



加拿大枫叶能源中央空调企业及技术简介(中加合资)南京枫叶能源设备有限公司日期:2013年4月16日邮编:211153地址:南京市江宁经济技术开发区东善桥工业园网址: E-mail:fynygcsj@一、枫叶能源企业简介加拿大枫叶能源公司是加拿大最大的专业从事地源热泵的研发、设计、制造、工程实施及技术服务的专业化公司之一,有着近三十年的地热开发和应用的经验及历史,拥有在节能环保领域的多项专利技术,公司总部位于加拿大多伦多市。













南非国家标准局(South African Bureau of Standards, SABS)是根据1945年颁布的《国家标准法》设 立的,属南非贸工部下属机构。SABS是南非的一个中立的第三方认证机构,负责南非的体系认证及产品认证。除 制定标准的职责外,SABS还代表国家管理强制性规范标准,对符合规范的产品,授予标志使用权,此外还负责对 符合ISO9001、ISO9002的企业颁发证书,并代表国家和一些主要的购买商负责装般前的检验和测试,颁发合格证 书。SABS认证广泛应用于太阳能热水器、生物制品,机械制品,安全设备,电工产品,土木和建筑以及汽车产品 等领域。近年来,SABS认证已经成为南非政府控制产品进口的重要砝码。
01 简介
solarkeymark认证 标志
03 SRCC认证标志
04 南非SABS认证标志
05 金太阳认证标志
06 MCS认证标志
07 AS、NZS2712认证标 志
09 韩国KS认证标志
08 加拿大CSA认证标志来自太阳能热水器认证标志是由通过检验评定企业的质量管理体系和热水器样品型式试验来确认企业的产品、过 程或服务是否符合特定要求,是否具备持续稳定地生产符合标准要求产品的能力,并给予书面证明的程序。
"Solar Keymark"项目的方案是由欧洲标准化委员会(CEN)对太阳能热利用产品统一颁发认证标志 "KEYMARK",其基本要素是:由获得营业执照且满足生产质量控制要求的企业提供产品,由通过认可的检测实验 室提供检测报告,由经过授权的认证机构提供证书。Solar Keymark是专为太阳能热利用产品在欧洲所做的认证, 与欧盟CE不同之处就在于,Solar Keymark认证需要与生产管理,售后服务等一些列产品跟踪相结合。在欧洲市 场,产品拥有Solar keymark标志,其消费者就有权获得政府发放的节约能源补助,因此,Solar Keymark认证 对于增强产品业内竞争力具有深远意义。随着对能源利用的,欧洲的政府和消费者对Solar Keymark认证也愈加 青睐。















为了不断推动“能源之星计划”在全美国的有效实施,美国各个州政府还采用“联邦税收减免”政策来鼓励消费者使用贴有“ENERGY STAR”标识的产品,使消费者得到巨大的优惠。


CSI Solar HiKu高功率单晶微晶模块说明书

CSI Solar HiKu高功率单晶微晶模块说明书

CS3W-445|450|455|460|465|470MSMORE POWER445 W ~ 470 W* For detailed information, please refer to Installation Manual.CSI Solar Co., Ltd. is committed to providing high quality solar photovoltaic modules, solar energy and battery storage solutions to customers. The company was recognized as the No. 1 module supplier for quality and performance/price ratio in the IHS Module Customer Insight Survey. Over the past 20 years, it has successfully delivered over 70 GW of premium-quality solar modules across the world.HiKuHIGH POWER MONO PERC MODULE26 % more power than conventional modules Low NMOT: 41 ± 3 °CLow temperature coefficient (Pmax): -0.34 % / °CMORE RELIABLEUp to 4.5 % lower LCOEUp to 2.7 % lower system cost Heavy snow load up to 5400 Pa, wind load up to 3600 Pa*41°CBetter shading toleranceLower internal current, lower hot spot temperatureMinimizes micro-crack impactsIEC 61215 / IEC 61730 / CE / MCS / INMETRO / UKCA FSEC (US Florida) / UL 61730 / IEC 61701 / IEC 62716 UNI 9177 Reaction to Fire: Class 1 / Take-e-wayPRODUCT CERTIFICATES*ISO 9001:2015 / Quality management systemISO 14001:2015 / Standards for environmental management systemISO 45001: 2018 / International standards for occupational health & safetyMANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATES**According to the applicable Canadian Solar Limited Warranty Statement.12YearsYears1st year power degradation no more than 2%Subsequent years: annual power degradation no more than 0.55%Enhanced Product Warranty on Materialsand Workmanship*Linear Power Performance Warranty*CSI Solar Co., Ltd.199LushanRoad,SND,Suzhou,Jiangsu,China,215129,,********************* The specific certificates applicable to different module types and markets will vary, and therefore not all of the certifications listed herein will simultaneously apply to the products you order or use. Please contact your local Canadian Solar sales repre -sentative to confirm the specific certificates available for your product and applicable in the regions in which the products will be used.PARTNER SECTIONELECTRICAL DATA | STC*CS3W445MS 450MS 455MS 460MS 465MS 470MS Nominal Max. Power (Pmax)445 W450 W 455 W 460 W 465 W 470 W Opt. Operating Voltage (Vmp)40.9 V41.1 V 41.3 V 41.5 V 41.7 V 41.9 V Opt. Operating Current (Imp)10.89 A 10.96 A 11.02 A 11.09 A 11.16 A 11.22 A Open Circuit Voltage (Voc)48.9 V 49.1 V 49.3 V 49.5 V 49.7 V 49.9 V Short Circuit Current (Isc)11.54 A 11.60 A 11.66 A 11.72 A 11.78 A 11.84 AModule Efficiency 20.1%20.4%20.6%20.8%21.0%21.3%Operating Temperature -40°C ~ +85°CMax. System Voltage 1500V (IEC/UL) or 1000V (IEC/UL)Module Fire Performance TYPE 1 (UL 61730 1500V) or TYPE 2 (UL 61730 1000V) or CLASS C (IEC 61730)Max. Series Fuse Rating 20 A Application Classification Class A Power Tolerance* Under Standard Test Conditions (STC) of irradiance of 1000 W/m 2, spectrum AM 1.5 and cell temperature of 25°C.ELECTRICAL DATA | NMOT*CS3W445MS 450MS 455MS 460MS 465MS 470MS Nominal Max. Power (Pmax)334 W 338 W341 W 345 W 349 W 353 W Opt. Operating Voltage (Vmp)38.3 V38.5 V 38.7 V 38.9 V 39.1 V 39.3 V Opt. Operating Current (Imp)8.71 A 8.76 A 8.82 A 8.87 A 8.92 A 8.98 A Open Circuit Voltage (Voc)46.2 V 46.4 V 46.6 V 46.8 V 47.0 V 47.2 V Short Circuit Current (Isc)9.31 A9.35 A9.40 A9.45 A9.50 A9.55 A* Under Nominal Module Operating Temperature (NMOT), irradiance of 800 W/m 2, spectrum AM 1.5, ambient temperature 20°C, wind speed 1 m/s.CS3W-445MS / I-V CURVESMECHANICAL DATA Specification DataCell TypeMono-crystalline Cell Arrangement 144 [2 X (12 X 6) ]Dimensions 2108 X 1048 X 35 mm (83.0 X 41.3 X 1.38 in)Weight 24.3 kg (53.6 lbs)Front Cover 3.2 mm tempered glass with anti-ref-lective coatingFrame Anodized aluminium alloy J-BoxIP68, 3 bypass diodesCable 4 mm 2 (IEC), 12 AWG (UL)Cable Length (Including Connector)500 mm (19.7 in) (+) / 350 mm (13.8 in) (-) or customized length*ConnectorT6 or T4 series or MC4-EVO2 or MC4-EVO2APer Pallet 30 pieces Per Container (40' HQ)660 pieces* For detailed information, please contact your local Canadian Solar sales and technical representatives.TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS SpecificationData Temperature Coefficient (Pmax)-0.34 % / °C Temperature Coefficient (Voc)-0.26 % / °C Temperature Coefficient (Isc)0.05 % / °CNominal Module Operating Temperature 41 ± 3°CVA1211109876543210 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 V A5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 501000 W/m 800 W/m600 W/m 400 W/m200 W/m5°C 25°C 45°C 65°C1211109876543210 ~ + 10 WSept. 2022. All rights reserved, PV Module Product Datasheet V6.0_ENCSI Solar Co., Ltd.199LushanRoad,SND,Suzhou,Jiangsu,China,215129,,********************* The specifications and key features contained in this datasheet may deviate slightly from our actual products due to the on-going innovation and product enhancement .CSI Solar Co., Ltd. reserves the right to make neces-sary adjustment to the information described herein at any time without further notice.Please be kindly advised that PV modules should be handled and installed by qualified people who have profes -sional skills and please carefully read the safety and installation instructions before using our PV modules.ENGINEERING DRAWING (mm)Rear ViewMounting HoleA-AB-BFrame Cross SectionLength: ±2mm Width: ±2mmHeight: ±1mm。










根據加國統計局2006年普查,加拿大有色人種(visible minorities)首度超過500萬人,約占總人口數的16.2%。







*For detail information, please refer to Installation Manual.CANADIAN SOLAR (USA), INC.3000OakRoad,Suite400,WalnutCreek,CA94597,USA|/na|**************************is committed to providing high quality solar products, solar system solutions and services to customers around the world. As a leadingPV project developer and manufacturer of solar modules with over 26 GW deployed around the world since 2001, Canadian Solar Inc. (NASDAQ: CSIQ) is one of the most bankable solar companies worldwide.CANADIAN SOLAR (USA), INC.* As there are different certification requirements in different markets, please contact your local Canadian Solar sales representative for the specific certificates applicable to the products in the region in which the products are to be used.SUPERPOWERCS6K- 290|295|300|305MSKEY FEATURES11 % more power than conventional modulesImproved energy production due to low temperature coefficients IP68 junction box for long-term weather enduranceHeavy snow load up to 6000 Pa, wind load up to 4000 Pa *Canadian Solar‘s new SuperPower modules with Mono-PERC cells significantly improve efficiency and reliability. The innovative technology offers superior low irradiance performance in the morning, in the evening and on cloudy days, increasing the energy output of the module and the overall yield of the solar system.High PTC rating of up to: 91.90 %product warranty on materials and workmanshiplinear power output warrantyISO 9001:2008 / Quality management systemISO 14001:2004 / Standards for environmental management systemOHSAS 18001:2007 / International standards for occupational health & safetyMANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATES*PRODUCT CERTIFICATES*IEC 61215 / IEC 61730: VDE / CEUL 1703 / CEC & FSEC listed (US)CANADIAN SOLAR (USA), INC.PARTNER SECTION*The specification and key features contained in this datasheet may deviate slightly from our actual products due to on-going innovation and product enhancement. Canadian Solar Inc. reserves the right to make necessary adjustments to the information described herein at any time without further notice.ELECTRICAL DATA | STC*CS6K290MS 295MS 300MS 305MS Nominal Max. Power (Pmax) 290 W 295 W 300 W 305 W Opt. Operating Voltage (Vmp) 32.1 V 32.3 V 32.5 V 32.7 V Opt. Operating Current (Imp) 9.05 A 9.14 A 9.24 A 9.33 A Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) 39.3 V 39.5 V 39.7 V 39.9 V Short Circuit Current (Isc) 9.67 A 9.75 A 9.83 A 9.91 A Module Efficiency17.72% 18.02% 18.33% 18.63%Operating Temperature -40°C ~ +85°CMax. System Voltage1000 V (IEC/UL) or 1500 V (IEC/UL) Module Fire Performance TYPE 1 (UL 1703) orCLASS C (IEC 61730)Max. Series Fuse Rating 20 A Application Classification Class A Power Tolerance0 ~ + 5 W*Under Standard Test Conditions (STC) of irradiance of 1000 W/m2, spectrum AM 1.5 and cell temperature of 25°C.ELECTRICAL DATA | NMOT*CS6K290MS 295MS 300MS 305MS Nominal Max. Power (Pmax) 215 W 218 W 222 W 226 W Opt. Operating Voltage (Vmp) 29.7 V 29.8 V 30.0 V 30.2 V Opt. Operating Current (Imp) 7.24 A 7.32 A 7.40 A 7.48 A Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) 36.8 V 37.0 V 37.2 V 37.4 V Short Circuit Current (Isc)7.81 A 7.87 A 7.93 A 7.99 A* Under Nominal Module Operating Temperature (NMOT), irradiance of 800 W/m2, spectrum AM 1.5, ambient temperature 20°C, wind speed 1 m/s.MECHANICAL DATA Specification DataCell TypeMono-crystalline, 6 inch Cell Arrangement 60 (6 ˣ 10)Dimensions 1650 ˣ 992 ˣ 35 mm(65.0 ˣ 39.1 ˣ 1.38 in)Weight18.2 kg (40.1 lbs)Front Cover 3.2 mm tempered glass Frame Material Anodized aluminium alloy J-Box IP68, 3 diodesCable 4.0 mm² (IEC), 12 AWG (UL),1000 mm (39.4 in) Connector T4 seriesPer Pallet30 pieces Per Container (40‘ HQ)840 piecesTEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS SpecificationDataTemperature Coefficient (Pmax) -0.39 % / °C Temperature Coefficient (Voc) -0.29 % / °C Temperature Coefficient (Isc)0.05 % / °C Nominal Module Operating Temperature (NMOT)42±3 °CCS6K-295MS / I-V CURVES1098765432105 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40VA V109876543210A5°C 25°C 45°C 65°C1000 W/m800 W/m 600 W/m400 W/m Rear ViewENGINEERING DRAWING (mm)Mounting HoleFrame Cross Section A-AApril 2018 | All rights reserved | PV Module Product Datasheet V5.56_E1_NAPERFORMANCE AT LOW IRRADIANCEExcellent performance at low irradiance, with an average relative efficiency of 97.5 % for irradiances between 200 W/m2 and 1000 W/m2 (AM 1.5, 25°C).。



加拿大和中国气候英语作文Canada and China ClimateCanada is a vast country located in the northern part of North America, known for its diverse and often extreme climates. From the Arctic tundra in the north to the temperate rainforests on the Pacific coast, Canada's climate is shaped by its unique geography and proximity to the Arctic. On the other hand, China is a country of immense size and diversity, spanning a wide range of climatic regions, from the frigid Tibetan Plateau to the subtropical regions of the south.Canada's climate is primarily influenced by its high latitude and proximity to the Arctic. The northern regions of the country experience long, cold winters with heavy snowfall, while the southern regions have more moderate temperatures and a greater diversity of precipitation patterns. The country's vast size and varied topography also contribute to the diversity of its climate, with the Pacific coast experiencing a more maritime climate and the interior regions having a more continental climate.One of the most notable features of Canada's climate is the presenceof the Arctic Polar Front, a zone of low pressure that brings cold air masses from the Arctic into the country. This can result in the formation of powerful winter storms, known as "Alberta Clippers," which can bring heavy snowfall and bitterly cold temperatures to much of the country. The northern regions of Canada, including the territories of Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut, experience some of the coldest temperatures in the world, with average winter temperatures often dipping below -30°C (-22°F).The southern regions of Canada, particularly the provinces of Ontario and Quebec, have a more temperate climate, with four distinct seasons. The summer months are generally warm and humid, with temperatures often reaching the high 20s or low 30s Celsius (80s to 90s Fahrenheit). The fall and spring seasons are marked by milder temperatures and a transition between the seasons. The winter months in these regions can still be quite cold, with heavy snowfall and the potential for ice storms.In contrast, China's climate is characterized by its vast size and diverse geographical features. The country can be broadly divided into several major climatic regions, each with its own unique characteristics. The northern regions of China, including the provinces of Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, and Xinjiang, have a continental climate with long, cold winters and hot, dry summers. The central regions of the country, such as Henan and Sichuan,experience a more temperate climate with distinct seasons, while the southern regions, including Guangdong and Hainan, have a subtropical climate with warm, humid conditions year-round.One of the most notable features of China's climate is the influence of the East Asian monsoon system. This seasonal wind pattern brings heavy rainfall to the southern and eastern regions of the country during the summer months, while the winter months are typically drier and colder. The monsoon system can also contribute to the formation of powerful typhoons, which can bring devastating winds and heavy rainfall to the coastal regions of China.The Tibetan Plateau, located in the western regions of China, is another unique climatic feature of the country. This high-altitude region experiences a cold, arid climate, with long, harsh winters and relatively mild summers. The Tibetan Plateau is also home to some of the highest mountain peaks in the world, including the famous Mount Everest, which straddles the border between China and Nepal.Despite the differences in their climates, both Canada and China face significant challenges in adapting to the impacts of climate change. Rising temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and the increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events are all issues that both countries are grappling with. In Canada, the impacts of climate change are particularly pronounced in the northernregions, where the melting of permafrost and the loss of sea ice are having significant ecological and economic consequences.Similarly, China is facing its own set of climate-related challenges, including the increased frequency of droughts, floods, and heat waves. The country's rapid industrialization and urbanization have also contributed to the exacerbation of these issues, with air pollution and the urban heat island effect being significant concerns in many of China's major cities.In response to these challenges, both Canada and China have taken steps to address the impacts of climate change and to transition towards more sustainable and resilient energy systems. Canada has set ambitious targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and has invested heavily in renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power. China, on the other hand, has also made significant strides in renewable energy development, with the country now being the world's largest producer and consumer of renewable energy.Overall, the climates of Canada and China are vastly different, yet both countries face significant challenges in adapting to the impacts of climate change. By working together and sharing best practices, these two nations can play a crucial role in addressing the global challenge of climate change and ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.。







台中发电厂世界上最大的燃煤电站是台中发电厂,台中发电厂(Taichung Power Plant)位于中国台湾台中市龙井区,台中发电厂装机容量为5500MW,也是世界上二氧化碳排放最多的发电厂,年排放约4000万吨CO2,相当于整个瑞士的年排放量。


世界上最大的泥炭发电站——沙图拉发电站(Shatura Power Station),也是俄罗斯最老的发电站之一,位于莫斯科州沙图拉。








学校被加拿大独立研究权威机构Fraser Institute 排名为BC省同类学校前三十,素里排名第二。





2.王子高中共招收来自27个教区的安大略当地居民子女,属于男女混合教育学校,提供9-12 年级课程,1:10的师资比例,每个班级平均设置18位学生。



33个教室全部采用目前最先进的高科技数码设备教学,(Smart board)校园内无线上网,是安大略省全面使用先进的电子设备教学的学校,是安大略省发展最快的学校。















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• •
3 地区

10 省
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ht 导 tp 体 :/ 器 /b 件 bs 应 ic 用 .b 技 ig 术 -b 论 it 坛 .c om /
In Canada

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刘帮建 Benjamin Liu
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CCIC-CSA Shanghai Office
Installation Code (NEC and CEC) Safety Requirements for PV Modules Safety Requirements for PV Inverters CEC, California Energy Commission



Canada,the second largest country in the world,is a land of vast forests,mountains, and lakes,and is known for its friendly people and multicultural diversity.Here is an introduction to this fascinating country through the lens of an English composition.Geography and ClimateCanada stretches from the Atlantic to the Pacific and up to the Arctic Ocean in the north. Its geography is as diverse as its people,with the Rocky Mountains in the west,the Great Lakes in the center,and the Atlantic provinces in the east.The climate varies greatly from region to region.While the west coast enjoys a mild,rainy climate,the east can be harsh in winter with heavy snowfall.The Arctic regions are,as expected,extremely cold.History and CultureThe history of Canada is rich and complex,with indigenous peoples living on the land for thousands of years before European settlers arrived.The country has a strong French and British heritage,which is reflected in its bilingual status and the presence of both English and French in official documents and everyday life.Canadas multiculturalism is celebrated through various cultural festivals and events that take place throughout the year.Economy and IndustryCanada has a strong and stable economy,with key industries including natural resources, manufacturing,and technology.It is one of the worlds largest exporters of timber, minerals,and energy,particularly oil and natural gas.The service sector has also grown significantly,with a focus on finance,telecommunications,and tourism.Education and HealthcareThe Canadian education system is renowned for its quality and accessibility.Public education is free for all citizens,and the country boasts some of the top universities in the world.Healthcare in Canada is universal,with all citizens having access to medical services funded by the government.Political SystemCanada is a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy,with Queen Elizabeth II as the head of state and a Prime Minister as the head of government.The country is divided into ten provinces and three territories,each with its own governmentand legislature.Lifestyle and RecreationCanadians are known for their love of sports,particularly ice hockey.The country also offers a wide range of recreational activities,from skiing and snowboarding in the winter to hiking and canoeing in the summer.The national parks and wilderness areas are popular destinations for outdoor enthusiasts.CuisineCanadian cuisine is as diverse as its population,with influences from indigenous,French, British,and other cultures.Traditional dishes include poutine,a combination of fries, cheese curds,and gravy,and butter tarts,a sweet pastry filled with a rich,buttery custard. Environment and ConservationCanada is committed to environmental conservation and has numerous protected areas, including national parks and wildlife reserves.The country is also a leader in renewable energy,with significant investments in hydroelectric,wind,and solar power.In ConclusionCanada is a country of contrasts and opportunities,offering a high quality of life,a strong economy,and a vibrant cultural scene.Its natural beauty,friendly people,and commitment to diversity make it an attractive destination for visitors and immigrants alike.Whether you are interested in exploring the great outdoors,experiencing a new culture,or simply enjoying the peace and tranquility of a safe and welcoming society, Canada has something for everyone.。

美国GT Solar Incorporated太阳能公司简介

美国GT Solar Incorporated太阳能公司简介

美国GT Solar Incorporated太阳能公司简介通过超过15 年太阳能行业的专业服务,GT Solar 已在全球范围内建立起作为具备增值工艺设计专长并可提供高质量设备的供应商的卓越声誉。

良好的声誉加上精深的专业知识、服务能力和领先业界的先进技术,使GTSolar 得以与很多全球最具影响力的太阳能制造商建立起良好的合作关系。



最近,GT Solar 取得了一系列具有重大意义的里程碑成就。

我们以 5 亿 4千1 百万美元的创纪录收入为2009 财年画上了一个完满的句号。

在2009 财年中,我们交付了我们的第1,000 套定向凝固系统---DSS 铸锭炉;安装了我们的第一套48 硅棒还原炉;开设了一处新的太阳能设备生产工厂,几乎实现了产能翻番;并成功地在纳斯达克上市(股票代码“SOLR”),成为一家上市公司。

产品GT Solar 是面向太阳能产品制造公司提供交钥匙和设备解决方案领域的领先供应商。


多晶硅多晶硅生产设备了解我们的SDR-200 和SDR-300 CVD 还原炉配置,以及我们CVD 还原炉的支持设备,其中包括四氯硅烷(STC) 至三氯硅烷(TCS) 转化炉、气相进料与热交换器模块、多晶硅加工设备和籽晶制备。


三氯硅烷(TCS) 和硅烷成套系统方案了解我们用于生产三氯硅烷(TCS) 和硅烷的基础设计工艺包(BEP)。

工程项目支持了解我们的咨询服务,其中包括现场工艺与设备支持、太阳能生产设备了解我们市场领先的GT-DSS450™ 多晶炉技术及坩埚处理系统等相关设备。











60多年来,CMHC致力于通过购房融资、建房资助、住房研究和信息提供以及住房出口宣传等四个领域的住房活动改善加拿大人的居住条件和福利4、黄雄溪建筑师事务所MHKW Architects Inc.成立于1976年,提供全面的建筑、规划和都市设计服务。



5、安健能公司安健能公司(Icynene Inc.)成立于1986年,是全球最大的软发泡建筑保温隔热材料生产公司之一,公司旨在为加拿大和全球其它国家打造更健康、更安静、更节能的居住环境。


节能建筑:保温隔热6、Home Insulation Corporation(Home)专业从事建筑泡沫生产,这是一种重量为0.5磅半柔韧型聚氨酯喷雾泡沫胶。


加拿大强制令 英文模版

加拿大强制令 英文模版

加拿大强制令英文模版The Canadian Mandate: A Necessary Step Towards a Sustainable FutureIn the face of mounting global challenges, the Canadian government has taken a bold and decisive step in implementing a comprehensive mandate aimed at addressing the pressing issues of environmental sustainability and social responsibility. This mandate, which has garnered both praise and criticism, represents a significant shift in the country's approach to shaping a more equitable and environmentally conscious future.At the core of this mandate lies the recognition that the status quo is no longer tenable. The relentless pursuit of economic growth at the expense of environmental and social well-being has led to a state of crisis that demands immediate action. Canada, with its vast natural resources and diverse population, has a unique opportunity to lead the charge towards a more sustainable and inclusive model of development.The Canadian Mandate encompasses a wide range of initiatives, each designed to tackle specific challenges and foster long-term change. One of the most prominent aspects of the mandate is the emphasis on renewable energy and the phasing out of fossil fuels. The government has set ambitious targets for the transition to clean energy sources, investing heavily in the development of solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. This shift not only aims to reduce the country's carbon footprint but also to create new jobs and stimulate the growth of a thriving green economy.Alongside the energy transition, the mandate also addresses the issue of waste management and the circular economy. Canada has long struggled with the growing problem of waste, with much of it ending up in landfills or polluting the environment. The new mandate seeks to change this by promoting a more sustainable approach to resource use and waste disposal. This includes initiatives such as mandatory recycling programs, incentives for businesses to adopt circular production models, and the development of innovative waste-to-energy technologies.Furthermore, the Canadian Mandate places a strong emphasis on sustainable urban planning and transportation. The government has committed to investing in public transit infrastructure, promoting the use of electric vehicles, and encouraging the development of walkable and bike-friendly communities. These efforts not onlyreduce the environmental impact of urban areas but also enhance the quality of life for residents, fostering more livable and equitable cities.One of the most significant aspects of the Canadian Mandate is its focus on social justice and equity. The government has recognized that environmental sustainability cannot be achieved without addressing the underlying social and economic inequalities that exist within the country. The mandate includes measures to support marginalized communities, provide affordable housing, and ensure access to essential services such as healthcare and education.Additionally, the mandate places a strong emphasis on indigenous rights and the preservation of traditional knowledge. Canada's indigenous populations have long been at the forefront of environmental stewardship, and the government has committed to working in partnership with these communities to develop sustainable land management practices and protect cultural heritage.The implementation of the Canadian Mandate has not been without its challenges. There has been significant resistance from certain industries and political factions that view the mandate as a threat to economic growth and individual freedoms. Critics have argued that the mandate places an undue burden on businesses and consumers, potentially leading to higher costs and job losses.However, proponents of the mandate argue that the long-term benefits of a more sustainable and equitable society far outweigh the short-term disruptions. They point to the growing global consensus on the urgent need to address climate change and environmental degradation, and the potential for the Canadian Mandate to serve as a model for other nations to follow.Ultimately, the success of the Canadian Mandate will depend on the government's ability to navigate these complex challenges and maintain a delicate balance between environmental protection, economic development, and social justice. It will require a sustained commitment to collaboration, innovation, and public engagement, as well as a willingness to make difficult decisions that prioritize the long-term well-being of the country and its citizens.As the world grapples with the consequences of unsustainable practices, the Canadian Mandate stands as a bold and necessary step towards a more resilient and equitable future. By embracing the principles of sustainability, social responsibility, and inclusive growth, Canada has the potential to emerge as a global leader in the fight against climate change and social inequality. The road ahead may be long and arduous, but the rewards of a more sustainable and just society are well worth the effort.。



Thermal Energy Storage k土壤床贮热(BorehoJe Thermal Energy Storage),进行了实验对比,从可 行性、效率及经济性等多方面进行了综合比较。 地质勘探的结果表明.相对于其他方式.本项目 采用土壤床蕾热最为台理9。
减缓热流速度;所有热量的进、出都必须通过 S丌s,而不是直接进人小区管网;STTS在正常气
加拿大最新的节能技术和环保材料.如使用保温性每栋住宅的南向屋面都装有两片面积约6 rrlz的
万方数据 26 NEW ARCHITECTURE 6/2005
m2,在—个典型夏日,可收集1 50 MW热能。车库
的南向屋顶上都设有1 0片太阳能集热器,收集到
(见图3中的车库右端所示),然后再通过地下管道 运送到能源中心,用于满足整个小区住宅的采暖
考虑到造价因素和建筑美学要求,设计者将太 阳能集热器的面积确定为6 mz(两片非标集热器).

PV Solar 光伏 太阳能

PV Solar 光伏 太阳能

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太阳能热水项目分析 清洁能源项目分析课程 玻璃面平板集热器,加拿大安大略省 照片提供:NRCan 加拿大自然资源部 2001 – 2005. 目的 太阳能热水(SWH)基本情况综述 太阳能热水(SWH)基本情况综述 ? 演示太阳能热水项目分析的关键 虑因素 考 介绍RETScreen? 太阳能热水项目模型 介绍RETScreen 加拿大自然资源部 2001 – 2005. 太阳能热水系统提供什么? 会议中心,莱索托的Bethel 家用热水 ? 工艺用热 ? 游泳池加热 …而且… 增加热水储存 延长游泳季节(游泳池加热) 照片提供: Vadim Belotserkovsky 住宅开发, 瑞典的Kungsbacka 照片提供: Alpo Winberg/ Solar Energy Association of Sweden 加拿大自然资源部 2001 – 2005. 太阳能热水系统的组成 照片提供:NRCan 加拿大自然资源部 2001 – 2005. 非玻璃面太阳能收集器 低成本 ? 低温 ? 粗糙的 ? 重量轻 ? 季节性游泳池加热 ? ? 低压力 寒冷或有风季节运行不佳 照片提供: NRCan 加拿大自然资源部 2001 – 2005. 玻璃面平板太阳能集热器 成本适中 ? 较高温度运行 ? 可在总水管水压下 运行 ? 更重,更易碎 照片提供: NRCan 加拿大自然资源部 2001 – 2005. 真空管集热器 高成本 ? 没有对流损失 ? 高温 ? 寒冷气候 ? 易碎 ? 安装可能更复杂 ? 下雪不再成为问题 中国开发制造真空管 照片提供:Nautilus 加拿大自然资源部 2001 – 2005. 照片提供: NRCan 各种气候下的太阳能热水器 对于6平方米玻璃面集热器的家用太阳能热水器系统,需要 对于6平方米玻璃面集热器的家用太阳能热水器系统,需要 量为每天300升60度热水,300升储存量,太阳能比例为: 量为每天300升60度热水,300升储存量,太阳能比例为: 21% 挪威Troms? (70oN) 40% 加拿大耶洛奈夫 (62oN) 32% 波兰华沙(52oN) 51% 中国哈尔滨(46oN) 67% 美国萨克拉门托(39oN) 39% 日本东京 (36oN) 78% 摩洛哥马拉客什 (32oN) 75% 以色列Be’er-Sheva (31oN) 81% 塞内加尔Matam (16oN) 59% 哥斯达黎加Puerto Limón (10oN) 59% 印度尼西亚雅加达(6oS) 86% 秘鲁Huancayo (12oS) 69% 津巴布韦 哈拉雷(18oS) 65% 澳大利亚悉尼(34oS) 39% 智利篷塔阿雷纳斯(53oS) 加拿大自然资源部 2001 – 2005. 太阳能热水系统成本和优势实例 玻璃面全年系统(瓦/储存) 玻璃面全年系统(瓦/储存) 玻利维亚的La 玻利维亚的La Paz 2.2 GJ/m2 ¥ 400/m2 真空管全年系统 (瓦/储存) 非玻璃面仅夏天开放的游泳池 加拿大的蒙特利尔 1.5 GJ/m2 ¥ 150/m2 丹麦的哥本哈根 1.8 GJ/m2 ¥ 1,000/m2 加拿大自然资源部 2001 – 2005. 太阳能热水项目的考虑因素 成功项目的因素: 成功项目的因素: 热水的需求量较大以降低固定成本的重要性 较高的能源成本(例如不能获得天然气) 没有可靠的常规能源供应 建筑商/运行者对环境的强烈关注 白天热水负荷需要较少的储存 ? 低成本,季节性的系统在经济上优于高成本全年系统 ? 其维护类似于所有管道系统,但是操作者必须进行及时 的维护和维修 加拿大自然资源部 2001 – 2005. 实例:澳大利亚,博茨瓦纳和瑞典 家用热水系统 联网条件下, 联网条件下,需要承担义务的业主 当能源价格低时,投资回收期可能需要较长的时间 系统提供20%-89%的热水 温差环流系统,澳大利亚 离网或在能源供应不可靠的地方 照片提供: 澳大利亚温室办公室 家庭,瑞典马尔默 博茨瓦纳农村地区医务人员的住所 照片提供: Marie Andrén, Solar Energy Association of Sweden 照片提供: Vadim Belotserkovsky 加拿大自然资源部 2001 – 2005. 实例; 实例;美国和加拿大 游泳池系统 低成本非玻璃面集热器 游泳池系统,美国 寒冷地带的夏季游泳池 温暖地带延长季节 用于寒冷地带全年开放游泳池的夏季使用 可具有1-5年偿还期 全年供热的玻璃面集热器 ? 过滤系统起泵的作用 社区游泳池系统,加拿大安大略省 照片提供:Aquatherm Industries/ NREL Pix 照片提供:NRCan 加拿大自然资源部 2001 – 2005. 实例:希腊和加拿大 商业/工业热水系统 ? ? ? ? 旅馆/汽车旅馆,公寓和办公楼 健康中心及医院 洗车,自助洗衣店,餐馆 运动场馆,学校和淋浴室 水产养殖,其他小工业 水产养殖工作场,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省 旅馆,克里特岛的Agio Nikolaos 照片提供:Regional Energy Agency of Crete/ISES 照片提供: NRCan 加拿大自然资源部 2001 – 2005. RETScreen? 太阳能热水项目模型 能源产生,周期成本和温室气体排放降低的世界范围 的分析 玻璃面,非玻璃面和真空管 室内和室外游泳池(有或没有顶棚) 热水供应系统(有和没有储存系统) 与小时模拟模型需要8,760个点比较, 与小时模拟模型需要8,760个点比较, RETScreen? 仅需12个数据点 仅需12个数据点 ? 目前没有包括: 目前没有包括: 每天热水供应负荷的变化 独立运行的热水供应 具有较高太阳能日照地区的没有储存的系统 太阳跟踪,聚焦器和集成太阳能集热器 加拿大自然资源部 2001 – 2005. RETScreen? 太阳能热水器能源计算 参见电子教材 清洁能源项目分析: RETScreen? 工程和案例 太阳能热水器项目分析章节 加拿大自然资源部 2001 – 2005. RETScreen? 太阳能热水项目模型的校 正实例 相比于: RETScreen? 相比于: 加拿大多伦多家用热水系统 的WATSUN分析工具: WATSUN分析工具: RETScreen 入射辐射 (GJ) 负荷 (GJ) 供出的能量 (GJ) 泵运行小时 (h) 24.34 19.64 8.02 1,874 WATSUN 24.79 19.73 8.01 1,800 差别. 差别. -1.8% -0.5% 0.1% 4.1% RETScreen predicted annual solar energy delivered (kWh) 3,000 2,500 用ENERPOOL对加拿大蒙特利 ENERPOOL对加拿大蒙特利 尔48平方米夏季游泳池进行分析 48平方米夏季游泳池进行分析 能源需求量在2%误差内 2,000 对加拿大圭尔夫10个家用热水 系统利用RETScreen与监测的 数据比较 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 Measured annual solar energy delivered (kWh) 1,500 来自德国慕尼黑1 200平方米夏 来自德国慕尼黑1,200平方米夏 季游泳池的监测数据 能源需求量误差在3%以内,太阳 能产生量在14%以内 1,000 500 500 加拿大自然资源部 2001 – 2005. 结论 ? ? 在任气候条件下非玻璃面, 在任气候条件下非玻璃面,玻璃面和真空管集热器提供多种用途的热水 大量的热水需求,高能源成本和业主/ 大量的热水需求,高能源成本和业主/运行者强烈的责任感是项目成功的重 要因素 RETScreen? 计算: 计算: 热水供应负荷和游泳池负荷 具有储存和不具储存的太阳能游泳池和热水供应系统的性能 ? RETScreen? 是利用月资源计算的年度分析,可获得可与小时模拟模型 相比的精确度 RETScreen? 可显著降低项目的预可行性研究成本 加拿大自然资源部 2001 – 2005. 问题? 太阳能热水项目分析模型 RETScreen? 国际清洁能源项目分析课程 进一步信息请访问RETScreen网站 www.retscreen.net 加拿大自然资源部 2001 – 2005.1。



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关于加拿大的英语作文小学Canada is a vast and diverse country that offers a unique blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and economic opportunities. As the second-largest country in the world, it stretches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, and from the United States border in the south to the Arctic Circle in the north. With its stunning landscapes, vibrant cities, and welcoming people, Canada has become a popular destination for travelers and immigrants alike.One of the most striking features of Canada is its natural beauty. From the majestic Rocky Mountains in the west to the rugged coastlines of the east, the country is home to some of the most breathtaking scenery on the planet. The vast wilderness areas, including national parks such as Banff, Jasper, and Algonquin, offer endless opportunities for outdoor adventures, whether it's hiking, camping, or wildlife spotting. The country's numerous lakes, rivers, and glaciers also provide ample opportunities for water-based activities like canoeing, kayaking, and fishing.In addition to its natural wonders, Canada is also renowned for itscultural diversity. As a country that has welcomed immigrants from around the world, Canada boasts a rich tapestry of languages, customs, and traditions. The official languages are English and French, with the majority of the population speaking English, particularly in the western and central provinces. However, the country is home to numerous indigenous communities, each with their own unique cultural heritage and traditions.One of the most vibrant cultural hubs in Canada is the city of Toronto, which is often referred to as the most multicultural city in the world. With its diverse neighborhoods, world-class museums, and thriving arts and music scenes, Toronto offers a truly global experience. From the bustling Chinatown to the lively Little Italy, the city is a melting pot of cultures and cuisines.Another aspect of Canada's cultural richness is its thriving arts and entertainment industry. The country has produced numerous acclaimed authors, filmmakers, musicians, and visual artists, many of whom have gained international recognition. Canadian literature, for example, is renowned for its depth and diversity, with writers such as Margaret Atwood, Alice Munro, and Michael Ondaatje achieving critical acclaim.In terms of the economy, Canada is a highly developed and prosperous country, with a strong focus on innovation andtechnology. The country's major industries include natural resources, manufacturing, and services, with a growing emphasis on the knowledge-based economy. Canada is also a leader in renewable energy, with a significant investment in wind, solar, and hydroelectric power.One of the unique features of the Canadian economy is its strong social safety net, which includes universal healthcare, affordable education, and a robust system of social welfare programs. This has contributed to the country's high standard of living and low levels of income inequality, making it an attractive destination for both domestic and international talent.Despite its many strengths, Canada is not without its challenges. The country has grappled with issues such as income inequality, Indigenous rights, and environmental sustainability. However, the Canadian government and its citizens have shown a strong commitment to addressing these challenges and promoting social and environmental justice.In conclusion, Canada is a remarkable country that offers a unique blend of natural beauty, cultural diversity, and economic prosperity. Whether you're drawn to the stunning landscapes, the vibrant cities, or the welcoming people, there is something for everyone in this vastand dynamic nation. As a small nation with a big heart, Canada continues to capture the imagination of people around the world.。



















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年 中 期 建成 投 运 。
发塑料太阳能电池板 ,用于发展有机 光伏
工业 。 中 型生 产 线 中 , 一 里程 碑 式 的光 在 这 电 转换 效率 可在 2 1 使 其 塑 料 太 阳 能 0 0年
巴西将加快开发风 力发 电场
巴西开 发 银 行 于 2 0 0 9年 1 2月 2 日 5 表 示 , 再 提 供 47 将 .9亿 美 元 基 金 , 于 在 用 巴西 南 部 建 设 1 0个 风 力 发 电场 ,该 项 目 总 投 资 为 68 亿 美 元 , 将 由 阿 根 廷 . 6
签 约 供 电为期 2 0年 。 两个 项 目均 于 2 1 01
美 国 S l me能 源 公 司 于 2 0 oa r 0 9年 1 2
月 2日宣布 ,转换效率为 79 .%的塑 料太
阳 能 电池 获 美 国 能源 部 国 家 可再 生 能 源 实
验 室( R L认 证 。该 公 司 于 2 0 N E) 0 6年 起 开
置 风 能 能力 达 3 0兆瓦 。 6
这 架 飞 机 机 翼 下 方 设 有 4 个 发 动 机
舱 , 配 有 1个 1 各 O马 力 的 发 动 机 , 个 锂 一 聚 合 物 电 池 组 和 一 个 调 节 充 放 电及 温 度
1 兆瓦太阳能项 目 6
据 路 透
近 日, 太阳能为动 力, 以 旨在 创 造 环 球 oa I r mp l e飞 机 在 瑞 士 的 I S MP A集 团 建设 。这 些风 力 发 电场 将 建 在 飞 行 记 录 的 S l us
电池投入应用。该公司使用低成本的塑料 作 为活性材料, 使光能转化为 电能 。 活性塑 料层极 薄, 小于硅 电池 的 11 0 。该公司 /0 0
的控 制 系统 。 外 , 设 计 了一 层 保 温 层 , 此 还
星 旨在 保 护 电 池 组 发 散 的热 量 , 以确 保 他 们 社 报 道 , 能 在 85 0米 的 高 空 ,4 ℃ 的 恶 劣 环 境 座 能 源 集 团 0 一0 下持续工作 , 每个 发动机均配有一 台减 速 将 在 美 国 马

兆瓦, 于 2 1 将 0 0年底 投 用 。据 全球 风 能 委 这 架 飞 机 将 运 往 瑞 士 西 部 巴亚 尼 空 军 基 行 , 生 产 过程 中大 大减 少 了能 耗 。 在 地 , 行 首 次 2小 时 的试 飞 。 进 员 会提 供 的 数据 ,0 9年 1 中旬 巴西 设 20 月

O年 的 协 议 ,该 公 司 将 生 产 的 电 力 中 , 阳 能 电 池达 到 了 1 6 8块 , 翼 上 为 期 2 太 12 机 在 意 大 利 物 流 中 心普 拉 托 C N N A完 成 了 配 1 4 星 拥 07 8块 , 向平 衡 器 上 配 8 0块 , 横 8 平 出售 给 该 州 。 座 能 源将 建设 、 有 和 经 营 项 29 6千 瓦 的 太 阳 能 光 伏 项 目 , 0 该 均 飞行 速 度 理 论 上 是 7 7兆 瓦 的 太 阳能 设 0千 米 / ,终 极 这 个 项 目 ,该 项 目为 1 时 公 司 表 示 ,此 项 目成 为 意 大 利 独 立 建 筑 目标 是 实 现 无 燃 料 消 耗 的昼 夜 飞 行 。 施 ,耗 资 60 0万 美 元 ,将 建 在 马里 兰 州 0
瓦 ,可 与 LP 并 网 。 B 太 阳 能 公 司 和 1 干 瓦 系 统 的 6 IA P 1 0个 太 阳 能光 伏 组 件 已安 e X o开 发 公 司将 分 别提 供 3 nc 2兆 瓦 和 1 装 在 停 车 场 空地 上 。 7
兆瓦 。B P太 阳 能公 司 将 在 Bo k a e ro h v n国
采 用 低 成 本 的 印刷 技 术 来 制造 塑 料 太 阳能
电池 。 上述 技 术 的 结合 可 使 发 出 相应 电能 条 跑道 上 进 行 ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้首 次测 试 ,以 高达 时速 的成 本较 低 ,比晶硅技术低 1 %~ 0 O 2 %, . 6千 米 / 的 速度 滑 行 了至 少 2千 米 。 制造 过程 也在低 温和环 境友 好情况 下进 时 J ri mu ip li ,总 设置 能 力 为 2 2 92 adm nc at s i ie 2 S naC tr a省 的 A u o e和 B m a t aai n g aD c o
环 球 扫 描 U i r lc n i n es a n g v aS n
司签电力购买合 同,将在长 岛建设美国纽 地面获得更高的进料 关税利率 ,并可有效 先 进 的 太 阳能 电池 技 术 组 合 到 其 P 电池 V
约 州 最 大 的 太 阳 能 项 目 ,该 项 目约 5 0兆 地 利 用 空间 。除 了 2 9 8 5千 瓦 的屋 顶 系 统 , 板 、 V模块 和 3 P X聚 集模 块 之 中 。
三菱3 兆瓦太阳能光伏电池板在 意大利独立建筑的最大屋顶上安装
20 0 9年 1 1月 2 日 , 菱 电 机 公 司 O 三
器, 将直径 为 35米的双轮 叶式螺旋推 进 里 兰 州 建 设 个近 1 6兆 瓦 的 太 阳 能发 电项 目 ,根 据 器 的 转 速 控 制 在 2 0 4 0转 /分 钟 , 0~0 其
美 国 S l me o r r公 司 效 率 为 a
7 %的塑料太阳能电池获认证 . 9
家 实验 室 设 置 地 面 光伏 系统 , 资 为 29 投 .8
Slrmp l 太 阳能动 力飞 机 oa us I e
亿美元 , 签约供 电为期 2 0年。e X o开发 nc
公司 设 置 的 光伏 系统 投 资 为 1 5亿 美 元 , . 2