PlayStation3 系统软件更新指南说明书
SYSTEMSOFTWARE AKTUALISIERENNähere Details dazu, wie Sie die Systemsoftware für das PlayStation ®3-System aktualisieren können, finden Sie unter oder in der Kurzanleitung des PS3™-Systems.SICHERHEITSHINWEISE• Diese Disc enthält Software für das PlayStation ®3-System. Verwenden Sie diese Disc niemals mit einem anderen System, da dieses sonst beschädigt werden könnte. • Diese Disc entspricht ausschließlich den Spezifikationen für PlayStation ®3 in den PAL-Ländern. Sie kann nicht auf Systemen mit anderen Spezifikationen für PlayStation ®3 verwendet werden. • Lesen Sie sich die PlayStation ®3-Bedienungsanleitung sorgfältig durch, um eine fehlerfreie Handhabung des Systems zu gewährleisten. • Legen Sie diese Disc immer mit der zu lesenden Seite nach unten in Ihr PlayStation ®3-System ein. • Berühren Sie nie die Oberfläche der Disc. Greifen Sie sie immer an den Seiten. • Vermeiden Sie Schmutz und Kratzer auf der Disc. Wenn Schmutz auf die Oberfläche kommt, wischen Sie sie vorsichtig mit einem weichen trockenen Tuch sauber. • Bewahren Sie die Disc niemals in der Nähe von Wärmequellen oder feuchter Umgebung auf und setzen Sie sie keinem direkten Sonnenlicht aus. • Verwenden Sie keine beschädigten oder deformierten Discs oder solche, die mit Klebstoff repariert wurden, da dies zu Fehlfunktionen führen kann.RAUBKOPIENDie unautorisierte Vervielfältigung des gesamten Produkts oder einzelner Teile und die unerlaubte Verwendung von eingetragenen Warenzeichen sind strafbare Handlungen. Raubkopien schädigen den Konsumenten und seriöse Entwickler, Publisher und Einzelhändler. Wenn Sie den Verdacht haben, dass es sich bei diesem Produkt um eine Raubkopie handelt, oder wenn Sie Informationen über unrechtmäßig kopierte Produkte haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren örtlichen Kundenservice. Die Nummer finden Sie auf der Rückseite dieses Software-Handbuchs.GESUNDHEITSWARNUNGSpielen Sie stets in einem gut beleuchteten Raum. Legen Sie eine Pause von 15 Minuten pro Spielstunde ein. Unterbrechen Sie das Spielen, wenn Schwindelgefühle, Übelkeit, Müdigkeit oder Kopfschmerzen auftreten. Bei einigen Personen kann es zu epileptischen Anfällen kommen, wenn sie bestimmten Lichtfrequenzen, flackernden Lichtquellen oder geometrischen Formen und Mustern ausgesetzt sind. Bestimmte Lichtfrequenzen in Fernsehbildschirm-Hintergründen oder bei Computerspielen können bei diesen Personen einen epileptischen Anfall auslösen. Befragen Sie Ihren Arzt, wenn Sie oder eines Ihrer Familienmitglieder an Epilepsie leiden, bevor Sie dieses Spiel spielen. Brechen Sie das Spiel sofort ab und suchen Sie einen Arzt auf, sollte eines der folgenden Symptome beim Spielen auftreten: Sehstörungen, Augen- und Muskelzucken, Bewusstseinsstörungen, Orientierungsverlust, unfreiwillige Bewegungen und Krämpfe.3-D-GESUNDHEITSWARNUNGManche Menschen verspüren Unbehagen (wie z. B. Belastung oder Erschöpfung der Augen oder Übelkeit), wenn sie sich 3-D-Videos ansehen oder stereoskopische 3-D-Videospiele auf 3-D-Fensehgeräten spielen. Wenn Sie solches Unbehagen verspüren, sollten Sie unverzüglich den Gebrauch des Fernsehgeräts einstellen, bis die Beschwerden nachlassen.Allgemein empfehlen wir Ihnen, Ihr PlayStation ®3-System nicht über längere Zeit ohne Unterbrechungen zu benutzen und pro Spielstunde eine Pause von 15 Minuten einzulegen. Beim Betrachten von 3-D-Videos oder dem Spielen von stereoskopischen 3-D-Videospielen variiert die Länge und Häufigkeit der notwendigen Pausen allerdings je nach Person. Bitte pausieren Sie lange genug, sodass eventuelle Beschwerden nachlassen können. Falls die Symptome bestehen bleiben, wenden Sie sich bitte an einen Arzt.Das Sehvermögen von kleinen Kindern (besonders den unter Sechsjährigen) ist noch in der Entwicklung begriffen. Fragen Sie Ihren Kinderarzt oder Augenarzt um Rat, bevor Sie kleinen Kindern erlauben, 3-D-Videos anzusehen oder stereoskopische 3-D-Videospiele zu spielen. Kleine Kinder sollten von Erwachsenen beaufsichtigt werden, um sicherzustellen, dass sie die obigen Empfehlungen einhalten.EUROPAWEITES SYSTEM PEGI (PAN EUROPEAN GAMES INFORMATION) ZUR VERGABE VON ALTERSEMPFEHLUNGENDas europaweite System PEGI zur Vergabe von Altersempfehlungen schützt Minderjährige vor Spielen, die für ihre Altersgruppe nicht geeignet sind.BITTE BEACHTEN SIE: Dies ist keine Richtlinie für den Schwierigkeitsgrad des Spiels. Besuchen Sie für weitere Informationen.PEGI besteht aus drei Einstufungskriterien, die es Eltern und anderen Käufern ermöglichen, eine sachkundige Auswahl, passend für das Alter deszukünftigen Spielers, zu treffen. Das erste Kriterium ist eine Alterseinstufung:Das zweite Kriterium der Altersempfehlung kann aus einem oder mehreren Inhaltssymbolen bestehen, die die Art des Spielinhalts anzeigen.Die Anzahl dieser Inhaltssymbole ist vom Spiel abhängig. Die Altersempfehlung des Spiels spiegelt die Intensität von dessen Inhalt wider.Es gibt die folgenden Inhaltssymbole:Das dritte Kriterium ist eine Kennzeichnung, die anzeigt, dass das Spiel online gespielt werden kann. Diese Kennzeichnung darf nur von Online-Spiele-Anbietern verwendet werden, die sich dazu verpflichten, gewisse Standards aufrechtzuerhalten. Diese Standards beinhalten den Schutzvon Minderjährigen in Online-Spielen.Besuchen Sie www.pegionline.eufür weitere Informationen.KINDER- UND JUGENDSCHUTZDieses Produkt besitzt verschiedene auf dem Inhalt der Software basierende Kinder- und Jugendschutzeinstufungen. Diese können Sie für das PlayStation ®3-System einstellen, um das Abspielen von Produkten zu verhindern, deren Kinder- und Jugendschutzeinstufung eine höhere als die eingestellte Altersfreigabe erfordert. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Bedienungsanleitung des PS3™-Systems.Dieses Produkt wurde mit dem …PEGI“-Einstufungssystem bewertet. Die …PEGI“-Einstufungssymbole und -Inhaltsbeschreibungen sind auf der Packung dargestellt (mit Ausnahme der Länder, in denen es eine gesetzliche Regelung gibt). Es besteht die folgende Beziehung zwischen dem …PEGI“-Einstufungssystem und den Kinder- und Jugendschutzeinstufungen:Aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Altersfreigabesysteme in den verschiedenen Ländern, in denen dieses Produkt verkauft wird, kann in seltenen Fällen die Kindersicherungsstufe dieses Produktes höher sein als die in Ihrem Land geltende Altersfreigabe. Sie müssen eventuell die Kindersicherungsstufe auf Ihrem PS3™-System zurücksetzen, um das Spielen zu ermöglichen.…PEGI“-ALTERSEINSTUFUNGSGRUPPEKINDER – UNDJUGENDSCHUTZEINSTUFUNG97532ALTERSGRUPPE Keine Jugendfreigabe Frei ab 16 Jahren Frei ab 12 Jahren Frei ab 6 Jahren Ohne AltersbeschränkungFor Help & Support please visit: or refer to the telephone list below. If your local telephone number is not shown, please visit for contact details.INFORMATIONEN ZUR ONLINE-EINRICHTUNGSTEUERUNGCREdITSCREdITSCREdITSCREdITSCREdITSCREdITSCREdITSCREdITSCREdITSCREdITSCREdITSCREdITSCREdITSCREdITSHollywood Chamber of Commerce.KUNdENdIENST-INFORMATIONEN。
版本管理规范v1.0(草案)研发部2009-2-4目录文档类别使用对象 (3)1.引言 (4)1.1目的 (4)1.2范围 (4)1.3术语定义 (5)1.4版序控制记录 (5)1.5版本更新记录 (6)2.版本管理 (6)2.1版本标识方法 (6)2.1.1正式版本 (7)2.2目录结构 (7)2.3文档的存放 (9)2.3.1 当前版本和历史版本的存放 (9)2.3.2 开发文档的存放 (9)2.3.3 源代码的存放 (9)2.3.4 SQL语句的存放 (9)2.3.5发行文档的存放 (10)2.4权限控制管理 (10)3.更新管理(版本升级) (10)3.1版本升级原则 (10)3.2 新版本的发布 (11)4.备份管理 (12)5.用户版本管理 (12)6.研发部统一管理阶段性版本 (13)6.1阶段性版本的提交到研发部 (13)6.2阶段性版本的发布到公司网站上 (14)6.3各项目组新版本内部及时备份。
(14)7.版本工具的使用 (14)7.1研发部采用SVN配置管理工具 (14)8.各项目组提交文档及源码以及规则 (14)8.1各项目组需要提交的文档 (14)8.2目前所管理的产品列表 (15)9.周报管理制度 (16)10.风险管理制度 (17)文档类别使用对象文档类别该文档是为公司提供一个版本管理规范性文件。
ANDROID SDK V1.3.1版本说明
福州瑞芯微电子有限公司RK2808_ANDROID-SDK_V1.3.1_010316 版本说明 (1)1修改记录 (2)1.1内核 (2)1.2Android (2)2功能配置说明 (3)2.1 内核 (3)2.1.1 内核配置方法 (3)2.1.2具体功能配置: (3)2.2 Android (4)3. 源码编译 (5)3.1 内核 (5)3.2 Android (5)3.2.1编译前预处理 (5)3.2.2编译Android代码 (6)3.2.3编译后处理(烧写) (6)1.1内核l加入Atheros AR6102驱动支持l为适应HDMI,更改了scu,timer。
l更新SD卡部分l解决二级睡眠无法唤醒l加入HDMI支持l加入触摸屏校正支持(XPT2046)l加入camera支持l初始化时将DSP频率从500MHZ更改为550MHZl加入TvOut支持1.2 Androidl加入HDMI支持l解决DSP解析图片出错的问题l录音优化l解决G-sensor的BUGl增加容量标签,将格式化与未格式化的分区分开l更新camera相关函数,照片保存在FLASH中l解决优盘拔出后导致USB无MOUNT窗口,更正flash-优盘拔插状态l加入触摸屏校正l解决MAC地址读取错误l改进bmp图像解码流程l加入wlan_loader 固件来支持Atheros AR6102 WLAN driverl更新录音程序。
l加入TvOut支持l修正USB挂载与卸载操作逻辑l更新vold2.1 内核2.1.1 内核配置方法内核通过源码根目录下的.config实现功能配置,可选的config 文件放在arch/arm/configs 目录下:l rk2808sdk_slave.config 为SDK的USB SLAVE ONLY配置l rk2808sdk_host.config 为SDK的USB HOST ONLY配置l rk2808sdk_host_slave.config 为SDK的USB 的SLAVE和HOST配置系统默认的CONFIG为USB SLAVE ONLY配置,要更换CONFIG 文件后要用完成以下步骤后才能编译:l make cleanl cp arch/arm/config/….. .configl make menuconfig最后编译即可。
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NVIDIA Compute Sanitizer 2023.3.1 发行说明说明书
Release NotesTABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1. Release Notes (1)1.1. Updates in 2023.3.1 (1)1.2. Updates in 2023.3 (1)1.3. Updates in 2023.2.1 (2)1.4. Updates in 2023.2 (2)1.5. Updates in 2023.1.1 (2)1.6. Updates in 2023.1 (3)1.7. Updates in 2022.4.1 (3)1.8. Updates in 2022.4 (3)1.9. Updates in 2022.3 (3)1.10. Updates in 2022.2.1 (4)1.11. Updates in 2022.2 (4)1.12. Updates in 2022.1.1 (4)1.13. Updates in 2022.1 (4)1.14. Updates in 2021.3.1 (4)1.15. Updates in 2021.3 (5)1.16. Updates in 2021.2.3 (5)1.17. Updates in 2021.2.2 (5)1.18. Updates in 2021.2.1 (5)1.19. Updates in 2021.2 (5)1.20. Updates in 2021.1.1 (6)1.21. Updates in 2021.1 (6)1.22. Updates in 2020.3.1 (6)1.23. Updates in 2020.3 (6)1.24. Updates in 2020.2.1 (6)1.25. Updates in 2020.2 (6)1.26. Updates in 2020.1.2 (7)1.27. Updates in 2020.1.1 (7)1.28. Updates in 2020.1 (7)1.29. Updates in 2019.1 (7)Chapter 2. Known Limitations (8)Chapter 3. Known Issues (9)Chapter 4. Support (10)4.1. Platform Support (10)4.2. GPU Support (10)LIST OF TABLES T able 1 Platforms supported by Compute Sanitizer (10)1.1. Updates in 2023.3.1‣Fixed error output for WGMMA instructions.1.2. Updates in 2023.3‣Added support for Heterogeneous Memory Management (HMM) and Address Translation Service (ATS). The feature is opt-in using the --hmm-supportcommand-line option.‣Added racecheck support for device graph launches.‣Added the ability to suppress known issues using the --suppressions command-line option. See the suppressions documentation for more information.‣Added support for external memory objects. This effectively adds support for Vulkan and D3D12 interop.‣Added device backtrace support for WSL.‣Improve PC offset output. It is now printed next to the function name to clarify it is an assembly offset within that function.‣Several command-line options no longer require to explicitly specify "yes" or "no"when they are used.‣Renamed the options --kernel-regex and --kernel-regex-exclude to --kernel-name and --kernel-name-exclude.‣Added the regex filtering key to --kernel-name and --kernel-name-exclude.‣Added new command-line option --racecheck-indirect-barrier-dependency to enable indirect cuda::barrier tracking in racecheck.‣Added new command-line option --coredump-behavior to control the target application behavior after generating a GPU coredump.‣Added new command-line option --detect-missing-module-unload to detect missing calls to the cuModuleUnload driver API.‣Added new command-line option --preload-library to make the target application load a shared library before the injectiion libraries.‣Fix initcheck false positive when memory loads are widened and include padding bytes.‣Fix potential hang in racecheck and synccheck tools when the bar.arrive instruction is used.‣Added patching API support for the setsmemsize instruction.‣Added patching API support for __syncthreads() after the barrier is released.1.3. Updates in 2023.2.1‣Fixed potential racecheck hang on H100 when using thread block clusters.‣Compute Sanitizer 2023.2.1 is incorrectly versioned as 2023.2.0 and need to be differentiated by its build ID 33053471.1.4. Updates in 2023.2‣Added support for CUDA device graph launches.‣Added racecheck support for cluster entry and exit race detection for remote shared memory accesses. See the cluster entry and exit race detection documentation for more information.‣Added support for CUDA lazy loading when device heap checking is enabled.Requires CUDA driver version 535 or newer.‣Added support for tracking child processes launched with system() orposix_spawn(p) when using --target-processes all.‣Added support for st.async and red.async instructions.‣Improved support for partial warp synchronization using cooperative groups in racecheck.‣Improved support for cuda::barrier::wait() on SM 9.x.‣Added coredump support for Pascal architecture and multi-context applications.‣Added support for OptiX 8.0.‣Improved performance when using initcheck in OptiX applications in some cases.Using initcheck to track OptiX applications now requires the option --check-optix yes.1.5. Updates in 2023.1.1‣Fixed bug where memcheck would report out-of-bound accesses when loading user parameter values using a ternary operator.‣Fixed potential crash when using leakcheck with applications using CUBLAS.‣Fixed potential false positives when using synccheck or racecheck with applications using CUDA barriers.1.6. Updates in 2023.1‣Added racecheck support for distributed shared memory.‣Extended stream-ordered race detection to cudaMemcpy APIs.‣Added memcheck, synccheck and patching API support for warpgroup operations.‣Added --coredump-name CLI option to set the coredump file name.‣Added support for Unicode file paths.‣Added support for OptiX Updates in 2022.4.1‣Fixed bug where synccheck would incorrectly report illegal instructions for code using cluster.sync() and compiled with --device-debug‣Fixed incorrect address reports in SanitizerCallbackMemcpyAsync in some specific cases, leading to potential invalid results in memcheck and racecheck.‣Fixed potential hangs and invalid results with racecheck on OptiX applications.‣Fixed potential crash or invalid results when using CUDA Lazy Module Loading with memcheck or initcheck if --check-device-heap is enabled. Lazy Module Loading will be automatically disabled in these cases.1.8. Updates in 2022.4‣Added support for __nv_aligned_device_malloc.‣Added support for ldmatrix and stmatrix instructions.‣Added support for cache control operations when using the --check-cache-control command-line option.‣Added new command-line option --unused-memory-threshold to control the threshold for unused memory reports.‣Improved support for CUDA pipeline memcpy-async related hazards in racecheck.1.9. Updates in 2022.3‣Added support for the NVIDIA GH100/SM 9.x GPU architecture.‣Added support for the NVIDIA AD10x/SM 8.9 GPU architecture.‣Added support for lazy kernel loading.‣Added memcheck support for distributed shared memory.‣Added new options --num-callers-device and --num-callers-host to control the number of callers to print in stack traces.‣Added support for OptiX 7.6 applications.‣Fix bug on Linux ppc64le where the host stack trace was incomplete.1.10. Updates in 2022.2.1‣Fixed incorrect device backtrace for applications compiled with -lineinfo.1.11. Updates in 2022.2‣Added memcheck support for use-before-alloc and use-after-free race detection. See the stream-ordered race detection documentation for more information.‣Added leakcheck support for asynchronous allocations, OptiX resources and CUDA memmap (on Linux only for the latter).‣Added option to ignore CUDA_ERROR_NOT_FOUND error codes returned by the cuGetProcAddress API.‣Added new sanitizer API functions to allocate and free page-locked host memory.‣Added sanitizer API callbacks for the event management API.1.12. Updates in 2022.1.1‣Fixed initcheck issue where the tool would incorrectly abort a CUDA kernel launch after reporting an uninitialized access on Windows with hardware schedulingenabled.1.13. Updates in 2022.1‣Added support for generating coredumps.‣Improved support for stack overflow detection.‣Added new option --target-processes-filter to filter the processes being tracked by name.‣Added initcheck support for asynchronous allocations. Requires CUDA driver version 510 or newer.‣Added initcheck support for accesses on peer devices. Requires CUDA driver version 510 or newer.‣Added support for OptiX 7 applications.‣Added support for tracking the child processes of 32-bit processes in multi-process applications on Linux and Windows x86_64.1.14. Updates in 2021.3.1‣Fixed intermittent issue on vGPU where synccheck would incorrectly detect divergent threads.‣Fixed potential hang when tracking several graph launches.1.15. Updates in 2021.3‣Improved Linux host backtrace.‣Removed requirement to call cudaDeviceReset() for accurate reporting of memory leaks and unused memory features.‣Fixed synccheck potential hang when calling __syncthreads in divergent code paths on Volta GPUs or newer.‣Added print of nearest allocation information for memcheck precise errors in global memory.‣Added warning when calling device-side malloc with an empty size.‣Added separate sanitizer API device callback for cuda::memcpy_async.‣Added new command-line option --num-cuda-barriers to override the expected number of cuda::barrier used by the target application.‣Added new command-line options --print-session-details to print session information and --save-session-details to save it to the output file.‣Added support for WSL2.1.16. Updates in 2021.2.3‣Enabled SLS hardening and branch protection for L4T builds.1.17. Updates in 2021.2.2‣Enabled stack canaries with random canary values for L4T builds.1.18. Updates in 2021.2.1‣Added device backtrace for malloc/free errors in CUDA kernels.‣Improved racecheck host memory footprint.1.19. Updates in 2021.2‣Added racecheck and synccheck support for cuda::barrier on Ampere GPUs or newer.‣Added racecheck support for __syncwarp with partial mask.‣Added --launch-count and --launch-skip filtering options. See the Command Line Options documentation for more information.‣--filter and --exclude options have been respectively renamed to --kernel-regex and --kernel-regex-exclude.‣Added support for QNX and Linux aarch64 platforms.‣Added support for CUDA graphs memory nodes.1.20. Updates in 2021.1.1‣Fixed an issue where incorrect line numbers could be shown in errors reports.1.21. Updates in 2021.1‣Added support for allocation padding via the --padding option.‣Added experimental support for NVTX memory API using option --nvtx yes.Please refer to NVTX API for Compute Sanitizer Reference Manual for moreinformation.1.22. Updates in 2020.3.1‣Fixed issue when launching a CUDA graph multiple times.‣Fixed false positives when using cooperative groups synchronization primitives with initcheck and synccheck.1.23. Updates in 2020.3‣Added support for CUDA memory pools and CUDA API reduced serialization.‣Added host backtrace for unused memory reports.1.24. Updates in 2020.2.1‣Fixed crash when loading cubins of size larger than 2 GiB.‣Fixed error detection on systems with multiple GPUs.‣Fixed issue when using CUDA Virtual Memory Management API cuMemSetAccess to remove access to a subset of devices on a system with multiple GPUs.‣Added sanitizer API to translate between sanitizer and CUDA stream handles.1.25. Updates in 2020.2‣Added support for CUDA graphs and CUDA memmap APIs.‣The memory access callback of the sanitizer API has been split into three distinct callbacks corresponding to global, shared and local memory accesses.Release Notes 1.26. Updates in 2020.1.2‣Added sanitizer stream API. This fixes tool crashes when per-thread streams are being used.1.27. Updates in 2020.1.1‣Added support for Windows Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling‣Added support for tracking child processes spawned by the application launched under the tool via the --target-processes CLI option.1.28. Updates in 2020.1‣Initial release of the Compute Sanitizer (with CUDA 11.0)Updates to the Sanitizer API :‣Added support for per-thread streams‣Added APIs to retrieve the PC and size of a CUDA function or patch‣Added callback for cudaStreamAttachMemAsync‣Added direction to memcpy callback data‣Added stream to memcpy and memset callbacks data‣Added launch callback after syscall setup‣Added visibility field to allocation callback data‣Added PC argument to block entry callback‣Added incoming value to memory access callbacks‣Added threadCount to barrier callbacks‣Added cooperative group flags for barrier and function callbacks1.29. Updates in 2019.1‣Initial release of the Compute Sanitizer API (with CUDA 10.1)‣Applications run much slower under the Compute Sanitizer tools. This may cause some kernel launches to fail with a launch timeout error when running with the Compute Sanitizer enabled.‣Compute Sanitizer tools do not support device backtrace on Maxwell devices (SM5.x).‣Compute Sanitizer tools do not support coredumps on WSL2.‣The memcheck tool does not support CUDA API error checking for API calls made on the GPU using dynamic parallelism.‣The racecheck, synccheck and initcheck tools do not support CUDA dynamic parallelism.‣CUDA dynamic parallelism is not supported when Windows Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling is enabled.‣Compute Sanitizer tools cannot interoperate with other CUDA developer tools.This includes CUDA coredumps which are automatically disabled by the Compute Sanitizer. They can be enabled instead by using the --generate-coredump option.‣Compute Sanitizer tools do not support IPC memory pools. Using it will result in false positives.‣Compute Sanitizer tools are not supported when SLI is enabled.‣The racecheck tool may print incorrect data for "Current value" when reporting a hazard on a shared memory location where the last access was an atomic operation.This can also impact the severity of this hazard.‣On QNX, when using the --target-processes all option, analyzing shell scripts may hang after the script has completed. End the application using Ctrl-C on the command line in that case.‣The initcheck tool might report false positives for device-to-host cudaMemcpy operations on padded structs that were initialized by a CUDA kernel. The #pragma pack directive can be used to disable the padding as a workaround.‣When a hardware exception occur during a kernel launch that was skipped due to the usage of the kernel-name, kernel-name-exclude, launch-count or launch-skip options, the memcheck tool will not be able to report additionaldetails as an imprecise error.‣The leakcheck feature is disabled under Confidential Computing.Information on supported platforms and GPUs.4.1. Platform SupportT able 1 Platforms supported by Compute Sanitizer4.2. GPU SupportThe compute-sanitizer tools are supported on all CUDA capable GPUs with SM versions 5.0 and above.NoticeALL NVIDIA DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS, REFERENCE BOARDS, FILES, DRAWINGS, DIAGNOSTICS, LISTS, AND OTHER DOCUMENTS (TOGETHER AND SEPARATEL Y, "MATERIALS") ARE BEING PROVIDED "AS IS." NVIDIA MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE WITH RESPECT TO THE MATERIALS, AND EXPRESSL Y DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NONINFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, NVIDIA Corporation assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information or for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. No license is granted by implication of otherwise under any patent rights of NVIDIA Corporation. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all other information previously supplied. NVIDIA Corporation products are not authorized as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of NVIDIA Corporation.TrademarksNVIDIA and the NVIDIA logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated. Copyright© 2019-2023 NVIDIA Corporation and affiliates. All rights reserved.This product includes software developed by the Syncro Soft SRL (http:// www.sync.ro/).。
0-ZXA10 C220(V1.1.3) EPON光接入局端汇聚设备 版本升级
EPON 光 接 入 局 端 汇 聚 设 备
产 品 版 本 : 1.1.3
中兴通讯股份有限公司 地址:深圳市高新技术产业园科技南路中兴通讯大厦 邮编:518057 电话:(86) 755 26770800 800-830-1118 传真:(86) 755 26770801 技术支持网站: 电子邮件:800@
1.1 版本信息 ............................................................................................................1-1 1.2 版本功能清单 .....................................................................................................1-2 1.3 注意事项 ............................................................................................................1-2
2.1 说明
1. 本指导书适用于ZXA10 C220(V1.1.3)的版本。 2. 单板版本包括BOOT版本、运行版本、固件版本。其中BOOT版本可通过写片器烧
接。 3. 以下操作以ZXA10 C220(V1.1.3)T15版本为例,说明操作步骤。
2.2 升级工具
1. 便携机和升级程序 2. 交叉网线 3. 配置串口线 4. 升级软件,包括FTP软件和BOOTP软件
浪潮存储系统AS500N2-M2用户手册 V1.0
Dell Update Packages 版本 7.3 用户指南说明书
Dell Update Packages 版本 7.3用户指南注、小心和警告注: “注”表示可以帮助您更好地使用计算机的重要信息。
小心: “小心”表示可能会损坏硬件或导致数据丢失,并说明如何避免此类问题。
警告: “警告”表示可能会造成财产损失、人身伤害甚至死亡。
© 2013 Dell Inc.本文中使用的商标:Dell™、Dell 徽标、Dell Boomi™、Dell Precision ™、OptiPlex™、Latitude™、PowerEdge™、PowerVault™、PowerConnect™、OpenManage™、EqualLogic™、Compellent™、KACE™、FlexAddress™、Force10™和 Vostro™是 Dell Inc.的商标。
Intel®、Pentium®、Xeon®、Core®和 Celeron®是 Intel Corporation 在美国和其他国家/地区的注册商标。
AMD®是 Advanced Micro Devices Inc.的注册商标,AMD Opteron™、AMD Phenom™和 AMD Sempron™是 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.的商标。
Microsoft®、Windows®、Windows Server®、Internet Explorer®、MS-DOS®、Windows Vista®和 Active Directory®是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国和/或其他国家/地区的商标或注册商标。
Red Hat®和 Red Hat® Enterprise Linux®是 Red Hat Inc. 在美国和/或其他国家/地区的注册商标。
章节二:安装1. 下载软件用户可以在afp02343官方网站上找到软件的最新版本,并进行下载。
2. 安装软件执行下载得到的安装程序,按照提示完成安装过程。
章节三:基本操作1. 启动软件双击软件的桌面图标或在开始菜单中找到软件并点击打开。
2. 创建新项目在软件界面中,选择“新建项目”或类似选项,然后按照要求填写项目的相关信息,点击“确定”或类似按钮完成项目创建。
4. 数据处理afp02343提供了多种数据处理功能,如排序、筛选、统计等。
5. 分析与可视化使用afp02343您可以对数据进行分析和可视化展示。
6. 导出结果您可以将分析结果导出为Excel、PDF等常见格式,以便与他人分享或进一步处理。
章节四:高级功能1. 定制化设置afp02343支持用户自定义软件的界面布局、快捷键设置等,以方便用户根据自己的喜好和习惯来进行操作。
2. 脚本编写对于熟悉编程的用户,afp02343还提供了脚本编写功能,可以实现更为复杂的数据处理和分析需求。
4. 数据安全用户可以设置数据的访问权限和加密措施,确保数据的安全性和完整性。
章节五:故障处理1. 常见问题在使用afp02343的过程中,您可能会遇到一些常见问题。
SIMATIC 过程控制系统 PCS 7 维护站 V9.1 功能手册说明书
PAM 站 ........................................................................................................................ 39
4 附加文档 ........................................................................................................................................ 43
维护站 V9.1
功能手册, 02/2021, A5E49490728-AA
如何为 MS 或 OS/MS 客户端组态 PC 站......................................................................... 56
5.8 5.8.1 5.8.2 5.8.3 5.8.4
具有诊断功能的对象.................................................................................................... 20
“PC 站”区域 ............................................................................................................... 21
具有多个 OS 单工作站系统的工厂组态中的 MS ............................................................ 34
ZEISS IOLMaster 700 安全更新说明书
快速指南ZEISS IOLMaster 700 安全更新("PrintNightmare")ZEISS IOLMaster 700 安全更新 ("PrintNightmare")请注意:本文档不得替代设备随附的用户手册。
关于更新"PrintNightmare" 是一个会影响安装有微软 Windows 操作系统的设备的安全漏洞。
据微软证实,“当 Windows Print Spooler 服务以特定权限执行不允许的文件操作时,存在一个与远程代码执行相关的安全漏洞。
攻击者可利用此安全漏洞 使用系统权限执行任意代码。
”虽然 "PrintNightmare" 不会影响 ZEISS IOLMaster 700 的安全性和功能性,但我们仍为您的设备提供安全更新(补丁), 以修复 "PrintNightmare" 安全漏洞。
所需储存载体如要在安装前下载更新,您需要一个存储容量至少为 2 GB 的空U盘。
准备工作• 下载以下文件并将其直接保存到U盘根目录下:- 000000-2485-398_Vs01_IOLMaster700UpdateOperatingSystem.upt如何在 ZEISS IOLMaster 700 上安装更新1. 关闭 IOLMaster。
2. 重新开启 IOLMaster。
3. 调出登录页面。
4. 以“管理员”身份登录。
5. 将包含有已下载更新的U盘连接至 IOLMaster。
6. 调出设置(通过扳手图标)。
7. 调出 "Maintenance" 菜单项。
8. 向下滚动至 "Update" 部分。
9. 点击 "Perform update"。
10. 点击弹窗中的 "Yes" 开始更新。
本方案起草单位:本方案主要起草人:本方案解释单位:目录1适用范围 (12)2引用标准 (13)3术语和缩略语 (14)3.1术语 (14)3.2缩略语 (15)4系统体系结构 (17)4.1OCS网络位置 (17)4.2OCS系统结构 (18)4.2.1功能模块 (18)4.2.2接口 (19)5业务功能要求 (21)5.1通用接口层(Common Interface Function) (21)5.1.1请求消息格式转化 (21)5.1.2话单文件的预处理 (22)5.1.3用户基本资料加载 (23)5.1.4提供路由分发机制 (23)5.1.5应答消息格式转化 (24)5.1.6异常管理 (24)5.2计费控制(Charging Function) (24)5.2.1计费控制流程 (25)基于会话的初始计费控制流程 (25)基于会话的更新计费控制流程 (27)基于会话的中止计费控制流程 (28)基于事件的计费控制流程 (30)5.2.2会话管理 (31)关闭会话 (32)会话状态监控管理 (32)重发鉴权请求检查 (32)5.2.3计费管理 (33)业务识别和计费策略加载 (33)帐户控制 (33)批价控制 (33)(1) 批价得到服务的资费、费用或使用量 (33)(2) 余额临界值的判断和处理 (33)(3) 费率切换点的判断和处理 (34)(4) CCA相关参数的设置 (35)计费信息的更新处理 (35)多业务并发处理 (36)计费话单生成 (36)5.2.4AoC功能 (36)5.2.5异常处理 (37)5.3批价处理(Rating Function) (37)5.3.1费用计算能力 (37)支持事件格式动态识别 (37)支持多种计费对象 (37)支持多种计费元素 (38)支持条件灵活判别 (38)支持灵活的费用计算 (39)5.3.2费用计算方式 (39)正算 (39)预申请额度的计算 (39)最终额度的计算 (40)反算 (40)5.3.3异常处理 (40)5.4.1预留功能 (40)5.4.2返还功能 (41)5.4.3扣费功能 (41)5.4.4补款功能 (41)5.4.5充值功能 (42)周期性充值 (42)累积充值 (42)按帐目充值 (42)充值帐目限制消费 (42)余额帐本余额转移 (43)5.4.6外部余额使用 (43)5.4.7实时余额查询 (43)5.4.8帐户余额监控 (43)触发条件和动作的定义 (43)帐户余额监控动作触发 (44)记录操作日志 (44)5.5计费网关(Charging Gateway Function) (44)5.5.1支持定时话单文件生成 (45)5.5.2支持定量话单文件生成 (45)5.5.3支持定时和定量结合的话单文件生成 (45)6外部接口要求 (46)6.1计费消息输入接口 (47)6.1.1接口概述 (47)6.1.2接口要求 (47)6.2计费话单输入接口 (47)6.2.1接口概述 (47)6.2.2接口要求 (47)6.3与SID的同步接口 (48)6.3.1接口概述 (48)同步数据 (49)客户数据 (49)产品数据 (49)定价数据 (49)计费参数数据 (50)同步要求 (50)同步方式 (51)6.4外部帐户接口 (55)6.4.1接口概述 (55)6.4.2接口要求 (55)6.5实时查询接口 (55)6.5.1接口概述 (55)6.5.2接口要求: (56)6.6话单输出接口 (56)6.6.1接口概述 (56)6.6.2接口要求 (56)6.7通知接口 (56)6.7.1接口概述 (56)6.7.2接口要求 (56)6.8运行维护接口 (57)6.8.1接口概述 (57)6.8.2接口要求 (57)7系统管理要求 (59)7.1运行管理 (59)7.1.1性能管理 (59)7.1.2故障管理 (59)7.1.3配置管理 (61)7.1.4系统运行监控 (61)7.1.5集中检测 (61)7.1.7集中控制 (63)7.1.8数据库运行监控 (63)7.2业务统计 (63)7.2.1业务量统计 (63)7.2.2消息处理时间统计 (63)7.2.3消息处理结果统计 (64)7.3审核校验 (64)7.3.1提供系统处理分析报告 (64)7.3.2提供稽查功能 (64)7.4数据管理 (64)7.4.1SID数据同步 (64)7.4.2OCS产品配置数据管理 (64)产品维护 (65)产品定价数据管理 (65)7.4.3OCS参数数据管理 (66)7.5日志管理 (66)7.5.1统一的分级日志记录机制 (66)7.5.2日志维护功能 (66)7.5.3日志统计查询功能 (66)7.6版本管理 (67)8性能要求 (68)8.1实时性要求 (68)8.2可靠性要求 (68)8.3可扩展性要求 (68)8.4平滑升级要求 (69)8.5拥塞处理要求 (69)8.6容灾备份要求 (69)9基础平台要求 (71)9.1主机要求 (71)9.1.2硬件冗余 (72)9.1.3软件冗余 (72)9.1.4硬件热插拔 (72)9.1.5软件热插拔 (72)9.1.6过负荷控制 (72)9.2网络要求 (73)9.2.1负荷分担 (73)9.2.2网络分段 (73)9.2.3网络冗余 (74)9.3数据库要求 (75)9.3.1并行数据库 (75)9.3.2数据库备份 (76)9.4存储系统要求 (76)9.5操作系统要求 (76)9.6系统备份要求 (77)9.6.1备份恢复方案 (77)9.6.2备份恢复方案构架 (77)9.7容灾要求 (78)9.7.1容灾功能 (78)9.7.2容灾方案构架 (78)9.7.3容灾方案流程 (79)10系统安全要求 (81)10.1安全机制总体原则 (81)10.2基础设施安全机制 (81)10.3操作系统防护机制 (82)10.4用户管理安全机制 (82)10.5会话管理安全机制 (83)10.6远程维护安全机制 (84)10.7日志机制 (85)10.8.1密码设置规则 (85)10.8.2密码更改规则 (86)10.8.3强制密码更改配置 (86)10.8.4密码有效时间和历史记录 (86)10.8.5登录失败锁定规则 (87)10.9数据备份恢复机制 (87)10.9.1备份策略 (87)10.9.2数据备份 (87)10.9.3数据恢复 (88)图表图1:OCS网络组织示意图 (17)图2:OCS系统结构 (18)图3:基于会话的初始计费控制流程 (25)图4:基于会话的更新计费控制流程 (27)图5:基于会话的中止计费控制流程 (28)图6:基于事件的计费控制流程 (30)图7:计费网关流程 (45)图8:OCS系统外部接口 (46)图9:负荷分担 (73)图10:网络分段 (74)图11:网络冗余 (75)图12:备份恢复方案构架 (78)图13:容灾方案构架 (79)图14:容灾方案流程 (80)图15:用户管理安全机制 (83)中国电信在线计费系统(OCS)技术要求1适用范围本要求为中国电信在线计费系统的技术要求,规定了中国电信在线计费系统的相关内容,包括:系统体系架构、业务功能要求、外部接口要求、业务流程、系统功能要求、性能要求、基础平台要求和系统安全要求等方面。
微Focus ALM Octane软件版本16.1.200 Windows升级指南说明书
Upgrade Guide for WindowsGo to Help Center onlinehttps:///octane/ALM OctaneSoftware version: 16.1.200Document release date: May2023Send Us FeedbackLet us know how we can improve your experience with theUpgrade Guide for Windows.Send your email to: **********************Legal Notices©Copyright2023Open Text.The only warranties for products and services of Open Text and its affiliates and licensors (“Open Text”)are as may be set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services.Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty.Open Text shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.DisclaimerCertain versions of software and/or documents(“Material”)accessible here may contain branding from Hewlett-Packard Company(now HP Inc.)and Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company.As of September1,2017,the Material is now offered by Micro Focus,a separately owned and operated company.Any reference to the HP and Hewlett Packard Enterprise/HPE marks is historical in nature,and the HP and Hewlett Packard Enterprise/HPE marks are the property of their respective owners.ContentsUpgrade4 Upgrade paths4 Prepare for upgrade5 Verify Elasticsearch re-indexing(ES version8.x)7 Step1: Deploy the new version and start ALM Octane8 Step2: Configure and upgrade cluster nodes9 Step3: Upgrade spaces in ALM Octane9 Step4: Verify that spaces upgraded successfully10 Rollback11 After the upgrade's setup validation phase11 After site schema has been upgraded12 After space schema has been upgraded13 After upgrade completed14 After upgrading cluster nodes14 Upgrade ALM Octane in Docker15 Get default configuration files from the ALM Octane docker image15 Upgrade ALM Octane in Docker16 Install a patch18UpgradeThis document describes how to upgrade an existing installation of an on-premises ALM Octane server on Windows.This section includes:l"Upgrade paths"belowl"Prepare for upgrade"on the next pagel"Step1: Deploy the new version and start ALM Octane"on page 8l"Step2: Configure and upgrade cluster nodes"on page 9l"Step3: Upgrade spaces in ALM Octane"on page 9l"Step4: Verify that spaces upgraded successfully"on page 10 Upgrade pathsALM Octane allows you to choose between two upgrade paths:l Short-term path(STP).Upgrade to each new service pack(for example,from 16.1.100to16.1.200).If you choose this path,you will need to go through all the interim service packs in order to upgrade to the following release.l Long-term path(LTP).Upgrade directly from one release to the next(for example from16.0.100to16.1.100,to the next LTP release),without having to upgrade to each of the interim service packs.The current version is an STP service pack,meaning that you can only upgrade to 16.1.200from16.1.100.If you have not yet upgraded to ALM Octane16.1.100, upgrade now.Prepare for upgradeBefore upgrading,review the following:1.Check that all spaces are up to date,first in Settings> Site>Spaces,andthen in Settings> Site>POST UPGRADE JOBS.Delete any spaces that you do not want to upgrade to prevent problems in future upgrades.2.Verify that your server machine,and if relevant,all cluster nodes,meet allprerequisites.This includes checking the supported versions for all third party tools,such as Elasticsearch,and upgrading accordingly.For details,see"Prerequisites"in the ALM Octane Installation Guide for Windows.3.Stop the ALM Octane service on the server,and if relevant,on all clusternodes.4.Create backups of:l The repository located in C:\Program Files\Octane\repo(or in a clusterinstallation:\\MACHINE_NAME\REPO_NAME)l Existing ALM Octane configuration files including octane.confl Your databasel Elasticsearchl If you are using ALM Octane Synchronizer,back up:o C:\Program Files\Octane\wrapper\wrapper.confo service.locator.properties(C:\Program Files\Octane\webapps)5.Take note of any special aspects of your configuration,such as:6.Before upgrading,remove all patches or hotfixes at WEB-INF\lib and WEB-INF\classes.Example of a full path for Windows environment:l C:\Octane\webapps\root\WEB-INF\classesl C:\Octane\webapps\root\WEB-INF\libVerify Elasticsearch re-indexing(ES version8.x) In this service pack,Elasticsearch re-index is mandatory.l Space re-index.Spaces that have not been re-indexed are not accessible to users.You must complete re-index before upgrading.If you do not,you can re-index after upgrading,but access to the shared space is blocked until re-index is completed successfully.l Site re-index.ALM Octane does not enforce re-index at the site level.It is the responsibility of the site admin to verify that site re-index is complete.If re-index is not complete,the index will not perform properly following upgrade. For example,audit data may be inaccurate.In addition,upgrade to Elasticsearch 8may fail in future releases.For instructions on performing re-index,refer to the ALM Octane Upgrade Guide for version16.1.100.Step1: Deploy the new version and startALM Octane1.Download the ALM Octane package.https:///mysoftware/download/downloadCenter2.Download and deploy the new version of ALM Octane using:3.On the server machine,select Start> ALM Octane> Start ALM Octane.4.Check the C:\Program Files\octane\log\wrapper.log file.If you do not see the"Server is ready!"message,correct the errors shown in the log.l If you encounter a recoverable error in the wrapper.log or upgrade.log files, fix the problem and restart the server to resume upgrade.l If the log file contains the error message“The value https://<server URL>is invalid URL”,refer to the section Upgrading non-standard top-level domains.l The following is required if you configured trust on the ALM Octane server,when connecting to a remote location such as the database server.If yourJava trust store(<java_home>/jre/lib/security/cacerts)uses a non-default password,enter this password in octane.conf in the java-default-trust-store-password parameter.Step2: Configure and upgrade cluster nodes After the upgrade on the first node has completed successfully,you can upgrade the remaining nodes in a cluster.To configure and upgrade cluster nodes:1.Deploy the new version of ALM Octane to each node.2.On each node,select Start> ALM Octane> Start ALM Octane.3.Check the C:\Program Files\octane\log\wrapper.log file.If you encounter arecoverable error in the wrapper.log or upgrade.log files,fix the problem and restart the server to resume upgrade.Step3: Upgrade spaces in ALM OctaneAfter upgrading,log into ALM Octane as the site admin to upgrade each space.To upgrade spaces in ALM Octane:1.In a browser,navigate to<ServerURL>:<port>/ui?site.2.Log in with the user name and password defined in the octane.conf file.To upgrade all spaces at once,log in as the site admin.3.Click Site and then click the Spaces tab.4.Select one or more spaces and click Upgrade.Upgrade is available only if the space needs to be upgraded.5.Individual workspaces are upgraded in the background.Step4: Verify that spaces upgraded successfullyVerify that all spaces were upgraded successfully from the previous version.To verify that a space has been upgraded,check that:l The space status is Active(or Inactive if it was previously deactivated).l The space version is updated to the current version.In addition,check that all post-upgrade jobs were completed in Settings>Site> POST UPGRADE JOBS.RollbackThis section describes how to roll back after upgrading an on-premisesALM Octane server.This may be necessary if for some reason the upgrade fails or performance is slow.Depending on when you want to roll back,there are different steps to perform.This section includes:l"After the upgrade's setup validation phase"belowl"After site schema has been upgraded"on the next pagel"After space schema has been upgraded"on page 13l"After upgrade completed"on page 14l"After upgrading cluster nodes"on page 14After the upgrade's setup validation phaseYou can roll back after the upgrade's setup validation phase,whether it passed or failed.If the upgrade reached setup validation,the following have been modified:l Previously-deployed filesl ALM Octane configuration files,including octane.confTo roll back the deployed files,including octane.conf1.Uninstall the new ALM Octane version using Windows Add/Remove Programs.2.Install the previous ALM Octane version,as described in the ALM Octane HelpCenter> Installation Guide for Windows(for the previous version).3.Revert to backups of ALM Octane configuration files,including octane.conf.4.If necessary,copy back the folder in which you stored the repository,such asC:\Program Files\Octane\repo.5.Start the ALM Octane service.After site schema has been upgradedYou can roll back after the site schema has been upgraded.If the upgrade upgraded the site schema,the following has been modified:l Previously-deployed filesl Elasticsearch indexesl ALM Octane configuration files,including octane.confl The site schemaTo roll back the site schema1.Stop the ALM Octane service.2.Revert to a backup of the site schema.3.Revert to a backup of Elasticsearch indexes.4.Uninstall the new ALM Octane version using Windows Add/Remove Programs.5.Install the previous ALM Octane version,as described in the ALM Octane HelpCenter> Installation Guide for Windows(for the previous version).6.If necessary,copy back the repository folder located in C:\ProgramFiles\Octane\repo(or<Repository folder>for cluster configuration).7.Revert to backups of ALM Octane configuration files,including octane.conf.8.Start the ALM Octane service.After space schema has been upgradedIf the upgrade upgraded the space schema,the following have been modified:l Previously-deployed filesl Elasticsearch indexesl ALM Octane configuration files,including octane.confl The site schemal The space schemaRolling back a single space is relevant after upgrade of a space failed.In this case, fixes are required depending on the cause of the failure,as seen in the logs and in the UI.To roll back changes to the space schema:1.Revert to the backup of the space schema.2.Revert to the backups of Elasticsearch indexes related to the specific space.Space-specific indexes can be identified by the space logical name embedded in their name,using the pattern mqm_{space logical name}_*.Note: There are multiple Elasticsearch indexes for each space.Make sure to roll back all of them.3.Revert to the repository backup of this specific space.4.Fix what caused the upgrade to fail.5.Run the following API to repair the space:POST{octane server}/admin/shared_spaces/repair?ids={space_id}Tip:To repair multiple spaces,provide the space_ids separated by commas.6.Upgrade again.After upgrade completedIf the upgrade completed successfully,the following have been modified:l Previously-deployed filesl ALM Octane configuration files,including octane.confl The site schemal The space schema(s)l Elasticsearch indexesl ALM Octane repository filesTo roll back the entire upgrade1.Follow the procedure"To roll back the site schema"on page 12.2.Revert to backups of all space schemas.3.Revert to backups of all Elasticsearch indexes.4.Revert to backup of the previous repository.After upgrading cluster nodesIf you upgraded additional cluster nodes,the following has been modified on the cluster nodes:l Previously-deployed filesl ALM Octane configuration files,including octane.confTo roll back the previously-deployed files1.Uninstall the new ALM Octane version using Windows Add/Remove Programs.2.Install the previous version on a node.3.Revert to backups of ALM Octane configuration files,including octane.conf.4.Deploy ALM Octane on each cluster node as described in the ALM Octane HelpCenter> Installation Guide for Windows(for the previous version).5.Start the ALM Octane service on each cluster node.Upgrade ALM Octane in DockerThis section describes how to upgrade ALM Octane in Docker.This section includes:l"Get default configuration files from the ALM Octane docker image"below l"Upgrade ALM Octane in Docker"on the next pageGet default configuration files from the ALM Octane docker imageBefore upgrading,make sure you have default configuration files from the new ALM Octane Docker image.1.In Docker Desktop,select Images in the left pane.2.Locate the ALM Octane version you want to upgrade.Note that only on-premises versions of ALM Octane are supported.3.Click Run and go to Optional Settings.4.In Container name,enter a name of your choice.5.In Ports,enter8080to use HTTP.6.In Volumes,enter the following:C:\OctaneDockerConfFiles\conf for opt/octane/confC:\OctaneDockerConfFiles\log for opt/octane/logC:\OctaneDockerConfFiles\repo for opt/octane/repo7.Click Run to execute the Docker image for the fist time.The first run should fail with errors because ALM Octane has not beenconfigured.8.Open C:\OctaneDockerConfFiles\repo.The conf-discover folder containsthe default ALM Octane configuration files.Copy them to a backup location.Upgrade ALM Octane in DockerThis section describes how to start a new ALM Octane container using the configuration from a previous version,and upgrade the data.1.Stop your ALM Octane container.2.Back up your Oracle or MSSQL database.3.Back up Elasticsearch.4.Back up the conf and log folders(if mapped).5.Back up the REPO folder,which includes the conf-discover and storagefolders.6.Download the new ALM Octane Docker image.7.Overwrite the.xml files in the folder conf-discover(in the REPO folder)withthe.xml files from the default configuration files for the new version.For details see"Get default configuration files from the ALM Octane docker image"on the previous page.8.Click the Run button and open Optional Settings.9.In Optional Settings,define the new container name.10.In Optional Settings,define the identical container configuration as yourcurrent ALM Octane container configuration.This means that the ports,and the mapping of the conf,log,and repo mount folders should be the same in the new container as your current container.11.Run the new ALM Octane container configuration.12.Validate that the container works by checking the container's Log tab,or thewrapper.log and octane.log files in the mapped log folder.13.Continue with the regular space upgrade procedure,as described in"Step3: Upgrade spaces in ALM Octane"on page 9.Install a patchThis section describes how to install a hotfix patch,without upgradingALM Octane.1.Stop the ALM Octane service.2.Create backups of:l The repositoryl Existing ALM Octane configuration files,including octane.confl Your databasel Elasticsearch3.Run the installer file containing the fix as you would do for a regular upgrade.4.Start the ALM Octane service and validate that the issue is fixed.There is no need to upgrade the spaces.。
戴尔系统更新版本 1.3 用户指南说明书
Dell System Update Version 1.3 User’s GuideNotes, cautions, and warningsNOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your product.CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the problem.WARNING: A WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.© 2016 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. Dell and the Dell logo are trademarks of Dell Inc. in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.2016 - 08Rev. A00Contents1 Overview (4)What is new in this release (4)Transitioning from DLR to DSU (4)Other documents you might need (5)2 Prerequisites for installing the Dell System Update (6)Supported hardware and operating system (6)Supported hardware (6)Supported operating system (6)3 Installing OpenManage Server Administrator (7)4 Updating the system using Dell System Update (8)DSU Outputs and Options (9)5 Sample Commands (11)Sample Config file (11)Command to create bootable non-interactive DSU ISO (11)Command to create bootable interactive DSU ISO (11)Selected updates to with using existing bootable ISO (11)DSU to use with custom offline repository created with Dell Repository Manager (11)6 Troubleshooting Dell System Update (12)The repository setup is fine, however OMSA (srvadmin) is failing to install (12)The repository setup is fine, OMSA (srvadmin) installed but won’t start or you can’t get to it (12)Repository conflicts for updates having different version (12)7 Frequently asked questions (13)How many commands do I need to execute to update my system? (13)Can I execute those three commands in any order? (13)Can I update the inventory of the system using DSU? (13)Can I use the catalog location option and point it at catalog.cab on the FTP site? (13)What is an option? (13)How can I select an update in the given list? (13)How can I cancel an update already selected in the given list? (13)After I select the required updates, how to start the update process? (14)Can I select more than one update? (14)How will I come to know whether an update is selected or not? (14)Can I select all updates at the same time? (14)Can I cancel all updates at the same time? (14)Can I select multiple updates at the same time? (14)DSU Inventory displays update for a component that is installed is newer than what is available (14)31 OverviewDell System Update (DSU) is an improved version of Dell OpenManage Linux Repository (DLR) to distribute Dell updates for Linux systems. The DSU distributes:•OpenManage Server Administrator•BIOS and firmware updates for different serversDSU extensively uses Yum and Zypper.•Yellowdog Updater, Modified (Yum)Yum is an open source command line package management utility used for Linux operating systems. Yum primarily helps to do automatic updates, package and dependency management, mainly for RedHat Package Manager (RPM) based distributions.Yum has a command line interface and it is implemented in the Python programming language. Yum is mostly used to update and manage Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems. Yum has a great informational output and syntax.•ZypperZypper is used for installing, removing, updating, and querying software packages of local and remote networked media. It has been extensively used for the openSUSE operating systems. It is a package management engine that powers Linux applications like Yet another Setup Tool (YaST). Zypper can download several update packages, and install them at once. Zypper is one of the fastest and powerful package manager for the Linux environment.What is new in this releaseThis release of Dell System Update (DSU) supports the following new features:•New feature options added to configure and display are:–--input-inventory-file=<FILE>–--output-inventory-xml=<FILE>NOTE: The option dsu --collect-inventory=<FILE> has been replaced with dsu --input-inventory-file=<FILE> from this release of DSU.For more information, see Updating the system using DSUTransitioning from DLR to DSUCurrently, customers can get all the updates for their systems through DLR. However, DSU provides a better customer experience for getting the latest updates for their systems.Table 1. Design differences between DSU and DLR4Other documents you might needIn addition to this guide, you can access the following guides available at /support/manuals.•Dell Systems Management - OpenManage Software Support Matrix•Dell OpenManage Server Administrator Installation Guide*•Dell OpenManage Server Administrator User’s Guide** This guide is also found on the Dell Systems Management Tools and Documentation DVD.52 Prerequisites for installing the Dell System Update This section lists the specific prerequisites for installing the DSU.Supported hardware and operating systemThis section describes the list of supported hardware and operating systems.Supported hardwareFor more information on supported hardware, see /repo/hardware/omsa.html#Supported_Hardware. Supported operating systemFor more information on supported operation system, see /repo/hardware/omsa.html#Supported_Operating_Systems.Community distros like Fedora and openSUSE are not tested with this repository. Since most of the kernel drivers in this repository are in Dynamic Kernel Module Support (DKMS) format, community distros may work.63 Installing OpenManage Server AdministratorYou can install OpenManage Server Administrator using one of the following commands:•yumyum install srvadmin-all•zypperzypper install srvadmin-allNOTE: OMSA does not support installation on unsupported systems. If you receive a message like 'the system is not supported' while installing, it means the system is not supported and the installation fails. This is most common on SC-class systems, as OMSA is completely unsupported on these systems.NOTE: To use a 64–bit package on a 32-bit Dell package installed (srvadmin-dell_ie) on the system, uninstall the 32-bit packages and install the 64-bit package. New installations help installing the architecture of OMSA that matches your operating system.74 Updating the system using Dell System UpdateFor a list of CLI options for systems running DSU, a description of each option, and the command syntax see the following table: Table 2. CLI Options: Usage8DSU Outputs and OptionsFollowing are the DSU outputs and options:9[ ]represents components which are not selected[*] represents components which are selected[-] represents component already at repository version (cannot be selected) Choose: q to Quit without updateChoose: c to Commit and apply updatesChoose: <number> to Select/Deselect updatesChoose: a to Select AllChoose: n to Select None105 Sample CommandsThe following are some of the sample options with DSU:Sample Config fileTo point to a repository hosted at, the config XML file is:<DSUConfig><Repository Type="YUM"><RepoLocation IP="" Directory="16.08.00"/></Repository></DSUConfig>Command to create bootable non-interactive DSU ISOdsu --non-interactive --destination-type=ISO --destination-location=/root/home/output.iso --config=/root/home/config.xmlCommand to create bootable interactive DSU ISOdsu --destination-type=ISO --destination-location=/root/home/output.isoSelected updates to with using existing bootable ISOdsu --destination-type=CBD --destination-location=/root/home/outdirectory --bootable-log-location=/var/log/bootmsg.logDSU to use with custom offline repository created with Dell Repository Managerdsu --source-type=PDK --source=/mnt/DRM_REPO/6 Troubleshooting Dell System UpdateThe repository setup is fine, however OMSA (srvadmin) is failing to installEven though DSU does not block OMSA installation or upgrade on any server, OMSA is supported only for certain Linux distributions and PowerEdge server models. For more details on supported OS and server, check the latest OMSA documentation. DSU supports upgrade of OMSA (srvadmin), where an OMSA version is already installed in the system. A fresh installation of OMSA can be performed directly with YUM commands from same DSU repository as mentioned in “Installing OpenManage Server Administrator using DSU” section.Yum-based systems:In some circumstances, yum caches incorrect repository metadata. Run yum clean all to remove old metadata, and retry.Up2date can also cache incorrect metadata at times. To remove old metadata, run rm -f /var/spool/up2date/*. You should be able to safely remove all the files under /var/spool/up2date/ at any time and up2date automatically downloads what it needs.Ifyoustillhaveproblems,****************************************************.Ensuretoincludethefollowinginformation:•Subject line should mention the repository you are having problems with•Linux Distribution, arch, version, and patchlevel: eg. RHEL 6 x86_64 Update 9•Dell system model and system id•Error output from any commandsThe repository setup is fine, OMSA (srvadmin) installed but won’t start or you can’t get to itHave you started the services? Use the srvadmin-services.sh script to start them:# srvadmin-services.sh startIf you get a message like:Starting ipmi driver: [FAILED]Then you need to make sure that the openipmi service is enabled and started:# chkconfig openipmi onFor detailed information about OMSA trouble shooting, please check OpenManage Server Administration Manuals. Repository conflicts for updates having different versionDSU will point to incorrect updates if multiple repositories are configured which contains different versions of similar packages.It is advised to disable other repositories in such cases.7 Frequently asked questionsThis section lists some frequently asked questions about Dell System Update.How many commands do I need to execute to update my system?There are 3 commands. You should execute them in the order. For more information see Updating the system using DSU.Can I execute those three commands in any order?We recommend you to follow the order while executing the commands. For more information see Updating the system using DSU. Can I update the inventory of the system using DSU?Yes, you can update the inventory file of the system using DSU. For more information see Updating the system using DSU. Can I use the catalog location option and point it at catalog.cab on the FTP site?No, catalog supports only XML format and not CAB format.What is an option?It is the way to inform DSU to perform related tasks for the available features .There are several options that you can select – any valid key from the given list of updates (these key appears in front of each update)c -- commit – after selecting the required updates, use commit option to start the update.q – quit – it closes DSU.a – to select all the updates.n – to deselect all the updates.How can I select an update in the given list?Provide the number shown in front of the update as an option, it gets selected (if already not selected).How can I cancel an update already selected in the given list?It works like a toggle button. For example, say if update number 7 is already selected (an asterisk (*) is there in front of 7th update in the list), and now if you choose 7 as an option, it gets cancelled.After I select the required updates, how to start the update process? Provide c option to start the update procedure.Can I select more than one update?Yes, you can select more than one update at a time. You can provide update numbers one by one as an option to select multiple updates.How will I come to know whether an update is selected or not?An asterisk (*) appears in front of every selected update.Can I select all updates at the same time?Yes, you can select all updates at a time. Select option a and press enter, all the updates get selected.Can I cancel all updates at the same time?Yes, you can cancel all updates at a time. Select option n and press enter, all updates will get deselected.Can I select multiple updates at the same time?No, you cannot select multiple updates (less than selecting all updates) in one shot option. But you can select multiple updates by providing numbers one by one.DSU Inventory displays update for a component that is installed is newer than what is available.DSU Linux Repository is refreshed on a monthly basis, at the next refresh of the DSU Linux Repository the newer version will be carried.。
逻辑魔方ZClone Xi软件更新 重新安装说明书
ZClone™ Xi (ZXi)Software Update/Reinstall Instructions1.0 INTRODUCTION (1)2.0 REQUIREMENTS (1)3.0 UPDATING/REINSTALLING THE SOFTWARE (1)3.1 F ROM N ETWORK (O VER THE I NTERNET ) (2)3.2 F ROM USB D RIVE (T HROUGH A SOFTWARE FILE DOWNLOAD ) (2)4.0 FIRMWARE UPDATE ....................................................................................................... 3 1.0 IntroductionThe latest ZClone Xi (or ZXi) software, manual, and readme file (which contains the software release notes) can always be found on the ZXi support page at: https:///knowledgebase/zclonexi . The ZXi software release may contain both a software and firmware update. This document details how to update/reinstall the software and firmware. 2.0 RequirementsTo perform the software update/reinstall, one of the following is required:• The ZXi connected to a network with Internet access (for updating “FROM NETWORK”), or • The ZXi with your own USB flash drive. The USB flash drive must be formatted FAT32 or NTFS (for updating “FROM USB DRIVE”) 3.0 Updating/Reinstalling the SoftwareThere are two methods available to update/reinstall the ZXi software:A. FROM NETWORK – Over the Internet through a network connection.B. FROM USB DRIVE –Through a software file download onto a USB flash drive.3.1 From Network (Over the Internet)The ZXi software can be updated/reinstalled by connecting the ZXi to a network withInternet access.1. Connect the ZXi to a network with Internet access and turn the ZXi on.2. From the main menu on the ZXi, locate and tap the Software Updates icon onthe left side.3. Select From Network . The ZXi will check for software on Logicube’s server. Aftera few seconds, one of the following messages will appear:•Newer version available – This message will appear if there is a newer software version found. Tap the OK icon to continue. •Up to date – This message will appear if the software version found is the same as the version currently installed. Tap the OK icon to continue. • No new version found – This message will appear if the ZXi does nothave any internet access. Tap the OK icon to continue. If this message isseen, try the following:i. Go to the About tab in the Statistics screen and check the N/WInterfaces to make sure the ZXi is connected to a network andhas a valid IPAddress , orii. Make sure the network the ZXi is connected to has Internetaccess, oriii.Try using the “From USB DRIVE” option (see Section 3.2). 4. Tap the Update icon to begin the update/reinstall. The ZXi should begin theupdate/reinstall process. Do not interrupt this process. It may take severalminutes. Once completed, a screen will appear stating the update is completeand will prompt you to turn the unit off then back on. 5. Turn the ZXi off. Wait at least 5 seconds then turn the ZXi back on.6.Verify the software version by going to the Software Updates screen then go tosection 4.0 Firmware Update to check if there is a firmware update available.3.2 From USB Drive (Through a software file download)Aside from the network option, the latest software can also be downloaded fromLogicube’s website and be placed onto a USB flash drive to perform the softwareupdate/reinstall. It is recommended to use an empty USB flash drive.1. Using a computer, download the latest software from the ZXi product supportpage at https:///knowledgebase/zclonexi .2. Extract the contents of the downloaded zip file to the root of the USB flash drive.3. Turn the ZXi on. When the main software screen appears, connect the USB flashdrive (that has the extracted software from step 2) to the U1 port (the front USBport).4. From the main menu on the ZXi, locate and tap the Software Updates icon onthe left side.5. Select From USB Drive . The ZXi will check for the version of the software on theUSB drive. After a few seconds, one of the following messages should appear:•Software found – A software version is found on the USB flash drive. Tap the OK icon to continue. • No new version found – The ZXi did not find any software on the USBflash drive or could not detect the USB flash drive. If this message is seen,try the following:i.Make sure the correct software was downloaded and the files were extracted to the root of the USB flash drive, or ii.Format and use a different USB flash drive, or iii. Try using the “From Network” option (see Section 3.1)6. Tap the Update icon to begin the update/reinstall. The ZXi should begin theupdate/reinstall process. Do not interrupt this process. It may take severalminutes. Once completed, a screen will appear stating the update is completeand will prompt you to turn the unit off then back on. 7. Turn the ZXi off. Wait at least 5 seconds then turn the ZXi back on.8. Verify the software version by going to the Software Updates screen then go tosection 4.0 Firmware Update to check if there is a firmware update available.4.0 Firmware UpdateZXi software releases may contain a firmware update. This section provides instructions on how to check if a firmware update is required, and how to perform the firmware update.1. After the software is updated/reinstalled on the ZXi, locate and tap the Software Updates icon on the left side.2.Tap the “Firmware Update” tab. One of two screens will appear:• FIRMWARE UPGRADE AVAILABLE – Tap the Update icon. A message will appear: “FIRMWARE UPDATE COULD TAKE UP TO A FEW MINUTES TO COMPLETE; PLEASE DONOT INTERRUPT POWER DURING THIS TIME. ON COMPLETION THE UNIT WILL AUTO-RESTART AND CONFIRM THE UPDATE.” Tap the OK icon to start the firmware update process.•FIRMWARE UPGRADE NOT AVAILABLE –This message will appear if the device does not require a firmware update. No further action is necessary if this message appears.。
质量认证-VC80E1216版本说明书 精品
缩略语:目录1 版本信息 (5)1.1 版本号 (5)1.2 历史版本信息 (5)1.3 版本配套表 (6)2 版本使用限制及注意事项 (6)3 版本特性说明 (7)4 版本变更说明 (10)4.1 特性变更说明 (10)4.2 命令行变更说明 (14)4.3 MIB变更说明 (14)4.4 操作方式变更说明 (14)5 存在问题与规避措施 (14)6 解决问题列表 (17)6.1 VC8000-E1216版本解决问题列表 (17)6.2 VC8000-E1215P01版本解决问题列表 (21)6.3 VC8000-E1215版本解决问题列表 (25)6.4 VC8000-E1214版本解决问题列表 (26)6.5 VC8000-E1213P03版本解决问题列表 (27)6.6 VC8000-E1213P02版本解决问题列表 (29)6.7 VC8000-E1213版本解决问题列表 (30)6.8 VC8000-E1212P02版本解决问题列表 (31)6.9 VC8000-E1212P01版本解决问题列表 (33)6.10 VC8000-E1212版本解决问题列表 (34)6.11 VC8000-B1202版本解决问题列表 (37)6.12 VC8000-B1211P01版本解决问题列表 (38)6.13 VC8000-B1211版本解决问题列表 (39)6.14 VC8000-B1201P02版本解决问题列表 (41)6.15 VC8000-B1201P01版本解决问题列表 (43)6.16 VC8000-B1201版本解决问题列表 (44)7 配套资料 (44)7.1 配套资料清单 (44)7.2 配套产品资料的获取方法 (44)8 版本升级操作指导 (45)8.1 安装 (45)8.1.1 安装步骤 (45)8.1.2 初始设置 (47)8.2 升级 (48)表目录表1 历史版本信息表 (5)表2 版本配套表 (6)表3 产品软件特性 (7)表4 特性变更说明 (10)表5 配套资料清单 (44)表6 从网站查询和下载资料的说明 (45)1 版本信息1.1 版本号版本号:VC8000-E1216注:在VC8000界面上选择[帮助/关于]菜单,在弹出的“关于VC8000”窗口中可以查看VC8000的版本号。
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