Efficient Quantum Key Distribution Scheme and a proof of its unconditional security




量子密钥分发的安全要求测试和评估方法量子密钥分发 (Quantum Key Distribution, QKD) 是一种基于量子力学原理的密钥分发技术,可以提供信息传输的绝对安全性。























一、量子密钥分发(Quantum Key Distribution,QKD)量子密钥分发是量子加密的核心技术之一。






二、量子分布式密码(Quantum Secret Sharing,QSS)量子分布式密码是一种多方协作的量子加密方案。





三、量子认证(Quantum Authentication)量子认证是一种用于验证通信对方身份的量子加密方案。




在收到测量结果后,Alice 和Bob会通过公开交流的方式,抛弃那些测量结果不一致的比特,并保留一部分用于验证身份。




未来的量子通信真奇妙作文英文回答:In the realm of communication, the advent of quantum physics has ignited a transformative revolution, paving the way for the dawn of quantum communication. This cutting-edge technology harnesses the enigmatic properties of quantum mechanics to revolutionize the way we transmit and secure information, promising unprecedented levels of efficiency, security, and reliability.Quantum communication, unlike its classical counterpart, leverages the principles of quantum entanglement and superposition to establish secure and ultra-fast channelsof communication. Entangled quantum particles, such as photons or electrons, share an intimate connection, regardless of the distance separating them. This phenomenon enables the instantaneous transmission of informationacross vast distances, irrespective of the limitations imposed by the speed of light.Moreover, quantum communication offers unparalleled security features. The inherent randomness and unpredictability of quantum states make it virtually impossible for eavesdroppers to intercept or decode transmitted information. Any attempt to intercept or tamper with a quantum communication channel will inevitably introduce errors that can be readily detected, ensuring the utmost confidentiality and integrity of the transmitted data.The applications of quantum communication extend far beyond theoretical possibilities, promising tangible benefits across a wide range of fields. In the realm of cryptography, quantum key distribution (QKD) provides an unbreakable method for generating and distributing cryptographic keys that are secure against any conceivable attacks, both now and in the future.Quantum communication also holds immense promise for the development of ultra-high-speed networks. By exploiting the ability of entangled particles to transfer informationinstantaneously, quantum networks can achieve unprecedented bandwidth and latency, enabling the seamless transmission of massive data sets and real-time communication across vast distances.Furthermore, quantum communication has the potential to revolutionize the field of precision sensing and measurement. By leveraging the quantum entanglement of particles, scientists can develop ultra-sensitive sensors capable of detecting minute changes in physical properties, paving the way for advancements in medical diagnostics, materials science, and fundamental physics research.As quantum communication continues to mature, it is poised to transform the very fabric of our digital infrastructure. Secure, ultra-fast, and highly precise, quantum communication promises to unleash a new era of innovation, redefining our capabilities in cryptography, networking, and sensing. The future of communication liesin the realm of quantum, where the boundaries ofpossibility are yet to be fully explored.中文回答:未来的量子通信,妙不可言。



量子密钥分发的基本原理量子密钥分发的基本原理什么是量子密钥分发?量子密钥分发(Quantum Key Distribution,简称QKD)是一种利用量子力学原理进行安全密钥传输的方法。




1. 量子态不可克隆定理量子态不可克隆定理表明,不可能创建一个完美的副本来复制未知量子态。


2. 量子态测量不可避免地干扰系统在量子力学中,测量一个粒子的状态会对其状态产生干扰。

















量子密钥分配技术简介量子密钥分配技术(Quantum Key Distribution,QKD)是一种基于量子力学原理的安全通信方法,用于在通信双方之间建立安全的密钥。

























量子密钥分发技术(Quantum Key Distribution,QKD)利用了量子力学的原理,可以安全地分发加密的密钥。



其次,量子密钥分发技术的使用步骤如下:1. 初始化:Bob和Alice共同决定密钥的长度和协议的类型,并进行系统的初始化。

2. 量子比特生成:Alice生成一串随机的量子比特,并将其用不同的量子态表示,比如通过使用0代表垂直偏振光子(|0⟩),1代表水平偏振光子(|1⟩)等。

3. 量子比特发送:Alice将量子比特通过量子通道发送给Bob,确保传输的安全性,同时Bob也会生成一串随机的量子比特。

4. 量子比特测量:Bob将收到的量子比特进行测量,并记录测量结果,比如通过使用水平和垂直偏振光子的偏振角度来进行测量。

5. 量子通道验证:Bob和Alice通过公开的通道来验证传输的安全性,并检查是否存在任何干扰或窃听的行为。

6. 密钥提取:Bob和Alice对测量结果进行比对,去掉传输过程中可能存在的错误或被干扰的量子比特,并提取出最终的密钥。

7. 密钥申报:Bob和Alice通过一次公开的通信通道来确认最终的密钥,并对其进行申报。

8. 密钥验证:Bob和Alice验证最终的密钥,确保没有被篡改或窃听。


itu量子密钥分发 标准

itu量子密钥分发 标准


量子密钥分发(Quantum Key Distribution, QKD)作为量子通信的核心技术之一,被誉为“量子密码术”,为信息传输提供了更高的安全性。









二、ITU量子密钥分发标准的内容ITU量子密钥分发标准主要包括以下几个方面:1. 系统要求:规定了量子密钥分发系统的组成、功能和要求,包括源设备、信道设备、光路设备、控制设备等。

2. 接口要求:规定了量子密钥分发系统中各种设备之间的接口形式、信号格式和交换方式。

3. 性能要求:规定了量子密钥分发系统的性能指标,包括安全性、可靠性、稳定性和抗干扰能力等。

4. 测试方法:规定了量子密钥分发系统的测试方法和测试流程,包括功能测试、性能测试和安全测试等。

5. 网络安全要求:规定了量子密钥分发系统的网络安全要求,包括身份认证、访问控制、数据加密和完整性保护等。

三、ITU量子密钥分发标准的意义ITU量子密钥分发标准的制定,对于推动量子通信技术的发展和应用具有重要意义:1. 促进量子通信技术的标准化:通过制定量子密钥分发标准,可以为量子通信技术的研发和应用提供统一的指导,有助于提高量子通信技术的规范化水平。


2023年,中国科学技术大学消息,该校潘建伟、陈腾云等与清华大学马雄峰合作,首次在实验中实现了模式 匹配量子密钥分发。
2022年2月,中科大郭光灿院士团队的韩正甫教授及其合作者,实现了833公里光纤量子密钥分发,将量子密 钥分发安全传输距离世界纪录提升了200余公里,向实现千公里陆基量子保密通信迈出重要一步。
2022年,中国科学技术大学郭光灿院士团队在量子密钥分发络化研究方面取得重要进展。科研团队实现了抗 环境干扰的非可信节点量子密钥分发络,全面提高了量子密钥分发络的安全性、可用性和可靠性,向实现下一代 量子络迈出了重要的一步。
阿图尔·艾克特(Artur Eckert)于1991年发表的E91协议应用了量子纠缠科技。在这方法里,Alice和Bob 分别接收到EPR对中的一个:
|Ψ> = 之后双方都大量的随机选择基去测量,之后用贝尔不等式验证测量结果,来判断是否有人听。
量子通信中,消息编码为量子状态,或称量子比特,与此相对,经典通信中,消息编码为比特。通常,光子 被用来制备量子状态。量子密码学利用量子状态的特性来确保安全性。量子密钥分发有不同的实现方法,但根据 所利用量子状态特性的不同,可以分为几类。
查理斯·贝内特(Charles Bennett)与吉勒·布拉萨(Gilles Brassard)于1984年发表的论文中提到的 量子密码分发协议,后来被称为BB84协议。BB84协议是最早描述如何利用光子的偏振态来传输消息的。发送者 (通常称为Alice)和接收者(通常称为Bob)用量子信道来传输量子态。如果用光子作为量子态载体,对应的量 子信道可以是光纤。另外他们还需要一条公共经典信道,比如无线电或因特。公共信道的安全性不需考虑,BB84 协议在设计时已考虑到了两种信道都被第三方(通常称为Eve)窃听的可能。

量子信息技术 概念

量子信息技术 概念

量子信息技术是一种基于量子力学原理的信息科学和技术领域,它利用量子比特(quantum bit)和量子纠缠(quantum entanglement)等量子现象来进行信息的存储、传输和处理。




量子纠缠(Quantum Entanglement):量子纠缠是一种奇特的现象,当两个或更多的量子比特纠缠在一起时,它们之间的状态会相互关联,无论它们之间的距离有多远。


量子计算(Quantum Computing):量子计算是一种使用量子比特而不是经典比特来进行计算的方法。


量子通信(Quantum Communication):量子通信利用量子纠缠来实现安全的通信方式,例如量子密钥分发(Quantum Key Distribution,QKD),可以保护通信的机密性。

量子密码学(Quantum Cryptography):量子密码学是一种利用量子力学原理构建的密码学体系,旨在提供更高的安全性和保护免受经典计算机的攻击。

量子隐形传态(Quantum Teleportation):量子隐形传态是一种利用量子纠缠来传输量子态的方法,允许在量子通信中实现远程量子信息传输。

量子传感(Quantum Sensing):量子传感利用量子比特来提高测量的灵敏度,可以用于测量物理性质,如时间、频率和磁场等。

量子网络(Quantum Network):量子网络是一个由多个量子通信节点组成的网络,允许远程量子信息传输和分布。

量子密钥成码率 -回复

量子密钥成码率 -回复

量子密钥成码率-回复量子密钥成码率(Quantum Key Distribution Rate)是指在量子密钥分发过程中,真正用于建立安全密钥的速率,也是衡量量子密钥分发系统性能的重要指标之一。


第一步:量子密钥分发的基本原理量子密钥分发(Quantum Key Distribution,简称QKD)是一种利用量子力学原理实现安全密钥传输的方法。







具体地说,量子密钥成码率的定义可以表示为:R = K / T其中,R代表量子密钥成码率,K表示成功建立的密钥比特数量,T表示量子密钥分发的总时间。

量子密钥成码率的单位通常是比特每秒(bits per second,bps)。








以下是其中几个重要的因素:1. 量子比特发送速率:随着量子比特发送速率的增加,可以建立的密钥比特数量也将增加,从而提高量子密钥成码率。



量子密钥分发(Quantum Key Distribution,简称QKD)是利用量子力学特性来保证通信安全性的一种方法。











Q K D 系统安全性研究进展凌琳王劲松林忠文摘要:在当今这个互联网高度发达的时代,保密通信扮演着越来越重要的角色,而量子通信在理论上具有无条件的安全性。

该文首先对量子密码技术研究现状进行介绍,特别讨论了 B B 84协议的优势和 弱点。

其次,简要介绍了当前Q K D 系统进展及面临的技术瓶颈,以及量子攻击技术和抗攻击技术的最新研究进展,理论上Q K D 安全需要可信中继和器件“完美”安全性假设,实际上Q K D 系统易于被干扰和D O S 攻击。

最后,从工程应用角度,实际的量子密钥传输Q K D 系统存在着较短的有效传输距离、只能点对点 传输和仅侧重于信息加密而非身份认证等问题,以及在开发、部署和维护的难度,使其难以融入到传统 互联网应用中,更难以与现在的移动互联网进行集成。

关键词:量子密钥分发;安全性证明;攻击技术;M D IQ K D电信技术研究总第 411 期____________________R E S E A R C H O N TELECO M M U N IC A TIO N T E C H N O LO G Y ____________2020 年第 3 期1引言随着互联网的日益发展,密码也变得越来越 重要。

常规密码的安全性通常是建立在计算复杂 度假设之上。

例如,我们最常用的公钥加密协议 RSAW ,它的安全性就是基于大整数分解难度的假 设之上。

很显然,经典加密系统的安全性会伴随 着计算机硬件的快速发展和算法的研究进展而逐 渐削弱。

比如基于量子密码破译的Shor 高效算法 (Shor's efficient algorithm ) [2],理论上可在多项 式时间内实现大数分解问题,因此基于计算复杂 度的加密算法不攻自破,遗憾的是目前该算法在 硬件实现上存在一些技术瓶颈,但随着量子技术 的高速发展,可用于大数分解的50比特的量子计 算机的实现也是指日可待。

可见,这种基于计算 假设的经典密码系统实际使用时是存在安全风险 的。



量子密钥分发的基本原理(一)量子密钥分发的基本原理什么是量子密钥分发?量子密钥分发(Quantum Key Distribution,QKD)是一种基于量子力学原理的加密通信方式。



其基本原理包括以下几个步骤:1.量子比特的编码(Quantum Bit Encoding):发送方选择一个合适的量子态(如单光子态)来表示二进制的0和1,然后将密钥信息编码到这些量子比特上。

2.量子比特的传输(Quantum Bit Transmission):发送方将编码好的量子比特传输给接收方,传输过程中要确保传输通道的安全性,以免被攻击者截获或劫持。

3.量子比特的测量(Quantum Bit Measurement):接收方利用测量设备对接收到的量子比特进行测量。


4.密钥提取(Key Extraction):接收方根据测量的结果与发送方协商,舍弃不一致的比特,并利用剩余的一致比特生成密钥。

5.安全认证(Security Authentication):发送方和接收方交换一部分密钥信息,通过比对以确认密钥的一致性和完整性,并排除窃听和篡改的风险。

量子密钥分发的优势量子密钥分发相较于传统加密技术具有以下优势:•信息-theoretically secure:量子力学的原理保证了密钥的传输过程是信息理论上的安全,即使未来量子计算机问世,量子密钥分发也能够防御量子计算攻击。







一、量子计算1.1 量子计算的基本概念中文英文量子计算quantum computing量子计算机quantum computer量子比特qubit量子逻辑门quantum logic gate量子电路quantum circuit量子算法quantum algorithm量子优越性quantum supremacy量子计算(quantum computing)是一种利用量子力学原理进行信息处理的计算方式,它可以在多个可能的状态之间同时进行运算,从而提高计算效率和能力。

量子计算机(quantum computer)是一种实现量子计算的物理设备,它由一组可操作的量子比特(qubit)组成,每个量子比特可以同时处于0和1的叠加态,而不是经典计算机中的二进制位。

量子逻辑门(quantum logic gate)是一种对量子比特进行操作的基本单元,它可以实现一些基本的逻辑功能,如非、与、或、异或等,也可以实现一些特有的量子操作,如哈达玛门、泡利门、CNOT门等。

量子电路(quantum circuit)是一种由多个量子逻辑门按照一定顺序连接而成的结构,它可以对输入的量子比特进行复杂的操作,并输出结果。

量子算法(quantum algorithm)是一种利用量子电路实现某种特定目标或问题的解决方案,它可以在某些情况下比经典算法更高效或更精确,如著名的Shor算法和Grover算法。

量子优越性(quantum supremacy)是指当一个量子计算机能够在某个特定任务上超过任何经典计算机的性能时所达到的一个里程碑,它表明了量子计算机在某些方面具有优势和潜力。



介绍中国的一项技术成就英语作文全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: China's Technological AchievementHey guys! Today I want to tell you about a super cool technological achievement from China. It's called the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, also known as BDS. Have you heard of it before?BDS is like a super smart GPS that helps us know exactly where we are and how to get to where we want to go. It's made up of a bunch of satellites in space that send signals to our devices on Earth. Pretty cool, right?One of the coolest things about BDS is that it's not just for finding directions. It can also help us with things like weather forecasting, farming, and even disaster relief. It's like having a super smart friend in the sky who's always looking out for us.But the best part is that BDS is made in China! That's right, our country has some super smart scientists and engineers whoworked really hard to make this amazing technology. And now, BDS is used not just in China, but all around the world.So next time you're using your GPS to find your way to a new place, remember to thank China for the awesome BeiDou Navigation Satellite System. It's just one example of the amazing technological achievements coming out of our country. Cool, right?篇2Oh, hi everyone! Today, I want to introduce a really cool technology achievement in China. It's called the high-speed rail network!Do you know what a high-speed rail is? It's like a super-fast train that can go really, really fast. In China, they have the fastest high-speed rail system in the world! It's so amazing!The high-speed rail in China connects cities all over the country. It's like a super-fast subway that can take you from one city to another in just a few hours. Isn't that awesome?The trains in the high-speed rail network are so fast that they can travel at speeds of over 300 kilometers per hour! That's evenfaster than a car on the highway. And the best part is that they are also really safe and comfortable to ride on.Thanks to the high-speed rail network, people in China can travel to different cities for work or vacation without spending too much time on the road. It's not only convenient but also good for the environment because it helps reduce air pollution.I think the high-speed rail network in China is a really amazing technology achievement. It shows how innovative and advanced China is when it comes to transportation. I hope one day I can ride on one of those super-fast trains and experience it for myself. Wouldn't that be so cool?篇3Title: China's Technological AchievementHello everyone! Today I am going to introduce a very cool technological achievement from China. It's called the "quantum communication satellite".So, what is a quantum communication satellite? Well, it's like a super high-tech satellite that uses the principles of quantum physics to send and receive secure messages. This means that the messages sent through this satellite are nearly impossible tohack or intercept, making it super safe for important communications.China launched its first quantum communication satellite, named "Micius", in 2016. Since then, it has been breaking records and making huge advancements in the field of quantum communication. One of the most exciting achievements was when scientists successfully demonstrated quantum key distribution between the satellite and the ground station, making it the first ever quantum-encrypted communication in the world.This technology is not only important for secure communications, but it also has potential applications in fields like banking, government, and even space exploration. It shows that China is at the forefront of quantum communication research and development.In conclusion, China's quantum communication satellite is a groundbreaking technological achievement that has the potential to revolutionize the way we communicate securely. It's amazing to see how far technology has come, and it's inspiring to know that China is leading the way in this exciting field. Let's cheer for China's technological success! Thank you for listening!篇4Title: China's Technological AchievementHi everyone! Today I want to talk about a really cool technological achievement in China. It's called the Beidou Navigation Satellite System. Have you ever heard of it? It's like China's version of GPS!The Beidou system was launched in 2000 and has been developed and expanded over the years. It now consists of over 30 satellites that orbit the Earth, helping people all around the world navigate and find their way. Isn't that amazing?One of the coolest things about the Beidou system is that it is not only accurate, but also reliable. This means that it can be used in all kinds of situations, like in cars, boats, and even on smartphones. Imagine being able to find your way anywhere you go, just by using this technology!But that's not all. The Beidou system also has some special features that make it stand out from other navigation systems. For example, it has the ability to provide real-time information on traffic, weather, and even natural disasters. This can help people stay safe and plan their trips more efficiently.Overall, the Beidou Navigation Satellite System is a great technological achievement that has put China on the map when it comes to space technology. It has not only benefitted people in China, but also people all around the world. I think it's really cool that China has been able to develop such an advanced system, don't you? Let's all give a big round of applause to the creators of the Beidou system! Thank you for listening!篇5Title: China's Technological AchievementHey everyone! Today I want to talk about an amazing technological achievement from China. Do you know that China has developed the world's fastest supercomputer called the Sunway TaihuLight?This supercomputer is super powerful and can perform more than 93 quadrillion calculations per second! That's like a super brain that can solve really complex problems in just a fraction of a second. It's so fast that it can help scientists and researchers in various fields like climate modeling, scientific research, and even artificial intelligence.The Sunway TaihuLight is also energy efficient, using less power than other supercomputers of its size. This means it's not only powerful but also environmentally friendly!China's achievement in developing the Sunway TaihuLight shows how advanced its technology has become. It's a great example of how hard work, innovation, and investment in science and technology can lead to incredible results.I think it's really cool that China has made such a huge technological breakthrough. It makes me proud to see how far we've come and how bright the future of technology looks. Who knows what other amazing inventions and discoveries await us in the future?Let's continue to support and celebrate China's technological achievements! Go China!篇6Hello everyone! Today I want to introduce a really cool technology achievement from China. It's called the high-speed rail!The high-speed rail is like a super fast train that can go really, really fast. It's so amazing because it can travel at speeds of over300 kilometers per hour. That's like super duper fast! With the high-speed rail, people can travel from one city to another in a really short amount of time. It's like magic!One of the most famous high-speed rail lines in China is the Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway. It's over 1300 kilometers long and it only takes about 4 hours to travel between Beijing and Shanghai. That's so quick! It used to take like a whole day to travel that far, but now with the high-speed rail, you can do it in just a few hours.The high-speed rail is also really comfortable. The seats are super cozy and you can even get snacks and drinks on the train. It's like a mini adventure while you're traveling from one place to another.Overall, the high-speed rail is a really amazing technology achievement from China. It's super fast, convenient, and comfortable. I can't wait to ride on it someday and see how fast it really goes. China is so cool!篇7I'm going to tell you about a super cool technology achievement in China! It's called the high-speed railway. Haveyou ever been on a train before? Well, imagine a train that goes really, really fast - like super-duper fast!The high-speed railway in China is one of the fastest in the world. It can reach speeds of up to 350 kilometers per hour. That's like flying on the ground! The trains are really smooth and comfortable, and they run on time like clockwork.The high-speed railway in China has connected cities all across the country. So now people can travel from one city to another in just a few hours. It used to take days to travel by train, but now it's super fast and convenient.Not only is the high-speed railway fast, it's also super safe. The tracks are specially designed to prevent accidents, and the trains have all kinds of safety features to keep passengers secure.China's high-speed railway is a shining example of technology and innovation. It's made people's lives easier and more connected. So next time you're in China, make sure to hop on a high-speed train and experience the thrill of zooming across the country in no time at all!篇8Title: China's Amazing Technological AchievementHey guys, today I want to talk to you about an awesome technological achievement from China. It’s super cool and I bet you will love it!Do you know that China has developed the world’s fastest supercomputer? It’s called the Sunway TaihuLight and it is super powerful! This supercomputer can perform 93 quadrillion calculations per second! That’s like super fast and can help scientists and researchers do amazing things.With the Sunway TaihuLight, China has become a leader in supercomputing technology and has shown the world that they are super smart and innovative. It’s like having a super brain that can help solve big problems and make the world a better place.Not only that, but China has also made great strides in space technology. They have sent satellites into space, launchedroc kets, and even landed a rover on the moon! It’s so cool to think that China is exploring outer space and making new discoveries.I’m so proud of China for their amazing technological achievements. It shows that with hard work, dedication, and brains, w e can do anything! I can’t wait to see what other cool things China will come up with in the future.So remember, China is not just a big country with lots of people, it’s also a country with amazing technology! Go China!篇9Hey guys, today I want to talk to you about a super cool tech achievement from China! It's called the high-speed railway system, and it's like a super fast train that can take you all around the country in no time at all.So, how does it work? Well, the high-speed trains run on special tracks that are built to be super smooth and straight. This helps the trains to go really fast without any bumps or jolts. And guess what? These trains can reach speeds of over 300 miles per hour! That's faster than a speeding bullet!One of the best things about the high-speed railway system is that it connects all the major cities in China. You can hop on a train in Beijing and be in Shanghai in just a few hours. It's so convenient and saves a ton of time compared to driving or taking a plane.Not only is the high-speed railway system super fast, but it's also super safe and efficient. The trains are equipped with state-of-the-art technology to ensure a smooth and comfortableride for passengers. Plus, they are environmentally friendly, running on electricity instead of fossil fuels.In conclusion, China's high-speed railway system is a true technological marvel that has revolutionized travel in the country. It's fast, convenient, safe, and environmentally friendly. Next time you visit China, make sure to hop on one of these super fast trains and experience the future of transportation!篇10Hey guys, do you know that China has made a really cool technological achievement? Let me tell you all about it!So, there's this thing called the Chinese space station, or Tiangong. It's super awesome because it's actually a space laboratory where Chinese astronauts can live and work. How cool is that?The Chinese space station has been in the works for a long time, with the first module, Tianhe, being launched in April 2021. Since then, there have been more modules added to the station, creating a space home for astronauts to do experiments and research.One of the coolest things about the Chinese space station is that it can help scientists learn more about space and how humans can live and work in such a unique environment. This will be super helpful for future space missions, like going to Mars or even beyond!Another cool thing about the Chinese space station is that it shows how China is becoming a major player in space exploration. It's amazing to see how far China has come in terms of technology and innovation.Overall, the Chinese space station is a huge technological achievement that we should all be proud of. Who knows what the future holds for China and space exploration? I can't wait to find out!。

量子密钥成码率 -回复

量子密钥成码率 -回复

量子密钥成码率-回复什么是量子密钥成码率?量子密钥成码率(Quantum Key Distribution)是指在量子通信领域中,通过量子比特进行密钥分发时,单位时间内成功建立秘密密钥的比特数。



量子密钥成码率的计算公式如下:\[QKD 成码率= \dfrac{偏振怪物数量}{发射时间} \times \dfrac{QBER 时隙成剩余怪物数量}{QBER 总共偏振性怪物数量+ QBER 总共S 单位总的怪物数量} \times 光脉冲的代表模式数\times 2N \times 探测器效率\times \dfrac{引脚相干数}{处理机及时率}\]其中,偏振怪物数量指的是在量子密钥分发过程中,传输通道中非期望偏振状态的比特数;发射时间指的是发射器发射光脉冲的时间;QBER是指量子比特错误率,即传输通道中传输错误的比特数与总比特数的比值;时隙是光脉冲位置的区块,断开的位置数与开放的位置数的总数;总共偏振性怪物数量指的是在光脉冲中,非期望偏振性态的比特数;S单元是用于标记代币用的不同的符号个数,单位是光脉冲;光脉冲的代表模式数指的是光脉冲中可辨识状态的个数;N是基为2的指数表示的光脉冲的量子比特数;探测器效率是指在多个时间框架中,比特怪物检测的准确度;引脚相干数指的是在一个指定的块中能被检测的比特数;处理机及时率是指处理器能处理的比特数与需要处理的比特数的比值。







量子密钥分发(Quantum Key Distribution,简称QKD)是一














量子密钥分发协议书甲方(以下简称“甲方”):地址:法定代表人:联系方式:乙方(以下简称“乙方”):地址:法定代表人:联系方式:鉴于甲方希望利用量子密钥分发技术(Quantum Key Distribution, 简称QKD)进行安全通信,乙方具备提供QKD服务的能力,双方本着平等自愿、诚实信用的原则,经友好协商,就量子密钥分发服务达成如下协议:第一条服务内容1.1 乙方将向甲方提供量子密钥分发服务,确保甲方通信的安全性。

1.2 乙方负责量子密钥分发系统的搭建、维护和升级工作。

第二条服务期限2.1 本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效,有效期为____年/月/日。

第三条费用及支付3.1 甲方应按照本协议约定向乙方支付量子密钥分发服务费用,具体金额为____元。

3.2 费用支付方式为____(如:一次性支付/分期支付),支付时间点为____。

第四条保密条款4.1 双方应对在本协议履行过程中知悉的对方商业秘密和技术秘密负有保密义务。

4.2 未经对方书面同意,任何一方不得向第三方披露、使用或允许他人使用该等秘密。

第五条知识产权5.1 乙方提供的量子密钥分发技术及其相关知识产权归乙方所有。

5.2 甲方对使用量子密钥分发技术产生的数据享有所有权。

第六条违约责任6.1 如一方违反本协议约定,应承担违约责任,并赔偿对方因此遭受的一切损失。

第七条争议解决7.1 本协议在履行过程中发生的任何争议,双方应首先通过友好协商解决。

7.2 如果协商不成,任何一方均可向甲方所在地人民法院提起诉讼。

第八条协议的变更与解除8.1 本协议的任何变更或补充均需双方协商一致,并以书面形式确认。

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9.2 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

甲方(盖章):_________________法定代表人(签字):_____________日期:____年____月____日乙方(盖章):_________________ 法定代表人(签字):_____________ 日期:____年____月____日。

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J.Cryptology(2005)18:133–165DOI:10.1007/s00145-004-0142-y©2004International Association forCryptologic ResearchEfficient Quantum Key Distribution Schemeand a Proof of Its Unconditional Security∗Hoi-Kwong LoDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering,andDepartment of Physics,University of Toronto,10King’s College Road,Toronto,Ontario,Canada M5S3G4hklo@comm.utoronto.caH.F.ChauDepartment of Physics,University of Hong Kong,Pokfulam Road,Hong Konghfchau@hkusua.hku.hkM.ArdehaliAddress unknownCommunicated by Ronald CramerReceived June1998and revised13June2003Online publication3March2004Abstract.We devise a simple modification that essentially doubles the efficiency ofthe BB84quantum key distribution scheme proposed by Bennett and Brassard.We alsoprove the security of our modified scheme against the most general eavesdropping at-tack that is allowed by the laws of physics.Thefirst major ingredient of our schemeis the assignment of significantly different probabilities to the different polarizationbases during both transmission and reception,thus reducing the fraction of discardeddata.A second major ingredient of our scheme is a refined analysis of accepted data:We divide the accepted data into various subsets according to the basis employed andestimate an error rate for each subset separately.We then show that such a refined dataanalysis guarantees the security of our scheme against the most general eavesdrop-ping strategy,thus generalizing Shor and Preskill’s proof of security of BB84to ournew scheme.Until now,most proposed proofs of security of single-particle type∗H.F.Chau is supported by RGC Grant HKU7143/99P of the Hong Kong SAR Government.H.-K.Lo is financially supported by the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council(NSERC)of Canada,by the Canadian Foundation for Innovation,by the Ontario Innovation Trust,by the Premier’s Research Excellence Award,by MagiQ Technologies,Inc.,New York,and by the Canada Research Chairs program.Parts of this work were done while M.Ardehali was with NEC Japan and while H.-K.Lo was at the Institute for Advanced Study,Princeton,NJ,Hewlett-Packard Laboratory,Bristol,England,and MagiQ Technologies,Inc.,New York.133134H.-K.Lo,H.F.Chau,and M.Ardehali quantum key distribution schemes have relied heavily upon the fact that the bases arechosen uniformly,randomly,and independently.Our proof removes this symmetryrequirement.Key words.Quantum cryptography,Key distribution,Quantum information,Quan-tum computing.1.IntroductionSince an encryption scheme is only as secure as its key,key distribution is a big problem in conventional cryptography.Public-key-based key distribution schemes such as the Diffie–Hellman scheme[20]solve the key distribution problem by making computational assumptions such as that the discrete logarithm problem is hard.However,unexpected future advances in algorithms and hardware(e.g.,the construction of a quantum computer [53],[54])may render many public-key-based schemes insecure.Worse still,this would lead to a retroactive total security break with disastrous consequences.An eavesdropper may save a message transmitted in the year2004and wait for the invention of a new algorithm/hardware to decrypt the message decades later.A big problem in conventional public-key cryptography is that there is,in principle,nothing to prevent an eavesdropper with infinite computing power from passively monitoring the key distribution channel and thus successfully decoding any subsequent communication.Recently,there has been much interest in using quantum mechanics in cryptography. (The subject of quantum cryptography was started by Wiesner[60]in a paper that was written around1970but remained unpublished until1983.For reviews on the subject, see[6],[25],and[46].)The aim of quantum cryptography has always been to solve problems that are impossible from the perspective of conventional cryptography.This paper deals with quantum key distribution(QKD)[4],[11],and[21],whose goal is to detect eavesdropping using the laws of physics.1In quantum mechanics,measurement is not just a passive,external process,but an integral part of the formalism.Indeed,thanks to the quantum no-cloning theorem[19],[61],passive monitoring of unknown transmitted signals is strictly forbidden in quantum mechanics.Moreover,an eavesdropper who is listening to a channel in an attempt to learn information about quantum states will almost always introduce disturbance in the transmitted quantum signals[7].Such disturbance can be detected with high probability by the legitimate users.Alice and Bob will use the transmitted signals as a key for subsequent communications only when the security of quantum signals is established(from the low value of error rate).Although various QKD schemes have been proposed,the best-known one is still perhaps thefirst QKD scheme proposed by Bennett and Brassard and published in1984 [4].Their scheme,which is commonly known as the BB84scheme,is briefly discussed in Section3.Here it suffices to note two of its characteristics.First,in BB84each of1Another class of applications of quantum cryptography has also been proposed[5],[12].Those applica-tions are mainly based on quantum bit commitment and quantum one-out-of-two oblivious transfer.However, it is now known[48],[41],[42],[38]that unconditionally secure quantum bit commitment and unconditionally secure quantum one-out-of-two oblivious transfer are both impossible.Furthermore,other quantum crypto-graphic schemes such as a general two-party secure computation have also been shown to be insecure[38], [42].For a review,see[17].Efficient Quantum Key Distribution Scheme135 the two users,Alice and Bob,chooses for each photon between two polarization bases randomly(that is,the choice of basis is a random variable),uniformly(that is,with equal probability),and independently.For this reason,half of the time they are using different basis,in which case the data are rejected immediately.Consequently,the efficiency of BB84is at most50%.Second,a simple-minded error analysis is performed in BB84. That is to say,all the accepted data(those that are encoded and decoded in the same basis)are lumped together and a single error rate is computed.In contrast,in our new scheme Alice and Bob choose between the two bases ran-domly and independently but not uniformly.In other words,the two bases are chosen with substantially different probabilities.As Alice and Bob are now much more likely to be using the same basis,the fraction of discarded data is greatly reduced,thus achieving a significant gain in efficiency.In fact,we show in this paper that the efficiency of our scheme can be made asymptotically close to unity.(The so-called orthogonal quantum cryptographic schemes have also been proposed.They use only a single basis of commu-nication and,according to Goldenberg,it is possible to use them to achieve efficiencies greater than50%[22],[36].Since they are conceptually rather different from what we are proposing,we do not discuss them here.)Is the new scheme secure?If a simple-minded error analysis like the one that lumps all accepted data together were employed,an eavesdropper could easily break a scheme by eavesdropping mainly along the predominant basis.To ensure the security of our scheme, we remark that it is crucial to employ a refined data analysis.That is to say,the accepted data are further divided into two subsets according to the actual basis used by Alice and Bob and the error rate of each subset is computed separately.We argue in this paper that such a refined error analysis is sufficient in ensuring the security of our improved scheme against the most general type of eavesdropping attack allowed by the laws of quantum physics.This is done by using the technique of Shor and Preskill’s proof[55] of security of BB84—a proof that built on the earlier work of Lo and Chau[44]and of Mayers[49].Our scheme is worth studying for several reasons.First,unlike the entanglement-based QKD scheme proposed by Lo and Chau in[44],the implementation of our new scheme does not require a quantum computer.It only involves the preparation and measurement of single photons as in standard BB84.Second,none of the existing schemes based on non-orthogonal quantum cryptography has an efficiency more than50%.(We say a few words on the so-called orthogonal quantum cryptography in Section6.)By showing in this paper that the efficiency of our new scheme can be made asymptotically close to 100%,we know that QKD can be made arbitrarily efficient.Our idea is rather general and can be applied to improve the efficiency of some other existing single-particle-based QKD schemes such as the six-state scheme[13],[40]).Note that the efficiency of quantum cryptography is of practical importance because it may play an important role in deciding the feasibility of practical quantum cryptographic systems in any future application.Third,our scheme is one of the few QKD schemes whose security has been rigorously proven.Finally,all previous proofs of security seem to rely heavily on the fact that the two bases are chosen randomly and uniformly.Our proof shows that such a requirement is redundant.Another advantage of our security proof is that it does not depend on asymptotic argument and hence can be applied readily to realistic situations involving only a relatively small amount of quantum signal transmission.136H.-K.Lo,H.F.Chau,and M.Ardehali The organization of our paper is as follows.The basic features and the requirements of unconditional security are reviewed in Section2.In Section3we review the BB84 scheme and Shor–Preskill proof for completeness.Readers who are already familiar with the BB84scheme and Shor–Preskill proof may browse through Section2and skip Section3.An overview of our proof of security of an efficient QKD scheme is given in Section4.This is followed by Section5which ties up some loose ends.Finally,we give some concluding remarks in Section6.2.Basic Features and Requirements of aQuantum Key Distribution Scheme2.1.Basic ProcedureThe aim of a QKD scheme is to allow two cooperative participants(commonly known as Alice and Bob)to establish a common secret key in the presence of noise and eaves-dropper(commonly known as Eve)by exploiting the laws of quantum physics.More precisely,it is commonly assumed that Alice and Bob share a small amount of initial authentication information.The goal is then to expand such a small amount of authenti-cation information into a long secure key.In almost all QKD schemes proposed so far, Alice and Bob are assumed to have access to a classical public unjammable channel as well as a quantum noisy insecure channel.That is to say,we assume that everyone, including the eavesdropper Eve,can listen to the conversations but cannot change the message that is sent through the public classical channel.In practice,an authenticated classical channel should suffice.On the other hand,the transmission of a quantum signal can be done through free air[3],[14],[34]or opticalfibers[30],[50],[59]in practice. The present state-of-the-art quantum channel for QKD can transmit signals up to a rate of4×105qubits per second over a distance of about10km with an error rate of a few percent[14],[30],[59].2The quantum channel is assumed to be insecure.That is to say that the eavesdropper is free to manipulate the signal transmitted through the quantum channel as long as such manipulation is allowed by the known laws of physics.Using the above two channels,procedures in all secure QKD schemes we know of to date can be divided into the following three stages:1.Signal Preparation and Transmission Stage:Alice and Bob separately prepare anumber of classical and quantum signals.They may keep some of them private and transmit the rest to the other party using the secure classical and insecure quantum channels.They may iterate the signal preparation and transmission process a few times.2.Signal Quality Check Stage:Alice and Bob then(use their private informationretained in the signal preparation and transmission stage,the secure classical chan-2In experimental implementations,coherent states with a Poisson distribution in the number of photons are often employed.To achieve unconditional security,it is important that the operational parameters are chosen such that the fraction of multi-photon signals is sufficiently small.This may substantially reduce the key generation rate[33].In the current paper we restrict our attention to perfect single photon signals as assumed in standard BB84and various security proofs.Efficient Quantum Key Distribution Scheme137 nel and their own quantum measurement apparatus to)test thefidelity of their exchanged quantum signals that have just been transmitted through the insecure and noisy quantum channel.Since a quantum measurement is an irreversible pro-cess some quantum signals are consumed in this signal quality check stage.The aim of their test is to estimate the noise and hence the upper bound for the eavesdropping level of the channel from the sample of quantum signals they have measured.In other words,the process is conceptually the same as a typical quantity control test in a production line—to test the quality of products by means of destructive random sampling tests.Alice and Bob abort and start all over again in case they believe from the result of their tests that thefidelity of the remaining quantum signal is not high enough.Alice and Bob proceed to thefinal stage only if they believe from the result of their tests that thefidelity of the remaining quantum signal is high.3.Signal Error Correction and Privacy Amplification Stage:Alice and Bob need tocorrect errors in their remaining signals.Moreover,they would like to remove any residual information Eve might still have on the signals.In other words,Alice and Bob would like to distill from the remaining untested quantum signals a smaller set of almost perfect signals without being eavesdropped or corrupted by noise.We call this process privacy amplification.Finally,Alice and Bob make use of these distilled signals to generate their secret shared key.2.2.Security RequirementA QKD scheme is said to be secure if,for any eavesdropping strategy by Eve,either(a)it is highly unlikely that the state will pass Alice and Bob’s quality check stage or(b)with a high probability,a secure key is successfully generated.We say that a secure key is successfully generated if(i)Alice and Bob share the same key and(ii)the key they share is essentially random,and(iii)Eve has a negligible amount of information on their shared key.33.Bennett and Brassard’s Scheme(BB84)3.1.Basic Idea of the BB84SchemeWe now briefly review the basic ingredients of the BB84scheme and the ideas behind its security.Readers who are already familiar with BB84and the Shor–Preskill proof may choose to skip this section to go directly to our biased scheme in Section4.In BB84[4]Alice prepares and transmits to Bob a batch of photons,each of which is inde-pendently in one of the four possible polarizations:horizontal(0◦),vertical(90◦),45◦, and135◦.For each photon,Bob randomly picks one of the two(rectilinear or diagonal) bases to perform a measurement.While the measurement outcomes are kept secret by 3Naively,one might think that the security requirement should simply be:conditional on passing the quality check stage,Eve has a negligible amount of information on the key.However,such a strong security requirement is,in fact,impossible to achieve[49],[44].The point is that a determined eavesdropper can always replace all the quantum signals from Alice by some specific state prepared by herself.Such a strategy will most likely fail in the quality check.However,if it is lucky enough to pass,then Eve will have perfect information on the key shared by Alice and Bob.138H.-K.Lo,H.F.Chau,and M.Ardehali Bob,Alice and Bob publicly compare their bases.They keep only the polarization data that are transmitted and received in the same basis.Notice that,in the absence of noises and eavesdropping interference,those polarization data should agree.This completes the signal preparation and transmission stage of the BB84scheme.We remark that the laws of quantum physics strictly forbid Eve to distinguish between the four possibilities with certainty.This is because the two polarization bases,namely rectilinear and diag-onal,are complementary observables and quantum mechanics forbids the simultaneous determination of the eigenvalues of complementary observables.4Any eavesdropping attack will lead to a disagreement in the polarization data between Alice and Bob,which can be detected by them through public classical discussion.In other words,to test for tampering in the signal quality check stage,Alice and Bob choose a random subset of the transmitted photons and publicly compare their polarization data.If the quantum bit error rate(that is,the fraction of polarization data that disagree)is unreasonably large, they throw away all polarization data and start all over again.However,if the quantum bit error rate is acceptably small,they should then move on to the signal error correc-tion and privacy amplification stage by performing public classical discussion to correct remaining errors.Proving security of a QKD scheme turned out to be a very tricky business.The problem is that,in principle,Eve may have a quantum computer.Therefore,she could employ a highly sophisticated eavesdropping attack by entangling all the quantum sig-nals transmitted by Alice.Moreover,she could wait to hear the subsequent classical discussion between Alice and Bob during both the signal quality check and the er-ror correction and privacy amplification stages before making any measurement on her system.5One class of proofs by Mayers[49]and subsequently others[9],[10] proved the security of the standard BB84directly.Those proofs are relatively com-plex.Another approach by Lo and Chau[39],[44]dealt with schemes that are based on quantum error-correcting codes.It has the advantage of being conceptually simpler, but requires a quantum computer to implement.These two classes of proofs have been linked up by the recent seminal work of Shor and Preskill[55],who provided a sim-ple proof of security of the BB84scheme.They showed that an eavesdropper is no better off with standard BB84than a QKD scheme based on a specific class of quan-tum error-correcting codes.As long as,from Eve’s view,Alice and Bob could have performed the key generation by using their quantum computers,one can bound Eve’s information on the key.It does not matter that Alice and Bob did not really use quantum computers.3.2.Entanglement PurificationTo recapitulate Shor and Preskill’s proof,wefirst introduce a QKD scheme based on entanglement purification and prove its security.Our discussion in the next few subsec-4Mathematically,observables in quantum mechanics are represented by Hermitian ple-mentary observables are represented by non-commuting matrices and,therefore,cannot be simultaneously diagonalized.Consequently,their simultaneous eigenvectors generally do not exist.5As demonstrated by the well-known Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen paradox,classical intuitions generally do not apply to quantum mechanics.This is one reason why proving the security of QKD is hard.Efficient Quantum Key Distribution Scheme139 tions essentially combines those of Shor and Preskill[55]and Gottesman and Preskill [28].6Entanglement purification wasfirst proposed by Bennett,DiVincenzo,Smolin,and Wootters(BDSW)[8].Its application to QKD wasfirst proposed by Deutsch et al.[18].A convincing proof of security based on entanglement purification was presented by Lo and Chau[44].Finally,Shor and Preskill[55]noted its connection to BB84. Suppose two distant observers,Alice and Bob,share n impure Einstein–Poldolsky–Rosen(EPR)pairs.That is to say,some noisy version of the state| (n) =| + ⊗n,(1)where| + =(1/√)(|00 +|11 ).They may wish to distill out a smaller number,say k,pairs of perfect EPR pairs,by applying only classical communications and local operations.This process is called entanglement purification[8].Suppose they succeed in generating k perfect EPR pairs.By measuring the resulting EPR pairs along a common axis,Alice and Bob can obtain a secure k-bit key.Of course,a quality check stage must be added in QKD to guarantee the likely suc-cess of the entanglement purification procedure(for any eavesdropping attack that will pass the quality check stage with a non-negligible probability).A simple quality check procedure is for Alice and Bob to take a random sample of the pairs and measure each of them randomly along either the X-or Z-axis and compute the bit error rate(i.e.,the fraction in which the answer differs from what is expected from an EPR pair).Suppose theyfind the bit error rates for the X and Z bases of the sample to be p X and p Z,respec-tively.For a sufficiently large sample size,the properties of the sample provide good approximations to those of the population.Therefore,provided that the entanglement purification protocol that they employ can tolerate slightly more than p X and p Z errors in the two bases,we would expect that their QKD scheme is secure.This point is proven in subsequent discussions in Section3.3.Let us introduce some notations.Definition:Pauli Operators.We define a Pauli operator acting on n qubits to be a tensor product of individual qubit operators that are of the formI=1001,X=0110,Y=0−ii0,and Z=100−1.6There are some subtle differences between the original Shor and Preskill’s proof and the one elaborated by Gottesman and Preskill.First,in the original Shor and Preskill’s proof,Alice and Bob apply a simple-minded error rate estimation procedure in which they lump all polarization data of their test sample together into a single set and compute a single bit error rate.In contrast,in Gottesman and Preskill’s elaboration,Alice and Bob separate the polarization data according to the bases in which they are transmitted and received.The two bit error rates for the rectilinear and diagonal bases are computed separately.In essence,they are employing the refined data analysis idea,which wasfirst presented in a preliminary version of this manuscript[45].Second, in Gottesman and Preskill’s discussion,thefinal key is generated by measuring along a single basis,namely the Z-basis.(Because of this prescription,they call the error rates of the two bases simply bit-flip and phase errors. To avoid any potential confusion,we do not use their terminology here.)In contrast,in Shor and Preskill’s original proof,thefinal key is generated from polarization data obtained in both bases.140H.-K.Lo,H.F.Chau,and M.Ardehali For example,P=X⊗I⊗Y⊗Z is a Pauli operator.We consider entanglement purification protocols that can be conveniently describedby stabilizers[23],[24].A stabilizer is an Abelian group whose generators,M i’s,arePauli operators.Consider afixed but arbitrary[[n,k,d]]stabilizer-based quantum error-correctingcode(QECC).The notation[[n,k,d]]means that it encodes k logical qubits into nphysical qubits with a minimum distance d.As noted in[8],the encoding and decodingprocedure of Alice and Bob can be equivalently described by a set of Pauli operators,M i,with both Alice and Bob measuring the same operator M i.To generate thefinal keyfrom the encoded qubits,Alice and Bob eventually apply a set of operators,say¯Z a,A and¯Z a,B,respectively,for a=1,2,...,k.In Shor and Preskill’s proof,all of Alice’s (Bob’s respectively)operators commute with each other.If the n EPR pairs were perfect,Alice and Bob would obtain identical outcomes fortheir measurements,M i,A and M i,B.Moreover,because of the commutability of theoperators,those measurements would not disturb the encoded operations,¯Z a,A⊗¯Z a,B, each of which will give+1as its eigenvalue for the state of n perfect EPR pairs.This is because measurements¯Z a,A and¯Z a,B produce the same+1or−1eigenvalues.What about n noisy EPR pairs?Suppose Alice and Bob broadcast their measurementoutcomes for M i,A and M i,B,respectively.The product of their measurement outcomesof M i,A and M i,B gives the error syndrome of the state,which is now noisy.Since theoriginal QECC can correct up to t≡ (d−1)/2 errors,intuitively,provided thatthe number of bit-flip errors and phase errors are each less than t,Alice and Bob willsuccessfully correct the state to obtain the k encoded EPR pairs.Now,they can measurethe encoded operations¯Z a,A⊗¯Z a,B to obtain a secure k-bit key.3.3.Reduction to Pauli StrategyDefinition:Correlated Pauli Strategy.Recall that a Pauli operator acting on n qubits is defined to be a tensor product of individual qubit operators that are of the form I, X,Y,and Z.We define a correlated Pauli strategy,(P i,q i),to be one in which Eve applies only Pauli operators.That is to say that Eve applies a Pauli operator P i with a probability q i.The argument in the last subsection is precise only for a specific class of eavesdropping strategies,namely the class of correlated Pauli strategies.In this case the numbers of bit-flip and phase errors are,indeed,well defined.What about a general eavesdropping attack?In general,Alice and Bob’s system is entangled with Eve’s system.Does it still make any sense to say that Alice and Bob’s system has no more than t bit-flip errors and no more than t phase errors?Surprisingly,it does.Instead of having to consider all possible eavesdropping strategies by Eve,it turns out that it is sufficient to consider the Pauli strategy defined above.In other words,one can assume that Eve has applied some Pauli operators,i.e.,tensor products of single-qubit identities and Pauli matrices,on the transmitted signals with some classical probability distribution.More precisely,it can be shown that thefidelity of the recovered k EPR pairs is at least as big as the probability that(i)t or fewer bit-flip errors and(ii)t or fewer phase errors would have been found if a Bell-measurement had been performed on the n pairs.Efficient Quantum Key Distribution Scheme 141Mathematically,the insight can be stated as the following theorem:Theorem 1(from [28],[55],and [44]).Suppose Alice and Bob share a bipartite state of n pairs of qubits and they execute a stabilizer-based entanglement purification pro-cedure that can be described by the measurement operators ,M i ,with both Alice and Bob measuring the same M i .Suppose further that the procedure leads to an [[n ,k ,d ]]QECC which corrects t ≡ (d −1)/2 bit-flip errors and also t phase errors .Then the fidelity of the recovered state ,after error correction ,as k EPR pairs isF ≡ ¯ (k )|ρR |¯ (k ) ≥Tr ( S ρ).(2)Here ¯ (k )is the encoded state of k EPR pairs ,ρR is the density matrix of the recovered state after quantum error correction ,ρis the density matrix of the n EPR pairs before error correction and S represents the projection operator into the Hilbert space ,called H good ,which is spanned by Bell pairs states that differ from n EPR pairs in no more than t bit-flip errors and also no more than t phase errors .Proof.One can regard ρas the reduced density matrix of some pure state | SE which describes the state of the system,S ,and an ancilla (the environment,E ,outside Alice and Bob’s control).Now,in the recovery procedure,Alice and Bob couple some auxiliary reservoir,R ,prepared in some arbitrary initial state,|0 R ,to the system.Initially,we decompose the pure state | SE ⊗|0 R into a “good”component and a “bad”component,where the good component is defined as| good =( S ⊗I E R )| SE ⊗|0 R (3)and the bad component is given by| bad =((I S − S )⊗I E R )| SE ⊗|0 R .(4)Now,therecovery procedure will map the two components,| good and | bad ,unitar-ily into |good and | bad .Since the recovery procedure works perfectly in the subspace,H good ,we have| good =|¯ (k ) S ⊗|junk E R .(5)We consider the norm of the good component:good | good = good | good=Tr ( S ρ).(6)Now,the fidelity of the final state as an k EPR pair is given byF =SE R ||¯ (k ) S S ¯ (k )|⊗I E R | SE R (7)=SE R good |(|¯ (k ) S S ¯ (k )|)⊗I E R | good SER+SE R bad | |¯ (k ) S S ¯ (k )| ⊗I E R | bad SE R+SE R good | |¯ (k ) S S ¯ (k )|⊗I E R |bad SE R+SE R bad | |¯ (k ) S S ¯ (k )|⊗I E R | good SE R (8)。
