1. 拆除防护罩。
2. 旋松外侧偏心块加紧螺栓。
3. 两侧偏心块应同方向转动,使轴上刻线对准偏心块上激振力示值线至需要的激振力值处,并检查两端是否为相同的角度。
◆ 尊敬的用户:感谢您选用我公司的产品。
◆ 型号说明*本公司交流振动电机产品以下列符号表示: MVE 激振力(kg)/ 转速 特殊符号3000转/分 300kg 3000转/分 300kg 工作电压 12V表示直流工作电源 表示激振力为200kg表示振动电机◆ 振动电机的使用条件1、环境温度随季节而变化,但一般不应超过 -20℃~+40℃。
3、频率:50 Hz(也可按用户特殊要求设计制造,注意铭牌标征数据应和电源对应)。
4、额定电压:电机功率<4KW 时为220 / 380V,即“△”/ “Y”接法,出厂时按380V,“Y”接法;电机功率≥4KW 时为380/660V。
(也可按用户特殊要求设计制造,注意电源电压应和铭牌或接线图中的接线方法相对应)5、绝缘等级:主体 H 级,接线腔 F 级。
0904 振动电机型号说明 1 振动电机的使用条件6、防护等级:IP65。
◆ 贮存与运输1、本公司生产的振动电机SIZE10~60均采用塑料袋及外加纸箱包装,SIZE70~90采用塑料袋及外加木箱包装,建议用户在贮存过程中不要拆开包装物,确保贮存环境干燥通风,避免环境温度急剧变化。
◆ 振动电机的安装警告!在安装振动电机前,应切断和锁定供给设备的所有能源,并给出警告标志。
坎贝尔科学 AVW1和AVW4振动线接口 使用指南说明书
AVW1 and AVW4Vibrating Wire InterfacesFor monitoring of vibrating wire strain gauges withCampbell Scientific dataloggersBackgroundVibrating wire (or vibrating strip)transducers are commonly used to measure strain, load, pressure and water level. These sensors output a frequency signal generated by a vibrating filament that can be read on any CR510, CR10(X), CR23X,CR800 series, CR1000, CR3000 or CR5000 analogue channel.Because frequencies rather than voltage levels are measured, these transducers are often better suited than 4- or 6-wire resistive bridge transducers for applications in elec-trically noisy environments or those requiring long lead lengths.Vibrating wire transducers also have a reputation for long-term stability.Two measurements are usually made; the first is the frequency of the vibrating wire and the second isan optional temperature measure-ment that allows compensation of the frequency measurement.DescriptionThe AVW1 and AVW4 are used to interface vibrating wire strain gauge sensors to compatible CampbellScientific dataloggers. The AVW1interfaces one sensor (temperature and pressure) to two single-ended datalogger channels. The AVW4interfaces four sensors to eight single-ended channels (not avail-able on the CR510).Power ConsumptionFor Geokon sensors, the current drain during the very short (2.4ms)temperature measurement is 0.4mA or less. The current drain during the vibrating wire measure-ment (170ms to 500ms) is 32mA.There is no quiescent current drain.Some vibrating wire sensors with short leads can be monitored without the AVW1or AVW4. However, the AVW1 and AVW4provide important signal conditioning that has the following functions:plete the thermistor bridge for themeasurement of the sensor’s tempera-ture.2.Convert the swept frequency excitationfrom 2.5V (peak-to-peak) to 5V/12V (peak-to-peak), thus ‘plucking’ the wire harder than the maximum 2.5V switchedexcitation. The result is a larger magni-tude signal for a longer time.NOTE: Sensors which need 5V excitation rather then 12V can also be used with the AVW1 and AVW4.3.Provide transformer isolation to strip offany DC noise on the signal. This improves the ability to detect cycles.4.Provide additional transient protectionfor both the temperature and vibrating wire circuits.Although originally designed specifically for the Geokon 4500 series, the AVW1 and AVW4 have also been used very success-fully with other strain gauge models made by Gauge Technique, Roctest, Slope Indi-cator (VWP series) and Geokon. These manufacturers can provide coefficients for monitoring the output of their sensors with Campbell Scientific systems.An increase in pressure on the diaphragm decreases the tension on the wire attached to the diaphragm. A decrease in the wire tension de-creases the resonant frequency in the same way that loosening a string on a guitar decreases its frequency. Therefore, the resonant frequency of the vibrating wire sensor decreases with increas-ing pressure.The Vibrating Wire Measurement Instruction in the datalogger excites the ‘plucking’ and ‘pickup’coils shown in the diagram with a ‘swept’ fre-quency. The datalogger takes 150ms to sweep through all the frequencies. This swept frequency causes the wire to vibrate at each of the individual frequencies. Ideally, all the frequencies except the one matching the resonant frequency of the wire die out in a very short time. The wire vibrates with the resonant frequency for a relatively longtime, and as it does so it cuts the lines of flux inFrequency MeasurementSweep Frequency Range: 100 – 9900Hz (Optimum performance range >1000Hz)Other specifications depend on datalogger model – see specifications (Period Averaging Measurement) in the datalogger brochure or manual.Although the design of the interface coupling transformer means that optimum performance is achieved at frequencies of 1000Hz or more,sensors which operate at frequencies significantly below this can be used successfully with the AVW1 and AVW4. The actual performance of a given sensor will depend on the response of that sensor to the changing drive waveforms and also on the signal level it returns.See Technical Note 23, available on request,which gives more information on the performance of sensors which operate at frequencies below 1000Hz.Measurement Time: The time required to make one repetition of the vibrating wire measurement is given below:150ms to sweep the frequency +20ms delay+(1.5 cycles + no. of cycles measured) * period of signal in mse.g. 671.5ms for a sensor generating a 1000Hz signal measured for 500 cycles.Need help configuring your system? Call ourengineers for assistance.Diaphragm FilterPlucking andPickup Coils4-Conductor CableStainless Steel Housing Vibrating WireTypical Vibrating Wire SensorNo. of Cycles to Average Time Constant of Resonance: Software programmable from 1 to 9999Reference Accuracy: ±(0.01% of reading + Resolution)Resolution: 60ns divided by the number of cycles measured. Resolution is reduced by signal noise and for signals with a slow transition through the zero voltage threshold.Input Sensitivity for Period Measurement:Depends on datalogger model; see separate datalogger brochures.Temperature MeasurementThermistor Bridge: Optimised for YSI44005/Fenwall 192-302 thermistors. Other temperature sensors can be accommodated by direct connection to datalogger.Multiplexing (not CR510)When used with AM16/32B Analogue Multiplexers one AVW1 can monitor 16 strain gauges plus thermistors, or 32 gauges without thermistors.Several multiplexers can be connected to one AVW1.PhysicalOperating Temperature Range: -25°C to +50°C Size/Weight:AVW1 65 x 65 x 30mm, 0.14kg AVW4 170 x 75 x 30mm, 0.41kgthe ‘plucking’ and ‘pickup’ coils inducing the samefrequency on the leads to the datalogger.After waiting for the non-resonant frequencies to die out (20ms) the datalogger accurately meas-ures how much time it takes to receive a user-specified number of cycles. Knowing the time and the number of cycles, the datalogger then computes the square of the frequency (= 1/T 2 where T is the period in milliseconds).InternalBulkhead Seal。
..................... 2 0.0 简介.............................................................................................................. .................... .................... ....................2 1.0 系统配件 .................................................................................................................... . ......................... 3 标准接收机配件................................................................................................................ ...................... 3 可选接收机组件 ................................................................................................................. . ...................3 2 发射机组件(400 统) 安系统) …….......................................................................... …. ……………………………….3. .2 发射机组件(5000安系统)……
一、安装气动振动器1. 振动器选择:根据您的实际需求选择适合的气动振动器。
2. 安装位置:将振动器安装在合适的位置上。
3. 连接管路:使用适当的管路连接振动器和压缩空气源。
4. 气源准备:确保为振动器提供稳定的干燥压缩空气。
二、使用气动振动器1. 启动和停止:在确保振动器安装正确且连接可靠的情况下,打开气源阀门,使空气进入振动器内部。
2. 振动频率调节:根据需要,可以调节振动器的频率。
3. 维护保养:定期检查和维护振动器,以确保其性能和使用寿命。
在AVITEQ磁力振动器的优点∙在连续工作操作安全∙高水平的具有紧凑的尺寸的性能∙无磨损,无转动部件∙效率∙最新的先进设备,先进的生产工程∙符合所有EC指引,从而影响驱动器∙也可用于有爆炸危险的场所(防爆)∙适用于60 Hz的动力系统和其他电源电压∙运行状态时容易和线性调整∙立即启动/停止切换后∙线性幅度∙可靠的永久使用∙温度开关可选∙特殊的版本可能磁振动器为适合作为用于振动输送的管道和管道,振动过滤器,水去除设备,蜗杆输送机和振动台上的驱动器。
磁振动器弹簧- 质量系统,它总是利用整个振动系统(驱动器和作业装置)的贴近谐振条件。
1. 安全事项....................................................................................................................................1 1.1 重要注意...............................................................................................................................1 1.2 承诺.......................................................................................................................................2 1.3 设备检查和运输说明...........................................................................................................2 2. 系统介绍...................................................................................................................................4 2.1 系统...................................................................................................................
INDUSTRIALVIBRATORSTHE WORLDWIDE LEADER IN VIBRATION TECHNOLOGYIntroMVE Standard RangeMVE-Exe Increased SafetyMVE-Exd Explosion-ProofMVE-Milling Grain ProcessingMVE-SV Screen VibratorMVE-SS Stainless SteelInstallation Technical drawingsCompany profile 4Technical features6Standard specifications7The OLI vibrator range 8Certifications 9How to choose a motovibrator10Standard rated voltages 11Optionals 112 poles 124 poles 146 poles 168 poles 182 poles single-phase20MVE-MICRO 22MVE-DC Direct Current 242 poles 264 poles 286 poles 308 poles 322 and 4 poles 346 and 8 poles 366, 8, 10, 12 poles 384 poles 404, 6, 8 poles 42Mounting 44How to change vibration intensity 46Drawingsextra pageElectric motovibrators 45Originally specialising in immersion vibrators for concrete consolidation, OLI is now the worldwide leader in vibration technology, with a complete range of electric and pneumatic internal and external vibrators .By supplying competitive, high quality products for wide-ranging applications, OLI combines performance and reliability by adapting to the ever-changing market. A strong believer in innovation, OLI is constantly striving to be ahead of the opposition.As a global player in industrial vibration technology, the key focus of OLI’s business strategy is rapid stock delivery, any time, anywhere in the world . Excellent customer service is of pivotal importance: the company guarantees quick order processing and customers worldwide can enjoy access to the same high quality product and services.OLI has access to credible expertise when it comes to finding suitable solutions to customers’ requests. A team of engineers specialised in designing efficient, reliable, and safe solutions backed by globally certified management .OLI provides their customers with state-of-the-art equipment and the blueprint for the next generation of products is already in progress.6PTC thermistor 130 °CSpecific grease retaining deviceTropicalised standardIP66 protectionClass F insulation RELIABILITYEasy mass adjustmentVarious voltages and frequencies availableEasy access to the terminal boxMultiple eye-bolts FLEXIBILITYStandard specifications Array* Except for MVE 710/15N-50A0 and MVE 510/1N-50A078Providing centrifugal force up to 26,000 kgs and with multiple voltage options OLI’s range of electric motovibrators covers several fields of application in every country as well as many different industrial sectors: from food to mining, from foundry to recycling and more.OLI’s electric motovibrators are designed and manufactured using the latest technologies and premium quality materials and components.Vibrator bodies, bearing flanges and shafts are FMEA designed and manufactured using first grade Aluminium alloy, cast iron and steel alloy to withstand heavy duty applications and guarantee safe operation in any condition.Vacuum impregnated windings and class F insulating materials enhance reliability and durability.Top quality bearings and an efficient grease retaining system assure long lasting performance and low noise generation.Adjustable eccentric masses allow easy fine tuning of the Max centrifugal force provided by the vibrator.Several certifications for use in hazardous environments are available in the OLI range to match the most demanding specification worldwide.The OLI Vibrator Rangemass cover fixed massbearingadjustable massshaftrotor flange frame9Grain Processing, Stainless Steel and Screen VibratorCertificationsStandardIncreased SafetyExplosion Proof and Screen VibratorConformity with European Directive - Low voltage 2014/35/UE; Machine Directive 2006/42/EC; ATEX 2014/34/UE - UL 1836. UL 1004-1 - SAC22.2 NO 25. 100. 145* Screen vibrator is also available with the same certifications as the standard, not explosion proof range, mentioned in the first chart of this page.** Soon available.Conformity with European Directive - Low voltage 2014/35/UE; Machine Directive 2006/42/EC; ATEX 2014/34/UE - UL 1836. UL 1004-1 - SAC22.2 NO 25. 100. 145Tx = T100 °C up to size 30 included; T135 °C from size 40 up. T135 °C from size 40 up.Conformity with European Directive - Low voltage 2014/35/UE; Machine Directive 2006/42/EC - ATEX 2014/34/UE - UL 1836. UL 1004-1. UL 674 - CSAC22.2 NO 25. 100. 145Conformity with European Directive - Low voltage 2014/35/UE; Machine Directive 2006/42/EC; ATEX 2014/34/UE* Extended temperature range up to 55 °C available on request.MVE DC Range: II3D Ex tc IIIC T100 IP6610Check the obtained value “e”: •If it is similar to the required one (step 1) the MVE model is correct.• If it is not similar to the required one (step 1) repeat the process (step 2) with a different MVE model.Choose rpm and the amplitude ”e” (0 - peak) suitable for your application:Choose an MVE from the tables of the following pages and use its Wm into this formula:How to choose a motovibrator Circular vibration Linear vibration e = amplitude of vibration 0-peak (mm)n = number of vibrators Wm = working moment (kgcm)M mot = vibrator weight (kg)M vm = vibrating machine weight (without material and vibrators)e =5 n Wm n M mot M vm For tips on installation see page 4411To convert kg into Newton:N =9.81kg»II2D Ex tb IIIC Tx Db IP66»Equipment and protective system intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (Zone 21) - Directive 2014/34/UE »Compliance with Essential Health and Safety Requirements »IEC 60034-1, IEC EN 60079-0, IEC EN 60079-3112Class II Div.2: Temp. Class T4ExII 2D Temp. Class: 100 °C 135 °C* Terminal Connections: Y High Voltage; Δ Low Voltage2 POLES - 3000/3600 rpmSIZE 10A0SIZE 60A0SIZE 105A0NOTE: Dimensions with coarse degree of accuracy related to UNI 22768/1This information is provided without warranty, representation, inducement or licence of any kind. It is accurate to the best OLI knowledge or is obtained from sources believed to be accurate. OLI therefore assumes no legal responsibility.The latest and most updated information are available online.»Class II Div.2 Group F, G T4»Conform to UL 1004-1,UL 1004-3, UL60079-31, UL60079-0, CSA 60079-0, CSA 60079- 31, CSA 22.2 N°100, CSA 22.2 N°7713To convert kg into Newton:N =9.81kg»II2D Ex tb IIIC Tx Db IP66»Equipment and protective system intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (Zone 21) - Directive 2014/34/UE »Compliance with Essential Health and Safety Requirements »IEC 60034-1, IEC EN 60079-0, IEC EN 60079-3114Class II Div.2: Temp. Class T4ExII 2D Temp. Class: 100 °C 135 °C* Terminal Connections: Y High Voltage; Δ Low Voltage4 POLES - 1500/1800 rpmNOTE: Dimensions with coarse degree of accuracy related to UNI 22768/1This information is provided without warranty, representation, inducement or licence of any kind. It is accurate to the best OLI knowledge or is obtained from sources believed to be accurate. OLI therefore assumes no legal responsibility.The latest and most updated information are available online.»Class II Div.2 Group F, G T4»Conform to UL 1004-1,UL 1004-3, UL60079-31, UL60079-0, CSA 60079-0, CSA 60079- 31, CSA 22.2 N°100, CSA 22.2 N°7715To convert kg into Newton:N =9.81kg»II2D Ex tb IIIC Tx Db IP66»Equipment and protective system intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (Zone 21) - Directive 2014/34/UE »Compliance with Essential Health and Safety Requirements »IEC 60034-1, IEC EN 60079-0, IEC EN 60079-3116Class II Div.2: Temp. Class T4ExII 2D Temp. Class: 100 °C 135 °C* Terminal Connections: Y High Voltage; Δ Low Voltage6 POLES - 1000/1200 rpmNOTE: Dimensions with coarse degree of accuracy related to UNI 22768/1This information is provided without warranty, representation, inducement or licence of any kind. It is accurate to the best OLI knowledge or is obtained from sources believed to be accurate. OLI therefore assumes no legal responsibility.The latest and most updated information are available online.»Class II Div.2 Group F, G T4»Conform to UL 1004-1,UL 1004-3, UL60079-31, UL60079-0, CSA 60079-0, CSA 60079- 31, CSA 22.2 N°100, CSA 22.2 N°7717To convert kg into Newton:N =9.81kg»II2D Ex tb IIIC Tx Db IP66»Equipment and protective system intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (Zone 21) - Directive 2014/34/UE »Compliance with Essential Health and Safety Requirements »IEC 60034-1, IEC EN 60079-0, IEC EN 60079-3118Class II Div.2: Temp. Class T4ExII 2D Temp. Class: 100 °C 135 °C* Terminal Connections: Y High Voltage; Δ Low Voltage8 POLES - 750/900 rpmSIZE 40A0SIZE 50A0SIZE 60A0NOTE: Dimensions with coarse degree of accuracy related to UNI 22768/1This information is provided without warranty, representation, inducement or licence of any kind. It is accurate to the best OLI knowledge or is obtained from sources believed to be accurate. OLI therefore assumes no legal responsibility.The latest and most updated information are available online.»Class II Div.2 Group F, G T4»Conform to UL 1004-1,UL 1004-3, UL60079-31, UL60079-0, CSA 60079-0, CSA 60079- 31, CSA 22.2 N°100, CSA 22.2 N°7719IntertekUP TO SIZE 60 (NOT INCLUDED)60Hz masses = 50Hz masses adjusted at 70%ABOVE SIZE 60 (INCLUDED)Specific masses for 60HzTo convert kg into Newton:N =9.81kgMVE STANDARD RANGE»II2D Ex tb IIIC Tx Db IP66»Equipment and protective system intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (Zone 21) - Directive 2014/34/UE»Compliance with Essential Health and Safety Requirements »IEC 60034-1, IEC EN 60079-0, IEC EN 60079-3120Class II Div.2: Temp. Class T4ExII 2D Temp. Class: 100 °C 135 °C2 POLES SINGLE-PHASE - 3000/3600 rpm* NOTE: Capacitor not supplied with vibrator (to be ordered separately)ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSWm (Kgcm)ModelCentrifugal Force (kg)Weight (kg)Input Power (kW)Nominal Current A maxCable GlandCapacitor *50Hz60Hz50Hz60Hz50Hz60Hz50Hz 60Hz50Hz 60Hz 50Hz(230V )60Hz (115V)Metric50Hz (230V)60Hz (115V)1.3 1.0MVE 60/3E-10A0-M MVE 60/36E-10A0-M 667140.080.090.431.03M16 3.0 6.32.0 1.3MVE 100/3E-10A0-M MVE 100/36E-10A0-M 989550.100.110.54 1.30M16 200/3E-20A0-MMVE 200/36E-20A0-M18718970. 2.6MVE 200/3E-23A0-M MVE 200/36E-23A0-M 18718970.180.21 1.14 2.62M208.016.06.4 4.5MVE 300/3E-30A0-M MVE 300/36E-30A0-M 321323100.270.28 1.58 3.43M2012.525.0SIZE 10A0SIZE20A0SIZE 30A0* Terminal Connections: Y High Voltage; Δ Low VoltageNOTE: Dimensions with coarse degree of accuracy related to UNI 22768/1This information is provided without warranty, representation, inducement or licence of any kind. It is accurate to the best OLI knowledge or is obtained from sources believed to be accurate. OLI therefore assumes no legal responsibility. The latest and most updated information are available online.IntertekUP TO SIZE 60 (NOT INCLUDED)60Hz masses = 50Hz masses adjusted at 70%ABOVE SIZE 60 (INCLUDED)Specific masses for 60HzTo convert kg into Newton:N =9.81kgMVE STANDARD RANGEClass II Div.2: Temp. Class T4II 3D Temp. Class: 100 °C 135 °CELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSWm (kgcm)ModelCentrifugal Force (kg)Weight (kg)Input Power(kW)Nominal CurrentA maxCable Gland *50Hz 60Hz50Hz60Hz50Hz60Hz50Hz60Hz50Hz60Hz50Hz (230V)60Hz (115V)Metric0.10.1MVE 3/3E-MICRO-M MVE 3/36E-MICRO-M 46 6/3E-MICRO-M MVE 6/36E-MICRO-M 69 21/3E-MICRO-M MVE 21/36E-MICRO-M 202920. 41/3E-MICRO-M MVE 41/36E-MICRO-M 4565 - 3000/3600 rpmELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSWm (kgcm)ModelCentrifugal Force (kg)Weight (kg)Input Power(kW)Nominal CurrentA max* T e r m i n a l C o n n e c t i o n Cable Gland50Hz60Hz50Hz60Hz50Hz60Hz50Hz60Hz50Hz60Hz50Hz (230V)50Hz (400V)60Hz (460V)Metric0.40.4MVE 21/3E-MICRO MVE 21/36E-MICRO 202920. M160.90.9MVE 41/3E-MICRO MVE41/36E-MICRO 456520.060.060.300.180.18YM16NOTE: Capacitor integrated in the cableTHREE-PHASESINGLE-PHASEMICRO* Terminal Connections: Y High Voltage; Δ Low VoltageNOTE: Dimensions with coarse degree of accuracy related to UNI 22768/1This information is provided without warranty, representation, inducement or licence of any kind. It is accurate to the best OLI knowledge or is obtained from sources believed to be accurate. OLI therefore assumes no legal responsibility. The latest and most updated information are available online.IntertekTo convert kg into Newton:N =9.81kgSIZE 23A0SIZE 40A0SIZE 50A0NOTE: Dimensions with coarse degree of accuracy related to UNI 22768/1This information is provided without warranty, representation, inducement or licence of any kind. It is accurate to the best OLI knowledge or is obtained from sources believed to be accurate. OLI therefore assumes no legal responsibility. The latest and most updated information are available online.Ex II 2G: Temp. Class T3 - ExII 2D Temp. Class: 100 °C 135 °CT4EX e, tE: 52 POLES - 3000/3600 rpmSIZE 40A0SIZE 50A0SIZE 60A0* Terminal Connections: Y High Voltage; Δ Low VoltageTo convert kg into Newton:N =9.81kgNOTE: Dimensions with coarse degree of accuracy related to UNI 22768/1This information is provided without warranty, representation, inducement or licence of any kind. It is accurate to the best OLI knowledge or is obtained from sources believed to be accurate. OLI therefore assumes no legal responsibility. The latest and most updated information are available online.Ex II 2G: Temp. Class T3 - ExII 2D Temp. Class: 100 °C 135 °CT4EX e, tE: 5* Terminal Connections: Y High Voltage; Δ Low Voltage 4 POLES - 1500/1800 rpmSIZE 70A0SIZE 75A0SIZE 80A0To convert kg into Newton:N =9.81kgNOTE: Dimensions with coarse degree of accuracy related to UNI 22768/1This information is provided without warranty, representation, inducement or licence of any kind. It is accurate to the best OLI knowledge or is obtained from sources believed to be accurate. OLI therefore assumes no legal responsibility. The latest and most updated information are available online.Ex II 2G: Temp. Class T3 - ExII 2D Temp. Class: 100 °C 135 °C 6 POLES - 1000/1200 rpmT4EX e, tE: 5* Terminal Connections: Y High Voltage; Δ Low VoltageTo convert kg into Newton:N =9.81kgNOTE: Dimensions with coarse degree of accuracy related to UNI 22768/1This information is provided without warranty, representation, inducement or licence of any kind. It is accurate to the best OLI knowledge or is obtained from sources believed to be accurate. OLI therefore assumes no legal responsibility.»Class I, Div.2 Group A, B, C, D T3 »Class II Div.2 Group F, G T4»Conform to UL 1004-1,UL 1004-3, UL60079-31, UL60079-0, CSA 60079-0, CSA 60079-31, CSA 22.2 N°100, CSA 22.2 N°77, CSA 22.2 N°60079-731The latest and most updated information are available online.»II 2D Ex tb IIIC Tx Db IP66 »II 2G Ex eb IIC T3 Gb»Equipment and protective system intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (Zone 21 - Zone 1) - Directive 2014/34/UE »Compliance with Essential Health and Safety Requirements »IEC 60034-1, IEC EN 60079-0, IEC EN 60079-31, IEC EN 60079-7To convert kg into Newton:N =9.81kg32Ex II 2G: Temp. Class T3 - ExII 2D Temp. Class: 100 °C 135 °CT4EX e, tE: 5* Terminal Connections: Y High Voltage; Δ Low Voltage8 POLES - 750/900 rpmSIZE 80A0SIZE 86A0SIZE 91A0NOTE: Dimensions with coarse degree of accuracy related to UNI 22768/1This information is provided without warranty, representation, inducement or licence of any kind. It is accurate to the best OLI knowledge or is obtained from sources believed to be accurate. OLI therefore assumes no legal responsibility.»Class I, Div.2 Group A, B, C, D T3 »Class II Div.2 Group F, G T4»Conform to UL 1004-1,UL 1004-3, UL60079-31, UL60079-0, CSA 60079-0, CSA 60079-31, CSA 22.2 N°100, CSA 22.2 N°77, CSA 22.2 N°60079-733The latest and most updated information are available online.To convert kg into Newton:N =9.81kg»II 2G Ex db IIB T4 Gb, »II 2D Ex tb IIIC T135°C Db »Ex db IIB T4 Gb»Ex tb IIIC T135°C Db»Ambient temperature from -20°C to +60°C»Compliance with Essential Health and Safety Requirements »IEC EN 60079-0, IEC EN 60079-31, IEC EN 60079-134Ex II 2G: Temp. Class T4Class1 Div.1: Temp. Class T4 Ex II 2D Temp. Class: * Terminal Connections: Y High Voltage; Δ Low VoltageSIZE 50A0NOTE: Dimensions with coarse degree of accuracy related to UNI 22768/1This information is provided without warranty, representation, inducement or licence of any kind. It is accurate to the best OLI knowledge or is obtained from sources believed to be accurate. OLI therefore assumes no legal responsibility.»Class I, Div.1 Group C, D T4 IP66»Conform to UL 1004-1,UL 1004-3,UL1203;UL674,CSA C22.2 No.145, CSA C22.2 No.30-M1986.35The latest and most updated information are available online.»II 2G Ex db IIB T4 Gb,»II 2D Ex tb IIIC T135°C Db»Ex db IIB T4 Gb»Ex tb IIIC T135°C Db»Ambient temperature from -20°C to +60°C»Compliance with Essential Health and Safety Requirements»IEC EN 60079-0, IEC EN 60079-31, IEC EN 60079-136Ex II 2G: Temp. Class T4Class1 Div.1: Temp. Class T4Ex II 2D Temp. Class:* Terminal Connections: Y High Voltage; Δ Low VoltageSIZE 60A0NOTE: Dimensions with coarse degree of accuracy related to UNI 22768/1This information is provided without warranty, representation, inducement or licence of any kind. It is accurate to the best OLI knowledge or is obtained from sources believed to be accurate. OLI therefore assumes no legal responsibility.»Class I, Div.1 Group C, D T4 IP66»Conform to UL 1004-1,UL 1004-3,UL1203;UL674,CSA C22.2 No.145, CSA C22.2 No.30-M1986.37The latest and most updated information are available online.To convert kg into Newton:N =9.81kg»II3D Ex tc IIIC Tx IP66»Equipment and protective system intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (Zone 22) - Directive 2014/34/UE »Compliance with Essential Health and Safety Requirements »EN 60079-0, EN 60079-3138Ex II 3D Temp. Class: 100 °C 135 °C* Terminal Connections: Y High Voltage; Δ Low VoltageMVE-MILLINGNOTE: Dimensions with coarse degree of accuracy related to UNI 22768/1This information is provided without warranty, representation, inducement or licence of any kind. It is accurate to the best OLI knowledge or is obtained from sources believed to be accurate. OLI therefore assumes no legal responsibility.39The latest and most updated information are available online.»Declaration of conformity “type B” according to: 2014/35/UE - 2006/42/EC - EN 60034-1 »Conform to UL1446 and CSA 22.2 No 0-1040To convert kg into Newton:N =9.81kgEx II 2G: Temp. Class T4Class1 Div.1: Temp. Class T4Ex II 2D Temp. Class:* Terminal Connections: Y High Voltage; Δ Low Voltage»II 2G Ex db IIB T4 Gb,»II 2D Ex tb IIIC T135°C Db»Ex db IIB T4 Gb»Ex tb IIIC T135°C Db»Ambient temperature from -20°C to +60°C»Compliance with Essential Health and Safety Requirements»IEC EN 60079-0, IEC EN 60079-31, IEC EN 60079-1SV SIZE 75A0SV SIZE 85A0NOTE: Adjustable centrifugal force.NOTE: The Model name in the standard range is different: the letter “D” changes in “N”.The MVE-SV is available also as “standard” range, with Ex II 3D certification: Ex II 3D Temp. Class: 135 °CElectrical and dimensional specifications are the same as the “explosion proof” range.»II3D Ex tc IIIC Tx IP66»Equipment and protective system intended for use in potentially explosiveatmospheres (Zone 22) - Directive 2014/34/UE»Compliance with Essential Health and Safety Requirements»EN 60079-0, EN 60079-31»Declaration of conformity “type B” according to:2014/35/UE - 2006/42/EC - EN 60034-1»Conform to UL1446 and CSA 22.2 No 0-104 POLES STANDARD RANGE - 1500/1800 rpm41NOTE: Dimensions with coarse degree of accuracy related to UNI 22768/1This information is provided without warranty, representation, inducement or licence of any kind. It is accurate to the best OLI knowledge or is obtained from sources believed to be accurate. OLI therefore assumes no legal responsibility.The latest and most updated information are available online.»Class I, Div.1 Group C, D T4 IP66»Conform to UL 1004-1,UL 1004-3,UL1203;UL674,CSA C22.2 No.145, CSA C22.2 No.30-M1986.To convert kg into Newton:N =9.81kg»II3D Ex tc IIIC Tx IP66»Equipment and protective system intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (Zone 22) - Directive 2014/34/UE »Compliance with Essential Health and Safety Requirements »EN 60079-0, EN 60079-3142Ex II 3D Temp. Class: 100 °C 135 °C* Terminal Connections: Y High Voltage; Δ Low VoltageSIZE 30A0SIZE 50A0NOTE: Dimensions with coarse degree of accuracy related to UNI 22768/1This information is provided without warranty, representation, inducement or licence of any kind. It is accurate to the best OLI knowledge or is obtained from sources believed to be accurate. OLI therefore assumes no legal responsibility.»Declaration of conformity “type B” according to: 2014/35/UE - 2006/42/EC - EN 60034-1 »Conform to UL1446 and CSA 22.2 No 0-1043The latest and most updated information are available online.44The base plate surface where the vibrator is mounted has an allowable tolerance of 0.25mm (0.01in), so that the surfaces rest uniformly against each other to avoid internal tension that may cause breakage of the foot of the vibrator.Use 8.8 type bolts, 8.0 type nuts and flat washers belonging to category A EN ISO 7089 / 7092.The graph below shows the correct torque settings for the different bolt sizes used on the vibrators. MountingVibrator / Machine interfaceFIXING SURFACE FLATNESS TOLERANCETapped threaded borehole+ screw+ flat washerSmooth throughborehole+ screw+ flat washer+ nut and counternutRecommendedHMACHINED & NOT PAINTEDSUPPORT PLATEMax 0.25mm (0.01in)45P2Verify that the voltage and frequency supply match the ones indicated on the rating plate of the electric vibrator.If the vibrator is operated via a variable frequency drive do not run it under 20 Hz and not over the rated frequency.Insert the power cable through the cable gland. The lead-in wires have to be of the eyelet-type, pre-insulated, with a bore that suits the terminals of the junction box in order to prevent overheating of the wire. Use only conductors that have a suitable cross-section.Connect the lead wires to the pins (as shown in the diagram below) and tighten them with the specified torque.Do not forget to fix the earthing cable to the provided studs → Compulsory connection!Before closing the junction box make sure that the cover gasket is properly fitted in order to keep the specified IP protection.For more details on vibrator installation refer to product manuals.All electric vibrators MUST be connected to a suitable external overload protection.When using two electric vibrators in sync, each of them has to be connected to an external overload protection that must be interlocked to make sure both vibrators are stopped if one fails.Always use a thermal-magnetic type vibratorprotection, with delayed cut-off, to avoid stopping the vibrator during start-up when the current draw is higher than the rated running current for a few seconds.Cut-off of the overload protection should be set at a maximum of +10% of the rated current.Electrical connectionTERMINAL CONNECTIONSthe factory preset connection of each vibrator.Overload protection46ADJUSTED MASSESWarning:DO NOT grease new motors before installation.OLI motors with roller bearings leave the factory filledwith the right quantity of grease while those with ballbearing do not need any lubrication. TECHNICAL DRAWINGSE1 C1WHEN YOU NEED IT, WHERE YOU NEED IT.w w w.o l i v i b r a.c o mOLI worldwideOLI HeadquartersVia Canalazzo, 3541036 Medolla (MO) - Italy+39 0535 41 06 11info@。
在2KHz-4KHZ 提升3到6dB,可使声音明亮。
(3)通常Disco厅、交谊舞厅、背景音乐厅等用单声道放音;OK 厅、音乐厅,歌厅等用立体声放音。
On Delay(
Off Delay(
Soft Start(
杰威尔工业 MightyMite 4-杠膝部设备说明书
MIGHTYMITE 4-BAR KNEEINSTRUCTION SHEETNote : Assembly shown above is part number FC100510, which includes the MightyMite Knee (FC100500) and the Pyramid Attachment (FC100501).ItemDescriptionPart No. 1 MightyMite 4-Bar KneeFC100500 2 30mm Bolt for Pyramid Attachment61621 3 20mm Bolt for Slide Attachment 61629 4 20mm Bolt for 4-Hole Attachment 61629 5 20mm Bolt for Threaded Attachment 61629 6 Extension Spring Housing 61611 7 Extension Stop Spring, .210” long 61696 8 Extension Stop Spring, .220” long 61697 9 Spring Guide 61612Extension Assist Spring Color Resistance PartNo. Orange Less61643 Yellow 61644Green61645 Pyramid AttachmentFC1005014-Hole AttachmentFC100503Threaded Attachment FC100504 Slide Attachment FC100502 Extension Assist Spring 61643 through 61646 Locking Bar61635 1 O F 42710 Amnicola Highway Chattanooga, TN 37406 423.624.0946 Fax 423.629.79361) Sagittal Alignment:a) Preflex interface 5 degrees more than measured hip flexion contracture (if any). b) Place ¼” airspace under heel of shoe.c) Find Medial Bisection of interface and use plumb line to project distally. d) Zero pyramid adjustments at ankle.e) Medial Bisection Plumb Line should bisect ankle attachment.f) Centerline of knee attachment should be 20mm anterior of Medial Bisection Plumb Line. 2) Coronal Alignment:a) Project plumb line from socket bisection distally.b) Bi-section of ankle should be placed to desired amount of outset. c) Outset changes with limb length 0-65mm from Ischium.3) Height Adjustment:a) Upper link approximates Knee Center for height measurement.b)Anatomic Knee Center is found halfway between Adductor Tubercle and MTP.1/4" AirspaceUnder Shoe1/4" Airspace Under ShoeBisect Heel2 O F 44) Adjust Initial Flexion Stability:a) Observe patient in parallel bars and flex knee.b) If more stability is needed, first plantarflex foot slightly.c) If still more stability is required, shift interface anterior. 5) Extension/Flexion Friction Adjustment:a) Set Extension/Flexion Friction Adjustment to limit heel rise and terminal impact. b) Selection of extension assist spring will also affect swing rate. 6) Rotation Adjustments:a) 360 degree adjustment is available with proximal attachment bolt.b) Loosen proximal attachment both with 6mm allen wrench, adjust and retighten.c) Proximal attachment works with interference taper which must be cleaned prior to assembly tofunction properly.d) Torque the bolt to 190in-lb (21.5N-m) using a torque wrench.e) Loctite Thread Locker 242 should be applied to the 8mm attachment bolt and on all smallscrews. Do not apply Loctite to the taper. 7) Remove or Install Extension Assist Spring:a) Turning counter-clockwise, remove the Extension Assist Spring Housing, which is threaded intothe distal 22mm Tube Clamp Adaptor.b) Four spring rates are provided, progressing from orange with the least compression resistance, toyellow, then green and finally blue which has the greatest compression resistance.c) Install desired spring with the spring guide in contact with the anterior link and turn housingclockwise until seated. Hand tighten only. Use the hole through the bottom of the spring housing only for removal. Overtightening the spring housing may damage the threads.Installing the spring is easiest when the posterior proximal axle has been removed as described in section 9.d) Caution! If the spring guide is not installed the spring will damage the knee and void thewarranty.e) The Locking Bar replaces the Extension spring to lock the knee at full extension for fitting,training and evaluation. 8) Distal Connection:a) Caution! Do not use spacers or shims if pylon tube is too short, replace with correct lengthpylon tube.b) Loctite Thread Locker 242 should be applied to the 5mm Pinch Bolt and torqued to 7ft-lb/10N-musing a torque wrench.3 O F 4Extension/Flexion Friction AdjustmentProximal Attachment22mm Tube Clamp Adaptor Extension Assist Spring Housing Proximal Attachment Bolt/ Rotation Adjustment9) Replace/Exchange Urethane Bumper a) Remove the Proximal Adaptor.b) Remove Posterior Link set screw using a 3/32” wrench.c) Hyperflex knee as shown below and push out posterior proximal axle. d) Rotate knee top forward as shown to the right. e) Pry out plunger carefully.f) Remove the urethane spring and slide in the new one. Urethanesprings are supplied in two lengths. The longer spring (61697) may be required for high activity levels or where stiffer extension springs are fitted.g) Replace the plunger and rotate the knee top back into hyperflexedpositionh) Line up the shaft holes and slide washers back into place. Reinsert shaft. i) Return knee to extended position. Apply Loctite 242 to the set screw andtighten it back into place.4 O F 4。
振动技术EXTERNAL VIBRATORSMVE型外置式电动振动器MICRO MVE外置式微型电动振动器F.K.P.S.OR.OT 外置式气动振动器CONCRETE VIBRATORSVD 内置振动器(可连致电机)VN(OLI®标准线)和VNP(OLI®专业线)高频内置振动器VP 浸入式气力振动器FLOW AIDSMARTSHORK PS振动气锤PICJET PJ气动助流式振动气锤GUNJET PG 气枪式助流气锤VB,VBE,VBI和VBM振动式助流气碗I100助流气垫U025 助流气嘴振动器和助流器件是正常储藏和有效卸载各种散装物料的重要零件。
OLI 转动振动器在生产中注重组件的搭配精度,要求极高,因而经久耐用,并且该产品很少需要维护,同时维护方法也非常简单。
性能-特性-益处∙电机保护:IP65∙绝缘等级:F∙频率可调∙标准电压:230/400V , 50Hz∙750 - 1,000 - 1,500 - 3,000 R.P.M. (900 - 1200 -1800 - 3600 R.P.M.)∙标准:ATEX ExII3D认证,最大表面温度85°C,适用于尘埃保护zone22∙超高的性价比选项&附件无插头电缆描述MICRO MVE外置式微型电动振动器的特征主要体现在小的总体尺寸和可按重量划分的三种型号:0到5kg;0到20kg;0到40kg。
Wyco Screed King电动振动器操作和维修手册说明书
Single and Double Powerhead Operator’s and Service Manual®CONTENTS INTRODUCTION• (3)SPECIFICATIONS• (3)SAFETY• (4)GENERAL SAFETY• (4)OPERATING SAFETY• (4)STORAGE SAFETY• (5)REFUELING SAFETY• (5)OIL LEVEL CHECK• (5)POWER UNIT ASSEMBLY• (6)PRE-ASSEMBLY• (6)FINAL ASSEMBLY• (6)HANDLE ASSEMBLY• (6)THROTTLE ASSEMBLY• (7)WEIGHT ADJUSTMENT• (8)OTHER SETTINGS• (8)THROTTLE CABLE ADJUSTMENT• (9)ATTACHING THE SCREED BAR• (9)SERIAL NUMBER LOCATION• (10)NOTES• (10)LIMITED WARRANTY• (11)Power Head #1 ModelPower Head # 1 Serial NumberPower Head #2 ModelPower Head # 2 Serial NumberScreed Bar ModelScreed Bar Serial NumberDate PurchasedINTRODUCTIONCongratulations on your choice of a Wyco Screed King power screed to complement your construction operation. This equipment has been designed and manufactured to meet the needs of a discriminating buyer for the e cient nishing of concrete.Safe, e cient and trouble free operation of your Wyco Screed King power screed requires that you and anyone else who will be operating or maintaining the screed, read and understand the Safety, Operation, Maintenance and Trouble Shooting information contained in the Operator’s Manual.Keep this manual handy for frequent reference and to pass on to new operators or owners. Call Wyco Tool or your dealer if you need assistance or information.Operator Orientation - The directions left, right, front and rear as mentioned throughout this manual, areas seen from behind the machine, standing between the handles.SAFETYYOU are responsible for the SAFEoperation and maintenance of yourWyco Screed King power screed. YOUmust ensure that you and anyone else who is going to operate, maintain or work around the screed be familiar with related SAFETY information contained in this manual. This manual will take you step-by-step through your working day and alerts you to all good safety practices that should be adhered to while operating the screed.Remember YOU are the key to safety. Good safety practices not only protect you but also the people around you. Make these practices a working part of your safety program. Be certain that EVERYONE op-erating this equipment is familiar with the recom-mended operating and maintenance procedures and follows all of the safety precautions. Most accidents can be prevented. Do not risk injury or death by ignoring safety practices.*Screed owners must give operating instructions to operators or employees before allowing them to operate the machine, and at least annually there-after.*The most important safety device on this equip-ment is a SAFE operator. It is the operator’s respon-sibility to read and understand ALL Safety and Operating instructions in the manual and to follow these. All accidents can be avoided.*A person who has not read and understood all operating and safety instructions is not quali ed to operate the machine. An untrained operator exposes himself and bystanders to possible serious injury or death.*Do not modify the equipment in any way. Un-authorized modi cation may impair the function and/or safety and could a ect the life of the equip-ment.GENERAL SAFETY1.Read and understand the OperatorsManual and all safety signs before operating, maintaining, adjusting,servicing or cleaning the screed.2.Only trained competent persons shall operate the screed. An untrained operator is not quali- ed to operate the machine.3.Have a rst aid kit available for useshould the need arise and know howto use it.4.Have a re extinguisher available foruse should the need arise and knowhow to use it.5.list includes but is not limited to:-A hard hat-Protective boots with slipresistant soles-Protective goggles-Heavy gloves-Hearing protection6.Stop engine, disconnect spark plug wire andwait for all moving parts to stop before servic-ing, adjusting, repairing or cleaning.7.Wear appropriate hearing protectionwhen operating for long periods oftime8.Review safety related items with all personnelannually.OPERATING SAFETY1.Read and understand the operators manual and all safety signs before operating, servicing, adjusting or cleaning the screed.2.Clear the area of all bystanders before starting.3.Keep hands, feet, hair and clothing away from mov-ing parts.4.Stay away from hot engine components during operation.5.Do not run screed in an explosive atmosphere or in a poorly ventilated or enclosed area.6.Stop engine, disconnect spark plug wire and wait for all moving parts to stop before servicing, adjusting, repairing or cleaning.7.Do not smoke when refueling gas engine. STORAGE SAFETY1.Store unit in an area away from human activity.2.Do not permit children to play around the stored screed.REFUELING SAFETY1.Handle fuel with care. It is highly ammable.2 This is a four cycle engine, use non-mixed gaso-line of no less than 87 octane.3.Allow engine to cool for 5 minutes before refueling. Clean up spilled fuel before restarting engine.4.Do not refuel the machine while smoking or when near open ame or sparks.5.Always use an approved fuel container.6.Fill fuel tank outdoors.7.Prevent res by keeping machine clean of accumu-lated trash, grease and debris.OIL LEVEL CHECKLOWER LIMIT(bottom edge)OIL FILLER HOLE LOCATIONIt is important that the engine oil level be main-tained at the correct level. High or low oil levels will cause permanent damage to the engine requiring replacement. To check the oil level:1.Place the screed board on a at level surface. This will ensure that the engine is in the proper orientation to perform an oil level check2 Carefully unscrew the oil ller cap/dipstick and wipe it clean.3.Insert and remove the oil ller cap/dipstick without screwing it into the oil reservoir neck, then remove it to check the oil level shown on the dipstick.4.If the oil level is near or below the lower limit mark on the dipstick, ll the reservoir to the bottom edge of the oil ll hole with the recommended oil (see Honda engine owners manual). To avoid over lling or under lling, be sure the engine is in a level posi-tion as shown when adding oil5.Reinstall the oil ller cap/dipstick and tighten se-curely..Notice: Running the engine with a low oil level can cause engine damage. This type of damage is not covered by the warranty.POWER UNIT ASSEMBLY PRE-ASSEMBLY1.Check box to make sure all parts were received and undamaged.COMPONENTS IN SHIPPING CONTAINER 2.The tools you will require for assembly are:(1) ⁄ ” Open or box end wrench(1) ⁄ ” Open or box end wrench(1) #2 Flathead screwdriver(1) Slip joint pliersREQUIRED TOOLSFINAL ASSEMBLY HANDLE ASSEMBLYRemove the handles from their shipping position by removing the two top ⁄ ” nuts, the quick re-lease levers and the top handle cap.HANDLE PLATE POSITIONINGInsert the bottom of the handles into the back of the handle plate and replace the top handle cap over the handle. Thread on the two top ⁄ ” nuts. Then install the quick release levers on the top of each bracket. Placing the black hand levers in the lower position will result in handlebar movement.With the lever in the open position thread it through the cap, handle plate and quick release nut, continue threading until tight. When hand tight place the handles at the appropriate height and close the lever.Add the upper handle sections to the lower handle section and secure with the two ⁄ ” fasteners sup-plied.UPPER HANDLE INSERTIONFASTENING UPPER HANDLE THROTTLE ASSEMBLYPlace the throttle lever on the left hand handle just below the hand grip. Position the lever so it clears the handle guard in all positions. Place the lever ring clamp around the handle bar and tighten with a athead screwdriver and adjustable pliers. Use the zip ties provided to keep the throttle cable tight to the handle bars.Check to make sure the throttle adjustment cable’s, cable stop is fully seated into the throttle adjust-ment linkage on the carburetor. The metal cable stop should be completely inside the throttle adjustment linkage as shown.THROTTLE ASSEMBLY LOCATIONCorrectTHROTTLE ASSEMBLY DETAILIf the cable stop is not fully seated, loosen the throttle control adjustment screw and grab the end of the adjustment cable with the slip joint pli-ers. Pull gently on the cable until the cable stop is completely within the throttle adjustment linkage.THROTTLE ASSEMBLY CONNECTIONWith the throttle lever pushed to the far right hold the throttle adjustment cable so there is no slack and then tighten throttle control adjustment screw to clamp the cable in place.WEIGHT ADJUSTMENTThe eccentric weight on the power head is fac-tory set to its maximum force. This setting will settle concrete with a 2” to 8” slump. The only time weight should be adjusted is when the screed is going to be used on unusually high slump con-crete.To change the force of vibration, adjust the posi-tion of the eccentric weight as follows. Using a ¼” Allen key loosen the set screw on the thicker weight. While holding the thick weight stationary with the Allen key turn the thin weight by hand to the desired position.Turning the thin weight clockwise decreases the force, it is zero when the at edge of the thin weight is parallel to the at edge of the thick weight with the set screw.LEAST VIBRATIONTurning the thin weight counter clockwise increas-es the force of vibration until the at edge of the thin weight is ush with the opposite edge of the thick weight.MAXIMUM VIBRATION FACTORY SETTING OTHER SETTINGS¾ VIBRATION½ VIBRATIONTHROTTLE CABLE ADJUSTMENTThe throttle cable on the Screed King comes pre-assembled for your convenience. Over time you may notice that it takes more clicks on the throttle to get to optimum RPM level than when you rst ran the screed. This is normal, over time your throttle cable will stretch.THROTTLE CABLE ADJUSTMENT To adjust your throttle cable to compensate for this stretching, simply locate the barrel adjuster where the cable runs into the underside of the engine and turn it counterclockwise with a 8 mm wrench. Tighten the locknut to hold it in the desired posi-tion.ATTACHING THE SCREED BARLocate the threaded studs on the screed bar and loosen the locking handles. Slide the power head of the screed over the threaded studs. Fasten the power head to the bar using the locking handles and washers provided, as shown below. The washer and lock-washer should contact the silver handles when installing the power unit. Make sure to tighten the bolts fully so they do not vibrate loose during use.ATTACHING THE SCREED BARNOTES SERIAL NUMBER LOCATIONAlways give your dealer, distributor or factory theserial number of your power screed when orderingparts or requesting service or other information.SCREED BAR SERIAL NUMBER LOCATIONThe board serial number is stamped above the“CENTER” sticker.POWER UNIT SERIAL NUMBER LOCATIONThe power head serial number is stamped in thecasting as shown above. Please record both se-rial number on the inside of the front cover in thespace provided.LIMITED WARRANTYWYCO Tool, a Division of Racine Federated Inc. warrants that the products manufactured by it, when properly assembled, used and maintained, shall be free from defects in material or workmanship, and will perform according to the manufacturer’s speci cations under normal conditions, subject to the limitations stated in this Manufacturer’s Limited Warranty.WYCO’s obligation under this warranty shall be limited to repairing or replacing the part or parts, or, at WYCO’s option, the products that prove defective upon return to the manufacturer’s factory. Cost of transportation and other expenses connected with replacing parts are not covered.WYCO’s obligation under this warranty is limited to a period of 24 months from the date of purchase for the power head and 90 days for the screed bar. For the warranty to be valid the registration card must be completion and return within 30 days of shipment of the Screed King power screed.Written authorization from WYCO is required before any product can be returned for warranty consideration. Always obtain a RGA number (Return Goods Authorization) and include it in the address before returning any parts for warranty consideration or chargeable repair.WYCO is not liable for any consequential damages or any contingent liabilities arising out of the failure of product manufactured by it, or any component part or accessory.This Manufacturer’s Limited Warranty is in lieu of all other warranties. All other warranties, either express or implied, arising by operation of law, course of dealing, usage of trade or otherwise are excluded.THERE ARE NO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.No agent, representative or distributor has any authority to alter the terms of this warranty in any way.See our complete statement of warranty at 。
Бакер AWA-IV系列静态电机分析仪介绍说明书
Baker AWA-IV static motor analyzers are the go-to instruments for motor repair, reliability and maintenance professionals who need to understand the electrical condition of motors their organizations depend upon. Weak motor insulation often degrades to the point of causing premature and unexpected motor failure, which in turn can result in costly unplanned downtime of production machinery. The Baker AWA-IV is a fully-automated motor analyzer that performs repeatable, user-programmable tests to thoroughly assess the condition of a motor’s insulation and circuit. It is also used to assure quality of motor rebuilds or new production motors before they are placed into service.The Baker AWA-IV is a simple-to-use instrument with an intuitive, touch-screen user interface. It delivers accurate, repeatable results regardless of the operator’s skill level, and easily detects problems that low-voltage testers cannot find by performing a comprehensive set of both high-and low-voltage tests. Results are presented in simple, easy-to-understand graphs and reports that give motor maintenance professionals the information they need to minimize costs and unplanned downtime.Improve test reliabilityThe Baker AWA-IV is a Microsoft Windows-based instrument that can be programmed to perform a specific set of tests on a given motor. Unique user-programmed attributes can be saved for future use over the life of the same motor, including:Q tests and sequences that are performedQ target test voltageQ pass/fail criteriaQ motor nameplate informationThis programmed repeatability ensures the same tests are conducted in the same order on a specific motor, weeks, months or even years after the tests were initially programmed and performed, regardless of who uses the analyzer on subsequent tests. An operator merely needs to select the motor from the analyzer’s database, make the appropriate connections, then press the test button. Any variation in results would be accurate and not prone to operator error or variations in how each of the tests were previously performed.When tests are completed, the analyzer automatically indicates which tests have passed or failed. Graphical information and analysis for each motor is stored and can be reviewed on the analyzer’s screen to identify trends that may indicate potential problems. Analysis does not needto occur in the field: data can also be saved to a serveror PC database for later retrieval on a desktop or laptop computer.Wide range of analyzer models and featuresThe Baker AWA-IV family includes models designed to perform tests at maximum voltages from 2000 up to 12000 volts. Models include 2kV, 4kV, 6kV, 12kV and 12kV HO (high output). These analyzers can be coupled with Baker Power Packs to boost test voltages to 24 or 30 kV for tests on large motors and generators.Baker AWA-IV series analyzers perform the following tests: Q winding resistanceQ insulation resistanceQ dielectric analysis (DA)Q polarization index (PI)Q DC step-voltageQ DC continuous rampedQ DC hipotQ surge2 Baker AWA-IV Series Static Electric Motor Analyzers The Baker AWA-IV 12kV analyzer. The 6kV and 12kV HO (high output) models share this form factor.Rigorous, safe testingThe Baker AWA-IV offers the most advanced inter-turn testcapabilities offered with a portable electric motor analyzer.The surge test safely applies voltages that a motor typicallyexperiences hundreds of times over its working life, such asthe voltage spikes that occur each time a motor is poweredoff/on. The Baker AWA-IV’s step-voltage test can also beapplied time after time with no adverse impact on a motor.The Baker AWA-IV’s computer control and waveformmonitoring also provide major advantages over other motortesting devices on the market. The small number of pulsesapplied by the Baker AWA-IV during a test are digitizedto produce a waveform that can be compared to previousAfter tests are completed and no turn-to-turn weaknesses are detected, the final pulse waveform data is stored for future reference and comparisons to other phases. This waveform can serve as the motor’s unique reference waveform for several years, until it is rebuilt or decommissioned.Test data collection, storage and reporting capabilities All test results can be saved and stored on the Baker AWA-IV , but they can also be backed up or copied to a server or a desktop PC. The analyzer can connect by wire or wirelessly to a local-area network (LAN) to store test resultsLarge motor test capabilitiesIncrease the test capability of the Baker AWA-IV by couplingit with a power pack. The Baker PPX 30, Baker PPX 30A andBaker PPX 40 power packs are high-voltage test systemsthat enable testing of high-voltage windings. The outputvoltage is controlled by a variable transformer that producesup to 40,000 volts. Power packs perform both surge and DChipot tests when used with a Baker AWA-IV as the controller, recorder and display unit.Low impedance testing Bar-to-bar armature tests on low-impedance coils are possible with the use of the Baker ZTX bar-to-bar test accessory or Baker PP85 or PPX 30A power packs. The Baker ZTX accessory reduces the voltage applied while increasing current to enable accurate tests on DC motor armatures as well as other low-impedance windings. The ATF 5000, a hand-held device that comes with the Baker ZTX , improvesthe speed, accuracy and ease of testing armatures bar-to-bar.Baker AWA-IV surge test results screen DC step voltage test results screenMegohm, PI, DA, DC step-voltage,DC hipot test capabilitiesUSB ports for data transfer andprinting with Windows 7 plug-and-Wireless networking capabilityRJ-45 ethernet port for wired local-area12kV HO (high-output) version forperforming surge tests on large motorsPower pack compatibility (6kV, 12kV, and12kV HO versions only)Solid-state disk drives standardWindows 10 operating systemIEEE- and IEC-compliant surge test5ServiceMegger provides world-class global technical support forits motor test and monitoring equipment. Whether it is forroutine calibration or repairs, our experienced technicians willreturn your equipment in top condition with fast turn-aroundand courteous service.Contact Megger Baker Instruments product service at+1 970-282-1200, or email our service department at************************.Maximize value with trainingWant to get the most out of your investment in your BakerAWA-IV? Megger provides training on motor testing anddiagnosis at its training center in Fort Collins, Colorado,USA, or at customer locations around the globe. For moreinformation, or for reservations, send an email to**********************, or call +1 970-282-1200.Product Support Plans Maximize your Baker AWA-IV’s uptime and performance over the life of the product with a Megger Product Support Plan (PSP). These plans assure worry-free use and maintenance of your electric motor analyzer. For more information about PSPs for electric motor test equipment, contact your local Megger sales representative. For customers in the United States, call +1 970-282-1200; for global contacts, visit Megger’s electric motor test and monitoringsolutions website at /baker to find a countryrepresentative, or send an email inquiry to**********************.Comprehensive test results summary screen6 Baker AWA-IV Series Static Electric Motor Analyzers The more compact 2kV and 4kV modelsare ideal for smaller motors and coils. Baker AWA-IV series specifications。
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A VITEQ磁力振动器MVE50-4原厂进口A VITEQ振动器MVE50-4,配套控制器SCE-EN50-2,成套德国原厂,口碑良好。
A VITEQ控制器SCE-EN50-2(询价打:15 8 0 5 0 6 1 2 1 3)A VITEQ振动器MV12/50-3A VITEQ控制器SRAE-C50/01-1-1A VITEQ控制器SAE-GS33-2A VITEQ振动器MVC50-4A VITEQ振动器MVB50-4A VITEQ振动器MVD50-4A VITEQ振动器MVE50-4A VITEQ控制器SCE-EN50-2A VITEQ磁力振动器MVES50-1P3)De tetor BHH-200BRINKMANN PUMPTFS 376/4095L/min40bar充电器\SKYLLA-TG24\25 30A victron energy里奇36273PINTER 工作压力开关MANOCOME-IP65/2KA 0-16BARAT0S 型号DHA-0751/2/M24DCDAMCOS 160B4171 指示灯开关卡特蓄电池 9X-9730品牌:麦塔雷斯型号:MHP350A198EVAB207迪创迪创火焰探头X5200A4N13W2,防护等级TP56&ExdIIBT4IDC通讯板(与上面的探头配套的)006642-005电源底板(与上面的探头配套的)006590-003迪创火焰探头PIR9400A3A1AW,防护等级IP56&ExdIIBT4IDC通讯板(与上面的探头配套的)006642-004电源底板(与上面的探头配套的)006586-002LM303摩菲的油位保持器摩菲 DVU150 (55700299) 排泄阀FEDERAL SIGNAL CORPORATION 防爆对讲机正确型号310X-MVCULTER-HAMMER 接触器6702ED584BLAGDON气动隔膜泵B25 1AAABBTTSautronica 16BAR编号40766订货型号是GT300C2G16HYPRO水泵9304C-HM1CViatran PRESSURE TRANSDUCER, MODEL 245, 0-700KPa,0-5 VDC OUTPUT model: 245AMGX1691B加热器\CX/15397-02\380V/6.6KW\CALORITECH阿密龙 3019 95 GPM1.5 黄铜手枪式DYNALCO速度开关SW-200BSPM 2A26611BREVINI 减速机 CTU3200.1 S.N.:728815VS2 开关摩菲MEDC BGEQ4B6B2DDA7RAUTRONICA EAC-300A/B Processor cardDANIAMANT TYPE:L1611)detectormodel : 116-5861-011.5300, MODEL NO.HC300PLB7A2W1; DATE CODE:08DEC057674阿美特克3050水分析仪校验管 305431901SBLAGDON气动隔膜泵B25 1AAABBTTS泰科探头601FEX-MPRICE PUMP3MS50SS-412-21211-100-30-1T5真空泵HITECH INSTRUMENTS氧电池 813-9050WOMA安全阀 G1/2 S8.5 135Bar 1件件号是001.1108autronica detector1)BHH-320/X12)BDH-5003)BDH-500/N4)BDH-500/EX康士廉Part.no 001155 SALWICO本迪克斯 450修井机CAT3408空气压缩机GMC SINEAXModel:808-12120000TRANSMITTERREF:128802本迪克斯干燥器1A-592\AD-2品牌:OLAER奥莱尔型号:ELM0.75-210/00/AFSOLDO品牌限位开关型号: SX02200-2型号: SXC4200-2型号: SX73201-2德鲁克压力传感器PTX-5072-TC-A1-CA-H1-PR巴士德传感器 9692X-1CC-3-BNETSAFETY PHOENIX三频火焰探测器 IR3S-R品牌 WANNER型号 G40XDSNNNNCBMaker: MMC INTERNATIONAL CORP.Type: MMC SAMPLING DEVICE PART NO.:2326C1821540M1/2 40M Closed Self Contained Sampling UnitMaker: MMC INTERNATIONAL CORP.Type: MMC SAMPLING DEVICE PART NO.:S-2562-TS-CPL-SHT TS AdaptorVEGA 型号:PS68.XXE1H2HANAKQualitrol1)092-052-012)CAS-724-1+FLA-644-13)CAS-724-1+FLA-644-1+GAS-046-6EVAC蓝色接口6540524EVAC铜阀套5980800EVAC控制器6541675EVAC控制器5775500Evac冲水按钮3510100Evac水压阀5774002EVAC配件6541056EVAC配件5779400EVAC配件5779500EVAC配件5430103EVAC配件5980800EVAC配件5800000EVAC排气阀5435015Evac水压阀5774000EVAC按钮5900200EVAC气动按钮5900204EVAC带适配器法兰的活化剂6541675EVAC灰水阀6542811EVAC连接套筒5433572EVAC止回阀5959902EVAC橡胶膜片5435169EVAC执行机构5775500EVAC背板总成5780000DNH室内扬声器[][HS-8EEXMNT][]室内扬声器[][HP-10T][]防爆扬声器[][DSP-15EEXMNT][]哈威 V30D-140 RDN-2-1-04 LSN250-1杰斯曼联动台 KST19+KFS10威创压力传感器5705BPSX1052RGS ELECTRO PNEUMATICS LTDModel:VSK1001 SEALS FOR RGS 1''BSP 3 PORT SPOOL CONTROL VALVE H1003-9品牌:BITZERCOMPRESSOR\6H35.2-40P\BITZER REFRIGERATIOTR 编码器/CE100M.ArT.Nr100.00390摩菲室外防雨型振动开关VS2-IP67NUFLO CAMERON:1.Make: NUFLO CAMERON,Model: Turbine Flow Meter ,P/N: 9A-100062687,2.Make: NUFLO CAMERON,Model: Turbine Flow Meter ,P/N: 9A-100062810,3.Make: NUFLO CAMERON,Model: Turbine Flow Meter ,P/N: 9A-100009810,BRINKMANN TFS376/40+001resQmaxmodel:KIT411model:KIT457AMETEK陶瓷过滤器74422SE氧化锆锆头71785SEAUTRONICA控制板模块BSJ-310控制板模块BSD-310控制板模块BSL-310控制板模块BSS-310A世伟洛克Swagelok高压阀.DN12 6000psi.SS-6NBSW8T-G.316SS高压阀门.DN6 PN35.SS-6HNBSW8T-GSMOKE DETECTOR\BHH-500 SMOKE DETECTOR\BHH-500\AUTRONICA FIRE AND SECURITY\火气系统美国SAMSON电磁阀 type 3962, 24VDC, 3/2-way, IP 66, Eex d IIC T6, elec conn. 1/2"NPTLEROY SOMER电机3-LSES225MR-T N703333H11003 2011 IP55IK08 S1 DE:6313ZZC3 NDE:6313ZZC3 △400V 50HZ 1471min-145KW 84Ametrix振动探头5485C-007-040-M13776寸流量计为CAMERON 型号:9A-100062997,Rev.02,显示速度和总量;大8位3 / 4”显示器;电池采用一个“D”型1.5伏碱性电池。
Fleetguard燃油预滤器型号 FH234351,ANALYZER\NUFLO TECHNOLOGY\100005130\WATER FLOW TURBINE METER2,MAGNETIC PICKUP\NUFLO TECHNOLOGY\100002077\WATER FLOW TURBINE METERCELESCOPT5MA-125-S47-UP-420E-M6PT5MA-80-S47-UP-420E-M6品牌:科诺尔KNOLL型号:KTS-32-48-T(1) Skylla-TG 24/50 AC185 265V 2pcs . Price would be(2) Skylla-TG 24/80 AC185 265VThermo Element温度探头 GENP NO RTO31040温度探头 GENP NO:RTO31104CHARGEMASTER Charger2 x Chargemaster 24v/60-3 @8 x Chargemaster 24v/80-3 @分析仪预处理阀门SS-1RS4(Swagelok)分析仪预处理阀门SS-4P4T(Swagelok)分析仪预处理阀门SS-42GXS4(Swagelok)金属软管SS-FM8RF8RF860CM金属软管SS-FM16RF16RF1660CM金属软管SS-FJ24PF24PF2460CMHochiki探测器SPC-24意大利SPAGGIARI减速机sw/063tSkylla-TG 24/50Skylla-TG 24/80荷兰VICTRON (1) Skylla-TG 24/50 AC185 265V(2) Skylla-TG 24/80 AC185 265VScott1>.SCOTT Harness for above AV-2000 Facepiece,Part.No.804063-01 20pcs2>,SCOTT AV-2000 Facepiece without Harness, Large,Part.No.804019-02 20pcs3>.742 Series Twin Cartridge 1/4 TurnAdapter, P/N#805622-01 20pcs?SEALWELD 80润滑脂 S-EQ-SGC 911润滑脂 5050#密封脂 X5050 密封脂canrig顶驱配件AY11450奔驰A6481531679FUJI富士断路器TR-ON/3 1.4-2.2A清洗剂 VCPLUS S-VAP-SGC顶驱装置配件canrig 1050E-712 黄油嘴canrig风道总成AY10032canrig顶驱润滑油滤芯H11-1003-010德国 DUNGS阀 MB-VEF 407 B01 S10(220985)力士乐 DBDS10P1X/315,滤芯的美国DOMNICK的滤芯:39504802officineorobiche的流量计212R-J-2-G3-CO-RPJU-XX,德国LEUZE条码扫描仪BCL31SM100(10-30VDC)CR43674普兰索力高压泵 SM14IMO螺杆泵ACG 052K7 NTBPACG 052K7 NTBP卡特散热器总成 216-9349散热器盖 197-9216卡特增压器2507699 TURBO GP-BAS压力变送器, Type: 8472.78.5717, 0-10 Bar-G, 4-20 mA, 9~30VDC, Maker: Trafag威格士300AA00086A力士乐生料立磨稀油站阀座溢流阀 2FRM10-21B/25L生料立磨稀油站油泵溢流阀 DBDA10P10B/315skf 轴承 6322C3INTERMOT NHM6-400SABBTYPE:L3 139LBSTOP SOLENOID L43.002.1.3 969108UFM流量开关MN-ASB120GLM-16-500V.9-A1WLDungs 连接器250VAC/10AFENWAL热探测器12-E27121-000-04 190FAUXILLARY ENGINE FUEL OIL LINE FLOWMETERMachinery Type :AUX ENGINEMachinery Type, model: VZO 25 FL 130/25Serial no.:4746658Name & Address of Maker:CONTOILNOP油泵212HB科沛达 NM80/16AE1日本叶片油泵PV2R2-33-F-RAA-41汉森气管接头3000比例伺服阀DLHZ0-T-040-L7131TESCOM 44-2214-241卡特4218547(2765906)威格士V20F-1S13S-1C11K-22DANAHER伺服驱动器S61000美国Kollmorgen科尔摩根伺服电机AKM65K-ANCNR-00DGMPC-5-ABK-BAK-30PCGV8FD10月DG4V-5-6CJ-M-U-H6-20图尔克Bi2-EG08-AP6X-V1131SWKP3-2/S901261770 COUPLING,FLEXIBLE,SPLIT SLEEVE,SEPCO,3JES-SPLIT Manufacturer Part Number3JES-SPLIT Manufacturer:SEPCOsick编码器1031449 ARS60-A4B08192派克Parker温度开关SCTSD-150-10-05-40-150压力开关SCPSD-010-14-25压力开关SCPSD-060-14-25富士变频器FRN7.5G1S-4C英格索兰气动马达M007RHR027AR4SIEMENSP/N:6SE7026-0ED61Delivery time: 06 - 08 weeks.道茨计量泵D-100N-105/B-13施迈斯胶球 RS15WALTHER快速接头LP-006-0-WR017-01-2-GLLP-006-2-WR017-01-2-GL普兰索力MS45卡特散热器盖 197-9216散热器总成 216-9349SICK编码器1031449 ARS60-A4B08192曼牌CF-1810 C27-1050METARIS麦塔雷斯泵V20F-1S13S-1C11K-22宝德Baldor M3714T-58奥玛电动执行器SA10.1-F10日本Koyo光洋编码器TRD-2TH600BF DC10.8-26.4V本特利振动探头BENTLY NEVADA VELOMITOR PN330500 100mv/m/s(4mv/mm/s) G07K02MG。