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首次登录后 用户名及密码修改
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• 任何一天里,一旦用户名被输入,如果连续5次输 入错误的安全密码,用户名将被暂时锁住,当天 客户将不能再登录网银,直到第二天才可以登录; 如果连续15次输入错误的安全密码,则客户的用 户名被永远锁住,客户将不能再登录网银,直到 客户持本人身份证明到中国银行(匈牙利)通知 银行重新激活用户名。 • 任何一天里,如果连续10次输入无效的一次 性密码,则E-token会被自动锁住,客户不能再登 录网银,直到客户向中国银行(匈牙利)提供身 份证明并通知银行对E-token进行了解锁。
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2、海外营业支援系统包含哪些内容?海外营业支援系统主要包含两大主要内容:Customer Info.(客户信息)和Market andcompetitor Info.(市场及竞争对手信息)。
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UNIT1Part II News reportsSummary:This news report tells us that the United Nations General Assembly has elected Columbia, Ireland, Mauritius, Norway and Singapore as its new non-permanent members of the Security Council.Statements:1. Columbia, Ireland, and Singapore won their seats as nonpermanent members of the Security Council on the first round of balloting while Mauritius and Norway won their seats on the fourth ballot.2. Sudan and Mauritius are two candidates for the second seat for the African and Asian group.3. There were three countries contending for the two seats allotted to the western industrialized group of nations.4. The Security Council is made up of 15 members, including five permanent members -- China, France, Great Britain, Russia, and the United States--and 10 non-permanent members.Tapescript:The United Nations General Assembly has elected' Columbia, Ireland, Mauritius, Norway and Singapore as the new non-permanent members of the Security Council. The vote follows several weeks of haggling and maneuvering.Columbia, Ireland, and Singapore won the required two thirds majority on the first round of balloting. But it took another three rounds of voting to decide on the remaining two regional seats.Contention marked the voting for the second seat for the African and Asian group. The United States lobbied intensely against Sudan, the candidate of the Organization of African Unity. Mauritius, the candidate supported by Washington, won on the fourth round of voting.Ireland easily captured one of the two seats allotted to the western industrialized group of nations on the first ballot. But Norway and Italy campaigned vigorously for the second spot. King Harald of Norway came to New York last week to press the case for his nation's representation on the Security Council for the first time since 1982. Norway also won on the fourth ballot. The new members begin their two-year terms in January. The Security Council is made up of a total of 15 members, including five permanent members -- China, France, Great Britain, Russia, and the United States -- and 10 non-permanent members. Five non-permanent members are elected to two-year terms each year.B SummaryThis news report tells us that the United Nations Human Rights Commission was going to hold an emergency meeting to deal with the crisis situation between Israelis and Palestinians.Answers to the questions:1. 532.483.34. The United States5.Canada6.October 18th7.No more than three days8. To get the Israelis and Palestinians back to the negotiating table9. 4 / Bosnian war / genocide in Rwanda / violence in East Timor Tapescript:Forty-eight of the ( United Nations Human Rights Commission's) 53 member nations voted to hold the emergency meeting. The United States cast the sole dissenting vote and Canada abstained. Three other countries did not vote.The special meeting will begin October 18th and will last for no more than three days.UN spokeswoman Marie Heuze says one purpose of the meeting is to try to learn how the cycle of violence between Israelis and Palestinians can be stopped."When you have such a high-profile for a crisis which is so dangerous, not only for the people in Palestine and in Israel, but in the region, there is a fear -- and this is probably why there was a large consensus on this meeting to discuss the issue -- because the situation in this part of the world is so volatile, so dangerous, so important to control that everybody thinks that they have something to contribute."MsHeuze says she thinks the United Nations and the international community as a whole can play a constructive role in the present situation and in trying to get the Israelis and Palestinians back to the negotiating table. Officials from the UN Human Rights Commission will discuss the agenda toward the meeting on Wednesday.This is only the fifth time the commission has gone into emergency meeting to deal with a crisis situation. Previous sessions dealt with the Bosnian war, the genocide in Rwanda, and the violence in East Timor.Questions:1. How many members are there in the UN Human Rights Commission?2. How many of them voted to hold the emergency meeting?3. How many of them didn't vote?4. Which country cast the dissenting vote?5. Which country abstained?6. When will the meeting begin?7. How long will it last? 8. What's the purpose of this meeting?9. How many emergency meetings have been held before this one?What were the three crisis situations that they dealt with?UNIT2Part II News ReportsA ...Washington … the information economy … deteriorating health of the planet … information economy … communication … education and entertainment … physical exam … vital signs … species … climate … temperatures … water tables … glaciers … forests … fisheries … to stabilize both climate and world population growthB Summary… the severe shortage of water in some developing nations. … global solutions are found soon.Answers to the questions1.1502. Monday3. Almost one billion people couldsuffer from a scarcity of water.4. Middle East, parts of Africa, western Asia, Northeastern China, western and southern India, large parts of Pakistan and Mexico, parts of the Pacific coast of the United States and South America.5.To treat water as a precious resource.6. 5 liters7. 50liters 8. 500 litersUNIT3Part II News reportsA Summary:This news report is about Forbes's "Super 100 Global" list.Answer the questions:1. Which of the following corporations are the top five on Forbes's list? Mark their ranks.2 Citigroup 4 HSBC Banking Company -- BP-Amoco5 Daimler-Chrysler 1 General Electric Corporation Microsoft 3 Bank of America2. How are the companies ranked?The companies are ranked with a composite formula, which includes total sales, profits, assets and market capitalization, or the total value of their stock.3. How are the 100 companies distributed?46 in the United States, 54 in Europe and Japan.4. Why were none of the Internet-related firms included in the list? Because most of the Internet-related firms have little or no profits so far. Tapescripts:For the second year in a row, the General Electric Corporation is ranked number one in an annual survey of the 100 most powerful corporations in the world. The survey, compiled and published by Forbes business magazine, shows General Electric of the United States ranked number one, followed in second and third place by the U.S. banking and financial services giants Citigroup and Bank of America. In fourth and fifth place are the British-based HSBC Banking Company and Daimler-Chrysler, the German-American auto-company. The companies are ranked with a composite formula, which includes total sales, profits, assets and market capitalization, or the total value of its (their) stock. What the magazine calls its "Super 100 Global" list are 46 companies based in the United States and 54 in Europe and Japan. Mike Ozanian, the Forbes editor who compiled the list, says there is a growing trend of international mergers and acquisitions, citing companies such as Daimler-Chrysler and BP-Amoco, the Anglo-American Oil Company. Mr. Ozanian says that despite the huge capitalizations of many Internet-related firms, none were included because most have little, if any, profits -- at least not yet.B Summary:This news report gives us a general picture of the U.S. stock market. It also presents some analysts' views on the market.Statements:1. The Dow Jones Industrial Average went up less than one percent, to 10,546.2. An analyst said that sales growth at Intel could be stronger than expected.3. Retail stocks gained on stronger-than-expected sales because of the Thanksgiving holiday shopping season.4. Sales of existing homes fell a steep 3.9% in October, their second monthly decline.5. According to investment strategist Alan Skrainka, this is a very good entry point for a long-term investor to get into the market.Tapescript:U.S. stock prices were mixed on Monday, with the "blue-chips" in a rally mode. But volume was only moderate after a holiday-shortened week last week, showing lingering uncertainty among investors.The Dow Jones Industrial Average went up 75 points, less than one percent, to 10,546. The S & P 500 Index gained 7 points. But the NASDAQ Composite backed off an early rally, taking a loss of almost one percent on weakness in selected technology stocks.The Dow Industrials actually got a boost from their technology components.Shares of Intel traded higher after an analyst said sales growth at the leading computer chip-maker could be stronger than expected. Microsoft stock also edged higher.Retail stocks gained on stronger-than-expected sales over the Thanksgiving weekend, as the holiday shopping season got underway. However, analysts caution the retail picture is still clouded because many stores offered bargains to attract shoppers. Experts worry that higher oil prices and interest rates will make this a less than merry Christmas season for U.S. merchants.The latest on the U.S. economy points to slower growth. Sales of existing homes fell a steep 3.9 percent in October, their second monthly decline. Many analysts think uncertainty over the economy makes it increasingly likely that the major stock averages will close lower for the year. But investment strategist Alan Skrainka says the longer-term looks better. "No one can guess what will happen to the market over the next month. But over the long-term, we think the market looks very good. If you're a long-term investor, this is a very good entry point for getting into the market because this is what you've been waiting for. All the fear and uncertainty in the marketplace is setting us up for some very good values in the market."UNIT4Part II News reportsASummary :… the smallest a nd most earth-like extra solar planet.Answers to questions:1.About a dozen.2. Five times the mass of the earth.3. A reddwarf.4.Two.5. One is similar to Neptune and the other is 8 timesthe mass of the earth.BEvent : NASA’s 12-year program of Mars • Starting time: 1996• Finishing time: 2008 First installment:• Names of spacecrafts: the Mars Global Surveyor Orbiter / the Pathfinder Lander• Arrival time: 1997 • Mission: To collect and analyze rocksSecond installment:• Names of spacecr afts: the Polar Lander / the Mars Climate Orbiter• Launch time:December • Arrival time: Next DecemberMission:a.To inspect for subsurface waterb.To measure the distribution of water vapor, dust andcondensatesGrand finale: • Launch time: 2005 • Return time: 2008• Mission: To return soil and rock samples to Earth.UNIT5Part II(答案见听力原文中的红色部分)In North Beach in San Francisco, where some pretty super food gets served every night.“Absolutely very super food!” “and I really like the taste of it”But we’re not just talking about taste. Research now shows that some foods, including tomatoes, onions, garlic, and olive oil ---- are among the super foods. Super foods are packed with powerful chemicals that mayoffer your body great protection against chronic disease“Including cancer, obesity, heart disease. Vibrantly colored red, yellow, orange and green all giving you different types of phytochemicals.”Natalie Ledsma is a registered dietician at U. C. S. F. she says compounds found in super foods --- called phytochemicals ---- can reduce the risk of cancer, boost the immune system, and protect the heart. She showed us what everyone should try to eat each week for optimal health.One her shoppinglist? Herbs!“Dark green ones (herbs), like rosema ry and thyme, and any intensly colored spice, like turmeric or red pepper.”“Both of those have anti-inflammatory properties.”Turmeric many reduce the risk of leukemia, skin, and liver cancers. Hot peppers may reduce the risk of colon, stomach, and rectal cancers. Also on the list: green veggies. But not just nay green veggy.“Brussels sprouts are part of the cruciferous vegetable family that has significant anti-cancer properties, and that family also has a very favorable effect on hormone metabolis m.”Other cruciferous veggies include cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower. And don’t forget the tomato.“it is probably the best source of lycopene, which is one of the phytochemicals that has shown significant anticancer properties, especially with pr ostate and potentially lung and breast cancer as well.”As for fruit, citrus contains Vitamins C, limonoids, and phenols, which inactivate cancer cells and strengthen the immune system. Cantaloupes, mangos and carrots contain cancer-fighting carotenoids. And berries are bursting with flavonoids and ellagic acid ---- antioxidants that protect against cancer, ulcers, and viruses. Natalie recommends organic.“Organic fruits and vegetables have shown not only to have lower pesticide toxicities and lower pesticide levels, but also now have been shown to have higher phytochemical content.”Don’t forget the fatty fish or flaxseed ---- both are excellent source of Omega 3 fatty acids that inhibit the growth of cancer cells and boost the immune system, olive oil, which may reduce breast, prostate, or colon cancer, and soy.“soy has protective effects for heart disease as well as osteoporosis, potentially.”And finally onions, garlic, and shallots. They may protect the heart fight cancer, and help with asthma.BI.Harvard Medical SchoolII.Borderline high blood pressureIII.10 /7IV.Cardiovascular / by a quarterChances of dying from cardiovascular disease falling by 5/1V.A: no more than 3 gramsB: fast foodC: labelsD: fresh fruit and vegetables听力原文:Salt is crucial to our health, but too much of it can put human at risk from high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. Many reports, researchers at Harvard Medical School say the significant reduction in salt intake can cut the chances of heart disease and strokes by a quarter. Here isour health correspondent, Adam Brimelow.It’s long been known that cutting salt can reduce blood pressure. But there has been much less evidence of what it means for cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks and strokes. The Harvard team followed up people with borderline high blood pressure, who had taken in part in two salt reduction studies, typically cutting intake from 10 to 7 grams a day. The risk of developing cardiovascular disease over the next decade or so was cut by a quarter compared with those who did not reduce their salt intake. And their chances of dying from cardiovascular disease fell by 5/1. In developed countries such as the United States and the UK, the average adult daily salt intake is about 10 grams. Much of this is already in the food that people buy, including processed foods and bread. Many experts say no one should have more than 3 grams. They say the best way to cut salt, is to get away from fast food, check labels and have plenty of fresh fruit and vegetable. Adam Brimelow reporting.UNIT6Part IIA:1.identify, Catalog, map and analyze / 100,0002.A: a piece of DNA, the basic Molecule of lifeB: on chromosomes in every cellsC: produce chemical instructions the cell needs in order to build and run the human body.III: SignificanceA: cure or prevent B: desirable genetic traitsC: the brain, consciousness and the mind D: a scientific description IV controversy Abuse 2.warfare听力原文:The goal of the human genome project initiated in the early 1990s is to identify, catalog, map and analyze every one of the estimated 100,000 genes in the human body. If the multi-billion-dollar project is successful, its effects may be as fundamental to the human future as the discovery of fire and seed agriculture once were.To understand the significance of the human genome project, it is necessary to know that each gene is a piece of DNA, the basic molecule of life. Genes are located on chromosomes that in turn reside in every cell in arrangements similar to the alternately colored rungs on a ladder. The sequence of genetic rungs produces the chemical instructions the cells need in order to build and run the human body. By identifying the location and makeup of each gene, the genome project should help scientists cure orUNIT7Part II New Ways to communicateA11.When a friend is online2. 1.6milion3.3, can only contact someone (on the same network asyou. )using the same programugh out loud.A2Online / popular / take off / signing up / by / make upObvious / one very important disadvantage / bright / voice converstation / swap / funnyWhen you meet someone for the first time,do you ask their ASL? Do you LOL if they come out with something funny, and say CU L8er when you finish the conversation? If you know what I’m talking about, then you are probably already a user of instant messaging, or IM.The idea behind IM is simple. A program on your computer tells you when a friend is online. You can then send a message to your friend, who can type a reply instantly. To do this, you need an IM program. Worldwide, AIM, the instant messaging service provided by AOL, is by far the most popular. It has 195 million users who send about 1.6 billion messages every day. ICQ, which is owned by AOL, has about 140 million messengers, and MSN and Windows IM make up about 75 million users. The advantage over e-mail is that with instant messaging you know you’re likely to get a reply. IM is already hugely popular in the USA, where people spend five times more time online than in Europe. However, IM is starting to take off in the UK, with over 3,000 people signing up to MSN Messenger alone every day. While the plus points of IM are obvious, there is one very important disadvantage: you can only contact someone on the same network as you. If your friend is using AIM, and you are using MSN, you cannot talk to each other. This makes IM less useful than it should be. Imagine if you couldn’t send an e-mail form hotmail to yahoo. However, things look like they’ll change soon. In general, the future looks bright for IM. Lots of programs also allow you to have voice conversations, video conferencing ---- this means you can see the other person using a webcam ---- and also let you swap pictures, music and other files.So, perhaps we’ll all soon be asking someone’s age, sex and location (ASL), and laughing out loud (LOL) when they say something funny. See you later (CU L8er).B: How do you meet new people, make new friends, or find out about the latest bands? Here in the UK young people have traditionally done their socializing in bars, pubs and clubs.However there is a new generation growing up that finds it easier to manage their social lives on the net, using free websites like MySpace, Bebo or MSN Spaces.Welcome to the social networking website ---- a place where you can present yourself to the digital community and meet other like-minded people.The most successful social networking website in the UK is MySpac . as of July 2006, MySpace is the world’s fourth most popular English-language website, attracting almost 3 million visitors per month. Myspace claims to have 95 million members with 500,000 new members joining the community each week.So how has it become to successful? Perhaps its secret is in its simplicity. Each new member can build their own page simply --- uploading photos, videos and MP3 files. Then they describe themselves, listing their likes, dislikes, favorite bands, relatio nship status, etc. it’s an easy way to hook up with people who share your interest.Briana Dougherty, a 25-year-old MySpace devotee, told us, “It’s a casual way to stay in contact without appearing weird. ” it seems that many people do not feel comfortable giving out their phone number or personal e-mail address to new acquaintances but are perfectly happy to trade MySpace profilesWhile socializing is the key to MySpace’s success, love of music is at the heart of the community. Indeed, most aspiring musicians in the UK upload their songs to the site, and with good reason: unsigned artists, Arctic Monkeys and Lilly Allen created such a buzz on the site that they were offered recording contracts and scored number one hits.Social network sites could be a great place to practice your English. Why not give it a try? You can tell us about your experience by filing in the new comments form at the top of the screen.Statements:1.Most young people in the UK make new friends at work.2.Yahoo and Google are social networking sites.3.MySpace is one of the top five English-language website.4.New brands put their music on the web for people to listen to.ers of social networks usually pay for the service.UNIT8Part II eco-conscious constructionA The world’s first eco-city / off the coast Agricultural land / half a million / $1.3 billion / a sustainability consultant Sustainable developmentA more ecologically friendly model / minimize impact on nature /solar and wind power / power and fertilizers / electric carsB1.1. a dream-house which is sustainable by the environment ----- an environmentally-sustainable dream-house2. windows that face south -- south-facing windows3. a kitchen that is well lit -- a well-lit kitchen4. paint that is based on milk or uses milk as a base ---- milk-based paint5. solutions which are beneficial to the environment -- environmentally-beneficial solutionsTapescript.1. Architect Jim Logan is building his environmentally-sustainable dream-house at the site of a former commune a few miles north of Boulder.2. As you drive onto the small farm property, you're immediately struck bya series of large south-facing windows.3. Walk through the well-lit kitchen, and you'll see that even the north side of the building has a passive solar component.4. In all facets of construction, Logan is emphasizing both biodegradable building products and nontoxic materials. He's using milk-based paint, for example.5. In many cases, many environmentally-beneficial solutions pay for themselves in as little as 6 or 7 or 8 months.Tapescript.1. Logan has incorporated nearly every aspect of a modern eco-conscious design.2. Every room in this house has a window that faces south, regardless of where it's located.3. All the rooms in the house have both day-lighting, which means that there's ample light coming in high into the room so that we don't need to use electric lights during the day.4. As a result, Logan's house will have neither a furnace nor air-conditioning.5. The so-called super-insulation is required to store the solar heat.6. Logan is also using thermal mass, or dirt, to keep the house both warm in the winter and cool in the summer.7. He's using milk-based paint, for example, and relatively little of that.8. This room and the inside of this room -- virtually all the finishes did not need to be painted.9. Painting is a fairly un-environmental act in that it is something that involves chemistry.10. Initially, Logan will get all his water from a well.11. The roof has gutters and will eventually collect rainwater for general use.B3. Main features:south-facing windows: day-lighting, solar heat no furnaceno air-conditioning solar heater: hot waterthree-foot outside walls: adobe + insulation + adobe thermal mass milk-based paintceiling: galvanized inside wall: plaster no carpetnot connected to a water system: well, rainwaterTapescript:A--Alan J--Jones L--LoganA: Many environmentalists and energy experts say that the wave of the future won't be any one miracle cure, but rather overall conservation of available resources. The approach is being spearheaded by a quiet revolution in the eco-conscious construction business. Colorado Public Radio's Peter Jones recently visited a building site near Boulder and brings us this report.J: Architect Jim Logan is building his environmentally sustainable dream-house at the site of a former commune a few miles north of Boulder. Logan has incorporated nearly every aspect of a modern eco-conscious design. As you drive onto the small farm property, you're immediately struck by a series of large south-facing windows. Walk through the well-lit kitchen, and you'll see that even the north side of the building has a passive solar component.L: Every room in this house has a window that faces south, regardless of where it's located, so all the rooms in the house have both day-lighting, which means that there's ample light coming in high into the room so that we don't need to use electric lights during the day, and also have south-facing glass that provides solar heat.J: As a result, Logan's house will have neither a furnace nor air-conditioning. For hot water, he'll tee an active solar heater. But efficient use of the sun is only one of the building's many eco-conscious features.L: The outside walls -- if you include a foot of adobe, a foot of insulation, and another foot of adobe- are three feet thick.J: The so-called super-insulation is required to store the solar heat, but Logan is also using thermal mass, or dirt, to keep the house both warm in the winter and cool in the summer.J: In all facets of construction, Logan is emphasizing both biodegradable building products and nontoxic materials. He's using milk-based paint, for example, and relatively little of that.L: This room and the inside of this room- virtually all the finishes did not need to be painted. The ceiling is made out of galvanized metal and the walls are plaster. Painting is a fairly un-environmental act in that it is something that involves chemistry, it involves doing it over and over many times in the lifetime of the building.J: And don't look for any carpeting in Logan's house.L: Well even if carpet is made from recycled material, it still can't be recycled the second time currently, so carpet virtually always gets thrown away. Also, most carpet gives off volatile organic compounds.J: Initially, Logan will get all his water from a well. The house won't be connected to a city water system. But he says the roof has gutters and will eventually collect rainwater for general use. Logan is paying $75 a square foot to build his house, and estimates environmental features added 10 - 15% to the up-front costs. But he says he'll save money in the long run.L: In many cases, many environmentally-beneficial solutions pay for themselves in as little as 6 or 7 or 8 months. A low-flow showerhead in most situations will pay for itself in a month.UNIT9PART IIIn 1888, Boston, Massachusetts, became the first American city to replace horse-drawn trolleys with electric streetcars. Streetcars, which look similar to train passenger coaches, clanged their bells, rattled around the corners and crried almost 14 billion riders at their height in 1920.old photos show overhead vires crisscrossing almost every US city. Then streetcars ridership replaced trolleys steadily as Americans took to automobiles and communities replaced trolleys with buses. But now it seems cities can’t lay streetcars tracks fast enough.So why is the number of US cities running streetcars and other light rail systems now up to 19? Why are 43 other cities building or drawing plans for light rail lines?Dan T angherlini is acting dicrestor of Wanshington D.C.’s Transportation Department.:Many cities are beginning to re-evaluate that decision to move away from streetcars. We look at current bus ridership members, and many of the routes that have the highest bus ridership were some of our most popular streetcar routes. So there goes the notiong that the buses are providing increased flexibility, at least on those roads. And so maybe there’s something between the very expensive subway systems, which cost between 140 and 200 million dollars a mile and the bus route. And that’s what we’re beginning to ask.Streetcar lines cost less than 10 million dollars a mile to build. Washington is the latest city to announce it is studying the feasibility of bringing back streetcars, even though it already it already enjoys a fast-moving regional subway system called “metro” that runs through several parts of the city.Across country in Washington D.C., Bill Lind works for a conservative think tank called the Free Congress Foundation. The organization has printed several studies supporting light rail transit, including streetcars.“The old rationale for getting rid of the streetcars is that they get in the way of the automobiles. But what we found is that the automobile, generally with one person per car, is probably the least efficient way to use the limited amount of space you have on urban streets. If you’ve got 50 people on board a streetcar, you’re doing a lot better job of making use of the street space you have.”Even if Washington’s transit department gets the green light to bring back streetcars, it’s likely to be at least ten years before Mr. Lind and his neighbor will be riding them. The city has to secure federal funding for a。
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parkitect ssl ca certificate error"Parkitect SSL CA certificate error" 这个错误提示通常意味着在尝试与Parkitect 服务器的安全连接时,遇到了一个不被您的计算机信任的证书颁发机构(CA)签名的SSL 证书。
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网络身份证安检流程英文回答:Network Identity Screening Process.The network identity screening process is a critical component of network security. It ensures that only authorized users are able to access the network and its resources. The process typically involves the following steps:1. Authentication: The user is prompted to providetheir credentials, such as a username and password. These credentials are then compared to a database of authorized users. If the credentials match, the user is authenticated.2. Authorization: Once the user is authenticated, they are authorized to access specific resources on the network. The authorization process typically involves checking the user's group membership and access control lists (ACLs).3. Auditing: The network identity screening process should be audited regularly to ensure that it is working properly. This includes checking the logs for anysuspicious activity, such as failed login attempts or unauthorized access to resources.The network identity screening process is an important part of network security. It helps to protect the network from unauthorized access and ensures that only authorized users are able to access the network's resources.中文回答:网络身份证安检流程。
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2.4 问题详细收集错误!未定义书签。
3.1 客户端配置63.2 对接流程错误!未定义书签。
3.3 YQ9986:企业没有开通银企直联83.4 YQ9990:企业本账户没有开通此交易83.5 YQ9977:XML报文体解析编码或格式异常83.6 客户连接不上银行93.7 查询状态类接口提示:没有满足条件纪录93.8 接口疑问9第一章概述此规范便于干系人了解直连业务的接入流程,直连系统干系人有:总行业务负责人、总行技术人员、总行网络人员、分行客户经理、分行技术和网络人员、企业业务和技术负责人、企业ERP方.1.1名称定义通讯规范企业系统与银行的系统进行通讯的协议、报文的定义的统称专线接入企业为了安全或其他考虑,与银行使用专线连接,可以从本地分行,或者银行总部〔##观澜〕接入.互联网接入企业访问银行在互联网提供的统一接入地址B2BiC 平安银行SCFP-B2Bi外联通讯前置客户端,用作签名和通讯代理,FTP传输.报文规范外联平台的A001、A002报文规范,即由222位定长报文头组成,详细定义参考接口文档或 b2bic客户端手册数字证书数字证书就是互联网通讯中标志通讯各方身份信息的一串数字,提供了一种在Internet上验证通信实体身份的方式,数字证书不是数字##,而是身份认证机构盖在数字##上的一个章或印〔或者说加在数字##上的一个签名〕.它是由权威机构——CA机构,又称为证书授权〔Certificate Authority〕中心发行的,人们可以在网上用它来识别对方的身份文件证书以pfx文件形式存放的数字证书,安全性差,易复制USBKEY证书存放在usbkey设备中的数字证书,安全性高,无法复制通讯代理Baidu词条SSL Baidu词条S Baidu词条Baidu词条同步短连接Baidu词条上行通讯银行做服务端,企业做客户端的场景.企业发送请求,银行实时返回通讯结果,同步短连接.下行通讯银行做客户端,企业做服务端的场景.银行请求客户,客户的系统实时返回通讯结果,同步短连接.USBKEY类型目前签发有两种,飞天诚信、捷德无驱签名方式USB_COM-普通USBKEY:支持飞天诚信、浏览器容器证书;JD_NoDrv-捷德无驱USBEKY:支持捷德无驱1.2干系文档下载地址参考附件"00_FTP获取安装包.txt".1.3外联平台通讯结构图机器1为ERP服务器,即企业搭建的和银行进行通讯的系统.银行提供"机器2"为一通讯加密软件,负责SSL通讯加密和报文RSA数字签名,使用SSL 安全地发送到银行前置系统,再接受银行的实时返回给客户的ERP服务器〔同步短连接〕.通讯前置机软件安装后默认开启7072端口<可配置更改>进行SSL通讯代理,客户端ERP直接读写7072端口,即可实现和银行银企直连系统通讯.银行提供通讯前置机软件,安装在普通PC机器上,PC机器系统建议为winodws XP, 2003, 2008ServerR2.机器要求能够访问互联网,为如下图的"机器2"〔机器1和机器2物理上可以合并〕.签名软件目前有"格尔国信银企直连安全客户端v1.5 平安银行版<SCP>"和"b2bic"两版,推荐使用"b2bic".1.4通讯客户端〔签名软件〕介绍B2BiC:全名"平安银行SCFP-B2Bi外联通讯前置客户端",运行依赖JDK1.6<32位>,可以实现S 通讯代理和pkcs7签名服务,可用支持上行、下行双向监听,支持FTP文件传输,能够和银行银企直连、供应链、P2P交易资金等其他目标系统对接,是目前最新版的直连和外联系统前置机.1.5客户端日志的目录B2bi前置机的日志目录:b2bic\log\trade.log 表示当天最新日志,-MM-dd是对应日期的日志.第二章 常见问题2.1 B2BiC 客户端关键配置演示B2BiC 客户端的配置,解释关键配置项的意义.2.1.1 关键配置路径如上图1、2、3、4、5、6 标示的地方分别代表的意思:1. 上行通讯,B2BiC 客户端配置监听客户请求的协议、端口,在"面向企业端配置---前置接入服务配置".2. 上行通讯,B2BiC 客户端配置访问银行服务端的地址、端口,在"面向银行端配置---接出服务配置": 如上两处是上行通讯场景需要配置的地方,如果企业和银行只有上行通讯场景,就代表你已经配置完成了,如下5、6 无需关注.3. 银行内部配置,客户端无须关注.4. 银行内部配置,客户端无须关注.如下两处是下行通讯场景需要配置的地方,如果企业和银行有下行通讯场景,需要配置如下5、6 两项.5.下行通讯,B2BiC客户端监听银行的端口,在"面向银行端配置---前置接入服务配置":6.下行通讯,B2BiC客户端把银行的请求,转发到企业服务端的配置,配置为企业服务器的ip、端口、协议,在"面向企业端配置---前置接出服务配置".2.1.2 常见配置问题这个项目是否应该配置?测试连接不通怎么办?请先查看"名称定义—上行通讯、下行通讯"理解其含义,请先查看"名称定义—上行通讯、下行通讯"理解其含义,请先查看"名称定义—上行通讯、下行通讯"理解其含义.2.1.3 只有上行通讯场景,只需要配置连接1、22.1.4 有下行通讯场景,才需要配置连接5、62.1.5 和银行有FTP文件传输的场景,才需要配置FTP.2.1.6 无需配置的项目,不要去检测通讯,不通是不影响的.2.2测试环境证书配置注意,这里是测试环境才允许使用的证书.切换到b2bic/cert目录,双击155_1_8.pfx导入到浏览器,密码是12345678,作为测试环境的证书.输入密码后,默认选项,下一步,提示"导入成功"即可.测试的时候就选择此证书,证书DN编号为[CN=SDB708050805YQ000155].2.3生产环境证书配置生产环境,若企业的机器支持usbkey驱动〔windows系列的系统〕,分行则签发usbkey证书,插入usbkey到b2bic前置机后,使用自带的驱动〔或者官网下载〕,打开驱动.插入usbkey后,电脑的右下角会出现USB设备图标.安装驱动后,打开证书管理工具,如飞天诚信类型的证书管理工具:例如如下显示DN: CN=SDBZ01437846530143784653YQ001401, OU=Enterprises, OU=SDB, O=SDBCA, C=CN若如上驱动管理器打开后,内容是空的,说明USBKEY是空的,请联系分行客户经理,要求提供下载好证书的USBKEY.打开B2BiC控制台,签名配置,选择"签名方式"为正确的类型,点击"获取证书DN",弹出如下浮动框,显示当前所有的证书,勾选和如上证书管理器查看到一致的DN.即选择到了USBKEY里面的证书.如选择CN=SDBZ01437846530143784653YQ001401, OU=Enterprises, OU=SDB, O=SDBCA, C=CN.若客户的机器不支持usbkey驱动,需要联系分行客户经理申请文件证书.2.4YQ9986:企业没有开通银企直联原因:企业代码错误.解决方法:检查客户上送的报文头中的"企业代码"域,更正为对应环境的正确代码.更改为如下[测试环境]:测试数据请参考"平安银行银企直连测试环境数据.docx"2.5YQ9990:企业本账户没有开通此交易原因:企业权限未开通.解决方法:先核对企业代码、交易代码是否正确,是否超出测试数据范围,若超出则更换正确的企业和账号.测试环境,使用测试数据请参考"平安银行银企直连测试环境数据.docx";生产环境,联系分行客户经理开通对应的权限.2.6YQ9977:XML报文体解析编码或格式异常原因如下两种:●编码异常导致:客户申明的编码是UTF-8,而实际汉字是GBK编码,银行解析报错;●报文标签不是标准XML格式:标签没有闭合〔baidu〕.解决方法:●把报文头中编码申明和XML 头里面的编码申明、实际汉字的编码调整一致.●检查XML标签是否闭合,可用XML工具检查.2.7客户连接不上银行问题:连接不上银行;解决方法:◆先咨询客户是走互联网还是专线,若是互联网,按如下步骤检查:●先在前置机机器上telnet testebank.sdb 462 ,若不能连接通,则是企业不能上网导致的,让企业自行解决;●若可以联通,则要客户提供前置机日志,协助查看前置机日志和客户上送报文.●或者使用浏览器访问:s://testebank.sdb:462,如下是可以联通的返回:●重点检查222报文头是否规范,报文头里面的长度域,是否和实际内容一致,至少要大于或等于报文体的实际长度.◆若是专线,则需要分行填写"附件01-外联客户_银企直连专线接入网络申请-DEV_PRD.xlsx"申请开通外联策略后才能访问到银行.2.8查询状态类接口提示:没有满足条件纪录问题:4005,4015查询状态类接口提示"没有满足条件记录";原因:银行未收到此记录.解决方法:参考接口文档的4005描述,按重发规则重新发送.2.9接口疑问具体接口联系目标系统负责人咨询.。
5、计算机启动后在开始菜单内点击运行按钮,输入下列内容如果你的IP 是192.168.1.***则请键入\\。
真正解决windows 7下农行网银无法使用的问题默认分类 2010-01-04 20:27:57 阅读292 评论0字号:大中小订阅Windows7 IE8 K宝U盾成功登入农行网银解决方法【转自远景】目前许多windows 7 IE8用户无法使用USBkey登入网银。
该方法目前支持农行,建行,光大,交行等多家银行网银,欢迎各位网友积极测试,,成功的请贴出自己的修改方法,以便供后人参考!==以“华大K宝”登入“农行网银”为例==症状:在登陆农行网银,出现“确认证书”后,点击“确定”,却出现“无法显示该网页”!解决方法:打开注册表编辑器(1)开始→运行→输入regedit(2)32位win7下找到,[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\Defaults\Prov ider\ZGHD Cryptographic Service Provider v1.0]将Image Path值由“GP_MINCSP.dll”修改为“%SystemRoot%\System32\GP_MINCSP.dll”(即增加“%SystemRoot%\System32\”字段),结束。
64位win7下找到(感谢腿毛飘飘,左楠风提供),[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Cryptography\D efaults\Provider\ZGHD Cryptographic Service Provider v1.0]将Image Path值修改为“%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\GP_MINCSP.dll”(3)无需重启,随便打开农行网银网址,出现“正在查找凭据平铺”,出现“确认证书”,点击确定即可出现“用户口令,请输入您的K宝密码”对话框,即可正常登陆网银。
本方法优点:(1)不需要在开始菜单程序里找到CSP工具,将K宝里的证书注册(2)不需要在桌面上找到“95599在线银行”的图标,这个图标进入农行的网站(3)不需要修改IE8诸多配置:例如启用“内存保护帮助减少联机攻击”,“使用直接插入自动完成功能(在Internet Explorer之外)”,降低“安全级别”,取消“启用保护模式”,修改“兼容性视图设置”里添加农行网银地址(4)不需要编辑C:\windows\system32\etc\hosts文件,在hosts文件中加入农行网银地址==其他可用网银(方法与上雷同,请根据不同网银做个性化调整)==建行华宝E路通(感谢charlesou测试)[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\Defaults\Prov ider\CIDC CryptographicService Provider v2.0.0]"Image Path"="%SystemRoot%\System32\CIDC_CSP.dll"建行捷德(感谢cq-bbcyb测试)[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\Defaults\Prov ider\StarSec CSP CCB]"Image Path"="%SystemRoot%\System32\sscsp_ccb.dll"建行华大智宝(感谢le57907579,chino测试)HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\Defaults\Provi der\CIDC Cryptographic Service Provider v2.0.0"Image Path"="%SystemRoot%\System32\CIDC_CSP.dll”农行飞天诚信K宝(感谢dongyang, successc测试)[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\Defaults\Prov ider\EnterSafe ePassAuto CSP For ABChina v1.0]"Image Path"="%SystemRoot%\System32\ePassAutocsp11_ABChina_s.dll"农行动态口令卡(感谢hmiloy测试)[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\Defaults\Prov ider\Microsoft Base Smart Card Crypto Provider]"ImagePath"="%SystemRoot%\System32\basecsp.dll工行金邦达(感谢hnxceagle测试)[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\Defaults\Prov ider\Netting Smart Card Cryptographic Provider v1.2]"Image Path"="%SystemRoot%\System32\cspnet.dll"交通银行(感谢k108cn, edwiny测试)[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\Defaults\Prov ider\Beijing GD CSP BANKCOMM v1.0 ]"Image Path"="%SystemRoot%\System32\ep2csp32_bc.dll"交行华大(感谢sevenyu测试)[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\Defaults\Prov ider\EnterSafe CSP v1.0 for BANKCOMM]"Image Path"="%SystemRoot%\System32\ngcsp_bc_2.dll"[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\Defaults\Prov ider\ZGHD CSP for Bank of Communications v1.0]"Image Path"="%SystemRoot%\System32\HD_CSP_JH.dll"广发银行(感谢thinkbook, hbzhong测试)[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\Defaults\Prov ider\Minghua CSP for GDBC v1.0]"Image Path"="%SystemRoot%\System32\GDCSPS_V3.dll"光大银行(感谢popofish, hbzhong测试)[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\Defaults\Prov ider\StarKey220 CSP version 1.0]Image Path=“%SystemRoot%\System32\GDsk220csp_cebb.dll”北京农村商业银行飞天诚信(感谢squid8测试)[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\Defaults\Prov ider\FEITIAN ePassNG CSP For BJRCB V1.0]%SystemRoot%\System32\ngcsp_bjrcb.dll北京银行(感谢maow测试)[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\Defaults\Prov ider\EnterSafe CSP (ePass2000-FT11) v1.0 for BJCA]"Image Path"="%SystemRoot%\System32\bjcacsp11_ft11_s.dll"杭州银行(感谢zhanxinabc测试)[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\Defaults\Prov ider\NJA USBKEY CSP for HCCB V1.0]"Image Path"="%SystemRoot%\System32\HisCSP_hccb.dll"兴业银行(感谢天很蓝测试)[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\Defaults\Prov ider\StarSec CSP For CIB]"Image Path"="%SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32\sscsp_cib.dll"中兴银行(感谢liuliangsoft测试)温州银行(感谢yangxishun测试)民生银行(感谢xiaohutulong测试)。
VPN系统使用说明(新)--校外登陆延边大学信息门户方法VPN系统使用说明(新)--校外登陆延边大学信息门户方法1.概述本文档旨在提供详细的使用说明,以便校外用户能够通过VPN 系统成功登陆延边大学信息门户。
请按照以下步骤进行:3.1 在浏览器中打开延边大学VPN系统官方网站(网址:);3.2 根据您的操作系统选择相应的客户端软件进行;3.3 安装好的客户端软件,按照提示进行操作。
请按照以下步骤进行:4.1 打开VPN客户端软件;4.2 输入您的延边大学学生或教职工账号和相关密码,登录;4.3 根据系统提示,选择延边大学作为VPN服务器;4.4 连接按钮,等待连接成功。
请按照以下步骤进行:5.1 打开浏览器,输入延边大学信息门户网址(网址:);5.2 输入您的延边大学学生或教职工账号和相关密码,登录;5.3 在信息门户页面,您可以查看个人信息、课程信息、校园公告等。
法律名词及注释:1.VPN(Virtual Private Network): 虚拟私人网络,是一种通过公共网络创建加密通道,实现远程访问私有网络资源的技术。
(3)在弹出的命令中输入ping 后回车。
→正确的结果:→错误的结果:(4)如果出现“请求找不到...”或“Ping request could not find host...”字样,请跳转至步骤二。
中行网上支付服务功能1. 自助开通开通/取消网上支付功能:您在登录网上银行后,可以在电子支付模块设置开通或者取消网上支付功能;2. 设置网上支付帐户:您的长城电子借记卡、长城人民币信用卡和中银系列信用卡关联到网上银行后,可以自行设置一个或多个银行卡账户用于网上支付,也可取消已设置的支付账户;3. 在线查询支付记录:您可在网上银行中查询过去一年内的网上支付交易记录,方便地管理自己的购物账单;4. 定制免费短信提醒:您在开通网上支付时,可选择开通免费的网上支付短信提醒服务。
在您成功完成一笔网上支付功能后,系统将发送支付结果信息给您,帮助您随时掌控网上支付信息;5. 设置交易限额:您可自行设置网上支付交易的每日累计限额。
韩国店铺温馨提示1. 在您的网银关联账户中,只有长城电子借记卡、长城人民币信用卡、中银系列信用卡账户可以进行网上支付,其他类型的账户不能设定为“网上支付账户”;2. 您可以在中国银行规定的“每日最高限额”内设置自己的“客户自设每日限额”,日后如需查看或修改,请使用“服务设定”功能;单笔交易限额由中国银行规定,不能自行设置;3. 当支付结果为“状态未明”时,您可以通过查看账户的余额及交易记录,致电网上商户或我行客服电话查询实际支付结果。
第一步将U盾插入电脑后,电脑上一般会自动弹出下面的对话框(如果不弹出请执行第二步操作),点击运行BOCDKEY.EXE, 在安装过程中,若杀毒软件有阻止提示,请全部选择允许。
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Bank System Performance 17 49 20 86 1 0 3 4 1 0 2 3
• What is your opinion for satisfaction regarding internet banking services like ATM, Withdrawals, Deposits, Fund Transfer?
• In 1999, there was first business in the financial services industry particularly in retail and general banking that realized the great opportunities of the internet and took initiative to provide online services (Bauer, 1999). Many would claims E-commerce is bringing reforms in corporate sector / industries (Howcroft, 2001). The claim proves true when internet brought electronic revolution in banking sector since 1995 (Jasimuudin, 2001).
• Internet banking system has become popular in recent years. Internet banking system is very easy for customer to access his account, check his balance and transfer his money within minutes. Currently the account holders of a bank want to easy and quick access and securable way to withdraw his money or other banking products. Online banking is one of the best way to access banking products, you can check your balance, pay your bills at your home just through enter with your email id on your respective bank web portal.
METHODOLOGY (Continued..)
• Secondary sources are used for the collection of data for instance, from annual financial reports and other publications of State Bank of Pakistan, newspaper articles, journals, books, banks brochures and annual reports of Allied Bank Limited Pakistan. • The data I collected for my research work that is from Allied Bank Limited in Pakistan.
• What is your level of satisfaction for monthly statements regarding withdrawal amount, loan, monthly salary process and preparation of statement of account? • How much time you spend in making a transaction like cash deposit and withdrawal with the online banking provided by a bank? • What do you feel that automated system used by the bank is better, more efficient and fast than the Manual ledger banking system?
• Why did you choose Allied Bank Limited? • What is your opinion for satisfaction regarding internet banking services like ATM service, deposit, withdrawals and statement of account, have been met? • How Allied Bank is efficient in providing the services like deposit, withdrawal, salary and account statement? • What are your comments or remarks regarding the percentage of accuracy for Preparation and Presentation of accounts of ABL?
Age Age 18-25 Customers 20 Yes 19 No 1
Age 26-50
Age 51 and above Total
16 82
14 18
• How Allied Bank is efficient in providing the services like deposit, withdrawal, salary and account statement? Highly efficient [ ], Efficient [ ], Not efficient [ ]
• The qualitative and quantitative both approaches are mentioned in my thesis to make more appropriate and strong study work. Qualitative research approach and its analysis require new research methods to bring out the real reasons for understanding any activity of the respondent like customer or anyone. While Quantitative research approach provides facts that can be stated in numbers like percentages, statistical values and thus the conclusions would not take into consideration the possible answers to why that includes the real reasons (K.A. Matin and A.A. Mirza, 2007).
• Why did you choose Allied Bank Limited? Bank Location [ ] Automated banking systems [ ] Bank staff performance [ ] Bank rates [ ]
Introduction (Continued…)
• Internet banking services means the services are provided by a bank to their customers through internet. Some examples of internet banking services are as below; • Electronic Fund Transfers (EFT) • Debit Card • Utility Bills Payment • Credit Card • Prepaid Smart • Bank Account/Balance Statement
• How much you satisfied from the e-banking system? • What do you think that e-banking is a reason for time saving? • How satisfied are you from the ABL ATM regarding time saving? • Do you proposed internet banking system and services to adopt as for time saving? • Any suggestion to make E-banking System for more efficient, accurate and rapid services providing?