






















以下是建立流失预测模型的一些步骤:1. 收集数据:首先确定客户数据的来源,收集与客户流失相关的数据,包括客户的个性化特征、交易数据、行为习惯等方面。









一、深度学习在客户流失预测上的优势1. 自动特征学习传统的机器学习方法需要人工参与特征选择和处理,而深度学习可以自动学习数据中的特征。


2. 高效性能深度学习模型可以在大规模数据集上训练,并实现高精度的预测结果,处理效率也更高。


3. 预测效果较好深度学习模型在许多问题上已经取得了非常优秀的效果,如图像分类、语音识别等领域。





1. 基于多层感知机模型(MLP)多层感知机模型是一种主要依赖于前馈神经网络结构的深度学习模型,其通过多个隐藏层逐层提取特征信息。


MLP模型可以对input layer进行特征提取、hidden layer进行特征组合和输出操作、output layer进行输出。



Th s a c n te M o e fCu tm e o sBae n Ne r l t r e Re e r h o h d l so r L s sd o u a o Newo k H ANG L —Mig 。 W E a—h . DI a i n NG F NG Yu n—c u hn

额也往往要 比新 客户 大得 多 , 因此 , 立客户 流失模 建 型, 让每个公司尽早地 了解 自己的客户 , 即将流失的 对 客户尽早地做出挽 留措施 , 这样 可以大大地提 高公司 的竞争力u 。笔者的主要 目的就是利用神经 网络的 数据学 习功能 , 通过对历史数据 的学 习建立一个 客户 流失模型 , 用于预测未来客户的流失情况 , 以达到挽留 即将流失的老客户 , 使其继续给企业带来更大的效益。 二、 神经网络设计 神经 网络是基于生理学上 的真实人脑神经 网络的 结构 和功能 , 并对其基本特性进行抽象 、 简化和模拟而 构成 的一种信息处理系统 。 目前广泛应 用的 B P神经 网络即反向传播 ( akPo aa o ) 经 网络 , B c rpgt n 神 i 因其具 华南师范大学学报( 社会科学版 )20 ,2 . ,03 ( ) [ ] 白仲尧. 3 发展服务业 提高综合国力[ ] J .中国经
( 上 t Amn ̄ i 1 啦 d is v i e
e I U irto cne n e nl y Gnhu 31 0 Ci , 恻 n ei ic dTc o g - azo 。40 , h a; v syfSe a h o 0 n 2 Sho o E v om n l n r ic r E gn rg。 i g i n e i .colf nin et dAc t t e n i e n J nx U i rt o r aa heu ei a v sy f Si c n ehooy ,nhu 3 10 C ia cnea Tcnl ,C zo 。 400- hn ) e d g a



数据量大的特点 , 采用遗传算法对传统支持 向量机进 行改进 , 到 GA S M 模型 , 以国内某商业银行 VI 得 -V 并 P客户流失 预测 为实例 , 与人工神经 网络 、 决策树 、 逻辑 回归 和贝叶斯 分类 器方法进行 了对 比, 发现 该方法能 获得 最好 的正确 率 、 中率 、 命 覆
总第 2 6 4 期 2 1 第 4期 00年
计算 机与数字工程
Co ue mp tr& Dii lEn ie r g gt gn ei a n
Vo . 8 No 4 13 .
5 5
基于 G S A-VM 的 银 行 客 户 流 失 预 测 分 析

( 京 军 区南 京 总 医院 ” 南 京 南
A t a t Ac o d n o t e c u n d t ih i a g c l n mb ln e n h o v n in lS bs r c c r i g t h h r a a wh c s lr e s a e a d i aa c ,a d t e c n e t a VM s i r v d b o i mp o e y t e g n t l o i m. Th t o sc m p r d wi r i ca e r l e wo k h e e i ag rt c h e me h d wa o a e t a t iiln u a t r ,d cso r e o i t e r s in a d n i e h f n e ii n te ,l g s i r g e so n av c b y sa ls i e e a d n u t me h r r d c in f r a c mme ca a k’ VI u t me s I i o n h tt e me h d a e in ca sf r r g r ig c so rc u n p e it o o i o r ilb n S P c so r . t s f u d t a h t o h s t e b s c u a y r t ,h tr t ,c v rn a ea d l tc e f in ,a d p o i e n e f c ie me s r me tf rb n ’ U — a h e t c r c a e i a e o e i g r t n i o fi e t n r vd sa fe t a u e n o a k S C S a f c v t me h r rd c in o rc u n p e i t . o



要: 数据挖 掘技 术是预测客 户流 失最常 用的方 法。 以电信行 业的客 户流失 问题 为研 究 对象, 讨论如何提 高
使 用数据挖掘对客 户离网预测的准确性。通 过分析 离网客 户建立挖掘模 型 , 获得 大量 流失的客 户群 特征 , 服 务属性 和客 户消费数据 与流失的最终状态的关 系, 并用此 关系建 立不 同的算 法的挖掘模 型 , 最后 分析、 验证 不 同模型的优缺 点, 给 出挖 掘的最佳 方案, 制定具体有效的挽 留战略 以减少流失率, 其结果也体现 了基 于神经元 网络 的移动大客户流
J o u r n a l o f C o mp u t e r Ap p l i c a t i o n s
I S S N 1 0 01— 9 0 8l
2 01 3一 O 6— 3 O
计算机应 用, 2 0 1 3 , 3 3 ( s 】 ) : 4 8— 5 1
文章编号 : 1 0 0 1 — 9 0 8 1 ( 2 0 1 3 ) S 1— 0 0 4 8— 4 0
L I Ya n g
( S c h o o l o f I n f o r m a t i o n a n d C o m p u t e r ,A n h u i A g r i c u l t u r a l U n i v e  ̄ i @,He f e i A n h u i 2 3 0 0 3 6 ,C h i n a )
c u s t o m e r c h u r n p r o b l e m a s t h e r e s e a r c h o b j e c t ,t h i s p a p e r d i s c u s s e d h o w t o i m p r o v e t h e p r e d i c t i o n a c c u r a c y o f c u s t o m e r c h u据挖掘 ; 客 户流 失 信 息 ; 移 动 业务 支撑 系统 ; 神 经元 网络 ; 预 测 模 型 中 图分 类 号 : T P 3 1 1 . 1 3 ; T P 1 8 2 文献标志码 : A






机器学习(Machine Learning),一种利用统计学模型自动识别、学习规律,并对新数据进行预测的方法,已经在客户流失预警领域得到广泛应用。








在特征提取方面,可以采用主成分分析(PCA)、独热编码(One-hot Encoding)、文本向量化(Text Vectorization)等方法,将原始数据转化为可以被机器学习模型识别和理解的形式。

二、模型选择机器学习领域有多种模型可供选择,如逻辑回归(Logistic Regression)、支持向量机(Support Vector Machine)、决策树(Decision Tree)、随机森林(Random Forest)、神经网络(Neural Network)等。














1. 数据预处理在建立客户流失预测模型之前,首先需要对原始数据进行预处理。



2. 特征选择特征选择是指从大量的特征中选择出对客户流失预测具有重要影响的特征。



3. 模型训练在选取好特征后,利用机器学习算法对客户流失预测模型进行训练。



4. 模型评估模型评估是对建立的客户流失预测模型进行性能评估的过程。



三、基于机器学习的客户流失预测模型的优势相对于传统的客户流失预测方法,基于机器学习的客户流失预测模型具有以下优势:1. 高准确性:机器学习算法可以通过学习海量的历史数据,寻找数据中的隐含规律,从而提高预测准确性。
























































构建这样一个模型涉及到以下几个步骤:1. 数据收集和准备:首先,需要收集大量的历史数据,这些数据应包括客户的基本信息、购买记录、服务使用情况等。



2. 特征选择:在特征工程的过程中,需要选择哪些特征对于客户流失预测模型是最重要的。



3. 数据划分:为了训练和评估客户流失预测模型,需要将数据划分为训练集和测试集。



4. 模型选择和训练:选择合适的机器学习算法是构建客户流失预测模型的关键。



5. 模型评估和调优:对训练好的模型进行评估是非常重要的。






安 7 07 ) 10 7 【 摘 要 】 客户流失分析 与预测是客户关系管理 的重要 内容 , 针对银行客户流失数据 中正负样本数量不平衡 而且
数 据 量 大 的特 点 , 文 应 用 支持 向量 机 建 立 客 户 流 失 预 测 模 型 , 以 国 内某 商 业 银 行 V 论 并 I P客 户流 失预 测 为 实例 , 与人 工
神 经 网络 、 策 树 、 辑 回 归和 贝 叶斯 分 类器 方 法进 行 了对 比 , 现 该 方 法 能 获 得 最 好 的正 确 率 、 中率 、 盖 率 和 提 升 决 逻 发 命 覆
系数 。 预 测 现 有 客 户 流 失倾 向 的有 效 方 法 是
【 键 词 】 客 户流 失 ; 关 支持 向 量机 ; 户 关 系 营销 ; 测 客 预
l ≥ 财 政 与 融 I 薯 金
L ~ — ———— —— —— ——— ———————— ———— —— ————————— J
基于 S M 的银行客户流 失预测分析 V
以某 商 业银 行 V P客 户流 失 为例 I
李 霖 , 李 曼
( . 北 大 学 经 济 管理 学 院 , 西 西 安 7 06 ;. 国农 业 银 行 陕 西 省 分行 , 西 西 安 7 0 6 ; 1西 陕 10 9 2中 陕 10 8
【 中图分类号 】 80 F3. 4
【 文献标识码 】 A
【 文章编号 】 0426 (000—080 10—7821 ) 05—2 9
客 户保 持(ut e t t n 对银行 的利润底线 有着 惊人 根据 统计 学习理论 (t ii l eri ho ) 出的一种新 的 c s m r e ni ) o re o Sasc ann T er 提 tt a L g y 的影响 , 远远超过规模 、 市场份额 、 单位 成本和其它许 多通常认 机器学 习方法 , 在解决小样 本 、 非线性及 高维模式 识别 问题 中 为与竞争优势有 关的因素的影 响。l l l 客户流失不仅会 因为减少 表现 出许多特有的优势。 销 售 而 产 生 机会 成 本 , 且 会 导 致 所 吸 引 的新 客 户 相 对 减 少 ,] 而 1 2 对给定的训练集 个小的客户保持率的提高都能导致利润可观的改善 , 因此有 T { l 】 … , ∈( Y) 。 X R y∈ = = , , :( , ) ( , ) X× x∈ = Y R i l … n xY, xYl 效 地 识 别 出未 来 潜 在 的 流 失 客 户 就 可 对 客 户 进 行 分 类 , 而 针 从 首先通过非线性 变换 x 一 ( )将输入空 间映射到高维 空 x, 对 不 同客 户 群 的 特征 采 取 相 应 的营 销 努 力 。 间( i et 间 )构造最优线 性 函数 fX m ( )I 据此 就 Hl r空 b , ( )W・ x +1 , 数据挖掘技术能够通过创建预测客户行为的模型 , 现大 可 以在特征空间进行线性 逼近 , ank提 出采用 e 发 V pi 一不 敏感损 量数据背后隐藏的重要信息 , 使营销变得更加准确而迅速。为 失 函数作为逼近的衡量方法 : 了更有效地预测潜在的流失客户 , 学者们主要提出了以下两类 Lx , x) l f = a{, _() £ (, f )=y ( Y( - x mx I f J } O y x 一 () 1 方法 : 第一类方法是传统分 类方法 , 如决策树 、oii Lg t sc回归 、 贝 s是一个预先选定 的允许误差值 , 为正数。根据结 构化风 叶斯分类器 和聚类分析 。 但是 , 该类方法处理大规模 、 高维度 、 险准则, x使 Mn 1 l I c Lx ,x ) f) ( i l2 (, “ ) 1 + w Y 最小。 为度量 含有非线性关 系 、 非正态分布 、 有时间顺 序的客户数据时 , 其效








第二章:背景知识2.1 银行客户流失问题客户流失指的是在某一时期内,失去财务客户的数量超过了从市场上获得的财务客户的数量。




2.2 机器学习机器学习是近年来备受关注的研究领域。

机器学习使用计算机算法来发展模型,使机器能够从数据中"学习" 而不是明确地编程。


第三章:研究方法3.1 数据收集为了预测客户流失,我们需要收集大量的客户信息数据。


3.2 数据预处理在进行机器学习模型训练之前,需要对数据进行预处理。


3.3 模型选择在机器学习中,常用的预测算法包括决策树、支持向量机、随机森林、神经网络等。


3.4 模型训练与优化在进行模型训练时,需要对数据进行训练集和测试集的划分,采用一定的评估指标来评估模型表现。



收稿日期:2018-10-19 修回日期:2019-02-21 网络出版时间:2019-04-24基金项目:教育部人文社会科学规划基金项目(17YJA 880080);广西跨境电商智能信息处理重点实验室培育基地(广西财经学院)专项资助项目;广西财经学院创新治理与知识产权学科群(政府治理的互联网创新发展)专项资助项目作者简介:马文斌(1989-),男,硕士,研究方向为数据挖掘;夏国恩,博士,教授,研究方向为商务智能㊁智能决策㊁客户关系管理㊂网络出版地址:http :// /kcms /detail /61.1450.TP.20190424.1051.044.html基于深度神经网络的客户流失预测模型马文斌,夏国恩(广西财经学院工商管理学院,广西南宁530003)摘 要:客户流失是企业面临的一个重要问题,为及时发现流失客户,降低企业损失,目前已有许多研究对客户流失问题给出解决方案,但是大部分研究中使用的是浅层学习算法,预测结果依赖于特征选择,需要在特征工程上花费大量的时间和精力㊂随着客户数据的快速增长,在大数据情况下,人工特征工程已不能有效地获取高质量特征㊂深度学习通过模拟人脑多层㊁逐级地抽取信息特征,能自动学习到较好的数据特征,在图像识别㊁语音识别等领域取得显著成果㊂为研究深度学习在客户流失预测方面的应用,构造了基于深度神经网络的流失预测模型,并在电信客户数据集上,与经过特征选择的Logistic 回归㊁决策树等预测模型作对比,验证其预测准确度㊂实验结果表明,深度神经网络模型取得了较好的预测效果㊂关键词:深度学习;深度神经网络;客户流失;电信中图分类号:TP 31 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-629X (2019)09-0076-05doi :10.3969/j.issn.1673-629X.2019.09.015Customer Churn Prediction Model Based on Deep Neural NetworkMA Wen -bin ,XIA Guo -en(School of Business Administration ,Guangxi University of Finance and Economics ,Nanning 530003,China )Abstract :One of the important problem enterprise faced is customer churn.In order to find out the customer loss in time and reduce the loss of enterprises ,many researchers have proposed solutions to the problem of customer churn.However ,most studies use shallow learning algorithm ,whose prediction results depend on feature selection and require a lot of time and energy in feature engineering.With the rapid growth of customer data ,in the case of big data ,artificial feature engineering has been unable to effectively obtain high -quality features.Deep learning can automatically learn better data features by simulating the human brain to extract information features in multiple layers and step by step ,making remarkable achievements in the fields of image recognition and speech recognition.In order to study the application of deep learning in customer churn prediction ,a churn prediction model based on deep neural network is constructed and compared with the Logistic regression ,decision tree and other models after feature selection in the telecom customer data set to test the prediction accuracy.Experiment shows that deep neural network model has better prediction effect.Key words :deep learning ;deep neural network ;customer churn ;telecommunications1 概 述流失客户通常是指在一定时期内终止使用企业的服务或产品的客户㊂客户流失是企业面临的一个重要问题,也是学术界研究的热点㊂高流失率代表企业产品的市场份额的减少,客户流失率的降低则意味着企业效益的提高㊂同时,企业获取新客户的成本也是保留老客户成本的数倍㊂为及时发现流失客户,减少客户流失量,研究者借助机器学习与数据挖掘算法,构建了大量的客户流失预测模型㊂表现好的流失预测模型对于最小化流失率非常重要,因为可以为那些不满意的特定客户提供个性化的促销或优惠活动,以此来挽留将要流失的客户㊂国内外企业为了深入了解客户行为,寻找影响客户流失的关键因素,通过开展数据挖掘竞赛的形式来发现优秀的客户流失预测解决方案㊂例如,法国电信运营商Orange 在KDD Cup 2009中提供了大量客户行为数据,供参赛者分析预测;KDD Cup第29卷 第9期2019年9月 计算机技术与发展COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT Vol.29 No.9Sep. 20192015使用由学堂在线提供的用户在线学习行为数据,预测用户的流失率;携程也在2016年开展了客户流失概率预测竞赛;WSDM Cup2018则要求参赛者预测KKBOX的订阅用户的流失情况㊂经过多年对客户流失预测的研究,取得了较为显著的成果,客户流失中的数据不平衡㊁预测方法的选择等问题也得到了有效解决㊂在目前的研究中,研究者将客户流失预测视为一种分类问题,因此有监督学习算法大量地应用于客户流失预测,并取得了不错的效果㊂根据使用方法的不同,客户流失预测研究主要可分为五个方面㊂一是基于统计学的研究,具有代表性的方法是聚类算法㊁回归分析等㊂姜晓娟等[1]针对客户数据的类别不平衡㊁大规模等问题,在聚类算法基础上设置不同权重参数,实验表明该算法具有较好的预测效果㊂基于统计学方法的流失预测模型的优势是具有较强的可解释性,不足之处在于在大数据背景下,数据往往呈现高维㊁非线性㊁非正太分布等特点,此类方法的泛化能力得不到有效的保证㊂二是基于人工智能理论的研究㊂此类研究的代表性方法是人工神经网络㊂李洋[2]通过分析客户群特征㊁服务属性和客户消费数据,对比不同的预测模型,验证了神经网络预测的有效性㊂Kasiran Z等[3]结合增强学习算法与循环神经网络,预测移动手机用户的流失情况㊂冯鑫等[4]结合神经网络与自然语言处理,利用客户消费评论信息,预测客户是否会流失,并给出影响客户流失的主要指标㊂人工神经网络模拟人脑处理信息的结构,能够处理较复杂的数据,但可解释性较低,且容易产生过拟合问题㊂三是基于统计学习理论的研究㊂统计学习理论主要是构建给定数据的概率统计模型,并对未知数据进行预测,朴素贝叶斯算法㊁决策树㊁支持向量机等都属于常用的方法㊂Kirui C等[5]利用朴素贝叶斯㊁贝叶斯网络两种概率模型预测客户流失㊂尹婷等[6]结合决策树与贝叶斯分类算法,弥补了决策树算法的缺点㊂盛昭瀚等[7]给出一种加权熵的ID3算法解决客户流失预测问题㊂张宇等[8]使用C5.0算法预测邮政短信业务的客户流失情况㊂夏国恩等[9]通过与多种预测算法的比较,验证了支持向量机的预测有效性㊂王观玉等[10]结合主成分分析与支持向量机,降低数据的冗余性,提高了预测效果㊂Chen Zhenyu等[11]给出一种分层多核支持向量机,融合特征选择过程,在多个数据集上有较好的预测结果㊂赵琨等[12]利用双子支持向量机分析信用卡用户的流失情况㊂支持向量机基于VC维理论和结构风险最小化原理,具有较强的泛化能力,但可解释性较低,在小样本的情况下表现优异,但随着数据规模的增大,支持向量机已不能在有效的时间内完成计算任务㊂四是基于集成学习理论的研究㊂集成学习方法通过集成多种方法的优势,提高预测性能㊂子算法的选择㊁子算法预测结果的集成等问题是集成学习方面的研究热点㊂罗彬等[13]通过使用聚类算法分组样本集,然后利用不同的算法分别在样本子集上构建预测模型,最后基于成本敏感性,利用人工鱼群算法集成子模型的结果,实验表明提出的集成方法优于单个预测模型的预测性能㊂Coussement K等[14]利用集成学习方法预测在线客户的流失情况㊂五是基于社会网络分析的研究㊂社会网络是一种较为新颖的客户流失预测方法,使用社会网络发现潜在流失客户的假设前提是与流失客户存在于同一社区内或存在关联关系的客户更容易流失㊂Phadke C 等[15]基于客户的呼叫网络,给出一个度量客户间社会联系强度的公式,并利用影响扩散模型计算流失客户的净积累影响,最后在真实的移动客户数据上验证了使用社会网络分析预测客户流失的有效性㊂Verbeke W等[16]在关系分类模型中引入非马尔可夫网络,并融合关系分类模型与非关系分类模型,构建了流失预测模型㊂黄婉秋[17]基于RFM模型和时间序列分析法,结合社区发现㊁独立级联模型进行客户流失分析,并在零售客户数据上验证了基于社会网络方法的有效性㊂上述客户流失预测研究中使用的方法,预测效果依赖于特征处理的好坏,需要花费大量的时间与精力在特征工程上,随着客户数据的快速增长,在大数据情况下,人工特征工程已不能有效地获取高质量特征㊂但是深度学习通过模拟人脑多层㊁逐级地抽取信息特征,能够自动学习到可以较好地表示数据集的特征,借助深度学习,构建预测模型时,将不再依赖于特征选择㊂目前深度学习在客户流失预测方面的研究成果还较少,为探究深度学习在客户流失预测中的应用,文中构建了包含3隐层的深度神经网络模型,并在电信客户数据集上与经过特征选择的Logistic回归㊁决策树等预测模型作对比,从而验证深度神经网络模型的预测效果㊂2摇深度学习简介人工神经网络是客户流失预测中常用的一种算法,而深度学习是人工神经网络的延伸和发展,是一种拥有多隐层的人工神经网络算法,通过模拟人脑多层㊁逐级地抽取信息特征,最终获得能够较好地表示输入数据的特征[18]㊂2006年,Hinton等提出的深度置信网络(DBN)是当前深度学习算法的框架,打破了深层神经网络难以有效训练的僵局[19]㊂支持向量机㊁隐马尔可夫模型㊁感知机等都是典型的浅层学习算法,与浅层㊃77㊃ 第9期 马文斌等:基于深度神经网络的客户流失预测模型学习算法相比,深度学习在网络表达复杂目标函数的能力㊁网络结构的计算复杂度㊁仿生学角度㊁信息共享等方面更具有优势[20]㊂根据构造深度学习模型时采用的结构㊁学习算法等因素,深度学习可分为3类:生成深度结构㊁判别深度结构㊁混合深层结构[19]㊂生成深度结构的代表是深度置信网络;判别深度结构的代表模型是卷积神经网络;混合深层结构则是结合生成深度结构和判别深度结构来实现模式分类的一类深层结构㊂目前,借助于大数据,深度学习在许多领域的表现都优于浅层模型㊂根据数据类型的不同,深度学习主要应用在如下领域:一是图像识别,常用的算法是卷积神经网络或改进的卷积神经网络;二是语音识别,常用的算法是循环神经网络(RNN)或改进的循环神经网络;三是自然语言处理,由于自然语言的复杂性,虽然深度学习在自然语言处理上取得了一定的进展,但是并没有在图像㊁语音上的成果显著㊂3摇基于深度学习的客户流失预测模型经典的客户流失预测模型结构见图1㊂由图1可以看出,经典的客户流失预测模型主要包含数据预处理㊁属性选择㊁特征选择㊁流失预测㊁结果评价等阶段㊂属性选择和特征选择主要是为了减小原始数据中存在的主观性,降低数据 噪声”,达到约简数据维度,而不损失或较少损失数据信息的目的㊂特征选择主要是指从数据集的所有特征中,利用某种度量方法,筛选出分类预测效果最好的一组特征子集,常用的特征选择方法有互信息㊁Fisher比率㊁ReliefF等㊂当数据维度较大时,组合筛选出最优特征子集,需要花费大量的时间㊂图1 经典客户流失预测模型结构基于深度学习的客户流失预测模型如图2所示㊂由图2可知,经典客户流失预测模型与基于深度学习的客户流失预测模型最大的区别是在特征处理方面㊂特征工程需要一定的领域知识,且费时费力,最后选择的特征子集也不一定具有较好的预测结果㊂在基于深度学习的客户流失预测模型中,深度学习算法可以自主逐层地进行特征处理,没有属性选择㊁特征选择等特征工程阶段,节省了时间成本,且能够获得更为准确刻画数据信息的特征子集㊂图2 基于深度学习的客户流失预测模型结构基于深度学习的预测模型结构的预测过程是:多来源收集客户行为数据,确定初始属性集;对数据进行缺失值处理㊁异常值处理㊁峰度转换㊁标准化等预处理工作;将准备好的数据集输入深度学习算法,逐层学习数据特征,训练预测模型;评价预测结果,采用常用的精确率㊁召回率等评价指标,评价预测模型的性能㊂目前,常用的深度学习框架包括TensorFlow㊁Caffe㊁Keras㊁PyTorch㊁CNTK等㊂其中,Caffe采用配置文件定义网络结构,容易使用,且支持python接口,仅需要少量的代码构建预测模型,训练速度较快㊂因此,文中基于Caffe框架,研究深度学习算法在网络客户流失预测中的应用,通过参考现有深度学习算法模型,调整隐层以及各层的参数,构建了包含3个隐层的深度神经网络模型,如图3所示㊂Caffe中每一个网络模块都是一个层,文中构建的深度神经网络模型使用了数据层㊁全连接层㊁DropOut层㊁损失层等㊂这里对各层进行描述㊂图3 深度神经网络模型数据层:Caffe不直接处理原始数据,需要由处理程序转换为Caffe支持的数据格式㊂目前,Caffe支持HDF5㊁LMDB等多种数据格式,文中构建的深度神经网络使用HDF5格式㊂数据层定义4D的输入(1,1,1,87),表示一次输入一个数据,数据大小是(1,87)㊂全连接层:全连接层的每个节点与相邻层的所有节点都有连接㊂文中构建的深度神经网络的隐层是三个全连接层的堆叠,可看作是对输入数据逐层地提取㊃87㊃ 计算机技术与发展 第29卷信息,最后学习到较好的数据特征㊂全连接层的神经元数目分别是87㊁50㊁50,损失层的神经元数目则是2个㊂为加快收敛速度,全连接层的激活函数采用ReLU (rectified linear unit )㊂ReLU 函数(式1)是一种非饱和激活函数,Sigmoid ㊁Tanh 等饱和激活函数存在严重的梯度消失问题,训练收敛速度较慢㊂f (x )=for x <0x for x ≥{0(1)DropOut 层:为了防止训练网络时产生过拟合现象,提高模型泛化能力,文中构建的网络中使用了DropOut ㊂DropOut 是一种参数正则化方法,在训练网络过程中,按照一定的概率从网络中暂时丢弃部分节点,减少特征之间的相互作用,能够有效防止过拟合,提高模型健壮性㊂文中构建的网络中全连接层的丢弃率分别是0.5㊁0.4㊁0.3㊂损失层:损失函数度量网络输出的好坏,通过最小化损失,训练得到较好的网络㊂Caffe 中定义了多种损失函数,如EuclideanLoss ㊁HingeLoss ㊁SoftmaxLoss 等,由于客户流失预测是一种二类分类问题,因此采用SigmoidCrossEntropyLoss ㊂4 实验结果与分析4.1 数据集客户流失预测是在客户的历史行为数据上提取㊁选择客户特征,并运用分类预测算法建立预测模型,预测客户未来的状态㊂文中实验所用的电信客户行为数据来源于美国DUKE 大学,其中训练集共100000个样本,包含流失客户49562个,非流失客户50438个,两类客户的比例基本为1∶1;测试集共51306个样本,包含流失客户924个,非流失客户49514个,客户流失率为1.8%,数据类别严重不平衡㊂原始数据中部分属性存在缺失的情况,通过删除缺失率过高的属性以及填充缺失率较低的属性,共取得87个初始属性指标㊂4.2 预测算法和模型评价实验分别采用Logistic 回归㊁朴素贝叶斯和决策树3种常用算法构建预测模型,与深度神经网络预测模型进行对比,并从精确率㊁召回率㊁准确率㊁提升系数和F 1值5个方面评价模型预测结果㊂由表1可知,精确率=A /(A +C );召回率=A /(A +B );准确率=(A +D )/(A +B +C +D );提升系数=精确度/测试集的客户流失率;F 1=(2*精确率*召回率)/(精确率+召回率)㊂表1 混淆矩阵客户实际状态预测流失预测非流失流失A B 非流失CD4.3 实验环境实验所用的Logistic 回归㊁朴素贝叶斯和决策树等算法的实现主要使用基于Python 的机器学习库Scikit -Learn ㊂数据预处理主要使用Pandas 数据分析库㊂实验所用电脑的内存是16G ,处理器是Intel (R )Xeon (R )CPU E 5-1603v 3,操作系统为Win 764位㊂支持向量机也是客户流失预测中常用的方法,但是在现有的硬件条件下,在实验所用的数据集上,支持向量机不能在有效时间内计算出结果,因此没有选择支持向量机作为对比算法㊂4.4 实验结果分析深度神经网络的预测效果与网络的学习率相关,实验通过设定步长和搜索范围,经过多次对比,确定了预测效果较好的学习率为0.002㊂不同模型的预测结果如表2所示㊂表2 不同模型的预测结果预测算法精确率召回率准确率提升系数F 1DNN 0.02220.41990.65721.23530.0423Logistic 回归0.02120.51080.56741.17980.0408朴素贝叶斯0.01890.82680.22471.05050.0370决策树0.02070.53460.53571.14850.0398 由表2可知,深度神经网络(DNN )具有较好的预测结果㊂对比数据发现:在精确率上,DNN 的结果相对较好,分别比Logistic 回归等三种算法高出0.1%㊁0.33%㊁0.15%㊂精确率表示预测为流失客户的样本中的正确率,DNN 的精确率最高,表明在预测为流失客户的样本集中,DNN 预测正确的比例相对更高;在召回率上,DNN 的结果低于其他三种算法,说明DNN 在实际流失的样本集中,预测正确的比例较低;在准确率上,DNN 的表现也优于其他三种算法,说明DNN 预测正确的流失样本与非流失样本的数量更多;在提升系数上,DNN 的表现同样优于其他三种算法,提升效果明显;在F 1值上,DNN 的结果同样优于其他三种算法,F 1值是精确率和召回率的一种加权平均,DNN 的精确率比其他算法高,召回率比其他算法低,但F 1值最高,同时测试数据具有严重的类别不平衡性,说明DNN 的综合性能更优㊂㊃97㊃ 第9期 马文斌等:基于深度神经网络的客户流失预测模型朴素贝叶斯模型的召回率高达0.8268,但精确度㊁F1值在四个预测模型中最低,说明朴素贝叶斯模型预测错误的非流失客户更多,模型的整体性能不高㊂整体而言,与经过特征选择的Logistic回归等模型相比,DNN具有较好的预测效果㊂5摇结束语客户流失预测是一个不断发展的问题,过去的研究成果解决了客户流失预测领域的一些重要问题,但随着大数据时代的来临,客户流失预测出现了新的特点,例如数据的超大规模㊁更高的复杂性等,对经典的预测方法提出了挑战,需要新的方法来应对变化㊂深度学习在处理大数据方面具有很大的优势,在图像㊁语音㊁自然语言处理等领域取得了较为显著的成果,但在客户流失预测方面的研究较少㊂为探究深度学习在客户流失预测上的效果,构造了包含3个隐层的深度神经网络,并在某电信客户数据集上与Logistic回归㊁决策树等常用预测算法进行对比,实验结果表明,与经过特征选择的Logistic回归等模型相比,构造的深度神经模型拥有较好的预测效果㊂由于条件所限,未能构建拥有更多隐层的深度神经网络模型,也未能在更大规模的数据集上验证深度神经网络的有效性㊂下一步,将探究更深层神经网络的性能以及卷积神经网络等经典模型在网络客户流失预测上的应用,并搜集更大规模的数据用于分析预测大数据环境下的客户流失问题㊂参考文献:[1] 姜晓娟,郭一娜.基于改进聚类的电信客户流失预测分析[J].太原理工大学学报,2014,45(4):532-536. 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关键词:客户价值,RFM模型,信息增益,神经网络,属性选择,零售业AbstractResearch on Customer Churn Early-warningBased on Neural NetworkIn nowadays, the market demands are changing continuously and the market is full of competition, so minimizing the loss of customers is an essential method for enterprises to win the market shares and successes. Since we acceded in WTO, domestic industries have been facing on the increasing challenges from abroad for the opening of the market, which aggravates the contest on customer resources. Meanwhile, the development of information technology brings electronic commerce. Owing to the network marketing’s advantages, the suppliers are accounted as opponents by enterprises, and this situation is especially severe for the retailers. For above reason, customer analysis is necessary and urgent in retailing.The point to decrease the loss of customers is early warning, which always take advantages of data mining technology. The work in this article is conducted on the framework of customer relations management, researching the early warning on customer losses by means of data mining technology. At first, relevant basic theory on customer relation management is reviewed in this article, including the definition, reason and management of the loss of customers. Then discussions on customer values and some kinds of algorithms are demonstrated. Secondly, the early warning model is constructed base on RFM customer values and IG-NN attributes selection. In this model RFM is used to calculate customer values, and the main attributes are selected according to the information gains. The neural net analyses all main attributes’ contributions on the loss rate of customers and then gives the key attributes in accordance with the Rule of two eight. Another neural net is trainedusing customer values and key attributes as inputs and loss rate of the customers as output, so we say the constructed model is based on RFM customer values and IG-NN attributes selections. Comparisons between our model with single neural net as well as that only base on IG-NN attributes selections are also done in this article. The results show that our model is more satisfactory than those two on the aspects of accuracy, hit rate and speed improvement. The last part is the conclusion and some discussion on future researches.Key words:Customer value ,RFM model ,Information gain,Retali businessNeural network ,Attribute selection目录第1章绪论 (1)1.1研究背景、目的、意义 (1)1.2研究方法 (2)1.3论文的组织结构 (3)1.4论文创新点 (4)第2章文献综述 (5)2.1客户关系管理理论 (5)2.2客户流失理论 (7)2.3客户价值理论 (12)2.4数据挖掘 (17)第3章零售业客户流失预警模型的构建 (30)3.1客户流失预警的概念及其内容 (30)3.2客户流失预测系统的结构及功能 (31)3.3客户价值计算及属性选择 (34)3.4构建零售企业预测客户流失概率的BP网络模型 (37)第4章实证分析 (43)4.1数据准备 (43)4.2属性选择 (46)4.3计算客户流失概率 (50)4.4客户价值与客户流失概率相关性分析 (52)4.5模型评估 (53)结论与展望 (56)参考文献 (58)致谢 (62)第1章绪论1.1 研究背景、目的、意义市场中存在着各行各业,零售企业是指那些专门从事采购日用品及非生产性消费品,并连同一定的服务将它们向最终消费者出售的营利性经济组织[1]。



基于神经网络模型的客户流失分析研究第一章绪论1.1 研究背景客户流失是企业面临的一个难题,对企业的经营和发展都有不利影响。




1.2 研究目的本文旨在探讨基于神经网络模型的客户流失分析方法,以提高企业对客户流失的预警和防范能力,增强企业竞争力。

1.3 研究内容1)回顾客户流失的研究现状和问题2)介绍神经网络模型的原理和应用3)提出基于神经网络模型的客户流失分析方法4)实证分析和结果讨论5)总结和展望第二章客户流失的研究现状和问题2.1 客户流失的概念客户流失是指原本使用某企业产品或服务的客户不再使用或购买该产品或服务,包括永久性和暂时性的流失。

2.2 客户流失的原因客户流失有多种原因,包括:产品价值不足、服务质量下降、竞争对手优势、个人喜好变化等。

2.3 客户流失的影响客户流失对企业经营和发展产生不利影响,包括:减少收入、增加营销成本、降低品牌形象、损害企业声誉等。

2.4 客户流失的研究现状在客户流失的研究中,传统的统计学方法主要集中在描述性统计和因果关系的分析,而在机器学习和大数据时代,基于数据挖掘和深度学习的方法受到越来越多的关注。

2.5 客户流失的问题客户流失的问题主要包括以下几个方面:1)数据质量的不稳定,可能带来预测偏差和误解。



第三章神经网络模型的原理和应用3.1 神经网络模型的基本原理神经网络模型是一种模拟人脑神经元对信息进行处理的数学模型,其基本原理是通过数据的训练,对隐含于数据中的模式进行识别和分类,从而构建一个具有自我学习和发现能力的模型。

3.2 神经网络模型的应用神经网络模型已在很多领域得到广泛应用,包括图像识别、自然语言处理、语音识别、财务分析等。









三、数据挖掘与银行客户流失预测1. 数据来源与处理本研究所用数据来源于某银行的客户数据仓库,包括客户基本信息、交易信息、偏好信息等。


2. 算法选择与实现本研究的算法主要采用了决策树、随机森林和逻辑回归等模型进行客户流失预测。


3. 特征选择与解释在数据挖掘过程中,我们选取了多种与客户流失相关的特征,如客户活跃度、交易频率、产品使用情况等。


四、实验结果与分析1. 模型性能评估通过对模型的训练和测试,我们发现随机森林算法在预测客户流失方面具有较高的准确率。


2. 关键因素分析通过算法分析和解释,我们发现客户活跃度和交易频率是影响客户流失的关键因素。




I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2019, 7, 10-19Published Online July 2019 in MECS (/)DOI: 10.5815/ijisa.2019.07.02Enhanced Deep Feed Forward Neural Network Model for the Customer Attrition Analysis inBanking SectorSandeepkumar hegdeNMAM Institute of Technology, Department of Computer Science, Nitte, 574110, IndiaE-mail: sandeep.hegdey@Monica R MundadaMSR Institute of Technology, Department of Computer Science, Bangalore, 560054, IndiaE-mail: monica@Received: 30 November 2018; Accepted: 13 February 2019; Published: 08 July 2019Abstract—In the present era with the development of the innovation and the globalization, attrition of customer is considered as the vital metric which decides the incomes and gainfulness of the association. It is relevant for all the business spaces regardless of the measure of the business notwithstanding including the new companies. As per the business organization, about 65% of income comes from the customer's client. The objective of the customer attrition analysis is to anticipate the client who is probably going to exit from the present business association. The attrition analysis also termed as churn analysis. The point of this paper is to assemble a precise prescient model using the Enhanced Deep Feed Forward Neural Network Model to predict the customer whittling down in the Banking Domain. The result obtained through the proposed model is compared with various classes of machine learning algorithms Logistic regression, Decision tree, Gaussian Naïve Bayes Algorithm, and Artificial Neural Network. The outcome demonstrates that the proposed Enhanced Deep Feed Forward Neural Network Model performs best in accuracy compared with the existing machine learning model in predicting the customer attrition rate with the Banking Sector.Index Terms—Enhanced Deep Feed Forward Neural Network, Customer Attrition, Machine Learning, Predictive Model, Banking Sector.I.I NTRODUCTIONIn this aggressive business time because of the quick development in the innovation and globalization, maintenance of the gainful customer is considered as one of the challenging tasks for the Business Organization. The customer steady loss examination can be connected to all the business divisions like Telecom, Marketing, Bank, Insurance wherever there is a reliance on the cooperation of the customer. Since it is considered as obtaining the new customer is multiple times costly than holding the current customer. Thus all the Business Organization concentrating on the issues of the customer wearing down to hold the most gainful customer to build their efficiency and gainfulness[1]. Customer attrition analysis additionally considered as one of the critical research inclines in information science. On the off chance that the situation of keeping money area is considered, as there is an enormous number of customer joined to the specific Banking organization, the measure of the customer portrayal information might be greater. This information can be utilized to anticipate the customer weakening factors by discovering the hidden patterns in these data to identify the reason behind customer attrition, consequently, it can enhance the productivity of the Banking Organization. Since the collected information is in crude shape, effective machine learning calculations are required to find the significant patterns from this information. In the Banking Organization, customer attrition or the churn of the customer are those who stop doing business with their current Banking Organization and furthermore the individuals who close his all accounts with the bank. All ready many Research has been carried out in the area of customer attrition in different domains like telecom, insurance, retail sector utilizing the different class of machine learning algorithms. In the Banking domain, there are just a couple of research work has been conveyed. As there is an expansion in globalization and the financial market, the Banking Organization need to build up the customer based systems so as to contend in the competitive business era. Longer the bank holds its significant customer, more prominent benefits and income the bank can make. The forecasting of customer attrition rate is a critical factor Banking Sector to hold its productive clients and to sustain in the aggressive market[2]. According to the Banking statistics, the customer attrition rate in the Banking sector is raised from 20% to 30% which is a very big concern for the Banking organization. Since the customer will in generalchange their Banks where they can buy the equivalent indistinguishable Banking Products, the Bank needs to foresee ahead of time the customer who is probably going to switch. In the proposed work the Enhanced Deep Feed Forward Neural Network based model is implemented. The profound neural system predicts customer attrition in the Banking Sector. The Deep Feed Forward Neural Network considered as one of the potential predictive models in the current era [3]. It is considered as the multi-layered neural network to perform predictive analytics. The Deep Feed Forward Neural Network is also known as Multi-Layer Perceptron. Here the data will flow in only one direction and intermediate computations are done via the multi-layered neurons. The various weights are assigned to the features of the dataset. The more weights are assigned to the feature which is crucial in determining the prediction. The proposed research work is novel idea towards the customer attrition prediction in the Banking sector. The goal of the proposed research work is to use optimized one hot encoding and Tukey outliers algorithms to perform the intelligent feature selection and the preprocessing using the proposed model. The proposed work is also aimed at performing the greedy forward selection from the encoded data to select only the best-encoded features which enhance the accuracy of the model In the proposed work the hyperparameter of the neural network model is automatically tuned and learning rate of the model is controlled through the novel Adam optimizer algorithm. Hence the traditional deep feed-forward neural network model is enhanced to forecast optimally the customer attrition rate in the Banking Sector.The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 explores the various literature reviews on the related work. Section 3 explains the various research objectives of the proposed work. Section 4 and 5 illustrates the methodology and results of the proposed work. Section 6 explores the conclusion and future work.II.R ELATED W ORKSThis segment investigates on the related work which has been as of now done in the territory of customer attrition analysis forecast utilizing different classes of machine learning model in the different area, for example, telecom, retail industry, and Banking domains.In [4] the customer attrition model is implemented using the decision tree for the Banking domain. One of the fundamental points in utilizing the decision tree is it is easy to build and interpret this model. The CRISP technique is utilized in building the prescient model. The models are validated using the Receiver operating characteristic curve. The feature determinations are done by using the technique of forwarding selection and backward elimination. An exactness of 85% is acquired with this model when the model is presented to the set number of data. In any case, the restriction of the work is, as the colossal volume of the data is more, the execution of the model debases because of the overfitting of the tree. The Artificial neural network based model is implemented in [5] to predict the customer attrition in the Banking segment. The Bank dataset was taken from the UCI website. The proposed research work is implemented in rapid miner simulator. The Neural Network model is built using 3 hidden layers with nine input neuron, and 2 output neuron to yield the outcome. The general exactness of 78.18% is gotten with this model.In [6] hybrid combination of Support vector machine with random forest are used to predict the customer attrition. The support vector machine is an administered learning technique where hyperplanes are utilized to separate between various classes. The point is to make the biggest edge with hyperplane to separate between the classes in high dimensional space. Bigger the edge, bring down the mistake on prediction result. In the random forest, ensembling systems are pursued where as opposed to building the single model, numerous models are assembled, the exactness of these models are combined to get a more steady forecast. The proposed work is done by using the MATLAB tool where dataset had 3333 rows and the aggregate of 21 properties. The ensemble model obtained a satisfactory result compared with the individual model.The customer attrition model is implemented utilizing the blend of the diverse machine learning algorithms in [7].The investigation is carried out using the collaboration of JRip algorithm and K means clustering. The work is conducted in the WEKA simulation tool. The dataset was collected from the banks of Nigeria. The dataset had about one lakh client record with 11 distinct properties. The dataset was preprocessed using the weka software. Dataset was partitioned into the train and test sets and models were trained using the training examples. To start with, the informational collection is passed to the k implies bunches, after creating the distinctive arrangement of groups, the information are broke down utilizing JRIP classifier. The model gave valuable learning to the bank which is helpful information with respect to value-based conduct of customers which, helped the banks to examine the churners.In [8] Neural Network model is implemented using Alyuda Neuro Intelligence simulator to predict the customer attrition. The idea behind the model was that the model forecasted the attrition result based on the on the quantity of the product selected by the customer. In the event that the customer utilizes under 3 products of the Bank, such customers are anticipated as churners. The Neural simulator is built having 3 hidden layers with eight neurons, four neurons, and two neurons in each of the hidden layers and it is presumed that individuals who are youthful and having under three products of the bank are probably going to be churners.In [9] the churn predictions are performed using deep learning models for the telecom space. Three profound neural systems convolution neural network, feed-forward neural system, Large Feedforward neural are framed. The two diverse telecom informational datasets are passed to these profound learning models. An exactness of 71.66% is acquired with Large feed forward neural system andconvolution neural system. Test results demonstrate that the profound learning models perform similarly as SVM. The idea of customer attrition analysis even connected to the domain of telecommunication. In [10] the customer churn analysis is made using the diverse set of machine learning algorithms Naïve Bayes, Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, and Artificial Neural Network. The information is gathered from the five media transmission organization. The rapid miner simulator is used to build the model. The information is pre-processed, information types are changed over into the numeric qualities for the predictive analysis. Before passing the information to the machine learning model, the FP Growth algorithms are used to get the relationship between the qualities. A similar investigation is made by running the informational collection utilizing five diverse models. The C5.0 furnished the ideal exactness of 85 %.In [11] customer churn is predicted using the extreme gradient boosting algorithm (XGBoost). The transactional and subscription data considered as input to the model. The informational collection is separated into Training and Test set. The model is validated using a cross-validation technique. The dataset is also validated using log loss model. The data set had 208 features. The features which expand the precision of the model are held and undesirable are disposed of. The model implemented using XGBoost library utilizing the Python. Overall exactness/accuracy of 79.7% is acquired with the test information.In [12] Customer attrition related to the retail sector are analyzed using deep learning based model. The profound learning models are shaped utilizing a limited Restricted Boltzmann machine(RBM) and convolution neural network(CNN). The POS value-based data sets are used to conduct the experiment. The dataset has undergone the procedure of ETL. Anomalies are expelled from the dataset before isolating the dataset into preparing and testing. After the evacuation of exceptions, the informational collection is partitioned arbitrarily in 75:25 proportion where 75 show training set and 25 demonstrate the test set. The informational dataset is passed as input to the Restricted Boltzmann machine and the convolution neural network. The point is to check whether accuracy is reliant on chronicled information. Total 30 iterations carried through the training set and sigmoid is used as activation function, an accuracy of 74% is achieved. Using RBM an accuracy of 83% is accomplished.In [13] churn analysis for the telecom information is made using the PSO based simulated annealing. The prescient exactness of the proposed methodology is compared with the decision tree, Naive Bayes, support vector machine, K-nearest neighbor, random forest. Trial results uncover that the execution of the proposed metaheuristics is progressively productive contrasted with the other machine learning model.In [14] the customer attritions in the telecom sector is made using the firefly algorithm. Each firefly is contrasted with each other firefly with dependent on the power of the light. Firefly calculation due to their metaheuristic nature can distinguish ideal arrangement viable. The investigation is led on the orange informational dataset of French telecom organization. The power of the firefly is processed utilizing reenacted toughening. The real disadvantage of these algorithms is the colossal computational prerequisite, where Firefly should be contrasted and each other firefly on every emphasis.In [15] dynamic behavioral model is proposed to predict the churn rate in the financial sector. The dynamic model is implemented based on behavioral traits and spatio temporal patterns. The credit card transactional data from the major financial institution are used to conduct the experiment. In the proposed paper new entropy of choice based feature selection method is implemented to select the useful features from the given data set. The experimental results show that the proposed dynamic behavioral model performed significantly better than the traditional way of predicting the churn rate in the financial sector.In [16] a big analytics based framework is implemented to predict the churn rate among retiree segment in the Canadian banking industry. The proposed model is built in the Hadoop platform using the decision tree algorithm. The main objective of the paper was to construct the predictive churn data model by utilizing the big data. Hence 3 million customer record is collected from the various sources like online web pages. The SAS business intelligence software is used to analyze the input data set. The experimental results showed that the proposed model performed better result in terms of accuracy compared to the existing approaches.III.O BJECTIVE OF THE W ORKAccording to the writing review completed in the segment 2 it has been seen that the current machine learning based model which are connected to foresee the churn prediction are computationally costly in nature since it needs to emphasize over the extensive volume of preparing dataset until the point that the model merges and another issue with these model is it performs inadequately with high –dimensional client information and furthermore these model are one-sided with the classes that have a substantial number of case. Thus they will, in general, foresee the dominant part class information, not with minority class information. Subsequently to defeat these issues the proposed work is conveyed with the following objectives.1) To use optimized one hot encoding and Tukey outliers algorithms to perform the feature selection and the preprocessing.2) To Perform the greedy forward feature selection on this encoded information to select the best feature to enhance the accuracy of the prediction result3) To tune the hyperparameter of the proposed model automatically during the model preparing process.4) To achieve ideal accuracy with machine learningmodel utilizing powerful enhancement technique like Adam optimizer.IV.P ROPOSED M ETHODOLOGYIn the proposed work Enhanced Deep Feed Forward Neural Network(EDFFNN) based model are built to forecast the customer attrition in the Banking sector. The customer churn data set is taken from the UCI machine learning archive. The dataset has total 10,000 customer churn data with 14 dimensions of features. The Exit variable of the dataset indicates the customer churn where twofold factor 0 shows that the customer remain and 1 demonstrate that the customer leaves the current Banking Organization.Fig.1. Proposed architecture DiagramThe architectural design of the proposed methodology is as appeared in figure 1 underneath. As a component of the initial step, the customer churn information is passed as input to the proposed Model. The pre-processing stage includes outlier detection using the Tukey outlier detection algorithm[17]. The Tukey Outlier works based on the Interquartile range (IQR) to distinguish the outliers in the given dataset. This technique does not rely upon any standard deviation or the factual mean and henceforth the extraordinary scope of qualities in the given informational collection can be dealt with utilizing this calculation. The autonomous variable of the dataset like the client id, surname, and column number isn't considered as there is no effect on the needy variable. Since the model needs the contributions to numerical information, the dataset is encoded where the straight out information is changed over into numerical information utilizing one hot encoding and mark encoding procedure. It is one of the methods utilized to get higher performance[18].The advantage of data exploration is the relation between the data is visually represented in terms of the graphs or the diagram. Since this present reality dataset has highlighted with high variability in their sizes, ranges, and the units, standardization must be performed to scale the element which is unessential or deluding. The Euclidean distance between the data features are measured and then it will be normalized. It is a vital step which can be connected to standardization of the information and to scale up the highlights for the quicker computation[19]. As the standardization and feature scaling on the given dataset completed, model is built using deep feed-forward neural network algorithm by bringing in the keras library with the input layer, output layer and hidden layers in it. The Deep Feed Forward Neural Network model is implemented with 5 hidden layers in it. Each of the hidden layers contains six internal nodes in it which are made dependent on the number of features in the data set.The Weights are instantiated automatically utilizing the kernel initializer. The activation function is used in the Neural Network to achieve non-linear behavior otherwise it acts like a simple linear regression model or the linear model. The role and softmax are used as activation function for the hidden layers, which is optimal[20] where the problem of vanishing gradient are avoided. The sigmoid activation function performs best in the output layer, hence the same activation function is applied to the output layer. The sigmoid activation function ranges between [0,1].To test the precision of the model, a whole dataset is portioned into 2 sections. In the greater part, 80% of the information is kept for training model and 20% of the data set is passed as the input test set for the model. The primary reason behind this is to avoid data overfitting.The Neural Network model is initialized with weights using an adaptive weight strategy where weights are automatically assigned to the data features of the neural network node and the learning rates are controlled using Adam optimizer algorithms. The expansion of the traditional stochastic gradient descent is Adam optimizer which is used in deep learning based model. The Adam optimization algorithm requires less memory space and at the same time, it is computationally efficient. The performance of Adam optimizer is better than RMSProp[21]. The Adam optimizer is well suited for the problems wherever there is sparse or noisy data and also it requires the lesser hyperparameter. One more advantage of using Adam optimizer is the learning rate which is automatically tuned based on thenetworkweights.In the proposed EDFFNN model the log loss based binary_crossentropy is made use to quantify the performance of the model. The binary_crossentropy yields the result in binary 0 and 1. The loss will increases if the prediction result deviates from the actual results. In order to avoid the overfitting and the underfitting problems of the machine learning model, the validation data sets are used. The proposed neural network model is continuously trained using the training example with a total of 100 epochs. The epoch indicates the forward and backward pass through the training examples. The Batch size indicates the total number of training instances involved in the given epoch. As increasing the size of the batch the more memory spaces occupation increases. The anticipated prediction result is changed in to genuine if the expectation of the prediction outcome >0.5 else it is considered as False. On the off chance that the ideal precision is not gotten, the hyperparameter of the profound learning models like the input layers, number of units of the node in the layers, kernel_intializers are refreshed until the point that the ideal exactness is acquired.The steps profound in building the neural network model is as follows.Stage 1: The input layer of the neural network node are fed with features of the data sets as indicated in equation 1 below.N[0]= F (1)where N indicates the input node of the neural network and F indicate the features passed through the node.Stage 2: The feature weights are assigned to each of the neural nodes which is dot product between weights and the features indicated in equation 2 below.N[i]= Weight[i]*F (2)Equation 2 illustrates that input features are multiplied with weights. The value of the weight depends on the feature importance.Stage 3: The edge is created between the input layer and the hidden layer by using equation 3 below.input_hidden_layer= Weight[i]* F (3)Stage 4: The hidden layers are activated by using ReLu and softmax activation functions. The layers are activated from left to the right for the forward propagation as shown in equation 4 and 5 below.activation_hidden_layers=ReLu(hidden_layer) (4)activation_hidden_layers=Softmax(hidden_layer) (5)Stage 5: The input to the output layer is the dot product between the hidden layer activation and weighted feature as indicated in equation 6 below.Input_output_layer=(activation_hidden_layers*Weight[i]) (6)Step 6: The error propagated by subtracting the actual result with the obtained resultErr=Actual output-Predicted output (7)Step 7: The feature Weights are automatically updated using optimal adaptive Adam optimization strategy. The weights are tuned using learning rate as a measure.Step 8: Repeat the step number from 1 to 5 and an adaptive weighting strategy is continuously applied using Adam optimizer algorithmsStep 9: The entire training set is gone through the process of the deep feed-forward neural network and theuntil the point when it results in maximal accuracy with prediction result.V.R ESULT AND D ISCUSSIONTo assess the prediction accuracy of the proposed enhance deep feed-forward neural network model, the whole data set is portioned in training and test set with the proportion of 80: 20. The model is prepared/trained using 80% of the preparation/training precedents. The test sets are passed to the proposed model in order to test or to validate the models. The results obtained through prediction are compared with actual figures/statistics. The validation of the model is done using the parameters ROC curve, F1 score, recall, precision and confusion matrix to avoid the data overfitting and underfitting and biased result.The F1 score is viewed as critical to identify the Biased prediction result with the given Model. It works based on the false positive and false positive statistics of the prediction model. The equation to ascertain the F1 score is given underneath.F1Score=2* (Precision*Recall)/(Precision+Recall) (8)The confusion matrix is one more measure to evaluate the correctness of the machine learning model. The outcome with the confusion matrix is a false negative, false positive, true positive and true negative. The predictive accuracy of the classification model can also be validated using ROC(Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve. It indicates the relations between recall and precision value. It represents the false positive in terms of X-axis and true positives in Y-axis. The ROC curves are quantified by total AUC rate(Area under curve) which ranges between 0 and 1.The section below explores on results obtained through the proposed enhanced deep feed-forward neural network model when the Bank churn data set are passed as inputto this model.The proposed Enhanced deep feed-forward neural network model built with five layers in it. Every layer of the neural network is implemented with six nodes. The number of neural nodes is dependent on the dimension and features of the data set. The Bank churn data set is passed as input to the model. The entire data set is divided into 10 different batches. Total of 100 epochs done through the batches. The model epoch and model accuracy diagrams got through the proposed model is as appeared in figure 2 and 3 underneath.Fig.2. Model Epoch Vs Accuracy with EDFFNNFigure 2 indicates that the accuracy of 86.23% is obtained through the training set and 85.29% accuracy achieved with test data.Fig.3. Model Epoch Vs loss with EDFFNNFigure 3 shows that as epochs carried through the training examples and there is a decrement in the model loss hence the increase in accuracy. The model is trained by tracing 100 epochs through the training examples. The model epoch and loss graph indicate that at the 100th epoch the loss with respect to model is below 5% in training data and it is 10% with test data.The confusion matrix results of the proposed EDFFNN model is as shown in table 1 below. There are 82 False negative and 196 False positive, 209 True positive and 1513 True negative prediction are obtained with the proposed model.Table 1. Confusion matrix with the proposed EDFFNN.The ROC curve for the proposed EDFFNN is shown in Figure 4. The area under the curve rate of 0.865 is achieved with the proposed model.Fig.4. ROC curve of EDFFNNThe Recall, F1 score and Precision values of the proposed model are indicated in table 2. The value 0 in the table below indicate the customer who likely to continue with the same Banking organization and value 1 indicate the customer who is churners may likely to exit the current Banking organization.Table 2. Precision, Recall, F1 score and Supportwith proposed EDFFNNThe comparative analysis is done with the result obtained through the proposed deep feed-forward neural network with the other machine learning algorithms such as Decision Tree, Logistic Regression, Gaussian Naïve Bayes and Artificial Neural Network. The section below explores the result obtained with this model using the same Bank churn Data set.A. Decision TreeThe Decision Tree is a supervised machine learning algorithm which predicts the class label of given data by applying decision rule. The Decision tree follows the。



林睿; 迟学芝


【作者】林睿; 迟学芝
【作者单位】中国建设银行山东东营257000; 中国石油大学山东东营257000;
1.基于生存分析模型的电信客户流失研究 [J], 张珠香;骆念蓓
2.基于SVM的银行客户流失预测分析——以某商业银行VIP客户流失为例 [J],
3.基于贝叶斯分类算法的客户流失分析模型研究 [J], 郭凯明
4.基于客户流失分析的聚类分析模型的构建 [J], 曾瑞;胡建华;高敏
5.基于客户特征的银行客户流失分析 [J], 田园;



二. 上机内容三. 上机方法与步骤Matlab程序为:load air_data.matx=air_data;plot3(x(:,3),x(:,4),x(:,5),'o') set(gcf,'color','w')title('选取的三个数据')net=selforgmap([8 8]);x1=x(:,3:5);net=train(net,x1);y=net(x1);classes=vec2ind(y);hist(classes,64)set(gcf,'color','w')title('聚类结果')xlabel('类别')ylabel('类别的样本数量')net=selforgmap([1 3])load air_data.matx=air_data;% 训练net.trainParam.epochs=450; %定义最大循环次数ticnet=train(net,x);toc%计算结果y=net(x);classes = vec2ind(y);fprintf('分类结果\n');disp(classes)% 进行画图x1=x(:,classes==1);x2=x(:,classes==2);x3=x(:,classes==3);figureplot(x1(1,:),x1(2,:),'ko')hold onplot(x2(1,:),x2(2,:),'b*')plot(x3(1,:),x3(2,:),'r+')title('竞争神经网络分类')legend('第一类','第二类','第三类')% 客户价值分析及流失预测%% 清空工作空间clear,clcclose all;rng(now)M=4;%% 定义输入样本N = 60;strr ={'1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14','15 ','16','17','18','19','20','21','22','23','24','25','26','27','28 ','29','30','31','32','33','34','35','36','37','38','39','40','41 ','42','43','44','45','46','47','48','49','50','51','52','53','54 ','55','56','57','58','59','60'};load air_data.matx=air_data;data=x(1:60,2:5)';%选取的数据为:会员级别,飞行次数,观测窗口总加权飞行公里数,最后一次乘机时间至观察窗口末端时长%% 创建网络% 2*2 自组织映射网络net = selforgmap([2,2]);我将客户分为四个类别,且所选择的四个数据中,数值越高表示级别次数越大。














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关键词:相关性分析;客户流失;人工神经网络中图分类号:TP183文献标识码:A文章编号:1009-3044(2012)03-0665-03The Analysis Model of the Bank Customer Churn Based on Artificial Neural NetworkLIN Rui1,2, CHI Xue-zhi3(1. China Construction Bank, Dongying 257000, China; 2. China University of Petroleum, Dongying 257000, China; 3. Shandong Police College, Jinan 250014, China)Abstract: For the current customer churn problem of China Construction Bank, using the BP neural network network stability, good learning ability characteristics, through the correlation analysis between the input variables and output variables,establish a bank customer churn analysis model, through this model we can access to the data of customer’s loss, so that the bank make business decisions, retain the user to ensure that bank efficiency is not affected. Experiments show that this model can well predict the loss of bank customers.Key words: correlation analysis; customer’s loss; artificial neural network随着国际金融一体化和网络经济的发展,我国商业银行面临更加激烈的市场竞争,如何有效的应对竞争,抓住给银行带来效益的客户资源,提高中国建设银行的市场份额,增加企业的效益,成为摆在中国建设银行面前的重要课题。










2基于BP人工神经网络的客户流失分析模型2.1在客户流失分析中应用BP人工神经网络BP(Back Propagation)人工神经网络是1986年由Rumelhart和McCelland为首的科学家小组提出,是一种按误差逆传播算法训练的多层前馈网络,是目前应用最广泛的神经网络模型之一。














根据模型中输入层数据的取值范围,模型中在每个隐含节点和输出节点的值都是用Sigmoid转移函数(f( ) x = 1+e-x)计算获得。


2.5 BP人工神经网络训练过程为了对BP人工神经网络进行训练,我们将选取的4412个样本分为两类,其中,70%的用于训练,其余30%用于测试。
















