



语 旨指 参 与 者 之 间 的关 系 , 包括 参 与 者 的社 会 地 位 , 以及 他 们 之 间 的角 色 关 系 ; 式 指 语 言 交 际 的渠 道 或 媒 介 , : 还 是 语 如 说
写 , 即 兴 的 还 是 有 准 备 的 , 括 修 辞 方 式 。胡 壮 麟 在 H l- 是 包 al i
& R b r 20 )也 评 论 道 , 言 学 习 行 为 不 会 在 真 空 中发 o et(0 5 语
括 : 场 (i do dso re , 旨 (e o f i o ro 和 语 式 语 f l f i us) 语 e c tn ro s us) dc
( d f icus) mo e so re 。语 场 指 实 际发 生 的事 , od 指语 言 发生 的环 境 , 括谈话话题 、 话 者及其他参 与者所参 与的整个 活动 ; 包 讲
间语 境 四个 类 别 。篇 内 语 境 指 上 、 文 之 间 的 关 系 , 下 即语 言 语
用 英 语 广 播 、 语 角 及 其 它 英 语 活 动 , 移 默 化 地 增 进 读 者 的 英 潜 文 化 知识 , 同时 要 为 阅读 提 供 心 理 环 境 , 就 是 让 读 者 有 一 定 也 的语 境 知 识 储 备 , 读 关 于 英 美 文 化 、 多 社会 、 治 、 济 、 史 、 政 经 历 地 理 、 土 人 情 和 科 技 等 方 面 的文 章 , 风 以增 加读 者 们 在 阅 读 时
生 。 由此 可 见 , 境 在 很 大 程 度 上 影 响 着 二 语 的 产 出 效 果 。 语
研 究 者 ( i ytk 9 3 art, 9 5 G e 9 5 发 现 , Ba so ,1 9 ;B ret 1 9 ; 能将 特定 的声 音 , 词 或 短 语 与 出现 在 单


二、 语言元功能与系统 语言学中的语境 的关 系
概念 功 能指 的是 语 言 可 以被语 言使 用 者用
来 表述 其对 主客 观世 界 的认识 ; 际功 能 是指 语 言 人 可 以被 人们 用来 “ 动 ” 而 语 篇 功 能 则 指 的是 语 互 ; 言 所具 有 的传递 信 息 的 功能 , 在信 息 传 递 过程 中 , 语篇 本 身必 须前 后连 贯 、 并与 语域 发 生联 系 。这 三
的密切关 系 。
“ 根据使用情况所发 生的语言变体 ” vr tna. (a ao c ii cri s)46所 谓 “ o n t ue [3, d go ] 使用 情况 ” 意即情景语
境 , 就 是 言 语 事 件 (peheet 直 接 环 境 也 sec vn)的
(m ei e ni n et。系统功能语言学家们都 im d t ev om n) a r
第2 7卷 第 4期
ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้20 0 9年 8月
文化 研 究毕 竟 过 于宽泛 , 系统功 能 语 言学 更 注重对
情 景 语 境 一语 域 的剖 析 。Ha ia 语 域 界 定 为 ld y将 l
的 内心世 界 ( 念功 能 )96 概 [2。那 么 , 想更 好 地 理 ] 要 解 语 言的这 些功 能 , 我们 就不 能 不考 察语 言 的使 用 环境 ( 即语 境 ) 看 看 这 三 大 功 能 与 语 境 有 着 怎 样 ,



























BI YE LUN WEN(20_ _届)英语语境在语篇理解中的作用The Function of Context in Discourse Interpretation摘要话语双方在交流的时候,听者不仅要知道话语的表面含义,而且要根据当时的语境分析和理解其内在的含义。


自从波兰人类学家Malinowski 在1923年提出语境的概念以来,越来越多的学者对其感兴趣,并在不同方面的研究中做出了许多贡献。




关键词:语境;作用;基本方法;语篇AbstractIn order to understand what the speaker says completely, the listener should not only know the literal meaning, but also acquire and analyze the implied according to the context. Context plays a great role in the interpretation of a discourse. Since the Polish anthropologist Malinowski put forward the concept of “context”in 1923, scholars have had increasing interest in it and they have done many researches into different aspects of it. And they made great contributions to researches of context.In this thesis, the author reviews the study of predecessors about context, and studies the function of context in pragmatic approach. At the same time, the author discusses the nature of context and gives a definition. Then the author discusses the classification of context, the basic ways of understanding context, reference, presupposition, implicature, inference and two main functions of context, interpretative function and restrictive function. And at the end of the essay come some conclusions, and some comments are made on the value and the limitation of this thesis.Key words:context; function; basic ways; discourseContents Abstact (Ⅱ)1. Introduction (1)1.1 My approach and purpose in this thesis (1)1.2 The structure of this thesis (1)2. The nature of context (2)2.1 Definition (2)2.2 Classification of context (2)3. Literature review of studies of context (3)4. The function of context in discourse interpretation (5)4.1 Basic ways on understanding the context (5)4.1.1 Reference (5)4.1.2 Presupposition (6)4.1.3 Implicature (6)4.1.4 Inference (7)4.2 I nterpretative function (8)4.3 R estrictive function (9)5. Conclusion (12)Bibliography (14)Acknowledgements (15)1. Introduction1.1 My approach and purpose in this thesisContext refers to what comes before and after a word, phrase, statement, etc. helping to fix the meaning; or referring to circumstances in which an event occurs. (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation, 4th edition, 1994)W e can also call it “communication field”. In the speech communication, only when the speaker and hearer link to each other conditionally and organize a communication field, can the talk develop frequently and effectively. During the process of the whole communication, some objective factors such as time, place, situation, the person you talking with can influence the communication, so do the subjective factors such as the status, occupation, mood, character. Context plays a great role both in the production and the interpretation of communication. In this thesis we will study its function in discourse interpretation.1.2 The structure of this thesisThis dissertation consists of five parts. The first part presents an introduction which includes the approach and purpose and structure of this thesis. Then the author reviews the study of predecessors about context. After the literate review, the third part of the thesis discusses the nature of context,the definition, and the classification of context. The fourth part analyzes the functions of context in discourse interpretation--interpretative function and restrictive function. And there are four basic ways of understanding context, reference, presupposition, implicature, inference. The last part draws some conclusions. It some comments are made on the value and the limitation of this thesis.2. The nature of the context2.1Definition of contextContext is a general term used in LINGUISTICS and PHONETICS to refer to specificparts of an UTTERANCE (or TEXT) near or adjacent to a UNIT which is the focus of attention. It also refers to the features of the non-linguistic world in relation to which linguistic units are systematically used. (A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics, 1985)An English dictionary of Collins Co build (New Edition) gives four meanings of context:1. The context of an idea or event is the general situation that relates to it, andwhich helps it to be understood.2. The context of a word, sentence, or text consists of the words, sentences, ortext before or after it which help to make its meaning clear.3. If something is seen in context or if it is put into context, it is consideredtogether with all the factors that relate to it.4. If a statement or remark is quoted out of context, the circumstances which itwas said are not correctly reported, so that it seems to mean somethingdifferent from the meaning that was intended.2.2 The classification of contextAccording to Pragmatics and Discourse (Joan Cutting, 2008), there are three typical sorts of context:1.Situational context: what speakers know about what they can see around them, i.e.the immediate physical co-presence, the situation where the interaction is taking place at the moment of speaking.2. Background knowledge context: What they know about each other and the world. This can be either cultural general knowledge that most people carry with them in their minds, about areas of life, or interpersonal knowledge, specific and possibly private knowledge about the history of the speakers themselves.3. Co-text context: What they know about what they have been saying, i.e. the context of the text itself.In 1987, He Zhaoxiong gave us his classification of context: The ultimate purpose of language is for communication in which information can be conveyed, and ideas presented. Therefore the core of communication is the mutual understanding among language users. We define context because context functions a lot in language use. And we classify it because it functions variably. To some, context is simply co-context, while to some others, context almost means everything. So we will review the study of predecessors about context.3. Review the study of predecessors about context The focus on the great role of context in interpretation can date from B.Malinowski. In trying to explain the meaning of the discourse from the Trobriand Island in theContextLinguistic Context Phonological Context Lexical Context Grammatical ContextNon-Linguistic Context Situational Context Social ContextCultural ContextSouth Pacific to the English–speaking readers, Malinowski felt it necessary to provide information not only about the situation in which the discourses were produced, but also about the wider context, the total cultural background. (Malinowski, 1923) Malinowski’s concept of context is a great contribution to the study of meaning and context. However, there is a limitation in his view on context. He thought that the concept of context was only needed in un derstanding the meaning of the “primitive language” defined by him.John Rupet Firth, the founder of modern British linguistics took over Malinowski’s opinion of context and developed the notion of context. He claims that there are two kinds of contexts. The first kind exists inside language. It refers to the syntagmatic relations among constituencies at different levels. The other one is called context of situation and concerns the paradigmatic relations between words or other languages. He claims that context of situation is a series of linguistic and non-linguistic categories related with each other. They refer to factors in the following categories:A. The relevant features of participants: persons, personalities.(1) The verbal action of the participants.(2) The non-verbal action of the participantsB. The relevant objectsC. The effect of the verbal action(Firth, 1957) M.A.K.Halliday, the founder of systemic-functional grammar, developed a social and functional approach to the study of language. His approach leads on to a notion of ‘register’which is a variety of language distinguished according to the use. In Halliday’s view, register is concerned with what and how features of context. I t also determines the choice of language in the particular context. He thinks that they can be distinguished in terms of field of discourse, mode of discourse and tenor of discourse. It is the product of these three dimensions of classification that collectively defines the context of a discourse. Field refers to the nature of social action: what it is the interact ants are about. Tenor refers to the statuses and role relationships: who is taking part in the interaction. Mode refers to the rhetorical channel and function of the discourse: what part the text is playing. (Halliday,2000:390)Japanese linguist Xi Zhengguangzheng(1992:68)summaries the functions of context comprehensively, including eight aspects: absolute function, selection restriction,interpretation, design, filters and complement, generative function, conversation and function of acquisition. Among these selection restriction and interpretation are two of the most important functions.Chinese linguists have also made researches on context for a long time. In as early as 1930s Chen Wangdao claimed that rhetoric should adapt to the situation and the theme. The term ‘situation’ here refers to the various kinds of particular situations. In these situations, writing or speaking occurs. Each of these particular situations consists of six ‘what and how elements (why, what, where, who, when and how). The ‘situation’and the ‘theme’ here refer to context.He Zhaoxiong illustrates context as two kinds of knowledge: inner-linguistic knowledge and extra-linguistic knowledge (He Zhaoxiong: 2001) Inner-linguistic knowledge here refers to the knowledge of a set of rules that forms the basis of people’s ability to speak and understand his language. Extra-linguistic knowledge includes the knowledge shared by the speaker and the hearer and the total non-linguistic background of an utterance, such as the immediate situation in which it is used. It also includes the awareness by the speaker and the hearer of what has been said earlier and of any relevant.Suo Zhenyu proposes a definition of context that people communicate with each other in natural languages. His theory of context divides context into co-text, context of situation and historical and cultural tradition context.4. The functions of contexts4.1 Three basic ways of understanding context4.1.1 ReferenceThe traditional view of reference is the relationship of reference: words refer to things. According to Lyons, it is the speaker who refers to: he invests the expression with reference by the act of referrin g. It is a pragmatic concept that “referring is something an expression does; it is something that someone can use an expression to do” and in Searle’s view that “in the sense in which speakers refer, expressions do not refer any other than they make promises or give orders.”When we analyze discourse, reference is treated as an action on the part of thespeaker. We use the expressions like ‘my uncle’ and ‘he’ refers to one person and ’my mother’s sister’and ‘she’ to refer to another. We will not say that ‘she’ refers to ‘my uncle’. For example:A: M y uncle’s coming home from Canada on Sunday + he’s due in +B: How long has he been away for or has he just been away?C: O h, no they lived in Canada he was married to my mother’s sister++ well she’s been dead for a number of years now +4.1.2 PresuppositionThe notions of presupposition can be defined in terms of assumptions the speaker makes about what the hearer is likely to accept without challenge (Givon, 1979). The notion of assumed “common ground” is als o involved in such a characterization of ‘‘presupposition are what is taken by the speaker to be the common ground of the participants in the conversations.’’For example:A: Have you returned the book to the library?B: Yes.In this speech, they share the same background knowledge. The presupposition is both A and B know which book A has borrowed.4.1.3 ImplicaturePeople usually don’t express their thoughts directly for some subjective or objective reason in the verbal communication. They convey it indirectly which leads to the arising of implicative. The term implicature is used by Grice to account for what a speaker can imply as distinct from what the speaker literally says. There are conventional implicature which is, according to Grice, determined by ‘the conventional meaning of the words used’.Implicature derives from a supposition that the speaker has the intention of conveying meaning and of obeying the Cooperative Principle. Here comes a brief example:A: I am out of petrol.B: There is a garage round the corner.From this case, A says he does not have petrol, while B telling A there is a garagearound the corner. It seems B does not reply to A’s question. In fact, B gives the answer that A really wants. Here, implicature are produced in this specific context which is shared by A and B. Another example:A: What on earth has happened to the roast beef?B: The dog is looking very happy.(Levinson,2001:126) It is quite obvious that B is not describing what the dog looks but implicating that maybe the dog has eaten the roast beef. In this utterance, B doesn’t give A a direct access to his intended meaning. However, A still can arrive at a specific inference through context. Because both A and B know that dogs like the roast beef and when the dog in question is fed, it looks happy.4.1.4 InferenceSince the discourse analyst, like the hearer, has no direct access to a speaker’s intended meaning in producing an utterance, he often has to relay on a process of inference to arrive at an interpretation or for the connections between utterances. Such inferences appear to be of different kinds.For example:A. I f it’s sunny, it’s warm.B. I t’s sunny.C. So, it’s warmThe core of understanding is to choose the right context besides the basic knowledge of word meaning and sentence structures. To put an utterance in a proper context is the premise of interpreting the utterance.For another example:A child walks into the kitchen and takes some popcornFather: I thought you were practicing your violin.Child: I need to get the [violin] stand.Father: Is it under the popcorn?The literal meaning of the father’s last word is a question concerns the place of the stand. However, with the contextual knowledge that violin stands are not normally hidden under the popcorn in the kitchen, the child can know the implied meaning of his father’s humorous utterance: you’re lying.4.2 Interpretative functionInterpretive function means context can help speaker and listener to rule out ambiguities and determine the specific meaning of pragmatic. It refers to the fact that context may offer explanations for the interpretation of a discourse. In order to understand the total meaning of a discourse, the receiver should not only acquire the literal meaning of it, but also infer the implicated meaning according to the context.The expression of language detached from context may have various meanings. However, specific meaning should depend on the choice of context. That is to say, context can help us rule out vagueness. Ambiguity means that one language unit has two or more meanings. Ambiguity phenomenon is a kind of common phenomenon in languages and mainly exists in lexical and syntactical. Lexicon ambiguity is caused by polysemy and homophony. Homophony refers to two or more lexical words pronounce the same. A word, phrase, or sentence is ambiguous if it carries more than one meaning. The word “light”, for example, can mean not very heavy or not very dark. Words like “light”, “note” ,“bear” and “over” are lexically ambiguous.(1): She cannot bear children.The sentence has two meanings:She cannot tolerate children.She cannot give birth to children.The sentence induces ambiguity. In a sense, ambiguity is a kind of vagueness itself. However, it differs from vagueness in that ambiguity usually has two or more different interpretations at the same time if the listener or reader chooses different contexts.(2): The man beats the dog with a stick.We can understand the sentence that the dog holds a stick between its lips. Besides that we can also be interpreted that the man strikes at the dog with his stick. How to understand depends on the specific context.(3)A: Where are you going?B: To the bank.Obviously, the polysemy of “bank” is vague. It is hard for A to determine where B will go without context. If B takes lots of food, and the weather is fine, A may determine that B will go to the river bank to have a picnic. If B carries dirty clothes, A may think that B will go to river bank to wash the clothes. If B goes with a bag, Amay consider B will go to the bank.4.3Restictive functionRestrictive function refers to restricting the use of a language. Every language item, no matter how many meanings it has, when used in a special situation, can only mean one thing due to the restrictive function of the context. A speaker/and writer chooses language forms relevant to the context to convey ideas; a listener/reader may comprehend language forms with the help of the context. One of the most important factors influenced the decoding and encoding of the context is the relativity of the context, while people use context to understand language forms. And they also may create various contexts to help them in communication. Now we will analyze a few of cases for finding the different functions of context.(1)“T oday is Sunday.”The literal meaning of this sentence seems simple. While thoroughly understand the meaning is quite difficult. We should fully consider the complexity of pragmatic presupposition. This sentence has different meaning in different context.A: a couple, the husband concentrates on business and busy with his work everyday. The wife cares for his husband and says to his husband on Sunday: “Darling, today is Sunday.”B: The husband doesn’t do housework at all, and one day he promises that he will do the housework on this Sunday. On Sunday, the husband doesn’t wake up until 10 o’clock. More badly, he watches TV after getting up. The wife gets angry and says to her husband: “John, today is Sunday!”C: A son was asked to study everyday by his father for being admitted to the university. So he can seldom let his hair down. The son cannot bear when the Sunday arrives and says to his father:”Dad today is Sunday!”Towards the same sentence, we find out different meanings in different context. In the A situation, the wife expresses painstaking care to her husband. In the B situation, the wife is so angry that order her husband do housework. In the C situation, the son begs for relax and want to have a break. Form the above situations; we can conclude that listener should think of context if he wants to understand what is meant by what the speaker said.(2)季交恕:你知道这个消息吗?方维夏:什么消息?季交恕:蒋介石开刀了!方维夏:什么病开刀?季交恕:你还睡觉!杀人!(李六如,《六十年变迁》) This conversation took place after April 12th1927 when蒋介石launched counter revolution against Chinese Communist party .And on that day,蒋介石began to slay the members of Chinese Communist Party. Without knowing this context of setting,方维夏would not be able to communicate with季交恕effectively.(3)Leo: Hi Anita, long time no see.Anita: yeah, where have you been lately?Leo: I’ve been in China to work on the new project.Anita: Oh, I see. I’ve had lots of work to do here in New York too.In this speech communication, Leo and Anita are acquaintances, which is the background. And that is why when Leo says he has to work on the new project in China, Anita understands it without any further explanation of Leo’s job. Analyzing this kind of case, we have to use the way of Presupposition.(4)John: “Where is Dr Miler?”Mike: “He has been there.”John: “Where?”What Mike said is under unshared context, so that is why John can’t understand “Where is there”, although to Mike “there” is a clear reference. So without a certain context, the communication can’t develop.In the specific linguistic communication, context is a necessary factor during the whole process. It influences the production and interpretation of the discourse. According to the contextual factors of different types, we can find different functions of context.(5)(in 1969, my wife Inger and I were attending a conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. On the first evening, after the talks, we decided to go to a discotheque with friends. My wife was stopped at door, and the guard asked her to produce an ID. Here’s an extract of the conversation that followed :)Doorman: I need to see your ID. It’s the rule.Inger: But I left it back at the hotel.Doorman: sorry ma’am, then I can’t let you in.Inger: But I’m twenty-nine and the mother of four!Doorman: Yes, and I’m the pope’s grandfather and have six kids.(Mey, 2001:78) By way of responding to Inger’s (direct or indirect) reference to her age, the doorman gives out a blatantly false piece of information concerning his own age. If Inger satisfies herself by interpreting the literal meaning, she will get the false information (he looks no more than twenty-five), she can get the intended message; he considers her explanation and justification as untruthful.So the process of verbal comprehension not only comprises the superficial encoding process, but also comprises the psychological process of pragmatic inference. What’s more, the utterances in a discourse are not so precise as logical language. Owing to the function of the Principle of Least Effort, the utterances of the communicators are not often cohesive, for there even are some gaps in meaning. These gaps must be filled by inference. Consider the following conversation:(6)A. Speaker: a young mother, hearer: her mother-in-law; place: park, by a duck pond; time: sunny afternoon in September 1962.They are watching the young mother’s two-year-old son chasing ducks and the mother-in-law has just remarked that her son, the child’s father, was rather backward at this age. The young mother says:I do think Adam’s quick.B. Speaker: a student; hearers: a set of students; place: sitting around a coffee table in therefectory; time: evening in March 1980.John, one of the groups, has just told a joke.Everyone laughs except Adam. Then Adam laughs. One of the students says: I do think Adam’s quick.From this case, we can find a context can support a range of meanings. “I do think Adam is quick.” In context A, the mother means Adam is developing quickly. In context B, the student means Adam is not quick at all in responding to the joke. It is an irony. So context is very important in our conversation. In different context, the meaning of the same sentence would be different.(7)“你从实招来罢,免得吃苦。















例如:“Since she left,I have done the cooking and baked the cakes,but mine are never as good as hers.”“Nonsense,my dear,I don’t think Lissie’s cakes were any better than yours”,said Mr.Priestly loyally.句中的nonsense是一个多义词,有“胡说”、“废话”或“愚蠢的举动”之意,但从该句上下文的称谓“my dear”评价“I don’t think Lissie’s cakes were any better than yours”,以及“loyally”这一副词限定了nonsense此处的意义为“胡说”,可译为“哪儿的话”。





1. 社会语境:社会语境是指语言使用者所处的社会环境。



2. 文化语境:文化语境是指语言使用者所处的文化背景。



3. 语篇语境:语篇语境是指语言使用者在交流过程中所处的具体语境。



4. 情境语境:情境语境是指语言使用者在特定情境下的语言使用。



5. 语言形式语境:语言形式语境是指语言使用者在使用特定语言形式时所处的语境。








百家争鸣AIJIAZHENGMINGB54 Mar. 2016 MAGAZINE语篇分析需要遵循相关的步骤,国内外语篇分析中体现了语境功能的重要性。








学者McCarthy 认为,语篇分析研究的主要目标就是分析语言与所使用语境之间的关系:语篇是语境的重要组成部分。







主题语境, 语篇,语言技能

主题语境, 语篇,语言技能


































































Title: An Investigation into the Translation Strategies of Practical Idiomatic Expressions in Zhuangzi from the Perspective of Functional Context: A Case Study of Wang Rongpei’s English Version of ZhuangziAbstract: Ancient Chinese idioms are characterized by the culturally-contextualized implications, concise diction and complex grammatical patterns. Introducing the idioms in Zhuangzi into English appropriately consists of one of the challenges encountered in the translation of this classic. The paper aims to conduct a functional context-based analysis featuring the strategies for reconstructing the co-textual context, situational context and culture-specific context of idioms in Wang Rongpei’s English translation of Zhuangzi. With the quantitative and qualitative analysis, this paper concludes that Wang Rongpei’s English version produces a good version of the original idioms in terms of sense, rhetorical features and cultural connotations of the idiomatic expressions.Key words: Functional context; ZHUANGZI; practical idiomatic expression; translation strategies Authors: Qiu Yifan is postgraduate of Translation Studies at the School of English Studies, Dalian University(Dalian116622,China).E-mail:182****************.Li Xiuying is Professor of Translation Studies on Chinese classics at the School of Foreign Languages, Dalian University of Technology(Dalian116024,China).E-mail:******************.cn103仇轶凡、李秀英:功能语境视域下《庄子》实用成语英译探析——以汪榕培《庄子》为例《庄子》中的成语既兼顾成语普遍特点,又体现了庄子的哲学思想语境及其所处时代的社会文化语境,呈现出以寓言达旨与对举的修辞特点。





































考试与评价·大学英语教研版General Serial No.1152021No.6语言学与外语教学1孔德杨(1984-),男,天津人,讲师,文学硕士,研究方向:功能语言学,生态语言学,英语教学功能语篇视阈下的及物性与评价的生态互动孔德杨1(天津传媒学院基础课教学部,天津301901)摘要:在系统功能语言学元功能理论框架下将语篇界定为一个语义单位和一个交际单位分别对应了元功能理论中体现概念功能的及物性系统和人际功能的评价系统。



关键词:系统功能语言学;及物性;评价;主体间性;生态哲学观1.引言从功能语言学的角度对语篇进行分析是语篇分析或话语分析普遍采用的一种分析方法,其中韩礼德先生及其相关学者所创建的系统功能语言学(Systemic FunctionalGrammar,SFL )是功能语言学派最具代表性的理论体系之一。

Webster (2019:35)提到“用功能的方法来研究语言能够更好地了解语言是如何被学到的以及语言最终是如何演变为带有这些三个主要意义成分或元功能的成年人的语言系统”。

就SFL 来看,“一种语言就是一个众多意义的系统,即当人们使用语言时,他们的语言行为生成了,或者更确切地说,识解了意义”(Bloor,T.&Bloor,M.,2004:2)。

另外,SFL 的方法注重分析“语言的功能是如何在情景语境中生成意义的”(Webster ,2019:35),并且“注重辨识语言在我们的生活中所扮演的强有力的角色并且把意义的生成看成是一个语言形成的过程……,描绘了语言的系统和功能、揭示了社会行为人识解其经验和实施的人际关系的方式”(Schleppegrell,Mary J.,2012:21-2)。



1. 揭示语境对于文本理解和意义生成的重要性:语境是指在特定语言环境中,通过上下文提供的信息,帮助读者或听者理解和解释文本的含义。


2. 探索语境对于语言使用的影响:语境可以影响语言的选择、语言层次(如词汇和句法)的组织,以及语篇结构的构建等。


3. 研究语篇中的信息衔接和推理过程:语境功能研究还致力于揭示语篇中的信息衔接和推理过程,即如何通过语境中的线索和提示来推理出未明确表达的信息。


4. 分析和解决跨文化交际的问题:语境功能研究对于跨文化交际的问题也具有重要意义。













































概念功能指说话人关于外部世界和内部世界的经验,即表征世界,由经验功能(expeiential function)和逻辑功能(logical function)构成。



我们把语言的这种功能称作人际功能(interpersonal function),它主要通过语气结构和情态等体现。



2082019年47期总第487期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS基于语篇语境视阈下高中英语词汇教学之思文/张李萍篇语境的正确观念,必须要帮助孩子纠正错误学习方法。



比如说:在学习到Unit 1单元单词的时候,“genius”“inspiration”“analysis”等这些单词其实都是赋有感情色彩的,但是大部分的教师基本上都是通过反复抄写背诵的方式让学生记住单词,也就是我们经常讲的死记硬背。



再比如说:在学习一些能够表达自己情感的单词时,教会学生利用肢体语言进行表达,像是生气、开心、高兴等词汇,设立教学情境,让孩子们上演一场“Emotional drama(情绪大戏)”,通过这种方式来吸引学生的注意力,激发学生学习英语的热情,让孩子们从心底真正接受英语,喜欢英语。




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成。 前者指一个 结构各个成分之间的组合关 系和一个 体系
内项 目或单位之间 的组合关系 ; 后者指语 言进行 的特定条
言变体 , 即形成韩礼德的语域理论 。 交流语境指讲话者和听
话 者 共 同建 立 的语 境 。篇 间 语 境 就是 语 篇 之 间相 互 联 系 和 相 互 影 响 所形 成 的语 境 。尽 管 各 种关 于语 境 理 论 的 看 法 有 些 不 同 , 各 家都 有 一 个 共 同 的 目的 , 是 要 提 醒人 们 注 意 但 就 在 分 析 理解 语 篇 时 , 不仅 要注 意 其 中的 语 言语 境 , 上 下文 或

语境 即语言环境 , 言学者从不同角度研究语境 提出 语 了 不 尽 相 同 的 语 境 范 畴 。语 境 最 初 是 由马 林 诺 斯 基 ( l o si Manw k)提 出 的 。 他把 语 境 分 为 三 种 :话 语 语境 i
(o t t f t rne 、 景 语 境 ( ot t f i ao ) C ne t ac ) 情 xou e C ne t t n 和文 x o su i 化语 境 ( ot t f utr) …话 语 语境 指 的 其 实就 是 言语 C n x o l e 。 e c u
文化语境的具体体现 。文化语境是由无数 的情景语境表现
出来 的,而情景语境是通过文化语境来决 定具体的交际事 件中交流的意义的。 情景语境是一个 比较概括的概念 , 还可
以分为 即时语境、篇 内语境 、交流语境和篇 问语境 四个类
别 。[篇 内语 境指 上 、 文之 间 的 关 系 , 语 言语 境 或 话语 6 1 下 即
【 关键词] 文化语境 ; 景语 境 ; 情 文本语境 ; 语篇 【 中图分类号】H 0 f 文献标 识码 ]A 【 文章编号 ]17 0 0 2 0 )60 8 -4 6 20 4 (0 60 0 1 0 言学理论 , 语境概括地讲 , 可以分为两个类别 : 文化语境和 情景语境。 文化语境是整个语 言系统的语境 , 决定整个语言 系统 中的意义系统。 情景语境是具体的语言运用 的语境, 是
件和情景 。韩礼德等人在情景语境的基础上归纳出 了“ 语
域理 论” R gs r hoy , ( ei e T er) 其变量包括 : t 语场 (edo i i d. fl f s
cus ) ore ,语 旨 ( eo f i ore 和 语 式 ( oeo ds T nr s us) odc m d f i .
(i ai acnet, S ut nlo t )指语篇产生时的环境 , t o x 事件的特征性质 和谈话的主题 、 时间、 地点和方式等 。( ) 3 文化语境 , 指作者
语境 ; 情景语境 指讲某种语言 的总体情景 ; 文化语境 指一
种语言植根于其 中的一个 民族的文化现实 、 生活和风俗 习
惯 。JR ih认 为 语 境 由语 言 内部 和 语言 外 部 两 部 分 组 . .Fr t
语境 。 即时语境是语篇产生的外部环境 , 是一个具有三个组
成 部 分 的概 念 框 架 :语 场 (ed 、语 旨 ( n r 和 语 式 i f l) t o) e ( oe 。三 个 部分 中任 意 一个 变 化 则 会产 生各 种 各 样 的语 m d)
第2 2卷第 6期
20 0 6年 1 月 1
山东 理工 大学 学报 ( 社会 科 学版 ) Ju a o Sadn nvrt f ehooySc l c ne) or l f hnogU i syo cnl (oi i cs n ei T g aS e
cu e 。 l语 场指实际发生的事 , o谈话话题 、 讲话者及其他参与者所参与 的整个活动 ; 语 旨指参与者之 间的关系 , 包括参与者 的社会地位 ,以及他 们之 间的角色关系 ; 语式指语言交际的渠道或媒介 , : 如 说 还是 写 , 是即兴的还足有准 备的 , 包括修辞方式。_胡壮麟 4
在 H ldy的框架模式 』把语境分 为三类 : 1 语言语境 , aia l 二 () 即上下 文 (O—t t,指语篇 内部环 境 ;( )情 景语境 C e) x 2
语境 , 即词、 短语 、 句子和语法 , 而且还要考虑到蕴涵其中的
情景语境和话语所反映的文化语境 。 在阅读语篇时 , 读者需 弄懂语篇的微观语境, 篇内部成分问的联 系, 语 包括表示语 篇 内部语义关 系的衔接 , 即文 内语境 , 这是理解语篇 的基础 和依据。同时要结合宏 观语境 , 即文化语境 和情景语境 , 或 文外语境 , 才能正确全面地理解语篇 。
V1 2N. o 2,o6 N .
O .0 6 V 2 0
任 秀 巧
( 中国海洋大学 外 国语学 院 , 山东 青岛 2 67 ) 60 1
[ 摘
要 】 语 境理论现在已经广泛应 用于语 言学 界的各个领域 , 语言学家从各 自不 同的角度都对语境作 了
深入的研究 , 比较有影响的是系统功能语言学家。在其理论基础 之上 , 章进一步探讨文化语境 、 文 情景语境 和文 本语境与语篇分析 的关 系, 从功能的角度 , 对语篇进 行功能应用性 分析 , 改变 了传统 的语篇 分析模式 —— 单纯 的 语言语法分析 , 指出文化语境 、 景语 境体 现语篇 的隐性 意义和空缺信息 , 情 文本语境则体现语篇 的显性意 义和提 示预设信息 。 前两者是理解文章的前提和基础 , 后者是文章意义 的外在体现形式 。 两部分互 为基础 、 互为补充 , 共 同体 现了语境与语篇理解 的关系 。