上外自考口译课本复习资料第 12课

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Symbols and abbreviations:

Use only the abbreviations that fit your needs and that you will remember easily. A good idea is to introduce only a few abbreviations into your note taking at a time.

Spell out short words such as in, at, to, but, for, and key. Abbreviations or symbols for short words will make the notes too dense with shorthand.

Leave out unimportant / grammar words.

s = sum

cf = compare

e.g. = example dep = department pol = politics

dem = democracy lib = liberal

cap = capitalism indv = individual asso = associate bio = biology

info = information achv = achievement che = chemistry max = maximum intro = introduction min = minimum prblm = problem

est = estimate

bkgd = background gvt = government amt = amount

cont’d = continued edu = educational int’l = international estb = establish

exprt = experiment

+ = plus

UK = United Kingdom mkt = market

cus = custom

tech = technology mvt = movement

w = with

w/o = without

v.s = against

equal to / same as =

most importantly = *

less than = <

especially = esp

however/ but/ on the contrary = // apt apartment

acpt accept

ad advertisement

ads address

adv advice

apv approve

bal balance

bldg building

cert certificate

cfm conform

cncl cancel

cnf conference

cmi commission

cmp complete

cmpe compete/competitive

cmu communication

conc concern/concerning/concerned cond condition

co. company

disc discount

dpt departure

exch exchange

expln explain

ext extent

flt flight

fn final

gd good

guar guarantee imps impossible

ins insurance

intst interested manuf manufacture mdl model

memo memorandum mgr manger

msg message

ncry necessary

ord ordinary

pc piece

posn position

poss(bl) possible prod product

qlty quality

quty quantity

rcv receive

ref reference regl regular

rep representative resv reservation rpt repeat

rspb responsible sitn situation

std standard temp temporary tho though

trf traffic

u you

ur your

wk week

wl will
