Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 31(2021) 555−564Hydrometallurgical process for recovery ofZn, Pb, Ga and Ge from Zn refinery residuesShuai RAO1,2,3, Zhi-qiang LIU1,2,3, Dong-xing WANG1,2,3,Hong-yang CAO1,2,3, Wei ZHU1,2,3, Kui-fang ZHANG1,2,3, Jin-zhang TAO1,2,31. Research Institute of Rare Metals, Guangdong Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, China;2. State Key Laboratory of Separation and Comprehensive Utilization of Rare Metals,Guangdong Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, China;3. Guangdong Province Key Laboratory of Rare Earth Development and Application,Guangdong Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, ChinaReceived 3 March 2020; accepted 28 October 2020Abstract: Zn, Pb, Ga and Ge were separated and recovered from zinc refinery residues by stepwise leaching. In the first stage, by leaching with H2SO4 media, more than 90% of Zn and 99% of Ga were dissolved, leaving 92% of Ge in the leaching residue. In the second stage, by leaching with HCl media, approximately 99% of Pb and less than 2% of Ge were selectively dissolved. Finally, the remaining 90% of Ge was extracted in 1 mol/L NaOH solution by destroying the correlation between SiO2 and Ge. XRD pattern of the leaching residue demonstrated that ZnSO4·H2O, PbSO4 and SiO2 were removed sequentially through the stepwise leaching. The proposed process achieved high recoveries of Zn, Pb, Ga and Ge, thus presenting a potential industrial application.Key words: zinc refinery residues; gallium; germanium; stepwise leaching1 IntroductionGermanium (Ge) and gallium (Ga) areconsidered as strategic metals in many countriesowing to their wide applications in high-tech fieldssuch as semiconductors, optical fibers and solarcells [1−4]. However, geological and mineralogicalstudies have shown that it is difficult to findindependent deposits enriched with Ga and Ge [5,6].Currently, Ga and Ge are mainly extracted fromnon-ferrous metal residues [7−10] or secondaryresources [11,12]. The ZnS ores located inGuangdong province contain relatively highcontents of Ga and Ge [13,14]. Based on theproperties of the raw material, pressure leaching isapplied to treating the minerals for recovering Zn,Ga and Ge. During pressure leaching, almost allZn, Ga and Ge are dissolved in the leachingsolution. Zinc powder is then used as thereducing agent to remove Pb and Fe during thesubsequent purification procedure. Ga and Ge(0.1−0.5 wt.%) are also enriched in Zn refineryresidues, which usually contain large amounts of Pband Fe [15,16].Currently, Ga and Ge are extracted from zincplant residues by hydrometallurgical methodsowing to high economic benefits and lowenvironment pollution [17−19]. However, since Gaand Ge are closely correlated with Fe and Si, therecoveries of Ga and Ge are relatively low. Duringsulfuric acid leaching, the formation of silica gelresults in a deteriorating filtration performanceand significant loss of Ga and Ge [20]. To avoid theCorresponding author:Zhi-qiangLIU;Tel:+86-20-61086372;E-mail:*****************DOI:10.1016/S1003-6326(21)65517-61003-6326/© 2021 The Nonferrous Metals Society of China. Published by Elsevier Ltd & Science PressShuai RAO, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 31(2021) 555−564 556problem, hydrofluoric acid has been supplemented to sulfuric acid solutions to enhance the leaching rates of Ga and Ge [21]. However, the subsequent defluorination procedure constrains its commercial applications. Alkaline leaching has also been proposed to recover Ga and Ge [22]. Although a relatively high recovery of Ga and Ge is obtained, a large amount of sodium hydroxide is consumed owing to the dissolution of Pb and Si [23]. Organic weak acids provide milder leaching conditions than mineral acids; therefore, they exhibit a high selectivity [24]. LIU et al [25] researched the recovery of Ga and Ge from Zn refinery residues using an oxalic acid solution after selectively removing Cu and Zn in a sulfuric acid solution. Although this method can achieve high leaching rates of Ga and Ge, it is difficult to regenerate the leaching agent, resulting in a high production cost. In general, considering environmental conservation and process efficiency, there is no appropriate technology for the comprehensive recovery of valuable metals, including Zn, Pb, Ga and Ge, from Zn refinery residues.In this study, based on the properties of Zn refinery residues, stepwise leaching is proposed for the comprehensive recovery of Zn, Pb, Ga and Ge from Zn refinery residues. Firstly, Zn and Ga are dissolved in a sulfuric acid solution through controlled suitable leaching conditions, leaving behind Ge and Pb in the leaching residue. The resulting leaching solution can be further processed by adjusting the pH of the leaching solution to a weak acid environment for an effective separation of Zn and Ga. Secondly, Pb is selectively removed in a hydrochloric acid solution based on the complexation between Pb2+and Cl−. Moreover, a PbCl2product can be obtained through cooling crystallization. Finally, Ge is effectively extracted in a sodium hydroxide solution by destroying the embedded correlation between Ge and silica. The stepwise leaching method is a novel technology for the effective recovery of valuable metals from Zn refinery residues, with the potential to be applied on an industrial scale.2 Experimental2.1 MaterialsThe Zn refinery residue was obtained from a Zn metallurgy enterprise located in Shaoguan city, Guangdong province, China. Before conducting leaching, the material was dried, grounded and sieved to a particle size below 100 μm. The main elemental content of the residue was determined by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). Table 1 shows that the residue mainly contains Zn, Pb, Fe and Si. The contents of Ga and Ge are 0.15 wt.% and 0.47 wt.%, respectively.Table 1 Main elemental contents of Zn refinery residue (wt.%)Zn Pb Fe Si Ga Ge 5.93 4.18 6.30 12.6 0.15 0.47The main phases of the Zn refinery residue were determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD). As shown in Fig. 1, the main diffraction peaks were related to some obvious phases, including SiO2, ZnSO4·H2O, PbSO4and ZnFe2O4. No other characteristic peaks corresponding to Ga or Ge phases were detected, owing to their low contents.Fig. 1 XRD pattern of Zn refinery residueFigure 2 shows the SEM image and elemental surface scanning images of the Zn refinery residue. The residue was mainly composed of many tiny dark particles representing SiO2. Some large blocky-shaped particles suggesting various phases were also observed. The brightest particle can be viewed as PbSO4, owing to the enrichment of Pb. Similarly, Fe and Zn were concentrated in some gray particles, confirming the presence of ZnFe2O4. The distributions for Ga and Ge were very sparse due to their low contents.Shuai RAO, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 31(2021) 555−564 5572.2 Experimental procedureBased on the properties of Zn refinery residue, an environmentally friendly and economical process was proposed for the efficient recovery of Zn, Pb, Ga and Ge. The integrated process flow comprises three procedures, as shown in Fig. 3, namely, Zn and Ga leaching in a H 2SO 4 solution, Pb recovery in a HCl solution, and Ge extraction in a NaOH solution. After Zn and Ga leaching, the pH of the leaching solution was adjusted to weak acid for the separation of Zn and Ga by adding ZnO.During Pb recovery, soluble 24PbClcomplex was transformed into PbCl 2 precipitate through dilution and cooling crystallization. The crystalline mothersolution was regenerated by adding CaCl 2. The pHof the leaching solution obtained from Ge extraction was adjusted to a weak alkaline condition for the separation of Ge and Si by adding HCl. All leaching experiments were performed in a beaker immersed in a water bath with a thermostat, equipped with a magnetic stirrer. All chemical reagents used were analytical grade.Fig. 2 SEM image and main elemental surface scanning images of Zn refinery residueFig. 3 Principal flow sheet for recovering valuable metals from Zn refinery residueShuai RAO, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 31(2021) 555−564 5582.3 Analytical methodsThe phases of the material and leaching residue were determined using a Rigaku TTRAX-3 X-ray diffraction instrument (40 kV, 30 mA, 10 (°)/min). The contents of the main elements, including Zn, Pb, Fe, Ga, Ge and Si, were determined using an inductively coupled plasma- atomic emission spectrometer (Thermo Electron IRIS Intrepid II XSP). The morphology and chemical composition of the samples were analyzed through SEM−EDS (SEM, JEOL, Ltd., JSM−6360LV).3 Results and discussion3.1 Zn and Ga leaching in H2SO4 solutionOwing to the formation of Ge−silica gel and PbSO4 precipitate in a H2SO4 solution, sulfuric acid leaching mainly focuses on the leaching efficiency of Zn and Ga. Moreover, the separation of Zn and Ga should also be considered after the leaching is completed. The φ–pH diagram for a Zn−Ga−Fe−H2O system has been depicted using the HSC 6.0. As illustrated in Fig. 4, Zn2+, Ga3+and Fe3+ were predominant under the acidic conditions, suggesting that sulfuric acid was an effective leaching agent to extract Zn and Ga. However, Zn, Ga and Fe each presented a different pH of hydrolysis precipitation. The precipitation of Ga3+and Fe3+in the form of Fe(OH)3and Ga(OH)3could occur at a pH above 3.0, while soluble Zn2+ existed in the solution at a pH below 6.0. Therefore, an effective separation of Zn and Ga could be obtained by adjusting the pH of the leaching solution to be 3.0−6.0.Fig. 4φ–pH diagram for Zn−Ga−Fe−H2O system at 25 °C (α(Zn2+)=1, α(Fe3+)=1, α(Ga3+)=0.01)Based on the above analyses, the effect of sulfuric acid concentration on the leaching process was investigated in detail. The other leaching conditions included a liquid solid ratio of 10 mL/g, reaction temperature of 80 °C, and leaching time of 2 h. As shown in Fig. 5, increasing the sulfuric acid concentration to 2 mol/L improved the leaching rate of Ga significantly. The Ga leaching rate approached 100% in a 2 mol/L H2SO4solution. Moreover, large amounts of Zn and Fe dissolved in the leaching solution, whereas the Ge leaching rate was relatively low due to the formation of Ge−silica gel. Therefore, a suitable sulfuric acid concentration of 2 mol/L should be selected for optimal leaching of Zn and Ga.Fig. 5 Effect of H2SO4 concentration on leaching rates of Zn, Fe, Ga and GeTable 2 lists the main elemental content of the leaching residue obtained in a 2 mol/L H2SO4 solution. It can be seen that Zn, Fe and Ga decreased significantly, whereas Pb, Si and Ge increased in the H2SO4 leaching residue. The XRD pattern of the H2SO4 leaching residue is shown in Fig. 6. Compared with the results in Fig. 1, the characteristic peaks of ZnSO4·H2O disappeared and the remaining phases contained ZnFe2O4, SiO2 and PbSO4. Figure 7 presents the SEM image of the H2SO4 leaching residue. Based on the results of the EDS analyses from Table 3, the blocky-shaped particles given by Spots 1 and 2 were confirmed as PbSO4and ZnFe2O4, respectively. These tiny dark particles (Spots 3, 4, and 5) were viewed as an enriching Si phase. More importantly, these enriching Si particles exhibited a high Ge content.Shuai RAO, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 31(2021) 555−564 559Table 2Main elemental contents of leaching residue obtained in 2 mol/L H2SO4 solution (wt.%)Zn Pb Fe Si Ga Ge 1.49 9.64 1.52 26.1 0.01 1.03Fig. 6 XRD pattern of H2SO4 leaching residueFig. 7 SEM image of H2SO4 leaching residueTable 3 Chemical composition of selected particles shown in Fig. 7 (wt.%)Element Spot 1 Spot 2 Spot 3 Spot 4 Spot 5 O 20.17 27.54 50.98 45.47 45.01S 9.87 − 3.51 − 4.06Zn −27.01 0.6 0.84 2.29Pb 69.69 −−10.87 10.09Fe −41.44 1.82 0.9 2.11Si −0.84 37.15 36.51 30.08Ga −−−−−Ge −0.01 2.02 2.18 2Once the leaching was completed, Ga and Fe were deposited as Ga(OH)3and Fe(OH)3 by adjusting the pH of the leaching solution to 4.0. The resulting ZnSO4 solution could be returned to the Zn recovery procedure, while the precipitate was further treated to extract Ga. The precipitate obtained in this study exhibited an amorphous phase structure, as shown in Fig. 8. The contents of Fe and Ga in the precipitate were 30.08 and 1.00 wt.%, respectively, suggesting that Ga in the precipitate was over five times higher than that in the material.Fig. 8 XRD pattern of precipitate obtained from H2SO4 leaching solution3.2 Pb recovery in HCl solutionAfter selective dissolution of Zn, Ga and Fe, the leaching residue was mainly composed of Pb, Ge and Si. Due to the formation of soluble 24Pb(OH)-complex in an alkaline solution, it was necessary to remove Pb before extracting Ge. Based on the complexation between Pb2+and Cl−, HCl was selected as a suitable leaching agent. The distribution curves of the Pb species with different Cl−concentrations were constructed using the Medusa software. As shown in Fig. 9, PbCl2 precipitate predominated under a relatively low Cl−concentration condition, while an increased Cl−concentration was beneficial for the formation ofsoluble 24PbCl-complex. This suggests that Pb recovery should be conducted under larger leaching agent concentration and higher liquid-to-solid ratio conditions. Therefore, the leaching process was performed with a liquid-to-solid ratio of 20 mL/g at 90 °C for 2 h. Figure 10 shows the effect of HCl concentration on the leaching rates of Pb and Ge. The leaching rate of Pb enhanced with an increasing HCl concentration from 0.5 to 2 mol/L. Almost all of the PbSO4 dissolved in a 2 mol/L HCl solution, with the Ge leaching rate below 2%.Shuai RAO, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 31(2021) 555−564 560Fig. 9Distribution of Pb species at different pH for Pb2+−Cl−−H2O system at 25 °CTable 4 lists the main elemental contents of the leaching residue. It can be seen that Ge increased to above 1.37 wt.% in the leaching residue, whereas the content of Pb reduced to below 0.1 wt.%. The main phases of the leaching residue were SiO2 and ZnFe2O4, as shown in Fig. 11. Compared with Fig. 7, Fig. 12 shows that the brightest particles representing the PbSO4 phase were seldom observed. Moreover, there was a close correlation between Ge and Si based on the Ge−Si surface distribution diagram.Fig. 10 Effect of HCl concentration on leaching rates of Pb and GeFig. 11 XRD pattern of HCl leaching residueTable 4 Main elemental contents of leaching residue obtained in 2 mol/L HCl solution (wt.%)Zn Pb Fe Si Ga Ge 1.29 0.078 1.31 30 0.007 1.37Fig. 12 SEM image and Ge−Si surface distribution of leaching residue obtained in 2 mol/L HCl solutionShuai RAO, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 31(2021) 555−564 561After completion of the Pb leaching, it is necessary to recover Pb from the leaching solution.A 24PbCl -complex can be transformed into PbCl 2 precipitate by decreasing the reaction temperature and Cl − concentration [26]. Therefore, the leaching solution was processed by dilution and cooling. Then, the PbCl 2 product was obtained by liquid −solid separation. The Pb content in the solution lowered from 4.78 to 1.79 g/L, suggesting that approximately 37.4% of Pb remained in the leaching solution. More than 60% of Pb was recovered in the form of PbCl 2, as shown in Fig. 13. The PbCl 2 product containing 74.3 wt.% Pb exhibited a high purity without any additional characteristic peaks. As shown in Fig. 14, after cooling crystallization, the resultingsolution wasregenerated by adding CaCl 2to remove 24SO -byprecipitation reaction between 24SO - and Ca 2+, allowing for the regenerated solution to be used in the subsequent lead removing procedure.Fig. 13 XRD pattern of PbCl 2 product from HCl leaching solutionFig. 14 XRD pattern of precipitate obtained from regeneration of leaching agent3.3 Extraction of Ge in NaOH solutionTo remove silica −germanium gel, NaOH is used as the leaching agent to effectively extract Ge. Leaching experiments were conducted at 80 °C with a liquid solid ratio of 20 mL/g for 2 h. Figure 15 shows the effect of NaOH concentration on the leaching rates of Ge and Si. An increased NaOH concentration significantly improved the dissolution efficiency of Ge and Si. More than 99% of Ge and 90% of Si were dissolved in 1 mol/L NaOH solution. Table 5 lists the main elemental contents of the NaOH leaching residue. Fe and Zn increased inthe leaching residue, whereas Gedecreased to 0.06%. The XRD pattern, shown in Fig. 16, indicates the main phases of the leaching residue to be SiO 2, ZnS and ZnFe 2O 4. ComparedFig. 15 Effect of NaOH concentration on leaching rates of Si and GeFig. 16 XRD pattern of NaOH leaching residueTable 5 Main elemental contents of leaching residue obtained in 1 mol/L NaOH solution (wt.%) Zn Fe Pb Si Ga Ge 6.817.10.117.690.010.06Shuai RAO, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 31(2021) 555−564562 with Fig. 8, new characteristic peaks of ZnS were observed owing to an increased Zn content in the leaching residue. Figure 17 shows the SEM image and main elemental surface distribution of the alkaline leaching residue. The tiny silica − germanium gel particles dissolved entirely, and the remaining particles, including ZnS, ZnFe 2O 4 and SiO 2, were large, preventing adequate dissolution through atmospheric leaching.Fig. 17 SEM image and main elemental surface scanning maps of leaching residueAfter Ge leaching, it is necessary to separate Ge and Si from the leaching solution owing to the dissolution of SiO 2. According to the φ−pH diagram for the Ge −Si −H 2O system in Fig. 18, Ge −silica gel can be destroyed by promoting the formation ofsoluble 3HGeO - and 3SiO(OH)-in an alkaline solution. After the leaching is complete, the precipitation of Si in the form of amorphous silicon dioxide can occur by adjusting the pH to be 6.0−12.0, allowing for an effective separation of Geand Si. Therefore, in this study, the pH of the alkaline leaching solution was adjusted to be 9.0 by adding 2 mol/L HCl. The Si content in the leaching solution lowered to less than 0.3 g/L, as shown in Table 6, allowing for an excellent Ge −Si separation efficiency. Moreover, Zn, Pb and Fe were also adequately removed. The leaching solution could then be used to recover Ge through precipitation or solvent extraction. The white precipitate obtained from the Ge −Si separation procedure was amorphous silicon dioxide and, therefore, no obvious characteristic peaks were observed, as shown in Fig. 19.Fig. 18 φ−pH diagram for Ge −Si −H 2O system at 25 °C (α(Si 4+)=1, α(Ge 4+)=0.01)Table 6 Main elemental contents of leaching solution adjusted to pH 9.0 (mg/L) Zn Pb Fe Si Ga Ge <0.5 <0.5<0.5268.1<0.5254.1Fig. 19 XRD pattern of white precipitate obtained during Ge and Si separationShuai RAO, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 31(2021) 555−564 5634 Conclusions(1) More than 90% of Zn and 99% of Ga were leached in a 2 mol/L H2SO4 solution with a liquid–solid ratio of 10 mL/g at 80 °C after 2 h, leaving approximately 92% of Ge in the leaching residue. The content of Ga in the precipitate was over 5 times higher than in the raw material.(2) About 99% of Pb and less than 2% of Ge were dissolved in a 2 mol/L HCl solution with a liquid-to-solid ratio of 20 mL/g at 90 °C for 2 h. A PbCl2 byproduct with a high purity was obtained by cooling crystallization.(3) During alkaline leaching, the remaining 90% of the Ge was extracted in a 1 mol/L NaOH solution with a liquid-to-solid ratio of 20 mL/g at 80 °C for 2 h. An effective Ge−Si separation was conducted by adjusting the pH of the leaching solution to 9.0.AcknowledgmentsThe authors are grateful for the financial supports from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51804083, 51704081), the National Key Research and Development Project (2018YFC1903104), the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, China (2019A1515011628), the Science and Technology Planning Project of Guangzhou (201904010106) of China, and Guangdong Academy of Science Doctor Special Program of China (2020GDASYL-0104027, 2019GDASYL-0105079, 2019GDASYL-0302011, 2019GDASYL-0402003).References[1]FTHENAKIS V, WANG Wen-ming, KIM H C. Life cycleinventory analysis of the production of metals used inphotovoltaics [J]. Renewable and Sustainable EnergyReviews, 2009, 13(3): 493−517.[2]CAROLAN D. Recent advances in germanium nanocrystals:Synthesis, optical properties and applications [J]. 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abandoned drives 'bndnd draivs 废巷道abrasion resistance 'brein ri'zistns 抗磨蚀能力abrasive 'breisiv 磨料absorbent b's:bnt 吸收剂access ramp 'kses rmp 出入沟,出入引道accessory minerals k'sesri 'minrls 副矿物accidental explosion ,ksi'dentl ik'splun 意外爆炸Accumulated losses 累计亏损Acid Mine Drainage 矿山酸性废水Acidic run-off water from mine waste dumps and mill tailings ponds containing sulphide minerals. Also refers to ground water pumped to surface from mines.acid mine water 'sid main 'w:t 酸性矿水acid resistant 'sid ri'zistnt 耐酸的acid rock 'sid rk 酸性岩acidite 'sidait 酸性岩acidulation 酸化acquirer投资主体Acquisition premium 收购溢价activated charcoal 'ktiveitid 'tɑ:kul 活性煤activator 'ktiveit 活化剂adamic earth 'dmik :θ 红粘土additive 'ditiv 添加剂adhere d'hi 粘着adhesion force d'hi:n f:s 粘附力Adit 'dit 平硐An opening driven horizontally into the side of a mountain or hill for providing access to a mineral deposit.adit collar 'dit 'kl 平硐口adit cut mining 'dit kt 'maini 平硐开采adjustable prop 'dstbl prp 伸缩式支柱Administration and Corporate expenses行政管理及公司费用Administrative expenses 管理费用adobe blasting 'dubi 'blɑ:sti 裸露装药爆破adobe shot 'dubi t 裸露装药爆破advancement d'vɑ:nsmnt, d'vns- 掘进advancing along the strike d'vɑ:nsi 'l straik 沿走向掘进Aeromagnetic survey 航磁测绘 A geophysical survey using a magnetometer aboard, or towed behind, an aircraft.AFC-The armored face conveyor.工作面皮带输送机 Used on the coal face of an underground mine to protect the workers and convey the coal to the crusher Agate 'ɡt 玛瑙Agglomerate 'ɡlmrt, -reit, 'ɡlmreit 集块岩aggregate thickness 'ɡriɡt, 'ɡriɡeit 'θiknis 总厚度Agitation .搅动,搅拌 In metallurgy, the act or state of being stirred or shaken mechanically, sometimes accomplished by the introduction ofcompressed air.Air Crossing- ε 'kr:si 气流交汇点A place where return air and fresh cross over but are still divided.air flow ε flu 气流air intake ε 'inteik 进气口air vent ε vent 气孔,排气口Airborne survey 航测 A survey made from an aircraft to obtain photographs, or measure magnetic properties, radioactivity, etc.airleg ε leɡ气腿式钻机,风动钻架Alloy 合金 A compound of two or more metals.Alluvium 冲积层;冲积土 Relatively recent deposits of sedimentary material laid down in river beds, flood plains, lakes, or at the base of mountain slopes. adj. alluvial.Alteration 蚀变 Any physical or chemical change in a rock or mineral subsequent to its and more localised than metamorphism.Alunite 'ljunait 明矾石anchor bolts 固定螺栓Ancillary Equipment k'sesri i'kwipmnt 辅助设备ANFO 氨油炸药 Acronym for ammonium nitrate and fuel oil, a mixture used as a blasting agent in many mines.angle of dip 'ɡl dip 倾角anisotropic ,naisu'trpik .各向异性的Anomaly 异常状态Any departure from the norm which may indicate the presence of mineralisation in the underlying bedrock.anthracite 'nθrsait 无烟煤 A hard, black coal containing a high percentage of fixed carbon and a low percentage of volatile matter. anticline 'ntiklain 背斜 An arch or fold in layers of rock shaped like the crest of a wave.anticlinorium ,ntiklai'n:rim 复背斜asbestos z'bests 石棉asphalt 'sflt 沥青asphyxia s'fiksi, suffocation ,sf'kein, gassing 'ɡsi 窒息Assay 化验;分析;鉴定,测定A chemical test performed on a sample of ores or minerals to determine the amount of valuable metals contained. Assay Foot 化验尺度metre, inch,centimetreAssessment Work 例行评估工作 The amount of work, specified by mining law that must be performed each year in order to retain legal control of mining claims.Asset classified as held for sale供出售资产associate bed 'sui,eitid bed 伴生层attributable to the owners of the parent entity归属母公司的auger drill ':ɡ dril 螺旋钻auger mining ':ɡ 'maini 螺旋钻采矿法augite ':dait 辉石autoclave ':tkleiv: 高压灭菌器 a closed strong vessel for conducting chemical reactions under high pressure and temperature.Autogenous Grinding 自磨 The process of grinding ore in a rotating cylinder using large pieces of the ore instead of conventional steel balls or rods. Back bk 巷道顶部The back is the roof or overhead surface of an underground opening.back fill bk fil : 采空区充填Waste material used to fill the void created by mining an orebodybackfill cure 'bkfil kju 回填物凝固Backhoe bkhu 反铲挖土机Backwardation 证券交割延期费;A situation when the cash or spot price of a metal stands at a premium over the price of the metal for delivery at a forward date.Balance sheet资产负债表ball mill b:l mil 球磨厂: a rotating horizontal cylinder in which ore is ground using various types of grinding media including iron balls. Basalt 'bs:lt 玄武岩An extrusive volcanic rock composed primarily of plagioclase, pyroxene and some olivine.Base metal 基本金属,贱金属铜、铅、锌、镍等 Any non-precious metal . copper, lead, zinc and nickel etc.Basement rocks 基岩 The underlying or older rock mass. Often refers to rocks of Precambrian age which may be covered by younger rocks.Basic earnings loss per share 每股收益亏损basset 'bsit 矿层露头batch testwork 批量试验,小试Batholith 岩基 A large mass of igneous rock extending to great depth with its upper portion domelike in shape. Similar, smaller masses of igneous rocks are known as bosses or plugs.Batter 'bt 平台坡面Baulk- b:k 方形木材支柱Squared, round or half round timber beam set across roadway for roof support.bauxite 'b:ksait 铝土矿BCM-bank cubic meter 实立方米数BCMs Mined 开采的实立方米数BCM实立方米'kr:s bank cubic metersBed bed ,deposit di'pzit, field 'fi:ld 矿床Bedding 'bedi 层理bedrock ,bed'rk 基岩Beginning equity 期初权益Bench crest bent krest 台阶坡顶Bench height bent hait 台阶高度Bench slope bent slup 台阶坡面角Bench toe bent tu 台阶坡底Benching 'benti 切割巷道底部Stripping the floor. Mining the floor of adrive to lower its level/elevation.Beneficiate选矿,富集 To concentrate or enrich; often applied to the preparation of iron ore for smelting.beneficiation beni,fii'ein 选矿beneficiation machinery beni,fii'ein m'i:nri 选矿机械beneficiation method beni,fii'ein 'meθd 选矿方法beneficiation reagent beni,fii'ein ri:'eidnt 选矿试剂benefits packaging 津贴方案Berm interval b:m 'intvl 平台高度Berms b:ms 平台Berryman- 'berimn 电瓶车司机 The troop transport that ferries the workers from the surface to the coal face or around the mine.BFS 银行可贷款程度的可行性研究bankable feasibility studybio-concentration 'baiu-,knsn'trein 生物浸出Bio-leaching 生物淋滤,湿法冶金 A process for recovering metals from low-grade ores by dissolving them in solution,the dissolution being aided by bacterial action.biotite 'baitait 黑云母 A platy magnesium-iron mica, common in igneous rocks.Blast Engineering 'blst ,endi'niri 爆破工程blast hole 'blst hul 爆破钻孔 A drill hole in a mine that is filled with explosives in order to blast loose a quantity of rock.Blasting 'blɑ:sti 爆破Blasting Patterns 'blɑ:sti 'ptns 布孔方式block cave method blk keiv 'meθd 崩落采矿法 An inexpensive method of mining in which large blocks of ore are undercut,causing the ore to break or cave under its own weight.Block Model blk 'mdl 块段模型Geology Block model, The tonnes, grade and metal generate by software package. a three dimensional mathematical representation of a volume of mineralisation used to estimate tonnage and grade of a deposit.Boot End bu:t end 受料漏斗- The receiving hopper situated at the end of the panel conveyor. It accepts the coal from the shuttle carBord-b:d Bord矿房, from bord and pillar mining.bore plug 'b:rplɡ钻孔岩样Borer 'b:r, drill dril, drilling machine 'drili m'i:n 钻机boring 'b:ri , drilling 'drili 钻探、钻进boundary 'baundri 分界线Box cut bks kt ,开段沟,井口区Brattice 'brtis 防火服A fire resistant fabric or clothBrattice 'brtis 屏蔽墙A temporary wall of light construction, usually made from Hessian or loose weave fabric. Brattices are usually installed to separate intake fresh and exhaust airflows.Break Loosely 断裂充填带 used to describe a large-scale regional shearzone or structural fault.Breccia 'breti 角砾岩: A rock in which angular fragments are surrounded by a mass of fine-grained minerals.Broken Reserves 破碎储量 The ore in a mine which has been broken by blasting but which has not yet been transported to surface.brow brau 巷道与采空区衔接处brown coal braun kul 褐煤Brushing 'bri 扩大巷道Digging up the bottom or taking out the top to make more headroom in roadwaysBSL- Beam Stage Loader bi:m steid 'lud 皮带卸料机. Connects the AFC to the main gate conveyorBucket fill factor 'bkit fil 'fkt 满斗系数Bucket wheel excavators 'bkit hwi:l 'eksk,veits斗轮挖掘机Bulk Mining 大规模开采Any large-scale, mechanised method of mining involving many thousands of tonnes of ore being brought to surface per day. Bulkhead-'bkhed 牛鼻楔A tight partition of wood, rock, and mud or concrete in mines for protection against gas, fire, and water.Burden 'b:dn负担,爆破台阶抵抗线宽度By-Product Credits副产品收入抵扣Byproduct 副产品 A secondary metal or mineral product recovered in the milling process.C1 Cash Cost C1现金成本C1 Cash Margin C1现金毛利C2 Production Cost C2 生产成本C3 Total Costs C3总成本Cablebolt 'keiblbult 钢索锚杆Calcite 'klsait 方解石Capex as % of sales 资本支出占销售收入比例Capex- Capital expenses资本性开支Capital and operating costs 'kpitl 'preiti ksts 投资和作业成本capital gain tax资本利得税Capitalised mining costs 资本化的采矿成本carbon circuit 'kɑ:bn 's:kit 炭回路 activated carbon is used to collect gold from the leach dump solution and a chemical process is subsequently used to recover gold from the carbon.Carbonaceous ,kɑ:bu'neis: 碳的,碳质的,含碳的containing carbon or coal, especially shale or other rock containing small particles of carbon distributed throughout the whole mass.carbon-in-leach "CIL"'kɑ:bn li:t 碳浸法 A method of recovering gold and silver, in which a slurry of gold/silver-bearing ore, carbon, and cyanide are mixed together. The cyanide dissolves the gold, which is subsequently absorbed by the activated carbon whose base is usually ground coconut . carbon-in-pulp "CIP"'kɑ:bn plp 碳浆法 process: this process is used to recover gold that has been dissolved after cyanide leach agitation. Pulp,after cyanidation, is mixed in a series of agitators with coarse activated carbon particles. Carbon is moved counter-current to the pulp, absorbing gold as it passes through the circuit. Loaded carbon is removed by screening from the lead agitated tank. Gold is recovered from the loaded carbon by stripping at elevated temperature and pressure in a caustic cyanide solution. This high-grade solution is then passed through an electrolytic cell, where gold powder is deposited on a stainless steel woven wire cathode. The gold powder is washed from the loaded cathodes and then smelted to produce dor.Carlin-type 'ka:lin taip 卡林型矿床: a deposit having characteristics similar to the Carlin Gold Mine, Nevada, USA.carry forward capital losses递延资本亏损Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year期初现金及现金等价物余额Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year期末现金及现金等价物余额Cash and cash equivalents 现金及现金等价物Cash collateral for security deposit保证押金cash flow from financing 融资活动现金流量cash flow from investing 投资活动现金流量cash flow from operations 经营活动现金流量Cash flows from financing activities财务活动现金流Cash Margin 现金毛利Cashflow statement现金流量表cave-in keiv 陷落Caving methods 'keivi 'meθdz 崩落法Cavity Monitoring System CMS 'kvti 'mnitri 'sistm :空穴监测系统,空穴体This system is a laser surveying system commonly used to survey large openings such as stopes in underground mines. The volume measurements are accurate and are able to provide the volume of openings in order to calculate the tonnage of material mined.chalk t:k 白垩Change in NWC 净流动资金变动charge tɑ:d 装炸药chemical mineral processing 'kemikl 'minrl pru'sesi 化学选矿Chip Sample 破碎样本A method of sampling a rock exposure whereby a regular series of small chips of rock is broken off along a line across the face. Chitter-'tit 夹矸 Waste rock broken during mining and picked or washed out from the coal.Chock tk 巷道支柱-Timber-A roof support unit for use in large openings which consists of wooden or steel blocks stacked between the floor and the roof often filled with stone for added stabilityChromite 'krumait 铬铁矿Chute u:t 溜井A chute is a loading arrangement that utilizes gravity flowto move material from a higher level to a lower level.CIM 加拿大矿业冶金石油学会 Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum.CIMVAL 加拿大矿业冶金石油学会评估标准 CIM standards and guidelines for valuation of mineral properties.Classifier .矿物分级机 A mineral-processing machine which separates minerals according to size and density.clay klei 粘土clay pit klei pit 粘土矿坑Cleat-kli:t 夹板 Parallel cleavage planes or partings crossing the bedding and along which the coal breaks more easily than in any other direction Cleavage-'kli:vid 解理The cracks in a material along which the material usually breaks or fractures. The planes along which the material fractures. coal kul 煤,烟煤coal bedkul bed 煤层coal field kul'fi:ld 煤田coal mine kul main煤矿矿井cobalt 钴coke kuk 焦,焦炭Collar 井口,孔口,入口 The term applied to the timbering or concrete around the mouth of a shaft; also used to describe the top of a mill hole. Column Flotation 浮选柱 A milling process, carried out in a tallcylindrical column, whereby valuable minerals are separated from gangue minerals based on their wetability properties.Commercial / OHSE 商务/职业健康安全Complex Ore 混合矿物 An ore containing a number of minerals of economic value. The term often implies that there are metallurgical difficulties in liberating and separating the valuable metals.Competent Person 或qualified person任务有资质人,胜任人,Means a person who is appointed or designated by the employer to perform specified duties that the person is qualified to perform by knowledge, training and experience.comprehensive income loss for the year本年度综合收入亏损Comprehensive income综合收入comprehensive loss for the year 年度综合亏损concentrate 'knsntreit : 精矿a product containing the valuable metal and from which most of the waste material in the ore has been eliminated. concentration ,knsn'trein 富集,精矿concentrator 'knsntreit 浓缩器,浓密机: a plant for recovery of valuable minerals from ore in the form of concentrate. The concentrate must then be treated in some other type of plant, such as a smelter, to effect recovery of the pure metal.Conceptual Study 概念研究See: Preliminary Assessmentconduit 过境,导管,水管cone crusher kun 'kr 圆锥破碎机consolidate合并Contact 接触面 A geological term used to describe the line or plane along which two different rock formations meet.continiuos pilot plant testwork 中试Continuous miner- kn'tinjus 'main 连续采矿机 The electric powered cutting machine used to remove coal from the face and load it into the shuttle car. It comes in a variety of makes and sizes.Contour mapknt等值线图contractor承包商Contributed equity 实收资本Convention kn'venn 惯例Conventional Rotary Drilling: 传统的旋转钻进 a drilling method that produces rock chips similar to reverse circulation except that the sample is collected using a single-walled drill pipe. Air or water circulates down through the centre of the drill pipe and returns chips to the surface around the outside of the pipe;Conveyors kn'veis 皮带运输机Copper cathod阴极铜Core Barrel岩芯筒 That part of a string of tools in a diamond drill hole in which the core specimen is collected.Core Drilling: 取芯钻进a drilling method that uses a rotating barrel andan annular-shaped, diamond-impregnated rock-cutting bit to produce cylindrical rock cores and lift such cores to the surface, where they may be collected, examined and assayed;Core岩芯 The long cylindrical piece of rock, about an inch in diameter, brought to surface by diamond drilling.Corporate expenses公司费用Cost of financing 融资成本Cost on disposal of exploration assets 处置勘探资产成本Cowl- kaul 控尘罩 Attachment on ranging arm to suppress dust and direct coal onto armored face conveyorCPM 关键路线法Critical Path MethodCrib Hut and Bathhouse krib ht 'bɑ:θhaus 休息室Crib-krib休息处,休息时间meal time or break time for the workers.cross pitch kr:s pit 走向Crosscut 'kr:s,kt 石门,横巷A crosscut is a horizontal or nearly horizontal underground opening that is driven to intersect an orebody.Crusher station 'kr 'stein 破碎站Crushing 'kri 破碎Cuddy 'kdi 横巷,巷道槽 A short drive no more than 30m in length established off declines or level development. Cuddies are used as stockpile areas, diamond drill sites, temporary storage of equipment and consumables. Current Assets流动资产Current liabilities 流动负债Custom Smelter 客户熔炼厂 A smelter which processes concentrates from independent mines. Concentrates may be purchased or the smelter may be contracted to do the processing for the independent company.Cut kt 巷道掘进的一个步进循环: development face that has been drilled out to the length of the drill steel, and subsequently fired, in order to advance the development heading.cut and fill mining kt fil 'maini 充填采矿法Cut Off Grade kt ɡreid 边界品位: A grade below which samples are not included in a resources or reserve.Cut Value 排除值 Applies to assays that have been reduced to some arbitrary maximum to prevent erratic high values from inflating the average.cut-and-fill stoping kt fil 'stupi 充填采矿法: A method of stoping in which ore is removed in slices, or lifts, and then the excavation is filled with rock or other waste material backfill, before the subsequent slice is extracted.Cut-out kt aut 避车横巷槽-Opening made in a mine working in which a drill or other equipment may be placed so as not to interfere with other mining operations.Cyanidation saini'dein : 氰化提金 A method of extracting exposed gold or silver grains from crushed or ground ore by dissolving it in a weak cyanide solution. May be carried out in tanks inside a mill or in heaps of ore outof doors.Cyanide 氰化物 A chemical species containing carbon and nitrogen used to dissolve gold and silver from ore.Cycle time 'saikl taim 周期时间D&A as % of sales —Depreciation / Amortisation折旧摊销占收入的比例DD -Diamond drilling岩芯钻探deck chargeloading dek tɑd分段装药Decline di'klain -倾斜巷道 A sloping underground opening for machine access from level to level or from surface; also called a ramp. Deferred receivable 递延的应收款项Deferred tax assets递延应收税款Deferred tax liabilities 递延应付税款deferred tax递延税款delay blast di'lei blst 迟发爆破density 'densti 密度Deposit 矿床 A body of rock containing valuable minerals; usage generally restricted to zones of mineralisation whose size has been wholly or partly determined through sampling.Depreciation / Amortisation折旧/摊销depressurization of the discharge slurry 矿浆泄压depth depθ深度Derivative financial instruments金融衍生工具品Derivatives and hedging activities衍生和保值活动Detailed Definitive Feasibility Studies DFS详细可行性研究 - Detailed feasibility studies are the most detailed and will determine definitively whether or not to proceed with the project. A detailed feasibility study will be the basis for capital appropriation, and will provide the budget figures for the project. Detailed feasibility studies require a significant amount of formal engineering work.detonating cord 'detneiti k:d 导爆索Detonators 'detneits 雷管Development Drilling 掘进钻进 drilling to establish accurate estimates of mineral reserves.Development Drive di'velpmnt draiv开拓巷道development heading di'velpmnt'hedi 掘进巷道Development 掘进,开拓 Underground work carried out for the purpose of opening up a mineral deposit. Includes shaft sinking, cross-cutting, drifting and raising.DFP设定的起爆点Defined firing pointdiamond drill 'daimnd dril岩芯钻 A rotary type of rock drill that cuts a core of rock that is recovered in long cylindrical sections, two cm or more in diameter.Diamond Drill A rotary type of rock drill that cuts a core of rock that is recovered in long cylindrical sections, two cm or more in diameter.Digging radius 挖掘半径Diluted earnings loss per share稀释后的每股收益亏损Dilution mining Rock贫化岩石 that is, by necessity, removed along with the ore in the mining process,subsequently lowering the grade of the ore. dilution dai'lju:n贫化: an estimate of the amount of waste or low-grade mineralized rock which will be mined with the ore as part of normal mining practices in extracting an orebody.Dimensional stone d’mennl stun 石材,石料型材diorite dairait 闪长岩: an intrusive rock of magnatic origin.Dip dip 倾角The dip is angle at which a vein, structure or rock bed is inclined from the horizontal as measured at right angles to the strike. disability insurrance 伤残保险Discharge conveyorkn'veis卸料输送机,排土机Disseminated Ore 浸染状矿化 Ore carrying small particles of valuable minerals spread more or less uniformly through the host rock.divestment 撤资dividend access share股息配方股权dividends withholding tax股息预提税Dog-watch dɡ- w:t 夜班巡查- Night shift; from about . to about . depending on individual minesDolly 'dli 充填长度- A length of prepared clay/sand stemming in shotfiring. Doré Bar 金条The final saleable product of a gold mine. Usually consistingof gold and silver.Dosing 'dusi 剂量down time 故障时间,停机时间Dragline 'drɡlain 吊斗铲drainage 'dreinid 排水Drawpoint 'dr:pint 放矿口A drawpoint is a place where ore can be loaded and removed. A drawpoint is located beneath the stoping area, and gravity flow is used to transfer the ore to the loading place.Drift drift -溜洞 A drift is a horizontal or nearly horizontal underground opening. Drift is an inclined access from the surface to the coal seam or from coal seam to another coal seam. It often contains a conveyor belt or man-riding train.Drift-and-fill 向上进路充填采矿法a method of underground mining used for flat-lying mineralisation or where ground conditions are less competent; Drill bit dril bit钻头Drill Steels 钻杆Drive draiv - 巷道A heading, drift, advancing place or face.Drivehead 'draivhed -驱动头 The driving mechanism of motor, gearbox and drive drum which is responsible for the movement of the conveyor belt. Due Diligence dju: 'dilidns尽职调查, 应有的审慎, 严格评估dumpers 'dmp 转存区Dumping radius 卸载半径Dyke daik -岩墙An intrusive body, normally igneous rock, which has disrupted the coal seam by cutting vertically through it. Usually it has a cindered band of coal each side of the rock.Earnings loss per share 每股收益亏损EPSEBITDA-Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation & Amortisation税息折旧摊销前收入EBIT-Earnings Before Interest & Tax税息前收入economic substance经济实质EIS-Environmental impact study环保影响研究 A written report, compiled prior to a production decision, that examines the effects proposed mining activities will have on the natural surroundings.electric shovel i'lektrik 'vl电铲electrowinning i,lektru'wini:电解冶金法,电积 recovery of a metal from an ore by means of electro-chemical processes.Emergency Response i'm:dnsi ri'spns紧急响应Employee benefits 员工福利Emulsions i'mlns 乳化炸药Ending equity 期末权益enforcement 强制执行EPCM engeering procument and constuction management工程采购和建设管理Epithermal Deposit 浅成热液矿床A mineral deposit consisting of veins and replacement bodies, usually in volcanic or sedimentary rocks, containingprecious metals or, more rarely, base metals.Equipment Store i'kwipmnt st: 设备库equity funding 股权融资Equity instruments权益工具Equity 权益股本Excavation ,eksk'vein挖掘Existing interest expense 当前利息支出expatriate 外派人员Exploration ,ekspl:'rein 勘探 through Prospecting, sampling, mapping, diamond drilling and other work involved in searching for ore,determination of size & value of a depositExploration and evaluation assets 勘探与估价资产Exploration and mine development costs 勘探和矿山开拓成本Explosive ik'splusiv 炸药explosive magazine 炸药库Explosives Storage bay ik'splusivz 'strid bei 炸药仓Extraction ik'strkn Sequences 'si:kwnsiz 开采顺序Face feis -巷道正面The inbye end of the mine roadway, usually the working place for coal extraction.Fair value adjustments 公允价值调整Fair value 公允价值Fan fn -风扇 fan-辅助风扇 Used in conjunction with air ducting to directa portion of the main ventilating current to the working face. The "main" fan is located on the surface but other fans may be located within the workingsFarm-in agreement 分享协议fault f:lt 断层FCF for debt repayment用于偿还债务的自由现金流feasibility study ,fi:z'blt 'stdi 可行性研究feed material给料Finance expense 财务支出Finance income财务收入Financial instruments财务工具Financial liabilities 财务负债financial report财务报告Fine Gold Fineness 金纯度is the proportion of pure gold or silver in jewellery or bullion expressed in parts per thousand. Thus, 925 fine gold indicates 925 parts out of 1,000, or % is pure gold.Finger raise 'fiɡ reiz 放矿溜井A finger raise is used for transferring ore. The usual arrangement is a system of several raises that branch together to the same delivery point.fire damp explosion 'fai dmp ik'splun瓦斯爆炸Fire Depot 'fai 'depu -起爆点 A collection of fire-fighting equipment found at boot ends and at least every 400 m along conveyors, also at other criticalpoints in the mine. They are required by law.First Aid Centre f:st eid 'sent 急救中心fissure 'fi裂缝flat-bedded or gently –inclined deposit flt 'bedid 'dentli in'klaind di'pzit 近水平及缓倾斜矿床Flit flit - 设备入换To drive mining equipment such as coal cutters, loaders, continuous miners from one point to another.Floater 'flut 替换员- Employee who fills the place of an absentee. Also termed a scout miner.flooding 'fldi 水灾,漫灌flotation 'flu'tein: 浮选a milling process by which some mineral particles are induced to become attached to bubbles of froth and float, and others to sink, so that the valuable minerals are concentrated and separated from the gangue.fluor 'flu: 萤石Fold fuld 褶皱: Any bending or wrinkling of the rock strata. The result of deformation processes in the earth's crust.Footwall 'futw:l 底板The footwall is the wall or rock under the ore deposit compare dipForce Majeure f:s m': 不可抗力Formulae 配方,公式Fracture 裂隙,裂痕,裂缝,裂面 A break in the rock, the opening of whichallows mineral-bearing solutions to enter. A “cross-fracture” is a minor break extending at more-or-less right angles to the direction of the principal fractures.Franked dividends已付税股息Franking credits已缴纳税金抵扣Free cash flow FCF自由现金流Free dig直接挖掘Free milling 免选矿石 Ores of gold or silver from which the precious metals can be recovered by concentrating methods without resorting to pressure leaching or other chemical treatment.Fresh 非氧化矿硫化矿、原生矿fringe benefits tax 雇员福利税Front end loaders frnt end 'luds前装机fuel 燃料gallery 'ɡlri 平峒,平巷gangue ɡ脉石,矿石,矸石 valueless rock or mineral material in ore.GC drilling---Grade Control drilling品位控制钻探General site costs 现场公共成本Geochemistry地球化学 The study of the chemical properties of rocks. geologic structure ,diu'ldik 'strkt 地质构造Geology Control di'ldi kn'trul 地质师控制:Mining control and mark-ups to be provided by Geologist.geomechanics ,di:umi'kniks 岩石力学Geophysical survey 地球物理勘探 A scientific method of prospecting that measures the physical properties of rock formations. Common properties investigated include magnetism, specific gravity,electrical conductivity and radioactivity.Geostatistics ,di:u'sttistics地质统计学geotechnical property di:u'teknikl 'prpti 岩土力学性质geotechnics di:u'tekniks矿压技术,土工学GIC Movements生产系统中黄金量变化glacier 'ɡlsj 冰川Goaf ɡuf采空区-The area abandoned and left to collapse after the extraction of coal.Gob ɡb - Same as goaf.gold nugget ɡuld 'nɡit 狗头金,块金gold reef ɡuld ri:f金矿矿脉Goodwill 商誉Gossan 矿物铁帽 The rust-coloured capping or staining of a mineral deposit, generally formed by the oxidation or alteration of iron sulphides. Grade Control ɡreid kn'trul品位控制Is the in situ tonnage and grade planned for mining as defined by the grade control process drilling data, face sampling etc. is the stope design plus development. Unplanned dilution should not be included.。
中文1700字,英文1200单词外文文献翻译题目:学院名称:指导教师:职称:班级:学号:学生姓名:二〇一年月英文文献翻译原稿:New Chloride Leaching Process for Gold Extraction from Refractory Ore sWS RapsonAbstract:The extraction process of gold and silver from the gold clay ore containing arsenic and manganese was investigated.With the conventional technique.the leaching rates of gold and silver are 78.23%and 49.02%,respectively.To eliminate the negative efects of arsenic and manganese on cyanidation and increase the gold and silver leaching rates,a novel catalyst was added.The content of the catalyst used in the process was 8 gper 500 g org sample,the sample size was 60 prn andthe pH value was kept between l0 and 11.Leaching with the catalyst for 3-5 h under certain conditions,the gold leaching rate increased to over 90%and the silver leaching rate increased to 80%一90%.Th e catalyst can efectively liberate gold and silver from the enclosure of arsemc and manganese and the industrial experiment has great significance to the development and utilization ofthe gold clay ore containing arsenic and manganese.0.IntroductionFrom certain gold ores, known as refractory gold ores, the gold cannot be fully recovered by direct cyanide leaching. A major cause of this is the occurrence of much of the gold in such ores in highly disseminated form in sulfide, arsenide and sometimes antimonide minerals. Three methods have been developed for treatment of such refractory ores, each of which involves breaking down the sulfide and arsenide minerals by oxidation before cyanide extraction.In one method, the sulfide and related minerals containing the gold are recovered by flotation, and roasted. The residues (S- and As-free) are then leached with cyanide. In a second, recently developed process, the flotation concentrates are aerated in slurry form in a medium containing Sand As-oxidizing microorganisms before being leached with cyanide. In the third method, breakdown of the S- and As-minerals is achieved by oxidative treatment of the concentrate in an au toclave, followed by cyanide leaching.Method 1 is gradually being abandoned because of environmental pollution problems, and new plants in the USA, South Africa, Australia and elsewhere tend to employ Method 2 or Method 3, which produce less severe problems of this type.There are two factors affecting the extraction rate: one is the elements existing in the gold ore, and the other is the method used in the extraction process. Much research has been devoted to conventional gold ores , while few works has been published on gold ores containing manganese and arsenic. The cyanidation process has been the most important process in the extraction of gold and silver for the past 100 years and the methods used to enhance the extraction rates in the cyanidation process have drawn much attention in recent years. Several researchers have studied the additive to enhance the leaching rates .Over the past 10 years, however, there have been a number of publications which indicate that the direct oxidative chloride leaching of gold from refractory gold ores may prove to be an improvement on the methods now in use. These new developments were reviewed by F K Lerowski of the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, at the International Conference on the Science and Technology of Gold at Hanau in Germany in June 1996 (1). They include:1 The use ofless volatile <chloride ion carriers'In the past, HCl has been used as the main chloride ion carrier in leaching solutions and HN03 (or C12) as the oxidant. This has limited leaching temperatures because high partial pressures of HCl lead to loss of Cl" from the leaching solution. Partial substitution of HCI by AlCI3 or ZnCl2 has been found to decrease dramatically these partial pressures of HCl, apparently as a result of the formation of AI and Zn chlorocomplexes. This has made the attainment of higher leaching temperatures and higher efficiencies possible. Decomposition of the refractory sulfides and arsenides occurs in the chloride leach solutions and their gold content made susceptible to cyanide leaching.The objective of this study was to analyze the interference characteristics of manganese and arsenic in the cyanidation process. The effect of a catalyst that could significantly enhance the leaching rate was also discussed and illustrated through experiments.2 The regeneration, in process, of nitric acid used as oxidantIn the chloride leaching reaction, the nitric acid is reduced to NO, the conversion of which back to HN03 is costly by conventional methods. A 'leaching in froth' (LlF) process has been devised, however, which has been successfully applied on a laboratory scale for mineral graphite purification (2), zinc concentrate processing (3) and more recently for gold extraction fromrefractory gold ores.In this process, oxygen and oxides of nitrogen are the flotation carriers and a chloride solution containing HN03 is the reactive medium in which the hydrophobic particles of the ore are suspended. In operation, the outer walls of the froth cells are quickly saturated with oxygen and oxides of nitrogen, entering them from both their sides.3. Gold leaching characteristicsThe contents of gold and silver in the clay ore containing arsenic and manganese are 2.08 and 78.56 ,respectively.The gold leaching rate was 78.23%by leaching directly with aqua regia acid after gnnding to 43 gm in particle size.The silver leaching rate was 49.72%under the same experimental condition.The gold grade in the leaching ore can be reduced to 0.35 g/t while the silver grade is 39.50 g/t.The lcaching results show that this ore belongs to the refractory types and parts ofthe gold an d silver are consumed by arsenide and manganese.An autoclave was charged with 1-methylimidazole and 1-chlorobutane and heated at 75°C for 48 h under 0.03 Pa pressure of dinitrogen. The reactants were transferred to a round-bottomed flask and the excess chlorobutane was removed under reduced pressure with heating. The pale yellow molten product (A) was transferred to a dry-box and poured into a shallow tray, where it crystallized as an off-white solid with cooling.A stirred solution of A was cooled to 0°C in an ice-bath, and hydrogen hexafluorophosphate was added slowly with rapid stirring. The resulting biphasic mixture was stirred for 2 h, and then allowed to reach room temperature. The lower phase was the catalyst.Catalyst synthesized in the experiment is a yellow transparent fluid with a relative density of 1-1.2 and pH value of 6. Fig. 1 shows the effect of the catalyst dosage on the extraction of Au and Ag. The addition of catalyst enhances the extraction of Au and Ag from the clay ore. According to the experiment result, the extraction of Au without catalyst is about 20%. However, the extraction of Au improves to over 90% with the addition of catalyst. Similar effects are also observed when Ag was extracted by the same process.Instantaneous hydrolysis and disproportionation of N02 through intermediate species regenerates a substantial fraction of the HN03 fed to the system, which implies that the main oxidant in the process is oxygen.Gold is recoverable by adsorption on carbonfrom the chloride leach solutions, which can be recycled. The foundations appear to have been laid for a pilot plant evaluation of this process.WS RapsonREFERENCES1.see D. Thompson, Gold Bull., 1996, 29, 105, no Proceedings are to be published2.EK. Letowski, 'Separation Processes: Heavy Metals, Ions and Minerals', The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, Warrendale Pa, USA, 1995, p. 1353.EK. Letowski and D.P. Obeng, Proc. XIX Int. Mineral Processing Congr., Soc. Min. Metall. and Exploration Inc., Littleton, Cowrado, 1995,2,251英文文献翻译稿:从难处理矿石中氰化浸出提取黄金的新工艺瓦斯·拉普森摘要:本文从含砷和锰的金矿石对黄金和白银的提取工艺进行了研究。
2019年2月 贵 金 属 Feb. 2019第40卷第1期Precious MetalsV ol.40, No.1收稿日期:2018-04-17基金项目:陕西省渭南市科技计划项目(2015TCZX-22)。
E-mail: 835692250@*通讯作者:吕超飞,男,工程师,研究方向:有色金属、贵金属选冶。
E-mail :lvchaofei6294359@含锑金精矿碱性硫化钠浸出锑研究与工业实践王宪忠1,张绍辉1,李明亮1,赵亚峰2,乔广军1,吕超飞1 *,张新岗1,党晓娥3(1. 潼关中金冶炼有限责任公司,陕西 潼关 714399;2. 中国黄金集团有限公司,北京 100011;3. 西安建筑科技大学 陕西省黄金资源重点实验室,西安 710055)摘 要:为了回收含锑金精矿中的锑,减少锑对两段焙烧过程的影响,对浮选富集得到的含锑金精矿进行硫化钠碱性浸出锑研究。
优化实验表明,在液固比1.5:1 (mL/g),氢氧化钠用量20 g/L ,硫化钠用量40 g/L ,反应温度80℃,浸出30 min ,锑浸出率可达98%以上。
关键词:有色金属冶金;含锑金精矿;硫化钠碱浸;锑浸出率;工艺改造中图分类号:TD982,TF111 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-0676(2019)01-0042-05Research and Industrial Practice of Leaching Antimony by Alkali Sodium Sulfide from Antimony Gold ConcentrateWANG Xianzhong 1, ZHANG Shaohui 1, LI Mingliang 1, ZHAO Yafeng 2, QIAO Guangjun 1, LÜ Chaofei 1 *, ZHANG Xingang 1, DANG Xiao'e 3(1. Tongguan Zhongjin Smelting Co. Ltd., Tongguan 714399, Shaanxi, China;2. China National Gold Group Co. Ltd., Beijing 100011, China;3. Key Laboratory for Gold and Resources of S haanxi, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi’an 710055, China)Abstract: In order to recover antimony from antimony concentrate bearing gold and reduce the influence of antimony on the two-stage roasting, the antimony gold concentrate after flotation enrichment has been studied by alkali sodium sulfide leaching. The results showed that the leaching rate of antimony is more than 98% by applying a liquid solid ratio of 1.5:1, 20 g/L of sodium hydroxide, 40 g/L of sodium sulfide, leaching 30 min at 80℃. For the lean electrolytic liquid, the leaching rate of antimony was more than 98% after it was heated to 80℃ by using roaster waste heat and treated by a modified separating method of liquid and solid, reforming anode and cathode plates of antimony and adding a freezing crystallization device. The purity of the resulted cathode antimony was more than 95%, and the daily production yield increased by 17.35%.Key words: nonferrous metallurgy; antimony gold concentrate; alkali sodium sulfide leaching; antimony leaching rate; process transformation难处理金精矿含有一定量的锑、砷、硫等,对后续的氰化提金工序有害,工业上通常采用氧化焙烧或者湿法氧压浸出等预处理方法脱除锑、砷、硫有害物质[1-10]。
含锑难处理金矿选择性脱除锑刘伟锋;孙百奇;邓循博;张杜超;陈霖;杨天足【摘要】In order to avoid the negative influence of antimony on the cyanide process, the method of sodium sulfide leaching was proposed to selective remove antimony from refractory gold ores. The key factors influencing the leaching ratio of antimony were investigated, and these leaching ratios of gold and arsenic were also studied under the optimum condition. The results show that the excess coefficient of Na2S, NaOH mass concentration, temperature, liquid-to-solid ratio and washing water ratio benefit the leaching ratio of antimony. But the leaching ratio of antimony decreases with the increase of reaction time and enhancing stirring speed. Antimony mass fraction in the leach residue can be decreased to 0.04% by increasing washing water ratio to 4.0. Under the optimum condition, the leaching ratio of antimony reaches 96.64%, but those of gold and arsenic are only 1.44% and 0.41%, respectively. XRD analysis reveals that black mixture precipitated from the leach solution is composed of Na2FeS2, S and FeS2, indicating that less FeS2 first dissolves during leaching and then precipitates from the solution.%为了消除锑对难处理金矿提取金过程的不利影响,提出用硫化钠浸出方法预先从含锑难处理金矿中选择性脱除锑,考察各因素对锑浸出率的影响,查明最优浸出条件下金和砷的浸出率.研究结果表明:硫化钠过量系数、氢氧化钠质量浓度、温度、液固比和洗水比等因素的增加均有利于提高锑的浸出率,但是延长反应时间和增大搅拌速度会使锑浸出率略降低,增大洗水比至4.0可以将浸出渣中锑质量分数降低至0.04%.含锑难处理金矿硫化钠浸出在最优条件下,锑的浸出率可以达到96.64%,金和砷的浸出率分别为1.44%和0.41%.浸出液静置后析出的黑色沉淀为Na2FeS2,S和FeS2的混合物,说明会有少量FeS2矿物首先溶解然后从溶液中沉淀出来.【期刊名称】《中南大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2018(049)004【总页数】8页(P786-793)【关键词】难处理金矿;浸出;锑;硫化钠【作者】刘伟锋;孙百奇;邓循博;张杜超;陈霖;杨天足【作者单位】中南大学冶金与环境学院,湖南长沙,410083;河南豫光金铅集团有限责任公司,河南济源,459000;中南大学冶金与环境学院,湖南长沙,410083;中南大学冶金与环境学院,湖南长沙,410083;中南大学冶金与环境学院,湖南长沙,410083;中南大学冶金与环境学院,湖南长沙,410083;中南大学冶金与环境学院,湖南长沙,410083【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TF818;TF831黄金是稀缺的战略性金属,广泛应用于黄金饰品、货币储备和高科技产业。
铜 注 :“/ ” 表示未统计该数据 .
酸浸分铜 冷却后的焙砂用 MZ100 型震动磨矿机磨矿 30 s ,
1.3 1.3.1
试验原理 氧化焙烧原理 复杂金精矿预处理采用一段焙烧氧化法 . 随着焙
然后装入 1000 mL 烧杯中 , 按照液固体积质量比 ( 指 溶液每毫升液体中所含固体质量的克数 , 下同 )5∶1 加 入 1 moL/L 的稀硫酸溶液 , 用 DF-1 型水浴锅控制浸 出 温 度 50 ℃ , 机 械 搅 拌 浸 出 4 h , 酸 浸 完 成 后 用
2YI-30 型号真空泵过滤分离 , 浸出渣用 100 mL 与
浸出剂同浓度的稀硫酸溶液洗涤 , 洗渣在电热鼓风 干燥箱中干燥 .
氰化浸出 先用碳酸钠调整矿浆 pH 值为 9.5~10.5 , 再按照
4FeS 2+11O 2=2Fe 2O3+8SO 2 3FeS+5O 2=Fe 3O4+3SO 2 2FeS+7/2O 2=Fe 2O3+2SO 2
第 4 卷 第 2 期 2 0 13 年 4 月
Nonferrous Metals Science and Engineering
Vol.4, No.2 Apr . 2 0 13
文章编号: 1674-9669 (2013 ) 02-0025-05
焙烧 - 酸浸 - 氰化法从复杂金精矿中回收金银铜
化学成分 含量 · Au /(g t-1)
根据试验要求加入相应种类和数量的添加剂 , 加入 蒸馏水搅匀 , 在电炉上蒸干 , 待马弗炉达到预定实验 温度后 , 置于马弗炉中焙烧 , 焙 烧 结 束 后 , 将 焙 砂 从 马弗炉中取出置于空气中冷却 .
碘化浸金原理及研究进展李绍英;赵留成;赵礼兵;高志明;白丽梅;王玲【摘要】The latest development of gold extraction with iodine-iodide solution is systematically reviewed. Firstly, the reaction mechanism is discussed from thermodynamics, dynamics, solution chemistry, and so on. Secondly, the effect of different technological parameters on gold leaching is illustrated. Thirdly, the test results on different gold ore, such as flotation gold concentrate, refractory gold-copper ore, carbon-bearing gold ore, gold-bearing waste, are given. Recycle technology of pregnant solution is also introduced. Finally, development tendency is prospected.%系统总结了国内外碘化浸金工艺取得的研究进展。
【期刊名称】《贵金属》【年(卷),期】2016(037)002【总页数】5页(P77-81)【关键词】冶金技术;碘化浸金;热力学;动力学;溶液化学;研究进展【作者】李绍英;赵留成;赵礼兵;高志明;白丽梅;王玲【作者单位】华北理工大学矿业工程学院,河北唐山 063009;华北理工大学矿业工程学院,河北唐山 063009;华北理工大学矿业工程学院,河北唐山 063009;华北理工大学矿业工程学院,河北唐山 063009;华北理工大学矿业工程学院,河北唐山 063009;华北理工大学矿业工程学院,河北唐山 063009【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TF111碘化浸金指以含有一定比例的I2与I-的混合溶液作为浸出剂进行金矿的浸出,属于非氰浸金的一种,其氧化剂为I3-,络合剂为I-。
氨氰浸金原理及研究进展李绍英;赵礼兵;白丽梅;赵留成;高志明;梁冰;马玉新【摘要】Since the ammonia-cyanide leaching was developed in 1901, it has been considered as an effective method for selective extraction of gold from the refractory oxidized copper-gold ore. The latest status around the world of gold extraction using the ammonia-cyanide method is systematically reviewed in the present paper, including basic principle of the method, leaching dynamic, solution chemistry, laboratory tests and industrial application. The existing problem is discussed, and future developments are also prospected.%氨氰浸出技术自从发明以来就被认为是从含铜难处枞金矿资源中恒择性回收金的一种有效方法。
【期刊名称】《贵金属》【年(卷),期】2016(037)004【总页数】5页(P66-70)【关键词】冶金技术;氨氰浸出;金;动力学;溶液化学;研究进展【作者】李绍英;赵礼兵;白丽梅;赵留成;高志明;梁冰;马玉新【作者单位】华北理工大学矿业工程学院,河北唐山 063009;华北理工大学矿业工程学院,河北唐山 063009;华北理工大学矿业工程学院,河北唐山 063009;华北理工大学矿业工程学院,河北唐山 063009;华北理工大学矿业工程学院,河北唐山 063009;华北理工大学矿业工程学院,河北唐山 063009;华北理工大学矿业工程学院,河北唐山 063009【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TF111;TF831含铜金矿石是常见的难处理矿产资源之一,其难以处理的原因是在采用传统氰化法浸出时,由于铜矿物的溶解会大大增加氰化钠的耗量,降低金的溶解速率,同时会对浸出贵液中金的回收造成影响。
关键词:臭氧;氧化;浸出;金;银Abstract: This paper reviews the application studies of leaching of ozone in gold, silver and other metal, including the pretreatment of ozone for refractory gold ore, and the leaching of metal from ores, concentrates, and tailings. These studies suggest that ozone will have a good prospect in the application of pretreatment of carbonaceous gold ore and the copper gold ore processing.Key words: ozone; oxidation; leaching; gold; silver臭氧O3是氧气O2的同素异形体,组成元素相同,构成形态相异,性质差异很大。
堆浸法提金工艺流程英文回答:Heap leaching is a gold extraction process that involves the use of a heap of crushed ore, which is irrigated with a solution to extract the gold. This process is commonly used in mining operations to recover gold from low-grade ores.The heap leaching process begins by crushing the ore into small particles. The crushed ore is then placed on a heap, which is typically a specially designed pad or liner. The heap is constructed to allow for proper irrigation and drainage.Once the heap is prepared, a solution containing a leaching agent, such as cyanide or acid, is applied to the top of the heap. This solution percolates through the heap, dissolving the gold from the ore particles. The gold-bearing solution, also known as the pregnant solution, iscollected at the bottom of the heap.The pregnant solution is then processed to recover the gold. This can be done through various methods, such as carbon adsorption, where the gold is adsorbed onto activated carbon, or through precipitation, where the gold is precipitated out of the solution using a chemical reagent.After the gold is recovered from the pregnant solution, the remaining solution, known as the barren solution, is recycled and reused in the heap leaching process. This helps to minimize the consumption of chemicals and reduce the environmental impact of the process.Heap leaching has several advantages over traditional gold extraction methods. It is a cost-effective process, as it allows for the extraction of gold from low-grade ores that would otherwise be uneconomical to process. It also has a shorter processing time compared to other methods, allowing for quicker gold recovery.One example of a successful heap leaching operation is the Goldstrike mine in Nevada, USA. The mine utilizes heap leaching to extract gold from low-grade ores. The heap leaching process has been optimized to achieve high gold recovery rates, making it a profitable operation.中文回答:堆浸法提金工艺是一种提取金的方法,它涉及使用一堆碎矿石,并用溶液灌溉以提取金。
甘肃早子沟金矿石选矿试验董再蒸;张淑敏;高鹏;刘思莹;韩跃新【摘要】甘肃早子沟金矿石金品位为4.09 g/t,铜、铅、锌、铁、锑等含量较低,不具有回收价值.矿石金属矿物主要为黄铁矿、毒砂、辉锑矿和褐铁矿等.为回收有价元素金,采用浮选—浮选尾矿硫代硫酸钠浸出工艺进行试验.结果表明:在磨矿细度为-0.074mm占90%时,以Na2 CO3为pH调整剂、异戊基黄药+丁胺黑药为捕收剂、2#油为起泡剂,经1粗2精2扫闭路浮选,获得的浮选精矿金品位为56.78g/t,回收率为71.27%,且影响金浸出的FeS2、FeAsS、Sb2S3被富集到了浮选精矿中;浮选尾矿在液固比为4、Na2S2O3·5H2O用量为0.20 mol/L、CuSO4用量为0.018 75mol/L、(NH4)2SO4用量为0.05 mol/L、NH3·H2O用量为1.0 mol/L、矿浆pH=9.5、搅拌转速为450 r/min、反应时间为3h条件下浸出,获得了金浸出率为67.05%,金总回收率为90.52%的指标.试验结果可以为早子沟金矿石的合理利用提供技术依据.%There is 4.09 g/t gold in a gold ore in Gansu,contents of Cu,Pb,Zn,Fe and Sb are too low to have value.Main metallic minerals are pyrite,arsenopyrite,stibnite and limonite.To recovery valuable elementAu,flotation-flotation tailings sodium thiosulfate leaching tests were conducted.Results show that gold concentrate of 56.78 g/t Au and recovery of 71.27% were got through one roughing,two cleaning and two scavenging closed-circuit flotation process under grinding fineness of-0.074 mm is 90%,Na2CO3 as pH regulator,isoamyl xanthate + butylamine aerofloat as collector and 2# oil as foaming agent.Substances,such asFeS2,FeAsS,Sb2S3,that affect gold leaching were enriched in concentrate.Flotation tailings treated with liquid-solid ratio of4,Na2S2O3 · 5H2O dosage of 0.20 mol/L,CuSO4 dosage of 0.018 75mol/L,(NH4)2SO4 dosage of 0.05 mol/L,and NH3 · H2O dosage of 1.0mol/L,pulp pH of 9.5,stirring speed of 450 r/min and leaching for 3 h,gold leaching rate of 67.05%,total gold recovery rate of 90.52% was obtained.Experiment results can provide technical basis for comprehensive utilization of the gold ore.【期刊名称】《金属矿山》【年(卷),期】2017(000)006【总页数】5页(P89-93)【关键词】金矿石;浮选;硫代硫酸钠;浸出【作者】董再蒸;张淑敏;高鹏;刘思莹;韩跃新【作者单位】东北大学资源与土木工程学院,辽宁沈阳110819;东北大学新材料技术研究院,辽宁沈阳110819;东北大学资源与土木工程学院,辽宁沈阳110819;东北大学资源与土木工程学院,辽宁沈阳110819;山东招金集团有限公司,山东烟台265400;东北大学资源与土木工程学院,辽宁沈阳110819;东北大学资源与土木工程学院,辽宁沈阳110819【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TD923+.7;TF111.31随着金矿资源的开发利用,易选易处理金矿越来越少,而嵌布粒度细、品位低的难选金矿则日益增多,这促使人们转向开发利用难选金矿[1-3]。
低品位氧化锌矿硫酸铵的焙烧过程及其反应机理邵鸿媚;申晓毅;朱慧婷;翟玉春【摘要】采用热分析研究低品位氧化锌矿与硫酸铵的焙烧过程,考察铵矿比、焙烧温度、焙烧时间对锌提取率的影响;采用XRD分析揭示氧化锌矿中有价组元在焙烧中的反应过程和相变行为;讨论焙烧过程中发生的化学反应.结果表明:合适的反应条件为铵矿比1.4∶1、焙烧温度475℃、焙烧时间60 min;硫酸铵焙烧低品位氧化锌矿是多相反应,ZnO和ZnCO3与硫酸铵反应先生成(NH4)2Zn(SO4)2,升温后分解得到ZnSO4;铁氧化物与硫酸铵反应先生成(NH4)3Fe(SO4)3,分解得到NH4Fe(SO4)2;CaCO3和PbO在400℃以上焙烧时转化为硫酸钙和硫酸铅.%The process of roasting low grade zinc oxide ore with ammonium sulfate was studied by thermal analysis,and the influences of ratio of ammonium sulfate to zinc oxide ore,roasting temperature and roasting time on the extraction ratio of zinc oxide were investigated.The XRD analysis was adopted to illuminate the reaction process and the phases transformation behavior of the valuable compositions in zinc oxide ore.Finally,the chemical reactions occured in roasting process were discussed.The results show that appropriate reaction conditions are as follows,ratio of ammonium sulfate to zinc oxide ore of 1.4∶1,roasting temperature of 475 ℃ and roasting time of 60 min.Roasting low grade zinc oxide ore using ammonium sulfate is a multiphase process.Firstly,ZnO and ZnCO3 reactwith ammonium sulfate to produce (NH4)2Zn(SO4)2,which then decomposes into ZnSO4.Similarly,(NH4)3Fe(SO4)3 is first obtained,andthen is decomposes into NH4Fe(SO4)2.CaSO4 forms from CaCO3 and PbO transformes into PbSO4 when reaction temperature is above 400 ℃.【期刊名称】《中国有色金属学报》【年(卷),期】2017(027)001【总页数】7页(P138-144)【关键词】低品位氧化锌矿;硫酸铵;反应过程;相变行为【作者】邵鸿媚;申晓毅;朱慧婷;翟玉春【作者单位】东北大学冶金学院,沈阳110819;东北大学冶金学院,沈阳110819;东北大学冶金学院,沈阳110819;东北大学冶金学院,沈阳110819【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TF813氧化锌矿是重要的锌资源,储量丰富。
氢氧化钠溶液可以将金矿中的 FeAsS 及 AsS 分解为FeS2和 As2O3,通过正交实验及单因素实验获得了较优的砷浸出条件。
在温度100℃、氢氧化钠用量500 kg/t、浸出时间2.5 h、液固比5:1的条件下,砷的浸出率达到80.10%。
%With the increasingly reduction of easily leachable gold ores, the gold ore contain arsenic has become an important resource. The arsenic in the gold ore must be removed before leaching because it will have negative effect on leaching gold in the ore. The sodium hydroxide solution was used to leaching the arsenic in the gold ore. The effects of influential factors on the leaching arsenic in the gold ore were investigated. These factors included leaching time, sodium hydroxide concentration and ratio of liquid to solid. Sodium hydroxide solution can decompose FeAsS and AsS into FeS2 and As2O3. The optimal leaching conditions were worked out through orthogonal test and single factor test. The optimal conditions are as follows:temper ature 100℃, sodium hydroxide concentration 500 kg/t, leaching time 2.5 hours and ratio of liquid to solid is 5:1, the leaching rateof arsenic up to 80.10%.【期刊名称】《贵金属》【年(卷),期】2015(000)001【总页数】4页(P14-16,20)【关键词】有色金属冶金;金矿;砷;氢氧化钠;浸出【作者】马红周;燕超;王耀宁;仵宇轩;张向昭【作者单位】西安建筑科技大学冶金工程学院,陕西省冶金工程技术研究中心,陕西省黄金与资源重点实验室,西安 710055;西安建筑科技大学冶金工程学院,陕西省冶金工程技术研究中心,陕西省黄金与资源重点实验室,西安 710055;西安建筑科技大学冶金工程学院,陕西省冶金工程技术研究中心,陕西省黄金与资源重点实验室,西安 710055;西安建筑科技大学冶金工程学院,陕西省冶金工程技术研究中心,陕西省黄金与资源重点实验室,西安 710055;灵宝黄金股份有限公司,河南灵宝 472500【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TF831高砷金矿较为常见的伴生组分主要是砷硫化物如毒砂、砷黄铁矿、黄铁矿、雄黄、雌黄等,属于难处理金矿[1-2]。
第25卷第4期2005年10月桂林工学院学报J O URNAL OF GU I LI N UN I VERSI TY OF TECHNOLOG Y2005年10月Oct12005文章编号:1006-544X(2005)04-0534-04采用硫酸铵焙烧方法从低品位碳酸锰矿中富集回收锰朱国才1,李赋屏2,肖明贵3(11清华大学核能与新能源技术研究院,北京100084;21中国地质大学(北京),北京100083;31桂林工学院,广西桂林541004)摘要:研究了采用硫酸铵焙烧法从低品位碳酸锰矿富集回收锰的工艺.将碳酸锰矿与(NH4)2S O4通过研磨混合均匀,在马弗炉中300~500e焙烧015~3h.将焙烧过程铵盐分解产生的氨气及二氧化碳气体通过真空通入上一次的浸出液,将硫酸锰沉淀下来.焙砂采用60~90e热水,在液固为(3~10)B1的条件下浸取10~20m i n,得到硫酸锰浸出溶液,作为下一次焙烧过程的吸收液,对吸收液中过滤得到的滤饼进行干燥后得到锰精矿.吸收液过滤后得到的滤液蒸发浓缩,结晶后又得到了(NH4)2S O4固体,可以复用.采用该工艺的锰回收率达80%以上,是一种从低品位碳酸锰矿富集回收锰的新工艺.关键词:低品位碳酸锰矿;硫酸铵;焙烧;富集;锰中图分类号:TD95112文献标识码:A0引言我国已探明锰矿储量614亿,t仅次于南非、乌克兰和加蓬,居世界第4位.集中分布在6个省区,其中广西占3816%,湖南占1815%,贵州占1311%[1].但我国的锰矿资源特点是贫、细、杂,锰品位平均约为21%左右,富矿仅占全国储量的6143%.锰矿矿石类型以碳酸锰矿为主,约占总储量的73%,次为铁锰矿和氧化锰矿,含锰灰岩和锰铁矿石甚少.随着国民经济的飞速发展,尤其是钢铁产量的快速增长,我国进口富锰矿呈快速增长势头,2004年进口锰矿达到465万.t估计到2007年我国工业中使用的富锰矿石一半以上要依赖进口才能满足需求,这与我国资源储量状况是极不相符的[2-4].要解决我国锰矿资源规模利用的问题就必须将低品位锰矿进行富集,而国内外对低品位碳酸锰选矿方面没有实质性突破,国内选矿普遍使用磁选法,对碳酸锰矿的富集度只能提高5%左右.国外锰矿禀赋普遍较好,对碳酸锰矿石的尾泥回收采用浮选法,效果优于磁选法.国外最新研究结果有:电浸法[5],往碳酸锰矿石中通电,同时加温至700~1100e[6];俄罗斯专家用rad i o metric 法,把价值较低的碳酸锰矿品位提升到31%~ 32%[7];在试验槽底部充入C O气体,并保持温度在900~1100e,对微细粒锰矿石开展回收试验[8];热液浸取法[9],等等.这些探索性研究还没有提出回收率高、对环境污染少的成型技术.从国内外碳酸锰矿石利用的发展趋势看,开发选择性强、杂质成分低,实现综合利用和清洁生产,是该类贫锰矿资源开发利用的重要方向.本文提出的铵盐焙烧方法在稀土、锗等金属的提取方面开拓了一种新途径[10-13].通过采用硫酸铵焙烧的方式使矿物中的锰选择性转化为可溶性锰盐,然后将焙烧过程产生的氨气、二氧化碳与浸出液中的可溶性锰盐沉淀反应回收得到碳酸收稿日期:2005-02-02基金项目:广西区经贸委、财政厅重点财源开发项目(桂经贸投资[2003]215)作者简介:朱国才(1963-),男,博士,副教授,研究方向:无机材料、资源及二次资源利用.E2ma i:l z hugc@mail1tsi nghua1edu1cn.锰产品,溶液中的铵盐可进一步作为焙烧的原料,实现了反应试剂的闭路循环,采用低品位的碳酸锰原矿为原料富集得到锰品位大于45%的精矿.为我国尚未大规模利用的低品位碳酸锰资源回收富集提出一种全新的方法.1实验部分111实验仪器、试剂与原料SXII-2.5-10马弗炉及管式炉(天津市中环试验电炉厂)、JJ200型精密电子天平(常熟双杰测试仪器厂)等.矿石原料为广西某地的碳酸锰矿石,该矿是以菱锰矿、钙菱锰矿、锰方解石为主的高硅、低铁锰矿石,主要由致密块状、豆状碳酸锰矿物的胶结物组成.其碳酸锰矿锰物相组成及碳酸锰矿的主要化学成分见表1、表2.表1碳酸锰矿锰含量及物相分布Table1Phase distri buti on of mang anese carbo nate ore%物相菱锰矿锰方解石硅酸锰褐铁矿石中锰软锰矿合计w(Mn)分布15.4370.234.3819.941.336.050.753.410.080.3721.97100表2碳酸锰矿的主要化学成分Tabl e2Ma i n co mpositi o n ofmanganese carbonate ore%元素Mn Fe A l2O3Si O2Ca O Mg O Pb S K P w B21.876.24 3.0624.966.791.540.采用的试剂:硫酸铵(工业级),磷酸氢二钠(分析纯),硝酸(分析纯),硝酸(分析纯),磷酸(分析纯),高氯酸(分析纯)等.112实验原理与方法本研究采用硫酸铵焙烧法分解,将矿物中锰转化成水溶性的硫酸锰盐,然后用热水浸出硫酸锰.其反应如下:(N H4)2S O4=2NH3+H2S O4,(1) MnC O3=MnO+CO2,(2) MnC O3+H2S O4=MnS O4+H2O+CO2,(3) MnO+H2S O4=MnS O4+H2O,(4) MnS O4+N H3+C O2+H2O=Mn(O H)2+MnCO3+(N H4)2S O4.(5)将碳酸锰矿与硫酸铵混合后,置于马弗炉或管式炉中焙烧.用热水浸取焙砂,过滤得到硫酸锰浸出液.浸出液通过吸收管式炉出口的尾气沉淀出锰精矿产品.分别分析浸出液及吸收液中锰的含量,可计算锰的浸出率及沉淀率.焙烧温度、硫酸铵用量及焙烧时间对锰浸出率的影响主要在马弗炉中进行试验.溶液中锰的含量采用氧化还原滴定法确定. 113工艺流程采用硫酸铵焙烧法从低品位碳酸锰富集回收锰的工艺流程(图1).图1硫酸铵焙烧法从低品位碳酸锰矿富集回收锰的工艺流程F i g11P rocess of recoveri ng manganese f ro mlo w grade manganese carbonate ore锰精矿的富集过程:将碳酸锰矿与工业级硫酸铵研磨混合,再在管式炉中于一定温度下焙烧,焙砂用水浸出,过滤后得到浸出液;用浸出液吸收焙烧过程在管式炉中的尾气,得到沉淀物,过滤干燥后得到锰精矿产品.为了简化操作,本研究的条件试验主要在马弗炉中进行.2实验结果与讨论211硫酸铵用量的影响称取10g低品位碳酸锰矿与不同量的硫酸铵混合,在马弗炉中450e下焙烧1h,焙砂用10倍的热水浸出,过滤后分析滤液中锰的浓度,计算锰的浸出率.从图2可看出,随着硫酸铵用量的增加,锰的浸出率逐渐增加,当硫酸铵的用量达到碳酸锰图2硫酸铵用量对锰浸出的影响F i g12E ffect of a mmoni u m s ulf ate dosage o nm anganese leach i ng535第25卷第4期朱国才等:采用硫酸铵焙烧方法从低品位碳酸锰矿中富集回收锰矿质量的115后,锰的浸出率达到80%,进一步增加硫酸铵的用量对锰浸出率的影响不明显,因此确定用量为:m ((N H 4)2S O 4):m (碳酸锰矿)=115.212焙烧时间的影响每次称取10g 低品位碳酸锰矿与15g 硫酸铵混合,在马弗炉中450e 下焙烧不同时间,焙砂用10倍的热水浸出,过滤后分析滤液中锰的浓度,计算锰的浸出率.从图3看出,随着焙烧时间的延长,锰的浸出率逐渐增加,当焙烧时间为115h,达到最大值80%,进一步延长焙烧时间,锰的浸出率反而迅速降低,这主要是在此温度下,碳酸锰分解的一氧化锰进一步氧化成高价锰或生成的硫酸锰进一步分解成氧化锰,在浸取过程不能进入溶液,从而使锰的浸出率降低,因此,低品位碳酸锰矿硫酸铵焙烧的最佳焙烧时间为115h.图3 焙烧时间对锰浸出的影响F i g 13 Effect of roasti ng tm i e o n m anganese leach i ng213 焙烧温度的影响每次称取10g 低品位碳酸锰矿与15g 硫酸铵混合,在马弗炉中于不同温度下焙烧115h ,焙砂用10倍的热水浸出,过滤后分析滤液中锰的浓度,计算锰的浸出率.从图4看出,在300~600e 的温度范围内,随图4 焙烧温度对锰浸出的影响F i g 14 E ffect of roasti ng te mperature on manganese l eachi ng着温度的提高,锰的浸出率逐渐增加,当焙烧温度达到450e ,锰的浸出回收率达到最大值80%,进一步提高焙烧温度,锰的浸出率反而迅速降低,其原因同212节.因此,低品位碳酸锰矿硫酸铵焙烧的最佳焙烧温度为450e .3 结 论本实验研究的硫酸铵焙烧法是从低品位碳酸锰矿富集回收锰的一种有效方法.将碳酸锰矿与(N H 4)2SO 4通过研磨混合均匀,在马弗炉中于450~500e 焙烧015~6h ,NH 4Cl 体系最佳焙烧温度及时间为450e 、1h .将焙烧过程中铵盐分解产生的氨气及二氧化碳气体通入上一次的浸出液,将硫酸锰沉淀下来.焙砂采用60~90e 热水,在液固比为(3~10)B 1的条件下浸取10~20m in ,得到硫酸锰浸出液,作为下一次焙烧过程的吸收液.吸收液中过滤得到的滤饼经干燥后得到锰精矿.吸收液过滤后得到的滤液蒸发浓缩,结晶后又得到了(N H 4)2S O 4固体,可以复用.采用该工艺的锰回收率达80%以上.参考文献[1]国土资源部矿产开发管理司.中国矿产资源主要矿种开发利用水平与政策建议[M ].北京:冶金工业出版社,2002:25-45,100-124.[2]温英,李建明,胡邦成.我国锰矿石选矿技术及发展[J].中国锰业,1998,16(1):52.[3]潘其经,周永生.我国锰矿选矿的回顾与展望[J].中国锰业,2000,18(4):1.[4]张先觉.我国锰矿资源开发利用的现状及前景[J].中国锰业,1999,17(1):7.[5]ElsheriefA E .St udy of t he electroleach i ng ofm anganese ore[J].H ydro meta ll urgy ,2000,55(3):311.[6]Berg K L .K i netics of mang anese ore reducti on by carbonmono xi de [J].M etallurgica l and Ma t er i als Transacti o 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process ,by wash i n g and dryi n g to gain m anganese carbonate concentrate .The recovered (NH 4)2S O 4by vaporizi n g the filtrate sol u ti o n can be re 2used f or the a mmoniu m su lf ate roasting pr ocess .TheMn recover y is over 80%,a ne w process of enrich i n g and recoveringMn fr o m lo w 2grade manganese carbonate ore .K ey w ord s :lo w 2grade manganese carbonate ore ;a mmon i u m sulf ate ;roasti n g ;enrich ;Mn537第25卷 第4期 朱国才等:采用硫酸铵焙烧方法从低品位碳酸锰矿中富集回收锰。
采用细菌氧化—氰化提金工艺,在矿石细度-74 μm占81%、温度30 ℃、pH 1.6左右、矿浆浓度20%、细菌氧化4 d的条件下,硫氧化率达到95%以上,金浸出率提高到93.81%。
关键词:细菌氧化;含砷含碳难处理金矿;浸出率;氰化中图分类号:TF831 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007-7545(2015)07-0000-00 Bio-oxidation-cyanidation of Arsenic/Carbon-bearing Refractory Gold OresDONG Bo-wen(State Key Laboratory of Comprehensive Utilization of Low-Grade Refractory Gold Ores, Xiamen Zijin Mining &Technology Co., Ltd., Xiamen 361101, Fujian, China)Abstract:Gold particles in Carlin-type arsenic/carbon-bearing refractory gold ores were encompassed by arsenopyrite under micro/submicroscopic structure. Flotation recovery of gold was 40% below, and gold cyanidation recovery was 5% below. Oxidation rate of sulfur is 95% above and cyanide leaching rate of gold is improved to 93.81% by biooxidation-cyanidation under the optimum conditions including particle size of 81% -0.074 mm, temperature of 30 ℃, slurry pH value of ~1.6, slurry concentration of 20%, and biooxidation duration of 4 days.Key words:bacterial oxidation; arsenic/carbon-bearing refractory gold ores; leaching rate; cyaniding细菌冶金(生物冶金)技术对环境友好,资源利用率高,目前已广泛用于从低品位复杂矿和硫化矿中提取有价金属[1-5]。
Method for leaching gold andor silver out of ores
专利名称:Method for leaching gold and/or silver out of ores or out of ore- concentrates and alsoout of precious-metal wastes or precious-metal scrap by using cyanide-containingleaching solutions发明人:Albert Bahr申请号:US07/292239申请日:19881230公开号:US04971625A公开日:19901120专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:A method for leaching gold and/or silver out or other precious metal containing substance using cyanide-containing leaching solutions and adding an aqueous H.sub.2 O.sub.2 solution to accelerate leaching. The total amount of the hydrogen-peroxide solution required for leaching is fed into the leaching slurry at the beginning of leaching. The amount of the H.sub.2 O.sub.2 solution is determined in that the H.sub.2 O.sub.2 is added in a 0.6 to 2.5-fold stoichiometric ratio to the cyanide concentration of the leaching slurry. The pH value of the leaching slurry is set and maintained at between 7 and 10 or between 11 and 13.申请人:DEGUSSA AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT代理机构:Beveridge, DeGrandi & Weilacher更多信息请下载全文后查看。
13冶金冶炼M etallurgical smelting金精矿中回收金银铜铅锌的试验研究刘晓红(山东黄金冶炼有限公司,山东 烟台 261437)摘 要:为提高金精矿资源利用效能,优化金精矿金属元素回收流程,降低尾矿对环境的污染,开展金精矿中回收金银铜铅锌的试验研究。
关键词:金精矿;贵金属;回收;试验;环保中图分类号:TD913 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-5065(2023)23-0013-3Experimental Study on the Recovery of Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead and Zinc from Gold ConcentratesLIU Xiao-hong(Shandong Gold Smelting Co., Ltd,Yantai 261437,China)Abstract: In order to improve the utilization efficiency of gold concentrate resources, optimize the metal element recovery process of gold concentrate, and reduce the environmental pollution caused by tailings, experimental research on the recovery of gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc from gold concentrate was carried out. Firstly, the existing problems and current status of current gold concentrate recovery technologies are analyzed, and the advantages and disadvantages of several common methods for recovering gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc from gold concentrates are compared in terms of energy consumption, cost, operability, and environmental performance. A test scheme for the stepwise separation and recovery of metal elements from gold concentrates is proposed. This plan involves carrying out operations such as pre flotation, alkali leaching, cyanidation and gold extraction, wet leaching of gold and silver from low sulfur tailings, separation of lead and zinc ores, roasting to enrich gold, silver, and iron to produce iron concentrates, and wet leaching of gold and silver from iron concentrates. It can achieve the highest degree of recovery of gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc, and the process has less pollution and is not complex. Keywords: gold concentrate; precious metals; recovery; testing; environmental protection收稿日期:2023-10作者简介:刘晓红,生于1985年,女,汉族,山西省阳泉市盂县人,工程师,研究生,硕士,研究方向:化工分析。
Leaching of gold from a mechanically and mechanochemicallyactivated wasteJana Ficeriová1and Peter Baláž2The intensification of leaching of gold from a waste using mechanical activation (milling in water) and mechanochemical activation (milling in thiourea solution) were studied as the pretreatment steps. The leaching of “as-received“ sample in an acid thiourea solution resulted in 78 % Au dissolution, after mechanical activation 98 % and mechanochemical activation up to 99 % of the gold was leached during 120 min. The mechanochemical activation resulted in an increase of the specific surface area of the waste from 0.6 m2g-1 to a maximum value of 20.5 m2g-1. The activation was performed in an attritor using variable milling times. The physico-chemical changes in the waste as a consequence of mechanochemical activation had a pronounced influence on the subsequent gold extraction.Keywords: waste, gold, thiourea, mechanical activation, mechanochemical activation.IntroductionThe problem of recycling secondary resources containing noble metals is in the centre of interest of all developed economies of the world. Therefore, this problem is being tackled as one that is not only a technological, legislative or economical problem, but also one related to the environmental protection. Obtaining of these metals from waste materials and lowering the environmental load by recycling is a very complex issue that requires an all-round strategy and the application of a number of methods [5, 12, 14, 15, 18].The secondary resources of gold are generated by craftsmanship and industrial processing of gold and alloys thereof (goldsmith’s fractions and fillings, abrasives tailings, clad clock waste and used melting crucibles); by amortization of products (ceramic waste, old jewelry and fractions thereof, dental alloys, graded electrical and electronic waste, non-graded electronic waste) [10]; by collecting (medals, coins, bank alloys, sacral and museum treasures) [9].Gold is impractical connected on the component of Au-wastes included with accompanying elements and cannot come in contact with leaching solutions. Leaching of Au-wastes without pretreatment remitted in low Au extraction [4].Hydrometallurgical processes are especially suitable for the treatment of gold-bearing and goldsmith′s waste materials. Modern hydrometallurgy of gold is based on the application of cyanide leaching. The cyanide process is indeed a highly toxic technology. Gold is sometimes finely disseminated in waste materials and cannot come in contact with cyanide solution [13, 20].The thiourea process of gold extraction from wastes consisting of gold leaching into the thiourea solution, and consequent precipitation of these metal from the solution is, with regard to the ecological character of thiourea, the perspective alternative hitherto the most used cyanide method. Thiourea leaching has more rapid kinetics for gold solubilization than classical cyanide leaching [1, 3, 6, 8].The chemical, biological and physical pretreatments are applied as intervention steps directed to the solid phase the goal of which is to change the composition and particle size of the gold bearing substances and thus to facilitate the subsequent leaching. Simultaneously with examination of chemical, biological and physical pretreatment the new processes of mechanochemical pretreatment are being successfully applied in fundamental research as well as in plant operations [2, 16]. In this process which is called mechanical activation the minerals are subjected to intensive milling. This milling results in particle disintegration and chemical or physicochemical transformations which significantly affect the subsequent mineral processing operations.Mechanochemical activation integrates milling and leaching operations into a single step. In addition to an improvement in milling performance (the leaching agent also acts as a milling additive) there are operational benefits relating to the economy of the overall process. Generally, the mechanochemical activation of solids (minerals, wastes, etc.) leads to positive influence on the hydrometallurgical operations [2, 19].The mechanochemical approach has been applied for refractory materials with the aim of changing the chemical composition and/or the particle sizes of the gold-bearing raw materials, thus facilitating the subsequent leaching in order to increase the recovery of noble metals [7, 11].The aim of this work was to examine the possibility of recovering gold from the golden waste using thiourea leaching. A mechanical and mechanochemical activation was applied in order to determine its effect on the recovery of gold.1 Ing. Jana Ficeriová, PhD., Institute of Geotechnics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Watsonova 45, 043 53 Košice, Slovakia2 prof. RNDr. Peter Baláž, DrSc., Institute of Geotechnics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Watsonova 45, 043 53 Košice, Slovakia,(Review and revised version 7. 2. 2011)183ExperimentalMaterialGolden waste (Slovakia) was selected as input material for testing mechanical and mechanochemical activation and subsequent thiourea leaching of gold. The chemical composition of the waste was as follows:0.68 % Au, 0.05 % Pd, 36.5 % Cu, 15.4 % Fe, 3.12 % Zn.Mechanical activation (milling in water)Mechanical activation was performed in a stirring ball mill (attritor) Molinex PE-075 (Netzsch, Germany) under the following conditions: volume of milling chamber 500 ml, weight of sample 50 g, steel balls (200 g of 2 mm diameter) as milling means, milling medium 200 ml water; milling time 15, 30, 45 and 60 min; revolutions of the milling shaft 600 min-1; ambient temperature.Mechanochemical activation (milling in thiourea solution)Mechanochemical activation was performed in a stirring ball mill (attritor) Molinex PE-075 (Netzsch, Germany) under the following conditions: volume of milling chamber 500 ml, weight of sample 50 g, steel balls (200 g of 2 mm diameter) as milling means, milling medium 200 ml of thiourea solution consist of 10 gl-1 CS(NH2)2, 5 gl-1 Fe2(SO4)3.9H2O and 10 gl-1H2SO4; milling time 15, 30, 45 and 60 min; revolutions of the milling shaft 600 min-1; ambient temperature.Physico-chemical characterizationThe specific surface area S A was determined by the low temperature nitrogen BET adsorption method using a Gemini 2360 sorption apparatus (Micromeritics, USA).The particle size distribution of the ground goldsmith′s waste was measured by a laser beam scattering in a Helos and Rodos granulometer (Sympatec GmbH, Germany). The mean particle diameter was calculated as the first moment of the volume size distribution function.Thiourea leachingThe leaching was investigated in a 500 ml glass reactor into which 400 ml of leaching solution having 10 gl-1 CS(NH2)2, 5 gl-1 Fe2(SO4)3.9H2O, 10 gl-1H2SO4 and 10 g of milled golden waste were added. The leaching was performed at pH 1 during 120 min at 293 K using a stirring rate of 8.33 s-1. Aliquots (5 ml) of the solution were withdrawn at appropriate time intervals for determination of the content of dissolved gold by AAS method.Results and discussionPhysico-chemical changes of mechanically and mechanochemically activated wasteThe mechanical and mechanochemical activation of golden waste is characterized by an increase in specific surface area. The effect milling of the waste on its surface area is shown in Fig. 1. The original value of surface area (0.6 m2g-1) increased rapidly to 19 m2g-1 and finally to a maximum value of 20.5 m2g-1, with increase milling time.SA[m2g-1][m in]tMFig. 1. The specific surface area, S A as a function of milling time, t M. 1-mechanically activated sample, 2-mechanochemically activatedsample.184185Increases in the fraction of fine particles and specific surface area are changes which are frequently observed as the consequence of intensive milling [7]. This manifold new surface area formation correlates with the particle size analysis of the milled samples (Fig. 2). The “as-received“ sample has a 100 % abundance of particles with a diameter under 30 µm (1) but only 10 % of particles with diameter less than 10 µm. For the mechanically and mechanochemically activated samples (2, 3) the particles are relatively smaller than those of the “as-received“ sample.Fig. 2. Particle size analysis of the 1-non-activated sample, 2-mechanically activated sample, 3-mechanochemically activated sample,milling time, t M = 60 min.Senna [17] analysed the effect of surface area and the structural disordering on the leachability of mechanically activated minerals. In order to solve the problem – whether surface area or structural disorder are predominant for the reactivity - the rate constant is divided by the proper surface area and plot against the applied energy by activation (or milling time).In our occurrence, if the rate constant of silver leaching is divided by the surface area remains constant with respect to the applied milling time, as shown in Figure 3, then the measured surface area may be the effective surface area and at the same time, the reaction rate is insensitive to structural changes.k A u /S A [s-1/m 2g -1]t M [m in]Fig. 3. Specific rate constant of gold leaching, k Au /S A vs. milling time, t M for the mechanically activated sample.186This is a case of milling in water medium. In the second case where k Au /S A increases with increasing milling time, as shown in Figure 4, the surface area S A , may be again the effective surface area, with an overlapping effect of the structural disorder, as a result of mechanochemical leaching.k A u /S A [s -1/m 2g -1]t M [m in]Fig. 4. Specific rate constant of gold leaching, k Au /S A vs. milling time, t M for the mechanochemically activated sample.Thiourea leaching of gold from mechanically and mechanochemically activated wasteThe dependence of gold recovery on leaching time is represented for different mechanically activated samples in Fig. 5. While only the recovery of 78 % of Au was reached after 120 min leaching for the “as-received” sample (curve 1), this percentage of recovery was attained already at t L < 15 min for activated samples (curves 3, 4 and 5). The results for the mechanically activated samples (curves 2-5) indicated that the physico-chemical changes of the gold-bearing waste brought about an acceleration of the process of thiourea leaching. It was possible to achieve a gold recovery of 98 % after two hours of leaching for mechanically activated sample (curve 5).εA u[%]t L [m in]Fig. 5. Recovery of gold, εAu vs. leaching time, t L for mechanically activated samples. Milling time, t M : 1- non-activated sample, 2 – 15min, 3 - 30 min, 4 – 45 min, 5 – 60 min.The results for the mechanochemically activated samples Fig. 6 (curves 2-5) showed that the changes concerning of increase a surface area and structural disordering of the gold-bearing waste brought about an acceleration of the process of thiourea leaching. Moreover, it was possible to achieve the gold recovery of 99 % for mechanically activated sample by using leaching time of less than 90 minutes (curve 5).εA u[%]t L [m in]Fig. 6. Recovery of gold, εAu vs. leaching time, t L for the mechanochemically activated samples. Milling time, t M : 1 - non-activatedsample, 2 – 15 min, 3 - 30 min, 4 – 45 min, 5 – 60 min.ConclusionMechanical and mechanochemical activation of golden waste has a positive influence on gold leaching.An optimum Au recovery of 99 % was achieved from the mechanochemically treated samples alreadyin 90 minutes of thiourea leaching. The leaching of “as-received“ (non-treated) waste resulted in only 78 % Au dissolution. The consumption of milling time has an influence on the physico-chemical changes of gold-bearingwaste due to mechanical and mechanochemical pretreatment as is evident in the thiourea leaching. Thiourea leaching is non-toxic and has more rapid kinetics for gold solubilization in comparison with the classical cyanide leaching.Acknowledgement: This contribution/publication is theresult of the project implementation "Research excellencecentre on earth sources, extraction and treatment"supported by the Research & Development OperationalProgramme funded by the ERDF.References[1]Baláž, P., Ficeriová, J., Šepelák, V., Kammel, R.: Thiourea leaching of silver from mechanically activatedtetrahedrite. Hydrometallurgy 43, 1996, 367-377.[2]Baláž, P.: Extractive Metallurgy of Activated Minerals. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2000, 290pp.[3]Baláž, P., Ficeriová, J., Villachica, C. L.: Silver leaching from a mechanochemically pretreated complexsulfide concentrate. 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Characterization of refractory behaviour of complex gold/silver ore bydiagnostic leachingO. CELEP1, İ. ALP1, H. DEVECİ1, M. VICIL21. Mining Engineering Department, Karadeniz Technical University, 61080, Trabzon, Turkey;2. Geology Engineering Department, Karadeniz Technical University, 61080, Trabzon, TurkeyReceived 19 September 2008; accepted 11 November 2008Abstract: The amenability of a refractory ore to the extraction of gold and silver by cyanide leaching was investigated. Diagnostic leaching tests were also performed to shed light on the refractory characteristics of ore. The leaching tests show that the extraction of gold and silver is consistently low, i.e. ≤47% and ≤19.2%, respectively, over a leaching period of 24 h. Even fine grinding (e.g. <38 µm) does not improve the recovery of gold and silver. Diagnostic leaching approach provides information into the cause of the refractoriness of the ore. The findings suggest that the refractoriness is induced by the dissemination and encapsulation of the very fine gold and silver particles largely in the carbonates, oxides and sulfides and, to a small extent, with silicates present in the ore matrix. These findings highlight the practical importance of diagnostic leaching for the understanding of the refractory characteristic of such an ore and for the identification of possible pretreatment options to overcome its refractoriness prior to cyanide leaching. Key words: gold and silver ores; refractoriness; characterization; diagnostic leach1 IntroductionGenerally, gold ores can be classified as “free milling” and “refractory” depending on their response to cyanide leaching[1]. While high gold recoveries (>90%) from free milling ores can be readily achieved, and refractory gold ores are often characterized by the low gold extractions (50%−80%) within a conventional cyanide leaching[2−3]. The refractoriness of gold ores can result primarily from the inherent mineralogical features with particular reference to the mode of presence and association of gold, and to the presence of carbonaceous matter[2].A suitable pretreatment process is often required to overcome the refractoriness and render the gold accessible to the lixiviant action of cyanide and oxygen [4]. Roasting, pressure oxidation, biooxidation, ultrafine grinding and modified cyanidation are the pretreatment methods currently practiced for refractory gold ores and concentrates[5−6]. Ultrafine grinding is a physical method for the liberation of locked gold when efficient size reduction is achieved[7]. However, gold present as solid solution in host minerals such as arsenopyrite can only be effectively recovered if the mineral matrix is decomposed by some chemical or biological pretreatment methods[8]. Roasting, a simple stage process using a fluidized bed roaster at around 650 ℃, is one of the most common methods for the treatment of gold-bearing pyrite/arsenopyrite and pyrrhotite concentrates to produce porous calcine with the increased amenability to cyanidation[9−10]. Pressure oxidation and biooxidation methods have gained importance in recent years mainly due to the environmental problems (e.g. SO2 emissions) associated with roasting process[11−14].Accurate characterization of an ore is essential to identify the mode and occurrence of gold and gold- bearing minerals and hence, to evaluate the refractory behaviour of gold in the traditional cyanidation process. With this information it is then possible to determine the amenability of an ore to different processing options [15−16]. The various techniques including optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy(SEM), electron microprobe analysis(EMPA), proton X-ray emission(PIXE), dynamic secondary ion mass spectrometry (D-SIMS) are used for the characterizationof gold ores[17−18]. Before the selection of a suitable process, diagnostic leaching has been also proved to be very useful as an analytical tool for establishing theCorresponding author: O. CELEP; Tel: +90-462-3774118; Fax: +90-462-3257405; E-mail: ocelep@.tr DOI: 10.1016/S1003-6326(08)60337-4O. CELEP, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 19(2009) 707−713708 distribution of gold within different mineral phases of an ore.Diagnostic leaching procedure is achieved by selective leaching/destruction of minerals at stages followed by a cyanide leach step to recover gold available/liberated after each stage[19−20]. A set of guidelines for the design of a diagnostic leaching experiment were demonstrated by LORENZEN[21]. The procedure can be tailored to the mineralogical composition of the ore examined (Table 1).Table 1 Diagnostic leaching procedure by selective destructionof gold ores[18]Treatment Minerals likely to be destroyedNaCN GoldNa 2CO 3 Gypsum and arsenatesHCl Calcite, dolomite, galena, pyrhotite, HCl/SnCl 2 Hematite, calcine, ferrites H 2SO 4 Cu-Zn sulphides, labile pyriteFeCl 3 Sphalerite, labile sulphides, tetrahedriteHNO 3 Pyrite, marcasite, arsenopyriteOxalic acid washes Oxide coatings silicates HF SilicatesAcetonitrile elution Gold adsorbed on carbonLORENZEN and van DEVENTER[20] useddiagnostic leaching to identify the refractory nature ofgold ores with their findings and indicated that only1.3% to2.4% of the gold was leachable with directcyanidation and approximately 95% of Au in ore wasextracted by means of selective destruction ofgold-bearing minerals with nitric and sulphuric acids.TEAGUE et al[22] studied diagnostic leaching of a refractory gold ore containing 5.9% pyrrhotite, 0.9% pyrite, 1.3% arsenopyrite and a bulk flotation concentrates. Based on the results of diagnostic leaching tests, CELEP et al[23] concluded that the refractorinessof a refractory gold ore was associated with thedissemination and encapsulation of the very fine goldparticles largely within the carbonates, oxides andsulfides and, to a small extent, with silicates present inthe ore matrix.With a two-stage diagnostic approach, a refractorytelluride ore is leached in dilute cyanide solutions (0.1%NaCN) at pH 9.5 for 24 h to dissolve native gold but not gold+silver tellurides (Stage 1) and the residue is then subjected to a second stage leaching using a strong cyanide solution (2% NaCN) at pH 12.5 for 96 h to dissolve gold+silver tellurides[24].In this study, the amenability of a refractorygold/silver ore to cyanide leaching for the recovery ofgold and silver was investigated. Diagnostic leaching of the ore was performed to distinguish the gold-bearing phases present and hence, to characterize its refractory behaviour. The mineralogical characteristics of the ore were also examined to aid the evaluation of the leaching behavior of gold and silver from the ore.2 Materials and methods2.1 MaterialsIn this study, high grade Akoluk (Ordu) refractory gold/silver ore was used. A total amount of 150 kg ore sample was obtained from the deposit. Hand-picked pieces of the ore were used to prepare the polished sections for mineralogical examination under an ore microscope (Leitz Wetzlar). The size distribution of goldparticles in the polished sections examined was alsodetermined based on particle counts. The sample wascrushed down to <4 mm using jaw and roll crushers,and riffled to obtain 2 kg representative sub-samples.These were then ground (80% passing 38 μm) in a laboratory rod mill for diagnostic leaching tests andcyanidation.The chemical composition of the ore sample (Table2) and acid leach solutions was determined by wetchemical analysis methods using inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy(ICP-AES) and neutron activation analysis(NAA) after digestion in aquaregia. In Table 2, LOI is an abbreviation for “loss onignition”. The XRD examination of ore was carried outby using a Rikagu D/max-IIIC X-ray diffractometer.2.2 MethodsThe cyanide leaching tests (24 h) were performed ina glass reactor equipped with a pitched-blade turbineimpeller rotating at 1 450 r/min (Fig.1). Table 3 lists theTable 2 Chemical composition of ore sample Compound Content/% Element Content/(g·t −1) SiO 2 52.150 Au 15 Al 2O 3 4.710 Ag 220Fe 2O 3 1.280 As 261.8CaO 0.140 Cu 472.7MgO 0.070 Zn >10 000 Na 2O 0.040 Pb 4 283.9 K 2O 0.380 Hg >100 TiO 2 0.800 Sr 3 087.9 P 2O 5 0.010 Sb >2 000 MnO 0.010 Mo 12.6 Cr 2O 3 0.001 Ni 6 Ba 17.100 V 16 Total S 6.890 Zr 40.7Total C 0.050 Cd 62.7LOI 4.600 Ga 8.5O. CELEP, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 19(2009) 707−713709Fig.1 Experimental set-up for diagnostic leaching of ore Table 3 Experimental conditions for cyanide leaching of ore Parameter Amount Sample mass/g 250Water/mL 750Particle size distribution (passing 38 µm)/% 66.2%−99.8%Pulp density/% 25%(mass fraction)pH (NaOH) 10−10.5Agitation/(r·min −1) 1 450 NaCN concentration/(g·L −1) 1.5 Leaching time/h 24 Temperature/℃ 20±3conditions for cyanide leaching tests in which the concentration of cyanide was maintained at 1.5 g/L overthe leaching period and the consumption of cyanide wasrecorded.Diagnostic leach tests involved a series of acidleaching stages aimed to destroy specific minerals (Table4), followed by cyanidation of the residue from eachstage. The decomposition of some mineral phasesin different leaching stages may be represented by thechemical reactions below[17, 25]:CaCO 3+2HCl →CaCl 2+H 2O+CO 2 (1) MS+H 2SO 4→MSO 4+H 2S (M=Zn, Cu, Pb, etc.) (2) Cu 12Sb 4S 13+44Fe 3+→12Cu 2++4Sb 5++13S 0+44Fe 2+ (3) 2FeS 2+10HNO 3→2Fe 3++2H ++4SO 42−+10NO+4H 2O (4)SiO 2+6HF →H 2SiF 6+2H 2O (5)Analysis of gold and silver in the samples removed at predetermined intervals was carried out using atomic absorption spectrometry(AAS). Leach residues at the end of each stage were also analyzed for gold and silver toestablish a mass balance and to determine the metalrecovery. Free CN − concentration was determined by titration with silver nitrate using p -dimethylaminobenza- lrhodanine (0.02%, mass fraction in acetone) as theindicator.3 Results and discussion3.1 Mineralogical characteristics of ore The Akoluk ore deposit is located in the southwest of Ordu, Turkey and in the western part of the EasternPontides which consists mainly of volcanic-sedimentaryrock units. The gold deposition was indicated to be of anepithermal origin[26−27]. The ore deposit was reportedto contain a variety of sulphide and oxide minerals as well as native gold[28]. Total reserves of Akoluk ore areestimated to be about 10 Mt[29]. Gold was claimed to be mostly associated with zinkenite (PbSb 2S 4) as inclusions[30]. The chemical and mineralogical analysis of the ore sample indicated that the ore consisted of predominantly quartz/clay (52.2% SiO 2) and barite (17.1% Ba), and to a less extent, sulphide minerals such as pyrite, antimonite, sphalerite, fahlerz (e.g. tetrahedrite) and zinkenite (Table 2 and Fig.2). The XRD results confirmed the presence of quartz, illite, barite and sulphide minerals (Fig.3).Table 4 Conditions of diagnostic leaching of ore sample (D 80<38 µm) Treatment stageReagent Leach parameter Concentration Minerals likely to be destroyedCyanide leaching NaCN 24 h, pH10.5 1.5 g/L GoldAcid leaching-Ⅰ HCl L/S=2:1, 8 h, 60 ℃ 12% (V/V) Calcite, dolomite, galena, pyrhotite, hematiteCyanide leaching NaCN 24 h, pH10.5 1.5 g/L GoldAcid leaching-Ⅱ H 2SO 4 L/S=2:1, 5 h; 80 ℃ 48% (V/V) Cu-Zn sulphides, labile pyriteCyanide leachingNaCN24 h, pH10.5 1.5 g/L GoldAcid leaching-Ⅲ FeCl 3+HCl L/S=2:1, 8 h, 95 ℃ 100 g/L+2 mol/LSphalerite, galena, labile sulphides, tetrahedriteCyanide leaching NaCN 24 h, pH10.5 1.5 g/L GoldAcid leaching-Ⅳ HNO 3 L/S=2:1, 6 h, 60 ℃ 33% Pyrite, marcasite arsenopyriteCyanide leaching NaCN 24 h, pH10.5 1.5 g/L Gold Acid leaching-Ⅴ HF L/S=2:1, 6 h 20% (V/V) Silicates Cyanide leachingNaCN 24 h, pH10.5 1.5 g/L GoldElutionAcetonitrile+ NaCNL/S=2:1, 6 h40% (V/V) +10 g/LGold adsorbed on carbonO. CELEP, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 19(2009) 707−713710Fig.2 Presence and association of gold in ore (Au—Gold; Py—Pyrite; Sp—Sphalerite; Qz—Quartz; Cn—Cinnabar; Ant—Antimonite; Fh—Fahlerz): (a) Au particles with cinnabar in quartz matrix; (b) Au with antimonite in quartz; (c) Au within pyrite and fahlerz; (d) Au with sphalerite; (e) Au particles within fahlerz; (f) Gold particle along pyrite fractureThe ore sample was found to contain 15 g/t Au and 220 g/t Ag. Gold was present in native form and associated with sulphide minerals and quartz as particles of 1−88 µm in size (Figs.3(a)−(d)). The half of the gold particles visible under microscope appeared to be smaller than 3 μm in size (Fig.4). Although the ore appeared to be rich in silver (220 g Ag/t), no silver minerals were identified in the samples examined under the microscope. It could be present as occlusions in potential silver-bearing minerals such as fahlerz, antimonite and zinkenite[30].3.2 Cyanide leaching of oreFigs.5−6 show that even fine grinding (e.g. 100% finer than 38 µm) produces no desired effect on the extractions of gold and silver, which are limited to ≤47% and ≤19.2%, respectively. Dissolution of gold and silver is observed to occur largely over an initialO. CELEP, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 19(2009) 707−713 711Fig.3 XRD pattern of Ordu-Akoluk oreFig.4 Size distribution of visible gold particle in polished sections of oreFig.5 Effect of particle size on extraction of gold from ore in cyanide solutions (1.5 g/L NaCN) over a period of 24 hperiod of 1.5−2 h. Following these initial periods, the dissolution process appears to be almost ceased off. The consumption of cyanide is determined to be 4.4−6.4 kg NaCN per ton of the ore with its tendency to decrease asthe particle size decreased (Fig.7). These findings indicate Fig.6 Effect of particle size on extraction of silver from ore in cyanide solutions (1.5 g/L NaCN) over a period of 24 hFig.7 Effect of particle size on final extraction of gold and silver, and consumption of cyanide over 24 h leaching periodthe gold and silver contents of the ore available to direct cyanide leaching and confirm highly refractory nature of the ore. It can be also inferred that a suitable pretreatment method should be developed to achieve high gold and silver extractions in the subsequentO. CELEP, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 19(2009) 707−713 712cyanide leaching stage. However, the determination of the reason(s) for the refractoriness is required for the development and/or application of the most effective pretreatment method.3.3 Diagnostic leaching testsFig.8 illustrates the results of the diagnostic leaching of the ore, which involves stepwise acid treatment followed by standard cyanide leaching after each stage for gold recovery. Initial cyanide leaching of untreated ore resulted in a gold extraction of 47%, indicating the cyanide recoverable gold consistent with the findings reported above. The remaining portion of the gold appeared to be refractory in character presumably is due to the inaccessibility of gold particles to the action of cyanide. A sequence of acid treatment (HCl, H2SO4, FeCl3+HCl, HNO3, HF) improves the extraction of gold to 100%. Based on the diagnostic leaching data (Table 4) the refractoriness of the ore can be ascribed to fine dissemination and association of gold with carbonates and oxides (about 21%), silicates (about 1.9%) and sulphides (29.5%, i.e., a total gold extraction in H2SO4, FeCl3+HCl, HNO3 treatments). The results of acetonitrile elution stage suggest no preg-robbing activity in the ore.Fig.8 Extraction of gold following each stage of acid treatments with diagnostic leaching of oreThe recoveries of silver in cyanide leaching after each treatment stage of diagnostic leaching are also given in Fig.9. Silver extraction is determined to increase from 24.5% (in direct cyanidation) to complete in a sequence of acid treatments (HCl, H2SO4, FeCl3+HCl, HNO3, HF). The contribution of the treatments performed for the destruction of sulphides to silver extraction is the most significant (i.e., by about 56.5%) whilst only negligible portion silver (about 0.1%) is associated with silicates.It was reported that a sequential acid leaching treatment using HCl, H2SO4, FeCl3+HCl, HNO3, and HF would destroy a variety of mineral phases[21]. However, it is extremely difficult to quantify the decomposed phases and hence draw firm conclusion from the data due to the non-selective nature of acid treatment expected, i.e., partial removal of some sulfides by HCl and H2SO4 prior to FeCl3+HCl and HNO3 treatments. Further detailed studies are required to distinguish the minerals decomposed following each stage of acid treatment. Notwithstanding this, the extensive dissolution of sulphides is confirmed by the chemical analysis of the residues after HNO3 treatment (Fig.10) and at this stage, the extraction of gold and silver is recorded to be 98% and 99.5%, respectively.Fig.9 Extraction of silver following each stage of acid treatments in diagnostic leaching of oreFig.10 Au and Ag recovery based on some element dissolution after total sulphide matrix destruction4 Conclusions1) The reasons for the low gold and silver recoveries from the refractory Akoluk (Ordu) ore were investigated by adopting a diagnostic approach. Mineralogical analysis of the ore indicates the presence of native gold and a variety of sulphide minerals; but,O. CELEP, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 19(2009) 707−713 713quartz, barite and clay minerals are the most abundant minerals present in the ore.2) The direct cyanidation tests with low gold and silver recoveries of 47% and 20% even after fine grinding (<38 µm) reveal the degree of refractoriness of the ore.3) Diagnostic leaching tests demonstrate that the refractoriness of the ore is caused by fine dissemination and association of gold and silver mainly with sulphide minerals since the decomposition of sulphides increases the extraction of gold and silver by about 29.5% and about 56.7%, respectively.4) Although diagnostic leaching proves an invaluable tool for the assessment of the ore, further detailed tests may be required to distinguish gold/silver-bearing sulphides so that the most effective pretreatment method can be selected or developed. AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to the Research Foundation of Karadeniz Technical University (Project No: 2004.112.008.2) for the financial support, to the General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration of Turkey and Gürçelik Mining Trading Ind. Ltd. for kindly providing the ore samples.References[1]la BROOY S R, LINGE H G, WALKER G S. Review of goldextraction from ores [J]. Minerals Engineering, 1994, 7(10):1213−1241.[2]RUBISOV D H, PAPENGELAKIS V G, KONDOS P D.Fundamental kinetic models for gold ore cyanide leaching [J].Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 1996, 35(4): 353−361.[3]ADAMS M D. Advances in gold ore processing, developments inmineral processing [M]. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2005.[4]UBALDINI S, MASSIDDA R, ABBRUZZESE C. 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The present paper attempts to assess the effects of microwave irradiation on the leachability of refractorygold ores. Characteristics of the crystal structure and microstructure of the ores were determined by x-raystructural analysis (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) before and after microwaveirradiation. Compared to conventional processes,microwave leaching processes are highly energy-efficient,take less time,and do not harm the environment. The experimental results show that the amountof gold extracted increases with microwave leaching temperature. The results demonstrate that microwaveirradiation techniques can be applied effectively and efficiently to the leaching of refractory gold ores.Keywords:refractory gold ores,leaching,microwave irradiation.An analysis of current data has shown [1–4] that there has recently been an increase in the number of new methods that are being studied as means of extracting gold from complex refractory gold ores and concentrates. The increased inter-est in such methods stems from the shrinking number of deposits whose ores are suitable for comminution [5]. Refractory gold ores are minerals from which gold cannot be recovered by the standard method of cyanidation and in which the gold-bearing components are arsenopyrites or pyrites that contain various amounts of organic carbon [6–8]. Many refractory gold ores need to be heated at low temperatures in order to obtain a significant amount of gold by subsequent leaching [9,10].The cyanidation process must be preceded by preliminary oxidation,which disturbs the sulfide lattice and helps cyanide ions reach the gold particles [11,12]. The method traditionally used to process these ores and concentrates is oxidative sulfide roasting. However,that technology is costly and harmful to the environment [13–15]. Thus,to make the cyanidation process more efficient and increase the yield of gold,it is best to attempt to find new methods of preliminary treatment and new leach-ing processes that consume less energy and are environmentally clean.It has turned out that microwave irradiation often proves to be a more efficient and less costly method of recovering metals from minerals [16,17]. The publication [18] recently discussed the effective use of preliminary microwave treatment and microwave leaching to process gold ores and perform cyanidation with a low alkalinity index.Microwaves are electromagnetic waves with a frequency in the range from 0.3 GHz (which is actually not a clearly defined frequency limit) to 300 GHz and wavelengths in the range from 1 m to 1 mm [19–21]. Microwave energy is widely used in different applications both in research and in industry [22,23]. The use of microwave radiation technology is one of the Metallurgist,Vol. 57,Nos. 7–8,November,2013 (Russian Original Nos. 7–8,July–August,2013)LEACHING OF REFRACTORY GOLD ORES BYMICROWA VE IRRADIATION:COMPARISON WITH CONVENTIONAL LEACHINGG. Chen,1J. Chen,1Z. Y. Zhang,1S. H. Guo,1Z. B. Zhang,1J. H. Peng,1C. Srinivasakannan,2X. Q. Li,3Y. K. Zhuang,3and Z. M. Xu 3UDC 669.213.63Translated from Metallurg,No. 7,pp. 80–85,July,2013. Original article submitted May 23,2013.0026-0894/13/0708-0647©2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York647648Fig. 1. Sample roentgenogram of the initial raw material.Fig. 2. Schematic diagram (a ) and photograph (b ) of the equip-ment of the microwave reactor used for leaching:1) microwave generator; 2) indicator light; 3) PID controller and temperature display; 4) iron support; 5) tube of condenser; 6) equipment for mixing; 7) thermocouple; 8) device to control mixing speed; 9) three-necked flask; 10) water circulation system;11)waveguide for the microwaves.Fig. 3. Character of the change in the temperature of the gold ore in the microwave field.Fig. 4. Examples of x-ray diffraction on specimens ofthe initial ore (a ) and after microwave treatment (b ).most promising trends in energy conservation,since it can provide both internal and volume heating [24,25]. Compared to tra-ditional methods,the microwave treatment of ore consumes less energy,produces a greater yield of minerals,and is convenient to use in industrial-scale operations [26,27]. The publication [28] studied the use of microwave treatment and subsequent grav-itational separation,the purpose of the first treatment being to improve the recovery of gold. The authors of [16] examined theeffects of the microwave roasting of a double refractory gold ore and showed that the total decrease in carbon content was greater, the heating rate was higher,and energy consumption was lower than with the use of conventional roasting.To make efficient use of microwave irradiation,we attempted to examine the effect of microwave leaching on the leachability of refractory gold ores compared to traditional leaching. We systematically examined how the indices that char-acterize the leaching of gold ores are affected by such test parameters as microwave power,the duration of microwave irra-diation,and microwave leaching temperature. We also analyzed the crystalline structure and microstructure of the ores before and after microwave irradiation by using x-ray structural analysis (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).The analysis was performed on gold ores obtained from Zhaoyuan in China’s Shandong Province. The chemical com-position of the gold ores:Au 56.48 g/ton; Ag 155.06 g/ton; S 25.77%; Zn 0.72%; Fe 24.92%; Sb 0.05%; Pb 0.47%; Cu 0.33%. The crystalline structures of the ores were studied by XRD (Fig. 1):it can be seen that SiO2(JCPDS card No. 85-0795) and FeS2(JCPDS card No. 42-1340) are the main components of the crystalline structure of the initial raw material. There are also small inclusions of Pb3O2(JCPDS card No. 83-1767) and Sb2O3(JCPDS card No. 42-1466). The products were analyzed in accordance with the methods recommended in the National Standard of the People’s Republic of China (GB/T).The crystalline structure of the gold ores and the specimens subjected to microwave irradiation was studied on a D/Max 2200 x-ray diffractometer (made by the Japanese company Rigaku) in CuKαradiation with a nickel filter. Anode volt-age and current were 35 kV and 20 mA,respectively. The diffraction patterns of the specimens were recorded with a contin-uous scanning speed of 0.25 deg/min. Electron microscope XL30ESEM-TMP (made by Phillips in Holland) was used to study the morphology of the microstructure of the gold ores and the specimens that were subjected to microwave irradiation. The SEM study was performed with an accelerating voltage of 20 kV in the low-vacuum regime. An EDAX energy-disper-sion spectrometer (U.S.) connected to the electron microscope was used to perform a semi-quantitative chemical analysis.Measurement equipment.The main components of the equipment used for microwave leaching are the magnetron that creates the microwaves,a waveguide that transmits the microwaves,a resonator cavity to direct the microwaves to a certain object,and a control system to regulate temperature and the microwaves’power. The microwave leaching reactor has a multi-modal cavity in which the power level is recorded continuously. The microwave source for the reactor was composed of two magnetrons and was cooled by circulating water; the working parameters:frequency 2.45 GHz,power 1.5 kW. Figure 2 presents a schematic diagram and a photograph of the microwave leaching reactor. The internal dimensions of the multimodal resonator cavity:height 260 mm,length 420 mm,width 260 mm. Temperature was measured with a type-K thermocouple positioned in the immediate vicinity of the specimens. The thermocouple provides feedback to the control panel,which regulates the power of the magnetron to control the specimen’s temperature during the pre-treatment in order to keep it from overheating.The experiment entailed the following:1 kg of gold ore was placed on a ceramic tray that was then put into a tubular stainless-steel reactor. The specimens were heated to 393 K at a rate of 278 K/min in a drying furnace and kept at that tempera-ture for 120 min. The dried specimens were cooled to room temperature and stored in hermetic containers for subsequent exper-iments. The weight of the ore in each series of experiments was 350 g. A specimen of this weight was placed in a microwave muf-fle furnace and subjected to microwave radiation for different lengths of time (30,60,90,120,and 150 sec) at different levels of microwave power (1,2,and 3 kW). After the preliminary microwave treatment,the specimens were ground for 60 sec in a labo-ratory mill. The resulting bulk material was then subjected to microwave leaching and conventional leaching under the conditions shown in Table 1. After leaching,the solid and liquid phases were separated by filtration and the filtrates were analyzed for their gold content. The residues were dried and also analyzed to determine their content of gold. The efficiency of the microwave leach-ing operation was compared to the traditional leaching process based on the results obtained from analyzing the residues.It can be seen from the changes in the temperature of the gold ores in the microwave field (Fig. 3) that the temper-ature of the specimens during the initial stages of heating increased gradually (slowly) with an increase in the power of the microwave radiation. The slow increase in ore temperature that was seen when holding time reached 60 sec can be attribut-ed to removal of the liquid phase from the gold ore. At the same time,it was also found that temperature increased sharply to 600°C when holding time reached 150 sec. The sharp temperature rise occurring with a short hold period is evidence of the good ability of gold ore to absorb microwaves.Studies performed with XRD mainly provide information on the crystalline structure of a specimen. We obtained roentgenograms of the gold ore before (Fig. 4a) and after (Fig. 4b) microwave irradiation with a power of 3 kW for 30 sec.649Comparison of the positions and intensities of the peaks shows that they agree well with the standard roentgenogram (see Fig.1). No phase transformations took place in the gold ore after the microwave irradiation (Fig. 4b). The intensity of the highest x-ray diffraction peaks was greater after irradiation than in the initial ore,while the intensity of the other peaks decreased after microwave heating of the specimens. The change in peak intensity can be attributed to dissociation of the more useful minerals after microwave irradiation,when monomers were obtained from the ore.Study by the method of SEM makes it possible to obtain information on the microstructure of the objects being investigated. Figure 5 shows the microstructure of gold ores before and after microwave irradiation. The morphology of the surface of the ore particles was compact and smooth (see Fig. 5a ). The microstructure of the specimen treated with 3-kW microwave radiation over 30 sec (Fig. 5b ) was characterized by the presence of finer crystalline grains and porosity on the surface of the ore. Microwave irradiation of gold ore particles in the size range 200–300 nm size range can help open up cer-tain pores and increase the surface area,which helps make leaching more effective. Figure 6 shows examples of the results obtained by using an EDAX adapter to analyze specimens of gold ore treated by microwave irradiation. Figure 6 b–d shows results of the analysis of different sections and sites on a specimen (see Fig. 6a ). The main elements in the composition of the gold ore are silicon,sulfur,iron,and lead.Experiments involving microwave leaching and conventional leaching were conducted under identical conditions (see Table 1). The results of these experiments are shown in Table 2. It is apparent that gold is extracted more efficiently by ParameterLeachingmicrowave conventionalAmount of pulp,g16001600Density of pulp (water content),%3636Amount of NaCN,ml4545Concentration of NaCN,%3030Amount of CaO,g88pH10.510.5Mixing,min –1750750Temperature,°C9393Leaching time,h 0.224650TABLE 1. Conditions of Experiments Involving Leaching in a Microwave Furnace and Conventional LeachingFig. 5. SEM image of the gold ore:a ) initial raw material; b ) specimens treated with microwavesat a power 3 kW over 30 sec.microwave leaching than by the traditional method of leaching,i.e.,microwave irradiation can help increase the amount of gold recovered from the ore. An analysis of the effect of the temperature at which microwave leaching is performed on the amount of gold recovered and the gold content of the residue (Fig. 7) showed that an increase in microwave leaching tem-perature is accompanied by an increase in the quantity of gold that is extracted and a decrease in the gold content of the residue. Thus,it can be concluded that performing microwave leaching at a higher temperature increases the yield of gold.Conclusion.A study was made of the effect of experimental parameters such as the power of the microwave radia-tion,holding time,and microwave leaching temperature on the structure and properties of leached gold ore. The highest degree of gold recovery – 97.87% – was achieved with a leaching time of 0.2 h,NaCN concentration of 30%,and leaching temperature of 93°C. The recovery of gold by microwave leaching can significantly improve the leachability of gold ores compared to conventional leaching,which will in turn help make the production process more efficient.651Fig. 6. Analysis made of gold ore with the use of an EDAX adapter:a ) specimen after irradiation by microwaves;b ) section 1;c ) section 2;d ) section 3.TABLE 2. Results of Experiments Involving Leaching in a Microwave Furnace and Conventional LeachingLeachingParametermicrowave conventional Gold yield,%97.8797.15 Residue index,g/ton 1.20 1.61Leaching time,h0.224Fig. 7. Effect of microwave leaching temperature on gold yieldand the gold index of the residue.This research was financed by the Chinese National Program for Basic Research (Grant No. 2007CB613606) and the Chinese National Fund for Natural Sciences (Grant Nos. 51090385,50734007,and 50974067).REFERENCES1. F. Beolchini,V. Fonti,F. Ferella,and F. 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