• 1、arachnid 所有蜘蛛类节肢动物的总称 • 来自于Arachne(阿拉喀涅)。Arachne是针织和刺绣技
艺高超的少女,曾同Athene举行过刺绣比赛,因不堪忍受 Athene的污染而自尽。Athene后来很后悔,又对她刺绣 的手艺很敬佩,于是就将她变成为蜘蛛,永远地织网; • 2、atlas 地图集 • Atlas(阿特拉斯)是泰坦(Titans)神族之一,因背叛 Zeus而被罚以双肩扛天。由于荷兰地理学家黑凯托 (Mercator)出版的地图集的扉页上,印有Atlas以双肩扛 天的图片而得名“地图集”; • 3、cereal 谷物 • 源于罗马神话中的Ceres(色列斯),她是掌管谷物和大 地的女神,即希腊神话中的Demeter(狄米特); • 二、希腊罗马神话及其文化负载词
1、希腊罗马神话 2、希腊罗马神话衍生出的文化负载词 (及其翻译) 三、中国神话及其文化负载词 四、总结/对比 五、参考文献
• Apple of discourd 不合的根源 • Damon and Pythias 生死之交 A freedom of Pan 无拘无事,无忧无虑
• 羿是一位擅长射箭的天神,即使是小鸟飞过,羿也能一箭把它射落。
文化负载词的定义及重要意义文化负载词( culture- loaded words)是指“标志某种文化中特有事物的词、词组和习语,反映特定民族在漫长的历史长河中逐渐积累的、有别于其他民族的、独特的活动方式”。
文化负载词的翻译受到文化意象( cultural imagery)的影响。
关键词:文化负载词翻译策略1 文化负载词语言与文化的发展变化息息相关,而词汇在语言诸要素中是最能反映文化的物质层面,所以受文化的影象也最大。
2 文化负载词的翻译策略包惠南,包昂(2004:10,11)指出,词汇空缺是指原语词汇所载的文化信息在译语中没有其“对等语”或“对应语”。
如karaoke,在中国传统词汇中无与之相对等的词汇,因而无法用准确贴切的词语译出其词义内涵,只得采用音译的办法,同时借用英文字母译为“卡拉OK” ;他们还指出“中国传统文化中......等术语在译成英语时,由于西方文化中也没有对应或对等的词语,在多数情况下也只能采用音译或释义的方法进行翻译”。
Culture-loaded words
• 1. Please find out the words with Chinese characteristics in the passage on page 23. • 2. how does the writer translate these words on the next page? • 3. how do you call these words with Chinese characterist• •
文化负 载词的翻译方法 1. 直译法 1)龙舟 2)八宝菜 3)文化大革命 4)纸老虎 5)号脉 6)春节 7)春卷
Dragon boat Eight-treasure pickles Cultural Revolution Paper tiger Feel the pulse Spring Festival Spring roll
• 关于兔儿爷还有一段传说:一年,北京城里忽然起了瘟疫, 几乎每家都有人得了,就治不好。嫦娥看到此情景,心里 十分难过,就派身边的玉兔去为百姓们治病。玉兔变成了 一个少女,她挨家挨户地走,治好了很多人。人们为了感 谢玉兔,纷纷送东西给她;可玉兔什么也不要,只是向别 人借衣服穿,每到一处就换一身装扮,有时候打扮得像个 卖油的,有时候又像个算命的……一会儿是男人装束,一 会儿又是女人打扮。为了能给更多的人治病,玉兔就骑上 马、鹿或狮子、老虎,走遍了京城内外。消除了京城的瘟 疫之后,玉兔就回到月宫中去了。于是,人们用泥塑造了 玉兔的形象,有骑鹿的,有乘凤的,有披挂着铠甲的,也 有身着各种做工人的衣服的,千姿百态,非常可爱。每到 农历八月十五那一天,家家都要供奉她,给她摆上好吃的 瓜果菜豆,用来酬谢她给人间带来的吉祥和幸福,还亲切 地称她为“兔爷儿”、“兔奶奶”。
互文性视角下《挪威的森林》中文化负载词的汉译“文化负载词(culture-loaded words)是指标志某种文化中特有事物的词、词组和习语。
赖译:学费很贵,经常要捐款,说到修业旅行还包下京都的高级旅馆,用漆器餐具吃怀石料理,一年一次到Hotel Okura的餐厅讲习西餐礼仪,总之不是普通的哦。
从双语平行语料我们观察到四点(何元建, 2010:214): 1) 白皮书属于敏感类文本,也属于所谓权 威性文本(authoritative texts)。之所以敏感, 原因就是传递了本源概念。因此,译者极 少有省略、换译以及意译的选择;唯一可 行的策略就是直译,对直译的文字也不加 注释(原因大概是译者无权或者无权威做出 注释)。
5) 本源概念的翻译(何元建,2010) 本源概念(indigenous information)指某一 语言社团在自己的历史、文化、社会和思 维方式发展过程中孕育出的特有概念。它 对于另外一个语言社团是外来的(alien)(何 元建,2010:211)。
从语义与语用的角度,信息不外乎有两种:1) 为源语社团与文化和译语社团与文化所共 享,或称通用信息(shared information);2) 为源语社团与文化所独享,或称本源信息 或概念(何元建,2010:211)。
2)王东风(2000:248-253) 1、文外作注: 直译加注释。 2、文内明示: 直译与意译相结合 3、归化(替换) 4、删除 5、硬译: 按字面照译原文。
3)刘宓庆(2007:248-256) 翻译中文化信息的表现手段:图像(图表)、模仿 (直译)、替代、阐释和淡化(decoloration)。
1)白皮书 从已经完成的数据库中,抽出150处政治、 政策、意识形态概念。其中有一处省略:“加 强宣传力度”(无译文) , 有一处意译:“三座 大山”(imperialism,feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism) ,余下148 处都是直译 (没有一处有注释)。 2)《围城》 从已经完成的数据库中,抽出89处汉文化本 源概念(划线部分)。有42处直译(无注释), 33处意译,14处换译,没有省略。
四川师范大学文理学院本科毕业论文Translation of Chinese Culture-loaded Words 中国文化负载词的翻译作者:郑秋红院系:文理学院外语系年级: 2006级专业班级:英语(师范)2班学号: 6411106232指导教师:刘慧玲答辩日期: 4月24日中国文化负载词的翻译学生:郑秋红指导教师:刘慧玲摘要:中国文化负载词是表达中国文化中的特有事物,当中国的文化传出中国走向世界的时候,这些文化负载词又是怎样不失原味的被翻译成外语,被外国人所接受的呢? 本文从中式英语、中国特色词汇和中国文化负载词的对比分析入手,尝试探讨中国文化负载词的特点,分析文化负载词英译中出现的各种问题及其成因。
关键词:中国文化负载词;文化差异;翻译Translation of Chinese Culture-loaded Words Abstract: Each language contains elements which are derived from its culture, such as idioms, proverbs, and other fixed expressions. Translation is not only an Interlingua transfer,but also a cross-cultural communication. Chinese culture-loaded words are becomingincreasingly important in the study of China English. Chinese culture-loaded wordsrefer to the uniqueness of Chinese items, and of course, contain the connotation ofChinese culture. With the wide spread of Chinese culture to the world, how can they beunderstood and accepted by foreigners accurately in translation? The paper, by giving agood number of examples, introduces some methods of translating Chineseculture-loaded words, including transliteration, literal translation, and free translationand so on. These methods help to understand how Chinese culture-loaded words aretransformed into and used in English.Key words: Chinese culture-loaded words; culture differences; translationContentsIntroduction (1)Part ⅠThe relation between Chinese Culture and Chinese Culture-loaded word (2)1.1Culture-loaded word, China English and Chinglish (2)1.2 The characteristics of Chinese Culture-loaded words (3)1.3 The influence of Chinese culture on Chinese Culture-loaded words (4)Part ⅡThe translation difficulties of Chinese culture-loaded word (7)2.1 The lexical gap which caused by traditional history culture (7)2.2 The lexical gap caused by the Regional cultural differences (8)2.3 The lexical gap caused by the differences of customs and cultures (8)Part ⅢTranslation methods of Chinese Culture-loaded words (10)3.1 Hypo taxis and Parataxis (10)3.2 Translation methods in culture-loaded words (11)3.2.1 Transliteration plus free translation (11)3.2.2 Literal Translation plus free translation (12)3.2.3 Interpretation in culture-loaded words (13)Conclusion (15)Bibliography (16)IntroductionToday, English is undeniably becoming a more widely used international language, and it is the interaction tool between countries. Along with the accelerated process of global integration, China’s foreign deepening of reform and opening up and China’s further economic development, a large number of new terms appeared in modern Chinese, including the old words with new meaning, buzzwords, new alien words and expressions, etc.; even many old words that have been annihilated for many years frequently appears. Words with Chinese characteristics are part of the culture-loaded words. Therefore the research of words with Chinese characteristics will gradually become an important discussion of the subject on China’s English teaching and the research community. Cultural-loaded words, as a series of symbols for communication, are the carriers of national culture. They not only open up the unique characteristics of a nation, but also bring difficulties and confusion to English learners Mr.SunZhili said, “It is the meaning of the culture that makes the translation the most difficult rather than the language itself.” Mr.WangZuoliang has also said, “The most difficulty of translation is the difference of two different cul tures.” Mr.LiuShouhua thinks, “People with different culture have different view to the real world, therefore making their own language demonstrate uniqueness and nationality in its development.”Cultural terms have different names, such as culture-loaded words, cultural vacancies words, vocabulary vacancies. This paper prepares to discuss the translation of Chinese culturally-loaded words in the following aspects: the characteristics of Chinese culturally-loaded words and the reason why it come into being, and will also introduce some of the translation methods of the Chinese culturally-loaded words.Part ⅠThe relation between Chinese Culture and ChineseCulture-loaded word1.1Culture-loaded word, China English and ChinglishSince China is a country with a long history of more than 5000 years, during which it has cultivated and accumulated a broad and profound culture. Chinese culture-loaded words refer to the uniqueness of Chinese items, and of course, contain the connotation of Chinese culture, such as “Baxianguohai”in the “Eight Immortals”Who was this guy?Which, “Liu Qin”? There is a saying called “seven things” (seven daily needs of household), which “7”?“柴米油盐酱醋茶”(fuel, rice, oil, soy sauce, vinegar and tea) somehow is highlighted. As for the “三教九流”can be translated into people of all sorts, people of different social origins and backgrounds and so on English words with Chinese culture can be regarded as China English, which is almost the same with culture-loaded words. While China English is absolutely different from Chinglish. It is necessary to make it clear what are China English and Chinglish. China English, mainly used as an international language in China, with Chinese unique borrowings, or phrases, contributes much to the international communication. In contrast, Chinglish refers to the English usually created by inferior Chinese English learners, who translate English into their own words so arbitrarily, that the interpretation fails to accord with grammar rules or custom usages, thus being regarded as an unaccepted form of English.The distinctions between China English and Chinglish lie in three aspects. First, grammatical or spelling mistakes are inevitably found in Chinglish while China English complies with English practical norms strictly. For example, “Open the door see mountain” is a typical Chinglish term, which means explaining one object in very clear words directly before any specific information is given. In the sense of grammar, the phrase is poor. Both “open” and “see” are verbs. They shouldn’t be put together without a conjunction. On the contrary, China English is always accurate, concise polished and hit the nails on the head. Take “one country, two systems” as an example. It refers that two diverse political systems coexist in one unified country. With respect to grammar, this term is correct to the core. Besides, it is brief; yet, well-polished, conveying a sophisticated idea with concise words. Thus, correctness differentiates Chinglish and China English. Furthermore, people’s attitudes towards these two languages also set them apart from each other. China English is considered as an accepted new form of English, contributing to enriching original language whileChinglish causes barriers and misunderstandings in communication. China English is gaining increasing importance in multinational communication, for the sake of better understanding about Chinese unique policy. Nevertheless, Chinglish is suffering a stead decline, for its negative influences.Actually, that the English language is originally the language of English people. Other peoples who use English should follow the idiomatic and conventional ways of the English people. However, each nation has its specific culture. As in China, there must be special Chinese culture and way of life to be expressed in English, that is, China English is to express Chinese phenomena and ideas.As for China, be it old or new words, it has many things with Chinese characteristics that need to be expressed when they are translated in English. To support this idea, we can cites some examples as follows: Hanlingyua n(翰林院),Imperial examination(科举), May Fourth Movement(五四运动),Xiucai(秀才),Eight-legged essay(八股文),Baihuawen(白话文),Two hundred policies(双百方针), Ideological remolding(思想改造),Four modernization(四个现代化),and so on. All these English versions with Chinese characteristics are correct English and should belong to China English.1.2 The characteristics of Chinese Culture-loaded wordsCulture-loaded words are mainly an international variety. We take Chinese borrowings for instance. From seventeenth to twentieth century, many Chinese borrowings directly entered English through transliteration such as tea (茶), kowtow(叩头), yamen(衙门), Great Leap Forward (大跃进), Great Cultural Revolution (文化大革命), Gang of Four (四人帮), Four Modernizations (四个现代化). All these English versions of course belong to China English no matter where they are used. As is well known, the relation between language and thought is of dialectical unity. Language development can promote that of thought, and vice versa. An accomplished language acquisition marks the formation of a certain thinking mode. One’s English inevitably has Chinese features once he or she has acquired Chinese and formed the way of Chinese thinking.Accordingly, the Chinese features of China English are unavoidably caused by the intrinsic thinking model specific to Chinese people and culture. What are the characteristics of culture-loaded words?Firstly, Culture-loaded words do not exist without Chinese interference. When one’s English proficiency is improved, one’s Chinese interference may be less, but it can neverdisappear completely. This is even so for an expert in English. So long as one has Chinese as one’s native language and thinks in Chinese way, one’s English is definitely characteristic of Chinese flavors. The fourth is on the scope of the features of China English, that is, whether China English has the features at the level of phonology.Secondly, in the process of English language learning, it has been realized that there are sometimes no equivalence between English and Chinese culture-loaded. There exist big differences in the connotation of diverse words, due to unparallel historical and cultural developments of the two languages. By tracing the distinctive cultural elements reflected by certain words, learners are able to thoroughly understand the language itself and the disparity between the Chinese and western cultures, which is definitely conductive to the master of English.Language is closely related to the development of culture, while the various elements of vocabulary in the language can best reflect the material aspects of the culture, and therefore it is greatly influenced by the I culture. By studying a culture of a nation can learn its values and way of thinking, customs, way of life and traditional customs, religious beliefs, etc.(XuJun, 2001)It is better to give some examples to illustrate the characteristics of the culture-loaded words. The mascots “Fuwa” of the Olympic Games in 2008 is a cultu re-loaded word. The English translation of “Fuwa” ---“friendliness” has aroused controversy since its birth. The first, “friendliness” are suspected of having something wrong w ith its spelling; because as an adjective “friendly” means: “affable, friendly, environmentally.” Used as a noun it means “friendly competition”. As in this plural form, it must be used as noun, but its meaning is not proper. The second, “friendliness” is hard to display Chinese characteristics and reflect the distinctive Chinese language and culture.The mascots of each Olympic Games are required to have a wide range of cultural content, which can reflect the national characteristics of the host country.1.3 The influence of Chinese culture on Chinese Culture-loaded wordsLanguage is a long history of development in the form, the language is the carrier of culture, and culture is the language of the soil. For this the true meaning of culture and cultural groups, it is all too familiar for something, but for different cultural groups, it is very strange. Different cultures create different language groups, so that when different language groups in the process of mutual exchange term vacancies on the rise, that can not be within the scope of non-native languages to find to express the meaning of the correspondingvocabulary, these cultural differences, mainly manifested in the belief, art, ethics, law, Customs, as well as the rest of the community learned abilities and habits.From a certain prospective, it covers all special things. Obviously, there’re many things with Chinese characteristics that haven’t been described in English, not to mention the new things that constantly spring up in recent years. For example, in the aspect of food, there are new different kinds of vegetables and fruits which need to be further discussed. At present, the comparatively practical method is to use Chinese spelling and add notes, most of which have been the Chinese loans in English. For example, lychee, litch(荔枝), baozi, jiaozi, tofu, mantou, tangyuan, etc have been the popular Chinese loans in English. Foreigners can totally understand what they are referring to, for they have accepted the China English version. However, many Chinese specific words cannot be translated in proper English, which is used among the native English speakers, such as “汤圆、馄饨、刀削面”etc, they cannot be replaced by dumplings. That’s because there is no correspondent thing in western countries. Accordingly, few Chinese loans share the same meaning with English words. Therefore, the Chinese loans get involved in English in a completely new meaning.V ocabulary is the accumulation of cultural information, the nation’s cultural values and values at all levels of culture are reflected in the vocabulary of their own systems, which form a kind of cultural words with cultural connotations. As with the load of a special connotation of the national culture, cultural terms is often posed as difficulties in the translation of The original existence of the cultural lexical gap shows that translation is not only just a language activity, but also a kind of cultural activities. Therefore, the translator is required not only a bilingual abilities, but also a double-cultural competence. If he can not see the original cultural lexical gap, he will impose his own understanding of the translation to the reader.For example, in an English article, whose author talked about his favorite saying when he was a teacher: Being a teacher is being present at the creation, when the clay begins to breathe? The translation is: “当一名教师意味着创造,使泥土开始呼吸” it is no doubt that very few Chinese readers can understand this meaning. However, the sentence implied in the cultural lexical gap of the Western reader is very clear: According to the “Bible”, which say that humans were made by God with the earth, when the God endowed life to the clay, this clay is completed by the creative process, becoming a living creature. Here the author compared the work of teachers to the God’s work, suggesting that teachers help students to become a flesh and blood person with a soul, so that students have a real life.Cross-cultural communicative and even become an obstacle to information transmission. In next chapter, I will discuss the difficulties in culturally-loaded words translation.Translation is not only the conversion between languages, but also the communicationbetween cultures. Translation language and culture are closely linked. Because language is an integral part of culture, it is also the symbols of culture, its using ways and expressing content still possess a certain cultural connotation. In the process of creating works, the original author’s intended readers generally do not include foreign readers, particularly does not include those with different language and culture. Therefore, the cultural background knowledge which is easy to understand for the original mother tongue speakers in communication is possible not understood or missed the meaning by the people from other culture.Part ⅡThe translation difficulties of Chinese culture-loadedword2.1 The lexical gap which caused by traditional history cultureChina is an ancient oriental civilization with a long history, its traditional culture and thought of a natural reaction to the language. While tradition is deeply rooted in people's minds, like the “dragon” character, in the Chinese culture, the “dragon” is a legend of the miraculous character of animals, and the phoenix, the unicorn, turtle collectively known as the “four spirits”. In addition to the word meaning, it can also be regarded as a symbol of the Chinese nation, forming a kind of totem of the Chinese culture, and now that Chinese people as “Descendants of the Dragon”, is indicative of the great. Later emperors sat on the “dragon” were regarded as a symbol of authority, such as sitting on the throne, wearing gown and robe, sleeping dragon bed and so on. However, in Western countries, “Dragon” (dragon) is a danger thing, because in English history from the Beowulf times, the dragon is a symbol of evil, dangerous and is a monster spit fire injuries. This is the accumulated result of the traditional people’s different interpretations of the same thing; its further development will result in a lexical gap. What’s more, “Mid-Autumn Festival”Mid-Autumn Day; “Splash”Water-Splashing Day, etc, which are the Chinese traditional festival, are excellent cultural accumulations that has a long history of heritage treasures, these traditional cultural festival is now not only exclusive to the Chinese people, but also a number of foreigners like the Chinese culture. While Europe and the United States is a Christian faith, so there are a lot of words, including their festivals with the “Bible” and Christian related.If a covenant of salt (not betray the Covenant), as poor as a church mouse (utterly destitute); than the Han culture, an important part and is inseparable from Buddhism and Taoism, such as: Oliver bounds repent and are saved, Buddhism boundless. Then there are some, such as “martial arts”wu shu, “kung fu”kung fu, “Niu Yangge”yang ko, the characteristics of these folk cultures in China has not yet opened to the outside world, which is unheard of for a Westerner, and these reflect The vocabulary of the vacancy caused by two different history and culture.2.2 The lexical gap caused by the Regional cultural differencesRegional cultural differences refer to a nation’s geographical location, natural conditions and ecological environment formed by various cultural differences. Language generations and people’s working and living environment greatly related to the culturally-loaded words. The large number of English idioms, allusions, slangs, sayings, maxims and proverbs are with a thick Chinese name, ethnic and geographical characteristics. Han Chinese living in the Asian continent, the people’s life is inseparable from land. The UK is an island nation; the maritime industry has been very well developed. The difference appeared in Chinese culture, a lot of vocabulary are land-related, while in the English vocabulary in many of which are related with the sea; for example, Chinese with “土崩瓦解” to describe the total collapse and can not be collected, while the English version “get into hot water”, describing a difficult position. “烂醉如泥” English with “drunk as a sailor”, here they use sailor to replace “mud”. It may wondered why they use “sailor” instead of “mud”, that’s because the regional culture differences. In English native speakers, they could not use “mud” to describe a person, while in Chinese people’s eyes, they usually use some others words to make the phrase more active, actually these words as “mud” are often without any relation with the phrase itself.In addition, the geographical differences in turn affected by changes in the weather will affect agriculture and animal husbandry;Humid and rainy mountains northwest of the British Isles, followed by an moist type, suitable for the growth of mushrooms in the woods, while China is located in Southeast Asia, the difference between them is quite large, so the Chinese language is used to prompt a large number of new things compared to emerged phrase. For instance: “雨后春笋” was translated into English when the spring up like mushrooms or to mushroom up.Springing up like mushroom refers to after the rain of spring, bamboo shoots turn out suddenly, which means a lot of new things are emerging constantly. England could n ot produce “shoot”, “bamboo” is a foreign language, therefore, use “mushroom” is more acceptable for the recipient, but also convey the same meaning. What need to mention is that the emotional color and pragmatic effect are not entirely right, bamboo shoots give vibrant sense, which is compliment, “mushrooms”, with a short growing season, turn out and disappear rapidly, is neutral.2.3 The lexical gap caused by the differences of customs and culturesThe difference between English and Chinese customs, reflected in many aspects, such as diet, marriage, solar terms, the preference of color, family relations, etc. These differences between languages often make a relatively lexical gap. For example, in China, people like the red to decorate and the auspicious red represents good luck and new love in marriage when they are wearing red clothes; while in Western countries,they think that the red represents the violence and bloody, the new people in the wedding use white to represent their love, but in China, white has often been regarded as unfortunate thing .Therefore, the auspicious day in Chinese is a white day which the English people couldn’t not understand. The attitude in the treatment of animals, dogs are one of the British national favorite pets, they think the dog is very loyal. The dog in the Chinese culture is a kind of humble animal, it is considered a “humble” a synonym. Therefore, most of the dog-related derogatory terms such as: “狗胆包天” ,monstrous audacity“狗仗人势” ,a cock is bold on his own dunghill ,use the influence of sb. in bullying others, be a bully with the backing of a powerful person , be a bully under the protection of a powerful person “狗腿子”,henchman; lackey; hired thug“狗头军师” ,a person who offers bad advice , a person who offers bad advice; inept adviser“狗急跳墙” ,a cornered beast will do something desperate, even a worm will turn , do something desperate; but in English, there is no pejorative term on the majority of phrases concerned with dog, such as: be top dog “living high” ; “lucky” a lucky dog. Again, the Chinese women in ancient times should take three inch golden lotus (“三寸金莲”translated in literal meaning) for beauty, so there is woman “bound feet”: A vile feudal practice which crippled women both physically and spiritually and the “child bride” child wife: girl rose from childhood to be wife of son of family. There are some words that reflect China’s living habits, such as “kang”: a heat able brick bed and so on. All these can be seen as a result of cultural differences, customs lexical gap.The whole chapter demonstrates some of the reasons that cause our culturally-loaded words: they are traditional history culture, regional cultural differences and the custom differences. These differences will absolutely make our translation more difficult. For example, when we translate “三寸金莲”,we can not use the literal translation”three inch golden lotus” which will confuse the foreigners, they cannot understand what it refers to and don’t know it’s deep meaning. Therefore we must pay more attention to these cultural differences when we do the translation. The translation methods of the culture-loaded words must be chosen according to certain circumstancesPart ⅢTranslation methods of Chinese Culture-loaded words 3.1 Hypo taxis and ParataxisHypo taxis and Parataxis are the basic difference between English and Chinese language. . Hypo taxis is the meaning of the dependent or subordinate relationship of clauses with connectives (Christiane, Nord.1988:128), while, the concept of parataxis means that the juxtaposition of clauses or phrases without the use of coordinating or subordinating conjunctions.Hypo taxis reflect the thought pattern that westerners attach more importance on logic and empirical, while parataxis reflect that Chinese emphasize on introspection and simple way of expressing, they don’t emphasis the logic, with a ambiguous meaning mode of thinking. With an appropriate understanding of hypo taxis and parataxis is beneficial to the translation of English and Chinese. The translator should be carefully to figure out the differences of the source language and target language, both should not only loyal to the original work, but also think of the feeling of the reader, so that letting the translation be as close as possible with the original article. Mr. Flake once said the excellent words:” the ideal translation of the works of foreign authors usually gives readers feel as if they are writing in Chinese.”The main difference in sentence structure between English and Chinese is that English is a language of Hypo taxis while Chinese is a language of parataxis. Therefore, English words or sentences are well knitted, and Chinese ones are terse and lucid. Some shortened sentence forms are adopted in Chinese so as to make words or sentences concise. Consequently, this features of Chinese sentence translation is reflected in China English consisting of many short sentences forms, the following translation examples can well illustrate this point:(1) Life is above and service is first. “生命至上,服务第一”(2) Safety is first and prevention is most. “安全第一,预防为主”(3) The higher authorities have polices and the localities have their counter-measures. “上有政策,下有对策”(4)Ten thousand years are too long, seize the day, and seize the hour. “一万年太久,只争朝夕”(李文中, 1993:53) These examples fully demonstrate the characteristics of Chinese, whose translation is not rigidly adhere to the original sentences, instead, it uses short, colloquial Chinese language words and sentences to make it read natural and active.Here is another example:“原文:有一个老村子叫格兰骞斯德,有一个果子园,你可以躺在累累的桃李树荫下吃茶,花果会掉入你的茶杯,小雀子会到你桌上来啄食,那真是别有一番天地.”English version:There is an old village called Grant Chester, and an orchard where you can lie under clustering fruit-trees, sipping tea, as flowers or fruit hang down into your teacup, and little sparrows come to your table to feed – truly a paradise on earth.The Original article is taken from Xu’s essay, “I know Cambridge,” the article writes with delicate strokes, refreshing style which is easy to read and feel quite cordial. The picture depicted in the text is just like a group of Cambridge landscape, from far to near, and then from near to far. The whole sentence is not connected with a word, the subject to clause changing every time, but there is no offensive feeling. However, when they were translated in English, the original meaning must be skillfully and reasonable weaving in the “form” with proper English syntax. The most important thing is to identify a verb as the main axis of the structure. Here the translation use the str ucture of “There is ... “as the main line,“Where you can lie under clustering fruit-trees” as attributive clause of “an orchard” , “as flowers or fruit hang down into your teacup, and little sparrows come to your table to feed” as the adverbial of “you ca n lie under clustering fruit-trees, sipping tea “of , with a dash leads to” truly a paradise on earth “as conclusive and further describe. The translation make s full use of the English translation Hypo taxis features, which make the text read with a sense emotion and fluently, almost like the original style.All these English translation versions mentioned above are close to the structure and style of the original Chinese, and every phrase conforms to English syntax. A series of the symmetric short forms reflect the features of Chinese sentence structure3.2 Translation methods in culture-loaded words3.2.1 Transliteration plus free translationFrom an information-theoretical point of view, transliteration is a mapping from one system of writing into another, word by word, or ideally letter by letter. Transliteration attempts to use a one-to-one correspondence and be exact, so that an informed reader should be able to reconstruct the original spelling of transliterated words. To achieve this objective, transliteration may define complex conventions for dealing with letters in a source script which do not correspond with letters in a goal script.Also, transliteration should not be confused with translation, which involves a change in language while preserving meaning. Transliteration performs a mapping from one alphabet into another.。
在中国文化中,东风一般指暖风,通常象征春天和温暖,与西方的“west wind”的意义更接近,而不能译为“cast wind”。
1. 介绍功能对等理论及其在电影字幕翻译中的应用功能对等理论,由美国翻译理论家尤金A奈达(Eugene A. Nida)提出,是翻译领域的重要理论之一。
从目的论视角看《阿Q正传》中文化负载词的翻译发表时间:2019-08-08T15:21:57.233Z 来源:《知识-力量》2019年9月35期作者:王社国[导读] 作为鲁迅的代表作之一,《阿Q正传》中负载着深厚的中华文化内涵,其中诸多文的化负载词成为其英译的一大难点。
(重庆第二师范学院,重庆 400065)摘要:作为鲁迅的代表作之一,《阿Q正传》中负载着深厚的中华文化内涵,其中诸多文的化负载词成为其英译的一大难点。
关键词:阿Q正传;文化负载词;目的论三原则;杨宪益;Julia Lovell1.《阿Q正传》的译介目前,《阿Q正传》共有五个译本,译者分别是梁社乾(1926)、王际真(1941)、杨宪益(1960)、William A.Lyell(1990)和蓝诗玲(Julia Lovell,2009)。
在杨为主、戴为辅的分工下完成的单行本The True Story of Ah Q于1953年出版,为众多国人所熟知。
蓝诗玲是英国的新生代翻译家、汉学家,伦敦大学现当代中国文学教授,其《迅小说全集》由企鹅出版社(Penguin Group)于2009年出版发行。
四、文化负载词的翻译方法1. 直译法直译法即将文化负载词按照字面意思进行翻译。
例如,在电影《姜子牙》中,“巫妖大战”一词直接翻译为“Witch Demon Battle”,保留了原文的文化特色。
2. 音译法音译法指通过音译的方式将文化负载词翻译成目标语言的对应词汇。
例如,在电影中出现的“波及全国”一词被翻译为“affecting the whole country”,将原文中的音译词再次进行了翻译。
3. 释义法释义法即根据文化背景和语境,对文化负载词进行解释。
例如,在电影中出现的“妖神泪”一词,字面上难以理解,字幕将其翻译为“Tears of the Demon God”,通过释义的方式使得观众能够理解其含义。
4. 替换法替换法指根据文化差异,将文化负载词进行替换。
例如,在电影中出现的“妖气”一词,字幕将其翻译为“demonic energy”,替换成了与观众更为熟悉的词汇。
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• 干草堆里找针(大海捞针)
• A stick-and-carrot policy
• 大棒加胡萝卜政策 • John is her office Romeo • 约翰是他办公室里的罗密欧式的痴情男子。 • Never offer to teach fish to swim.(谚语) • 不要教鱼儿游泳(不要班门弄斧)
1. Foreignizing Translation (异化) 2. Domesticating Translation (归化) 3. Three Don’ts in Translating English Idioms
4. Proper Use of Chinese Idioms, proverbs and sayings in Translation(翻译中正确使用汉语习语)
• 黄译:对我来说,过惯了那种成天挨骂,吃力 不讨好的日子后,这光景就好比是平静的乐园 • 宋译:我一向过惯了老是挨骂和费力不讨好的 日子,眼前的这种情况,对我来说,本该是个 宁静的天堂了。
• 肓人国里,独眼人称王/蜀中无大将,廖化充先 锋 /山中无老虎,猴子称霸王
• Achilles’s heel
• (来自希腊神话)阿基利斯致命的脚后跟; 致命的弱点
• As gay (cheerful) as a lark
• 像云雀一样快活(兴高采烈)
• Sour grape
• 酸葡萄 (来自《伊索寓言》)把得不到的东 西说成是不好的,聊以自慰
• 前后颠倒,本末倒置
• kick the bucket 翘辫子,死
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
have something at one’s fingers’ ends 胸有成竹,对某事了如指掌 Kill the goose that lays the golden eggs 毁掉摇钱树,杀鸡取卵 Neither fish nor fowl 不伦不类,非驴非马 talk horse 吹牛,说大话 As dumb as an oyster 守口如瓶,沉默不语 as timid as a rabbit 胆小如鼠 leave no stone unturned. 想方设法,千方百计
• 黄译:尽管他蛮横地与母亲作对,经常撕 毁她的丝绸衣服,却依然是“她的宝贝蛋” • 宋译:对她的话全然不听,不止一次撕破 和弄坏她的绸衣服,可他仍然是她的“心肝 宝贝”。
• (2) Mrs. Reed soon rallied her spirits; she shook me most soundly, she boxed both my ears, and then left me without a word. (P23)
Teaching requirements (教学要求)
1. Students can apply the translation methods about idioms. 2. Students can express correctly in Chinese and English.
Teaching methods (教学方法)
• 黄译:她的美貌,红润的面红的双颊和金色的卷发 ,似乎让每个见了她的人都有喜欢,都能因此 原谅她的每一个缺点。
• (2) This state of things should have been to me a paradise of peace, accustomed as I was to a life of ceaseless reprimand and thankless fagging;
• 1. 《红楼梦》 • 2. 《简· 爱》
《红楼梦》 The Story of the Stone Dream of the Red Mansion
• 1. 盛宴必散(《红楼梦第13回》) • Yang’s version: Even the grandest feast must have an end. • Hawkes’ version: Even the best party must have an end.
5. Translation Practice.
1. Foreignizing Translation (异化法)
• Foreigninzing: retaining the cultural flavors of the source language and enables the reader to have an alien reading experience, and developing the reader’s awareness of cultural differences in the target language.
• 3. 那薛老大也是“吃着碗里看着锅里的。(第16 回) • Yang’s version: Hxed Pan is another of those greedyguts who keep “One eye on the bowl and the other on the pan”. • Hawkes’ version: You know what cousin Xue is like: always “one eye on the dish and the other on the saucepan”. • 4. 寻春问腊到蓬莱 (第50回) • Yang’s version: He goes to the Fairy Isles in search of spring, asking a boon. (仙人岛) • Hawkes’ version: In quest of spring I sped to Elysium (极乐世界,至福之境)
• 黄译:爱小姐?你不必费心来回答了 ---- 到知道 你难得一笑。可是你可以笑得很欢。 • 宋译:爱小姐?你不必费神来回答了 ---- 我看得 出你很少笑。但是你能笑得很开心。
• (4) Mrs. Reed was blind and deaf on the subject: she never saw him strike or heard him abuse me.
• Who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl.
• (染于苍则苍,染于黄则黄)(近朱者赤,近墨者黑)
2. Domesticating translation
• Domesticating translation minimizes the foreigness of the source-language text by changing the alien elements into what is familiar to the target-language reader. It seems has been dominant in China. E.g. • As stupid as a goose 蠢得像猪 • put the cart before the horse
• 黄译:里德夫人则装聋作哑, 儿子打我 骂我,她熟视无睹。 • 宋译:里德太太对此则完全装聋作哑, 她从来看不见他打我,也从来听不见 他骂我。
• (1) Her beauty, her pink cheeks, and golden curls, seemed to give delight to all who looked at her, and to purchase indemnity for every fault. P9
• armed to the teeth • 武装到牙齿/全副武装
• Crocodile tears
鳄鱼的眼泪/猫哭老鼠 • Beauty lies in the lover’s eyes • 情人眼里出美人/西施
• In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is King.
1. Students and teacher cooperatively accomplish the translation task. 2. Peer work, group work is required in discussion and practice.
C o n t e n t s
• 例如: teach a pig to play on a flute • 教猪吹笛(对牛弹琴/做荒唐或不可能的事) • A dark horse 黑马 • a black sheep 害群之马
• can the leopard change his spots?
• 花豹岂能改变身上的花斑 (本性难移)
5. 四字词、成语、谚语等翻译运用
• Jane Eyre
Two Chinese versions by 黄源深 宋兆霖
Idiom: 习语 成语:set phrase, idiom, allusions, phrase
俗语:sayings; 谚语:proverb 俚语:slang
• 1.特殊句子表现译本的不同 • (1) Bluntly disregarded her wishes, not infrequently tore and spoiled her silk attire; and he was still: “her own darling.”
4. Three Don’ts in Translating English Idioms 译中的“三不要”)
• (1) Don’t take idioms too literally (不要望文生义
• (2) 不要混淆习语的不同含义 • (3) 不要把英语习语译成具有鲜明文化特色或浓 厚地方色彩的汉语习语。