
Package‘Ryacas0’January12,2023Version0.4.4Title Legacy'Ryacas'(Interface to'Yacas'Computer Algebra System)Maintainer Mikkel Meyer Andersen<*************.dk>Encoding UTF-8Description A legacy version of'Ryacas',an interface to the'yacas'computer algebra system(<http: ///>).Depends R(>=3.3.0)Imports methods,Rcpp(>=0.12.0),stats,settings,xml2LinkingTo RcppSuggests devtools,exams,knitr,Matrix,pkgload,rmarkdown,igraph,testthatLicense GPL-2URL https:///r-cas/ryacas0,BugReports https:///r-cas/ryacas0/issuesRoxygenNote7.2.3VignetteBuilder knitrNeedsCompilation yesAuthor Mikkel Meyer Andersen[aut,cre,cph],Rob Goedman[aut,cph],Gabor Grothendieck[aut,cph],Søren Højsgaard[aut,cph],Grzegorz Mazur[aut,cph],Ayal Pinkus[aut,cph],Nemanja Trifunovic[cph](UTF-8part of yacas(src/yacas/include/yacas/utf8*))Repository CRANDate/Publication2023-01-1209:50:05UTC12Ryacas0-package R topics documented:Ryacas0-package (2)as.Sym.character (3)as.Sym.matrix (4)bodyAsExpression (4)Eval (5)getSyms (6)get_output_width (6)root (7)Ryacas_options (7)set_output_width (8)stripvar (8)syacas (9)Sym (9)yacas (10)yacasTranslations (14)yacas_evaluate (15)yacmode (16)y_ls (17)Index18 Ryacas0-package R interface to yacas computer algebra packageDescriptionRyacas0allows one to use the yacas computer algebra package entirely from within R.It takes an R expression,an R one line function or a yacas string and returns an R expression or a variety of other formats.It can be used for symbolic mathematics,exact arithmetic,ASCII pretty printing and R to TeX conversions.The main command is yacas and?yacas provides some information on installation and startup.DetailsThe following are sources of information on"Ryacas0":DESCRIPTIONfile library(help=Ryacas0)List of demofiles demo(package="Ryacas0")Demofile demo("Ryacas0")Demo demo("Ryacas0-PrettyPrinter")Demo demo("Ryacas0-Function")Demo demo("Ryacas0-Sym")Demo demo("Ryacas0-Expr")List Vignettes vignette(package="Ryacas0")Vignette vignette("Ryacas0")This File package?Ryacas0as.Sym.character3 Helpfiles?yacas,?yacasTranslations,?yacmode,?SymHelpfiles-Windows?yacasInstallNews RShowDoc("NEWS",package="Ryacas0")Acknowledgements RShowDoc("THANKS",package="Ryacas0")Wish List RShowDoc("WISHLIST",package="Ryacas0")Home page https:///r-cas/ryacas0/NoteThere is a note in the helpfile of the yacas command that discusses a number of installation and startup issues.Examplesprint(yacas(expression(integrate(1/x,x))))print(yacas("Integrate(x)1/x"))x<-Sym("x");Integrate(1/x,x)acos(Sym("1/2"))as.Sym.character Convert character vector to yacas objectDescriptionSimple and raw conversion to yacasUsage##S3method for class characteras.Sym(x,...)Argumentsx An R character vector....Not usedExamplesx<-c("a","2","4","c","d","6")xy<-as.Sym(x)yEval(y,list(a=3,c=3,d=3))4bodyAsExpression as.Sym.matrix Convert character matrix to yacas objectDescriptionSimple and raw conversion to yacasUsage##S3method for class matrixas.Sym(x,...)Argumentsx An R character matrix....Not usedExamplesx<-matrix(c("a","2","4","c","d","6"),3,2)xy<-as.Sym(x)yEval(y,list(a=3,c=3,d=3))bodyAsExpression Get body of function as an expression.DescriptionGet body of function as an expression.UsagebodyAsExpression(x)Argumentsx An R function.DetailsThis function is similar to the R body function except that function returns a call object whereas this one returns an expression usable in Ryacas calculations.Eval5 ValueAn expression.See AlsobodyExamples#construct an R function for the Burr probability density#function(PDF)given the Burr cumulative distribution function(CDF)BurrCDF<-function(x,c=1,k=1)1-(1+x^c)^-k#transfer CDF to yacasyacas(BurrCDF)#create a template for the PDF from the CDFBurrPDF<-BurrCDF#differentiate CDF and place resulting expression in bodybody(BurrPDF)<-yacas(expression(deriv(BurrCDF(x,c,k))))[[1]]#test out PDFBurrPDF(1)Eval Evaluate a yacas expression.DescriptionEvaluate a yacas expression.UsageEval(x,env=parent.frame(),...)Argumentsx Object to be evaluated.env Environment or list in which to perform evaluation....Not currently used.6get_output_widthExamplesEval(yacas(expression(x*x)),list(x=2))#samex<-2Eval(yacas(expression(x*x)))getSyms List Sym()objectsDescriptionLists all Sym()objects in the global environment(.GlobalEnv)UsagegetSyms(s=FALSE)Argumentss a logical value.If TRUE,all object names are returned.If FALSE,names which begin with a.are omitted.ExamplesgetSyms()xs<-Sym("x")getSyms()get_output_width Get width of yacas outputDescriptionGet width of yacas outputUsageget_output_width()root7 root Root functionDescriptionThe$y$’th root of$x$,i.e.$x^(1/y)$.Usageroot(x,y)Argumentsx Number to take$y$’th root ofy RootValueThe root y’th root of xRyacas_options Set or get options for the Ryacas packageDescriptionSet or get options for the Ryacas packageUsageRyacas_options(...)Arguments...Option names to retrieve option values or[key]=[value]pairs to set options. Supported optionsThe following options are supported•module_matvec_enabled(default TRUE):Print yacas List()’s as vectors and List(List(), ...)’s as matrices.•prettyform_default(default FALSE):Print yacas as PrettyForm()as default.8stripvar set_output_width Set width of yacas outputDescriptionSet width of yacas outputUsageset_output_width(w)Argumentsw Width in number of charactersstripvar Removes part of expression containing variableDescriptionYacas’Solve(eq,x)can return e.g.x==expr and{x==expr1,x==expr2,...}.Some usages are easier if the initial x==part is removed.This is the purpose of this function.Usagestripvar(expr,var)Argumentsexpr Expression where x==expr should be replaced to exprvar Name of variable,e.g.xValueExpression with left-hand side removedsyacas9 syacas yacas interface–silent versionDescriptionSimilar to yacas()but silent.This can be useful when working with yacas directly.Usagesyacas(x,...)Argumentsx A yacas character string or an R expression without terminating semicolon to be processed by yacas....Additional arguments ultimately passed down to yacas.character.See AlsoyacasSym SymDescriptionThe Symbol interface to yacas.UsageSym(...)Expr(x)Arguments...An R character string or object that can be coerced to a character string.x An R expression.10yacas DetailsAn object of class"Sym"is internally a yacas character string.An object of class"Expr"is in-ternally an R expression.One can combine such objects using the Math and Ops R operators (see help(Math)and help(Ops)for a list).Also there are methods for a number of R gener-ics:as.character.Sym,as.expression.Sym,determinant.Sym,deriv.Sym and print.Sym and yacas-oriented functions:Clear,Conjugate,Expand,Factor,Factorial,I,Identity,Infinity,Integrate, Inverse,InverseTaylor,Limit,List,N,Newton,Pi,Precision,PrettyForm,PrettyPrinter,Set,Sim-plify,Solve,Subst,Taylor,TeXForm,Transpose,Ver and"%Where%"all of which have the same meaning as the corresponding yacas commands.Try vignette("Rycas-Sym")for many examples.Get Sym objects with getSyms().ValueSym returns a"Sym"object and Expr returns an"Expr"object.NoteCurrently the only Expr methods implemented are as.character.Expr,deriv.Expr,Math.Expr,Ops.Expr and print.Expr.See Alsoas.Sym.matrix()Examplesx<-Sym("x")x*xIntegrate(x*x,x)Sym("%")%Where%list(x=10)acos(Sym("1/2"))y<-Exprq(x)y*yderiv(y*y,y)Exprq(acos(1/2))yacas yacas interfaceDescriptionInterface to the yacas computer algebra system.Usageyacas(x,...)##S3method for class characteryacas(x,verbose=FALSE,method,retclass=c("expression","character","unquote"),addSemi=TRUE,...)Argumentsx A yacas character string or an R expression without terminating semicolon to be processed by yacas....Additional arguments ultimately passed down to yacas.character.verbose A logical value indicating verbosity of output or"input"to only show input to yacas but not output from yacas or"output"to only show output from yacasbut not input to yacas.method method used to communicate with yacas.If"socket"is specified then the same yacas session is used on a sequence of calls.If"system"is specifiedthen a new instance of yacas is used just for the period of that call."system"does not require that the system be configured to support telnet/sockets and somay be useful in some instances.If no value is specified the default is takenfrom getOption("yacas.method")and if that is not specified"socket"is used."socket"and"system"may be abbreviated.addSemi If TRUE a semicolon is added to the character string sent to yacas.This can be set to FALSE if its known that the character string already has a trailing semicolon.It is ignored if retclass="expression".retclass The class of thefirst component of the yacas structure.It defaults to"expression"but may be specified as"character"or"unquote"."unquote"is the same as"character"except that if the character string returned would have otherwisehad quotes in thefirst and and last positions then they are stripped.DetailsThe user supplies an R expression,an R function name corresponding to a function with a single line body,a formula or a yacas input string.In the case of a formula it is regarded as an expression represented by the right hand side of the formula while the left hand side,if any,is ignored.Note the silent version syacas().ValueAn R object of class"yacas"is returned.If PrettyPrinter("OMForm")is in effect,which it is by default,then thefirst component is an R expression and the OMForm component contains Open-Math XML code.In other cases thefirst component is NULL and the YacasForm or PrettyForm components have display information.Generally an expression.Refer to details.NoteWindows Installation.On Windows one can install Ryacas by issuing the commands:install.packages("Ryacas",dep=TRUE)library(Ryacas)yacasInstall()or by using the Packages|Install package(s)menu in place of thefirst command.The sec-ond command downloads scripts.dat and yacas.exe from the internet and installs them into R_HOME/library/Ryacas/yacdir where R_HOME is the location of your R installation.Normally the default locations of yacas,its initializationfile and the scriptsfile are sufficient but, if necessary,they can be overridden via the environment variables:YACAS_HOME,YACAS_INIT and YACAS_SCRIPTS.The YACAS_INVOKE_STRING environment variable discussed in the next section overrides all three of these.All OS Installation.The YACAS_INVOKE_STRING environment variable can be used to override the invocation string for yacas.Normally it is not used.If it does need to be used then a typical use might be:library(Ryacas)#only need to do the file.copy command oncefile.copy(system.file("yacdir/R.ys",package="Ryacas"),"~/.yacsrc")#this needs to be done once per sessionSys.setenv(YACAS_INVOKE_STRING="yacas-pc--server9734")demo(Ryacas)#test it outyacmode.There is also a utility yacmode which is called without arguments and just turns R into a terminal into yacas until one quits out of it(and back to R)by entering stop,end,quit,exit or e.Startup.yacas starts up when yacasStart()is called or thefirst time yacas is called.yacas is shut down when yacasStop()is called or when the package is detached using the detach()R command.On Windows,when yacas is shut down,the yacas process is terminated on Windows XP Pro but not on other versions of Windows.In those cases there will be a dangling process that the user must terminate manually.Translation.The translation process occurs in several steps.If the input to the yacas function is an expression then it is translated to a valid yacas character string(otherwise,it is sent to yacas unprocessed).Yacas then processes the string and if retclass="expression"it is translated back to an R expression(otherwise it is sent back unprocessed).Examples of translations are:R yacassin(x)Sin(x)deriv(sin,x)Deriv(x)Sin(x)log(x)Ln(x)References/14yacasTranslations Examplesyacas(expression(Factor(x^2-1)))exp1<-expression(x^2+2*x^2)exp2<-expression(2*exp0)exp3<-expression(6*pi*x)exp4<-expression((exp1*(1-sin(exp3)))/exp2)print(yacas(exp4))print(yacas("Version()"))#yacas version#see demo("Ryacas-Function")yacasTranslations Yacas translationsDescriptionTranslations from R to the yacas computer algebra system.NoteThe translation process occurs in several steps.If the input to the yacas function is an expression then it is translated to a valid yacas character string(otherwise,it is sent to yacas unprocessed).Ya-cas then processes the string and if retclass="expression"it is translated back to an R expression (otherwise it is sent back unprocessed).Currently supported translations are:CONSTANTSR yacas======pi PiOPERATORSR yacas======7\%\%3Mod(7,3)7\%\/\%3Div(7,3)FUNCTIONSR yacas======sin(x)Sin(x)cos(x)Cos(x)yacas_evaluate15tan(x)Tan(x)asin(x)ArcSin(x)acos(x)ArcCos(x)atan(x)ArcTan(x)exp(x)Exp(x)sqrt(x)Sqrt(x)log(x)Ln(x)choose(n,k)Bin(n,k)gamma(x)Gamma(x)deriv(sin,x)Deriv(x)Sin(x)integrate(f,a,b)Integrate(x,a,b)f(x)list()List()factorial(n)n!Note the Limit example in demo(Ryacas0)for adding translations on thefly.The complete table under development.Author(s)Rob J GoedmanReferences/yacas_evaluate Evaluate yacas expressionDescriptionThis is a low-level function for evaluating yacas expression represented as string.Usageyacas_evaluate(expr)Argumentsexpr Yacas expressionValueResult of evaluating expr by yacas in OpenMath format and side-effects of the evaluationExamplesyacas_evaluate("D(x)Sin(x^2)")16yacmode yacmode yacmode interfaceDescriptionInteractive interface to the yacasUsageyacmode(enable_history=TRUE)Argumentsenable_history Use R history such that previous yacas commands can be used.Default is TRUE. DetailsThe user types valid yacas input and presses return.Type’quit’to return to R prompt.ValueOutput of yacas is returned.invisible NULLNoteNote that command will use R history()and modify it by default.Yacas is given a limited amount of time to complete,otherwise\[1\]CommandLine(1):User interrupted calculation is returned.E.g.Taylor(x,0,5)1/(1+x)will work,but Taylor(x,0,12)1/(1+x)is likely to take too long. References/Examples##Not run:yacmode()(x+y)^3-(x-y)^3Simplify(%)q##End(Not run)y_ls17 y_ls Get Yacas variablesDescriptionGet Yacas variablesUsagey_ls()ValueVector of variables defined in yacasIndex∗programmingRyacas0-package,2∗symbolmathbodyAsExpression,4Eval,5stripvar,8Sym,9yacas,10yacasTranslations,14yacmode,16%Where%(Sym),9addSemi(yacas),10as.character.Expr(Sym),9as.character.Sym(Sym),9as.character.yacas(yacas),10 as.Expr.formula(Sym),9as.expression.Sym(Sym),9as.expression.yacas(yacas),10 nguage(bodyAsExpression),4 as.Sym(Sym),9as.Sym.character,3as.Sym.matrix,4as.Sym.matrix(),10body,5 bodyAsExpression,4 CharacteristicEquation(Sym),9 Clear(Sym),9Conjugate(Sym),9deriv.Expr(Sym),9deriv.Sym(Sym),9 determinant.Expr(Sym),9 determinant.Sym(Sym),9 EigenValues(Sym),9Eval,5Expand(Sym),9Expr(Sym),9Exprq(Sym),9Factor(Sym),9Factorial(Sym),9FindRoots(Sym),9get_output_width,6getSyms,6I(Sym),9Identity(Sym),9Infinity(Sym),9Integrate(Sym),9Inverse(Sym),9InverseTaylor(Sym),9Limit(Sym),9List(Sym),9Math.Expr(Sym),9Math.Sym(Sym),9N(Sym),9Newton(Sym),9OpenMath2R(Sym),9Ops.Expr(Sym),9Ops.Sym(Sym),9Ops.yacas.symbol(Sym),9Pi(Sym),9Precision(Sym),9PrettyForm(Sym),9PrettyPrinter(Sym),9print.Expr(Sym),9print.Sym(Sym),9print.yacas(Sym),9root,7Ryacas0-package,2Ryacas_options,718INDEX19 Set(Sym),9set_output_width,8Simplify(Sym),9Solve(Sym),9stripvar,8Subst(Sym),9syacas,9syacas(),11Sym,9SymExpr(Sym),9Taylor(Sym),9TeXForm(Sym),9trans(Sym),9Transpose(Sym),9transtab(Sym),9Ver(Sym),9y_ls,17yacas,3,10yacas(),9yacas.symbol.value(Sym),9yacas_evaluate,15yacasTranslations,14yacmode,16yAssignFunction(yacas),10yDeriv(Sym),9yFactorial(Sym),9yIntegrate(Sym),9yLimit(Sym),9ynext(yacas),10yparse(yacas),10yrewrite(Sym),9ySequence(yacas),10ysub(yacas),10yUnlist(Sym),9。
Solaris 8 (SPARC 平台版) 发行说明说明书

Solaris8(SP ARC平台版)10/00发行说明更新Sun Microsystems,Inc.901San Antonio RoadPalo Alto,CA94303-4900U.S.A.部件号码806-6267–102000年10月Copyright2000Sun Microsystems,Inc.901San Antonio Road,Palo Alto,California94303-4900U.S.A.版权所有。
本产品的某些部分可能是从Berkeley BSD系统衍生出来的,并获得了加利福尼亚大学的许可。
UNIX是通过X/Open Company,Ltd.在美国和其他国家独家获准注册的商标。
Sun、Sun Microsystems、Sun标志、、AnswerBook、AnswerBook2、Java,JDK,DiskSuite,JumpStart,HotJava,Solstice AdminSuite,Solstice AutoClient,SunOS,OpenWindows,XView,和Solaris是Sun Microsystems,Inc.在美国和其他国家的商标、注册商标或服务标记。
所有SPARC商标均按许可证使用,它们是SPARC International,Inc.在美国和其他国家的商标或注册商标。
带有SPARC商标的产品均以Sun Microsystems,Inc.开发的体系结构为基础。
PostScript是Adobe Systems,Incorporated的商标或注册商标,它们可能在某些管辖区域注册。
Netscape Navigator(TM)是Netscape Communications Corporation的商标或注册商标。

1IntroductionThe device reference manual provides a list of all supported SerDes protocols.Only SerDes options that have been validated on silicon are documented in the reference manual. Custom SerDes configuration may be supported by reconfiguring the lanes for the desired settings if validated and approved by NXP. Any changes to configuration of default SerDes options require software reconfiguration.This document describes the sequence to reconfigure SerDes lanes from SGMII to USXGMII/XFI and two PCIe x2 lanes at Gen 1 or Gen 2 speeds for the LX2160A device. Subsequent reconfiguration from SFI/XFI to 10GBase-KR or USXGMII shall follow the sequence described in the LX2160A Reference Manual.2SerDes configuration requirementsThis document describes a use case requirement of four lanes of USXGMII/XFI and two PCIe x2 lanes at Gen 1 or Gen 2 speeds,shown as SerDes 1 protocol number 31 in Table 1. Protocol 31 is not one of the default SerDes options for the LX2160A, therefore,it is not documented in the LX2160A Reference Manual. However, standard MC firmware versions 10.24.1 and later add support for protocol 31.This document describes the sequence that results in the target configuration which can be summarized as:1.Start with SerDes protocol 11, which supports four lanes of SGMII on lanes F, E, B, and A, and two PCIe x2 lanes at Gen 3 speed on lanes H, G, D, and C.2.Reconfigure the SGMII lanes to USXGMII/XFI and limit the PCIe lanes to Gen 2 speed.3.Change the PLL assignment for USXGMII/XFI to PLLS since 10G Ethernet only runs on PLLS.4.Change the PLL assignment for PCIe to PLLF since it runs on 5 GHz VCO frequency so it cannot run on the same PLL as USXGMII/XFI.Table 1.SerDes 1 reconfigurationThe reconfiguration sequence assumes the following starting RCW settings:•SRDS_PRTCL_S1 = 5'b01011 to select protocol 11.Contents 1Introduction......................................12SerDes configuration requirements ........................................................13Software sequence.........................24RCWSR29 override. (65)Revision history (7)AN13022LX2160A SerDes 1 Lane Reconfiguration from 11 to 31Rev. 0 — 10/2020Application Note•SRDS_DIV_PEX_S1 = 2'b10 to configure PCIe to train up to a max rate of 5G (Gen 2).•SRDS_PLL_REF_CLK_SEL_S1 = 2'b mn, where m selects the reference clock for the PCIe lanes on PLLS and n selects the reference clock for USXGMII/XFI lanes on PLLF. Example:—m = 0 for 100 MHz PCIe reference clock—n = 1 for 161.1328125 MHz USXGMII/XFI reference clock•SRDS_PLL_PD_PLL1 = 0 and SRDS_PLL_PD_PLL2 = 0 so both PLLF and PLLS are powered up.•SRDS_REFCLKF_DIS_S1 = 0 to keep SD1_PLLF_REF_CLK enabled.•SRDS_INTRA_REF_CLK_S1 = 0 intra reference clock is not used.3Software sequenceThe reconfiguration sequence must be implemented in PBI and is shown below.1.Disable SGMII for lanes A, B, E, and F.•SD1: PCC8 (offset 0x10A0) = 0x0000_0000—SGMIIA_CFG = 0 disable SGMIIa—SGMIIB_CFG = 0 disable SGMIIb—SGMIIE_CFG = 0 disable SGMIIe—SGMIIF_CFG = 0 disable SGMIIf2.Enable XFI mode for lanes A, B, E, and F•SD1: PCCC (offset 0x10B0) = 0x9900_9900—SXGMIIA_XFI = 1 PCS operates in XFI/SFI mode—SXGMIIA_CFG = 001b enable SXGMIIa—SXGMIIB_XFI = 1 PCS operates in XFI/SFI mode—SXGMIIB_CFG = 001b enable SXGMIIb—SXGMIIE_XFI = 1 PCS operates in XFI/SFI mode—SXGMIIE_CFG = 001b enable SXGMIIe—SXGMIIF_XFI = 1 PCS operates in XFI/SFI mode—SXGMIIF_CFG = 001b enable SXGMIIf3.Assume 100 MHz reference clock for PLLF for the PCIe lanes•SD1: PLLFCR0 (offset 0x0404) = 0x0000_0000—REFCLK_SEL = 00000b for 100 MHz4.Configure 5G clock net frequency for PLLF•SD1: PLLFCR1 (offset 0x0408) = 0x9030_0008—SLOW_VCO_EN = 1 to enable the slower VCO—FRATE_SEL = 10000b for PCIe on PLLF—HI_BW_SEL = 1 to select higher PLL bandwidth—CLKD_RCAL_SLW_EN = 1 to enable resistor calibration for clock driver—RTMR_BYP = 1 to bypass retimer to clock driver and SSC phase interpolator—EX_DLY_SEL = 00b5.Set the recommended PLLF settings for PCIe 5G•SD1: PLLFCR3 (offset 0x0410) = 0x0000_3000—SSC_SEL = 00b no PLL modulation—SSC_SLP_OFF = 0000000000b for no slope offset—Bit 13 = 1—Bit 12 = 16.Set the recommended PLLF settings for PCIe 5G•SD1: PLLFCR4 (offset 0x0414) = 0x0000_0000—SSC_BIAS_BST = 000b SSC bias boost—SSC_SAW_MIN = 0000000000b SSC minimum sawtooth frequency offset—SSC_PI_BST = 00000b SSC phase interpolator Iqdiv2 boost—SSC_SAW_MAX = 0000000000b SSC maximum sawtooth frequency offset7.Assume 161.1328125 MHz reference clock for PLLS for 10GE operation•SD1: PLLSCR0 (offset 0x0504) = 0x0004_0000—REFCLK_SEL = 00100b for 161.1328125 MHz8.Configure 10.3125G clock net frequency for PLLS•SD1: PLLSCR1 (offset 0x0508) = 0x8610_0008—SLOW_VCO_EN = 1 to enable the slower VCO—FRATE_SEL = 00110b for XFI/SFI on PLLS—HI_BW_SEL = 0 to do not select higher PLL bandwidth—CLKD_RCAL_SLW_EN = 1 to enable resistor calibration for clock driver—RTMR_BYP = 1 to bypass retimer to clock driver and SSC phase interpolator—EX_DLY_SEL = 00b9.Set the recommended PLLS settings for XFI•SD1: PLLSCR3 (offset 0x0510) = 0x0000_3000—SSC_SEL = 00b no PLL modulation—SSC_SLP_OFF = 0000000000b for no slope offset—Bit 13 = 1—Bit 12 = 110.Set the recommended PLLS settings for XFI•SD1: PLLSCR4 (offset 0x0514) = 0x0000_1000—SSC_BIAS_BST = 000b SSC bias boost—SSC_SAW_MIN = 0000000000b SSC minimum sawtooth frequency offset—SSC_PI_BST = 00010b SSC phase interpolator Iqdiv2 boost—SSC_SAW_MAX = 0000000000b SSC maximum sawtooth frequency offset11.Change the PLL assignment for PCIe on the transmitter for lanes C, D, G, H from PLLS to PLLF•SD1: LNmTGCR0 (offsets 0x0A24 for lane C, 0x0B24 for lane D, 0x0E24 for lane G, 0x0F24 for lane H) = 0x0100_0200—USE_SLOW_PLL = 0 transmit uses PLLF—BY_N_RATE_SEL = 001b PCIe is half rate—CM_DLY_MATCH = 1 changes in LNmTRSTCTL[OUT_CM] are delay matched to changes in transmit data 12.Change the PLL assignment for PCIe on the receiver for lanes C, D, G, H from PLLS to PLLF•SD1: LNmRGCR0 (offsets 0x0A44 for lane C, 0x0B44 for lane D, 0x0E44 for lane G, 0x0F44 for lane H) =0x0100_0001—USE_SLOW_PLL = 0 receive uses PLLF—BY_N_RATE_SEL = 001b PCIe is half rate—PTRM_VCM_SEL = 01b Common mode is HiZ if PLLnRST[EN] or LNmRRSTCTL[EN] is negated.13.Change the protocol for lanes A, B, E, F from SGMII to XFI•SD1: LNmGCR0 (offsets 0x0800 for lane A, 0x0900 for lane B, 0x0C00 for lane E, 0x0D00 for lane F) =0x0000_0052—Bit 28 = 0 Must be 0 for all protocols—PORT_LN0_B = 0 Single-lane protocol—PROTO_SEL = 01010b for XFI—IF_WIDTH = 010b 20-bit interface width14.Set the PLL assignment for XFI on the transmitter for lanes A, B, E, F to PLLS•SD1: LNmTGCR0 (offsets 0x0824 for lane A, 0x0924 for lane B, 0x0C24 for lane E, 0x0D24 for lane F) =0x1000_0000—USE_SLOW_PLL = 1 transmit uses PLLS—BY_N_RATE_SEL = 000b 10G is full rate—CM_DLY_MATCH = 0 changes in LNmTRSTCTL[OUT_CM] are not delay matched to changes in transmit data15.Configure the transmit equalization for lanes A, B, E, F for XFI•SD1: LNmTECR0 (offsets 0x0830 for lane A, 0x0930 for lane B, 0x0C30 for lane E, 0x0D30 for lane F) =0x1080_8307—EQ_TYPE = 001b for 2-tap equalization—EQ_SGN_PREQ = 1 for positive sign for pre-cursor—EQ_PREQ = 0000b for 1.0x drive strength of transmit full swing transition bit to pre-cursor—EQ_SGN_POST1Q = 1 for positive sign for first post-cursor—EQ_POST1Q = 00011b for 1.14x drive strength of transmit full swing transition bit to first post-cursor—EQ_AMP_RED = 000111b for 0.585x overall amplitude reduction16.Set the PLL assignment for XFI on the receiver for lanes A, B, E, F to PLLS•SD1: LNmRGCR0 (offsets 0x0844 for lane A, 0x0944 for lane B, 0x0C44 for lane E, 0x0D44 for lane F) =0x1000_0000—USE_SLOW_PLL = 1 receive uses PLLS—BY_N_RATE_SEL = 000b 10G is full rate—PTRM_VCM_SEL = 00b Common mode impedance is always calibrated to SD_GND17.Set the recommended XFI settings for lanes A, B, E, F•SD1: LNmRGCR1 (offsets 0x0848 for lane A, 0x0948 for lane B, 0x0C48 for lane E, 0x0D48 for lane F) =0x1000_0000—RX_ORD_ELECIDLE = 0 Do not put into ordered idle state—Bit 28 = 1—ENTER_IDLE_FLT_SEL = 00b Bypass unexpected entrance into idle—EXIT_IDLE_FLT_SEL = 000b Force immediate exit from idle state AFTER order idle released and min time in idle—DATA_LOST_TH_SEL = 000b Disable loss of signal detection18.Disable receive equalization gain overrides for lanes A, B, E, F•SD1: LNmRECR0 (offsets 0x0850 for lane A, 0x0950 for lane B, 0x0C50 for lane E, 0x0D50 for lane F) =0x0000_000019.Set the recommended the receive equalization for XFI for lanes A, B, E, F•SD1: LNmRECR2 (offsets 0x0858 for lane A, 0x0958 for lane B, 0x0C58 for lane E, 0x0D58 for lane F) =0x8100_0020—Bit 31 = 1—EQ_BLW_SEL = 01b baseline wander for 10G—Bits 5:4 = 10bThe PBI sequence is shown below:.pbiwrite 0x01EA10A0,0x00000000write 0x01EA10B0,0x99009900write 0x01EA0404,0x00000000write 0x01EA0408,0x90300008write 0x01EA0410,0x00003000write 0x01EA0414,0x00000000write 0x01EA0504,0x00040000write 0x01EA0508,0x86100008write 0x01EA0510,0x00003000write 0x01EA0514,0x00001000write 0x01EA0A24,0x01000200write 0x01EA0A44,0x01000001write 0x01EA0B24,0x01000200write 0x01EA0B44,0x01000001write 0x01EA0E24,0x01000200write 0x01EA0E44,0x01000001write 0x01EA0F24,0x01000200write 0x01EA0F44,0x01000001write 0x01EA0800,0x00000052write 0x01EA0900,0x00000052write 0x01EA0C00,0x00000052write 0x01EA0D00,0x00000052write 0x01EA0824,0x10000000write 0x01EA0924,0x10000000write 0x01EA0C24,0x10000000RCWSR29 override write 0x01EA0D24,0x10000000write 0x01EA0830,0x10808307write 0x01EA0930,0x10808307write 0x01EA0C30,0x10808307write 0x01EA0D30,0x10808307write 0x01EA0844,0x10000000write 0x01EA0944,0x10000000write 0x01EA0C44,0x10000000write 0x01EA0D44,0x10000000write 0x01EA0848,0x10000000write 0x01EA0948,0x10000000write 0x01EA0C48,0x10000000write 0x01EA0D48,0x10000000write 0x01EA0850,0x00000000write 0x01EA0950,0x00000000write 0x01EA0C50,0x00000000write 0x01EA0D50,0x00000000write 0x01EA0858,0x81000020write 0x01EA0958,0x81000020write 0x01EA0C58,0x81000020write 0x01EA0D58,0x81000020.end4RCWSR29 overrideThe Reset Configuration Word Status Registers (RCWSR1:RCWSR32) are written with the RCW information that are read from flash memory by the device at power-on-reset. The RCWSR register values are read-only after exiting reset.Software (U-boot) reads the selected SerDes protocol from RCWSR29. It looks at the SerDes configuration table to find the entry for protocol 31 and its corresponding interfaces. In order for software (U-boot) to read the updated SerDes 1 protocol value of 31, the following steps must be performed:1.Add an entry for SerDes 1 protocol 31 in the SerDes configuration table in U-boot2.Override the RCWSR29 with the updated SerDes 1 protocol value of 31•Write to address 0x7_00100170 the new protocol SRDS_PRTCL_S1 = 31.•The SerDes 2 and SerDes 3 configuration fields should remain unchanged.•Note: The RCWSR29 cannot be updated from the PBI phase. The update must be done in the initial stages of the the board-specific U-boot code so that the correct SerDes protocol is read as U-boot continues execution.Table 2.Address 0x7_0010017031302928272625242322212019181716 SRDS_PRTCL_S3SRDS_PRTCL_S2SRDS_PRTCL_S1SRDS_REFCLKF_DIS_S11514131211109876543210Table continues on the next page...Table 2.Address 0x7_00100170 (continued)ReservedSRDS_PLL_P D_PLL6SRDS_PLL_P D_PLL5SRDS_PLL_P D_PLL4SRDS_PLL_P D_PLL3SRDS_PLL_P D_PLL2SRDS_PLL_P D_PLL1Any support, information, and technology (“Materials”) provided by NXP are provided AS IS, without any warranty express or implied, and NXP disclaims all direct and indirect liability and damages in connection with the Material to the maximum extent permitted by the applicable law. NXP accepts no liability for any assistance with applicationsor product design. Materials may only be used in connection with NXP products. Any feedback provided to NXP regarding the Materials may be used by NXP without restriction.5Revision historyThe table below summarizes the revisions to this document.Table 3.Revision history Revision historyHow To Reach Us Home Page: Web Support: /support Information in this document is provided solely to enable system and software implementersto use NXP products. There are no express or implied copyright licenses granted hereunderto design or fabricate any integrated circuits based on the information in this document. NXP reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein.NXP makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does NXP assume any liability arising out of the applicationor use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, includingwithout limitation consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters that may be provided in NXP data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications, and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “typicals,”must be validated for each customer application by customer's technical experts. NXP does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. NXP sells products pursuant to standard terms and conditions of sale, which can be found at the following address: /SalesTermsandConditions.Security — Customer understands that all NXP products may be subject to unidentifiedor documented vulnerabilities. Customer is responsible for the design and operation of its applications and products throughout their lifecycles to reduce the effect of these vulnerabilities on customer’s applications and products. Customer’s responsibility also extends to other open and/or proprietary technologies supported by NXP products for use in customer’s applications. NXP accepts no liability for any vulnerability. Customer should regularly check security updates from NXP and follow up appropriately. Customer shall select products with security features that best meet rules, regulations, and standards of the intended application and make the ultimate design decisions regarding its products and is solely responsible for compliance with all legal, regulatory, and security related requirements concerning its products, regardless of any information or support that may be provided by NXP. NXP has a Product Security Incident ResponseTeam(PSIRT)(************************)thatmanagestheinvestigation, reporting, and solution release to security vulnerabilities of NXP products.NXP, the NXP logo, Freescale, the Freescale logo, CodeWarrior, Layerscape, and QorIQ are trademarks of NXP B.V. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. Arm and Cortex are registered trademarks of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the US and/or elsewhere. The related technology may be protected by any or all of patents, copyrights, designs and trade secrets. All rights reserved. The Power Architecture and word marks and the Power and logos and related marks are trademarks and service marks licensed by .© NXP B.V. 2020.All rights reserved.For more information, please visit: Forsalesofficeaddresses,pleasesendanemailto:**********************Date of release: 10/2020Document identifier: AN13022。
SIGALARM Model 210 MicroGuard 414 MicroGuard 414错误

SkyAzúl, Equipment Solutions301-371-61261FAULT REPORTING AND FAULT CODESSystem Fault Codes provide one of the most important ways to quickly locate and assess problems in your MicroGuard ®System. Please review this section carefully.FAULT DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURESEach time the System is turned on, it goes through a self-testing process lasting two to three seconds that automatically detects any Faults in the System. During normal operation, a Self-Test can be initiated at any time by pressing the TEST button on the Display Console. Fault conditions in external sensors are detected without a System Self-Test.Faults detected in the System during Self-Test, are indicated on the Display Console in the following way:•The word FAULT will appear in the information area of the left Display.•The RED LAMP will illuminate and the AUDIBLE ALARM will sound.Diagnosis of a Fault is obtained by PRESSING and HOLDING the TEST button. The System will then go through a Self-Test followed by the appearance of a Fault Code screen. The Fault Code screen will remain visible as long as the TEST button is pressed. Information will be displayed on the screen in the four groups shown in Figure 5.0.Note: Always repair Analog Sensor Faults (AAA) prior to investigating other faults. A complete listing of all possible Fault Codes and the description of each is listed on the following pages.000 NO FAULTS001TX.0PISTON PRESSURE SENSOR002 TX.1 ROD PRESSURE SENSOR 004 AIN2 EXTENSION SENSOR 008 AIN3 BOOM ANGLE SENSOR 016 AIN4 S’STRUCTURE ANGLE SENSOR 032 AIN5 SWING POTENTIOMETER “A” 064AIN6SWING POTENTIOMETER “B”Group AAA Analog Sensors0 NO FAULTS1 1 DIGITAL INPUT AND OUTPUT2 2 ANALOG INPUT AND OUTPUT44DISPLAY UNITGROUP B IO FAULTS00 NO FAULTS 01 1 PROGRAM ROM 02 2 DUTY ROM 04 4 SCRATCHPAD RAM 088PERSONALITY ROMGROUP CC MEMORY FAULTS00 NO FAULTS 01 1 NO DUTY FOUND 022CURRENT DUTY BADGROUP DD GENERAL FAULTSFIGURE 5.0 FAULT CODES2SkyAzúl, Equipment Solutions 301-371-61263018 Fault 002 & 016 019 Fault 001, 002, & 016 020 Fault 004 & 016 021 Fault 001, 004, & 016 022 Fault 002, 004, & 016023 Fault 001, 002, 004, &016 024 Fault 008, & 016025 Fault 001, 008, & 016026 Fault 002, 008, & 016027 Fault 001, 002, 008, &016028 Fault 004, 008, & 016 029 Fault 001, 004, 008, &016 030 Fault 002, 004, 008, &016 031 Fault 001, 002, 004,008, & 016 032 Swing Pot “A” 033 Fault 001, & 032 034 Faults 002, & 032035Faults 001, 002, &AAA Fault Codes continuedFAULT No . DESCRIPTION036 Faults 004 & 32 037 Faults 001, 004, &032 038 Faults 002, 004, &032 039 Faults 001, 002, 004, & 032 040Faults 008, & 032 041 Faults 001 008, &032 042Faults 002, 008, &032 043Faults 001, 002, 008, & 032 044Faults 004, 008, &032 045Faults 001, 004, 008, & 032 046 Faults 002, 004, 008, & 032 047 Faults 001, 002, 004, 008, & 32048 Faults 016 & 032 049Faults 001, 016, &032 050 Faults 002, 016, &032 051 Faults 001, 002, 016, & 032 052Faults 004, 016, &AAA Fault CodesFAULT No. DESCRIPTIONFigure 5.2 AAA Analog Sensor Fault CodesNumbers 1-127 continuedSkyAzúl, Equipment Solutions 301-371-61264053 Faults 001, 004, 016,& 32 054 Faults 002, 004, 016,& 32 055 Faults 001, 002, 004,016, & 32 056 Faults 008, 016, &032 057 Faults 001, 008, 016,& 032 058 Faults 002, 008, 016,& 032 059 Faults 001, 002, 008,016, & 032 060 Faults 004, 008, 016,& 032 061 Faults 001, 004, 008,016, & 032 062 Faults 002, 004, 008,016, & 032 063 Faults 001, 002, 004, 008, 016, & 032 064 SWING POT “B” 065 Faults 001 & 064 066 Faults 002 & 064 067 Faults 001, 002, &064 068 Faults 004 & 064 069 Faults 001, 004, &064 070 Faults 002, 004, &064 071Faults 001, 002, 004,AAA Fault Codes continuedFAULT No . DESCRIPTION072 Faults 008, & 64 073 Faults 001, 008, & 64 074 Faults 002, 008, &064 075 Faults 001, 002, 008,& 064 076 Faults 004, 008, &064 077 Faults 001, 004, 008,& 064 078 Faults 002, 004, 008,& 064 079 Faults 001, 002, 004,008, & 064 080 Faults 016 & 064 081 Faults 001, 016 & 064 082 Faults 002, 016 & 064 083 Faults 001, 002, 016& 064 084 Faults 004, 016, &064085 Faults 001, 004, 016,& 064 086 Faults 002, 004, 016,& 064 087 Faults 001, 002, 004,016, & 064 088 Faults 008, 016, &064 089 Faults 001, 008, 016,& 064 090Faults 002, 008, 016,AAA Fault Codes continuedFAULT No . DESCRIPTIONFigure 5.2 AAA Analog Sensor Fault CodesNumbers 1-127 continuedSkyAzúl, Equipment Solutions301-371-61265091 Faults 001, 002, 008,016, & 064 092 Faults 004, 008, 016,& 064 093 Faults 001, 004, 008,016, & 064 094 Faults 002, 004, 008,016, & 064 095 Faults 001, 002, 004, 008, 016, & 064 096 Faults 032, & 064 097 Faults 001, 032, &064 098 Faults 002, 032, &064 099 Faults 001, 002, 032,& 064 100 Faults 004, 032, &064 101 Faults 001, 004, 032,& 064 102 Faults 002, 004, 032,& 064 103 Faults 001, 002, 004,032, & 064 104 Faults 008, 032, &064 105 Faults 001, 008, 032,& 064 106 Faults 002, 008, 032,& 064 107 Faults 001, 002, 008,032, & 064 108 Faults 004, 008, 032,& 064 109Faults 001, 004, 008,AAA Fault Codes continuedFAULT No . DESCRIPTION110 Faults 002, 004, 008,032, & 064 111 Faults 001, 002, 004, 008, 032, & 064 112 Faults 016, 032, &064 113 Faults 001, 016, 032,& 064 114 Faults 002, 016, 032,& 064 115 Faults 001, 002, 016,032, & 064 116 Faults 004, 016, 032,& 064 117 Faults 001, 004, 016,032, & 064 118 Faults 002, 004, 016,032, & 064 119 Faults 001, 002, 004, 016, 032, & 064 120 Faults 008, 016, 032,& 064121 Faults 001, 008, 016,032, & 064 122 Faults 002, 008, 016,032, & 064 123 Faults 001, 002, 008, 016, 032, & 064 124 Faults 004, 008, 016,032, & 064 125 Faults 001, 004, 008, 016, 032, & 064 126 Faults 002, 004, 008, 016, 032, & 064 127Faults 001, 002, 004,AAA Fault Codes continuedFAULT No . DESCRIPTIONFigure 5.2 AAA Analog Sensor Fault CodesNumbers 1-127 continuedSkyAzúl, Equipment Solutions 301-371-612660 No Faults1Digital Input and 2 Analog Input andOutput 3 Faults 1 & 2 4 Display Unit 5 Faults 1 & 4 6 Faults 2 & 47Faults 1, 2, & 4FAULT No .DESCRIPTION 00 No Faults01 Program ROM 02 Duty ROM 03 Faults 01 & 02 04 Scratchpad RAM 05 Faults 02 & 03 06 Faults 02 & 04 07 Faults 01, 02, & 04 08 Personality ROM 09Faults 01, & 08 10Faults 02 & 08 11Faults 01, 02, & 08 12Faults 04 & 08 13Faults 01, 04, & 08 14 Faults 02, 04, & 0815Faults 01, 02, 04, &FAULT No .DESCRIPTION 0No Faults01No Duty02 Current Duty Bad03Faults 01 & 02FAULT No .DESCRIPTIONFigure 5.3 B IO Fault CodesFigure 5.5 DD General Fault CodesFigure 5.4 CC Memory Fault Codes。
COGNOS 8 管理员使用手册2006年11月2日目录COGNOS 8 管理员使用手册..................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1. Cognos8组件安装: ........................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
Cognos SUNONE安装步骤: ...................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
Cognos PPSTU(Transformer)安装步骤: ...................................... 错误!未定义书签。
Cognos 8 Business Intelligence server安装步骤: ....................... 错误!未定义书签。
Cognos 8 Business Intelligence modeling安装步骤: .................. 错误!未定义书签。
Cognos 8 Business Intelligence Supplementary Lanuage安装步骤:错误!未定义书签。
2. SQL Server2000 SP4安装: .............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
安装SQL Server2000: ............................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
3. Cognos8环境配置: ........................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
IBM Cognos 8 软件开发工具版 8.4.1 安装与配置指南说明书

IBM Cognos8Software Development KitVersion8.4.1Installation and Configuration GuideProduct InformationThis document applies to IBM Cognos8Version8.4.1and may also apply to subsequent releases.To check for newer versions of this document, visit the IBM Cognos Information Centers(/infocenter/cogic/v1r0m0/index.jsp).CopyrightLicensed Materials-Property of IBM©Copyright IBM Corp.2005,2009.US Government Users Restricted Rights–Use,duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.IBM,the IBM logo,,and Cognos are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corp.,in many jurisdictions worldwide.Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies.A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at /legal/copytrade.shtml.Microsoft,Windows,Windows NT,and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States,other countries,or both. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States,other countries,or both.UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries.Table of ContentsIntroduction5Installing and Configuring the SDK7Upgrading the SDK Software7Install the SDK8Configuring the SDK10Uninstall the SDK11Index13Licensed Materials–Property of IBM©Copyright IBM Corp.2005,2009.3Table of Contents4Software Development KitIntroductionThis document is intended for use with IBM Cognos 8software development kit (SDK).The SDK is a collection of cross-platform Web services,libraries,programming interfaces,and related APIs that you can use to access the full functionality of IBM Cognos 8.For more information,see the SDK Developer Guide .The IBM Cognos 8software development kit includes the IBM Cognos 8Mashup Service,which allows you to develop applications that expose IBM Cognos 8outputs,such as reports and analyses,as Web services (both SOAP and REST).You can also use the Mashup Service to create applications that use a structured view of IBM Cognos 8outputs as input.This document provides instructions for installing the SDK package from the IBM Cognos 8Software Development Kit CD.AudienceTo use this guide,you should have basic Windows,UNIX,and Linux administration skills.Related DocumentationOur documentation includes user guides,getting started guides,new features guides,readmes,and other materials to meet the needs of our varied audience.The following documents contain related information and may be referred to in this document.Note :For online users of this document,a Web page such as The page cannot be found may appear when clicking individual links in the following table.Documents are made available for your par-ticular installation and translation configuration.If a link is unavailable,you can access the document on the IBM Cognos Resource Center (/software/data/support/cognos_crc.html ).DescriptionDocument Installing,upgrading,configuring,and testing IBM Cognos 8,changing application servers,and setting up samplesIBM Cognos 8Installation and Configuration Guide Managing IBM Cognos 8processes and imple-menting custom reporting solutions by using acollection of cross-platform Web services,librar-ies,and programming interfaces provided withthe IBM Cognos 8SDKIBM Cognos 8Software Development KitDeveloper Guide Managing servers,security,reports,and portalservices;and setting up the samples,customizingthe user interface and troubleshooting IBM Cognos 8Administration and Security GuideLicensed Materials –Property of IBM5©Copyright IBM Corp.2005,2009.IntroductionDocumentDescriptionDeveloping applications with the IBM Cognos IBM Cognos8Mashup Service Developer Guide8Mashup Service that exposes IBM Cognos8BI outputs,such as reports and analyses,as Webservices(both SOAP and REST).Finding InformationProduct documentation is available in online help from the Help menu or button in IBM Cognosproducts.To find the most current product documentation,including all localized documentation andknowledge base materials,access the IBM Cognos Resource Center(/software/data/support/cognos_crc.html).You can also read PDF versions of the product readme files and installation guides directly fromIBM Cognos product CDs.Using Quick ToursQuick tours are short online tutorials that illustrate key features in IBM Cognos product components.To view a quick tour,start IBM Cognos Connection and click the Quick Tour link in the lower-right corner of the Welcome page.Getting HelpFor more information about using this product or for technical assistance,visit the IBM CognosResource Center(/software/data/support/cognos_crc.html).This site providesinformation on support,professional services,and education.Printing Copyright MaterialYou can print selected pages,a section,or the whole book.You are granted a non-exclusive,non-transferable license to use,copy,and reproduce the copyright materials,in printed or electronicformat,solely for the purpose of operating,maintaining,and providing internal training on IBMCognos software.6Software Development KitInstalling and Configuring the SDKAfter you install and configure IBM Cognos8,install and configure the IBM Cognos8softwaredevelopment kit(SDK)to enable developers and system integrators to extend the value of the coresolution of IBM Cognos8capabilities.This is achieved with the integration of external applicationsand environments and the development of custom unique capabilities.The IBM Cognos8SDK CD contains●the SDK software,including Web services,libraries,programming interfaces,and related APIs●the SDK Developer Guide●the Mashup Service Developer Guide●the Framework Manager script player●the Framework Manager modeling SDK●SDK samples●Mashup Service samplesYou must use the same versions of the IBM Cognos8software development kit(SDK)and IBMCognos8and Framework Manager.The process for installing the IBM Cognos8software development kit includes:❑Install the SDK(p.8).❑Configure the SDK(p.10).Upgrading the SDK SoftwareWhen you upgrade from an older version of the IBM Cognos8Software Development Kit,ensurethat you upgrade to the same version of IBM Cognos8and Framework Manager.If you have SDK applications that rely on a previous version of the report specifications,you cannotuse Framework Manager to publish your model without losing backward compatibility.For more information about upgrading IBM Cognos8and Framework Manager,see the IBMCognos8Installation and Configuration Guide.For information about changes that may affect the product during or after an upgrade,see therelease notes and upgrade sections of the IBM Cognos8Software Development Kit Installationand Configuration Guide.IBM Cognos8automatically upgrades the content store.If you upgrade from ReportNet,you must make some changes to your SDK program for it tofunction with the IBM Cognos8version of the WSDL file.Some methods,classes,and propertieshave been deprecated in IBM Cognos8.Deprecated features continue to function as before,but Licensed Materials–Property of IBM©Copyright IBM Corp.2005,2009.7Installing and Configuring the SDKwill be removed in future releases.Some other methods,classes,and properties are obsolete,andhave been removed from the IBM Cognos8SDK.For information about changes to methods,classes,properties,and enumeration sets,see the ReleaseNotes appendixes in the IBM Cognos8SDK Developer Guide.New report specifications have been added in IBM Cognos8.If you run a report that was createdin ReportNet or in a previous version of IBM Cognos8,it is automatically upgraded to the newIBM Cognos8format.After a report is upgraded to the new format,it cannot be returned to theReportNet or older IBM Cognos8format.Because of the potential for users to upgrade reportspecifications that SDK applications may depend on,we recommend that you set access permissionson those reports to limit user access.For more information about setting access permissions,seethe IBM Cognos8Administration and Security Guide.If you have SDK applications that create,modify,or save report specifications,do not upgrade yourreport specifications when you install the new version of IBM Cognos8.You must first updateyour SDK applications to comply with the IBM Cognos8report specifications schema.Otherwise,your SDK applications may not be able to access the upgraded report specifications.For informationabout upgrading report specifications,see the IBM Cognos8SDK Developer Guide.We recommend that you do not upgrade your report specifications if you are unsure about whetheryou have SDK applications that create,modify,or save report specifications.Contact your SDKadministrator for more information about your SDK applications.Install the SDKInstall the SDK files from the IBM Cognos8SDK CD on every computer where SDK applicationsare developed,and in the same installation location as IBM Cognos8.The IBM Cognos8SDK and some IBM Cognos8server components are available for installationon64-bit systems.Before you install the IBM Cognos8SDK on a64-bit system,check the Readmefor late-breaking information about where to install the components.You can view an up-to-date list of environments supported by IBM Cognos products,such asoperating systems,patches,browsers,web servers,directory servers,and database servers on theIBM Cognos Resource Center(/software/data/support/cognos_crc.html).It isimportant to note that the Linux operating system is available in a number of distributions andsupports a number of hardware platforms.Ensure that the Linux distribution and hardware com-bination you are using is a supported combination.It is important to apply all required operating system patches and to use only the versions of third-party software that are supported for an IBM Cognos product.Otherwise,your product may notwork properly.The IBM Cognos8SDK must be installed on a computer where IBM Cognos8is already installed.For information about deploying SDK applications,see IBM Cognos8SDK Getting Started.For more information about installing IBM Cognos8components,see the IBM Cognos8Installationand Configuration Guide.Before you install the IBM Cognos8SDK,ensure that IBM Cognos8BI components are installed. 8Software Development KitInstalling and Configuring the SDKIf you plan to use the Excel plug-in demo,you must have MSINET.OCX installed in the System32 sub-folder of your Windows folder.Steps for UNIX or Linux1.Mount the IBM Cognos8product disk or go to the directory where the installation files weredownloaded and extracted.Important:If you are installing on HP-UX,mount the IBM Cognos8SDK CD with Rock Ridge file extensions and do the following:●Add the pfs_mount directory in your path.For example,PATH=/usr/sbin/:$PATHexport PATH●To start the required NFS daemons and run the daemons in the background,typebg pfs_mountd and then type bg pfsd●To mount the drive,typepfs_mount-t rrip<device><mount_dir>-o xlat=unixFor example,pfs_mount/dev/dsk/c0t2d0/cdrom-o xlat=unixYou can now install or copy files as a non-root user using an IBM Cognos CD from this drive.●When the installation is complete,type pfs_umount/cdrom and kill the pfsd and pfs_mountddaemons to unmount the CD.2.Go to the directory that is appropriate for your operating system and start the installation:●If you use X Windows,type./issetup●Otherwise,you must run an unattended installation.For more information,see the IBMCognos8Business Intelligence Installation and Configuration Guide.3.In the Welcome page,select the language to use for the installation,and click Next.4.Follow the instructions to copy the required files to the same location where you installed IBMCognos8components.5.In the Finish page of the installation wizard:●If you want to view the transfer log or the summary-error log,click the appropriate Viewbutton.●If you want to see the readme file,select the View the Readme check box.Installation and Configuration Guide9Installing and Configuring the SDK6.Click Finish.Steps for Windows1.Insert the IBM Cognos8product disk or go to the directory where the installation files weredownloaded and extracted.The installation wizard starts automatically from the product disk.2.If the Welcome page does not appear,go to the operating system directory and double-clickthe issetup.exe file.3.Select the language to use for the installation,and click Next.4.Follow the instructions to copy the required files to the same location where you installed IBMCognos8components and Framework Manager.5.In the Finish page of the installation wizard:●If you want to view the transfer log or the summary-error log,click the appropriate Viewbutton.●If you want to see the readme file,select the View the Readme checkbox.6.Click Finish.You can access the SDK documentation using the shortcut in the Start menu.Configuring the SDKTo use the SDK,you must perform some configuration and set-up tasks.To configure the SDK,follow this process:❑If you want to run the Framework Manager script player from outside the bin directory,con-figure the FM_INI_FILE_PATH environment variable as a system variable on Windows.Theenvironment variable must point to the cognos8_location\configuration\fm.ini directory.❑To allow the browsing or import of system objects such as tables,views,synonyms,stored procedures,or functions from a relational database in Framework Manager,edit the entry forImportDatabaseSystemObjects in your fm.ini file.By default,ImportDatabaseSystemObjects is set to ers can see only the user tablesin the import and expression editor dialog boxes.To allow browsing or import of systemobjects,set the preference to TRUE.❑Set up the samples for IBM Cognos8and Framework Manager.For more information,see the Installation and Configuration Guide.❑Set up IBM Cognos8to use the SDK code samples.For more information,see the SDK Developer Guide.❑Set up IBM Cognos8to use the Mashup Service samples.10Software Development KitInstalling and Configuring the SDK For more information,see the Mashup Service Developer Guide.Uninstall the SDKUninstall the SDK if you no longer require IBM Cognos8or if you are upgrading the IBM Cognos8software.Steps for UNIX or Linux1.If the console attached to your computer does not support a Java-based graphical user interface,determine the process identification(pid)of the IBM Cognos8process by typing the followingcommand:ps-ef|grep cogbootstrapservice2.Stop the IBM Cognos8process:●If you run XWindows,start IBM Cognos Configuration,and from the Actions menu,clickStop.●If you do not run XWindows,type:kill-TERM pid3.To uninstall IBM Cognos8,go to the c8_location/uninstall directory and type the appropriatecommand:./uninst-u4.Follow the prompts to begin the uninstallation.5.When you are prompted to select the packages you want to uninstall,click the check box forIBM Cognos8Software Development Kit and then click Next.6.Continue following the prompts to complete the uninstallation.7.Delete all temporary Internet files.Steps for Windows1.From the Start menu,click Programs,IBM Cognos8,Uninstall IBM Cognos8.The Uninstall wizard appears.Tip:IBM Cognos8is the default name of the Program Folder that is created during theinstallation.If you chose another name,go to that folder to find the program.2.Follow the prompts to begin the uninstallation.3.When you are prompted to select the packages you want to uninstall,click the check box forIBM Cognos8Software Development Kit and then click Next.4.Continue following the prompts to complete the uninstallation.The Cognos_uninst_log.htm file records the activities that the Uninstall wizard performs whileuninstalling files.Installation and Configuration Guide11Installing and Configuring the SDKTip:To find the log file,look in the Temp directory.5.Delete all temporary Internet files.For more information,see your Web browser documentation.Uninstalling does not remove any files that changed since the installation,such as configurationand user data files.Your installation location remains on your computer,and you retain thesefiles until you delete them manually.12Software Development KitIndexAaudience of document,5Cconfiguring the SDK,10IIBM Cognos Resource Center,6installing the SDK,8Qquick toursusing,6SSDKconfiguring,10installing,8upgrading,7UUNIXinstalling the SDK,8upgrading the SDK software,7WWindowsinstalling the SDK,8Licensed Materials–Property of IBM©Copyright IBM Corp.2005,2009.13。
Moxa ioLogik 4000 Series模块化远程I O系统说明书

ioLogik4000SeriesModular remote I/OFeatures and Benefits•I/O expansion without a backplane•Active communication with MX-AOPC UA Server•Supports SNMP v1/v2c•Easy configuration with Modular ioAdmin utility•Friendly configuration via web browser•Simplifies I/O management with MXIO library for Windows or LinuxCertificationsIntroductionThe ioLogik4000Series is suitable for remote monitoring and alarm systems,such as those used for water treatment systems,water supply systems,wastewater treatment systems,and power monitoring systems.These kinds of applications need more I/O points and a variety of I/O types,including temperature sensors,gas detectors,and water quality detectors,all of which can benefit from the versatile mixture of I/O features supported by the ioLogik4000Series.Slice Form Factor and Flexible I/O VarietyThe unique modular construction of the ioLogik4000Series allows for mixing and matching of modules to achieve the best combination of I/O modules to meet the needs of a wide range of remote automation applications.An industrial modular housing enables I/O modules to be added to the base unit without a backplane.The ioLogik4000Series is perfect for space-limited applications,and high-density I/O points are provided for greater flexibility and expandability.Modules can connect to virtually any type of sensor,including but not limited to those for temperature, pressure,flow,voltage,current,and contact closure.Easy MaintenanceThe ioLogik4000Series comes with removable spring-type terminal blocks(RTBs)that allow you to conserve field wiring for future use.SpecificationsInput/Output InterfaceButtons Reset buttonControl LogicLanguage ioLogik E4200:Click&Go,NA-4010/4020/4021:NoneEthernet Interface10/100BaseT(X)Ports(RJ45connector)NA-4010:1ioLogik E4200:2,2MAC addressesEthernet Software FeaturesConfiguration Options NA-4010/ioLogik E4200:Web Console(HTTP)NA-4010/4020/4021:Windows Utility(ioAdmin)ioLogik E4200:Windows Utility(Modular-ioAdmin)Industrial Protocols NA-4010:Modbus TCP Server(Slave),MXIO LibraryNA-4020/4021:MXIO LibraryioLogik E4200:Modbus TCP Server(Slave),Moxa AOPC(Active Tag),MXIO Library,SNMPv1/v2c,SNMPv1TrapManagement NA-4010/ioLogik E4200:DHCP Client,HTTP,IPv4,TCP/IP,UDPNA-4010/4020/4021:ioAdminioLogik E4200:Modular-ioAdminSerial InterfaceConnector NA-4021:DB9femaleNA-4020:Terminal blockData Bits7,8No.of Ports1Parity None,Even,OddSerial Standards NA-4021:RS-232NA-4020:RS-485Stop Bits1,2Baudrate NA-4020/4021:1200,2400,4800,9600,19200,38400,57600,115200bpsSerial Software FeaturesIndustrial Protocols NA-4020/4021:Modbus RTU/ASCII SlaveSerial SignalsRS-232NA-4021:TxD,RxD,GNDRS-485-2w NA-4020:Data+,Data-,GNDDIP Switch ConfigurationSerial Interface Fixed baudrateModbus TCPMax.No.of Client Connections8Mode Client(Master)Power ParametersNo.of Power Inputs1System Power ParametersPower Connector Spring-type Euroblock terminalNo.of Power Inputs1Input Voltage11to28.8VDCPower Consumption NA-4010:60mA@24VDCNA-4020/4021:70mA@24VDCioLogik E4200:175mA@24VDCField Power ParametersPower Connector Spring-type Euroblock terminalNo.of Power Inputs1Input Voltage11to28.8VDCCurrent in Field Power Contact10A(max.)Physical CharacteristicsHousing PlasticDimensions45x99x70mm(1.77x3.90x2.76in)Weight NA-4010/4020/4021:150g(0.33lb)ioLogik E4200:180g(0.396lb)Installation DIN-rail mountingEnvironmental LimitsOperating Temperature-10to60°C(14to140°F)Storage Temperature(package included)-40to85°C(-40to185°F)Ambient Relative Humidity5to95%(non-condensing)Altitude2000m1Standards and CertificationsEMC EN61000-6-2/-6-4EMI CISPR22,FCC Part15B Class AEMS IEC61000-4-2ESD:Contact:4kV;Air:8kVIEC61000-4-3RS:80MHz to1GHz:10V/mIEC61000-4-4EFT:Power:2kV;Signal:1kVIEC61000-4-5Surge:Power:2kV;Signal:1kVIEC61000-4-6CS:10VIEC61000-4-8PFMFSafety UL508Shock IEC60068-2-27Vibration IEC60068-2-6DeclarationGreen Product RoHS,CRoHS,WEEEMTBFTime NA-4010:4,739,300hrsNA-4020:4,721,640hrsNA-4021:4,695,360hrsioLogik E4200:357,000hrsStandards Telcordia SR332WarrantyWarranty Period2yearsDetails See /warranty1.Please contact Moxa if you require products guaranteed to function properly at higher altitudes.Package ContentsDevice1x ioLogik4000Series remote I/OInstallation Kit1x terminal block,8-pin,3.81mmDocumentation1x quick installation guide(ioLogik E4200)1x warranty cardNote This product requires additional modules(sold separately)to function.DimensionsI/O Network Adapter I/O ModuleOrdering InformationModel Name Control Logic Ethernet Interface Serial Interface No.of Support I/O Modules ioLogik E4200Click&Go2x RJ45–16NA-4010–1x RJ45–32NA-4020––RS-48532NA-4021––RS-23232 Accessories(sold separately)I/O ModulesM-1450For the ioLogik4000Series,4DIs,110VACM-1451For the ioLogik4000Series,4DIs,220VACM-1600For the ioLogik4000Series,16DIs,24VDC,sink typeM-1601For the ioLogik4000Series,16DIs,24VDC,source typeM-1800For the ioLogik4000Series,8DIs,24VDC,sink typeM-1801For the ioLogik4000Series,8DIs,24VDC,source typeM-2450For the ioLogik4000Series,4relays,24VDC/230VAC,2AM-2600For the ioLogik4000Series,16DOs,24VDC,0.5A,sink typeM-2601For the ioLogik4000Series,16DOs,24VDC,0.5A,source typeM-2800For the ioLogik4000Series,8DOs,24VDC,0.5A,sink typeM-2801For the ioLogik4000Series,8DOs,24VDC,0.5A,source typeM-3802For the ioLogik4000Series,8AIs,4to20mA,12bitsM-3810For the ioLogik4000Series,8AIs,0to10V,12bitsM-4402For the ioLogik4000Series,4AOs,4to20mA,12bitsM-4410For the ioLogik4000Series,4AOs,0to10V,12bitsM-6200For the ioLogik4000Series,2AIs,RTD:PT100,JPT100M-6201For the ioLogik4000Series,2AIs,TCPower ModulesM-7001For the ioLogik4000Series,system power moduleM-7002For the ioLogik4000Series,field power moduleM-7804For the ioLogik4000Series,potential distributor module,0VDC8channelM-7805For the ioLogik4000Series,potential distributor module,24VDC,8channelSoftwareMX-AOPC UA Server OPC UA Server software for converting fieldbus to the OPC UA standard©Moxa Inc.All rights reserved.Updated Dec09,2020.This document and any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of Moxa Inc.Product specifications subject to change without notice.Visit our website for the most up-to-date product information.。
Mellanox ConnectX-4 ConnectX-4 Lx和Connect-IB发行版说

Mellanox Technologies Mellanox FlexBoot for ConnectX®-4 / ConnectX®-4 Lx and Connect-IB® Release NotesRev 3.5.109Mellanox Technologies350 Oakmead Parkway Suite 100Sunnyvale , CA 94085U.S.A. Tel: (408) 970-3400Fax: (408) 970-3403© Copyright 2017. Mellanox Technologies Ltd. All Rights Reserved.Mellanox®, Mellanox logo, Accelio®, BridgeX®, CloudX logo, CompustorX®, Connect -IB®, ConnectX®, CoolBox®, CORE-Direct®, EZchip®, EZchip logo, EZappliance®, EZdesign®, EZdriver®, EZsystem®, GPUDirect®, InfiniHost®, InfiniBridge®, InfiniScale®, Kotura®, Kotura logo, Mellanox CloudRack®, Mellanox CloudXMellanox®, Mellanox Federal Systems®, Mellanox HostDirect®, Mellanox Multi-Host®, Mellanox Open Ethernet®, Mellanox OpenCloud®, Mellanox OpenCloud Logo®, Mellanox PeerDirect®, Mellanox ScalableHPC®, Mellanox StorageX®, Mellanox TuneX®, Mellanox Connect Accelerate Outperform logo , Mellanox Virtual Modular Switch®, MetroDX®, MetroX®, MLNX-OS®, NP-1c®, NP-2®, NP-3®, Open Ethernet logo , PhyX®, PlatformX®, PSIPHY®, SiPhy®, StoreX®, SwitchX®, Tilera®, Tilera logo , TestX®, TuneX®, The Generation of Open Ethernet logo, UFM®, Unbreakable Link®, Virtual Protocol Interconnect®, Voltaire® and Voltaire logo are registered trademarks of Mellanox Technologies , Ltd.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners .For the most updated list of Mellanox trademarks, visit /page/trademarksNOTE:THIS HARDWARE, SOFTWARE OR TEST SUITE PRODUCT (“PRODUCT(S)”) AND ITS RELATED DOCUMENTATION ARE PROVIDED BY MELLANOX TECHNOLOGIES “AS -IS” WITH ALL FAULTS OF ANY KIND AND SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSE OF AIDING THE CUSTOMER IN TESTING APPLICATIONS THAT USE THE PRODUCTS IN DESIGNATED SOLUTIONS. THE CUSTOMER'S MANUFACTURING TEST ENVIRONMENT HAS NOT MET THE STANDARDS SET BY MELLANOX TECHNOLOGIES TO FULLY QUALIFY THE PRODUCT(S) AND/OR THE SYSTEM USING IT . THEREFORE, MELLANOX TECHNOLOGIES CANNOT AND DOES NOT GUARANTEE OR WARRANT THAT THE PRODUCTS WILL OPERATE WITH THE HIGHEST QUALITY. ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES , INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY , FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL MELLANOX BE LIABLE TO CUSTOMER OR ANY THIRD PARTIES FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PAYMENT FOR PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY FROM THE USE OF THE PRODUCT(S) AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCHDAMAGE.Doc #: N/A 2Mellanox TechnologiesRev 3.5.1093Mellanox Technologies Table of ContentsTable of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3List Of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Release Update History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Chapter 1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61.1 Supported Adapter Cards and Firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61.2 Supported Tools (MFT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61.3 Supported Operating Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61.4Tested Platforms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Chapter 2 Changes and New Features in Rev 3.5.109 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Chapter 3 Known Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Chapter 4 Bug Fixes History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15Chapter 5 Changes and New Feature History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Rev 3.5.1094Mellanox Technologies List Of TablesTable 1:Release Update History. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Table 2:Supported Adapter Cards and Firmware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Table 3:Supported Tools (MFT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Table 4:Supported Operating Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Table 5:Tested Platforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Table 6:Changes and New Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9Table 7:Known Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10Table 8:Fixed Bugs List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15Table 9:Changes and New Feature History. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Rev 3.5.1xx 5Mellanox Technologies Release Update HistoryTable 1 - Release Update HistoryReleaseDateDescriptionRev 3.5.1xx January 10, 2017Initial release of this FlexBoot version for Con-nectX-4/ConnectX-4 Lx/ConnectX-5/ConnectX-5 Ex adapter cards.Rev 3.5.1096Mellanox Technologies 1OverviewThese are the release notes for "Mellanox FlexBoot", the software for Boot over Mellanox Tech-nologies adapter devices supporting VPI. FlexBoot enables booting kernels or operating systems (OS) from remote servers in compliance with the PXE specification.This package is based on the open source project iPXE available at .1.1Supported Adapter Cards and FirmwareFor the complete list of supported cards, please refer to ConnectX-4 Lx EN/ConnectX-4 EN and ConnectX-5 web pages at .1.2Supported Tools (MFT)1.3Supported Operating SystemsTable 2 - Supported Adapter Cards and FirmwareAdapter CardsFirmware VersionConnectX-516.18.1000 [at Beta level]ConnectX-4 Lx EN 14.18.1000ConnectX-412.18.1000Connect-IB (OEM cards only)10.16.1020Table 3 - Supported Tools (MFT)ToolsVersionMFT (Mellanox Firmware Tools) 4.6.0All the Operating Systems below expect for RedHat 7.3 are supported in Ethernet protocol only. RedHat 7.3 is supported in both InfiniBand and Ethernet protocol.Table 4 - Supported Operating SystemsOSsVersionESXi 5.5ESXi 6.0ESXi 6.5RHEL 6.4RHEL 6.6RHEL 7.0RHEL7.1OverviewRev 3.5.1097Mellanox Technologies 1.4Tested PlatformsRHEL 7.2RHEL 7.3SLES 11.3SLES 11.4SLES 12SLES 12.1SLES 12.2Ubuntu 14.04Ubuntu 15.4Ubuntu 16.04Ubuntu 16.10Windows Server 2012Windows Server 2012 R2Windows Server2016Table 5 - Tested PlatformsVendorType of serverBios VersionDELL Dell PowerEdge R730xd 13G 2.3.4DELL Dell PowerEdge R630 13G 2.3.4DELL Dell PowerEdge R640 14G 0.3.6DELL Dell PowerEdge C6320p 1.1.3Quanta Yesomity F20_3A12 / F20_3A09Quanta Leopard A V A_3B08Supermicro SuperMicroX9DRW V3.2 Dell PowerEdgeR8201.6.6HPE ProLiant DL180 Gen9U20 v2.20 (05/05/2016)HPE ProLiant XL730f Gen9U18 v1.50 (08/04/2015)HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen9P89 v2.20 (06/02/2016)HPE ProLiant XL260a Gen9U24 v1.00 (05/18/2016)HPE ProLiant DL160 Gen9U20 v2.20 (05/05/2016)HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen10U32 v1.00 (12/31/2016)Lenovo 3650 M5 2.10 TCE124M (23/06/2016)Lenovo3650 M51.20 TCE108IUS (17/12/2015)Table 4 - Supported Operating SystemsOSsVersionRev 3.5.1098Mellanox Technologies Lenovo 3550 M5 1.20 TCE108IUS (17/12/2015)Table 5 - Tested PlatformsVendorType of serverBios VersionChanges and New Features in Rev 3.5.109Rev 3.5.1099Mellanox Technologies 2Changes and New Features in Rev 3.5.109Table 6 - Changes and New FeaturesCategoryDescriptionFlexBoot UI Added support for "Undi network wait timeout"Enhanced FlexBoot/firmware debug capability using Flexboot UI Performance Performance enhancements in Ethernet mode Upstream syncSynced the source with iPXE (upstream sync)Rev 3.5.10910Mellanox Technologies 3Known IssuesThe following is a list of general limitations and known issues of the various components of this FlexBoot release.Table 7 - Known IssuesInternal Ref.Description-Description: Several BIOS vendors have limited boot-vector space and may not display FlexBoot in their boot menu.WA : Disable the embedded NIC boot agent in BIOS Keywords: BIOS-Description: In several BIOS, the server might hang during FlexBoot booting due to wrong configuration of the PMM.WA : N/A Keywords: BIOS-Description: Only EBX, ESI, DS, ES registers can be saved in Boot Entry.WA : N/A Keywords: BIOS-Description: If a client returned control to the BIOS after a successful connection to an iSCSI target (but did not boot from it), then, unexpected behavior may occur.WA : Follow the instructions described in the FlexBoot UM for the proper iSCSI boot/installKeywords: BIOS673114/821899Description: FlexBoot banner might not be shown in some BIOSes.WA : N/A Keywords: BIOS-Description: In some cases, PXE boot will not work if the client was given only the file-name without next-server (siaddr).WA : N/AKeywords: PXE Boot-Description: PXE boot after iSCSI boot with static configuration is currently not sup-ported.WA : N/AKeywords: PXE BootKnown Issues Table 7 - Known IssuesInternal Ref.Description-Description: Boot over VLAN with IB port is currently not supported.WA: N/AKeywords: PXE Boot-Description: Some faulty boot loaders do not close the underlying UNDI device which may result in unexpected behavior and possible system crash after the OS starts to load.WA: N/AKeywords: PXE Boot-Description: Chain-loading gPXE stack may result in undesirable behavior.WA: N/AKeywords: PXE Boot647143Description: Executing a partial boot loop while only downloading the NBP and select-ing localboot is unsupported and may cause undefined behavior.WA: N/AKeywords: PXE Boot670421Description: Using filename for PXE boot with rootpath for hooking an iSCSI target (to install) is not supported when the PXE boot loader uses UNDI API, since all traffic mustget to the boot loader.WA: N/AKeywords: PXE Boot-Description: iSCSI over IB is not tested.WA: N/AKeywords: iSCSI-Description: iSCSI over DCB is not supported.WA: N/AKeywords: iSCSI-Description: FlexBoot supports only a single active iSCSI connection. Thus, wheniSCSI-boot via Port 1 succeeds to connect but fails to boot, it will fail to connect via Port2.WA: N/AKeywords: iSCSITable 7 - Known IssuesInternal Ref.Description-Description: Boot retries is currently not functional when booting from iSCSI.WA: N/AKeywords: iSCSI655800Description: IPv6 is not supported.WA: N/AKeywords: iSCSI-Description: Boot menu is displayed as READ ONLY if the HCA card does not support flash configuration.WA: N/AKeywords: User Interface-Description: FlexBoot Boot Menu will not be visible in serial output.WA: N/AKeywords: User Interface-Description: Large Receive Offload (LRO) and iSCSI may not interoperate due to a bug in current Linux kernel distributions.WA: Disable LRO in the IPoIB module when using iSCSI.See the Mellanox FlexBoot user's manual for details under the Diskless Machines chap-ter (InfiniBand Ports).Keywords: Networking-Description: FlexBoot supports only 2K MTU.WA: N/AKeywords: Networking-Description: 56Gb/s is currently not supported.WA: N/AKeywords: Link Speed-Description: Setting the number of Virtual Functions higher than the machine's memory capability may cause memory issues and system instability.WA: N/AKeywords: VirtualizationKnown Issues Table 7 - Known IssuesInternal Ref.Description-Description: SLAM, FTP, HTTPS and SRP are currently not supported.WA: N/AKeywords: Protocols-Description: Occasionally, using the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) in the switches may cause packet drops and boot failure in the system.WA: Enable the "edgemode" if disabled on the switch, or use either portfast or edgemodefunctionality on the switch ports connected to the NICs.Keywords: Protocols-Description: FCoE, BCV are not supported.WA: N/AKeywords: Protocols655800Description: IPv6 can only run if a RADVD service is running in the network.WA: N/AKeywords: Protocols-Description: IPv6 over IB is not supported.WA: N/AKeywords: Protocols655800Description: IPv6 over WDS is not supported.WA: N/AKeywords: Protocols655800Description: Enabling IPv6 first and then IPv4 is currently not supported.WA: N/AKeywords: Protocols841198Description: FlexBoot fails to boot when the following occurs:•Boot priority is set to iSCSI•The iSCSI TCP/IP parameters via DHCP is disabled•iSCSI boot fails or iSCSI boot to target configuration is set to disableWA: N/AKeywords: PXE boot, iSCSI843377/849223Description: The physical MAC assigned via the boot menu is displayed as zeroes instead of the set MAC when ConnectX-4 VPI adapter card is configured as InfiniBand.WA : N/AKeywords: Physical MAC, Boot menu656001Description: Booting from WDS and Windows DHCP server when only Option 66 is enabled (without Option 67), is not supported.WA : N/A Keywords: DHCP776057Description: Citrix PVS boot is not supported.WA : N/AKeywords: Citrix PVS boot689460Description: FlexBoot uses system UUID to generate the client DUID-UUID as per RFC 6355, the data conveyed with DHCPv6 Code 1 (Option ID).WA : N/AKeywords: DUID-UUID928217Description: Installing ESXi 6.5/6.0 on iSCSI target is currently not supported.WA : N/AKeywords: ESXi 6.5/6.0, iSCSI target689460Description: To use the DHCP server to identify ipxe requests when using undi -only.kpxe or ipxe.pxe when booting over IB requires special configuration. (see the Workaround below).WA : Add to the DHCP host declaration the MAC identification alongside the option 61 DUID.For example:host ib-client1 {option dhcp-client-identifier =ff:00:00:00:00:00:02:00:00:02:c9:00:<Port-GUID> ;hardware ethernet <Port-MAC> ;fixed-address <IPoIB Address> ;filename "ipxe.pxe" ;if exists user-class and option user-class = "iPXE" { filename “pxelinux.0” ; }}Keywords: undionly.kpxe or ipxe.pxeTable 7 - Known IssuesInternal Ref.DescriptionBug Fixes History 4Bug Fixes HistoryTable 8 - Fixed Bugs ListInternalDescriptionRef.843209Description: Fixed and issue which cause the link not to raise in the second port which isset as IB when the first port is ETH in PXE.Keywords: Link up, PortsDiscovered in Release: 3.4.903Fixed in Release: 3.5.109847950Description: Fixed wrong default value of Boot-To-Target in FlexBoot configuration.Keywords: Boot-To-Target, FlexBoot configurationDiscovered in Release: 3.4.719Fixed in Release: 3.4.903691148Description: When connecting a pre-configured port with VLAN to an IB fabric, the portruns as Ethernet port with the VLAN tag.Keywords: VLAN, Port ManagementDiscovered in Release: 3.4.719Fixed in Release: 3.4.903792432Description: Booting PXE using Grub2.X over HP G9/G8 servers results in system hang.Keywords: PXE boot, Grub2.X, HP G9/G8Discovered in Release: 3.4.719Fixed in Release: 3.4.903690792Description: If the PMM fails to allocate memory, the system hangs since FlexBoot cannotload from the expansion ROM.Keywords: PMM, expansion ROMDiscovered in Release: 3.4.719Fixed in Release: 3.4.812697291Description: In ConnectX-4, the PXE boot time measurement over TFTP Ethernet is 1:30 min for image size of 1GB, TFTP InfiniBand is 1:20 min, and iSCSI boot time measure-ment is 8 seconds for image size of 25 MB.Keywords: PXE Boot Discovered in Release: 3.4.719Fixed in Release: 3.4.812689068Description: In hybrid BIOSes, if the BIOS loads legacy driver without closing the UEFI driver, the legacy driver fails to load.Keywords: BIOS, legacy mode Discovered in Release: 3.4.719Fixed in Release: 3.4.812634794Description: Enabled 'boot_pci_busdevfn' initialization when booting from UNDI loader.Keywords: UNDI loader Discovered in Release: 3.4.650Fixed in Release: 3.4.719-Description: Removed the instruction that enabled write-protected section modifications after POST.Keywords: PXE Boot Discovered in Release: 3.4.650Fixed in Release: 3.4.719Table 8 - Fixed Bugs ListInternal Ref.DescriptionChanges and New Feature History5Changes and New Feature HistoryTable 9 - Changes and New Feature HistoryRelease ChangesRev. 3.4.903iSCSI re-imaging Enables the user to install a new image on active ISCSI targetFlexBoot UI Added new configuration for network link type for supported cards(ConnectX-4 VPI cards)Enabled boot configuration menu in ConnectX-4 when the physical port is IB Booting Enabled booting with non-default Pkey in ConnectX-4 when the physical portis IBLink Status Removed link status line printout at boot timeBoot Menu Changed the Bus:Device:Function format in boot menu, from PCI-Bus:Dev.Func to 0000:Bus:Dev.FuncUpstream sync Synced the source with iPXE (upstream sync)Rev. 3.4.812FlexBoot UI Added debug prints option in the FlexBoot boot menu. For further information,please refer to FlexBoot and UEFI User Manual.System Diagnosis Added the ability to diagnose problems in released ROMs by enabling thedebug log levels for specific modules.Note: This ability should be used only when debug session is needed.Interrupts Added support for ConnectX-4/ConnectX-4 Lx interruptsUpstream sync Synced the source with iPXE (upstream sync)Rev. 3.4.719IPv6Added IPv6 supportx64 Architecture Added x64 architecture support in ConnectX-4 and Connect-IB adapter cardsSHELL CLI Removed support for the following SHELL CLI commands:•Non-volatile option storage commands•SAN boot commands•Menu commands•Login command•Sync command•DNS resolving command•Time commands•Image crypto digest commands•Loopback testing commands•VLAN commands•PXE commands•Reboot commandFor further information, please refer to: /cmdUpstream sync Synced the source with iPXE (upstream sync)Table 9 - Changes and New Feature HistoryRelease ChangesRev. 3.4.650Image size Added support for .mrom images larger than 128kBAdapter Cards Added support for ConnectX-4 EN and ConnectX-4 Lx ENFlat real mode Moved to flat real mode when calling INT 1a,b101 to avoid BIOSes issues Spanning Tree Protocol Added support for detecting Spanning Tree Protocol non-forwarding ports(RSTP/MSTP)Upstream sync Synced the source with iPXE (upstream sync)Changes and New Feature HistoryChanges and New Feature HistoryMellanox TechnologiesRev 3.5.10921。
MPC56xx 32位微控制器核心异常处理说明书

1 IntroductionThe MPC56xx 32-bit microcontroller family built on Power Architecture ® technology provides a mechanism by which the e200 core implements interrupts and exceptions. Thisapplication note describes a method for decoding the length of VLE instructions, one which is used to correctly increment the returning address of the exception.2 OverviewIn this application note, core exceptions are split into two types:•Exceptions for which the address located in the SRR0 is increased automatically.•Exceptions for which the address located in the SRR0has to be increased manually based on the length of the instruction that caused the exception.This information is located in the IVORx interrupt chapter in the related e200 Core Reference Manual .Table 1 highlights IVORx exceptions that require manual incrementing of the return address in the SRR0 register for thee200z7 core. For further information, refer to the "DebugApplication NoteRev. 1, 3/2013VLE 16-bit and 32-bit Instruction Length Decode Algorithmby:Pavel Bohacik© 2013 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.Contents1Introduction................................................................12Overview....................................................................13Machine check interrupt (IVOR1exception) example...................................................24Book E or VLE instruction decoding (25)Decoding 16-bit or 32-bit VLEinstructions................................................................35.1Decoding the condition in C...........................45.2Decoding the condition inassembly.........................................................56Conclusion.. (57)References (5)Machine check interrupt (IVOR1 exception) exampleInterrupt—Register Settings" table in the Interrupts and Exceptions chapter of document number e200z760RM, e200z760n3 Power Architecture Core Reference Manual.3Machine check interrupt (IVOR1 exception) exampleWhen an IVOR1 exception occurs (due to memory protection, for example), the e200 core sets Machine Check Save/Restore Register 0 (MCSRR0) to the address of the instruction that was executed or about to be executed when the machine check condition occurred. If a recoverable machine check exception occurred, you should update MCSSR0 appropriately in the IVOR1 handler epilog based on all recommendations mentioned in AN2865, Qorivva Simple Cookbook available at .Freescale e200 cores allow you to use both variable length encoding (VLE) 16-bit and 32-bit instructions and Book E 32-bit instructions. (Book E is not supported by the e200z0 core, however.) When a machine check interrupt occurs, MCSRR0 contains the address of the instruction that was executed when the machine check occurred. To avoid a recurrence of the machine check interrupt, you should properly increment the instruction address in MCSSR0. The increment of the instruction address depends on the type of instruction interrupted by the machine check interrupt. An increment of 4 bytes is required for Book E instructions and VLE 32-bit instructions; an increment of 2 bytes is required for VLE 16-bit instructions.4Book E or VLE instruction decodingMore powerful types of e200 cores, like the e200z7, allow a mixed execution of VLE and Book E instructions. For this reason, Book E instruction detection is required when a machine check interrupt occurs.There are several ways to determine whether a Book E or a VLE instruction was used.1.Check Instruction Register Status Bit 8 in the Control State Register (CTL[IRSTAT8]) to determine the Power ISA VLE status for the Instruction Register (IR). This is a debug register, so it is not accessible by the main core. See e200z760RM, e200z760n3 Power Architecture Core Reference Manual for further details.2.Check the Power ISA VLE bit in the Memory Management Unit's MMU Assist Register 2 to determine the type of page. Your IVORx epilog should read all valid MMU table entries (MAS1[VALID]) and compare whether the returning address located in Machine Status Save/Restore Register 0 (SRR0) fits one of MMU entries.e a global variable. To simplify the procedure with the MMU, which may be undesired because it takes a significant amount of time, you can use a global array that lists memory ranges of VLE or Book E pages and is filled during the definition of MMU entries. Your IVORx epilog then reads SRR0 and determines whether a VLE or Book E instruction was executed based on global array values.5Decoding 16-bit or 32-bit VLE instructionsWhen a VLE instruction has been successfully decoded, the interrupt handler epilog should detect whether a 16-bit or 32-bit VLE instruction has been interrupted. Depending on the type of e200 core, different 32-bit instructions are available. See VLEPEM, Variable-Length Encoding (VLE) Programming Environments Manual , for the "VLE Instruction Set Sorted by Opcode" table, which contains both 32-bit and 16-bit instructions. After detailed investigation, the difference in opcodebetween all types of 16-bit and 32-bit VLE instructions is easily visible. Table 2, which lists a range of 16-bit and 32-bit VLE instructions, is based on the table from VLEPEM.Opcode size is determined by the first 4 bits (instruction bus[0:3]). 16-bit operations use encoding 0b0xx0 and 0b1xxx, with the exception of 0b1111, which are reserved operations (32-bit). 32-bit operations use 0b0xx1. As highlighted in thefollowing table, 32-bit instructions contain values 1, 3, 5, and 7 in the most significant byte position of this opcode. 16-bit VLE instruction contains values 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 0xA, 0xB, 0xC, 0xD, and 0xE in the most significant byte position of this opcode.Decoding 16-bit or 32-bit VLE instructions5.1Decoding the condition in Cif(VLE_INSTRUCTION){if((instruction & 0x9000) == 0x1000) {// first 4 bits have a value of 1,3,5,7return address +=4; //instruction was 32-bit } else {// first 4 bits have a value of 0,2,4,6,8,9,A,B,C,D,E (and F, but F is reserved) return address +=2; //instruction was 16-bit }}5.2Decoding the condition in assemblymfspr r5,570 # MCSRR0 -> r5se_lhz r4,0(r5) # determine opcode @ MCSRR0 e_andi. r3,r4,0x9000e_cmpli 0x0,r3,0x1000 # check bit 31,28 onlye_bne __machine_check_adjust_for_16bit_opcode se_addi r5,2 # 0xx1 => 32 bit __machine_check_adjust_for_16bit_opcode:se_addi r5,2 # all others just 16 bit long mtspr 570,r5 # save adjusted return address6ConclusionThis application note describes how to correctly increment the returning address for IVORx exceptions, which do notautomatically increase it. Incrementing the returning address is required only for instructions that would cause this exception continuously, causing software to get stuck. You should always correctly handle the root cause of the IVORx exception before incrementing the returning address.7ReferencesHow to Reach Us:Home Page:Web Support:/supportUSA/Europe or Locations Not Listed:Freescale SemiconductorTechnical Information Center, EL5162100 East Elliot Road Tempe, Arizona 85284+1-800-521-6274 or +/supportEurope, Middle East, and Africa:Freescale Halbleiter Deutschland GmbH Technical Information Center Schatzbogen 781829 Muenchen, Germany +44 1296 380 456 (English)+46 8 52200080 (English)+49 89 92103 559 (German)+33 1 69 35 48 48 (French)/supportJapan:Freescale Semiconductor Japan Ltd.Headquarters ARCO Tower 15F1-8-1, Shimo-Meguro, Meguro-ku,Tokyo 153-0064Japan0120 191014 or +81 3 5437 9125***************************Asia/Pacific:Freescale Semiconductor China Ltd.Exchange Building 23F No. 118 Jianguo Road Chaoyang District Beijing 100022China+86 10 5879 8000**************************Document Number: AN4648Rev. 1, 3/2013Information in this document is provided solely to enable system and softwareimplementers to use Freescale Semiconductors products. There are no express or implied copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits or integrated circuits based on the information in this document.Freescale Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Freescale Semiconductor makes no warranty, representation, orguarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Freescale Semiconductor assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. "Typical" parameters that may be provided in Freescale Semiconductor data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters,including "Typicals", must be validated for each customer application by customer's technical experts. Freescale Semiconductor does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Freescale Semiconductor products are not designed,intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which failure of the Freescale Semiconductor product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or useFreescale Semiconductor products for any such unintended or unauthorized application,Buyer shall indemnify Freescale Semiconductor and its officers, employees, subsidiaries,affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claims alleges that Freescale Semiconductor was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part.RoHS-compliant and/or Pb-free versions of Freescale products have the functionality and electrical characteristics as their non-RoHS-complaint and/or non-Pb-free counterparts.For further information, see or contact your Freescale sales representative.For information on Freescale's Environmental Products program, go to /epp.Freescale™ and the Freescale logo are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners.© 2013 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.。

特点系统功能• MOST®网络接口处理平台的软件可编程• 放大器系统的软件包括:数字交叉,参数均衡器,音调控制• 软件可用于双向有源音箱系统• 软件可用于数字收音高系统集成• MOST的核心是光纤网络• 可编程的16位主机控制器• 两个可编程定点DSP• 四路103 dB动态范围的音频DAC• 98 dB动态范围•立体声音频ADC• 麦克风语音输入的ADC• MPX的ADC,收音机功能• 内置直流测量ADC• 内置DRAM / SRAM存储控制器• 标准128脚MQFP封装描述OS8804是一个高度集成的具备多媒体接口的全功能MOST网络媒体系统。
OS8804在3.3 V环境工作温度范围为-40°C至+85°C。
DSP0也控制PWM DAC,以支持高效率的重低音的应用程序及控制低功耗应用。
. .1 概述OS8804是一个可编程的智能型硬件平台,支持多种信号处理系统解决方案,由OASISSiliconSystems公司提供与数字收音机,放大器和有源音箱等设备相关的应用软件,如模拟器、仿真器、汇编编程工具和C编译器,并支持用户开发的应用程序。
OS8804是一个单片CMOS集成电路,它结合了高速微控制器、高品质的模拟电路及数字信号处理器,包括4个处理器,10个ADC和DAC,各种数字I / O. OS8804内置的可编程主控制器和定点DSP,为各种应用提供了符合成本效益的解决方案。

/* 内存管理相关使能控制-------- MEMORY MANAGEMENT*/
#define OS_MEM_EN 1 /* 允许(1)或者禁止(0)产生内存关系代码 */
#define OS_MBOX_POST_EN 1 /* 允许生成 OSMboxPost() 代码 */
#define OS_MBOX_POST_OPT_EN 1 /* 允许生成 OSMboxPostOpt() 代码*/
#define OS_MBOX_QUERY_EN 1 /* 允许生成 OSMboxQuery() 代码 */
#define OS_MEM_QUERY_EN 1 /* 允许生成 OSMemQuery() 函数代码。*/
#define OS_MEM_NAME_SIZE 32 /* 允许内存分区名字的长度。 */
/* 互斥型信号量管理------ MUTUAL EXCLUSION SEMAPHORES - */
#ifndef OS_uCOS_II_H
#define OS_uCOS_II_H
/* ----------------------- uC/OS-View ------------------------- */
* By : Jean Labrosse
* Version : V2.80
i.MX Config Tools安装指南说明书

IMXIUGInstallation Guide for Config Tools for i.MXRev. 5 — 31 July 2023User guideInstallation Guide for Config Tools for i.MX 1 IntroductionConfig Tools for i.MX is a software tool that helps guide users from first evaluation to production software development. This document describes how to install the Config Tools for i.MX software.Config Tools for i.MX is available offline (local) installed on the host machine for pin routing configuration, validation and code generation, including pin functional/electrical properties, power rails, and run-time functions. Config Tools for i.MX is intended for general use and aims to help hardware designers, software engineers, embedded engineers, and field application engineers (FAEs) and consists of several tools.The Pins tool main features are:•Graphical views to create and change pins configuration•Creation of C source code and Device Tree snippet (DTS) for device initialization•Package with all pins and routable peripherals•Registers with initialization valuesThe DDR tool main features are:•Graphical view to display and change basic DDR attributes, such as memory type, frequency or number of channels•Graphical view to test and validate the DDR settingsNote: If the MacOS is set to Traditional Chinese, Config Tools for i.MX starts in English and not Chinese. This is intended.2 Minimum System RequirementsThe following lists the minimum system requirements to install and run the software:•One of the following graphical operating systems:–Microsoft® Windows® 10 (64-bit)–Ubuntu 22.04 LTSNote: Linux-hosted variants of tools are distributed on Linux as 64-bit binaries, which may not work on 32-bit systems.–Supported desktop environments: GNOME–Mac OS X (12.x )•4 GB RAM•Display with resolution 1024 x 768•Internet connection for dynamic download from processor database3 Supported ProcessorsConfig Tools for i.MX is installed with limited processor data and device support. You can download additional supported devices later.Note: Internet connection is required to install data for supported processors.4 LimitationsRefer to the Release Notes to see the limitations.Installation Guide for Config Tools for i.MX 5 InstallationAn 'Offline' installer is available for Config Tools for i.MX.This installer file includes all the files required during the setup and does not need an internet connection for installation to complete. You can use this method for slow network connections or for installing the software on multiple machines.The missing device information files are downloaded from the internet when loading a configuration into the tool.5.1 Installing on WindowsA setup binary is available for Microsoft Windows:•64-bit version: Contains "x64" in the installer executable name.Running a non-matching executable for a given host system, for example 64-bit setup on a 32-bit system, will give an error message dialog.To install Config Tools for i.MX as a desktop application on a local host:1.Run the Config_Tools_for_i.MX_<version>_<architecture>.exe.The Config Tools for i.MX Setup wizard will initiate.2.Select the language in which you want to run the installer.Figure 1. Select the Setup Language3.Click Next.4.On the next page, click Next.5.On the End-User License Agreement page of the wizard, select I accept the terms of the LicenseAgreement.Installation Guide for Config Tools for i.MXFigure 2. Accepting the End-user License Agreement6.Click Next.7.On the Select Installation Folder page of the wizard, select Browse and navigate to a destination folderyou want the Config Tools for i.MX to install to.Figure 3. Select Installation Folder8.Click Next.9.On the Configure Shortcuts page of the wizard, select shortcuts you want to be created for Config Toolsfor i.MX.Installation Guide for Config Tools for i.MXFigure 4. Configure Shortcuts10.Click Next.11.On the Ready to Install page of the wizard, select Install.Figure 5. Ready to InstallThe setup will begin the installation.Note: If you want to review or change any of your installation settings, click Back. Click Cancel to exit the wizard.The installer prompts you when the installation completes.Installation Guide for Config Tools for i.MXFigure 6. Installing Config Tools for i.MX12.Click Finish to close and exit the setup wizard.Figure 7. Complete installation13.To start using the Config Tools for i.MX, run the tool from the shortcut on desktop or from the Start menu.You can also navigate to the <product installation folder>\bin\ folder and launch the tools.exe or launch the shortcut in the <product installation folder>.5.2 Installing on MacTo install Config Tools for i.MX as a desktop application on a local host, do the following:Installation Guide for Config Tools for i.MX1.Double-click the Config_Tools_for_i.MX_<version>_<architecture>.pkg to start the Install Config Tools fori.MX setupNote: When you try to open the MacOS installer you may receive and error. To avoid it, manually select the option Mac App Store and identified developers in the Security & Privacy menu.Figure 8. Introduction2.On the Introduction page, click Continue.3.On the Software License Agreement page, click Continue.Figure 9. Software License Agreement4.Confirm that you have read and agreed to the terms of the Software License Agreement by clicking Agree.Installation Guide for Config Tools for i.MXFigure 10. Software License Agreement5.On the Destination Select page, click the green arrow to select the installation folder.Figure 11. Select destination6.Click Continue.7.On the Installation Type page, click Install.Installation Guide for Config Tools for i.MXFigure 12. Installation Type8.Type in your login credentials to continue with the installation.9.Click Install Software.Figure 13. Install Software10.Click Continue.Unless errors are reported, the Summary page will confirm that the installation was completed successfully.Installation Guide for Config Tools for i.MXFigure 14. Summary11.Click Close to exit the installation wizard.5.3 Installing on Linux5.3.1 Installing Using Command LineThis installs the tools to the default location (/opt/nxp/<default_path>).5.3.2 Uninstalling Using Command LineIn the Terminal, you can get the list of MCUX Config Toos with the package namesInstallation Guide for Config Tools for i.MX Now the desired version can be uninstalled:6 Revision historyInstallation Guide for Config Tools for i.MX 7 Legal information7.1 DefinitionsDraft — A draft status on a document indicates that the content is still under internal review and subject to formal approval, which may resultin modifications or additions. NXP Semiconductors does not give any representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information included in a draft version of a document and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information.7.2 DisclaimersLimited warranty and liability — Information in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, NXP Semiconductors does not give any representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information. NXP Semiconductors takes no responsibility for the content in this document if provided by an information source outside of NXP Semiconductors.In no event shall NXP Semiconductors be liable for any indirect, incidental, punitive, special or consequential damages (including - without limitation -lost profits, lost savings, business interruption, costs related to the removal or replacement of any products or rework charges) whether or not such damages are based on tort (including negligence), warranty, breach of contract or any other legal theory.Notwithstanding any damages that customer might incur for any reason whatsoever, NXP Semiconductors’ aggregate and cumulative liability towards customer for the products described herein shall be limited in accordance with the Terms and conditions of commercial sale of NXP Semiconductors.Right to make changes — NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes to information published in this document, including without limitation specifications and product descriptions, at any time and without notice. This document supersedes and replaces all information supplied prior to the publication hereof.Suitability for use — NXP Semiconductors products are not designed, authorized or warranted to be suitable for use in life support, life-critical or safety-critical systems or equipment, nor in applications where failure or malfunction of an NXP Semiconductors product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury, death or severe property or environmental damage. NXP Semiconductors and its suppliers accept no liability for inclusion and/or use of NXP Semiconductors products in such equipment or applications and therefore such inclusion and/or use is at the customer’s own risk.Applications — Applications that are described herein for any of these products are for illustrative purposes only. NXP Semiconductors makes no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification.Customers are responsible for the design and operation of their applications and products using NXP Semiconductors products, and NXP Semiconductors accepts no liability for any assistance with applications or customer product design. It is customer’s sole responsibility to determine whether the NXP Semiconductors product is suitable and fit for the customer’s applications and products planned, as well as for the planned application and use of customer’s third party customer(s). Customers should provide appropriate design and operating safeguards to minimize the risks associated with their applications and products.NXP Semiconductors does not accept any liability related to any default, damage, costs or problem which is based on any weakness or defaultin the customer’s applications or products, or the application or use by customer’s third party customer(s). Customer is responsible for doing all necessary testing for the customer’s applications and products using NXP Semiconductors products in order to avoid a default of the applicationsand the products or of the application or use by customer’s third party customer(s). NXP does not accept any liability in this respect.Terms and conditions of commercial sale — NXP Semiconductors products are sold subject to the general terms and conditions of commercial sale, as published at /profile/terms, unless otherwise agreed in a valid written individual agreement. In case an individual agreement is concluded only the terms and conditions of the respective agreement shall apply. NXP Semiconductors hereby expressly objects to applying the customer’s general terms and conditions with regard to the purchase of NXP Semiconductors products by customer.Export control — This document as well as the item(s) described herein may be subject to export control regulations. Export might require a prior authorization from competent authorities.Suitability for use in non-automotive qualified products — Unlessthis data sheet expressly states that this specific NXP Semiconductors product is automotive qualified, the product is not suitable for automotive use. It is neither qualified nor tested in accordance with automotive testingor application requirements. NXP Semiconductors accepts no liability for inclusion and/or use of non-automotive qualified products in automotive equipment or applications.In the event that customer uses the product for design-in and use in automotive applications to automotive specifications and standards, customer (a) shall use the product without NXP Semiconductors’ warrantyof the product for such automotive applications, use and specifications, and (b) whenever customer uses the product for automotive applications beyond NXP Semiconductors’ specifications such use shall be solely at customer’s own risk, and (c) customer fully indemnifies NXP Semiconductors for any liability, damages or failed product claims resulting from customer design and use of the product for automotive applications beyond NXP Semiconductors’standard warranty and NXP Semiconductors’ product specifications.Translations — A non-English (translated) version of a document, including the legal information in that document, is for reference only. The English version shall prevail in case of any discrepancy between the translated and English versions.Security — Customer understands that all NXP products may be subject to unidentified vulnerabilities or may support established security standards or specifications with known limitations. Customer is responsible for the design and operation of its applications and products throughout their lifecyclesto reduce the effect of these vulnerabilities on customer’s applicationsand products. Customer’s responsibility also extends to other open and/or proprietary technologies supported by NXP products for use in customer’s applications. NXP accepts no liability for any vulnerability. Customer should regularly check security updates from NXP and follow up appropriately. Customer shall select products with security features that best meet rules, regulations, and standards of the intended application and make the ultimate design decisions regarding its products and is solely responsiblefor compliance with all legal, regulatory, and security related requirements concerning its products, regardless of any information or support that may be provided by NXP.NXP has a Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) (reachableat *************) that manages the investigation, reporting, and solution release to security vulnerabilities of NXP products.7.3 TrademarksNotice: All referenced brands, product names, service names, and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.NXP — wordmark and logo are trademarks of NXP B.V.Installation Guide for Config Tools for i.MXContents1Introduction (2)2Minimum System Requirements (2)3Supported Processors (2)4Limitations (2)5Installation (3)5.1Installing on Windows (3)5.2Installing on Mac (6)5.3Installing on Linux (10)5.3.1Installing Using Command Line (10)5.3.2Uninstalling Using Command Line (10)6Revision history (11)7Legal information (12)Please be aware that important notices concerning this document and the product(s)described herein, have been included in section 'Legal information'.。
FlexLogix 控制器(Controller)15.6版本说明书

Publication 1794-RN015D-EN-E - June 2006Release NoteFlexLogix Controllers Revision 15Catalog Number 1794-L34About This Publication These release notes correspond to controller revision 15.6.Compatible RevisionsTo use this controller revision, update your system to these software revision levels or later.Compatible Software Revisions Before You BeginBefore you update your controller to this revision, do the following preliminary actions.DH-485 Disconnect InformationUpdate This Software To This Revision or Later RSLinx Classic RSLinx Enterprise 2.43 3.00RSLogix 500015.00RSNetWorx for ControlNet 5.11RSNetWorx for DeviceNet RSNetWorx for EtherNet/IPIfThenYour controller is connected to a DH-485 networkDisconnect it from the DH-485 network before you update the firmware of the controller. If you update the firmware of a controller while it is connected to a DH-485 network, communication on the network may stop.2 FlexLogix Controllers Revision 15Known Anomaly in Revisions 15.0, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5, and 15.6Revisions 15.0, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5, and 15.6 of FlexLogix controllers have this known anomaly.Known Anomaly Description in Revisions 15.0, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5, and 15.6Corrected Anomaly in Revision 15.6Revision 15.6 of FlexLogix controllers corrects this anomaly. Corrected Anomaly Description in Revision 15.6The information in this section contains previous release notes.Corrected Anomaly in Revision 15.5Revision 15.5 of FlexLogix controllers corrects this anomaly. Corrected Anomaly Description in Revision 15.5Anomaly DescriptionLimitsInv and SelectLimitInv are swapped.In the High/Low Limit (HLL) instruction:•LimitsInv parameter is set when the SelectLimit is invalid.•SelectLimitInv parameter is set when the HighLimit and LowLimit parameters areinvalid.Lgx00055977 Anomaly DescriptionThe 1794-L34 controllers experience a non-recoverable major fault in approximately 3... 4 months of continuous operation. The 1794-L34 controllers experience a non-recoverable major fault in approximately 3 (4)months of continuous operation. Continuous operation is defined as the controller being powered up; the mode of the controller (program, run, remote) does not matter. This was caused by a background diagnostic test completion.Lgx00066633Anomaly DescriptionSometimes I/O modules on the local rails would not be sent the proper configuration data.If a module that uses a direct connection on the local rails of a 1794-L34 FlexLogix controller was removed or inserted under power (RIUP) or had its power removed and then reapplied, the module may not have its configuration data passed to it when the controller reopens the connection.When this happened, no indication was given that the module did not receive the configuration. The only way to tell was that the input and output values were not correct.Lgx00061814Publication 1794-RN015D-EN-E - June 2006FlexLogix Controllers Revision 15 3Corrected Anomalies in Revision 15.4Revision 15.4 of FlexLogix controllers corrects these anomalies. Corrected Anomalies Description in Revision 15.4Anomaly DescriptionThe Batch recipe became inoperative.If two PXRQ instructions that had been triggered on the same phase were received by thebatch server before the first PXRQ completes, the Batch recipe became inoperative.Lgx00056918RSLogix 5000 software reported that POINT I/O connections were not scheduled even though they were scheduled and working on the network. After associating the RSNetWorx for ControlNet file in RSLogix 5000 software and scheduling the network, RSLogix 5000 software displayed an error while trying to save the configuration. The error stated that the POINT I/O connections were not scheduled even though they clearly were and working properly on the network.If you made changes to the program that didn’t involve ControlNet changes, and then downloaded, you had to reschedule the ControlNet network. The work around was to remove the association before you saved. Revision 15.4 removes the need for this work around.Lgx00058517PXRQ Instruction sometimes stayed in process and did not complete.When executing phase request messages to a batch server, the PXRQ instruction would sometimes stay in process (IP bit set) and never complete. The same scenario could have occurred if you took ownership of a phase from Logix5000 software while a PXRQ instruction was in process. The only recovery method was to transition from program to run or to cycle power to the controller.Lgx00058484, 58631, 59317, 58390, 57760Executing PXRQ instruction through manual phase control could have caused loss of controller communication.If the batch server was running and a PXRQ instruction was executed by manual control within Logix5000 software, the controller could have lost communication. The recovery method was to cycle power to the controller.Lgx00058151An Attempt to Abort a Phase Request (PXRQ) caused all PXRQ's not to function.If the abort bit was set in a PXRQ instruction with the IP or WA bit set, all remaining PXRQ's in the phase would stop operating correctly. Recovery from this situation required that you download the program again or to cycle power to the controller.Lgx00058678Publication 1794-RN015D-EN-E - June 20064 FlexLogix Controllers Revision 15Corrected Anomalies in Revision 15.3Revision 15.3 of FlexLogix controllers corrects these anomalies. Corrected Anomalies Description in Revision 15.3Anomaly DescriptionLarge write MSG instructions.This revision of FlexLogix firmware adds more stringent range checks when reading to orwriting from tags. Message packets are now limited to 240 bytes. This could cause someMSG instructions that worked in previous firmware revisions to not work in revision 15firmware.For example, use a CIP Generic MSG instruction to perform a Get Attribute Single service.The attribute is 4 bytes in. Assume the destination tag is an INT data type (2 bytes). Inrevision 13 firmware, the MSG instruction places the first 2 bytes of the attribute in thedestination tag. In revision 15 firmware, the MSG instruction errors because thedestination tag is not large enough. To correct this error, change the destination tag to aDINT data type.Lgx00052504The file search compare (FSC) instruction caused a nonrecoverable fault.The FSC instruction caused an nonrecoverable fault if both these conditions occurred.•A major fault was declared from within the expression of an FSC instruction.•The user fault routine cleared the fault.When the user fault routine attempted to recover, information previously saved was not properly restored, which resulted in corrupted system registers and a nonrecoverable fault.Lgx00055522Programmatic change of MSG instruction status bits could cause the MSG instruction to appear remain active (EN Set).If you programmatically reset the DN or ER bits of a MSG instruction due to the asynchronous nature of the MSG instruction, the MSG instruction could appear to remain active (EN set). In fact, the MSG instruction was not active. The MSG instruction required manual intervention to trigger it to execute again. Revision 15 removes the need for manual intervention to trigger the MSG instruction to execute again.Lgx00053112Publication 1794-RN015D-EN-E - June 2006Publication 1794-RN015D-EN-E - June 2006FlexLogix Controllers Revision 15 5An SFC instruction could execute the wrongstep.If you had an SFC instruction with nested simultaneous branches, the controller could begin execution at an unexpected step. Following the convergence of a nested simultaneousbranch, if the SFC looped back to the initial step of the parent branch, instead of executing that step, the SFC could jump to a step of another path in the nested simultaneous branch.Execution starts at Step_000. When Tran_000 becomes true, Step_001, Step_002 and Step_003 should become active. However, because the nested simultaneous branch in the left path converged and looped back to its parent step (Step_001), the active steps were actually Step_005, Step_002, and Step_003.Lgx00054247Quick power cycling or removing and reinserting local input modules could cause controller to fault When cycling power to or removing and reinserting input modules that use directconnections, a momentary window existed where the module could lose its connection to the controller and reestablish the connection, and the module connection was neverproperly closed. This only occurred on the local rails. To clear the fault, you had to power cycle the controller and redownload the program.Lgx00054979Anomaly Description6 FlexLogix Controllers Revision 15Restrictions in Revision 15.4FlexLogix controllers do not support the FLEX I/O or FLEX Ex HART modules on the local rail. They can only be used on the ControlNet network with a FLEX I/O ControlNet adapter and a FlexLogix communication card. Also, all FLEX Ex modules must be used on the local rail and cannot be used with a 1794-FLA module.If you simultaneously applied power to a 1794-VHSC and a controller, the controller might not turn on.In applications that used the 1794-L34 controller, revision 12.x or later, and a 1794-VHSC module, if the controller and I/O modules were powered up at the same time, occasionally the controller would not cycle power. In this case, the 1794-VHSC module displayed a solid red on its status indicators.In addition to using FlexLogix firmware revision 15.03, you must update your 1794-VHSC firmware to firmware revision F to correct this anomaly. You must return the 1794-VHSC module to Rockwell Automation for a firmware upgrade. The firmware cannot be upgraded in the field.Lgx00052295Anomaly DescriptionPublication 1794-RN015D-EN-E - June 2006Publication 1794-RN015D-EN-E - June 2006FlexLogix Controllers Revision 15 7Restriction in Revision 15.3Revision 15.3 of FlexLogix controllers has this restriction.Restriction Description in Revision 15.3RestrictionDescriptionIn a tag of a user-defined data type, aninstruction may write past the end of an array.If you write too much data to an array that is within a user-defined data type, some instructions write beyond the array and into other members of the tag.The following instructions write beyond the array into other members of the tag:This restriction also applies to all previous revisions.To prevent writing beyond the limits of the destination array, make sure the length operand of the instruction is less than or equal to the number of elements in the array.Lgx00033747If the length is greater than the numberof elements in the destination array……the instruction stops at the end of the array.Example 1: InstructionStops at the End of the ArrayIf the length is greater than the number of elements in the destination array……the instruction writes data beyond the end of the array into other members of the tag. Regardless of the length specified for the instruction, it stops writing if it reaches the end of the tag.Example 2: Instruction Writes Beyond the Array BSL BSR COP CPS DDTFBC FFL FFU FLL GSVLFL LFU SQL SRT SSV8 FlexLogix Controllers Revision 15Enhancements to Revision 15.3Revision 15.3 of FlexLogix controllers adds these enhancements:•The PhaseManager option provides a state model for your equipment. Itincludes:–equipment phase to run the state model.–PHASE data type.–equipment phase instructions (relay ladder and structured text only) Enhancement Descriptions to Revision 15.3•In function block diagram instructions, DeltaT for periodic timing in a periodic task now includes fractional values.If You Want To Use This InstructionSignal a phase that the state routine is complete so go to the next state Equipment Phase State Complete (PSC) Change the state or substate of a phase Equipment Phase Command (PCMD) Signal a failure for a phase Equipment Phase Failure (PFL)Clear the failure code of a phase Equipment Phase Clear Failure (PCLF) Initiate communication with RSBizWare Batch software Equipment Phase External Request (PXRQ) Clear the NewInputParameters bit of a phase Equipment Phase New Parameters (PRNP) Set up breakpoints within the logic of a phase Equipment Phase Pause (PPD)Take ownership of a phase to either:•prevent another program or RSBizWare Batch software from commandinga phase.•make sure another program or RSBizWare Batch software does notalready own a phase.Attach to Equipment Phase (PATT)Relinquish ownership of a phase Detach from Equipment Phase (PDET) Override a command Equipment Phase Override Command (POVR)Publication 1794-RN015D-EN-E - June 2006FlexLogix Controllers Revision 15 9Additional Memory Requirements Revision 15.0 or later may require more memory than previous revisions (for example, 10.x, 11.x). To estimate the additional memory that your project may require, use the following table.Estimate Additional Memory RequirementsIf You Have This Firmware Revision (add all that apply)Then Add The Following Memory Requirements to Your Project Which Comes From ThisType of Memory(1) Component Increase PerInstanceI/O(base)Data and Logic(expansion)15.x or earlier Tag that uses the COORDINATE SYSTEM data type60 bytes4 13.x or earlier Program12 bytes4Task 4 bytes4User-defined data type 4 bytes4I/O module16 bytes4(8 bytes)4 (8 bytes)Produced or consumed tag8 bytes412.x or earlier I/O module with a comm format = Rack Optimization90 bytes4I/O module with a comm format = something other thanRack Optimization (that is, direct connection)144 bytes4 Bridge module with a comm format = None160 bytes4Bridge module with a comm format = Rack Optimization220 bytes411.x or earlier User-defined data type.•Number of user-defined data types in the controllerorganizer > Data Types folder > User-defined folder•Not the use of that data type in tags128 bytes4Indirect address (using a tag as the subscript for an array inan instruction, for example, Array_A[Tag_B]). This memorychange applies only if the array:•uses a structure as its data type•does not use one of these data types: CONTROL,COUNTER, PID, or TIMER•has only one dimension (for example, UDT_1[5])(-60 bytes)410.x or earlier Program12 bytes4Routine16 bytes49.x or earlier Tag that uses the MESSAGE data type376 bytes47.x or earlier Project1050 bytes4Tag0.55 bytes4Message that transfers more than 500 bytes of data andtargets a controller in the same chassis.This memory is allocated only when the MSG instruction isenabled. To estimate, count the number of these messagesthat are enabled and/or cached at one time.2000 bytes4Publication 1794-RN015D-EN-E - June 2006Publication 1794-RN015D-EN-E - June 200610 FlexLogix Controllers Revision 15Connect Power SuppliesIf you use a 1794-PS13 power supply, connect the power supply to the controller before applying ac power to the power supply. This is also the recommended installation procedure for any third-party power supply you might use.Additional ResourcesYou can view or download publications at. To order paper copies of technical documentation, contact your local Rockwell Automation distributor or sales representative.Allen-Bradley, Rockwell Automation, FlexLogix, RSLinx Classic, RSLogix 5000, RSNetWorx for ControlNet, RSNetWorx for DeviceNet, RSNetWorx for EtherNet/IP , Logix5000, FLEX Ex, PhaseManager, RSBizWare Batch, POINT I/O, and FLEX I/O are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.6.x or earlierBase tag 24 bytes 4Alias tag 16 bytes4Produced or consumed tagData type Bytes per tag DINT 412 bytes 4REAL412 bytes 43 x bytes per tag 43 x bytes per tag 46.x Routine 68 bytes 45.x or earlierRoutine116 bytes4(1)In the FlexLogix controllers, the I/O and expansion memory types are merged into a single merged pool.If You Have This Firmware Revision (add all that apply)Then Add The Following Memory Requirements to Your Project Which Comes From This Type of Memory (1)Component Increase Per Instance I/O (base)Data and Logic (expansion)FlexLogix Controllers Revision 15 11 Publication 1794-RN015D-EN-E - June 2006Publication 1794-RN015D-EN-E - June 2006 PN 953014-81Supersedes Publication 1794-RN015C-EN-E - April 2006Copyright © 2006 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.Rockwell Automation SupportRockwell Automation provides technical information on the web to assist you in using its products. At , you can find technical manuals, a knowledge base of FAQs, technical and application notes, sample code and links to software service packs, and a MySupport feature that you can customize to make the best use of these tools.For an additional level of technical phone support for installation, configuration, and troubleshooting, we offer TechConnect Support programs. For more information, contact your local distributor or Rockwell Automation representative, or visit .Installation AssistanceIf you experience a problem with a hardware module within the first 24 hours of installation, please review the information that's contained in this manual. You can also contact a special Customer Support number for initial help in getting your module up and running.New Product Satisfaction ReturnRockwell tests all of its products to ensure that they are fully operational when shipped from the manufacturing facility. However, if your product is not functioning, it may need to be returned.United States1.440.646.3223Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm EST Outside United States Please contact your local Rockwell Automation representative for any technical support issues.United StatesContact your distributor. You must provide a Customer Support case number (see phone number above to obtain one) to your distributor in order to complete the return process.Outside United StatesPlease contact your local Rockwell Automation representative for return procedure.。
FlexLua DTU01 Modbus 函数库

p1字符串类型 p1可为如下八个Modbus 功能码之一"01","02","03","04","05","06","0F","10"p2整数型需要通信的从机地址,1~255p3和p4数据类型不固定当p1="01"时,表示读线圈。
p3=起始地址(0-0xFFFF),p4=16位寄存器值 当p1="0F"时,表示写多个线圈。
p3=起始地址(0-0xFFFF),p4=数组,数组中元素的个数等于要写入的线圈个数,0和1代表线圈值 ,注意:元素个数不能超过256个当p1="10"时,表示写多个寄存器。
p3=起始地址(0-0xFFFF),p4=数组,数组中元素的个数等于要写入的寄存器个数,值即是要写入的寄存器的值 ,注意:元素个数不能超过123个r1数组类型返回的数组即为符合modbus 协议格式的hex 数据流数组FlexLua DTU01 Modbus 函数库Modbus 数据转换 r1 = LIB_MbRtuMasterSendTrans(p1~p4)函数描述: 根据p1不同的modbus 功能码以及p1之后的参数,生成符合modbus 协议格式的hex 数据流,并以table 数组形式返回应用示例:--读线圈(设备地址=0x03,起始地址=0x0000,个数=3)LIB_Uart0Send (LIB_MbRtuMasterSendTrans ("01", 0x03, 0x0000, 3))p1字符串类型 p1可为如下八个Modbus 功能码之一"01","02","03","04","05","06","0F","10"p2table 型从机发来的应答数据(需要被解析的数据流数组)r1整数型,表示结果r1大于0表示应答正确,小于等于零表示有问题。
NVIDIA DOCA DNS Filter MLNX-15-060486 _v1.1说明书

Reference ApplicationTable of ContentsChapter 1. Introduction (1)Chapter 2. System Design (2)Chapter 3. Application Architecture (5)Chapter 4. Configuration Flow (6)Chapter 5. Running Application on BlueField (8)Chapter 6. Running Application on Host (10)Chapter 7. References (11)Chapter 1.IntroductionDomain name system (DNS) translates domain names to IP addresses so browsers can load internet resources. Each device connected to the internet has a unique IP address which other machines use to find the device.The DNS process includes several steps:1.Once a user tries to log into a website using a browser, the user's device creates a DNSquery and sends it to a DNS resolver.2.The DNS resolver queries the DNS domain to get an IP address by searching its cache orsending the request to another DNS server.3.Once a match is found, the DNS resolver returns the correct IP matching the DNS domain.4.The user can log into the required website using the correct IP.DNS filter is used to offload DNS requests from the host to the BlueField DPU Arm which allows reducing CPU overhead as Arm allows further DNS processing to be done (e.g., whitelisting, logging, filtering, etc).Chapter 2.System DesignThe DNS filter application is designed to run as a "bump-on-the-wire" on the BlueField-2 DPU instance. The DPU intercepts the traffic coming (ingress traffic) from the wire and either passes it to the Arm or forwards it to the egress port using hairpin. The decision is made by traffic classification.System DesignSystem DesignChapter 3.Application Architecture The DNS filter runs on top of DOCA FLOW to classify DNS requests.1.Ingress packet types are identified using pipes which encapsulate flow rule matchingpatterns and actions.2.Matched flows are identified, and FORWARDING actions can be executed.‣DNS traffic is forwarded to the Arm for further processing‣Non-DNS traffic is forwarded to the egress port using hairpinChapter 4.Configuration Flow1.DPDK initialization.dpdk_init(&argc, &argv, &nb_queues, &nb_ports);2.Stateful flow table (SFT) and port initialization.dpdk_ports_init(nb_queues,nb_ports);‣Mempool allocation‣Rx/Tx and hairpin queue initialization‣DPDK port initialization3.Hairpin binding.enable_hairpin_queues(portid, &peer_ports , 1);‣Binds hairpin queues for the given port ID4.DOCA flow initialization.doca_flow_init(&dns_flow_cfg, &error);5.DOCA flow ports initialization.dns_filter_port_init(&port_cfg, portid);‣Initializes DOCA flow port with the given port configuration for the given port ID.Note: DOCA flow port initialization is done for both ports of the BlueField and after theDPDK ports have been initialized.6.Non-DNS hairpin traffic.build_hairpin_pipes(ports[portid], portid, nb_queues);‣Builds two hairpin pipes, that forward packets to Arm. For a given port, each pipe has one entry for the relevant matching patterns. The first hairpin pipe is for matching UDP non-DNS traffic and the second one is for matching TCP traffic. Note that these pipes are built for both ports of the BlueField.7.Build DNS pipe.build_dns_pipes(ports[portid], portid, nb_queues);‣Builds DNS pipe for a given port. The built pipe has one entry for matching DNS traffic and forwarding it to Arm.8.Processing packets.main_loop(nb_queues, nb_ports);Configuration Flow‣All received packets on Arm, are DNS packets, while non-DNS packets are forwarded to the egress port using hairpin allowing DNS packets to be filtered.Chapter 5.Running Application onBlueField1.Please refer to the DOCA Installation Guide for details on how to install BlueField relatedsoftware.2.To build the applicationa).The DNS filter example is installed as part of the doca-dpi-lib package, the binary islocated under /opt/mellanox/doca/examples/dns_filter/bin/doca_dns_filter.To re-build the DNS filter sample, run:cd /opt/mellanox/doca/examples/dns_filter/srcmeson /tmp/buildninja -C /tmp/builddoca_dns_filter will be created under tmp/build.b).The build process depends on the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable to locatethe DPDK libraries. If the variable was accidently corrupted, and the build fails, run the following command:‣For Ubuntu:export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/opt/mellanox/dpdk/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig‣For CentOS:export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/opt/mellanox/dpdk/lib64/pkgconfigc).The DNS filter example is a DPDK application. Therefore, the user is required toprovide DPDK flags and allocate huge pages. Run:echo 1024 > /sys/kernel/mm/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/nr_hugepages3.To run the application:./doca_dns_filter [dpdk flags] -- -l [log_level]Note: SFs must be enabled according to Scalable Function Setup Guide.For example:/opt/mellanox/doca/examples/dns_filter/bin/doca_dns_filter -aauxiliary:mlx5_core.sf.4 -a auxiliary:mlx5_core.sf.5 -- -l 3Note: The flag -a auxiliary:mlx5_core.sf.4 -a auxiliary:mlx5_core.sf.5 isa must for proper usage of the application. Modifying this flag will result unexpectedbehavior as only two ports are supported. The SF number is arbitrary and configurable.For additional information on available flags for DPDK, use -h before the -- separator. ForRunning Application on BlueField information on available flags for the application, use -h after the -- separator. The -l or –-log_level flag sets the log level for the app (ERR=0, DEBUG=3).Chapter 6.Running Application onHostPlease refer to Running Reference Applications Over Host Guide.Chapter 7.References‣/opt/mellanox/doca/examples/dns_filter/src/dns_filter.cNoticeThis document is provided for information purposes only and shall not be regarded as a warranty of a certain functionality, condition, or quality of a product. NVIDIA Corporation nor any of its direct or indirect subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively: “NVIDIA”) make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document and assume no responsibility for any errors contained herein. NVIDIA shall have no liability for the consequences or use of such information or for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. This document is not a commitment to develop, release, or deliver any Material (defined below), code, or functionality.NVIDIA reserves the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and any other changes to this document, at any time without notice. Customer should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.NVIDIA products are sold subject to the NVIDIA standard terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgement, unless otherwise agreed in an individual sales agreement signed by authorized representatives of NVIDIA and customer (“Terms of Sale”). NVIDIA hereby expressly objects to applying any customer general terms and conditions with regards to the purchase of the NVIDIA product referenced in this document. No contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document.NVIDIA products are not designed, authorized, or warranted to be suitable for use in medical, military, aircraft, space, or life support equipment, nor in applications where failure or malfunction of the NVIDIA product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury, death, or property or environmental damage. NVIDIA accepts no liability for inclusion and/or use of NVIDIA products in such equipment or applications and therefore such inclusion and/or use is at customer’s own risk. NVIDIA makes no representation or warranty that products based on this document will be suitable for any specified use. Testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed by NVIDIA. It is customer’s sole responsibility to evaluate and determine the applicability of any information contained in this document, ensure the product is suitable and fit for the application planned by customer, and perform the necessary testing for the application in order to avoid a default of the application or the product. Weaknesses in customer’s product designs may affect the quality and reliability of the NVIDIA product and may result in additional or different conditions and/or requirements beyond those contained in this document. NVIDIA accepts no liability related to any default, damage, costs, or problem which may be based on or attributable to: (i) the use of the NVIDIA product in any manner that is contrary to this document or (ii) customer product designs.No license, either expressed or implied, is granted under any NVIDIA patent right, copyright, or other NVIDIA intellectual property right under this document. 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TO THE EXTENT NOT PROHIBITED BY LAW, IN NO EVENT WILL NVIDIA BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF ANY USE OF THIS DOCUMENT, EVEN IF NVIDIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Notwithstanding any damages that customer might incur for any reason whatsoever, NVIDIA’s aggregate and cumulative liability towards customer for the products described herein shall be limited in accordance with the Terms of Sale for the product.TrademarksNVIDIA, the NVIDIA logo, and Mellanox are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Mellanox Technologies Ltd. and/or NVIDIA Corporation in the U.S. and in other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.Copyright© 2021 NVIDIA Corporation & affiliates. All rights reserved.NVIDIA Corporation | 2788 San Tomas Expressway, Santa Clara, CA 95051。
Oracle Argus Insight 最低安全配置指南 V8.0说明书

Oracle® Argus InsightMinimum Security Configuration GuideRelease 8.0E49998-01January 2015This document describes how to configure security settings for the Argus Insightapplication. You configure these settings after you install Argus Insight. For detailsabout installing the application, see the Oracle Argus Insight Installation Guide.Contents■Section1, "Configuring LDAP Authenticator Class.exe Permissions"■Section2, "Configuring Permissions in the Windows Registry"■Section3, "Granting Permission to IIS Metabase"■Section4, "Configuring Folder Access to the Web User Account"■Section5, "Configuring Application Pools"■Section6, "Configuring Permissions for Log/Application Files and Folders"■Section7, "Configuring HTTPS"■Section8, "Documentation Accessibility"1Configuring LDAP Authenticator Class.exe Permissions You need to grant permissions to the LDAP Authenticator Class.exe file, which is the executable for the Argus Insight application.In addition, you need to create a domain user who will have access to the web servers and all network services that will be configured in Argus Insight. The instructions in this document use an example user, named safety_user. You need to substitute safety_user with the name of the domain user that you create.To configure the permissions for the Argus Insight application :1.Go to the web server.2.Click Start , and select Run.The Run command dialog box appears.3.In the Open field, enter MMC comexp.msc /32, and click OK .The Component Services screen appears.4.Navigate to Console Root > Component Services > Computers > My Computer > DCOM Config.5.Right-click LDAP Authenticator Class (that is, Argus Insight application), and select Properties from the menu.6.Click the Security tab.7.Modify the Launch and Activation Permissions as follows:a.Select the Customize option.b.Click Edit.The Launch and Activation Permission dialog box appears.Note:You need to complete the instructions in this section for eachweb server in your installation.c.To add the domain user who will have launch and activation permissions,click Add.d.For the Local Launch option and the Local Activation option, select the Allowcheck box.e.For the Remote Launch option and the Remote Activation option, select theDeny check box.f.Click OK.g.Click Yes in response to the message about Deny permissions.8.Modify the Access Permissions as follows:a.Select the Customize option.b.Click Edit.The Access Permission dialog box appears.c.To add the domain user who will have access permissions, click Add.d.For the Local Access option, select the Allow check box.e.For the Remote Access option, select the Deny check box.f.Click OK.g.Click Yes in response to the message about Deny permissions.9.Modify the Configuration Permissions as follows:a.Select the Customize option.b.Click Edit.The Change Configuration Permission dialog box appears.c.To add the domain user who will have configuration permissions, click Add.d.For the Full Control option and the Read option, select the Allow check box.e.Click OK.10.Click OK to save the changes and close the LDAP Authenticator Class Propertiesdialog box.2Configuring Permissions in the Windows RegistryTo configure permissions in the Windows system registry:1.Open the Windows Registry Editor:a.Click Start, and select Run.The Run command dialog box appears.b.In the Open field, enter regedit.c.Click OK.2.Navigate to the following folder:HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-203.Right-click the S-1-5-20 folder, and select Permissions.The Permissions for S-1-5-20 dialog box appears.4.To add the domain user, clickAdd .5.For the Full Control option, select the Allow check box.6.Click OK.3Granting Permission to IIS MetabaseTo grant permission to IIS metabase:e the Run as administrator option to open and run Command Prompt screen.2.Grant the safety_user permission to access IIS metabase:C:\WINDOWS\\Framework\v2.0.50727>aspnet_regiis.exe -ga "safety_user"Note:Make sure you run the following command as administrator.4Configuring Folder Access to the Web User AccountThis section, which describes how to configure folder access to the web user account, includes the following topics:■Section4.1, "Configuring Anonymous Access"■Section4.2, "Configuring Virtual Directories"The instructions in this section assume your installation has a domain server and all servers are configured in that domain.4.1Configuring Anonymous AccessOn every web server, configure Anonymous access as follows:1.Navigate to Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.2.Double-click Authentication.3.Right-click Anonymous Authentication, and from the drop-down menu, clickEdit.The Edit Anonymous Authentication Credentials dialog box appears.4.To define the user credentials for the Safety domain user (safety_user), click Set.5.Click OK to save the changes.4.2Configuring Virtual DirectoriesOn every web server, you must configure the following virtual directories to connect as the Safety domain user (safety_user):■Cancel■PDFReportsTo configure these virtual directories:1.Select one of the virtual directories, and click Basic Settings.The Edit Application dialog box appears.2.Click Connect as.The Connect As dialog box appears.3.Select the Specific user option, and click Set.The Set Credentials dialog box appears.4.Enter the user name and password for the Safety domain user (safety_user).5.Click OK until all the open dialog boxes are closed.6.Repeat the process for the other virtual directories.5Configuring Application PoolsYou must configure the following application pools to run under the safety_user identity:■Argus Insight App Pool■CancelQuery PoolTo configure these pools:1.Select Application Pools to open the Application Pools page.2.Select one of the application pools that you must configure.3.Click Advanced Settings.The Advanced Settings dialog box appears.4.Expand Process Model.5.Edit the Identity.6.Select the Custom account option, and click Set.The Set Credentials dialog box appears.7.Enter the user name and password for the Safety domain user (safety_user).8.Click OK until all the open dialog boxes are closed.9.Repeat the process for the other application pools.6Configuring Permissions for Log/Application Files and Folders You must assign the Safety domain user (safety_user ) the proper read, modify, and execute permissions for the following folders and files:■C:Windows\AI.ini ■C:Windows\ArgusSecureKey.ini ■C:\Temp ■Insight_Installation_Directory \ArgusInsight\Bin\Log ■Insight_Installation_Directory \ArgusInsight\CacheTemp ■Insight_Installation_Directory \ArgusInsight\PDFReports ■Insight_Installation_Directory \ArgusInsight\UploadTo configure the permissions : 1.Navigate to the appropriate file or folder.2.Open the Permissions dialog box.3.Select the Allow check box for the following permissions:■Modify ■Read & execute ■Read4.Click OK to save the changes.5.Repeat the process for the other files and folders.Note:Do not provide Full control for any of these folders or files.7Configuring HTTPSTo configure HTTPS:1.Log in to the web server.2.Start Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.3.Select the server node, select the Server Certificates icon in the IIS section, andclick Open Feature.4.Create or import your SSL certificate.5.Wait until the certificate is created.6.Navigate to Sites, select Argus Insight, and click Bindings.7.Click Add.The Add Site Binding dialog box appears.a.In the Type drop-down list, select https.b.In the Port field, enter the SSL port to bind.c.In the SSL certificate drop-down list, select Argus Insight.d.Click OK to save the changes.HTTPS is now enabled for Argus Insight.To ensure the SSL connection is required:1.Navigate to Sites, and select Argus Insight.2.Select the SSL Settings icon in the IIS section.3.Click Require SSL.4.Click Apply.8Documentation AccessibilityFor information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.Access to Oracle SupportOracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.Oracle Argus Insight Minimum Security Configuration Guide, Release 8.0E49998-01Copyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing.If this is software or related documentation that is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it on behalf of the U.S. Government, the following notice is applicable:U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS Programs, software, databases, and related documentation and technical data delivered to U.S. Government customers are "commercial computer software" or "commercial technical data" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, the use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation shall be subject to the restrictions and license terms set forth in the applicable Government contract, and, to the extent applicable by the terms of the Government contract, the additional rights set forth in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software License (December 2007). Oracle America, Inc., 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065.This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications that may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. 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Oracle FLEXCUBE私人银行 - 通用SSO适配器 - 配置和开发说明书

Oracle FLEXCUBE Private Banking26-September-2011Generic SSO Adaptor – Configuration and DevelopmentCOPYRIGHT (C) 2010 Oracle Financial Services Software Pvt Limited All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, adopted or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photographic, graphic, optic recording or otherwise, translated in any language or computer language, without the prior written permission of Oracle Financial Services Software. Due care has been taken to make this Software Analysis & Design Document as accurate as possible. Oracle Financial Services Software Pvt Ltd makes no representation or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and shall not be responsible for any loss or damage caused to the user by the direct or indirect use of this Software Analysis & Design Document. Furthermore Oracle Financial Software Services Limited reserves the right to alter, modify or otherwise change in any manner the content hereof, without obligation of Oracle Financial Services Software Pvt Ltd to notify any person of such revision or changes. All company and product names are trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.Revision HistoryThe following document details the development/configuration requirements that would be required to setup a generic SSO adapter for the Oracle FCPB ProductPlease note that this is just a development guide and a basic template to achieve the SSO integration with any third party tools or custom development. This may require additional code/configuration to make it work as per the individual site requirementsSuppose an external system sends us thehttp:// URL contains data for the following attributesThe processing first hits the filter “PBSExternalAuthenticationProcessingFilter” which helps in retrieving the data from the URL and are stored as session attributes. This filter will read the login information which will be username for FCPB from the header as belowString loggedInUser = httpServletRequestObject.getHeader(“Login”);This is just a sample parameter that is used in this code. You can customize the code as per your requirements and accordingly retrieve the other parameters as well make a custom call to the master system to validate the authenticity of this request. This filter is hit only once during the login process and hence you can use this as the entry point validation for the systemThe most important thing to note out is that to enable SSO in Oracle FCPB, it requires an entry for that user in the SMS_APP_USER table. So in case you have a customer upload interface, you would need to ensure that this entry gets created when the customer is created. The default interface provided by the product for the customer upload has this facility provided. The user <-> role mapping is done as per the segment i.e. the segment name is the same as that of the role.IF THIS IS NOT SETUP DURING THE INTERFACE UPLOAD, THE WHOLE SSO OPERATION WILL FAILThe following product jar files are required in case you would want to extend the same wminfra-2.0.1.jarwmcrmcore-2.0.1.jar andwmsmscore-2.0.1.jarPlease note that in addition to the above, you would need the following external libraries to make this workSpring 2.5.5Struts 2Hibernate 3.3Apache commonsApache commons HTTP clientThe product team can guide you in setting up the workspace to develop on this adaptor. You would require strong Spring framework knowledge including the Spring security framework to get this working.To setup the code base for the SSO adapter, the following things would need to be done Setup Eclipse Helios on your local workstationCopy the attached jar file to a local folder and ensure that this jar file is setup within your ANT workspace. This jar file contains the tasks for ivy and needs to be done before the build is run.To setup, go to Window -> Preferences -> Ant -> Runtime -> Classpath -> Ant Home Entries -> Add External JarsThis should ensure that the ant ivy tasks will be executed for the buildivy-2.0.0-rc2.jarCheck-out the FCPBOAMADAPTER from Subversion. If you do not have the rights request that the product team provide you the checked-out version of the path. Changes if any would have to be maintained locally and checked-in into the implementation team’s version control Get the latest repository folder “REPOSITORY” from the product team. This should contain all the jar files that would be required for your development and build purpose The REPOSITORY has the following folderso COREo FCPBREPOSITORY -> Contains jar files for the ivy buildo PBIVYREPOSITORY (IVY Repository)o LIBREPOSITORY -> Contains jar files for the eclipse buildPlease modify the following files for your buildo build.properties -> The following properties need to be changed“settings.localRepository” to the path to the folder FCPBREPOSITORYand“er.dir” to the PBIVYREPOSITORY folder. This is for the ivy buildo.classpath file -> Replace the path entries for the location of LIBREPOSITORY and PBIVYREPOSITORY. This is for the eclipse buildThe ivy build helps you in creating the jar file for the adapter. Open the build-individual.xml, right-click and run as an Ant build. This will generate the jar file in the ivy repository. Thisadapter jar can then be put into the WEB=INF/lib folder of your war file to get the adapterworkingOnce the jar file is generated, the following runtime configuration needs to be done so that the adapter is working okThe following changes need to be done in the web.xml file after the main filter for Struts1. Adding SSO Spring security file (WmSSOSpringWebSecurity.xml) to spring contextReplace/WEB-INF/WmSpringWebSecurity.xmlWithclasspath*:/WmSSOSpringWebSecurity.xml2. Adding Session validation filter<filter><filter-name>externalLoginActionFilter</filter-name><filter-class>com.iflexsolutions.fcpb.efinacle.filter.PBSExternalLoginActionFilter</ filter-class></filter><filter-mapping><filter-name>externalLoginActionFilter</filter-name><url-pattern>*.action</url-pattern></filter-mapping>3. In the file wmStruts-sms.xml which will be in the file wmsmsweb-2.2.jar, you need to addthe following entry<action name="oamLogin"class="oamLoginAction"><interceptor-ref name="exception"/><interceptor-ref name="alias"/><interceptor-ref name="servlet-config"/><interceptor-ref name="prepare"/><interceptor-ref name="i18n"/><interceptor-ref name="chain"/><interceptor-ref name="wmRole"/><interceptor-ref name="wmRoleFunction"/><interceptor-ref name="debugging"/><interceptor-ref name="profiling"/><interceptor-ref name="scoped-model-driven"/><interceptor-ref name="model-driven"/><interceptor-ref name="checkbox"/><interceptor-ref name="static-params"/><interceptor-ref name="params"><param name="excludeParams">dojo\..*</param></interceptor-ref><interceptor-ref name="conversionError"/><interceptor-ref name="validation"><paramname="excludeMethods">input,back,cancel,browse</param></interceptor-ref><interceptor-ref name="workflow"><paramname="excludeMethods">input,back,cancel,browse</param></interceptor-ref><interceptor-ref name="pbs-token-session"/><interceptor-ref name="xss-injection"/><result name="next"type="redirect-action">${nextAction}</result></action>4. Replace the logout.jsp file found in the war file with the one which is found in the SSOAdapters projects home directory.5. Make below highlighted entry in the decorators.xml file located in the WEB-INF folder ofthe war file.<excludes>…<pattern>/logout*</pattern>…</excludes>6. You can use the apache commons logging service for your logging. Please make thechanges in log4j.xml to include your new packages. This is available in the WEB-INF/classes for your war file. Please do not as a practice put in System.out.println(“”) in your code base. The log factory class can be obtained like this// Logging Importsimport mons.logging.Log;import mons.logging.LogFactory;// Within the class fileprotected final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());。

Course NumberCCP299Course PurposeUpon completion of this course, you should be able to troubleshoot a previously operational ControlLogix® system and restore normal operation.COURSE AGENDA• Locating ControlLogix Components• Navigating through the Studio 5000 Logix Designer Application• Connecting a Computer to a CommunicationsNetwork• Downloading and Going Online• Locating I/O Tags and DevicesControlLogix/Studio 5000 Studio 5000 Logix Designer Level 1: ControlLogix Fundamentalsand TroubleshootingWHO SHOULD ATTENDThis course is intended for individuals who need to maintain and troubleshoot a ControlLogix system – but have no current working experience with ControlLogix systems.Curriculum Note: This course contains many of thelessons in courses CCP146 and CCP153 – in a consolidated four and a half-day format. Do not take all three courses.PREREQUISITESTo successfully complete this course, the following prerequisites are required:• Ability to perform basic Microsoft Windows tasks • Previous experience with common industrial control system concepts STUDENT MATERIALSTo enhance and facilitate the students’ learningexperiences, the following materials are provided as part of the course package:• Student Manual:–Includes the key concepts, definitions, examples, and activities presented in this course • Lab Book:–Provides learning activities and hands-on practice. Solutions are included after each exercise for immediate feedback.• Logix5000 System Glossary:–Contains terms and definitions specific to Logix5000 systems and defines key Logix5000 systems terminology• Studio 5000 Logix Designer and Logix5000 Procedures Guide:–Provides the steps required to complete basic tasks that are common to all Logix5000 hardware platforms • ControlLogix Troubleshooting Guide:–Contains a systematic approach to diagnosing and troubleshooting common ControlLogix system problems HANDS-ON PRACTICEThroughout this course, you will have the opportunity to practice the skills you have learned through a variety of hands-on exercises using an ABT-TDCLX3-B ControlLogix workstation. Exercises focus on the skills introduced in each lesson.Integrated practices combine and practice several key skills at once.COURSE LENGTHThis is a four-and-a-half-day course.Allen-Bradley, ControlLogix, Logix5000 and Studio 5000 Logix Designer are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies. Publication GMST10-PP335K-EN-E – January 2020 | Supersedes Publication GMST10-PP335J-EN-E – April 2018Copyright © 2020 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in USA.To be respectful of the environment, Rockwell Automation is transitioning some of its training courses to a paperless format. Students are asked tocomplete downloads and bring personal devices to these classes. A full list of digital/paperless courses is currently available through your local distributor.。
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HAEFELY TEST AG使用手册文件标题参考编号可扩展测试系统AXOS8 多功能抗扰度测试仪器4700924_02目录目录 (I)1安全 (1)1.1一般安全信息 (1)1.2安全标准 (1)2产品描述 (2)2.1基本信息 (2)2.2AXOS8 涵盖标准 (3)3技术参数 (4)3.1概述 (4)3.2浪涌 (4)3.3振铃波 (5)3.4通讯波 (5)3.5脉冲群 (5)3.6电压跌落& 中断 (6)3.7内置单相CDN (6)4初始操作 (7)4.1视觉检查 (7)4.2安装 (7)4.3接地 (7)EUT电源输入 (7)EUT连接 (8)4.6电压跌落输入 (8)5总体操作 (9)5.1前视..图.................................................................................................9.5.2后视图 (9)5.3设置菜单 (11)5.4预定义标准程序 (12)5.4.1AXOS定义要求 (13)5.5图标栏 (14)5.6测试报告数据 (14)6浪涌 (15)6.1概述 (15)6.2组合波发生器 (15)6.2.1开路电压(OCV) (15)6.2.2短路电流(SCC) (16)6.3浪涌菜单 (16)6.3.1特性 (19)6.3.2切换 (20)6.3.3触发 (20)6.3.4AC同步 (20)7磁场 (21)7.1概述 (21)7.2磁场菜单 (21)7.2.1天线因子 (22)7.2.2切换 (23)7.2.3特性 (23)8振铃波 (24)8.1概述 (24)8.1.1振铃波开路电压(OCV) (24)8.2振铃波菜单 (24)8.2.1特性 (26)8.2.2切换 (27)8.2.3触发 (27)8.2.4同步AC (28)8.2.5输出& 耦合路径 (28)9通讯波 (29)9.1概述 (29)9.1.1通讯波开路电压(OCV) (29)9.1.2通讯波短路电流(SCC) (29)9.2TW 8 模块 (30)9.3AXOS 8 + TW 8 (31)9.3.1输出& 耦合路径 (33)9.3.2特性 (34)9.3.3切换 (34)9.3.4触发 (35)10电快速瞬变脉冲 (36)10.1概述 (36)10.2脉冲群菜单 (36)10.2.1输出& 耦合路径 (37)AXOS8 Compact immunity test System10.2.2特性 (38)10.2.3切换 (38)10.2.4触发 (39)10.2.5同步 (39)10.2.6脉冲群模式 (39)11电压跌落& 中断 (40)11.1概述 (40)11.2中断 (40)11.3跌落 (40)11.3.1变压器DIP 116 (42)11.3.2外部变压器 (43)11.3.3特性 (43)11.3.4切换 (44)11.3.5触发 (44)12序列 (45)12.1概述 (45)12.2序列菜单 (45)12.2.1序列添加步骤 (47)12.2.2启动序列 (48)12.2.3手动设置& 序列完成结果 (49)12.2.4结果清算 (49)12.3数据报告 (51)13错误信息 (52)13.1错误信息 (52)13.2故障排除 (52)13.3逻辑错误 (53)14软件 (54)14.1远程软件 (54)14.1.1“点对点” 远程控制 (54)14.1.2“无线局域网” 远程控制 (56)14.2报告软件 (56)15服务 (57)15.1概述 (57)15.2验证 (57)浪涌开路电压OCV (57)浪涌短路电流SCC (57)15.2.3电快速瞬变/爆发 (58)15.2.4脉冲群验证适配器 (58)15.3校准 (58)15.4回收 (59)16附件和选件 (60)16.1AXOS8 附件 (60)17附加信息 (61)17.1地址 (61)17.1.1国际客户服务 (61)17.1.2美国客户服务 (61)17.1.3中国客户服务 (61)17.1.4印度客户服务 (61)17.2制造商 (62)17.3术语和缩写词 (62)17.4参考资料 (63)17.5图表 (64)17.6表格 (66)18附录 (67)18.1CE 整合 (67)AXOS8 Compact immunity test SystemAXOS 8Compact immunity test System71 安全1.1 一般安全信息重要:请在使用 AXOS 8前仔细阅读其安全要求!在设备上可以看见此警告标识。
AXOS 8里面会呈现危险的电源电压或高压。
AXOS8必须接地良好,如果在没有接地的情况按下触发器,可能发 生触电!在移除任何覆盖物时,先移除外接电线。
AXOS 8只能由经过培训的人员进行维修。
禁止打开任何零部件因为AXOS 8不包括用户可替换零件。
如果存在爆炸危险请不要打开或者运行 AXOS 8系统。
如果能看见机器 上有冷凝现象,应在操作前先将机器进行干燥处理。
当 AXOS 8运行时禁止触摸受试设备(EUT ),并在测试设置中设立一道安全屏障(如表 5-3闭合电路的 引脚4和引脚5).如果 AXOS 8 中的任何部分受损或有可能被损,例如,在运输过程中,那么不要开启设备。
在更换电源保险丝之前请迁离电源线 保险丝应当更换相同的类型。
这份使用手册是测系统不可分割的一部分,Haefely 测试AG 及其销售人员对因不遵守此操作说明或进行不 正确的操作所引起的伤害将拒绝接受任何直接或间接的责任。
只有直接输出和通讯必须使用连接线圈,并且线圈环(从高 到通信)必须关闭。
请不要直接将电源电压连接到高输出电压,否则将损害系统部件,所以请使用合适的CDM.表1-1: AXOS 8安全要求当系统测试开始时,AXOS 8中的相关符号如图1-1显示在屏幕上。
图 1-1: 安全标记1.2 安全标准AXOS 8符合IEC 61010-1的要求。
AXOS 8Compact immunity test System22 2 产品描述2.1 基本信息AXOS 8多功能抗扰度测试仪器将我们的独立测试系统所有最优的测试单元集成为一套独立的经济解决方案。
AXOS 8包 含5 kV 电快速瞬变脉冲群,7KV 浪涌组合波,7 kV 振铃波,7KV 通讯波(10/700),单相电压跌落和中断,内置集成 单相耦合/去耦合网络(CDN )。
该设备依据最常见的IEC 标准等执行快速完整的自动抗扰度测试。
AXOS 8能够通过前面板触屏图形用户界面中的“7” 进行运作或者远程计算机控制。
根据 IEC 标准 , 建立测试单元组合, 使得测试易于进行,可靠性好,重复性好。
AXOS 8所有的测试参数可以在较广的范围内变动,并且具有在测试期间改变测试参数的能力。
AXOS 8不仅是理想兼容和 预兼容预测产品,而且是助于监测和调试功能研发设计的理想测试工具。
AXOS 8具有一系列高性价比和方便用户的电源线,对称和非对称的数据线(信号)线的耦合/去耦网络作为 选件。
图2-1显示了AXOS 8的开始菜单。
按下触摸屏上对应的不同键如浪涌,电快速瞬变脉 冲,电压跌落,磁场,振铃波和通讯波,你能进入对应的特定功能操作区。
但是,AXOS8的可扩张测试版本在未扩展时 图标会保存在灰影中,并且通过关键代码升级访问。
图 2-1:启动显示如图2-1所示选择其中一个功能后,一般出现两种可操作菜单模式。
只有在预兼容模式下有可能改变测试参数,即使设 备正在运行测试。
参数值可以根据各个标准需要直接设 定。
此外,EUT 电流的峰值和电压的峰值会显示在屏幕上。
AXOS 8Compact immunity test System32.2 AXOS 8 涵盖标准表 2-1: AXOS 8涵盖标准请仔细阅读IEC/EN 标准中对每一个特定的规范测试详细说明。
的确,产 品规范中更详细描述许多产品要求。
注:产品规范将部分由AXOS8履行,请进一步联系以帮助销售代表或者HAEFELY 。
AXOS 8Compact immunity test System43 技术参数3.1概述表 3-1: 基本参数3.2 浪涌表3-2: 浪涌数据表 3-3 振铃波数 据通讯波表 3-4 通信波数据脉冲群表 3-5 脉冲群数据3.6 电压跌落& 中断表-6: 电压跌落和暂降数据3.7 内置单相CDNAXOS8 为群脉冲和浪涌测试提供一个综合单相耦合/去耦合网络。
在“特性”菜单里面,可选的电流限制在1A-16A 之间。
内置CDN 可能被用来与交流电源线或直流电源线使用。
内置CDN的输入(被测物体电源输入)必须与带有电源安全开关的电源线连接,或额定电流不超过 16A 和符合特征 B 或 C 的电流。
4 4 初步操作4.1 视觉检查在运输过程中A XOS8可能遭受很大的冲击和振动,即使HAEFELY Test AG采取合适的包装。