揠苗助长 英语故事

揠苗助长 英语故事

Long time ago , an old farmer planted a plot of rice . He went to the field to watch the seedlings grow everyday. He saw the young shoots break through the soil and grow taller each day.But still,he though they were growing too slowly.He got impatient with the young plant.”How could the seedlings grow faster ?What can I do for them? ” He tossed in bed during the night and could not get into sleep. Suddenly he hit upon an idea and dashed to the field. By the moonlight, he began working on the rice seedlings . One by one, he pulled up the young plants by half an inch.When he finished pulling, the sky was really bright.Straightening his back,he said to himself,”what a wonderful idea!Look,how much taller the plants have grown one night ! What a pleasant thing happened to me? ”With great satisfaction, he went back home.He told his son what he had done in a triumphant tone.His son was shocked.When the sun rose,the young man was heart-broken to see all the pulled-up young plants dying.The young man said to himself “we should be realistic”.


英语小短文带翻译100字20篇 1.A happy Day It was sunny and very hot today. I got up early and helped my parents cook breakfast. Then I washed the dishes and cleaned the room. After a short rest I did my homework in the morning. In the afternoon I went swimming in the nearest swimming pool with my friends. It was really cool to swim in such a hot day. I surfed the internet and read a storybook in the evening. I really had a busy and happy day. 今天天气晴朗比较热。我起得很早,帮父母做早饭。然后我洗碗打扫屋子。休息一会后我上午做作业。下午我和朋友去我家最近的游泳池游泳。在如此炎热的夏天游泳的确很棒。晚上我上网、看故事书。我今天很忙过得很快乐。 2.给笔友的一封信 Dear Lucy I am very glad to hear from you. Now let me introduce myself to you. My name is Li Lei. I am eleven years old. I am tall with a pair of glasses. Now I am studying at Yuying Primary School. I am in Class One,Grade 5. I like singing and playing the piano very much. I am good at English and Chinese. 很高兴收到你的来信。现在让我介绍我自己。我叫李雷。11岁。我高个子、带眼镜。我在育英小学。我在五年级一班。我非常喜欢唱歌和弹钢琴。我数学和语文学得都很好。 3。暑假打算 I will have a busy summer vacation. I am going to do my homework every day . I am going to the library to borrow some books and go to the shops to buy some books.I am going to do sports such as playing table tennis, swimming and so on. I am going to visit my grandparents and stay there for a week. I am going to help my parents do some housework. 我暑假会很忙。我每天要写作业。我打算去图书馆去借书、去商店买书。我要做运动,如:打乒乓球、游泳等。我要去看爷爷奶奶并在那住一周。我要帮父母做家务。 4.自我介绍 Hello, everyone. My name is Kelly. I am friendly and honest.I am good at English and maths. I like surfing the internet,playing computer games, watching TV and traveling. I also like playing table tennis and I am good at it ,too. I often play table tennis with my friends on weekends. And I want to be a famous table tennis player when I grow up. What I like most is to see the seagulls flying freely in the sky so I often go to the sea in summer. My favourite colour is white because I think white is symbolize purity. 大家好我的名字叫KELLY .我很友好、诚实。我擅长英语和数学。我爱上网、玩电脑网络游戏、看电视和旅游。我也喜欢打乒乓球。我经常和朋友们在周末打乒乓球,长大了我想当一个乒乓球运动员。最喜欢在海边看着海鸥自由自在的飞翔,因此在夏天我经常去海边。白色是我的最爱。因为我觉得白色是纯洁的象征。 5.A nice Sunday It is Sunday and it is a fine day today. We come to the People Park with our English teacher who came from Canada. Look ! Tom and other five boys are playing


y d mi do zh u ch d ng 揠苗助长 【典故】 c?ng qi dn s?ng gu? y O y 1 ga n?ng f u xi d n z i y 1 ti dn l 1 de y a g 从 前宋国有一个农夫,嫌自已田里的秧 mi do ch dng d? t d m d y in c 1 zh C g ti a ch a ng ch a ng y a u y o ydu y 1 苗 长得太慢,因此整 天 忡 忡 忧忧。有一 ti a t a y?u k dng zhe ch u t?u xi d ti dn le t a ji d d? d d o mi d o s i h u y 1 天,他又扛着锄头下田了,他觉得稻苗似乎一 di d y e n?i ch d ng d d y u sh i k u x in s 1 su o zhe y O sh?n me b d f a k e 点也没长大,于是苦心思索着有什么办法可 y i sh i d do z 1 ch d ng gey 1 di dn 以使稻子长高一点 h u r d n t a l ^g j 1 y 1 d?ng h a o b u y?u y u de ju di 忽 然,他灵机一动,毫不犹豫的卷 wdig shu 1 ti dn l 1 ti d o k a sh 1 b d mcl y 1 k e y a ng mi a o l a g a o y 1 di d n 往水 田里跳,开始把每一棵秧苗拉高一点。 b dng w d n n?ng f u h d b u r?ng y i c d wdn ch?ngt a z i y 1 w?i c a ng ming 傍晚,农夫好不容易才完成他自以为聪明 de ji ? zu? d? y i y d ng y dng de p d o hu i ji a p? b u j i d d de g a os u t a 的杰作,得意洋 洋的跑回家,迫不及待的告诉他 t d i t d shu o gdo s u n 1 y 1 ji m le b u q 1 de sh i w o j in ti a n xi dig d a o 太太说:“告诉你一件了不起的事,我今天想到 y 1 ga h d odi d z 1 r d ng z dn men ti dn l 1 de d do mi a o ch dng g a o le b u 一个好点子,让咱们田里的稻苗 长高了不 sh ao n?ng f u t d t d b d xinb d ny 1 ji u ji d o ?r z 1 d d o ti dn l 1 q u 少。”农夫太太半信半疑,就叫儿子到田里去 k d n ji u j ing sh i z d me hu 1 sh i ?r z 1 t m g d d o ji a l 1 ded d o z 1 ch d ng 看,究竟是怎么回事。儿子听到家里的稻子长 g a o le x ing fa nd i f e b e n d d o ti dn l 1 q u k d zha sh 1 t a f a xi d d d o 高了,兴奋地飞奔到田里去看。这时,他发现稻 mi do sh ich dng g a o le d d sh i qua y 1 k e k e d 1 chu 1 zhe y d n k d n zhe ji u 苗是长高了,但是却一棵棵低垂着,眼看着就 y d o k u w C le 要枯萎了。 【释读】 这个故事告诉我们,千万不可以学宋国农夫的作法,一切事情都有它的顺序,如 果一心只想早点完成就破坏它的次序,到头来不仅不能提早完成,反而一事无成。 qq 起?—就


一分钟英语小故事演讲稿 一分钟英语小故事演讲稿 演讲稿是在一定的场合,面对一定的`听众,演讲人围绕着主题讲话的文稿。在当下社会,我们使用上演讲稿的情况与日俱增,那要怎么写好演讲稿呢?以下是整理的一分钟英语小故事演讲稿,希望对大家有所帮助。 一分钟英语小故事演讲稿1 in the matter of courage we all have our limits. there never was a hero who did not have his bounds. i suppose it may be said of nelson and all the others whose courage has been advertised that there came times in their lives when their bravery knew it had come to its limit. i have found mine a good many times. sometimes this was expected often it was unexpected. i know a man who is not afraid to sleep with a rattle snake, but you could not get him to sleep with a safety razor. i never had the courage to talk across a long, narrow room. i should be at the end of the room facing all the audience. if i attempt to talk across a room i find myself turning this way and that, and thus at alternate periods i have part of the audience behind me. you ought never to have any part of the


《揠苗助长》教案 西新小学石宗梅 教材分析 《揠苗助长》选自《孟子·公孙丑上》,讲的是古时候有个人盼望禾苗长得快些,就把禾苗一棵一棵往上拔,结果禾苗都枯死了。这则寓言告诉我们:不顾事物发展的规律,急于求成,反而会把事情弄糟。 教学目标 1、正确、流利、有感情朗读课文。 2、说出“揠苗助长”这则寓言的寓意,明白不顾事物的发展,急于求成,反而会把事情弄糟的道理。 3、感悟几个“好”。好焦急——禾苗长得太慢;好办法——把禾苗一棵一棵往高里拔;好辛苦——从中午一直拔到太阳落山,弄得筋疲力尽;好结果——(1)力气总算没白费;(2)禾苗都哭死了;好愚蠢——不顾事物的发展规律急于求成。 4、常试编寓言故事。 教学准备:课件 教学时间:1课时 教学过程 一、谈话导入 小朋友们喜欢寓言故事吗?你们知道哪些寓言故事呢?寓言都很简短有趣,又都告诉我们一个深刻的道理。今天老师将带着大家一起走进一个非常有趣的寓言故事——揠苗助长。(齐读课题) 揭示课题:昨天,老师的爷爷打来电话,问我有什么好的办法能让他田里的禾苗长得更快些,我想了一宿也没想出办法来,你们有什么好的办法吗?(让学生各抒己见)引出:在古时候的宋国有一个农夫,他为了让禾苗快点长大,用的办法和你们不一样,而是将禾苗一棵一棵地往高里拔。 理解题意:拔苗跟课题中的哪个词的意思一样——揠苗。拔苗的目的是为了什么?理解“助长”。 二、整体感知 拔苗真的能让禾苗长大吗?让我们到文中去找找答案。 1、自由读课文,读到你觉得很有意思的地方就多读几遍。碰到词语宝宝多跟它打声招呼。 2、检查自学情况。

出示课件:(一棵硕果累累的苹果树)又大又红的苹果挂满枝头,词语宝宝就藏在苹果中,只要我们叫对了它的名字,就能将它摘下来。 (1)指名读词语,教师演示摘苹果。 (2)课件:把生字宝宝运回家。学生齐读词语。 (3)了解词性:词语宝宝很有规律地排列着,你发现什么没有? 第一排:转来转去自言自语(ABAC的形式,并让学生口头说几个) 第二排:巴望焦急(形容心情很着急,并让学生口头说几个,如:心急如焚、心急火燎等) (4)你觉得课文哪儿特别有意思?读给大家听。 三、探究其因 农夫在巴望什么呢?他为了什么事而焦急? (一)课件出示句子:他巴望自己田里的禾苗长得快些。 1、“巴望”是什么意思? 2、课文为什么用“巴望”而不用“希望”? 3、出示句子比较:a、他巴望自己田里的禾苗长得快些。 b、他希望自己田里的禾苗长得快些。 4、让学生说说用“巴望”好,还是用“希望”好,为什么? 5、指导感情朗读:读出农夫想让禾苗快点长大的焦急心情。 (二)你还从文中哪些地方看出他很焦急?(课件出示课文第一小节) 1、学生一边读,一边划出体现农夫焦急的词句。 2、交流:你从哪里看出他很焦急? 出示句子:他天天到田边去看。 ①当你读到这个句子时,你好像看到了什么? ②刮大风时,他去吗?下大雨时,他去吗?他这样做为得是什么?(让学生体会他这样做是为了看到禾苗快快长大,从而理解他焦急的心情) ③指导感情朗读。 出示句子:他在田边焦急地转来转去,自言自语地说:“我得想个办法帮它们长。” ①体会“焦急”一词。板书“焦”字,指导学生书写。 ②“焦”字下面的四点像什么?(发挥学生的想象) ③你仿佛看到农夫焦急地在干什么?(表演“转来转去”的情景) ④你们仿佛听到他和禾苗说了些什么?(动作加上语言表演) ⑤指导感情朗读,读出农夫的焦急。


高中英语励志小故事带翻译 在高中学习生活中,我们每隔一段时间可能会感觉枯燥乏味,对生 活对学习失去了兴趣,那幺我们就需一些方法让自己重拾信心,那幺有什幺 方法能让我们在学习中找到乐趣,从学习中找到生活的方向呢,小编的建议 是可以看一些英语励志的小故事,那样既能提高我们的英语水平,还能鼓励 我们继续前进,以下是小编整理的英语励志小故事! 高中英语励志小故事(一)AyoungmanaskedSocratesthesecrettosuccess.Socratestoldtheyoungmantomeethimn eartheriverthenextmorning.Theymet.Socratesaskedtheyoungmantowalkwithhimtow ardtheriver.Whenthewatergotuptotheirneck,Socratestooktheyoungmanbysurprisean dduckedhimintothewater.TheboystruggledtogetoutbutSocrateswasstrongandkepthi mthereuntiltheboystartedturningblue.Socratespulledhisheadoutofthewaterandthefirs tthingtheyoungmandidwastogaspandtakeadeepbreathofair.Socratesasked,“Whatdid youwantthemostwhenyouwerethere?”Theboyreplied,“Air.”Socratessaid,“Thatisthes ecrettosuccess.Whenyouwantsuccessasbadlyasyouwantedtheair,thenyouwillgetit.Th ereisnoothersecret.”一个年轻人向苏格拉底询问成功的秘诀,苏格拉底让年轻 人第二天早晨到河边见他。他们见面后,苏格拉底叫年轻人和他一起走向河 里,当河水淹至他们的脖子时,苏格拉底出其不意地抓住年轻人并把其压入 水中,那人想要挣出水面,而强壮有力的苏格拉底将他摁在水中直到他变得 无力抗争,脸色发青。苏格拉底将他的头拖出水面,这个年轻人所做的第一 件事就是大口喘息后,深吸一口气。苏格拉底问:“当你闷在水里的时候你最 想要的是什幺?”年轻人回答说:“空气。”苏格拉底说:“那就是成功的秘诀。 当你像渴望空气一样渴望成功,你就能够获得它!没有其他的秘密了。”高中


拔苗助长的成语故事 拔苗助长的成语故事 拔苗助长这则成语的意思是将苗拔起,帮助它生长。比喻不顾事物发展的规律,强求速成,结果反而把事情弄糟。 这个成语来源于《孟子.公孙丑上》,宋人有闵其苗之不长而揠之者,芒芒然归,谓其人曰:今日病矣!予助苗长矣!其子趋而往视之,苗则槁矣。 《孟子》是一部儒家经典,记载了战国时期著名思想家孟轲的政治活动、政治学说和哲学伦理教育思想。这部书中有个故事十分有名:宋国有一个农夫,他担心自己田里的禾苗长不高,就天天到田边去看。 可是,一天、两天、三天,禾苗好象一点儿也没有往上长。他在田边焦急地转来转去,自言自语地说:我得想办法帮助它们生长。 一天,他终于想出了办法,急忙奔到田里,把禾苗一棵棵地拔,从早上一直忙到太阳落山,弄得精疲力尽。 他回到家里,十分疲劳,气喘吁吁地说:今天可把我累坏了,力气总算没白费,我帮禾苗都长高了一大截。 他的儿子听了,急忙跑到田里一看,禾苗全都枯死了。 孟轲借用这个故事向他的学生们说明违反事物发展的客观规律而主观地急躁冒进,就会把事情弄糟。

古时候有个人,希望自己田里的禾苗长的快点,天天到田边去看。可是,一天、两天、三天,禾苗好像一点也没有长高。他就在田边焦急的转来转去,自言自语的说:“我得想个办法帮他们长。“一天,他终于想到了办法,就急忙跑到田里,把禾苗一棵一棵往高里拔。从中午一直忙到太阳落山,弄得精疲力尽。当他回到家里时,一边喘气一边对儿子说:“可把我累坏了,力气没白费,禾苗都长了一大截。”他的儿子不明白是怎么回事,跑到田里一看,发现禾苗都枯死了。 这是我们小时候的听的故事,当时只是觉得好笑,现在看来,很多事情往往你认为只要方向对了,只要我努力,再努力一些,成功就只是时间问题。但往往有些事情欲速而不达,就像我们对待自己的孩子,恨不能一日千里,鹤立鸡群。结果适得其反,你着急又上火。孩子反而不温不火,自有节奏。由此,还不如顺其自然,万物自有其宗。 暑假里,母亲给我准备了一些趣味故事书,这几天我看了一本《300个经典成语故事》,这里面讲述了许多有趣的成语故事,其中令我印象最深的故事叫《拔苗助长》。于是我把这个故事说给了母亲听。 故事说的是在战国时期,有一个农夫在田里种了一些禾苗,他每天都要到田里观察禾苗的生长情况,可是好多天过去了,禾苗好像一点儿也没长高,他很着急,心想:照这么


Story 1 Three Good Friends One day, a monkey rides his bike near the river. This time he sees a lion under a tree. The lion runs at him. He is afraid and falls into the river. He can’t swim. He shouts. The rabbit hears him. He jumps into the river. The rabbit swims to the monkey, but he can’t help him. Luckily, an elephant comes along. He is very strong. He helps the rabbit and monkey. Three friends are very happy. They go to the elephant’s home. Then, three of them become good friends. 故事一三个好朋友 一天,一只猴子在河边骑车。这时他看见树下有一只狮子,狮子向他跑来。他非常的害怕,掉进河里。他不会游泳,大叫起来。兔子听见了,跳进水里,但他却没有办法救猴子。幸运的是,一只大象过来了。大象非常强壮,救出了兔子和猴子。他们来到大象的家,在那里吃了一顿大餐。从此他们成了好朋友。 Story 2 The Old Man and the Old Cat An old man has a cat. The cat is very old, too. He runs very quickly. And his teeth are bad. One evening, the old


《揠苗助长》教案 教学目标 1、认识“则、焦”等5个生字,会写“筋、疲”等2个字。 2、正确、流利地朗读课文,默读课文,能在读中悟出故事的寓意:做事不可急于求成。 3、读懂课文内容,能把故事讲给别人听。 教学重点 1、识字、写字。 2、有感情地朗读课文,理解寓意。 教学难点:能在读中悟出故事的寓意:做事不可急于求成。 教学过程 一、情景导入 1、师:上节课我们学了《亡羊补牢》这则寓言,懂得了应该学会听取他人的劝告,及时改正错误的行为。这节课我们将学习另一则寓言故事。 2、这节课我们上什么呢? 3、猜猜看,这是什么故事啊? 4、出示“坐井观天、狐假虎威、掩耳盗铃”图片,并在图片右上角出示寓言名称。 5、那这幅图呢?出示“一根禾苗”的图片。 今天我们学习一篇跟禾苗有关系的寓言故事——揠苗助长 二、初读感知,认读生字 (一)自读要求: 1、自读课文,画出不认识的字,借助拼音读正确。 2、同桌互相听读课文,读准字音。 3、同桌之间认读生字,交流记字方法。 (二)1、你知道课题揠苗助长的意思了吗? 揠苗:拔苗。助长:帮助生长。 揠苗助长,就是拔高禾苗帮助它生长。 2、农夫为什么要揠苗助长呢?自己读读课文第一自然段,想想为什么? 三、为何揠苗 出示课文第一自然段 出示词语卡片:巴望、焦急、自言自语(在文段下方一行出示即可) 1、朗读第一自然段,想一想这个人为什么要揠苗助长? 参考答案: (1)古时候有个人,他巴望 ..自己田里的禾苗长得快些,天天到田边去看。 (2)可他总觉得禾苗好像一点儿也没有长,心里十分焦急 ..。 “巴望”的意思是:眼睁睁的地看着,急切的盼望着。 “焦急”的意思是:指非常着急,“可是一天 ..,禾苗好象一点儿也没有长高。” ..,两天 ..,三天 转来转去:走来走去,来回走动。 我们再来读这一段,把他焦急的样儿读出来。(齐读) 2、你觉得禾苗是真的一点也没有长高吗? 参考答案:不是的,因为天天去看,我们的眼睛就看不出来了。大自然中的植物都有他们的生长规律,比如桃树是先开花,再长叶,最后结果子,这是桃树的生长规律,而禾苗的生长规律就是他长得很慢。 3、为什么他总觉得禾苗一点儿也没有长高呢?


2上帝那里没有现成的果实 三个人千辛万苦找到了上帝,请求他给予帮助。上帝问他们各需要什么。第一个人说他要一座大宅院;第二个人说,他要一个农庄;第三个人说他要一块大金条。上帝说他可以满足他们的需要。于是上帝给了第一个人一堆砖头,给了第二个人一把种子,给了第三个人一把沙子。 No Ready-made Fruit in God’s Hand Three guys finally got the God through trials and errors. They were eager to ask God for help. Right after the God asked what they want, the first man claim a big courtyard, the second a farmstead, and the third a bar of gold. God promised them. At last, the first man was given a pile of bricks, the second a bag of seed and the third a mass of sand. 3虫子的压力 有这么一种虫子,它的体长还不到一毫米,也许因为在电子显微镜下看起来像一头黑熊,所以人们叫它雄虫。它主要生活在淡水的沉渣,潮湿土壤以及苔藓植物的水膜中。最近日本冈山大学物理学家小野文久发现了一个惊人的现象:当20只小熊虫被放入密封的容器内,在实验室制造的7.5万个大气压下,20只熊虫只有两只死亡,其余的18只安然无恙。7.5万个大气压!它相当于每平方豪米要承受700多千克重物的压力,它足以上淀粉瞬间变性,生米顷刻为熟饭。自然条件下,地球上也只有180千米的地幔深处才拥有如此大的压力。 至今没有人能弄清楚熊虫为何如此能忍。不只是出于对这种超强生命力的尊重还是怀疑,有人叫它地狱之虫。一个长度不超过1毫米的微不足道的虫子,能承受命运给他如此的压力,相比较而言,我们这些自称是高级动物,智慧生命,万物之灵的人呢?在人的现实生活中,有多少小小的心结,小小的压力构成我们所谓的生存压力。在这样的压力下又有多少悲观失落之人将美好的人生称作地狱?现在一比才觉得,其实我们的压力就好比是真空,我饿美女的地狱就是天堂中的天堂。在那一刻,我在心里默默地鞠了一躬,不是为熊虫,而是感谢造物主没有把这样的压力降在人间。 W orm’s Pressure This is a worm whose body is no less than one millimeter. It is called 熊虫(XC) perhaps for the reason that it looks like a black bear under the microscop. The XC usually habited in the slurry of fresh water, wet soil and the 水膜of moss plants. Recently, there was an amazing news discovered by 日本冈山大学物理学家小野文久: when 20 little XC were placed in a sealed container under the 7.5 万个大气压making in experiment condition, there were only two died and the other 18 have no trouble at all. 7.5 万个大气压, equal to over 700 kilogram stress per square meter, which is powerful enough to它足以上淀粉瞬间变性and the rice ready to eat. In natural condition, this pressure can only be found in the 地幔beneath the earth 180 kilogram. Till now, nobody have an idea about the tolerance of XC. Someone also call it worm of hell out of admiration or suspicion. A worm, with its length less than one


揠y à 苗mi áo 助zh ù 长ch áng 【典故】 从c óng 前qi án 宋s òng 国gu ó 有y ǒu 一y ī 个g è 农n óng 夫f ū,嫌xi án 自z ì 已y ǐ 田ti án 里l ǐ 的de 秧y āng 苗mi áo 长ch áng 得d é 太t ài 慢m àn , 因y īn 此c ǐ 整zh ěng 天ti ān 忡ch ōng 忡ch ōng 忧y ōu 忧y ōu 。 有y ǒu 一y ī 天ti ān ,他t ā 又y òu 扛k áng 着zhe 锄ch ú 头t óu 下xi à 田ti án 了le ,他t ā 觉ji ào 得d é 稻d ào 苗mi áo 似s ì 乎h ū 一y ī 点di ǎn 也y ě 没m éi 长ch áng 大d à,于y ú 是sh ì 苦k ǔ 心x īn 思s ī 索su ǒ 着zhe 有y ǒu 什sh én 么me 办b àn 法f ǎ 可k ě 以y ǐ 使sh ǐ 稻d ào 子z ǐ 长ch áng 高g āo 一y ī 点di ǎn 。 忽h ū 然r án ,他t ā 灵l íng 机j ī 一y ī 动d òng ,毫h áo 不b ù 犹y óu 豫y ù 的de 卷ju ǎn 起q ǐ 裤k ù 管gu ǎn 就ji ù 往w ǎng 水shu ǐ 田ti án 里l ǐ 跳ti ào ,开k āi 始sh ǐ 把b ǎ 每m ěi 一y ī 棵k ē 秧y āng 苗mi áo 拉l ā 高g āo 一y ī 点di ǎn 。傍b àng 晚w ǎn ,农n óng 夫f ū 好h ǎo 不b ù 容r óng 易y ì 才c ái 完w án 成ch éng 他t ā 自z ì 以y ǐ 为w éi 聪c ōng 明m íng 的de 杰ji é 作zu ò,得d é 意y ì 洋y áng 洋y áng 的de 跑p ǎo 回hu í 家ji ā,迫p ò 不b ù 及j í 待d ài 的de 告g ào 诉s ù 他t ā 太t ài 太t ài 说shu ō:“告g ào 诉s ù 你n ǐ 一y ī 件ji àn 了le 不b ù 起q ǐ 的de 事sh ì,我w ǒ 今j īn 天ti ān 想xi ǎng 到d ào 一y ī 个g è 好h ǎo 点di ǎn 子z ǐ,让r àng 咱z án 们men 田ti án 里l ǐ 的de 稻d ào 苗mi áo 长ch áng 高g āo 了le 不b ù 少sh ǎo 。”农n óng 夫f ū 太t ài 太t ài 半b àn 信x ìn 半b àn 疑y í,就ji ù 叫ji ào 儿ér 子z ǐ 到d ào 田ti án 里l ǐ 去q ù 看k àn ,究ji ū 竟j ìng 是sh ì 怎z ěn 么me 回hu í 事sh ì。儿ér 子z ǐ 听t īng 到d ào 家ji ā 里l ǐ 的de 稻d ào 子z ǐ 长ch áng 高g āo 了le ,兴x ìng 奋f èn 地d ì 飞f ēi 奔b ēn 到d ào 田ti án 里l ǐ 去q ù 看k àn 。这zh è 时sh í,他t ā 发f ā 现xi àn 稻d ào 苗mi áo 是sh ì长ch áng 高g āo 了le ,但d àn 是sh ì 却qu è 一y ī 棵k ē 棵k ē 低d ī 垂chu í 着zhe ,眼y ǎn 看k àn 着zhe 就ji ù 要y ào 枯k ū 萎w ěi 了le 。 【释读】 这个故事告诉我们,千万不可以学宋国农夫的作法,一切事情都有它的顺序,如


一分钟英语小故事演讲 演讲作为一种重要的交流方式在西方拥有长远的历史,可以追溯到亚里士多德时期。演讲不分中外,所以,英文演讲在中国也甚是流行。下面是为你整理的几篇一分钟英语小故事演讲,希望能帮到你哟。一分钟英语小故事演讲篇一 in the matter of courage we all have our limits. there never was a hero who did not have his bounds. i suppose it may be said of nelson and all the others whose courage has been advertised that there came times in their lives when their bravery knew it had come to its limit. i have found mine a good many times. sometimes this was expected--often it was unexpected. i know a man who is not afraid to sleep with a rattle-snake, but you could not get him to sleep with a safety-razor. i never had the courage to talk across a long, narrow room. i should be at the end of the room facing all the audience. if i attempt to talk across a room i find myself turning this way and that, and thus at alternate periods i have part of the audience behind me. you ought never to have any part of the audience behind you; you never can tell what they are going to do. i'll sit down. 一分钟英语小故事演讲篇二 feeling of youth


短篇励志英语美文摘抄带翻译【三篇】 导读:本文短篇励志英语美文摘抄带翻译【三篇】,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 短篇励志英语美文:A Better Tomorrow People often wonder why historians go to so much trouble to preserve millions of books, documents and records. Why do we have libraries? What good are these documents and history books? Why do we record and save the actions of men, the negotiations1 of government officials and the events during wars? We do it because, sometimes, the voice of experience can cause us to stop, look and listen. Sometimes, past records, when understood in the right way, can help us decide what to do and what not to do. If we are ever to create lasting peace, we must seek its origins in human experience and in the records of human history. From the stories of courage and devotion of men and women, we create the inspirations of youth. History records the suffering, the self-denial2, the devotion, and the heroic deeds of people in the past. These records can help us when we are confused and when we really need peace.


少儿英语小故事一分钟:十二生肖的故事 Do you know what you are? There is a small white rabbit, there is a big tiger... No, how is a rat, not a cat? There is a story here. Long long ago, one day, people said: “we want to choose twelve kinds of animals as people’s zodiac, a year of animal.” How many animals are there in the world? How to choose the law? So, set a good day, this day, the animals to register, the first choice to the twelve animals for the twelve zodiac. Cats and mice are neighbors and good friends. They all w ant to sign up. The cat said: “we have to get up early in the morning to sign up, but I love to sleep, how to do?” The mouse said: “don’t worry, don’t worry, you sleep in spite of your sleep, I wake up, call you get up. Let’s go together.” The cat was very happy, said: “you are my good friend, thank you.” On the morning of the day, the mouse woke up, but it was light. Friend cat thing to forget. I went to sign up for myself. The rat was chosen. Cats? Because the cat to sleep late, get up too late, as it arrived, twelve kinds of animal has been selected. The cat had not been chosen, and it was a rat. After this, the cat saw the mouse to eat it, the rat had to run all the way. Now or so. 你知道自己属什么吗?有属小白兔的,有属大老虎的...有属猫的吗?没有,怎么有属老鼠的,没有属猫的呢?这里有个故事。 很久很久以前,有一天,人们说:“我们要选十二种动物作为人的生肖,一年一种动物。”天下的动物有多少呀?怎么个选法呢?这样吧,定好一个日子,这一天,动物们来报名,就选先到的十二种动物为十二生肖。猫和老鼠是邻居,又是好朋友,它们都想去报名。猫说:“咱们得一早起来去报名,可是我爱睡懒觉,怎么办呢?”老鼠说:“别着急,别着急,你尽管睡你的大觉,我一醒来,就去叫你,咱们一块儿去。”猫听了很高兴,说:“你真是我的好朋友,谢谢你了。”


4篇英语励志小短文30字【带翻译】4篇英语励志小短文30字一 Whether sixty or sixteen, there is in every human being's heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what's next and the joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long are you young. 无论是60岁还是16岁,你需要保持永不衰竭的好奇心、永不熄灭的孩提般求知的渴望和追求事业成功的欢乐与热情。在你我的心底,有一座无线电台,它能在多长时间里接收到人间万物传递来的美好、希望、欢乐、鼓舞和力量的信息,你就会年轻多长时间。 4篇英语励志小短文30字二 Sometimes we think of dreams as fantasies - it's easy to do when you have money, rent, and work. But you can't prepare yourself and jump off the cliff: you should grow your wings first. A little bit toward the dream. Step by step. Take a step forward. After all, it's your mission. 有时,我们把梦想看成是幻想——当有钱、有租金、有工作时很容易去做。但是,你也不能不加准备及跳下悬崖:你该先长出自己的翅膀。一点点的朝梦想靠近。一步一步的往前走。往前迈一步吧。毕竟,这是你的使命。


《拔苗助长的故事》 拔苗助长的故事描述(一): 拔苗助长的故事: 宋国有一个农夫,他担心自己田里的禾苗长不高,就天天到田边去看。 但是,一天、两天、三天,禾苗好像一点儿也没有往上长。他在田边焦急地转来转去,自言自语地说:我得想办法帮忙它们生长。 一天,他最后想出了办法,急忙奔到田里,把禾苗一棵棵地拔,从早上一向忙到太阳落山,弄得精疲力尽。 他回到家里,十分疲劳,气喘吁吁地说:这天可把我累坏了,力气总算没白费,我帮禾苗都长高了一大截。 他的儿子听了,急忙跑到田里一看,禾苗全都枯死了。 拔苗助长这则成语的意思是将苗拔起,帮忙它生长。比喻不顾事物发展的规律,强求速成,结果反而把事情弄糟。 这个成语来源于《孟子.公孙丑上》,宋人有闵其苗之不长而揠(ya)之者,芒芒然归,谓其人曰:今日病矣!予助苗长矣!其子趋而往视之,苗则槁矣。 《孟子》是一部儒家经典,记载了战国时期著名思想家孟轲的政治活动、政治学说和哲学伦理教育思想。 拔苗助长的故事描述(二): 成语故事:拔苗助长的故事 【成语故事】从前宋国一个农夫担心自己田里的禾苗长不高,就天天到田边去看。三天过去了,禾苗没见动静。他想出一个办法,就急忙奔到田里,把禾苗一棵棵拔高一些。回去对儿子说禾苗长高了一大截,儿子跑到田里一看,禾苗全都枯死了。 【典故】宋人有闵其苗之不长而揠之者,茫茫然归,谓其人曰:今日病矣,予助苗长矣。其子趋而往视之,苗则槁矣。《孟子公孙丑上》 【释义】比喻违反事物发展的客观规律,急于求成,反而坏事。 【用法】作谓语、宾语、定语;比喻不切实际地办事

【近义词】揠苗助长、急功近利 【示例】那种不顾学生能否理解的填鸭式的教学方法,无异于拔苗助长。 【其它使用】 ◎例如揠苗助长中的揠太古雅,一般的人不容易懂,因此把这个成语改成拔苗助长就浅显明白。 ◎吴万森满怀忧虑地说:'抢先教育'违背了儿童成长的客观规律,这种拔苗助长的办法结果必将造成对孩子身体和心灵的双重伤害。 拔苗助长的故事描述(三): 揠苗助长(成语) 本成语故事讲述的是一位古代宋人为了使自己田地里的禾苗长得快,便将禾苗往上拔,结果禾苗反而快速地枯萎了。客观表现出事物的发展自有它的规律,纯靠良好的愿望和热情是不够的,很可能效果还会与主观愿望相反这一道理。这一寓言还告知一具体道理:欲速则不达,心急吃不了热豆腐,要尊重自然规律。文章短小精练,先是用寥寥数语,形象地勾勒出一个令人可叹又可笑的揠苗者形象,然后又加以评论,可谓画龙点睛,使人顿悟作者的用意所在,叙议结合,相得益彰。 中文名揠(拔)苗助长外文名Hastemakeswaste来源《孟子公孙丑上》汉语注音ymiozhzhǎng释义比喻为急于求成,反而坏事。 成语解释 基本信息 【成语名称】揠苗助长 【汉语注音】ymiozhzhǎng[1] 【释义】揠:拔起。把苗拔起,帮忙其生长,后用来比喻违反事物的发展规律,急于求成,反而坏事。也作拔苗助长。[2] 成语示例 1.揠苗助长,苦心极力,卒无所得也。(宋代吕本中《紫微杂说》) 2.揠苗助长式的教育,是对学生个性的一种摧残。
