




——高尔基Only those who are full of self-confidence can immerse themselves in life with self-confidence everywhere and realize their own will.2、聪明人!在这漠漠的世上,只能提着“自信”的灯儿,行进在黑暗里。

——冰心Smarty Pants! In this desert world, we can only carry the lamp of "self-confidence" and walk in the darkness.3、一定要有自信的勇气,才会有工作的勇气。

——鲁迅Only by having the courage of self-confidence can we have the courage to work.4、要想有自信就去努力挣钱,而不是钻研花鸟鱼虫。

——孟非If you want to be confident, try to earn money instead of studying flowers, birds, fish and insects.5、有自信心的人,可以化渺小为伟大,化平庸为神奇。

——萧伯纳Self-confident people can turn insignificance intogreatness and mediocrity into magic.6、只有你先自信,别人才会信你。

——佚名Only when you are confident first will others believe you.7、宽宏大量是一种美德。






——贝蒂people have faith is invincible。


——奥维德faith! have faith can withstand any storm。


——居里夫人man must have patience, especially confidence。


——大仲马confidence and hope is the privilege of youth。


——爱默生confidence in yourself is the first secret of success。


——伯顿any point on earth are equally distant from the sun。


——威·柯珀everyone always thought their beliefs are correct。


——拿破伦more people to rely on, to survive as long as on your own。


——华特·贝基霍strong faith will win it takes a strong man, and then make them stronger。


——爱因斯坦confidence in yourself is to take the first step to success。




We love my nation, and this is the source of our confidence.2、只要具备了无知和自信,你就必然能成功。

As long as had ignorance and self-confidence, you will surely succeed.3、只有满怀自信的人,才能在任何地方都怀有自信地沉浸在生活中,并实现自己的意志。

Only people with confidence, everywhere have confidently immersed in life, and realizes own will.4、自信与底气的关系是先有自信,才有底气。

Confident relationship with hand came first, the confidence to have bottom spirit.5、善良是一种智慧,是一种远见,一种自信,一种精神力量,是一种文化,一种快乐。

Kindness is a kind of wisdom, it is a kind of vision, a kind of self-confidence, a kind of spiritual strength, is a kind of culture,a kind of happiness.6、我们总是很自信的以为,自己无所不能。


Think, we are always confident their omnipotent. But just too confident.7、自信不是说有就有的。


Confidence is not to say that there is some just. Self-confidence is a kind of long-term exercise, accumulation and.8、不是做不到而失去自信,而是失去自信后才做不到。




Resolute confidence can enable ordinary people to make amazing career.2、一个人是否有成就只有看他是否具有自尊心和自信心两个条件。

A person's success depends only on his self-esteem and self-confidence.3、世界上有一批虽身处逆境,但充满自信,自强不息,奋斗向上,最终获得辉煌成就的人。

There are a group of people in the world who are in adversity, but are full of self-confidence, self-improvement, strive for progress, and ultimately achieve brilliant achievements.4、自信是成功的第一秘决。

Self-confidence is the first secret of success.5、信心比天才重要。

Confidence is more important than genius.6、信心是人的征服者;它战胜了人,又存在于人的心中马。

Confidence is man's conqueror; it conquers man and exists in man's heart.7、技能和信心加在一起便是一支无往而不胜的军队。

The combination of skill and confidence is an invincible army.8、自信是一个人的胆,有了这个胆,你就会所向披靡!Self-confidence is a person's courage, with this courage, you will be invincible!9、只有满怀自信的人,能在任何地方都怀有自信,沉浸在生活中,并认识自己的意志。



有关自信的英语名言勇敢乃是自信与害怕中间之道,下面由为大家精心收集的有关自信的英语,欢迎大家阅读!1、自信的人永远都是昂头挺胸的,腰板直直的——俗话Confident people are always straight up with chest and head high, saying:2、所谓才能,是相信自己,相信自己的力量。

——高尔基The so-called talent, is to believe in yourself, believe in your own power. - Golgi3、一个人缺少了自信,就容易对环境产生疑心与戒备。

Lack of confidence in a person, it is easy to suspect and alert the environment.4、成功的条件在于勇气和自信,而勇气和自信乃是由健全的思想和安康的体魄而来。

——科伦The condition of suess is courage and confidence, and courage and confidence are made up of a sound mind and a healthy body. - Cologne5、地位越高,就越高,自信心多强,能力就有多强。

我们总能表现出与环境的和谐平等The higher the status, the higher self evaluation,self-confidence, how strong, how strong. We can always show the harmony and equality with the environment.6、一个人是否有成就只有看他是否具有自尊心和自信心两个条件。

——苏格拉Whether a person has achievements only to see if he has two conditions of self-esteem and self-confidence. - Scotland7、自信是灵魂的防腐剂。




They can do it because they think they can.2、自信不是学来的,自信一定是你自己的东西。

Confidence is not learned. Confidence must be your own thing.3、勇敢乃是自信与害怕中间之道。

Courage is the middle ground between confidence and fear.4、对未来生活的自信,是理智的期望。

Confidence in future life is a rational expectation.5、学者须要自信,既自信,怎生夺亦不得。

Scholars need to be confident, confident, how to win or not.6、人生需要自信,自信者,可望获得成功,不自信者,与成功无缘。

Life needs self-confidence, self-confident people, who are expected to succeed, and those who are not self-confident have no chance of success.7、当你眼前一片漆黑,不要害怕。

因为你就是那个发光体!When your eyes are dark, don't be afraid. Because you're the glow!8、如果没有自信心的话,你永远也不会有快乐。

Without self-confidence, you will never be happy.9、最好你们能独立处理事情,这将使你们获得自信心。

You'd better be able to handle things independently, which will give you confidence.10、除了人格以外,人生最大的损失,莫过于失掉自信心了。




If have no confidence,you will never have happiness。


To avoid the reality person,the future will be more ideal。


The words could not only in the dictionary of fools can dig out。


The more dare to stage a husband,he is more energetic。


There is no desperate situation,only people with a slough of despond。


We each do one thing should be cautious,and full of confidence。


Only you self-confidence first,others will believe you。


If we want to have more roses,we must plant more roses tree。


A person unless their confidence,otherwise bring confidence to others。


Power and degree are essentially measure masculinity qualitative。




It's not that you can't do it without losing self-confidence, but that you can't do it after losing self-confidence.2、总该学会自信的笑着,说着让人心服的道理。

Always learn to laugh confidently and speak convincing truth.3、搜索引擎三大定律:相关性定律、人气质量定律和自信心定律。

There are three laws of search engine: the law of relevance, the law of popularity quality and the law of self-confidence.4、因为年轻,所以自信;因为自信,所以年轻。

Because young, so confident; because confident, so young.5、信心源于实力,实力源于自信,自信源于他信。

Confidence comes from strength, strength comes from self-confidence, self-confidence comes from Thaksin.6、只要具备了无知和自信,你就必然能成功。

As long as you have ignorance and confidence, you will succeed. 7、外观的改变不能成为自信的源泉,只能是个幌子,自信的根本应该是内心真正的强大。

The change of appearance can not be the source of self-confidence, but a cover. The essence of self-confidence should be the real strength of the heart.8、如果没有自信心的话,你永远也不会有快乐。



关于自信的英语名言1.There is nothing sexier than being confident and taking care of yourselves. 充满自信,爱护自己,魅力无以过之。

--碧昂斯.2.Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish.---Sam Walton 杰出的领导人特例独行不随大流.相信自己,你会惊奇于自己无所不能。

---山姆沃尔顿3.Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your hand-break on.缺乏自信,就好象没拉手刹地在人生道路上行驶4.Self-confidence and self-reliance are the mainstays of a strong character.自信和自力更生是坚强品格的柱石。

5.Confidence doesn’t need any specific reason. If you’re alive , you should feel 100 percent confident.自信不需要理由,生活应该保持100分的自信6.Low self-esteem is like driving through lifewith your hand-break on.--Maxwell Maltz缺乏自信,就好象没拉手刹地在人生道路上行驶。

---麦斯威尔·莫尔茨7.You have to be first, best or different.——Loretta Lynn你只能是第一,或者,或者与众不同的。




Confidence comes from care.2、信心可以移山。

Faith can move mountains.3、信心能撑破口袋。

Confidence can break the bag.4、天生我材必有用。

I am born to be useful.5、信心比天才重要。

Confidence is more important than genius.6、恃人不如自恃也。

People do not count on it.7、自信是英雄的本质。

Self confidence is the essence of a hero.8、信心是命运的主宰。

Faith is the master of fate.9、知人者智,自知者明。

Intellectual, zizhizhe ming.10、自信是成功的第一秘诀。

Self confidence is the first secret of success.11、承担重任首先需要自信。

Take on the task first need self-confidence.12、技能和信心是无敌的军队。

Skill and confidence are invincible armies.13、自信与自靠是坚强的柱石。

Self confidence and self-reliance are the mainstays of a strong character.14、自信是向成功迈出的第一步。

Self confidence is the first step to success.15、勇敢乃是自信与害怕中间之道。

Courage is the middle of confidence and fear.16、恢弘志士之气,不宜妄自菲薄。

Chester qualities of gas, not improperly belittle oneself.17、社交场上的信心比机智更加重要。




We love my nation, and this is the source of our confidence.2、只要具备了无知和自信,你就必然能成功。

As long as had ignorance and self-confidence, you will surely succeed.3、只有满怀自信的人,才能在任何地方都怀有自信地沉浸在生活中,并实现自己的意志。

Only people with confidence, everywhere have confidently immersed in life, and realizes own will.4、自信与底气的关系是先有自信,才有底气。

Confident relationship with hand came first, the confidence to have bottom spirit.5、善良是一种智慧,是一种远见,一种自信,一种精神力量,是一种文化,一种快乐。

Kindness is a kind of wisdom, it is a kind of vision, a kind of self-confidence, a kind of spiritual strength, is a kind of culture, a kind ofhappiness.6、我们总是很自信的以为,自己无所不能。


Think, we are always confident their omnipotent. But just too confident.7、自信不是说有就有的。


Confidence is not to say that there is some just. Self-confidence is a kind of long-term exercise, accumulation and.8、不是做不到而失去自信,而是失去自信后才做不到。









Lifeneedsself-confidence,self-confidentpeople,whoareexp ectedtosucceed,andthosewhoarenotself-confidenthavenocha nceofsuccess.7、当你眼前一片漆黑,不要害怕。

因为你就是那个发光体!Whenyoureyesaredark,don'tbeafraid.Becauseyou'retheglo w!8、如果没有自信心的话,你永远也不会有快乐。


You'dbetterbeabletohandlethingsindependently,whichwill giveyouconfidence.10、除了人格以外,人生最大的损失,莫过于失掉自信心了。

Apartfrompersonality,thegreatestlossinlifeisthelossofself-c onfidence.11、应该相信,自己是生活的强者。



关于自信的英文名言1. "Believe you can and you're halfway there." - Theodore Roosevelt2. "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." - Ralph Waldo Emerson3. "You have within you right now, everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you." - Brian Tracy4. "The most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence." - Blake Lively5. "Confidence is not 'they will like me.' Confidence is 'I'll be fine if they don't.'" - Christina Grimmie6. "The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday." - Unknown7. "Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit." - e.e. cummings8. "Confidence is not arrogance. It's just being comfortable with who you are." - Unknown9. "You are capable of amazing things." - Unknown10. "It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not." - Unknown11. "Confidence is the key. If you don't believe in yourself, nobodyelse will." - Venus Williams12. "With confidence, you have won before you have started." - Marcus Garvey13. "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." - Eleanor Roosevelt14. "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." - C.S. Lewis15. "Confidence is courage at ease." - Daniel Maher16. "When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you can do amazing things." - Joe Namath 17. "Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going." - Sam Levenson18. "Confidence is not about being the best, it's about believing in one's ability to become the best." - Unknown19. "The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it." - J.M. Barrie20. "Confidence is silent, insecurities are loud." - Unknown21. "I am thankful for my struggle because without it, I wouldn't have stumbled across my strength." - Unknown22. "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." - Wayne Gretzky23. "Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle." - ChristianD. Larson24. "Confidence comes from within. It's not something you can buy or borrow. You have to find it inside yourself." - Unknown25. "The way to develop self-confidence is to do the thing you fear and get a record of successful experiences behind you." - William Jennings Bryan26. "The confidence is there, you just have to find it within yourself." - Unknown27. "No one is you, and that is your superpower." - Unknown28. "Believe in yourself, take on your challenges, dig deep within yourself to conquer fears. Never let anyone bring you down." - Chantal Sutherland29. "Confidence is not 'they will like me.' Confidence is 'I'll be fine if they don't.'" - Unknown30. "The best way to gain self-confidence is to do what you are afraid to do." - Swati Sharma31. "Confidence isn't thinking you are better than everyone else, it's realizing that you have no reason to be jealous." - Unknown32. "Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will." - Suzy Kassem33. "With confidence, you can reach truly amazing heights. Without confidence, even the simplest accomplishments are beyond your grasp." - Unknown34. "Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle." - ChristianD. Larson35. "Self-confidence is the most attractive quality a person can have. How can anyone see how awesome you are if you can't see it yourself?" - Unknown36. "When self-confidence surpasses insecurity, the world feels your presence." - Unknown37. "The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." - Franklin D. Roosevelt38. "Confidence is not about being the best, it's about believing in one's ability to become the best." - Unknown39. "Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle." - ChristianD. Larson40. "Self-confidence is the most attractive quality a person can have. How can anyone see how awesome you are if you can't see it yourself?" - Unknown41. "When self-confidence surpasses insecurity, the world feels your presence." - Unknown42. "The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." - Franklin D. Roosevelt43. "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." - C.S. Lewis44. "Confidence comes not from always being right, but from not fearing to be wrong." - Peter T. McIntyre45. "The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt." - Sylvia Plath46. "The more you trust yourself, the less you need others to believe in you." - Unknown47. "Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them-a desire, a dream, a vision." - Muhammad Ali48. "Confidence is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets." - Unknown49. "To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance." - Oscar Wilde50. "Confidence is feeling beautiful without needing someone to tell you." - Unknown51. "Believe in yourself, take on your challenges, dig deep within yourself to conquer fears. Never let anyone bring you down." - Chantal Sutherland52. "Confidence is not about being perfect or winning all the time. It's about embracing your flaws and still believing in yourself." - Unknown53. "Success is not the key to confidence. Confidence is the key to success." - Zig Ziglar54. "Self-confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings." - Samuel Johnson55. "Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." - William James56. "Confidence is contagious. So is a lack of confidence." - Vince Lombardi57. "Do what makes you feel confident and comfortable. Never let anyone's opinion define who you are." - Unknown58. "Confidence is not 'they will like me.' Confidence is 'I'll be fine if they don't.'" - Unknown59. "The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Peter Drucker60. "Confidence is the ability to feel beautiful without needing someone to tell you." - Unknown。





——萧伯纳Have the self-confidence of the people, can be smallfor the great, and the magic of mediocrity. -- Bernard Shaw2、有必胜信念的人才能成为战场上的胜利者。

——希金森Have the triumphalism of person to bee the winner of the battle. -- Higginson3、自暴自弃,这是一条永远腐蚀和啃噬着心灵的毒蛇,它吸走心灵的新鲜血液,并在其中注入厌世和绝望的毒汁。

——马克思Then, this is a forever corrosion and eating the heart of the snake, it sucked the soul of fresh blood, and inject pessimistic and despair of poison in it. -- Marx4、地位越高,就越高,自信心多强,能力就有多强。

我们总能表现出与环境的和谐平等——赫兹里特The higher the status, the higher self evaluation,self-confidence, how strong, how strong. We can always show the harmony and equality with the environment - Herz Ritter5、一个自信的人只会勇往直前。

——杜伽尔A confident person will only move forward. Du - gal6、最野蛮的是轻蔑自己。





兰德Confident of the future, it is rational expectations.2、必需有自信,这是成功的隐秘。

卓别林Must be confident, this is the secret of success.3、自信是向成功迈出的第一步。

爱因斯坦Confidence in yourself is to take the first step to success.4、英勇乃是自信与可怕中间之道。

亚里士多德Brave is confidence and fear.5、自信和期望是青年的特权。

──大仲马Confidence and hope is the privilege of youth.6、自信是成功的第一步。

爱迪生Confidence in yourself is the first step to success.7、肯定要有自信的士气,才会有工作的士气。

鲁迅Must have confidence in the courage, just can have the courage to work.8、自信与自靠是坚强的柱石。

英国Self-confidence and self-rliance are the mainstays of a strong.9、只有你先自信,别人才会信你。

佚名Only you self-confidence first, others will believe you.10、自尊不是轻人,自信不是自满,独立不是孤立。

徐特立Self-esteem is not young people, confidence is not complacent, independence is not isolated.11、要想有自信就去努力挣钱,而不是钻研花鸟鱼虫。




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Confidence comes from care.2、信心可以移山。

Faith can move mountains.3、信心能撑破口袋。

Confidence can break the bag.4、天生我材必有用。

I am born to be useful.5、信心比天才重要。

Confidence is more important than genius.6、恃人不如自恃也。

People do not count on it.7、自信是英雄的本质。

Self confidence is the essence of a hero.8、信心是命运的主宰。

Faith is the master of fate.9、知人者智,自知者明。

Intellectual, zizhizhe ming.10、自信是成功的第一秘诀。

Self confidence is the first secret of success.11、承担重任首先需要自信。

Take on the task first need self-confidence.12、技能和信心是无敌的军队。

Skill and confidence are invincible armies.13、自信与自靠是坚强的柱石。

Self confidence and self-reliance are the mainstays of astrong character.14、自信是向成功迈出的第一步。

Self confidence is the first step to success.15、勇敢乃是自信与害怕中间之道。

Courage is the middle of confidence and fear.Chester qualities of gas, not improperly belittle oneself.17、社交场上的信心比机智更加重要。

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1.Thereisnothingsexierthanbeingconfidentandtakingcareofyour selves.充满自信,爱护自己,魅力无以过之。

2.Confidencedoesn'tneedanyspecificreason.Ifyou'realive,yous houldfeel100percentconfident.自信不需要理由,生活应该保持100分的自信。

3.Youhavetobefirst,bestordifferent.——LorettaLynn 你只能是第一,或者最好,或者与众不同的。



6.Outstandingleadersgooutoftheirwaytoboosttheself-esteemoft heirpersonnel.Ifpeoplebelieveinthemselves,it'samazingwhatth eycanaccomplish.---SamWalton杰出的领导人特例独行不随大流.相信自己,你会惊奇于自己无所不能。


8.Lowself-esteemislikedrivingthroughlifewithyourhand-breako n.--MaxwellMaltz缺乏自信,就好象没拉手刹地在人生道路上行驶。

9.Self-confidenceandself-reliancearethemainstaysofastrongch aracter.自信和自力更生是坚强品格的柱石。
