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THIS SHARE SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT is made as of October 12,2012,by and among:

Company A,一家在毛里求斯共和国法律下成立的股份有限公司(Olympus#1);

Company A,a private company limited by shares incorporated under the laws of Republic of Mauritius;

Company B,一家在开曼群岛法律下组成的豁免有限合伙;

Company B,an exempted limited partnership organized under the laws of Cayman Islands ;


Company, a limited liability company incorporated under the laws of the PRC(the “Company”);


a limited liability company incorporated under the laws of the PRC(the “ Parent”); and

XXX,一持有编号为XXX 的中国身份证的人士(“XXX”或“创办人”)。

XXX, a person holding PRC Identity Card numbered XXX(“XXX” or the “Founder”).


Each party to this agreement shall be referred to as a “Party” and shall collectively be referred to as “parties”.



WHEREAS,upon the completion of the restructuring steps set forth in the Restructuring Plan and prior to Closing,

(a) 一家拟由创办人在英属维尔京群岛法律下成立并全资拥有的业务公司(“BVI”控股公司)将持有一家拟在英属维尔京群岛法律下成立的业务公司(“发行人”)100%的股权,

(a) a business company to be incorporated (and wholly owned) by the Founder under the laws of the British Virgin Islands (the “BVI Hold Co”) shall hold 100% shareholding in a business company incorporated under the laws of the British Virgin Islands(the “Issuer”),

(b) 发行人将持有一家拟在开曼群岛法律下成立的获豁免股份有限公司(“上市公司”)


(b)the Issuer shall hold 70.0115% shareholding in an exempted company limited by shares incorporated under the laws of the Cayman Islands(the “Listco”);


(c) the Listco shall hold 100% of the Equity Securities in a business company incorporated under the laws of the British Virgin Islands (the “BVI Co”);

(d)BVI公司将持有一家拟在香港法律下成立的有限责任公司(香港公司)100%的股本证券,(d) the BVI Co shall hold 100% of the Equity Securities in a limited liability company incorporated under the laws of Hong Kong (the “HK Co”);

(e)香港公司将持有一家拟在中国法律下成立的有限责任公司(WOFE)100%的股本证券。(e) and the HK Co shall hold 100% of the Equity Securities in a limited liability company incorporated under the laws of the PRC(the “WOFE”).


The Issuer desires to issue and sell to the Investors, and the Investors desire to subscribe for and purchase from the Issuer such number of Preference Shares that equals the Subscription Price divided by the Purchase Price Per Share (the “Subscribed Preference Shares”),subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement;


NOW THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:



分条1.1 认购受限于本协议中订明的条款及条件,以及依赖于本文及其他交易文件中做出的陈述与保证,发行人同意且创办人及BVI控股公司承诺促使发行人同意将标的优先股发行及出售予投资者,及投资者同意从发行人认购上述标的优先股。

Section 1.1 Subscription Subject to the terms and conditions in this agreement and in reliance upon the representations and warranties made herein and in the other transaction Documents, the Issuer agrees to and the Founder and BVI Hold Co undertake to procure the Issuer to agree to issue and sell to the Investor, and the Investor agree to subscribe for and purchase from the issuer, the Subscribed Preference Shares.

分条1.2 认购价款应付予发行人之标的优先股累计认购价款应为70,000,000.00美元(“认购价款”),且每股标的优先股的购入价应为等值于人民币6.5元的美元,以交割日前第五(5)个营业日中国银行在其官方网站公布的人民币兑美元汇率中间价计算。(“每股购入价”)。Section 1.2 Subscription Price The aggregate subscription price payable to the Issuer for the Subscribed Preference Shares shall be US$70,000,000.00(the “Subscription Price”), and the purchase price for each Subscribed Preference Shares shall be the United States Dollars equivalent of RMB 6.50, calculated at the central parity rate of United States Dollars against RMB published on the official website of the Bank of China on the fifth (5th) Business Day immediately prior to Closing Date (Purchase Price Per Share).

分条1.3 认购价款的支付在交割时,投资者应将认购价款以立刻可动用的资金电汇付至发行人指定的账户(“发行人账户”),发行人账户应在不少于交割日前五(5)个营业日由发行
