必修三 unit 5 Canada the true north warming up


unit 5 Canada- the true north words explanation

unit 5 Canada- the true north words explanation

Vocabulary Explanation
11. catch sight of 看见,瞥见(强调看的结果 ) at first sight咋看 at the sight of 在看到..时 in/within sight在视线之内 lose sight of 看不见,忽略,忘记 out of sight看不见 get/catch a glimpse of 瞥见
Vocabulary Explanation
8. aboard: 在船上、飞机上、火车上等 board: n 木板,上船、飞机等 boarder: n 寄宿生 abroad: adv. 在国外,到国外 broad: adj 宽阔的,广阔的 broaden: v 加宽,变宽 broadly: adv ~speaking大体上说
Vocabulary Explanation
14. border: n/v His handkerchief has a white border. The soldiers are guarding the border. We camped on the border of a lake. Our garden is bordered by a stream The United States borders on/upon Canada. borderer: n 边境居民
Vocabulary Explanation
15. mix: v mixture: n mix A with/and B mix sth up把某物拌和;混淆某物 mix sth in/into 把某物掺进去 be/get mixed up with sth/sb 与某事有关, 与某人混在一起 I’m mixed up about this . I don’t want to get

高中英语 必修3 Unit 5 Canada ─ “The True North”重点词汇讲与练

高中英语 必修3 Unit 5 Canada ─ “The True North”重点词汇讲与练

高中英语必修3Unit5Canada─“TheTrueNorth”重点词汇讲与练语言点总结Wordusage1.s urroundv:extendonallsidesof;encircleeg.Treessurroundourhouse.Thepolicesurroundedthethief。

Thewallsurroundsourschool.2.extremelyadv:toaveryhighdegree.eg.That’sextremelyinteresting.Wegotonextremelywell.Iamextremelysorry.3.w ithinprep:notmorethaneg.Shereturnedwithinanhour.Ifyoudon’thearanythingwithinthreedays,phoneagain.Theyfinishedthehousewithinhalfayear.Heliveswithinfiveminutes’walk.4.s lightlyadv:toaslightdegreeeg.Thepatientisslightlybettertoday.Iknowherslightly.Shespeededupslightly.Ifeelslightlyilltoday.5.distancen:separationinspaceortime[C][U][(+to/from/between)]eg.ItisalongdistancefromNewYorktoHongkong.Thedistancebetweenthetwoplacesistwentykilometers.WhatisthedistancetoGuangzhou?词组inthedistance:在远处Theysawafewhousesinthedistance.Thereislightinthedistance.6.wealthyadj:richeg.Hewastheeldestsonofawealthyfamily.Itisawealthycityinthecountry.Heisawealthyman.7.dawnn:thefirstglimpseoflightinthemorningeg.Thedawnsherearebeautiful.该词通常构成词组atdawnWemustgetupatdawn.Theytaketheboatouteverydayatdawn.Thesceneryisbeautifulatdawn.8.downtownadvoradj:inthebusinesscenterofacityoratowneg.Theywentdowntowntodosomeshopping.Itisadowntowncity.9.flowvi:tomovefreelyeg.TheriverThamesflowsintotheNorthSea.Theriverflowsrapidly.Aftertheconcertthepeopleflowedoutofthehall.Thebloodflowedout.10.bordera)n:outerareaeg.Theirhouseisontheborderoftheriver.Theypickedontheborderofthelake.Herhandkerchiefhasawhiteborder.b)n:boundaryofcountryeg.TheywereneartheborderbetweenFranceandGermany.Itisabordercity.Theywillaskforyourpassportattheborder.11.terrify:makesomeonefeelterrifiedeg.Hewasterrifiedofbeingleftaloneintheroom.Youterrifiedmejustnow!Thethunderstormterrifiedthechild.12.officiala)adj:relatingtoapublicofficeeg.Hegavemeanofficialletter.TheofficiallanguageofthecountryisEnglish.Isthenewsofficial?b)n:personwhoholdsapositionofauthorityeg.Thegovernmentofficialsarehavingameeting.Heisanofficialatthelocalbank.Themayorisanelectedofficial.13.toura)n:visitotherplacesorjourneythroughwhichperformancesaregiveneg.Mr.AdamsmadeatouraroundEastAsialastyear.Hejoinedabicyclingtour.Thefilmstarisontourinourcity.b)v:makeatoureg.We’lltouraroundItalyforourholidaythissummer.ManyAmericanstourbycar14.settlev:ma keone’shomeinaplace.eg.Afteryearsoftravel,wedecidedtosettlehere.HesettledinCanadaatlast.TheygotmarriedandsettlednearBeijing.15.broadadj:wideeg.Heworkedinthebroadfields.Itisabroadriver.Hehasbroadshoulders.16.eastwardadv:towardstheeasteg.Theysailedeastward.Wecouldn’tdecidewhethertogoeastwardorwestward. Usefulexpressions1.settledown:sitorlieinacomfortablepositionorgetusedtoanewwayoflife,jobetceg.Shesettleddowninanarmchairtoreadabook.Maryissettlingdownwellinhernewjob.Hegotusedtosettlingdownintheforeigncountry.2.h aveagiftfor:naturaltalentorabilityeg.Hehasagiftformusic.Tomhasagiftformakingfriends.ThegirlhasagiftforlearningEnglish.3.figureout:workoutorunderstandeg.Shefiguredouttheproblematlast.Thebossaskedmetofigureoutthecostoftheplan.Ican'tfigurehimout.4.asfarasa)totheextentthat;asmuchaseg.AsfarasIknow,thebookispopularwithstudents.AsfarasIknow,heislikelytocome.I'llhelpyouasfarasIcan.b)thesamedistanceaseg.Theywalkedasfarasthelake.Thechildrenwalkedasfarastheseaside.I’llwalkasfarastheposto ffice.5.r atherthan:inpreferencetosborsth;insteadeg.IthinkIwillhaveacolddrinkratherthancoffee.Ratherthangettingmoneyinsuchadishonestway,Tomwouldbeginthestreet.用与平行结构中I’dcallherhairchestnutratherthanbrownIprefertogoinsummerratherthaninwinter.综合练习Exercise1据句意及所给单词首字母或汉语意思完成下列句子.1.ChinaisinAsia,oneofthesevenc__________ontheearth.2.Thehousewass_________byhighwalls.3.Inthosedays,mothersusuallyt________thebabiesbytellingstoriesofwolforghosts.4.China’sformerPrimeM_________,ZhuRongjistressedtheneedforequalityandfa irnessintheworldattheEarth Summit.5.Wemustmakesurethateveryoneisabletotakepartinthenewworldwec_______todeveloptheworldsuccessfull y.6.Theycouldn’twaittostoptoadmirethe________(风暴)onarrivingthepark.7.I’m__________(极其,非常)sorryforthedelay.8.Wemustreachthe_________(港口)beforesunsetincaseofthebadweather.9.Heisgoingto__________(竞赛,比赛)againsthisoldrivalinthesecondround.10.Nothavingseeneachotherforages,theyfounditdifficulttomake___________(交谈).2.Theystarted_________,hopingtoarrivebefore10:00am.3.Offersofhelp__________thehomelesspeoplebecauseofthetsunami.4.____________Icanseethatisimpossible.5.Ican’t___________howmuchtheholidaywillcostbeforeitends.6.Myhouseisthesameashers____________.7.Shemaybeslow,but___________she’sreliable(可靠的).8.I’vegotchanged,soI______________startworkatanytime.9.Taketroubleto_____________yourexaminationdespiteyouaregoodatitornot.10.Althoughheisaman,he_________toomuchtimeonclothes.答案Exercise1:1.continents2.surrounded3.terrified4.Minister5.create6.scenery7.extremely8.harborpete10.conversationExercise2:1.aswellas2.atdawn3.flowedinto4.As/Sofaras5.figureout6.insize7.atleast8.amreadyto9.dowellin10.spends。

新人教版高中英语必修三 Unit 5 Canada-The true north 课件(共30张PPT)

新人教版高中英语必修三 Unit 5 Canada-The true north  课件(共30张PPT)
Unit 5 Canada -“The True North”
What do you know about Canada?
A quiz!!!
1.Two teams take turns to choose one question. 2. If your answer is right, your team will get 2 points. 3. If your answer is wrong, your competitor can have a try and if they get it right, they can get half of the scores. 4. If both of you are wrong, the answer will be given to you and we will move on.
Detail reading
3. Why is the population of Vancouver growing so rapidly?
Features of Vancouver
Climate warmest part surrounded by moutains and the Pacific Ocean skiing in the Rocky Moutain sailing in the harbour
Try to find more information about Canada and share them with the whole class tomorrow.
Pacific Ocean
Atlantic Ocean

必修3 Unit 5 Canada—“The True North”

必修3 Unit 5 Canada—“The True North”

【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:必修3 Unit 5 Canada ―The True North‖重点单词重点短语重点句型二. 知识精讲(一)重点单词1.surround vt &vi包围、围绕The firemen surrounded the burning building.消防队员包围了熊熊燃烧的建筑物。

The original builders surrounded the city by/with a wall.最初的建设者们在该城的周围修起了城墙。

The city is surrounded with /by a river.这个城市被一条河包围着。

知识拓展:surrounding adj. 附近的、周围的surrounding环境;周围的事物(常用复数)Foxes started coming in from the surrounding countryside.狐狸开始从附近的乡下跑进来。

He didn‘t pay much attention to his surroundings.他没有多注意他周围的环境。

2. measure1) vt. & vi. 测量;衡量;判定They measured the strength of an electric current.他们测量了电流的强度。

He measured the rope to see if it was long enough.他量了那根绳子看是否够长。

2)n. 计量制;计量单位;措施An hour is a measure of time.小时是时间的一种计量单位。

Please make a suit to my measure.请按照我的尺寸做一套西服。

We should take effective measures to improve our teaching.我们应当采取有效的措施提高教学质量。


rather too稍微
3.The idea that they would cross the whole continent was exciting.
e.g.I have no idea when you will go abroad.
across the way
a long way off
all the way
(2)rather than胜于,宁口」,宁愿;倒不如说
e.g.I ' d rather play tennis than swim.
These shoes are comfortable rather than pretty.
It has been a great grief for him as well.
6.The idea that you can cross Canada in less than five days is just wrong.
你们认为能在/、到五天的时间内横穿加拿大的想法是错误的。cross v.穿越,横过,勾划,错过。
American young people would rather get advice from strangers.美国的年轻人宁可从陌生人那里获取咨询。
would (had) rather...
rather better than

高中英语新人教版必修3 Unit5 Canada---The true north

高中英语新人教版必修3 Unit5 Canada---The true north

Unit 5 Canada---The true northTeaching aims:Talk about the basic information about Canada.Learn how to read a traveling report and use maps.Learn to express locations and directions.Master the noun clauses--- appositive clauseVocabulary: minister, continent, surround, dawn, booth, slightly, settle down, have a gift for, figure out, as far as, all the way, rather thanThe first periodStep Ⅰ RevisionCheck the students’ homeworkCheck the assignment.Step ⅡLead-in and warming upShow the students the maple flag and ask them some questions.T: Do you know which country uses this national flag?Ss: Canada.T: What continent is Canada in?Ss: In North America.T: How large is it?Ss: It is the second largest country in the world.T: Yes. It occupies an area of 9,984,670 square kilometers. It is a bit bigger than China. Which country is its neighbor?Ss: The United States.(Show a map of Canada to the students)T. Right. The United States is . Canada is a beautiful country. First let’s have a quiz and see how much do you know about Canada.( Give the Ss one minute to finish the quiz.)T: OK. Time is up. Let’s check the answers.1.C2.D3.A4.B5.AStep Ⅲ Pre-readingT: Now I want to ask you a question: Do you like travelling?Ss: Yes.T: I know most of you do. So have you ever been abroad?Ss: Yes/No.T: What’s the longest trip you have ever taken?…T: Very good. If we want to make our motherland more beautiful and more developed, we should know more about other countries. Here are two questions, you may ask your partner for answers and give your answers to him/her. If you take a trip to Canada, what do you expect to see?What three words would you use to describe Canada?(Ask some pairs to tell their ideas to their classmates.)Step Ⅳ Fast readingGet the students to read the passage quickly and accurately and meanwhile help the students to form a good habit of reading.T: Do you feel puzzled when you read the title? What is the true north? Now read the passage and get the general idea of the passage. Underline the main places mentioned in the text.Give the Ss 5 minutes for reading.What the passage is mainly about?What are the main places mentioned in the text?Draw thetraveling route of the two girls on the map.T: Do you have any difficulty in reading? Now let’s discuss some difficult points together.Step Ⅴ HomeworkRemember the underlined sentence.Write a short passage to report what Li Daiyu and Liu Qian saw in Canada. The second periodStep ⅠRevision1. Have a dictation.2. Ask two students to write on the blackboard.3. Ask one student to make a short report.Step Ⅱ Lead-inT: Li Daiyu and Liu Qian were on the train yesterday. The train rushed across the top of the Lake Superior. Which is the next city it runs towards? Ss: Toronto.T: Toronto is an important city. It is the finance center of Canada. It has rich popular arts and culture. How much do you know about Toronto?Ss: There are Chinatowns where you can buy Chinese medicine.T: Quite right. Do you want to know more about Toronto?Ss: Yes.Step Ⅲ ReadingT: Read the passage on 38. In this passage, you can learn a lot about Toronto, and Montreal, which is Canada’s second largest city. I will give you four minutes to read the passage, then answer the questions on 37—38.Four minutes later, check the answers with the class.Step Ⅳ Intensive reading(reading task)T: Read the passage and fill in the chart using the information of the text.T: You can have a discussion with your partner.Step Ⅴ DiscussionStep Ⅵ HomeworkRead the two passages again and find the main characters of Toronto, Montreal and Iqaluit.Read fun reading by yourself.。

人教新课标必修3 Unit5 Canada-the true north[全套教案]

人教新课标必修3 Unit5 Canada-the true north[全套教案]

Unit 5 Canada—“The True North”教案一【单元重点内容与教学目标】本单元是围绕两位女孩李黛予和刘倩的加拿大之旅展开的, 通过他们的途中见闻向我们展示了加拿大的一些基本概况, 包括它的地理位置、面积、地貌、主要城市、生态环境、风土人情以及该国的多元文化。


Warming Up部分提供了一个关于加拿大概况的小测试,目的是激活学生已有的知识,为进入本单元的学习作好准备。


Reading部分以游记的形式,记述了李黛予和刘倩去加拿大看她们的表兄妹的途中见闻, 沿着从西向东的旅游路线向我们介绍了加拿大的面积、地貌、城市、人口、生态环境等。





Learning about Language部分首先通过构词法的学习扩大学生的词汇量并培养学生的词汇生成能力。



Using Language部分综合训练听说读写的能力。

人教版高中英语必修三:Unit 5 Canada “The True North”说课稿

人教版高中英语必修三:Unit 5 Canada “The True North”说课稿

Book3 Unit 5 Canada -- “The True North”Period 1 Warming up and Reading说课稿各位领导、老师们,你们好!今天我要进行说课的内容是人教版高中英语必修3 Unit 5 Canada -- “The TrueNorth Period 1 Warming up and Reading。

首先,我对本节内容进行分析:一、教学设计背景1.面向学生:青铜峡市高级中学高一年级学生学科:英语2.课时:13. 教学理论依据英语教学是一种生活教学,所以它也是活动教学,教学过程也是交际活动过程。





4.学生分析(1)学生对旅游方面的知识有一定的了解和兴趣,但对加拿大这个国家的了解还比较有限;(2) 由于学生主要来源于农村,知识面和信息渠道很有限,学生多数对加拿大的地理位置,自然资源以及主要城市了解不多;(3) 学生具备一定的阅读理解能力,但在有限的时间内查找特定的信息和分析处理问题的能力还有待提高;5.学生课前准备(1)初读课文理解文章大意;(2) 勾画出生词并自己查阅词典自学,读准发音,弄清意思;(3) 勾画出好短语、句子和有疑难问题的词句;(4) 标出自然段落。


高考英语山东版:必修3 Unit+5 Canada—“The+True+North”

高考英语山东版:必修3 Unit+5 Canada—“The+True+North”

考点必记 ①be gifted /talented in在……方面有天赋 have a talent for对……有天赋 ②a man of many gifts多才多艺的人 写作佳句
He has a great gift for science. 他有科学方面的非凡天赋。
④It was her courage rather than (而不是) her beauty that struck me
考点必记 rather than用作连词,常用于以下句型: would rather do...than do...宁愿做……而不愿做…… would do...rather than do...宁愿做……而不愿做…… prefer to do..rather than do...宁愿……而不愿…… 考点提示 rather than连接两个并列主语时谓语形式与rather than前的名词一 致。
①Make sure the people you surround yourself with
supportive. ②When he came to life,he found himself lying on the ground and surrounded (surround) by some strangers.
①His brother rather than his parents is



Unit 5 Canada—“The True North”[话题单词]1.locate vt. 位于2.position n.位置3.size n.大小4.history n.历史5.custom n.习俗6.capital n.首都7.welfare n.福利8.immigration n.移民9.Arctic n.北极,北极地区10.bay n.海湾,(港)湾11.border n.边(沿);边界,国界12.geography n.地理13.restriction n.限制;限定14.policy n.政策,方针15.legal adj. 法律的,法定的[话题短语]1.followacustom遵循习俗2.cultureshock文化冲击3.socialstatus社会地位4.offerjobopportunities提供就业机会5.asymbolofsocialprogress社会进步的体现6.adaptoneselftothedevelopmentofsociety适应社会发展7.berichin富含……8.settledown定居9.haveahistoryof有……的历史10.haveanareaof有……面积11.withapopulationof有……人口12.belocatedin...坐落在……13.coveranareaof占地……14.naturalresources自然资源15.morethan多于[话题佳句]1.Coveringanareaof9,976,000squarekilometres,Canadaisthesecondlargestcountryintheworldwithapopulationofmorethanthirtymillion .加拿大是世界上第二大国家,面积9976000平方千米,人口大约3千多万。




Unit 5 Canada ——“The true North”Period 1 Warming up and Reading 1Teaching aims:1. Talking about Canada.2. Learn the geography, population, main cities, and natural beauty, natural resources of Canada.3. Learn how to read a traveling report and pictures.Teaching aids: A computer, a project and pictures.Teaching steps:Step 1. Warming up.1. Ss discuss the following questions.1) Do you like to go tra veling?2) Which countries do you like to visit? Why?3) What can you see in these countries?2.T shows some pictures of winter and invites Ss to describe them.3.Get Ss to talk what they know about Canada.4.T shows a map of Canada and asks: 1.Which continent is Canada in?2.Which country is its neighbor?3.What are the Oceans Canada fac es?4.How large is Canada?4. Have a quiz.Step 2. Pre-reading.T: Would you like to take a trip to Canada?What three words would you use to describe Canada?Step 3 Reading1. Shimming:Get Ss to read the passage quickly and answer the following questions:1) What is the passage mainly about?Sample:The passage is about a trip of two girls, and it tells us some information about Canada.2) What is “The Ture No rth”?Sample:“The True North” is the train that goes across Canada / the cross-Canada train.3) How many cities are mentioned in the text? What are they?Sample:Vancouver – Calgary—Thunder Bay—Toronto4) What do you know about each city?Vancouver :the warmest part of Canada;the most beautiful city in Canadamany Asian want to live there;the trees are extremely tall.the oldest and most beautiful forests in the worldCalgary:famous for StampedeCowboys come to compete in riding wild horses.good at working with animalsthey can win a lot of money in prizes.Thunder Bay:at the top end of the Great Lakes;very busy portclose to the centre of the country ,so that ocean ships can go there.2. Detailed reading:1) Get Ss to read the passage again and correct the following sentences.1. The girls went to Canada to see their relatives in Montreal.(in the East of Canada / on the Atlantic coast of Canada)2. Danny Lin was goi ng to drive them to Vancouver.(the train station to catch the cross-Canada train)3. You can cross Canada in less than five days by bicycle.(can’t)4. The girls looked out the windows and saw Native Indians and cowboys.(a grizzly bear, mountain goats and wild scenery)5. Thunder Bay is a port city in the south of Canada, near Toronto.(at the top end of the Great Lakes, near the center of the country)2) Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks from the text.Canada is _____ than the United States. It is the _______largest country in the world.It is _____kilometers from coast to coast in Canada.The population of Canada is onl y slightly over_____________.Canada has _________ of the world’s fresh water, much of which is in the ___________.On the coast north of Vancouver some of the oldest and most beautiful _______ in the world still remain. It is so wet there that the trees are extremely ______.Period 2 Language points:1.Canada is a multicultural country like China. 加拿大像中国一样是一个多元化国家。


栏目 导引
Unit 5 Canada-“The True North”——加拿大——“真正的北方”
10.With so many trees and flowers_s_u_r_r_o_u_n_d_i_n_g_it,the school looks very nice.I’d like to bring up my child in healthy _s_u_r_r_o_u_n_d_in__g_s,so I would like to send him to it.(surround)
栏目 导引
Unit 5 Canada-“The True North”——加拿大——“真正的北方”
Unit 5 Canada-“The True North”——加拿大——“真正的北方”
Unit 5 Canada-“The True North”——加拿大——“真正的北方”
栏目 导引
Unit 5 Canada-“The True North”——加拿大——“真正的北方”
核心单词 1. Her eyesight is so good that she can see the mountain in the __d_i_s_ta_n_c_e____( 远方) . 2. Lisa and I have a ___s_li_g_h_t_ly____(稍微) different attitude towards love.
栏目 导引
Unit 5 Canada-“The True North”——加拿大——“真正的北方”
9.用impress的适当形式填空 (1)So charming are the sights of Jiuzhaigou that they leave a deep__i_m_p__re_s_s_io_n__on visitors from home and abroad. (2)To tell you the truth,I was deeply __i_m_p__re_s_s_e_d__by his excellent speech.



高中英语学习材料madeofjingetiejiUnit 5 Canada—“The True North”Section A Warming Up, Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingⅠ. 选择适当的单词填空(共9小题;每小题1分,满分9分)用across,through或over填空1.I saw her walk ________ the door.2.A new bridge ________ the river was built last month.3.After they climbed ________ the hill,they found many flowers in the fields.4.It’s too wide. We can’t swim ________.用that,when,where或how填空5. Word came ________ Kobe Bryant will come to China next month.6.I have no idea ________ I can work out this problem.7.The question ________ we will start is still unknown.8.There is no doubt ________ Taiwan is part of China.9. The decision ________ we are going hasn’t been made.Ⅱ.用适当的介词或副词填空(共6小题;每小题1分,满分6分)1.—May I use your pen?—Sure,go ________.2. Time went ________ slowly.3. The students are going ________ their lessons for the coming examination.4. Meat and fish go ________ quickly in hot weather.5. Something has gone ________ with my TV.6. Prices have gone ________ sharply lately.Ⅲ.完成句子(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)1.He ________ ________ ________ ________ ________(将女性比作漂亮的玫瑰).2. He left college ________ ________ ________ ________(去当牧师)in the church.3. She was frightened ________ ________(而不是)sad.4. He likes to ________ ________ ________________ ________(身边老有漂亮的东西). 5. ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ Ireland?(爱尔兰的人口是多少?)Ⅳ. 单项填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)1. ________ by a group of children,the old lady is telling her story.A. SurroundingB. To be surroundedC. SurroundedD. To be surrounding2. They were poor,but they ________ a computer for their son.A. managed buyingB. tried buyingC. managed to buyD. tried to buy3. After that, he knew he could ________ any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability.A. get away withB. get on withC. get throughD. get across4. The happy ________ of children playing in the garden disappears,and it is quiet again.A. sceneB. sceneryC. scareD. spot5. He suddenly saw Sue ________ the room. He pushed his way ________ the crowd of people to get to her.A. across;acrossB. over;throughC. over;intoD. across;through6. Lily does very well in her studies. No one in our class can ________ her,especially in maths and English.A. compare withB. be compared toC. compareD. be compared7. About 698,000 laptops were sold in China in ________ second quarter,________ 12.1 percent increase from a year ago.A. a;aB. the;aC. the;theD. a;the建议用时满分实际用时得分错题档案45分钟60分8. When ________ different cultures,we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing many similarities.A. comparedB. being comparedC. comparingD. having compared9. I’m sure he’ll ________down in his new school.A. comeB. breakC. getD. settle10. I ________ to apologize to her,but she wouldn’t listen to me.A. succeededB. seekC. managedD. tried11. —We’re afraid we can’t finish the task ________a month.—Take your time,but next month you’ll have a new one.A. inB. amongC. afterD. within12. Catching ________ sight of policemen coming,the thief swiftly went out of ________ sight.A. the;theB. /;/C. the;/D. /;the13. In fact,I would rather have left for the countryside ________ at home.A. by stayingB. than stayingC. than to stayD. than have stayed14. With ________ population of 100,000,the city is in ________ need of fresh water and other daily resources.A. the;theB. a;aC. the;aD. a;/15. The new railway winds its way to Hong Kong,________ mountains,________ tunnels and ________ rivers.A. across;over;throughB. over;across;throughC. over;through;acrossD. through;over;acrossⅤ. 阅读理解(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)London—A morning train rides away,across the channel. English kids discuss the Liverpool’s football team in a Paris pub.Some Parisians have started to travel to work in London.In the 19th century,Charles Dickens compared the two cities,London and Paris,in A Tale of Two Cities. These days,it might be A Tale of One City.As there are few jobs at home over recent years,perhaps 250,000 Frenchmen moved across the channel. With an undersea tunnel,they could travel between cities in three hours. The European Union freed them from immigration and customs.Paris,rich in beauty,is more stylish. But London feels more full of life,and more fun until the pubs shut down.“For me,the difference is that London is real,alive,”said Trevor Wheeler,a financial expert.Chantal Jaouen,a professional designer,agrees. “I am French,but I’ll stay in London,”she said.There is,of course,the other view. Julie Lenoux is a student who moved to London two years ago. “I think people laugh more in Paris,”she said.“Both cities have changed beyond recognition,”said Larry Collins,an author and sometimes a Londoner.Like most people who know both cities well,he finds the two now fit together comfortably.“I first fell in love with Paris in the 1950s. Things are so much more ordered,and life is better. ”But certainly not cheaper.In some parts of London,rents can be twice those on Avenue Foch in Paris.Deciding between London and Paris requires a lifestyle choice.Like Daphne Benoit,a French journalism student with perfect English,many young people are happy to be close enough so they don’t have to choose.“I love Paris,my little neighbourhood,the way I can walk around a centre,but life is too organized,”she said. “In London,you can be whoever you want. No one cares. ”1. It can be inferred that ________.A. Paris and London are the two biggest cities in theworldB. Liverpool is a big city as well as a port in FranceC. London and Paris used to be separatedD. in the 19th century,Dickens told his stories in thetwo cities2. According to this passage,which of the following is TRUE?A. People feel it difficult to find a job in Paris.B. People can find any job in London.C. People can’t travel to London without a passport.D. People can travel to London without a passport.3. According to this passage we know that ________.A. Londoners seldom travel to Paris on holidaysB. Parisians enjoy English food more than their ownC. both cities have their advantagesD. young people prefer to live in London4. Which city is better to live in according to the passage?A. London.B. Paris.C. Both cities.D. It just depends.5. What’s the meaning of the underlined sentence?A. People in London enjoy a lawless life.B. People can do everything in London.D. People will feel lonely in London.C. People in London enjoy living in different ways.答案与解析Ⅰ.1. through 2.over 3.over 4.across 5. that 6.how/when 7.when 8.that9.where/whenⅡ. 1. ahead 2. by 3. over 4. off5. wrong6. up/downⅢ. 1. compares women to beautiful roses2. to be a minister3. rather than4. surround himself with beautiful things5. What is the population ofⅣ.1. C本题考查surround的用法。



Vancouver ranks third largest in Canada.
The 2010 Winter Olympics were held there.
Vancouver at night
Toronto is the most popular city in Canada and one of the world's most livable cities.
多彩的, 彩色的 multicolored 多媒体 multimedia
1. Collect more about Canada. 2. Preview the new vocabulary
in this unit. 3. Preview the reading passage
in next period.
2. Why are they not flying directly to the Atlantic coast?
Because they want to take the train from west to east across Canada. 3. Why is the population of Vancouver growing so rapidly?
A. 4 B. 3 C. 5 D. 6
the national flag of Canada
National Flower maple
1. What does “The True North” refer to? It is the train that runs through Canada.
人教版高中英语必修三课件: Unit-5-Canada—“TheTrue-North”-WarmingUp-and-reading-(共35张



prep. &adv. 在(船、飞机、火车等)上; 上(船、飞机、火车等)
adj. 宽阔的; 广泛的
adv. 在国外
④车等); 木板
Unit 5 Canada—“The True North”
Part 1重点单词·巧记
Ⅰ. 核心单词
1. _c_h_a_t
vi. &n. 聊天; 闲聊
2. _s_ce_n_e_r_y_
n. 景色; 风景
3. _m__ea_s_u_r_e_ vi. &vt. 测量; 衡量; 判定
n. 计量制; 计量单位; 措施
6. terrify vt. 使恐怖; 恐吓→ _t_er_r_i_fi_e_d_adj. 恐惧的; 受惊吓的→ _t_er_r_i_fy_i_n_g_ adj. 令人恐惧的→ _t_er_r_o_r_n. 恐惧→ _te_r_r_i_b_le_adj. 可怕的 7. mix vt. &vi. 混合; 调配→ _m_i_x_t_u_r_en. 混合(物); 混合状态
4. _a_b_o_a_r_d_
prep. &adv. 在(船、飞机、火车或公共汽车)上; 上(船、飞机、
5. _w_i_th__in_
prep. 在……之内
6. _b_r_o_a_d_ 7. _n_e_a_r_b_y_
8. _p_l_ea_s_e_d_ 9. _t_o_p_ic_ 10. _c_o_n_fi_r_m_ 11. _d_a_w_n_ 12. _q_u_iz_ 13. _b_o_r_d_e_r
adj. 宽阔的; 广泛的 adv. 在附近 adj. 附近的; 邻近的 adj. 欣喜的; 高兴的; 愉快的 n. 话题 vt. 证实; 证明; 批准 n. 黎明; 拂晓; 破晓 n. 测验; 问答比赛 n. 边界; 国界; 边沿 vt. &vi. 与……接壤; 接近
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2.做一个到哪里的旅行 be on a trip to sp. make a trip to sp go on a trip to sp 我打算做一个前往欧洲的旅行
3. surround vt /vi 包围,环绕 surrounding adj. 周围的 surroundings N. 环境 (客观的自然环境) environment (既客观,又精神方面的环境) surround A by B 用B来包围A A is surrounded by B 母亲用手臂抱着她的孩子。 这所房子被鲜花所包围。
2. Which of the following city is considered to be the most beautiful city in Canada? A.Ottawa B. Vancouver C. Toronto D. Calgary 3. Which of the following forest is the oldest in Canada? A.The Rocky Mountains B.The one off the US border C.The Calgary Stampede D.The north of Vancouver
1) 他是跑的而不是走的。 He ran ________walked 2).Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price 3. He rather than you _____ to be blame. 4. I would rather you _______ the meeting.
train. then by______ Montreal, Canada
Part 2
1. Which of the following city in Canada is the warmest in winter?
A.Ottawa B. Vancouver C. Toronto D. Calgary
Settlers from France reached Canada in 1534.
Official languages: English and French
the French-speaking province ----Quebec
the national anthem of Canada
Task four:Basic Facts about Canada
5,500km •Distance from east to west coast _____________ •Oceans on east and west coast ________________________ Atlantic Ocean (east), Pacific Ocean (west) slightly over 30 million •Population ___________________________ •Where most Canadians live ___________________________ within 320km of the USA border •Location of largest fresh water supply ___________________ The Great Lakes
Canadian symbol
—— maple leaf
the national animal of Canada —— beaver
1 3 4
Atlantic Ocean
First stop
Part 1
Language points in this part
1.rather than 而不是……;
do A rather than do B 做A而不做B A rather than B 是A而不是B would do A rather than do B = would rather do A than do B 宁可做A而不做B prefer to do A rather than do B 最喜欢做A而不做B would rather sb. did/had done sth. 宁愿某人做某事
Lake Michigan Lake Erie
Lake Ontario
3What is the capitalቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱof Canada? A. B.
C. Q D.
4Which is the national flag of Canada?
Read the 1st para and finish the chart below
brief introduction about the trip Li_____ and her cousin ______ Daiyu Liu Qian who why
how where to go
visit their cousins to __________________ plane first by______ ,
Why do the people say Vancouver is the most beautiful city in Canada? Because it is surrounded by the mountains And the Pacific Ocean What make Vancouver one of the popular cities in Canada? Skiing in the Rocky mountains and sailing in the harbor
C. Q
5What is the national animal of Canada? A. B.
C. D.
Grizzly bear
Polar bear
language points
1What is the Canadian leader called? A. President B. Prime Minister C. Governor D. King
2How many “Great Lakes” are there in Canada and what are they? A. Lake Superior B. Lake Huron Lake C. Lake Erie Superior D. Lake Ontario Lake E. Lake Michigan Huron
-ward in a certain direction eastward westward upward downward multi- many multicultural multinational multimedia multicoloured
Atlantic Ocean
second stop
Calgary Stampede, … •Key point about Calgary _______________________________ busy port city at the top of the •Key point about Thunder Bay ___________________________ Great Lakes, …
Teacher: Why are you late for school every morning? Tom: Every time I come to the corner, a sign says, "School-Go slow".
for the first time in time on time at a time at one time at times
Unit 5
30 million people
9.98million km2
settlers from France
settlers from England
The first settlers arrived from England in 1497.