Chap 08 Sales promotion
Copy right
Mark Du Business Communication
8.3 A Follow Letter
Dear Sirs We wrote you on May 22 in reply to your enquiry for airconditioners. However,up to the present writing, we have had the pleasure from you.Your silence leads us to think that there must be something that precludes14 you from making further enquiries. Perhaps it is because that the catalogue we sent you shows only the standard type of air-conditioners,and it is quite probably that you could not find the model you were looking for. Now we enclose a copy of our recently published booklet showing a wide range of household electric appliances15 being handled by us, including microwave ovens, refrigerators and air-conditioners. They all command ready sales for their durability and energysaving16 properly. If any of the items illustrated in the booklet interests you, please do not hesitate to let us know.We will make you offers upon receipt of your detailed requirements. We sincerely hope to conclude some satisfactory transactions with you in the near future. 9
富士施乐DocuCentre 2060 3060 3065 复印机维修手册:dc3060g_sc_ver1_chap08-09
第八章 相关产品资料2011/078-1DocuCentre-IV 3060G相关产品资料Version 1.08 相关产品资料8.1 相关产品专用作业台.....................................................38.2 连接IC 卡读卡器(仅限APO/GCO).........................................58.3 安装指示灯II ..........................................................78.4 安装本机内置型IC 卡读卡器(FX/FXA/FXNZ/FXS/FXTH/FXM/FXHK)..............118.5 安装IC 卡读卡器(外接)(FX/FXA/FXNZ/FXS/FXTH/FXM/FXHK).................162011/078-2Version 1.0DocuCentre-IV 3060G相关产品资料2011/078-3DocuCentre-IV 3060G相关产品资料8.1 相关产品专用作业台Version 1.08.1 相关产品专用作业台· 根据目的安装相关产品安装配件A/B 或IC Card Table 的其中1项。
· 安装IC Card Table Kit时,也需要IC Card Gate Bracket Kit (产品代码:EL200675)。
· 也可能会使用Wing Table 支持。
注释:请注意左方仅可安装Wing Table。
产品代码注释:可安装在相关产品安装配件B(小)及IC Card Table 的相关产品仅限IC Card Gete1.0安装步骤1.确认包装随附品。
· 相关产品安装配件A· 相关产品安装配件B· Table IC Card Table Kit· IC Card Gate Installation Kit2.关闭电源,确认画面显示消失。
尽管在监理的目标、原则和一般方法上,信息系 统工程监理和建设监理是相通的、可以相互借鉴。但 是信息系统工程监理不等于建设监理,它们之间的区 别主要表现在: • 从监理工作范围角度分析,工程建设监理的监督服务 活动主要出现在工程项目建设实施阶段。但是,信息 系统工程监理则贯穿了从项目孵化到项目实施的全过 程。 • 从工程项目的阶段划分角度分析,建设监理对工程建 设的监理过程通常分成设计监理和施工监理两部分。 信息系统工程监理也是由一个监理机构从头到尾负责 整个系统工程的监理。 信息系统工程监理
工程监理.北京:机械工作出版 社.2005年1月
王胜著. IT治理——为企业带来革命
性的变革.北京:经济科学出版 社.2009年5月
房地产管理信息系统 运行维护与管理
信息系统运维 信息系统工程监理 信息系统审计 信息化建设的绩效管理
信息系统运行管理首先是人员的管理,其次 才是设备、系统和数据的管理。
日常运行管理主要包括数据收集、例行信息处 理和信息服务、设备管理维护、系统运行情况记录等 工作。 在遵守国家法律法规的基础上,企业还需要根 据具体情况建立管理制度。具体包括机房管理制度、 系统操作规程、系统安全保密制度、数据管理制度、 系统修改规程、系统维护制度、系统运行状况记录和 日志归档、人员管理制度等。
• 信息系统审计的对象是信息系统,并覆盖信息系统从 系统规划、系统分析、系统设计、系统实施、系统运 行维护直到系统报废为止的全生命周期。 • 信息系统设计还包括系统生命周期共同业务的审计, 即文档审计、进度审计、人员管理审计、外包审计、 灾难对策审计。
Chap 1 引论计算机网络发展的3个阶段以单计算机为中心的联机网络系统以通信子网为中心的主机互联体系结构标准化网络OSIRM 开放系统互联参考模型(OSI参考模型)OSI7个层次物理层:在物理媒体(介质)上正确地,透明地传送比特流数据链路层:在两个相邻节点间可靠地传输数据,使之对网络层呈现为一条无措的链路网络层:寻址并选择合适的路由,把数据报从源端传送到目的端,在需要时对上层的数据进行分段和重组传输层:对网络层的连接进行管理,在源端与目的端之间提供可靠的、透明的数据传输,使上层服务用户不必关心通信子网的实现细节会话层:在传输层服务的基础上增加控制会话(session)的机制,建立、组织和协调应用进程之间的交互过程表示层:定义用户或应用程序之间格式,提供数据表示之间的转换服务,保证传输的信息到达目的端后的意义不变应用层:为end-user的应用进程提供标准的网络服务和应用接口“三网融合”独立设计和运营的传统的电信网,计算机互联网,有线电视网计算机网络:相互连接的自治的计算机的集合6种拓扑结构:星形,树形,环形,总线型,不规则(网状),全连接局域网LAN 小于25KM 基带传输总线型、环形城域网MAN 小于100KM 基带和宽带总线广域网W AN 大于100KM 宽带延迟大,出错率高不规则点到点计算机网络按传播方式分类:1、点对点(由一对对机器间的多条传输链路构成)---广域网2、广播方式网络(一台计算机发送的信息可被网络上所有的计算机接受)---局域网计算机网络按通信介质分:有线网,无线网Chap 2 数据通信的基础知识通信3要素:信源,信宿,信道信息编码:将信息用二进制数表示的方法(如ASCII编码BCD编码)数据编码:将数据用物理量表示的方法信息通过数据通信系统进行传输的过程:编码---便于同步识别,纠错调制---按频率,幅度,相位解调解码通信方式:单工,半双工,全双工传输方式:基带传输(无需调制,编码后的数字脉冲信号直接在信道上传送:以太网(局域网))频带传输(数字信号调制成音频模拟信号后再传送,接收方要解调)宽带传输(模拟信号频分复用方式传送)数据通信中3个通信上实现同步:位---位同步,帧---帧同步,字符---字符同步**双绞线:(螺旋绞合的双导线每根4对,25对,1800对典型连接距离100米(LAN)RJ45插座、插头)分类:屏蔽双绞线STP 非屏蔽双绞线UTP应用领域:电话网络,计算机局域网连接标准:标准端口用交叉线,级连端口用直通线光纤:单模光纤SMF 多模光纤MMF光纤特点:单向传输,双向需要两根常用的调制技术:幅移键控ASK,频移键控FSK,相移键控PSK采样定理:如果模拟信号最高频率F,≥2F采样频率采样,则从采样得到的离散信号序列就能完整恢复原始信号PCM编码:采样,量化,编码复用方法:频分复用EDM,时分复用TDM,波分复用WDM,码分复用CDM(划分信道)交换:按某种方式动态地分配传输线路资源实现交换的方法:电路交换(面向连接的),报文交换,分组交换(无连接的)电路交换:建立连接时间长,一旦连接独占线路,利用率低,无纠错机制,建立连接与传输延迟小报文交换:延迟长,存储管理复杂,对容量储存要求高,出错整个电路重发建立连接没有等待时间,利用率和可靠性高分组交换:利用率高,容错率高分割重组报文,增加站点负担对存储要求低,缓冲存储速度快。
上机六 交通网络构建和设施服务区分析【范本模板】
在操作过程中,主要通过ArcGIS的“网络分析”扩展模块来完成,在第一次使用该模块之前需要首先加载该模块,可点击菜单【自定义】→【扩展模块…】,在【扩展模块】对话框中勾选其中的【Network Analyst】选项。
*说明二:为了把两条线在交点处打断,可以在编辑状态下,使用【高级编辑】工具栏中的【线相交】工具.查看【道路】要素类的属性可以看到它有4个自定义属性:ROAD_TYPE:道路类型;Shape_Length:路段长度(单位:米);Drive Time:车行时间(单位:分钟);Walk Time:步行时间(单位:分钟).1.2道路交通网络简单建模交通网络建模是一项十分复杂的工作,首先建议一个最简单的交通网络模型,不考虑单行线、路口禁转等情况。
mxd】,点击菜单【自定义】→【扩展模块…】,在【扩展模块】对话框中勾选其中的【Network Analyst】选项。
8.旋转变压器 旋转变压器
• (续) Is=IB ,想像为一匝数为(Ns+NBcos α)的绕组作用在直 轴,作为一次绕组,而绕组A为二次绕组,二次绕组和一 次绕组的匝数比kT为
NA kT = NS + N B cos α
k kT = 1 + k cos α
U out =
1 + 0.52 cos α
8.旋转变压器 旋转变压器
图8-4 原方补偿的线性旋转变压器
欲使输出特性有上述函数关系,旋转变压器应按图8-4接线。 定子S绕组与转子B绕组串联后接到电源,为一次绕组;A 绕组为输出绕组;补偿绕组C经阻抗闭合,其作用仍为补 偿交轴磁场。
8.旋转变压器 旋转变压器
这种旋转变压器的特性是输出电压与旋转角α成线性关系。 我们知道,α很小时,α ≈ sin α,当α <45°时,二者的相 对线性误差小于0.1%,此时,正弦旋转变压器可以视作线 性回转变压器。但当增大时,其误差迅速增大,必须采用 线性旋转变压器。 数学上可以证明,若旋转变压器的输出电压有如下的函数 关系 sin α
一般情况,旋转变压器的转子只需转动一个有限角度,所 以转子绕组A和B的四个端点可以直接用软导线引出,毋需集 电环和电刷构成的滑动接触。
旋转变压器除了自身以下几点,其基本作用原理与普通变压 器相同。 绕组为分布式 铁心磁路有空气隙 一、二次(定、转子)绕组的轴线相互位置经常改变
8.旋转变压器 旋转变压器
8.旋转变压器 旋转变压器
同好结构框图比较广义相对论时空观实验检验伽利略变换洛仑兹变换绝对时空观狭义相对论时空观相对论动力学基础力学相对性原理狭义相对性原理推广广义相对性原理推广第八章狭义相对论狭义相对论:8学时前言:相对论产生的历史背景和物理基础经典物理:伽利略时期——19世纪末经过300年发展,达到全盛的“黄金时代”形成三大理论体系机械运动:以牛顿定律和万有引力定律为基础的经典力学电磁运动: 以麦克斯韦方程为基础的电动力学热运动: 以热力学三定律为基础的宏观理论,以分子运动、统计物理描述的微观理论物理学家感到自豪而满足,两个事例:在已经基本建成的科学大厦中,后辈物理学家只要做一些零碎的修补工作就行了。
chap08 假设开发法
开发利润测算也只有在传统方法中才需要。测算开发利润的方法与 成本法中的相同,通常是以一定基数乘以同一市场上类似不动产开发项
投资者购买待开发不动产应负担的税费,是假定一旦购买了待开发 不动产,在交易时作为买方应负担的有关税费,如契税、交易手续费等 。该项税费通常是根据税法及中央和地方政府的有关规定,无规定的依 照当地习惯,按照待开发不动产价值的一定比率测算。
第2节 假设开发法的基本公式
待开发房地产价值=开发完成后的房地产价值一开发成本一管理 费用-投资利息一销售费用一销售税费一开发利润一投资者购买 待开发房地产应负担的税费
对于公式中具体应减去的项目,掌握的基本原则是设想得到估价 对象之后,往后至开发完成还需要支出的一切合理、必要的费用 、税金及应获得的利润。
第4节 假设开发法计算中各项的求取
开发经营期的起点是(假设)取得估价对象(待开发不动产)的日期,即 估价时点,终点是预计未来开发完成后的不动产经营结束的日期。开发 经营期可分为开发期和经营期。 (1)开发期可称为开发建设期、建设期,其起点与开发经营期的起点 相同,终点是预计待开发不动产开发完成(竣工)的日期。
宏观经济学 斯蒂芬威廉森chap08
Macroeconomics, 3e (Williamson)Chapter 8 A Two-Period Model: The Consumption-Savings Decision and Credit Markets1) C onsumption smoothing refers toA) t he tendency of all consumers to choose the same amount of current consumption.B) t he tendency of consumers to seek a consumption path over time that is smoother thanincome.C) t he tendency of consumers to seek an income path over time that is smoother thanconsumption.D) c onsumer's concerns about going heavily into debt.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition2) I ntertemporal decisions involve economic decisionsA) m ade within a given period of time.B) m ade in between two periods of time.C) i nvolving trade-offs across periods of time.D) t hat ignore concerns about the future.Answer: CQuestion Status: P revious Edition3) T he simplest device to analyze dynamic decisions is aA) o ne-period model.B) t wo-period model.C) m odel that includes only the number of years of a typical consumer's lifetime.D) c ontinuous time model.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition4) W e use a two-period model becauseA) t he business cycle has two phases: contraction and recovery.B) i t is the simplest dynamic model.C) w e want to make a distinction between young and old households.D) t his is the horizon of the politicians that formulate policy.Answer: BQuestion Status: N ew5) W e limit ourselves to two periods in the intertemporal model of the business cycle becauseA) w e need to concentrate on the two phases of the business cycle.B) w e can assume that people can live two periods of, say, 30 years.C) t his is all we need to emphasize the intertemporal trade-off.D) w e need an even number of periods.Answer: CQuestion Status: N ew6) F or all bonds to be indistinguishable,A) a ll consumers must never be expected to default on their debts.B) t he government must guarantee all bonds.C) a ll consumers must be identical.D) t hey must be traded through financial intermediaries.Answer: AQuestion Status: P revious Edition7) S avings in our model areA) d urable consumption.B) n on-durable consumption.C) p ostponed consumption.D) m oney.Answer: CQuestion Status: N ew8) A one-period bond is a promise to repayA) 1units of goods in the second period.+(1)rB) r units of goods in the second period.C) (1 +r) units of goods in the second period.D) t he original amount lent.Answer: CQuestion Status: P revious Edition9) T he consumer's lifetime budget constraint states thatA) t he present value of lifetime consumption must be equal to the present value oflifetime gross income.B) t he present value of lifetime consumption must be equal to the present value oflifetime disposable income.C) t he present value of lifetime consumption plus the present value of lifetime taxes to bepaid must be equal to the present value of lifetime income.D) t he present value of lifetime taxes to be paid by the consumer must be equal to thepresent value of government spending.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition10) T he endowment point is the consumption bundle in whichA) f irst-period consumption is equal to zero.B) s econd-period consumption is equal to zero.C) t he consumer finds the most utility.D) c onsumption is equal to disposable income in each period.Answer: DQuestion Status: P revious Edition11) T he endowment point is the consumption bundle in whichA) b oth consumptions are the same.B) c urrent consumption equals current output less current government expenses.C) n o savings occur.D) t he interest rate equals zero.Answer: CQuestion Status: N ew12) A t the endowment point, we have the property thatA) c = c'.B) c = y - t.C) y - t = y' - t'.D) y = y'.Answer: BQuestion Status: N ew13) I f we represents a two -period consumer's lifetime wealth and r denotes the real rate ofinterest, the vertical (future consumption) intercept of the consumer's budget line is equal toA) w e.B) (1 + r )we. C) (1)we r +. D) (1)r we+. Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition14) I f we represents a two -period consumer's lifetime wealth and r denotes the real rate ofinterest, the horizontal (current consumption) intercept of the consumer's budget line is equal toA) w e.B) (1 + r )we. C) (1)we r +. D) (1)r we+. Answer: AQuestion Status: P revious Edition15) I f we represents a two -period consumer's lifetime wealth and r denotes the real rate ofinterest, the slope of the consumer's budget line is equal toA) r × we.B) - 1(1)r +. C) - (1)r we +. D) - (1 + r ).Answer: DQuestion Status: P revious Edition16) I f the interest rate increases, lifetime wealth (we )A) i ncreases.B) s tays constant.C) d ecreases.D) c hanges in an ambiguous way.Answer: CQuestion Status: N ew17) T o assure a well-defined solution to the consumers' intertemporal choice problems, we mustassume that consumers' preferences exhibit the properties thatA) c onsumers are all identical and that more is always preferred to less.B) m ore is preferred to less and that consumers prefer diversity.C) c onsumers like diversity and that more is sometimes preferred to less.D) m ore is sometimes preferred to less and that first-period consumption and second-period consumption are both normal goods.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition18) W e assume that the representative consumer's preferences exhibit the properties thatA) t hey are convex and that more is always preferred to less.B) m ore is always preferred to less and that each consumer has one strictly favoriteperiod of time for consumption.C) e ach consumer has one strictly favorite period of time for consumption and thatcurrent and future consumption are both normal goods.D) c urrent and future consumption are both normal goods and that the consumer likesdiversity in his or her consumption bundle.Answer: DQuestion Status: P revious Edition19) T he property of diminishing marginal rate of substitution follows from the property that theindifference curves areA) d ownward sloping.B) u pward sloping.C) b owed in toward the origin.D) b owed out from the origin.Answer: CQuestion Status: P revious Edition20) F or the consumer to be at an optimum, it must be the case thatA)MRS c,c' =1 (1)r +B) M RS c,c' =(1 +r)C)MRT c,c' =1 (1)r +D) M RT c,c' =(1 +r)Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition21) A consumer is a borrower ifA) o ptimum current consumption is less than current disposable income.B) o ptimum current consumption is greater than current disposable income.C) f uture disposable income is greater than current disposable income.D) t he consumer's indifference curves are relatively steep.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition22) A consumer is a lender ifA) o ptimum current consumption is less than current disposable income.B) o ptimum current consumption is greater than current disposable income.C) c urrent disposable income is greater than future disposable income.D) t he consumer's indifference curves are relatively flat.Answer: AQuestion Status: P revious Edition23) F or a borrower in a (c,c') graph, the optimal consumption bundle isA) t o the left of the endowment point.B) t o the right of the endowment point.C) o n the endowment point.D) d ependent on other factors.Answer: BQuestion Status: N ew24) F or a lender in a (c,c') graph, the optimal consumption bundle isA) t o the left of the endowment point.B) t o the right of the endowment point.C) o n the endowment point.D) d ependent on other factors.Answer: AQuestion Status: N ew25) F or a household in a (c,c') graph, the optimal consumption bundle isA) t o the left of the endowment point.B) t o the right of the endowment point.C) o n the endowment point.D) d ependent on other factors.Answer: DQuestion Status: N ew26) A n increase in first-period income results inA) a n increase in first-period consumption, an increase in second-period consumption,and an increase in saving.B) a n increase in first-period consumption, a decrease in second-period consumption,and an increase in saving.C) a decrease in first-period consumption, an increase in second-period consumption,and an increase in saving.D) a n increase in first-period consumption, an increase in second-period consumption,and a decrease in saving.Answer: AQuestion Status: P revious Edition27) W ith higher future taxesA) c urrent consumption declines.B) c urrent consumption stays the same.C) c urrent consumption increases.D) c urrent consumption depends on other factors.Answer: AQuestion Status: N ew28) A temporary increase in income today leads toA) a small increase in current consumption.B) a large increase in current consumption.C) a small decrease in future consumption.D) a large decrease in future consumption.Answer: AQuestion Status: N ew29) A permanent increase in income today leads toA) a small increase in current consumption.B) a large increase in current consumption.C) a small decrease in future consumption.D) a large decrease in future consumption.Answer: BQuestion Status: N ew30) I f current income increases as much as future income decreasesA) c urrent consumption decreases.B) c urrent consumption stays the same.C) c urrent consumption increases.D) W e do not know.Answer: CQuestion Status: N ew31) A good proxy for the flow of consumption services would beA) a ggregate consumption.B) c onsumption of services and consumption of durables.C) c onsumption of durables and consumption of nondurables.D) c onsumption of nondurables and consumption of services.Answer: DQuestion Status: P revious Edition32) I n the data, which of the following is most volatile?A) r eal GDPB) c onsumption of durablesC) c onsumption of nondurablesD) c onsumption of servicesAnswer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition33) I n the absence of a financial system, the two-period model without taxes predicts thatA) c onsumption is more volatile that output.B) c onsumption is as volatile as output.C) c onsumption is less volatile than output.D) W e do not know.Answer: BQuestion Status: N ew34) T he two primary explanations for the excess volatility of consumption areA) c onsumers' limited life spans and credit market imperfections.B) c redit market imperfections and changes in market prices.C) c hanges in market prices and distorting taxes.D) d istorting taxes and consumers' limited life spans.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition35) A n increase in second-period income results inA) a n increase in first-period consumption, an increase in second-period consumption,and an increase in saving.B) a n increase in first-period consumption, a decrease in second-period consumption,and an increase in saving.C) a decrease in first-period consumption, an increase in second-period consumption,and an increase in saving.D) a n increase in first-period consumption, an increase in second-period consumption,and a decrease in saving.Answer: DQuestion Status: P revious Edition36) T he idea that a permanent increase in income causes a larger increase in consumption than atemporary change in income is called theA) F riedman-Lucas theory.B) p ermanent income hypothesis.C) R icardian equivalence theorem.D) i ntertemporal substitution effect.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition37) P ermanent income isA) t he minimum income obtained throughout lifetime.B) i ncome that cannot be taxed.C) i ncome that cannot be lent.D) t he constant income corresponding to lifelong wealth.Answer: DQuestion Status: N ew38) P ermanent income is notA) p roportional to life-long wealth.B) p roportional to current consumption.C) p roportional to the present value of life-long consumption.D) p roportional to the present value of life-long income before taxes.Answer: DQuestion Status: N ew39) W hat raises permanent income?A) l ower future taxesB) h igher current taxesC) h igher interest ratesD) h igher current consumptionAnswer: AQuestion Status: N ew40) A martingale has the property thatA) i t is inherently unpredictable.B) t he best prediction of its value tomorrow is its value today.C) t he best prediction of its future growth rate is its current growth rate.D) t he best prediction of its value tomorrow can be computed by looking at its pastbehavior.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition41) A change in the stock market is a good indicator of a change inA) c urrent income.B) f uture income.C) w ealth.D) t he future growth rate of real GDP.Answer: CQuestion Status: P revious Edition42) A n increase in the real interest rate is an example of aA) p ure substitution effect.B) s ubstitution effect and a positive income effect.C) s ubstitution effect and a negative income effect.D) s ubstitution effect and an income effect whose sign depends on whether the consumeris initially a borrower or a lender.Answer: DQuestion Status: P revious Edition43) A n increase in the real interestA) i ncreases savings for both borrowers and lenders.B) i ncreases savings for borrowers, but has an uncertain effect on the savings of lenders.C) i ncreases savings for lenders, but has an uncertain effect on the savings of borrowers.D) h as an uncertain effect on the savings of both borrowers and lenders.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition44) F or a lender, an increase in the real interest rateA) d efinitely reduces current consumption and increases future consumption.B) r educes current consumption and has an uncertain effect on future consumption.C) h as an uncertain effect on current consumption and increases future consumption.D) h as an uncertain effect on both current and future consumption.Answer: CQuestion Status: P revious Edition45) F or a borrower, an increase in the real interest rateA) d efinitely reduces current consumption and increases future consumption.B) r educes current consumption and has an uncertain effect on future consumption.C) h as an uncertain effect on current consumption and increases future consumption.D) h as an uncertain effect on both current and future consumption.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition46) T he substitution effect of a change in the real interest rate is an example ofA) a n intratemporal substitution effect.B) a n intertemporal substitution effect.C) a n atemporal substitution effect.D) a temporary substitution effect.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition47) I n a two-period model, government spending is financed throughA) t axes and transfer payments.B) t axes and issuing debt.C) t axes and redeeming debt.D) t axes only.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition48) T he government's present value budget constraint states thatA) t axes must equal government spending in each period.B) t he present value of government spending must be equal to the present value ofconsumers' disposable incomes.C) t he present value of government spending must be equal to the present value of taxes.D) t he government may run deficits each and every year, as long as the deficits aresufficiently small.Answer: CQuestion Status: P revious Edition49) F or a competitive equilibrium in a two-period model, all of the following must be trueexceptA) e ach consumer picks first- and second-period consumption given the real interest rate.B) t here must be an equal number of borrowers and lenders.C) t he government's present-value budget constraint holds.D) t he credit market clears.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition50) T he Ricardian equivalence theorem implies thatA) g overnment debt policy must be handled correctly for the economy to prosper.B) t he amounts of government spending are neutral.C) a n increase in government spending has no effect on the economy, as long as there isan equal change in taxes.D) t he timing of taxes collected by the government is neutral.Answer: DQuestion Status: P revious Edition51) I f government spending is held constant and Ricardian equivalence holds,A) a n increase in the government budget deficit is always matched by a reduction inprivate savings.B) a n increase in government savings is always matched by an increase in thegovernment budget deficit.C) a n increase in government savings is always matched by an equal increase in privatesavings.D) a n increase in government savings is always matched by an equal reduction in privatesavings.Answer: DQuestion Status: P revious Edition52) T he Ricardian Equivalence saysA) w hatever the level of government expenses, consumption is the same.B) w hatever the timing of taxes, consumption is the same.C) h igher government expenses reduce consumption.D) a n increase in current consumption has to lead to a decrease in future consumption.Answer: BQuestion Status: N ew53) A ccording to the Ricardian EquivalenceA) t rade deficits do not matter.B) f iscal deficits do not matter.C) c urrent account deficits do not matter.D) h ousehold deficits do not matter.Answer: BQuestion Status: N ew54) T he Ricardian equivalence implies thatA) t he level of government spending has no impact.B) t he level of taxes has no impact.C) t he distribution of government expenses though time has no impact.D) t he distribution of taxes through time has no impact.Answer: DQuestion Status: N ew55) A n important reason why Ricardian equivalence may fail is ifA) b orrowing and lending are done through intermediaries.B) g overnment debt incurred today may not be paid off until after some currentconsumers are deceased.C) s tate and local governments also engage in debt finance.D) s ome consumers are borrowers, while other consumers are lenders.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition56) T he Ricardian Equivalence holds only ifA) t he government is altruistic.B) t here are no credit constraints.C) t he government runs deficits.D) t he government runs surpluses.Answer: BQuestion Status: N ew57) W hich condition would generate a violation of the Ricardian Equivalence?A) d ownward sloping labor supply curveB) u nderdeveloped credit marketsC) i nflationary monetary policyD) d eflationary monetary policyAnswer: BQuestion Status: N ew58) W hen different consumers pay different amounts of taxes, Ricardian equivalence may failbecauseA) a lternative ways of collecting the same tax revenue can affect the distribution ofincome.B) c onsumers can become jealous of one another.C) s uch differences in taxes create credit market imperfections.D) h igher taxes on more talented people may be politically popular.Answer: AQuestion Status: P revious Edition59) D istorting taxes can invalidate Ricardian equivalence becauseA) t hey confuse consumers about the need for government to repay its debt.B) a lternative ways of collecting the same tax revenue produce different amounts of lostwelfare.C) t hey are inferior to lump-sum taxes.D) t hey are more popular, politically, than lump-sum taxes.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition60) T he phenomenon that some consumers pay a higher interest rate when they borrow than theinterest rate they receive when they lend is best described as an example ofA) i rrational behavior.B) a credit market imperfection.C) a vast banking conspiracy.D) t he burden of public debt.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition61) W hen there are credit-market imperfections, an increase in government debt may beadvantageous because itA) d iscourages credit-constrained consumers from borrowing too much.B) a llows credit-constrained consumers to borrow more.C) e liminates the problems that cause credit-market imperfections.D) e ncourages more private saving.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition62) C onsumer choice theory predicts that, with identical consumers, fully-funded socialsecurityA) a lways makes all generations worse off.B) m akes some generations better off, and cannot make any generation worse off.C) m ay make some generations worse off and cannot make any generation better off.D) m ay be Pareto improving.Answer: CQuestion Status: P revious Edition63) I n a fully-funded social security programA) t he young pay for the benefits of the old.B) t he young are forced to save for their own retirement.C) t he young have to buy bonds for the old.D) t he young are forced to save for the retirement of the old.Answer: BQuestion Status: N ew64) W hy do consumers benefit from pay-as-you-go social security?A) I t keeps inflation in check as money is redistributed.B) I t is a better way than taxes to finance the government.C) I t forces people to save more than they would otherwise.D) W ith sufficiently high population growth, many young contribute to the benefits of theold.Answer: DQuestion Status: N ew65) C onsumer choice theory predicts that, with identical consumers, pay-as-you-go socialsecurityA) a lways makes all generations worse off.B) m akes some generations better off, and cannot make any generation worse off.C) m ay make some generations worse off and cannot make any generation better off.D) m ay be Pareto improving.Answer: DQuestion Status: P revious Edition66) S ocial security is most likely to present political problems whenA) m oving from pay-as-you-go to fully-funded and when population growth is low.B) m oving from pay-as-you-go to fully-funded and when population growth is high.C) m oving from fully-funded to pay-as-you-go and when population growth is low.D) m oving from fully-funded to pay-as-you-go and when population growth is high.Answer: AQuestion Status: P revious Edition。
Chap08 固定床吸附过程分析
可得下式,用来求得吸附带的长度La,其中CB为穿透点的 浓度(等于吸附带前段的浓度),CE为吸附终止时的浓度 (等于吸附带后段的浓度)
∫ La
u KFa
dC −C
q (g/g)
= 0.044
= vsat (t − tsat ) =
q0 (1− ε )
−u ka
= 0.809m
(3) L=3m时穿透时间
0.044 = exp{−1+ 0.36× 3[ 0.022× t −1]} 0.022 223(1− 0.32) × 3
L − La va
q0 (1 − ε ) (L −
La 2
假设固定床内吸附速率无限大,不考虑传质阻力 ,则穿透时间为
L va
q0 (1 − ε ) L
q0 C0
根据吸附体系的吸附平衡曲线和操 CB C* C
C (g/L)
∫ La
u KFa
CE dC CB C − C*
吸附传质系数KFa越大,或进料速度u越小,则吸 附带会越窄。传质速度无限大时,La → 0。
Chap08 基因概念
3,4-二羟苯 丙氨酸
尿黑酸 乙酰乙酸
早期基因的概念——“ 三位一体”, 认 为基因是功能、突变、重组的最小单位。
五十年代中期,本泽(Benzer)通过T4噬菌 体重组和互补测验,研究基因的精细结构, 提出“顺反子” (Cistron)的概念,一个 顺反子决定一条多肽。
370×102 ×2 ×100% = 0.0141% 525×106
• 通过上述方法观察到rⅡ区两个突变位点的最小 重组率为0.02%,即0.02个图距单位,T4噬菌体 的遗传图是1500mu,基因组大小为165kb,0.02 个图距单位约相当于2.2bp。 (0.02/1500)×1.65×105
把另一部分溶菌液接种在E. coli K(λ)上,只有r+r+ 重组子能够生长,可估计野生型重组子数。
2×(K(λ)株上生长的噬菌斑数) =
举例:两突变型rx与ry杂交,将溶菌液稀释 为10-6 ,取0.1毫升涂布在B株上,生成的 噬菌斑是525个,将另一份溶菌液稀释为 10-2,取0.1毫升涂布在K()株上,得噬菌 斑数为370个,则这两突变位点间的重组 率为
1902年英国医生Garrod提出了“一个突变 一种代谢障碍”。
先天性代谢缺陷:指由基因突变引起酶活 性异常,从而导致代谢紊乱的机体功能障 碍性疾病。
周志华 机器学习 西瓜书 全书16章 ppt Chap08集成学习
(b) 5个基学习器
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
(c) 11个基学习器
从偏差-方差的角度:降低方差,在不剪枝的决策树、神经网络等 易受样本影响的学习器上效果更好
随机森林(Random Forest,简称RF)是bagging的一个扩展变种 采样的随机性 属性选择的随机性
Bagging与随机森林- Bagging实验
含 糖 率 0.4
好瓜 坏瓜
含 糖 率 0.4
好瓜 坏瓜
含 糖 率 0.4
好瓜 坏瓜
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
(a) 3个基学习器
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
集成学习方面的主要推荐读物是[Zhou,2012],本章提及的所有 内容在该书中都有更深入的详细介绍。 [Kuncheva,2004;Rockach,2010b]可供参考,[Schapire and Freund,2012]则是专门关于Boosting的著作,集成学习方面有一 些专门性的会议MCS(International Workshop on Multiple Classifier System).
重赋权法 重采样法
Boosting – AdaBoost实验
含 糖 率 0.4
好瓜 坏瓜
含 糖 率 0.4
好瓜 坏瓜
chap08 控制规律
TC 燃料油
三、 比例微分控制规律-PD
PD-Proportional Derivative mode
dDV MV (t) KP (DV TD dt )
dDV dt
比例作用 微分作用
微分作用是根据偏差变化速度进行控制的,有超前控 制之称。在温度、成分等控制系统中,往往引入微分 作用,以改善控制过程的动态特性。
yP yI
∆yI 积分作用输出
∆yP 比例作用输出
yP yI
第二节 基本控制规律
一、 比例控制规律 二、 比例积分控制规律 三、比例微分控制规律 四、比例积分微分控制规律
PID-Proportional Integral Derivative mode
MV (t) KP (DV TI
第八、九章 控制规律和控制器
第一节 基本概念 第二节 控制规律 第三节 控制器 第四节 仪表控制系统的发展史
第一节 基本概念
Chap08 刻蚀
1. 蚀刻轮廓系为一具可对侧壁轮廓优良控制的异 向性。
2. 临界尺寸 CD 的良好控制。 3. 较少的光刻胶剥离或附着性问题。 4. 从晶圆到晶圆以及从批次到批次,晶圆区内均
具良好的均一性。 5. 较低的化学使用及后处理成本。
• 反应离子刻蚀(Reactive Ion Etching,简称为RIE): 通过活性离子对衬底的物理轰击和化学反应双重作 用刻蚀。具有溅射刻蚀和等离子刻蚀两者的优点, 同时兼有各向异性和选择性好的优点。目前,RIE已 成为VLSI工艺中应用最广泛的主流刻蚀技术
用于干法刻蚀的等离子体内的电子浓度比较低,一般为 10cm-3至1012cm-3数量级,在1Torr压强下,气体分子浓度比 电子浓度大104至I07倍,气体的平均温度在50-100℃记之 间,因此,等离子辅助干法刻蚀是一种低温工艺过程。
WCE包括三种主要步骤: 1、反应物通过扩散方式到达反应表面; 2、化学反应在表面发生; 3、反应生成物通过扩散离开表面。
搅动、腐蚀液的温度都会影响腐蚀速率。IC工艺中,大多数WCE是将晶 片浸入化学溶液中,或是喷射腐蚀液在晶片表面。
腐蚀速率均匀度可用腐蚀速率的百分比均匀度来表示: 腐蚀速率均匀度(%)=最 最大 大腐 腐蚀 蚀速 速率 率-+最最小 小腐 腐蚀 蚀速 速率 率 ×100%
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例8-2 判断向客户端的输出
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //设置服务器缓冲为true Response.Buffer = true; //获取当前时间的小时数 int currentHour = DateTime.Now.Hour; //满足某个特定条件 if (currentHour == 0) { Response.Write("时间到,服务器将停止输出"); Response.Flush(); //立即发送缓冲区中的数据 Response.Clear(); //清除缓冲区中的全部数据 Response.End(); //停止执行代码 } else { Response.Write("服务器正常工作中......"); } }
Server.ScriptTimeout=100 //指定服务器处理脚本的超时期限为100秒 limit=Server.ScriptTimeout //将设置过的超时期限存放到一个变量中
方法 ClearError CreateObject Execute GetLastError Transfer MapPath HTMLEncode HTMLDecode UrlEncode UrlDecode 清除前一个异常 创建COM对象的一个服务器实例 停止执行当前网页,转到另一个网页执行,执行完后返回原网页 获得前一个异常,可用于访问错误信息 停止执行当前网页,转到新的网页执行,执行完后不返回原网页 将指定的虚拟路径映射为物理路径 对字符串进行HTML编码,并将结果输出 对HTML编码的字符串进行解码,并将结果输出 将字符串按URL编码规则输出 对在URL中接收的HTML编码字符串进行解码,并将结果输出 说明
将日志信息添加到IIS日志文件中 将一个二进制字符串写入HTTP输出流 清除服务器缓存中的所有数据 把服务器缓存中的数据立刻发送到客户端 停止处理当前文件,并返回结果 用于页面的跳转,使浏览器重定向到另一个URL 直接向客户端输出数据 向客户端输出文本文件的内容
输出数据 Response.Write
利用 Write 方法可以在客户端输出信息,效果和Label标签 控件一样。
<% @ Page Language="C#" %> <script language="C#" runat="server"> void Page_Load(Object sender,EventArgs e){ Response.Write("科学技术是第一生产力!"); } </script> <%Response.Write("坚持可持续发展的方针!");%><br> <% = "到祖国最需要的地方去!"%>
利用Request对象的ServerVariables数据集合可以取得服 务器端或客户端的环境变量信息。 语法:
Request.ServerVariables[“REMOTE_ADDR”] 返回发出请求的客户机的IP地址。 Request.ServerVariables[“LOCAL_ADDR”] 返回接受请求的服务器的地址。
1)Server 对象的CreateObject 方法
该方法用于创建 ActiveX组件、或应用对象的实例。 语法如下:
Server.CreateObject (ActiveX Server组件)
Server.CreateObject (“ADODB.Connection")
2)Server 对象的Execute 方法
使用Transfer方法调用另一个文件,会进行控制权的转移,并且所 有内置对象的值都一起“转移”,并保留至新的网页。而Redirect方 法则仅仅转移控制权。
使用Transfer和Execute方法时,客户端与服务器只进行一次通信。 而Redirect方法在重定向过程中,客户端与服务器进行两次来回的通 信。第一次通信是对原始页面的请求,得到一个目标已经改变的应答, 第二次通信是请求指向新页面,得到重定向后的页面。
8.1.2 Request对象
Request对象功能是从客户端得到数据,即获得客户填写 在 Form 表单中的信息。
引用数据集合的格式为: Request.集合名[“变量名”]
客户端通过HTML的Form表单向服务器提交数据。 通常,提交数据有POST和GET两种方法。 当客户端使用GET方法提交,服务器通过QueryString集合获取数据。 Request.Querystring [“userid”] //读取表单中userid输入域的值 当客户端使用POST方法提交,服务器通过Form集合取出信息。 Request.Form [“userid”]
注意,两种方式都可以简化为: Request[“userid”]
要从Cookies中读取数据,则要使用Request对象 的Cookies集合,其格式为:
//获取Cookie对象 HttpCookie MyCookie = Request.Cookies[“Username”]; //读取Cookie值 string myName = MyCookies.Value;
网页转向 Response.Redirect
使用Redirect方法就可以引导至另一个页面。语法如下: Response.Redirect (网址变量或字符串)
例如: Response.Redirect("") '引导至中国教育网 Response.Redirect("other.asp") '引导至其他网页 theURL="" Response.Redirect(theURL) 导至变量表示的网址
8.1 HTTP 请求处理8.1.1 RFra biblioteksponse对象
方法 说明
AppendToLog BinaryWrite Clear Flush End Redirect Write WriteFile
将一个HTTP Cookie添加到内部Cookies集合
Response对象的数据集合只有一个,那就是Cookies集合。利 用Response.Cookies的Add方法可以创建一个新的会话Cookie。 语法:Response.Cookies.Add(Cookies对象名) ;
//创建一个Cookie HttpCookie myCookie = new HttpCookie(“Username”); myCookie.Value = “张三”; //将新Cookie加入Cookies集合中 Reponse.Cookies.Add(myCookie); 上述代码也可以简化为: Reponse.Cookies[“Username”] = “张三”;
Server对象的Transfer方法、Execute方法和 Response对象的Redirect方法 比较
使用Server.Transfer和Server.Execute方法只能转移到本网站的其他 网页。而Response.Redirect方法可以转移至任一网站的任一网页。
Execute方法相当于子程序的调用,执行完后会返回原程序。而 Transfer方法、Redirect方法都不再返回原程序执行。
属性 Buffer 说明 指定页面输出时是否需要缓冲区
Charset ContentEncoding ContentType Cookies Expires IsClientConnected Output Status
设置输出到客户端的HTTP字符集 获取或设置输出流的HTTP字符集 获取或设置输出流的MIME类型,默认为 text/HTML 用于获得 HttpResponse 对象的 Cookie 集合 设置页面在浏览器中缓存的时限,以分钟为单位 表明客户端是否与服务器端连接,其值为True或False 启用到输出 HTTP 响应流的文本输出 服务器返回的状态行的值
4)Server 对象的MapPath 方法
例8-3 Server对象的MapPath方法 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Write("服务器的根路径:" + Server.MapPath("./")); Response.Write("<br>当前文件所在的物理路径:" + Server.MapPath(".") ); Response.Write("<br>Default.aspx文件的位置:" + Server.MapPath("Default.aspx")); }
第8章 的对象
Table of contents
8.1 HTTP请求处理 8.1.1 Response对象 8.1.2 Request 对象 8.1.3 Server 对象 8.2 状态信息保存 8.2.1 Application对象 8.2.2 Session 对象 8.2.3 Cookie 对象 8.2.4 ViewStates对象