rfc3347.Small Computer Systems Interface protocol over the Internet (iSCSI) Requirements and Design

IP 、TCP、UDP头部结构详解IP头部结构:英文头部说明:32bit8 8 8 8V ersion HeaderLength Type of service Totle length IdentifierFlag(3bit)Framgent offestTime to live protocol Header checksumSourse addressDestation addressOption pading中文对照表:32bit8 8 8 8版本号报头长度服务类型报文总长度标识标志(3字节)段偏移生存时间协议校验和源IP地址目的IP地址选项填充字段抓包说明:版本号(Version):长度4比特。
一般的值为0100(IPv4),IPv6的值(0110)IP包头长度(Header Length):长度4比特。
服务类型(T ype of Service):长度8比特。
(TOS字段的详细描述RFC 1340 1349)IP包总长(T otal Length):长度16比特。
该字段和Flags和Fragment Offest字段联合使用,对大的上层数据包进行分段(fragment)操作。

RFC1242 基准术语用于网络互连设备 RFC1258 BSD 的远程登录 RFC1287_未来的 Internet 体系结构 RFC1288_Finger 用户信息协议 RFC1298_基于 IPX 协议的 SNMP RFC1321_MD5 信息-摘要算 RFC1332_PPP Internet 协议控制协议 (IPCP) RFC1333_PPP 链接质量监控 RFC1355_网络中心数据库的保密和准确性问题 RFC1365 一种 IP 地址扩展提议 RFC1370_OSPF 适用范围声明 RFC1387_RIP(版本 2)协议分析 RFC1388_RIP 协议版本 2 RFC1393 Traceroute 使用 IP 选项 RFC1397_在边界网关协议(Border Gateway Protocol)版本 2 RFC1408_Telnet 环境选项 RFC1413_鉴定协议 RFC1414_身份识别管理系统库(MIB) RFC1418_SNMP 优于 OSI RFC1420_SNMP 优于 IPX RFC1426_SMTP 服务扩展用于 8bit-多用途网际邮件扩充协议(MIME)传输 RFC1428_Internet 邮件从 Just-Send-8 到 8bit-SMTPMIME 的转换 RFC1433 直接 ARP RFC1445_简单网络管理协议(SNMPv2)版本 2 的管理模式 RFC1454_下一代 IP 提议的比较 RFC1461 通过 X.25 多协议互连 SNMP 管理系统库(MIB)扩展 RFC1469_通过令牌-环局域网的 IP 多点传送 RFC1483_通过 ATM 适应层 5 的多协议封装
RFC1633_Internet 体系结构中的综合服务概述 RFC1635_怎样使用匿名 FTP RFC1636 IAB 工厂关于在 Internet 体系结构的安全报告 -2 月 8-10 号, 1994 RFC1643 以太网-类似界面类型的管理对象的定义 RFC1658 字符流设备使用 SMIv2 管理对象的定义 RFC1661_点对点协议(PPP) RFC1671 向 IPng 过渡和其他考虑的白皮书 RFC1690 Internet 工程与计划组(IEPG)介绍 RFC1691 康奈尔大学数字图书馆文档体系结构 RFC1696 用 SMIv2 定义的调制解调器 MIB RFC1713_DNS 调试工具 RFC1715_地址分配效率比率 H RFC1723_路由信息协议(版本 2) RFC1724_RIP 版本 2 管理系统库(MIB) 扩展 RFC1738_统一资源定位器(URL) RFC1752_推荐 IP 下一代协议 RFC1769_简单网络时间协议(SNTP) RFC1771_边界网关协议版本 4(BGP-4) RFC1776_地址是信息 RFC1777_轻量级目录访问协议 RFC1787_在多供应 Internet 上的软件路由 RFC1796_不是所有RFCs 是标准 RFC1797_A 级子网实验 RFC1810_报告 MD5 性能 RFC1818_最好最新的实践 RFC1822 使用具备 Photuris 技术的指定 IBM 专利的权利的授予 RFC1823_LDAP 应用程序界面 RFC1827_IP 密码安全有效载荷 (ESP) RFC1828_使用键控 MD5 进行 IP 鉴别 RFC1860_IPv4 变量长度子网表 RFC1867 HTML 中基于表单的文件上传 RFC1869 SMTP 服务扩展 RFC1878 变量长度子网表格用于 IPv4 RFC1881 IPv6 地址分配管理 RFC1883 Internet 协议,版本 6(IPv6)说明书 RFC1886 DNS 扩展支持 IP 版本 6 RFC1901 基于社区的 SNMPv2 介绍 RFC1904 简单网络管理协议(SNMPv2)版本 2 的一致声明 RFC1918 个人 Internets 的地址分配 RFC1928 SOCKS V5 的用户名/密码鉴定 RFC1930 自治系统(AS)创建,选择,和注册的指导方针 RFC1939 邮局办公协议-版本 3 RFC1942 HTML 表格 RFC1945 超文本传输协议--HTTP/1.0

学习网络常用的RFC文档的名称双语RFC --RFC中英文对照版rfc1050中文版-远程过程调用协议规范rfc1055中文版-在串行线路上传输IP数据报的非标准协议rfc1057中文版-RFC:远程过程调用协议说明第二版rfc1058中文版-路由信息协议(Routing Information Protocol)rfc1073中文版-RFC1073 Telnet窗口尺寸选项rfc1075中文版-远距离矢量多播选路协议rfc1088中文版-在NetBIOS网络上传输IP数据报的标准rfc1090中文版-SMTP在X.25上rfc1091中文版-TELNET终端类型选项rfc1094中文版-RFC1094 网络文件系统协议rfc1096中文版-Telnet X显示定位选项rfc1097中文版-Telnet潜意识-信息选项rfc1112中文版-主机扩展用于IP多点传送rfc1113中文版-Internet电子邮件保密增强:Part1-消息编码和鉴别过程rfc1132中文版-802.2分组在IPX网络上传输的标准rfc1144中文版-低速串行链路上的TCP/IP头部压缩rfc1155中文版-基于TCP/IP网络的管理结构和标记rfc1191中文版-RFC1191 路径MTU发现rfc1332中文版-RFC1332 端对端协议网间协议控制协议(IPCP)rfc1333中文版-PPP 链路质量监控rfc1334中文版-PPP 身份验证协议rfc1387中文版-RIP(版本2)协议分析rfc1388中文版-RIP协议版本2rfc1433中文版-直接ARPrfc1445中文版-SNMPv2的管理模型rfc1582中文版-扩展RIP以支持按需链路rfc1618中文版-ISDN上的PPP(点对点)协议rfc1661中文版-RFC1661 PPP协议rfc1723中文版-路由信息协议(版本2)rfc1738中文版-统一资源定位器(URL)rfc1769中文版-简单网络时间协议( SNTP)rfc1771中文版-边界网关协议版本4(BGP-4)rfc1827中文版-IP封装安全载荷(ESP)rfc1883中文版-Internet协议,版本6(IPv6)说明书rfc1939中文版-POP3协议rfc1945中文版-超文本传输协议 -- HTTP/1.0rfc1994中文版-PPP挑战握手认证协议(CHAP)rfc1997中文版-RFC1997 BGP团体属性rfc2002中文版-IP移动性支持rfc204中文版-利用报路rfc2105中文版-Cisco 系统的标签交换体系结构纵览rfc2281中文版-Cisco热备份路由协议()rfc2283中文版-BGP-4的多协议扩展rfc2326中文版-实时流协议(RTSP)rfc2328中文版-OSPF版本2rfc2516中文版-在以太网上传输PPP的方法(PPPoE)rfc2526中文版-IPv6保留的子网任意传送地址rfc2547中文版-BGP/MPLS VPNsrfc2616中文版-超文本传输协议——HTTP/1.1rfc2702中文版-基于MPLS的流量工程要求rfc2706中文版-RFC2706—电子商务域名标准rfc2756中文版-超文本缓存协议(HTCP/0.0)rfc2764中文版-IP VPN的框架体系rfc2773中文版-使用KEA和SKIPJACK加密rfc2774中文版-HTTP扩展框架rfc2781中文版-UTF-16, 一种ISO 10646的编码方式rfc2784中文版-通用路由封装rfc2793中文版-用于文本交谈的RTP负载rfc2796中文版-BGP路由反射rfc2917中文版-核心 MPLSIP VPN 体系结构rfc2918中文版-BGP-4(边界网关协议)的路由刷新功能rfc2923中文版-TCP的路径MTU发现问题rfc3003中文版-Audio/mpeg 媒体类型rfc3005中文版-IETF 讨论列表许可证rfc3007中文版-安全的域名系统动态更新rfc3018中文版-统一内存空间协议规范rfc3022中文版-传统IP网络地址转换(传统NAT)rfc3032中文版-RFC3032 MPLS标记栈编码rfc3033中文版-用于Internet协议的信息域和协议标识符在Q.2941类属标识符和Q.2957 User-to-user信令中的分配rfc3034中文版-标签转换在帧中继网络说明书中的使用rfc3037中文版-RFC3037 标记分配协议的适用范围(RFC3037 LDP Applicability)rfc3058中文版-IDEA加密算法在CMS上的使用rfc3059中文版-服务定位协议的属性列表扩展rfc3061中文版-对象标识符的一种URN姓名空间rfc3062中文版-LDAP口令修改扩展操作rfc3063中文版-MPLS(多协议标签交换)环路预防机制rfc3066中文版-语言鉴定标签rfc3067中文版-事件对象描述和转换格式要求rfc3069中文版-VLAN聚合实现IP地址有效分配rfc3070中文版-基于帧中继的第二层隧道协议rfc3072中文版-结构化数据交换格式rfc3074中文版-DHCP 负载平衡算法rfc3078中文版-RFC3078微软点到点加密(MPPE)协议rfc3081中文版-将区块扩展交换协议(BEEP)核心映射到传输控制协议(TCP)rfc3083中文版-遵循DOCSIS的Cable Modem和CMTS的PBI 的管理信息数据库rfc3085中文版-新闻型标记语言(NewsML)资源的URN名字空间rfc3090中文版-域名系统在区域状况下的安全扩展声明rfc3091中文版-Pi数字生成协议rfc3093中文版-防火墙增强协议rfc3550中文版-RTP:实时应用程序传输协议rfc457中文版-TIPUGrfc697中文版-FTP的CWD命令rfc698中文版-TELNET扩展ASCII选项rfc775中文版-面向目录的 FTP 命令rfc779中文版-TELNET的SEND-LOCATION选项rfc792中文版-RFC792- Internet控制信息协议(ICMP)rfc821中文版-RFC821 简单邮件传输协议(SMTP)rfc826中文版-以太网地址转换协议或转换网络协议地址为48比特以太网地址用于在以太网硬件上传输rfc854中文版-TELNET协议规范rfc855中文版-TELNET选项规范rfc856中文版-RFC856 TELNET二进制传输rfc857中文版-RFC 857 TELNET ECHO选项rfc858中文版-RFC 858 TELNET SUPPRESS GO AHEAD选项rfc859中文版-RFC 859 TELNET的STATUS选项rfc860中文版-RFC 860 TELNET TIMING MARK选项rfc861中文版-RFC 861 TELNET扩展选项-LISTrfc862中文版-RFC 862 Echo 协议rfc868中文版-RFC868 时间协议rfc894中文版-IP 数据包通过以太网网络传输标准rfc903中文版-反向地址转换协议rfc930中文版-Telnet终端类型选项(RFC930——T elnet Terminal Type Option)rfc932中文版-子网地址分配方案rfc937中文版-邮局协议 (版本2)rfc948中文版-IP数据报通过IEEE802.3网络传输的两种方法rfc949中文版-FTP 未公开的独特命令rfc951中文版-引导协议(BOOTP)rfc962中文版-TCP-4 的最初rfc974中文版-邮件路由与域名系统rfc975中文版-自治联邦。
RFC 简介

完善具有相当关键的作用。发展到现在,RFC文档已 不仅仅是关于Internet标准的文档了,而且也不局限于 TCP/IP范围,它几乎包含了与计算机通信有关的任何 内容,全面反映Internet研究、发展的过程。 RFC主 要是IAB、IETF、IESG、ISOC的工作成果,主要由I ETF起草,由IAB指导下的RFC 编辑(Editor)直接负责 RFC的发表。每一个RFC文档有一个编号,这个编号 永不重复,也就是说,由于技术进步等原因,即使是关 于同一问题的RFC,也要使用新的编号,而不会使用原 来的编号,时至今日,RFC编号已经排到2200多,在查 找RFC时,一定要注初作为ARPA网计划的基础起源于1969年。 如今,它已经成为IETF、Internet Architecture Board (IAB)还有 其他一些主要的公共网络研究社区的正式出版物发布途径。 最初的RFC作者使用打字机撰写文档,并在美国国防部国 防前沿研究项目署(ARPA)研究成员之间传阅。1969年12月, 他们开始通过ARPANET途径来发布新的RFC文档。第一份RFC 文档由洛杉矶加利福尼亚大学(UCLA)的Steve Crocker撰写, 在1969年4月7日公开发表的RFC 1。当初Crocker为了避免打扰 他的室友,是在浴室里完成这篇文档的。 在1970年代,很 多后来的RFC文档同样来自UCLA,这不仅得益于UCLA的学术 质量,同时也因为UCLA是ARPANET第一批Interface Message P rocessors (IMPs)成员之一。
一个RFC文件在成为官方标准前一般至少要经历三个阶段:建议 标准、草案标准、因特网标准。 第一步RFC的出版是作为一个Internet 草案发布,可以阅读并对其 进行注释。准备一个RFC草案,我们要求作者先阅读IETF的一个 文档"Considerations for Internet Drafts". 它包括了许多关于RFC以及 Internet草案格式的有用信息。作者还应阅读另外一个相关的文档 RFC 2223 "Instructions to Authors"。 一旦文档有了一个ID号后,你就可以向rfc-editor@发 送e-mail ,说你觉得这个文档还可以,能够作为一个有价值或有 经验的RFC文档 。RFC编辑将会向IESG请求查阅该文档并给其加 上评论和注释。你可以通过RFC队列来了解你的文档的进度。一 旦你的

rfc相关设置及使用RFC(Request for Comments)是一种用于定义互联网协议、标准和相关问题的文档。
1. 了解RFC的作用和历史:RFC是由IETF组织制定的一种标准化文档,它记录了互联网协议的设计、开发和演化过程。
2. 寻找和阅读RFC文档:RFC文档可以在互联网上免费获取,IETF的官方网站和其他资源库都有存档。
这些文档按照顺序编号,并且以RFC开头,比如RFC 791定义了IPv4协议。
3. 使用RFC文档:RFC文档在网络技术的发展过程中起着重要的指导作用。
4. 参与RFC的制定过程:RFC并不是静止的文件,而是一个持续演进的过程。
5. 遵循RFC的指导原则:在网络技术领域,遵循RFC的指导原则是至关重要的。
基于 rfc 定义的 分类

RFC(Request for Comments)是一系列以编号形式发布的互联网标准草案,由互联网工程任务组(IETF)发布和管理。
基于RFC定义,我们可以将RFC文档分为以下几类:标准轨道RFC(Standards Track RFC):这类RFC定义了互联网的标准协议,经过严格的审查和测试,被认为是成熟、稳定和广泛接受的标准。
它们被分为不同的成熟度级别,如提议标准(Proposed Standard)、草案标准(Draft Standard)和互联网标准 Internet Standard)。
实验性RFC Experimental RFC):这类RFC描述了一些新的、实验性的协议、技术或想法,它们可能还未经过广泛的实际测试和部署。
信息性RFC(Informational RFC):这类RFC提供了一些有用的信息,如最佳实践、建议、指南或描述性的文档。
历史性RFC Historic RFC):这类RFC记录了已经被取代或废弃的协议、技术或想法。
BCP(Best Current Practice)RFC:这类RFC描述了一些被广泛接受的最佳实践或指南,它们通常与互联网操作、管理和安全相关。
BCP RFC提供了一些建议和指导,以帮助网络管理员和工程师更好地运营和管理他们的网络。

rfc文档的类别1. RFC 791 - 网际协议网际协议(Internet Protocol,简称IP)是一种在计算机网络中广泛使用的网络协议,用于将数据包从源地址传递到目标地址。
RFC 791是一篇关于IP协议的RFC文档。
在RFC 791中,首先介绍了IP协议的基本概念和目标。
RFC 791还详细描述了IP协议的工作流程。
此外,RFC 791还介绍了IP协议的一些特性和机制。
例如,IP 协议支持不同的服务质量,可以根据应用的需求选择不同的服务类型。
总体而言,RFC 791对IP协议进行了全面而详细的描述,明确了其基本概念、工作流程和特性。
2. RFC 793 - 传输控制协议传输控制协议(Transmission Control Protocol,简称TCP)是一种面向连接的、可靠的传输协议,用于在计算机网络中传输数据。
RFC 793是一篇关于TCP协议的RFC文档。
在RFC 793中,首先介绍了TCP协议的基本概念和目标。

RFC(Request for Comments)是一系列文件,用于描述互联网相关协议、过程和技术。
它基于ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)协议,通过发送ICMP Echo Request报文并等待目标主机的ICMP Echo Reply报文来判断目标主机是否可达。
三级标题1.2:工作原理PING协议的工作原理如下: 1. 发送方主机生成一个ICMP Echo Request报文,并将目标主机的IP地址作为目的地。
2. 发送方主机将报文发送到网络中。
4. 目标主机收到ICMP Echo Request报文后,生成一个ICMP Echo Reply报文,并将其发送回发送方主机。
5. 发送方主机收到ICMP Echo Reply报文后,通过比较报文中的标识符和序列号等字段,判断目标主机是否可达。
三级标题1.3:应用场景PING协议在网络中的应用非常广泛,常用于以下场景: - 测试主机之间的连通性,判断网络是否正常工作。
- 测试网络延迟,通过计算ICMP Echo Request报文的往返时间来评估网络质量。
- 排查网络故障,通过检查ICMP Echo Reply报文中的错误码来定位故障原因。
它通过发送一系列的UDP报文,并在每个报文中设置不同的TTL(Time to Live)值来实现。

V0.0.2 徐莉
版权所有 大唐移动 通信设 备有限 公司
本资料及其包含的所有内容为大唐移动通信设备有限公司( 大唐移动)所有,受中国法律及适 用之国 际公 约中 有关著 作权 法律 的保 护。 未经大 唐移 动书 面授 权,任 何人 不得 以任 何形 式复 制、传 播、散布 、改 动或以 其它方 式使用 本资料 的部分 或全部 内容 ,违者 将被依 法追 究责任 。
4 与CN相关的 3GPP协议介绍..............................................................................10
4.1 21 SERIES....................................................................................................... 10 4.2 22 SERIES....................................................................................................... 10 4.3 23 SERIES........................................................................................................11 4.4 24SERIES........................................................................................................ 13 4.5 25 SERIES....................................................................................................... 14 4.6 26 SERIES....................................................................................................... 15 4.7 29 SERIES....................................................................................................... 16 4.8 32 SERIES....................................................................................................... 19 4.9 33 SERIES....................................................................................................... 27 4.10 35 SERIES....................................................................................................... 28 4.11 41 SERIES....................................................................................................... 29 4.12 42 SERIES....................................................................................................... 29 4.13 43 SERIES....................................................................................................... 30 4.14 44 SERIES....................................................................................................... 31 4.15 48 SERIES....................................................................................................... 31 4.16 49 SERIES....................................................................................................... 33 4.17 52 SERIES....................................................................................................... 33 4.18 补充业务相关协议...................................................................................... 33
sdp rfc 标准

sdp rfc 标准SDP (Session Description Protocol) RFC 标准是一种用于描述实时通信会话的协议。
它是由IETF(Internet Engineering Task Force)组织开发和维护的,并被广泛应用于各种应用中,如VoIP(Voice over IP)、视频会议、实时聊天等。
本篇文章将逐步介绍SDP RFC 标准,包括其作用、结构和原则,以及如何使用SDP建立和管理通信会话。
使用SDP建立和管理通信会话的过程可以分为以下几个步骤:1. 建立会话:在SDP消息中,首先定义会话名称、ID和版本等基本信息。
例如:v=0o=- 1234567890 1 IN IP4 Session2. 定义媒体流:接下来,定义会话中的媒体流信息。

简介RFC(Request for Comments)是一种用于标准化互联网协议、技术规范和相关主题的文件。

rfc中常用的测试协议摘要:1.RFC 简介2.RFC 中常用的测试协议a.网络协议测试1.网络数据包抓取和分析2.网络仿真和测试工具b.应用层协议测试1.HTTP 和HTTPS 测试2.FTP 和FTPS 测试3.SMTP 和SMTPS 测试c.安全协议测试1.TLS 和SSL 测试2.IPsec 测试d.传输协议测试1.TCP 和UDP 测试e.无线网络协议测试1.802.11 无线网络测试正文:RFC(Request for Comments)是一个用于讨论和记录互联网协议的标准文档系列。
在RFC 中,有许多常用的测试协议,这些协议用于确保互联网协议在实际应用中能够正常工作。
首先,RFC 中包含了大量的网络协议测试。
其次,应用层协议测试在RFC 中也占据重要地位。
HTTP 和HTTPS 是Web 应用中最常用的协议,有许多测试工具可以对它们的性能和安全性进行测试,例如,JMeter 和Locust 等负载测试工具。
此外,FTP 和FTPS、SMTP 和SMTPS 等传输协议也是常用的测试对象。
在安全协议方面,RFC 中包含了TLS 和SSL、IPsec 等协议的测试方法。
传输协议方面,TCP 和UDP 是互联网中最常用的传输协议,它们的测试方法也是RFC 中的重要内容。
TCP 测试关注可靠性和流量控制等方面,而UDP 测试则更注重数据传输速率和丢包率等指标。
最后,无线网络协议测试在RFC 中也有一定的比重。
例如,802.11 无线网络测试是评估无线局域网性能的关键。

• 2.BCP RFC • 由于Internet应用领域广泛,各种不同的组织有不同的使用目的和 使用规则,IETF除了建议STD以外,也有必要对于Internet的使用和管理 提供一些一般性的指导,同时也为I ETF、IAB、IESG提供一种渠道,以 便推动某一方面的工作,反映其技术趋向,反映这些组织本身的工作进 展。于是,1995年以RFC1818定义了BCP,即Best Current Practice。 BCP同时有一个BCP编号和一个RFC编号,一旦约定了一个BCP编号, 就不会再变,而其RFC编号则可能会经过修订不断更新。例如反映 Internet标准化工作程序的BCP9的RFC编号就从RFC16 02上升到 RFC2026,相应地就废弃了RFC1602。 BCP在发表以前,以电子邮件 的形式广泛征求IETF的意见,经过IESG的审查,通过后即正式发表。但 是BCP本身不是Internet标准。
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• 从1969年到1998年,Jon Postel一直担任RFC文档的编辑 职务。随着美国政府赞助合同的到期,Internet Society(代表IETF),和南加州大学 (USC)Information Sciences Institute的网络部门合作,(在IAB领导下)负 责RFT文档的起草和发布工作。Jon Postel继续担任RFC 编辑直到去世。随后,由Bob Braden接任整个项目的领 导职务,同时Joyce Reynolds继续在团队中的担任职务。

A、无名管道B、有名管道C、文件管道D、命名管道正确答案: D2、Wire Shark软件安装时可选安装的WinPc a p软件的作用是()。
A、提供包过滤能力B、提供GUI界面C、提供底层的抓包能力D、增强抓包结果的分析能力正确答案: C3、()是传输层以上实现两个异构系统互连的设备。
A、路由器B、网桥C、网关D、集线器正确答案: A4、()是指攻击者在非授权的情况下,对用户的信息进行修改,如修改电子交易的金额。
A、非法使用攻击B、拒绝服务攻击C、信息泄漏攻击D、完整性破坏攻击正确答案: D5、网络犯罪的人一般具有较高的专业水平体现了互联网信息内容安全犯罪()的特点。
A、犯罪手段提升B、犯罪后果严重化C、犯罪主体专业化D、犯罪手段隐蔽化正确答案: C6、下列关于Bot n et说法错误的是()。
A、用Botnet发动DDo S攻击B、Botnet的显著特征是大量主机在用户不知情的情况下,被植入了C、拒绝服务攻击与Bot n et网络结合后攻击能力大大削弱D、Botnet可以被用来传播垃圾邮件、窃取用户数据、监听网络和扩正确答案: C7、来自网络的拒绝服务攻击可以分为停止服务和消耗资源两类。
A、多源性、特征多变性B、攻击目标与攻击手段多样性C、开放性D、隐蔽性正确答案: C8、计算机病毒的特性包括()。
A、传播性、破坏性、寄生性B、传染性、破坏性、可植入性C、破坏性、隐蔽性、潜伏性D、自我复制性、隐蔽性、潜伏正确答案: C9、TC SEC标准将计算机系统分为()个等级、7个级别。
A、4B、5C、6D、7正确答案: A10、上网收集与被害人、被害单位有关的负面信息,并主动联系被害人、被害单位,以帮助删帖、“沉底”为由,向其索取财物的行为,构成()。
A、诈骗罪B、诽谤罪C、侮辱罪D、敲诈勒索罪正确答案: D11、TCP/IP参考模型的四个层次分别为()、网际层、传输层、应用层。

(完整版)IP协议-RFC791中文版INTERNET PROTOCOLDARPA INTERNET PROGRAMPROTOCOL SPECIFICATIONSeptember 1981prepared forDefense Advanced Research Projects Agency Information Processing Techniques Office1400 Wilson BoulevardArlington, Virginia 22209byInformation Sciences InstituteUniversity of Southern California4676 Admiralty WayMarina del Rey, California 90291索引前言 (iii)1.介绍------------------- 11.1 ~动机----------------- 11.2 ~范围----------------- 11.3 接口------------------11.4 操作-------------------22. 概述2.1 与其他协议的关系----------------- 92.2 操作模型------------------ 52.3 函数说明----------------- 72.4 ~网关----------------------- 93. 规范3.1 ~网际(Internet)头部格式---------------------- 113.2 讨论----------------- 233.3 接口------------------ 31附录A:例子& 场景附录B:数据传输顺序词汇表--------------------- 41引用---------- --------- 45前言这个文档规定了DoD 标准网际协议。
这个文档基于早期六个版本的ARPA 网际协议规范所以本文的大部分内容来自于他们。

常见协议RFC对应表COPS Common Open Policy Service公共开放策略服务FANP Flow Attribute Notification Protocol流属性通知协议Finger User Information Protocol用户信息协议FTP File Transfer Protocol文件传输协议HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol超文本传输协议IMAP4Internet Message Access Protocol version 4因特网信息访问协议第四版IMPP Instant Messaging and Presence Protocol即时信息表示协议IRC Internet Relay Chat Protocol Internet在线聊天协议ISAKMP Internet Security Association and Key Managemen Interne安全连接和密钥管理协议DNS Domain Name System域名系统DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol动态主机配置协议BOOTP Bootstrap Protocol引导协议NTP Network Time Protocol网络时间协议NNTP Network News Transfer Protocol网络新闻传输协议POP3Post Office Protocol version 3邮局协议第三版Radius Remote Authentication Dial In User Service远程用户拨号认证服务协议RLOGIN Remote Login远程登陆协议RTSP Real-time Streaming Protocol实时流协议SCTP Stream Control Transmision Protocol流控制传输协议S-HTTP Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol安全超文本传输协议SLP Service Location Protocol服务定位协议SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol简单邮件传输协议ICP Internet Cache Protocol Internet缓存协议SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol简单网络管理协议SOCKS Socket Secure安全套接字协议TACACS Terminal Access Controller Access Control System终端访问控制器访问控制系统TELNET TCP/IP Terminal Emulation Protocol TCP/IP终端仿真协议TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol简单文件传输协议X-Window X Window X WindowPresentation LayerNBSSN NetBIOS Session Service NetBIOS会话服务协议LPP LightWight Presentation Protocol轻量级表示协议Session LayerTLS Transport Layer Security传输层安全协议LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol轻量级目录访问协议RPC Remote Procedure Call protocol 远程过程调用协议Transport LayerMobile IP Mobile IP Protocol移动IP协议RUDP Reliable User Datagram Protocol可靠的用户数据报协议TALI Transport Adapter Layer Interface传输适配层接口协议TCP Transmission Control Protocol传输控制协议UDP User Datagram Protocol用户数据报协议Van Jacobson compressed TCP压缩TCP协议XOT X.25 over TCP基于TCP之上的X.25协议Network LayerEGP Exterior Gateway Protocol外部网关协议OSPF Open Shortest Path First开放最短路径优先协议DVMRP Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol距离矢量组播路由协议ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol version 4Internet控制信息协议ICMPv6Internet Control Message Protocol version 6Internet控制信息协议第6版IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol Internet组管理协议IP Internet Protocol version 4互联网协议NHRP Next Hop Resolution Protocol下一跳解析协议IPv6Internet Protocol version 6互联网协议第6版MOSPF Mulitcast Open Shortest Path First组播开放最短路径优先协议PGM Pragamatic General Mulitcast Protocol实际通用组播协议PIM-SM Protocol Independent Multicast-Sparse Mode稀疏模式独立组播协议PIM-DM Protocol Independent Multicast-Dense Mode密集模式独立组播协议SLIP Serial Line IP串行线路IP协议MARS Multicast Address Resolution Server组播地址解析服务器协议RIP2Routing Information Protocol version 2路由信息协议第2版RIPng for IPv6Routing Information Protocol for IPv6IPv6路由信息协议RSVP Resource-Reservation Protocol 资源预留协议VRRP Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol虚拟路由器冗余协议AH Authentication Header Protocol认证头协议ESP Encapsulating Security Payload安全封装有效载荷协议Data Link LayerARP Address Resolution Protocol地址解析协议RARP Reverse Address Resolution Protocol逆向地址解析协议IARP Inverse Address Resolution Protocol逆向地址解析协议DCAP Data Link Switching Client Access Protocol数据转接客户访问协议MPLS Multi-Protocol Label Switching多协议标签交换协议ATMP Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol接入隧道管理协议L2F The Layer 2 Forwarding Protocol第二层转发协议L2TP Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol第二层隧道协议PPTP Point to Point Tunneling Protocol点对点隧道协议RFC 2748RFC 2129 RFC 1194,1196,1228RFC 959RFC 1945,2616RFC 1730RFC 3861RFC 1459RFC 2048RFC 4343RFC 2131RFC 951RFC 958RFC 977RFC 1939RFC 2138RFC 1258,1282RFC 2326RFC 2960RFC 2660RFC 2165RFC 821,2821RFC 2186RFC 1157RFC 1928RFC 1492RFC 854RFC 1350RFC 1198RFC 1001RFC 1085RFC 2246RFC 1777 RFC 1050,1057,1831RFC 2002RFC 908,1151RFC 3094RFC 793RFC 768RFC 1144RFC 1613RFC 827RFC 2178,2328RFC 1075RFC 792RFC 1885,2463 RFC 1112, 2236,3376RFC 791RFC 2332RFC 1883,2460RFC 1585RFC 3208RFC 2362RFC 3973RFC 1055RFC 2022RFC 2453RFC 2080RFC 2205,2750RFC 2338,3768RFC 2402RFC 2406RFC 826RFC 903RFC 2390RFC 2114RFC 3031,3032RFC 2107RFC 2341RFC 2661RFC 2637。
CiTRANS R8000-10产品描述-烽火

CiTRANS R8000-10核心路由器设备产品描述烽火通信科技股份有限公司2014年11月目录1CITRANS R8000-10概述 (3)2设计依据与执行标准 (3)3设备体系结构及产品功能特性 (9)3.1系统架构 (9)3.2功能特性 (9)3.3组网互通能力 (11)3.4IP特性 (11)3.5路由功能 (11)3.6MPLS特性 (12)3.7VPN特性 (12)3.8组播功能 (12)3.9Q O S特性 (13)3.10OAM特性 (13)3.11时钟特性 (14)3.11.1物理层时钟同步 (14)3.11.2IEEE 1588V2时钟同步 (14)3.12可靠性 (16)3.12.1访问控制列表ACL (16)3.12.2流量监管 (16)3.12.3抗攻击能力 (17)4系统硬件、软件结构 (18)4.1系统硬件 (18)4.1.1设备外形与尺寸机柜 (18)4.1.2以太网业务卡 (18)4.1.3TDM业务卡 (19)4.1.4主控交换板 (19)4.2软件结构 (19)5CITRANS R8000-10设备保护能力介绍 (20)5.1设备级保护 (20)5.2网络级保护 (21)5.3协议级的可靠性 (21)6管理控制功能和安全机制介绍 (21)6.1管理控制功能 (21)6.2网络安全 (21)7系统参数介绍 (22)7.110GE光接口性能 (22)7.2GE光接口指标 (22)7.3电气性能 (22)7.4功耗及熔丝标准 (23)7.5尺寸及承重 (23)7.6工作环境 (23)1 CiTRANS R8000-10概述CiTRANS R8000是电信级高端路由器产品。
聚焦移动回传网络演进和发展需求,烽火基于分布式硬件处理平台和IP/MPLS软件架构,推出的下一代路由产品,具有超大容量、高处理性能、高可靠性、高扩展性等特点,与CiTRANS R800系列IP RAN等产品配合组网,形成结构完整、层次清晰的IP网络解决方案,可以在IP/MPLS网络上提供强大的IP 路由和多业务支持功能,在各种大型IP网络的核心及汇聚节点,为运营商提供3G/4G移动业务承载、大客户VPN、宽带接入、IPTV统一业务承载。

第五章新型网络应用5.1即时通信 (IM) 系统1.发展第一个:网络寻呼机ICQ(I Seek You,以色列)国内:OICQ(QQ)、网易泡泡、新浪 UC国外 :MSN Messenger、 Yahoo MessengerRFC2770模型框架2.允许用汉语相互订阅并获取彼此的状态变更信息音/视频聊天、应用共享、文件传输、文件共享、游戏邀请、远程助理、白板3.两种模式:中转模式(C/S)、P2P模式(C/C)MSN Messenge、ICQ、AIM、Yahoo Messenge文本:中转模式(C/S),文件(数据量大)P2P 模式(C/C) 4.QQ信息加密聊天方式:直接用TCP/UDP连接、分别与服务器建立 TCP/UDP连接文件传输:直接用TCP/UD P连接5.协议代表为 SIMPLE 协议簇、 XMPP 协议簇①会话初始化协议SIP:应用层控制协议组成:用户代理、代理服务器、重定向服务器、注册服务器SIP消息:请求消息C S;响应消息S C请求消息 :请求行、消息头、空行、消息体响应消息 :状态行、消息头、空行、消息体②SIMPLE由IETF的SIMPLE工作组制成,SIP的拓展增加了 MESSAGE、SUBSCRIBE、NOTIFY 方法③XMPP基于XML组成:核心协议RFC3920、即时通信RFC3921、XMPP与CPIM映射RFC3922、安全RFC3923特点C/S,分布式网络,简单客户端5.2文件共享文件共享是指用户主动的在网络上分享自己计算机上的文件或者目录,文件共享的实现方式有:文件服务器共享、 NFS 网络文件系统共享、 Windows 共享文件夹以及正在流行的 P2P 文化共享方式和基于云存储的共享技术。
1.网络文件系统( NFS)允许一个系统在网络上与他人共享目录和文件,达到文件的共享。
NFS 至少有两个主要部分:客户机和服务器,客户机可以远程访问存放在服务器上的数据。
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Network Working Group M. Krueger Request for Comments: 3347 R. Haagens Category: Informational Hewlett-Packard Corporation C. Sapuntzakis Stanford M. Bakke Cisco Systems July 2002 Small Computer Systems Interface protocol over the Internet (iSCSI)Requirements and Design ConsiderationsStatus of this MemoThis memo provides information for the Internet community. It doesnot specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of thismemo is unlimited.Copyright NoticeCopyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). All Rights Reserved. AbstractThis document specifies the requirements iSCSI and its relatedinfrastructure should satisfy and the design considerations guidingthe iSCSI protocol development efforts. In the interest of timelyadoption of the iSCSI protocol, the IPS group has chosen to focus the first version of the protocol to work with the existing SCSIarchitecture and commands, and the existing TCP/IP transport layer.Both these protocols are widely-deployed and well-understood. Thethought is that using these mature protocols will entail a minimum of new invention, the most rapid possible adoption, and the greatestcompatibility with Internet architecture, protocols, and equipment. Conventions used in this documentThis document describes the requirements for a protocol design, butdoes not define a protocol standard. Nevertheless, the key words"MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD","SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC-2119 [2].Krueger, et al. Informational [Page 1]Table of Contents1. Introduction (2)2. Summary of Requirements (3)3. iSCSI Design Considerations (7)3.1. General Discussion (7)3.2. Performance/Cost (9)3.3. Framing (11)3.4. High bandwidth, bandwidth aggregation (13)4. Ease of implementation/complexity of protocol (14)5. Reliability and Availability (15)5.1. Detection of Data Corruption (15)5.2. Recovery (15)6. Interoperability (16)6.1. Internet infrastructure (16)6.2. SCSI (16)7. Security Considerations (18)7.1. Extensible Security (18)7.2. Authentication (18)7.3. Data Integrity (19)7.4. Data Confidentiality (19)8. Management (19)8.1. Naming (20)8.2. Discovery (21)9. Internet Accessibility (21)9.1. Denial of Service (21)9.2. NATs, Firewalls and Proxy servers (22)9.3. Congestion Control and Transport Selection (22)10. Definitions (22)11. References (23)12. Acknowledgements (24)13. Author’s Addresses (25)14. Full Copyright Statement (26)1. IntroductionThe IP Storage Working group is chartered with developingcomprehensive technology to transport block storage data over IPprotocols. This effort includes a protocol to transport the SmallComputer Systems Interface (SCSI) protocol over the Internet (iSCSI). The initial version of the iSCSI protocol will define a mapping ofSCSI transport protocol over TCP/IP so that SCSI storage controllers (principally disk and tape arrays and libraries) can be attached toIP networks, notably Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) and 10 Gigabit Ethernet(10 GbE).Krueger, et al. Informational [Page 2]The iSCSI protocol is a mapping of SCSI to TCP, and constitutes a"SCSI transport" as defined by the ANSI T10 document SCSI SAM-2document [SAM2, p. 3, "Transport Protocols"].2. Summary of RequirementsThe iSCSI standard:From section 3.2 Performance/Cost:MUST allow implementations to equal or improve on the currentstate of the art for SCSI interconnects.MUST enable cost competitive implementations.SHOULD minimize control overhead to enable low delaycommunications.MUST provide high bandwidth and bandwidth aggregation.MUST have low host CPU utilizations, equal to or better thancurrent technology.MUST be possible to build I/O adapters that handle the entire SCSI task.SHOULD permit direct data placement architectures.MUST NOT impose complex operations on host software.MUST provide for full utilization of available link bandwidth.MUST allow an implementation to exploit parallelism (multipleconnections) at the device interfaces and within the interconnect fabric.From section 3.4 High Bandwidth/Bandwidth Aggregation:MUST operate over a single TCP connection.SHOULD support ’connection binding’, and it MUST be optional toimplement.From section 4 Ease of Implementation/Complexity of Protocol:SHOULD keep the protocol simple.SHOULD minimize optional features.Krueger, et al. Informational [Page 3]MUST specify feature negotiation at session establishment (login). MUST operate correctly when no optional features are negotiated as well as when individual option negotions are unsuccessful.From section 5.1 Detection of Data Corruption:MUST support a data integrity check format for use in digestgeneration.MAY use separate digest for data and headers.iSCSI header format SHOULD be extensible to include other dataintegrity digest calculation methods.From section 5.2 Recovery:MUST specify mechanisms to recover in a timely fashion fromfailures on the initiator, target, or connecting infrastructure.MUST specify recovery methods for non-idempotent requests.SHOULD take into account fail-over schemes for mirrored targets or highly available storage configurations.SHOULD provide a method for sessions to be gracefully terminatedand restarted that can be initiated by either the initiator ortarget.From section 6 Interoperability:iSCSI protocol document MUST be clear and unambiguous.From section 6.1 Internet Infrastructure:MUST:-- be compatible with both IPv4 and IPv6-- use TCP connections conservatively, keeping in mind there maybe many other users of TCP on a given machine.MUST NOT require changes to existing Internet protocols.SHOULD minimize required changes to existing TCP/IPimplementations.MUST be designed to allow future substitution of SCTP (for TCP) as an IP transport protocol with minimal changes to iSCSI protocoloperation, protocol data unit (PDU) structures and formats. Krueger, et al. Informational [Page 4]From section 6.2 SCSI:Any feature SAM2 requires in a valid transport mapping MUST bespecified by iSCSI.MUST specify strictly ordered delivery of SCSI commands over aniSCSI session between an initiator/target pair.The command ordering mechanism SHOULD seek to minimize the amount of communication necessary across multiple adapters doingtransport off-load.MUST specify for each feature whether it is OPTIONAL, RECOMMENDED or REQUIRED to implement and/or use.MUST NOT require changes to the SCSI-3 command sets and SCSIclient code except except where SCSI specifications point to"transport dependent" fields and behavior.SHOULD track changes to SCSI and the SCSI Architecture Model.MUST be capable of supporting all SCSI-3 command sets and devicetypes.SHOULD support ACA implementation.MUST allow for the construction of gateways to other SCSItransportsMUST reliably transport SCSI commands from the initiator to thetarget.MUST correctly deal with iSCSI packet drop, duplication,corruption, stale packets, and re-ordering.From section 7.1 Extensible Security:SHOULD require minimal configuration and overhead in the insecure operation.MUST provide for strong authentication when increased security is required.SHOULD allow integration of new security mechanisms withoutbreaking backwards compatible operation.Krueger, et al. Informational [Page 5]From section 7.2 Authentication:MAY support various levels of authentication security.MUST support private authenticated login.iSCSI authenticated login MUST be resilient against attacks.MUST support data origin authentication of its communications;data origin authentication MAY be optional to use.From section 7.3 Data Integrity:SHOULD NOT preclude use of additional data integrity protectionprotocols (IPSec, TLS).From section 7.4 Data Confidentiality:MUST provide for the use of a data encryption protocol such as TLS or IPsec ESP to provide data confidentiality between iSCSIendpointsFrom section 8 Management:SHOULD be manageable using standard IP-based management protocols. iSCSI protocol document MUST NOT define the managementarchitecture for iSCSI, or make explicit references to management objects such as MIB variables.From section 8.1 Naming:MUST support the naming architecture of SAM-2. The means by which an iSCSI resource is located MUST use or extend existing Internet standard resource location methods.MUST provide a means of identifying iSCSI targets by a uniqueidentifier that is independent of the path on which it is found.The format for the iSCSI names MUST use existing namingauthorities.An iSCSI name SHOULD be a human readable string in aninternational character set encoding.Standard Internet lookup services SHOULD be used to resolve iSCSI names.Krueger, et al. Informational [Page 6]SHOULD deal with the complications of the new SCSI securityarchitecture.iSCSI naming architecture MUST address support of SCSI 3rd partyoperations such as EXTENDED COPY.From section 8.2 Discovery:MUST have no impact on the use of current IP network discoverytechniques.MUST provide some means of determining whether an iSCSI service is available through an IP address.SCSI protocol-dependent techniques SHOULD be used for furtherdiscovery beyond the iSCSI layer.MUST provide a method of discovering, given an IP end point on its well-known port, the list of SCSI targets available to therequestor. The use of this discovery service MUST be optional.From section 9 Internet Accessability.SHOULD be scrutinized for denial of service issues and they should be addressed.From section 9.2 Firewalls and Proxy ServersSHOULD allow deployment where functional and optimizing middle-boxes such as firewalls, proxy servers and NATs are present.use of IP addresses and TCP ports SHOULD be firewall friendly.From section 9.3 Congestion Control and Transport SelectionMUST be a good network citizen with TCP-compatible congestioncontrol (as defined in [RFC2914]).iSCSI implementations MUST NOT use multiple connections as a means to avoid transport-layer congestion control.3. iSCSI Design Considerations3.1. General DiscussionTraditionally, storage controllers (e.g., disk array controllers,tape library controllers) have supported the SCSI-3 protocol and have been attached to computers by SCSI parallel bus or Fibre Channel. Krueger, et al. Informational [Page 7]The IP infrastructure offers compelling advantages for volume/block-oriented storage attachment. It offers the opportunity to take advantage of the performance/cost benefits provided by competition in the Internet marketplace. This could reduce the cost of storagenetwork infrastructure by providing economies arising from the needto install and operate only a single type of network.In addition, the IP protocol suite offers the opportunity for a rich array of management, security and QoS solutions. Organizations mayinitially choose to operate storage networks based on iSCSI that are independent of (isolated from) their current data networks except for secure routing of storage management traffic. These organizationsanticipated benefits from the high performance/cost of IP equipmentand the opportunity for a unified management architecture. Assecurity and QoS evolve, it becomes reasonable to build combinednetworks with shared infrastructure; nevertheless, it is likely that sophisticated users will choose to keep their storage sub-networksisolated to afford the best control of security and QoS to ensure ahigh-performance environment tuned to storage traffic.Mapping SCSI over IP also provides:-- Extended distance ranges-- Connectivity to "carrier class" services that support IPThe following applications for iSCSI are contemplated:-- Local storage access, consolidation, clustering and pooling (as in the data center)-- Network client access to remote storage (eg. a "storage service provider")-- Local and remote synchronous and asynchronous mirroring between storage controllers-- Local and remote backup and recoveryiSCSI will support the following topologies:-- Point-to-point direct connections-- Dedicated storage LAN, consisting of one or more LAN segments-- Shared LAN, carrying a mix of traditional LAN traffic plusstorage traffic-- LAN-to-WAN extension using IP routers or carrier-provided "IPDatatone"-- Private networks and the public InternetIP LAN-WAN routers may be used to extend the IP storage network tothe wide area, permitting remote disk access (as for a storageutility), synchronous and asynchronous remote mirroring, and remote Krueger, et al. Informational [Page 8]backup and restore (as for tape vaulting). In the WAN, using TCPend-to-end avoids the need for specialized equipment for protocolconversion, ensures data reliability, copes with network congestion, and provides retransmission strategies adapted to WAN delays.The iSCSI technology deployment will involve the following elements: (1) Conclusion of a complete protocol standard and supportingimplementations;(2) Development of Ethernet storage NICs and related driver andprotocol software; [NOTE: high-speed applications of iSCSI areexpected to require significant portions of the iSCSI/TCP/IPimplementation in hardware to achieve the necessary throughput.](3) Development of compatible storage controllers; and(4) The likely development of translating gateways to provideconnectivity between the Ethernet storage network and the Fibre Channel and/or parallel-bus SCSI domains.(5) Development of specifications for iSCSI device management suchas MIBs, LDAP or XML schemas, etc.(6) Development of management and directory service applications to support a robust SAN infrastructure.Products could initially be offered for Gigabit Ethernet attachment, with rapid migration to 10 GbE. For performance competitive withalternative SCSI transports, it will be necessary to implement theperformance path of the full protocol stack in hardware. These newstorage NICs might perform full-stack processing of a complete SCSItask, analogous to today’s SCSI and Fibre Channel HBAs, and mightalso support all host protocols that use TCP (NFS, CIFS, HTTP, etc). The charter of the IETF IP Storage Working Group (IPSWG) describesthe broad goal of mapping SCSI to IP using a transport that hasproven congestion avoidance behavior and broad implementation on avariety of platforms. Within that broad charter, several transportalternatives may be considered. Initial IPS work focuses on TCP, and this requirements document is restricted to that domain of interest.3.2. Performance/CostIn general, iSCSI MUST allow implementations to equal or improve onthe current state of the art for SCSI interconnects. This goalbreaks down into several types of requirement:Cost competitive with alternative storage network technologies:In order to be adopted by vendors and the user community, the iSCSIprotocol MUST enable cost competitive implementations when comparedto other SCSI transports (Fibre Channel).Krueger, et al. Informational [Page 9]Low delay communication:Conventional storage access is of a stop-and-wait remote procedurecall type. Applications typically employ very little pipelining oftheir storage accesses, and so storage access delay directly impacts performance. The delay imposed by current storage interconnects,including protocol processing, is generally in the range of 100microseconds. The use of caching in storage controllers means thatmany storage accesses complete almost instantly, and so the delay of the interconnect can have a high relative impact on overallperformance. When stop-and-wait IO is used, the delay of theinterconnect will affect performance. The iSCSI protocol SHOULDminimize control overhead, which adds to delay.Low host CPU utilization, equal to or better than current technology: For competitive performance, the iSCSI protocol MUST allow three key implementation goals to be realized:(1) iSCSI MUST make it possible to build I/O adapters that handle an entire SCSI task, as alternative SCSI transport implementations do.(2) The protocol SHOULD permit direct data placement ("zero-copy"memory architectures, where the I/O adapter reads or writes host memory exactly once per disk transaction.(3) The protocol SHOULD NOT impose complex operations on the hostsoftware, which would increase host instruction path lengthrelative to alternatives.Direct data placement (zero-copy iSCSI):Direct data placement refers to iSCSI data being placed directly "off the wire" into the allocated location in memory with no intermediate copies. Direct data placement significantly reduces the memory busand I/O bus loading in the endpoint systems, allowing improvedperformance. It reduces the memory required for NICs, possiblyreducing the cost of these solutions.This is an important implementation goal. In an iSCSI system, eachof the end nodes (for example host computer and storage controller)should have ample memory, but the intervening nodes (NIC, switches)typically will not.Krueger, et al. Informational [Page 10]High bandwidth, bandwidth aggregation:The bandwidth (transfer rate, MB/sec) supported by storagecontrollers is rapidly increasing, due to several factors:1. Increase in disk spindle and controller performance;2. Use of ever-larger caches, and improved caching algorithms;3. Increased scale of storage controllers (number of supportedspindles, speed of interconnects).The iSCSI protocol MUST provide for full utilization of availablelink bandwidth. The protocol MUST also allow an implementation toexploit parallelism (multiple connections) at the device interfacesand within the interconnect fabric.The next two sections further discuss the need for direct dataplacement and high bandwidth.3.3. FramingFraming refers to the addition of information in a header, or thedata stream to allow implementations to locate the boundaries of aniSCSI protocol data unit (PDU) within the TCP byte stream. There are two technical requirements driving framing: interfacing needs, andaccelerated processing needs.A framing solution that addresses the "interfacing needs" of theiSCSI protocol will facilitate the implementation of a message-based upper layer protocol (iSCSI) on top of an underlying byte streamingprotocol (TCP). Since TCP is a reliable transport, this can beaccomplished by including a length field in the iSCSI header. Finding the protocol frame assumes that the receiver will parse from thebeginning of the TCP data stream, and never make a mistake (losealignment on packet headers).The other technical requirement for framing, "acceleratedprocessing", stems from the need to handle increasingly higher datarates in the physical media interface. Two needs arise from higherdata rates:(1) LAN environment - NIC vendors seek ways to provide "zero-copy"methods of moving data directly from the wire into applicationbuffers.(2) WAN environment- the emergence of high bandwidth, high latency, low bit error rate physical media places huge bufferrequirements on the physical interface solutions.Krueger, et al. Informational [Page 11]First, vendors are producing network processing hardware thatoffloads network protocols to hardware solutions to achieve higherdata rates. The concept of "zero-copy" seeks to store blocks of data in appropriate memory locations (aligned) directly off the wire, even when data is reordered due to packet loss. This is necessary todrive actual data rates of 10 Gigabit/sec and beyond.Secondly, in order for iSCSI to be successful in the WAN arena itmust be possible to operate efficiently in high bandwidth, high delay networks. The emergence of multi-gigabit IP networks with latencies in the tens to hundreds of milliseconds presents a challenge. Tofill such large pipes, it is necessary to have tens of megabytes ofoutstanding requests from the application. In addition, someprotocols potentially require tens of megabytes at the transportlayer to deal with buffering for reassembly of data when packets are received out-of-order.In both cases, the issue is the desire to minimize the amount ofmemory and memory bandwidth required for iSCSI hardware solutions.Consider that a network pipe at 10 Gbps x 200 msec holds 250 MB.[Assume land-based communication with a spot half way around theworld at the equator. Ignore additional distance due to cablerouting. Ignore repeater and switching delays; consider only aspeed-of-light delay of 5 microsec/km. The circumference of theglobe at the equator is approx. 40000 km (round-trip delay must beconsidered to keep the pipe full). 10 Gb/sec x 40000 km x 5microsec/km x B / 8b = 250 MB]. In a conventional TCPimplementation, loss of a TCP segment means that stream processingMUST stop until that segment is recovered, which takes at least atime of <network round trip> to accomplish. Following the exampleabove, an implementation would be obliged to catch 250 MB of datainto an anonymous buffer before resuming stream processing; later,this data would need to be moved to its proper location. Someproponents of iSCSI seek some means of putting data directly where it belongs, and avoiding extra data movement in the case of segmentdrop. This is a key concept in understanding the debate behindframing methodologies.The framing of the iSCSI protocol impacts both the "interfacingneeds" and the "accelerated processing needs", however, whileincluding a length in a header may suffice for the "interfacingneeds", it will not serve the direct data placement needs. Theframing mechanism developed should allow resynchronization of packet boundaries even in the case where a packet is temporarily missing in the incoming data stream.Krueger, et al. Informational [Page 12]3.4. High bandwidth, bandwidth aggregationAt today’s block storage transport throughput, any single link can be saturated by the volume of storage traffic. Scientific dataapplications and data replication are examples of storageapplications that push the limits of throughput.Some applications, such as log updates, streaming tape, andreplication, require ordering of updates and thus ordering of SCSIcommands. An initiator may maintain ordering by waiting for eachupdate to complete before issuing the next (a.k.a. synchronousupdates). However, the throughput of synchronous updates decreasesinversely with increases in network distances.For greater throughput, the SCSI task queuing mechanism allows aninitiator to have multiple commands outstanding at the targetsimultaneously and to express ordering constraints on the executionof those commands. The task queuing mechanism is only effective ifthe commands arrive at the target in the order they were presented to the initiator (FIFO order). The iSCSI standard must provide anordered transport of SCSI commands, even when commands are sent along different network paths (see Section 5.2 SCSI). This is referred to as "command ordering".The iSCSI protocol MUST operate over a single TCP connection toaccommodate lower cost implementations. To enable higher performance storage devices, the protocol should specify a means to allowoperation over multiple connections while maintaining the behavior of a single SCSI port. This would allow the initiator and target to use multiple network interfaces and multiple paths through the networkfor increased throughput. There are a few potential ways to satisfy the multiple path and ordering requirements.A popular way to satisfy the multiple-path requirement is to have adriver above the SCSI layer instantiate multiple copies of the SCSItransport, each communicating to the target along a different path."Wedge" drivers use this technique today to attain high performance. Unfortunately, wedge drivers must wait for acknowledgement ofcompletion of each request (stop-and-wait) to ensure ordered updates. Another approach might be for iSCSI protocol to use multipleinstances of its underlying transport (e.g. TCP). The iSCSI layerwould make these independent transport instances appear as one SCSItransport instance and maintain the ability to do ordered SCSIcommand queuing. The document will refer to this technique as"connection binding" for convenience.Krueger, et al. Informational [Page 13]The iSCSI protocol SHOULD support connection binding, and it MUST be optional to implement.In the presence of connection binding, there are two ways to assignfeatures to connections. In the symmetric approach, all theconnections are identical from a feature standpoint. In theasymmetric model, connections have different features. For example, some connections may be used primarily for data transfers whereasothers are used primarily for SCSI commands.Since the iSCSI protocol must support the case where there was onlyone transport connection, the protocol must have command, data, andstatus travel over the same connection.In the case of multiple connections, the iSCSI protocol must keep the command and its associated data and status on the same connection(connection allegiance). Sending data and status on the sameconnection is desirable because this guarantees that status isreceived after the data (TCP provides ordered delivery). In the case where each connection is managed by a separate processor, allegiance decreases the need for inter-processor communication. This symmetric approach is a natural extension of the single connection approach.An alternate approach that was extensively discussed involved sending all commands on a single connection and the associated data andstatus on a different connection (asymmetric approach). In thisscheme, the transport ensures the commands arrive in order. Theprotocol on the data and status connections is simpler, perhapslending itself to a simpler realization in hardware. Onedisadvantage of this approach is that the recovery procedure isdifferent if a command connection fails vs. a data connection. Some argued that this approach would require greater inter-processorcommunication when connections are spread across processors.The reader may reference the mail archives of the IPS mailing listbetween June and September of 2000 for extensive discussions onsymmetric vs asymmetric connection models.4. Ease of implementation/complexity of protocolExperience has shown that adoption of a protocol by the Internetcommunity is inversely proportional to its complexity. In addition, the simpler the protocol, the easier it is to diagnose problems. The designers of iSCSI SHOULD strive to fulfill the requirements of thecreating a SCSI transport over IP, while keeping the protocol assimple as possible.Krueger, et al. Informational [Page 14]。