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P Updated definition of Value Stream 价值流定义
While value streams may be defined broadly at the product level (e.g., large engines), or narrowly at the process level (e.g., canopy tack weld), manufacturing sections are the basic building blocks of the value streams. CPS requires the alignment of value stream definitions with manufacturing section definitions. Individual business units establish the section structure for quality management and certification, and financial management. Section managers, formerly referred to as frontline supervisors, combine responsibilities for managing teams of production employees, and value stream, quality and financial management.
价值流包含广义上的产品级别 (比如大发动机) 或者狭义上的流程级别 (比如顶盖点焊接), 生产的各个区域/车间是基本的价值流元素。卡特彼勒生产系统结合了价值流定义与生产区域的定义。各个业务单元为管理质量、认证和财务管理建立了自己相应的区域结构。车间经理,以前叫做一线主管,既要管理生产团队,也要管理价值流,质量和财务。
Value Stream Mapping 价值流图
Cycle Time 周期时间
Cycle time is defined as a timed observation of how often a part or product is completed by a process. In other words, cycle time is the process exit rate.
When practical, multiple observations should be made. The lowest repeatable time should be used as observed cycle time. The operator should always be involved in determining cycle time. The observed cycle time is a measure of both value-added and non-value-added time in the process.
Measuring cycle time needs to be kept in appropriate context. If a batch of parts undergoes the same process step, then the observed cycle time applies to the full batch. The cycle time per piece is computed as observed cycle time divided by number of pieces in a batch.
Cycle Time Piece = Cycle Time / Batch Size 单件的周期时间=周期时间/批量规模
If multiple part numbers with comparable observed cycle times go through the same process step, calculate the weighted average (based on demand) cycle
time and record it in the process box.
Note: Record cycle time and batch size in the process box for each process step. 备注:每一道工序都应在工序的周期时间框中记录周期时间和批量规模。
Process Time 流程时间
Process time is the time it takes for all the work elements to be completed. Process time includes both value-added and non-value-added steps. The
concept of process time is closely related to cycle time. In many situations cycle time and process time are equivalent. Heat treat and paint process are typical examples when process time (floor-to-floor including load and unload) is longer than observed cycle time.
理和喷漆流程是非常典型的流程时间(从装载到卸载)明显比周期时间长的例子。Example 示例:
Heat treat process takes 180 min. Every six minutes a batch of six parts exits the heat treat furnace. 热处理流程时间是180分钟。加热炉每六分钟就完成
Batch size = 6 pieces 批量大小=6件
Cycle Time = 6 min 周期时间=6分
Cycle Time Piece = 6 min / 6 pieces = 1 min 单件的周期时间=6分/6件=1分
Process Time = 180 min 流程时间=180分
Process time is how long the part is being worked on within the process; floor-to-floor time, including load and unload; one complete sequence of work elements. 流程时间是零件在某一流程内被处理的时间;时间间断,包括装夹和卸载的时间;是一个完整的工作要素序列。
Total Product Cycle Time 产品总周期时间
To represent the time component of the value stream, compute the total product cycle time or TCT P, which is an estimate of the time required for the product to move through a value stream at current demand levels. TCT P is a measure of the ability to meet customer demand.