
《外语教学与研究》格式2006年3月第38卷第2期外语教学与研究(外国语文双月刊)Foreign Language Teaching and Research(bimonthly)Mar.2006Vol.38No.2本刊稿件格式要求11稿件构成○论文中文标题、英文标题○中文提要、英文提要、中英文关键词○论文正文○参考文献○附录等(如果有)○作者姓名、单位、通讯地址、电话号码、E-mail地址(另页)21正文格式1)小标题一般单独占一行,居中;段首小标题,前空两格,后空一格。
3)夹注夹注可采用以下几种形式(其中“作者姓名”表示引文或所依据的文献为中文作者的用其姓名,英文作者的用其姓):(作者姓名年代:原文页码)例如:随着语篇研究的深入,人们认识到“只有把交际过程的所有因素都包容进来时,语篇才能得到恰当的解释和描写”(Dogil et al.1996:481)。

课程论文在此输入论文题目,黑体小二(简短、明确、具有概括性,一般不超过20字)课程名称文学概论姓名(居中宋体四号)班级学号系别专业方向指导教师论文评分2015年 3 月 28 日目录摘要 (1)一、××××××××××...............(宋体小四) (2)(一)××××××××××............(宋体小四) (3)1.××××××××××...............(宋体小四) (3)2.××××××××××...............(宋体小四) (4)(二)××××××××××............(宋体小四) (6)1.××××××××××...............(宋体小四) (6)2.××××××××××...............(宋体小四) (7)3.××××××××××...............(宋体小四) (7)二、××××××××××...............(宋体小四) (8)(一)××××××××××............(宋体小四) (8)1.××××××××××...............(宋体小四) (8)2.×××××××××××...............(宋体小四) (10)3.××××××××××...............(宋体小四) (11)(二)××××××××××............(宋体小四) (13)1.××××××××××...............(宋体小四) (13)2.××××××××××...............(宋体小四) (14)3.××××××××××...............(宋体小四) (15)结论......(宋体小四) (16)参考文献......(宋体小四) (18)目录要求按三级标题编写,标题层次清晰,目录中的标题应与正文中的标题及页码一致论文题目(居中,宋体加黑小二)空3行[摘要](摘要二字小四号黑体顶格写在中括号内)×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××(空一行)[关键词](小四号黑体顶格写在中括号内)××××□□××××□□××××□□××××(各关键词之间空两格)注:以上每一个方框均代表一个空格(下同)□□一、×××××××××××(居中、宋体小三号,标题结尾没有标点)(空一行)□□(一)××××××××××××(宋体四号,标题结尾没有标点)□□1.×××××××××××××××××××××(宋体小四号,标题结尾没有标点)□□×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××(宋体小四)□□2.×××××××××××××××××××××(宋体小四号)□□×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××(宋体小四) □□3.×××××××××××××××××××××(宋体小四号)□□×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××(宋体小四)。

(9)引用同一作者同一年发表的不同文献时,按照“参考文献”中相关文献排列顺序,在文献发表年后加小写字母,例如:Research by Berndt (1981a) illustrated that...(p. 11).
(3)一般情况:A.如正文已出现作者,则夹注分两部分,文献出版年用圆括号,附于作者名后,在引文后用圆括号标注文献页码,例如Varonis (1984) found that the most important element in comprehending non-native speech is familiarity with the topic(p. 23).B.如正文未出现作者,则在引文后用圆括号提供文献作者、文献出版年及文献页码,例如Interactive fiction permits readers to move freely through a text and to participate in its authorship (Bolter, 2001, p. 45).;夹注中出现的文献须在“参考文献”(References)中提供详细的出版信息。

《外语教学与研究》论文格式1. 稿件构成论文中文标题、中文提要、中文关键词、论文正文(含参考文献)论文英文标题、英文提要(另页)附录等(如果有)作者姓名、单位(中英文)、通讯地址、电话号码、Email地址(另页)2. 提要与关键词论文须附中、英文提要;中文提要200—300字,英文提要150—200词。
3.正文3.1 结构层次正文分为若干节(section),每节可分为若干小节(subsection)。
3.2 标题节标题、小节标题独占一行,顶左页边起头。
小节之下可以采用字母A. B. C.,a. b. c.,(a) (b) (c)或罗马数字I. II. III.,i. ii. iii.,(i) (ii) (iii) 对需要编号的内容加以编号。
3.3 字体正文的默认字体为宋体五号。
中文楷体用于字词作为字词本身使用,如:“劣字怎么念?”英文倾斜字体的使用范围主要是:(1)词作为词本身使用,如:The most frequently used word in English is the.(2)拼写尚未被普遍接受的外来词,如:Jiaozi is a very popular food in China.(3)书刊等的名称。
3.4 图表图标题置于图的下方,表标题置于表的上方。
3.5 参引一切直接或间接引文以及论文所依据的文献均须通过随文圆括号参引(in-text parenthetical reference)标明其出处。
外国语学院MTI 学位论文(研究论文)模板

[3] 外国语学院研究生学位论文(学硕)由以下几部分组成,依次为: 1.中文封面(模版见研究生院学位论文附件 11) 2.中文题名页 3.英文题名页 4.学位论文原创性声明 5. 研究生学位论文导师承诺书 6.学位论文使用授权书 7.作者简介 8.摘要 9.Abstract 10. 目录 11. Contents 12. Figure(如有) 13. Table(如有) 14. 正文 15.Acknowledgments 15.References 16.Appendices
Title Master Candidate: Professional Degree Type:
Supervisor: China University of Geosciences
Wuhan 430074 P.R. China
பைடு நூலகம்
本人郑重声明:本人所呈交的硕士学位论文《×××××××》, 是本人在导师的指导下,在中国地质大学(武汉)攻读硕士学位期间 独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。论文中除已注明部分外不包含他人 已发表或撰写过的研究成果,对论文的完成提供过帮助的有关人员已 在文中说明并致以谢意。
1.引言……………………………………………………………1 2.文献综述…………………………………………………3
上海外国语大学研究生论文格式 英语语言文学

2.标题页3.鸣谢行文语气4.摘要4.14.24.3 5.目录页录页时,须用6.正文6. 7.参考文献Crystal,He, A.Hymes, D. Foundations in Sociolinguistics: An Ethnographic Approach [M]. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994.Li, Yafei. On v-v Compounds in Chinese [J]. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 1990, (8): 177-207.沈家煊.类型学中的标记模式[J].外语教学与研究,1997,(1):1-10.徐烈炯、刘丹青.话题的结构与功能[M].上海:上海教育出版社,1998.常用标识码和对应的文献类型:纸质文献A (article from anthology) 论文集中析出文献C (collected papers) 论文集;会议录D (dissertation) 学位论文J (journal article) 期刊文章M (major work) 专著;普通图书N (newspaper article) 报纸文章P (patent) 专利R (report) 报告S (specification) 标准Z 其他未说明的文献类型CP (computer program) 计算机程序DB (database) 数据库EB (electronic bulletin board) 电子公告电子文献CD (CD-Rom) 光盘DK (disk) 磁盘MT (magnetic tape) 磁带OL (online) 联机文献组配标识C/OL 网上会议录4CP/DK 磁带软件DB/MT 磁带数据库DB/OL 联机网上数据库EB/OL 网上电子公告J/OL 网上期刊M/CD 光盘图书N/OL 网上报纸8.全文字体英文全部采用“Times New Roman”体,中文全部采用宋体。

要求英文用Times New Roman12号字体;中文用宋体、5号字体,行距1.5。
用A4(210mm X 297mm)白纸打印。
博士学位论文除封面和封底外,其主体部分应包括如下内容:1.扉页1(Title page one)。
2.扉页2,又称书名页(Title page two)。
注意,在“学位授予单位”的上方,应写上这条款目:A thesis submitted in partial fulfilmentof the requirements for the degree ofDoctor of Philosophy3.《原创性及学位论文使用授权声明》和《学位论文使用授权声明》在扉页之后并排在同一页上。
5.英文、中文摘要(English and Chinese Abstracts)(含关键词3-8个)。
上海外国语大学研究生论文格式 外国语言学及应用语言学

研究生学位论文格式规范指导(外国语言学及应用语言学)目录1 用汉语撰写的论文格式规范 (1)1.1 汉语论文项目及顺序 (1)1.2 汉语论文规范详解 (1)1.2.1 封皮(包括封面与封底) (1)1.2.2 声明 (3)1.2.3 英文标题 (3)1.2.4 致谢 (5)1.2.5 论文摘要和关键词 (5)1.2.6 目录 (8)1.2.7 正文(包括脚注或尾注) (14)1.2.8 参考文献 (17)2 用英语撰写的论文格式规范 (20)2.1 英语论文项目及顺序 (20)2.2 英语论文规范详解 (20)2.2.1 封皮(包括封面与封底) (20)2.2.2 声明 (22)2.2.3 英文标题 (22)2.2.4 致谢 (24)2.2.5 论文摘要和关键词 (24)2.2.6 目录 (28)2.2.7 正文(包括脚注或尾注) (31)2.2.8 参考文献 (33)1 用汉语撰写的论文格式规范1.1 汉语论文项目及顺序第一项:封皮(包括封面与封底);第二项:声明;第三项:英文标题;第四项:致谢;第五项:论文摘要和关键词;第六项:目录;第七项:正文(包括脚注或尾注);第八项:参考文献。
1.2 汉语论文规范详解1.2.1 封皮(包括封面与封底)学校会统一发放空白的封皮。
具体注意事项请参见下例(见下页):11.2.2 声明学校会统一发放空白的声明页。
1.2.3 英文标题英文标题须单独作为一页。
请使用规范的英文,并将所有文字设为四号Times New Roman字体,居中显示。
其他具体注意事项请参见下例(见下页):31.2.4 致谢行文语气要严肃敬重,内容必须紧扣论文和学术研究的前后过程,切忌离题,避免主客倒臵。

研究生英文作文万能模板Research Postgraduate English Essay Universal Template。
The pursuit of a postgraduate degree is a significant milestone in one's academic and professional journey. As a research postgraduate student, one is expected to demonstrate a high level of critical thinking, analytical skills, and the ability to conduct independent and original research. In this essay, we will explore a universal template for writing research postgraduate English essays, which can be applied to various disciplines and research topics.I. Title and Abstract。
The title of the research postgraduate English essay should be concise, informative, and reflective of the main topic or theme of the research. It should capture the reader's attention and provide a clear indication of what the essay is about. The abstract, on the other hand, should provide a brief summary of the essay, including the research question, methodology, key findings, and implications. It should be written in a clear and concise manner, allowing the reader to quickly grasp the essence of the research.II. Introduction。

第1篇Abstract:This paper explores the significance of English language teaching research and development activities in improving the quality of English education. By examining the outcomes of a recent collaborative research and development (R&D) project, this study highlights the benefits of integrating research findings into classroom practice, fostering teacher collaboration, and adopting innovative teaching methodologies. The paper concludes with recommendations for future R&D initiatives in English language teaching.Introduction:The field of English language teaching (ELT) is constantly evolving, with new methodologies, technologies, and pedagogical approaches emerging regularly. To ensure that English language educators remain effective and up-to-date with the latest trends, it is essential to engage in research and development activities. This paper aims to discuss the importance of such initiatives and present the findings of a collaborative R&D project conducted among a group of English language teachers.Background:The collaborative R&D project involved a team of English language teachers from various educational institutions. The project aimed to identify effective teaching strategies, develop innovative resources, and implement these in the classroom. The participants were divided into smaller groups, each focusing on a specific aspect of ELT, such as vocabulary teaching, grammar instruction, or technology integration.Methodology:The project was conducted over a period of six months, during which the participants engaged in the following activities:1. Literature Review: Each group conducted a comprehensive literature review to identify existing research on their respective topics.2. Workshops and Seminars: Regular workshops and seminars were held to share insights and discuss the findings of the literature review.3. Resource Development: Based on the research findings, theparticipants developed innovative teaching resources, such as lesson plans, handouts, and interactive materials.4. Classroom Implementation: The resources were implemented in the classroom, with the participants collecting data on student performance and feedback from both students and colleagues.5. Reflection and Analysis: The data collected was analyzed, and the participants reflected on the effectiveness of the new teaching strategies and resources.Findings:The findings of the project revealed several key insights:1. Integration of Research and Practice: The integration of research findings into classroom practice led to a significant improvement in student learning outcomes. Teachers who adopted evidence-based teaching strategies reported higher levels of student engagement and achievement.2. Teacher Collaboration: The collaborative nature of the project fostered a sense of community among the participants. Teachers learned from each other's experiences and developed a shared understanding of effective ELT practices.3. Innovation in Teaching Methodologies: The development of innovative teaching resources and strategies contributed to a more dynamic and engaging learning environment. Teachers reported that their students were more motivated and excited about learning English.4. Professional Development: The project provided an opportunity for the participants to engage in continuous professional development. They gained new skills, knowledge, and confidence in their teaching abilities.Discussion:The findings of this study support the importance of research and development activities in English language teaching. By engaging in such initiatives, educators can:- Stay informed about the latest research and trends in ELT.- Develop and implement evidence-based teaching strategies.- Foster a culture of collaboration and professional growth among teachers.- Improve the overall quality of English education.Conclusion:The collaborative R&D project presented in this paper has demonstrated the potential of research and development activities in enhancing English language teaching. By integrating research findings into classroom practice, fostering teacher collaboration, and adopting innovative teaching methodologies, educators can create a more effective and engaging learning environment for their students. As such, it is recommended that educational institutions continue to invest in research and development initiatives to ensure the ongoing improvement of English language education.Recommendations for Future R&D Initiatives:1. Establish a dedicated R&D team: Create a dedicated team of educators and researchers to oversee and facilitate R&D projects.2. Provide funding and resources: Allocate sufficient funding and resources to support R&D initiatives, including access to research materials, technology, and training opportunities.3. Encourage interdisciplinary collaboration: Promote collaboration between ELT professionals, researchers, and other stakeholders to leverage diverse perspectives and expertise.4. Share research findings: Establish platforms for sharing research findings and best practices among educators to foster a culture of continuous improvement.5. Monitor and evaluate outcomes: Regularly monitor and evaluate the outcomes of R&D projects to ensure their effectiveness and make necessary adjustments as needed.By implementing these recommendations, educational institutions can further enhance the quality of English language teaching and prepare students for success in a globalized world.第2篇Abstract:The purpose of this paper is to explore the effectiveness ofcollaborative教研 activities in enhancing English language teaching. Through an analysis of various教研模式,the paper aims to highlight the benefits of such activities in fostering professional development, improving teaching strategies, and ultimately enhancing student learning outcomes. This study involves a review of existing literature, case studies, and personal reflections to provide insights into the implementation and outcomes of教研活动 in English language education.Introduction:English language teaching (ELT) has evolved significantly over the years, with educators constantly seeking innovative methods to improve student learning outcomes.教研活动作为一种促进教师专业发展的途径,在提升教学质量方面发挥着重要作用。

内江师范学院外国语学院本科毕业论文(设计)打印格式Contents (Times New Roman 四号,居中, 粗体, 本页特别要求两端对齐) Abstract(一级标题,段前段后空0.5行Times New Roman, 四号,加粗) (2) (3)I. (标题与标号空一格)Emily Dickinson’s Family and Her Life (同上) (3)II. Emily Dickinson’s Poems (同上) (4)A. Characteristics of Dickinson’s Poems (二级标题段前段后空0行Times New Roman, 小四加粗) (4)B. Emily Dickinson’s Style (4)C. Themes of Dickinson’s Poems (5)1. The Inner World (三级标题段前段后空0行Times New Roman, 小四号,不加粗) (6)2. Death (6)3. Nature (6)4. God and Religio n (7)5. Love (7)III. Emily Dickinson’s Love Poems and the Waiting Theme (7)A. The Waiting Theme Delineated in Emily Dickinson’s Love Poems (8)1. Beginning to Love Somebody (8)2. Waiting while Beginning to Love Somebody (9)3. Loving Somebody Passionately (9)4. Waiting for Somebody while Loving Him Passionately (10)5. Trying to Forget the Love (11)6. Waiting while Trying to Forget the Love (12)B. The Waiting Theme in Feminist Criticism (12)Conclusion(Times New Roman, 四号,加粗,段前段后空0.5行) (14)Notes (同上) (16)Bibliography (同上) (17)Acknowledgements (同上) (18)Abstract:(Times New Roman 四号,粗体)Emily Dickinson is a reclusive American poetess in the nineteenth century. From a particular perspective, she has delineated her deep perception of God, nature, love, death, and eternity. From the perspective of Feminism, this article focuses on the waiting theme manifested in her love poems.(Times New Roman, 小四,不加粗)Key Words(Times New Roman, 四号,粗体): Emily Dickinson; love poems; Feminism; waiting theme(Times New Roman, 小四号; 各关键词一般情况下不大写,之间用分号隔开,末尾不用标点符号)摘要(黑体四号,不加粗):艾米莉·狄金森这位美国十九世纪的隐居女诗人,以她独特的角度,抒发了她对于上帝,大自然,爱情,死亡以及永恒的深刻感悟。

研究生英语学位课作文范文In today's rapidly evolving world, pursuing a master's degree in English has become a popular choice among students. This advanced-level program not only deepens one's knowledge of the subject but also equips them with essential skills for various professional fields. In this essay, we will explore the significance of a postgraduate English degree and how it can positively impact one's career prospects.Firstly, a master's degree in English allows individuals to gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Through rigorous coursework and in-depth research, students are exposed to a wide range of literary genres, periods, and critical theories. This extensive knowledge base enables them to critically analyze complex texts, articulate nuanced interpretations, and enhance their overall proficiency in the English language. Such skills are not only valuable for academic pursuits but are also highly sought after in the professional world.Moreover, a postgraduate English degree nurtures advanced critical thinking and analytical skills. Many English programs emphasize independent research, where students are encouraged to explore their own research interests and develop their writing and presentation skills. This training equips graduates with the ability to analyze and synthesize information, think critically, and present their ideas effectively. These skills are highly transferable and can be applied in a variety of careers such as publishing, journalism, marketing, and public relations.Furthermore, a master's degree in English enhances one'scommunication skills. In addition to honing their writing abilities, students are encouraged to participate in classroom discussions, presentations, and group projects. These activities develop their oral communication skills, as they learn to express their opinions, engage in debates, and effectively communicate their ideas to a diverse audience. Such communication skills are invaluable in today's globalized workplace, where effective collaboration and clear communication are essential for professional success.Lastly, a postgraduate English degree opens doors to various career opportunities. While teaching remains a popular career choice for English graduates, the versatility of this degree allows individuals to explore diverse paths. Graduates can pursue careers in publishing, writing, editing, research, journalism, public relations, marketing, and communications. The critical thinking and communication skills developed during the program make English graduates highly adaptable in fast-paced and evolving job markets.In conclusion, a master's degree in English holds significant value in today's competitive job market. It not only provides individuals with a deep understanding of the subject matter but also equips them with essential skills such as critical thinking, analytical abilities, and effective communication. These attributes make English graduates highly desirable in various professional fields, ensuring ample career prospects and opportunities for personal and intellectual growth.。

研究生英语上册作文模板Research on the Template of Postgraduate English Writing。
As the number of international students pursuing postgraduate studies in English-speaking countries continues to rise, the ability to write effectively in English becomes increasingly important. Writing is not only a key component of academic success, but also a crucial skill for future career development. Therefore, it is essential for postgraduate students to master the template of postgraduate English writing in order to produce high-quality academic papers. In this article, we will explore the key elements of a successful postgraduate English writing template and provide practical tips for improving writing skills.I. Introduction。
The introduction is a crucial part of any academic paper as it sets the tone for the entire piece of writing. In postgraduate English writing, the introduction should clearly state the purpose of the study, provide background information on the topic, and outline the structure of the paper. Additionally, it is important to include a strong thesis statement that clearly articulates the main argument of the paper. By following this template, postgraduate students can ensure that their introductions are clear, concise, and engaging.II. Literature Review。

研究生英一作文模板Research Postgraduate English Writing Template。
As a research postgraduate student, it is essential to be able to write effectively in English. Whether it is for academic papers, research proposals, or thesis writing, having a solid foundation in English writing is crucial for success in the academic world. In this article, we will discuss the key components of a research postgraduate English writing template, providing a comprehensive guide for research postgraduate students to follow.Title: Introduction。
The introduction is the first section of a research paper or proposal, and it serves to set the stage for the rest of the document. In the introduction, the researcher should provide background information on the topic of study, outline the research problem or question, and present the objectives and significance of the study. The introduction should be concise, yet informative, and should capture the reader's attention from the outset.Title: Literature Review。

外国语学院外国语言学及应用语言学硕士生撰写毕业论文须知(2007-3—20)一、撰写论文注意事项:1.Literature Review(文献综述)1。
1 Literature Review是学位论文必不可少的组成部分,一般包括在导论部分(导论的其他部分一般包括选题的缘起或背景,选题的意义,研究宗旨,本研究课题的创新点,研究方法或理论框架,论文结构安排等)。
学位论文如果没有Literature Review,人家就不知道你是在什么样的基础上从事本项研究,就会认为你根本就不懂如何搞研究。
1.2Literature Review应择要引述本研究领域前人的研究成果,可以引用国内外学者在本研究领域的观点,并进行必要的综合分析和归纳,以表明你对你所研究的问题已有比较全面深入的了解,你的研究是在前人研究基础上的进一步推进。
(往年有些同学在Literature Review中确实引述了前人的不少观点,但往往与论文主要内容关系不很密切,也有同学引述他人观点按作者分段,每个作者单独一段,显得太机械,体现不出论文作者的综合分析能力。
3 在Literature Review的结尾处应表明自己有什么观点或进行了何种综合分析.如有创新点,有自己有独立的见解、观点,哪怕只有一丁点,最好明确写清楚(如写明创新点在第几章、第几节)。
这部分内容也可从Literature Review 中分离出来,单独作为导论的一部分处理,以突出本研究课题的创新点或胜过前人之处。

英语专业研究生论文范文一:二语学习者不赞同言语行为缓和策略的实证研究摘要:本研究旨在调查二语学习者在实施不赞同这一言语行为时使用了哪些语言策略以缓和这一言语行为所带来的面子威胁,以及二语水平和性别将如何影响学习者对这些语言策略的选择,并将结果与Beebe & Takahashi (1989)对美国人实施该言语行为的表现进行比较。
论文关键词:中国二语学习者,不赞同言语行为根据Brown & Levinson (1978)的观点,不赞同是一种威胁面子的行为,在实施这一类行为时,要受到社会(包括权势和社会距离)、情境(严肃性和必要性)和心理(态度和面子)参数的影响,并需要一些相应的礼貌策略来进行保全面子的补救。
国外很多学者主要是通过语料分析从会话分析(Kakava, 2002 )和社会语言学( Tanne, 1994,)对这一言语行为进行研究,也有部分学者是从礼貌理论( Rees-Miller, 2000)、对比语用学(Beebe & Takahashi, 1989; Liang, 2003)及最近新起的社会心理语用学(Muntigl & Turnbill, 1998)这几个方面来进行研究的。
从以上研究我们可以看出,对这一言语行为的实证研究还比较少(Beebe & Takahashi, 1989; Liang, 2003),而对中国二语学习者实施这一言语行为的实证研究更是寥寥无几。
2.研究方法本调查旨在回答以下几个问题:(一) 中国二语学习者在实施这一言语行为时主要采用哪些语言缓和策略?(二) 二语语言水平和性别是否影响学习者对语言缓和策略的选择?(三) 与美国人相比,中国二语学习者在实施这一言语行为时所使用的语言缓和策略是否有显著差异?如果有,原因何在?围绕这几个主要的研究问题,作者采用了问卷调查法收集语料。

1. Introduction
Just as the world is constantly changing, so is language. Languages are living things with words constantly coming and going. After World War II, neologisms emerged in an endless stream. Each day in the English language at least as many thousands of new words are born. Take a look at the latest edition of Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary (Extend Sixth Edition), still expanding word-stock is pushing in, so we find another 2,500 words at the latter part of the dictionary. Many have come from special areas—the field of internet is a major example. Quite a number of works related with new words and expressions have been published during the recent years. There are dozens of dictionaries and monographs introducing English new words and expressions, such as 《最新英语新词语词典》(The latest English New Words Dictionary), 《现代英语新词语词典》(The Dictionary of Modern English New Words ), The Macquarie Dictionary of New Words, The Oxford Dictionary of New Words and The New Word Revolution, which have pooled plentiful examples of diverse aspects of life in the recent 10 years. Fast-developing technologies such as biotechnology, computing, the internet and mobile phones are always generating new vocabulary. Though widely exposed to the English language, native speakers have to take conscious efforts to keep their vocabulary from becoming obsolete. We can imagine how important it is for English learners to study neologisms. When we read the latest English newspapers and magazines or listen to the English broadcast, how frequently we encounter neologisms and have to acknowledge the fact that we cannot always depend on dictionaries. Under these circumstances, a comprehensive study on word formation processes whereby new words are created will be very helpful to English learners who are eager to have a better command of the English vocabulary. Therefore, the matter of neologism becomes a new hot spot of research owing to its practical and prevailing use in reality. In a real sense, the careful study of neologism started in the 20th century. In china, the study of neologism began from 1980s. Most of the specific works and papers are mere introduction of theories from abroad lacking of much original study. To keep up with the latest English vocabulary is really difficult, thus a thorough and systematic analysis about English new words is of practical significance both in learning and teaching of English as a foreign language. The paper is written to inform the learners how a new word comes into existence and aims to help English learners develop a good appreciation for the emerging English new words.

四、研究结果1. 教学策略的总结在本文的研究中,我们汇总了大量的文献,分析了各类不同的外语教学策略。
2. 学生与教师反馈于此同时,我们也进行了问卷调查,收集到了大量来自学生和教师的反馈意见。

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内容:论述…, 阐明…,
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The Analysis on Unreliability of The Turn of the Screw
The Turn of the Screw is one of famous novella of Henry James. The studies of The Turn of the Screw are focused on the following aspects: psychological realism, gothic, psychoanaslysis,stream of consciousness, feminism, archetypal criticism and so on. This paper attempts to analyze the unreliability and James’aesthetic idea of humanity from the narratological perspective on the basis of related theory of unreliability.
This paper begins with a brief introduction of the author and novel and the related theories. The body of this paper attempts to analyze the narrators of the novel and unreliable narration of the governess in particular. Nested structure is the narrative structure of the novel: the narrations of two outer narrators lead to the interior narrator’s story. This arrangement of narrators helps achieve the artistic effect of meaning uncertainty. As the innerior narrator, the governess plays an important role in leading to the various understandings about the ending. This paper tries to analyze the governess from the discourse and story layer, narrative blank and her background these three aspects. Her “dubious” language, behaviors and complex inner activities raise the novel’s ambiguity.
This thesis has not only analyzed the narrative charm of The Turn of the Screw from the perspective of narratology as well as the factors that make the novel unreliable, but also prized the narrative charm of the novel in order to make readers get more brand-new understandings.
Keywords narrator;narration;unreliable narration
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