



2012年手机新品HTC One X∙ 4.7英寸720p高清触摸屏∙纤薄时尚的机身设计∙ 1.5GHz的四核芯片∙HTC ImageChip 可在微光和抖动的状态下拍出清晰照片∙Beats音效,享受优秀音乐体验∙官方视频HTC One S∙7.95毫米的纤薄设计∙卓越的高性能体验∙HTC ImageChip 能跟踪对焦并连拍∙ 4.3英寸高清屏幕+Beats音效∙渐变阳极化抛光技术机身呈现不同颜色变化。

∙官方视频HTC One V∙一体成型机身∙ 3.7英寸WVGA分辨率SLCD触控屏∙背照式感光元件、F2.0大光圈、28毫米广角∙Beats音效∙Android 4.0系统和HTC Sense 4.0 界面∙官方视频诺基亚808 PureView∙4100万像素卡尔蔡司摄像头∙最大可拍7728×5368分辨率照片∙支持高品质录音和1080P摄像∙诺基亚贝拉系统∙ 1.3GHz CPU 16GB存储空间∙真机实拍诺基亚 Lumia 610∙ 3.7英寸电容屏∙800MHz高通Snapdragon S1 处理器∙256MB内存和8GB存储空间∙墨黑、品红、湖蓝、纯白四种颜色∙真机实拍LG Optimus 4X HD∙Tegra 3四核处理器主频可达到1.5GHz∙ 4.7英寸高清IPS屏幕 300ppi像素密度∙1GB DDR2 RAM和16GB ROM∙8.9mm超薄机身∙ 1.5GHz 海思K3V2四核处理器∙ 4.5英寸1280*720高清屏幕 ppi达330∙8GB机身存储以及1GB运行内存∙机身厚度10.9毫米∙2500mAh锂电池∙真机图赏华为 Ascend D quad∙ 1.2GHz 海思K3V2四核处理器∙8GB ROM 1GB RAM∙ 4.5英寸1280*720高清屏幕 ppi为330∙机身厚度8.9毫米∙持杜比5.1环绕立体声∙现场实拍华为 Ascend D1∙德州仪器OMAP 4460 1.5GHz双核处理器∙同样采用4.5英寸720P屏幕∙8GB ROM以及1GB RAM∙800万/130万摄像头索尼Xperia P∙4英寸960×540分辨率屏幕∙BRAVIA引擎 Whtie Magic屏幕显示技术∙STE U8500双核1GHz处理器机身内存16GB∙铝金属质感的外壳有银色、黑色、红色三款∙支持NFC及DLNA功能索尼 Xperia U∙小巧时尚的外观设计多种颜色∙ 3.5英寸屏幕 BRAVIA引擎显示技术∙500万像素摄像头 1秒钟快速启动∙xLoud音效增强 3D环绕音响效果LG L7∙简洁设计机身厚度仅8.8毫米∙Android 4.0系统∙ 4.3英寸触控屏幕采用了floating mass技术画面更清晰锐利中兴 Era∙NVIDIA Tegra 3四核 1.5Ghz的处理器∙超宽屏幕超薄机身∙ 4.3英寸QHD(960x540)像素屏幕∙Android 4.0系统平台∙带有15流明投影功能可投射最大50英寸画面∙4英寸480×800分辨率TFT显示屏∙主频1GHz双核处理器运行内存6GB 内置8GB的机身存储空间∙500万像素摄像头可拍摄720p高影像华硕 PadPhone。
















NOKIA 的界别方法

NOKIA 的界别方法

NOKIA 的界别方法nokia的界别方法诺基亚的扇形方法1。




















2650 RH-53
2651 RH-54
2652 RH-53
2855 RM-124
2855i RM-124
2865 RM-193
2865i RM-193
3100 RH-19
3100b RH-50
3105 RH-46
3105 RH-48
3108 RH-6
2270 RH-3P
2272 RH-3P
2275 RH-3DNG
2280 (amps/cdma) RH-17
2280 (cdma w/o R-UIM) RH-17NA
2280 (cdma w/ R-UIM) RH-17R
2285 RH-3
2300 RM-4
2300b RM-5
6610 NHL-4U
6610i RM-37
6620 NHL-12
6620 NHL-12X
6630 RM-1
6631 (NM850iG) RM-109
6638 RM-18
6650 NHM-1
6651 NMM-1
6670 RH-67
6670b RH-68
6680 RM-36
6100 NPL-2
6101 RM-76
6101b RM-77
6101h RM-77H
6102 RM-76
6102b RM-77X
6102h RM-77XH
6102i RM-162X
6103 RM-161
6103b RM-162
6108 RH-4
6110 NSE-3
8110 NHE-6BX
8110i NHE-6BM




3 个多月以来,来自四面八方的赞誉不断续写着它的卓越与辉煌,让它无疑成为业界的标杆和史上最创新的智能手机。

已经用上诺基亚920的朋友,新机体验痛快吗?还在观望的朋友,不急着做决定,咱先看看这12 项奖都说得啥,再做定夺不迟哈。

2012 年顶级智能手机,V3(英国) 是英国领先的专业技术网站之一,他们将诺基亚920评为顶级智能手机的理由是:“诺基亚发布920让我们感到尤为惊喜,我们觉得它是有史以来所出现的最创新的智能手机之一了。

”读者选择奖—2012年最佳手机,Gizmodo(澳大利亚)在澳洲,诺基亚920力压群雄,以49%的得票率,击败了获得13.5%选票的iPhone 5 和8.97%选票的谷歌Nexus 4。

(Gizmodo 是报道有关消费电子产品的流行博客之一)优秀设计之iF奖,International Forum Design 国际论坛设计(德国)60 年来,国际论坛设计的评审团汇集来自世界各地的著名设计师。



Mobil 奖之最佳智能手机设计,Mobile Magzine 手机杂志(丹麦)美孚奖在丹麦最负盛名。

2012年,诺基亚920 赢得了最佳智能手机设计和最佳的智能手机拍照两项大奖。

2012 年最佳智能手机,The Next Web(美国)The Next Web 评价说:“诺基亚920是2012 年最好的智能手机之一,特别是拍照功能,尤为让人倾心。

它的镜头超好,有2.0 的光圈和870 万像素的传感器,但最神奇的当属它的光学稳定成像技术和弱光高灵敏度了。

”最高分奖,Mobil(瑞典)Mobil 是瑞典最流行的科技博客之一,它对诺基亚920的材料、品质、操作系统和技术相当钟爱,10 满分都给到9 分,加在一起就成就了诺基亚的最高分奖。

諾基亞 Nokia 1506 用戶指南说明书

諾基亞 Nokia 1506 用戶指南说明书

Nokia 1506 用戶指南9218210第 1.0 版© 2009 Nokia。


Nokia、Nokia Connecting People 和 Navi 為 Nokia Corporation 的商標或註冊商標。

Nokia tune (諾基亞音調)是 Nokia Corporation 的聲音標記。


包含 RSA Security 的 RSA BSAFE 加密或安全協定軟體。

Nokia 奉行持續發展的政策。

Nokia 保留對本文件中所描述產品進行變更和改進的權利,恕不另行通知。

在適用法律所允許之最大範圍內,不論是任何情況,包括發生資料或收入損失或任何特殊、附隨、衍生性或間接之損害,無論其發生原因為何,NOKIA 或其認可供應商都毋需承擔任何損害之責任。



NOKIA 保留於任何時刻修正或作廢此文件的權利,恕不另行通知。



請向Nokia 經銷商洽詢,以取得詳細資訊以及可用的語言選項。



美國聯邦通訊委員會 (FCC) 聲明您的裝置可能會對電視或收音機產生干擾 (例如:使用電話時太接近訊號接收設備)。

如果無法消除此類干擾,FCC 可要求您停止使用電話。


本裝置符合 FCC 章程的第 15 部分。

其操作必須符合以下兩個條件:(1) 此手機不可造成有害干擾;以及 (2) 此手機必須接受任何接收到的干擾,包括可能造成意外操作的干擾。



NOKIA手机工程模式的说明书简介:NOKIA移动电话的工程模式名称为“Net monitor"分组画面为改锥、铁锤和手机,诺基亚的工程模式启动后可以通过命令开启或关闭。


•载频号码、在GSM系统的范围是1-124;•Carrier number.The rangeinGSM is 1-124•移动台接收电平(dBM值);•MS RX level indBM•接收信号等级,在GSM系统的范围是0-7;•Received signalquality. The rangeinGSM is 0-7•移动台发射功率等级,在GSM系统的范围是5-15级;•MS TXpowerlevel. The range in GSM is 5-15•C1(多径衰耗标准);•C1(path loss criterion,used for cellselectionand reselection, therange in GSM is -99..99)•RLT(音频超时)•RLT (Radio LinkTimeout)•时隙,在GSM系统的范围是0-7;•Timeslot. Therange in GSM is 0-7•发射转态指示;•Indication ofthe transmitter status•网络信息;•Information of the network parameteres•TMSI(临时移动电话识别码);•TMSI (temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity)•小区ID;•CellIdentification(Cell ID, number of the usedcell)•国家码;•MCC(MobileCountry Code)•网络码;•MNC (Mobile NetworkCode)•本地区域码;•LAC (LocationArea Code)•地区码;•Ciphering (on/off)•调频;•Hopping(on/off)•调频;•DTX(on/off)•自动功率控制Discardingcell barredinformation工程模式介绍按左边确认键即可进入工程模式菜单菜单 10-1| 16 -55xxx || CH Rx1 Pwr ||0 1 x xxxx | | TS TA RLT xxxx|| 51 51 | | Q1 Q1 || CCCH || xxCH |16 -表示 BCCH 载频号码;means BCCH carrier number-55 -表示接收功率值 ;means RX level (in dBm)xxx - Pwr表示发射功率等级;Pwr means TX power level0ﻩ- 时隙;TS(Time Slot)1ﻩ-时间前置量;显示手机和基站的距离,乘以500以公尺计算;TA - Timing Advancex - RLT - Radio Link Timeoutxxxx -不详;51(C1)- 多径衰耗标准,本人英语和基站知识不灵光,大伙自己体会吧C1(path loss criterion, used for cell selection and reselection,the rangein GSM is -99..99) CCCH - 载频类型之一;(xxCH)type of current channel:AGCH -(Access Grant Channel)允许连接频道由网络到手机的单向频道,安排专用控制信道以完成连接上网;* SDCC -(SDCCH:Stand-alone Dedicated Control Channel)独立专用控制信道;* TFR -(TCH:Traffic Channels)业务信道;* BCCH -(Broadcast Control Channel)广播控制信道;*SEARCH-手机正在搜索的网络信号;* NSPS -(No Service & Power Save),无网络服务,手机正处于省电模式;通话中CHT项变化:AGCH->SDCC->TFR->挂断电话->CCCH开机时CHT项变化:AGCH->SDCC->BCCH->CCCH•AGCH - AccessGrant Channel -is the answertoRACH.It'sused to assign a mobile a Stand-alone DedicatedControlChannel(SDCCH). It'sdownlin kand point to point channel.•SDCC - (SDCCH)Stand-alone DedicatedControl Channel - It'susedfor systemsygnalling:cell set-up,authentication, location update, assigmentto traffic channels andtransmissionofshortmessages•TFR-(TCH)Traffic Channels- Physical channels alsotransfer user data, which can be either in the formof HalfRatetraffic (6.5kbit/s)or Full Rate(13kb it/s).Another form of traffic channel istheEnhancedFull Rate(EFR)Traf fichChannel.The speech coding inEFRis still dona at 13kbit/s, but the coding mechanism is different thanthat usedfor normal full rate traffic. EFR coding gives better speechqualitythan normal full rate. Traffic channelscant ransmit both speech anddata. these are bi-directional channels.•BCCH- Broadcast Control Channel contains detailednetworkandcell specific information such as:o Frequenciesusedin the particularcell.o Frequency hopping sequence.o ChannelCombination. In the GSM there are eleven logical channels. Depending onthenumber of frequencies used in a cell, the number ofphysical channels available is eight times the number ofusedfrequecies.mostof thesephysicalchannels have to be allocated for trafficpurposes. Thereare morethan one ways in thesealevenlogicalchannels aremapped onthe available physical channels.Howtheyaremapped varies fromcell to celldepending on anumberofcategories.Channelcombinationtells about the mapping method used inthe particularcell o Paging groups.Normally in one cellthere aremore than onepaging channels.To prevent a mobile tolistening toall the paging channelsfor a pagingmessage, thepaging channelsare dividedsuchthat, agroupof mobile stations listentoaparticularpagingchannelonly.o Informationon surrounding cells. A mobile station has to know what are thecells surrounding thepresentcell and what frequencies are beingbroadcaston them. This is necessary if, for example,the user initiates a conversationinthe current cell,and then decides tomove on. The MS hasmeasure the signal strength and qualityofthe surroundingcells andreport to the base station controller.•SEARCHMobileStationis searchingforsignal.NSPS(No ServPower Save)ﻩ菜单10-2| NO 7 B49 || 16 x || || |B49 ﻩ- 蜂窝阻塞 (参考菜单 10-19)16 - 信道号x - 发射是为- 0,待机时为-1菜单10-3, 10-4, 10-5|16 50 -56 50| |18 19 -87 19| |29 13 -93 13| |xxx ccc vvv ccc||90 32 -7432| |20 18-88 18| |xx xxxx xx| |. ||17-99 -80-99| |8315 -89 15| |xx xx xx xx| |. || N N | | N N N | | N xx xx | |AA AA AA |xxx - means BCCH carrier number ofthe servingﻩcell in decimalinstead of BCCH carrier number DCHcarrier number will be desplayed in activ mode.ccc - means C1 value ofthe neighbourinstead of C1 valueﻩ letter"B" and BSIC value will be desplayed in activ mode.vvvﻩ- 表示接收功率等级(dBm)AA - 普通小区(N), 阻塞小区 (B).菜单 10-3 Number of serving cell,and2neigbours.菜单 10-4 Next 3 neigbours.菜单10-5 Next 3.菜单 10-6|26002 26202||41040 26001||C9E00 xxxxx||21303 xxxxx|看过一些测试项就可看到如下显示:|26002 26202||0000026001||11111 xxxxx||33333 xxxxx|屏幕左边是予存网络列表, Nokia 6110手机无法进行编辑,而老的Alcatel HC 1000可以编辑;262 02ﻩ-目前注册使用中的网络代码 D2 Privat networkcode.260 01ﻩ- 曾经尝试登录被禁用网络代码Plus GSM networ code.Menu 10-7|E A H C I BR||1 1 0 1 0 00|| |||E:系统是否支持紧急求救电话即112: 1为支持、0为不支持;A:attach-detach程序,1为支持,0为不支持;H:是否支持半速率编码,1为支持,0为不支持;C: C2值广播,1为支持,0为不支持;I: 系统第7、8信息广播,1为支持,为不支持;B: 系统广播,1为支持,0为不支持;R:re-establishment.1为支持,0为不支持;Menu10-10|TMSI 1620101B||T321 :1 /30||PRP:6 15 90|| - 2 16|TMSIﻩ- 临时移动台识别码:Temporary Mobile Subscriber IdentityT321 - Counter (min 1,max 240, where 1 means 6 min timebetween location updates and 240 means 240*6min=24hﻩ between locationupdates).PRP- Paging Repeat Period (range is 2-9, when paging is inevery second multiframe, mobile takes more current that if it werein every9th multiframe).16 in the last line is numberof serving cell channel.菜单10-11|CC:260 NC:02||LAC:2419 || CH:16 || CID:5DE9 |CCﻩ- (MCC)移动国家码; Mobile CountryCode (260 - Pland) NCﻩ- (MNC) 移动网络码Mobile Network Code(02 - Era GSM) LAC -本地区域识别码 Location Area CodeCH -使用中载频号码 Serving cell channel numberCIDﻩ-基站编号(Cell ID) Cell Identifier菜单 10-12|CIPHER :OFF ||HOPPINNG:OFF ||DTX : ON ||IMSI : ON |CIPHER -ciphering value A51, A52or OFFHOPPINGﻩ- 跳频值Hoppingvalue - ON/OFFDTX - Discontinuos Transmission (Mechanism)ON/OFFIMSI - International MobileSubscriber Identity菜单10-13| NOTALLOWED | | xxxxxxxxxxxx ||DTX(DEF) :ON | | yyyyyyyyyyyy || DTX(BS) :USE| | zzzzzzzzzzzz ||| | |With this display is possible to change MSto useDTX or not if BS allows MSto decideit.To change DTX state, You must activate this display from MENU. When MENU is not active and the user is scrollinng field test displays with NEXT and PREVIOUS, t he DTX state willnot change•xxxxxxxxxxx is statusof switched mode. The values are:o DTX ON (MS use DTX)o DTX OFF(MS not use DTX)o DTX DEF(MSuse default state ofDTX Defined in MS_PAR.H)o NOTALLOWED(BS not allows MS todecide if it uses DTXor not)•yyyyyyyyyyyy is default stateof DTX,definned in MS_PAR.H. Values are:o MS DEF:ONo MS DEF:OFF•zzzzzzzzzzzz is DTX valuefrom BS.Thevaluesare:o MS MAYUSE(BSallowsMSto decide ifit uses dtxor not onuplin ko SHALL USE (BS controls MS to usedtx (onuplink))SHALL NOT (BS controlsMSnot to usedtx (on uplink))Menu10-17| BTS TEST || OFF || |||BTS TEST状态开关 :Swith BTS TEST statusIf ON -Mobile is serching only onefrequency.Neigbour mesurementsarenot doneIf OFF - Mobile is behaving nornally. Neigbour mesurementsare doneTo change status from OFFto ON write to SIMmemory #33 channel number, go to menu 10-17, turn POWER OFF and again ON. Now You have active BTS TEST!!!Menu 10-19| CELL BARR | | CELLBARR| | CELL BARR || ACCEPTED | | REVERSE | | DISCARD || | | | ||| | | | | |只在无阻塞小区使用只在阻塞小区使用在阻塞和非阻塞小区使用Only non-barred Only barreed cells Barred and non-barredcells are used are used cells are usedThis test is meant to be used when some cells are tested prior takingthem into commercial use. By setting the barring on in the base station normal GSM phones will not try to register these barred cells. By selecting cell barring reversed, the MS will only use the cells to be tested. However, if at the same time it is wanted thatMS will be capable to use normal network cell barring ignored can be set.This test can be activated only from the MENU selecting item field test,or with shortcut menu-10-19. When MENU is not active and the user is scrollingfield t est displaywith NEXT and PREVIOUS, display 19 won't be activated.菜单10-20|387 xxxxxxx| |403 FastC ||T+27 0| |T+27 1 ||C 0 W 0| |C 0 W255 ||10110| |1011 0 |普通状态充电状态NormallCharging菜单10-88。




N8320G海量内存和蓝牙技术,USB 传输和第三方软件扩展等都是一应俱全。

诺基亚2012新款 7510s手机点评:诺基亚2012新款7510S翻盖手机,拥有一键翻盖的设计符合绝大多数用户的使用习惯,而且7510S的键盘设计采用的是镀金属设计,手感很好。





此外该机采用了Symbian9.2操作系统S60 v3.1系统版本的操作系统,可以安装大量的第三方软件,扩展能力十分强劲。

GPS模块的引入也是E66的一大亮点,毕竟地位上看E66是定级商务机型,没个GPS模块怎么象样呢?E66的GPS模块采用的是最新的AGPS(也就是通过导航卫星以及GPRS信号的进行定位)此外,E66还自带了诺基亚引以为豪的NOKIA MAPS导航软件,操作界面简单,支持学校、银行、餐馆等多方查询已经再线的升级。



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liteon 年份代码 -回复

liteon 年份代码 -回复

liteon 年份代码-回复LiteOn是一家全球领先的电子公司,总部位于台湾。


























4.谷歌Nexus 4
具有LG Optimus G手机的所有优点,却没有它的所有缺陷,这就 是谷歌的Nexus 4智能手机。快速、流畅的运行,纯净的Android体 验,Nexus 4再次证明谷歌选择合作伙伴的眼光。但在网络制式 方面,Nexus 4最高仅支持HSPA+网络,并不支持LTE。究其原 因,谷歌解释是因为目前全球运营商并未全面铺设LTE网络。
2.诺基亚Lumia 920
• 2012年9月,诺基亚Lumia 920带着已经被大肆炒作的PureView摄像 头和超大豪华屏幕问世。它采用了期待已久、令人难以置信的 Winddows Phone 8操作系统。顺便说一下,它也是诺基亚可能推出 的最好的Windows手机。虽然Lumia 920也存在一些问题,——其中 最主要问题的是重量,但它的出现证明诺基亚和微软已经为追赶甚至 超越苹果和三星做好了准备。
7. HTC Droid DNA HTC Droid DNA是一款定位于高端市场的Android系统旗舰级手机。这款智能手机采用 传统的直板造型、大屏幕全触摸操控设计,拥有5英寸高清分辨率显示屏幕。此外, HTC Droid DNA还有着极为强劲的硬件配置。
8. HTC One X Plus HTC One X已经是最好的Andr​​oid手机之一,HTC One X Plus在上一代产品的基础上继 续前进。HTC One X Plus采用了1.7 Ghz四核Tegra 3处理器,拥有2100毫安时电池, 这些已经足以帮助它在市场上攻城略地。
2012年的智能手机市场出现了一些激烈的竞WindowsPhone 8手机横空出世,iPhone和Android手机也有令奋的新机问 世,主要的智能手机厂商都推出了重磅机型。毫无 疑问,2012年的智 能手机市场已经开 始了群雄逐鹿的局 面。 下面是2012年最重 要的9款智能手机。


10. Voltage distortion 11. Capacitor overload 12. Capacit; 0.5 ind or 0.8 cap < 80 % U within 1s
> 120% > 110% U > 35°C (1) > 50°C (1) > 7% (1) Irms/I1 > 1.3 (1) < 75% of nominal
• optional communication auxiliary (RS485 Modbus)
Line-to-Line connection
Line-to-Neutral connection
• should a disturbance occur on the network or in the capacitor bank, alarms are indicated on the screen and alarm contact closure is initiated
Provided by Northeast Power Systems, Inc.
Provided by Northeast Power Systems, Inc.
Number of step output contacts



诺基亚近年来市场份额大跌,虽然Windows Phone业务正在逐步上扬,不过短时间内还很难看到效果。







Copyright 2007 Nokia. 版權所有,翻印必究。
Nokia 寫 e 生活
要啟動手機上的寫e生活,請按 活。 ,然後選取寫e生 Nokia寫e生活是行動電話與電腦的軟體組合,它會 保留您用行動電話寫成多媒體日記內的項目。 Nokia寫e生活是以時間順序來組織您的相片、影 片、聲音、文字訊息、多媒體訊息以及和網路日誌 記錄,讓您能夠瀏覽、搜尋、分享、列印和備份。 用於電腦手機的Nokia寫e生活皆能用來傳送或記錄 讓其他人瀏覽的項目。 Nokia寫e生活會自動追蹤您的多媒體項目。使用行 動電話內的Nokia寫e生活來瀏覽項目、傳送項目給 他人或在網路上發表。使用相容的USB資料傳輸線 或藍牙連線將手機與相容電腦連接以傳輸手機中的 項目並在相容電腦同步處理。 Nokia寫e生活電腦應用程式,讓您輕鬆地瀏覽和搜 尋您用手機收集來的項目。只要一個按鍵便可使用 USB連接線或藍牙連線進行傳輸,將您最愛的相 片、影片、文字和多媒體訊息傳輸到行動電話中。 為了安全起見,您可以用您的硬碟、相容CD、相 容DVD、相容抽取式硬碟或相容網路硬碟來備份 Nokia寫e生活資料庫。此外,您可以將項目放到部 落格 (blog)。 如需更多部落格服務和其與Nokia寫e生活的相容性 資訊,請至/lifeblog,或按Nokia寫 e生活電腦應用程式中的F1以開啟Nokia寫e生活之說 明。
Copyright 2007 Nokia. 版權所有,翻印必究。
要從行動電話複製新的或已編輯過的項目至電腦, 以及從您的電腦複製選取的項目至行動電話: 1 將手機連接到電腦。 2 啟動電腦的Nokia寫e生活應用程式。 3 在Nokia寫e生活電腦應用程式中,選取檔案 > 複 製到。






【总页数】1页(P64-64)【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN929.53【相关文献】1.诺基亚第一季度财报公布:净亏损9亿欧元 [J],2.诺基亚二季度营收57.76亿欧元中国区环比大幅增长 [J], 刁兴玲3.诺基亚Q3营收60亿欧元4.5G Pro与4.9G加速5G来袭 [J], 刁兴玲4.1992年1月,刚过不惑之年的奥利拉临危受命,成为诺基亚公司的CEO(后来流行的说法是"开始为一艘漏水的船只掌舵")。



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2005年前后,NOKIA曾经面临危机。日系、韩系 多媒体手机靠着QVGA分辨率26万色屏幕、200万以 上高素质摄像头,MP3、视频功能,让NOKIA的 4096色、低分辨率,玩具摄像头的产品看起来像过 时的恐龙。
屏幕 提高分辨率
NOKIA的衰落其实和IPHONE没有太大关系。 一个软硬件封闭、产品单一的厂商,做 得再好,影响也只限于同价位市场,对于 全线布局的NOKIA只有局部影响,NOKIA做 的再烂也只是损失一块高端市场。
APPLE打击高端、Android打击中高端和中端, 入侵中低端,山寨锁死低端,将NOKIA的这就 是NOKIA今天所面对的危机形势。 下面从手机品牌和手机操作系统两方面来分析 NOKIA本次所遇危机。
史蒂芬· 埃洛普上任之后,立即和老东家 签署了 协议。决定选择WP7。同时,他还宣布了MEEGO的死 亡,塞班的死缓。几乎是要将NOKIA的未来完全捆绑 在老东家的身上。 尽管他找了一切借口指责GOOGLE没有特殊对待 NOKIA,中止了和GOOGLE和合作,而事实上这个理由 是站不住脚的,难道不做GOOGLE的硬件制造商,转而 做微软的硬件制造商就心安理得了?仅仅因为微软是 他的老东家?
可以说三星这次在手机市场上应对的漂亮,既 有了面对风险的迅速反应,又有了对未知风险的 一种自我保障。 既在短时间内保持住了自己的市场占有率,又 不必担心未来google卡了自己的脖子。 反过来,我们看看NOKIA在应对同样风险时的 表现。

e71 e72

e71 e72

E71 E72IntroductionThe E71 and E72 are two mobile phone models manufactured by Nokia. Both models are part of Nokia’s Eseries, which is a range of smartphones designed for business and professional use. In this document, we will discuss the features, specifications, and differences between the E71 and E72.E71Design and DisplayThe E71 has a sleek and professional design. It features a full QWERTY keyboard, which makes typing emails and messages more convenient. The phone has a 2.36-inch display with a resolution of 320x240 pixels. The screen is vibrant and provides a good viewing experience.Performance and Battery LifeThe E71 is powered by a 369 MHz ARM 11 processor and comes with 128 MB RAM. Although it may seem underpowered compared to modern smartphones, the E71 is capable of handling most tasks efficiently. The phone has a 1500 mAh removable battery, which provides a decent battery life.ConnectivityThe E71 supports 3G connectivity, allowing users to browse the internet at high speeds. It also has Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and USB connectivity options. Additionally, the phone has a built-in GPS receiver, enabling users to navigate through maps and use location-based services.CameraThe E71 features a 3.2-megapixel camera with autofocus. While the camera quality may not be the best, it is sufficient for capturing basic photos and videos. The phone also has a secondary camera for video calls.Operating SystemThe E71 originally came with Nokia’s Symbian operating system. However, it is possible to upgrade the phone to Symbian^3, which brings improved performance and additional features.E72Design and DisplayThe E72 has a similar design to the E71 but with a few improvements. It has a slightly larger 2.36-inch display with the same resolution as the E71. The full QWERTY keyboard is also present, ensuring comfortable typing.Performance and Battery LifeThe E72 is equipped with a faster 600 MHz ARM 11 processor and has 128 MB RAM. This results in a noticeable improvement in performance compared to the E71. The phone comes with a 1500 mAh removable battery, providing a decent battery life for day-to-day usage.ConnectivitySimilar to the E71, the E72 supports 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and USB connectivity options. It also has a built-in GPS receiver for navigation purposes. The E72 also includes Nokia’s Ovi Maps, which offers a comprehensive offline navigation experience.CameraThe E72 features a 5-megapixel camera with autofocus and LED flash. This is a significant improvement over the E71’s camera and allows for better-quality photos and videos. The phone also has a secondary camera for video calls.Operating SystemThe E72 originally came with Nokia’s Symbian operating system. However, it is possible to upgrade the phone to Symbian Anna, which offers improved user interface and functionality.Differences between E71 and E72•The E72 has a faster processor compared to the E71, resulting in improved performance.•The E72 has a better camera with a higher resolution and LED flash.•The E72 comes with Nokia’s Ovi Maps for comprehensive offline navigation.•The E71 and E72 have slightly different operating systems, with the E71 capable of upgrading to Symbian^3 and the E72 capable of upgrading toSymbian Anna.ConclusionBoth the E71 and E72 are reliable smartphones designed for business and professional use. The E72 offers some improvements over the E71, such as a faster processor, better camera, and Nokia’s Ovi Maps. However, the E71 is still a capable device, especially after upgrading to Symbian^3. Ultimately, the choice between the two models depends on personal preferences and specific requirements.。

q1的发展历程 -回复

q1的发展历程 -回复

q1的发展历程-回复Q1 是一款经典的疑问句类型的自动问答机器人,历经多年的发展和技术升级,成为了现代人们不可或缺的信息搜索工具。

本文将详细介绍Q1 的发展历程,从诞生的起源到如今的复杂智能问答系统。

其中,Q1 在不同阶段所经历的技术突破和应用场景也会被提及。




于是,Q1 作为第一种自动问答机器人应运而生。

二、初级阶段(2005-2010)在Q1 的初级阶段,它的主要目标是通过基本的自然语言处理(NLP)技术来理解用户的问题,并能够在预先编写好的知识库中找到相应的答案。

在这个阶段,Q1 需要精确的关键词匹配、句法分析和语义理解等算法支持。

尽管这些技术较为简单,但Q1 在查找事实类问题方面的准确率已经能够满足用户需求。

三、进阶阶段(2010-2015)随着机器学习和数据挖掘技术的快速发展,Q1 的能力得以进一步提升。

在这个阶段,Q1 掌握了更加复杂的语义理解和推理能力,在回答问题时可以更好地理解背后的意图。

同时,Q1 还结合了大规模语料库和知识图谱等资源,使得它在推理类和未知类问题的回答上有了更大的优势。

许多人开始把Q1 视为一位智能的虚拟助手,能够提供各种实用信息,并解决一些简单的日常问题。

四、复杂阶段(2015-至今)随着深度学习和大数据技术的快速发展,Q1 的智能程度不断提升。

通过使用神经网络模型和强化学习算法,Q1 能够从更多的实例中学习和优化自己的回答能力。

此外,Q1 还能够根据用户的反馈和行为做出个性化的回答和推荐,大大提升了用户的体验。

在这个阶段,Q1 已经被广泛应用于各个领域,包括医学、法律、金融等,并在许多实用场景中取得了出色的成绩。

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Nokia Corporation A pril 19, 2012 at 13:00 (CET +1)Nokia Corporation Q1 2012 Interim ReportFINANCIAL AND OPERATING HIGHLIGHTS-Q1 2012 net sales of EUR 7.4 billion (Q1 2011: EUR 10.4 billion)-Non-IFRS EPS of EUR -0.08 and reported EPS of EUR -0.25-Losses incurred due to greater than expected competitive challenges and seasonality; reported losses also primarily driven by charges related to restructuring activities-Implementation of smartphone strategy proceeding:o Expansion of Lumia portfolio to cover higher and lower price points (Lumia 900 and Lumia610 announced in Q1)o Expansion of geographic coverage to 45 countries currently (31 new countries in Q1)o Encouraging launch of Lumia 900 with AT&T in US in April-Renewing feature phone portfolio with 7 new Asha products ramping up-Taking action to drive improvements in the trajectory of Lumia sales and to support feature phone sales-Plans to accelerate and substantially deepen Devices & Services cost savings, consistent with strategic focus. Nokia will share further details as quickly as possible.-Balance sheet remains strong with EUR 9.8 billion of gross cash at end-Q1; EUR 4.9 billion of net cash at end-Q1-Estimates that current annual IPR royalty income run-rate is approximately EUR 0.5 billionCommenting on the Q1 results, Stephen Elop, Nokia CEO, said: “W e are navigating through a significant company transition in an industry environment that continues to evolve and shift quickly. Over the last year we have made progress on our new strategy, but we have faced greater than expected competitive challenges.We have launched four Lumia devices ahead of schedule to encouraging awards and popular acclaim. The actual sales results have been mixed. We exceeded expectations in markets including the United States, but establishing momentum in certain markets including the UK has been more challenging.At the same time, the lower price tiers of our industry are undergoing a structural change, and traditional feature phones are challenged by full touch devices. As a result we are taking deliberate measures to continue to renew our Series 40 platform, and we plan to strengthen our line-up in Q2 2012. We are making investments in our Mobile Phones business unit aimed at addressing the gaps in our offering.We have a clear sense of urgency to move our strategy forward even faster. We are pursuing step function changes by having launched the Lumia 610 and Lumia 900 in the first quarter, expanding market coverage, increasing advertising, introducing key customer-requested features and broadening our most successful go-to-market activities. At the same time, we have focused our efforts in the low-end of smartphones and feature phone asset to drive improved business results and conserve cash.We are confident in our strategy and focused on responding urgently in the short term and creating value for our shareholders in the long term.”Nokia Corporation A pril 19, 2012 at 13:00 (CET +1)SUMMARY FINANCIAL INFORMATIONThe following table sets forth selective line items for the periods indicated, as well as the year-on-year and sequential growth rates.Note 1 relating to non-IFRS results: Non-IFRS results exclude special items for all periods. In addition, non-IFRS results exclude intangible asset amortization, other purchase price accounting related items and inventory value adjustments arising from (i) the formation of Nokia Siemens Networks and (ii) all business acquisitions completed after June 30, 2008. More specific information about the exclusions from the non-IFRS results can be found in note 2 below and for Q1 2012 and Q1 2011 in our complete Q1 2012 interim report with tables on pages 20-22 and 24, and for Q4 2011 in our complete Q4 and full year 2011 report with tables on pages 4-5, 20-22 and 24 published on January 26, 2012.Nokia Corporation A pril 19, 2012 at 13:00 (CET +1)Nokia believes that these non-IFRS financial measures provide meaningful supplemental information to both management and investors regarding Nokia’s performance by excluding the above-described items that may not be indicative of Nokia’s business operating results. Thesenon-IFRS financial measures should not be viewed in isolation or as substitutes to the equivalent IFRS measure(s), but should be used in conjunction with the most directly comparable IFRS measure(s) in the reported results. A reconciliation of our Q1 2012 and Q1 2011 non-IFRS results to our reported results can be found in our complete Q1 2012 interim report with tables on pages 18 and 20-24. A reconciliation of ourQ4 2011 non-IFRS results to our reported results can be found in our complete Q4 and full year 2011 report with tables on pages 17 and 20-24 published on January 26, 2012.Note 2 relating to non-IFRS exclusions:Q1 2012 — EUR 1 080 million consisting of:-EUR 772 million restructuring charge and other associated items in Nokia Siemens Networks-EUR 10 million restructuring charge in Location & Commerce-EUR 91 million restructuring charge in Devices & Services-EUR 86 million of intangible asset amortization and other purchase price accounting related items arising from the formation of Nokia Siemens Networks an d the acquisition of Motorola Solutions’ networks assets-EUR 120 million of intangible asset amortization and other purchase price accounting related items arising from the acquisition of NAVTEQ -EUR 1 million of intangible assets amortization and other purchase price related items arising from the acquisition of Novarra, MetaCarta and Motally in Devices & ServicesQ1 2012 taxes —EUR 135 million valuation allowance for Nokia Siemens Networks deferred tax assets impacting Nokia taxes.Q1 2011 — EUR 265 million consisting of:-EUR 28 million restructuring charge and other associated items in Nokia Siemens Networks-EUR 117 million of intangible asset amortization and other purchase price accounting related items arising from the formation of Nokia Siemens Networks-EUR 116 million of intangible asset amortization and other purchase price accounting related items arising from the acquisition of NAVTEQ -EUR 4 million of intangible assets amortization and other purchase price related items arising from the acquisition of OZ Communications, Novarra, MetaCarta and Motally in Devices & ServicesQ4 2011 — EUR 1 432 million (net) consisting of:-EUR 1 090 million partial impairment of goodwill in Location & Commerce-EUR 25 million restructuring charge in Location & Commerce-EUR 119 million of intangible asset amortization and other purchase price accounting related items arising from the acquisition of NAVTEQ -EUR 100 million restructuring charge and EUR 36 million associated impairments in Devices & Services-EUR 2 million of intangible assets amortization and other purchase price related items arising from the acquisition of Novarra, MetaCarta and Motally in Devices & Services-EUR 86 million of intangible asset amortization and other purchase price accounting related items arising from the formation of Nokia Siemens Networks and the acquisition of Motorola Solutions’ networks assets-EUR 23 million restructuring charge and other associated items in Nokia Siemens Networks-EUR 49 million positive item from a cartel claim settlementNote 3 relating to non-IFRS Nokia EPS: Nokia taxes continued to be unfavorably impacted by Nokia Siemens Networks taxes as no tax benefits are recognized for certain Nokia Siemens Networks deferred tax items. In Q1 2012, one-quarter tax expenses in Devices & Services also had an unfavorable impact. If Nokia’s estimated long-term tax rate of 26% had been applied, non-IFRS Nokia EPS would have been approximately 2.1 Euro cents higher in Q1 2012.Note 4 relating to Nokia net cash and other liquid assets: Calculated as total cash and other liquid assets less interest-bearing liabilities.Note 5 relating to operational and reporting structure: We adopted our current operational structure during 2011 and have three businesses: Devices & Services, Location & Commerce and Nokia Siemens Networks and four operating and reportable segments: SmartDevices and Mobile Phones within Devices & Services, Location & Commerce and Nokia Siemens Networks. Smart Devices focuses on smartphones and Mobile Phones focuses on mass market feature phones. Devices & Services also contains Devices & Services Other which includes net sales of our luxury phone business Vertu, spare parts and related cost of sales and operating expenses, as well as intellectualproperty related royalty income and common research and development expenses. Location & Commerce focuses on the development oflocation-based services and local commerce. Nokia Siemens Networks is one of the leading global providers of telecommunications infrastructure hardware, software and services.Note 6 relating to average selling prices (ASP): Mobile device ASP represents total Devices & Services net sales (Smart Devices net sales,Mobile Phones net sales, and Devices & Services Other net sales) divided by total Devices & Services volumes. Devices & Services Other net sales includes net sales of Nokia’s luxury phone business Vertu and spare parts, as well as intellectual property royalty income. Smart Devices ASPNokia Corporation A pril 19, 2012 at 13:00 (CET +1)represents Smart Devices net sales divided by Smart Devices volumes. Mobile Phones ASP represents Mobile Phones net sales divided by Mobile Phones volumes.Note 7 relating to Nokia Siemens Networks:Nokia Siemens Networks completed the acquisition of Motorola Solutions’ networks assets onApril 30, 2011. Accordingly, the results of Nokia Siemens Networks for the first quarter 2012 are not directly comparable to its results for thefirst quarter 2011.NOKIA OUTLOOK-Nokia expects its non-IFRS Devices & Services operating margin in the second quarter 2012 to be similar to or below the first quarter 2012 level of negative 3.0%. This outlook reflects that the first quarter 2012 benefit related to lower warranty costs is expected to be non-recurring, as well as expectations regarding a number of factors including:-competitive industry dynamics continuing to negatively affect the Smart Devices and Mobile Phones business units;-timing, ramp-up, and consumer demand related to new products; and-the macroeconomic environment.-Nokia continues to target to reduce Devices & Services non-IFRS operating expenses by more than EUR 1 billion for the full year 2013, compared to the full year 2010 Devices & Services non-IFRS operating expenses of EUR 5.35 billion. Nokia plans to accelerate and substantially deepen Devices & Services cost savings, consistent with its strategic focus. Nokia will share further details as quickly as possible.-Nokia and Nokia Siemens Networks expect Nokia Siemens Networks non-IFRS operating margin to clearly improve in the second quarter 2012 compared to the first quarter 2012 level of negative 5.0%. Due to the nature of the restructuring program as well as prevailing uncertain macroeconomic conditions, the timing ofimprovements in profitability is uncertain and therefore Nokia Siemens Networks’ non-IFRS operating margin in 2012 is expected to be volatile.-Nokia Siemens Networks continues to target to reduce its non-IFRS annualized operating expenses and production overheads by EUR 1 billion by the end of 2013, compared to the end of 2011.FIRST QUARTER 2012 FINANCIAL AND OPERATING DISCUSSIONNOKIA GROUPWe adopted our current operational structure during 2011 and have three businesses: Devices & Services,Location & Commerce and Nokia Siemens Networks and four operating and reportable segments: Smart Devicesand Mobile Phones within Devices & Services, Location & Commerce and Nokia Siemens Networks. Smart Devices focuses on smartphones and Mobile Phones focuses on mass market feature phones. Devices & Services also contains Devices & Services Other which includes net sales of our luxury phone business Vertu, spare parts and related cost of sales and operating expenses, as well as intellectual property related royalty income and common research and development expenses. Location & Commerce focuses on the development of location-basedservices and local commerce. Nokia Siemens Networks is one of the leading global providers of telecommunications infrastructure hardware, software and services.The following discussion includes non-IFRS results information. Non-IFRS results exclude special items for all periods. In addition, non-IFRS results exclude intangible asset amortization, other purchase price accounting related items and inventory value adjustments arising from (i) the formation of Nokia Siemens Networks and (ii) all business acquisitions completed after June 30, 2008.The following table sets forth the year-on-year and sequential growth rates in our net sales on a reportedbasis and at constant currency for the periods indicated.Nokia Corporation A pril 19, 2012 at 13:00 (CET +1)currency.The following table sets forth Nokia Group’s reported cash flow for the periods indicated an d financial position at the end of the periods indicated, as well as the year-on-year and sequential growth rates.Year-on-year, net cash and other liquid assets decreased by EUR 1.5 billion primarily due to payment of the dividend, cash outflows related to the acquisition of Motorola Solutions’ networks assets and capital expenditures, partially offset by a EUR 500 million equity investment in Nokia Siemens Networks by Siemens, the receipt of quarterly platform support payments from Microsoft and positive overall net cash from operating activities. Sequentially, net cash and other liquid assets decreased by EUR 0.7 billion primarily due to unfavorable and mostly non-recurring net working capital changes in Devices & Services as well as operating losses, capital expenditure and cash outflows related to restructuring, partially offset by a positive contribution from Nokia Siemens Networks and the receipt of a quarterly platform support payment from Microsoft.Sequentially, Devices & Services net working capital changes in the first quarter 2012 had a negative impact on net cash and other liquid assets. The working capital change was primarily due to accounts payable balances declining more than the combined declines in accounts receivable and inventory balances. The end-of-quarter days of sales outstanding was higher sequentially resulting from a lower proportion of net sales in regions with faster payment terms, including India and China. The end-of-quarter days of sales in inventory was higher sequentially resulting from the ramp-up of Lumia devices. Unless there are similar fluctuations in the composition of Devices & Services net sales and inventory, we expect the unfavorable impact of Devices & Services working capital changes in the first quarter 2012 to be mostly non-recurring. We are focused on improving Devices & Services working capital performance, and we see opportunities to improve inventory, accounts payable and accounts receivable management over the remainder of 2012.In the first quarter 2012, Nokia Siemens N etworks’ contribution to net cash from operating activities was approximately EUR 410 million. This was primarily driven by working capital improvements, partially offset by operating losses. In the first quarter 2012, Nokia Siemens N etworks’ working capital performance improved by approximately EUR 540 million, primarily related to significantly improved accounts receivables collection as well as higher advanced payments from customers.Nokia Corporation A pril 19, 2012 at 13:00 (CET +1)Our agreement with Microsoft includes platform support payments from Microsoft to us as well as software royalty payments from us to Microsoft. In the first quarter 2012, we received a quarterly platform support payment of USD 250 million (approximately EUR 189 million). We have a competitive software royalty structure, which includes minimum software royalty commitments. Over the life of the agreement, both the platform support payments and the minimum software royalty commitments are expected to measure in the billions of US Dollars. The total amount of the platform support payments is expected to slightly exceed the total amount of the minimum software royalty commitments.DEVICES & SERVICESThe following table sets forth a summary of the results for our Devices & Services business for the periods indicated, as well as the year-on-year and sequential growth rates.Net SalesThe year-on-year and sequential decline in our Devices & Services net sales are discussed below under our Smart Devices and Mobile Phones business units. We estimate that our current annual IPR royalty income run-rate is approximately EUR 0.5 billion. At constant currency, Devices & Services net sales would have decreased 38% year-on-year and 30% sequentially.The following table sets forth the net sales for our Devices & Services business for the periods indicated, as well as the year-on-year and sequential growth rates, by geographic area. IPR royalty income is allocated to the geographic areas contained in this chart.On a year-on-year basis Devices & Services net sales in the first quarter 2012 declined in all regions, particularly in China, primarily due to competitive industry dynamics adversely affecting both our Mobile Phones and Smart Devices net sales. On a sequential basis, Devices & Services net sales in the first quarter 2012 declined in all regions, except for North America, where sales were driven by the introduction of the Nokia Lumia 710 with T-Mobile.VolumeNokia Corporation A pril 19, 2012 at 13:00 (CET +1)The following table sets forth the mobile device volumes for our Devices & Services business for the periods indicated, as well as the year–on-year and sequential growth rates, by geographic area.On a year-on-year basis, the decline in our total Devices & Services volumes in the first quarter 2012 was driven by significantly lower volumes in both Mobile Phones and Smart Devices volumes as discussed below.The sequential decline in our total Devices & Services volumes in the first quarter 2012 was driven by significantly lower Mobile Phones volumes and Smart Device volumes, including lower seasonal demand for our devices, as discussed below.During the first quarter 2012, our overall channel inventory increased on a sequential basis. We ended the first quarter 2012 around the high end of our normal 4 to 6 week channel inventory range, but on an absolute unit basis, channel inventories declined sequentially.Average Selling PriceOn a year-on-year basis, the overall decrease in our Devices & Services ASP in the first quarter 2012 was driven primarily by the lower ASP in Mobile Phones, a higher proportion of Mobile Phones sales and the negative impact from foreign currency hedging, partially offset by higher IPR royalty income.On a sequential basis, the overall decrease in our Devices & Services ASP in the first quarter 2012 was driven primarily by a product mix shift towards Mobile Phones and the negative impact from foreign currency hedging, partially offset by a positive impact from the depreciation of the Euro against certain currencies.Gross MarginOn a year-on-year basis, the decline in our Devices & Services non-IFRS gross margin in the first quarter 2012 was driven primarily by the significant gross margin decline in Smart Devices and, to a much lesser extent, in Mobile Phones, partially offset by higher IPR royalty income.On a sequential basis, the decline in our Devices & Services non-IFRS gross margin in the first quarter 2012 was driven primarily by gross margin declines in both Smart Devices and Mobiles Phones, partially offset by a positive impact from lower warranty costs, which is expected to be non-recurring, and higher IPR royalty income.Operating ExpensesDevices & Services non-IFRS operating expenses decreased 15% year-on-year and 11% sequentially in the first quarter 2012. On both a year-on-year and sequential basis, operating expenses related to Mobile Phones increased 22% and 10%, respectively, in the first quarter 2012, whereas operating expenses related to Smart Devices decreased 33% and 24%, respectively, in the first quarter 2012. These year-on-year and sequential changes resulted, in addition to the factors described below, from the proportionate allocation of operating expenses being impacted by the relative mix of sales and gross profit performance between Mobile Phones and Smart Devices. This resulted in higher and lower relative allocations to Mobile Phones and Smart Devices, respectively. In addition, both the year-on-yearNokia Corporation A pril 19, 2012 at 13:00 (CET +1)and sequential decline in Smart Devices was driven by the cost savings actions related to our Symbian and MeeGo activities.Devices & Services non-IFRS research and development expenses decreased 22% year-on-year in the first quarter 2012. On a sequential basis, Devices & Services non-IFRS research and development expenses decreased 11% in the first quarter 2012. Both the year-on-year and sequential declines were primarily due to a reduction in Symbian and MeeGo related costs as well as ongoing cost controls. This was partially offset by an increase in Mobile Phones research and development expenses primarily due to investments in product development to bring new innovations to the market in support of our strategy to bring the internet and information to the next billion.Devices & Services non-IFRS sales and marketing expenses decreased 8% year-on-year in the first quarter 2012. On a sequential basis, Devices & Services non-IFRS sales and marketing expenses decreased 16% in the first quarter 2012. Year-on-year, marketing expenses declined primarily due to lower marketing expenditure on Symbian, partially offset by higher marketing expenditure on Lumia. Sequentially, marketing expenses declined primarily due to lower marketing expenditure on MeeGo and Symbian.Devices & Services non-IFRS administrative and general expenses decreased 5% year-on-year in the first quarter 2012 as near-term cost controls were partially offset by shared function cost categorization. On a sequential basis, Devices & Services non-IFRS administrative and general expenses increased 26% in the first quarter 2012 due to shared function cost categorization.In the first quarter 2012, Devices & Services non-IFRS other income and expense had a negative year-on-year and sequential impact on profitability. Reported other income and expense was significantly adversely impacted in the first quarter 2012 primarily as a result of restructuring-related expenses discussed below, which were recognized in Devices & Services Other.Cost Reduction Activities and Planned Operational AdjustmentsWe continue to target to reduce our Devices & Services non-IFRS operating expenses by more than EUR 1 billion for the full year 2013, compared to the full year 2010 Devices & Services non-IFRS operating expenses of EUR 5.35 billion. We plan to accelerate and substantially deepen Devices & Services cost savings, consistent with our strategic focus. Nokia will share further details as quickly as possible.During the first quarter 2012, Devices & Services recognized net charges of EUR 91 million related to restructuring activities. As of the end of the first quarter 2012, we had recognized cumulative charges of EUR888 million related to restructuring activities.While the total extent of the restructuring activities is still to be determined, we currently anticipatecumulative charges in Devices & Services of around EUR 900 million before the end of 2012 in relation to our previously announced cost reduction target of more than EUR 1 billion. We also believe total cash outflows related to our Devices & Services restructuring activities will be below the level of the cumulative chargesrelated to these restructuring activities.Nokia Corporation A pril 19, 2012 at 13:00 (CET +1)SMART DEVICESThe following table sets forth a summary of the results for our Smart Devices business unit for the periods indicated, as well as the year-on-year and sequential growth rates.Note 2: The year-on-year and sequential decreases in operating expenses resulted from the proportionate allocation of operating expenses being impacted by the relative mix of sales and gross profit performance between Mobile Phones and Smart Devices, resulting in lower relative allocations to Smart Devices in the first quarter 2012.Net SalesThe year-on-year decline in our Smart Devices net sales in the first quarter 2012 was primarily due to significantly lower Symbian volumes. On a sequential basis, the decline in our Smart Devices net sales in thefirst quarter 2012 was also due to lower Symbian volumes, partially offset by growing sales of Nokia Lumia devices.VolumeThe year-on-year decline in our Smart Devices volumes in the first quarter 2012 continued to be driven by the strong momentum of competing smartphone platforms relative to our Symbian devices. All regions showed a significant year-on-year decline in the first quarter 2012 except for Latin and North America, which showed slight year-on-year growth.On a sequential basis, the decline in our Smart Devices volumes in the first quarter 2012 was primarily drivenby lower Symbian volumes in all regions, as well as lower seasonal demand for our products, which more than offset the sequential increase in Nokia Lumia device volumes.Average Selling PriceThe year-on-year decline in our Smart Devices ASP in the first quarter 2012 was driven primarily by price erosion due to the competitive environment and a higher proportion of sales of lower priced Symbian devices. This was partially offset by sales of Nokia Lumia devices at an ASP of approximately EUR 220, as well as a positive impact related to deferred revenue on services sold in combination with our devices.Sequentially, the slight increase in our Smart Devices ASP in the first quarter 2012 was driven primarily by a positive mix shift towards the sales of Nokia Lumia devices, and a positive impact related to deferred revenueon services sold in combination with our devices, partially offset by price actions taken related to specific products across our portfolio due to the competitive environment.Gross MarginNokia Corporation A pril 19, 2012 at 13:00 (CET +1)The significant year-on-year decline in our Smart Devices gross margin in the first quarter 2012 was driven primarily by greater price erosion than cost erosion within our Symbian portfolio due to the competitive environment, partially offset by a positive impact related to deferred revenue related on services sold in combination with our devices and lower warranty costs.On a sequential basis, the decline in our Smart Devices gross margin in the first quarter 2012 was primarily driven by greater price erosion than cost erosion mainly related to our Symbian and Nokia N9 smartphones, targeted price reductions of the Nokia Lumia 710 to accelerate growth as well as higher per unit fixed costs related to our Symbian devices due to declining volumes. The overall sequential decline was partially offset by lower Symbian-related allowances and lower warranty costs.MOBILE PHONESThe following table sets forth a summary of the results for our Mobile Phones business unit for the periods indicated, as well as the year-on-year and sequential growth rates.Note 2: The year-on-year and sequential increases in operating expenses resulted from the proportionate allocation of operating expenses being impacted by the relative mix of sales and gross profit performance between Mobile Phones and Smart Devices, resulting in higher relative allocations to Mobile Phones in the first quarter 2012.Net SalesOn a year-on-year basis, our Mobile Phones net sales in the first quarter 2012 decreased due to the lower ASPand volumes. On a sequential basis, the decline in our Mobile Phones net sales in the first quarter 2012 wasdue to lower volumes.VolumeOn a year-on-year basis, the decline in our Mobile Phones volumes in the first quarter 2012 was primarilydriven by our reduced portfolio of higher priced feature phones compared to the first quarter 2011, partially offset by sales of recently introduced products which represented a higher proportion of our portfolio. In addition, the year-on-year decline was due to distributors and operators purchasing fewer of our featurephones during the first quarter 2012 as they reduced their inventories of our feature phones compared to increasing their inventories in the first quarter 2011. The year-on-year decline in our Mobile Phones volumesin the first quarter 2012 was most pronounced in China and Europe primarily due to competition from more affordable smartphones and increased competition from competitors with broader portfolios of featurephones with more smartphone-like experiences, such as full touch devices.On a sequential basis, the decline in our Mobile Phones volumes in the first quarter 2012 was primarily drivenby lower seasonal demand for our feature phones and aggressive price competition, especially in entry-level feature phones, partially offset by sales of recently introduced products which represented a higher proportionof our portfolio.The sequential decline was also due to distributors and operators purchasing fewer of our feature phones during the first quarter 2012 as they reduced their inventories of our feature phones comparedto increasing their inventories in the fourth quarter 2011. In addition, we faced increased competition from。
