Chapter 8 Handover信令
【关键字】联通竞合切换 PLMN【故障现象】日常KPI监控发现,部分站点切换失败较多,且不局限主设备区,在华为、诺基亚区域均存在。
图5:S1切换信令图完整的S1切换流程如下:1、eNB发送测量控制,UE根据当前小区的测量控制信息,将符合切换门限的小区进行上报;2、源小区在收到测量报告后通过S1接口向MME发送handoverrequired信令,MME向目标小区发送HO Request申请资源,此统计点为切换准备请求信令点;3、目标小区准备好相应资源,并将终端的接纳信息以及其它配置信息反馈给MME,MME向源小区下发handover command,切换准备成功;4、源小区将目标小区的接纳信息及配置信息发给终端,告知终端目标小区已准备好终端接入,重配消息里包含目标小区的测量控制;HO_Attempt在此计数;5、终端使用重配消息里的接入信息接入目标小区,核心侧完成路由切换后,目标小区通知源小区释放资源,切换成功,此时源小区的HO_Success统计在此计数切换准备失败信令点:源小区向MME发送handoverrequired,但MME未回复handover command;可能原因及解决方案:①目标小区故障-----排障②目标小区资源不足、拥塞----负荷均衡、区域扩容③数据配置错误—检查数据二、信令分析1、桥头集淝光村LTZJ-肥东大郭村-167985为联通主建共享基站,电信网管无法查询该站的KPI情况,但从周边小区切换分析,撮镇锦绣花园-906389往LTZJ-肥东大郭村-167985的切换正常。
1. Sm接口——人机接口 2. Um接口——MS与BS之间的接口 3. A接口——BS与MSC之间的接口 4. B接口——MSC与 VLR之间的接口 5. C接口——MSC与HLR之间的接口 6. D接口——HLR与VLR之间的接口 7. E接口——MSC与MSC之间的接口 8. F接口——MSC与EIR之间的接口 9. G接口——VLR与VLR之间的接口 以上各接口除Sm和Um之外,其它接口称为
“位置登记请求” “更新位置登记” 询问“MS的IMSI”
“查询有关参数”响应 “位置信息注销”
8.2.2 移动呼叫处理
脱离了本管区的范围移动到其 他管区中去了,当其他用户呼 叫这个漫游的MS时,仍拨它原 来的局号和电话号码。
呼出的MS或呼入的MS分配业务信道和信令信道。 一般每个小区都配有固定的业务信道,该小区信道 全忙时,在条件许可的情况下可以借用相邻小区的 信道。
MS不能接收寻 呼信道消息
MS未收到寻呼 消息应答
初始化 MS已捕获系统定时
RLC层依然提供TM/UM /AM三种传输模式
适用于E-UTRAN相关的所有接口,即S1和X2接口 控制面和用户面相分离,无线网络层与传输网络层相分离 无线网络层:实现E-UTRAN的通信功能 传输网络层:采用IP传输技术对用户面和控制面数据进行传输
研究院无线所 2010年12月
网络架构 协议栈结构 接口功能 无线网系统消息 UE的工作模式与状态 无线承载的分类 UE标识
随机接入 寻呼 RRC连接建立、重配、重建 立、释放 测量
端到端业务建立/释放相 关流程
Attach流程 Detach流程 Service Request过程 专用承载建立流程 专用承载修改流程 专用承载释放流程
UDP/IP之上的GTP-U用来传输S-GW与 eNB之间的用户平面PDU
在S1接口目标节点中指示数据分组所属 的SAE接入承载; 移动性过程中尽量减少数据的丢失;
MBMS支持功能; 分组丢失检测机制;
LTE系统X2接口的定义采用了与S1接口 一致的原则
EPS Bearer
External Bearer
Radio Bearer
S1 Bearer
S5/S8 Bearer
HLR/AC 来访IMSI 3、鉴权参数请求(IMSI)
鉴权成功后重新分配TMSI,存储 新位置区LAI和CKSN 7、更新位置
5、 6、鉴权响应
3、 4、鉴权响应(S)
3、 4、
4、SRES 5、启动加密(KC) 6、前传新TMSI 7、位置更新接受
鉴权成功后重新 分配TMSI,存储新位置 LAI和CKSN
8、 开 始 加 密 传 送 9、加密模式完成
8、加密模式命令(KC) 9、
12/84 12/43
MS MSC 接入请求过程同主叫过程 sms_message_transfer map_send_info_for_mo_smc map_forward_sms VLR HLR SMS_IWMSC
处理接入请求(PROC ACCES REQ) 鉴权参数请求 鉴权参数响应
鉴权请求 鉴权响应
A Um
*CC层的主要功能为建立、维持和释放呼叫:a、有关呼叫建立的信息(Call Establishment):Alerting:告警信息,上下行。
包括进展指示及用户信息等Call confirmed:呼叫确认,该信息由被叫移动台发出,用来确证收到呼叫请求;Call proceeding:呼叫进程,该信息由网络发向主叫移动台,指示被请求的呼叫建立信息已经被接收,不会再接收更多的呼叫建立信息。
Connect:连接,从网络到主叫移动台或从被叫移动台到网络,用来指示连接被接受;Connect Acknowledge:连接确认,从网络到被叫移动台或主叫移动台到网络,指示移动台得到一个呼叫(连接完成);Energency Setup:紧急建立,由移动台发出,用来启动一个紧急呼叫的建立;Progress:进展,从网络到移动台,指示呼叫的进程;Setup:建立,上下行,指示启动呼叫建立;b、呼叫信息状态(Call Information Phase)Modify:修改,上下行,请求改变呼叫的承载能力;4G Modify Complete:修改完成,指示对呼叫承载能力修改的完成;Modify Reject:修改拒绝,上下行,指示改变呼叫的承载能力请求的失败;User Information:用户信息,由移动台发向网络来传输信息到远端用户或由网络发向移动台传输从远端用户来的信息。
c、呼叫清除(Call Clearing)MOTODisconnect:断连,从移动台到网络请求清除端到端的连接,或从网络到移动台指示端到端的连接已经被清除了;Release:释放,上下行,指示发该信息的设备将要释放TI(处理识别码),接收到4G该信息的设备等发送释放完成信息后释放TI(处理识别码)bbs. ),接收到该信息的设备将要释放TI(处理识别码)d、与附加业务有关的呼叫(Call Related SS)Facility:设施Hold:保持Hold Acknowledge:保持确认vHold Reject:保持拒绝Retrieve:恢复通Retrieve Acknowledge:恢复确认Retrieve Reject:恢复拒绝e、其它信息bbs.4Congestion Control:拥塞控制,上下行,指示在传输用户信息时建立和中止流量控制。
Release confirm
RF Channle release
RF Channel release ack Alerting
Connect acknowledge
MSC Assignment Request
Assignment Complete
主 MS 叫 流 程 之 三
establish indication
Complete Layer 3 Info.
Authentication request
Authentication response
Cipher Mode Command
Encryption command
• IMSI • TMSI(可选项) • Cell Identifier List(规定寻呼命令发送范围)
寻呼命令(Paging command)
• Paging group • MS Identity
寻呼请求(Paging request)
• Page mode • Channel needed(信道类型) • Mobiles Identity
establish indication
Complete Layer 3 Info.
Authentication request
Authentication response
Cipher Mode Command
Encryption command
①5.小区最小接入电平是由参数控制;(RXP)①6.gsm采用 gmsk 调制方式,B*T= 0.3 ②7.gsm采用基带跳频和射频跳频②8.网络质量的监测有三种方法:网管监测、DT测试、用户投诉. ②9.网络质量循环图中的配置分析是什么含义:现网数据和网络规划设计数据对比。
②10.Internal inter cell HO 意思是:BSC internal. ②11.NOKIA METROSITE BASE STATION 的容量最大可配置4个TRXS. ②12.GPRS手机的移动性管理状态有那三种:IDLE,READY,STANDBY. ②13.GPRS附着和路由区更新总是由MS启动. ②14.GPRS移动台的类型有A类,B类,C类. ②15.BSS现网升级到能使用GPRS功能,需要为每个BCSU配备一个PCU单元. ②16.天线的增益单位dBd和dBi之间的换算关系为:0(dBd)=2.15(dBi).②17.1 超高帧等于2048x51x26 TDMA 帧。
②18.做一个4+5站的集成时,需在BSC中建1个BCFs,2个BTSs和9个TRXs 。
②19.在BSC中,BCSU单元用来处理信令,它的冗余方式是N+1,每个单元能处理4 CCS7,16 TRXSIG 和 16 BCFSIG.. ②20.在11种逻辑信道中,FCCH用于纠正MS的频率,BCCH用于广播小区信息,SACCH用于传送功率控制信令,FACCH用于传送Handover信令。
1. 1位置更新流程在GSM系统中有三个地方需要知道位置信息,即HLR、VLR和MS。
正常位置更新用于更新网络侧对于MS的位置区信息,LOCATION UPDATING REQUEST消息中包含位置更新流程的类型信息。
为限制位置更新尝试次数,位置更新失败时要使用位置更新attempt counter计数器。
在MS 开机或SIM卡刚插入时,该计数器清零。
MS 中要保持一个"forbidden location areas for roaming"表和一个"forbidden location areas for regional provision of service"表。
MS 关机或SIM卡拔出时,将这两个表删除。
当MS收到位置更新拒绝消息,其原因值为"Roaming not allowed in this location area"或"Location Area not allowed〃时,从BCCH上收到的LAI信息触发位置更新请求的LAI要加到相应的表中。
正常位置更新、周期性位置更新和IMSI附着位置更新流程基本相同(不同之处在下面各小节中详细描述),流程如下图:(1)MS在空中接口的接入信道上向BTS发送Channel Request (该消息内含接入原因值为位置更新);(2)BTS 向 BSC 发送 Channel Required 消息;(3)BSC收到Channel Required后,分配信令信道,向BTS发送Channel Activation;(4)BTS收到Channel Activation后,如果信道类型正确,则在指定信道上开功率放大器,上行开始接收信息,并向BSC发送Channel Activation Acknowledge;(5)BSC 通过 BTS 向 MS 发送 Immediate Assignment Command;⑹MS发SABM帧接入;(7)BTS回UA帧进行确认;(8)BTS 向 BSC 发 Establishment Indication,该消息中包含了 Location Update Request消息内容;(9)BSC 建立 A 接口 SCCP 链接,向 MSC 发送 Location Update Request,该消息中包含了当前小区的CGI信息;(10)MSC向BSC回链接确认消息;(11)MSC向MS回位置更新接受消息,表明位置更新成功;(12)在网络侧拒绝本次位置更新时,网络侧下发消息给MS;(13)若MSC侧选择“位置更新时分配TMSI”为否,则在位置更新的过程中,MS 没有“TMSI Reallocation Complete”消息的上报。
LTE 切换信令流程
Handover1 Intra-E-UTRAN handover1.1 X2-based handover1.1.1 GeneralThese procedures are used to hand over a UE from a source eNodeB to a target eNodeB using the X2 reference point. In these procedures the MME is unchanged. Two procedures are defined depending on whether the Serving GW is unchanged or is relocated. In addition to the X2 reference point between the source and target eNodeB, the procedures rely on the presence of S1-MME reference point between the MME and the source eNodeB as well as between the MME and the target eNodeB.The handover preparation and execution phases are performed as specified in TS 36.300 [5]. If emergency bearer services are ongoing for the UE handover to the target eNodeB is performed independent of the Handover Restriction List. The MME checks, as part of the Tracking Area Update in the execution phase, if the handover is to a restricted area and if so MME releases the non-emergency bearers as specified in clause 5.10.3.If the serving PLMN changes during X2-based handover, the source eNodeB shall indicate to the target eNodeB (in the Handover Restriction List) the PLMN selected to be the new Serving PLMN.When the UE receives the handover command it will remove any EPS bearers for which it did not receive the corresponding EPS radio bearers in the target cell. As part of handover execution, downlink and optionally also uplink packets are forwarded from the source eNodeB to the target eNodeB. When the UE has arrived to the target eNodeB, downlink data forwarded from the source eNodeB can be sent to it. Uplink data from the UE can be delivered via the (source) Serving GW to the PDN GW or optionally forwarded from the source eNodeB to the target eNodeB. Only the handover completion phase is affected by a potential change of the Serving GW, the handover preparation and execution phases are identical.If the MME receives a rejection to a NAS procedure (e.g. dedicated bearerestablishment/modification/release; location reporting control; NAS message transfer; etc.) from the eNodeB with an indication that an X2 handover is in progress (see TS 36.300 [5]), the MME shall reattempt the same NAS procedure either when the handover is complete or the handover is deemed to have failed, except in case of Serving GW relocation. The failure is known by expiry of the timer guarding the NAS procedure.If during the handover procedure the MME detects that the Serving GW needs be relocated, the MME shall reject any PDN GW initiated EPS bearer(s) request received since handover procedure started and shall include an indication that the request has been temporarily rejected due to handover procedure in progress. The rejection is forwarded by the Serving GW to the PDN GW, with the same indication.Upon reception of a rejection for an EPS bearer(s) PDN GW initiated procedure with an indication that the request has been temporarily rejected due to handover procedure in progress, the PDN GW start a locally configured guard timer. The PDN GW shall re-attempt, up to a pre-configured number of times, when either it detects that the handover is completed or has failed using message reception or at expiry of the guard timer.If the MME receives a rejection to a UE Context Modification Request message with a CS Fallback indicator from the eNodeB with an indication that an X2 handover is in progress, the MME shall resend a UE Context Modification Request message with CS Fallback indicator to the target eNodeB when the handover is complete or to the source eNB when the handover is deemed to have failed.1.1.2 X2-based handover without Serving GW relocationThis procedure is used to hand over a UE from a source eNodeB to a target eNodeB using X2 when the MME is unchanged and decides that the Serving GW is also unchanged. The presence of IP connectivity between the Serving GW and the source eNodeB, as well as between the Serving GW and the target eNodeB is assumed.Figure 1.1.2-1: X2-based handover without Serving GW relocation NOTE 1: For a PMIP-based S5/S8, procedure steps (A) are defined in TS 23.402 [2].1. The target eNodeB sends a Path Switch Request message to MME to inform that the UE haschanged cell, including the TAI+ECGI of the target cell and the list of EPS bearers to be switched.If the target cell is a CSG cell , the target eNodeB includes the CSG ID of the target cell in PathSwitch Request message. If the target cell is in hybrid mode, it includes the CSG ID of the target cell and CSG Access Mode set to "hybrid" in the Path Switch Request message. The MMEdetermines the CSG membership based on the CSG ID and CSG Access Mode received from the target eNodeB.The MME updates the User CSG information based on the CSG ID and CSG Access Mode received from the target eNodeB and CSG membership if one of the parameters has changed.NOTE 2: X2 handover between HeNBs is possible when the handover is between closed/hybrid access HeNBs having the same CSG ID or when the target HeNB is an open access HeNB.The MME determines that the Serving GW can continue to serve the UE2. The MME sends a Modify Bearer Request (eNodeB address(es) and TEIDs for downlink user planefor the accepted EPS bearers, ISR Activated) message per PDN connection to the Serving GW for each PDN connection where the default bearer has been accepted by the target eNodeB. If the PDN GW requested UE's location info, the MME also includes the User Location Information IE in this message. If the UE Time Zone has changed, the MME includes the UE Time Zone IE in thismessage. If the Serving Network has changed, the MME includes the new Serving Network IE in this message. If ISR was activated before this procedure, MME should maintain ISR. The UE is informed about the ISR status in the Tracking Area Update procedure. If the Serving GW supports Modify Access Bearers Request procedure and if there is no need for the SGW to send the signalling to the PGW, the MME may send Modify Access Bearers Request (eNodeB address(es) and TEIDs for downlink user plane for the accepted EPS bearers, ISR Activated) per UE to the Serving GW to optimize the signalling.If the PDN GW requested UE's User CSG information (determined from the UE context), the MME includes the User CSG Information IE in this message if the User CSG Information has changed.The MME uses the list of EPS bearers to be switched, received in step 1, to determine whether any dedicated EPS bearers in the UE context have not been accepted by the target eNodeB. The MME releases the non-accepted dedicated bearers by triggering the bearer release procedure as specified in clause If the Serving GW receives a DL packet for a non-accepted bearer, the Serving GW drops the DL packet and does not send a Downlink Data Notification to the MME.If the default bearer of a PDN connection has not been accepted by the target eNodeB and there are multiple PDN connections active, the MME shall consider all bearers of that PDN connection as failed and release that PDN connection by triggering the MME requested PDN disconnectionprocedure specified in clause 5.10.3.If none of the default EPS bearers have been accepted by the target eNodeB or there is a LIPA PDN connection that has not been released, the MME shall act as specified in step 6.3. If the Serving GW has received the User Location Information IE and/or the UE Time Zone IEand/or the Serving Network IE and/or User CSG Information IE from the MME in step 2 theServing GW informs the PDN GW(s) about this information that e.g. can be used for charging, by sending the message Modify Bearer Request (Serving GW Address and TEID, User LocationInformation IE and/or UE Time Zone IE and/or Serving Network IE and/or User CSG Information IE) per PDN connection to the PDN GW(s) concerned. The Serving GW shall return a Modify Bearer Response (Serving GW address and TEID for uplink traffic) message to the MME as a response to a Modify Bearer Request message, or a Modify Access Bearers Response (Serving GW address and TEID for uplink traffic) as a response to a Modify Access Bearers Request message. If the Serving GW cannot serve the MME Request in the Modify Access Bearers Request message without S5/S8 signalling or without corresponding Gxc signalling when PMIP is used over the S5/S8 interface, it shall respond to the MME with indicating that the modifications are not limited to S1-U bearers, and the MME shall repeat its request using Modify Bearer Request message per PDN connection.4. The Serving GW starts sending downlink packets to the target eNodeB using the newly receivedaddress and TEIDs. A Modify Bearer Response message is sent back to the MME.5. In order to assist the reordering function in the target eNodeB, the Serving GW shall send one ormore "end marker" packets on the old path immediately after switching the path as defined inTS 36.300 [5], clause The MME confirms the Path Switch Request message with the Path Switch Request Ack message.If the UE-AMBR is changed, e.g. all the EPS bearers which are associated to the same APN are rejected in the target eNodeB, the MME shall provide the updated value of UE-AMBR to the target eNodeB in the Path Switch Request Ack message.If some EPS bearers have not been switched successfully in the core network, the MME shallindicate in the Path Switch Request Ack message which bearers failed to be established (see more detail in TS 36.413 [36]) and for dedicated bearers initiate the bearer release procedure as specified in clause to release the core network resources of the failed dedicated EPS bearers. Thetarget eNodeB shall delete the corresponding bearer contexts when it is informed that bearers have not been established in the core network.If none of the default EPS bearers have been switched successfully in the core network or if they have not been accepted by the target eNodeB or the LIPA PDN connection has not been released, the MME shall send a Path Switch Request Failure message (see more detail in TS 36.413 [36]) to the target eNodeB. The MME performs explicit detach of the UE as described in the MME initiated detach procedure of clause By sending Release Resource the target eNodeB informs success of the handover to source eNodeBand triggers the release of resources. This step is specified in TS 36.300 [5].8. The UE initiates a Tracking Area Update procedure when one of the conditions listed in clause"Triggers for tracking area update" applies. If ISR is activated for the UE when the MME receives the Tracking Area Update Request, the MME should maintain ISR by indicating ISR Activated in the Tracking Area Update Accept message.NOTE 3: It is only a subset of the TA update procedure that is performed by the MME, since the UE is in ECM-CONNECTED state and the MME is not changed.1.1.3 X2-based handover with Serving GW relocationThis procedure is used to hand over a UE from a source eNodeB to a target eNodeB using X2 when the MME is unchanged and the MME decides that the Serving GW is to be relocated. The presence of IP connectivity between the source Serving GW and the source eNodeB, between the source Serving GW and the target eNodeB, and between the target Serving GW and target eNodeB is assumed. (If there is no IP connectivity between target eNodeB and source Serving GW, it is assumed that the S1-based handover procedure in clause 1.2 shall be used instead.)Figure 1.1.3-1: X2-based handover with Serving GW relocationNOTE 1: For a PMIP-based S5/S8, procedure steps (A) and (B) are defined in TS 23.402 [2].1. The target eNodeB sends a Path Switch Request message to MME to inform that the UE haschanged cell, including the ECGI of the target cell and the list of EPS bearers to be switched. If the target cell is a CSG cell , the target eNodeB includes the CSG ID of the target cell in Path Switch Request message. If the target cell is in hybrid mode, it includes the CSG ID of the target cell and CSG Access Mode set to "hybrid" in the Path Switch Request message. The MME determines the CSG membership based on the CSG ID and CSG Access Mode received from the targeteNodeB.The MME updates the User CSG information based on the CSG ID and CSG Access Mode received from the target eNodeB and CSG membership if one of the parameters has changed.NOTE 2: X2 handover between HeNBs is possible when the handover is between closed/hybrid access HeNBs having the same CSG ID or when the target HeNB is an open access HeNB.The MME determines that the Serving GW is relocated and selects a new Serving GW according to clause on "Serving GW Selection Function".NOTE 3: The MME knows the S-GW Service Area with a TA granularity.2. The MME sends a Create Session Request (bearer context(s) with PDN GW addresses and TEIDs(for GTP-based S5/S8) or GRE keys (for PMIP-based S5/S8) at the PDN GW(s) for uplink traffic, eNodeB address(es) and TEIDs for downlink user plane for the accepted EPS bearers, the Protocol Type over S5/S8, Serving Network, UE Time Zone) message per PDN connection to the target Serving GW for each PDN connection where the default bearer has been accepted by the target eNodeB. The target Serving GW allocates the S-GW addresses and TEIDs for the uplink traffic on S1_U reference point (one TEID per bearer). The Protocol Type over S5/S8 is provided to Serving GW which protocol should be used over S5/S8 interface. If the PDN GW requested UE's location info, the MME also includes the User Location Information IE in this message. If the PDN GW requested UE's User CSG information (determined from the UE context), the MME includes the User CSG Information IE in this message if the User CSG Information has changed.The MME uses the list of EPS bearers to be switched, received in step 1, to determine whether any dedicated EPS bearers in the UE context have not been accepted by the target eNodeB. The MME releases the non-accepted dedicated bearers by triggering the bearer release procedure as specified in clause via target Serving GW. If the Serving GW receives a DL packet for a non-accepted bearer, the Serving GW drops the DL packet and does not send a Downlink Data Notification to the MME.If the default bearer of a PDN connection has not been accepted by the target eNodeB and there are multiple PDN connections active, the MME shall consider all bearers of that PDN connection as failed and release that PDN connection by triggering the MME requested PDN disconnectionprocedure specified in clause 5.10.3 via source Serving GW.If none of the default EPS bearers have been accepted by the target eNodeB or there is a LIPA PDN connection that has not been released, the MME shall act as specified in step 5.3. The target Serving GW assigns addresses and TEIDs (one per bearer) for downlink traffic from thePDN GW. The Serving GW allocates DL TEIDs on S5/S8 even for non-accepted bearers. It sends a Modify Bearer Request (Serving GW addresses for user plane and TEID(s), Serving Network) message per PDN connection to the PDN GW(s). The S-GW also includes User LocationInformation IE and/or UE Time Zone IE and/or User CSG Information IE if it is present in step 2.The PDN GW updates its context field and returns a Modify Bearer Response (Charging Id,MSISDN, etc.) message to the Serving GW. The MSISDN is included if the PDN GW has it stored in its UE context. The PDN GW starts sending downlink packets to the target GW using the newly received address and TEIDs. These downlink packets will use the new downlink path via the target Serving GW to the target eNodeB. The Serving GW shall allocate TEIDs for the failed bearers and inform to the MME.4. The target Serving GW sends a Create Session Response (Serving GW addresses and uplinkTEID(s) for user plane) message back to the target MME. The MME starts a timer, to be used in step 7.5. The MME confirms the Path Switch Request message with the Path Switch Request Ack (ServingGW addresses and uplink TEID(s) for user plane) message. If the UE-AMBR is changed, e.g. all the EPS bearers which are associated to the same APN are rejected in the target eNodeB, the MME shall provide the updated value of UE-AMBR to the target eNodeB in the Path Switch Request Ack message. The target eNodeB starts using the new Serving GW address(es) and TEID(s) forforwarding subsequent uplink packets.If some EPS bearers have not been switched successfully in the core network, the MME shallindicate in the Path Switch Request Ack message which bearers failed to be established (see more detail in TS 36.413 [36]) and for dedicated bearers initiate the bearer release procedure as specified in clause to release the core network resources of the failed dedicated EPS bearers. The target eNodeB shall delete the corresponding bearer contexts when it is informed that bearers have not been established in the core network.If none of the default EPS bearers have been switched successfully in the core network or if theyhave not been accepted by the target eNodeB or the LIPA PDN connection has not been released, the MME shall send a Path Switch Request Failure message (see more detail in TS 36.413 [36]) to the target eNodeB. The MME performs explicit detach of the UE as described in the MME initiated detach procedure of clause By sending Release Resource the target eNodeB informs success of the handover to source eNodeBand triggers the release of resources. This step is specified in TS 36.300 [5].7. When the timer has expired after step 4, the source MME releases the bearer(s) in the sourceServing GW by sending a Delete Session Request message (Cause, Operation Indication). Theoperation Indication flag is not set, that indicates to the Source Serving GW that the Source Serving GW shall not initiate a delete procedure towards the PDN GW. The Source Serving GWacknowledges with Delete Session Response messages. If ISR has been activated before thisprocedure, the cause indicates to the Source S-GW that the Source S-GW shall delete the bearerresources on the other old CN node by sending Delete Bearer Request message(s) to that CN node.8. The UE initiates a Tracking Area Update procedure when one of the conditions listed in clause"Triggers for tracking area update" applies.NOTE 4: It is only a subset of the TA update procedure that is performed by the MME, since the UE is in ECM-CONNECTED state. The UE is informed about the ISR status in the Tracking AreaUpdate procedure.1.2 S1-based handover1.2.1 GeneralThe S1-based handover procedure is used when the X2-based handover cannot be used. The source eNodeB initiates a handover by sending Handover Required message over the S1-MME reference point. This procedure may relocate the MME and/or the Serving GW. The source MME selects the target MME. The MME should not be relocated during inter-eNodeB handover unless the UE leaves the MME Pool Area where the UE is served. The MME (target MME for MME relocation) determines if the Serving GW needs to be relocated. If the Serving GW needs to be relocated the MME selects the target Serving GW, as specified in clause on Serving GW selection function.The source eNodeB decides which of the EPS bearers are subject for forwarding of downlink and optionally also uplink data packets from the source eNodeB to the target eNodeB. The EPC does not change the decisions taken by the RAN node. Packet forwarding can take place either directly from the source eNodeB to the target eNodeB, or indirectly from the source eNodeB to the target eNodeB via the source and target Serving GWs (or if the Serving GW is not relocated, only the single Serving GW).The availability of a direct forwarding path is determined in the source eNodeB and indicated to the source MME. If X2 connectivity is available between the source and target eNodeBs, a direct forwarding path is available.If a direct forwarding path is not available, indirect forwarding may be used. The source MME uses the indication from the source eNodeB to determine whether to apply indirect forwarding. The source MME indicates to the target MME whether indirect forwarding should apply. Based on this indication, the target MME determines whether it applies indirect forwarding.If the MME receives a rejection to an S1 interface procedure (e.g. dedicated bearerestablishment/modification/release; location reporting control; NAS message transfer; etc.) from the eNodeB with an indication that an S1 handover is in progress (see TS 36.300 [5]), the MME shall reattempt the same S1 interface procedure when either the handover is complete or is deemed to have failed if the MME is still the serving MME, except in case of Serving GW relocation.In order to minimise the number of procedures rejected by the eNodeB, the MME should pause non-handover related S1 interface procedures (e.g. downlink NAS message transfer, E-RABSetup/Modify/Release, etc.) while a handover is ongoing (i.e. from the time that a Handover Required has been received until either the Handover procedure has succeeded (Handover Notify) or failed (Handover Failure)) and continue them once the Handover procedure has completed if the MME is still the serving MME, except in case of Serving GW relocation.If during the handover procedure the MME detects that the Serving GW or/and the MME needs be relocated, the MME shall reject any PDN GW initiated EPS bearer(s) request received since handover procedure started and shall include an indication that the request has been temporarily rejected due to handover procedure in progress. The rejection is forwarded by the Serving GW to the PDN GW, with the same indication.Upon reception of a rejection for an EPS bearer(s) PDN GW initiated procedure with an indication that the request has been temporarily rejected due to handover procedure in progress, the PDN GW start a locally configured guard timer. The PDN GW shall re-attempt, up to a pre-configured number of times, when either it detects that the handover is completed or has failed using message reception or at expiry of the guard timer.If emergency bearer services are ongoing for the UE, handover to the target eNodeB is performed independent of the Handover Restriction List. The MME checks, as part of the Tracking Area Update in the execution phase, if the handover is to a restricted area and if so MME releases the non-emergency bearers as specified in clause 5.10.3.If the MME receives a rejection to a UE Context modification Request message with a CS Fallback indication from the eNodeB with an indication that an S1 handover is in progress, the MME shall resend a UE Context Modification Request message with CS Fallback indicator to the target eNodeB when either the handover is complete or to the source eNodeB when the handover is deemed to have failed if the MME is still the serving MME.For inter-PLMN handover to a CSG cell, based on operator's configuration the source MME may allow the handover by validating the CSG membership of the UE in the target CSG cell using the CSG-ID list of the registered PLMN-ID. Otherwise, the source MME shall reject the handover due to no CSG membership information of the target PLMN-ID.1.2.2 S1-based handover, normalThis procedure describes the S1-based handover in the normal case, clause 1.2.3 describes it when the procedure is rejected by the target eNodeB or the target MME and clause 1.2.4 describes when the procedure is canceled by the source eNodeB.Figure 1.2.2-1: S1-based handoverNOTE 1: For a PMIP-based S5/S8, procedure steps (A) and (B) are defined in TS 23.402 [2]. Steps 16 and 16a concern GTP based S5/S8.NOTE 2: If the Serving GW is not relocated, the box "Source Serving GW" in figure 1.2.2-1 is acting as the target Serving GW.1. The source eNodeB decides to initiate an S1-based handover to the target eNodeB. This can betriggered e.g. by no X2 connectivity to the target eNodeB, or by an error indication from the target eNodeB after an unsuccessful X2-based handover, or by dynamic information learnt by the source eNodeB.2. The source eNodeB sends Handover Required (Direct Forwarding Path Availability, Source toTarget transparent container, target eNodeB Identity, CSG ID, CSG access mode, target TAI, S1AP Cause) to the source MME. The source eNodeB indicates which bearers are subject to dataforwarding. Direct Forwarding Path Availability indicates whether direct forwarding is available from the source eNodeB to the target eNodeB. This indication from source eNodeB can be based one.g. the presence of X2. The target TAI is sent to MME to facilitate the selection of a suitable targetMME. When the target cell is a CSG cell or a hybrid cell, the source eNodeB shall include the CSG ID of the target cell. If the target cell is a hybrid cell, the CSG access mode shall be indicated.3. The source MME selects the target MME as described in clause4.3.8.3 on "MME SelectionFunction" and if it has determined to relocate the MME, it sends a Forward Relocation Request (MME UE context, Source to Target transparent container, RAN Cause, target eNodeB Identity, CSG ID, CSG Membership Indication, target TAI, MS Info Change Reporting Action (if available), CSG Information Reporting Action (if available), UE Time Zone, Direct Forwarding Flag, Serving Network) message to the target MME. The target TAI is sent to the target MME to help it todetermine whether S-GW relocation is needed (and, if needed, aid SGW selection). The old Serving Network is sent to target MME to support the target MME to resolve if Serving Network is changed.In network sharing scenarios Serving Network denotes the serving core network.The source MME shall perform access control by checking the UE's CSG subscription when CSG ID is provided by the source eNodeB. If there is no subscription data for this CSG ID or the CSG subscription is expired, and the target cell is a CSG cell, the source MME shall reject the handover with an appropriate cause.The MME UE context includes IMSI, ME Identity, UE security context, UE Network Capability, AMBR, Selected CN operator ID, APN restriction, Serving GW address and TEID for controlsignalling, and EPS Bearer context(s).An EPS Bearer context includes the PDN GW addresses and TEIDs (for GTP-based S5/S8) or GRE keys (for PMIP-based S5/S8) at the PDN GW(s) for uplink traffic, APN, Serving GW addresses and TEIDs for uplink traffic, and TI.RAN Cause indicates the S1AP Cause as received from source eNodeB.The source MME includes the CSG ID in the Forward Relocation Request when the target cell is a CSG or hybrid cell. When the target cell is a hybrid cell, the CSG Membership Indication indicating whether the UE is a CSG member shall be included in the Forward Relocation Request message.The Direct Forwarding Flag indicates if direct forwarding is applied, or if indirect forwarding is going to be set up by the source side.The target MME shall determine the Maximum APN restriction based on the APN Restriction of each bearer context in the Forward Relocation Request, and shall subsequently store the newMaximum APN restriction value.If the UE receives only emergency services and the UE is UICCless, IMSI can not be included in the MME UE context in Forward Relocation Request message. For emergency attached UEs, if the IMSI cannot be authenticated, then the IMSI shall be marked as unauthenticated. Also, in this case, security parameters are included only if available.4. If the MME has been relocated, the target MME verifies whether the source Serving GW cancontinue to serve the UE. If not, it selects a new Serving GW as described in clause on "Serving GW Selection Function". If the MME has not been relocated, the source MME decides on this Serving GW re-selection.If the source Serving GW continues to serve the UE, no message is sent in this step. In this case, the target Serving GW is identical to the source Serving GW.If a new Serving GW is selected, the target MME sends a Create Session Request (bearer context(s) with PDN GW addresses and TEIDs (for GTP-based S5/S8) or GRE keys (for PMIP-based S5/S8) at the PDN GW(s) for uplink traffic, Serving Network, UE Time Zone) message per PDNconnection to the target Serving GW. The target Serving GW allocates the S-GW addresses and TEIDs for the uplink traffic on S1_U reference point (one TEID per bearer). The target Serving GW sends a Create Session Response (Serving GW addresses and uplink TEID(s) for user plane)message back to the target MME.5. The Target MME sends Handover Request (EPS Bearers to Setup, AMBR, S1AP Cause, Source toTarget transparent container, CSG ID, CSG Membership Indication, Handover Restriction List) message to the target eNodeB. This message creates the UE context in the target eNodeB, including information about the bearers, and the security context. For each EPS Bearer, the Bearers to Setup includes Serving GW address and uplink TEID for user plane, and EPS Bearer QoS. If the direct forwarding flag indicates unavailability of direct forwarding and the target MME knows that there is no indirect data forwarding connectivity between source and target, the Bearers to Setup shallinclude "Data forwarding not possible" indication for each EPS bearer. Handover Restriction List is sent if available in the Target MME; it is described in clause "Mobility Restrictions".S1AP Cause indicates the RAN Cause as received from source MME.The Target MME shall include the CSG ID and CSG Membership Indication when provided by the source MME in the Forward Relocation Request message.The target eNodeB sends a Handover Request Acknowledge (EPS Bearer Setup list, EPS Bearers failed to setup list Target to Source transparent container) message to the target MME. The EPS Bearer Setup list includes a list of addresses and TEIDs allocated at the target eNodeB for downlink traffic on S1-U reference point (one TEID per bearer) and addresses and TEIDs for receivingforwarded data if necessary. If the UE-AMBR is changed, e.g. all the EPS bearers which areassociated to the same APN are rejected in the target eNodeB, the MME shall recalculate the new UE-AMBR and signal the modified UE-AMBR value to the target eNodeB.If none of the default EPS bearers have been accepted by the target eNodeB, the target MME shall reject the handover as specified in clause 1.2.3.If the target cell is a CSG cell, the target eNodeB shall verify the CSG ID provided by the target MME, and reject the handover with an appropriate cause if it does not match the CSG ID for the target cell. If the target eNodeB is in hybrid mode, it may use the CSG Membership Indication to perform differentiated treatment for CSG and non-CSG members.6. If indirect forwarding applies and the Serving GW is relocated, the target MME sets up forwardingparameters by sending Create Indirect Data Forwarding Tunnel Request (target eNodeB addresses。
lte异频切换信令流程LTE(Long Term Evolution)是一种4G无线通信技术,为了提供更高的数据传输速率和更好的用户体验,LTE网络支持异频切换(Inter-frequency Handover)功能。
1. 切换触发LTE异频切换的触发可以由多种因素引起,例如当前信道质量较差、用户移动速度较快或者网络负载过高等。
2. 测量报告一旦用户设备接收到切换请求,它会开始测量附近的其他频率。
3. 切换决策基站收集到用户设备的测量报告后,会根据预设的切换策略和算法进行切换决策。
4. 切换请求基站向用户设备发送切换请求,请求其切换到目标频率。
5. 邻区搜索用户设备在接收到切换请求后,会执行邻区搜索过程,以获取目标频率的邻区信息。
6. 切换准备用户设备根据目标频率的邻区信息和切换请求中的参数进行切换准备。
7. 切换执行一旦用户设备完成切换准备,它会发送切换执行命令给基站,请求切换到目标频率。
6. PS Handover Complete 7. XID Response 8. Forward Relocation Complete Notification 8a. Forward Relocation Complete Acknowledge 9. Modify Bearer Request For Serving GW relocation Steps 9, 10 and 11, and the following User Plane path, will be handled by Target Serving GW 12. XID Negotiation for LLC ADM 12a. SABM UA exchange re-establishment and XID negotiation for LLC ABM) Uplink and Downlink User Plane PDUs 13. Routeing Area Update procedure 13a. PS Handover Complete Ack 14. Delete Session Request 14b. Release Resource (B) 14a. Delete Session Response 15. Delete Indirect Data Forwarding Tunnel Request 15a. Delete Indirect Data Forwarding Tunnel Response 16. Delete Indirect Data Forwarding Tunnel Request 16a. Delete Indirect Data Forwarding Tunnel Response 10. Modify Bearer Request (A) 10a. Modify Bearer Response 11. Modify Bearer Response
但对于有些Cause value,如Cause value111(Protocol error,unspecified)、Cause value 3(Abnormal release,timer expired)等就无法定位具体原因。
下面的大部分篇幅的分析解决办法都是基于这些无法定位具体原因的Cause value。
LTE信令流程详解LTE(Long Term Evolution)是一种无线通信技术,它的信令流程是指移动设备和基站之间进行通信时所涉及的过程和协议。
8. Switch Handover(切换切换):当移动设备处于移动状态时,为了保持持续的通信,可能需要切换到其他基站的覆盖范围内。
Paging Request Channel Request Immediate Assignment CM Service Request System Information Type1(在一次呼叫过程中,若连续出现多个CM Service Request,则视为一次呼叫失败)
2023最新整理收集 do something
Paging Request Channel Requet 信道请求 Immediate Assignment 立即指配 CM Service Request (CM连接管理层) CM Service Accept CM业务接收 Setup 建立 Call Proceeding 呼叫进程 Assignment Command 指配命令 Assignment Complete 指配完成 Connect/Alerting 响铃
谢 阅
Classmark Enquiry Identity Request Classmark Change Classmark Change Identity Response Tmsi Reallocation Command Tmsi Reallocation Complete Cm Service Accept Setup Call Proceeding Assignment Command Assignment Complete Alerting Connect Connect Acknowledge Disconnect Release Release Complete Channel Release
常见异常事件信令分析目录:一、日常指标中常见异常事件 (2)1、SDCCH拥塞: (2)2、SDCCH分配失败: (3)2.1无线原因引起SDCCH分配失败: (3)2.2 BSS问题引起的SDCCH分配失败: (3)2.3 SDCCH分配失败信令分析: (3)3、SDCCH掉话 (7)3.1无线问题引起SDCCH掉话: (7)3.2 BSS问题引起SDCCH掉话: (7)3.3 SDCCH掉话信令分析 (8)4、TCH拥塞 (10)5、TCH分配失败 (11)5.1无线原因引起的TCH分配失败: (11)5.2 BSS原因引起的TCH分配失败: (12)5.3 TCH分配失败信令分析: (13)6、TCH掉话 (16)6.1无线问题引起TCH掉话: (16)6.2切换失败引起TCH掉话: (17)6.3 BSS内部原因引起TCH掉话: (17)6.4传输问题引起TCH掉话: (17)6.5 TCH掉话信令分析: (18)6.5.1 MC736掉话 (18)6.5.2 MC621掉话 (19)6.5.3 MC14C掉话 (21)6.5.4 MC739掉话 (21)6.5.5 正常的挂机 (22)7、切换异常事件 (26)7.1、无线原因引起的切换失败返回信令流程(小区间异步切换): (26)7.2、系统原因(BSS问题)引起的切换失败 (26)7.3、切换失败信令分析: (26)二、DT测试中的异常事件 (30)1、未接通 (30)1.1由于TCH拥塞 (30)1.2位置更新引起 (33)2、paging失败 (35)3、TCH掉话 (35)三、附录 (38)Abis口信令名词缩写解释: (38)一、日常指标中常见异常事件日常指标中常见异常事件主要表现为:SDCCH拥塞、SDCCH分配失败、SDCCH 掉话、TCH拥塞、TCH分配失败、TCH掉话、TCH切换失败1、SDCCH拥塞:信令流程如下:MC02a 位置更新次数MC02h 所有主叫电话占用SDCCH次数MC04 SDCCH拥塞次数当用户发起CHANNEL REQUEST时,网络发现无空闲的SDCCH信道时,BSC将会:如果小区参数En_Imm_Ass_Rej=“True”,则发Immediately Assignment Reject;否则Channel Required消息。
1.5 LTE无线网管信令跟踪---跟踪标识解析
eNodeB MME码 标识 586759 586759 586759 1 1 1 GID 17342 16641 16890 M-TMSI 3339033373 3288450704 3390024549 MME-UE-S1AP 标识 6296776 6296296 6294872
1.6 LTE无线网管信令跟踪---典型信令(measurementReport)
measurementReport_r8 tOptFlags nonCriticalExtensionPresent = 0 measResults tOptFlags measResultNeighCellsPresent = 1 verExt2Present = 0 verExt3Present = 0 measId = 3 服务小区 measResultPCell 测量结果 rsrpResult = 49 rsrqResult = 11 measResultNeighCells t=1 u measResultListEUTRA n=2 elem[0] 邻区小区 tOptFlags 测量结果 cgi_InfoPresent = 0 physCellId = 120 measResult tOptFlags rsrpResultPresent = 1 rsrqResultPresent = 0 verExt2Present = 0 rsrpResult = 49 elem[1] tOptFlags cgi_InfoPresent = 0 physCellId = 127 measResult tOptFlags rsrpResultPresent = 1 rsrqResultPresent = 0 verExt2Present = 0 rsrpResult = 48
LTE切换流程和信令介绍LTE(Long Term Evolution)是第四代移动通信技术,它提供了更高的数据传输速率和更低的时延,以满足日益增长的移动通信需求。
- 主动切换由用户设备发起,例如手动选择区域(PLMN)或小区(cell)。
在LTE切换过程中- 切换请求(Handover Request):设备发送给LTE网络的信令,用于请求执行切换。
- 小区测量报告(Cell Measurement Report):设备发送给网络的报告,包含对周围基站信号质量的测量结果。
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Intra BSC Inter Cell Handover (RMHOEC) • New channel(s) in other cell in same BSC requested
Inter BSC and Inter System Handover (RMHOEB) • New channel(s) in other cell in other BSC requested
英才直通车 7
Module Name
Handover Triggers
• Half Rate Packing • Subcell Load Distribution
RMCC initiates RMCHO if a Handover is allowed to be started. Control of Handover (RMCHO) initiates: Intra BSC Intra Cell Handover (RMHOAC) Note: No candidate list is needed since a handover shall be performed within same cell or subcell.
RMCC initiates RMCHO if a Handover is allowed to be started.
Control of Handover (RMCHO) requests for a candidate list.
Control of Handover (RMCHO) decides which procedure to initiate. Input for the decision is the received cell candidate list (max 7 candidates).
Note: Not done for signalling connections
CHANNEL ACTIVATION RMHOAC orders RMHTR to activate the channel(s). RMHTR orders RMHBI to activate the channel(s). CHANNEL ACTIVATION ACKNOWLEDGE
Module Name
HANDOVER Purpose: •Maintain a good radio transmission quality for a connection
•Control and direct a connection such that the overall radio service in the network is optimized
• 08.08 Handover Request (incomming call from GSM or UMTS)
英才直通车andover Triggers
Cell Candidate List
Note: No candidate list is needed since the target cell is received from the MSC.
Module Name
Handover Procedures
Intra BSC Intra Cell Handover (RMHOAC) • New channel(s) in same subcell requested
英才直通车 11
Module Name
Intra BSC Intra Cell Handover (RMHOAC)
Module Name
Handover Procedures
Intra BSC Intra Cell Handover (RMHOAC)
Connection established between MS and BTS
Note: Not done for signalling connections
One of the following procedures is initiated: - Intra BSC Intra Cell Handover (RMHOAC) - Intra BSC Inter Cell Handover (RMHOEC) - Inter BSC and Inter System Handover (RMHOEB) RMCC informs RMPH about the handover result.
Module Name
Handover Triggers
Channels blocked due to operation and BG-CH maintenance
RMCC initiates RMCHO if a Handover is allowed to be started. Control of Handover (RMCHO) requests for a candidate list. Control of Handover (RMCHO) decides which procedure to initiate. Input for the decision is the received cell candidate list (max 7 candidates). One of the following procedures is initiated: - Intra BSC Intra Cell Handover (RMHOAC) - Intra BSC Inter Cell Handover (RMHOEC) - Inter BSC and Inter System Handover (RMHOEB)
- Channel Type - Target Cell [- Priority] [- CIC] [-Downlink DTX]
RMHAIDL checks the message. RMCC initiates RMCHO.
Control of Handover (RMCHO) initiates: Inter BSC and Inter System Handover (RMHOEB)
RMCHO checks with RMCC if a Handover is allowed to be started. Control of Handover (RMCHO) decides which procedure to initiate. Input for the decision is the received cell candidate list (max 7 candidates). One of the following procedures is initiated: - Intra BSC Intra Cell Handover (RMHOAC) - Intra BSC Inter Cell Handover (RMHOEC) - Inter BSC and Inter System Handover (RMHOEB)
Chapter 6 Handover
Module name
Upon completion of this chapter the student will be able to: • • • • Understand the handover Algorithm Describe the signalling procedure for handover Describe the relevant function blocks and their function Describe internal signals for handover
Handover result
RMCC informs BG-CH via RMHBI about the handover result.
Module Name
Handover Triggers
Procedure blocks
RMHOEB Seizes/Releases: - Channel - TRA - Set up of paths between A-mup and TRA - Set up of paths between TRA and abis-mup
Module Name
Handover Procedures
Intra BSC Intra Cell Handover (RMHOAC)
RMHOAC orders the MS via RMHBI to change to the new channel.