Effect of Different Irrigation Methods on Dissolved Organic Carbon and Microbial Biomass Carbon
田间实验计划的制定英文回答:When it comes to designing a field experiment plan, there are several important factors that need to be considered. First and foremost, it is essential to clearly define the objectives of the experiment. This involves identifying the specific research questions that need to be answered and determining the desired outcomes of the experiment. For example, if the objective is to investigate the effect of different fertilizers on crop yield, the research question could be "Which fertilizer leads to the highest crop yield?"Once the objectives are established, the next step isto select an appropriate experimental design. There are various types of experimental designs, such as completely randomized design, randomized complete block design, andsplit-plot design. The choice of design depends on the nature of the research question and the available resources.For instance, if there are multiple treatments to be tested and limited resources, a completely randomized design may be the most suitable option.In addition to the experimental design, it is crucial to determine the sample size and sampling method. The sample size should be large enough to provide statistically significant results, but not so large that it becomes impractical or costly to implement. The sampling method should be random to ensure that the sample is representative of the population. For example, if the experiment involves testing the effect of a new pesticide on pest control, a random sampling method could involve selecting fields from different regions to account for regional variations.Furthermore, it is important to consider the potential sources of variation and confounding factors that mayaffect the results of the experiment. This can be addressed through proper randomization and blocking techniques. Randomization helps to minimize bias by randomly assigning treatments to experimental units, while blocking helps tocontrol for potential confounding factors by groupingsimilar experimental units together. For instance, if the experiment involves testing the effect of differentirrigation methods on crop growth, blocking could involve grouping experimental units with similar soil typestogether to account for soil variations.Lastly, it is crucial to plan for data collection and analysis. This includes determining the variables to be measured, selecting appropriate measurement techniques, and deciding on the statistical tests to be used for data analysis. It is also important to consider the time framefor data collection and the frequency of measurements. For example, if the experiment involves studying the growth of plants over a period of time, measurements could be takenat regular intervals, such as weekly or monthly.中文回答:在制定田间实验计划时,有几个重要的因素需要考虑。
中国果菜China Fruit &Vegetable第43卷,第12期2023年12月栽培生理Cultivation Physiology不同有机肥对番茄产量及品质的影响宋计平1,曹守珍2,王晓1,温丹1,韩玉娟1,赵旭1,杨宁1*(1.山东省农业科学院蔬菜研究所,山东济南250100;2.费县农业技术推广中心,山东费县273400)摘要:探讨不同灌水量下3种有机肥对番茄产量和品质的影响,以番茄品种‘西研958’为材料,以常规水肥管理为对照,设置不同用量有机肥在不同灌水量下的8个处理。
腐熟大豆在70%灌水量和50%灌水量下,可溶性固形物含量和维生素C 含量最高。
关键词:有机肥;灌水量;番茄;品质;产量中图分类号:S641.2文献标志码:A文章编号:1008-1038(2023)12-0072-06DOI:10.19590/ki.1008-1038.2023.12.014Effect of Different Organic Fertilizers on Yield and Quality of TomatoSONG Jiping 1,CAO Shouzhen 2,WANG Xiao 1,WEN Dan 1,HAN Yujuan 1,ZHAO Xu 1,YANG Ning 1*(1.Vegetable Research Institute of Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Jinan 250100,China;2.Feixian Agricultural Technology Extension Center,Linyi 273400,China)Abstract:Exploring the effects of three types of organic base fertilizers on tomato yield and quality under differentirrigation amounts,using tomato variety ‘Xiyan 958’as the material and conventional water and fertilizer management as the control,eight treatments were set up with different amounts of organic fertilizer under different irrigation amounts.The results showed that soybean phospholipid active fertilizer can increase tomato yield,fruit total phosphorus,lycopene,soluble sugar,and total acid.Under 70%and 50%irrigation,it could increase the total potassium content of fruits.Earthworm manure could promote an increase in plant height and fruit shape index.Under 70%irrigation,it could increase the total nitrogen content of tomato fruits.Mature soybeans had the highest收稿日期:2023-09-10基金项目:山东省农业科学院农业科技创新工程项目(CXGC2023B06)第一作者简介:宋计平(1990—),女,研究实习员,硕士,主要从事设施蔬菜栽培与生理等相关工作*通信作者简介:杨宁(1980—),男,副研究员,硕士,主要从事蔬菜栽培技术研究工作content of soluble solids and vitamin C at70%and50%irrigation levels.In summary,soybean phospholipid active fertilizer had a better effect on improving yield and quality compared to the other two organic fertilizers.Under normal irrigation conditions,soybean phospholipid active fertilizer had a promoting effect on multiple indicators of tomatoes.The promotion effect of three organic fertilizers on tomato quality under70%and50%irrigation amounted:soybean phospholipid active fertilizer>decomposed soybean>earthworm manure.This paper would provide a basis for the next systematic study of the use of soybean phospholipid active fertilizer and better play a role in agricultural production.Keywords:Organic fertilizer;irrigation amount;tomato;quality;yield番茄(Mill.)在中国蔬菜生产和加工中占重要地位,具有巨大的经济和营养价值[1],然而目前大部分番茄品种风味口感欠佳,难以满足消费者的需求。
Sustainable management of limited water resources in a young
0378-3774/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. /10.1016/j.agwat.2013.10.006
© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
In arid and semi-arid environments, high production levels and quality fruit crops depend on precise and effective irrigation regimes. The economic sustainability and the investments associated with fruit trees establishment is guarantee if their production is high and stable during the crop growth. Therefore, orchards have been developed mostly in lands where irrigation water supply was abundant, even in dro et al., 2009).
Agricultural Water Management 132 (2014) 60–68
2021年11月灌溉排水学报第40卷第11期Nov.2021Journal of Irrigation and Drainage No.11Vol.4090文章编号:1672-3317(2021)11-0090-08基于Hydrus-1D 模型模拟灌排调控稻田地下水补给过程杨锋1,和玉璞1*,洪大林1,纪仁婧1,夏超凡2 (1.南京水利科学研究院水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室,南京210029;2.南京市长江河道管理处,南京210011)摘要:【目的】探究灌排调控稻田地下水补给特征及其响应机制。
【方法】设置灌水下限分别为50%、60%、70%、80%饱和含水率的4种灌溉处理(分别记为I1、I2、I3、I4)和地下水埋深分别为30、50、70cm 的3种排水处理(分别记为D1、D2、D3)进行灌排组合,基于Hydrus-1D 模型开展细化灌排情景下稻田土壤水分通量模拟。
【结果】模型对稻田不同深度土壤含水率模拟结果的RMSE 在0.0104~0.0884之间、NSE 为0.0415~0.7612,稻季稻田土壤水-地下水转化量模拟值与实测值相对误差为4.6%,取得了良好的模拟精度,结合实测数据率定后的Hydrus-1D 模型能够分析灌排调控稻田地下水补给特征。
稻田地下水补给峰值及总量随灌水下限降低而升高,I1处理下,典型时段内稻田地下水补给峰值的平均值分别较灌水下限为I2、I3、I4稻田提高50.42%、50.42%和92.93%,而稻田地下水补给总量分别平均提高了2.15、1.78、4.82mm 。
稻田地下水补给峰值及总量随地下水埋深的增加而降低,典型时段内D1处理稻田地下水补给峰值的平均值分别是D2、D3处理稻田的2.30倍、4.73倍,D3处理稻田地下水补给总量分别平均较D1、D2处理稻田降低了48.47、34.22mm 。
黏膜病理组织学损害。结论 :复方蜥蜴散不同微粒组合剂对无水乙醇诱导的急性胃黏膜损伤有预防保护作用。
关键词 :急性胃黏膜损伤 ;复方蜥蜴散不同微粒组合剂 ;血清 ghrelin ;病理组织学
中图分类号 :R573
文献标识码 :A
文章编号 :1673-842X(20ferent Combination of Compound Lizards Powder on Serum Ghrelin and Pathologic Changes of Gastric Mucosa on Ethanol Induced Acute Gastric Mucosa Injury Model in Rat
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Abstract :Objective :To explore the protective effect of Different combination of Compound Lizards Powder(DCLP)on rat with acute gastric mucosal injure. Methods :Male SD rat were randomly divided into normal group,model group,treating group(DCLP group one,Hydrotalcite group one,DCLP group two, Hydrotalcite group two).Normal saline was administrated to normal and ethanol to model group via gastric irrigation. DCLP 1 and hydrotolcite 1 were treated with DCLP or hydrotalcite respectively 30 min before ethanol was administrated. DCLP 2 and hydrotolcite 2 were treated with DCLP or hydrotalcite respectively 60 min before ethanol was administrated. Serum ghrelin was detected via ELISA and histopathological change of gastric mucosa was observed. Result :Compared with model group,the level of serum ghrelin in the rats of the
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and assessment of its effects ongroundwaterHU Kuangzheng,CHEN Canming,WEI Zebin,WU Qitang *(College of Natural Resources and Environment,Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Agricultural &Rural Pollution Abatement and Environmental Safety,South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou 510642,China )Abstract :In order to elucidate the efficiency of acetic acid leaching in the removal of heavy metals from soil and its environmental impacts,we conducted a soil column leaching experiment that simulates in-situ flushing.We assessed the efficacy of three acetic acid concentrations(0.8,1.0mol·L -1,and 1.5mol·L -1),and used four contaminated soils to assess the removal rate,downward migration characteristics,and changes in heavy metal speciation.The effects of acetic acid leaching on the main nutrient elements in soil were also investigated.The results showed that acetic acid leaching had a high removal efficiency for heavy metals in the acidic and slightly acid soils,particularly inthe case of Cd,for which the removal rate reached 40%–60%at acetic acid concentrations of 1.0mol·L -1and paratively,the收稿日期:2023-04-11录用日期:2023-06-15作者简介:胡匡正(1998—),男,广东珠海人,硕士研究生,从事农田重金属污染研究。
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根据不同的手术方式将其分为A 组(n =23)、B 组(n =25)与C 组(n =25)。
A 组给予经尿道前列腺电切术,B 组给予单极经尿道前列腺剜切术,C 组给予经尿道前列腺钬激光剜除术。
结果:A 组及B 组手术时间、膀胱冲洗时间及住院时间长于C 组,术中出血量多于C 组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。
术后6个月,三组国际前列腺症状评分表(IPSS)评分低于术前,国际勃起功能指数-5(IIEF-5)评分高于术前,且C 组IPSS 评分低于A 组及B 组,IIEF-5评分高于A 组及B 组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。
C 组并发症发生率低于A、B 组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05),A 组与B 组并发症发生率比较差异无统计学意义(P >0.05)。
统计学在现实生活中的运用【英文】 the usefulness of statistics in real world applications
Statistics in engineering (cont)
Comparing GPS and traditional methods of tractor navigation during spraying Queensland Cotton has employed USQ statisticians to improve international competitiveness (commercial-in-confidence) Different irrigation methods have been compared (PRD and RDI)
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Private pilot deaths in Australia from 1992 to 1999 were studied. The effect of age was of interest
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Statistics in biology
USQ’s internationally recognised Muscular Research Laboratory has received over $1M to study Duchene Muscular Dystrophy Statistics used to analyse preliminary results from mice Ca response curve a measure of muscle strength
[关键词] 鼻咽癌曰鼻腔冲洗曰黏膜反应曰疼痛程度曰焦虑
[中图分类号] R739.63
[文献标识码] A
[文章编号] 1673-7210渊2019冤07渊b冤-0112-04
Effect of nasal rinse frequency on adverse reactions associated with radi鄄 cal radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma
发生情况明显优于 A 组袁中度及以上疼痛发生率和焦虑评分均低于 A 组袁差异有统计学意义渊P 约 0.05冤袁而
两组近期疗效比较差异无统计学意义 渊P 跃 0.05冤遥 结论 接受根治性放疗的鼻咽癌患者进行 5 次/d 鼻腔冲洗较
3 次/d 能进一步减轻局部黏膜不良反应袁缓解疼痛及焦虑袁提高患者治疗体验及生活质量遥
窑 临床医学-肿瘤 窑
中国医药导报 2019 年 7 月第 16 卷第 20 期
鼻腔冲洗频率对鼻咽癌根治性放疗相关不良反应的 临床疗效
邓君健 王庆兰 胡家婷 邓杨清 伍 龙 武汉大学人民医院肿瘤中心袁湖北武汉 430060
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
[摘要] 目的 探讨鼻腔冲洗频率对鼻咽癌根治性放疗相关不良反应的临床疗效遥 方法 选取 2013 年 1 月耀2016 年
BA O W enting DENG Junjian W A NG Qinglan HU Jiating DENG Y angqing W U Long XU Ximing Cancer Center, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Hubei Province, Wuhan 430060, China [Abstract] Objective To study the therapeutic effect of different nasal flushing frequency on radiotherapy related ad鄄 verse reactions in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Methods A total of 108 patients received radical radiothera鄄 py for nasopharyngeal carcinoma in the Oncology Department of Cancer Center, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University from January 2013 to December 2016 were selected. According to the random number table method, the patients were divided into two groups, group A and group B, who received nasal irrigation with nasal cola irrigator. The frequency of irrigation in group A was 3 times/d, and the frequency of irrigation in group B was 5 times/d, and the irrigation time was from the day of radiotherapy to 1 year after the end of radiotherapy. The incidence and efficacy of mucosal reac鄄 tions, pain and anxiety in the two groups were recorded. Results The incidence of mucosa reaction in group B was sig鄄 nificantly better than that of group A, the incidence of moderate or above degree of pain and anxiety scores were lower than those of group A, the difference was statistically significant (P 约 0.05), However, there was no statistically signifi鄄 cant difference in the short-term efficacy between the two groups (P > 0.05). Conclusion In patients with nasopharyn鄄 geal carcinoma receiving radical radiotherapy, nasal flushing for 5 times/d can further reduce local mucosal adverse re鄄 actions, relieve pain and anxiety, and improve patients忆 treatment experience and quality of life compared with 3 times/d. [Key words] Nasopharyngeal carcinoma; Nasal irrigation; Mucosal response; The degree of pain; Anxiety
跳出同温层效应作文事例英文回答:The phenomenon of the "temperature inversion" or "thermal inversion", commonly known as the "temperature inversion effect", refers to a situation where the temperature in the atmosphere increases with altitude instead of decreasing as it normally does. This effect can have various impacts on weather patterns, air pollution,and even human health.One example of the temperature inversion effect is the formation of smog in cities. During a temperature inversion, a layer of warm air traps cooler air and pollutants closeto the ground. This prevents the dispersion of pollutants, leading to the accumulation of smog. This is often observed in urban areas with high levels of industrial activity and vehicle emissions.Another example is the impact on aviation. Temperatureinversions can create a layer of stable air that acts as a barrier to vertical air movement. This can result in turbulence and poor visibility for pilots, making flying more challenging and potentially dangerous. In extreme cases, temperature inversions can lead to the formation of fog, which further reduces visibility and disrupts air travel.Furthermore, temperature inversions can affect agricultural practices. In regions where temperature inversions are common, such as valleys or low-lying areas, cold air becomes trapped near the ground while warmer air sits above. This can lead to frost formation, damaging crops and affecting agricultural productivity. Farmers often employ various techniques, such as using wind machines or irrigation, to mitigate the effects of temperature inversions and protect their crops.中文回答:“同温层效应”是指大气中的温度随高度上升而不是像通常情况下那样下降的现象。
通信作者:张庆鸿,·综述·EDTA不同作用时间对根管牙本质影响的研究进展The effect of different time of EDTA on dentin陈晋章 汤 俊 杜 娟 刘梦桃 综述 张庆鸿 审校(杭州临安城中街口腔门诊部,杭州311300)【摘要】乙二胺四乙酸盐(ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid,EDTA)在根管治疗中可去除玷污层,且具有很强的脱矿、扩大牙本质小管、软化牙本质的作用,但作用时间过长会导致牙本质脱矿过度,造成牙本质强度降低。
【关键词】EDTA 乙二胺四乙酸盐根管治疗牙本质DOI:10.11752/j.kqcl.2021.02.10乙二胺四乙酸盐(ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid,EDTA)作为目前最有效的鳌合剂之一,被广泛应用于根管治疗。
1 ETDA分类及脱矿机理1.1 EDTA的分类目前EDTA鳌合剂有水性溶液和黏性悬浮剂两种。
临床上常用的为17%EDTA 凝胶,水性溶液常用的浓度为10%~17%,pH值为6~10,中性效果较佳[4]。
做园艺的方法,英语作文Making gardening easy doesn't mean there's always something to do in the garden. Although most gardeners like to spend time working in the garden, one day, the tasks in the garden will exceed yours and make you feel unbearable. Gardening and garden planning skills can give you a head start. Here are 10 ways to make gardening easier. Some of these methods are common sense, and some seem to have more work in the short term, but they will make your gardening easier. This gives you time to create more gardens.让园艺变得容易并不意味着花园里总有事情要做。
1. Fertilize the soilYou've heard it a thousand times, but have you done it? Start with fertile soil, and you will grow good plants. Healthy plants can reduce diseases, pests and water demand. In addition, you don't have to remember to fertilize every other week. Start with a good analysis of the existing soil. You can test all essential nutrients or just the pH value. Many nurseries provide this service and your local cooperative promotion service. If your soil lacks any minerals or nutrients, please modify the soil according to the suggestions. Then add organic substances, such as compost, regularly.2. Use organic fertilizerSlow release organic fertilizer is helpful to supplement nutrient deficiency. But feeding plants with synthetic fertilizers will actually destroy the beneficial organisms and organic substances in the soil, and can only provide a short-term solution. It's like turning your garden into a drug addict. To achieve the same effect, chemical fertilizers need to be applied regularly, and more and more.3. Classify plants as neededPlant the right plants in the right places. This is the beginning of the equation. Of course, you will want to put the sunbathers in the sun so that they can walk on the ground. But think about it. If you put all the water pigs together, you can turn on the sprinklers or drag the pipes to a place, and then you're done. The same principle also applies to plants that need a lot of heading or vegetables that need to be harvested every day or every hour, such as zucchini. You can still blend in different flowering times and changes in color, form and texture. Only the heavy maintenance work needs to be consolidated.4. Select perennial plants with low maintenanceThere will always be primadonna plants that you must have (although they may become fewer and fewer as you grow older), but you should make sure that the perennial flowers on thetrunk of your garden can take care of themselves. Plants such as the new lady and sedge look good throughout the season, and do not need to be buried, pinched or riveted. There are more low maintenance perennials.1、给土壤施肥你已经听过一千遍了,但是你做到了吗?从肥沃的土壤开始,你就会长出好的植物。
康复新液浓度配比治疗慢性结直肠炎的疗效观察和护理王艳萍;罗励;王华【摘要】目的观察康复新液浓度配比直肠滴灌治疗慢性结直肠炎的疗效.方法对入院确诊为慢性结直肠炎的住院患者90例,随机分入A、B、C 3组各30例.A组采用康复新原液50 mL,B组采用康复新液50 mL+生理盐水50 mL,C组采用康复新液30 mL+生理盐水60 mL直肠滴灌.结果 A组患者8例无明显腹痛,症状、体征明显改善,22例均表现灌肠后腹痛明显症状,体征无改善;B组患者15例无明显腹痛,症状、体征明显改善,15例均表现灌肠后轻度腹痛,症状、体征稍有改善;C组患者灌肠后无明显腹痛,症状、体征明显改善.结论康复新液在行直肠滴灌时浓度配比很重要,1:2浓度为最佳方案,总液体量控制在100 mL效佳.%Objective To observe the clinical effect of the different Kangfuxin fluid concentration ratio in treating chronic colitis and proctitis adopted rectal irrigation. Methods Ninety cases of chronic colitis and proctitis inpatients were randomly classified three groups. Group A adopted the pure Kangfuxin fluid 50 mL, Group B adopted the pure Kangfuxin fluid 50 mL plus sodium Chloride injection, and Group C adopted the pure Kangfuxin fluid 30 mL plus sodium Chloride injection 60 mL. Results Eight cases had no abdominal pain and got good effect in group A, 15 cases had no abdominal pain and got good effect in group B, and 30 cases had no abdominal pain and got good effect in group C. Conclusion Kangfuxin fluid concentration ratio of 1: 2 is the best plan in rectal irrigation, and the total fluid amount should be limited below 100 mL.【期刊名称】《实用临床医药杂志》【年(卷),期】2011(015)010【总页数】2页(P49-50)【关键词】康复新液;浓度配比;保留灌肠;护理【作者】王艳萍;罗励;王华【作者单位】江苏省中西医结合医院,肛肠科,江苏,南京,210028;江苏省中西医结合医院,肛肠科,江苏,南京,210028;江苏省中西医结合医院,肛肠科,江苏,南京,210028【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R473.6康复新液是美洲大蠊提取物,性状为淡棕色的液体,功能主治通利血脉,养阴生肌。
果树资源学报 224,5(1):01-07微生物菌剂与大蒜油配施对银叶病苹果叶片生理特性及果实品质的影响陈 悦1,张秀英2,张 丹2,邓代清2,李玉涵1,程安富2,黄先敏1,马仲炼1,杨德粉1,全 勇2*(1.昭通学院,云南昭通657000;2.昭通市苹果产业发展中心,云南昭通657000)收稿日期:2023-11-15第一作者简介:陈 悦(1992-),女,硕士,讲师,主要从事果树病虫害防治研究㊂电话:153********;E -m a i l :1138848264@q q.c o m *通信作者:全 勇(1973-),男,硕士,农业推广研究员,主要从事农业技术推广㊂电话:189********;E -m a i l :563197296@q q.c o m 摘 要:ʌ目的ɔ银叶病严重威胁苹果产量和品质,探究微生物菌剂与大蒜油配施对苹果银叶病叶片生理特性及果实品质的影响㊂ʌ方法ɔ试验以患银叶病苹果树为材料,将微生物菌剂与不同浓度大蒜油配施,连续2年采用穴灌根的方法对患病植株进行田间试验,对比不同处理对患病苹果树叶片生理特性及果实品质的影响㊂ʌ结果ɔ1)处理L 5(2.5k g 微生物菌剂/株+250m L 大蒜油/株)和L 6(2.5k g 微生物菌剂/株+350m L 大蒜油/株)使1年生患病枝条叶片恢复效果较好,叶片翠绿色富有光泽,叶面积㊁叶周长㊁大叶宽㊁大叶长㊁叶片叶绿素含量㊁可溶性蛋白质和可溶性糖质量分数均显著增加,丙二醛含量显著降低,且L 5效果最好;2)微生物菌剂与大蒜油配施显著提高了苹果果实硬度㊁可溶性固形物质量分数㊁抗坏血酸含量㊁固酸比㊁糖酸比,降低了可滴定酸质量分数,以L 5处理效果最好㊂ʌ结论ɔ微生物菌剂与大蒜油配施可以缓解苹果银叶病病叶生理状态,提高果实品质,配施2.5k g 微生物菌剂/株+250m L 大蒜油/株效果最好㊂关键词:苹果银叶病;微生物菌剂;大蒜油;叶片生理特性;果实品质文章编号:2096-8108(2024)01-0001-07 中图分类号:S 661.1 文献标识码:AE f f e c t s o f M i c r o b i a l A g e n t s C o m b i n e d w i t h G a r l i c O i l o n t h e P h y s i o l o gi c a l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s a n d F r u i t Q u a l i t y o f A p pl e L e a v e s w i t h S i l v e r L e a f D i s e a s e C H E N Y u e 1,Z H A N G X i u y i n g 2,Z H A N G D a n 2,D E N G D a i q i n g 2,L I Y u h a n 1,C H E N G A n f u 2,H U A N G X i a n m i n 1,M A Z h o n g l i a n 1,Y A N G D e f e n 1,Q U A N Y o n g2*(1.Z h a o t o n g C o l l e g e ,Z h a o t o n g Yu n n a n 657000,C h i n a ;2.Z h a o t o n g A p p l e I n d u s t r y D e v e l o p m e n t C e n t e r ,Z h a o t o n g Yu n n a n 657000,C h i n a ) A b s t r a c t :ʌO b j e c t i v e ɔS i l v e r l e a f d i s e a s e s e r i o u s l y t h r e a t e n s a p p l e y i e l d a n d q u a l i t y .T o i n v e s t i ga t e t h e e f f e c t s o f m i c r ob i a l a -g e n t sc o m b i n ed w i t h g a r l i c o i l o n t he p h y s i o l o g i c a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of a p p l e s i l v e r l e a f d i s e a s e l e a v e s a n d f r u i t q u a l i t y.ʌM e t h o d s ɔT h e e x p e r i m e n t u s e d a p p l e t r e e s s u f f e r i n g f r o m s i l v e r l e a f d i s e a s e a s t h e m a t e r i a l ,m i x e d m i c r o b i a l a ge n t s w i t h d if f e r e n t c o n -c e n t r a t i o n s o fg a r l i c o i l a n d c o n d u c t e d f i e l d e x p e r i m e n t s o n th e di s e a s e d p l a n t s t h r o u g h h o l e i r r i g a t i o n f o r 2c o n s e c u t i v e y e a r s .T h e e f f e c t s o f d i f f e r e n t t r e a t m e n t s o n t h e p h y s i o l o g i c a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f d i s e a s e d a p p l e l e a v e s a n d f r u i t q u a l i t y w e r e c o m p a r e d .ʌR e s u l t s ɔ1)T r e a t m e n t w i t h L 5(2.5k g m i c r o b i a l i n o c u l u m /p l a n t +250m L g a r l i c o i l /p l a n t )a n d L 6(2.5k g m i c r o b i a l i n o c u -l u m /p l a n t +350m L g a r l i c o i l /p l a n t )r e s u l t e d i n b e t t e r r e c o v e r y of 1-y e a r -o l d d i s e a s e d b r a n c h e s a n d l e a v e s .T h e l e a v e s w e r e e m e r a l dg r e e n a n d g l o s s y ,w i th si g n i f i c a n t i n c r e a s e s i n l e a f a r e a ,l e a f c i r c u m f e r e n c e ,l a r g e l e a f w i d t h ,l a r g e l e a f l e n gt h ,c h l o r o -p h y l l c o n t e n t ,s o l u b l e p r o t e i n a n d s o l u b l e s u g a r c o n t e n t ,a n d a s i g n i f i c a n t d e c r e a s e i n m a l o n d i a l d e h y d e c o n t e n t ,w i t h L 5h a v i n gt h e b e s t e f f e c t .2)T h e c o m b i n a t i o n o f m i c r o b i a l a g e n t s a n d g a r l i c o i l s i g n i f i c a n t l y i n c r e a s e d a p pl e f r u i t h a r d n e s s ,s o l u b l e s o l -i d s ,a s c o r b i c a c i d ,s o l i d a c i d r a t i o ,a n d s u g a r a c i d r a t i o ,w h i l e r e d u c i n g ti t r a t a b l e a c i d c o n t e n t .L 5t r e a t m e n t h a d t h e b e s t e f f e c t .ʌC o n c l u s i o n ɔT h e c o m b i n a t i o n o f m i c r o b i a l i n o c u l a n t s a n d g a r l i c o i l c a n a l l e v i a t e t h e p h y s i o l o g i c a l s t a t e o f a p pl e s i l v e r l e a f d i s e a s e a n d i m p r o v e f r u i t q u a l i t y .T h e b e s t e f f e c t i s t o a p p l y 2.5k g m i c r o b i a l i n o c u l a n t s /p l a n t +250m L g a r l i c o i l /pl a n t .K e yw o r d s :a p p l e s i l v e r l e a f d i s e a s e ;m i c r o b i a l a g e n t ;g a r l i c o i l ;p h y s i o l o g i c a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c o f l e a f ;f r u i t q u a l i t y 1苹果银叶病报道始见于20世纪50年代,是一种能导致苹果等果树快速死亡的毁灭性病害,不仅危害苹果,也危害梨㊁桃㊁李等果树[1]㊂此病在我国大部分果区都有发生㊂从2008年开始,在云南昭通银叶病逐渐成为了影响苹果生产的主要病害㊂该病害由真菌引起,病原微生物为S t e r e u m p u r p u r e u m (P e r s.)F r.,属担子菌亚门韧革菌属[2]㊂病原菌在果树茎干和根的木质部㊁髓部产生大量的毒素,毒素随着树体内的物质运输传至整株果树,对果树造成严重的伤害,甚至导致其死亡㊂苹果树染病后,首先是木质部变为褐色,有腥味,随着毒素的传播,果树叶片也开始出现症状,表现为变黄变脆,叶片的上表皮和叶肉中的栅栏组织之间分离,并充满了空气,使得叶片在阳光照射下呈现银白色[3]㊂发病较轻的果树树势衰弱,发芽迟缓,叶片较小,结果能力逐渐降低;重病树根系逐渐腐烂死亡,最后整株枯死㊂病树枯死后,在枝干表面可产生边缘卷曲的覆瓦状淡紫色病菌结构[4]㊂掌握防治此病害的有效办法对建立健康果园具有重要意义㊂前人对苹果银叶病的研究多集中在防治技术上,如利用打孔注药㊁树盘灌根治疗[5],不同药剂不同方式防治效果不尽相同[6-9]㊂但对苹果银叶病生理症状逆转缓解方面报道较少,G r i n b e r g s D等[10]研究比较健康植物㊁感病植物和恢复植物的生理㊁内生微生物群落㊁内生植物对抗性等方面的差异和防御基因表达,证明银叶病症状的逆转与内生微生物群的变化有关㊂叶片是进行光合作用的重要器官㊁果实品质是光合作用产物累积的间接表现,本研究以患银叶病苹果树为材料,采用微生物菌剂与大蒜油配施对患病树叶片生理特性及果实品质变化进行研究,通过观察叶片解剖学特征,测定叶片生理生化物质和果实品质指标,探究微生物菌剂与大蒜油配施对患病叶片生理特性逆转和果实品质的影响,为本病的防治提供理论依据㊂1试验材料与方法1.1地点及材料试验于2020 2021年进行,地点位于昭通市昭阳区永丰镇(103.6o E,27.23o N),平均海拔在2000m㊂年平均气温11.8ħ,ȡ10ħ的年平均活动积温3723.7ħ,年平均降水量699.6m m,日照时数1843.4h,无霜期221d[11]㊂经云南三标农林科技有限公司检验,供试果园内的土壤基本数据为:p H 值5.2,有机质含量19.6g/k g,水解性氮(N)含量97m g/k g,有效磷(P)含量94.9m g/k g,速效钾(K)含量428m g/k g㊂供试果树为患银叶病红富士苹果树,株行距3mˑ4m,行向为东西朝向㊂1.2供试肥料大蒜油:漯河鑫禾生物科技有限公司生产㊂微生物菌剂(果根保):刘氏果业集团公司生产, 25k g/袋㊂主要成分为巨大芽孢杆菌㊁胶冻样芽孢杆菌,增效成分(矿物有机菌):钾ȡ5.0g/k g,锌ȡ0.20g/k g,硼ȡ0.50g/k g,钼ȡ0.20g/k g,钙ȡ30.0g/k g,镁ȡ20.0g/k g,硫ȡ30.0g/k g,氮ȡ3.0g/k g,磷ȡ6.0g/k g,有机质ȡ20.0g/k g,活性菌0.20亿/g;微量及有益元素(锰+铜+硅+镍+锶+硒+钛+锂+锗+碘+铝+钴+钡+钇+钐+钕+铕+钬+铒+铥+镨+钪+镧)⫺68.0g/k g㊂1.3试验处理选取患有银叶病苹果树18株,每3株作为一个处理小区,另选3株未患病苹果树作为对照,共设7个处理㊂处理如下:C K:健康树+清水;L1:患病树+清水;L2:患病树+微生物菌剂2.5k g/株;L3:患病树+微生物菌剂2.5k g/株+大蒜油50m L/株;L4:患病树+微生物菌剂2.5k g/株+大蒜油150m L/株;L5:患病树+微生物菌剂2.5k g/株+大蒜油250m L/棵;L6:患病树+微生物菌剂2.5k g/株+大蒜油350m L/株㊂连续处理2年,于2020年3月25日和2021年的3月25日㊁6月25日,在苹果园地面上顺着果树根系挖6条呈放射状分布的支沟,沟深20c m,沟长130c m,沟宽25c m,将大蒜油(大蒜油使用前需进行稀释处理,配制成有效成分为0.05%㊁0.15%㊁0.25%㊁0.35%的大蒜油,即50m L㊁150m L㊁250m L㊁350m L的大蒜油加入清水定容到100L[12],每一支沟约施入33.33L油水混合物)和微生物菌剂交替施入每一条支沟㊂施肥㊁除草㊁修剪㊁病虫害防治及疏花疏果等田间管理措施与当地果农保持一致㊂1.4试验方法每个指标测定重复3次㊂1.4.1叶片生理指标测定2021年8月选取1年生枝条上从基部数第8~ 9片,避开主脉和叶片边缘部位进行测定㊂1年生苹果枝条叶片颜色通过表观对比;叶片解剖结构做徒手切片并用C X40M生物显微镜观察;采用Y M J-A 叶面积仪测定苹果叶片叶型的基本数据,包括叶面积㊁叶周长㊁大叶宽㊁大叶长㊁长宽比㊂采用手持式叶2果树资源学报2024,5(1)绿素测定仪测定叶片中叶绿素含量㊂参照蔡永萍[13]的测定方法,用考马斯亮蓝法测定叶片中可溶性糖质量分数,蒽酮比色法测定叶片中可溶性蛋白含量,硫代巴比妥酸法测定叶片中丙二醛含量㊂1.4.2苹果品质的测定取样时间为2021年10月苹果成熟期,取样时在树冠中上部沿东㊁南㊁西㊁北4个方向随机摘取1个苹果,每株果树摘4个苹果,每个处理共摘12个苹果进行品质测定㊂采集的样品保存于4ħ冰箱,在1周内完成测量,求其平均值作为最终的测定结果㊂参照曹建康[14]的试验方法,采用硬度计测定苹果果实硬度㊁2,6-二氯酚靛酚滴定法测定果实中抗坏血酸含量㊁手持式糖度计测定可溶性固形物质量分数㊁氢氧化钠溶液滴定法测定果实中可滴定酸质量分数㊁蒽酮试剂法测定苹果中可溶性糖质量分数㊂1.5数据分析利用W P S E x c e l2016统计软件㊁S P S S程序软件(I B M S P S S s t a t i s t i c s26)进行数据计算与统计分析,P<0.05表示差异显著㊂2结果与分析2.1不同处理1年生苹果枝条叶片表观对比分析与C K对比,处理L1㊁L2表现1年生枝条叶片均呈银灰色,处理L3和L4叶片逐渐变绿状态有所缓解,L5和L6缓解效果较好,叶片翠绿色富有光泽㊂由图1可以看出,正常叶上表皮细胞致密排列,病叶上表皮细胞疏松排列,栅栏组织和叶肉细胞不通透,难以看到细胞之间的界限,可能与苹果银叶病的病原菌在果树茎干和根的木质部㊁髓部产生大量的毒素运输至叶片有关㊂与C K相比,用微生物菌剂和大蒜油处理后,L1㊁L2栅栏组织和叶肉细胞不通透,难以看到细胞之间的界限;L3和L4可看清栅栏组织和叶肉细胞间间隙;L5和L6可看清栅栏组织和叶肉细胞间间隙,表皮细胞致密排列,叶肉细胞通透清晰,呈绿色㊂图1苹果叶片纵切面(200x)2.2苹果叶片生理指标2.2.1不同处理的苹果叶片叶型差异分析1)叶面积㊂由表1可知,处理L6(56.250c m2)叶面积与C K(58.633c m2)之间差异不显著,二者均显著高于处理L1(41.128c m2)㊁L2(40.394c m2)㊁L3 (43.598c m2)㊁L4(48.880c m2)㊁L5(56.144c m2);处理L4㊁L5叶面积显著高于处理L1㊁L2;处理L1㊁L2㊁L3㊁L4㊁L5叶片叶面积比C K叶片叶面积分别减少29.86%㊁31.11%㊁25.64%㊁16.63%㊁4.25%,差异达显著水平㊂由此可见,苹果树感染银叶病后叶面积减少,通过微生物菌剂与大蒜油配施可使叶片叶面积增加,以L6处理恢复效果最好㊂2)叶周长㊂由表1可知,处理L5叶周长(34.580c m)与C K(35.173c m)差异不显著,显著高于其他处理;处理L1(26.695c m)㊁L2 (24.960c m)㊁L3(28.416c m)㊁L4(28.808c m)㊁L6 (31.036c m)均显著低于C K,分别减少24.10%㊁29.04%㊁19.21%㊁18.10%㊁11.76%;处理L6显著高于处理L1㊁L2㊂由此可见,苹果树感染银叶病后叶周长减少,通过微生物菌剂与大蒜油配施可使叶3陈悦,等:微生物菌剂与大蒜油配施对银叶病苹果叶片生理特性及果实品质的影响周长增加,以L 5处理恢复效果最好㊂3)大叶长㊂由表1可知,处理L 5(12.170c m )㊁L 6(10.708c m )大叶长与C K (10.670c m )差异不显著,显著高于处理L 1(8.804c m )㊁L 2(9.292c m )㊁L 3(9.488c m );处理L 5显著高于除L 6之外其他处理;且所有处理均显著高于处理L 1,处理L 1叶片大叶长比C K 减少17.49%,差异显著㊂由此可见,苹果树感染银叶病后大叶长减少,通过微生物菌剂与大蒜油配施可使大叶长增加,以L 5处理效果最好㊂4)大叶宽㊂由表1可知,处理L 5(7.634c m )㊁L 6(7.748c m )大叶宽显著高于处理L 1(6.178c m )㊁L 2(6.230c m )㊁L 3(6.814c m );处理L 1叶片大叶宽比C K 减少31.51%,差异显著㊂由此可见,苹果树感染银叶病后大叶长减少,通过微生物菌剂与大蒜油配施可使大叶长增加,以L 5㊁L 6处理效果最好㊂综合表1可知,苹果树感染银叶病后叶片叶面积㊁叶周长㊁大叶长和大叶宽均显著减少,通过微生物菌剂与大蒜油配施后使叶面积㊁叶周长㊁大叶长和大叶宽均增加㊂表1 不同处理苹果叶片差异处理叶面积/c m2叶周长/c m大叶长/c m大叶宽/c m长宽比C K58.633ʃ1.379a 35.173ʃ2.300a 10.670ʃ1.666a b 9.020ʃ0.841a 1.586ʃ0.146aL 141.128ʃ9.724c 26.695ʃ3.884c d 8.804ʃ0.571d 6.178ʃ0.314d 1.250ʃ0.238a L 240.394ʃ6.282c 24.960ʃ1.763c d 9.292ʃ1.835c 6.230ʃ0.163d 1.392ʃ0.358a L 343.598ʃ4.664c b 28.416ʃ2.169b c d 9.488ʃ0.796c 6.814ʃ1.258c d 1.436ʃ0.332a L 448.880ʃ3.562b 28.808ʃ2.046b c 10.342ʃ1.729b 6.932ʃ1.112b c d 1.476ʃ0.260a L 556.144ʃ1.406b 34.580ʃ2.814a 12.170ʃ1.617a 7.634ʃ0.324b c 1.544ʃ0.151a L 656.250ʃ6.250a31.036ʃ3.667b10.708ʃ2.468a b7.748ʃ0.469b1.452ʃ0.133a注:不同小写字母表示处理间差异显著(P <0.05)㊂下表同㊂2.2.2 不同处理的苹果叶片生理特性特征差异分析叶绿素:植物体内的叶绿素参与光合作用㊂由表2可知,C K 叶绿素含量(54.971)显著高于处理L 1(46.572)㊁L 2(48.786)㊁L 3(49.786)㊁L 4(50.153)㊁L 5(52.356)㊁L 6(52.811),分别高出15.28%㊁11.25%㊁9.43%㊁8.76%㊁4.76%㊁3.93%;处理L 5㊁L 6叶绿素含量显著高于其他处理,提高4.21%%~11.81%㊂由此可见,苹果树感染银叶病后叶绿素含量降低,通过微生物菌剂与大蒜油配施可提高叶片叶绿素的含量,以L 6处理效果最好㊂可溶性蛋白:植物体内的可溶性蛋白质大部分是参与各种代谢的酶类㊂由表2可知,处理L 1(9.783m g /g )㊁L 2(10.480m g /g)叶片可溶性蛋白含量显著低于C K (12.443m g /g ),分别降低21.38%㊁15.78%;处理L 4(13.040m g /g )㊁L 5(13.947m g /g )㊁L 6(13.280m g /g)可溶性蛋白含量显著高于处理L 1㊁L 2;处理L 5显著高于C K ,可溶性蛋白含量提高了10.78%㊂处理L 2和L 1之间无显著差异,处理L 3㊁L 4㊁L 5㊁L 6和L 1之间差异显著,提高7.12%~29.86%㊂由此可见,苹果树感染银叶病后可溶性蛋白质含量降低,通过微生物菌剂与大蒜油配施可提高叶片蛋白质含量,以L 5处理效果最好㊂可溶性糖:糖类物质提供了合成抗逆物质的碳源㊂由表2可知,C K 叶片可溶性糖质量分数(5.465%)显著高于其他处理,苹果树患银叶病后叶片可溶性糖质量分数降低14.78%~23.77%;施用微生物菌剂与大蒜油后,叶片中可溶性糖质量分数有多提高,处理L 5(4.657%)显著高于L 1(4.166%),提高11.79%;其余处理之间无显著性差异㊂由此可见,苹果树感染银叶病后可溶性糖质量分数降低,通过微生物菌剂与大蒜油配施可提高叶片可溶性糖质量分数,以L 5处理效果最好㊂丙二醛:丙二醛含量的高低直接反映出植物受到胁迫的程度高低,丙二醛含量越高说明植物的受伤程度越严重㊂由表2可知,处理L 1丙二醛含量(68.057n m o l /g )显著高于C K (21.740n m o l /g),提高213.05%;施用微生物菌剂与大蒜油后,丙二醛含量显著降低,降低范围在25.31%~46.36%;处理L 5(36.933n m o l /g )㊁L 6(36.507n m o l /g )丙二醛含量显著低于其他处理,但两者之间差异不显著㊂由此可见,苹果树感染银叶病后丙二醛含量上升,通过微生物菌剂与大蒜油配施可降低丙二醛含量,以L 5㊁L 6处理效果较好㊂综合表2可知,苹果树感染银叶病后叶片叶绿素㊁可溶性蛋白质和可溶性糖质量分数均显著降低,丙二醛含量升高㊂通过微生物菌剂与大蒜油配施后叶片叶绿素㊁可溶性蛋白质和可溶性糖质量分数均显著增加,丙二醛含量显著降低,且处理L 5效果最好㊂4果树资源学报 2024,5(1)表2不同处理的苹果叶片生理特性特征差异处理叶绿素含量(S P D A)可溶性蛋白质含量/(m g㊃g-1)可溶性糖质量分数/%丙二醛含量/(n m o l㊃g-1) C K54.971ʃ2.103a12.443ʃ0.410b5.465ʃ0.494a21.740ʃ1.540e L146.572ʃ2.819d9.783ʃ0.064c4.166ʃ0.271c68.057ʃ2.568a L248.786ʃ2.671c10.480ʃ0.937c4.318ʃ0.266b c50.830ʃ1.381b L349.786ʃ2.671c12.643ʃ0.806b4.424ʃ0.247b c50.423ʃ0.680b L450.153ʃ2.011c13.040ʃ0.709a b4.457ʃ0.131b c46.487ʃ2.110c L552.356ʃ3.237b13.947ʃ0.484a4.657ʃ0.192b36.933ʃ1.215d L652.811ʃ3.556b13.280ʃ0.470a b4.545ʃ0.113b c36.507ʃ0.445d2.3不同处理的苹果果实品质分析硬度:由表3可知,处理L1果实硬度(8.323k g/c m2)比C K果实硬度(12.827k g/c m2)降低35.11%,差异显著;处理L2(9.913k g/c m2)㊁L3(10.157k g/c m2)㊁L4(11.200k g/c m2)㊁L5 (11.720k g/c m2)㊁L6(11.093k g/c m2)与C K果实硬度之间差异显著,降低8.63%~22.72%,其中L5果实硬度降低最少,降低8.63%㊂处理L2㊁L3㊁L4㊁L5㊁L6和L1之间差异显著,果实硬度大小为L5>L4>L6>L3>L2>L1㊂由此可见,苹果树感染银叶病后果实硬度降低,通过微生物菌剂与大蒜油配施可提高果实硬度,以L5处理效果最好㊂可溶性固形物:由表3可知,处理L1果实可溶性固形物质量分数(16.400%)比C K(18.600%)降低11.83%,差异显著;处理L2(16.968%)㊁L3 (16.400%)㊁L4(17.467)㊁L6(17.800%)与C K果实可溶性固形物之间差异显著,降低3.05%~ 11.83%;L5与C K果实可溶性固形物之间差异不显著,仅降低3.05%;处理L4㊁L5㊁L6和其他处理之间差异显著;其他处理间差异不显著㊂由此可见,苹果树感染银叶病后果实可溶性固形物质量分数降低,通过微生物菌剂与大蒜油配施可提高果实可溶性固形物质量分数,以L5处理效果最好㊂抗坏血酸:由表3可知,处理L1果实抗坏血酸含量(7.292m g/100g)比C K(12.293m g/100g)降低40.64%,差异显著;处理L2(7.353m g/100g)㊁L3(8.403m g/100g)㊁L4(9.627m g/100g)㊁L5 (10.863m g/100g)㊁L6(10.740m g/100g)与C K 果实抗坏血酸之间差异显著,降低11.63%~ 40.10%;L5与C K果实抗坏血酸之间差异最小,降低11.63%㊂由此可见,苹果树感染银叶病后果实抗坏血酸含量降低,通过微生物菌剂与大蒜油配施可提高果实抗坏血酸含量㊂可滴定酸:由表3可知,处理L1果实可滴定酸质量分数(0.396%)比C K(0.238%)增加66.39%,差异显著;处理L2㊁L3㊁L4㊁L5和L6与C K果实可滴定酸之间差异显著,增加21.43%~63.45%,其中L2和L1,L3和L4之间无显著性差异,L5可滴定酸增加最少,增加21.43%㊂果实可滴定酸质量分数:L1>L2>L3>L4>L6>L5㊂由此可见,苹果树感染银叶病后果实可滴定酸质量分数会增加,通过微生物菌剂与大蒜油配施可降低可滴定酸的质量分数㊂可溶性糖:由表3可知,处理L1果实可溶性糖质量分数(13.523%)比C K(16.190%)降低16.47%,差异显著;处理L2㊁L3和L4与C K果实可溶性糖质量分数之间差异显著,降低8.8%~ 16.70%;L2㊁L3和L1,L5和L6之间无显著性差异,L5可溶性糖降低最少,降低0.88%㊂由此可见,苹果树感染银叶病后果实可溶性糖质量分数降低,通过微生物菌剂与大蒜油配施可增加可溶性糖的质量分数,以L5处理效果较好㊂固酸比和糖酸比:由表3可知,果实固酸比和糖酸比处理L1比C K分别降低47.17%和50.05%,差异显著;处理L2㊁L3㊁L4㊁L5㊁L6与C K果实固酸比差异显著,降低19.81%~44.35%,其中L5和L6之间无显著性差异,L5固酸比降低最少,降低19.81%;处理L2㊁L3㊁L4㊁L5㊁L6与C K果实糖酸比差异显著,降低18.35%~49.32%,其中L2和L1,L3和L4之间无显著性差异,L5糖酸比降低最少,降低18.35%㊂由此可见,苹果树感染银叶病后果实固酸比和糖酸比均降低,通过微生物菌剂与大蒜油配施可增加果实固酸比和糖酸比,以L5处理效果较好㊂综合表3可知,苹果树感染银叶病后果实硬度㊁可溶性固形物质量分数㊁抗坏血酸含量㊁固酸比㊁糖酸比均显著降低,可滴定酸质量分数增加㊂通过微生物菌剂与大蒜油配施,提高了苹果果实硬度㊁可溶性固形物质量分数㊁抗坏血酸含量㊁固酸比㊁糖酸比,降低了可滴定酸质量分数,且L5效果较好㊂5陈悦,等:微生物菌剂与大蒜油配施对银叶病苹果叶片生理特性及果实品质的影响表3不同处理的苹果果实品质的比较处理果实硬度/(k g㊃c m-2)可溶性固形物质量分数/%抗坏血酸含量/(m g㊃100g-1)可滴定酸质量分数/%可溶性糖质量分数/%固酸比糖酸比C K12.827ʃ0.816a18.600ʃ0.529a12.293ʃ0.254a0.238ʃ0.018d16.190ʃ0.550a78.420ʃ3.450a68.450ʃ6.957a L18.323ʃ0.282e16.400ʃ0.265d7.297ʃ0.075e0.396ʃ0.010a13.523ʃ0.518c41.427ʃ0.590f34.193ʃ2.208d L29.913ʃ0.530d16.968ʃ0.153d7.353ʃ0.192e0.389ʃ0.012a13.487ʃ0.277c43.643ʃ1.001e f34.693ʃ1.026d L310.157ʃ1.112c d16.400ʃ0.264d8.403ʃ0.319d0.336ʃ0.020b13.970ʃ0.070c49.010ʃ3.266d e41.750ʃ2.714c L411.200ʃ0.151b17.467ʃ0.651b c9.627ʃ0.166c0.335ʃ0.027b14.760ʃ0.110b52.373ʃ3.961c d44.303ʃ3.851c L511.720ʃ0.447b18.033ʃ0.473a b10.863ʃ0.313b0.289ʃ0.026c16.047ʃ0.176a62.883ʃ7.304b55.887ʃ5.450b L611.093ʃ0.447b c17.800ʃ0.231b10.740ʃ0.500b0.313ʃ0.009b c16.040ʃ0.161a56.853ʃ2.600c b51.210ʃ0.934b3讨论本研究发现微生物菌剂与大蒜油配用对患有银叶病的果树叶片有较好的恢复缓和效果,一定程度上提高果实品质㊂通过观察苹果树1年生枝条叶片形态特征和叶片解剖学特征发现:患银叶病果树叶片褪绿,在阳光下呈银灰色,这与张慧杰[15]㊁B u r g e r Y[16]对西葫芦银叶病叶片的研究结论相同,还观察到苹果银叶病叶片的叶肉细胞呈墨绿色,这可能是由于叶肉组织厚度随着病害程度的加深而变厚[17],导致细胞间的界限不明显,通过微生物菌剂与大蒜油配施这一现象有所缓解,叶片表观颜色和解剖学特性与正常叶片差别不大㊂果树叶型对营养物质的积累有着至关重要的作用,苹果患银叶病后,叶面积㊁叶周长㊁大叶长和大叶宽显著减小,只添加微生物菌剂对其影响无显著性差异,通过大蒜油与微生物菌剂配施可有效增加叶片叶面积㊁叶周长㊁大叶长和大叶宽㊂叶片S P A D 值可以反映植物叶片中叶绿素含量的相对大小,对叶片的生长具有重要的作用,能够直接反应叶片的健康状况,是用来评价植物长势的有效手段[18]㊂本研究中患病叶片叶绿素含量降低,通过微生物菌剂与大蒜油配施可提高叶片叶绿素的含量㊂叶片患银叶病后蛋白质代谢紊乱主要表现在可溶性蛋白含量降低,本研究中患病叶片可溶性蛋白质含量降低,与郝树芹[17]㊁张立莹[19]研究结果一致㊂患病后生理代谢失调也加剧糖类物质的消耗,植株发生银叶病后叶片光合速率降低从而导致光合产物减少当消耗大于产出时糖含量降低,本研究患病叶片可溶性糖质量分数降低,与B u r g e r[16]㊁D.R[20]研究结果一致㊂苹果树在逆境环境下会产生大量的丙二醛,丙二醛的过多积累能导致细胞死亡,可直接反映植物遭受伤害的程度,本研究中患病叶片丙二醛含量升高,与王彩霞等人[21]研究结果一致㊂通过微生物菌剂与大蒜油配施增加叶片可溶性蛋白和可溶性糖质量分数,降低丙二醛含量㊂苹果果实内在品质是其商品性优劣的重要标志,果实硬度㊁可溶性固形物㊁抗坏血酸㊁可滴定酸㊁可溶性糖㊁固酸比㊁糖酸比均是评价果实品质的重要指标[22]㊂本研究中通过微生物菌剂和大蒜油配施可改善患病苹果树果实内在品质㊂微生物菌剂已被广泛应用在治疗植物有关病原真菌上㊂W e i n d l i n g[23]的研究表明木霉菌对植物的病原真菌有着良好的拮抗效果,多年来国外研究者对木霉菌剂的研制做了很多的研究㊂研究发现,巨大芽孢杆菌(B a c i l l u s m e g a t e r i u m)B M1㊁贝莱斯芽孢杆菌(B a c i l l u s v e l e z e n s i s)R C218均能够明显减小小麦赤霉病的发生,还能抑制病原菌毒素的合成[24-25]㊂大蒜油对病原真菌也有一定的治疗作用㊂王小青等[9]在患银叶病苹果树体打孔法注入营养液与多菌灵,同时树体打孔注入大蒜油可以治疗苹果银叶病㊂但本研究中未单独研究大蒜油对患银叶病苹果树叶片生理特性及果实品质的影响,单独使用微生物菌剂时其对患病叶片生理状态恢复及提高果实品质方面不如添加了大蒜油处理效果,随着大蒜油浓度的增加其作用效果也在增加,说明大蒜油在恢复缓解患病树体方面起到了一定的作用,有待下一步继续加强研究㊂4结论微生物菌剂与大蒜油配用后通过观察1年生枝条叶片表观和纵切面㊁测定苹果叶片生理特征差异和果实品质分析发现,微生物菌剂与大蒜油配施对银叶病苹果叶片生理特性及果实品质影响较大,配施微生物菌剂2.5k g/株+大蒜油250m L/株(处理L5)效果最好㊂参考文献[1]马立功,张敏,李广进.苹果银叶病的发生与防治技术研究[J].江苏农业科学,2007,35(6):106-108.6果树资源学报2024,5(1)[2]李汉卿,傅纯彦.中国苹果银叶病[S t e r e u m p u r p u r e u m(P e r s.)F r.]的研究(一)[J].东北林学院学报,1980, 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1.1 病例资料选择2012年4月~2014年10月在我院临床诊断为急慢性牙髓炎、牙髓坏死或急慢性根尖周炎,需进行根管治疗患者80例,患牙80颗,每例1颗,其中慢性根尖周炎 41颗,慢性牙髓炎39颗。
附录:常用专业词汇表Aabiotic adj.非生物的ablation n.消融abundant adj.丰富的;充足的abyssal adj.深不可测的abyssal plain n.深海平原accompany vt.陪伴;伴随accumulation n.堆积作用acid rain n.酸雨acres lost each year n.每年失去英亩数administer vt.管理;实施;执行Adriatic adj.亚得里亚海Aegean n.爱琴海aerospaceplane n.航天飞机aerosphere n.大气层afforestation n.造林Agenda 21 n.21世纪议程aggregate n.聚集agricultural modernization n.农业现代化agricultural system n.农业系统agriculture n.农业air mass n.气团air transport n.水路运输air flows and air masses n.气流和气团air pollution n.空气污染airport n.航空港Allah n.(回教语)安拉,真主alluvial fan n.冲积扇alluvial plain n.冲积平原Alps n.阿尔卑斯山脉alternation n.改变;变更altitude n.高度Amazon n.亚马孙河Amazon Basin n.亚马孙平原anabatic winds n.上升气流风Andes Mountains n.安第斯山脉angular speed n.角速度Antarctic Area n.南极地区anticyclone n.反气旋aphelion n.远日点Appalachian Mountains n.阿巴拉契亚山脉aquatic n.水生的Aral Sea n.咸海(中亚西亚地区)arctic adj.北极的Arctic Area n.北极地区arctic maritime adj.北极海洋的(ma)arid n.干旱arid environment n.干旱环境arid zones n.干旱地带artificial island n.人工岛asthenosphere n.软流圈atmosphere n.大气圈,大气atmospheric pressure n.气压atmospheric motion n.大气运动atoll n.环状珊瑚岛;环礁atoms n.原子Australia n.澳大利亚Austria n.奥地利autumnal equinox n.秋分axis n.轴;地轴Azores high n.亚速尔高压BBaikal n.贝加尔湖balance n.平衡Balkan Peninsula adj.巴尔干半岛Baltic Sea n.波罗的海Bangladesh n.孟加拉国barchan n.新月形沙丘basaltic adj.玄武岩的basin n.盆地bayou/estuary n.河口bed width n.河床宽度Berlin n.柏林Biosphere n.生物圈biotic adj.生物的birth rate n.出生率births n.出生Black Sea n.黑海bluffs n.悬崖Bombay n.孟买Brazil n.巴西Brazilian Highlands n.巴西高原breast feeding n.哺乳喂养Brisilia n.巴西利亚Bruno n.布鲁诺buckling and faulting n.弯曲和断层Buddha n.佛Buddhism n.佛教Bulgaria n.保加利亚Burma n.缅甸CCalcutta n.加尔各答Cambodia n.柬埔寨Canberra n.堪培拉canyon n.峡谷Cape of Good Hope n.好望角carbon dioxide n.二氧化碳carbon monoxide n.一氧化碳Caribbean Sea n.加勒比海carnivores n.食肉动物cash farming n.商品农业Caspian Sea n.里海cattle n.牲畜cattle ranching n.牧牛Caucasus Range n.大高加索山脉celestial body n.天体changes in daylight and darkness n.晨昏交替Chicago n.芝加哥Christianity n.基督教chromosphere n.色球circle of illumination n.晨昏线cirques, aretes, horns andU-shaped valleys n.冰斗、刃岭、角峰和U形山谷clearing showers n.晴朗阵雨climate n.气候clockwise n.顺时针coast n.海岸coastal plain n.滨海平原coastal zone n.海岸带coastline n.海岸线cold current n.寒流cold front n.冷锋cold wave n.寒潮combustion n.燃烧comet n.彗星commerce n.商业中心commercial center n.国际贸易commercial route n.商业通道communication andtransportation n.交通运输commuters n.通勤者competition n.竞争components of populationchange n.人口组成的变化comprise v.包含;构成concentration n.集中condensation n.凝结condensation and lapse rates n . 凝结作用和递减率conduction n.传导conflict vi.冲突;争执congested adj.拥挤的coniferous adj.松柏科的;针叶科的continental adj.大陆性的continental crust n.大陆地壳continental drift n.大陆飘移continental shelf n.大陆架continuous adj.连续的controls on weathering n.控制风化作用convection n.对流convergence n.辐合cooperation n.合作Copernicus n.哥白尼core n.地核Coriolis force n.科氏力counterclockwise n.逆时针counter-urbanization n.逆城市化Croatia n.克罗地亚crude birth rate n.自然出生率crude death rate n.自然死亡率crust n.地壳crystal shape n.晶体crystals n.水晶cultivated land n.耕地cumulonimbus n.积雨云current n.水流;气流cut-off n.截断cyclone n.气旋cyclonic adj.气旋的cyclonic disturbances n.气旋的扰动Czech n.捷克人Ddairy farming n. 乳畜业dam n.大坝Danube n.多瑙河daytime sea breeze n.日间海风De revolutionibus orbium coelestium n.天体运行论Dead Sea n.死海Deccan plateau n.德干高原decomposer n.分解者deforestation n.森林砍伐degrading n.降低deindustrialization n.后工业化deity n.神,神性delta n.三角洲delta plain n.三角洲平原density n.密度deposition n.沉积depression n.低气压depression n.凹陷;凹陷处depression belt n.低压带descending plate n.下降板块destruction of the tropical rainforest n.热带雨林的破坏detritivores n.食腐动物, 食碎屑者developing world city n.发展中的世界城市dew-point n.露点diameter n.直径differentiate vt.区分direct solar radiation n.太阳直射disastrous n.灾难性的discharge n.流量discontinuous adj.不连续的distribution of arid and semi-arid environment n.干旱和半干旱环境的分布divergence n.辐散.diverse adj.不同的diversified adj.多样化的diversity n.多样性dolomite n.白云石downpour n.倾盆大雨downwind adj.顺风的drift n.漂流droplet n.小滴dry-hot wind n.干热风dune n.沙丘dwellings n.居住Eearth n.地球earth revolution n.地球公转earth rotation n.地球自转earthquake n.地震earth's axis n.地轴East Asia n.东亚ebb n.退潮ecliptic plane / earth's orbit plane n.黄道ecological service n.生态服务economic increase n.经济增长economy n.经济ecosystem n.生态系统effect of friction n.摩檫力作用Egypt n.埃与electromagnetic wave n.电磁波element n.要素elevation n.海拔ellipse n.椭圆England n.英国environment n. 环境environmental issue n.环境污染environmental logo n.环境标志environmental pollution n.生态破坏environmental protection n.环境保护equator n.赤道equatorial low n.赤道低压equatorial though n.赤道低压槽equinox n.春分;秋分erosion n.侵蚀establish vt.建立Ethiopia n.埃塞俄比亚Ethiopian adj.埃塞俄比亚的Euphrates n.幼发拉底河Eurasian adj.欧亚(大陆)的European Union(EU) n.欧洲联盟evaporation n.蒸发evergreen adj.长绿的Everest n.珠穆朗玛峰exchange of energy between earth and atmosphere n.地球和大气层之间的能量的交换exclusive economic zone n.专属经济区exploit vt.开采开发extensive farming n.粗放农业extinct adj.以熄灭的extragalactic system n.河外星系Ffactors of agricultural location n.农业区位因素factors of industrial location n.工业区位因素factors of urban location n.城市区位因素farming outputs n.农业产出farming inputs n.农业投入fault n.断层fertile adj.肥沃的fertility n.肥力;出生率financial center n.金融中心first quarter moon n.上弦月fish farming n.渔业fishing ground n.渔场flatten v.变平float vi.漂浮floodplain n.泛滥平原fog n.雾fohn effect n.焚风作用fohn winds n.焚风fold n.褶皱fold mountains n.褶皱山地formation of precipitation n.降水的形成formulate vt. 规划;设计fossil n.化石France n.法国freeze-thaw n.冻融;冻土-解冻frigid zone n.寒带front n.锋frontal surface n.锋面frontal rain n.锋面雨frost n.霜冻frozen soil n.冻土Fuji-san n.富士山full moon n.满月;望月fumes n.烟雾fungi n.真菌GGalaxy n.银河系gale n.狂风Galileo n.伽利略Ganges n.恒河gaseous adj.气体的general atmospheric circulation n.大气环流geological processes n.地质作用geological disaster n.地质灾害geological time n.地质时期geomorphy n.地貌geostrophic wind n.地转风Germany n.德国glacial age n.冰期glacial deposition n.冰川沉积glacial erosion n.冰川侵蚀glaciate vt. 使结冰;以冰覆盖glaciation n.冰川作用glacier n.冰川global circulation models n.全球环流模式global warming n. 全球变暖gobi n.戈壁gorge n.峡谷gradient n.坡度gradient wind n.梯度风granular n.粒状Great Rift Valley n.大裂谷Greece n.希腊Green revolution n.绿色革命greenhouse effect n.大气保温效应greenhouse effect n.温室效应Greenland n.格陵兰岛Greenwich Observatory n.格林尼治天文台Gross National Product (GNP)n.国民生产总值gulf n.海湾Gulf of Genoa n.热那亚湾Gulf of Mexico n.墨西哥湾gutters n.排水沟Hhandicraft industry n.手工业harmonize v.使协调一致heliocentric theory n.日心说helmet n.头盔hemisphere n.半球herbivores n.食草动物hierarchy n.等级high pressure n.高压highway transportation n.公路运输Himalayas n.喜马拉雅山脉Hokkaido n.北海道岛hollow adj.空的horizontal n.地平线housing problem n.住房问题how winds are steered in the upper atmosphere n.在大气上层风是怎样进行human and economic factors n.人文与经济因素humidity n.湿度humification n.腐殖化hurricane n.飓风hydroelectric adj.水力电气的hydroelectric power plant n.水力发电站hydrosphere n.(地)水圈IIce sheet n.(地)大冰原;冰盾;冰盖immigration n.迁进;外来居民impact n.影响increase v.增加Indian n.印度Indochina Peninsula n.中南半岛Indonesia n. 印度尼西亚Indus River n.印度河industrial concentration n.工业集聚industrial dispersion n.工业分散industrial location n.工业区位industrialization n.工业化industry n.工业infant n.婴儿infertile adj.不肥沃的innovation n.革新input-output system n.投入-产出系统intensive farming n.集约农业intermittent showers n.阵international adj.国际的international trade n.金融中心internet n.商业intervene vi.介乎于…其间ionosphere n.电离层Iran n.伊朗Iraq n.伊拉克irrigation n.灌溉;冲洗Islam n.伊斯兰教island arcs n.岛弧Island Shikoku n.四国岛isobar n.等压线isotherms n.等温线Israel n.以色列Italy n.意大利JJapan n.日本Java n.爪哇岛Jerusalem n.耶路撒冷Jordan n.约旦Judaism n. 犹太教Jupiter n.木星Jurassic adj.侏罗纪的,侏罗系的KKarst n.喀斯特地貌katabatic wind n.下降气流风Kenya n.肯尼亚Kepler n.开普勒Kilimanjaro n.乞力马扎罗山Kobe n.神户Kuwait n.科威特Kyushu n.九州岛Llabour n.劳动力lag time n.延迟时间lagoon n.泻湖Lake Erie n.伊利湖Lake Huron n.休伦湖Lake Michigan n.密歇根湖Lake Ontario n.安大略湖Lake Superior n.苏比利尔湖land n.土地land and ocean changes n.海陆变迁land and sea breezes n.陆地和海洋的微风land and water distribution n.海陆分布land degradation and desertification n.土地退化和沙漠化landform n.地形landforms produced by glacial erosion n.冰川侵蚀形成的地形landmark n.陆标;地界标landslide n.滑坡Laos n.老挝Latin America n.拉丁美洲latitude n.纬度layer n.层;圈层leeward n.下风Liechtenstein adj.列支敦士登的light-year n.光年limestone n.石灰石linear speed n.线速度lithosphere n.(地)岩石圈,地壳local wind n.区域风;局地风location n.区位logging n.伐木London n.伦敦Longitude n.经度Los Angeles n.洛杉矶low pressure n.低压low-latitude(tropical)weather systems n.低纬度(热带)天气系统low-lying adj.低的lunar year n.农历Mmacula n.太阳黑子Madagascar n.马达加斯加岛magma rock n.岩浆岩magnetic field n.磁场magnetic storm n.磁暴main factors and processes affecting population size and distribution n.影响人口大小和分布的主要因素和过程mainland n.大陆maintain v.维持;建立;majority n.大多数;过半数Makkah n.麦加Malay Archipelago n.马来群岛Malaysia n.马来西亚man-earth relationship n.人地关系manned spaceship n.载人飞船mantle n.地幔Mariana Trench n.马里亚纳海沟marine adj.海的;海中的maritime n.海洋maritime climate n.海洋性气候market n.市场Mars n.火星marsh n.沼泽massive adj.巨大的;大块的mean density n.平均密度meanders n.曲流mediterranean adj.地中海的Mediterranean Sea n.地中海Mediterranean zone n.地中海带Mekong River n.湄公河meltwater n.融雪水Mercury n.水星meridian n.经线mesa n.台地mesosphere n.散逸层、中间层metagalaxy n.总星系;宇宙metamorphic rock n.变质岩metamorphism n.变质作用meteoroid n.流星体midday n.正午middle and high latitudes n.中、高纬度Middle Asia n.中亚Middle East n.中东mid-latitude cyclonic belt n.中纬度气旋带mid-latitude weather systems n.中纬度的天气系统midnight n.午夜migration n.迁移military adj.军事的;军用的mineral n.矿物Mississippi n.密西西比河mixed farming n.混合农业mode of transport n.运输方式modern agriculture n.现代农业Moho n.莫霍面molecules n.分子monogamy n.一夫一妻制monsoon n.季风;雨季moraines n.冰碛morphology of the urban heat island n.城市热岛地形mortality n.死亡率Moscow n.莫斯科moss n.苔,藓mountain and valley winds n.山地和山谷风mountaineering n.登山mud-rock flow n.泥石流Nnationality n.民族natural resource n.自然资源natural zone n.自然带navigate v.航行;航海nebula n.星云needle leaves n.针叶Neptune n.海王星Netherlands n.荷兰New Delhi n.新德里new moon n.朔月new towns and green belts n.新城镇和绿带New York n.纽约newly rising industry n.新兴工业Nigeria n.尼日利亚Nile n.尼罗河nitrogen n.氮Noah's Ark n.诺亚方舟nocturnal land breeze n.夜间陆地风noise pollution n.噪声污染nomadism n.游牧non-commercial adj.非商业的North Asia n.北亚North Pole n.北极north-east monsoon n.东北季风Norway n.挪威noxious adj.有害的nuclear adj. (核)核子的;原子能的nuclear fusion reaction n.核聚变Ooasis n.绿洲Ob n. 鄂毕河oblate adj.(数)椭圆的;扁圆的;oblique adj.斜的occluded front n.锢囚锋occupy v.占据;占有ocean current n.洋流ocean ridges n.洋脊omnivores n.杂食动物optimum population n.最佳人口orbit n.(天体等)运行轨道organic substance n.有机物organism n.生物organization n.组织origin n.起源Osaka n.大阪outer core n.外地核out-migration n.迁出outwash n.冲刷overpopulation n.人口过剩overtaking v.超越ownership n.所有权;物主身份ox-bow lake n.牛轭湖oxygen n.氧ozone n.臭氧ozonosphere n.臭氧层Ppaddy field n.水田Pakistan n.巴基斯坦Pamirs n.帕米尔高原Pampas n.南美大草原,潘帕斯草原Panama Canal n.巴拿马运河parallel n.纬线Paris n.巴黎pastoral farming n.畜牧业pasture n.牧场penguin n.企鹅peninsula n.半岛perihelion n.对流层顶periods of growth n.增长的周期perpendicular adj.垂直的Persian adj.波斯的,波斯人Persian Gulf n.波斯湾Persist n.持续Pesticide n.杀虫剂phases of the moon n.月相photochemical adj.光化学的Photosphere n.日冕photosynthesis n.光合作用phreatic water n. 潜水;地下水physical factors n.自然因素pigment n.色素pipeline transport n.航空运输plain n.平原Planalto do Brasil n.巴西高原planet n.行星plantations n.种植plants n.植物plate n.板块plate tectonic theory n.板块构造学说plate tectonics n.板块构造plateau n.高原Pluto n.冥王星polar circle n.极圈polar continental adj.极地大陆的polar high n.极地高压polar maritime adj.极地海洋的(mp)polar night n.极昼Polar Plat n.南极高原polar region n.极区;极地pollutant n.污染物pollution n.污染pond as an ecosystem n.作为一个生态系统的水塘pools and riffles n.池沼和浅滩population density n.人口密度population distribution and change n.人口分布和变化population explosion n.人口爆炸population growth n.人口增长population policy n.人口政策population pressure n.人口压力population size and distribution factors n.人口大小和分布populous adj.人口密集的port n.港口precipitation n.降水量;雨量precipitation patterns n.降水类型pressure gradient n.气压梯度pressure low n.低(气)压pressure high n.高(气)压pressure-gradient force n.压力梯度力prevailing wind n.盛行风prime meridian n.本初子午线primitive farming n.原始农业prisere n.演替productivity n.生产力promote v.提升protection n.保护Pyramid n.金字塔Qquality n.质量Rrace n.种族radiation and sunshine n.辐射和日照railway transportation n.铁路运输rainforest n.热带雨林rainstorm n.暴风雨raw materials n.原料ray n.射线;光线reclamation n.开垦Red Sea n.红海relationship n.关系religion n.宗教residential area n.居住区resource n.资源revolution n.绕转;旋转;旋转一周revolution cycle n.公转周期Rhine n.莱茵河rice farming n.水稻种植业ridge v.使成脊;使降起riffle n.浅滩rill n.小溪Rio de Janerio n.里约热内卢river channel n.河道river's load n.河流搬运rock n.岩石Rocky Mountains n.落基山脉Roma n.罗马Romania n.罗马尼亚rotation n.旋转;旋转一周rotation cycle n.自周期Rotterdam n.鹿特丹runoff n.径流rural area n.乡村Rural Settlement n.乡村聚落Russia n.俄罗斯SSahara n.撒哈拉Sahara Desert n.撒哈拉沙漠Saint Petersburg n.圣彼得堡salinity n.盐分;盐度San Francisco n.圣弗朗西斯科(旧金山)sand dunes in hot deserts n.热沙漠的沙丘sandstorm n.沙尘暴satellite n.卫星satellite town n.卫星城saturated vapour pressure n.饱和蒸汽压Saturn n.土星Saudi Arabia n.沙特阿拉伯Savannas n.热带稀树草原Scandinavia n.斯堪的纳维亚scary n.断崖scattered adj.分散的scrub n.灌木林seal n.海豹sea-level n.海平面seaport n.海港;港口都市seasonal variation in river flow :the regime n.河流季节变化:变律sediment rock n.沉积岩sedimentary deposit n.沉积物sedimentation n.沉积作用seismic adj.地震的semitropical adj.副热带的;亚热带的settlement n.聚落shallow beach n.浅滩shell n.壳side beach n.边滩sidereal day n.恒星日sidereal year n.恒星年signatory n.签约国silted up n.淤积sima n.硅镁层Singapore n.新加坡site n.地点situation n.位置sleet shower n.降雨雪Slovakia n.斯洛伐克slums n.贫民区socio-economic determinants n.社会-经济的决定因素soil n.土壤soil erosion n.水土流失soil profile n.土壤剖面solar activity n.太阳活动solar altitude n.太阳高度Solar Constant n.太阳常数solar day n.太阳日solar energy n.太阳能solar flare n.耀斑solar radiation n.太阳辐射solar system n.太阳系solid shape n.固态solid inner core n.固体内核solstice n.至日;至点South Asia n.南亚South Pole n.(地)南极Southeast Asia n.东南亚south-west monsoon n.西南季风space explorer n.空间探测器space shuttle n.航天飞机space station n.航天站sparse adj.稀少的sparsely adv.稀疏的,稀少的species n.种;类spin v.快速旋转;回旋split v.分开,分离spring equinox n.春分star n.恒星stature n.身材steppe n.干草原strait n.地峡;海峡Strait of Gibraltar n.直布罗陀海峡Strait of Malacca n.马六甲海峡stratosphere n.平流层;同温层structure of the air above the urban area n.城市地区上空空气的结构subduction n.俯冲作用subpolar low n.副极地低压sub-Saharan Africa n.撒哈拉以南的非洲subsiding n.下沉subsistence agriculture n.自给农业subsolar point n.太阳直射点subtropical high n.副热带高压sub-tropical highs n.亚热带高气压succession n.演替Suez Canal n.苏伊士运河Sumatra n.苏门答腊岛summer solstice n.夏至summit n.顶点sun n.太阳sunlight hours n.日照小时sunlit adj.太阳照射的superenergy electronicparticles n.高能带电粒子sustainable development n.可持续发展Sweden n.瑞典Switzerland n.瑞士Sydney n.悉尼Ttall grasses n.高草Tasmania n.塔斯马尼亚岛tectonic plate n.地壳构造板块Tectonic plate dirft n.板块漂移telescope n.天文望远镜temperate coniferous forest n.温带针叶林temperate deciduous broadleaf forest n.温带落叶阔叶林temperate deciduous woodland n.温带落叶林地temperate grasslands (steppe) n.温带草原(干草原)temperate zone n.温带temperature n.温度Tethys n.古地中海,特提斯海Thailand n.泰国the effect of city morphologyon radiation received at the surface n.城市地貌对地表接受辐射的影响theories of plate motions and oceans ridges n.板块运动和大洋中脊理论thermal n.热的thermosphere n.热成层;电离层third quarter moon n.下弦月Three Gorges Dam n.三峡大坝thunder n.雷thunderstorms n.雷暴雨Tibet Plateau n.青藏高原tidal size n.潮汐大小tide and the tidal cycle n.潮汐和潮周期Tigris n.底格里斯河till n.冰碛物time zone n.时区Tokyo n.东京torrents n.山洪total fertility rate n.总的出生率trade-wind n.信风traditional farming n.传统农业traffic problems n.交通问题transitional adj.过渡的transport n.交通运输transport line n.管道运输transport junction /transport network n.交通运输网transportation n.运输transportation artery n.运输要道treatment n.处置,处理;治疗treaty n.条约;谈判trench n.海沟tributary n.支流trophic pyramid n. 营养(食物)金字塔tropic n.回归线Tropic of Cancer n.北回归线Tropic of Capricorn n.南回归线tropic zone n.热带tropical continental adj.热带大陆的tropical cyclone n.旋风;飓风;气旋;热带气旋tropical disturbances n.热带扰动tropical maritime adj.热带海洋的tropical rainforest n.热带雨林tropical semi-arid n.热带的半干旱tropical year n.回归年tropicalplant n.热带植物troposphere n.对流层tundra n.(北极地区的)冻原;苔原tundra belt n.苔原带turbulence n.湍流Turkey Strait n.土耳其海峡typhoon n.(气)台风UUkraine n.乌克兰ultraviolet ray n.紫外线underlying surface n.下垫面underneath n.在…下面undernourished adj.营养不良的underpopulation n.人口不足United Nations n.联合国United States n.美国uplift n.上升upper mantle n.上地幔upstream n.上游Ural Mountains n.乌拉尔山Uranus n.天王星urban heat island n.城市热岛urban microclimates n.城市小气候urban planning n.城市规划urban problems n.城市问题urban road network n.城市道路网urban settlement n.城市聚落urbanization n.城市化urban-rural shift n.城市-乡村迁移utilization n.利用Vvaried adj.多变的vegetation n.植物vegetation cover n.植被覆盖Venus n.金星vernal adj.春天的vertical stratification n.垂直的分层vessel n.血管;脉管Vienna n.维也纳Vietnam n.越南views of population growth n.人口增长观点vigorous adj.有力的Vladivostok n.夫拉迪乌克托克volcano n.火山Volga n.伏尔加河volume n.体积Wwarm current n.暖流warm front n.暖锋warm front approaches n.暖锋临近warm sector n.暖区Washington n.华盛顿wash-load n.冲积物water circulation n.水循环water level n.水位water source n.水资源water vapor n.水蒸汽waterfall n.瀑布waterway n.排水道waves and tides n.波浪和潮汐weapon n.武器weather n.天气weather associated with a depression n.与低压有关的天气weather forecast n.天气预报weather system n.天气系统weathering n.风化作用West Asia n.西亚West Siberian Plain n.西西伯利亚高原westerlies n.西风带wet and dry tropics n.湿润的和干燥的热带whale n.鲸;捕鲸wind v.弯曲windward adj.上风的,迎风的winter n.冬天winter solstice n.冬至world distribution n.世界分布World Trade Organization n.世界贸易组织XX ray n. X射线xerophytes n.旱生植物Yγ ray n. γ射线Ztimezone n.区时。
不同灌溉方式下制种玉米叶面积指数、干物质累积与产量研究王增丽;栾元利;温广贵;董平国【摘要】Through field experiment,the effect of three irrigation methods as small border irrigation(SBI),conven-tional furrow irrigation(CFI)and alternate furrow irrigation(AFI)on LAI,dry matter accumulation and yield of seed maize were researched.The result showed that:Under different irrigaton methods,the LAI in seeding stage to yield of seed maize assumed a significantly positive correlation,the LAI in heading stage to yield of seed maize assumed a signifi-cantly negative correlation.It indicated that appropriate water control and fertilizer control measures should be taken properly for avoiding the growth redundancy in late reproductive ing the AFI method can let crop root zone moist and dry areas appear alternately,it can be induced the effect of compensatory growth,also entering rapid accumulation of dry matter period will be sooner than CFI and SBI.The dry matter accumulation in heading stage to yield assumed signifi-cantly positive correlation(R2=0.77).Under the alternative furrow irrigation method,the irrigation schedule,as the ir-rigation times was 8 and irrigation norm was 2 250 m3·hm-2which can be steadily increased the economic output,exhib-ited a higher better WUE,but in the heading stage to filling stage it was desirable to increase irrigation frequency or irri-gation quota.%通过田间试验,研究了畦灌、常规沟灌、隔沟交替灌3种灌溉方式对制种玉米叶面积指数(LAI)、干物质累积及产量的影响.结果表明:不同灌溉方式下制种玉米苗期LAI与产量呈显著正相关关系,抽穗后期LAI与产量呈显著负相关关系,表明在生殖生长后期,应适当采取控水、控肥措施降低植株的生长冗余.隔沟交替灌方式使作物根区土壤保持湿润和干燥区域交替出现,能诱导作物的补偿生长效应.隔沟交替灌(AFI)方式下制种玉米进入干物质快速累积期的时间早于传统沟灌(CFI)与小畦灌(SBI).制种玉米抽穗期干物质累积量与产量呈显著正相关关系(R2=0.77).隔沟交替灌溉方式下,制种玉米全生育期灌水8次,灌溉定额为2250 m3·hm-2的灌溉制度能稳定提高经济产量,具有较好的灌水效果,但在抽穗期~灌浆期应考虑适当增加灌水频率或灌水定额.【期刊名称】《干旱地区农业研究》【年(卷),期】2017(035)006【总页数】5页(P27-31)【关键词】灌溉方式;制种玉米;叶面积指数;干物质累积;产量【作者】王增丽;栾元利;温广贵;董平国【作者单位】甘肃省武威市中心灌溉试验站,甘肃武威733000;甘肃省武威市中心灌溉试验站,甘肃武威733000;武威职业学院机械工程系,甘肃武威733000;甘肃省武威市中心灌溉试验站,甘肃武威733000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S512.1;S275.3自20世纪90年代以来,西北地区逐渐成为我国60多个玉米高产品种的制种基地。
方法取24颗单根管离体前磨牙,随机分为12组,距根尖13mm截根,机用Protaper universal镍钛锉预备至F3,颊舌向、近远中向纵向劈开,共96个样本,0.5%、2.5%、5.25%和生理盐水分别浸泡1min、5min、10min。
分类号:R781.3Effect of Different Concentrations NaOCl on Erosion of the RootCanal WallHuo Bing-xin1,Li Chang-qing2,Yang Chun-xia1,Zha Jian-xin3,Xu Mei1(Tangshan Xiehe Hospital:1 Department of Cariology and Endodontology,2 Department of Orthodontics,3 Department of Periodontology,Hebei,Tangshan 063000,China)Objectives Toobserve effects of different concentrations of sodium hypochlorite(NaOCl)on erosion of the root canal wall.Methods24 premolar teeth of single root canal were extracted were randomly pided into 12 groups.They were treated by the root canal preparation and vertical bone splitting,and then were respectively soak in NaOCl(0.5%,2.5%,and 5.25%)and normal saline for 1 min,5 min,and 10 min,.After that,all the teeth were observed by SEM to evaluate erosion of the coronal,middle,and apical thirds of radicular dentin.Results The treatment of 5.25%NaOCl for 10 min showed more significant erosion than normal saline in the coronal third(P<0.05).Conclusions From the perspective of reducing corrosion risk, high concentration of sodium hypochlorite is not recommended for clinical application.Keywords:Sodium hypochlorite,Erosion,Root canal therapy.Chinese books catalog:R781.3作者简介:霍炳鑫(1984-),男,汉族,主治医师,在职研究生,email:******************次氯酸钠溶液能够溶解坏死牙髓,清除玷污层中的有机成分[1],杀灭其中的病原微生物[2],但次氯酸钠具有组织刺激性,若渗入到根尖周组织中,可造成不同程度的损伤,甚至组织坏死或感觉异常。
%Objective To examine the effect of continuous irrigation and drainage through self-made double pelvic drainage tube in treatment of anastomotic fistula for reference in clinical research.Methods The self-made double pelvic drainage tube was positioned in advance under the anastomotic to prevent fistula in patients undergoing laparoscopic low anterior resection.Timely and continuous irrigated the pelvic when the fistula happened.The observation mainly included fluids,quantity,clinical symptom,the time of fistula and recovery.Results Under the continuous irrigation and drainage through self-made double pelvic drainage tube,9 of 198 patients after laparoscopic low anterior resection all pared with the conventional intervention,the method shortened the healing time of fistula,and the mortalitydecreased.Conclusion The continuous irrigation and drainage through self-made double pelvic drainage tube in treatment of anastomotic fistula is effective and economical.But,there is still lacking of support by randomized controlled trial.【期刊名称】《河北医科大学学报》【年(卷),期】2015(000)004【总页数】4页(P408-411)【关键词】直肠肿瘤;吻合口瘘;灌洗疗法【作者】余加和;黄项武;董志勇;林芳英;王瑜【作者单位】福建莆田学院附属医院肛肠外科,福建莆田 351100;福建莆田学院附属医院肛肠外科,福建莆田 351100;福建莆田学院附属医院胃肠外科,福建莆田 351100;福建莆田学院附属医院肛肠外科,福建莆田 351100;中国人民解放军南京军区福州总医院普通外科研究所,福建福州 350025【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R735.37术后吻合口瘘是腹腔镜低位直肠癌根治术后最严重的并发症,吻合口瘘的主要危害是结肠内容物对盆骶组织及暴露的血管及淋巴组织进行腐蚀,如果不及时治疗,可引起水电解质及酸碱平衡的失调、营养和代谢紊乱、盆腔内感染、败血症和大出血等并发症,严重者可致患者死亡,病死率较高[1]。