GMW14400 2012 中文翻译版




OMAKE 3D 打印机液晶屏选项入门翻译对照Home all(复位)Z Babystepping(不知道什么卵的选项)Speed mul =100%(打印速度)Flow mul= 100%(流量)Preheat PLA(预热pla)Preheat ABS(预热abs)Cool down(温度归零,冷却)Set to origin(无用选项。

)Disable stepper(解锁步进电机,然并卵。

)ATX power on/off(主控板电源,从未尝试点过)Home all(复位)X-position(X轴电机位置)Y-position(Y轴电机位置)Z-position(Z轴电机位置)Extr position(挤出电机选项)E=0.00mm(挤出**mm)1click=1mm(点一下挤出1mm)Bed Temp=0℃(热床温度)Temp 1=0℃(打印头温度)Extruder 1 off(貌似没有用的选项。

)Extr position(挤出测试)E=0.00mm(挤出**mm)1click=1mm(点一下挤出1mm)Set or ginFan speed =0%(风扇速度)Set Fan 25%(25%风力)Set Fan 50%(50%风力)Set Fan 75%(75%风力)Set Fan full(火力全开..)暂停打印(打印中才会有的选项)停止打印(打印中才会有的选项)打印文件echo=offinfo=onerrors=onDry run=offGeneral Baudr ate=250000stepper inactiremax inactireAcceleration print x=1000print y=1000print z=1000more x=2000more y=2000more z=2000 Feedrate max x=200max y=200max z=200home x=40home y=40home z=40 Extruder steps 1mm =150.0start FR=10max FR=30照Z-Jerk:。





其中A类的抗腐蚀性能要优于B 类,而B类还必须要求在转化层顶部添加密封剂这样的补充处理。




















海尔 H12012 数字显示器产品说明书

海尔 H12012 数字显示器产品说明书
THERMOCOUPLE METER SPECIFICATIONS Input: T/C types J, K, T and J DIN Relay Hysteresis: Programmable from 0 to 9999 Accuracy: ±0.5°C (0.9°F) after 30 min warm-up Temperature Coefficient: ±50 ppm/°C Input Resistance: 100 MΩ
DP25B-TC (Thermocouple)
-210 to 760°C -346 to 1400°F
-270 to 1372°C -454 to 2500°F 0.5°C
-210 to 400°C -346 to 752°F (0.9°F)
-200 to 900°C -328 to 1652°F
Process and Strain Models
Because they accept a wide range of DC voltage and current inputs, the DP25-B-E strain meters can handle most process and strain applications. Features include easy frontpanel scaling to virtually any engineering units, a remote tare function for weighing applications, and a hardware lockout to prevent unauthorized changes in setup. In addition, the DP25B-E meters feature built-in excitation in 4 user-selectable voltages, which makes them compatible with most transducers and transmitters.

Moog Inc. Series 72K 电液伺服阀手册说明书

Moog Inc. Series 72K 电液伺服阀手册说明书

�(G)72K Series Installation ELECTROHYDRAULIC VALVE CUT-AWAYCoilArmature MagnetFlexure Tube Inlet OrificePolepiece ConnectorFilterFeedback WireSpoolFigure 1 Moog Series 72K and (G)72KSupply PressureBTankANozzle3. ELECTRICAL INFORMATION AND INTRINSICALLY SAFE CIRCUIT SAFETY PARAMETERSa. A wide choice of coils is available for a variety of rated currentrequirements. The torque motor coil leads are attached to the connector so external connections can provide series, parallel or single coiloperation. The valves are equipped either with an MS type connector or with pigtail leads for electrical wiring. Refer to installation drawings of the specific model for details. Servovalve coils should be driven with current to provide consistency throughout the temperature range.b. The (G)72K valves are approved for intrinsically safe protection per EN60079-11. The approved safety parameters are listed in the following table for all the coils used by (G)72K series. Coil number is marked on thevalve nameplate.Coil Configuration Marking U i (MAX) I i (MAX) G4220-031 (single, series, parallel) Ex ia IIB T4 12 V 120 mAG4220-051/098 (single, series, parallel) Ex ia IIB T4 12 V 240 mAG4221-001 G4220-042 (single) Ex ia IIC T4 16 V 160 mA G4221-001 G4220-042 (single) Ex ia IIC T4 24.4 V 85 mAG4220-031 (single, parallel) Ex ia IIC T4 30 V 26 mAG4220-031 (series) Ex ia IIC T4 30 V 18 mAG4220-051/098 (single, parallel) Ex ia IIC T4 30 V 19 mA G4220-051/098 (series) Ex ia IIC T4 30 V 12.7 mAG4220-042 (single) Ex ia IIC T4 30 V 37 mAG4220-042 (parallel) Ex ia IIC T4 30 V 20 mAG4220-042 (series) Ex ia IIC T4 30 V 10 mAG4221-001 (single) Ex ia IIC T4 30 V 28 mAc. The (G)72K valves are approved for non-incendive operation for supplycurrent not to exceed 50 mA dc.d. When making electric connections to the valve, appropriate measures mustbe taken to ensure that locally different earth potential do not result inexcessive ground currents. When barriers are required for the hazardous location, hazardous area (field) wiring must meet the requirements ofthe barrier manufacturer. All barriers must be mounted and installed incompliance with the barrier manufacturer’s requirements. Twisted pairs of 18-20 gage wire are recommended. If shielded wire is used, connect shield wire to earth ground only at the barrier strip.4. SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR SAFE USEBecause the enclosure of the apparatus is made of aluminum, if it is mounted in an area where the use of category 1 G apparatus is required, it must be installed such that even in the event of rare incidents, ignition sources due to impact and friction sparks are excluded.When the electrohydraulic servovalve is used in an application for type of explosion protection intrinsic safety “i”, the appropriate box on the data label must be scored. When the electrohydraulic servovalve is used in an application for type of explosion protection “n”, the appropriate box on the data label must be scored.After use in an application for type of explosion protection “n”, the servovalve cannot abe safely used in a intrinsically safe application.The screwed cable connector may only be disconnected when the circuit is de-energized or when the location is known to be non-hazardous.When used at an ambient temperature ≥70°C, heat resistant cable must be used with a continuous operating temperature in accordance with the application.5. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM PREPARATIONTo prolong servovalve operational life and to reduce hydraulic system maintenance, it is recommended that the hydraulic fluid be kept at a cleanliness level of ISO DIS 4406 Code 16/13 maximum, 14/11 recommended. The most effective filtration scheme incorporates the use of a kidney loop or “off-line” filtration as one of the major filtration components. The filter for the “off-line” filtration scheme should be a ß3≥75 filter for maximum effectiveness.Upon system startup and prior to mounting the servovalve, the entire hydraulic system should be purged of built-in contaminating particles by an adequate flushing. The servovalve should be replaced by a flushing manifold and the hydraulic circuit powered up under conditions of fluid temperature and fluid velocity reasonably simulating normal operating conditions. New system filters are installed during the flushing process whenever the pressure drop across the filter element becomes excessive. The flushing processes should turn over the fluid in the reservoir between fifty to one hundred times.To maintain a clean hydraulic system, the filters must be replaced ona periodic basis. It is best to monitor the pressure drop across the filter assembly and replace the filter element when the pressure drop becomes excessive. In addition to other filters that are installed in the hydraulic circuit, it is recommended that a large capacity, low pressure ß3≥75 filter be installedin the return line. This filter will increase the interval between filter element replacements and greatly reduce the system contamination level.6. INSTALLATIONThe Moog (G)72K series industrial servovalve may be mounted in any position, provided the servovalve pressure, control, and tank ports match respective manifold ports. The mounting pattern and port location of the servovalve is shown on Figure 4. The servovalve should be mounted with 3/8-16 x 2.00 inch long, socket head cap screws. Apply a light film of oil to the screw threads and torque to 175 inch-pounds. Wire mating connector for desired coil configuration and polarity. Thread connector to valve.7. MECHANICAL NULL ADJUSTMENTIt is often desirable to adjust the flow null of a servovalve independent of other system parameters. The “mechanical null adjustment” on the Moog (G)72K Series servovalve allows at least ±20% adjustment of flow null. The “mechanical null adjustor” is an eccentric bushing retainer pin, located above the tank port designation on the valve body (see Figure 2) which, when rotated, provides control of the bushing position. Mechanical feedback elements position the spool relative to the valve body for a given input signal. Therefore, a movement of the bushing relative to the body changes the flow null. Mechanical Adjustment ProcedureUsing a 3/8 inch offset box wrench, loosen the self-locking fitting until thenull adjustor pin can be rotated. (This should usually be less than 1/2 turn). DO NOT remove self-locking fitting. Insert a 3/32 inch Allen wrench in null adjustor pin. Use the 3/32 Allen wrench to rotate the mechanical null adjustor pin to obtain desired flow null. Torque self-locking fitting to 57 inch lbs. Note:Clockwise rotation of null adjustor pin produces flow from port P to port B.Tools and Equipmenta. Blade screwdriverb. Allen wrench set (3/32, 7/64, 3/8, 3/16)c. No. 2-56 NC by 11/2 inch screwd. Torque wrenchese.3/8 inch offset box wrenchf. TweezersFigure 2Mechanical NullAdjustment10. FIELD REPLACEABLE FILTER ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTa.Remove four socket head cap screws and lockwashers on filter cover using a 3/16 inch Allen wrench. Remove filter cover plate. Use to pull filter plug out.b. Remove o-rings and old filter from filter plug.c. Inspect filter for foreign material and discard.d. Install o-rings on filter plug and inside new filter.e.Install filter, filter plug and cover plate. Torque screws to 85 inch-pounds.11. FUNCTIONAL CHECKOUT AND CENTERINGa. Install servovalve on hydraulic system or test fixture, but do not connect electrical lead.b. Apply required system pressure to servovalve and visually examine for evidence of external leakage. If leakage is present and cannot be rectified by replacing o-rings, remove the discrepant component and return for repair or replacement.Note: If the system components are drifting or hardover, adjust the mechanical null of the servovalve.c. Connect electrical lead to servovalve and check phasing in accordancewith system requirements.Figure 3Filter Tube Inlet Orifice AssemblyFilter PlugFieldReplaceable FilterFilter HousingO-Rings8. GENERAL SERVICING RECOMMENDATIONSa. Disconnect electrical lead to servovalve.b. Relieve hydraulic system of residual pressure.(G)72K SERIES INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONCDS6754 RevD 500-448 0718Moog Inc., East Aurora, NY 14052-0018 Telephone: 716/652-2000Fax: 716/687-7910Toll Free: 1-800-272-MOOG TYPICAL WIRING SCHEMATICThe products described herein are subject to change at any time without notice, including, but not limited to, product features, specifications, and designs.3。



行业典型产品:麻醉机、呼吸机、微波手术刀、激光美容设备 产品需求: ●高可靠性:和人的健康直接相关,不能出现误动作; ●高抗干扰能力:有很强的高压脉冲电源干扰; ●触摸屏的精度和寿命:客户习惯使用IC卡敲击触摸屏; ●零返修:最终客户多在国外; ●其它:CE和RoHs认证。 迪文在本行业的典型应用产品: DMT64480S057_03WN DMT80480S070_05WT DMT80600S080_05WT DMG80600S080_01WT DMG80600S104_02WT DMG10768S150_01WT 迪文在本行业的典型客户: 北京航天长峰股份公司医疗器械分公司 O-Two(加拿大氧气公司)
宽松的发展平台:项目管理,业务直接对总经理负责,充分的专业决策权; 有挑战性的课题:进入世界500强,做社会广泛认可的高科技企业! 业绩直接挂钩:产品流水的2%直接奖励相应研发团队;
PCBA QC1 程序烧录
年度营业额:约2亿元人民币 公司总部:北京.中关村(870m2) 工厂地址:北京.上地(约5000m2) 驻外机构:深圳、武汉、南京、杭州、Synlink(欧洲) 质量管理体系:IS9001:2008 其它资质:国家高新技术企业,RoHs和CE认证 单月最大产能:200K(核心模组)/100K(HMI)
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Lorex 14英寸4路黑白切换观察系统说明书

Lorex 14英寸4路黑白切换观察系统说明书

Instruction ManualEnglish Version 1.0MODEL:SG14S1042C-A Copyright ©2006Lorex Technology IncThank you for purchasing the Lorex 14”4-Channel B/W Switcher ObservationSystem. Lorex is committed to providing our customers with a high quality, reliable security product that customers have come to expect from us.With the new Lorex system, you are capable of viewing up to 4 cameralocations in real time. This system allows you to view Sequential cameras.Connect a time lapse VCR to this system to record key events, or addadditional Cameras to view more cameras. To learn more about this 14”B/WSwitcher system and to learn about our complete range of accessory products, please visit our website at:Explanation of two SymbolsCAUTION! TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT REMOVECOVER (OR BACK). NO USER-SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE.REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL.The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within an equilateraltriangle, is intended to alert the user to the presence of un-insulated"dangerous voltage" within the product's enclosure that may be ofsufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended toalert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance-(servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the appliance.THE GRAPHIC SYMBOLS WITH SUPPLEMENTAL MARKING ARE ONTHE BOTTOM OF THE SYSTEM.“WARNING –TO PREVENT FIRE OR SHOCK HAZARD, DO NOT EXPOSETHE UNIT TO RAIN OR MOISTURE”NOTEThis equipment has been certified and found to comply with the limits regulated by FCC, EMC and LVD. Therefore, it is designed to provide reasonable protection against interference and will not cause interference with other appliance usage. However, it is imperative that user follows this manual's guidelines to avoid improper usage which may result in damage to the unit, electrical shock and fire hazard or injury.In order to improve the feature functions and quality of this product, the specifications are subject to change without notice from time to time.GENERAL PRECAUTIONS1. Read Instructions -All the safety and operating instructions should be read before the product is operated.2. Retain Instructions -The safety and operating instructions should be retained for future reference.3. Heed Warnings -All warnings on the product and in the operating instruction should be adhered to.4. Follow Instructions -All operating and use instructions should be followed.5. Cleaning -Unplug this product from the wall outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosolcleaners, use a damp cloth for cleaning.6. Attachments -Do not use attachments not recommended by the product manufacturer as they may causehazards.7. Water and Moisture -Do not use this product near water -for example, near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchensink, or laundry tub; in a wet basement; or near a swimming pool; and the like.8. Accessories -Do not place this product on an unstable cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table. The productmay fall, causing serious injury to a child or adult, and serious damage to the product. Use only with a cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table recommended by the manufacturer, or sold with the product. Any mounting of the product should follow the manufacturer’s instructions, and should use a mounting accessoryrecommended by the manufacturer.9. A product and cart combination should be moved with care. Quick stops, excessive force and unevensurfaces may cause the product and cart combination to overturn.10. Ventilation -Slots and openings in the cabinet are provided for ventilation and to ensure reliable operationof the product and to protect it from overheating and these openings must not be blocked or covered. The openings should never be blocked by placing the product on a bed, sofa, rug or other similar surface. This product should not be placed in a built-in installation such as a bookcase or rack unless proper ventilation is provided or the manufacturer’s instructions have been adhered to.11. Power Source -This product should be operated only from the type of power source indicated on themarking label. If you are not sure of the type of power supply to your home, consult your product dealer or local power company. For products intended to operate from battery power or other sources, refer to the operating instructions.12. Grounding or Polarization -This product is equipped with a three-wire grounding-type plug, a plug havinga third (grounding) pin. This plug will only fit into a grounding-type power outlet. This is a safety feature. Ifyou are unable to insert the plug into the outlet, contact your electrician to replace your obsolete outlet. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the grounding-type plug.13. Power -Cord Protection -Power supply cords should be routed so that they are likely to be walked on orpinched by items placed upon or against them, paying particular attention to cords at plugs, convenience receptacles and the point where they exit from the product.14. Protective Attachment Plug -The product is equipped with an attachment plug having overload protection.This is a safety feature. See Instruction Manual for replacement or resetting of protective device. Ifreplacement of the plug is required, be sure the service technician has used a replacement plug specified by the manufacturer that has the same overload protection as the original plug.15. Lightning -For added protection for this product during a lightning storm,or when it is left unattended andunused for long periods of time, unplug it from the wall outlet and disconnect the antenna or cable system.This will prevent damage to the product due to lightning and power-line surges.16. Power Lines -An outside antenna system should not be located in the vicinity of overhead power lines orother electric light or power circuits, or where it can fall into such power lines or circuits. When installing an outside antenna system, extreme care should be taken to keep from touching such power lines or circuits as contact with them might be fatal.17. Overloading -Do not overload wall outlets, extension cords or integral convenience receptacles as this18. Object and Liquid Entry -Never push objects of any kind into this product through openings as they maytouch dangerous voltage points or short-out parts that could result in a fire or electric shock. Never spill liquid of any kind on the product.19. Servicing -Do not attempt to service this product yourself as opening or removing covers may exposeyou to dangerous voltage or other hazards. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.20. Damage Requiring Service -Unplug this product from the wall outlet and refer servicing to qualifiedservice personnel under the following conditions:a. When the power-supply cord or plug is damaged,b. If liquid has been spilled, or objects have fallen into the product,c. If the product has been exposed to rain or water,d. If the product does not operate normally by following the operating instructions. Adjust only thosecontrols that are covered by the operating instructions as an improper adjustment of other controls may result in damage and will often require extensive work by a qualified technician to restore the product to its normal operation,e. If the product has been dropped or damaged in any way, andf. When the product exhibits a distinct change in performance –this indicates a need for service21. Replacement Parts -When replacement parts are required, be sure the service technician has usedreplacement parts specified by the manufacturer or have the same characteristics as the original part.Unauthorized substitutions may result in fire, electric shock or other hazards.22. Safety Check -Upon completion of any service or repairs to this product, ask the service technician toperform safety checks to determine that the product is in proper operating condition.23. Wall or Ceiling Mounting -The product should be mounted to a wall or ceiling only as recommended bythe manufacturer.24. Heat -The product should be situated away from heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stovesor other products (including amplifiers) that produce heat.Portable cart warningCONTENTS1. CAUTIONS & FEATURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------42. SYSTEM INCLUDES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------53. MONITOR CONTROLS -FRONT PANEL ----------------------------------------------------------64. MONITOR CONTROLS -BACK PANEL ------------------------------------------------------------95. SETTING MENU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------106. STANDARD WIRED CAMERA & CAMERA INSTALLATION---------------------------------117. MONITOR CONNECTIONS & TROUBLE SHOOTING ----------------------------------------128. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------139. OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1410. APPENDIX -A CONNECTING MONITOR TO STANDARD VCR -------------------------1511. APPENDIX -B CONNECTING TO SLAVE MONITOR ---------------------------------------1612. APPENDIX -C CONNECTING TO A LOREX TIME LAPSE VCRFOR ALARM REC. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1713. APPENDIX -D CONNECTING TO A LOREX TIME LAPSE VCRFOR NORMAL REC. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1814. APPENDIX -E CONNECTING TO A LOREX DVRFOR NORMAL RECORDING ------------------------------------------------------------------------1915. APPENDIX -F CONNECTING TO A LOREX DVRFOR ALARM RECORDING --------------------------------------------------------------------------2016. WARRANTY----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2117. CARE AND MAINTENANCE -------------------------------------------------------------------------22CAUTIONS1. All the warnings and instructions of this manual should be followed2. Remove the plug from the outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid aerosol detergents. Usewater damped cloth for cleaning3. Do not use this unit in very humid and wet places4. Keep enough space around the unit for ventilation. Slots and openings of the cabinet shouldnot be blocked.5. During flashes of lightning or cracks of thunder, or when the system is not used for a longtime, unplug the system power supply and disconnect the antenna and cables to protect the unit from lightening or power surges.FEATURESMonitor Features:•Sequentially view up to 4 cameras•Metal cabinet with 4 camera inputs (4 DIN / 4 BNC and 4 audio RCA)• 2 way audio•Video loss detection warning•On screen viewing: date*time*camera•Remote control or main panel operation•Standby switch enables monitor screen to be turned off while recording•Multi-voltage system 100 –240VoltsStandard Camera Features:•1/4”CMOS B&W Camera•Built in speaker and microphone to allow for two way audio communication•Metal mounting bracketSYSTEM INCLUDES14”4-CHANNEL B&W MONITOR WITH REMOTE CONTROL 2 -1/4”CMOS B/W CAMERASWITH METAL STAND AND57 FT CABLEMONITOR CONTROLS -FRONT PANEL1. Infra-Red Receiver –Receives signal from remote control to the monitor.2/3. Volume –Decreases/Increases volume sound. Press “-”to decrease the sound level. Press “+”toincrease the sound level.4. Mute –This button will disable the audio feature from the camera to the monitor. The amber LED light will be on when the Mute button is selected. To restore, press the Mute button again.5. Menu –This button will access the On-Screen display feature. Press the Menu button to access the System Set-up Display. Each new screen is explained in detail in the next few pages. Use UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT arrow keys (channel 1 –4) to move around and change settings.6. Alarm/AL/RS –This button activates the Motion Alarm detection. To deactivate, press this buttonagain. Also, resets the Alarm settings to the previous mode. 167891011121314171615452/3NOTE:If the alarm feature has been used by connecting external alarm devices (refer to Appendix C)to the monitor, the buttons will be disabled until the Alarm button has been pressed. Inthe event of more than one alarm occurs, the monitor will automatically sequence betweenthe camera locations to display the multiple alarm locations.7. Talk Button –By pressing and holding this button the user has the ability to talk to a specificcamera location. This button must be pressed the entire time, while talking. To listen to the camera location release the talk button. Note: This feature is only available with the wired cameras, which have two-way audio feature.8. VCR Button –This button will change the display from the camera inputs to the VCR Audio/Videoplayback and recording signal. The amber LED light located over this button will be ON when the VCR mode selection has been chosen. To return to the previous screen, press VCR again.9. Sequence Button–This button will place the unit into Sequential display mode. The amber LEDlight located over this button will be ON. In sequential display mode, the monitor will automatically rotate between the different cameras. Note, To automatically scan between the number of cameras connected, press the Menu button and set the channel without a camera to zero (00SEC). Also,a channel with a Video Loss will be skipped in sequencing.10. Channel 1–Displays Full screen of Camera 1.11. Channel 2–Displays Full screen of Camera 2.12. Channel 3–Displays Full screen of Camera 3.13. Channel 4–Displays Full screen of Camera 4.14. Microphone–Picks up sound around the camera.15. Brightness Control–Changes brightness of picture, turn left/right to adjust control.16. Standby Switch–This button will turn the unit into Standby Mode (the amber LED light will be ON).In Standby mode, the VCR Out terminal will still output signal. Pressing it again will turn the power ON (the amber LED light will be OFF). The master power switch, which controls the monitor is located at the back of the unit.17. Contrast Control–Changes contrast of picture, turn left/right to adjust control.MENU OSD / SCREEN SHOTS)1. TITLE SET2. TIME / DATE3. DISPLAY MODE4. ALARM MODE5. SEQUENCE6.ALARM HISTORY7. EXITTitle Set-Changes titles of each camera location (up to 8 characters).Time / Date-Changes the time and date.Display Mode-Changes location of screen display (Left/Right and On/Off options). Allows you to remove or activate the camera titlesSequence-The duration to which the monitor moves from one camera to another (adjustable). The Sequence time can be adjusted from 0 to 60 seconds.SEQUENCECH1 : 02SECCH2 : 02SECCH3 : 02SECCH4 : 02SECPUSH ↑↓←→, MENU KEYAlarm History-This button allows the user to view past alarm activity.1. Power -This button controls power to the entire unit . Depress the side with the ‘•’, to turn powerON. Depress the other side to turn the unit OFF. When the monitor is On, it is defaulted to Channel 1.2. VCR Audio /Video In -Use with A/V cables (not supplied) to receive audio and video from anexternal source (VCR).3. VCR Audio/Video Out -Use with A/V cables (not supplied) to transmit audio and video monitorto VCR.4. Slave Audio/Video Out -Use with A/V cables (not supplied) for use with a slave monitor.5. 6 Pin Din Camera Inputs -Channel 1-4 Camera inputs (for cameras with 6 Pin Din camerainputs).6. BNC Camera Inputs -Channel 1-4 camera inputs (for cameras with BNC Video outputs).7. RCA Audio inputs -Channel 1-4 Audio inputs (for cameras with RCA Audio output).8. Alarm Function Terminals -These terminals are used to connect external alarm devices suchas a motion sensor, door/alarm sensor, or time lapse VCR. Refer to Alarm Connection in the appendices for further details.SETTING MENUFeatures of the Remote Control. For more details on specific remote control features, refer to the Monitor featuresSTANDARD WIRED CAMERA1.Camera Lens –Delivers high quality image by using a 1/4”CMOS Image Sensor2.LED’s - 6 IR LED’s for night vision3. Speaker –Delivers sound from the monitor to the camera4. Camera Input –Connect cable to monitor5.Bracket –Metal bracket connects to camera for mounting to walls, ceilings or table6.Microphone –Picks up sound around the cameraINSTALLATIONCAMERA INSTALLATIONA. Camera UnitPermanent installation using metal camera bracketIMPORTANT NOTE:Keep camera installed away from direct sunlight. Also avoid places where humidity is high or unable to protect rain. The mounting bracket must be attached to a structural device such as wall stud or ceiling after using suitable fastener.If the system does not function properly, please check the following points.TROUBLE SHOOTINGMONITORPROBLEMREMEDYToo dark or bright pictureReadjust the CONTRAST or BRIGHTNESS controlsNO POWER Check for AC connectionPoor picture qualityClean the camera lens. Readjust the CONTRAST or BRIGHTNESS controls Picture but no sound Adjust the VOLUMEShrinking pictureCheck the condition of the POWER source No Picture Picture Flickering or Over ExposedCheck the cable for any lose connectionMake sure the camera is not facing any direct light or sunlightCAMERA1. Camera 1 InputConnect one end of the supplied 65ft cable to the first wired camera, the other end to camera Input 1.2. Camera 2 –4 InputsConnect optional/additional cameras to the camera 2-4 inputs using either the DIN or BNC camera inputs.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSMONITORPicture Tube 14”B&WHorizontal resolution300 lines at centerCamera Capable Up to 4Camera Input 4 DIN / 4 BNCAlarm Inputs/Outputs 4 / 2Input signal1V p-p at 75 ohms terminatedPower Source Multi-voltage (AC100V –240 V, 60Hz, 1.0A)Power Consumption35 wattsOperating Temperature 32°F ~ 104°F (0°C ~ 40°C)Color White Metal cabinetWeight25 Lbs.Dimensions12.7”(W) x 12.5”(D) x 12.5”(H)STANDARD CAMERAImage Device1/4”CMOS image sensorPicture Elements510 H x 492 VLens 3.6mmIllumination 1.0 Lux@ F2.0 without LED0 lux@ F2.0 with LEDResolution 400 TV LinesShutter control Auto 1/60 -1/100,000Power requirement Powered from monitor via cableOperating Temperature14°F ~ 122°F (-10°C to 50°C)Weight13 oz (369 Grams)Dimensions 2.5”(W) x 4”(D) x 2”(H)Housings WhiteAs our products are subject to continuous improvement, SVII and its subsidiaries reserve the right to modify product design, specifications and prices, without notice and without incurring any obligation. E&OEOPTIONAL ACCESSORIESThe following accessories are available to add to your existing system.CABLETIME LAPSE VCROBSERVATION CAMERAS Extends viewing length from Camera to monitor. Available In 65, 100 and250 ft lengths Accessory PIR motion sensor observation system camera with 2 way audioUsed to record key events. Select From a 40 hour real time or 960 Hour time lapse VCRTO ORDER THESE ACCESSORY ITEMS OR FOR A COMPLETE LINE OF ACCESSORIESSPECIALTY CAMERAS NIGHTVISIONWeatherproof Night vision accessory. Allows you to see in the dark up to 35-40 distance (for use with Observation system cameras)Protects observation camera From the sunSelect from a wideassortment Of specialty cameras (dome,Weatherproof, bullet,Waterproof, etc., to suitIndividual needsSUNSHADE HOUSINGCONNECTING MONITOR TO A STANDARD VCRPlease see the diagram below for connecting your VCR to the Monitor.NOTE:Ensure the Standard VCR’s channel is set to A/V Mode in order to ensure reception. Consult your VCR’s Owners Manual to set the VCR to this setting.* Important Note:To record the video signal only from the monitor use theVCR Audio/Video out terminals.To record the video out signal including on screen displayfeatures (e.g. Date, time, camera identification) use theVCR Audio/Video Slave/Monitor out terminals.CONNECTING TO SLAVE MONITORConnections to another monitor (e.g. Slave Monitor) can be made through “MONITOR OUT”as shown in the diagram belowCONNECTING TO A LOREX TIME LAPSE VCR FOR ALARM RECORDINGCONNECTING TO A LOREX TIME LAPSE VCR FOR NORMAL RECORDINGNOTE :When recording to a Digital Video Recorder, the DVR may indicate a Video Loss as the monitor sequences between channels. This Video Loss occurs because the monitor’s switching function is analogue, whereas the DVR is a digital product. Therefore a synchronization problem will result.The Solution to this problem is to adjust the Video Loss alarm sensitivity setting to 3 frames on your DVR unit, or simply disable the video loss function on your DVR. Please contact the manufacturer of your DVRif you require further assistance.NO 815 COM To N/O terminal on MonitorLOREX PRODUCT WARRANTYCARE AND MAINTENANCEPlease follow the following instructions to ensure proper care and maintenance of this systemKeep your monitor and camera dry. If it gets wet, wipe it dry immediately. Use and store your unit in normal temperature environment. Extreme temperatures can shorten the life of the electronic devices.Handle the monitor carefully. Dropping it can cause serious damageto the unit.Occasionally clean the unit with a damp cloth to keep it looking new.Do not use harsh chemicals, cleaning solvents, or strong detergentsto clean the unit.Keep the unit away from excessive dirt and dust. It can cause premature wear of parts.It’s all on the webProduct Information User ManualsQuick Start Guides Specification Sheets Software UpgradesFirmware Upgrades w w w.l o r e x c c t v.c o mV I S I T。



GARMIN 1000PFD- 主飞行显示MFD 综合显示VOL 音量NA V 导航PUSH 按下HDG 航向(旋钮)Push HDG SYNC 按下HDG同步ALT 高度RANGE 幅度范围CRS /BARO 预选航道/气压基准COM 通讯Direct-to 直飞FPL 飞行计划MENU 菜单PROC 程序(进离场、进近)CLR 清除ENT 输入(回车功能)FMS 飞行管理XPDR 应答机CODE 输入应答机代码BKSP 回删OAT 外界温度CDI 导航源选择(NA V1\NA V2\GPS)DME 测距仪IDENT 位置识别TMR\REF 时钟(秒表)\参考速度NRST 最近的机场信息AHRS 姿态航向参考系统MFD 综合显示(多功能显示)MAN IN 进气压力(172不显示)RPM 转速EIS发动机信息指示系统FFLOW GPH 燃油流量加仑\小时OIL PRES 滑油压力OIL TEMP 滑油温度CHT 汽缸头温度(最热汽缸头温度)EGT 排气温度(最热气缸的排气温度)FUEL QTY GAL 燃油量ELECTRICAL 电信息(电流电压)VOLTS电压AMPS电流GS 地速ENGINE 发动机信息MAP 地图信息DCLTR级别CHECKLIST 检查单LEAN 贫油TOPO地貌DTK预选航迹(下一个航路点)TRK当前航迹TERRAIN 地形SYSTEM 系统AIRWAY 航路PROFILE 剖面图DTK 要求的航迹角TRK航线角ETE预估的空中时间其他Slip 内侧滑Skid外侧滑。



8800PREFACEThank you for purchasing our dual band portable two way radio. This easy-to-use radio will deliver you secure, instant and reliable communications at peak efficiency. Please read this manual carefully before use. The information presented herein will help you to derive maximum performance from your radio.ContentsUnpacking And Checking EquipmentSupplied AccessoriesNote:If you need to know more information about optional accessories. Please contact us.01Carefully unpack the transceiver. We recommend that you identify the items listed in the following table before discarding the packing material. If any items are missing or have been damaged during shipment, please contact the carrier or the dealers immediately. Unpacking and Checking Equipment Product Overview Function Keypad Before UseCharging the Battery PackCharger LED indicator and charging status USB ChargingBattery LED Indicator and battery status PreparationInstalling/Removing the Antenna Installing/Removing the Belt Clip Installing/Removing the BatteryInstalling the Optional Speaker/Microphone(or Headset)Status Indication LED Indicator LCD Icons Basic Operations Menu Functions Troubleshooting Care and Cleaning0102030505050606070707070808080910131517Product OverviewFunction Keypad0302Function Keypad 0504Before UseCharging the Battery PackCharger LED indicator and charging statusUse only the charger and battery specified by the manufacturer. The charger LED indicates the charging progress.1.As ① shown, Plug the AC adaptor into the AC outlet, and then plug the cable of the AC adaptor into the DC jack located on the back of the charger.2.As ② shown, Plug the radio into the charger. Make sure the battery terminals are good in contact with charging terminals.3.The indicator light turns to red, the charging begins.4.The indicator light turns to green, the charging iscompleted.PreparationInstalling/Removing the AntennaInstalling/Removing the Belt Clip 0706Before UseUSB ChargingBattery LED Indicator and battery status 1.Plug the USB charging cable into the charging port on the back of the battery.2.The indicator light turns to red, the charging begins.3.The indicator light turns to green, the charging is completed.Use only the USB charging cable specified by the manufacturer. Charger LED can indicate the charging status.PreparationStatus IndicationLCD IconsLED IndicatorUif!upq!MFE!joejdbups!xjmm!ifmq!zpv!fbtjmz!jefoujgz!dvssfou!sbejp!tubuvt/Installing the OptionalSpeaker/Microphone(or Headset)0908Basic OperationsBasic Operations1110Powering On/OffTurn the 【Power/Volume knob】 clockwise to switch the transceiver power ON till a click is heard.Adjusting the VolumeRotate the 【Power/Volume knob】 to adjust the volume. Turn clockwise to increase the volume and counter-clockwise to decrease the volume. Enter/Exit MenuShort Press 【MENU】 Key to enter menu, and press 【UP/DOWN】 key to select the function. Press 【MENU】 Key to confirm, Press 【EXIT】 to exit.A/B Band SwitchIn standby, press 【EXIT】 Key to switch A/B Band. Main Band marked with △.Dual PTTPress 【PTT-1】 to transmit in A Band.Press 【PTT-2】 to transmit in B Band.VFO/Channel SwitchIn standby, long Press 【MENU】 Key to switch between VFO and channel mode.If the channel list does not have a valid channel number, you cannot switch to channel mode.Side KeyTo program the side key function via program software.Side key functions include: FM Radio/ Power Switch/Monitor/Scan/Search Frequency.Battery VoltageIn standby, long press 【0】 Key to check the current battery voltage.Keypad Lock/UnlockIn standby, long press 【*】 Key to lock/unlock keypad.Dual StandbyAfter turn on dual standby function, you can wait two channels signals from Band A and Band B at the same time.Operation: Menu-- Setting- Dual Standby VOXThis function is not necessary to push the PTT on the transceiver for a transmission. Transmission is activated automatically by detecting the radio voice. When finish speaking, the transmission automatically terminated and the transceiver will automatically receive signal. Be sure to adjust the VOX Gain level to an appropriate sensitivity to allow smooth transmission.Operation: Menu---VOX Level--OFF/1/2/3VOX DelayWhen the VOX is enabled, set up the VOX delay to help to extend the transmission time to avoid stopping a transmission too early. Operation: Menu-- Setting-- VOX Delay---0.5~2SSOSSOS function support three modes: On site/Send sound/Send code.On Site: The radio emits an alarm tone and doesnot send out signals to others.Send Sound: Transmit the alarm sound through the signal.Send Code: Transmit the alarm code through the signal.Operation: Long press PF1(flashlight key) to turn on SOS mode.Radio Setting: Menu-- Setting --SOS mode.FlashlightShort press PF1 to turn on/off flashlight.ScanIn standby, long press 【#】 key to turn on scan function, it support channel list scan and frequency steps scan.Operation: Menu--Setting--Scan mode--Time/-Carrier/Search.Time Operation (TO): Scanning will stop when it detects an active signal, and after 5s, it resumes scanning.Carrier Operation(CO): Scanning will stop when it detects an active signal, until the active signal disappears, and after 5s, It resumes scanning.Search Operation(SE): Scanning will stop after it detects an active signal.Note: In channel mode, scanning the channel numbers in the channel list. In frequency mode, scanning in frequency steps.PTT-IDThis feature allows you to know who call you.Transmit ANI code or DTMF code through DTMF. DTMF code total 15 groups.In the PC software--Edit--DTMF setting, each signal or A/B band can independently select the call code group to be sent.In the PC software--Edit--DTMF--ANI Code to set ANI code.Press to Send ---Transmit the code while push the PTT button.Release to Send---Transmit the code while release the PTT button.BOTH---Transmit the code while push or release the PTT button.Note: Since the ANI code operation is independent of the DTMF code. If the ANI code conflicts with the DTMF code setting, the ANI code is sent.Basic Operations1312Menu FunctionsTroubleshootingIf the solutions below cannot fix the problems for you, or you may have some other queries, please contact us or your local dealer for more technical support.Menu Functions1514Care and CleaningDo not puncture or scratch the product with hard objects.Do not place the product in corrosive agents, solutions or water.Do not handle the radio by its antenna or external microphone directly.When not in use, keep the accessory jacks covered with the protective caps.To guarantee optimal performance as well as a long service life of the product, please follow the tips below.Clean up the dust and fine particles on the product parts with a clean and dry lint-free cloth or a brush regularly.Use a non-woven fabric with neutral cleanser to clean the keys, control knobs, and shell after long-time use. Do not use chemical preparations such as stain removers, alcohol, sprays or oil preparations.Make sure the product is completely dry before use.Power off the product, and remove the battery before cleaning.Troubleshooting1716Care and CleaningNOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful inter- ference to radio or television reception, which can be determind by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the follwing measures:- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver isconnected.-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. This device complies with Part 15B of the FCC Rules. Operation is sub- ject to the following two conditions:(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that maycause undesired operation.。

Q-BQB 427-2018

Q-BQB 427-2018

数值修约规则与极限数值的表示和判定 化学成分测定用试样的取样和制样方法 高频感应炉燃烧后红外吸收法(常规方法) 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法 第 2 部分:感应炉(经预加热)内燃烧后红外 多元素含量的测定 低碳含量的测定 总碳硫含量的测定
Q/BQB 409-2017 JIS Z 2241:2011 temperature 3 术语和定义
下列术语和定义适用于本标准。 3.1 热镀铝硅合金镀层 hot-dip aluminum-silicon alloy coating(AS)
Q/BQB 427-2018 连续热镀铝硅生产线上,将经过预处理的钢带浸入由铝和 5~11%的硅组成的熔融液中所得到的 Al-Fe-Si 合金镀层。 3.2 无间隙原子钢 interstitial free steels 无间隙原子钢是在超低碳钢中加入适量的钛或铌,使钢中的碳、氮间隙原子完全被固定成碳、氮化 物,钢中没有间隙原子存在的一类钢。 3.3 热冲压成形 hot stamping (HS), press hardening (PH) 热冲压成形是将钢加热到奥氏体化温度以上, 快速移动到模具上, 高温坯料在模具内被冲压成形的 同时完成成形和淬火的一种工艺。 3.4 热冲压用钢 适用于热冲压成形用途的钢。 3.5 拉伸应变痕 stretcher strain marks 由于时效的原因,冷成形加工过程中,钢板或钢带出现不均匀变形,导致钢板或钢带发生局部塑性 变形,最终会在钢板或钢带表面呈现与拉伸方向成一定角度的一系列平行线状的褶皱或不规则折线、 不 规则表面扭曲等有损表面外观质量的缺陷。 3.6 镀层重量 coating mass 即双面镀层重量之和,以每面镀层重量的形式分别表示,单位为克/平方米(g/m )。 4 分类和代号 钢板及钢带按特点区分应符合表1的规定。 钢板及钢带按表面质量区分应符合表2的规定。 表1

GMW16579 2012 中文翻译版

GMW16579 2012 中文翻译版

Material and Process Testing Requirements forPress Hardened Steel and Stamping Suppliers热成形钢和热冲压零件供应商的材料和工艺要求1 Scope1 范围This document describes the minimum process and internal testing requirements for producers of hot stamped parts.此文件描述热成形零件供应商的最低工艺和内部试验要求。

1.1 Material Description. Hot stamping, or press hardening as it is also known, utilizes a steel of high hardenability such as 22MnB5 that is heated to convert the microstructure to austenite followed by stamping in a water cooled die to produce the proper part shape and to simultaneously quench the steel to create a martensite rich microstructure. Parts produced to this specification will have a uniform hardness and a microstructure consisting of essentially 100% tempered martensite along with small amounts of bainite.1.1 材料描述。




















ISO9227VDA621-4152.2 GM标准/规范。








合适的设备,在ISO 9227中描述。







≤0.008 ≤0.35 0.02~0.05 ≤0.35
a:可添加 Nb 等微合金元素。
7.3 交货状态
7.3.1 对于冷轧表面交货的钢板及钢带,以冷轧、退火及平整后交货。
7.3.2 对于热轧轧制表面和热轧酸洗表面交货的钢板及钢带,以热轧状态交货。
7.3.3 对于以冷轧表面交货的钢板及钢带,通常应进行涂油,所涂油膜应能用碱水溶液去除。
7.4 力学性能 7.4.1 供方保证自制造完成之日起 6 个月内,钢板及钢带热冲压前的力学性能应符合表 6 的 规定。
7.4.2 钢板及钢带经热冲压成相关零件后,其性能应符合表 7 的规定。供方不提供相关零件 的性能检验报告。
7.4.3 当钢板及钢带按指定零件供货时,供需双方可商定一个满足该零件加工需求的力学性 能范围作为验收基准,此时,表 6 和表 7 规定的力学性能将不再作为交货和验收的依据。 7.4.4 由于时效的影响,钢板及钢带的力学性能会随着储存时间的延长而变差,如屈服强度 和抗拉强度的上升,断后伸长率的下降,成形性能变差,出现拉伸应变痕等,建议用户尽早
Q/BQB 409-2014
FB 的要求。
7.6.3 以热轧轧制表面和热轧酸洗表面交货的钢板及钢带,各表面质量级别的特征应符合表 9
b 试样为 JIS Z2241 规定的 No.5 试样,试样方向为横向。

罗克威尔自动化工业电脑 - 增强写滤镜(EWF)和休眠一次唤醒多次(HORM)配置实用程序说明书

罗克威尔自动化工业电脑 - 增强写滤镜(EWF)和休眠一次唤醒多次(HORM)配置实用程序说明书

Technical DataEWF and HORM Configuration Utility for Rockwell Automation Industrial ComputersAbout This Publication This publication provides instructions on how to use the Enhanced Write Filter(EWF) and Hibernate Once/Resume Many (HORM) configuration utility. Thisutility is available only on these Rockwell Automation industrial computers thatcome with the Windows Embedded Standard 2009 (WES 2009) operatingsystem:•6155F compact non-display computers•6181F integrated display computersY ou can view or download this publication at/literature.About the EWF and HORM Utility EWF protects a volume from write access by caching writes to another location. This helps extend the life of solid state media and can help reduce possible corruption to the operating system due to unplanned power outages. HORM allows the system to boot from a hibernation file while EWF is enabled.For more information on EWF and HORM, go to the Microsoft website at .Managing EWF EWF can be managed on the run-time image in these two ways:•Rockwell Automation EWF/HORM configuration utility•Microsoft EWFMGR command line utilityThe EWF/HORM configuration utility provides commonly used features of theMicrosoft EWFMGR utility and an easy to use graphical interface.For more information about managing EWF with the EWMGR command lineutility, see the Microsoft website at .2 EWF and HORM Configuration Utility for Rockwell Automation Industrial ComputersStart the Utility The EWF/HORM configuration utility is pre-installed on all WES 2009 imagesand can be found as ‘EWFHORM Utility.exe’ in C:\ProgramFiles\EWFHORM Utility\. A shortcut has been provided for the initialadministrator logon.T o start the utility, double-click the EWFHORM utility shortcut.The shortcut loads the utility and displays this dialog box.TIP Only users with administrator rights can make changes to theEWF/HORM utility.Field Descriptions FieldDescription Overlay Type Displays the current mode of EWF. RAM (Reg) is the only mode supported on Rockwell Automation WES 2009 images and cannot be changed. This mode caches all writes to the physical random access memory (RAM) and the configuration information is stored in the system registry.Protected Drive Displays the volume protected by EWF. This will default to C: and cannot be changed on the run-time image.Overlay Level Some EWF configurations can allow multiple overlays. The RAM (Reg) mode allows only a single overlay and cannot be changed.Available RAM Displays the amount of physical RAM available to the system.EWF can attempt to allocate more physical RAM than is installed on the computer. The system can become unstable and unresponsive if the amount of physical RAM is too low. See Commit Changes to Disk for methods to free up physical RAM.For instructions on adding more RAM, see your computer’s user manual.EWF Status Displays the current status of the EWF. For more information on managing EWF, see the following sections.Overlay SizeDisplays the current size of the overlay size. This must be less than the amount of available RAM or else the system can become unstable. For more information on managing the overlay size, see the following sections.EWF and HORM Configuration Utility for Rockwell Automation Industrial Computers 3Enable EWF The factory image comes with EWF in the disabled state.Follow these steps to enable EWF.1.Click Enable.2.Click Yes to enable EWF.Enabling EWF requires a system restart.3.Click Yes to restart.HORM StatusDisplays the current status of HORM. This is enabled by default. For more information on managing HORM, see Enable HORM and Disable HORM .Hibernate Hibernates the system.HORM must be enabled for the system to hibernate. If hibernation is not enabled on the system, the Hibernate button will put the system into standby.Reboot Restarts the system.CloseCloses the application. Minimizing the application at any time will then display an icon in the system tray.Field DescriptionsFieldDescription TIP Enable is unavailable if EWF is already enabled.4 EWF and HORM Configuration Utility for Rockwell Automation Industrial ComputersOnce EWF is enabled, the status screen displays Enabled.Disable EWF The following method is used to clear the contents of the overlay and disableEWF for RAM (Reg) overlay types.Please see Commit Changes to Disk if you would like to commit changes inaddition to disabling EWF.Follow these steps to disable EWF.1.Click Disable.2.Click Yes to disable EWF.Disabling the EWF requires a system restart.3.Click Yes to restart.4.Once the system restarts, start the utility.5.Click Commit/Disable EWF to complete the disable process.TIP Disable is unavailable if EWF is already disabled.EWF and HORM Configuration Utility for Rockwell Automation Industrial Computers 5This will make sure the overlay is empty and immediately disable EWF.No restart is necessary after this step.6.Click Yes to commit/disable EWF.The EWF state will then change to disabled and all RAM utilized for the overlay will be returned to the operating system.Commit Changes to Disk All changes to a system are lost on a power outage or restart while EWF isenabled, unless they are committed to disk.Follow these steps to commit changes to disk.1.Click Commit.ATTENTION: Enabling EWF for long periods of time can fill theRAM overlay. The system will become unstable if changes are notcommitted to disk or restarted before the physical RAM isdepleted.If the overlay continually becomes full, examine your applications’use of RAM or consider adding more RAM to your system.For more information about adding RAM to your system, see yourcomputer’s user manual.TIP Commit is unavailable if EWF is not enabled.6 EWF and HORM Configuration Utility for Rockwell Automation Industrial Computers2.Click Yes to commit changes. Commiting changes requires a system restart.3.Click Yes to restart.The changes will be committed and EWF will remain enabled once the system restart. Commit Changes and Disable EWF Follow these steps to commit changes and disable EWF.1.Click Commit/Disable EWF.2.Click Yes to commit/disable EWF.No restart is necessary after this step. The changes will be written to diskand EWF will be in a disabled state.TIP The Commit/Disable EWF button is unavailable if EWF is not enabled.EWF and HORM Configuration Utility for Rockwell Automation Industrial Computers 7Enable HORMFollow these steps to enable HORM.1.Click Enable.2.Click Yes to enable HORM. 3.Click Yes to restart. Disable HORM Follow these steps to disable HORM.1.ClickDisable . 2.Click Yes to disable HORM.TIP Enable is unavailable if HORM is already enabled.TIP Disable is unavailable if HORM is disabled.Allen-Bradley, Rockwell Software, Rockwell Automation, and TechConnect are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.Rockwell Otomasyon Ticaret A.Ş., Kar Plaza İş Merkezi E Blok Kat:6 34752 İçerenköy, İstanbul, T el: +90 (216) 5698400Publication 6000-TD003A-EN-P - April 2010Copyright © 2010 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.3.Click Yes to restart.。



m0n0wall中⽂⼿册第⼀章介紹1.1. 什麼是m0n0wallm0n0wall 是⼀個完整的、嵌⼊式的防⽕牆套裝軟件,該套裝軟件可以安裝于嵌⼊式PC裡,提供所有商業防⽕牆的重要特性(包括易⽤性),⽽且價格只有商業防⽕牆幾分之⼀(⾃由軟體)。

m0n0wall 是基于bare-bones version of FreeBSD,包括⼀個WEB伺服器,PHP和另⼀些⼯具軟體。










●我們認為以下的這些服務應該在另⼀台伺服器上運轉,所以m0n0wall不包含這些部分︰●⼊侵察覺/ 預防系統●代理服務●除了第3層和第4層以外其他任何層的包檢查●WEB服務●FTP服務●網路時間服務●⽇誌⽂件分析不⽀持Telnet或SSH程式。

1.3.歷史Manuel Kasper, m0n0wall的作者,說︰從我開始在嵌⼊式PC上擺弄包過濾器,我就想有⼀個漂亮的基于web圖形界⾯的控制單元來控制所有的防⽕牆功能,⽽不是透過鍵⼊單個的命令。



Naobook1-translated GM 焊接手册 (中文版本)

Naobook1-translated  GM 焊接手册 (中文版本)

NAO全球采购供应商质量焊接支撑手册焊接信息和文件供应商开发和质量全球采购2005年11月17日修订GM NAO供应商质量焊接支撑手册焊接信息和文件供应商开发和质量我们另提供一套装订封面和封底,这样您可以将本手册放入一个2”的透明装订夹内。










这些信息是根据GM-NAO 汽车集材开发焊接系统最佳操作时的自身经验中获得,工具确认的图示、控制平面图、零件取样和诊断工具可以提供给诸如不断开发和改进其焊接质量系统的供应商们。



Melissa Chmiel NAO供应商质量810-986-6291Mark Pasella MLCG焊接SQE 810-575-0080F. James Smith GMCL供应商质量905-644-5336Jeffrey L. Beatty WWP –钢铁810-696-2493Danial McCowen Saturn供应商质量931-486-5761Andrew Timpner GMTG供应商质量248-753-8586Robert C. Masters NAO焊接集团810-986-4731Pam Treat GMATV供应商质量248-680-5743Michael Woods GMPTG供应商质量810-236-3575如果你对本手册的内容有任何疑问,请联系:Mark Pasella Mid Lux汽车集材供应商质量电话 # 810-575-0080 (8-535-0080)Mail Code 480-210-W10.*******************************NAO供应商质量和全球采购目录表部分供应商预期…………………....................................................... 1.0 焊接要求摘要…………………….............................................. 2.0来源 ......................................................................................... 3.0焊接手册和标准诊断工具焊接设备和供应商s .可提供之培训焊接验收标准…………………….................................................. 4.0 焊接学习文件破坏性测试要求非破坏性测试协议措施剥离和凿刻测试生产系统电阻焊接原理…………………………………......... 5.0 控制金属厚度最小点间隔法兰要求焊接指导方针设计焊接时间表力度要求确定热负载选择二次导体选择变压器电阻焊接信息和选择 ............................................................. 6.0 建议和技巧焊接数据表(cheat sheet)焊接系统变压器信息线缆和跳线信息电极和冷却信息推荐用途RWMA预防性维护目录表 (续.)部分电阻焊接设备确认………………………………….....................7.0 PED 803 焊接工具确认程序M部分时间表焊接工具信息表步进器确认推荐步进器进度表电极修磨机确认试样厚度图表GM9621P 电阻焊接.................................................................................... 8.0 过程控制程序GM4488M 电阻焊接 ..............................................................................9.0点焊接标准GM4492M 缝焊 .....................................................................10.0滚缝标准AWS缝焊指导凸出螺母和螺栓焊接 ................................................................... 11.0 要求建议和技巧安装程序生产系统电弧/激光焊接Principles …………………………....... 12.0 GMAW推荐焊接应用和部件手动Vs自动Vs机械手普通考虑因素联合设计目录表 (续.)部分电弧/激光焊接核实学习................................................................ 13.0 焊接数据表sMCD B-1-34 电弧/激光............................................................... 14.0过程控制程序GM4485M和GM4490M ............................................................. 15.0 激光对焊接头标准激光叠加标准GM6122M GM4491M和GM6028M .......................................... 16.0 电弧焊说明电弧斑点,火花塞和槽焊说明电极说明铝电弧焊 ....................................................................................... 17.0焊接铝电源供应存储和制备电极供送性能ASME测试代码焊接特性设备铝电阻焊接................................................................................ 18.0指导方针焊接进度表对供应商之预期所有供应商将需要:符合APQP GM NAO WWP之要求操作方针符合QS9000要求。



•Made in America•Packaged Quantities•Same-Day ShippingTable of Contents1-800-453-1692Request InfoThe Blue Devil® brand is a high-quality line of socket products , dowel pins and pipe plugs .All of the inch-sized Blue Devil® sockets, pins and plugs are manufactured exclusively in the United States.All metric sizes of Blue Devil® socket head cap, button and flat head screws are made in the foreign manufacturers.All of Kanebridge’s Military-grade socket cap screws are domestically manufactured . All MS & NAS-spec parts come with full military certification at no additional charge.Over 99% of the items we sell are available from our shelves today ! That includes military & commercial fasteners, steel & stainless, inch-sized & metric parts. All orders placed by 5PM can ship the same day.This booklet lists our most current selection of socket products. This includes steel selection of Alloy Steel socket cap screws with Zinc plating..For each item, we list the size, description quantity is the minimum order amount for each item. There is no dollar minimum requirement to place an order with Kanebridge.• UPS & FedEx pick-up from each of our branches daily. For larger to pick-up your order--usually the same day.up within 1 hour. Call us: (888-222-9221) Fax us: (201-337-2301) Our Customer ServiceDepartment can be contacted 7:30 AM - 8:00 PM Eastern, Monday thru Friday. Oure-commerce site, FasNet™, is available 24/7.K A N E B R I D G ESocket Products 2017Kanebridge Socket Products Socket Cap Screws Socket Flat Heads Socket Button Heads Shoulder Screws Socket Set Screws Dowel PinsPipe Plugs344Ka n e b r i d g e S O U RC E BO O K INCH SIZES Socket Head Cap Screws Alloy Steel Plain ........................345-347Stainless Steel .................................348Socket Head Cap Screws, Low Head ......349Flat Head Cap Screws ............................349Button Head Cap Screws ........................350Socket Shoulder Screws ...........................351Socket Set Screws, Cup Point .................352Socket Set Screws, Oval Point ................353Socket Set Screws, Cone Point ...............354Socket Set Screws, Half Dog Point ..........354Socket Set Screws, Flat Point ..................354Dowel Pins, Bright ..................................355Dowel Pins, Ebony .................................356Dry Seal Socket Pipe Plug, Steel ..............357Flush Seating Socket Pipe Plug, Steel ........357Dry Seal Socket Pipe Plug, Brass ............357Flush Seating Socket Pipe Plug, Brass .....357INCH SIZES (continued)Hex Wrenches, Short Arm .......................357Hex Wrenches, Long Arm ........................357Hex Wrenches, Tamper Proof ...................358Hex Wrench Sets, Short Arm ...................358Hex Wrench Sets, Long Arm ....................358Socket Screw Guide Slide Chart ...............358Socket Head Cap Screws, Alloy Zinc Plated ..358METRIC SIZES Socket Head Cap Screws, Metric ...........359Flat Head Cap Screws, Metric ................360Button Head Cap Screws, Metric .............361Socket Set Screws—Cup Point, Metric .......361Hex Wrenches -Short Arm, Metric ...........362NON BLUE DEVIL® PRODUCTS Pipe Plugs—Phillips .................................363Pipe Plugs—Slotted ................................363Military-Grade Domestic Sockets MS16995 Stainless Cap Screws, Coarse ...........364MS16996 Stainless Cap Screws, Fine ...............364MS16997 Steel Cad Yellow Cap Screws ...........364NAS1351 Stainless Cap Screws, Fine ...............364NAS1351A A286 Stainless Cap Screws, Fine ....365NAS1352 Stainless Cap Screws, Coarse ..............365NAS1352A A286 Stainless Cap Screws, Coarse ...365N o n -B l u e D e v i l ®P r o d u c t s1-800-453-1692Request Info345e-mail:******************** BLUE DEVIL ® SOCKETS Return to Table of Contents 0204CSP 44002 2-56X1/4 100 0.050206CSP 44004 2-56X3/8 100 0.070208CSP 44006 2-56X1/2 100 0.08 0303CSP 44008 3-48X3/16 100 0.090304CSP 44010 3-48X1/4 100 0.110306CSP 44012 3-48X3/8 100 0.120308CSP 44014 3-48X1/2 100 0.14 0402CSP 64100 4-40X1/8 100 0.100403CSP 64102 4-40X3/16 100 0.110404CSP 44016 4-40X1/4 100 0.130405CSP 64104 4-40X5/16 100 0.120406CSP 44018 4-40X3/8 100 0.130408CSP 44020 4-40X1/2 100 0.160410CSP 44022 4-40X5/8 100 0.180412CSP 44024 4-40X3/4 100 0.210416CSP 84024 4-40X1 100 0.310420CSP 4-40X1 1/4 100 0.36 0504CSP 44026 5-40X1/4 100 0.160506CSP 44028 5-40X3/8 100 0.200508CSP 44030 5-40X1/2 100 0.230510CSP 44032 5-40X5/8 100 0.270512CSP 44034 5-40X3/4 100 0.30 0602CSP 64130 6-32X1/8 100 0.170604CSP 44036 6-32X1/4 100 0.200606CSP 44038 6-32X3/8 100 0.250608CSP 44040 6-32X1/2 100 0.280610CSP 44042 6-32X5/8 100 0.320612CSP 44044 6-32X3/4 100 0.380614CSP 44046 6-32X7/8 100 0.420616CSP 44048 6-32X1 100 0.460620CSP 84050 6-32X1 1/4 100 0.590624CSP 84052 6-32X1 1/2 100 0.650632CSP 6-32X2 100 0.80 0804CSP 44050 8-32X1/4 100 0.320805CSP 64160 8-32X5/16 100 0.350806CSP 44052 8-32X3/8 100 0.370808CSP 44054 8-32X1/2 100 0.430810CSP 44056 8-32X5/8 100 0.510812CSP 44058 8-32X3/4 100 0.570814CSP 44060 8-32X7/8 100 0.630816CSP 44062 8-32X1 100 0.690820CSP 44064 8-32X1 1/4 100 0.790824CSP 44066 8-32X1 1/2 100 0.910828CSP 64170 8-32X1 3/4 100 1.150832CSP 64172 8-32X2 100 1.230840CSP 8-32X2 1/2 100 1.48 1004CSP 64180 10-24X1/4 100 0.421006CSP 44068 10-24X3/8 100 0.521008CSP 44070 10-24X1/2 100 0.641010CSP 44072 10-24X5/8 100 0.711012CSP 44074 10-24X3/4 100 0.781014CSP 44076 10-24X7/8 100 0.841016CSP 44078 10-24X1 100 0.931020CSP 44080 10-24X1 1/4 100 1.121024CSP 44082 10-24X1 1/2 100 1.261028CSP 44084 10-24X1 3/4 100 1.501032CSP 44086 10-24X2 100 1.691036CSP 84088 10-24X2 1/4 100 1.901040CSP 84090 10-24X2 1/2 100 2.141044CSP 64190 10-24X2 3/4 100 2.401048CSP 64192 10-24X3 100 2.50 1406CSP 44088 1/4-20X3/8 100 1.031408CSP 44090 1/4-20X1/2 100 1.141409CSP 64206 1/4-20X9/16 100 1.151410CSP 44092 1/4-20X5/8 100 1.321412CSP 44094 1/4-20X3/4 100 1.381414CSP 44096 1/4-20X7/8 100 1.521416CSP 44098 1/4-20X1 100 1.691420CSP 44100 1/4-20X1 1/4 100 2.001424CSP 44102 1/4-20X1 1/2 100 2.421428CSP 44104 1/4-20X1 3/4 100 2.561432CSP 44106 1/4-20X2 100 2.961436CSP 44108 1/4-20X2 1/4 100 3.261440CSP 44110 1/4-20X2 1/2 100 3.701444CSP 44112 1/4-20X2 3/4 100 3.961448CSP 44113 1/4-20X3 100 4.441452CSP 64230 1/4-20X3 1/4 100 4.621456CSP 44114 1/4-20X3 1/2 100 5.151464CSP 84144 1/4-20X4 100 5.581480CSP 64250 1/4-20X5 10 7.031496CSP 1/4-20X6 10 8.42 3106CSP 44116 5/16-18X3/8 100 1.763108CSP 44118 5/16-18X1/2 100 1.983110CSP 44120 5/16-18X5/8 100 2.183112CSP 44122 5/16-18X3/4 100 2.373114CSP 44124 5/16-18X7/8 100 2.603116CSP 44126 5/16-18X1 100 2.903120CSP 44128 5/16-18X1 1/4 100 3.283124CSP 44130 5/16-18X1 1/2 100 3.673128CSP 44132 5/16-18X1 3/4 100 4.363132CSP 44134 5/16-18X2 100 4.833136CSP 44136 5/16-18X2 1/4 100 5.503140CSP 44138 5/16-18X2 1/2 100 5.943144CSP 44140 5/16-18X2 3/4 100 6.633148CSP 44142 5/16-18X3 100 6.943152CSP 44144 5/16-18X3 1/4 50 7.663156CSP 44146 5/16-18X3 1/2 50 8.003160CSP 64266 5/16-18X3 3/4 50 8.223164CSP 84170 5/16-18X4 50 9.043180CSP 64270 5/16-18X5 50 10.57 3708CSP 44148 3/8-16X1/2 100 3.153710CSP 44150 3/8-16X5/8 100 3.423712CSP 44152 3/8-16X3/4 100 3.803714CSP 44154 3/8-16X7/8 100 4.093716CSP 44156 3/8-16X1 100 4.303718CSP 64280 3/8-16X1 1/8 100 4.803720CSP 44158 3/8-16X1 1/4 100 5.143724CSP 44160 3/8-16X1 1/2 100 5.683728CSP 44162 3/8-16X1 3/4 100 6.503732CSP 44164 3/8-16X2 100 7.093736CSP 44166 3/8-16X2 1/4 100 8.053740CSP 44168 3/8-16X2 1/2 50 8.883744CSP 44170 3/8-16X2 3/4 50 9.803748CSP 44172 3/8-16X3 50 10.303752CSP 44174 3/8-16X3 1/4 50 11.203756CSP 44176 3/8-16X3 1/2 50 11.823764CSP 44178 3/8-16X4 50 13.463772CSP 44180 3/8-16X4 1/2 50 15.023780CSP 44182 3/8-16X5 50 16.443788CSP 3/8-16X5 1/2 50 17.543796CSP 84202 3/8-16X6 50 19.65 4308CSP 44184 7/16-14X1/2 100 4.634310CSP 44186 7/16-14X5/8 100 5.154312CSP 44188 7/16-14X3/4 100 5.614314CSP 44190 7/16-14X7/8 100 6.00More sizes on next column More sizes on page 346Request Info346Phone: 800-222-9221S O U RC E BO O K Return to Table of Contents 4320CSP 44194 7/16-14X1 1/4 4324CSP 44196 7/16-14X1 1/2 4328CSP 44198 7/16-14X1 3/4 4332CSP 44200 7/16-14X2 4336CSP 44202 7/16-14X2 1/4 4340CSP 44204 7/16-14X2 1/2 4344CSP 44206 7/16-14X2 3/4 4348CSP 44208 7/16-14X3 4352CSP 44210 7/16-14X3 1/4 4356CSP 44212 7/16-14X3 1/2 4364CSP 44214 7/16-14X4 4372CSP 7/16-14X4 1/2 5008CSP 5010CSP 5012CSP 5014CSP 5016CSP 44224 1/2-13X1 5020CSP 44226 1/2-13X1 1/4 5024CSP 44228 1/2-13X1 1/2 5028CSP 44230 1/2-13X1 3/4 5032CSP 44232 1/2-13X2 5036CSP 44234 1/2-13X2 1/4 5040CSP 44236 1/2-13X2 1/2 5044CSP 44238 1/2-13X2 3/4 5048CSP 44240 1/2-13X3 5052CSP 44242 1/2-13X3 1/4 5056CSP 44244 1/2-13X3 1/2 5060CSP 64320 1/2-13X3 3/4 5064CSP 44246 1/2-13X4 5068CSP 64330 1/2-13X4 1/4 5072CSP 44248 1/2-13X4 1/2 5080CSP 44250 1/2-13X5 5088CSP 44252 1/2-13X5 1/2 5096CSP 44254 1/2-13X6 50104CSP 44256 1/2-13X6 1/2 50112CSP 44258 1/2-13X7 50128CSP 44260 1/2-13X8 6216CSP 44262 5/8-11X1 6220CSP 44264 5/8-11X1 1/4 6224CSP 44266 5/8-11X1 1/2 6228CSP 44268 5/8-11X1 3/4 6232CSP 44270 5/8-11X2 6236CSP 44272 5/8-11X2 1/4 6240CSP 44274 5/8-11X2 1/2 6244CSP 44276 5/8-11X2 3/4 6248CSP 44278 5/8-11X3 6252CSP 44280 5/8-11X3 1/4 6256CSP 44282 5/8-11X3 1/2 6260CSP 64350 5/8-11X3 3/4 6264CSP 44284 5/8-11X4 6272CSP 44286 5/8-11X4 1/2 6280CSP 44288 5/8-11X5 6288CSP 44290 5/8-11X5 1/2 6296CSP 44292 5/8-11X6 62104CSP 44294 5/8-11X6 1/2 62112CSP 44296 5/8-11X7 62128CSP 44298 5/8-11X8 7520CSP 44300 3/4-10X1 1/4 7524CSP 44302 3/4-10X1 1/2 7528CSP 44304 3/4-10X1 3/4 7532CSP 44306 3/4-10X2 7536CSP 44308 3/4-10X2 1/4 7540CSP 44310 3/4-10X2 1/2 7544CSP 44312 3/4-10X2 3/4 3/4-10X3 1/4 25 50.883/4-10X3 1/2 25 54.403/4-10X3 3/4 25 58.0025 61.163/4-10X4 1/2 25 66.1225 73.323/4-10X5 1/2 25 78.6410 86.803/4-10X6 1/2 10 91.5010 99.5010 112.00 10 53.707/8-9X2 1/4 10 57.507/8-9X2 1/2 10 61.007/8-9X2 3/4 10 65.0010 67.707/8-9X3 1/4 10 74.007/8-9X3 1/2 10 76.5010 83.507/8-9X4 1/2 10 93.6010 100.507/8-9X5 1/2 10 113.0010 120.007/8-9X6 1/2 10 129.0010 138.0010 155.00 10 71.201-8X2 1/4 10 76.001-8X2 1/2 10 83.501-8X2 3/4 10 92.3010 95.801-8X3 1/4 10 100.901-8X3 1/2 10 108.5010 115.401-8X4 1/2 10 128.4010 139.001-8X5 1/2 10 154.0010 161.501-8X6 1/2 10 176.0010 187.0010 209.00 1 1/4-7X2 1/2 1 150.001 1/4-7X3 1 160.001 1/4-7X3 1/2 1 180.001 1/4-7X4 1 200.001 1/4-7X4 1/2 1 210.001 1/4-7X5 1 230.001 1/4-7X5 1/2 1 240.001 1/4-7X6 1 260.001 1/4-7X6 1/2 1 280.001 1/4-7X7 1 290.001 1/4-7X8 1 330.001 1/4-7X9 1 360.001 1/4-7X10 1 390.00 1 1/2-6X3 1 240.001 1/2-6X3 1/2 1 250.001 1/2-6X4 1 290.001 1/2-6X4 1/2 1 300.001 1/2-6X5 1 330.001 1/2-6X5 1/2 1 350.001 1/2-6X6 1 380.001 1/2-6X6 1/2 1 400.001 1/2-6X7 1 430.00More sizes on next column Request InfoBLUE DEVIL ® SOCKETS Return to Table of Contents 2.242.512.722.963.403.904.414.905.616.086.403.303.603.904.244.535.405.976.767.508.309.126.657.658.559.209.70Request Info348Phone: 800-222-9221S O U RC E BO O K Return to Table of Contents 0204CSSS 26002 2-56X1/4 0206CSSS 26004 2-56X3/8 0208CSSS 26006 2-56X1/2 0403CSSS 0404CSSS 26016 4-40X1/4 0405CSSS 0406CSSS 26018 4-40X3/8 0408CSSS 26020 4-40X1/2 0410CSSS 62110 4-40X5/8 0412CSSS 62114 4-40X3/4 0416CSSS 62118 4-40X1 0604CSSS 26022 6-32X1/4 0605CSSS 0606CSSS 26024 6-32X3/8 0608CSSS 26026 6-32X1/2 0610CSSS 26028 6-32X5/8 0612CSSS 26030 6-32X3/4 0620CSSS 62144 6-32X1 1/4 0804CSSS 62158 8-32X1/4 0806CSSS 26032 8-32X3/8 0808CSSS 26034 8-32X1/2 0810CSSS 26036 8-32X5/8 0812CSSS 26038 8-32X3/4 0816CSSS 26040 8-32X1 0820CSSS 62170 8-32X1 1/4 0824CSSS 62172 8-32X1 1/2 1006CSSS 1008CSSS 1010CSSS 1012CSSS 1014CSSS 1016CSSS 26052 10-24X1 1020CSSS 26054 10-24X1 1/4 1024CSSS 26056 10-24X1 1/2 1404CSSS 1406CSSS 1408CSSS 1410CSSS 1412CSSS 1414CSSS 1416CSSS 26068 1/4-20X1 1420CSSS 26070 1/4-20X1 1/4 1424CSSS 26072 1/4-20X1 1/2 1428CSSS 26074 1/4-20X1 3/4 1432CSSS 26076 1/4-20X2 1436CSSS 62230 1/4-20X2 1/4 1440CSSS 62234 1/4-20X2 1/2 3108CSSS 26080 3112CSSS 26084 3114CSSS 26086 3116CSSS 3120CSSS 26090 5/16-18X1 1/4 3124CSSS 26092 5/16-18X1 1/2 3132CSSS 3136CSSS 62260 5/16-18X2 1/4 3164CSSS 3708CSSS 3710CSSS 3712CSSS 3716CSSS 26106 3/8-16X1 3720CSSS 26108 3/8-16X1 1/4 More sizes on next column Request Info349com BLUE DEVIL ® SOCKETS Return to Table of Contents 100 0.19100 0.24100 0.29100 0.316-32X1 100 0.40 100 0.29100 0.34100 0.38100 0.48100 0.58 100 0.37100 0.48100 0.54100 0.60100 0.7410-24X1 1/4 100 0.8710-24X1 1/2 100 1.20 100 0.71100 0.83100 0.97100 1.07100 1.401/4-20X1 1/4 100 1.621/4-20X1 1/2 100 1.901/4-20X1 3/4 100 2.34100 2.60 5/16-18X1/2 100 1.405/16-18X5/8 100 1.605/16-18X3/4 100 1.82100 2.225/16-18X1 1/4 100 2.705/16-18X1 1/2 100 3.105/16-18X1 3/4 100 3.50100 4.305/16-18X2 1/4 100 4.705/16-18X2 1/2 100 5.33 100 2.25100 2.50100 2.82100 3.30100 3.513/8-16X1 1/4 100 4.013/8-16X1 1/2 100 4.723/8-16X1 3/4 100 5.25100 5.883/8-16X2 1/4 100 6.903/8-16X2 1/2 50 7.6050 9.20 7/16-14X3/4 100 3.50100 4.307/16-14X1 1/4 100 5.147/16-14X1 1/2 100 5.30 100 4.50100 5.701/2-13X1 1/4 100 6.801/2-13X1 1/2 100 8.001/2-13X1 3/4 50 9.2050 10.581/2-13X2 1/4 50 11.56Request Info350Phone: 800-222-9221Return to Table of Contents 5048CSFL 19138 1/2-13X3 50 15.125064CSFL 66110 1/2-13X4 25 21.025080CSFL 66120 1/2-13X5 25 25.20 6220CSFL 19140 5/8-11X1 1/4 50 11.806224CSFL 19142 5/8-11X1 1/2 50 13.206228CSFL 19144 5/8-11X1 3/4 50 15.406232CSFL 19146 5/8-11X2 50 17.006236CSFL 19148 5/8-11X2 1/4 25 19.606240CSFL 19150 5/8-11X2 1/2 25 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2.883816CSFL 19243 3/8-24X1 100 3.603820CSFL 19245 3/8-24X1 1/4 100 4.143824CSFL 19247 3/8-24X1 1/2 100 4.87 4416CSFL 66100 7/16-20X1 100 4.60 5112CSFL 19249 1/2-20X3/4 100 4.705116CSFL 19251 1/2-20X1 100 6.01 More sizes on next column More sizes on page 351Request Info351BLUE DEVIL ® SOCKETS Return to Table of Contents 25 1.2425 1.4425 1.6225 1.8225 2.201/4X1 1/4 25 2.521/4X1 1/2 25 2.841/4X2 25 3.20 25 1.6025 2.4025 2.8025 3.2025 3.605/16X1 1/4 25 4.005/16X1 1/2 25 4.405/16X1 3/4 25 5.2025 5.60 25 3.5625 3.9225 4.3025 4.8025 5.443/8X1 1/4 25 6.243/8X1 1/2 25 7.063/8X1 3/4 25 7.8425 8.803/8X2 1/4 25 9.403/8X2 1/2 25 10.203/8X2 3/4 25 10.8025 11.603/8X3 1/4 25 12.803/8X3 1/2 25 13.203/8X3 3/4 25 14.0025 14.8025 7.6025 8.2825 9.2025 10.401/2X1 1/4 25 11.601/2X1 1/2 25 13.441/2X1 3/4 25 14.5625 16.401/2X2 1/4 25 18.001/2X2 1/2 25 18.721/2X2 3/4 25 20.0025 21.401/2X3 1/4 25 22.801/2X3 1/2 25 24.401/2X3 3/4 25 26.0025 27.601/2X4 1/2 10 30.0010 34.005/8X1 1/4 2520.005/8X1 1/2 25 22.005/8X1 3/4 2524.8025 26.005/8X2 1/4 25 28.005/8X2 1/2 25 30.245/8X2 3/4 2532.802534.80Request Info-2301S O U RC E BO O K Return to Ta ble of Conte nts X3/8 100 0.20X1/2 100 0.21X5/8 100 0.28X3/4 100 0.34X7/8 100 0.39X1 100 0.44 10-24X3/16 100 0.094X1/4 100 0.1310-24X5/16 100 0.184X3/8 100 0.194X1/2 100 0.264X5/8 100 0.334X3/4 100 0.454X1 100 0.5810-24X1 1/4 100 0.74 1/4-20X3/16 100 0.130X1/4 100 0.171/4-20X5/16 100 0.230X3/8 100 0.270X1/2 100 0.440X5/8 100 0.580X3/4 100 0.710X7/8 100 0.870X1 100 0.971/4-20X1 1/4 100 1.211/4-20X1 1/2 100 1.501/4-20X1 3/4 100 1.740X2 100 2.00 5/16-18X1/4 100 0.275/16-18X5/16 100 0.375/16-18X3/8 100 0.495/16-18X7/16 100 0.585/16-18X1/2 100 0.665/16-18X5/8 100 1.005/16-18X3/4 100 1.085/16-18X7/8 100 1.3018X1 100 1.505/16-18X1 1/4 100 2.005/16-18X1 1/2 100 2.405/16-18X1 3/4 100 2.7018X2 100 2.80 6X1/4 100 0.403/8-16X5/16 100 0.506X3/8 100 0.623/8-16X7/16 100 0.776X1/2 100 1.006X5/8 100 1.306X3/4 100 1.506X7/8 100 1.906X1 100 2.203/8-16X1 1/4 100 2.803/8-16X1 1/2 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4.727512SSC 33264 3/4-10X3/4 50 5.407516SSC 33266 3/4-10X1 50 7.967520SSC 33268 3/4-10X1 1/4 50 11.007524SSC 33270 3/4-10X1 1/2 50 13.607528SSC 33272 3/4-10X1 3/4 50 15.847532SSC 33274 3/4-10X2 25 18.447540SSC 33276 3/4-10X2 1/2 25 23.607548SSC 33278 3/4-10X3 25 28.92 10016SSC 33292 1-8X1 10 11.6810024SSC 33294 1-8X1 1/2 10 21.0010032SSC 33296 1-8X2 10 30.0010048SSC 33300 1-8X3 10 49.203710SSO 37048 3/8-16X5/8 100 1.2704F04SSC 32023 4-48X1/4 100 0.07 06F02SSC 32031 6-40X1/8 100 0.0406F03SSC 32033 6-40X3/16 100 0.0606F04SSC 32035 6-40X1/4 100 0.0906F06SSC 32039 6-40X3/8 100 0.13 08F03SSC 32043 8-36X3/16 100 0.0808F04SSC 32045 8-36X1/4 100 0.1008F08SSC 32051 8-36X1/2 100 0.22 1103SSC 32053 10-32X3/16 100 0.101104SSC 32055 10-32X1/4 100 0.131105SSC 32057 10-32X5/16 100 0.171106SSC 32059 10-32X3/8 100 0.211108SSC 32063 10-32X1/2 100 0.271110SSC 32065 10-32X5/8 100 0.371112SSC 32067 10-32X3/4 100 0.441116SSC 32069 10-32X1 100 0.611120SSC 32071 10-32X1 1/4 100 0.80 1503SSC 32073 1/4-28X3/16 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3116PDE 31103 5/16X 1 3120PDE 31106 5/16X1 1/4 3124PDE 31109 5/16X1 1/2 3128PDE 31112 5/16X1 3/4 3132PDE 31115 5/16X 2 3136PDE 31118 5/16X2 1/4 3140PDE 31121 5/16X2 1/2 3148PDE 31124 5/16X 3 3708PDE 31127 3/8X 1/2 3710PDE 31130 3/8X 5/8 3712PDE 31133 3/8X 3/4 3714PDE 31136 3/8X 7/8 3716PDE 31139 3/8X 1 3720PDE 31142 3/8X1 1/4 3724PDE 31145 3/8X1 1/2 3728PDE 31148 3/8X1 3/4 3732PDE 31151 3/8X 2 3736PDE 31154 3/8X2 1/4 3740PDE 31157 3/8X2 1/2 3748PDE 31160 3/8X 3 7/16X1 1/4 40 5.207/16X1 1/2 40 6.437/16X1 3/4 40 7.302 40 8.737/16X2 1/2 40 10.903 40 12.60 3/4 20 4.001 20 5.401/2X1 1/4 20 6.801/2X1 1/2 20 8.401/2X1 3/4 20 9.852 20 11.151/2X2 1/4 20 12.301/2X2 1/2 20 13.703 20 16.751/2X3 1/2 20 19.204 20 22.50 1 10 8.405/8X1 1/4 10 10.605/8X1 1/2 10 13.205/8X1 3/4 10 14.902 10 17.505/8X2 1/4 10 19.205/8X2 1/2 10 21.403 10 25.705/8X3 1/2 10 30.004 10 34.955/8X4 1/2 10 38.605 10 43.00 2 10 24.603/4X2 1/2 10 30.803 10 37.003/4X3 1/2 10 43.204 10 49.603/4X4 1/2 10 56.505 10 62.106 10 77.00 2 10 35.007/8X2 1/2 10 43.003 10 50.404 10 67.50 10 45.001X2 1/2 10 56.0010 65.801X3 1/2 10 77.1010 89.9010 113.00More sizes on next colum n Request Info357BLUE DEVIL® SOCKETS Return to Table of Contents00125PPS 14007 1/8 100 0.8200250PPS 14010 1/4 100 1.8800375PPS 14013 3/8 100 3.7000500PPS 14016 1/2 50 6.0000750PPS 14019 3/4 50 10.4001000PPS 14022 1 25 20.4000125PPSF 15007 1/8 100 0.5900250PPSF 15010 1/4 100 1.6300375PPSF 15013 3/8 100 2.6000500PPSF 15016 1/2 50 5.2000750PPSF 15019 3/4 50 12.2001000PPSF 15022 1 25 16.4401250PPSF 15025 1 1/4 25 28.0000035KHS 22004 .035 100 0.0700050KHS 22007 .050 100 0.1800062KHS 22010 1/16 100 0.2600078KHS 22013 5/64 100 0.4000093KHS 22016 3/32 100 0.6200109KHS 22019 7/64 100 0.8800125KHS 22022 1/8 100 1.1800141KHS 22025 9/64 100 1.6000156KHS 22028 5/32 100 2.0600188KHS 22031 3/16 100 3.5000219KHS 22034 7/32 100 4.9500250KHS 22037 1/4 100 7.2000312KHS 22040 5/16 100 12.5000375KHS 22043 3/8 50 19.6000438KHS 22045 7/16 10 30.0000500KHS 22048 1/2 10 43.2000562KHS 22051 9/16 10 60.0000625KHS 22054 5/8 10 83.0000750KHS 22057 3/4 5 134.0000875KHS 22060 7/8 5 216.0001000KHS 22063 1 5 300.00Request InfoS O U RC E BO O K Return to Table of Contents 100 0.124-40X5/16 100 0.13100 0.13100 0.15100 0.18100 0.234-40X1 100 0.304-40X1 1/4 100 0.36 100 0.25100 0.28 100 0.23100 0.24100 0.26100 0.30100 0.35100 0.386-32X1 100 0.506-32X1 1/4 100 0.506-32X1 1/2 100 0.60 100 0.33100 0.37100 0.46100 0.51100 0.58100 0.63100 0.688-32X1 1/4 100 0.908-32X1 1/2 100 1.108-32X1 3/4 100 1.10 10-24X1/4 100 0.50100 0.52100 0.59100 0.70100 0.78100 0.82100 0.9210-24X1 1/4 100 1.0910-24X1 1/2 100 1.2610-24X1 3/4 100 1.45100 1.59 10-32X1/4 100 0.5010-32X5/16 100 0.55100 0.57100 0.61100 0.73100 0.81100 0.85100 0.9310-32X1 1/4 100 1.1310-32X1 1/2 100 1.3210-32X1 3/4 100 1.52100 1.6710-32X2 1/4 100 1.9410-32X2 1/2 100 2.06100 2.45 1/4-20X1/4 100 0.90100 0.95100 1.13100 1.25100 1.38100 1.47100 1.68Request Info359BLUE DEVIL ®SOCKETS Return to Table of Contents 1424CS 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心电网络管理系统使用说明书客户端软件纳龙科技2011年[未经纳龙科技有限公司授权,严禁对本手册进行复制、修改或翻译]目录1概述 (3)1.1产品简介及系统要求 (3)1.2产品功能特性 (3)2.心电管理软件的使用 (4)2.1快速入门 (4)2.1.2登记检查 (6)2.1.3心电采集 (7)2.1.4报告编辑及打印 (8)2.2预约过滤 (10)2.3病历查询 (11)3.心电图功能介绍 (12)3.1心电参数测量 (12)3.2心电图对比功能 (13)3.3导联纠错 (14)3.4导联处理 (15)3.5心电分析 (16)3.6报告打印及模板 (17)3.7词库功能 (19)4.软件系统的配置 (19)4.1心电软件设置 (19)4.2 系统的配置 (21)4.3词库的配置 (22)5.出错处理及恢复 (23)5.1 打印报错 (23)5.2 采集不到数据 (24)6 结束语 (25)1.概述1.1产品简介及系统要求心电网络系统软件是实现医院心电图机数据的采集、显示、报告生成与管理,并实现心电图波形和报告的院内共享的局域网软件。



⏹硬件系统推荐配置CPU:C IV 2.0或以上,及Intel P-IV 1.8Ghz内存:512M或以上显卡:ATI 64MB 以上/Geforce2 MX400 64M以上硬盘:支持IDE、SATA、SCSI以及串口硬盘,LAN:10Mb以上主板:尽量使用Intel 845PE或以上型号的主板⏹软件系统推荐操作系统 Windows XP Professional ,Windows 7DirectX版本:DirectX 9.0或以上,显示:1024x768,真彩色32位,字体选择默认数据库支持 Access、MySQL、SQL Server2003以上、Oracle 9i、Sybase;需要 dotNet 2.0 以上支持1.2产品功能特性本软件系统是基于医院局域网模式下的互动实施软件,为医院的心电检查提供网络化的操作平台,便于集中统一管理,病人到医院做心电检查,挂号后就会在医院的数据库中留存信息,软件能够连接到数据库中,通过HIS接口获得病人的门诊号或者住院号,以便能够获取到要检查心电图病人的全部基本信息,以减少心电图科室的检查医生的工作量,为医生减轻负担,以提高工作效率,同时各个医生可以分配不同的帐号及权限,科室主任可以对所有病人的检查信息及诊断进行查看和修改。

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Pre-Coated or Uncoated Low Carbon, Heat-Treatable Boron Steel预镀层或无镀层低碳可热处理硼钢1 Scope适用范围This specification covers the requirements for low carbon, heat-treatable boron steel used in the manufacture of structural parts to manage very high tensile loads without significant deformation such as required in safety and occupant protection.本规范涵盖了用于结构零件的低碳可热处理硼钢的要求,而这些零件应具有安全性和乘员保护性能,要求在没有明显变形的情况下,具有很高的强度。

This material is heat treated and then formed and simultaneously quenched in a water cooled die in a process referred to as hot stamping, hot press forming or press hardening.这种材料用于热冲压(或称热成形、压淬成形)工艺,经过加热,然后在水冷模具中成形并淬火。

Material produced by this process generally referred to as press hardened steel(PHS).用于这种工艺的材料一般称作热成形钢(PHS)。

This process results in a part with a microstructure consisting of essentially 100% tempered martensite or martensite with trace amounts of bainite.通过这种工艺得到的零件的金相组织是100%的回火马氏体或者含有极少量贝氏体的马氏体组织。

Note: For bonded applications with pre-coated press hardened steel, the material shall meet additional coating adhesion requirements in 3.2.7 and adhesive compatibility requirements in 3.3.2注:如果预镀层热成形钢需要用于胶接工艺,则材料应该满足3.2.7节镀层附着性的附加要求和3.3.2节胶粘剂适用性的要求。

1.1 Material Description. 材料说明。

The material designation is defined by the GMW material specification number, material category (Sheet or Tubular product), steel product type, grade, and finish type.根据GMW材料规范定义了材料编号、材料类型(板材或管材)、板材类型、牌号和最终产品类型。

The substrates used in these applications may be cold rolled or hot rolled, but the product type is designated as heat treated (HT) or hot stamped (HS), as appropriate.应用于热冲压的母材可以是冷轧或热轧的,但是产品类型根据情况不同定义为热处理(HT)或热冲压(HS)。

The steel grades will correspond to the chemical and mechanical requirements as shown in Table 2 and Table A1 through Table A3.钢的牌号对应于其化学性能和机械性能如表2和表A1至A3所示。

The surface quality, represented as an alpha character, shall be designated with the surface quality.首字母来表示产品表面质量。

Only the surface quality designation of U, representing an unexposed application, shall be used unless otherwise approved by Materials Engineering.除了材料工程师认可的其他情况外,只能使用表面质量定义为U的材料,U表示非暴露条件。

The above descriptive items are used together to form the coding system.编码系统是由上述描述性条款组成。

Examples of the coding system for engineering part drawings, electronic math data files and/or manufacturing engineering documents are shown in Section 8.第8节介绍了工程零件图、数模文件和/或制造工程文件中编码系统应用实例。

1.1.1 Resistance Welded Mechanical Tubing. 电阻焊管。

Tubes supplied to this specification are roll formed from a steel strip to the desired shape and dimension, electrical resistance welded into a tube, and then heat treated to achieve the final mechanical property requirements.本规范中的管件都是带钢通过滚压成形得到需要的形状和尺寸,电阻焊成圆管,然后热处理获得最终的机械性能。

1.1.2 Induction Heat Treated Steel. 电感应热处理钢。

Part sections formed with this operation and supplied under this standard shall be made by stamping in the as-rolled condition. The raw stamping can be selectively coil induction hardened to achieve the required strength requirements. Al-Si, Zn, Zn-Fe, or Zn-Ni pre-coated products shall not be used in these applications. 该零件制造方法是对轧制状态的料片进行冲压,有选择性地对零件的所需部位进行电感线圈感应淬火,以获得需要的强度。


1.1.3 Hot-stamped Die-Quenched Steel. 冲压淬火钢。

Parts shall be made by austenitizing a pre-cut blank, hot stamping the heated blank and rapid cooling (quenching) the stamped part in the die or via water quenching.将预先切好的料片加热达到奥氏体状态,然后进行热冲压,并在模具中快速冷却(淬火)或者水冷淬火得到最终零件。

Press hardened steel (PHS) can be formed by either direct or indirect stamping processes.热成形钢是通过直接或者间接冲压方法成形的。

The direct process is considered as main-stream for all usages (except tubes).直接方法被认为是主要的方法(除了管材)。

The indirect process is less common and more expensive since it requires two dies and is not compatible with common oven designs and press systems.间接方法不常用,并且比较贵。


Note: Since the indirect stamping process is not globally available, the indirect process must not be used (or parts designed to require its use) without the prior authorization of the Global Functional Lead (GFL).提示:由于间接冲压方法没有全球化的应用,在得到GFL授权之前禁止使用(除非设计要求)。

Use of the indirect process implies that effected part cannot be used globally without driving excessive cost to ship stamped parts globally.间接方法的使用意味着如果不增加运输成本,相关的零件不能全球通用。

Exception: The indirect process is globally available and can be used without prior approval only for tubular products such as axle tubes.例外:对于管类零件如轴管,间接方法是全球应用的,对零件采用间接热冲压不需要经过授权。
