1. 学校教育成本的定义学校教育成本指的是学校为提供教育服务所投入的全部资源和费用。
2. 学校教育成本核算方法学校教育成本核算方法多种多样,可以根据具体情况选择合适的方法进行核算。
以下是几种常见的核算方法:2.1 直接成本法直接成本法是一种较为简单直观的核算方法,在核算过程中只考虑直接与教育服务相关的费用。
2.2 全面成本法全面成本法是一种较为综合全面的核算方法,它将直接成本和间接成本都计入核算范围,包括教育管理费用、办公设备费用等。
2.3 学生单元成本法学生单元成本法是一种以学生为单位进行成本核算的方法,它将学生个体的教育费用合计,并除以学生数量,得出单位学生的教育成本。
3. 学校教育成本核算问题与挑战3.1 成本核算的复杂性学校教育成本核算涉及到很多方面的因素,如教师工资、教学设备、教材等。
3.2 数据的获取和更新成本核算需要大量的数据支持,这包括各项费用的具体数额以及学生人数等信息。
3.3 教育资源配置的不均衡性教育资源的配置在实际操作中可能存在不均衡的情况,这会影响到成本核算的准确性和公平性。
学校教育成本核算问题浅议(On the cost accounting of schooleducation)On the cost accounting of school educationOn the cost accounting of school education -- 2008-12-2015:11:42[Abstract] this paper describes the basic structure of theeducation cost of the school, the school emphasizes thenecessity of educational cost accounting, and the currentsituation of our country in the aspects of the analysis, finally puts forward some countermeasures for improvement.First, the basic composition of school education costThe school education cost refers to the materialized labor and the active labor consumed when providing the corresponding educational service needed by a certain kind of education. Itcan be divided into school direct cost and indirect cost. Among them, the school direct cost includes direct cost of teaching(such as staff basic salary, wage subsidies, wages and otheremployee benefits, social security fees), direct service forteaching administration costs (such as official fees, service fees, grants, scholarships), teaching equipment operation and maintenance cost of necessary (such as teaching facilities and purchase costs, maintenance costs, utilities, etc.). Thesecosts are directly related to the provision of educationalservices, and without these schools it is difficult to maintain normal teaching activities.Outside of school indirect costs include direct service forteaching educational administration administrative costmanagement fees, utilities, public space (such as teachingbuildings, teaching facilities, libraries, laboratories,large equipment) and other fixed assets capital cost, purchase cost, depreciation and expenditure to purchase and leasing ofdurable assets. These costs are indirectly related to thecultivation of students. Without these costs, schools cannotprovide efficient teaching services.Two, the necessity of school education cost accountingThe cost of school education is not only an economic concept,but also a social concept, involving the government, schools,families and individuals. It is of great theoretical andpractical significance to strengthen the cost accounting ofschool education.(1) cost accounting is beneficial to optimize the allocationof resourcesFor a long time, China's investment in education is a national education grant unit welfare, education unit does not exist or rarely have their own capital investment, do not assume any investment risk, but there is no significant loss or the threat of bankruptcy. Therefore, they often do not consider how torational use of educational resources, also need not cost accounting, therefore, cause bloated, more personnel than work available and serious waste of human resources, equipment resources, the school occupied repeated purchase of a lowutilization rate, unreasonable allocation and otherundesirable phenomena. In view of this, the school educationshould carry out cost accounting, accounting methods only break school spending regardless of the cost, correct imputation and control training of qualified personnel in the process of thecost, so that all departments have cost consciousness, trulyfrugality education, optimize the allocation of resources,improve efficiency in the use of education funds, to furtheradapt to the school the requirements of the market economy, but also create conditions for other social capital to enter theschool.(two) cost accounting is conducive to the determination ofreasonable charging standards and government fundingThe current system of school education, school education cost increased year by year, the government's financial support isrelatively tight, the proportion of students in the school fee income income increasing, tuition is also increasing year byyear. While school education is a quasi public product,government investment should be paid appropriately withstudents. Policies and measures adopted by the governmentshould first increase investment in education rather thantransfer the government's financial burden to students andfamilies. Therefore, the school tuition standards shouldconsider the school education costs and the ability of students and families to pay two factors. The educational fee standardis mainly composed of the cost of education and education ofthe society needs to decide, so accurate cost accounting, todetermine the correct training cost per student fees todetermine the reasonable significance.(three) cost accounting is helpful to improve the quality ofschool education and the efficiency of running schoolsThe shortage of educational funds is a common problem in schools, and an important factor restricting the further development of schools. At present,The sources of funds in our country are mainly six aspects:finance, tax, fee, production, society and foundation. Theso-called wealth is financial education appropriation; tax is education tax; tuition is tuition; production is school runindustry; society is social donation; foundation is fund.However, the role of financial education appropriation should be weakened, and the proportion of financial appropriation tothe total income is decreasing year by year, and the name isalso changed from financial allocation to financial subsidyincome. This situation forced schools to increase the intensityof self financing. In order to survival and development of the school, forcing the school had to cut costs, cost accountingis imperative. The use of the school education funds and other funds is reasonable, whether the quality of the students whoqualified, and determining the cost of school education,provides a comparison standard for school running benefit, thus benefiting from the form of value evaluation of schooleducation benefits, the school set up the investment and cost accounting the concept, strengthening the financial management of the school and the school's financial awareness.Three, the current situation of school education costaccountingOur school current cost accounting has not really been, largely because of the lack of basic data, some data in some schools,but also by the amount of financial allocations in the planned economy period after conversion plus a lot of education costis not the cost of the project. In addition, some schools have begun to carry out cost accounting, but there are still someproblems in the system and operation level.(1) from the institutional levelThis is mainly reflected in the current school financial system and school education cost accounting requirements. For theschool the non-profit organization, our country will beincorporated into the administrative institutions of thecolumn, is the implementation of the accounting system inpublic institutions, according to the cash basis of accounting income without cost accounting in accordance with therequirements of the cost accounting, accrual basis. On thebasis of education cost accounting has the following defects:1. can not really reflect the proportion of investment ineducation and principle of educational cost, or that can notcorrectly reflect the school efficiency, resulting indistortion of the financial statements of 2. schools;accounting staff report to the users of accounting information to mislead. Because the data in the report is not obtainedaccording to the principle of matching, it is only a kind ofappearance of cash inflow and outflow, which can not reallyexplain the cost of education. The revenue and expenditure accounting data obtained by the cash basis system violates the requirements of the society for the proportion of income andits costs and expenses. The principle of matching has twomeanings: one is the ratio of cause and effect, the income and income for the cost of the proportion; two is the ratio of time, the period of income and the cost of the same period match.(two) from the aspect of operation1. the measurement confirmation of educational cost is untrueFor a long time, the school for the purchase of assets,equipment expenditures are one-time included in the cost ofeducation in the year, however, the purchase of fixed assetsis a one-time investment, and the amount of investment is large, benefit for many years. If the purchase and construction offixed assets in the current year is included in the cost ofeducation, then the cost of education will be higher, which is not conducive to accurately calculate the cost of education.2. the setting of accounting items can not accurately reflectthe expenses during each accounting periodAt present, the personnel cost, public cost, the cost of fixed assets project divided by accounting subjects, it is difficultto confirm the direct costs of education costs and indirectcosts, to check the change of fixed cost and variable cost trend, is not conducive to the analysis of changes in the cost of each accounting period, which is not the rational allocation offunds.3. the content of educational cost is unreasonableEducational expenditure has been included in the project thathas nothing to do with school teaching, such as retireeexpenditure, industrial logistics service personnelexpenditure and some research projects. For the sake ofaccuracy and accuracyThe comparative analysis of the cost of education, the retirees should not be included in the cost of education accounting,should be charged by the social security department; after the implementation of socialization of school logistics,Logistics services should not be included in the cost ofeducation.4., the cost of education risk is high, the cost accounting is more difficultAccording to the survey, many schools in China have differentdegrees of student arrears, arrears of millions of dollars isnot news. Some c olleges and universities have accumulated more than ten million yuan, and are at an average annual growth rate of about 10%. Among them, some schools and other provinces students (the vast majority are also from the social and lessdeveloped areas) accounted for only about 7% of the school students, arrears as high as 25%. In today's credit system isnot perfect, student arrears will make our school educationcosts continue to rise, the risk increases, but also causes the difficulty of school education cost accounting and accounting uncertainty.Four, improve the school education cost accounting recommendations(1) establishing an educational cost accounting systemThrough the establishment of cost accounting system, the implementation of cost object, subdivision project cost, using the horizontal comparison and vertical comparison, the plan and the actual comparison method of comparative analysis, we canfind out the cost of education management, optimizingallocation of educational resources, improve the standardrange of expenditure, expenditure structure, strictexpenditure budget management, so as to reduce the cost of education improve the efficiency.(two) establish cost budget management systemThe cost budget management system includes the forecast cost development trend, the determination of the target cost, the preparation of cost budget, etc.. Target cost is the basis ofcost control, and also the goal of cost management. Determinethe target cost, is an important aspect of prior control to the cost of implementation of target cost control, target cost ismainly to calculate the differences in the process of actualexecution and analysis and feedback, to the responsible units independent management and self control, to complete the goalof cost management in the school.(three) establish cost performance evaluation systemThe target cost of decomposition, so that all members definetheir respective responsibilities, rights and benefits, theassessment of controllable cost responsibility within thescope of responsibility, responsibility and draw properlyevaluate and reward their performance, to analyze the impactof cost factors, mining the potential to reduce cost, encourage employees to take the initiative and consciously control thecost.(four) define the scope of cost accountingThat is to say, what are the educational costs in educational expenditure, which cannot be included in the cost of education?. Johnston's school education cost constitutes a broadeducational cost, which is the cost of education in the senseof economics, and can not be used as the actual cost of education. The actual cost of education should be the direct and indirect costs that have actually occurred and are related to students' acquisition of knowledge, skills, and ability to improve. Theauthor believes that the opportunity cost, research spending, personal spending and student training cost and relatedexpenses such as factories, expenditure, logistics department after the implementation of social expenditure, staffresidential commercialization expenditure, retirees livingsubsidies are not included in the actual expenditure of the cost of education.(five) the accounting method of making school accounting withaccrual basisAt present, the school adopts the accounting method based oncash basis, which can not completely collect the cost ofeducation to carry out accurate cost accounting. Accrual basis is the basis of accounting, which can avoid large amount ofcapital construction expenditure into education cost at onetime, so as to correctly reflect the educational cost of eachperiod according to the benefit period. From the currentsituation, in recent years because of enrollment led to theschool building into a peak, according to the currentaccounting system, these infrastructure spending is a one-time cost, it will definitely cause surge in recent years, education costs, one of the important reasons for this may be the costof school education disparity (whose construction large scale, whose cost is high). In fact, this is not consistent with theaccrual principle requirements, but also unreasonable.Therefore, the substitution of accrual basis with accrual basis is the precondition of educational cost accounting.。
由 于高 校 内部 财 力 分 化 严 重 , 各 院 系 之 间 即使 学 费 标 准 相
同, 不 同专 业 的教 师 和 学 生 所 享 有 的 教学 资 源存 在 很 大 差
别 。因此 , 仅仅按教育 、 科研 、 行政管 理 、 后 勤保 障、 离退休
论点 l V i e w p o i n t
高校教 育成本 核算 问题探讨
中南财经政 法大学财务部
高校作为非赢利性组织 , 长 期 以来 不 要 求 计 算 教 育 成 本, 在会 计 核 算 上 也 没 有 从 成 本 核 算 的角 度 给 予 考 虑 。同 时, 由 于 高校 经 费 来 源 的 多元 化 , 以及 成 本 服 务 对 象 的 多 元化 , 不 仅 需 要 按 成 本 服务 对 象 提 供 成 本 报 表 , 还 要 按 资 金来 源 提供 资金 的使 用 情 况 , 这 使 得 高 校 的成 本 核 算 十 分
人员支 出 、 公 用支 出 、 对 个 人 和 家 庭 的 补 助 支 出 和 固 定 资
资产折旧的核算作 出了详细的规定 , 但存在 以下 问题 尚待 解决 : ( 1 ) 文物 和陈列品 、 图书 、 档案、 动植物等 , 不计提折
旧 。图 书是 高 校 重 要 的 教 学 资 源 之 一 , 高校 每年 用 于 图 书 的购 置 资金 都 相 当大 , 按《 高 等 学 校会 计 制 度 ( 修订 ) 》 ( 征 求 意见稿) “ 支 出与 成 本 费 用 调 节 表 ” 的编制要求 , 需 要 剔 除 各 项 支 出 中 的其 他 资 本 性 支 出 , 增加 固定 资 产 折 旧和 无 形
一、高校进行教育成本核算的必要性1. 高校教育成本核算有利于学校加强内部管理,提高教育资源利用率,增强竞争力目前,我国高校面临的问题之一就是教育经费严重短缺与教育资源严重浪费的现象并存。
2. 高校教育成本核算是政府及教育主管部门科学核定政府拨款,有效实行宏观调控的重要依据我国《高等教育法》规定:“国务院教育行政部门及其他有关部门,根据在校学生人均教育成本,规定高等学校年经费开支标准和筹措的基本原则”,“对不同层次和科类的学校,拨款标准和拨款方式应有所区别。
1. 引言1.1 学校教育成本核算问题浅议学校教育成本核算问题一直是教育管理中的重要议题。
2. 正文2.1 学校教育成本的涵义与特点学校教育成本是指学校为实现教育目标所需要投入的各种资源和费用的总和。
关键词:高等学校;教育成本核算;出现的问题;对策中图分类号:G647.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-1578(2018)01-0223-011.概述高校教育成本是高校提供教育服務所耗费资源的价值,教育成本数据是高校管理者、投资者、政府部门、学生家庭等有关各方普遍关注的重要信息。
高校教育成本核算问题浅析作者:邱延敏来源:《财会学习》 2018年第1期摘要:教育对国家的发展与民族的希望来说,就像标杆和明灯一般照亮和指引着国家的发展方向,因而教育事业发展的脚步与进程,是每一个国家都会重点发展与改革推进的关键性工作。
1. 引言1.1 学校教育成本核算问题浅议学校教育成本核算问题是当前教育管理领域一个备受关注的话题,教育成本核算不仅仅是对教育经费的管理和监督,更是对学校教育质量、效率和可持续发展的保障。
2. 正文2.1 教育成本核算的重要性与复杂性教育成本核算是对学校教育经费的全面统计和分析,是对教育经费使用情况的监督和管理。
教育成本核算的重要性主要体现在以下几个方面:1. 教育成本核算是教育质量的重要保障。
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学校教育成本核算问题浅议(On the cost accounting of schooleducation)On the cost accounting of school educationOn the cost accounting of school education -- 2008-12-20 15:11:42[Abstract] this paper describes the basic structure of the education cost of the school, the school emphasizes the necessity of educational cost accounting, and the current situation of our country in the aspects of the analysis, finally puts forward some countermeasures for improvement.First, the basic composition of school education costThe school education cost refers to the materialized labor and the active labor consumed when providing the corresponding educational service needed by a certain kind of education. It can be divided into school direct cost and indirect cost. Among them, the school direct cost includes direct cost of teaching (such as staff basic salary, wage subsidies, wages and other employee benefits, social security fees), direct service for teaching administration costs (such as official fees, service fees, grants, scholarships), teaching equipment operation and maintenance cost of necessary (such as teaching facilities and purchase costs, maintenance costs, utilities, etc.). These costs are directly related to the provision of educational services, and without these schools it is difficult to maintain normal teaching activities.Outside of school indirect costs include direct service for teaching educational administration administrative cost management fees, utilities, public space (such as teaching buildings, teaching facilities, libraries, laboratories, large equipment) and other fixed assets capital cost, purchase cost, depreciation and expenditure to purchase and leasing of durable assets. These costs are indirectly related to the cultivation of students. Without these costs, schools cannot provide efficient teaching services.Two, the necessity of school education cost accountingThe cost of school education is not only an economic concept, but also a social concept, involving the government, schools, families and individuals. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to strengthen the cost accounting of school education.(1) cost accounting is beneficial to optimize the allocation of resourcesFor a long time, China's investment in education is a national education grant unit welfare, education unit does not exist or rarely have their own capital investment, do not assume any investment risk, but there is no significant loss or the threat of bankruptcy. Therefore, they often do not consider how to rational use of educational resources, also need not cost accounting, therefore, cause bloated, more personnel than work available and serious waste of human resources, equipment resources, the school occupied repeated purchase of a low utilization rate, unreasonable allocation and otherundesirable phenomena. In view of this, the school education should carry out cost accounting, accounting methods only break school spending regardless of the cost, correct imputation and control training of qualified personnel in the process of the cost, so that all departments have cost consciousness, truly frugality education, optimize the allocation of resources, improve efficiency in the use of education funds, to further adapt to the school the requirements of the market economy, but also create conditions for other social capital to enter the school.(two) cost accounting is conducive to the determination of reasonable charging standards and government fundingThe current system of school education, school education cost increased year by year, the government's financial support is relatively tight, the proportion of students in the school fee income income increasing, tuition is also increasing year by year. While school education is a quasi public product, government investment should be paid appropriately with students. Policies and measures adopted by the government should first increase investment in education rather than transfer the government's financial burden to students and families. Therefore, the school tuition standards should consider the school education costs and the ability of students and families to pay two factors. The educational fee standard is mainly composed of the cost of education and education of the society needs to decide, so accurate cost accounting, to determine the correct training cost per student fees to determine the reasonable significance.(three) cost accounting is helpful to improve the quality of school education and the efficiency of running schoolsThe shortage of educational funds is a common problem in schools, and an important factor restricting the further development of schools. At present,The sources of funds in our country are mainly six aspects: finance, tax, fee, production, society and foundation. The so-called wealth is financial education appropriation; tax is education tax; tuition is tuition; production is school run industry; society is social donation; foundation is fund. However, the role of financial education appropriation should be weakened, and the proportion of financial appropriation to the total income is decreasing year by year, and the name is also changed from financial allocation to financial subsidy income. This situation forced schools to increase the intensity of self financing. In order to survival and development of the school, forcing the school had to cut costs, cost accounting is imperative. The use of the school education funds and other funds is reasonable, whether the quality of the students who qualified, and determining the cost of school education, provides a comparison standard for school running benefit, thus benefiting from the form of value evaluation of school education benefits, the school set up the investment and cost accounting the concept, strengthening the financial management of the school and the school's financial awareness.Three, the current situation of school education cost accountingOur school current cost accounting has not really been, largely because of the lack of basic data, some data in some schools, but also by the amount of financial allocations in the planned economy period after conversion plus a lot of education cost is not the cost of the project. In addition, some schools have begun to carry out cost accounting, but there are still some problems in the system and operation level.(1) from the institutional levelThis is mainly reflected in the current school financial system and school education cost accounting requirements. For the school the non-profit organization, our country will be incorporated into the administrative institutions of the column, is the implementation of the accounting system in public institutions, according to the cash basis of accounting income without cost accounting in accordance with the requirements of the cost accounting, accrual basis. On the basis of education cost accounting has the following defects: 1. can not really reflect the proportion of investment in education and principle of educational cost, or that can not correctly reflect the school efficiency, resulting in distortion of the financial statements of 2. schools; accounting staff report to the users of accounting information to mislead. Because the data in the report is not obtained according to the principle of matching, it is only a kind of appearance of cash inflow and outflow, which can not really explain the cost of education. The revenue and expenditure accounting data obtained by the cash basis system violates the requirements of the society for the proportion of income and its costs and expenses. The principle of matching has twomeanings: one is the ratio of cause and effect, the income and income for the cost of the proportion; two is the ratio of time, the period of income and the cost of the same period match.(two) from the aspect of operation1. the measurement confirmation of educational cost is untrueFor a long time, the school for the purchase of assets, equipment expenditures are one-time included in the cost of education in the year, however, the purchase of fixed assets is a one-time investment, and the amount of investment is large, benefit for many years. If the purchase and construction of fixed assets in the current year is included in the cost of education, then the cost of education will be higher, which is not conducive to accurately calculate the cost of education.2. the setting of accounting items can not accurately reflect the expenses during each accounting periodAt present, the personnel cost, public cost, the cost of fixed assets project divided by accounting subjects, it is difficult to confirm the direct costs of education costs and indirect costs, to check the change of fixed cost and variable cost trend, is not conducive to the analysis of changes in the cost of each accounting period, which is not the rational allocation of funds.3. the content of educational cost is unreasonableEducational expenditure has been included in the project thathas nothing to do with school teaching, such as retiree expenditure, industrial logistics service personnel expenditure and some research projects. For the sake of accuracy and accuracyThe comparative analysis of the cost of education, the retirees should not be included in the cost of education accounting, should be charged by the social security department; after the implementation of socialization of school logistics,Logistics services should not be included in the cost of education.4., the cost of education risk is high, the cost accounting is more difficultAccording to the survey, many schools in China have different degrees of student arrears, arrears of millions of dollars is not news. Some colleges and universities have accumulated more than ten million yuan, and are at an average annual growth rate of about 10%. Among them, some schools and other provinces students (the vast majority are also from the social and less developed areas) accounted for only about 7% of the school students, arrears as high as 25%. In today's credit system is not perfect, student arrears will make our school education costs continue to rise, the risk increases, but also causes the difficulty of school education cost accounting and accounting uncertainty.Four, improve the school education cost accounting recommendations(1) establishing an educational cost accounting systemThrough the establishment of cost accounting system, the implementation of cost object, subdivision project cost, using the horizontal comparison and vertical comparison, the plan and the actual comparison method of comparative analysis, we can find out the cost of education management, optimizing allocation of educational resources, improve the standard range of expenditure, expenditure structure, strict expenditure budget management, so as to reduce the cost of education improve the efficiency.(two) establish cost budget management systemThe cost budget management system includes the forecast cost development trend, the determination of the target cost, the preparation of cost budget, etc.. Target cost is the basis of cost control, and also the goal of cost management. Determine the target cost, is an important aspect of prior control to the cost of implementation of target cost control, target cost is mainly to calculate the differences in the process of actual execution and analysis and feedback, to the responsible units independent management and self control, to complete the goal of cost management in the school.(three) establish cost performance evaluation systemThe target cost of decomposition, so that all members define their respective responsibilities, rights and benefits, the assessment of controllable cost responsibility within thescope of responsibility, responsibility and draw properly evaluate and reward their performance, to analyze the impact of cost factors, mining the potential to reduce cost, encourage employees to take the initiative and consciously control the cost.(four) define the scope of cost accountingThat is to say, what are the educational costs in educational expenditure, which cannot be included in the cost of education?. Johnston's school education cost constitutes a broad educational cost, which is the cost of education in the sense of economics, and can not be used as the actual cost of education. The actual cost of education should be the direct and indirect costs that have actually occurred and are related to students' acquisition of knowledge, skills, and ability to improve. The author believes that the opportunity cost, research spending, personal spending and student training cost and related expenses such as factories, expenditure, logistics department after the implementation of social expenditure, staff residential commercialization expenditure, retirees living subsidies are not included in the actual expenditure of the cost of education.(five) the accounting method of making school accounting with accrual basisAt present, the school adopts the accounting method based on cash basis, which can not completely collect the cost of education to carry out accurate cost accounting. Accrual basis is the basis of accounting, which can avoid large amount ofcapital construction expenditure into education cost at one time, so as to correctly reflect the educational cost of each period according to the benefit period. From the current situation, in recent years because of enrollment led to the school building into a peak, according to the current accounting system, these infrastructure spending is a one-time cost, it will definitely cause surge in recent years, education costs, one of the important reasons for this may be the cost of school education disparity (whose construction large scale, whose cost is high). In fact, this is not consistent with the accrual principle requirements, but also unreasonable. Therefore, the substitution of accrual basis with accrual basis is the precondition of educational cost accounting.。