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"twice-cooked pork," or literally, "back-in-the-pot"
pork. With nothing more than plain white rice and perhaps a gentle broth, it makes an entirely satisfying meal.
Sichuan Food
Although it's most famous for its electrifying use of chilies and lip-tingling Sichuan peppercorns四川花椒, the heart of the local style of cooking lies in the artful mixing of flavors. Sichuanese cooks excel at combining hot, numbing, sweet, sour, savory and nutty seasonings 麻辣酸甜鲜香和各种奇异的调料to create an astonishing variety of flavors. Some of these are dazzlingly hot特辣, like the numbing-and-hot麻辣味 mix of Sichuan
1、凉拌鸡 Cold chicken in a spicy sauce
Sichuanese cold chicken dishes, made with poached chicken白切鸡 bathed in a spicy sauce 辣椒酱, are simple yet sensational. There's no single recipe, but the chicken is often chopped on the bone 鸡去骨and a typical sauce might include vinegar醋, sugar, soy sauce酱油, chili oil, sesame oil 芝麻油and a sprinkling of ground Sichuan pepper花椒粉. Roasted peanuts烤花生 米 or sesame seeds芝麻粒 and sliced scallions
Sichuan hotpot is a whole dinner ritual: you sit around a seething cauldron of chilies 沸腾的、
煮着辣汤的and cook your own food in the broth大锅. Originally a specialty of Chongqing, it's said to have been invented by laborers on the banks of the Yangtze River. Locally preferred hotpot ingredients include beef tripe 牛肚and other offal动物 内脏, but you may choose from a vast range of meats, vegetables and tofu. Many restaurants offer divided hotpots鸳鸯锅, so diners can cook their food in either a spicy or a mildly flavored broth.
meant to be eaten. It's one of a whole family of
local dishes that are finished with smoking-hot oil 滚油and aromatic spices香料.
6、麻辣火锅 Numbing-and-hot hotpot
葱丝may be added as a final flourish.
Pock-marked old woman's tofu
If you ever thought tofu was boring, this dish will make you think again. It's a mindblowingly delicious concoction of tender tofu 嫩豆腐, minced beef or pork肉末(牛肉或猪 肉), Sichuan chili bean sauce 豆瓣酱and ground Sichuan pepper花椒粉 that will warm your heart沁人心脾 and make your lips tingle. It's named after its inventor, a Qing Dynasty woman restaurateur with a pock-marked 麻子face.
Twice-cooked pork
No dish is more beloved by the Sichuanese than this homely stir-fry of sizzling pork (complete with its fragrant fat) with chili bean sauce豆瓣酱, fermented black beans 豆豉and green garlic青 蒜 leaves. The meat is first boiled水煮, then sliced 切片and fried油炒, which is why it's called
Fish-fragrant eggplant
Classic "fish-fragrant" sauces are made with bright red pickled chilies腌红辣椒, ginger姜, garlic 蒜 and scallion葱, with base notes of sweet and sour -- these are the seasonings of traditional fish cookery, which is the usual explanation for the curious name.酸甜口味 This combination of
When the craze for Sichuanese food took China by
storm in the late 1990s, this dish took center stage.
It's a dramatic centerpiece of poached fish in a great sea of sizzling oil滚油, thick with dried chilies 干辣椒and Sichuan pepper花椒. The pieces of fish should be picked out of the fragrant oil with chopsticks: the oil itself is not
flavors can be used with meat, fish or poultry,
but one of the most delicious variations is the everyday fish-fragrant eggplant.家常鱼香 茄子
Water-boiled fish with sizzling chili oil
pepper花椒 and dried chilies干辣椒. Other dishes are mildly spicy微辣, like those featuring a
fish-fragrant sauce 鱼香酱based on pickled chilies腌辣椒, and those with a sweet-and-sour lychee-flavored sauce荔枝酱 are not hot at all.