

中职教育-国际营销英语课件:Unit 7 Place (Distribution).ppt

中职教育-国际营销英语课件:Unit 7  Place (Distribution).ppt

Physical distribution
Physical distribution as a key component of the marketing mix because of its central role in creating time, place, and possession utility and in achieving distribution efficiencies.
Physical distribution
Physical distribution encompasses all activities involved in moving goods from where they are produced to where they are purchased or consumed. The combination of order processing, merchandise-handling, inventory, storage, and transportation functions represents the physical distribution system.
BDI (Brand Development Index) : sales-to-population ratio relative to other markets in the company’s system.
CDI (Category Development Index) data: provides a good benchmark for the success rate potential for different expansion markets.

International Marketing 国际市场营销 课件

International Marketing  国际市场营销 课件

The existence of lucrative markets in foreign countries Saturated ( 饱 和 的 ) markets in the home country Response to incoming competitive activity
Further reasons for firms becoming involved in international marketing (1)Today, new product development typically requires so much expenditure that in many cases firms intending to introduce new products must adopt an international perspective. (2)The higher turnover derived from international sales might enable a firm to initiate new product research and development that in the long term will give it a competitive edge. (3)Corporate plans can be anchored (v. 抛 锚 、 锚 定 ) against a wider range of (international) opportunities.
亚洲: 欧洲: 非洲: 拉丁美洲: 北美洲: 大洋洲: 南极洲: 大西洋: 太平洋: 印度洋: 北冰洋:
Asia Europe Africa Latin America/South America North America Oceania Antarctica Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Indian Ocean Arctic Ocean

国际营销 英语chapter 7

国际营销 英语chapter 7
• Government markets include various government agencies . • Marketers selling goods to these markets must be careful in
pricing because of limited purchasing power of the customers. Government purchase calls for bid.
‹# ›
• Groping on personality, values, lifestyles
7.2.1 Geographic Segmentation
• Dividing an overall market into homogeneous groups on the basis of their locations. • Attentions are paid to geographical differences in needs and wants . (localization) • To avoid fierce competition, firms often seek untapped potential markets in small or remote areas. • Limitation in distinguishing the differences among people in same areas.
Modern concept
Consumer products
• Bought by ultimate consumers for personal use.
• Consumer markets refer to consumer goods buyers.



Market segmentation:
Levels of market segmentation
• Each customer have his or her different needs and wants, so ideally sellers might design a separate marketing program individually
• Many companies are localizing their products, advertising, promotion, and sales efforts to fit the needs of individual regions, or cities.
• Other companies are seeking to cultivate as-yet untapped territory.
Mass marketing
Segment marketing
Niche marketing
• Mass marketing:
➢For most of the 1900s, major consumer products companies held fast to mass marketing
Demographic segmentation
• Demographic segmentation is the most popular method to segment the market
• There are several variables to conduct demographic segmentation
• Niche marketing

“市场营销”讲义(英文PPT 273页)

“市场营销”讲义(英文PPT 273页)

Economic Environment
Income Distribution
Subsistence economies Raw-material-exporting economies
Industrializing economies Industrial economies
Savings, Debt, & Credit Availability
Course Organization Tasks of Marketing Major Concepts & Tools of Marketing Marketplace Orientations Marketing’s Responses to New
Macroenvironmental Forces
World trade enablers Asian economic power Rise of trade blocs International monetary crises Use of barter & countertrade Move towards market economies “Global” lifestyles
Simple Marketing System
Industry (a collection
of sellers)
Goods/services Money
Market (a collection
of Buyers)
Company Orientations Towards the Marketplace



Marketing Promotion
内容简介 Learning Objectives
1. The changing face of U.S. business 2. The scope of the international marketing task
3. The increasing importance of global awareness
风险大, 难度大 Higher Risk and More Difficulties
1.2 国际市场营销与国际贸易
International Marketing & International Trade
国际贸易: 国家之间有形产品与无形服务的交换活动
Exchange of the visible products and invisible services among the nations 国与国之间分工的结果
Outcome of the International Labor Division
What are in common for the both?
Business Purpose: Earning profit 交换对象:商品和劳务
Marketing and International Marketing
Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and wue with others.


00/100,000 = $25 per unit
Unit Cost/(1 – Desired Return on Sales) = Markup Price
$25 / (1 - .20) = $31.25
General Pricing Approaches
• Cost-Based Pricing: Break-Even Analysis and Target Profit Pricing
• Competition-Based Pricing
General Pricing Approaches
• Cost-Based Pricing: Cost-Plus Pricing
Adding a standard markup to cost Ignores demand and competition Popular pricing technique because:
• Sealed bid pricing
• Market-Skimming Pricing
Setting a high price for a new product to skim maximum revenues layer by layer from segments willing to pay the high price.
• Market-Penetration Pricing
Setting a low price for a new product in order to attract a large number of buyers and a large market share.
Product Mix Pricing Strategies



Sociocultural Environment
• Sociocultural environmrnt 1) high persistence core cultural
values 2) existence of subcultures 3) shift of secondary cultural values through time
Economic Environment
I The economic environment for marketing comprises the overall economy
II It includes: Business cycles Spending patterns Consumer income issues
• It provides important opportunities to improve customer value
Prosperity production employment demand
Recession production employment demand
Recovery production employment demand
• Consumer Income It influences whether or not consumers 6
• Business cycles and Spending patterns Spending patterns are linked to the
business cycle. The level of business activity that moves from prosperity to recession, to recovery.


• Ownership of intellectual property based on registration
• Agreements not enforceable unless properly notarized or registered
• Acts of God interpreted as unforeseeable occurrences of nature and human acts
Counterfeiting and Piracy
• Occurs in a range of industries • Costs companies billions of dollars in lost revenue
• Counterfeit pharmaceuticals most dire; can cause death
• Among most valuable assets to a company • Companies spend millions of dollars on establishing property
Protection of Intellectual Property Rights: A Special Problem 2 of 6
Bases for Legal Systems 5 of 5
Islamic Law
• Based on interpretation of the Koran • Prescribes specific patterns of social and economic
behavior for all people
• Important to comply with the laws in each country in which the multinational corporation operates

国际市场营销双语教程课件 cha7

国际市场营销双语教程课件 cha7
Options • 国际产品标准化和差异化选择。 • 4. Issues that Need To Be Addressed When Developing Product
Strategies. • 制定产品策略时需要注意的问题。 • 5. The Steps of International Product Development. • 国际市场产品开发的步骤。
and assesses their willingness to buy after exposure to media and purchase incentives. • Forced distribution tests rely on the continuous report of consumer reactions to new products already in the market.

• (5)What steps shall be taken when companies doing the classical screening process for new products normal法有哪些步骤?
• 定义原产国效应。 公司如何克服这种影响?
Chapter 7 Product Policies for World Markets
• Learning Objectives • 本章学习目标
• 1.Stages of the International Product Life Cycle • 国际市场产品生命周期的各个阶段 • 2.Operational Objectives and Market Characteristics of Each Stage • 每个阶段运营目标和市场特点 • 3. International Product Standardization and Differentiation



从“海尔中国造”到“海尔世 界造”
海尔相信本土化制造是海尔国际化道路上关键的一步。1996年, 海尔在印尼设立了第一家海外工厂,到2002年海尔已在全球设立 了十余家工厂,这些工厂每年生产上百种产品,这些产品大部分 都在当时销售。 世界跨国公司大多选择劳力成本低的地区开设工厂。当1999年海 尔在美国设厂时,有一家业界权威杂志驻美国记者立即对海尔的 做法提出质疑:传诵国内劳动力成本低的优势,到人力成本昂贵, 市场饱和的欧美投资建厂,海尔是否明智? 试和你的小组成员就以下问题展开讨论:
- The attractiveness of International market
- The saturation of domestic market needs and intensive market competition
- (be continue)
The scope and challenge of International Marketing
Case analysis
2008年1月1日,中国运动品牌老大李宁将其触角伸向了美国耐克总部 所在地的波特兰,建立第一个海外鞋产品研发中心。但许多人不知道的 是,李宁的第一家海外直营店其实早于两年半前在荷兰开张了。
2007 年,李宁公司与一家荷兰经销商签署合同,在南部的马斯特里 赫特市开设了一家李宁旗舰店。这也是李宁的“海外第一店”。选择马 斯特里赫特,而非阿姆斯特丹,主要考虑到马城位于德国和比利时的边 境上,在那个区域又是最富裕的。李宁想通过马城特殊的地理位置来渗 入周边地区,以此作为跳板,间接深入欧洲的三大市场:英国、法国、 德国。李宁认为,荷兰市场与英、法、德市场有许多共通性,其规模又 小得恰到好处,正适合用来作为实验基地。


– Local agents often carry the products of competing firms and so have divided loyalties.本地代理商常常持 有竞争企业的产品,忠诚度是不完整的
© 2005 Prentice Hall
Licensing许可经营 P206
© 2005 Prentice Hall
– Indirect exporting间接出口
• The company sells to a buyer in the home country who in turn exports the product.
– Direct exporting直接出口
© 2005 Prentice Hall
Contract manufacturing合同制造 P208
Company provides technical specifications to a subcontractor(分包商) or local manufacturer公司为分包商或者当地制造 商提供技术规范
Strategic international alliance
© 2005 Prentice Hall
Which strategy should be used?
It depends on: Market characteristics Company capabilities and desire
– – – – Patent Trade secret Trade mark Product formulations产品配方
© 2005 Prentice Hall
Example: Bell laboratories at AT&T licensed the transistor technology to Texas Instruments for royalties of 5 percent of the ex-factory price of all products .


Chapter 7: International payment
of goods
Key points:
1.Means of payment in international trade; 1)Bill of Exchange; 2)Promissory note; 3)Cheque(Check).
2.Modes of international payment;
1)Remittance; 2)Collection; 3)Letter of Credit.
Part C: Words and Phrases
Part A:Text
I.Means of payment in international trade
promise in writing made by one person to another signed by the maker,engaging to pay,on demand or at a fixed determinable future time,a sum certain in money,to,or to the order of,a specified person or to bearer.There are only two parties,the drawer and payee.The payer of promissory note is the drawer himself.
3.Cheque(Check) A cheque is an unconditional order in
writing drawn on a banker signed by the drawer,requiring the banker to pay on demand a sum certain in money to or to the order of a specified person or to bearer.

国际市场营销学培训讲义(英文版)PPT课件( 22页)

国际市场营销学培训讲义(英文版)PPT课件( 22页)

Marketing Mix
Product customer wants and needs
customer cost
Promotion customer communication
customer convenience
----Political ----Public relation 10PS ----Probing ---Partition ---Prioritizing ---position
- To take advantages of the regulations and polices of domestic and foreign market - To acquire resources. - To avoid risk - To expand product life cycle
- The attractiveness of International market
- The saturation of domestic market needs and intensive market competition
- (be continue)
The scope and challenge of International Marketing
International corporations…. These companies’ business were located all around
the world….. More and more companies engage in International
marketing….. See next page Let’s try to think some Chinese International companies…. again, try to think about some foreign-owned Chinese companies….


• Number of versions offered for each product in the line
• Relativity of the various product lines in end use, production requirements, distribution channels, or some other aspect
Learning Objective 7-2 Summary
• Product attribute decisions – quality, features, and style and design
• Branding, packaging, and labeling decisions • Product support services – enhance customer service
Little product awareness or knowledge (or, if aware, little or even negative interest)
High price
Exclusive distribution in only one Varies or a few outlets per market area
Higher price
Selective distribution in fewer outlets
Advertising and personal selling by both the producer and resellers
Major appliances, televisions, furniture, and clothing

最新版国际市场营销精品课件Chapter 7

最新版国际市场营销精品课件Chapter 7

Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 200 2008
Mandatory Adaptation
• Involves adapting products to local requirements so that they can legally and physically operate in the respective countries.


Cannot perfectly meet the needs of all target consumers in the region.
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 200 2008
Global Localization
Global branding with localized marketing adaptation to differences in local culture, production capabilities, governmental restrictions, etc.
Products and Services: Branding Decisions in International Markets
Dana-Nicoleta Lascu Chapter 7
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2008
Chapter Objectives

Effective in meeting the needs of global consumers Effective in meeting consumer needs of higher quality and lower price Facilitated by international travel Disadvantage: Cannot perfectly meet the needs of all target consumers


The product line depth refers to the number of all the different types of an individual product.
The product consistency refers to the extent to which the different product lines in a company are related.
Introduction Stage Growth Stage Maturity Stage----look at Mini-Case 7.4 Decline Stage
PLC for Different Products Not all products will follow the above
The total number of product lines a company offered is called product width.
The product length refers to the number of all the product lines.
Look at Mini-Case 7.2
Market Characteristics Competitors’ Positioning Product Characteristics Corporate Resources
(1) Attribute Positioning (2) Price/Quality Positioning (3) Product User Positioning (4) Application Positioning (5) Product Class Positioning (6) Competitor Positioning
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• China and Russia differ as Russia is moving toward a democratic system, whereas China is attempting to activate a private sector within a multi-component or mixed economy, but their legal systems are still nascent
(2) Civil or code law, derived from Roman law and found in Germany, Japan, France, and in nonIslamic and non--Marxist countries
(3) Islamic law, derived from the interpretation of the Koran and found in Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and other Islamic states
• The World Court at The Hague and the International Court of Justice resolve international disputes between sovereign nations of the world rather than between private citizens.
Chapter Learning Objectives
5. The legal differences between countries and how the differences can affect international marketing plans
6. The many issues of evolving cyberlaw
Marxist-Socialist Tenets
• With the collapse of communism, the former eastern bloc countries have developed a commercial legal system to engage in international commerce
• The Czech Republic and Poland revised and reinstituted pre–World War II commercial legal codes
Marxist-Socialist Tenets
• USSR and China have had to build from scratch an entire commercial legal system with respect to private ownership, contracts, due process, and other legal mechanisms
Chapter 7
The International Legal Environment: Playing By the Rules
Chapter Learning Objectives
1. The four heritages of today’s legal systems
2. The important factors in jurisdiction of legal disputes
3. The legal systems of different countries are so disparate and complex
4. Best to get expert legal advice when doing business in another country
Bases for Legal Systems
(4) A commercial legal system in the Marxistsocialist economies of Russia and the republics of the former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, China, whose legal system is based on the economic, political, and social policies of the state
• Code law is based on an all-inclusive system of written rules (codes) of law
Under code law, the legal system is generally divided into three separate codes: (1) Commercial code (2) Civil code, and (3) Criminal code
• Common law seeks “interpretation through the past decisions of higher courts which interpret the same statutes or apply established and customary principles of law to a similar set of facts”
duties, property rights, and the sanctity of contract • Emphasis placed on the ethical, moral, social, and religious
dimensions to enhance equality and fairness for the good of society • Prohibits investment in activities that violate the Shari’ah, e.g., business dealing with alcohol, gambling, and casinos
• When international commercial disputes must be settled under the laws of one of the countries concerned, the paramount question in a dispute is: Which law governs?
The bases for the majority of the legal systems of the world include:
(1) Common law, derived from English law and found in England, the United States, Canada, and other countries once under English influence
3. Issues associated with jurisdiction of legal disputes and the various methods of dispute resolution
4. The unique problems of protecting intellectual property rights internationally. Ways to protect against piracy and counterfeiting
Common and Code Law
• The basis for common law is tradition, past practices, and legal precedents set by the courts through interpretations of statutes, legal legislation, and past rulings
International Dispute Resolution
International disputes can be resolved by:
• Conciliation (also known as mediation) is a nonbinding agreement between parties to resolve disputes by asking a third party to mediate differences
Jurisdiction is generally determined in one of three ways: (1) on the basis of jurisdictional clauses included in contracts (2) on the basis of where a contract was entered into, or (3) on the basis of where the provisions of the contract were
making, and types of economic freedom • The overriding objective of the Islamic system is social justice • Islamic law prohibits the payment of interest • Islamic doctrine advocates risk sharing, individuals’ rights and
1. No single, uniform international commercial law goactions exists
2. International marketers must comply with the laws of each country within which it operate