

SONDEX FDI 音叉密度仪的原理及操作

SONDEX FDI 音叉密度仪的原理及操作

SONDEX FDI 音叉密度仪的原理及操作【摘要】目前生产测井技术在采油井已经普遍应用,其中流体识别尤其重要。






fdi 音叉密度仪是sondex公司生产的新型流体密度测量仪,测量精度高,稳定性好,可进行连续测量。

1 fdi仪器结构与参数fdi仪器主要由两部分组成,分别是电子线路部分与测量探头部分。



通讯/电源电路板控制仪器内部电源供给,完成仪器通讯,采集数据;振荡器电路板通过一个压电晶体管来驱动并维持音叉的谐振,并产生两个输出信号:谐振频率与振动幅度;模拟电路板接受温度探头数据和振动幅度数据,并进行a/d 转换。


图1?fdi仪器工作框图fdi仪器主要参数如下:外径:1-11/16”(42.86mm)长度:20.55”(521.97mm)质量:7.81lb(3.54kg)耐温:150℃耐压:15000psi测量范围:0-1.25g/cc测量精度:±0.03g/cc分辨率:0.01g/cc响应时间:<1 seconds2 音叉密度仪测量原理音叉密度传感器是由音叉体、固支体、压电晶体管和温度传感器组成的。






国内统一刊号CN31-1424/TB2020/5 总第282期音叉谐振式黏密度计计量性能及校准方法文慧卿 金愿 陈超云 朱绚华 / 上海市计量测试技术研究院摘 要 介绍了一种可对各类混合相液体进行黏度密度同时在线测量的方法,基于音叉谐振式原理的新型黏密度测量仪表,并通过实验分析其各项计量性能,探讨该仪器的校准方法,可以为黏密度测量行业计量校准工作提供参考。

关键词 音叉谐振式;黏度计;密度计;校准0 引言黏密度测量是石油化工、生物医药、食品能源以及国防等领域控制生产流程、保证生产安全、评定产品质量及科学研究的重要手段。






1 仪器测量原理音叉谐振式黏密度计主要由音叉、激振单元、拾振单元构成,是利用一个压电晶体产生的谐振频率,再通过音叉头另一个压电晶体测量其谐振频率。


图1 测量液体黏度与密度的原理图2为音叉的单个叉体等效模型,经理论推导结合实验研究[5],可知液体附着在叉体上的有效质量总和Δm 为Δm = 0.6λρ(ac ρηω2ac (1)式中:Δm —— 附着在叉体上的液体有效质量总和;a 、b 、c —— 叉体尺寸; λ —— 叉体的有效质量; ρ —— 液体密度; η —— 液体黏度; A—— 振幅; ω —— 叉体谐振频率根据式(1)可以计算出音叉改变后的谐振频率f '为f 'f (1 - 21Δmm g ) (2)10国内统一刊号CN31-1424/TB 2020/5 总第282期式中:f ' —— 改变后的谐振频率;f —— 改变前的谐振频率; mg —— 悬臂梁的有效质量; k—— 与叉体尺寸相关的常量图2 单个叉体的等效模型引起音叉传感器谐振频率变化的主要原因是不同的液体附加在叉体上的有效质量不同,液体附加在叉体上的有效质量不仅与音叉的外形、尺寸有关,而且与液体的黏度和密度有关。


修改灵敏度: 长按中间向上⬆按键 6 秒, 屏幕自动 SET SENS 2 秒钟,之后屏幕显示灵敏度值。 点击向上⬆键一次,灵敏度+1,最大 15,超过 15 后自动变为 0。
保存并退出 长按中间向上⬆按键 6 秒, 或者点击 SET 键
不保存直接退出: 20 秒不操作后自动退出 点击➡不保存退出。
5 外形结构与安装注意事项
叉体伸出长度 短叉体 标准型长叉体 加长型长叉体
50mm 128mm 128~1600mm
上海锟鹏 计量与测控专家
上海锟鹏 计量与测控专家
⬇ 点击 键
⬇ 点击⬆键
⬇ 点击⬆键或➡键
⬇ 点击 键
⬇ 长按 键 秒
用户菜单表 Loc=132
仪表安装位置,必须尽量避免物料的直接冲击或飞溅。如无法避免,可以在仪表安装 上方,安装防护罩,防止物料冲击叉体。
7.5 报警延时设定
本功能只在开关量输出(参数 out=0)时有效,频率输出(out=1)时无效。



≥水平管道 100mm(4″); ≥50mm(2″)
≥垂直管道 150mm(6″);
不适用于: 1.不稳定流速 2.主管口径小于 DN100
1. 絮状溶液(如纸浆等) 2. 不稳定流速 3. 粘度有递变的溶液 4. 主管口径小于 DN50
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5
液体密度和被测液体流动时的震动频率密切相关,当被测液体密度变化时,液体流动时 的振动频率也随之改变。通过以下方程,被测液体的密度可以被精确的计算出来。
D= K0+K1T+K2T2 D=未校准的被测介质密度(kg/m3)
T=振动频率-1-CR 插入式密度计可以自动补偿温度对被测介质密度(D)的 影响,压力对密度没有显著的影响。
0 – 20000 cP 小于 0.1 kg/m3/℃ (校正后)
可忽略不计 PT100

HI 93701-0和HI 957淀粉测定器手册说明书

HI 93701-0和HI 957淀粉测定器手册说明书

1•Turn the meter on by pressing ON/OFF .2•When the beeper sounds briefly, the LCDdisplays dashes and “P1” (Chlorine Low Range) or “P2” (Chlorine Ultra High Range)the meter is ready. The code that appears on the secondary display is the one of the RANGE/GLP/ indicates that the instrument needs to be zeroed first.3•Fill the cuvette with 10 mL of unreactedsample, up to the mark, and replace the cap.4•Place the cuvette into the cuvette holderand ensure that the notch on the cap is positioned securely into the groove.5•Press ZERO/CFM and the lamp, cuvetteand detector icons will appear on the display, depending on the measurement phase.6•After a few seconds the display will show“-0.0-”. The meter is now zeroed and ready for measurement.7•Remove the cuvette.8•Add the content of the packets for thespecific test reagents:Chlorine LR: 1 packet of HI 93701-0Chlorine UHR:1 packet of HI 95771A-0and 1 packet of HI 95771B-0.9•Replace the cap and shake gently for20 seconds.10•Replace the cuvette into the cuvette holderand ensure that the notch on the cap is positioned securely into the groove.11•Press and hold READ/ for threeseconds .countdown prior to measurement. The beeper is playing a beep at the end of countdown period.press READ//TIMER .In both cases the lamp, cuvette and detector icons will appear on the display,depending on the measurement phase.1.key: press to change the parameter. Press and hold GLP mode . In calibration mode press to edit the date and time.2.CAL CHECK key: press to perform the validation of the meter, or press and hold for three seconds to enter calibration mode .3.ZERO/CFM key: press to zero the meter prior to measurement, to confirm edited values or to confirm factory calibration restore.4.READ/ key: In measurement mode , press to make a pre-programmed countdown prior to measurement. In GLP mode press to view the next screen.5.ON/OFF key: to turn the meter on and off.6.Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)7.Cuvette alignment indicator8.Cuvette holderDISPLAY ELEMENTS DESCRIPTIONINSTRUCTION MANUALHI 96771Free Chlorine &Chlorine Ultra High RangeISMPreliminary examinationPlease examine this product carefully. Make sure that the instrument is not damaged. If any damage occured during shipment, please notify your Dealer.Each HI 96771 Ion Selective Meter is supplied complete with:•Two Sample Cuvettes and Caps •9V Battery•Instruction ManualNote:save all packing material until you are sure that the instrumentworks correctly. Any defective item must be returned in its original packing.For more details about spare parts and accessories see “Accessories”.Dear Customer,Thank you for choosing a Hanna product. This manual will provide you with the necessary information for the correct use of the instrument. Please read it carefully before using the meter. If you need additional technical information,*******************************************.Functional description Light High: There is too much light to perform a measurement. Please check the preparation of the zero cuvette.Light Low: There is not enough light to perform a measurement. Please check the preparation of the zero cuvette.No Light: The instrument cannot adjust the light level. Please check that the sample does not contain any debris.Inverted cuvettes: The sample and the zero cuvette are inverted.Zero: A zero reading was not taken. Follow the instructions of the measurement procedure for zeroing the meter.Under range: A blinking “0.00” indicates that the sample absorbs less light than the zero reference.Check the procedure and make sure you use the same cuvette for reference (zero) and measurement.1.The measuring scheme (lamp, cuvette, detector), appears during different phases of zero or reading measurement2.Error messages and warnings3.The battery icon indicates the charge state of the battery4.The hourglass appears when an internal check is in progress5.Status messages6.The chronometer appears when the reaction timer is running7.The month, day and date icons appear when a date is displayed8.Four digit main display9.Measuring units10.Four digit secondary displayON SAMPLE READINGBattery low: The battery must be replaced soon.Dead battery: This indicates that the battery is dead and must be replaced. Once this indication is displayed, normal operation of the instrument will be interrupted. Change the battery and restart the meter.Cooling lamp: The instrument waits for the lamp to cool down.DURING CALIBRATION PROCEDUREOTHER ERRORS AND WARNINGSCap error: Appears when external lightenters in the analysis cell. Assure that the cuvette cap is present.Over Range: A flashing value of the maximum concentration indicates an over range condition.The concentration of the sample is beyond the programmed range: dilute the sample and re-run the test.Standard Low: The standard reading is less than expected.Standard High: The standard reading is higher than expected.Errors and warningsON ZERO READINGMeasurement procedureTechnical specifications:Range 0.00 to 5.00 mg/L for Chlorine LR 0 to 500 mg/L for Chlorine UHRResolution0.01 mg/L from 0.00-3.50 mg/L; 0.10 mg/L above 3.50 mg/L for Chlorine LR1 mg/L from 0 to 200 mg/L; 10 mg/L above 200 mg/L for Chlorine UHRAccuracy ±0.03 mg/L ±3% of reading at 25°C for Chlorine LR ±3 mg/L ±3% of reading at 25°C for Chlorine UHRTypical EMC Dev.±0.01 mg/L for Chlorine LR±1 mg/L for Chlorine UHR Light Source Tungsten lampLight Detector Silicon Photocell with narrow band interference filter @ 525 nmMethod Adaptation of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th edition, 4500-Cl.Environment 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F);max 95% RH non-condensing Battery Type 1 x 9 voltAuto-Shut offAfter 10' of non-use in measurement mode; after 1 hour of non-use in calibration mode; with last reading reminder.Dimensions 192 x 104 x 69 mm (7.6 x 4.1 x 2.7”)Weight360 g (12.7 oz.).FACTORY CALIBRATION RESTORE It is possible to delete the calibration and restore factory calibration.1•Press and hold for three secondsRANGE/GLP/GLP mode .2•Press READ/ to enter in thefactory calibration restore screen. The instrument asks for confirmation of user calibration delete.3•Press ZERO/CFM to restore the factorycalibration or press RANGE/GLP/ again 4•The instrument briefly indicates “donE”upon restoration of factory calibration prior to returning to measurement mode .or dirt and that they are inserted correctly.12•Then the date of last calibration (e.g.:“01.08.2009”) appears on the display, or “01.01.2009” if the factory calibration was selected before. In both cases the year number is blinking, ready for date input.13•Press RANGE/GLP/ to edit the desiredyear (2009-2099). If the key is kept pressed,the year number is automatically increased.14•ZERO/CFM or READ//TIMER to confirm.Now the display will show the month blinking.15•Press RANGE/GLP/ to edit the desiredmonth (01-12). If the key is kept pressed,the month number is automatically increased.16•When the correct month has been set, pressZERO/CFM or READ//TIMER to confirm.Now the display will show the day blinking.17•Press RANGE/GLP/the day number is automatically increased.Note:It is possible to change the editing fromday to year and to month by pressing READ/18•Press ZERO/CFM to save the calibrationdate.19•The instrument displays “Stor ” for onesecond and the calibration is saved.20•The instrument will return automaticallyto the measurement mode by displaying dashes on the LCD.9•At the end of the measurement the displaywill show the validation standard value.The reading should be within specifications as reported on the CAL CHECK™Standard Certificate. If the value is found out of specifications, please check that the cuvettes are free of fingerprints, oil or dirt and repeat validation. If results are still found out of specifications then recalibrate the instrument.CALIBRATIONNote:It is possible to interrupt the calibrationprocedure at any time by pressing CAL CHECK or ON/OFF keys.When calibrating, only the selected range is affected.1•Turn the meter on by pressing ON/OFF .2•When the beeper sounds briefly and theLCD displays dashes, the meter is ready.3•To change the range, simply pressRANGE/GLP/4•Press and hold CAL CHECK for threeseconds to enter calibration mode. The display will show “CAL ” during calibration procedure. The blinking “ZERO ” asks for instrument zeroing.5•Place the CAL CHECK™ StandardHI96771-11 Cuvette A into the cuvette holder and ensure that the notch on the cap is positioned securely into the groove.6•Press ZERO/CFM and the lamp, cuvetteand detector icons will appear on the display,depending on the measurement phase.7•After a few seconds the display will show“-0.0-”. The meter is now zeroed and ready for calibration. The blinking “READ ”asks for reading calibration standard.8•Remove the cuvette.9•Place the specific CAL CHECK TM StandardHI96771-11 Cuvette B into the cuvette holder, for and ensure that the notch on the cap is positioned securely into the groove.10•Press READ/ and the lamp,the display, depending on the measurement phase.11•The instrument will show for three secondsthe CAL CHECK™ standard value.Note:If the display shows “STD HIGH ”, thestandard value was too high. If the display shows “STD LOW ”, the standard value was too low. Verify that both CAL CHECK™ Standard HI96771-11Cuvettes, A and B are free from fingerprintsLAST CALIBRATION DATE1•Press RANGE/GLP/GLP mode .on the main display and the year on the secondary display.2•If no calibration was performed, the factorycalibration message, “F.CAL” will appear on the main display and the instrument returns to measurement mode after three seconds.In the GLP mode , the last calibration date can be verified and the factory calibration can be restored.To save battery, the instrument shuts down after 10 minutes of non-use in measurement mode and after 1 hour of non-use in calibration mode.If a valid measurement was displayed before auto shut off, the value is displayed when the instrument is switched on. The blinking “ZERO ”means that a new zero has to be performed.One fresh battery lasts for around 750 measurements, depending on the light level.The remaining battery capacity is evaluated at the instrument startup and after each measurement.The instrument displays a battery indicator with three levels as follows:• 3 lines for 100 % capacity • 2 lines for 66 % capacity • 1 line for 33 % capacity•Battery icon blinking if the capacity is under 10 %.If the battery is empty and accurate measurements can’t be taken any more, the instrument shows “dEAd bAtt ” and turns off.To restart the instrument, the battery must be replaced with a fresh one.To replace the instrument’s battery, follow the steps:•Turn the instrument off by pressing ON/OFF .•Turn the instrument upside down and remove the battery cover by turning it counterclockwise.•Extract the battery from its location and replace it with a fresh one.•Insert back the battery cover and turn it clockwise to close.R EAGENT SETSHI 93701-01Reagents for 100 Free Chlorine tests HI 93701-03Reagents for 300 Free Chlorine testsHI 95771-01Reagents for 100 Chlorine Ultra High Range tests HI 95771-03Reagents for 300 Chlorine Ultra High Range tests OTHER ACCESSORIESHI 96771-11CAL CHECK ™ Standard Cuvettes (1 set)HI 7213109V battery (10 pcs)HI 731318Cloth for wiping cuvettes (4 pcs)HI 731331Glass cuvettes (4 pcs)HI 731335Caps for cuvettes (4 pcs)HI 93703-50Cuvette cleaning solution (230 mL).Battery managementWarrantyHI 96771 is warranted for two years against defects in workmanship and materials when used for its intended purpose and maintained according to the instructions.This warranty is limited to repair or replacement free of charge.Damages due to accident, misuse, tampering or lack of prescribed maintenance are not covered.If service is required, contact your dealer. If under warranty, report the model number, date of purchase, serial number and the nature of the failure. If the repair is not covered by the warranty, you will be notified of the charges incurred.If the instrument is to be returned to Hanna Instruments, first obtain a Returned Goods Authorization Number from the Customer Service Department and then send it with shipment costs prepaid. When shipping any instrument, make sure it is properly packaged for complete protection.To validate your warranty, fill out and return the enclosed warranty card within 14 days from the date of purchase.Recommendations for UsersBefore using these products, make sure that they are entirely suitable for your specific application and for the environment in which they are used.Operation of these instruments may cause unacceptable interferences to other electronic equipments, this requiring the operator to take all necessary steps to correct interferences.Any variation introduced by the user to the supplied equipment may degrade the instrument’s EMC performance.To avoid damages or burns, do not put the instrument in microwave oven. For yours and the instrument safety do not use or store the instrument in hazardous environments.Hanna Instruments reserves the right to modify the design, construction and appearance of its productswithout advance notice.For additional information, contact yourdealer or the nearest Hanna Customer Service Center.To find the Hanna Office in your area,visit our web siteIST96771 11/10Factory Calibration AccessoriesCalibrationGLPLast Calibration12•The instrument directly displays concentrationin mg/L of free chlorine and the rangenumber on the LCD.INTERFERENCES FOR CHLORINE LR•Positive error: Bromine, Oxidized Manganese and Chromium, Chlorine dioxide, Ozone and Iodine.•Alkalinity above 250 mg/L CaCO 3or acidity above 150 mg/L CaCO 3 will not reliablydevelop the full amount of color or it may rapidly fade. To resolve this, neutralize the sample with diluted HCl or NaOH.•In case of water with hardness greater than500 mg/L CaCO 3, shake the sample forapproximately 2 minutes after adding the powder reagent.INTERFERENCES FOR CHLORINE UHR•Positive error: Bromine, Oxidized Manganeseand Chromium, Chlorine dioxide, Ozone andIodine.Warning: do not validate or calibrate the instrument with standard solutions other than the Hanna CAL CHECK™ Standards, otherwise erroneous results will be obtained.For accurate validation and calibration results, please perform tests at room temperature (18 to 25°C; 64.5 to 77.0°F).Validation and Calibration proceduresVALIDATIONNote:The validation is performed only for theselected parameter. For full validation of the instrument, the following procedure must be performed for each parameter.1•Turn the meter on by pressing ON/OFF .2•When the beeper sounds briefly and theLCD displays dashes, the meter is ready.3•Place the CAL CHECK™ StandardHI96771-11 Cuvette A into the cuvette holder and ensure that the notch on the cap is positioned securely into the groove.4•Press ZERO/CFM and the lamp, cuvetteand detector icons will appear on the display,depending on the measurement phase.5•After a few seconds the display will show“-0.0-”. The meter is now zeroed and ready for validation.6•Remove the cuvette.7•Place the specific CAL CHECK TM StandardHI96771-11 Cuvette B into the cuvette holder, for and ensure that the notch on the cap is positioned securely into the groove.8•Press CAL CHECK key and the lamp,cuvette and detector icons together with “CAL CHECK ” will appear on the display,depending on the measurement phase.Use the Hanna CAL CHECK™ cuvettes (see “Accessories”) to validate or calibrate instruments.。



u 检查液体的粘度是否处于推荐范围 0.2 至 10000cp。
u 检查液体的密度是否大于 37.5 磅/英尺³(600kg/m³)。
u 检查音叉是否存在产品聚集的风险。
u 运行真正受免流动、湍流、气泡、泡沫、振动、固体含量、涂覆、液体特性以及产品变化的影响 u 不需要标定而且所需要的安装工序最少 u 极性不敏感而且有短路保护功能 u 采用工业标准的插头/插座连接件 u 无活动零件或缝隙真正实现免维护 u 电子元件、自检和状态监控-LED 显示状态信息和完好信息 u 磁性测试点为功能测试提供方便 u 紧凑型设计使外形小巧且重量较轻 u “快速低落”的音叉设计对于粘性液体具有更换的响应时间 u 卫生连接件。
u 泡沫
u 安装时保证开关时常处于正常的“打开(on)”状态。
u 应始终确保在调试过程中使用本机磁性试点对系统进行调试。
本产品是一种基于振动短音叉技术的液点液位开关。它是一种紧凑开关,配备耐用的不锈钢本体和音叉, 可用于各种液体应用场合。3/4”货 1”经济型液位开关通过螺纹安装与 管道或储罐上,或者通过卫生连接件 安装于食品工业设施。直接负荷开关适用于所有电源或 PNP 输出,用作与可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)的直 接接口。提供防止溢出认证,仅适用于安全区域。









目录概论---------------------------------------------------------1(一)、原理------------------------------------------------------1(二)、用途------------------------------------------------------1仪器说明---------------------------------------------------------1(一)、零组件部份------------------------------------------------1(二)控制面板---------------------------------------------------2(三)、如何安装---------------------------------------------------2温机------------------------------------------------------3(四)、校正------------------------------------------------------3(五)、温度、溶液补偿设定-----------------------------------------4(六)操作步骤---------------------------------------------------4A、固体---------------------------------------------------------5B、如何量测浮体于水中-------------------------------------------5C、如何量测颗粒-------------------------------------------------6(七)操作注意事项------------------------------------------------6(八)保养-----------------------------------------------------7(九)故障排除---------------------------------------------------7十一:附录:常规液体介质的密度(单位:103千克/米3,未注明者为常温下)名称密度名称密度汽油0.70氨水0.93乙醚0.71海水 1.03石油0.76牛奶 1.03酒精0.79醋酸 1.049煤油0.80盐酸(40%) 1.20矿物油(润滑油)0.9-0.93蜂蜜 1.40植物油0.9-0.93硝酸(91%) 1.50水银13.6硫酸(87%) 1.80水(0℃)0.999867水(20℃)0.998229水(2℃)0.999968水(40℃)0.992244水(4℃) 1.000000水(60℃)0.983237水(18℃)0.998621水(100℃)0.958375(一)、原理:直读式密度计MH-300A /MH-600A 是根据GB/T533、ISO2781、ASTMD297-93、DIN 53479、ASTMD792、D618,D891、ISO1183、GB/T1033、ASTM D792-00、JISK6530,ASTM D792-00、JISK6530采用阿基米得的水中置换法原理。

GDYC700 音叉料位开关 使用说明书

GDYC700 音叉料位开关 使用说明书

GDYC700音叉料位开关使用说明书上海翔舜自动化成套设备有限公司目录提示 (03)概述 (03)了解产品 (03)工作原理 (05)技术参数 (05)安装方式 (06)电气连接 (09)仪表面板分布 (10)仪表调试方法 (10)产品选型 (11)提示:请您在选型、安装、使用本产品之前,请您认真仔细研读本产品说明书,注意本产品被限制应用的场合,注意安装方式要符合说明书中的要求,避免出现错误的安装方法,只有这样才能保证产品的长期可靠有效的运行。






技术参数:环境温度:-25~60℃叉体材料:铜合金或不锈钢(根据用户订货)电源电压:AC220V50/60Hz;DC24V功率:1.5W输出信号:二组常开、常闭触点;0/10mA出线口:M20× 1.5触点容量:AC220V5A物料颗粒最大外形尺寸:≤10mm容器中最大耐压:4.0MPa(定货应说明耐压)容器中的工作温度:-20~180℃(定货应说明工作温度)音叉振荡频率:约200Hz音叉尖端振幅:约0.5mm音叉阻尼延时:约2S延时调节:0~30S介质密度:不小于0.6g/cm³外形尺寸:如图1、图2、图3介质为非粘性物料:不含有对叉体起腐蚀作用的物体防护等级:IP65防爆:固体DIP、DTl3粉尘防爆(不适用于炸药场所)液体:dⅡBT4型号确定:☆确定“普通型”与特殊型”当检测坏境为常温、常压、中等粘度的液体或直径小于5m流动性较好的固体物料时可以选择“普通型”。


EP-6100 插入式密度计可实时在线的进行密度 检测。它可以运用于以密度为基本参数产品的过程 控制或者以固体百分比或浓度百分比为参照质量控 制中。
典型行业包括,石油化工行业,酿酒业,食品行 业,制药行业和矿物加工(如粘土,碳酸盐、硅酸 盐等),具体应用于以上行业中的多产品管道中的界面检测,搅拌混合物的密度检测,反应 釜终点监测,离析器界面检测。 3. 工作原理
第四部分 注意事项.........................................................................................................................9 第五部分密度计操作说明............................................................................................................. 10 第六部分 仪表选型指南.............................................................................................................13
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 恩普仪表(北京)有限公司 010-82176710 82176693
第二部分 机械安装.......................................................................................................................5 1. 概述...............................................................................................................................5 2. 流速的计算...................................................................................................................5 3. 安装定位.......................................................................................................................5 3.1 概述 ........................................................................................................................... 5 3.2 典型安装方式示意图 ............................................................................................... 6 3.3 试用转 ....................................................................................................................... 8





操作注意事项1. 使用前的准备在使用前,需要对密度计进行一系列的检查,以确保仪器正常运行。


2. 测量操作•在进行密度测量之前,请务必清空密度计;•将密度计放在水平的平面上;•打开电源开关并保持15分钟以便仪器达到稳定状态;•根据操作手册操作,将样品倒入密度计内;•关闭电源开关,使密度计停止工作;•对密度计进行读数,记录所得数据。

3. 使用后的清理•关闭密度计电源;•移除样品设备,并用清洁的布擦拭密度计内部和外部;•将持针、啮合件、密度计杯以及管子等零部件全部拆卸,并进行彻底清洗;•在重新组装之前,必须确保所有的零部件已经彻底干燥。


下面是密度计的保养要点:1. 清洁在每次使用后,请务必对密度计进行清洁。


2. 定期校准密度计的稳定性与准确性是密度测量的关键指标。


3. 储存当密度计不再使用时,请将其存放在干燥,阴凉处,并确保密度计内部处于干燥状态。



Liquiphant Density FTL51B 液体密度计操作手册说明书

Liquiphant Density FTL51B 液体密度计操作手册说明书

Products Solutions Services简明操作指南Liquiphant Density FTL51B音叉密度计液体密度测量本文档为《简明操作指南》;不得替代设备随箱包装中的《操作手册》。

设备的详细信息请参考《操作手册》和其他文档资料:所有设备型号均可通过下列方式查询:•网址:/deviceviewer•智能手机/平板电脑:Endress+Hauser Operations AppKA01430F/28/ZH/02.22-00715822312022-08-01配套文档资料Liquiphant Density FTL51B 1 配套文档资料2 文档信息2.1 图标2.1.1 安全图标危险状况警示图标。




2Endress+HauserLiquiphant Density FTL51B 基本安全指南Endress+Hauser3危险状况警示图标。




2.1.2电气图标 接地连接接地夹已经通过接地系统可靠接地。



2.1.3工具图标 开口扳手2.1.4特定信息图标 允许允许的操作、过程或动作。



1.、2.、3.操作步骤2.1.5 图中的图标A、B、C ... 视图1、2、3 ... 部件号- 危险区. 安全区(非危险区)3基本安全指南3.1人员要求操作人员必须符合下列要求,例如 设备调试和维护人员:‣经培训的合格专业人员必须具有执行特定功能和任务的资质基本安全指南Liquiphant Density FTL51B4Endress+Hauser‣经工厂厂方/操作员授权‣熟悉联邦/国家法规‣开始操作前,操作人员必须事先阅读并理解《简明操作指南》和补充文档中的各项规定‣遵守操作指南和基本条件要求3.2 指定用途•设备仅可用于液体限位检测•使用不当会引发危险•确保测量设备无故障工作•确保设备的接液部件材质完全能够耐受介质腐蚀•3.2.1不当使用使用不当或用于非指定用途而导致的损坏,制造商不承担任何责任。

振动式音叉说明书Tuning fork

振动式音叉说明书Tuning fork

Kunpeng Fork level switchOperation ManualThank you for your choosing our product! Beforeoperation, please read this “Operation Manual”carefully to ensure normal operation of instrument.2 Compact type fork level switchBrief introduction to productBased on the tuning fork vibration technology, this fork levelswitch has been equipped with durable stainless steel bodyand fork so that it can be used in various kinds of fields. The3/4” or 1” economic type level switch can be fixed onto pipelineor storage tank through screw mounting, or installed onto thefood industrial facility through sanitation fastenings. In addition,the direct load switch adapts to any power supply or PNP output,also can be used as the direct interface of PLC.Product features◆ Away from the influence including water flow 、onflow 、bubble 、foam 、vibration 、solid content 、coating and liquidfeatures completely.◆ Less installation process steps without indication of positions◆ Insensitive response to polarity with short-circuit protection function◆Standard plug/socket fastenings available◆With immovable parts or gap, free-maintenance can be acquired completely◆All the information about electric components、self-check and state monitoring can be finished through LEDdisplay◆The magnetic test points make the function test easier◆Compacted design make the outline be small and exquisite◆Quicker response to viscous liquid due to its “Dripple” design◆Sanitation fasteningsMeasuring PrincipleBased on the tuning fork vibration principle, this level switch adopts piezoelectric crystal to vibrate the fork by fixed frequency of tuning fork, also the frequency variation can be monitored continuously. When used for low level alarm, the liquid in container flows down and through the tuning fork to cause the variation of natural frequency, this frequency variation can be captured by electric component so that the output mode can be switched into another one. When used for high-level alarm, the liquid inside container goes up and vibrate the tuning fork so the output mode can be changed again.3Short fork technologySelect the natural frequency (about 1300Hz) of tuning fork so that the interference which can cause faulty action of switch can be avoided effectively. The shorter fork can extend into container, thus, this product can adapt to all liquid variety, abundant researches have established stable base for high working efficiency so that this product can adapt to any kind of liquid including painting liquid、inflatable liquid and serous fluid.Special functionsLED DisplayWith LED display, it is available to carry out observation through the window of shell. When under “CLOSE” mode, the LCD display will flicker continuously (one time per 0.5s), while under “OPEN” mode, the LCD display will be on all the time.Magnetic test pointsDistributed at the side of shell, the operator can carry out function test through these test points. When one magnetic block touches the test point, the output will be changed.Electric connectionFor a quick connection, adopt standard DIN 43650 plug/socket, in addition, insensitive polarity and short-circuit protection can make the electric connection easily and safely.4Fork design“Dripple” design (drop from the end of fork) can make the test speed quicker, specially for high viscosity liquid, the scnsitivity becomes higher.5Application exampleOverflow preventionWhen in the course of loading, the overflow material will cause harm to human body andenvironment as well as production loss and cleaning cost, so this instrument is consideredas a crucial limit switch which can offer overflow signal at any time.Pump protectionThe length of short fork inserting wet side is shortest and can be fixed onto pipeline andcontainer at any angle so that the installation cost can be reduced effectively. Because theextending length of fork is 2 inch only (50mm), it is available to install this instrument ontominorcaliber pipe. If combined with direct-load switch, this instrument can become an idealchoice for the reliable control of pump, also away from dry running of pump.Top and lowest level alarmBecause this instrument can works continuously under 302°F(150℃)temperature and1045 psig (100barg) pressure due to its hard and durable shell, so this product is an ideal oneused to detect the top and lowest of different storage tank. Generally, a separated level alarmswitch is equipped so that an extra standby switch can be provided when failure emerges.6Leakage detectFor flange、gasket、seal ring, there may be leakage when exposed to severe environment likecorrosive liquid. Most of the storage tank and container are installed onto base plate or insideprotection body in case the liquid leakage emerges. This instrument can be used to find out theleakage point quickly and accurately so that the detecting cost can be reduced obviously.Pump controlFor many processes, equipped batch process and elevated storage tank, so a control to pumpbecomes very important to make the liquid level at specified range. Generally, these storagetanks are made of thinner material so that it can not be used to bear heavier instruments.Sanitation applicationDue to its higher surface smooth finish(Ra) which can be more than 0.8 μm, this instrument canmeet the requirements of food and medicine manufacturing. In addition, this instrument is made ofstainless steel so that it has a good durability, thus, it can be used under 302°F(150℃)hightemperature steam cleaning (CIP).7Application and installationInstallation precautions◆Before installation, check if the liquid temp and pressure are at the specified range (see technical specification) ◆Check if the viscosity of liquid is at the recommended range: 0.2 to 10000 cP◆The products with high viscosity include chocolate syrup、tomato catsup、peanut paste and asphalt.Even though these things have a high viscosity, the instrument still can carry out detection, but the discharging time is very long.◆Check if the density of liquid is more than 37.5 lbs./feet3 (600kg/m3).◆the things with low density include acet.、pentane and hexane◆Check if the fork is at the risk of material accumulation◆away from the conditions like accumulation of dry and coated things◆ensure that the fork is away from lapping (joint) caused by high density things◆the things which can cause the lapping of forks include:thickened pulp and asphalt(um)◆Check if there is solid material contained inside the liquid◆If an agglomeration phenomenon emerges, this will cause serious problem.◆ T he max. solid particle shall be within 0.2”(5mm)◆When used in the liquid with over 0.2”(5mm) solid particle, a special consideration shall be took into account,also you may contact the manufacture for solution.◆Foam◆ Generally, this instrument is insensitive to foam, so there is nothing to the test result by foam.◆But, for some individual case, the thickened foam is used as a carrier, for example, in the process of8manufacturing of ice cream, the foam influence shall be took into account.Recommended installation◆ Before installation, turn the switch to “ON” position◆ For high liquid level, turn on “Dry” button◆ For low liquid level, turn on “Wet” button◆It is strongly suggested that the magnetic test points should beused to detect the system all the time when at debugging course.◆Around the instrument, a sufficient space should be left so thatthe installation and electric connection can be implemented (seedimensional drawing for details)◆ Do not install the instrument onto the position where is close to theinlet of liquid.◆ The tuning fork should be kept away from the large number ofsplashed liquid.◆ Ensure that the tuning fork is not in touch with tank wall or any internal partsor any interfering thing.◆Ensure that the tuning fork can be kept a certain distance with accumulative FIG1:Correct installation drawingmatter on the wall of storage tank.9Technical specificationPhysical characters◆ Product: compacted level switch◆ Measuring principle:based on the vibration of tuning fork◆Application: adapt to most liquids including painting liquid、inflatable liquid and serous fluidMechanical features◆ Material of main parts: 316L stainless steel (1.4404)For the tri-clamp joint, the surface smooth finish can be more than 0.8μm, the material for 1” BSPP(G1) gasket is non-asbestos BS7531 X carbon fiber, and added with rubber adhesive.◆ Shell material: Body of shell: 304 stainless steel with polyester labelLED display window: inflaming retarding vanamid (Pa12) UL94 V2Plug: Daiamid GRPSeal ring: nitrile rubber 122“(50mm)◆ Installation material: 3/4” BSPT (R) or NPT1” BSPT (R) or NPT (G) screw or 2”(21mm) sanitation tri-clamp joint10◆Dimensional drawing: See “dimensional drawing” for details◆Explosive-proof grade: IP66/67, meet the standard EN60529Performance◆ Hysteresis range(water): ±0.039”(±1mm), rated value◆ Switch point (water): the distance to fork end (vertical) andthe edge of fork (horizontal) is 0.5”(13mm), this value will changewith the variation of liquid density.Function features:◆ Max. operating pressure: depend on the fastening of storage tank◆ Screw fastening: see FIG2 for details.◆ Sanitation fastening: 435psig (30barg)◆ Temperature: see FIG3 for details.11◆ Liquid density: Min. 37.5 lbs./foot3(600kg/m3)◆ Liquid viscosity range: 0.2 to 10000cP (centipois)◆ Solid content and painting type: it is recommended that the max. particle of the solid in liquid is 0.2”(5mm)For painting type product, the lapping (joint) of fork should be avoided.◆ Switching delay: 0.3 to 30s◆ CIP (clean in position) clean: available to be exposed to 302°F(150℃)high temperature steam for clean.Functional Characteristics◆ Switch type: toggle switch available, also the user can choose another one.◆ Cable connection: a four-way joint can be used for the connection of cables, this meet the standard DIN43650.the max. size of wire :15AWG, in addition, a four-direction bearing unit has been equipped as well (90/180/270/360°)◆ Wire size: max. 0.06 inch2 (1.5mm2)◆ Cable sealing device: a PG9 device can meet the requirements of 0.24-0.31”(6-8mm)Other components◆ Switch shell: made of durable stainless steel and equipped with a LED display window made of daiamid, besides,a four-way joint has been equipped as well and meet standard DIN43650, also a four-direction bearing unit aswell sealing device of cable are equipped as well.◆ Electric components: a standard double-core cable( which can be connected with 15-28V AC power) can be usedto connect this instrument with load equipment to acquire direct load switch which can be used as single-pole single-throw (SPST) switch. In addition, it can be used as a direct interface for PLC on the base of 24V DC solid12PNP output, at the same time, a relay with large capacity can meet the strong current output which can be up to 5A at most.◆ Fastenings of storage tank and tuning fork: for the wet parts material, they are made of 316 stainless steel, and forfork, it is available to use shorter length or half extending structure. You may see the dimensional drawing for details.◆ Screw connection: Screw 3/4”NPT or BSBT (R) 、1”BSBT(R) or BSPP (G)Material: 316L stainless steel◆ Sanitation fastenings: Fittings 2”(51mm) Tri-clamp joint 、1” BSPP (G)、o-ringMaterial: 316L stainless steelAccessories:when used in a position where has a high requirement for sanitation, aauxiliary piece can be used to match 1”BSPP or 2”(51mm) tri-clamp joint.In addition, at the wet side of tri-clamp joint, the manual smooth finish can bemore than 0.8 μm, so this can meet the requirement of severe sanitationstandard.◆For the dimensional drawing of product, please see the below page for details13Dimensional Drawing14Electric connection diagram15Normal Fork Level SwitchBrief introduction to productBased the vibration of piezoelectric crystal, this instrument can be activated toacquire measuring result. When encounter damping action, the vibration amplitudedecreases sharply, also the frequency and phase position changes obviously,all of these changes will be detected by the electric components inside, thentransferred into switch signal for output after process. Thus, this instrument can beused to carry out high-low level test and control as well as alarm function for storagetank, suitable for various kinds of liquids、powders and particle solid. In addition, due to its high availability and stable performance, this instrument can be almost free to maintenance and adapt to various environments, adopt LED to indicate the working state, generally, there are three input modes including DC24V、AC 110V and AC 220V and many output modes like DC current output、relay contact output and DC voltage output, for all of these modes, a high-low level alarm mode is equipped and available to set the sensitivity of instrument.Product features◆Away from the influence including water flow、onflow、bubble、foam、vibration、solid content、coating and liquidfeatures completely.16◆Less installation process steps without indication of positions◆Insensitive response to polarity with short-circuit protection function◆Standard plug/socket fastenings available◆With immovable parts or gap, free-maintenance can be acquired completely◆LED indicator lamp which can be regulated as required◆Quicker response to viscous liquid due to its “Dripple” design◆Sanitation fasteningsMeasuring principleBased on the fork vibration theory, this instrument is designed as a level switch which makes use of the piezoelectric crystal to vibrate the fork by the natural frequency of fork, in addition, the frequency variation can be monitored continuously. When used for lower alarm application, the liquid in container flows down and through the tuning fork to cause the variation of natural frequency, this frequency variation can be captured by electric component so that the output mode can be switched into another one. When used for high-level alarm, the liquid inside container goes up and vibrate the tuning fork so the output mode can be changed again.Technical parameters※Medium temp: -20~80℃※Ambient temp:-20~60℃※Ambient humidity: ≤95%17※Medium type: liquid、powder or particle solid※Medium density: Solid ≥0.1g/cm3Liquid≥0.7g/cm3※Solid particle size:≤10mm※Max. liquid viscosity:<1000mm2/s※Medium angle of repose:≥200※Pressure range: ≤ 1MPa※Shell material: Die-casting aluminum※Fork material:1Cr18Ni9Ti※Degrees of protection provided by enclosures:IP65※Connection mode: G1 1/2 screwFlange(option)※Electric parameters1. Power supply: DC24V, AC220V 50Hz2. Output signal: relay output 5A 220V AC3A 24V DC※Power consumption: ≤2W18※Fork vibration frequency:300±50Hz※Ambient vibration grade: V.L.4,less than 1g accelerated velocity※Switching signal response time:1-60sElectric connectionThe wire connection for instrument is shown as follows, the connection terminal with POWER is used to connect with power supply (AC 220V or DC 24V), No.3,4,5 are the output terminals of relay.Red light--------Indicate the output mode of relayGreen light--------Indicate the fork modeDebugging-------when the LIMIT ELECTED is under L sector, the red light is on, at the same time, if the fork is19vibrating ,the green light will be on as well. In addition, the terminal 3and 4 should be under normal close mode, while terminal 3 and 5 should be under normal open mode. When use your hand touch the fork, the fork stops vibrating and the green light is off, the relay contact turn around, conversely, the terminal 3 and 4 will be under normal open mode , and the terminal 3,5 will be under normal close mode; lastly, regulate the action delay time at the range 1~60s.If the LIMIT SELECTED is under H sector, the red light will be off, at the same time, the fork vibrates and the green light is on; the terminal 3 and 4 is under normal open mode, while the terminal 3 and 5 is under normal close mode, when touch the fork, the fork stops vibrating and the green light is off; at the same time, the contact of relay turn around, conversely, the terminal 3 and 4 become normal open, while the terminal 3 and 5 become normal open, lastly, regulate the delay time at the range of 1~60s.Generally, just select the LIMIT SELECTED at L sector to select the output terminals of relay so that the upper and low limit alarm can be acquired.Sensitivity regulation: this regulation should be done according to the density of medium, the lower density, the higher sensitivity. After regulation, press RST for confirm, generally, H sector is reasonable.After the state indicator light has been selected, carry out connection as description, and turn on the power supply after checked to be correct. Next, use your hand to touch the fork to check if the indicator light change the state, when pull out the hand, the indicator light will resume immediately. Repeat this operation several times to confirm it can work normally before put into use.Installation method1. Generally, this instrument should be installed vertically with downward fork end, also horizontal or inclinedinstallation is acceptable (if the adhesivity of material is high, it is suggested that the fork should be installed vertically downward)2. The installation mode with the upward fork is forbidden203. For the material with lumpy or hard particles, it is suggested that the fork should be installed vertically orslantingly.4. Before installation, it is suggested that a small quantity should be sampled to test the sensitivity of instrument. Forexample: immerse the instrument into a container with medium to test its reliability.5. When in the course of actual installation, there are various installation modes including top installation, side wallinstallation and pipe installation as shown in the following FIG:21Points for attention1. Away from the restricting to the vibration of fork due to material agglomeration.2. When installed at the position with scar, a enough space shall be left between the fork and tank wall3. For the instrument used for liquid level monitoring, the test point should be selected as the actual height.4. For low viscosity liquid, the liquid can flow through the fork smooth, so it is available to carry out installation at anyposition as above FIG.5. For high viscosity, it is difficult that the medium can flow through the fork, so it is suggested that the fork endshould go downward and vertically for installation6. For the instrument used for material level monitoring, the installation position of vertical cylinder or similar notonly depends on the height of material level, but also take into account the angle of repose as well as the feeding position. When under horizontal installation, the fork end should be placed at inner wall by 1/3 radius of container, and the two forks pieces should be put into the same plane. When under vertical installation mode, the distance between the installation center and inner wall of container should be 1/3 radius of container. In addition, the installation position should be away from the direct impact and splash of material medium as much as possible in case cause fault actions or wearing; if failed to avoid the impact or splash of material, a protection eaves should be installed at the installation position of instrument, the length of eaves should be longer than the actual one of instrument.22WARNING!When install or operate, do not hold the fork piece of instrument or knock in case cause deformation of fork piece, even cause damage to internal electric components.Dimensional DrawingScrew InstallationPopular type Extension type23Flange InstallationPopular type Extension type24。


第四部分 注意事项 ........................................................................................................................ 9 第五部分密度计操作说明 ............................................................................................................ 10 第六部分 仪表选型指南 ............................................................................................................ 13
安装过程中可能需要短颈焊接或松套法兰,法兰选择上需根据法兰压力等级。如果使用 高压法兰,只有松套法兰能有必要的许可。
液体密度和被测液体流动时的震动频率密切相关,当被测液体密度变化时,液体流动时 的振动频率也随之改变。通过以下方程,被测液体的密度可以被精确的计算出来。
D= K0+K1T+K2T2 D=未校准的被测介质密度(kg/m3)
T=振动频率(μs). K0、K1、K2=常量
在密度检测过程中,DMF-1-CR 插入式密度计可以自动补偿温度对被测介质密度(D)的 影响,压力对密度没有显著的影响。
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2



上海,201206,中国Micro Motion插入式密度计简要说明上海,201206,中国适用范围:7826/8插入式密度计是安装在管道上、敞开或密闭储罐中,可连续、实时在线测量流体密度的传感器,用于以密度做为最终产品首要控制参数的过程控制,或用于固体百分比或浓度百分比等其他质量控制参数的指示器。

材质选择:对于316L、Hastelloy C22、304、Titanium等材质在应用于腐蚀性介质时,可以参考Micro Motion的腐蚀指南做为选型依据;其他材质,如Hastelloy B2、Monel400,在选用前请咨询工厂。





(1):当主管道流速大于1.5m/s 且无结蜡现象产生时,可用于粘度不大于250cP 的场合。


(3):当管道流速大于3m/s 时,参照下表确定音叉的位置。








一种音叉密度计校准方法陈超云; 文慧卿; 王灿【期刊名称】《《上海计量测试》》【年(卷),期】2019(046)005【总页数】4页(P6-8,11)【关键词】音叉密度计; 谐振频率; 密度测量; 校准方法【作者】陈超云; 文慧卿; 王灿【作者单位】上海市计量测试技术研究院【正文语种】中文0 引言音叉密度计采用插入方式安装于管道或容量罐上,用于动态或静态测量介质的密度[1-3]。







本文提出了一种以U 形振动管密度计为溯源标准的音叉密度计校准方法,通过测定溶液密度,将标称值与被校音叉密度计示值比较,并以此为基础建立起音叉密度计的校准装置。

在0.8~1.5 g/cm3 密度范围内进行校准实验,为该类仪器的校准提供一种现实可行的方法。

1 音叉密度计原理及仿真音叉密度计采用共振原理设计而成,主要是由音叉叉齿、驱动压电晶体、检测压电晶体、温度传感器以及数显仪表组成,其几何结构示意图如图1所示。

图1 音叉密度计结构音叉叉齿根部的驱动压电晶体激励下,音叉产生一个基本振动频率,两叉齿按相反方向振动,当有液体流经音叉时,液体的密度改变了基本振动频率,位于叉齿齿根的另一个检测压电晶体,拾取振动频率,同时温度传感器测得液体温度,以此修正叉齿的弹性模量,并将最终频率信号传输给数显仪表,转换为密度值。
























1.1技术标准说明1.1.1测量对象:液体密度测量原理:振动式密度测量±测量量程:密度:0.5~2.0g/cm3温度:-10~100℃检出器与变换器之间距离:2km以下电源:90~132V AC或180~264V AC,50/60HZ消耗功率:20V A特性:重复性:5*10-4g/cm3(对数字输出而言)量程的1%(对模拟输出而言)线行:量程的±0.5%(当量程0.2g/cm3或更小)量程的±1%(当量程0.2~0.5g/cm3)温度特性:±0.5%/±10℃变化。

流量特性:0-5g/min的±0.1%压力特性:±0.0005g/cm3/±1kg/cm3变化粘度误差:0-1500CP的±0.1%1.1.2检出器普通型密度计:VD6D型检出器构造:非防暴防雨构造外壳材料:铝合金铸件外壳颜色:翡翠绿(相当于孟塞尔色度的7.5BG4/1.5)外壳铸衬:烘涂环氧(树脂)重量:约12kg安装:安装在2寸管上(JIS50A)环境温度:-10-50℃振动器材质:不锈钢JIS SOS316或镍测量液体温度:-10-100℃测量液体压力:小于(20kg/C㎡G)2Mpa最大压力:((50kg/C㎡G)5Mpa蒸气拌热:有过程连接:JIS PT 1/4 内螺纹电气连接:JIS PF 3/4内螺纹防火防爆型检出器 VD6DF型检出器构造:JISd2G3防火或FM防火型构造电气连接:JISPF3/4内螺纹或3/4NSM内螺纹(注)除以上防火型构造外,其余的和(1)中普通型说明一样卫生新法型检出器:VD6S型过程连接:用JIS6A(公称直径6mm)管子特殊连接蒸气拌热:没(注):除以上两点之外,其余的和(1)中普通型说明一样1.1.3变换器 DM8C型外壳构造:防尘防雨构造铸寸颜色:前门,相当于孟塞尔色度的2.8GY6.4/0.9外壳:相当于孟塞尔色度的2.8GY3.1/0.5外壳铸衬:烘涂环氧树脂安装:安装在盘面、墙上和JIS50A管重量:约7.5kg环境温度:-10-50℃显示:数字显示,5位LED数字显示显示内容:参考温度下变换后的密度值;测量温度下的密度(g/cm3);测量液体温度(℃)校验液体密度设定值(调用显示);校验液体温度系数设定值*10-5g/cm3/℃(调用显示);输出量程的低限(%)(调用显示);输出量程的高限(g/cm3)(调用显示);参考温度(℃)(调用显示);测量液体温度系数设定值(-1*10-5g/cm3/℃)(调用显示);检出器系数A,B(调用显示);检出器校验系数C,D(调用显示);故障内容显示;模拟输出信号:4-20Ma℃和0~1V℃传送数据;参考温度下变换后的密度;量程:0.05~g/cm3数字输出信号的接口:RS-232C⑴通讯标准异步系统起动位: 1停止位: 2奇偶: 没数据传输:1200位/S传输系统:ASCⅡ,字母长度:8位接线系统:两线制输出⑵输出信号传送内容:测量数据(参考温度下变换后的密度(g/cm3);测量温度下的密度(g/cm3);测量液体温度(℃);校验状态(校验起动,误差编号,校验结束);故障报警(误差编号).信号电平输出电压:ON,9±3V,OFF,-9±3V输出阻抗:300欧姆输出格式测量数据#*.**** **** ***.*CRLF(注):数据按照参考温度下变换后的密度,测量温度下密度,测量液体温度的顺序输出.在校验或维护方式时输出保存数据(输入(出)方式时的正当值).而校验或维护方式转换后,保存的数据马上被解除.校验状态#CALIBRTION START CRLF(注):校验时无数据输出,然而,当发生参数误差时,输出就变成如下:#ERROR *CRLF(*:5.0r6)#CALIBRATION END CRLF故障报警#ERROR *ERROR *......CRLF( 注):当发生多种误差时,输出相应的各个误差编号.例:#ERROR-1 ERROR 3CRLF异常状态的触点输出:常闲单点触点(16)最大电压:220V.DC,250V.AC最大电流:2A(电阻负荷)最大触点电压:60W.检出器异常的内容:检出器和变换器异常.输出信号的保存:当处于校验(CAL)和维护(MAIT)方式时被保存,如出现故障状态,减少10%数据被保存.温度系数设定范围:0~0.002g/cm3/℃校验方法:通过设定液体密度的一触式校验.空气吹扫连接:JIS PT1/8,PT1/4内螺纹或1/4NPT内螺纹(供选择)电缆入口Ⅱ:27㎜直径,五孔,盖有四个相当于JISA15的防水塞子,一个相当于JISA20塑料防水塞子(附件).电源:90~132VAC或180~264VAC,50/60HZ1.1.4 专用电缆:DM8W型型号:六芯双屏蔽电缆绝缘:聚乙烯护套:聚氯乙烯绝缘电阻:1000Me/km导线电阻:15.3欧姆/km外径:15.8mm1.1.5 附件注射采样测量液体的注射器 1PC刷子(清洗振动器用) 1PC开启接线箱的六角螺钉扳手 1PC取检出器盖子的六角钢板手 1PC干燥剂 2PC变换器的保险丝 1PC1.2型号和后缀符号1.22防火型检出器1.2.3卫生型检出器1.2.4变换器1.2.5专用电缆1.3外部尺寸1.3.1检出器1.2.3卫生型检出器1.2.4变换器1.2.5专用电缆1.3外部尺寸1.3.1检出器普通防火型图1.4使用防火型、防爆型仪表的注意事项1.4.1 防火型仪表的概述防爆仪表的技术标准符合有关的国际组织的规定。



PXUT-350B+操作手册1-1 第1 页安全使用指定的电源类型,如有不详情况请与友联公司或经销商联系. 不要在插头连接松弛的地方使用充电器. 如使用其他电源线,其负载应不小于随机配备电源线的安培数. 仪器应存放在干燥清洁的地方,避免强烈振动. 仪器长时间不工作时,应定期充放电,一般每月一次. 外部设备与仪器连接时,须在关机状态下进行. 进行打印操作时,必须使用友联公司提供的打印机专用电缆. 如果本仪器运行有所失常,请与友联公司或经销商联系. 请勿擅自拆装本仪器,修理事宜请与友联公司或经销商联系. 1-2 特性日历时钟,仪器自动记录工作日期和时间. 10 个独立探伤通道(可扩展至数百个) ,多种探伤工艺和标准自动生成,可自由设置各行业探伤工艺标准,现场探伤无需携带试块. 缺陷回波参数(距离,垂直,水平,波幅,dB 或当量孔径值)实时显示;多次波探测缺陷的实际深度可直接显示. DAC,AVG 曲线自动生成并能分段制作,取样点不受限制,并可进行补偿与修正. DAC 曲线随增益自动浮动,随声程自动扩展,随延时自动移动;可实现指定回波的距离波幅补偿.能显示任意孔径的AVG 线. 进波门和失波门读数及报警,门位,门宽,门高任意可调;双门可同时进波读数. 独具DAC/AVG 门功能. 高灵敏度,增益达四种步进,独特的无操作式增益自动调节及扫查增益功能,使探伤既快捷又准确. 具有峰值记忆,回波包络,波形冻结,曲面修正,门内展宽等功能. 滤波频带,探头阻尼可调,并具有射频显示,适用于各种工件的精确探伤. 具有B-扫描功能,可显示工件缺陷形状.完备的焊缝和工件剖面显示,使探测结果更直观. 探伤时可动态记录缺陷波形.可利用端点衍射波实现缺陷裂纹的自动测高. 数据处理能力强,可按日期,存储编号和序号进行检索和处理,高可靠数据保护, 高速数据接口,快速实现报告打印. 具有智能拼音输入法,可方便快捷地输入汉字,国内首创. 国内领先TFT 显示器,国内屏幕最大,屏幕亮度清晰,适应各种操作环境,有常用模式和户外专用模式,在强阳光下无需遮光罩,就能获得满意的观察效果. 配置高容量锂电池,充电快,待机时间长.仪器重量仅,体积小巧,携带使第 2 页用轻松自如. 1-3 指标频带范围: 增益范围: 动态范围: 垂直线性: 水平线性: 探测范围: 分辨力: 灵敏度余量: 探头类型: 声程位移: 闸报显电门: 警: 示: 源: —15MHz 120dB,,,, 步进≥30dB ≤4% ≤1% 0—7200 mm(钢中纵波) ≥30dB ≥55dB(200mm—Ф2 平底孔,Φ20) 单探头,双晶探头,穿透探头0—7000mm(钢中纵波) 进波门(直方门,DAC 门) ,失波门蜂鸣TFT 显示器16V DC;220V±10%,50Hz AC (带电池) 1-4 注: 仪器重量: 以上指标是在滤波频带,检波方式为FW 全波的情况下所测得的. 约定注:指用户在仪器使用过程中应予以注意的过程或方式. < >:尖括号内表示键名. 1-5 第 3 页第二章仪器组件和外围设备仪器组件仪器前部及右侧屏幕区指示灯键盘区R R/T 电源开关充电时,充电指示灯为黄色;充电完成后,充电指示灯关闭;外接指示灯为绿色. 2-1 仪器上部仪器上部1,打印机连接端口2,USB 通讯连接端口3,适配器连接2-2 第 4 页外围设备仪器不仅可以独立地进行探伤,而且可与打印设备相连将探伤结果打印,可与计算机通讯. 监视器摄/录像机探伤仪电源适配器充电器220V AC 计算机及网络打印机绘图仪2-3 仪器的进入与时间更改: 仪器的进入与时间更改: 探伤界面的进入: 一, 探伤界面的进入: 开启电源键后,出现时间显示界面,按任意键(习惯上按<>键)仪器出现自检完成及相应功能的选择界面(停留显示约 3 秒) ,此时如不选择,仪器将自动进入探伤界面. 如果在自检完成界面上, 要选择按键执行相应功能, 此时必须快速按键, 具体如下: 快速按下"9"可将仪器初始化;快速按下"8"可进入仪器检定的界面;快速按下"0" 可查看电池信息.但开机一次只能选择其中某一项操作. 时间更改: 二, 时间更改: 开启电源键后,出现时间显示界面,此时长按<>键10 秒左右放开,屏幕上出现闪烁光标,按键将光标移至需修改处(可循环移动) ,选择相应数字键输入,要输入"星期日" ,可通过输入数字"0"来实现.最后一处修改完成后,须将键右移至下一位上,再按<>键生效,此时仪器出现自检完成界面,之后自动进入探伤界面. 2-4 第 5 页第三章参量说明增益,范围(声程) ,波门,零点,延时等各常用参量为连续可调,调节时屏幕左上角将出现提示, 调节时请加以注意; 其它各项参数在参数菜单中选取或输入或实测得到. 仪器屏幕显示如下: 回波参数增益增益是数字式仪器的回波幅度调节量(灵敏度) ,在模拟仪器中通常称为"衰减" ,这两种概念刚好相反,即增益加大,回波幅度增高;而衰减加大,回波幅度则下降.增益调节见4-1. 3-1 声程(距离声程,垂直声程,水平声程) 声程(距离声程,垂直声程,水平声程) 声程表示声波在被检测物体中的传输距离, 根据声程标度的不同分为距离声程, 垂直声程和水平声程三种.声程调节见4-8. 3-2 波门波门有 A 门和 B 门,A 门即进波门,主要用途是显示门内回波状态数据及门内波峰报警,B 门可选设为进波门读数(可显示门内回波状态及数据)及报警或用为失波报警. 波门调节见4-5 3-3 第 6 页零点零点是指探头和仪器的固定声波延时,如探头楔块或保护膜声程.零点调节见4-10 3-4 延时延时可使回波位置大幅度左右移动, 而不改变回波之间的距离; 可将不需要观察的回波调到屏幕外,以充分利用屏幕的有效观察范围.延时调节见4-11 3-5 声程标度声程标度是指回波在不同坐标轴上的声程投影值, 声程标度分为距离(S) ,水平(X) ,垂直(Y)三种(见右图) .参见4-8 X 3-6 Y S 探头类型探头类型即探头中声波发射方式,分为直探头,斜探头,双晶和穿透四种.参见4-4 3-7 探头K 值及折射角探头K 值和折射角相互关联,K 值等于折射角的正切值.折射角调节见4-12 3-8 晶片尺寸晶片尺寸是指探头晶片的面积,斜探头用长×宽表示,直探头用直径表示.参见4-4 3-9 探头前沿探头前沿是指斜探头的入射点至探头最前端的距离.参见4-4 3-10 探头频率探头频率是指探头中晶片固有(谐振)频率.参见4-4 3-11 工件声速工件声速是指声波在工件中传播的速度.参见4-4 3-12 表面补偿表面补偿是指由于工件表面粗糙度等原因而对灵敏度进行的补偿,补偿后回波出现变化,但DAC/AVG 曲线不会变化,即回波当量值出现改变.参见4-6 3-13 第7 页判废偏移判废偏移是指DAC 曲线中判废线(RL 线)与母线可选择的偏移量.参见4-6 3-14 定量偏移定量偏移是指DAC 曲线中定量线(SL 线)与母线可选择的偏移量.参见4-6 3-15 评定偏移(测长偏移)评定偏移(测长偏移) 评定偏移是指DAC 曲线中评定线(测长线) (EL 线) 与母线可选择的偏移量. 参见4-6 3-16 记录方式探伤数据的存储方式,分为:单幅和连续两种方式.参见4-6 3-17 记录间隔仪器连续记录探伤数据时的时间间隔.参见4-6 3-18 滤波频带滤波频带可选,分为:, MHz,wide.通过选择与探头频率相配的频带,可以获得最佳的信噪比和分辨力,务必使用与探头频率相一致的滤波频带.参见4-4 3-19 检波方式检波方式可选,分为:全波,正半波,负半波和射频.根据不同需要选择适宜的检波方式,以获得最佳的分辨力.参见4-4 3-20 按键声音按键时是否伴有声音.参见4-6 3-21 探头阻尼探头阻尼可调,分为:50 和400 欧姆.选择与探头及探头线相匹配的探头阻尼,可以获得最佳的信噪比及分辨力. 阻尼一般指并联在输出端的阻尼电路, 其作用是电路衰减, 阻抗匹配, 缩短前沿等, 以便在使用频率不同类型的超声探头时获得高灵敏度或高分辨力等较佳效果,推荐使用HD/400.参见4-4 3-22 发射电压第8 页发射电压可调,分为:100V,200V,400V 和800V.发射电压的高低影响仪器的信噪比.发射电压高,发射的脉冲超声波就越强.但脉冲电压提高到一定值时,输出趋于饱和,此时反而会因脉冲加宽而增加盲区.考虑到发射的脉冲电压高低与上升时间有关, 因此本仪器为兼顾不同需要将发射电压分为四档,仪器默认为MV/400V.参见4-4 3-23 重复频率重复频率即改变发射电路每秒钟发射脉冲的次数.重复频率要视被探工件厚度进行调节, 厚度大,应使用较低的重复频率;厚度小,可使用较高的重复频率.但重复频率过高时, 易出现幻象波.参见4-4 3-24 第9 页第四章键盘及其功能在非测试状态,用户按<设置>,<调校>,<选项>,<标准>,<功能>,和<查询>六键会出现相应菜单,其它键代表相应的含义,具体功能在本章详细说明;在数据输入状态,各键为数字键及小数点,用于输入数值;在出现菜单或对话框后,各键代表相关标号选择.本章内容与其它章节内容有较大关联,在阅读时可前后对照,以便加深理解, 更有利于日后的探伤工作. 该型仪器键盘见下图. 增益1_/() 波门5jkl 查询9wxyz 记录2abc 选项6mno 0- : + 零点/ 零点/调校功能3def 声速/ 声速/标准通道/ 通道/设置4ghi 声程/ 声程/标度7pqrs 延时/抑制延时/ 8tuv K 值← + - 返回# 确定增益(基本/扫查) <增益>键为复合功能键,可分别用于调节系统增益和扫查增益. 增益的调节由<增益> 键与< ╋>,< ━>键完成. 其步骤如下:按<增益>键,在"增益"状态下,再按< ╋ >,< ━ >键,便完成了回波幅度的调节.该仪器的基本增益基本增益设置了四档调节步长: 基本增益增益━━━━调节步长按增减; 增益━━━━调节步长按1dB 增减; 增益━━━━调节步长按2dB 增减; 增益━━━━调节步长按6dB 增减. 增益步长的选择操作步骤为:反复按<增益>键,便可交替选择增益步长. 在探伤中长按<增益>键实现自动增益功能, 使门内回波升高或降低到预定的标准波高(一般为80%) ,但在自动调节过程中总增益量不会超过80dB;其增益值加于基本增益之上. 扫查增益设置四档调节步长: 扫查增益增益━━━━自动调节增益; 增益━━━━调节步长按增减; 增益━━━━调节步长按2dB 增减; 增益━━━━调节步长按6dB 增减. 当扫查增益为时, 按加号键可调节扫查增益的大小使门内回波升高或降低到预第10 页定的标准波高(一般为80%) ,但在自动调节过程中总增益量不会超过80dB.按减号键可使扫查增益迅速归为0, 波形还原至原先状态. (标准波高见选项菜单第 2 页第 6 项) 在增益状态下,该仪器设置了三种增益状态,即基本增益(或称起始灵敏度) ,扫查增益和表面补偿.显示在屏幕的右上角: " 增益dB A + dB B + dB" C A 项为基本增益,B 项为扫查增益,C 项为表面补偿.仪器的总增益为A+B+C,基本增益和扫查增益的转换设置为在"增益"状态下,反复按<确认>键,光标则会在两者之间转换,扫查增益 B 相当于探伤时扫查灵敏度的调节,为方便寻找缺陷用.表面补偿则根据工件表面粗糙度状况,在选项菜单中设置. 在无DAC/AVG 曲线时, 基本增益 A 与补偿增益 C 的调节效果一样, 不会影响探伤结果.在有DAC/AVG 曲线时,三者就有显著区别: (1)调节基本增益A,DAC/AVG 曲线和回波幅度同步变化.在探伤时,为了找到某一回波,需要调节增益,但又不能改变回波与DAC/AVG 曲线的相对当量值(不改变已设置的探伤标准) ,此时应在基本增益状态下,调节增益. (2)调节扫查增益B,可使门内回波升高或降低,DAC/AVG 曲线不变,其当量值也不变. (3)在探伤时,由于现场工件状况与试块测试时的区别,需要进行表面补偿时, 应修改补偿增益C (灵敏度补偿) 设置补偿增益, . DAC/AVG 曲线不变, 而回波幅度改变, 其相对当量值也相应变化. (见选项菜单第 1 页第 2 项表面补偿) 4-1 记录数字式探伤仪的一大特点是能对探伤数据进行处理, 可以打印, 存储探伤中发现的缺陷波及相关数据,这有助于提高探伤报告的可靠性和权威性. 如果"回波包络"或"峰值记忆"功能被启用,按<记录>键会提示是否存储包络或峰值,按<y>键则存储包络或峰值(参见7-1) ,按<n>键则存储原波形;如果这两项功能都未启用,则直接出现存储数据提示. (光标闪烁,提醒输入文件名) ,反复按<返回>键可以切换输入法. 若探伤时设置了"焊缝图示"功能,按<记录>键后,照仪器提示进行则可. 记录功能使用详见第七章. 按<返回>键可退出记录菜单. 4-2 功能数字式探伤仪与模拟式探伤仪相比有更强的数据处理能力, 利用这种能力可实现更多的探伤辅助功能,这将有助于减轻探伤工作强度,有利于对缺陷的定位,定量及其性质进行正确的判断.这些功能将其组合在功能菜单中. 第11 页按<功能>键出现功能菜单: 确定键生效0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 初始化回波包络峰值记忆门内报警DAC 门深度补偿曲面修正门内展宽 B 扫描按相关标号即可选中某项功能,再次按其标号则该功能失效. 1 和 2 项不能同时生效,4 和 5 项不能同时生效,且第 4 项DAC 门及第 5 项深度补偿只有在制作完DAC/AVG 曲线后才能生效,功能菜单使用详见第六章. 注:在探伤中,长按该键会在开启与关闭回波包络功能中切换. 在探伤中,长按该键会在开启与关闭回波包络功能中切换. 4-3 通道/设置由于在现场探伤时往往要探测多个工件, 更换多个探头, 这就需要在仪器调校时能根据不同情况测试并存储多组探伤设置,且现场探伤时可直接调用.在此仪器中,一个通道可存储一组探伤工艺数据, 多个通道则可预先测试并存储多组不同的探伤设置, 现场直接调用而无需再调试仪器,使工作更轻松方便. 按<通道>键使仪器处于通道更改状态,仪器右侧通道"X"将高亮显示,此时按< ╋ >,< ━ >键更改通道,通道显示数有0~9 共十个通道,屏幕显示内容将随通道参数的不同而发生改变. 该仪器通道可扩充至数百个. 该仪器通道可扩充至数百个.方法为:在某通道调试后,按<记录>键,则将该通道参数及探伤工艺存储起来,之后,查询出该数据,将其调用至"9 通道"中操作,即存储的通道工艺若调出使用均在"9 通道"中进行.参见7-6. 探伤过程中,增益,声程,延时,波门,零点等参量需经常更改,并且在更改时能立刻起到作用,在调节以上参量时,只需通过快捷的操作即可完成更改;而其它参量在探伤过程中一般无须更改或很少更改,这些参量可以预先在设置菜单中设置. 按<通道/设置>键两次后,出现设置菜单如下: 第12 页第 1 页共 2 页 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 探头类型:直探头/ 斜探头/ 双晶/ 穿透探头频率: MHz 晶片尺寸:13×13mm 折射角度: °工件声速:3230m/s 探头前沿: mm 通道标准:Custom 滤波频带: MHZ/ MHZ/ wide 检波方式:FW 全波/ PW 正半波/NW 负半波/ RF 射频第 2 页共 2 页 1. 2. 3. 探头阻尼:LD/50,HD/400 发射电压:LV/100V,ML/200V,MH/400V,HV/800V 重复频率:100 确定键生效返回键取消确定键生效返回键取消如果需要查看或更改某项参数, 按参数所在页选择参数前的序号即可对该项参数进行设置.在输入负数时,<━>键为负号键,即在输入负数时先按<━>,再输入一个数字则代表输入一个负数(参见9-8) . 下面对各项参数分别说明: 1. 探头类型"为四选一,按<1>键选取后出现子菜单,有"直探头""斜探头" , , "双晶"和"穿透"四个选项供选择,按数字键14 选中;该项参数变更后, 仪器须重新调校. 2. 探头频率" 和"晶片尺寸"两项参数按探头标称值输入. "探头频率"更改后"滤波频带"也作相应变化. "晶片尺寸"一项在输入时可用小数点代×号, 比如输入9. 13 意为9×13,如果是直探头,直接输入直径即可;这两项参数决定探头的近场区长度,由于制作AVG 曲线时,理论上只计算三倍近场区之后的曲线,在此之前为一条直线,在制作AVG 前应选择合适的探头,并将正确的参数输入. 3. "折射角度" :斜探头一般先输入标称值,之后在测试时将得到实测折射角度值,如果已知实际折射角度值则直接输入.参见5-2,4-12. 4. "工件声速"一般在"测零点"时测量,但也可在设置菜单中输入,声速应在第13 页200 9999m/s 之间,超出范围仪器将不接受输入;当此项发生更改时,仪器须重新调校. 5. "探头前沿"在"测零点声速"时测量,也可在设置菜单中输入,如果前沿值已输入,则参数显示区显示的实时水平值将是已减去前沿的数值,对此应予以注意,不能重复相减;此外此值输入不准确,会影响缺陷的水平定位. 6. "通道标准"用于设置当前通道使用何种标准,此标准设置好后在"初始化"菜单中执行初始化"当前通道" ,通道内的标准依然为之前设置的标准不变.只有执行"所有通道"或"仪器"后,会将所有通道内的标准设为仪器默认的标准. 7. "滤波频带"为三选一,按数字1~3 分别可选, 和wide.通过选择与探头频率相配的频带,可以获得最佳的信噪比和分辨力. 8. "检波方式"也是四选一,按数字1~4 分别可选FW 全波,PW 正半波,NW 负半波和RF 射频. 9. "探头阻尼" 为二选一, 按数字 1 和 2 分别可选低阻尼LD/50 和高阻尼HD/400, 选择与探头及探头线相匹配的阻尼可以获得最佳的信噪比及分辨力. 10, "发射电压"为四选一,按数字1~4 可分别可选电压LV/100V ,ML/200V, MH/400V,HV/800V.发射电压的高低影响仪器的信噪比. 11, 重复频率"即为同步脉冲重复频率,重复频率的提高可有助于扫查速度的提高, " 可输入10~1000Hz. 当菜单中某项或多项参数有误或取值超出范围,则仪器会提示"数据取值不当" , 应检查需输入数值的各参数项,重新输入正确值;按<返回>键,则放弃输入并退出参数设置菜单. 注意:更改的数据在按键确认退出设置菜单后才生效. 注意:更改的数据在按< >键确认退出设置菜单后才生效. 键确认退出设置菜单后才生效4-4 波门(A 门/B 门) <波门>键为复合功能键,可分别用于调节门A(进波门)和门B(进波门/失波门) 的位置,宽度和高度. 按<波门>键仪器处于门参数更改状态,屏幕左上角出现提示,在提示后有当前参量的数值,按<确认>可在门 A 和门 B 之间切换,反复按<波门>键可在门位,门宽和门高之间切换.按< ╋ >,< ━ >键可对当前参量进行调节. A 门有直方门和DAC 门两种,可在功能菜单中切换.参见4-3,6-5. 失波门高如果调为0%,失波门将不会在屏幕上显示,同时其失波报警功能也会失去;如果将进波门宽调为最小值,参数区会显示该波门所处位置回波的实时参数,因此利用最小波门宽度可读出屏幕上任一点的位置值(如读回波前沿) . 当门 A 为进波门, B 为失波门时, 门屏幕只实时显示门 A 范围内最高回波的位置, 当量等参数;若门 A 和门 B 同时设为进波门,则屏幕能分别显示两个门内最高回波的信息. (读数时,波需处于门宽的范围内,并且波峰应处于屏幕视觉范围内;而门的高度对读数无影响,门高仅对报警有影响. ) 第14 页门功能的特殊应用: 当 B 门设为进波门时,可读出 B 门内最高波与 A 门内最高波的间距差,波形区右上方有间距差读值显示.此法可用于测厚,且用多次波测量,数据更精确. 4-5 选项在探伤过程中有些参量一般无须更改或很少更改, 这些参量可在选项菜单中预先设置,如果需要查看或更改某项参数,可选择参数前的序号对该项参数进行设置.按<选项>键后,出现选项菜单: 第1 页共2 页1, 声程标度:垂直/水平/距离2, 表面补偿: dB 3, 位置显示:峰值/前沿4, 选打印机:Epson LQ300K / HP 6L / Epson C61/TP UP-NH32 5, 当量标准:母线/ 判废线/ 定量线/ 评定线6, 当量显示:AVG/ 当量7, 判废线RL: + 9, 评定线EL: + 第 2 页共 2 页1, 工件厚度: mm 2, 工件外径: mm 3, B 门用途:失波/ 进波4, 按键声音:开/ 关5, 屏幕亮度:高亮/ 低亮6, 标准波高:80% 7, 焊缝图示:无/单面/双面/T 型8, 记录方式:单幅/连续9, 记录间隔: sec 确定键生效返回键取消dB 确定键生效返回键取消8, 定量线SL: + dB dB 1. 2. 3. "声程标度" 为三选一,按<1>键选取后出现子菜单,有"距离""水平" , 和"垂直"三个选项供选择,按数字键13 选中. "表面补偿"值根据工件表面耦合情况输入,取值范围为50 dB. "位置显示"为二选一,按<3>键选取后出现子菜单,有"峰值"和"前沿" 两个选项供选择,用户按数字键 1 2 选中;此项参数是指回波位置是以回波的峰值为基准还是以前沿为基准,当此项发生更改时,仪器须重新调试. 读前沿时,可调节门高线与波前沿的某一位置相交后读取. 第15 页 4. "选打印机"为四选一: Epson LQ300K, 6L, 有HP Epson C61, UP-NH32P, TP四种打印机供选择.传统的针式打印机选第一项"Epson LQ300K" ,HP 及Canon 激光打印机选第二项"HP 6L" ,Epson 最新的喷墨打印机则选取第三项"Epson C61",TP 热敏打印机则选取第四项"TP UP-NH32P" . 注:屏幕拷贝或打印报告前,需正确选择打印机,否则打印机可能不能正常打屏幕拷贝或打印报告前,需正确选择打印机,否则打印机可能不能正常打印.目前该型仪器支持数十种打印机. 目前该型仪器支持数十种打印机. 5. "当量标准" 为四选一, 按<5>键选取后出现子菜单, "母线""判废线" 有, , "定量线"和"评定线"四个选项供选择,按数字键14 选中;该项参数是指进波门内的缺陷回波的当量值是以何线为计算基准,常用"母线"或"定量线" ,仪器默认值是"定量" ;该项参数仅在制作成功DAC 曲线后方才有效,对AVG 无效. "当量显示"为二选一,按<6>键选取后出现子菜单,有"AVG"和"当量" 两个选项供选择,按数字键12 选中;该项参数是指AVG 曲线制作完毕后, 屏幕是否显示AVG 曲线,仪器默认值是"AVG" ;若选择"AVG" ,AVG 曲线将显示在屏幕上,参数区还会指示回波与最末根AVG 曲线的当量差;若选择"当量" ,屏幕上将没有AVG 曲线显示,但参数区仍然显示回波与最末根AVG 线的当量差及孔径值,省却了人工计算当量差的麻烦. "判废线RL""定量线SL"和"评定线EL"这三线偏移量的取值在-30 , +40dB,且这三个偏移量依次减小,即判废线在定量线之上,定量线又在评定线之上,如果输入值使三线上下次序颠倒,仪器将不会接受;这三个参数对AVG 无效,仅当制作DAC 曲线成功后,输入值方可生效. (在制作完直探头的AVG 曲线时, 这三项将变成"AVG 线上。

MIMR-XZ6直管谐振式浓(密)度计的研究与应用 PPT课件

MIMR-XZ6直管谐振式浓(密)度计的研究与应用 PPT课件
精度 (g/ml)
适用矿浆 介质
无需现场 标定
直管谐振 式密度计

射线密度 计


差压密度 计

超声波密 度计
不一定适 用


折射式密 度计
矿浆浓(密)度是选矿生产过程中重要的指标参数,也是 选矿过程自动控制所必须采集的数据之一。但矿浆浓(密)度的测 量一直是选矿自动化行业的技术难题,对矿浆浓 (密)度的测量精 度直接影响着选矿自动化的控制水平与效果。
目前,矿浆浓度在线测量仪表行业内认为比较可靠的产品 是γ射线密度计。γ射线穿过被测介质后的吸收率与介质的密度存 在相应关系,利用这个特性研发的在线密度计有非接触、实时 响应、精度较高的优点。
中钢集团马鞍山矿山研究院有限公司选矿自动化是专门从事自动化技术、信 息技术研发及工程实施的专业部门,是我国最早在国内黑色、有色、化工、建材 等行业开展自动化技术应用研究、矿物加工过程自动控制及专用测控仪表研制的 单位之一。
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的测试电流:0%--4mA;25%--8mA;50%--12mA;75%--16mA;100%--20mA), 触按
需有≥ 600mm 的直管段,仪表后需有≥ 300mm 的直管段,保证流体在流过叉体时处于层
垂直管线安装尺寸图(2)流速>1m/s 和脱硫专用
d) 输出电流选择:可以选择输出电流对应的功能(1.密度:电流输出随着所
± 0.001 g /cc (± 1 kg/m3)/± 0.002 g /cc (± 2 kg/m3)
± 0.0002 g /cc (± 0.2 kg/m3)
-20℃ ~ +150℃
10MPa 特殊 20MPa
0 – 20000 cP
小于 0.1 kg/m3/℃ (校正后)
2. 特点
WH-CR 插入式密度计内含微处理器,故传感器可进行完整的信号调节、计算和诊断功能,
0.5 – 2.5 g /cc (500 – 2500 kg/m3)
0.8 – 1.2 g /cc (800 – 1200 kg/m3)
RTU 通讯接口。其中电流和频率输出均为有源输出,软件可选对应测量密度,温度,质量百 分比或体积百分比。具体接线图如下:
24V +
24V -
485B 485A mA- mA+ Fo- Fo+
传感器 连接
2. 接线说明:
24V + \–
24VDC 电源(电流不小于 500mA)
第二部分 机械安装.........................................................................................................................4 1.安装配管和方式示意图....................................................................................................... 4 2.密度计及法兰详细尺寸图.....................................................................................................6 3.不合理安装示意图................................................................................................................7.
316L 不锈钢 哈氏合金
标准型,PTFE 或电解抛光
4 -20 mA,0-1000Hz,RS485 Modbus RTU
读数的± 0.1%或± 0.05% FS
输出重复性(-40 ~ +85℃)
WH-CR 插入式密度计
第一部分 介绍.................................................................................................................................3 1.适用范围................................................................................................................................. 3 2.特点......................................................................................................................................... 3 3.技术参数................................................................................................................................. 3
h) 组分 B 的密度:进行组分比测量时第二种液体的密度
i) 组分显示选择:可以设置功能界面组分比的形式(1.V/V 体积组分比;
2.m/m 质量组分比。);
j) 密度计复位:可以通过设置此选项使密度计复位;
k) 本机地址:可以设置 RS485 通讯时的设备地址,默认地址为“1”;
l) 波特率:可以设置 RS485 通讯时的波特率,默认波特率为“9600”;
± 0.05% FS
ANSI 150 ~ 1500 RF DIN 50 PN16 DIN 50 PN40
防护等级 外壳
IDF 和 RJT 卫生型 IP65
第二部分 机械安装 1.安装配管和方式示意图
为了保证密度计能够测量准确和显示稳定,被测介质流速不得大于 1 m/s,且安装密度计 的管路直径需大于等于 159mm, 安装密度计的位置尽量远离泵,距离最好大于 5m ; 当流速 大于 1 m/s 时,采用扩径安装,流速每增加 1m, 安装密度计的管路直径扩大 1.5 倍,仪表前
Fo + \–
频率输出( 0-1000) Hz (温度、密度、百分比含量可选)
mA + \–
电流输出(4-20) mA (温度、密度、百分比含量可选)
485A \485B
RS-485 通讯(波特率:“9600”,本机地址:设定为“1” )
如果几个 WH-CR 安装在同一地点,可以共用一个电源。如果密度计安装在宽阔区,电缆
e) 显示响应时间:可以设置功能界面时屏幕数据的刷新速度;
f) 背光灯:可以设置屏幕的背光灯打开和关闭;
g) 组分 A 的密度:进行组分比测量时第一种液体的密度;
第五部分密度计操作说明 变送器按钮为触摸按钮,无需开盖,可直接用手触按即可完成操作。
1. 触按 键,进入输入密码界面,通过触按 键移位, 触按
键 使输入
内容变为“20”, 触按
第三部分 电气安装...........................................................................................................................8 1.介绍......................................................................................................................................... 8 2.接线说明................................................................................................................................9
m) 通讯方式:可以将 RS485 的通讯设置为标准的 Modbus RTU 和我公司自定
义的带 CRC 校验的通讯方式,默认通讯方式“Modbus RTU”;
3)进入“固定输出测试”菜单,此菜可以测试频率输出和电流输出,触按 键
图 1.密度计尺寸图
3.不合理的安装示意图 a)
图 2. 法兰尺寸