学术英语理工类教师用书 细则
学术英语(第二版)医学教师用书Unit 7

UNIT 7 Doctor-patient Relationship Teaching ObjectivesAfter learning Unit 7, Ss are expected to accomplish the following objectives:Professio nal knowledg eTo have deep insights into the shift from paternalistic paradigmtopatient-centered paradigm in medical decision-makingTo be aware of the importance of a good doctor-patientrelationship in both the medical practice and thepatient’s recoveryTo have a clear understanding of what counts in maintaininganamicable doctor-patient relationshipTo learn how to communicate properly and effectively with the patientTo be well acquainted with such concepts as paternalistic approach and patient-centered or autonomous approach to medical decision-makingTo know how to shift from a paternalistic decision-making process to a patient-centered oneReading To understand the patient’s attitude toward patientempowerment/ autonomy and its role in doctor-patient relationshipTo be aware of the power of words when communicating withtheTeaching Activities and ResourcesPart 1 ReadingText ALead-inSuggested teaching plan1. Doctor-patient relationship is among the most controversial focuses and mostwidely talked about in medical and healthcare communities. It is a determinant factor of quality care. On the part of language, words are sometimes value-laden and possess magic power. The same relationship can be differently connoted by using different terms. Before starting the class, it is advisable to know the implications of these terms: doctor, physician, medical practitioner, provider and patient, client, customer.Doctor: referring to a “teacher ” to show, to teach, or to appear right, and carryinga connotation of being seemly fitting and decentPhysician: denoting a practitioner of the art of healingMedical practitioner: a technique term without much connotationProvider: a generic term more or less related to businessPatient: indicating a suffering or sick person under medical treatmentClient: referring to a person who is willing to pay for goods or servicesCustomer: denoting one who buys goods or servicesAwareness of the subtleties as incurred by the use of the different terms to indicate the doctor-patient relationship will contribute to a better understanding of the characteristics of an amicable and ideal doctor-patient relationship.2. Lead Ss to do Task / Lead-in .1) Ask Ss to think of at least three different situations where doctors may beasked to make “tough decisions ” for their patient s.Decide whether life-support system should be continued or withdrawn.Decide whether euthanasia should be taken into consideration.Decide whether a new therapy should be tried.Decide whether surgery should be the first choice or the last resort.Decide whether transfer or referral is needed.2) Have a quick check and a short discussion on what Ss have come up with.3. Make a summary on the discussion and introduce the topic of Text A.Text ComprehensionSuggested teaching plan1. Launch the topic of the text as a continuum of Lead-in.2. Analyze the text and lead Ss to discuss, integrating Task 2 / Critical readingand thinking / Text A into analysis and discussion. The presentation topics should be assigned to individual Ss for preparation at least one week in advance.Ask other Ss to preview the text with the guidance of the presentation topics.3. Lead Ss to do Task 2 / Language building-up / Text A after a discussion of thetext.4. When analyzing the text, ask Ss to pay special attention to the sentences listed inLanguage focus below.5. If time allows, ask Ss to do Task 1 / Critical reading and thinking / Text A inabout five minutes. Check out the task by asking one or two Ss to read their answers. This is done to get an overview about the text.Language focus1. He was large and powerfully built…miraculously shrinking down to theireye level whenever he spoke with them. (P164, Para. 1)句子运用了对比的手法(large and powerfully built / shrink down to their eye level),有利于加强文章的艺术效果和感染力。
2013-2014-1英语专业 教材征订

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李婷 李婷 李婷 王华 王华 周晓娟 周晓娟 教师用书
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原版经贸 书籍阅读 (一)
自修 课程
A 高级英语 (一) A
《高级英语》(第三版)1修 订本
978-7-5135-08802011.7 3
《高级英语》(第三版)1教 师用书
课 程 情
选 用 教 出版社 材 情
学年学期:2013—2014 学年第 一 学期
况 书号 出版日 期 单价 59.9 45.9 审 教材 课程负 类别 责人签 [*3] 字 B B 鞠丽 鞠丽 核 系(教 研室) 主任审 备注
况 课程 是否 学生 教师 序号 专业班级 课程名称 类别 主干 教材名称(版次) 人数 数量 [*1] 课程 英语1201《现代大学英语精读(3)》 3 A * 1203 第二版(学生用书) 综合英语 1 (三) 英语1201《现代大学英语精读(3)》 3 A * 1203 第二版(教师用书) 英语12011203 2 英语12011203 英语12011203 3 英语12011203 英语12011203 4 英语12011203 5 6 英语12011203 英语12011203 英语12011203 3 3 3 3 3 翻译理论 与实践 (一) 翻译理论 与实践 (一) 英语写作 (二) 报刊文章 选读 英语口语 训练 (三) 3
谭宗燕 胡丽娟 周晓娟 周晓娟 周晓娟 王海洁 王海洁 王海洁 王海洁

your operating system and applications; – Make sure your password is complex; – Consider getting a hardware firewall and
Sustainable Development of Chinese Big Cities from the Biological Perspective
第六页,编辑于星期五:十二点 三十二分。
Unit 1 Choosing a Topic
1 Deciding on a topic
Topics Global Warming Cancer
new virus definitions available;
– Back up your data.
第十四页,编辑于星期五:十二点 三十二分。
Unit 1 Choosing a Topic
1 Deciding on a topic
Enhancing your academic language
limiting the flow of data to and from the Internet to only the few select ports you
actually need;
– Make sure your anti-virus software is up-to-
date and check frequently to see if there are
7 start with a pretty straightforward (直截了当) question

Unit 7 MathematicsI Teaching ObjectivesAfter learning Unit 7, students (Ss) are expected to develop the following academic skills and knowledge:II Teaching Activities and ResourcesReadingText ALead-inTeaching StepsPut Ss into pairs and ask them to do the task in Lead-in. Then choose several Ss to share their answers with the whole class.Answer Keys (Suggested Answers)•Analyzing statistics collected from questionnaires•Conducting experiments and analyzing the data•Purchasing financial productsText AnalysisTeaching Steps1.OverviewLet Ss preview Text A before class. An alternative plan is to allocate some time for Ss to read Text A quickly in class. Then invite several Ss to summarize the main idea.2.In-Depth Analysis1)Show Ss the following words and invite them to share their ownunderstandings with the class. Provide additional information in Supplementary Information when necessary.•Fibonacci sequence•decimal place•Stephen Baker and The Numerati•Acronym and Initialism2)Explain some important language points in Language Support to Ss.3)Discuss with Ss the nature and predictive function of mathematics in theauthor’s eyes by doing Task 1 in Critical reading and thinking.4)Ask Ss to work in pairs on some of the questions about mathematics bydoing Task 2 in Critical reading and thinking. Call on some Ss to report their answers to the class.Supplementary Information1.Fibonacci sequenceFibonacci sequence is often observed in the geometry of plants such as flowersand fruit with regard to their recurrent structures and forms. For instance, Fibonacci sequence is used to study and indicate the arrangement of leaves, branches, flowers or seeds in plants, highlighting the existence of regular patterns.Fibonacci sequence is also closely related to the Golden Ratio (approximately noted as 1.168), which not only frequently occurs in nature, but is widely used to achieve aesthetic perfection in artworks, such as sculptures and paintings.2.Stephen Baker and The NumeratiStephen Baker is an American journalist, non-fiction author and novelist who often explores themes concerning data and technology. The Numerati is a non-fiction book written by Stephen Baker. In this book, Baker discusses the increasing role that data-mining plays in politics, business, law enforcement, etc. on the basis of interviews with the numerati, which refers to people who are developing and using technologies to analyze and characterize our everyday actions. The book shows that data-mining can be used to predict outcomes and influence human behavior.3.Acronym and InitialismAcronym and Initialism are two types of abbreviation. Acronyms are pronounced as a whole word (e.g. NASA) while Initialisms are pronounced one letter at a time(e.g. FBI). In this text, an example of Acronym is ASCII, and CCTV is a typicalexample of Initialism.Language Support1.What if those strings of numbers are records of the things you’ve bought, placesyou’ve traveled to, websites you’ve visited, parties you’ve voted for?(Para. 3)此处作者为了引起读者注意,营造交互感,使用了偏对话体的文风。
大学学术英语读写教程教师用书上册答案 杨惠中百

大学学术英语读写教程教师用书上册答案杨惠中百1. John: Sorry, Liz. I think I was a bit rude to you. Liz: ________, but don’t do that again! [单选题] *Forget it(正确答案)Go aheadIt dependsWith pleasure2. The quality of education in this small school is better than________in some larger schools [单选题] *that(正确答案)oneItthis3. Only when Lily walked into the office________ that she had left the contract at home. [单选题] *did she realize(正确答案)she realizedshe has realizedhas she realized4. John:Jack, you seem excited. Jack:________? I won the first prize. [单选题] *Guess what(正确答案)So whatWho caresPardon me5. ________in painting, John didn’t notice evening approaching. [单选题] * Absorbed(正确答案)To absorbTo be absorbedAbsorbing6. Jane can’t attend the meeting at 3 o’clock this afternoon because she________at that time. [单选题] *will be teaching(正确答案)will teachwould teachhas taught7. I________have worried before I came to the new school, for my classmates here are very friendly to me. [单选题] *needn’t(正确答案)mightn’tmustn’tcouldn’t8. ________for two days, Steve managed to finish his report on schedule. [单选题] *Having worked(正确答案)To workWorkedTo be working9. Despite the previous rounds of talks, no agreement________so far by the two sides. [单选题] *has been reached(正确答案)will reachwas reachedwill have reached10. Tom had to ________the invitation to the party last weekend because he was too busy. [单选题] *turn down(正确答案)turn inturn overturn to11. If you have any doubts about your health, you’d better ________your doctor at once. [单选题] *consult(正确答案)avoidconvinceaffect12. We need to get to the root of the problem________we can solve it. [单选题] * before(正确答案)whileafteras13. I wish I________at my sister’s wedding last Tuesday, but I was on a business trip in New York then. [单选题] *had been(正确答案)will behave beenwould be14. See, your computer has broken down again! It doesn’t ________sense to buy the cheapest brand of computer just to save a few dollars. [单选题] *make(正确答案)havedisplaybring15. The boss of the company is trying to create an easy atmosphere________his employees enjoy their work. [单选题] *where(正确答案)whichwhenwho16. He was afraid that the branch might bend over and break, and he would be sent________to the ground. [单选题] *crashing(正确答案)throwingrushingdropping17. The generation________makes it difficult for parents to understand their children’s opinions. [单选题] *gap(正确答案)divisionseparationinterval18. If the boy had________the dog alone it wouldn't have bitten him. [单选题] *left(正确答案)sethadput19. We can’t________one to change the habits of a lifetime in a short time. [单选题] * expect(正确答案)hopewait20. Jack is good, kind, hard-working and intelligent.________, I can't speak too highly of him. [单选题] *In a word(正确答案)As a resultBy the wayOn the contrary21. His landlady gave him a week's________to leave the flat. [单选题] *notice(正确答案)threatadvicecaution22. With the change of the economic foundation the entire immense superstructureis________rapidly transformed. [单选题] *more or less(正确答案)anything butat largeany more23. These plastic flowers look so________that many people think they are real. [单选题] *natural(正确答案)beautifulsimilar24. I remember her face but I cannot________where I met her. [单选题] *recall(正确答案)remindremarkregret25. The open university was started in order to help those who ____having a university education when they were young. [单选题] *missed(正确答案)droppedfailedhad26. Experts say walking is one of the best ways for a person to ________healthy. [单选题] *stay(正确答案)preservemaintainreserve27. You won’t find paper cutting difficult ________you keep practicing it. [单选题] * as long as(正确答案)as ifever since28. John: Can’t you stay a little longer? Jack:It’s getting late. I really________go now, My daughter is home alone. [单选题] *must(正确答案)maycandare29. Secretary: Dr. Jackson is not in his office at the moment. John: All right.I________him later. [单选题] *will call(正确答案)have calledcallwill be calling30. If ________for the job, you will be informed soon. [单选题] *accepted(正确答案)to acceptacceptaccepting31. It isn't so much whether he works hard; the question is whether he was_____. [单选题] *at all(正确答案)above allin allafter all32. I truly believe ________beauty conies from within. [单选题] *that(正确答案)whereacceptingaccepted33. If I________it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed it. [单选题] * hadn’t seen(正确答案)didn’t seeweren’t seeingwouldn’t see34. ________we understand things has a lot to do with what we feel. [单选题] * How(正确答案)WhyWhereWhen35. Give me a chance,________I’ll give you a wonderful surprise. [单选题] * and(正确答案)ifwhileor36. John: Ok, I’ll fix your computer right now. Jack: Oh, take your time. ____ [单选题] * I'm in no hurry.(正确答案)I can’t stand it.That’s a great idea.It's not my cup of tea.37. Wind is now the world’s fastest growing________of power. [单选题] *source(正确答案)senseresultroot38. ________ you start eating in a healthier way, weight control will become much easier. [单选题] *Once(正确答案)unlessAlthoughBefore39. Anxiously, she took the dress out of the package and tried it on, only________didn't fit [单选题] *to find(正确答案)foundfindinghaving found40. Clearly and thoughtfully________, the book inspires confidence in students who wish to seek their own answers. [单选题] *written(正确答案)to writebeing writtenwriting41. Life is the like________ocean; Only________strong-willed can reach the other shore. [单选题] *an; the(正确答案)the;athe;//;a42. My parents always________great importance to my getting a good education. [单选题] *attach(正确答案)havepayaccept43. Tom: How long have you been learning English? John: One year. Tom:________! Your English is so good. [单选题] *You can’t be serious(正确答案)You got itI couldn’t agree moreI’m stuck44. We won’t start the work until all the preparations________. [单选题] *have been made(正确答案)are being madewill be madehad been made45. English is a language shared by several diverse cultures, ________uses it differently. [单选题] *each of which(正确答案)all of whichall of themeach of them46. The two countries are going to meet to________some barriers to trade between them. [单选题] *break down(正确答案)make upuse upturn down47. I think________impresses me about his painting is the colors he uses. [单选题] * what(正确答案)thatWhichwho48. ________the morning train, he would not have been late for the meeting. [单选题] * Did he catchShould he catchHas he caughtHad he caught(正确答案)49. ________the school, the village has a clinic, which was also built with government support. [单选题] *In reply toIn addition to(正确答案)In charge ofIn place of。

Accuracy, clarity, and completeness.
1. Critical Reading Critical thinking (asking questions)
学术英语理工类unit-1答案 academicenglish engineering第二版 hecanwen unit,you learnhow askprobing questions criticalthinking; betterunderstanding basicelements researchpapers; particulartopic yourresearch; formulateresearch questions; workingtitle (暂定标题); avoidplagiarism; usecitations; usesources summarizing.choosing criticalreading academicwriting literacyskills unit contents critical thinking (asking questions) understanding textenhancing language ability doing research projects deciding topicformulating research questions writing workingtitle avoiding plagiarism citations quoting summarizing scan textquickly followingquestions howmany sections does researchpaper contain? what whyshould "introduction","methods" othersections? howmany articles researchpapers does authorcite? why? criticalreading how readresearch articles researchpaper? moreformal subjective?why? doyou think learnhow evenwrite research papers? why? criticalreading how readresearch articles read article"research reports technicalwriting" page24-26 question


Reading: Text 11 .Match the words with their definitions.Ig2a 3e4b 5c 6d 7j 8f9h lOi2. Complete the following expressions or sentences by using the target words listed below with the help of the Chinese in brackets ・ Change the form if necessary.3. Read the sentences in the box. Pay attention to the parts in bold•Now complete the paragraph by translating the Chinese in brackets ・ You may refer to the expressions and the sentence patterns listed above ・ranging from (从 ... 至『)arise from some misunderstandings (来自 于对 .. 误解)leaves a lot of problems unsolved (留下很多问题没有得到解决)opens a path for (打开了 通道)requires a different frame of mind (需耍有新的思想)4. Translate the following sentences from Text 1 into Chinese.1) 有些人声称黑客是那些超越知识疆界而不造成危害的好人(或即使造成危害,但并非故 意而为),而“骇客''才是真正的坏人。
2) 这可以指获取计算机系统的存储内容,获得一个系统的处理能力,或捕获系统之间正在 交流的信息。
学术英语理工类Unit1 课后练习答案

(来自于对……误解) of
cloud computing. Although the security of cloud computing ____________________________( leaves a lot of problems unsolved 留下很多问题没有得到解决), it opens a path for (打开了通道) the future development of computers. Hence a better understanding of a new technology requires a different frame of mind (需要有新的思想)_______________________________.
Enhancing your academic language
Match the words with their definitions.
1 —— d 2 —— f 3 —— h 4 —— i 5 —— a
6 —— e 7 —— b 8 —— j
9 —— g 10 —— c
Unit 1 Choosing a Topic
Unit 1 Choosing a Topic
1 Deciding on a topic
Translate the following sentences from Text 1 into Chinese.
1 有些人声称黑客是那些扩宽知识 界限而不造成危害的好人 (或即使造成危害,但并非故意 而为),而“破碎者”才是真正 的坏人。
Unit 1 Choosing a Topic
1 Deciding on a topic
Enhancing your academic language
学术英语(第二版)医学教师用书Unit 8

UNIT 8 Principles of Biomedical EthicsTeaching ObjectivesAfter learning Unit 8, Ss are expected to accomplish the following objectives:To know the boundaries between medical research and practice To have a clear understanding of the moral principles and behavioral guidelines for the biomedical research and medical practice To understand the boundaries drawn between medical research and practice To know three basic ethical principles of research involving human subjects To learn the requirements when basic principles are properly applied in research To be more prepared for a life-or-death decision in medical practice To get more insights into the ethical justification of dilemmas in medical practice To know some building blocks in medical terminologyTo be familiar with expressions used to define key termsTo further develop awareness of formal and informal language To get familiar with the Cornell note-taking system To know the two approaches to medical decisions: traditional paternalistic mode and more recent collaborative modeTo learn how to develop a strong conclusion To know the format requirements of the reference listTo be able to make a reference list according to style requirements To be aware of the balance between medical authority and patients ’ autonomyProfessionalknowledgeReadingAcademic vocabulary anddiscourseViewingSpeakingWritingResearchingTeaching Activities and ResourcesPart 1 ReadingText ALead-inSuggested teaching plan1. To draw Ss’ attention and to raise their awareness of the importance ofbiomedical ethics, T is advised to relate the discussion of this unit to the real-world happenings.Before starting the class,search the media for the latest news reports,either at home or abroad,about controversial events in medicine community or healthcare settings.2. Start the class by doing Task / Lead-in and relate the content of the video clip toyour findings in the pre-class searching.Key to the task2) Death4) Patient rightsScriptWell,advancements in medical science have afforded us the opportunity to live decades longer than in previous generations.For every new possibility offered, we now face an equal number of challenges and we find ourselves confronting decisions that are unprecedented in human history.When does life begin?When should life end? How do we define death when we have the ability to keep people technically alive,or we should say,technologically alive long after their discrete body parts no longer function? Welcome to “Matter and Beyond . ” I’m your host MaryLynn Schiavi.In this program we’re going to explore issues around medical science that are forcing us to define life, death, quality of life, patient rights, and confront the moral and ethical questions that arise when facing critical healthcare decisions.3. Introduce the topic of Text A as a natural continuum of Lead-in .Text Comprehension1. Make good use of Lead-in video clip as it serves as a perfect introduction to thetopic of this unit. Elaborate on the connection of its content with the latest events in the real world. Naturally, ask Ss how medicine differs from other branches of natural science, especially when human subjects are involved in the research. Here are some hints:2. Analyze the text and lead Ss to discuss, integrating Task 2 / Critical reading andthinking / Text A into analysis and discussion. The presentation topics should be assigned to individual Ss for preparation at least one week in advance. Ask other Ss to preview the text with the guidance of presentation topics.3. Integrate Task 2 / Language building-up / Text A when a careful definition ofkey terms is covered.4. When analyzing the text, ask Ss to pay special attention to the sentences listed inLanguage focus below.5. If time allows, ask Ss to do Task 1 / Critical reading and thinking / Text A inabout five minutes. Check out the task by asking one or two Ss to read their answers. This is done to get an overview about the text.Language focus 1. … described in a formal protocol that sets forth an objective … (P185, Para.2)set forth 是动词词组,表示用清晰、具体的方式解释或描述,多用于正式的 书面语中。

山东科技大学《学术英语(1)》研究生期末复习题库2021.12Until 1The answer betrays a lack of understanding that disintegration of a radioactive atom involves the creation of a new nucleus.The answer reveals that the respondents fail to understand that a new nucleus will be produced when a radioactive atom is broken.答案暴露了对放射性原子的解体涉及新核的产生的缺乏了解。
In the constructivist approach to learning, the learner’s ideas and conceptions prior to instruction are seen as important prerequisites for learning.According to the view of constructivists, a person's ideas will survive school education and form an important basis for new learning.在建构主义学习方法中,学习者在教学之前的想法和概念被视为学习的重要先决条件。
The way out of this impasse may lie in taking the lay conceptions into account and increasing the integration between factual information and practical / political considerationThe solution is to consider lay ideas and combine factual knowledge with practical or political factors.摆脱这种僵局的出路可能在于考虑世俗的概念并增加事实信息与实际/政治考虑之间的整合解决方案是考虑世俗的想法,将事实知识与实际或政治因素结合起来。

复旦大学研究生英语教师用书-2-《研究生高级英语教师用书》第一篇:复旦大学研究生英语教师用书-2-《研究生高级英语教师用书》《研究生高级英语教师用书》Advanced English for Graduate Students(T eachers’ Book)UNIT ONE Text: The Idea of a University Background Information Clark Kerr(1911-2003)was an American professor of economics and academic administrator.He was the first chancellor of the University of California, Berkeley and the twelfth president of the University of California(1958-1967).He is acknowledged as one of the architects of the modern public university —and, in particular, the American research university.In an era of unprecedented growth in American higher education, he recognized the distinct roles of community colleges, state universities and the …flagship‟research universities, and he coined the term “multiversity”in an attempt to capture the reality of large universities that had evolved to be a “whole series of communities and activities held together by a common name, a common governing board and related purposes,” reflecting the wisdom and thoughtfulness of one of America‟s preeminent higher education specialists.Key to Exercises III.Vocabulary Study Choose the word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences.1.B2.D3.A4.A5.C6.B7.D8.C9.C10.A IV.Cloze There are 10 blanks in the following passage.Fill in each blank with a proper word.1.relationship 2.ability3.living4.farmers5.respond6.on7.benefits 8.marry 9.after10.toward Translation of the Text大学的理想克拉克 克尔一个多世纪前,红衣主教纽曼在参与建立都柏林大学时对“大学的理想”的阐述也许是最到位的。

高级英语1文旭教师用书The Advanced English 1 textbook is a comprehensive and well-structured language learning resource designed to help students develop their proficiency in the English language. This textbook is a valuable tool for those who are looking to take their English skills to the next level, whether they are studying English as a second language or simply seeking to improve their overall language abilities.One of the standout features of the Advanced English 1 textbook is its focus on real-world communication. The textbook is organized around a series of engaging and relevant topics, such as travel, technology, and global issues, which provide students with the opportunity to practice using English in practical and meaningful contexts. This approach helps to ensure that the language skills being developed are directly applicable to the students' daily lives and future endeavors.Another key strength of the Advanced English 1 textbook is its emphasis on developing a well-rounded set of language skills. Thetextbook covers a wide range of areas, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking, and provides students with a variety of exercises and activities to help them hone their abilities in each of these areas. This holistic approach to language learning helps to ensure that students are able to communicate effectively in a range of situations, both in academic and professional settings.One of the particularly impressive aspects of the Advanced English 1 textbook is its use of authentic materials. Rather than relying solely on contrived language examples, the textbook incorporates real-world texts, such as news articles, blog posts, and podcasts, which expose students to the natural flow and nuances of the English language. This exposure to authentic language not only helps to improve students' comprehension and fluency, but also provides them with a deeper understanding of the cultural and social contexts in which the language is used.In addition to its focus on real-world communication and authentic materials, the Advanced English 1 textbook also places a strong emphasis on developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Throughout the textbook, students are presented with a variety of challenging tasks and activities that require them to analyze information, make inferences, and formulate their own opinions and ideas. This approach not only helps to improve students' language skills, but also fosters the development of valuable cognitive abilitiesthat can be applied in a wide range of academic and professional contexts.One of the particularly noteworthy aspects of the Advanced English 1 textbook is its use of multimedia resources. In addition to the core textbook materials, the textbook is accompanied by a variety of supplementary resources, such as audio recordings, video clips, and interactive online activities. These multimedia elements help to engage students and provide them with additional opportunities to practice and reinforce the language skills they are learning.Another key strength of the Advanced English 1 textbook is its attention to language accuracy and precision. Throughout the textbook, students are provided with detailed explanations and examples of grammar rules, vocabulary usage, and idiomatic expressions, which help to ensure that they are able to communicate effectively and accurately in English. This focus on language accuracy is particularly important for students who are preparing for high-stakes exams or who are seeking to use English in professional or academic settings.Overall, the Advanced English 1 textbook is a highly effective and engaging language learning resource that is well-suited to the needs of students who are looking to take their English skills to the next level. With its focus on real-world communication, authenticmaterials, critical thinking, and multimedia resources, the textbook provides students with a comprehensive and well-rounded learning experience that can help to prepare them for success in a wide range of academic and professional contexts.。
研究生英语听说教程(提高级 第四版)教师用书

研究生英语听说教程(提高级第四版)教师用书第一部分教材简介1.1 教材背景《研究生英语听说教程(提高级)》是为了满足研究生英语听说教学需求而编写的教材。
1.2 教材特点第四版的教师用书在保留前三版特点的基础上,进一步完善了教学理论和实践指导,帮助教师更好地进行听说教学。
1.3 教材结构教材共分为六大单元,每个单元包含听力和口语练习内容,并配有丰富的教学资源和案例。
第二部分教学指导2.1 教学目标教师用书首先明确了教学目标,即通过本教材的学习,学生能够提高英语听说能力,掌握一定的专业英语知识和技能,为日后的学术交流和专业实践做好准备。
2.2 教学策略教师用书提供了丰富的教学案例和实践经验,指导教师在教学过程中采取多种策略,如任务型教学、互动式教学等,激发学生学习的兴趣和动力,提高教学效果。
2.3 评估与反馈教师用书强调了教学评估和反馈的重要性,提供了具体的评估标准和方法。
第三部分教学资源3.1 多媒体教学教师用书指导教师充分利用多媒体教学资源,如录音、视瓶等,丰富教学内容,提高学生的听力水平,使学生能够更好地感知语言的语音、语调和语流特点。
3.2 教学案例教师用书提供了丰富的教学案例,帮助教师更好地设计课堂教学内容和实践活动,引导学生进行有针对性的听说练习,开拓学生的思维,提高语言表达能力。
3.3 教学参考教师用书还提供了丰富的教学参考书目和全球信息站资源,帮助教师深入了解英语听说教学理论和实践经验,提升自身的教学水平,更好地指导学生学习。
英语专业本科生论文写作与指导引注及参考书目若干技术性规范建议一、关于引注1. 引注为引用及注释之统称。
建议按目前大多数外语类刊物使用的夹注( in-text note)作为首选引注方式,因为夹注有诸多好处:既方便作者加注,也方便读者参阅、简单易行、少占用空间、与参考书目形成合理分工等等。
2. 一个完整的注释包含三项内容:①作者、②出版年份、③页码。
它们在文中出现的格式为:在引文后直接加括号,括号内按顺序罗列上述三项内容,并用适当的标点符合分隔各项内容,例如:Indeed, writing “should not be viewed solely as an individually-oriented, inner-directed cognitive process, but as much as an acquired response to the discourse conventions . . . within particular communities”(Swales, 1990: 4).说明:①作者名可单独用姓(last name),也可用全名,或given names 用缩写再加last name。
例如:We know that while there may be a role for formal grammar lessons in composition classes, Krashen's wry observation holds true:If the student-writer is able to consciously learn all the rules of punctuation, spelling, grammar, and style that linguists have discovered and described, his reward should be a Ph.D. in linguistics. Unfortunately, this will not guarantee him writing competence, since so much of what good writers do routinely and subconsciously remains to be discovered (1984: 25).In fact, Bereiter and Scardamalia criticize formal schooling that encourages the more passive kind of cognition by "continually telling students what to do," rather than encouraging them "to follow their spontaneousinterests and impulses . . . and assume responsibility for what becomes of their minds" (p. 361).3.引注出现的信息,必须在参考书目中找到相对应的书目信息。

理工类的英文参考文献格式用什么【一】:理工科类参考文献标准格式参考文献标准格式参考文献类型专著[M],论文集[C],报纸文章[N],期刊文章[J],学位论文[D],报告[R],标准[S],专利[P],论文集中的析出文献[A]电子文献类型数据库[DB],计算机[CP],电子公告[EB]电子文献的载体类型互联网[OL],光盘[CD],磁带[MT],磁盘[DK]A专著、论文集、学位论文、报告[序号]主要责任者.文献题名[文献类型标识].出版地出版者,出版年.起止页码(可选)[1]刘国钧,陈绍业.图书馆目录[M].北京高等教育出版社,19515-1B:期刊文章[序号]主要责任者.文献题名[J].刊名,年,卷(期)起止页码[1]何龄修.读南明史[J].中国史研究,1998,(3):167-17[2]OU J P,SOONG T T,et al.Recent advance in research on applications of passive energy dissipation systems[J].Earthquack Eng,1997,38(3):358-36C:论文集中的析出文献[序号]析出文献主要责任者.析出文献题名[A].原文献主要责任者(可选).原文献题名[C].出版地出版者,出版年.起止页码[7]钟文发.非线性规划在可燃毒物配置中的应用[A].赵炜.运筹学的理论与应用——中国运筹学会第五届大会论文集[C].西安西安电子科技大学出版社,19946D报纸文章[序号]主要责任者.文献题名[N].报纸名,出版日期(版次)[8]谢希德.创造学习的新思路[N].人民日报,1998-12-25(10).E电子文献[文献类型/载体类型标识][J/OL]网上期刊、[EB/OL]网上电子公告、[M/CD]光盘图书、[DB/OL]网上数据库、[DB/MT]磁带数据库[序号]主要责任者.电子文献题名[电子文献及载体类型标识].电子文献的出版或获得地址,发表更新日期/引用日期[12]王明亮.关于中国学术期刊标准化数据库系统工程的进展[EB/OL].[8]万锦.中国大学学报文摘(1983-1993).英文版[DB/CD].北京中国大百科全书出版社,199理工类的英文参考文献格式用什么【二】:外文资料翻译参考格式(理工科类)2010建筑施工混凝土裂缝的预防与处理迪默斯M《加拿大土木工程学报》摘要混凝土的裂缝问题是一个普遍存在而并且难于解决的工程实际问题,本文对混凝土工程中常见的裂缝问题进行了探讨及分析,并针对具体情况提出了一些预防、处理措施。
高等学校外语教材审稿办法实施细则正文:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 高等学校外语教材审稿办法实施细则([86]教高一字032号1986年10月23日国家教育委员会发布)一、根据国家教育委员会(86)教高一字032号文件批准的《高等学校外语教材编审委员会工作条例》第五条的规定,特制订本细则。

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1.3 Review的specific topic尽早确定后,根据所学技能,进行相关信息搜索,整理成文。
4.Review的写作内容和oral presentation的内容可以保持连贯性
5.Oral presentation要求每位学生陈述时间不少于3分钟,班级人少,时间充裕的班级,教师可视具体情况调整学生陈述时间长度。
文献综述(literature review )英语写作
Literature Review:
Oral presentation
1.1五大主题:cloud computing, climate change, genetically modified foods, nuclear radiation, nanotechnology.相关的subtopics
教学过程中注重terminology的学习,课本中的术语主要集中在每个text的“term and notes”部分和每个单元enhance your academic language”部分中的“target words”,.术语的学习情况将在期末考试中体现。