




在每小题给出的四个选项中,第14题到18题只有一选项符合题目要求,第19题到21 题有多项符合题目要求。


1. 物块A、B放在光滑水平面上并用轻质弹簧相连,如图所示。


则弹簧的示数()A. 一定等于F1+F2;B. 一定等于F1-F2;C. 一定大于F2小于F1;D. 条件不足,无法确定。

【答案】C【解析】两个物体一起向左做匀加速直线运动,对两个物体整体运用牛顿第二定律:F1-F2=(M+m)a再对物体1受力分析,运用牛顿第二定律,得到:F1-F=Ma由两式解得;由于F1大于F2,故F一定大于F2小于F1,故选C.点睛:本题关键是首先要认识到该题中的两个物体受力后不能在光滑的水平面上静止,而是一起做匀加速直线运动.能否意识到这一点,与平时的对题目进行受力分析的习惯有关,要注意对大小的题目进行受力分析.2. 如图所示,a为放在赤道上相对地球静止的物体,随地球自转做匀速圆周运动,b为沿地球表面附近做匀速圆周运动的人造卫星(轨道半径等于地球半径),c为地球的同步卫星,以下关于a、b、c的说法中正确的是()A. a、b、c做匀速圆周运动的向心加速度大小关系为a b>a c>a aB. a、b、c做匀速圆周运动的角速度大小关系为ωa=ωc>ωbC. a、b、c做匀速圆周运动的线速度大小关系为v a=v b>v cD. a、b、c做匀速圆周运动的周期关系为T a>T c>T b【答案】A【解析】地球赤道上的物体与同步卫星具有相同的角速度,所以ωa=ωc,根据a=rω2知,c 的向心加速度大于a的向心加速度.根据得b的向心加速度大于c的向心加速度.由可知ωb>ωc, 故A正确,B错误.地球赤道上的物体与同步卫星具有相同的角速度,所以ωa=ωc,根据v=rω,c的线速度大于a的线速度.根据得b的线速度大于c 的线速度,故C错误;卫星C为同步卫星,所以T a=T c,根据得c的周期大于b的周期,故D错误;故选A.点睛:地球赤道上的物体与同步卫星具有相同的角速度和周期,根据v=rω,a=rω2比较线速度的大小和向心加速度的大小,根据万有引力提供向心力比较b、c的线速度、角速度、周期和向心加速度大小.3. 用长度为L的铁丝绕成一个高度为H的等螺距螺旋线圈,将它竖直地固定于水平桌面.穿在铁丝上的一珠子可沿此螺旋线圈无摩擦地下滑.这个小珠子从螺旋线圈最高点无初速滑到桌面经历的时间为()A. B. C. D. L【答案】D【解析】将螺线圈分割为很多小段,每一段近似为一个斜面,由于螺旋线圈等螺距,说明每一小段的斜面倾角相同,设为θ;根据几何关系,有①物体做加速度大小不变的加速运动,根据牛顿第二定律,有mgsinθ=ma解得a=gsinθ②由于物体与初速度和加速度大小相同的匀加速直线运动的运动时间完全相同,故根据位移时间关系公式,有L=at2③由①②③解得,故选D.点睛:本题关键运用微元法将螺旋线圈分割为很多倾角相同的斜面,然后根据牛顿第二定律求解出加速度,确定物体的运动特点,最后根据运动学公式列式求解.4. 在下列四个核反应方程中,x表示中子的是()A. P→Si+xB.C. D. Al+He→P+x...【答案】D【解析】A反应中的x表示正电子;B反应中的x表示质子;C反应中的x表示负电子;D反应中的x表示质子;故选D.5. 如图所示为两光滑金属导轨MNQ和GHP,其中MN和GH部分为竖直的半圆形导轨,NQ和HP 部分为水平平行导轨,整个装置置于方向竖直向上、磁感应强度大小为B的匀强磁场中。








可能用到的相对原子质量:H1 C12 N14 016 Na23 Mg 24 S32 C135、5 K39 Ca40 Ni59第I卷选择题(共126分)【一】选择题:此题共13小题,每题6分,共78分。






以下有关“NDM—l超级细菌”的表达不.正确的选项是( )A、“NDM—l超级细菌”具有与真核细胞相似的细胞膜、细胞质B、从生命系统的结构层次来看,“NDM一1超级细菌”既是细胞层次也是个体层次C、“NDM—l超级细菌”的生命活动离不开细胞D、“NDM—l超级细菌”与人体细胞相比,在结构上的要紧区别是没有染色体2、如图甲表示麦芽糖酶催化麦芽糖水解的模型,图乙表示在最适温度下,麦芽糖酶的催化速率与麦芽糖量的关系。

以下相关表达错误的选项是( )A、该模型能解释酶的催化具有专一性,其中a代表麦芽糖酶。














可能用到的相对原子质量:H l C l2 N 14 O 16 Mg 24 Al 27 S 32 C1 35.5 Fe 56 Cu 64卷Ⅰ(126分)一、选择题:本题共l3小题,每小题6分。



下列有关说法正确的是A. 图中原始真核生物与被吞噬的蓝藻之间的种间关系只有互利共生B. 叶绿体中可能存在的细胞器是核糖体, DNA为线状C. 被吞噬而未被消化的蓝藻为原始真核生物的线粒体提供了氧气和有机物D. 若调查水体中蓝藻的数量,常用的方法是取样器取样法2.下列关于细胞的叙述不正确的是A.哺乳动物成熟红细胞和高等植物成熟筛管细胞均无细胞核,都是细胞分化的结果B.活细胞中的线粒体可以定向地运动到代谢比较旺盛的部位C. 受精卵和早期胚胎细胞都是具有全能性的细胞D. 活细胞中的溶酶体只能杀死入侵细胞的病毒或病菌,对自身结构没有作用3.下列关于科学史中研究方法和生物实验方法的叙述中,正确的是①研究光合作用的反应过程和噬菌体侵染细菌实验——同位素标记法②孟德尔豌豆杂交实验提出遗传定律——假说一演绎法③DNA双螺旋结构的发现和研究某种群数量变化规律——模型建构法④探究酵母菌细胞呼吸方式——对比实验法⑤分离各种细胞器和叶绿体中色素的分离——差速离心法A.①②④⑤ B.①②③④ C.①②③⑤ D.②③④⑤4.以下不属于反馈调节的是A.叶片中光合产物的积累会抑制光合作用B.机体再次感染SARS病毒时,迅速产生更多的效应淋巴细胞C.草原上蛇与鼠的数量通过捕食和被捕食保持相对稳定D.胎儿分娩的过程中头部挤压子宫,刺激缩宫素的释放,缩宫素浓度升高进一步刺激子宫收缩5.右图表示黄化燕麦幼苗中生长素相对含量的分布,根据所学知识和图中信息判断,下列叙述错误的是A.生长素主要在生长活跃的部位合成B.b点所对应的幼苗部位的细胞体积比a点所对应的幼苗部位的细胞体积大C.a点生长素浓度相对较高,是由b、c点对应的细胞合成的生长素运输到a 点所致D.若将a点对应浓度的生长素作用于d点对应的细胞,可能会抑制d点细胞的生长6.在英国的一个乡村,三叶草是牛的主要饲料,三叶草传粉受精靠土蜂,土蜂的天敌是田鼠,田鼠不仅喜食土蜂的蜜和幼虫,而且常常捣毁土蜂的蜂巢,土蜂的多少直接影响三叶草的传粉结籽,猫是田鼠的天敌。





可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 Br 80 Al 27 S 32 Cl35.5第Ⅰ卷选择题(共126分)一、选择题:本卷共13小题。



6.下列哪一项试剂在两个实验中作用相同()A.酒精在“观察植物细胞有丝分裂”和“检测生物组织的脂肪”中的作用B.硫酸铜在“检测生物组织中的还原糖”和“检测生物组织的蛋白质”中的作用C.盐酸在“观察植物细胞有丝分裂”和“低温诱导植物染色体数目的变化”中的作用D.蒸馏水在“提取纯净的动物细胞膜”和“探究生长素类似物促进插条生根的最适浓度”中的作用7.下列说法中,正确的是A.气象环境报告中新增的“PM2.5”是对一种新分子的描述B.化学反应能够制造出新的物质,同时也能制造出新的元素C .“光化学烟雾”、“硝酸型酸雨”的形成都与氮氧化合物有关D .明矾[KAl(SO 4)2.12H 2O]常用于自来水的净化、杀菌消毒8.如图是四种常见有机物的比例模型示意图。

有关下列说法正确的是A .甲能使酸性KM n O 4溶液褪色B .乙可与溴水发生取代反应而使溴水褪色C .丙与浓硫酸、浓硝酸的混合液共热发生取代反应D .丁可发生取代、氧化、消去、水解等反应9.下列的图示与对应的叙述相符的是A .图1表示KNO 3的溶解度曲线,图中a 点表示的溶液通过升温可以得到b 点B .图2表示某一放热反应,若使用催化剂E 1、E 2、ΔH 都会发生改变C .图3表示向Na 2CO 3和NaHCO 3的混合溶液中滴加稀盐酸时,产生CO 2的情况D .图4表示向100mL0.1mol /L 的AlCl 3和0.1mol/L 的NH 4Cl 混合溶液中滴加1mol/L 的NaOH 溶液时n (Al 3+)和n (AlO -2)的变化情况10.类比(比较)是研究物质性质的常用方法之一,可预测许多物质的性质。













可能用到的相对原子质量:H l C l2 N 14 O 16 Mg 24 Al 27 S 32 C1 35.5 Fe 56 Cu 64卷Ⅰ(126分)二:选择题。






适当调节手的高度与用力的方向,保持B弹簧轴线跟竖直方向夹角为37°不变(已知sin 37 =0.6,cos 37 =0.8),当弹簧C的拉力最小时,B、C两弹簧的形变量之比为A.1:1 B.3:5 C.4:3 D.5:415.如图所示,细绳一端固定在天花板上的O点,另一端穿过一张CD光盘的中央小孔后拴着一个橡胶球,橡胶球静止时,竖直悬线刚好挨着水平桌面的边沿。

现将CD光盘按在桌面上,并沿桌面边缘以速度v匀速移动,移动过程中,CD光盘中央小孔始终紧挨桌面边线,当悬线与竖直方向的夹角为θ时,小球上升的速度大小为A.vsinθ B.vcosθ C.vtanθ D.vcotθ16. 3月8日凌晨马航客机失联后,西安卫星测控中心紧急调动海洋、风云、高分、遥感4个型号近10颗卫星,为地面搜救提供技术支持。



山大附中2018届高三第二学期三月中半月模考英语试题满分:150分考试时间:150分钟第I卷第一部分:单项选择(满分30分)1.The accused man declared that he was 【】of the crime and believed that he would eventually be released from prison.A ashamed B. guilty C. ignorant D. innocent2.Magnificent views over the countryside have often 【】people to write poems.A. impliedB. inspiredC. inducedD. attracted3. The sights of Nanchang never fail to 【】foreign tourists, making them abandon themselves to the beauty of the city.A. inferB. informC. convince D impress4. What you said just now 【】me of that American professor.A. rememberedB. informed C reminded D. impressed5.The virus came without people’s being aware of it and it was 【】assumed to be a common one. But with more casesreported, it proved wrong.A. particularlyB. instantlyC. initiallyD. eventually6. The birds ran away【】all directions 【】they caught sight of a man coming near.A. to, the momentB. from, in the instantlyC. in, the instantD. toward, instantly7. Some experts hold the view that knowledge is now everything for people. They think peopl e’s moral character is 【】as 【】they have learned.A. as much of importance; what B as much of importance; whichC. as much important; thatD. important as much; which8. The form is very important. Please fill in the form 【】ink not 【】a pencil, Jack.A. in, byB. with, inC. in, withD. by, in9.The president promised to keep all the board members 【】of how the negotiations were going on.A. formedB. innovatedC. chargedD. informed10. One of the greatest benefits of Internet friendships is that they are based on common interest 【】appearance, age or popularity.A. in case ofB. in the form ofC. in spite ofD. instead of11. While intelligent people can often 【】the complex, a fool is more likely to complicate the simple.A simplify. B. substitute C. sacrifice D. survive12. Mr. Smith gave us a map, which showed how hotels were 【】in the city.A. contributedB. broadcastC. spreadD. distributed13. With no one to 【】in such a frightening situation, she felt very helpless.A. turn onB. turn offC. turn overD. turn to14. Since the Amish value seeing each other face to face, they 【】telephone in their houses.A. oppose havingB. oppose to haveC. against havingD. are opposed to have15. The boss is an 【】person ---respected even by those who disagree with him.A. abnormalB. honorableC. ordinaryD. energetic16. Everybody was touched 【】words after they heard her moving story.A. beyondB. withoutC. ofD. in17. More and more fast food restaurants have 【】all over the town in the last few years.A. come upB. taken upC. sprung upD. put up18. He decided that he would drive all the way home instead of 【】at a hotel for the night.A. putting downB. putting offC. putting onD. putting up19. His project is concerned with 【】the technology to practical business problems.A. replyingB. devotingC. supplyingD. applying20. You’d sound a lot more polite if you make a request 【】a question.A. in search ofB. in the form ofC. in need ofD. in the direction of21. There’s nobody here 【】our English teacher. Fortunately, she is more than glad to give us help when we are in trouble.A. rather thanB. less thanC. more thanD. other than22. We want to rent a bus which can 【】40 people for our trip to Beijing.A. loadB. holdC. fillD. host23. --- How come a simple meal like this cost so much?--- We have 【】in your bill the cost of the teapot you broke.A. increasedB. includedC. containedD. charged24. As Senior 3 students, it is the most important to 【】a good state of mind in face of failure.A. keep upB. keep onC. keep outD. keep off25. I have visited a lot of different places and stayed in lots of different hotels, but none of them 【】this one.A. makesB. winsC. comparesD. matches26. We must keep our room clean. Dirt and disease go 【】, you know.A. from time to timeB. hand in handC. step by stepD. one after another27. Whoever has 【】sense knows that smoking is harmful to people’s health.A. normalB. generalC. ordinaryD. common28. Five years’ Harvard University education gave him a(n) 【】over boys who had not been to a world famous college.A. chanceB. incomeC. benefitD. advantage29. An empty life boat was found after the ship was missing, but there was still no 【】of life.A. markB. signC. signalD. track30. If he wants to get to New York in time for the conference, he has no 【】but to go by plane.A. choiceB. changeC. methodD. means第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)ASee our edi tors’ top 5 picks in print books and Kindle books, and discover our editors’ picks for the best books of the year.# 1 Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBIby David GrannIn Killers of the Flower Moon, David Grami revisits a shocking series of crimes in which dozens of people were murdered in cold blood. Based on years of research and new evidence, the book is a masterpiece of narrative nonfiction Kindle: $14.99 Hardcover: $ 17.37 Paperback: $15.36# 2 Little Fires Everywhereby Celeste NgLittle Fires Everywhere explores the weight of secrets, the nature of art and identity, and the fierce pull of motherhood---and the danger of believing that following the rules can avoid disaster.Little Fires Everywhere is the perfect gift for the holidays!Kindle: $13. 99 Hardcover: $20.96 Paperback: $ 12.95#3 Bear Townby Fredrik BackmanIt is a novel about a forgotten town bothered by scandal and the amateur hockey team that might just change everything into a better place. Winning a junior ice hockey championship might mean everything to the residents of BeartownKindle: $10.99 Hardcover: $ 12.95#4 Exit Westby Mohsin HamidProfoundly intimate and powerfully inventive, Exit West tells an unforgettable story of love, loyalty, and courage that is both completely of our time and for all time.Kindle: $12-99 Hardcover: $ 15.73 Paperback: $11#5 Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrowby Yuval HarariYuval Noah Harari, author of the international phenomenon Sapiens, returns with an equally original and attractive book, turning his focus toward humanity’s future, and our quest to upgrade humans into gods.Kindle: $17.99 Hardcover: $ 28.95 Paperback:$ 822.99Please SIGN IN here to see more picks from our editors.31. Which a uthor’s book would make a good Christmas gift?A. Yuval Harari B Mohsin Hamid C. David Grann D. Celeste Ng.32. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Killers of the Flower Moon is a sci-fi for staff in FBI.B. Bear Town tells the story o f a hockey team’s growthC. Exit West is a love story that will not be out of dateD. Homo Deus is as famous as Sapiens internationally33. Where would you most probably find this text?A In a magazine. B. On a website. C In a brochure D. In a book adBDear Seth,Y ou’re only three years old, and at this point in your life you can’t read, much less understand what I’m going to try to tell you in this letter. But I’ve been thinking a lot about the life that you have ahead of you, about my life so far as I reflect on what I’ve learned, and about my role as a dad in trying to prepare you for the trials that you will face in the coming years.I hope to help you along your path by sharing some of the best of what I’ve learned. As with any advice, take it with a grain of salt. What works for me might not work for you.Life can be cruelThere will be people in your life who won’t be very nice. They’ll tease you because you’re different, or for no good reason. They might try to bully you or hurt you. Ther e’s not much you can do about these people except to learn to deal with them, and learn to choose friends who are kind to you, who actually care about you, who make you feel good about yourself. When you find friends like this, hold on to them, treasure them, spend time with them, be kind to them, love them.There will be times when you are met with disappointment instead of success. Life won’t always turn out the way you want. This is just another thing you’ ll have to learn to deal with. But instead of letting these things get you down, push on. Accept disappointment and learn to persevere, to pursue your dreams despite pitfalls. Learn to turn negatives into positives, and you ll do much better in life.You will also face heartbreak and abandonment by thos e you love. I hope you don’t have to face this too much, but it happens. Again, not much you can do but to heal, and to move on with your life. Let these pains become stepping stones to better things in life, and learn to use them to make you stronger.Lif e isn’t a competitionYou will meet many people who will try to do better than you, in school, in college, at work. They’ll try to have nicer cars, bigger houses, nicer clothes, cooler gadgets. To them, life is a competition--- they have to do better than their peers to be happy.H ere’s a secret: Life isn’t a competition. If you spend that journey always trying to impress others, to outdo others, you’re wasting your journey. Instead, learn to enjoy the journey. Make it a journey of happiness, of constant learning, of continual improvement, of love.D on’t worry about having a nicer car or house or anything material, or even a better-paying job. None of that matters a whit, and none of it will make you happier. Y ou’ll acquire these things and then only want more. Instead, learn to be satisfied with having enough and then use the time you would have wasted trying to earn money to buy those things to do things you love.Finally, know that I love you and always will. You are starting out on a weird, scary, daunting, but ultimately incredibly wonderful journey, and I will be there for you when I can.Love,Your Dad34.What does the underlined phrase “with a grain of salt” mean?A.eating something together with some saltB. believing something firmlyC. taking it for grantedD. not accepting something firmly35. According to the letter, which one is NOT the example to prove the cruelty of life?A.Your classmate tease, bully or hurt you.B. You are too busy to spend time with your parents.C. Your best friend betrays you by giving away your work.D. You fail in the mid-term exam despite your hard work36. The last part Life isn’t a competition is mainly developed by .A. making comparisonsB. analyzing causesC. telling storiesD. asking and answering questions37. The purpose of the letter is to .A. Tell his son that he loves himB. try to persuade his son to get along well with his friendsC. make his son realize failure is unavoidable and he should get ready for thatD. prepare his son for the challenges he will face in the futureCWould you buy a car that releases calming smells into the air when you are stuck in heavy traffic? Would you buy a robot that smells like a human being?Many people have seen the 3-D computer-made environments of virtual reality (VR). Now these virtual worlds will not just look and sound real. Researchers have created VR environments that even smell like the real thing. With the new technology, users open a virtual door and step into a new environment, like a rainforest. After they enter this virtual world, special equipment releases forest-like smells into the air to make the experience seem more real.Suzanne Fisher-Murray said, "It is a really wonderful experience that you have because you're exploring this environment and you have smells with it."In the United States, Smell-O-Vision was designed to provide smells during the showing of a movie. The Smell-O-Vision system was briefly popular in the 1960s. Now, University of Sussex researcher Emanuela Maggioni says it is close to becoming popular again. "The connection with emotions, memories, and ... the sense of smell," Maggioni said. "It is unbelievable what we can do with technology."The uses for smell technology are not just limited to films and the performing arts. Researchers showed a computer program where users could imagine themselves driving a car. The system included a special smell-spraying machine. Dmitrijs Dmitrenko said, "We wanted to deliver the smell of lavender(薰衣草)every time the person drives over the speed limit. We choose lavender because it's a very calming smell."Scientists are experimenting with smell instead of sounds or image-based alerts on telecommunications equipment. And businesses are already using smell to influence people's behavior. "Not only ... in stores ... But on the other side, you can create and stimulate immediate buying," Maggioni said. "So you're in a library and you smell coffee and actually you are unconsciously having the need to drink a coffee."ing smell technology, researchers make VR environments .A. have a smell of a rainforestB. even smell like real onesC. look like a 4-D environmentD. impress people with a virtual world39. The example of Smell-O-Vision proves that .A. America is the first to use smell technologyB. cinemas are the most suitable for smell senseC. smell technology has been tried beforeD. it was out of date to use smell-spraying devices40. How is smell technology used by businessmen?A. To make buyers understand salesmen betterB. To remind people of their unrealistic buyingC. To help customers choose their favorite goodsD. To encourage people to buy something suddenly.41. What is the main idea of the passage?A. The developments of smell technologyB. A major breakthrough of smell technology.C. The sense of smell in human communicationD. The advanced smell-spraying machinesDAntiquities are ancient objects and artworks. Museums acquire works to display from many different sources. Sometimes they purchase them. Other times they receive donations. Today there are strict rules forbidding art that has been stolen from other countries. However, antiquities that have been at museums for decades or even centuries may have arrived there by questionable means. Now, some countries claim that museums have a responsibility to return these antiquities to their original locations.There are many examples of this debate. Perhaps the most famous is the argument between Greece and the UK over the Elgin marbles. In the early 19th century, the Earl(伯爵)of Elgin had numerous sculptures taken from Greece to the UK. When Elgin did this, Greece was still a part of the Ottoman Empire. He claimed that he had received a permit to export the sculptures. Today the marbles are on display in the British Museum. However, Greece wants them to be returned to their original location.Should museums return these antiquities? Experts disagree. Malcolm Bell III says yes. Bell is a retired professor of art at the University of Virginia. He says, “Many antiquities and artworks have special cultural value for a particular community or nation. When these works are removed from their original cultural setting they lose their context and the culture loses a part of its history.”According to Bell, a country’s request for the return of an antiquity usually has a strong legal basis. It was exported illegally, and is now stolen property. He called the return of antiquities “an expression of justice.”James Cuno says not always. Cuno is president of an art museum in Los Angeles. He is also the author of the book Who Owns Antiquity?. Cuno agrees that museums have “a social and legal responsibility” to return illegally exported antiquities. However, he doesn’t support the return of legally required works.“An area of land held today by a given nation-state in the past likely belonged to a different political entity(实体). Even if one wanted to reunite scattered works of art, where would one do so? Which among the many countries, cities, and museums in possession of parts of a work of art should be the chosen ‘home’ of the reunited work?’ Cuno believes that museums should collect art from the world’s diverse cultures. “This should be done through purchase or long-term loan and working in cooperation with museums and nations around the world.”This debate is far from over. As a complex question with no easy answer, the issue requires more study.42.The passage mainly discusses .A. the return of antiquities B the sources of ancient objectsC. the cultural value of artworksD. the responsibility of museums43. For the case of the marbles. Greece and the UK mainly argue over .A. the time of keeping themB. the real country of originC. the identity of the exporterD. the means of acquiring them44. According to the passage, Cuno thinks .A. artworks become valueless away from their cultureB. there is no clear answer to giving back antiquitiesC. museums are responsible for reuniting works of artD. the request for recovering artworks aims to promote justice45. As to the debate, we can learn that .A. the legality of antiquities seems a key factorB. the opinions of experts are completely differentC. museums should look into the sources of antiquities they ownD. the return of antiquities is unlikely due to practical difficulties第二节共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。



2018-2019学年第二学期高三理综测试参考答案(2019.3.26)生物参考答案1.A2.C3.C4.C5.D6.B 29.(10分)(1)类囊体薄膜(2分) 提高对光的吸收和转化能力(提高光合速率),以适应弱光(阴生)环境(2分)(2)光合作用强度受多种因素影响(言之有理的答案都给分)(3分)(3)选择长势相同的植物,在不同光照强度下进行测定(3分)30.(10分)(1)未被自身呼吸消耗,未被捕食者捕食,未被分解者利用(或答“A 营养级现存总有机物的量”)(3分) 3.2%(2分) 次生演替(2分)(2)缺氧,微生物的活动减弱,土壤有机物的分解速度降低(3分)31.(10分)(1)神经调节主要以电信号的形式传导速度较快,体液调节通过体液运输速度较缓慢(3分)(2)拮抗(1分) 存在(1分)(3)突触前膜释放神经递质;突触后膜识别神经递质并引起膜电位变化(2分)(4)都能(1分) 激素的产生离不开酶(其他合理答案均可)(2分)32.(9分)(除说明外,每空2分)(1) AaBb 基因的分离定律(2) 二 Ab (1分) Aabb (1分) Aabb (1分)37.(15分)(1)易挥发、难溶于水、化学性质稳定、易溶于有机溶剂(3分)玫瑰精油随水蒸气一起蒸馏出来(2分)(2)蒸馏温度(2分) 先增加后保持不变(2分)(3)促进油水分层(2分) 无水Na 2SO 4(2分)(4)下降(2分)38.(15分)(除说明外,其余每空2分)(1)DNA 聚合酶只能从3’端延伸DNA 链,用两种引物才能确保DNA 两条链同时被扩增(3分) 处于两个引物之间的DNA 序列 6(2)构建基因表达载体 稳定存在,表达和发挥作用(3)感受态(4)目的基因是否能转录形成mRNA (DNA-RNA 分子杂交)物理参考答案与评分标准 14~18.DBCAC ;19.BD 20.ABD 21.BCD 22.(1) 4.000 ,5.60 (2)22t g d ∆ (3)如答图示(允许有一定范围,数据点均匀分布在直线两侧) (4) 9.6 (9.5~9.7均可)23.(1)0.5 (2)①B ②68 ④1.48(1.47~1.49之间均可),0.45(0.43~0.48之间均可)24.解析(1)根据v -t 图象可知金属杆做匀减速直线运动时间∆t =3s ,t =0时杆速度为v 0=6m/s ,由运动学公式得其加速度大小 t v a ∆-=00 ①设杆运动了5m 时速度为v 1,则 120212as v v -=- ②此时,金属杆产生的感应电动势 11Blv =ε ③回路中产生的电流 r R I +=11ε ④电阻R 两端的电压 U =I 1R ⑤联立①~⑤式解 U =1.6V ⑥(2)由t =0时ma BIl <,可分析判断出外力F 的方向与v 0反向。



2018-2019学年第二学期高三理综测试参考答案(2019.3.5)生物参考答案1.C 2.D3.B4.C5.D6.B29.(10 分,除说明外,每空2 分)(1)催化淀粉的分解(1 分)与合成(1 分)(2)6.6 前段磷酸化酶相对活性增高,淀粉含量积累加快(1 分),后段磷酸化酶相对活性下降,淀粉含量积累减缓(1 分)。

(可合并回答)(3)水稻籽粒细胞中存在酸碱缓冲物质(2 分,其他同义表达亦可),能减少H+、OH-的浓度波动,维持pH 基本稳定(4)细胞内基因表达情况发生了变化、由于激素含量的变化影响了细胞代谢、水稻籽粒细胞中代谢产物积累改变了酶的活性等。

(答出任一点或其他合理答案均得2 分)30.(10 分,除说明外,每空2 分)(1)直接(价值)间接(2)竞争(1 分)维持细胞液的高渗透压(1 分,其他同义表达亦可),使植物能从土壤中吸水(保持自身水分)(2 分),以适应土壤中的高渗透压环境。

(3 分)(3)(植物)群落演替31.(9 分,除说明外,每空2 分)(1)15 3(2)用A 与B 品种做亲本进行杂交,得到F1(1 分),选取F1 中高产植株(1 分)自交得F2,将F2 置于不同盐碱程度条件下培养(2 分,其他同义表达亦可),从中筛选出耐盐碱能力最强的植株(1 分)。

(或在F2 中选取耐盐碱能力最强且高产植株,2 分)(5 分)32.(10 分,除说明外,每空2 分)(1)提高2、4 和5(3 分,2、4 或4、5,2 分)(2)X D X d、X d X d和X d O (3 分,答对一个给1 分)野生型(雌雄同体):突变型(雌雄同体)=3∶1 (2 分)37.(15 分,除说明外,每空2 分)(1)粉碎(1 分)、干燥(1 分)石油醚(1 分)乙醇为水溶性有机溶剂(2 分)(类胡萝卜素在乙醇中溶解度不高,1 分)(2)(6 分)不同萃取时长和温度条件下萃取率(g·kg-1)实验结果记录表(1 分)(整体表容1 分)(3)纸层析C38.(15 分,除说明外,每空2 分)(1)胚胎移植免疫排斥(2)40 40(3)卵母细胞在减数第一次分裂前期两条X 染色体之间发生了交叉互换(2 分)(4)细胞核小鼠B 与小鼠A 核基因相同,其控制的性状基本相同(1 分),但小鼠B 的细胞质基因来自克隆时选取的卵母细胞,细胞质基因决定的性状则会与小鼠A 不同(2 分)。










相对原子质量 H-1 Li-7 C-12 O-16 Na-23 Mg-24 Al-27 S-32第Ⅰ卷一、选择题:本题共13个小题,每小题6分。




这个组织已经达到 9 周胎儿大脑的发育水平,但尚不能独立思考。


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【免费下载】山西大学附中届高三3月月考理综 化学试题

山西大学附中2012-2013学年第二学期3月月考理科综合能力测试化学试题本试卷分第I 卷(选择题)和第II 卷(非选择题)两部分。

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7、下列叙述中正确的是( )A .聚乙烯、聚氯乙烯、纤维素都属于合成高分子B .油脂、淀粉和蛋白质都是食物中含有的重要营养物质,一定条件下都能水解C .除去乙酸乙酯中的少量乙酸,可加入氢氧化钠溶液充分反应后分液D .二氯丙烷(C 3H 6Cl 2)的同分异构体共有3种(不考虑立体异构)8、N A 表示阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列说法正确的是A .25℃时,pH =2的1.0L H 2SO 4溶液中含有的H +数目为0.02N A B .电解精炼铜时,当电路中转移N A 个电子,阳极溶解32g 铜C .1L 0.5mol·L -1(NH 4)2SO 4溶液中NH 4+数目为N A D .向含有FeI 2的溶液中通入适量氯气,当有1mol Fe 2+被氧化时,该反应转移电子的数目至少为3N A 9、下列离子方程式与所述事实相符且正确的是( )A .磁性氧化铁溶于稀硝酸:Fe 3O 4+8H ++NO 3-=3Fe 3++NO↑+4H 2O B .Ca(HCO 3)2溶液中加入少量NaOH 溶液:Ca 2++2HCO 3-+2OH -=CaCO 3↓+CO 32-+H 2O C .明矾溶液中加入Ba(OH)2溶液至生成的沉淀物质的量最多:Al 3++2SO 42-+2Ba 2++4OH -=AlO 2-+2BaSO 4↓+2H 2O D .向含有0.4 mol FeBr 2的溶液中通入0.3 mol Cl 2充分反应:4Fe 2++2Br -+3Cl 2=4Fe 3++6Cl -+Br 210、X 、Y 、Z 、M 、W 为原子序数依次增大的5种短周期元素。




AAmsterdam’s Best Flea MarketsIjhallen Flea MarketFirst or second weekend of every monthPerhaps the most impressive of them all is Ijhallen, located in the north of Amsterdam. With more than 1,500 stands and 3,000 free parking spaces, the monthly market attracts visitors from not only the Netherlands, but Europe-wide.There is a five euro admission fee, but you can be pretty sure that you can browse second-hand treasures for most of the day. Anything and everything can be found here; old guitars and antique chairs, art prints and military gear.Noordermarkt Flea MarketSaturday, 9am-4pmMonday, 9am-2pmIn the centre of the Jordaan, the Noordermarkt Flea Market on Saturdays includes vintage(老式的) goods and organic food produce from local farmers.On Mondays, the market transforms into an antique-hunter’s goldmine. There are piles of vintage clothes, antique books, coins and furniture.Waterloopein MarketMonday-Saturday, 9am-6pmThe most centrally located of all flea markets in Amsterdam, Waterlooplein Market offers visitors a range of snacks, second-hand clothes and vintage treasures.There’s a maze of second-hand goods, from old globes and hanging lamps, to African drums, antique rugs and used bikes.Spui Book MarketFriday 10am-6pmIdeally situated among bookstores, you’ll find a collection of tents sheltering second-hand and antique books at the book market on Spui.You can find a variety of literature from biographies and poetry to fantasy-fiction, history, psychology and geography. While most books are from theNetherlands, some English and international titles are for sale. As well as antique maps, prints and record.1. Which flea market do you need to pay some extra money?A. Ijhallen Flea Market.B. Noordermarkt Flea Market.C. Waterlooplein Market.D. Spui Book Market.2. What can you pick up at Noordermarkt Flea Market?A. You can get enough parking space.B. You can choose a range of snacks.C. You can buy some fresh vegetables.D. You can dig some gold mines here.3. When is a good time to visit a favorite market for a crazy book fan?A. First weekend of every month.B. Friday, 10am-6pm.C. Monday, 9am-6pm.D. Saturday, 9am-4pm.BConstruction on Knolly’s Tunnel began in 1896, and it was opened on August 13th, 1898 by the man it was named after--Sir Clement C. Knolly, Acting Governor of Trinidad. It linked Rio Claro with Port of Spain. Its architecture is still admired and studied today, and many are amazed that Knolly’s Tunnel has stood up to the earth’s movement over so many years.Much research is being done on the tunnel. At the top of Knolly’s Tunnel are cottages covered with leaves, where visitors can sit and enjoy the beauty of nature. Standing at the beginning of Knolly’s Tunnel, you can see nothing but the tiny light at the end. The train tracks have been removed and replaced with small stones. Visitors can drive through the tunnel or walk through, but should do so in groups for safety. In the old days, there were no lights, but now there are street lights on the way to the tunnel, though not inside.On your way in, you may notice some manholes on the walls of the tunnel. These were there for individuals to step into for safety as the train passed. Knolly’s Tunnel can be accessed through Tabaquite and through Mitchell Gap. The road was recently improved, but is better when you enter from Tabaquite, and there are signs on the road directing you to Knolly’s Tunnel.On the drive to Knolly’s Tunnel there are two other cottages where visitors can sit and just enjoy nature. At the site itself, there is nothing to purchase to eat or drink, but in Tabaquite there are several bars, a restaurant, and food outlets.A gas station and a health centre are also close by.For those who admire architecture, Knolly’s Tunnel is a must-see when visiting Trinidad. For the nature lovers, there is no better place for them to be and for the historians, they can walk or drive through Knolly’s Tunnel knowing that many of our ancestors toiled (worked hard) on its structure. So when you visit Trinidad, don’t forget to take a look at Knolly’s Tunnel!4. Knolly’s Tunnel is special in __________.A. its environmentB. its functionC. its locationD.its architecture5. The underlined word “site” in the paragraph 4 refers to ________.A. TrinidadB. TabaquiteC. Mitchell GapD. Knolly’s Tunnel6. What is the purpose of the passage?A. To suggest a visit to Knolly’s Tunnel.B. To introduce the history of Knolly’s Tunnel.C. To evaluate the value of Knolly’s Tunnel.D. To witness the change of Knolly’s Tunnel7. The passage above is probably taken from ____________.A. a geography textbookB. a travel journalC. a sports reportD. a health and fitness magazineCBlue Planet II’s latest episode focuses on how plastic is having a disastrous effect on the ocean and slowly poisoning our sea creatures. Researchers recently also found that sea creatures living in the deepest place on Earth, the Mariana Trench, have plastic in their stomachs. Indeed, the oceans are drowning in plastic.Though it seems now that the world couldn’t possibly function without plastics, consumerplastics are a remarkably recent invention. The first plastic bags were introduced in the 1950s; the same decade that plastic packaging began gaining in popularity in the United States. This growth has happened so fast that science is still catching up with the change. Plastics pollution research, for instance, is still a very early science.We put all these plastics into the environment and we still don’t really know what the outcomes are going to be. What we do know, though, is disturbing. Ocean plastic is estimated to kill millions of marine animals every year. Nearly 700 species, including endangered ones, are known to have been affected by it. One in three leatherback turtles, which often mistake plastic bags for jellyfish, have been found with plastic in their bellies. Ninety percent of seabirds are now eating plastics on a regular basis. By 2050, that figure is expected to rise to 100 percent.And it’s not just wildlife that is threatened by the plastics in our seas. Humans are consuming plastics through the seafood we eat. I could understand why some people see ocean plastic as a disaster, worth mentioning to the same degree as climate change. But ocean plastic is not as complicated as climate change. There are no ocean trash deniers (否认者), at least so far. To do something about it, we don’t have to remake our planet energy system.This is not a problem where we don’t know what the solution is. We know how to pick up garbage. Anyone can do it. We know how to dispose (处理) of it. We know howto recycle. We can all start by thinking twice before we use single----use plastic products. Things that may seem ordinary, like using a reusable bottle or a reusable bag----when taken collectively, these choices really do make a difference.8. Why is plastics pollution research still a very early science?A. The plastics pollution research is too difficult.B. Plastics have produced less pollution than coal.C. The world couldn’t possibly function without plastics.D. Plastics have gained in popularity too fast for science to catch up.9. How did the author support his opinion in Paragraph 3?A. By statistics.B. By quotations from leading experts.C. By using examples from his own experience.D. By comparison and contrast.10. What can we infer about climate change?A. Climate change is caused by human activities.B. Some people hold some doubts about climate change.C. Climate change is less important than ocean pollution.D. Ocean plastic is more complicated than climate change.11. What is the main idea of this passage?A. Ocean plastic is a global issue.B. The oceans become choked with plastic.C. Blue Planet II has left viewers heartbroken.D. Plastics gain in popularity all over the worldDMaths and MusicAn excellent way to kill a conversation is to say you are a mathematician. Tell others you are also a musician, however, and they will be hooked. Although there are obvious similarities between mathematical and musical activity, there is no direct evidence for the kind of magical connection many people seem to believe in.I’m partly referring here to the “Mozart effect”, where children who have been playing Mozart compositions are supposedly more intelligent, including at maths, than other children. It is not hard to see why such a theory would be popular: we would all like to become better at maths without putting in any effort. But the conclusions of the experiment that expressed the belief in the Mozart effect were much more modest. If you want your brain to work better, you clearly have to put in hard work. As for learning to play the piano, it also takes effort.Surely a connection is quite reasonable. Both maths and music deal with abstract structures, so if you become good at one, then it is likely that you become good at something more general that helps you with the other. If this is correct, it wouldshow a connection between mathematical and musical ability. It would be more like the connection between abilities at football and tennis. To become better at one, you need to improve your fitness and coordination (协调). That makes you better at sport and probably helps with the other.Abstract structures don’t exist only in maths and music. If you learn a language then you need to understand its abstract structures like gramm ar. Yet we don’t hear people asking about a connection between mathematical and linguistic (语言的) ability. Maybe this is because grammar feels mathematical, so it wouldn’t be surprising that mathematicians were better at learning grammar. Music, however, is strongly tied up with feelings and can be enjoyed even by people who know little about it. As such, it seems different from maths, so there wouldn’t be any connection between the two.Let’s see how we solve problems of the “A is to B as C is to D”kind. These appear in intelligence tests but they are also important to both music and maths. Consider the opening of Mozart’s Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (小夜曲).The second phrase (小节) is a clear answer to the first. The listener thinks: “The first phrase goes upward and uses the notes of a G major chord (和弦); what would be the corresponding phrase that goes downward and uses the notes of a D7?” Music is full of puzzles like this. If you are good at them, expectations will constantly be set up in your mind. The best moments surprise you by being unexpected, but we need the expectations in the first place.12. What does the author say about “Mozart effect”?A. The goal of it was not carefully thought about.B. The findings from it gave people wrong information.C. The interest people showed in it was unexpected.D. The way it was carried out proved to be ineffective.13. The author mentioned football and tennis in Paragraph 3 to show that ______.A. football and tennis are played in a similar way.B. certain skills may be developed through practice.C. music and maths have something in common.D. abstract structures bring benefits to various fields.14. We can infer from Paragraph 4 that ______.A. language seems more like maths than music does.B. language is less appealing to learners.C. mathematicians are good at music learning.D. the structure of language is easier to learn than that of music.15. What does the writer intend to state in the last paragraph?A. How music differs from maths.B. Why musicians possess mathematical abilities.C. Why Mozart is so highly considered by mathematicians.D. How abstract thinking applies to both music and maths.第二节(共5小题:每小题3分,满分15分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

山西大学附中2019届高三下学期3月模块诊断 理综物理 Word版含答案

山西大学附中2019届高三下学期3月模块诊断 理综物理 Word版含答案

山西大学附中2018~2019学年第二学期高三3月模块诊断理综物理试题考查时间:150分钟 试题分值:300分第Ⅰ卷二、选择题:本题共8小题,每小题6分。



14.以下图片来源于教材,与它们相关的知识,下列说法正确的是A .甲图,牛顿通过实验和逻辑推理将斜面倾角推近90°的方法,论证了自由落体是匀加速直线运动。


B .乙图,英国物理学家库仑利用库仑扭秤测定了万有引力常量G ,获得了“测量地球质量的人”的美誉。

C .丙图,“光电效应”实验揭示了光的粒子性,普朗克为此提出了光子说理论,建立了光电效应方程,认识到微观粒子具有“波粒二象性”特征。

D .丁图,重核裂变产生的中子能使核裂变反应连续的进行,核能持续的释放,这称为链式反应。

15.如图所示,固定斜面PO 、QO 与水平面MN 的夹角均为45°,现由A 点分别以v 1、v 2先后沿水平方向抛出两个小球(可视为质点),不计空气阻力,其中以v 1抛出的小球恰能垂直于QO 落于C 点,飞行时间为t ,以v 2抛出的小球落在PO 斜面上的B 点,且B 、C 在同一水平面上,则A .v 1=12gt B .v 2=gt C .A 点距O2 D .落于B 点的小球的水平位移为gt 216.如图所示,小球A 置于固定在水平面上的光滑半圆柱体上,小球B 用水平轻弹簧拉着,弹簧固定在竖直板上.两小球A 、B 通过光滑滑轮O 用轻质细绳相连,两球均处于静甲乙丙丁OA 长度与半圆柱体半径相等,OB 与竖直方向成45°角,现将轻质细绳剪断的瞬间(重力加速度为g),下列说法正确的是A. 弹簧弹力大小为2mgB. 球A 的加速度为12g C. 球A 受到的支持力为2mg D. 球B 的加速度为g17.如图所示,A 为置于地球赤道上的物体,B 为绕地球椭圆轨道运行的卫星,C 为绕地球做圆周运动的卫星,B 、C 运行轨道与赤道在同一平面内,P 为B 、C 两卫星轨道的交点,巳知A 、B 、C 绕地心运动的周期相同,下列说法正确的是A .卫星B 在P 点的加速度大于卫星C 的加速度B .卫星B 在近地点的速度大于卫星C 的速度C .卫星C 的运行速度小于物体A 的速度D .卫星C 和物体A 具有相同大小的加速度18.如图所示,边长为2L 的正方形虚线框内有垂直于纸面向里的匀强磁场,一个直角边长为L 的等腰直角三角形导线框所在平面与磁场方向垂直,导线框斜边的中线和虚线框的一条对角线恰好共线。



山西大学附属中学2018—2019学年高三第二学期3月模块诊断 数学试题(理)第Ⅰ卷(共60分)一、 选择题:(本大题共12个小题,每小题5分,共60分。



已知集合{}2|1log A x N x k =∈<<,集合A 中至少有3个元素,则( ) A .16k ≥ B .16k > C .8k ≥ D .8k >2。

复数()634i i i-+-的实部与虚部之差为( )A .—1B .1C .75-D .753. 已知()cos 2cos 2ααπ⎛⎫+=π- ⎪⎝⎭,则tan 4απ⎛⎫-= ⎪⎝⎭( )A .4-B .4C .13-D .134.已知1=a ,2=b ,且()⊥-a a b ,则向量a 在b 方向上的投影为( )A .1B .2C .12D .22 5.某医院拟派2名内科医生、3名外科医生和3名护士共8人组成两个医疗分队,平均分到甲、乙两个村进行义务巡诊,其中每个分队都必须有内科医生、外科医生和护士,则不同的分配方案有( ) A .72种 B .36种 C .24种 D .18种6. 当输入a 的值为16,b 的值为12时,执行如图所示的程序框图,则输出的a 的结果是( ) A .2 B .3 C .4 D .6 7。

已知函数()2ln 1f x x x =--,则()y f x =的图象大致为( )A .B .C .D . 8.如图,在棱长为a 的正方体1111ABCD A B C D -中,P 为11A D 的中点,Q 为11A B 上任意一点,E 、F 为CD 上两点,且EF 的长为定值,则下面四个值中不是定值的是( ) A .点P 到平面QEF 的距离 B .直线PQ 与平面PEF 所成的角 C .三棱锥P QEF -的体积 D .△QEF 的面积9.已知函数()cos()sin 4f x x x π=+,则函数()f x 满足( )A .最小正周期为2T π=B .图象关于点2(,)84π-对称C .在区间(0,)8π上为减函数D .图象关于直线8x π=对称10。

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(3)A 不显著通过促进NAA的作用抑制侧枝生长
32.(每空2分,共14分)(1)9 Z B1Z b×Z B W或Z B Z b×Z B1W 低于
(3)选择表现型为蓝色的雄性动物(Z B Z B)和灰红色的雌性动物(Z B1W)进行交配,若子代雌性均为蓝色,雄雄性均为灰红色,说明该组复等位基因只位于Z染色体上。

[或选择表现型为巧克力色的雄性动物(Z b Z b)和灰红色的雌性动物(Z B1W) 进行交配,若子代雌性均为巧克力色,雄性均为灰红色,说明该组复等位基因只位于Z染色体上。

或选择表现型为巧克力的雄性动物(Z b Z b)和蓝色的雌性动物(Z B W) 进行交配,若子代雌性均为巧克力色,雄性均为蓝色,说明该组复等位基因只位于Z染色体上。

(3)S1 250mg.kg-1
(4)向量气管中加水至左右出现液面差,静置,若液面差保持稳定,则装置气密性良好倾斜Y形管,将蒸馏水(掺入四氢呋喃)全部注入a g产品中
(5)19(V2-V1)/448a% 偏高
(2)加入碱中和产生的酸,使平衡向生成RA n的方向移动,提高钒的萃取率
(3)ClO3-+6VO2++3H2O=6 V O2++Cl-+6H+
28.(15分)(1)①(1分)②NH2Cl+H2O NH3+HClO(2分)
(2)①放热(1分)②0.003 mol•L﹣1•min﹣1(2分)
(3)①=(1分)②A(2分)③2 MPa(2分)
(6)Co(OH)2+2H2O= Co (OH)42-+2H+(2分)
计时器太远 (任选一个) (2) m ≪M (3)否 (4)B
24.(14分)(1)v (2) (3)
【详解】(1)B 、C 碰撞过程中动量守恒:2mv -mv =(2m +m )v 1 (1分) 解得 (1分) A 滑到C 上,A 、C 动量守恒:3mv +mv 1=(3m +m )v 2 (2分) 解得v
(2)在A 、C 相互作用过程中,由能量守恒定律得

1分) (3分)
(3)在A 、C 相互作用过程中,以C 为研究对象,由动量定理得ft =mv 2-mv 1 (2分) 解得 (2分)
【详解】(1)由题意可知电子在磁场中的轨迹半径r =L 3
由牛顿第二定律得Bev 0=m v 20r
(2分) 电子的比荷e m =3v 0BL (2分)
(2)若电子能进入电场中,且离O 点右侧最远,则电子在磁场中
运动圆轨迹应恰好与边AD 相切,即粒子从F 点离开磁场进入电
场时,离O 点最远。

设电子运动轨迹的圆心为O ′点。

则OF =x m =2L 3
(1分) 从F 点射出的电子,做类平抛运动,有x =2L 3=Ee 2m
t 2 (2分) y =v 0t
代入得y =2L 3 电子射出电场时与水平方向的夹角为θ有tan θ=y 2x =12 (2分)
所以,从x 轴最右端射入电场中的电子打到荧光屏上的点为G ,则它与P 点的距离 F
GP =(L -y)tan θ
=2L 3 (2分) (3)设打到屏上离P 点最远的电子是从(x,0)点射入电场,则射出电场时 y =v 02xm Ee =2xL 3 (1分)
设该电子打到荧光屏上的点与P 点的距离为X ,由平抛运动特点得
X x =L -y y/2 (2分)
所以X =2⎝⎛⎭⎫xL y -x =2⎝⎛⎭⎫3xL 2-x =2⎣⎡⎦⎤-⎝⎛⎭
⎫x -3L 82+3L 8 (2分) 所以当x =38L 时,有X m =34
L (2分)
34.(15分) (1)ACE(5分) (2)①15°(4分) ②2d (6分)
【详解】(1)由图象可知,波长λ=4 m ,振幅A = 2 cm ,由题意知,波速v =100 m/s ,波源
的振动周期T =λv
=0.04 s ,故A 正确;a 、b 两质点不可能同时到达平衡位置,故B 错误;波沿x 轴正方向传播,0时刻a 质点正在向下运动,t =0.04 s =T ,一个周期后a 质点回到了
原来的位置,仍然正在向下运动,故C 正确;从t =0到t =0.01 s 时间内,0.01 s =T 4
,四分之一个周期的时间内,质点运动的路程一定大于A 2=1 cm ,故D 错误;该波的频率f =1T
=25 Hz ,与频率是25 Hz 的简谐横波相遇时可能发生波的干涉现象,故E 正确.
(2) ①n =sin [90°-(180°-θ-∠SCA )]sin 30°
(3分) 解出:θ=15° (2分) ②n =c v (2分) d c =x sin 30°v (2分) 解出:x =2d n
=2d (1分)。
