4.The spectra were recorded in the reflector mode at positive polarity. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy(1H-NMR) was performed on a Brucker spectrometer at a resonance fre-quency of400.167MHz.For1H-NMR experiments,the spec-tral width was6402Hz,the acquisition time was1.998s, delay time was3s,and the number of scans was equal to16. Samples were prepared by dissolving15–20mg of crude polyester in0.8mL CDCl3.Chemical shifts were reported in parts per million relative to the signal of trimethylsilane used as the internal reference,present in the CDCl3.Data analysis was performed using Mestrec4software.Correlation2D-NMR spectroscopy(COSY)was performed on a Varian spectrometer at a resonance frequency of400.167 MHz.For COSY experiments,the spectral width was6402Hz,the acquisition time was0.15s,and delay time was1s with 200t1increments using four scans per increment.Data anal-ysis was performed using Mestrec4software.Carbon nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy(13C-NMR) was performed on a Varian spectrometer at a resonance fre-quency of100.343MHz.For13C-NMR experiments,the spec-tral width was25,510Hz,the acquisition time was1.285s, the delay time was1s,and the number of recorded scans was equal to2000.Samples were prepared by dissolving20–30mg of crude polyester in0.8mL CDCl3.Chemical shifts are reported in parts per million relative to the residual solvent peak of CDCl3(d¼77.0ppm).Data analysis was performed using Mestrec4software.Gradient heteronuclear single-quantum coherence spectros-copy(gHSQC)was performed on a Varian spectrometer at a frequency of100.343MHz.For gHSQC experiments,the spec-tral width was6377Hz for the1H-NMR and19,065Hz for the13C-NMR,the acquisition time was0.5s,and delay time was3s.The experiments were carried out with400t1incre-ments with eight scans per increment.Data analysis was per-formed using Mestrec4software.FTIR was performed on a Varian FT-IR3100spectrophotome-ter using a golden gate setup.The spectra were recorded in the transmission mode at room temperature with a resolution of2cmÀ1.The spectra were obtained applying100scans per spectrum and were analyzed in the frequency range of4000–700cmÀ1.Data acquisition and processing was performed using Varian Resolutions4software.ESI-ToF-MS and ESI-Q-ToF-MS-MS were performed on a Syn-apt G1HDMS mass spectrometer.The system was used in a positive ionization electrospray mode.The m/z was calibrated using sodium iodide.The most relevant parameters used for recording of the spectra were as follows:capillary voltage,2.5 kV;sampling voltage,40V;extraction voltage,4V;source temperature,100 C;desolvation temperature,280 C;desol-vation gas flow,400L/h;cone gas,flow30L/h;ion mobility separation(IMS)gas flow,30mL/min;IMS wave velocity, 300m/s;IMS wave height,0.5V;trap collision energy,6V; and trap gas flow,1mL/min.Nitrogen was used as a carrier buffer gas.Data were analyzed using MassLynx4.1. Differential scanning calorimetry(DSC)was performed using a DSC Q100from TA-instruments.The measurements were carried out fromÀ50to180 C with a heating and cooling rate of10 C/min under a nitrogen flow of50mL/min.The T g s were obtained from the inflection point in the curve recorded during the second heating run. Thermogravimetric analysis(TGA)was performed using a TA Instruments Q500TGA in a nitrogen atmosphere.Samples were heated from25to600 C with a heating rate of10 C/min. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONPoly(2,3-butylene-2,5-furandicarboxylate)(P23BF)samples were successfully synthesized from either FDCA or DM-FDCA and23BD via solvent-free bulk polymerization.The polymer-izations were catalyzed by TiBO,Sn(Oct)2,or ZrBO.An over-view of the results obtained from the polycondensations is presented in Table1.Clearly,one can observe an influence of the catalyst and type of furan monomer on the molecular weight and end-group content of the synthesized polyesters.As reported earlier,TiBO and Sn(Oct)2are active catalysts in the synthe-sis of polyesters.Nevertheless,the polycondensation of FDCA and23BD catalyzed by Sn(Oct)2afforded higher mo-lecular weights and thus proved a better activity of the cat-alyst.The lower activity of TiBO in the synthesis of FDCA-based polyester has been observed by Khrouf et al.34It was shown that this lower activity was caused by coordination of the furan-ring with the titanium,yielding a lower effi-ciency of the catalyst in the polycondensation reaction between diols and FDCA-based monomers.On the other hand,a high activity of Sn(Oct)2was noticed for the synthe-sis of DM-FDCA-based polyesters,yielding products with the M n value around7000g/mol(Table1,entry5). Although the obtained molecular weight of these materials was higher than for the systems catalyzed by TiBO or ZrBO, their polydispersity index increased as well.This is most likely caused by transesterification side reactions,leading to cyclic products.41–43No indications,that branching or gelation was taking place,have been noted.On the contrary, when TiBO was used as the catalyst,no significant increase in molecular weight or PDI was observed when DM-FDCA was used as an alternative for FDCA.Similar activities were observed when ZrBO was used as catalyst,yielding polyest-ers with a M n in the range of2000–3000g/mol(Table1). Furthermore,the obtained PDIs for systems catalyzed by TiBO or ZrBO were lower when Sn(Oct)2was used,which shows different activities of the different catalysts for the side ing Sn(Oct)2,a polyester with higher mo-lecular weight(Table1,entry7)was also prepared.This molecular weight was obtained after8h of vacuum proc-essing instead of the4h used in the other examples.The obtained P23BF samples proved to be brittle polyesters. This is most probably caused by the low molecular weight of the polyesters.Owing to the low amount of entangle-ments per polymer chain,the stress cannot be properly transferred to the P23BF matrix.We expect that the materi-als having higher molecular weights can be tougher and more suitable for applications other than powder coatings.However,no systematic study toward to mechanical proper-ties has been attempted at this moment.The obtained polyesters were almost exclusively hydroxyl end-capped,which is clear from the OHV and AV data sum-marized in Table1,and which was targeted as well as expected in view of the relatively large excess of23BD used in the polymerization process.This large excess of23BD ba-sically generates a low-molecular-weight dihydroxy end-capped prepolymer in the first synthesis step from which the excess of diol is eliminated by transesterification under reduced pressure.Differences in the total end-group content are most likely caused by the varying molecular weights of the poly(2,3-butylene-2,5-furandicarboxylate)s.Moreover,in the cases when Sn(Oct)2was used as catalyst also larger amounts of cyclics could be present,resulting in a lower end-group content.Furthermore,it is interesting to note that when ZrBO was used as the catalyst the obtained AVs were significantly higher when compared with the polymers obtained via TiBO or Sn(Oct)2-catalyzed polycondensation. To elucidate the structures and type of end-groups formed during the reaction,MALDI-ToF-MS was applied.The analysis of the MALDI-ToF-MS spectra showed the presence of P(23BF)distributions with different end-groups,which was also supported by titration data(Table1).In Figure1,a rep-resentative MALDI-ToF-MS spectrum of the polyesters(Table 1,entry1)prepared by bulk polycondensation of FDCA and 23BD is shown.The repeating unit of the synthesized poly-esters was indicated by the m/z differences between the ad-jacent MALDI-ToF-MS signals,being equal to210g/mol and corresponding to the molar mass of one FDCA and one 23BD unit.Figure1shows the presence of seven different distributions. The m/z signals described as1and6can be attributed to a,x-hydroxy-end-capped polymer chains.These signals origi-nate from hydroxyl-functional polyester chains with different counter ions,that is potassium(1)and sodium(6).Further-more,the distribution described as(4)corresponds to cyclic structures,whereas(5)proved the presence of linear struc-tures with one hydroxyl-and one carboxylic acid end-group.TABLE1Molecular Weight,Polydispersity Index,and Acid and Hydroxyl Values of the Poly(2,3-butylene-2,5-furandicarboxylate)s Synthesized by Bulk Polycondensation Catalyzed by Titanium(IV)n-butoxide(TiBO),Tin(IV)ethylhexanoate(Sn(Oct)2),and Zirconium(IV)butoxide(ZrBO)Entry Monomer Catalyst M n(kg/mol)M w(kg/mol)PDIAV(mg KOH/g)OHV(mgKOH/g)M n,NMR(kg/mol)1FDCA TBO 2.5 4.6 1.8 2.759.3 1.8 2FDCA Sn(Oct)2 3.78.5 2.1 2.927.7 4.2 3FDCA ZrBO 2.0 2.9 1.5 6.770.2 2.0 4DM-FDCA TBO 2.2 3.6 1.60.370.2 2.0 5DM-FDCA Sn(Oct)27.018 2.60.0 3.70n.d.a 6DM-FDCA ZrBO 2.4 4.0 1.711.325.6 1.9 7DM-FDCA Sn(Oct)2132620.20.4n.d.a a n.d.indicates not determined owing to a low signal intensity of the signals from the end-groups in the1H-NMR spectrum.Finally,distributions (2),(3),and (60)correspond to the chains having one ether linkage in the backbone.In the MALDI-ToF-MS spectrum,(2)and (3)are attributed to a ,x -hydroxyl-functionalized chains with different counter ions,that is sodium and potassium,respectively,whereas the dis-tribution (60)corresponds to cyclic structures.Although the MALDI-ToF-MS spectra do not show the signals correspond-ing to polyester chains that are carboxylic acid-functionalized at both chain ends,the presence of this less abundant struc-ture cannot be excluded.One should realize that MALDI-ToF-MS is not a quantitative analytical technique.The synthesis most probably exclusively yielded linear and cyclic species as no indications for branched structures were observed.As discussed by many authors,18,38,39FDCA can participate in a DA reaction as diene.However,from our recorded MALDI-ToF-MS spectra,one can conclude that under the applied polycondensation conditions no significant amount of DA adducts was obtained.In Figure 2,the MALDI-ToF-MS spectrum of the polyester synthesized from DM-FDCA and 23BD using TiBO as a catalyst (Table 1,entry 4)is shown.The spectrum shows a similar distribution pattern as recorded for the FDCA-based polyester.The expected signals for a ,x -hydroxyl-end-capped macromolecules (1)and (6),a ,x -hydroxyl-end-capped spe-cies with one ether bond linkage in the backbone (2),cyclic structures (3),and cyclic structures with one ether linkage(60)as well as hydroxyl and methyl ester end-capped mole-cules (4)were observed.Hence,these polyesters show a close resemblance to FDCA-derived polyesters (Fig.1).The spectrum of DM-FDCA-based polyesters shows one addi-tional distribution (5).However,we were unable to assign this distribution to any of the expected structures.Moreover,the obtained distribution did not also correspond to macro-molecules with vinylic end-groups (possibly formed by de-carboxylation)or DA adducts.The chemical structure of the polyesters was proven by 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR spectroscopy.The 1H-NMR spectrum of Entry 1(Table 1)recorded in CDCl 3is shown in Figure 3.The end-group resonances were assigned by analyzing the 1H-NMR (Supporting Information Fig.S1)and COSY (Sup-porting Information Fig.S2)spectra of the P23BF oligomers.These materials show intense resonances of the end-groups,and thus are ideal for the peak assignment.The signals from the methylene groups of 23BD (e and f)can be found at 1.4and 1.2ppm,respectively.The use of the meso -form (2R ,3S -butanediol)of 23BD resulted in not well-resolved methylene signals in the range of 1.2–1.5ppm.The chemical shifts of the signals of the 23BD meso -form,that is c,c 0,d,and d 0,clearly show the difference in the stereochemistry from the end-groups of the 99%meso -form of 23BD.The ratio between the end-group signals (e.g.,d and d 0)did notchangeFIGURE 1MALDI-ToF-MS spectrum of the poly(2,3-butylene-2,5-furandicarboxylate)(Table 1,Entry 1)obtained by polycon-densation reaction catalyzed byTiBO.FIGURE 2MALDI-ToF-MS spectrum of the poly(2,3-butylene-2,5-furandicarboxylate)(Table 1,Entry 4)obtained by polycon-densation reaction catalyzed by TiBO.significantly during the polycondensation reaction.Hence,the stereochemistry of the monomer was retained during the polyester synthesis.Signal d was assigned to the protons from the 23BD units which were within the main chain.More-over,the furanic signal (signal a)clearly suggests that the furan ring does not participate in DA additions on a signifi-cant scale as no signals of the corresponding vinylic protons were observed.The presence of different proton resonances of the end-groups allowed to calculate the molecular weight of the synthesized polyesters (Table 1).As,the M n,NMR values are comparable to those obtained from SEC,it is clear that there is a deviation from the end-group to repeat unit ratio.Cyclics could account for this deviation because these do not have end-groups but are taken into account when calculating the number of repeat units.Furthermore,for the calculation of the M n,NMR values of the polyesters,the possible influence of the concentration of (the undetectable)carboxylic acid end-groups has been omitted.Besides,resonances originating from structures with an ether linkage were not found in the 1H-NMR spectra,which can result from their too low content to allow detection by NMR experiments.In Figure 4,a representative 13C-NMR spectrum of Entry 1(Table 1)is shown.To assign 13C resonances properly,the 13C-NMR and gHSQC spectra of the oligomer were recorded and analyzed (Supporting Information Figs.S3and S4).The first group of signals originates from the FDCA residues and is visible at lower field (higher ppm values than 100ppm).Signals from the FDCA residues described as (a),(g),and (h)were found at 118.7,146.7,and 157.1ppm,respectively.The chemical shift of these signals proves that the original chemi-cal structure of FDCA is retained during the polymerization.An examination of the aliphatic region of the carbon spectrum allowed the assignment from the signals of 23BD.Signals from the 23BD backbone (b),(e),and (f)were found at 72.7,16.2,and 15.2ppm,respectively.Furthermore,owingto the different conformations of the protons in 23BD also the 13C-NMR signals (d),(d 0),(c),and (c 0)are visible as well-resolved resonances at 69.1,69.5,76.1,and 76.5ppm,respectively.Signal (x)shown in Figure 4originates from unreacted 23BD residuals,which is also reflected by the pro-ton resonances (e)and (f)shown in Figure 3.Moreover,the presence of ether linkages,present in the macromolecules and visible in MALDI-ToF-MS spectra,was not proven by NMR.This might result from the relatively low content of ether bonds,undetectable by NMR techniques.To elucidate further,the type of functional groups present and to obtain complementary insight regarding the chemical structure of FDCA/DM-FDCA-based polyesters FTIR was employed.FTIR spectra of FDCA (1)and DM-FDCA (5)(Fig.5)show a close resemblance,proving that the chemical structure of FDCA and DM-FDCA-based polyesters is similar.In both spectra,a signal at 3361cm À1can be observed,this being the stretch vibration of hydroxyl groups and implying the presence of both free and hydrogen-bonded hydroxyl groups.Simultaneously,the formation of ester bonds was proven by the bands at 1714cm À1characteristic for the C ¼¼O stretching vibrations.The pronounced signals at 1448and 1380cm À1were assigned to the CH 3bending vibrations from 23BD residues in the polyester backbone.The signals at 1579and 1500–1510cm À1correspond to the vibrations of the furan ring.Furthermore,the signals below 1300cm À1belong to various bending vibrations of the disubstituted furan rings.Careful analysis of the FTIR spectra once again did not show the presence of DA products formed during polycondensation process.Furthermore,the signals originat-ing from ether groups,present in the polyester backbone according to the MALDI-ToF-MS analysis,were not detected.This result from their relatively low content and/or overlap-ping with the signals attributed to the estergroups.FIGURE 31H-NMR spectrum of poly(2,3-butylene-2,5-furandi-carboxylate)(Table 1.Entry 1)recorded in CDCl 3.FIGURE 413C-NMR spectrum of poly(2,3-butylene-2,5-furandi-carboxylate)(Table 1,Entry 1)recorded in CDCl 3.。
