water cooler chat


How to Be More Efficient at Work

How to Be More Efficient at Work

How to Be More Efficient at WorkBe More Efficient at WorkUser-Submitted ArticleIf procrastination were an Olympic event, some of us would be gold medalists. For example, this article should've been done yesterday, but I digress. Since underproductivity is generally frowned upon at work, here are some steps you can take to become more efficient at the office.Instructions1 Set a list of priority tasks you need to get done for the day early in the morning, or better yet, the night before. Write down time-sensitive tasks you need to complete in the morning and then get to them as soon as you start your workday. By setting and organizing your priorities, it'll be easier to complete your projects.2 Set a specific deadline when you want to have each task completed. For example, you might want to set aside an hour to research a project or edit a story or write a brief. Even if you don't complete all your assignments by your exact deadline, having a time structure in place will help you keep to a workable schedule.3 Delegate to co-workers or underlings to help lighten your load. We all think we need to do everything ourselves, but some tasks can be delegated to others you trust. Ask a reliable colleague to handle one of your responsibilities (if possible) and then return the favor the next time he or she is swamped. This exercise is also good for effective team-building as well.4 Organize your office space. I can't tell you how much time I've wasted over the years rummaging through old papers and unused notepads trying to locate something on my desk. You can save yourself a lot of time and grief by organizing your desk/office so your space works with you and not against you. Knowing where everything is can make a big difference in your day.How to Become More Efficient At WorkThere are several methods that can make you become more efficient at work. Sometimes people who find they do not have enough time at work are not lazy or avoiding their work, they are just not managing their time at work in the proper manner. This article will outline how to manage your time and become more efficient at work.Instructions1 The first step to becoming more efficient at work is to manage your e-mail. Some people check and respond to their e-mail many times throughout the day. Instead of stopping and starting projects between checking your e-mails, set up 3 designatedtimes to check your e-mail each day. Take care of all your e-mail responsibilities during these 3 designated times and concentrate on your work for the rest of the day.2 The second step to becoming more efficient at work is to not procrastinate your big projects at work. When you leave your big projects for last, you are not going to be focused on the smaller tasks, as you know in the back of your mind what is waiting for you later. You will also not be as fresh if you start your hardest task late in the afternoon, after you have already been working on other tasks all day. Start your biggest tasks early in the morning, this way you will be more fresh when you are working on them, will subsequently get the job done quicker, and will not have to worry about the task later as you are doing other jobs.3 The third step is to make a consequence for yourself if you do not follow your planned routine. Many people love to reward themselves when they do something good, if you procrastinate and do not get the job done, then make a consequence such as taking a shorter lunch, or not going to the nice restaurant for lunch that day. When you make penalties for your actions it will force you to really push to get your work done in time. Try this method to force yourself to do a project or task that you have to do, but doHow to Become a Better, More Efficient WorkerLearn tips and techniques on working smarter so you won't have to work harder and longer.Instructions1 The first step towards becoming efficient at work is to pay attention to the time of day that you do your job the best. Are you an afternoon person? Morning? Get all of your most important responsibilities and tasks done when you're at your best and leave the smaller things that are least important for when you are not feeling your best.2 Prepare for your job responsibilities by thinking ahead and anticipating future problems. Try not to procrastinate and leave looming projects undone. Whenever you have free time, tackle that project that is weeks or months away so you can stay on top of your short term projects as well as your long term ones.3 Another tip is to stay organized. Organization really saves on time because when you're organized you are not wasting precious time searching for files or documents. Be tidy any down time you may find and try to stay organized as you are working.4 Cut out the chit-chat and water cooler conversation. The less time you spend on socializing the more time you can focus on getting your job done and excelling at your job. Your boss is sure to notice the difference if you utilize all of the above tips and in no time flat, you will morph into the type of worker who deserves and receives raises.。

新职业英语《综合英语2》教案Unit 1 Teaching Plan

新职业英语《综合英语2》教案Unit 1 Teaching Plan

EnglishforCareers2Unit1WorkplaceAfterstudyingthisunit,thestudentsareabletomasterthekeywordsandstructu understandingworkplacefashiontrendsunderstandingacodeofconduct(ofaworkplace)havinginternalcommunicationunderstandingandwritinganoticepreparingforapartymasteringtimemanagementfitinwithreputationprosandconsoutfitcomplimentforinstancecasualsettingproductiveincorporateTeachingproceduresThisunitisarrangedforatimespanof8hours,duringwhichatimelimitissuggestedforeachstep.Thou din-classoccurrencesandmakenecessaryadjustmentsaccordingly.Notethatnoteverystepsuggest Hour1:Courseintroduction 45minutesWarming-upTask1 10minutesObjective:Sscanidentifydifferentroomsinanoffice.Steps:• SsreadWarming-upTask1.• GetSstolookatthelayoutoftheoffice.• AskSstoidentifydifferentrooms.•Givethesuggestedanswers.Suggestedanswers:B—4 C—5D—3E—6 F—2 G—7Task2 10minutesObjective:Sscangivedirections.Steps:•SsreadWarming-upTask2.•GetSstolookatthepictureofTask1.•AskSstoworkinpairsandtelleachotherhowtofindMikeandJackintheoffice.•AsksomeSstoreportinclass.•Givethesuggestedanswers.Suggestedanswers:Gothroughthereceptionroomtothehallway.ThefirstroomonyourleftisthemultifunctionmNewwordsinReadingA 15minutesObjective:Sscangetfamiliarwiththenewwordsandexpressions,etc..Steps:•Sslistentothenewwordsandexpressions,etc.•Ssreadthenewwordsandexpressions,etc.Notes:ForaclasswithhigherEnglishproficiency,theteachermayfollowthefollowingsteps: •Sspreviewthenewwordsandexpressions.•Ssreadthenewwordsandexpressions.•Ssdictateseveralimportantnewwordsandexpressions.DiscussionsbeforeReadingA 10minutesObjective:Sscangetfamiliarwiththenewwordsandexpressions,etc..Steps:•SsknowsomethingaboutReadingA.•Ssdiscussthefollowing twoquestions:1.Whataretheprosandconsofrelyingonworkplacefashiontrends?2.Beforerelyingonworkplacefashiontrends,whatwillyoudo? •Commentbrieflyontheirwork.Hours2-3:ReadingA 45minutesLanguagepoints 35minutesParagraph1fitinwith:tolive,work,etc.inaneasyandnaturalwaywithsomeone/somethinge.g. H e’sneverdonethistypeofworkbefore;I’mnotsurehowhe’llfitinwiththeotherpeople.Ournationalpolicyfitsinwiththechangedinternationalsituation.reputation:n.theopinionthatpeoplehaveaboutwhatsomeone/somethingislike,basedonwhathashappen e.g. T heschoolhasagoodreputationforexaminationresults.Heearnedthereputationofbeingahardworker.Paragraph2prosandcons:theadvantagesanddisadvantagesofsomethinge.g. W hatcommentdoyouhaveontheprosandconsofstudyingabroad?Weweigheduptheprosandconsofstartingupourownbusiness.outfit:n.asetofclothes,especiallyonethatyouwearforaspecialoccasione.g. S hewasdressedinawhiteoutfit.Ontheopeningceremonyofthesportsmeet,allofusworesportsoutfits.Thefootballteammemberswerewearingorangeoutfits.compliment:n.aremarkthatshowsyouadmiresomeone/somethinge.g. T hankyouverymuchforyourcompliment.Heknewthathehadjustbeenpaidagreatcompliment.Shetookhisacceptanceasagreatcompliment.Paragraph3forinstance:forexamplee.g. W hatwouldyoudo,forinstance,ifyoufoundamemberofstaffstealing?Hisspellingisterrible.Forinstance,lookatthisword!Forinstance,anelectricfireisarelativelyexpensivemethodofheatingaroom.casual:rmale.g. H ewaswearingcasualclothes,nothisschoolones.Wedon’tlikehiscasualbehavior.Paragraph4setting:n.asetofsurroundings;theplaceatwhichsomethinghappense.g. I twastheperfectsettingforawonderfulChristmas.Peopletendtobehavedifferentlyindifferentsocialsettings.Theoldcastlewouldhaveprovidedtheperfectsettingforahorrorstory.productive:a.producingorachievingalote.g. A gricultureandindustrybothgrowmoreproductive.Therearealotofproductiveworkersinthisfactory.Paragraph6incorporate:v.toincludesomethingsothatitformsapartofsomethingelsee.g. M anyofyoursuggestionshavebeenincorporatedintotheplan.Wehaveincorporatedallthelatestsafetyfeaturesintothedesign.Hispicturehadbeenincorporatedwithouthispermissionintoanadvertisement.Task15minutesObjective:Sscanunderstandthepassageandwritethecorrectorder.Steps:•SsdoTask1.•AskSstoworkindividually.•Checktheanswers.SuggestedAnswers:1.C2.D3.B4.F5.E6.ATask2 5minutesObjective:Sscandecidewhetherthefollowingstatementsaretrueorfalseaccordingtothepassage. Steps:•SsdoTask2.•AskSstoworkindividually.•Che cktheanswers.SuggestedAnswers:1.F2.F3.F4.F5.TLanguagelab 45minutesTask1 5minutesObjective:SsknowthespellingandmeaningofthewordsandexpressionsfromReadingA.Steps:•SsreadTask1.•AllowSs5minutestodothetask.•Checktheanswers.KeyKey:1.J 2.I3.F 4.H 5.B 6.G 7.D 8.E 9.A 10.C Task2 10minutesObjective:SscanusethewordsandexpressionsfromReadingA.Steps:•SsdoTask2.•AskSstoworkindividually.•Checktheanswers.Answers1.incorporate2.hampered3.displayed4.reputation5.impartiallyModel21.Whatintereststhechildrenalotisthattherearemanyanimalsinthezoo.2.Whatshesaidatthemeetingisthattheprogramwillbeputoff.3.WhatMr.Liwasproudofwasthathissonwoninthematch.Task5 10minutesObjective:SscanusethevocabularyinReadingAfortranslation.Steps:•Ssworkindividuallyorinpairsandtranslatethesentences. •AsktwoSstowritetheirtranslationsontheboard. •Commentbrieflyontheirworkwithemphasisonthestructuresoftheirsentences.Key:1.Allthecompanyrulesandregulationsmustbestrictlyobserved.2.Weshouldbecasualwhenwestaywiththesestudents.3.Theabove-mentionedaresomecommunicationskillsthatareveryusefulinanofficesetting.4.Wehaveaprofessionalteamtomarketourproducts.5.Doyouknowblackclotheswillbetrendythisfall?6.Wewouldratherrelyonourselvesinsteadofseekinghelpfromothers.7.Newvehiclesmustcomplywithnationalstandards.8.Someyoungpeopleinourcompanymaycometoseekyouradvice.Hours4-5:Listening 45minutesTask1 5minutesObjective:Sscanaccuratelywritedownthemissinginformation.Script:W:Roy,Ishallworkoutatimetomeetwithyourpeopletodiscussthenewproject.M:Doyouwisheveryoneinthedepartmenttobethere?Wilsonisonvacationthisweek. W:Itwouldbebestifeverybodycouldbethere.WhenwillWilsoncomeback?M:NextMonday.W:Howaboutsometimenextweek?M:Letmelookattheschedulefirst.I’llgetbacktoyouthisafternoon.W:Thankyou.KeyKey:1.thenewproject2.onvacation3.nextMonday4.thescheduleTask2 10minutesObjective:Sscandecidewhetherthestatementsaretrueorfalse.Script:M:Hi,Shelly,howareyoutoday?W:Well,Ididn’tsleepverywelllastnight.I’mhavingaslightheadachenow.M:I’msorrytohearthat.Hopeyou’llbebettersoon.W:Thanks.Doyouknowthatashift-worksystemistobeintroducednextmonth?M:Really?Howwillwebeaffected?W:Thesystemwillaffecteveryoneinouroffice.Itwillbeonatwo-shiftbasis—7 a.m.to2p.m.,and2p.m.to9p.m.M:IwonderwhichshiftI’llbeworkingon.W:Whydon’twegoandaskthemanager?M:Ishallwait.Actuallyitdoesn’tmakeanydifferencewhichshiftIamallocated.Key:1.T2.F3.T4.FTask3 10minutesObjective:Sscanaccuratelytickofftheitemsaccordingtotheconversation.Script:W:Whatdoyouusuallywearforwork?M:Idon’tneedtomeetcustomerstoooften,soIusuallywearverycasualclothesinmyoffice,likejeansandT-s W:Whatdoyouthinkofthedressingpoliciesofacompany?M:Well,Ithinkformalbusinessclothesshouldbewornwhenmeetingwithcustomersandclientsatschedule W:Yes.Bylookingneatandsmart,we’llbeabletogainthetrustofcust omers.M:Right.Butatothertimes,staffcanwearbusinesscasualclothes.Thisincludesdressshirts,collaredsports W:AndIthinkbluejeans,T-shirtsandshortsarefartoocasualtobeacceptedintheoffice.M:Idon’tagreeonthis.Ithinkcasualwearbringsasenseoffreedomintheofficeandcaninspireusinourjob. W:Maybeyouareright.KeyKey:Task4 10minutesObjective:Sscanunderstandtheconversationandchoosethebestanswer.Script:M:Areport saysthattherehasbeentoomuchwatercoolerchatinthecompanyrecently.Idon’tthinkMr.Blac W:Well,thebossmaynotlikeit,butwedo.It’salwaysrelaxingtostayatthewatercoolerandchatforawhile.It M:Yes,Iagre e.Buthaven’tyounoticedthatsomeofourworkmatesarespendingtoomuchtimechattingarou W:Youareright.Iguessweneedtocomebacktoworkoncewefinishourcupofcoffeeortea.M:Idon’twantourniceandpleasantwatercoolerchatstoevergetthebossangry.W:NeitherdoI.Ithinkthepointisthatwekeepchattingatthewatercooleruntilitistoolong.M:Yes.Otherwisewemightdrinktoomuchwaterandspendalotoftimeinthebathroom!W:Youbet!Q1:WhoisMr.Blacksmith?Q2:Whatdoesthewomanthinkofthewatercoolerchat?Q3:Whichofthefollowingstatementsistrueaccordingtotheconversation?Q4:Whataretheattitudesofthemanandthewomantowardtherecentwatercoolerchattinginthecompany? KeyKey:1.A2.B3.B4.CTask5 10minutesObjective:Sscanfindspecificinformationfromlisteningtoapassagerelatedtothetheme.Script&Key:Weallknowthatcommunicationisthekeytoahealthyrelationshipinandoutofwork.Dealingwithpeopl hardtofindandoneshouldbeprofessionalunderallsituations.Anotherbrilliantwayofdealingwithyourbossisbystudyinghim.Noticethesignalsheorshesends;pick Anddon’tbeafraidtoaskyourco-workersforhelp.Getyourselfreadytohelpinthework,andalwayslookonthepositivesideofthings.IfyourbosssaySpeaking 45minutesTask6 45minutesObjective:Ssareabletopracticeshowinganewcolleaguearoundtheoffice(andtheotherasanewcomer)wit Steps:•SsreadTask6.•Ssworkinpairs,oneshowinganewcolleaguearoundtheofficeandtheotherasanewcomer.Key:(Omitted)Hours6-7:ReadingB 45minutesNewwords 5minutesObjective:Sscangetfamiliarwiththenewwordsandexpressions,etc.Steps:•Sslistentothenewwordsandexpression s,etc. •Ssreadthenewwordsandexpressions,etc.Fastreading 20minutesObjective:SscancomprehendReadingB.Steps:•Ssreadthepassage.•Providehelpifneeded.Task1 10minutesObjective:Sscandecidewhetherthefollowingstatementsaretrueorfalseaccordingtothepassage. Steps:•Ssreadthepassage.•Sscompletethetask.•Sscomparetheirworkwithothers.•SelectSstopresenttheirwork.KeyKey:1.F2.F3.T4.F5.FTask2 10minutesObjective:Sscancomprehendthespecificinformationtakenfromthepassage.Steps:•Ssreadthepassage.•Sscompletethetask.•Sscomparetheirworkwithothers.•SelectSstopresenttheirwork.Key:1.N2.N3.A4.N5.A6.NWriting 45minutesTask1 15minutesObjective:Sscangetfamiliarwiththestyleofnotice.Steps:•Ssdothetaskindividually.•Sscomparewitheachoth er’sanswers.•Providehelpifneeded.KindlynotethatourHealthcareCenterwillberelocatedtothefollowingaddresswitheffectfromSeptem Newaddress:909J2ndStreetNorth,FultonNewYorkTelephonenumbersandfaxnumbersremainunchanged. Thanksforyourkindattentionandcontinuoussupport.Task2 15minutesObjective:Sscangetfamiliarwiththestyleofnotice.Steps:•Ssdothetaskindividually.•Sscomparewitheachother’sanswers.•Providehelpifneeded.•Presenttheanswers.Key:Sample:PleasebeinformedthatOfficeSafetyTrainingSectionwillbeconductedfrom2:30to4:30thisFridaya Allstaffarerequiredtocome.Handoutswillbeavailableafterthesection.July15,2009Task315minutesObjective:Sscangetfamiliarwiththestyleofnotice.Steps:•Ssdothetaskindividually.•Sscomparewitheachother’sanswers.•Providehelpifneeded.•Presenttheanswers.Sample:Pleasebeinformedthatathree-daysightseeingtripwillbearrangedforallthestaffinourcompany. Time:May28—May30,2010Destination:Guilin,GuangxiProvinceItinerary:May28eveningTraintoGuilin,GuangxiProvinceMay29morningCitytourinGuilinMay29afternoonCruiseonLijiangRiverMay29eveningFreetimeinYangshuoMay30morningTrainbackAccommodation:Three-starhotelsTransportation:Train,busandcruiserTripFare:CoveredbythecompanyOthers:NofamilymembersallowedThosewhowillparticipatepleaseconfirmwithmebeforeMay20,2010.May15,2010Hour8:Mini-Project40minutesObjective:Sscanknowhowtoholdaparty.Steps:•Grouping.Dividethecl assintogroups.Thereareseveralways:Sspickuptheirownpartners;Teachersgrou •Definingtheproject.Gothroughtheprojectwiththeclassandclarifyrequirements.Theymaysearchonline •Timing&cooperation.GiveSsthedeadlineforcompletionandguidelinesonworkingtogether.Timemana ced.RemindthemthatdifferentSshavedifferentworkbuteverybodycontributestotheproject.Theydiscu •Presentation.Sspresenttheirevidenceforcompletion.Inthisproject,theyneedtopresenttheirpreparation Quiz 5minutes世上没有一件工作不辛苦,没有一处人事不复杂。



兴华杯参考答案及部分详解:Part I Listening ComprehensionSection ANews Report OneWe all know that exercise is good for our health. But some kinds of exercise may be better than others.(1) Running, for example, may help protect against heart disease and other health problems. Running may also help us live longer. Researchers say it is not important how far we run. It also does not matter how fast or even how often we run. As advertisements for the running shoe Nike say, "just do it".Recently, researchers studied more than 55,000 adults. About one-fourth of the adults reported they ran regularly. The study found these runners were considerably less likely than non-runners to die of any form of disease, including heart disease. (2) In fact, the runners lived, on average, three years longer than the non-runners. Compared to non-runners, runners showed 30 percent lower risk of death by any causes, including heart attack, stroke or cancer.Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.1. What is the benefit of running according to the news report? D。

Lincoln Power TIG 275 焊接机说明书

Lincoln Power TIG 275 焊接机说明书

ProcessesStick, TIGProduct NumberK2619-1K2619-2K2620-1K2618-1 Ready-Pak®Package See back for complete specs© Lincoln Global, Inc. All Rights Reserved.275TIG WELDERSInput Power (Voltage/Phase/Hertz)K2619-1/K2618-1:208/230/460/1/60K2619-2:460/575/1/60K2620-1:220-230/380-400/415/1/50/60Input Current at Rated Output208V:104460V:47220-230V:95575V:38230V:94380-400V:55415V:50Rated Output: Current/Voltage/Duty Cycle275A/31V/40%Weight/Dimensions (H x W x D)397 lbs. (180 kg)31 x 22 x 26 in.(787 x 559 x 660 mm)INPUT OUTPUTK2618-1 Includes:K2619-1Under-Cooler Cart Water Cooler –PH: +1.216-481-8100 • LI NC OL N E L E C TR ICShown K2619-1[ 2]|Precision TIG ®275What Is It?Pulse welding systems vary weld current between peak (high heat) and background current (low heat) levels. Adjusting the pulse frequency controls the level of heat input applied to the weld relative to the weld travel speed.ResultsBetter control of heat input in the weld, resulting in:•Reduced warping and burnthrough on thin materials. •Smaller heat-affected zone – good for thin material.•Smaller bead profile without compromising proper penetration.Easy “Set It/See It” Operation:•Flashing indicator light lets you see the pulse rate before you strike an arc.W e l d i n g C u r r e ntTimePulsed TIG Weld (at 60 amps)Standard TIG Weld (at 60 amps) Smaller HeatAffected ZoneSmaller Bead ProfileMicro-Start ™II Technology aids arc stabilityTHROUGHOUT THE WELD CYCLE – even at the lowest amperage! Micro-Start ™II Technologycontrolled ramp down helps precisely fill the weld crater for quality results.Micro-Start ™II Technology minimizes high frequency and ‘hot starts’ to deliver soft arc starts without arc wandering for AC and DC welding. Arc PerformanceMicro-Start ™Stable, Focused Arc Precise Crater Fill“Set It/See It” Pulse Control — Make attractive and consistent welds!N O WIN C L U D ESf o r A L UM IN U MW E L D INGA CPrecision TIG ®275| [ 3]AC Auto Balance ®Controls —Automatically sets the optimal cleaning vs. penetration level for aluminum welding!What Is It?When aluminum welding, the positive (+) portion of the AC weldingamperage cleans the oxides from the aluminum surface. The negative (-)portion delivers more heat input, increasing penetration level.Patented AC Auto Balance ®automatically sets the ratio of cleaning action (+) versus penetration (-) based on amperage.Manual balance control provides the flexibility to customize the arc to your preference.Easy Operation:•Set it and forget it or override when you choose to customize the settings.More Cleaning (+)Less Cleaning (+)Less Penetration(-)More Penetration (-)W E L D I N G W E L D I N G TIMETIMEMaximum Cleaning SettingMaximum Penetration SettingAuto Balance Setting•Fan-As-Needed (F.A.N.)™minimizes repeated heating and cooling of internal components, keeps dust and dirt build-up to a minimum and saves on electricity costs. •Engineered cooling air routing brings clean air in from the top and exhausts at the bottom to draw and collect less dirt in the machine. •Compare these reliability enhancing design features: — Crimped and soldered power connections.— Wound and varnished electrical coils do not require coil spacers used on competitive models. — Locking tabs on PC board connectors eliminates loose connections.•Tough testing cycles ensure long service — dropping, jerking,rolling, shipping, vibration, resistance to real world extreme conditions, and extended in-service life testing. •CSA C/US certified.•Lincoln three-year warranty on parts and labor.Clean, cool air route shown.Snap-action durable switches make positive mechanical contact to reduce chances ofintermittent contact failure.[ 4]| Precision TIG ®275Shown: K2618-1Water-Cooled Ready-Pak ®PackageTorch Parts Storage Compartment.Optional TIG pulsing helps you make great welds.Water-cooled torch connections with no adapters — side mounted to keep out of the way and protected.Neat/organized cable management with integratedtorch holster.Separate output studs for stick and TIG keep both stick electrode holder and TIG torch connected at the same time — eliminates set-up changeover when switching processes.Easily accessible input voltagereconnect panel.Low-Lift ™ Shielding Gas Bottle Platform.Lockable Undercarriage Storage and Water Cooler Drawers.Reliable Pro-Con Pump.Optional Features:(standard with K2618-1 Water-Cooled Ready-Pak ®Package)Precision TIG ®275| [ 5]Large, well-spaced controls make it easy to view and set upwith gloved hands.SET-UP MENUPress and hold the menu button to display up to seven programmable parameters. The setting of the desired level is displayed, and increasing or decreasing the level setting is easy.The Set-Up Menu includes:Standard•DC TIG Start Modes: High Frequency, Scratch Start, and Touch Start TIG ®.•Adjustable Preflow Time.•Adjustable Start Pulse for Soft or Forceful Starts.With Optional Advanced Control Panel •Adjustable TIG Hot Start.•Adjustable Upslope Time.•Adjustable Stick Hot Start.•Adjustable Stick Arc Force.A)Minimum Output Control & Display Switch (Also displays output voltage)B)Set-Up Menu (see below)C)Digital MeterD)Local/Remote Current Control Switch E)Maximum Output Control F)Post Flow Time G)Thermal Shutdown Light H)Optional Advanced Control Panel 1)Trigger Switch (2-step/4-step)2)Pulse/Spot Time Mode Switch 3)Pulse Frequency Control 4)Pulse % On Time Control 5)Pulse Background Current Control 6)Downslope Time, In Seconds 7)Spot Time I)Polarity Switch J)Power Switch K)AC Balance Control L)Mode SwitchH123 4 & 756BCDEAF G HI J KLC U S T O M E R A S S I S T A N C E P O L I C YThe business of The Lincoln Electric Company ®is manufacturing and selling high quality welding equipment, consumables, and cutting equipment. Our challenge is to meet the needs of our customers and to exceed their expectations. On occasion, purchasers may ask Lincoln Electric for information or advice about their use of our products. Our employees respond to inquiries to the best of their ability based on information provided to them by the customers and the knowledge they may have concerning the application. Our employees, however, are not in a position to verify the information provided or to evaluate the engineering requirements for the particular weldment. Accordingly, Lincoln Electric does not warrant or guarantee or assume any liability with respect to such information or advice. Moreover, the provision of such information or advice does not create, expand, or alter any warranty on our products. Any express or implied warranty that might arise from the information or advice, including any implied warranty of merchantability or any warranty of fitness for any customers’ particular purpose is specifically disclaimed.Lincoln Electric is a responsive manufacturer, but the selection and use of specific products sold by Lincoln Electric is solely within the control of, and remains the sole responsibility of the customer. Many variables beyond the control of Lincoln Electric affect the results obtained in applying these types of fabrication methods and service requirements.Subject to Change – This information is accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of printing. Please refer to for any updated information.For best welding results with Lincoln Electric equipment,always use Lincoln Electric consumables. Visit for more details.GENERAL OPTIONSAdvanced Control Panel Provides 2/4-step trigger with adjustable Pulser controls and Downslope timer for TIG welding.Also includes adjustable Hot Start and Arc Force internal panel controls for stick welding, and other user selectable features.Order K2621-1Under-Cooler Cart Water Cooler Includes “cooler-in-a-drawer” with hoses and a lockable storage drawer on a dual bottle undercarriage. Two gallon (7.5 ltrs.) capacity.Order K1828-1UndercarriageIncludes a dual bottle rack with chain and front casters, rear wheels and a handle. Order K1869-1Harris ®Argon Flowmeter RegulatorDeluxe flowmeter/regulator. Includes 10 ft. (3.0 m) hose. Order 3100211Work Clamp & Cable Assembly 15 ft. 2/0 cable with 1/2 in. stud lug and work clamp. Order K2150-1STICK OPTIONSAccessory KitFor stick welding. Includes 35 ft.(10.7 m) 2/0 electrode cable with lug, 30 ft. (9.1 m) 2/0 work cable with lugs, headshield, filter plate,work clamp and electrode holder.400 amp capacity.Order K704Accessory KitFor stick welding. Includes 20 ft. (6.1 m) #6 electrode cable with lug,15 ft. (4.6 m) #6 work cable with lugs, headshield, filter plate, work clamp, electrode holder and sample pack of mild steel electrode. 150amp capacity.Order K875Remote Output ControlConsists of a control box with choice of two cable lengths. Permits remote adjustment of output. 6 pin connection.Order K857for 25 ft. (7.6 m)Order K857-1for 100 ft. (30.5 m) TIG OPTIONSMagnum®Pro-Torch™TIG TorchesA full line of air-cooled and water-cooled torches available.Request publication E12.150PTA-26 One-Cable AdapterAdapts the 7/8 in. PTA-26 fitting tothe 5/8 in. gas and powerconnection on machine. Order K2166-1PTA-9, -17 One-Cable Adapter Adapts the 3/8 in. PTA-9 or -17fitting to the 5/8 in. gas and power connection on machine.Order K2166-3PTA-9, PTA-17, PTA-26 Two-Cable AdapterConverts the 7/8 in. water andpower connection on the machine to a 1/2 in. output stud for use with a two-cable air-cooled TIG torch.Order K2166-2Foot Amptrol ™Varies current for making critical TIG welds. Depress pedal to increase current. Depressing pedal fullyachieves maximum set current. Fully raising the pedal finishes the weld and starts the afterflow cycle.Includes 25 ft. (7.6 m) control cable.6-pin plug connection.Order K870Hand Amptrol ™Provides 25 ft. (7.6 m) of remote current control for TIG welding (6 pin plug connection). Velcro straps secure torch.Order K963-3(One size fits all Pro-Torch ™TIG Torches.)Arc Start SwitchNeeded if an Amptrol ™is not used when TIG welding. Comes with a 25ft. (7.6 m) cable. Attaches to the TIG torch for convenient finger control. 6-pin plug connection. Order K814Cut Length Consumables TIG welding filler metals are available for welding stainless steel, mild steel, aluminum and copper alloys.See publication C1.10。





一、语篇泛读How do you consume your music? What format do you listen to it on? Technology now allows us to stream and download our favorite songs through websites and apps. This means it’s easy to access and it’s very portable, so we could enjoy it whenever and wherever we like. So, it’s surprising to know that the popular ity of some old tech is increasing.A number of musicians have been releasing their albums on vinyl and cassette tape. While this latter analogue technology lacks the good digital audio quality that we expect to hear today, in its heyday, it was a popular way for teenagers to enjoy recorded music. The introduction of the Walkman portable cassette player in 1979, made by Sony, meant people could listen to music on the move for the first time. By the end of 1989, 83 million tapes were bought by British music fans, but the invention of the compact disc in the 1990s changed that.Despite the demise of the cassette tape in the 90s, in the first six months of 2020, nearly 65,000 music cassettes were sold in the UK, according to the Official Charts Company – double the sales from the same period the previous year. Although this is only a small fraction of overall music sales, cassette tapes are physical items that can be kept and collected –not stored in the cloud. And the resurgence of the cassette has been helped by big names such as Billie Eilish, Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber, who have released their music on this format.To listen to music on a cassette, you need a tape player or a personal stereo to play them on, but this hasn’t deterred the new younger a udience – its recent popularity seemsto be more about buying memorabilia. Gennaro Castaldo from the British Phonographic Industry told the BBC: “Younger consumers are now buying into their collectible appeal–as they have done with vinyl –and the more they do this, the greater the demand for labels and artists to cater to.” But although cassettes won’t replace streaming as a way of listening to music, it does go to show how some tech never dies!二、词汇表format 载体形式,格式stream 在线收听portable 轻便的,便携的tech 科技,技术vinyl 黑胶唱片cassette tape 录音带,磁带analogue 模拟录音的digital 数码的,数字的recorded 录制的,录下的cassette player (盒式)磁带播放器compact disc 光盘physical 实物的the cloud 网络云resurgence 重新兴起personal stereo 随身听,便携式袖珍播放器memorabilia 纪念品collectible appeal 值得收藏的魅力label 唱片公司cater to 迎合、满足…的需要三、测试与练习. 阅读课文并回答问题。



练习双语:新西兰试行每周四天工作制新西兰一家公司从三月初开始试行每周四天工作制,结果怎么样呢?On the first long weekend of her employer/s experiment with a four-day working week, Kirsten Taylor freaked out a little bit. Like a housework hurricane, she got through mounds of clothes-washing, weeded the garden, cleaned the windows and mowed the lawn.在公司首次试验四天工作制的第一个长周末,柯尔斯顿?泰勒感觉力.点抓狂。


It had been lovely to spend extra time with her 21-month-old son, but by the end of the third day off she was shattered.能够和21个月大的儿子共度更多时光本来是件很好的事,但是到第三天快结束时,她感觉自己要崩溃了。

〃1 actually found that day really hard. I ran myself ragged/ laughs Taylor; who is a solo mother, z,l hadn't yet programmed that routine into my life. I thought: I don,t know when the next one of these is coming, I better get everything done. I don/t think I did it well, but heck it was a productive day!"身为单身母亲的泰勒大笑着说:〃事实上,我觉得第三天很难熬。



主柜rectifier整流容器Rectifier container可控硅Thyristor二极管diode压敏电阻surge arrestor陶瓷绕线电阻wire wound resistor in ceramic casing 电容器capacitor端子terminal热敏电阻thermistor操作过电压保护operation overvoltage protection换向保护commutation protection接地小母排mini earthing busbar水管water pipe水冷散热器water cooling heat sink螺钉bolt螺母nut喉箍hose clamp水温变送器water temperature transducer水压变送器water pressure transducer电接点水压表electrical contact water pressure gauge 电接点水温表electrical contact water temp meter臂温arm temperature脉冲变压器pulse transformer脉冲板pulse trigger card脉冲隔离板Pulse isolation card可控硅阳极Thyristor anode可控硅阴极Thyristor cathode可控硅控制极/可控硅门极Thyristor control electrode/ Thyristor gate pole触发电压trigger voltage快速熔断器high speed fuse三角形接法Delta connection星形接法Star connection连接方式connecting method绝缘板Insulation board胶木板bakelite plate不锈钢stainless steel碳钢carbon steel直流正极母排DC positive busbar直流负极母排DC negative busbar交流进线AC incoming涡流vortex均流检测Current sharing measuring臂电流检测arm current measuring均流仪current sharing meter陶瓷绝缘子ceramic insulator脉冲线pulse wire控制柜Control panel交流AC220V交流AC100V直流DC+24V电源变压器Power supply transformer加法器Totalizer四路继电器板4-route relay card中间继电器Intermediate relay时间继电器Time relay变送器/电量隔离传感器Transducer 同步Sync.缺反馈No feedback封脉冲Block pulse控制角Control angle导通角Conductive angle给定Set实际显示Actual display档位仪Step indicator档位Step升档Raise step降挡Lower step主板Control card触发板Trigger card功放板Power amplifier card电源板Power supply card6脉波6 pulse谐波Harmonic示波器Oscilloscope万用表Multimeter螺丝刀Screwdriver负载Load电解槽Electrolyzer重接地Heavy grouding轻接地Light grouding接地保护Grouding protection油温高Oil temperature high油位低Oil level low有载调压开关On-load tap chager (OL TC) 电机Motor整流变压器Rectifier transformer交流反馈AC feedbackDCS连锁DCS interlock跳闸Trip延时Delay极化柜Polarization rectifier / CPU(加拿大) 控制电源Control power supply极化启动Polarization start极化停止Polarization stop稳流/稳压constant current / constant voltage 本空/远控Local control / remote control手动/自动Manual / Automatic文本显示器Text display触摸屏Touch panel/ LCP(比利时bigan2)控制器Controller故障报警Fault alarm状态Status直流刀开关DC switch直流刀开关分状态DC switch open直流刀开关合状态DC switch closed三相电源3-phase power supply相序Phase sequence行程开关/限位开关Limit switch接触器Contactor空气开关Air switch断路器Breaker嵌入式压板式纯水器DM water cooler纯水DM water冷却水cooling water电阻率Resistivity电导率Conductivity付水循环水Cooling water阀门V alve兆帕MPa千安KA千伏安KV A容量Capacity功率因素Power factor有功active power无功reactive power短路电流Short circuit current网侧/一次侧电压Primary side voltage阀侧/二次侧电压Secondary side voltage一次侧进线Primary side incoming油水冷却oil water cooling油风冷却oil air cooling水泵water pump油泵oil pump工艺DCS Process DCS湿度检测仪Temp. meter桥臂Bridge arm供电Power supply变电站Substation通讯Communication通讯转换开关Communication selector switch上位机computer触摸屏和上位机常用的数据以及显示的翻译,苏威项目都可以作为参考。

阿尔法冷(Alphacool)Eisblock Aurora Acrylic GPX图形卡水冷器说明

阿尔法冷(Alphacool)Eisblock Aurora Acrylic GPX图形卡水冷器说明

The Alphacool Eisblock Aurora Acrylic GPX graphics card water coolerwith backplate combines style with performance. Extreme coolingperformance and an extensive digital RGB lighting characterize it.Experience and technical know-how from more than a decade havegone into the development, without making any technicalcompromises. The Eisblock Aurora Acryl GPX is a significant evolutionof the previous Alphacool graphics card water cooler, which has beenimproved in every area.•Fullcover water block •Chrome-plated copper cooler •Adressable digital RGB LEDs- AMD Radeon™ RX 6750 XT V. 1.004 // 08.2023Alphacool Eisblock Aurora Acryl GPX-A RX 6750 XT Reference with BackplateAlphacool article number: 186702x 15x42x1mm thermal pad (7 W/mK) 1x 15x56x1mm thermal pad (7 W/mK) 1x 8x74x1mm thermal pad (7 W/mK) 1x 15x51x2mm thermal pad (7 W/mK) 1x 15x76x2mm thermal pad (7 W/mK) 1x 8x74x3mm thermal pad (3 W/mK) 2x 15x40x3mm thermal pad (3 W/mK) 1x 8x56x3mm thermal pad (3 W/mK) 1x 30x30x3mm thermal pad (3 W/mK) 6x M2x5 screw 6x M2 washer1x Thermal grease (Alphacool Subzero 16 W/mK) 7x M2x11 screw1x digital-RGB adapter1x plug tool2x screw plug1x M3x5 screw1x M3 nut1x backplateThe Alphacool Eisblock Aurora Acrylic GPX graphics card water cooler with backplate combines style with performance. Extreme cooling performance and an extensive digital RGB lighting characterize it. Experience and technical know-how from more than a decade have gone into the development, without making any technical compromises. The Eisblock Aurora Acryl GPX is a significant evolution of the previous Alphacool graphics card water cooler, which has been improved in every area.More performance!During the development of the Eisblock Aurora Acryl GPX graphics card water cooler, emphasis was naturally placed on increasing performance. First, the cooler was brought closer to the individual components by reducing the thickness of the heat conducting pads. Next, the nickel-plated copper block was also made thinner. Step 3 involves the constant optimisation of the water flow within the cooler. The result: All important components such as voltage converters and RAM are cooled much better and more effectively by the water and the cooling performance increases significantly.Chrome-plated copperThe cooler is made entirely of chrome-plated copper. A chrome plating is much harder than a nickel plating and therefore less sensitive to acids, scratches and damage. It completely eliminates the risk of chipping nickel plating. Additionally, chrome plating looks much more homogeneous and provides a shine that cannot be achieved by nickel plating. Chrome-plated coolers have previously only been used in the industrial sector in areas where extreme influences act on the coolers.Brilliant design!The addressable digital aRGB LEDs are embedded directly in the cooling block and run along the sides of the entire cooler. The effect is an illumination that engulfs the entire cooling block. No corner or edge is left unlit by the aRGB LEDs. The new design is more angular, with all edges bevelled. The result is better light diffusion in the water cooler due to the reflections on these bevels. They also create various contours that give the Eisblock Aurora Acryl GPX cooler its very own visual touch.Thermal paste & thermal padsThe included thermal compound is Alphacool's Subzero. With a thermal conductivity of 16 W/mk, it is one of the highest performing thermal pastes on the market. The electrically non-conductive thermal compund is particularly well suited for high contact pressures, but can still be processed perfectly due to its viscosity of 850000 TF. Alphacool Soft Pads with 1mm and 2mm thickness are used on the voltage converter and the graphics memory. The thermal conductivity of the pads is 7W/mK. The pads for the back of the PCB are 3mm thick and have a thermal conductivity of 3W/mk.Other special featuresThe Eisblock Aurora Acryl GPX GPU cooler has the patented screw plugs, which sit flush with the surface of the terminal. The Alphacool logo sits in the corner on the top and is also fully illuminated. On the front of the terminal, corresponding designations of the compatible graphics card manufacturers can be seen. Of course, these are also fully illuminated by the adressable digital LEDs. IN and OUT are marked by small discreet triangles. They are easily recognisable and fit perfectly into the overall visual line of the graphics card water cooler.Drawing。



Does the writer intend to introduce different fashion trends or argue about the pros and cons of fashion trends?
Go through the passage quickly and find out evidence (key words / key sentences)to support your opinion.
A-Task 2
Decide the following sentences are true or false?
F 1. Dressing in the latest fashion trends may give you
the reputation of being efficient.
1 4
5 3
1. washroom
2. department
manager’s office
3. meeting room
4. staff office 7
5. multifunction
meeting room
6. hallway
7. பைடு நூலகம்eception room
War m-2
Look at the above office layout again. Mary is at the company gate. Please tell her how to find Mike and Jack in the office.

大学职业英语 Unit 1

大学职业英语 Unit 1
第十三页,编辑于星期一:十三点 二分。
职业综合 英语 2
Unit 1 Workplace
Understanding Details
Why are many people looking for trends in workplace clothing?
第十四页,编辑于星期一:十三点 二分。
职业综合 英语 2
Unit 1 Workplace
Understanding Details
According to the writer, what are the pros and cons of relying on workplace fashion trends? When you wear a fashionable ____o_u_tf_i_t __ to work, you will receive a lot of __c_o_m_p_l_i_m_e_n_ts.
第九页,编辑于星期一:十三点 二分。
职业综合 英语 2
Unit 1 Workplace
Does the writer intend to introduce different fashion trends or argue about the pros and cons of fashion trends?
What many people do not realized: 由what引导的主语从
句,充当句子主语 许多人并没有意识到,追随职场时装潮流有利也有
th弊at 。there are…that引导的表语从句
Pros and cons: advantages and disadvantages利弊

HAC Series Bi-Level Wall Mount Water Coolers 产品说明书

HAC Series Bi-Level Wall Mount Water Coolers 产品说明书

Owners ManualHAC Series Bi-Level Wall Mount Water CoolersWARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm - ADVERTENCIA: Cáncer y daño reproductivo - AVERTISSEMENT: Cancer et effets néfastes sur la reproduction - Patent /patentsPage 198945C (Rev. G - 04/23)Page 298945C (Rev. G - 04/23)Page 398945C (Rev. G - 04/23)12 5/16"313m m3 1/2"89m m 4 1/2"114m m18 3/4"476m m6 1/4"159m m20 1/8"511m m25 1/8"638m m20 3/8"518m m2 7/16"63m m 5"127m m10"254m mAD FBF I N I S H E D F L O O RH A N G E R B R A C K E T 13 7/8"352m m37 1/2"952m m1 3/8"35m m 1 3/8"35m m5 3/4"146m m5 3/4"146m m1 3/8"35m m 1 3/8"35m m5 3/4"146m m 5 3/4"146m m6 1/2"165m m18 1/16"459m m 11/16"18m m4 9/16"116m m2 9/16"65m m7 1/4"185m m E F5/16" (8m m ) D I A . (10 H O L E S )R I M H E I G H TO R I F I C E H E I G H TO R I F I C E H E I G H TLC LC 27"686m m31 7/8"809m m 33"838m m 39 1/2"1003m m C4 1/8"105m m18 5/8"473m m2 5/8"67m m6 3/4"172m m8"203m mEFIG. 2R E D U C E H E I G H T B Y 3" F O R I N S T A L L A T I O N O F C H I L D R E N 'S A D A C O O L E RH A C 8F S C B LL E G E N DA = R E C O M M E N D E D W A T E R S U P P L Y L O C A T I O N . S H U T O F F V A L V E (N O T F U R N I S H E D ) T O A C C E P T 3/8 O .D . U N P L A T E D C O P P E R T UB E .B = R EC O M M E NDE D L O C A T I O NF O R W A S T E O U T L E T 1-1/2” O .D . D R A I N C = 1-1/2" T R A P N O T F U R N I S H E D **D = E L E C T R I C A L S U P P L Y (3) W I R E R E C E S S E D B O X E = I N S U R E P R O P E R V E N T I L A T I O N B Y M A I N T A I N I NG 6" (152 m m ) (M I N .) C L E A R A N C E F R O M C A B I N E T L O U V E R S T O W A L L F = 7/16 B O L TH O L E S F O R F A S T E NI N G U N I T T O W A L LPage 498945C (Rev. G - 04/23)R I M H E I G H TO R I F I C E H E I G H TO R I F I C E H E I G H TLC LC C13 7/8"352m m7 1/4"185m m2 9/16"65m m6 1/4"159m m11/16"18m m4 9/16"116m m18 3/4"476m m37 1/2"952m m6 1/2"165m m18 1/16"459m m5 3/4"146m m5 3/4"146m m5 3/4"146m m5 3/4"146m m1 3/8"35m m 1 3/8"35m m 1 3/8"35m m1 3/8"35m m 2 7/16"63m m 5"127m m10"254m m20 3/8"518m m 26 11/16"678m m31 11/16"805m m3 1/2"89m m4 1/2"114m m 5/16" (8m m ) D I A . (10 H O L E S )12 5/16"313m m27"686m m 4 1/8"105m m18 5/8"473m m 2 9/16"65m m 31 7/8"810m m 33"838m m 39 1/2"1003m m BEEDAFFF I N I S H E D F L O O R6 3/4"172m m8"203m mH A N G E R B R A C K E T A D A R E Q U I R E M E N T FIG. 3R E D U C E H E I G H T B Y 3" F O R I N S T A L L A T I O N O F C H I L D R E N 'S A D A C O O L E RH A C 8F S C B L RL E G E N D /L E Y E N D A /L ÉG E N D EA = R E C O M M E N D E D W A T E R S U P P L Y L O C A T I O N . S H U T O F F V A L V E (N O T F U R N I S H E D ) T O A C C E P T 3/8 O .D . U N P L A T E D C O P P E R T UB E . B = R EC O M M E NDE D L O C A T I O NF O R W A S T E O U T L E T 1-1/2” O .D . D R A I N C = 1-1/2" T R A P N O T F U R N I S H E D **D = E L E C T R I C A L S U P P L Y (3) W I R E R E C E S S E D B O X E = I N S U R E P R O P E R V E N T I L A T I O N B Y M A I N T A I N I NG 6" (152 m m ) (M I N .) C L E A R A N C E F R O M C A B I N E T L O U V E R S T O W A L L F = 7/16 B O L TH O L E S F O R F A S T E NI N G U N I T T O W A L LHANGER BRACKETFIJADOR DE SUSPENSIÓNSUPPORT DE SUSPENSIONCOOLER BACKSUPPORT DE SUSPENSIONARRIÈRE DU REFROIDISSEURCORRECT STREAM HEIGHTPage 598945C (Rev. G - 04/23)Page 698945C (Rev. G - 04/23)PRINTED IN U.S.A.FOR PARTS CONTACT YOUR LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE - 1333 BUTTERFIELD ROAD, DOWNERS GROVE, IL 60515630.574.3500。



千篇一律的生活作文英文回答:Life can sometimes feel monotonous and repetitive, with each day blending into the next. We wake up, go to work or school, come home, eat dinner, maybe watch some TV, and then go to bed. Rinse and repeat. It's like living in a never-ending loop, where everything becomes predictable and routine.For me, a typical day starts with the sound of my alarm clock blaring in my ear. I groggily roll out of bed, stumble into the bathroom, and splash some cold water on my face to wake myself up. Then it's off to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee, because let's face it, I can't function without my morning caffeine fix.After that, it's time to get ready for the day. I put on my work clothes, grab my bag, and head out the door. The commute to work is always a drag, especially when trafficis at its worst. I often find myself stuck in a sea of cars, honking horns and impatient drivers.Once I finally arrive at work, it's a whirlwind of meetings, emails, and deadlines. I spend most of my day glued to my computer screen, typing away furiously andtrying to stay on top of my never-ending to-do list. It's a constant juggling act, and sometimes it feels like I'm on a treadmill that I can't get off.But it's not all doom and gloom. There are moments ofjoy and laughter sprinkled throughout the day. Like when my co-workers and I gather around the water cooler to chat and share funny stories. Or when we go out for lunch together and indulge in some delicious food. These little moments of connection and camaraderie make the monotony more bearable.After a long day of work, I return home to unwind. Ikick off my shoes, change into something more comfortable, and plop down on the couch. Sometimes I'll catch up on my favorite TV shows, other times I'll read a book or listento music. It's my time to relax and recharge before thecycle starts all over again.中文回答:生活有时候会感觉单调乏味,每天都过得如出一辙。



智能饮水机专用英语词汇当涉及到智能饮水机时,以下是一些可能涉及的专用英语词汇:●Water Dispenser(饮水机)相关词汇:1.Water Cooler: 饮水机,尤指供应冷水的。

2.Hot Water Dispenser: 热水饮水机。

3.Ambient Water Dispenser: 常温水饮水机。

4.Water Filtration System: 水过滤系统。

5.Water Purifier: 水净化器。

6.Cold Water Tank: 冷水箱。

7.Hot Water Tank: 热水箱。

●智能功能相关词汇:1.Smart Water Dispenser: 智能饮水机。

2.Touchscreen Display: 触摸屏显示。

3.IoT Connectivity: 物联网连接性。

4.App-Controlled: 通过手机应用控制。

5.Voice Activation: 语音激活。

6.Automated Temperature Control: 温度自动控制。

7.Water Usage Monitoring: 水使用监测。

8.Energy Saving Mode: 节能模式。

●水质监测相关词汇:1.Water Quality Sensor: 水质传感器。

2.TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) Meter: 总溶解固体测量仪。

3.pH Level Monitor: pH值监测器。

4.UV-C Sterilization: 紫外线消毒。

5.Ozone Disinfection: 臭氧消毒。

●维护和清洁相关词汇:1.Self-Cleaning Feature: 自清洁功能。

2.Drip Tray: 滴水托盘。

3.Regular Maintenance: 定期维护。

4.Filter Replacement Indicator: 滤芯更换指示器。

用户体验相关词汇:er-Friendly Interface: 用户友好界面。



关于居家办公的作文英文Title: The Unconventional Office: Navigating Homebound Workspaces。

1. Rumble of a New Routine。

In the heart of a pandemic, my workspace transformed from a bustling office to a cozy corner, a digital symphony of keyboard clacks and screen glow. The once bustling "office" became my "study, kitchen, and sanctuary" a unique blend of zones.2. The Digital Detour。

Each morning, I'd wake up to the soft hum of my laptop, not the sound of a bustling coffee shop, but the comforting hum of my own digital sanctuary. The "door" was now a screen, and my "commute" was a few clicks.3. The Office in the Air。

The air was thick with the scent of home-cooked meals, not the scent of printer toner. My "office chair" was a chair, and my "coffee break" was a cup of tea, sipped amidst the laundry pile. The "water cooler" became avirtual chat session with colleagues.4. The Art of Productivity。




文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!I woke up this morning feeling a bit groggy, but aftera cup of coffee, I was ready to tackle the day. The sun was shining, birds were chirping, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for another day.As I walked to work, I couldn't help but notice the hustle and bustle of the city. People rushing to catch the bus, cars honking in traffic, and the sound of construction in the distance. It made me appreciate the quiet moments in life even more.Work was busy as usual, with emails piling up and meetings to attend. But I found solace in the small victories – finishing a project ahead of schedule, making a colleague laugh, and enjoying a quick chat by the water cooler.After work, I decided to treat myself to a nice dinner at my favorite restaurant. The food was delicious, theambiance cozy, and I couldn't help but savor every bite.It's moments like these that remind me to slow down and enjoy the little things in life.As I walked home under the starry sky, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the day I had. Despite the ups and downs, I knew that tomorrow was a new day full of possibilities. And that thought alone filled me with hope and excitement for what's to come.。



办公室英语行话办公室英语行话Water-cooler chatThis is an Americanism that has crossed over into British English too. Most offices these days have a water cooler, and this phrase has come to mean anything that people talk about when they happen to meet at the water cooler. This tends to refer to gossip or trivial things like discussing what happened in the soap opera that was on last night.这是一个美式短语,它同样也存在于英式英语中。



下班临近Close of playOften shortened to COP in emails and text messages, and also as end of play or EOP, this simply means by the end of the working day. Why do bosses ask if they can have this work done by close of play rather than just asking if they can have it done today? Perhaps they are trying to make work sound more fun, as close of play is a sporting term, particularly used when it comes to cricket, where it means when the game ends for the day.在邮件和短信里通常会被缩写为COP,也同样可以写作EOP,end of play,它的意思仅仅是下班前。



答案速对Part II Listening Comprehension【Section A】1-7:AA—CB—CDB【Section B】8-15:BDDC—BBCB【Section C】16-25:AAD—CBCA—CCDPart III Reading Comprehension【Section A】26-30:NMEOC31-35:BLJKA【Section B】36-40:HBMIE41-45:GLFAD【Section C】46-50:CABDC51-55:CDBAC答案详解Part I Writing【参考范文】Let’s face it.Most of us know that failure is a reality of life,and at some level,it actually helps us grow.But still,we hate to fail.We fear it,we dread it,and when it does happen,we hold onto it.We give it power over our emotions,and sometimes we allow it to dictate our way forward(or backward).Why is it so hard to let go?And how can we keep failure–or the fear of it–from derailing us?The key lies in the right understanding of failure,or adversity by other names.For me,failures are coaches for us in different points of life.Without pains or traumas, we can hardly discover what we are truly capable of and make adjustments to our values. It is adversity rather than prosperity helps people to gain a greater understanding of themselves and the world around them.In today's world,if we have never been exposed to the harsh reality that evils lurk in every corner,our childish fantasy about the world will one day ruins us.So facing failures is one of the most important lessons to be learned in life,especially for college students,who are in critical intersection of life.Instead of considering the failures in your life as negative things that happen to you,try to accept these failures as lessons you would have never learnt otherwise.So,face failures with the same grace in celebrating success,extract lessons and move on with a broader horizon! Failing is natural,and the only thing to do when you fail is to learn from the experience and try your best never to repeat the same mistake again in your life.so“It’s fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.”Part II Listening ComprehensionNews Item OneEvery day,people come into contact with thousands of chemicals.These chemicals are said to be harmless to human health.(1)In fact,the chemicals are considered so safe that we wash with them.We put them on our bodies and even on our faces.Other chemical products are used throughout our homes.By the time you walk out your front door,you have already been exposed to thousands of chemicals.On its own,each chemical seems harmless.But in combination with other chemicals, they may become deadly.That is the finding of a two-year study by a task force of scientists.(2)The task force was told to investigate the cancer-causing probability of chemical mixtures.Their job was to study the cancer-causing potential of85chemicals.All 85are said to be common in the environment.They explain that chemicals have the potential,or ability,to form dangerous mixtures.1.How do people see chemicals in life?A)2.What is the scientists'task?A)News Item TwoA new study says a widely-used insecticide is damaging wild bee populations.(3)Wild bees are important,because they pollinate(授粉)crops and wild plants.Environmentalists in the United States and Europe say this insecticide is causing a drop in the number of bees.These insecticides are among the most commonly used worldwide.Farmers often use seeds treated with the insecticides.The chemicals target insects that eat crops,and they do not spread beyond the field.But they do get into pollen(花粉)and nectar(花蜜),which is where the bees come into contact with them.Researchers studied bees in fields.They say there were about half as many wild bees per square meter in treated fields as in untreated ing the chemicals too much may be hurting bees.(4)They suggest that the chemicals should be used more sensibly,or,in other words,only when necessary.3.Why are wild bees important?C)4.What do researchers suggest when using chemicals?B)News Item ThreeA deaf and blind woman from Australia has become the first person to make a telephone call using a device that converts speech into Braille.(5)The technology is being tested for the first time in Australia and the United States.One test involved a simple phone call between two sisters.Michelle Stevens is deaf and blind.Ms.Stevens says the Braille telephone will endyears of feeling isolated,or feeling alone and apart from others.The Brille telephone system will be a great help to her and others.This telephone system will be one way to break the isolation of deaf-blindness.(6)She adds that with future developments,the phone system might be able to give deal-blind people more job opportunities.Not being able to communicate in the office or on the telephone is a major employment brier for people who are deaf-blind.The phones work by transferring spoken words onto what is called a“dynamic Braille display."(7)However,the phone system is expensive.It costs about$2500.5.Where was the technology first tested?C)6.What might the phone system give to the deaf-blind?D)7.How much is the phone system?B)Conversation OneW:You look better today.How did your test go?M:Much better than it did yesterday.W:Did you pass?M:(8)I not only passed it,but I got high marks!I'm so happy!W:You should be.You worked really hard last night preparing for it.M:Thank you for helping me with it.If you hadn't encouraged me to do my best,I wouldn't have ever been able to pass.W:You don't have to thank me.(11)It's just a part of my job as your counselor.M:Did you always do well in high school?W:No,in fact,I was terrible at taking exams.M:Really?W:Sure,but my teachers always encouraged me to do the best and that helped me a lot. By the way,when are your final exams?M:In about two months.W:When do you plan to prepare for those exams?M:Well,(9)most students just cram the night before.W:Do you think that's a good idea?M:No,I think1should study a little bit at a time,starting a few weeks before the exam. W:That sounds like a good idea.What are you going to do if you have any questions while you are studying?M:(10)I’ll go and talk to my professor or a learning support assistant.W:Sounds like you've learned something useful this year!8.Why does the man look so happy today?B)9.When do most students prepare for exams according to the man?D)10.What will the man do if he has any questions during the study?D).11.What is the relationship between the two speakers?C) Conversation TwoW:You don't look too well.Maybe you should take the day off from work.M:(12)I couldn't do that.I have an important meeting to go to today.W:Do you feel OK?M:Not really.After a12-hour flight,I've got jet lag,and on top of that,I think I've also got the flu.W:(13)Why don't you call your secretary and tell her to reschedule the meeting?You should really take a rest at home or you'll end up feeling even worse than you do now. M:Could you feel my forehead and check to see if I have a fever?W:You're really hot.Let me get you some Tylenol to bring the fever down.M:OK.I'll stay at home this morning and take a rest,but if I feel better in the afternoon, I'm going to the meeting.(13)Now I'll call my secretary.W:Gosh,what's that on your arm?M:I don't know.It looks a bit red,but I'm sure it's nothing.M:(14)Just cats,but I don't think I was near any cats in the last couple of weeks. W:(14)I completely forgot about your cat allergy.I took care of a cat for my friend here a few days ago.Oh no,(15)we'd better go to the doctor to get some medicine.Let‘go. M:Shouldn’t we make an appointment first?W:We should,(15)but let's just go and see if there’s an opening now before it gets worse.12.Why is the man unwilling to ask for leave?B)13.What will the man call his secretary to do?B)14.Why does the man have a red rash?C)15.What will the speakers probably do next?B)Passage One(16)There is probably no area of human activity in which our values and lifestyles are reflected more vividly than they are in the clothes that we choose to wear.The dress of an individual is a kind of“sign language".that communicates a complex set of informationand is usually the basis on which immediate impressions are formed.(17)Traditionally,a concern for clothes was considered to be a feminine preoccupation,while men took pride in the fact that they were completely lacking in clothes consciousness.Times have changed as masculine dress takes on greater variety and color.As early as1955,research revealed that men attached high importance to the value of clothing in daily life. White-collar workers in particular viewed dress as a symbol capable of manipulation(控制), which could be used to impress or influence others,especially in work situations.(18)Although blue-collar workers were less aware that they might be judged on the basis of their clothing,they recognized that any difference from the accepted pattern of dress would draw scoff from fellow workers.Since that time,the pattern has changed.The typical office workers may now be wearing the blue shirt,and the laborers the white shirt, but the importance of dress has not diminished.16.What can our clothes do according to the passage?A)17.What can we know about men in the past?A)18.What can we learn about blue-collar workers according to the research of1955?D)19.What is this passage mainly about?C)Passage TwoYour co-workers have been gossiping less as of late,and that should have the old boss worried.(20)Most workers—63percent,in fact—say that water cooler chit-chat about their co-workers is commonplace,but that's down from four years ago when nearly85percent of companies said that office gossip was a regular occurrence.(21)The decline may be indicative of a pick-up in the larger economy.especially when compared to the reported boost in gossip and rumors about downsizing and layoffs as the economy worsened.Since the depths of the financial crisis,corporate profits have racked up a couple al-time highs and hiring has seen a slight increase,perhaps alleviating some workplace pressure.Yet a drop in office gossip may actually be harming,not helping workers'productivity.When it focuses on general rumors instead of malicious tidbits,(22)office gossip can actually help workers bond during a time of anxiety.If employees bond enough,it could get them to hang out outside the office,an additional productivity boost.More than half of supervisors say co-workers'doubling as friends outside of the office has a positive impact on the workplace,The Times of India reports.In addition,workers may have to engage in some office chit-chat to be successful at a company.Nearly60percent of workers said getting involved in office politics is necessary to get ahead,according to a survey from Robert HalfInternational,a finance and accounting firm.20.What can be inferred about office gossip B)21.What is the probable relationship between office gossip and the economy?C)22.What benefit can office gossips bring?A)Passage ThreeBefore refrigerators were invented,the next best thing was an ice box.(23)But another way to keep foods fresh is to use an evaporative cooler.A common design is a tall box with several shelves inside to hold the foods.The shelves are pieces of metal with many small holes through them.The sides of the box are covered with pieces of thick cloth.Containers of water are placed at the top and bottom of the cooler.(24)The ends of each piece of cloth lie in the water so the cloth stays wet.The cooler is put outdoors,but not in the sun.Air will pass through the wet cloth.The inside of the box will stay several degrees cooler than the outside air temperature.And this may be cool enough to keep foods fresh,at least for a short time.Some foods can make you sick if they are stored in conditions that are not cold enough to prevent the growth of harmful organisms.Freezing can keep some foods in good condition for months after the growing season.Yet foods can be damaged if they are kept too cold.(25)The British development group Practical Action says the best way to prepare foods for storage is at harvest time while still in the e a sharp knife and place the harvested items on a clean surface or directly into storage containers.Do not put them on the ground.23.How did people keep foods fresh before refrigerators were invented?C)24.What should be done to keep the cloth wet?C)25.What's the best way to prepare foods for storage according to the passage?D) Part III Reading ComprehensionSection A选项归类名词:B)beliefs(信仰,信念)H)mention(提到,说起)J)objects(反对,不赞成)K)practice(惯例;实践)动词:A)affect(影响;感染)C)confused(混淆;使困惑)D)exert(运用;施以影响)E)expected(预计;预期)H)mention(提及,说起)M)remain(继续,依然)形容词:C)confused(困惑的)G)guilty(内疚的;有罪的)I)negative(否定的;负面的)L)positive(肯定的;积极的)N)responsible(负有责任的)副词:F)extremely(极度,极其)O)significantly(显著地,重大地)J)objects(物体,实物)答案解析26.N)【精析】形容词辨析题。



写一篇给朋友介绍教室是什么样子的英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1My dear friend,I hope this letter finds you well. Today, I want to share with you a glimpse of what my classroom looks like. A classroom is not just a physical space filled with desks and chairs, it is a place where knowledge is shared, friendships are formed, and memories are created.As I walk into my classroom, I am greeted by the sight of bright yellow walls adorned with colourful posters and educational charts. The windows allow natural light to flood in, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. The desks are arranged in neat rows, each one adorned with a pencil case, notebook, and textbooks.At the front of the classroom, there is a whiteboard where important information and learning objectives are displayed. Next to it, a projector hangs from the ceiling, ready to be used for interactive lessons and multimedia presentations. In onecorner of the room, there is a bookshelf filled with a variety of books, from classics to contemporary literature.The classroom is also equipped with a computer lab, where students can access online resources and work on research projects. There is a designated area for group work, with tables and chairs arranged in a circle to facilitate collaboration and discussion among students.During breaks, students gather around the water cooler to chat and catch up with each other. The walls are adorned with student artwork and displays of their achievements, creating a sense of pride and accomplishment.Overall, my classroom is a place where learning comes to life. It is a space where students are inspired to ask questions, think critically, and explore new ideas. I am grateful to be a part of this vibrant community of learners, and I look forward to sharing more stories and experiences with you in the future.With warm regards,[Your Name]篇2What does a classroom look like? As we all know, a classroom is a space specifically designed for learning and teaching purposes. It is a place where students gather to study, discuss, and engage in various educational activities. In this article, I will introduce to you what a typical classroom looks like.First and foremost, a classroom usually consists of desks and chairs arranged in rows or groups to facilitate communication and interaction among students. Each student has their own desk where they can place their textbooks, notebooks, and other study materials. The teacher's desk is usually located at the front of the classroom, facing the students to facilitate instruction and communication.In addition to furniture, a typical classroom also contains a whiteboard or chalkboard where the teacher can write notes, diagrams, and instructions for the students to follow. Nowadays, many classrooms are equipped with modern technology such as projectors and interactive whiteboards to enhance the learning experience.Furthermore, a classroom is usually decorated with educational posters, charts, and displays to create a stimulating and engaging environment for learning. These decorations can range from maps and timelines to inspirational quotes andmotivational messages, all designed to inspire and motivate students to learn.Moreover, a typical classroom is equipped with essential amenities such as heating, air conditioning, and proper lighting to ensure the comfort and well-being of the students. Some classrooms also have storage cabinets, bookshelves, and multimedia equipment to support various teaching and learning activities.In conclusion, a classroom is a space where learning takes place, and it is essential to create a conducive environment that promotes engagement, collaboration, and creativity. By understanding what a typical classroom looks like, we can appreciate the importance of this space in shaping the minds and futures of students. Next time you step into a classroom, take a moment to observe and appreciate the thought and effort that goes into creating a space for learning and growth.篇3Introduction to the ClassroomDear friend,I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to take some time to describe to you what a typical classroom looks like. As astudent, I spend a lot of time in classrooms studying and learning, so I thought it would be interesting for you to know more about this environment.A classroom is a space specifically designed for teaching and learning. It is usually a rectangular room with desks and chairs arranged in rows facing towards the front of the room where the teacher stands. In the front of the classroom, there is typically a whiteboard or blackboard where the teacher writes important information, instructions, and assignments for the students.The walls of the classroom are often decorated with educational posters, maps, and student work. Many classrooms also have a bulletin board where important announcements are posted.In terms of technology, most classrooms are equipped with a projector and screen for presentations, as well as computers or tablets for students to use. Some classrooms even have interactive whiteboards that allow teachers to display multimedia content and engage students in interactive learning activities.One of the most important features of a classroom is the teacher's desk, which is usually located at the front of the room.This is where the teacher keeps their materials and can sit to grade papers, prepare lessons, and meet with students.Overall, a classroom is a dynamic and engaging environment where students come to learn, collaborate, and grow. I hope this description gives you a better idea of what a typical classroom looks like. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!Best regards,[Your name]。

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Helen: This is Real English from BBC Learning English. I’m Helen.
Zoe: 大家好,我是刘佳。

Helen: Today we’re going to look at words and phrases that have recently become part of the English language.
Zoe: 在今天的地道英语里,我们来学习一些当代英语中最新出现的词汇,短语还有习惯表达。

Helen, 快来告诉我们今天的新词儿吧?
Helen: Today’s expression is ‘water cooler chat’.
Zoe: Water cooler chat. What’s that?
Helen+Zoe: Well, listen carefully. A water cooler is where people get water to drink in an office. (就是你平时在办公室里喝水的地方) Chat is informal talk (就是聊天). So, water cooler chat is informal talk in the office around the water cooler.
Zoe: So water cooler chat 是个俚语,说的就是在单位和同事们边喝水边聊天。

Helen: Y es. It’s like having a break. Y ou go for a drink.
Zoe: 然后你和同事们一起聊电视节目或者体育赛事
Helen: Y ou got it.
Insert 录音片断
A: Did you watch ‘Lost’ last night on TV?
B: Y es, it was brilliant. What about when….
C: Get back to work you two! There’s too much water cooler chat in this office!
Zoe: Do you like water cooler chat?
Helen: Of course, it’s just being friendly.
Zoe: And the boss?
Helen: Well, if you spend all day chatting round the water cooler, your boss wouldn’t be happy!
Zoe: Of course not!
Helen: And you would probably drink too much water and spend all night in the bathroom! Anyway, to recap water cooler chat means
Zoe: Water cooler chat 说的就是和同事们随便的聊天. And that’s all we have time for today.
Helen: Y es, that’s all. Y ou’ve been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Join us again soon. Bye.
Zoe: See you!。
