



英语作文常用谚语、俗语1、A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth. 说谎者即使讲真话也没人相信。

2、A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 一知半解,自欺欺人。

3、All rivers run into sea. 海纳百川。

4、All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。

5、All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。

6、A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善始者不善终。

7、Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。

8、A faithful friend is hard to find. 知音难觅。

9、A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。

10、A friend is easier lost than found. 得朋友难,失朋友易。

11、A good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。

12、A good beginning makes a good ending. 善始者善终。

13、A good book is a good friend. 好书如挚友。

14、A good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口。

15、A mother's love never changes. 母爱永恒。

16、An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,不用请医生。

17、A single flower does not make a spring. 一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。

18、A year's plan starts with spring. 一年之计在于春。



《TOEFL词频》(俞敏红)俞敏红词频大奉献A1. a pivotal figure2. a premium price2 3. a range of4 4. abandon abandonment5. abbreviate abbreviation6. abrasion abrase; abrade7. abstract abstraction8. absurd absurdity2 9. abundance abundant2 10. accelerate acceleration4 11. access12. acclaimed acclaim; acclamation3 13. accommodate accommodation2 14. accompany accompanyist15. accordion accordionist5 16. accumulate accumulation17. accustomed accustom oneself to18. acquaintance acquaint19. acronym20. acute astute5 21. adapt adaptable; adaptation22. additive add; addition23. adept3 24. adjacent25. adjoining adjoin3 26. adjust adjustment27. adobe4 28. adopt29. adorn adornment2 30. advent n.; adventure31. adverse adversely; adversity2 32. advocate advocation,advocacy,advocator,advocatory3 33. aesthetic aesthetically34. affect affected35. affiliate with affiliate oneself with; affiliated; affiliation36. afflict affliction37. affluent wealthy, rich;38. aggravating aggravate39. aggregate aggregation40. agitation agitate41. akin to very similar to42. alchemy alchemist43. alder44. alderman45. algae3 46. alien2 47. all but48. all-inclusive49. allocate2 50. alloy3 51. alternative2 52. altitude latitude, longitude53. aluminum54. ambience55. amenable amenablyamendatory56. amend amendable;57. amplify amplifier; amplification3 58. ancestor61. anomaly n.; anomalous;62. anonymous anon.; anonym; anonymity; anonymously63. antibiotic2 64. antiquity antiquated; antiquate65. apart from3 66. appeal appeal to67. apprentice4 68. approach69. aptly aptitude70. aquatic71. arc3 72. archaeological archaeology; archaeologist73. archipelago74. architect architecture75. arduous76. arena3 77. arid2 78. armor79. aromatic balmy2 80. array81. arthritis82. artificial3 83. artisan craftsman,mechanic84. as ever as ever is; as ever was85. as a rule as a rule of thumb: a general principle regarded as roughly correctbut not intended to be scientifically accurate86. as far north as as far as; as far as it goes; as far as know; as far back as;87. as for88. as follow as follows2 89. as such90. ascend descend91. ascribe to ascribe92. aspiring aspire3 93. assemble94. assert95. associate96. assorted assort, assortment2 97. assume assumption98. assure99. astonishing astonish100. astute101. at intervals at intervals of102. at one session103. at the cutting edge of104. atomization atomize3 105. attached attach, attachment106. attain attainment107. attire108. attribute to109. auditorium110. auger bore111. aurora auroral light112. automated4 113. available114. aviation aviate115. avocational avocation116. awareness117. awkwardly awkwardB118. backdrop a painted cloth hung across the rear of a stage 121. barb Barbed wire122. barge2 123. bark2 124. barn125. barren3 126. barrier127. barter128. basement2 129. basin3 130. be characterized by131. be taken by132. be up to = get up to133. beak3 134. beam135. bequest property136. besiege siege137. bestow To give as a gift3 138. bias prejudice139. bitterness bitter140. bizarre House of bizarre design2 141. blanket2 142. blast143. blazing blaze144. bleak Bleak winds of the North Atlantic145. blend <>bend; harmonize,intermix146. blessing bless147. block148. blocks149. blossom Youth blossomed into maturity150. bloom151. blues152. bluff A high steep bank; a bluff but pleasant manner.153. blunt Blunted emotions; a blunt instrument154. bolster Long pillow2 155. boom <>blossom; thunder, a state of economic prosperity156. boon A benefit bestow; very close and convivial157. boost158. boring Drill a hole>tire; bore159. boundary2 160. bow <>bowl161. breach A breach of contract; a breach in a fortification 162. break all ties with3 163. breeze The breeze was cooled by the lake; breeze through2 164. brilliance brilliant, Unusual mental ability165. briny166. brisk briskness167. brittle Brittle bones168. bronze169. bubble The soup was bubbling2 170. buckle171. buggy172. building block173. bulk A bulk buy; it is cheaper to buy it in bulk. Bulk mail.174. bundle175. burdensome Taxing,onerous176. burgeon The burgeon population; bloom;>blossom;boom;flourish 177. burrow tunnel178. bust A sculpture of the head179. bustle hustle180. by a factor of182. cab Cab fare183. cabinet184. cacti / Cactus , pl.cactuses185. calibrate calibration, standardization186. campaign187. cannibalize cannibalise, cannibalism188. canopy189. canyon A ravine formed by a river in an area with little rainfall.190. capability An aptitude; the quality of being capable.2 191. capacity192. carapace shell2 193. carbohydrate carbo194. cardiac Cardiac cycle195. cargo Cargo container196. carnival funfair197. carnivorous The lion and other carnivorous animals.198. carve carving; sculpture2 199. cast Cast anchor; cast down; cast forth; cast off(n.adj.);200. casting4 201. category categorize202. cater To supply food ready to eat for parties203. cathedral Any large and important church204. cavern A large cave or chamber in a cave; burrow2 205. cavity Hole; dental caries = tooth decay;206. cease Stop; interrupt; N. = end .207. celestial Of heaven or the spirit; of or relating to the sky. celestial body;celestial equator;208. cell209. cellist violin, viola, cello/violoncello; the bass member of the violin family.210. census A count of the population3 211. ceremonial ceremony(Serials of acts prescribed by ritual, protocol, or convention)212. chafe rub, friction; Irratate; warm by rubbing; wear caused by friction 2 213. chamber Bedroom; enclosed space or cavity2 214. chaos A state of utter confusion <> cosmos215. charcoal coal; A charcoal drawing216. charter A written instrument; hire, rent, lease; charter school217. chateau Castle or fortress; mansion;(-stle: bustle, hustle, castle) 218. check219. chill Moderately cold>depression; chilly, lacking warmth of feeling2 220. chimpanzee gorilla2 221. chisel Used to chip, carve; cheat222. chivalry gallant or distinguished gentlemen223. chop Chop-mark;224. choppy rough with small waves2 225. chord Accord, harmonize ; seventh chord;226. chunk A large noteworthy quantity2 227. circulate circulation228. circumscribe Draw a line around; limit 229. cite Quote; summon2 230. civilian 文官231. civility politeness3 232. claim acclaim233. clamor A clamor against increased taxes 234. clam235. clan236. classify classification237. clay238. cliff Cliff swallow; steep , vertical; bluff 239. cling to cling; Stick ; adherence240. clockwise <>counterclockwise243. code of laws2 244. coexist245. cohere cohesion, cohesive2 246. coil247. coincide coincident248. collaborate collaboration249. collective250. collide251. colossal252. combust combustion, combustible; blaze 253. comet3 254. commission v255. commit committed4 256. commodity2 257. commonsense258. communal communally2 259. community ,260. commuter4 261. compact262. companion263. comparable compare264. compatible incompatible, harmonious; harmonize265. compel266. compensate compensation267. compete competing, competitive, competitiveness268. compile269. complacent complacency, complacence; contented, self-satisfied 270. complement complementary271. complex complexes; complexity272. complicate complicated273. comply comply with2 274. component2 275. compose composed of, composite, composition3 276. compound2 277. compress4 278. comprise279. con 反对;欺骗280. conceal281. concede2 282. conceive283. conception concept284. concerted concert285. concise286. concrete3 287. condense condensation288. condor289. conduct conductivity2 290. cone291. confederacy292. configuration config, configure2 293. confine confinement, confine to294. confirm4 295. conflict conflicting2 296. confront be confronted with297. congenial298. congestion299. congregate2 300. conifer301. conjecture302. consecutivewith, Unite,associate;keep company 305. consort consort 306. conspicuous conspicuous consumption307. conspiracy3 308. constant constantly309. constellate constellation310. constituent4 311. constitute , constitution, constitutional312. constrain constraint313. constrict constricted; restrict314. construct construction3 315. consume consumption, consumer316. contact2 317. container318. contemporary3 319. context320. contour321. contract contraction, contractor322. contribute toconveniency 323. convenient convenience,2 324. convention conventional, conventionally2 325. converge2 326. convert converter327. convict2 328. convince convinced, convincing329. convivial330. coral coral reef; beef4 331. core332. correlate correlated2 333. corrode corrosion334. corrupt corruption, decay, decomposition3 335. cosmic cosmos2 336. costume2 337. counteract338. counterbalance339. counterclockwise340. counterpart341. cowhand cowboy342. crab2 343. crack344. craft craft union<>industrial union2 345. craftspeople craftsman, craftswoman, craftsperson, craftwork346. crater347. crawl348. crayon Chalk,wax349. credence letter of credence350. creditor351. crevice352. cripple crippling353. crisscross intersect354. crossbones355. crossbreed breed356. crow corbie357. crude crude oil358. crumple5 359. crust crustacean360. crystal crystalline361. crystallize362. cubism cube363. cue364. culminate2 367. curriculum368. custodian369. cuticle370. cylinder cube, coneD371. dash dash off372. daunt daunting3 373. dawn dusk374. dazzle dazzling375. debate376. debris377. declare declaration3 378. decline declining2 379. decorate decoration, decorative 380. defecate381. deferent deferential, deference; comply382. deficiency deficient; efficient383. deform deformation384. deft385. degrade degradation386. dehydrate2 387. deliberate2 388. delicate389. delta390. demobilize2 391. demolish392. dense density393. depict394. deplete2 395. deposit396. depredate depredation4 397. depress depression, depressing, depressed2 398. derive399. desalinate desalinize, desalination2 400. descend descendant, descent; ascend, ancestor 401. designate402. desire desirable403. desperate404. despoil despoiler, spoil3 405. destruct destruction3 406. detect detectable407. deter408. deteriorate2 409. determinant410. deterrent2 411. devastate devastation4 412. device413. devoid devoid of414. devour415. diagonal diagonally416. diameter2 417. dictate dictation418. diction2 419. differentiate420. diffuse421. digest422. digress digression423. dilute dilution424. diminish3 425. dinosaur2 428. discharge429. discipline430. discouraging431. discourse432. discrete433. disintegrate434. dispense435. disperse436. dispose disposal437. disproportionate proportion 438. dispute debate439. disrepute repute440. disseminate seminate 441. dissipate3 442. dissolve solve443. distend4 444. distinct distinctive, distinction, distinctively, distinctly445. distort446. distract2 447. distribute dispense; distribution; contribute, contribution448. dive diver3 449. diverse diversify, diversification, diversified, diversion, diversity450. divergence2 451. documentation document452. dogma453. dolphin454. domains2 455. domestic4 456. dominate dominant457. dormant dormancy; remain/lie dormant; <> active458. dorsal dorsal fin; fin459. draft animal460. drain461. dramatic dramatically462. drawback463. drill3 464. drought465. ductile ductility; ductile metals466. dump467. durable468. dwarfE469. eccentric eccentrically, eccentricity2 470. eclipse2471. ecology ecologist, ecological, ecosystem472. economize473. edentate474. edible eatable475. edifice476. educable educate, education477. eject2 478. elaborate elaborately, elaboration3 479. electron electric, electronic, electricity, electrical480. elegant eleganceelevator481. elevate elevation,482. elicit2 483. eligible484. eliminate485. elite486. elixir489. embedded 490. embellish 491. emboss 492. embryological 8 493. emerge emerging 494. emigrate emigrant, emigration, emigrator, emigratory 495. migrate migrant, migration, migrator, migratory 496. immigrate immigrant, immigration, immigrator, immigratory 4 497. emit emission 5 498. employ employer, employee 499. enact enactment 500. enclose enclosing 2 501. encounter 2 502. engrave engraving 3 503. enormous colossal 504. entangle entanglement 3 505. enterprise enterprising 506. entity 507. entrepreneur 2 508. enzyme 509. epidermis cuticle 510. epoch 511. equilibrium 2 512. equivalent 2 513. erect 5 514. erode erosion >abrasion ; corrode, corrosion 515. erupt eruption 516. eternal everlasting 517. ethical ethically518. ethnic 519. evaporate 520. eventful 521. evergreen 522. evident evidence 523. eviscerate 524. evoke 525. evolve evolution 526. exalt exalted 527. excavate excavation 528. exceed 529. excel 530. exception exceptional , exceptionally 531. excess excessive 532. exclude exclusion, exclusive 533. execute execution, executive 534. exempt 535. exert 536. exhale 537. exhibit exhibition 538. exorbitant 539. expand expansion 540. expend expenditure 541. expertise expert 542. explicit 543. exploit 544. exponential exponent 545. express express train, expressive 546. extend extended , extensive, extension 547. external 548. extinct extinction, extinctive550. fabric551. facilitate facilitation, facility552. faction fraction553. factor554. faculty555. fade fake556. famine557. fanatical fanatic, fanatically, fanaticism, fanaticizefascinating558. fascinate fascination,559. fashionable560. fatal561. fatigue562. faucet563. fauna564. feasible feasibility565. feat566. feed on567. fence fencing568. fend569. fertile fertilize, fertility 570. festival571. feverish feverishly 572. fiber fibre573. fiction friction574. fidelity575. field research576. figurehead577. file578. fir579. flair580. flake581. flea582. fleet fleeting583. flexible flex, flexibility 584. float585. flock flock to586. fluctuate fluctuation 587. flux flow588. folklore folk, lore589. follow suit590. folly591. forage592. forbidding forbid593. foremost594. foresee595. foreshadow596. forge597. formal formalize, informal598. format formation599. formidable600. formulate601. fort fortify602. fortuitous fortuitously603. fossilize fossil604. foster605. fracture606. fragile fragility, fragment607. fray608. freight609. frenetic frenzy, frenzied612. from afar afar613. frustrate frustrated, frustrating, frustration 614. functioning615. fumigate fumy616. fungi fungus617. furnish furnishment618. fuse fused,fusionG619. galaxy620. gallery621. galvanize galvanise, galvanization622. gap623. gaseous624. generate general625. generous626. genetic genetically627. genial / d?i?ni?l /628. genre629. genuine genuinely630. genial631. genuinely632. get in the way of633. giant634. girder635. give way to636. glacial637. glacier638. glamorous639. gland640. glandular641. glassware642. glimpse643. global644. go against the grain go against the grain to 645. go broke646. gorgeous647. gourmet648. granite649. graphic650. grasshopper651. gravitational652. gravity653. graze654. grazing land655. grumble656. gulf657. gush658. gymnastic659. gyrationH660. habitat661. hail662. hallmark663. halt664. hamper665. handicraft666. hands-on667. harden668. hardware671. haul672. haunt n.673. haunted674. haven675. hazard676. heed677. heel678. helium679. hem680. hemisphere681. herald682. herculean683. herd684. heritage685. heterogeneous 686. hibernation 687. hierarchy688. highlight689. hinge690. hinterland691. hold a large stake 692. hollow 693. homogeneous694. horizon695. horizontal696. hostile697. house698. huddle699. hummingbird700. hurl701. hydrogen702. hypersensitive 703. hypothesis I704. ice sheet705. iceberg706. icicle707. icon708. identical709. identifiable710. identify711. identity712. ideology713. idiom714. igneous715. illuminate716. illumination717. illusion718. illustrate719. imaginary720. imaginative721. imbibe722. imitation723. immense724. immobilize725. immune726. immunity727. impact728. impair729. impart732. impermeable733. impersonal734. impersonate735. impersonation736. impetus737. implement738. implication739. implicit740. import741. impose742. imposing743. impressive744. imprint745. imprisonment imprison746. improvise improvisation747. imprudent imprudently, imprudence748. impudent impudence, impudicity749. impugn impugnable, impugnation, impugnment 750. impuissant impuissance751. impulse752. impunity punish753. impurity impure754. in accord with755. in common756. in common with757. in scale758. in terms of759. inability incapability760. inaccurate761. inaccessible762. inactivate inactive, inactivity763. inadequate inadequately764. inadmissible inadmissibility, inadmissible candidate; admissible765. inadvertent inadvertently, inadvertence, inadvertency 766. inadvisable767. inane inanely, inanity, inanition; insane768. inanimate inanimation769. inapparent770. inapplicable771. inappropriate inappropriately772. inapt inaptly, inaptness, inaptitudeinattentively773. inattention inattentive,inaudibility774. inaudible inaudibly,inaugurate, inauguration, Inauguration Day, inaugurator 775. inaugural inauguratory,776. incapacitate777. incessant778. incident779. inclination780. incongruity781. incongruous782. incorporate783. incredible784. indent785. indicate786. indication787. indispensable788. individualism789. inducible790. industrialization791. industrialized796. infest797. inflation798. inflict799. ingenious800. ingeniously 801. ingredient802. inhabit803. inhabitant804. inherit805. inhibit806. innumerable 807. insanity808. insight809. insistence810. inspection811. inspiration 812. inspire813. instantaneously 814. instinctively 815. institution 816. institutionalize 817. instructive 818. instrumentalist 819. insulation820. insulting821. insurmountable 822. intact823. integral824. integrate825. integrated826. intelligible 827. intense828. intensive829. intent830. interact with 831. interaction 832. interconnected 833. interconnecting 834. interdependence 835. interdependent 836. interference 837. interior838. interlocking 839. internal840. interpersonal 841. interpretation 842. interrupt843. interstellar 844. interval845. intervention 846. intimacy847. intoxication 848. intricate849. intricately 850. intriguing851. intrinsic852. intruder853. intruding858. ion859. irresistible 860. irrevocably 861. irrigate862. irrigation 863. isolated864. isolationJ865. jealousy866. jellyfish 867. jibe with 868. jolting869. journalism 870. junction871. jury872. juxtapositionK873. keen874. kennel875. kernel876. kerosene877. kineticL878. laborious 879. laboriously 880. labyrinth 881. lament882. landmass883. landscape 884. landslide 885. Larvae886. laser887. latitude888. lava889. lave890. layer891. layman892. learn by rote 893. lease894. ledge895. legacy896. legume897. lengthen898. lettuce899. liable of 900. light901. bulb902. limestone 903. linger904. letter with 905. livelihood 906. living quarter 907. locomote908. locomotive 909. locomotion 910. logy911. long-range914. luminosity915. luminous916. lureM917. maneuver918. mania919. manifestation 920. manipulate 921. mansion922. mantle923. manual924. margin925. marine926. maritime927. markedly928. marrow929. mask930. masonry931. massive932. masterpiece 933. mate 934. meager935. measures936. mechanical937. media938. mechanism939. medium940. melodrama941. memorial942. mercantile943. merchandise 944. metabolic 945. meteorite946. meteorologist 947. meticulous 948. minimize949. minuscule950. minute951. miraculous952. mobility953. mock954. moderate955. modify956. moisture957. molecular958. molecule959. molten960. monochromatic 961. monopolize 962. monument963. morale964. morphology965. most-distinctive 966. motif967. motivation968. mud mortar969. multifaceted 970. multiple971. multiply972. multistory975. municipal976. muscular977. myriad978. mysteriousN979. narcotic 980. narrator 981. Native to 982. neat 983. needy 984. neoclassical 985. neon 986. Nerve cord987. neuron 988. niche 989. nickel990. nonconformist991. nontraditional992. nostalgia993. not as yet994. not so much as995. notch996. note997. notoriously998. noxious 999. nuclei 1000.nucleus O 1001.object to1002.obscure1003.obscure v1004.obsessed1005.obstacle1006.occurrence1007.of scale1008.offshore1009.offspring1010.olfactory1011.onset1012.onslaught1013.opaque1014.optical1015.optimal1016.optimum1017.orchid1018.ore/doc/3e4746512.html,anically /doc/3e4746512.html,anism 1021.orientation1022.originality 1023.originate 1024.ornamental 1025.ornamentation 1026.ounce 1027.outbreak 1028.outlet1029.output 1030.oval1031.overlap 1035.overtaxed 1036.overwhelm 1037.overwhelmingly 1038.oxenP1039.pack1040.packed 1041.painstaking 1042.paleontologist 1043.pane1044.panel1045.panel v 1046.pants1047.paralysis 1048.paramount 1049.paraphrase 1050.parasite 1051.particle 1052.pasture 1053.patent1054.pathogen1055.patrol1056.patron1057.patronage1058.pebble1059.peculiarity1060.pendant1061.penetrate1062.penetrating1063.peninsula1064.perceive1065.perception1066.perch1067.percolate1068.percussion1069.peripheral1070.perishable1071.permeate1072.perpetuate1073.perplexing1074.persist1075.perspective1076.pertinent relevance 1077.pest 1078.petal1079.pigment1080.pillow1081.pine1082.pit1083.pivotal1084.plank1085.plaster plastic 1086.plate 1087.platitude1088.platitudinous1089.pliable1090.plight1091.plumbing1092.poisonous1093.polarize1096.pollinator1097.pollutant1098.popular tune1099.portable1100.portend1101.portion1102.positive1103.possess1104.possession1105.postal service1106.postdate1107.posthumous1108.potential1109.pottery1110.poverty1111.prairie1112.precarious1113.precede1114.precipitate1115.precipitation1116.precursor1117.predator1118.predatory1119.predecessor1120.predominantly1121.predominate1122.preeminent1123.prefabricated1124.prehistoric1125.preponderance1126.prerequisite1127.presence1128.preservation1129.preservative1130.preside over1131.prestige1132.pretension1133.prevail1134.prevailing1135.prey1136.prime primal, primarily, primate, primitive 1137.priority 1138.privilege1139.probe1140.proceed1141.process1142.proclaim1143.proclivity1144.prod sb. into1145.prodigious1146.prodigy1147.produce1148.proficiency1149.profile 1150.prohibitively 1151.proliferation 1152.prolific 1153.prominence 1154.prominent 1155.promising。



英语词频表(注:此词频表根据美国英语整理V#0A)13,918 Words34349 the13363 of10465 to10375 in8359 and7782 a5457 is4291 that4197 for3871 they3641 it3176 are2828 people2457 from2368 was2302 he2092 have2071 on2037 s (Probably means uses of 's.)1974 say1956 about1947 with1939 this 1873 be 1835 more 1753 also 1740 not 1717 as 1646 at 1642 says 1633 their 1616 will 1594 by 1573 has 1494 or 1486 years 1479 than 1437 can 1390 other 1378 new 1372 many 1278 states 1274 united 1258 an 1239 were 1237 one 1220 disease1177 scientists 1162 american 1102 who1093 some1088 world988 but976 his967 called957 these944 most910 had869 first856 year832 may829 mr791 said785 two755 she753 study725 there723 been706 countries 699 found697 its693 health666 however665 all661 experts651 children 651 could622 when617 would609 time602 used600 president 597 women584 them580 officials 572 researchers 572 space571 area564 water559 use554 during547 help526 do526 after512 into509 only507 percent500 animals 498 last493 each491 cells489 group487 state484 food478 if471 national 465 we460 government 459 because 459 now452 research 450 part450 areas447 work434 small433 her433 blood429 very420 made420 body414 no414 several413 city405 america404 like403 should401 such400 cancer393 earth392 ago389 you386 report385 around384 another380 so376 how374 important373 americans371 make369 international 369 money367 day364 three362 cause361 information 358 much355 doctors350 problems 350 then350 today 349 large 349 river 347 drug346 almost 342 did341 example 330 heart 328 human 324 tell322 medical 321 over320 what320 long316 before 316 system 313 way311 show311 life309 music 307 old306 against 305 include305 aids301 through300 number299 drugs297 where297 control297 young297 live296 washington 295 center291 groups288 place288 program287 take287 organization 286 known285 patients285 between284 out284 different 283 developing 282 university 282 those281 men280 ten279 treatment 279 high279 near278 later278 began277 south276 nations 275 must275 dollars 273 increase 273 person 272 plants 271 studies 270 doctor 270 africa 269 up268 major266 any266 every264 become 263 public 258 get256 see255 same255 special254 york253 companies 252 four252 members 252 brain250 family 250 became 249 often249 land249 early249 next248 war247 kinds245 air244 believe 240 spread 240 too239 support 236 find234 among234 country 233 white232 virus230 huge229 month228 team228 famous227 still226 died224 levels223 diseases222 environmental 222 federal220 being220 company220 develop220 developed218 provide218 prevent218 bush216 evidence216 end214 kind212 caused211 five210 agency208 does206 california 205 best204 took204 produce 203 animal203 home201 building 199 past199 north198 population 198 reported 197 able197 trees196 genetic 196 which196 causes195 cities194 risk193 millions 192 house192 even192 history 192 few191 times191 museum190 problem 190 great190 poor190 since190 change189 workers 189 good188 led187 products 187 reduce186 plan186 care186 infected 185 possible 184 station 184 parts182 earlier 182 similar 181 popular 181 week180 shows179 both177 him177 discovered 176 helped176 days175 protect 175 using175 changes175 until174 thousands 174 school173 yet173 medicine 172 others172 humans172 project171 twenty170 agriculture 170 findings 170 lead170 enough170 development 170 environment 169 linked169 congress 168 less168 china167 chemicals 166 working165 visitors 165 least165 built164 golf163 months162 wrote161 showed160 vaccine160 results160 tests160 need160 ship159 black159 increased 159 ancient159 usually157 action157 diabetes 157 age156 won156 african156 own156 mars155 older155 one-hundred 155 john154 recent154 ocean154 students 154 six153 amount153 grow153 know152 just151 recently 151 named150 future150 treat150 second148 damage148 man148 technology 148 nasa148 kilometers 147 death147 stop147 improve 147 farmers 146 want146 trade145 natural 145 effects 144 carbon144 meters 144 leaders 144 power 143 genes 143 lived 142 mexico 142 lives 142 song142 living 141 court 141 largest 141 computer 141 programs 141 book141 expected 140 mother 140 chemical 140 service 139 internet 139 serious 139 name139 thirty 139 continue 139 little138 created 138 red138 discovery 137 malaria 137 babies 137 difficult 137 efforts 137 might137 mister 137 europe 136 ways136 things 136 eat136 bacteria 136 energy 135 material 135 books135 objects 135 needed 134 industry 134 west134 extremely 134 move134 skin134 mizz133 play132 crops132 farm132 without 132 under132 produced 131 sea131 together 131 given131 plant131 southern 130 normal 130 back129 changed 129 announced 129 shuttle 129 result 128 english 128 involved 128 meeting 128 florida 128 foods128 better128 common128 top127 learn127 general127 killed127 taken127 designed 127 ever126 across126 --126 give125 treated125 science125 clinton125 fifty125 jazz124 military 124 pollution 124 device124 traditional 124 park123 eight123 longer123 weather122 department122 held122 reports 122 believed 122 modern122 likely122 local121 summer121 insects 121 released 121 former121 equipment 121 census121 along120 strong120 pictures 120 television 119 test119 again119 institute 119 campaign 119 rights118 taking118 production 118 social118 places118 harmful118 born118 committee117 religious117 education117 heat117 tissue117 parents116 wanted116 scientific116 substance116 quickly116 i115 cost115 hundreds115 woman114 begin114 administration 114 suffer114 left114 sometimes113 healthy113 george113 studied113 child113 flight113 half113 open113 including 113 carry113 mountains 112 office112 peace112 inside111 worked111 our111 atmosphere 111 plans111 agreement 111 sun111 received 111 down111 kill111 shown110 conditions 110 cases110 systems 110 gene110 century109 families 109 birds109 light109 published 109 western109 here109 nation108 rules108 party108 severe108 soon108 process108 done108 receive108 middle107 songs107 established 107 lake107 cannot106 devices106 idea106 die106 activities 106 union106 memorial105 hope105 records105 seven105 told105 create105 attack104 bones104 laboratory 104 never104 keep104 british104 especially 104 placed104 well104 carried104 spacecraft 104 within104 head103 while103 approved103 started103 training103 organizations 103 texas103 association 103 homes103 already102 central102 put102 planet101 period101 rock101 polio101 visit101 travel101 unusual101 college100 britain100 economic 100 protection 100 operation 100 means99 alzheimer99 statue99 european99 foreign99 dangerous99 right99 camp98 industrial 98 loss98 conference 98 protein98 legal97 san97 political 97 always96 look96 once96 your96 includes 96 chance96 played95 gave95 vietnam95 eggs95 come95 birth95 soldiers 94 successful 94 gas94 law94 story94 centers94 method94 sports94 two-thousand 93 agreed93 amounts93 games93 lack93 instead93 goal93 go92 big92 waste92 computers92 effective92 permitted92 dioxide92 india92 stem92 bone92 thought92 lost91 corn91 wife91 rate91 permit90 prize90 measures 90 events90 makes90 pieces90 far90 oil90 growth90 official 89 crew89 leave89 mothers 89 came89 business 89 main88 force88 lower88 suffering 88 rivers88 helps88 movement 88 words87 safe87 probably 87 victims87 return87 trip87 fish87 link86 effect86 effort86 sick86 director 86 scientist 86 build85 side85 served85 radiation 85 c85 affected 84 patient84 twelve84 schools84 written84 treatments 84 remains84 making83 safety83 east83 canada83 defense 83 questions 82 father82 fight82 hole82 security 82 included 82 organized 82 activity 81 higher81 columbia 81 surface 81 try81 pressure 81 reach80 provided 80 think80 act80 million 80 ability 80 growing79 parkinson 79 provides 79 tree79 senate79 why79 services 79 language 78 seen78 sure78 salt78 baby78 forces78 milk78 studying 78 flow78 weeks78 considered 77 fire77 launch77 wild77 wood77 soil77 northern 77 close77 performed 76 wildlife 76 free76 society76 buildings 76 forty75 methods75 sold75 sent75 teams75 affects75 holiday75 france75 bodies75 businesses 75 cut75 pain74 works74 weight74 w-h-o74 asked74 baseball 74 deal74 call74 tobacco74 contains74 opened74 liquid74 island74 temperature 74 illegal74 pacific73 laws73 church73 candidate73 size73 buy73 tuberculosis 73 wants73 condition73 korean73 hours73 smoking72 two-hundred 72 u-n72 asia72 deaths72 chinese72 added72 hot72 gases72 library71 climate71 continued 71 attacks71 examined71 adults71 series71 issues71 radio71 damaged71 drink71 meat71 community 71 leading71 list70 web70 getting70 feel70 twenty-five 70 vote70 green70 third70 spanish69 sand69 mosquitoes 69 infections 69 level69 affect69 fuel69 costly69 beautiful 69 low69 medicines 69 suffered 68 -68 infection 68 playing68 honor68 suggests 68 magazine 68 outside68 grew68 los68 russian68 indians68 job68 increasing 68 survive68 saint68 removed 68 eastern 67 gore67 measure 67 sell67 passed67 structure 67 insulin 67 ground67 private 67 everyone 67 banned66 set66 dinosaurs 66 deadly66 formed66 trying66 mount66 hard66 d66 planets 66 record66 russia66 hit65 agricultural65 angeles65 save65 violence65 proposed65 ships65 appear65 jobs65 destroyed65 chicago64 true64 nature64 monkeys64 fly64 destroy64 decision64 representatives 64 cape64 ice63 lose63 eighteen63 sound63 dunes63 cross63 concerned63 smoke63 fifteen63 presidential 63 policy63 lot63 search63 forced63 orange63 forests63 republican62 police62 based62 ozone62 engineering 62 moving62 clear62 volunteers62 success62 takes62 wedding62 reduced62 spend62 massachusetts 62 journal62 leaves62 completed62 mountain62 active62 themselves 61 dams61 hold61 one-thousand 61 substances 61 rich61 japan61 h-i-v61 protected61 prices60 female60 tall60 throughout 60 calls60 begins60 cell60 event60 covered60 newspaper60 larger60 olympic60 virginia60 supply60 stories60 recorded60 agent59 slowly59 powerful59 materials 59 names59 decide59 cats59 decided59 bill59 grown59 threat59 england59 governor59 coast59 expert59 vitamin59 short59 write59 responsible 59 art58 pandas58 testing58 civil58 concern58 above58 deep58 praised58 plastic58 orbit58 french58 nerve58 arrived58 creatures 58 democratic 58 necessary 58 met58 average58 map57 send57 rain57 improved 57 real57 forms57 army57 town57 dead57 ended57 attend 57 failed 57 piano57 physical 57 becoming 56 d-c56 mainly 56 lung56 james56 leader 56 alone56 elected 56 contain 56 fewer56 sky56 complete 56 projects 56 object 56 legs56 tiger56 stars56 start56 critics56 ban56 hospital56 circus55 woods55 professional 55 identify55 governments 55 criticized 55 oldest55 stopped55 nuclear55 starlink55 fourteen55 supplies55 microsoft55 alcohol55 learned55 academy55 election55 completely 55 francisco55 appeared55 understand 55 temperatures55 present54 suggest54 uses54 william54 rates54 product54 brought54 sheep54 tells54 estrogen54 progress54 room54 organs54 ordered54 harm54 answer54 warm54 kennedy54 sickness54 labor54 cholesterol 54 agencies54 january53 went53 hormone53 citizens53 continues 53 kept53 highest53 candidates 53 atlantis53 june53 tried53 consider53 species53 explorers 53 electric53 ninety53 type53 experience 53 danger53 beginning 53 mississippi 53 threatened 52 returned52 amish52 july52 face52 reached 52 player52 cold52 cows52 rise52 launched 52 awards52 voters52 australia 52 rice52 exhibit 52 treaty52 freedom 52 position 51 indian51 toward51 universe 51 zoo51 stone51 senator 51 watch51 aspirin 51 case51 hectares51 illinois51 meet51 interest51 off51 appears51 remove51 philadelphia 51 april51 fiber51 e-p-a51 delegates51 reason51 decrease51 pass50 smaller50 organisms50 wide50 vice50 influence50 choose50 fossil50 walk50 secretary50 having50 activists 50 bad50 current50 fat50 border50 question50 costs50 economy50 final50 needs50 financial 50 dust50 stay50 skills50 order50 spent50 votes50 nine49 immediately 49 seventy49 w49 read49 structures 49 festival49 hands49 increases 49 sales49 lewis49 islands49 muscle49 thousand49 cars49 competition 49 teach49 identified 49 supports49 simple49 clothes49 color49 wall49 utah48 notes48 piece48 documents 48 israel48 copies48 permanent 48 reserve48 honored。



n.A 同根词:N/A
同根词:N/A 同根词:N/A
adj.城郊的,在郊区的,城郊 住宅区的; n.郊区居民
词缀: -an 1.表名词和形容词,"……地 方,……人或动物等";
灵格思教育 出国语言培训专家
[səbˈsaɪdns] [ˈsʌbsidaiziz] [səbt'ræktɪŋ] [səb'trækʃn] [səˈbɜ:bən]
同根词:N/A 同根词:N/A
8030 8031 8032
stonework storeroom
8034 8035 8036
v.用带捆扎; n.带子;
[strəˈti:dʒɪk] adj.战略(上)的;
2 [ˌstrætɪfɪˈkeɪʃn] n.层理;
[ˈstrenjuəs] adj.费力的,用力的;
[strɪndʒənt] adj.严格的;


序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 单词 the be of and a in to have it to for i that you he on with do at by not this but from they his that she or which as we an say will would can if their go 序号 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 单词 what there all get her make who as out up see know time take them some could so him year into its then think my come than more about now last your me no other give just should these people 序号 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 单词 also well any only new very when may way look like use her such how because when as good find man our want day between even there many those one after down yeah so thing tell through back still must 序号 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 单词 child here over too put own on no work become more old government mean part leave life great where case woman over seem same us work need feel system each might may much ask group number yes however another again



出现次数词条词性中文解释1 abnormality n. (身体、行为等)不正常, 反常, 变态, 畸形2 abounded adj. 大量存在的,富有的,充满的5 accustomed adj. 惯常的,习惯于…的8 acid adj. 1 酸味的, 酸的 2 尖刻的 n. 1〈化〉酸 2 酸味物质6 acorn n. 橡子, 栎实2 Alternatively adv. 做为选择,二者择一地10 amnesia n. 〈医〉遗忘(症), 记忆缺失2 antagonism n. 对抗,敌对2 antecedents n. 发生在前的事,先例6 anthocyanin n. 花青素,花色醣苔4 anthropologist n. 人类学家1 apprentice n. 学徒,徒弟11 approximately adv. 近似地,大约28 aquifer n. 地下蓄水层; 砂石含水层4 arbitrary adj. 1 随意的, 主观的 2 专横的, 独断专行的3 arboreal adj. 树木的, 生活于树上的4 arcade n. 拱形走道(两旁有商店或娱乐设施)22 arch n. 1 拱, 拱门 2 拱形物 vt.&vi. (使)弯成拱形4 archaeocyte n. 【医】原细胞(游走变形细胞)7 aristocracy n. 贵族,统治阶级7 aristocrat n. 贵族,统治阶级2 Aristotle n. 亚里斯多德(古希腊大哲学家,科学家)2 assert vt. 1 声称,断言 2 维护,坚持2 atmosphere n. 1 大气,大气层 2 空气3 气氛,环境7 Austronesian n. 奥斯特罗尼西亚(岛)的;南太平洋群岛的;奥斯特罗尼西亚人的;南太平洋群岛人的7 balsa n. 轻木(用于制造模型)2 bead n. 1 (空心)小珠子 2 水珠3 珠子项链2 beam n. 1 梁, 横梁 2 束, 柱 vi. 1 发出光与热 2 面露喜色 vt. 播送2 beasts n. 1 兽 2 讨厌的人,粗野凶残的人2 blacksmith n. 铁匠,锻工5 blowhole n. 1 (鲸头顶的)呼吸孔 2 (供海豹等呼吸的)冰窟窿4 bovine adj. 1 牛的, 关于牛的 2 迟钝的, 笨拙的 n. 牛类6 bronze n. 1 青铜 2 青铜色,赤褐色 3 青铜艺术品,铜牌7 buoyant adj. 有浮力的, 轻松愉快的, 开朗的, 容易复原的11 Burgess n. 英国自由的人.2 burst vt.& vi. 1 爆炸, 爆裂 2 挤满, 充满3 突然打开4 突然发作, 突然发生n. 爆炸, 爆裂; 爆发, 突发3 bushy adj. 灌木茂密的,浓密的8 Caledonian adj. 古苏格兰的,苏格兰的44 Cambrian n. 古苏格兰人,苏格兰人11 canal n. 1 运河 2 管道3 carbon n. <化> 碳3 carbonic adj. 碳的,由碳得到的2 cargo n. 货物(量)2 carpenter n. 木工,木匠3 cell n. 1 <生>细胞 2 小牢房,单人小室 3 电池2 celluloid n. 赛璐片,电影胶片2 cementing n. 胶接,溶接,粘合1 ceremonial adj. 礼仪的; 仪式的9 ceremony n. 1 典礼,仪式 2 礼节,礼仪1 chronologically adv. 按时间的前后顺序排列的1 circumstance n. 1 环境,条件,情况2 境遇,经济状况4 clay n. 粘土,泥土2 cliff n. 悬崖,峭壁7 cognitive adj. 认知的,认识能力的2 collapse vi. 1 倒塌,塌下 2 崩溃,突然失败 n. 倒塌,崩溃2 collision n. 碰撞,冲突,抵触10 colonization n. 殖民地化,殖民8 colonize vt. 开拓殖民地,移民于殖民地2 commonplace adj. 普通的, 平庸的 n. 1 陈腔滥调, 老生常谈 2 寻常的事物, 平常的东西2 conceivable adj. 可想到的, 可相信的, 可想像的1 concreter n. 混凝土工11 contaminate v. 污染2 contamination n 玷污,污染,污染物2 conventional adj. 1 依照惯例的, 约定俗成的, 依照传统的 2 常规的, 非核的2 conversely adv. 相反地, 颠倒地6 convert vt. & vi. 1 (使)转变, (使)转化 2 皈依, 改变(信仰)2 cosmic adj. 宇宙的4 cramped adj. 1 狭窄的 2 (字迹)挤在一起的2 crashing adj. 绝对的,非凡的,彻底的10 crater n. 1 火山口 2 弹坑等50 crop n. 1 作物, 庄稼 2 (谷物等的)收获, 收成 3 一群(人), 一批(事物)vt. 1 剪短, 修剪 2 播种, 种植 vi. 收成9 crucial adj. 决定性的, 紧要关头的9 crude adj. 1 天然的, 未加工的 2 简陋的, 粗糙的, 未加修饰的 3 粗鲁的, 粗俗的, 粗野的7 crust n. 1 面包皮; 糕饼等的酥皮 2 (泥土、雪等)硬的外层4 crustal adj. 地壳的,(尤指)地球或月球外壳的4 crystalline adj. 水晶的; 似水晶的; 结晶质的14 cylinder n. 1 圆筒, 圆柱体 2 汽缸, 泵体5 dandelions n. 蒲公英11 debris n. 散落的碎片,残骸3 decoy n. 1 (用于诱捕鸟兽的)动物(或仿制物) 2 用于引诱某人落入圈套的人或物vt. 用诱饵诱骗(某人或动物)落入圈套6 deposit vt. 1 放置; 放下 2 存放; 交与…保管 3 付订金n. 1 矿床, 矿藏; 沉淀物 2 储蓄, 存款 3 订金; 押金, 保证金7 deprecated vt. 不赞成, 反对8 desert n. 沙漠, 不毛之地 vt. 舍弃, 遗弃 vi. 开小差, 逃亡20 desertification n. 沙漠化3 detachment n. 1 超脱 2 拆卸, 分离, 分开4 deterioration n. 变坏,堕落;衰退2 detracts vi. 毁损, 贬低, 减损2 detritus n. 1 (侵蚀形成的)岩屑, 碎石 2 瓦砾4 diameter n. 1 直径 2 放大率6 dioxide n. 〈化〉二氧化物2 disguise vt. 1 假扮, 化装; 伪装 2 掩盖, 掩饰 n. 1 伪装 2 伪装品7 disgust n. 反感, 厌恶, 嫌恶 vt. 使反感, 厌恶2 dismantle vt. 1 拆开, 拆卸 2 废除, 取消3 dispersal n. 散布,分散,消散,驱散,疏散7 diverse adj. 不同的, 多种多样的5 diversification n. 变化,多样化23 diversity n. 1 多样化; (人在种族、民族、宗教等方面的)多样性 2 分歧2 divert vt. 1 使转移[向] 2 使得到消遣3 dogwood n. 山茱萸2 domesticate vt. 驯化14 done adj. 1 已完成 2 煮熟的2 dong n. 盾(越南的货币单位)3 dotted adj. 有点的,星罗棋布的2 drawbacks n. 缺点, 不利条件; 障碍11 drawing n. 1 绘画, 制图 2 图画, 图样3 droplets n. 小滴10 drought n. 干旱(时期)7 due adj. 1 应支付[给予]的 2 应有的, 应得到的 3 到期的 4 预定, 预期 5 适当的, 正当的, 适宜的5 dig vt.&vi. 挖, 掘 vt. 中意, 了解, 欣赏 n. 1 戳, 刺 2 挖苦, 讽刺1 dung n. 动物的粪便, 粪肥8 eddy n. (使)起漩涡 v. (使)起漩涡6 Ediacara n. 伊迪卡拉 (地名:澳大利亚南部弗林德斯山伊迪卡拉)27 Edison n. 爱迪生(美国发明家)6 elk n. 麋鹿,软鞣粗皮3 emit vt. 发出; 放出14 emotion n. 情感, 感情, 激情2 encroach vi. 侵犯; 侵占; 侵害1 engage vt. 1 吸引, 占用2 雇, 聘3 答应, 保证 vt. & vi. (使)从事于, (使)忙于1 engaging adj. 美丽动人的, 有吸引力的4 engraved vt. 1 在(硬物)上雕刻(字, 画等) 2 将某事物深深印在(记忆或头脑中)2 engraving n. 雕刻术,雕版,雕版图6 enhance vt. 提高, 增加, 加强4 envision vt. 想象,预想2 erode vt. & vi. 侵蚀, 腐蚀42 erosion n. 腐蚀, 侵蚀; 磨损2 ethnic adj. 1 种族的, 部落的 2 某文化群体的6 evident adj. 明显的, 明白的9 excavate vt. 1 挖掘, 开凿 2 挖出, 发掘3 exception n. 例外1 exceptional adj. 1 优越的, 杰出的2 例外的; 独特的, 异常的6 excessive adj. 过度的, 过分的; 极度的3 expedition n. 1 远征; 探险; 考察 2 迅速, 动作敏捷4 explicit adj. 1 详述的, 明确的, 明晰的 2 直言的, 毫不隐瞒的, 露骨的4 exploit vt. 1 开采; 开发 2 剥削 n. 业绩, 功绩, 功勋, 事迹25 explosion n. 1 爆炸; 爆发 2 激增, 扩大2 extensively adv. 广阔地1 extent n. 1 长度, 面积, 范围2 程度, 限度3 extermination n. 消灭,根绝24 extinct adj. 1 灭绝的, 绝种的 2 消逝的, 破灭的17 extinction n. 熄灭, 消灭, 灭绝; 废除5 extract vt. 1 (费力地)拔出, 抽出 2 提取, 榨出 n. 1 摘录, 引用 2 提炼物, 浓缩物4 facilitate vt. 使便利, 减轻…的困难7 fantasy n. 1 想像, 幻想 2 空想的产物, 怪念头 vt. & vi. 想像, 幻想2 fanwise adv. 成扇形地,如扇形地2 feasible adj. 可行的, 可能且合理的18 feature n. 1 特征, 特色 2 面貌, 相貌 3 特写, 专题节目 4 (电影的)正片, 故事片10 feedback n. 反馈, 反馈信息7 feeding n. 给食,喂,饲养,吃,输送 adj. 给食的,饲用的,逐渐强烈的,供给饲料的,摄取食物的14 figure n. 1 数字 2 图解, 图表3画像, 肖像 4 轮廓, 人影 5 算术, 计算vi. 出现, 被提及 vt. 1 计算在内 2 估计, 有可能; 认为, 料想6 figurine n. 小雕像, 小塑像2 flickering adj. 闪烁的,摇曳的,忽隐忽现的,一闪一闪的3 flourish vi. 1 茂盛, 繁荣 2 兴旺发达 vt. 挥动4 fluctuate vi. 波动, 涨落, 起伏3 formation n. 1 形成, 构成 2 形成物 3 编队, 排列19 formed adj. 成形的;成形加工的22 fossilization n. 化石作用8 fossilize v. 使成化石,使陈腐;变成化石,搜集(或发掘)化石标本73 fossil n. 1 化石 2 老顽固, 食古不化的人2 fragile adj. 1 易碎的, 脆的 2 虚弱的, 脆弱的; 经不起折腾的8 fragment n. 碎片; 片断8 frequently adv. 常常,频繁地,经常地2 frowning vt.& vi. 皱眉17 fuel n. 燃料, 燃烧剂 vt. 1 给…加燃料, 给…加油 2 激起 vi. 补充燃料2 furnace n. 熔炉, 火炉2 gaslit adj. 以煤气灯照明的3 gear n. 1 用具, 设备, 衣服 2 齿轮; 传动装置; (排)挡 vi. 换挡vt. 使兴奋起来; 使准备好 vi.& vt. (使)搭配; (使)适合2 gender n. 〈语〉性2 glide n. 滑行, 滑动, 滑翔 vt. & vi. (使)滑行, 滑动, 滑翔6 gravel n. 沙砾, 砾石 vt. 以砾石铺路11 grazing n. 牧场; 草场10 Guinea n. 几内亚3 gusher n. 喷油井1 gymnastic adj. 体育的, 体操的3 harsh adj. 1 刺耳的, 刺眼的, 粗糙的 2 严厉的, 严酷的10 Hawaii n. 夏威夷,夏威夷岛3 hawk n. 1 鹰 2 鹰派人物, 主战派人物 vt. 沿街叫卖4 Heyerdahl n. 探险家海耶杜3 hibernating vi. (某些动物)冬眠, 蛰伏8 highlands n. 苏格兰高地28 highlighted adj. 突出的4 hollow adj. 1 空的 2 凹的 3 空洞的 4 虚伪的 n. 洞, 坑, 凹地 vt. 挖洞1 holy adj. 1 神圣的, 圣洁的2 虔诚的3 horn n. 1 角, 触角 2 角质物 3 号, 号角4 喇叭, 报警器14 hunt vt. & vi. 1 打猎, 猎取 2 搜寻, 寻找, 追捕 vt. 驱逐, 追逐 n. 1 打猎, 猎取 2 搜寻, 寻找2 hydroponically adv. 溶液培养地2 Hydroponics n. 水耕法,水栽培2 hydropower n. 水力发出的电力6 hyperaccumulate vt. 形成超富集11 hypothalamus n. 丘脑下部1 hypotheses n. 臆测,假定9 hypothesis n. 假说, 假设, 前提1 hypothetical adj. 假设的, 假定的; 有待证实的3 ibex n. 野生山羊4 igloo n. 雪块砌成的圆顶小屋8 illumination n. 1 照明; 强度 2 彩灯, 灯饰8 illustrate vt. 1 给…加插图 2 说明, 阐明; 表明\3 Impact n. 1 影响, 作用 2 冲击(力), 碰撞 vt. & vi. 对某事物有影响1 implement vt. 使生效, 贯彻, 执行 n. 工具, 器具, 用具7 implicitly adv. 含蓄地,暗中地3 incentive n. 激励某人做某事的事物; 刺激; 诱因, 动机2 inch n. 1 英寸 2 少量, 短距离 vt. & vi. (使)缓慢地移动2 incompatibility n. 不两立,不相容1 Incur vt. 遭受; 招致, 引起2 indecipherable adj. 破译不出的,难辨认的12 industrial adj. 1 工业的, 产业的 2 用于工业的4 industrialism n. 产业主义,工业制度11 inevitable adj. 1 不可避免的, 必然发生的 2 照例必有的, 惯常的2 infant n. 产业主义,工业制度11 infantile adj. 1 婴儿(期)的 2 〈贬〉幼稚的, 孩子气的; 婴儿的5 ingredient n. (混合物的)组成部分; 配料3 inhabitant n. 居民, 住户; (栖息在某地区的)动物11 inhabited adj. 有人居住的4 inhibit vt. 阻止; 抑制3 inject vt. 注射, 注入9 inner adj. 1 内部的, 里面的 2 内心的9 insects n. 昆虫2 insured n. 被保险者,保户 adj. 加入保险的2 intact adj. 完整无缺的; 未经触动的; 未受损伤的1 intentional adj. 有意的, 故意的4 intention n. 意图, 意向; 目的; 打算1 interaction n. 一起活动, 合作, 配合, 相互作用11 interpretation n. 1 解释, 说明; 诠释 2 表演; 演奏3 intrigued adj. 引起好奇心的; 令人感兴趣的; 有迷惑力的2 intrude vi. 侵入, 侵扰, 打扰 vt. 把…强加于2 invade vt. & vi. 侵入, 侵略 vt. 1 涌入, 侵袭 2 侵犯, 干扰22 involved adj. 1 复杂难懂的 2 与他人有密切关系的2 Isles n. 岛10 isolated adj. 1 孤立的, 单独的 2 隔离的; 与世隔绝的7 Israel n. (地名)以色列2 jawbone n. 下颌骨7 justified adj. 有正当理由的,合理的2 keel n. (船的)龙骨 vt. & vi. 翻身; 倾覆2 kerosene n. 煤油; 火油6 kilometer n. 〈美〉千米, 公里2 lack n. 缺乏, 不足, 没有 vt. 缺乏; 缺少8 laden adj. 负重的, 载满的2 lamp n. 灯4 Lancashire n. 兰开夏(英格兰西北部的州)3 landform n. 地形12 Lascaux n. 拉斯考克斯(法国多尔多涅省一处前旧石器时代洞穴遗址)7 Latham n. 拉森(人名)2 latitude n. 1 纬度 2 特指的纬度地区3 自由, 自由范围2 lava n. 1 (火山喷发的)熔岩 2 (熔岩冷凝后的)火山岩3 leafy adj. 1 多叶的; 叶茂的 2 多树木的2 learn vt. & vi. 1 学习; 学; 学会 2 得知; 获悉; 听说2 lichens n. 地衣11 linguistic adj. 语言的, 语言学的, 语言研究的2 liquid n. 液体 adj. 1 液体的, 液态的 2 清澈的, 明亮的3 (声音)流畅的4 易转换成现款的, 流动的4 lobe n. 1 耳垂 2 (器官的)叶; 肺叶, 脑叶2 locale n. (事件发生的)场所或地点2 locomotion n. 运动, 移动; 运动力, 移动力4 locomotive n. 火车头, 机车 adj. 移动的, 有移动力的, 产生运动的7 log n. 1 原木, 木材, 木料 2 航海[飞行]日志 vt. & vi. 砍伐vt. 1 把…记入航海日志 2 航行(…距离), 飞行(…小时)5 logging n. 〈美〉伐木搬运业19 loose vt. 释放, 失去控制adj. 1 松的, 宽松的, 不牢固的 2 不精确的, 不严密的 3 自由的; 散漫的9 lowland n. 低地 adj. 低地的7 mackerel n. 鲭3 maintenance n. 1 维持; 维护; 保养; 维修 2 赡养费20 mammals n. 哺乳动物6 mammoth adj. 巨大的7 manganese n. 〈化〉锰7 manifest vt. 清楚表示; 显露 adj. 明白的, 明显的7 manipulate vt. 熟练控制[操作]21 manufacturing n. 制造业 adj. 制造业的3 markedly adv. 显著地,明显地5 marlin n. 枪鱼,青枪鱼,四鳃旗鱼3 maroon n. 栗色 adj. 栗色的1 marsh n. 沼泽, 湿地2 marshy adj. 沼泽般的,生于沼泽的,湿软的7 marvel n. 奇迹; 令人惊奇的事物(或事例) vt. & vi. 惊奇; 对…感到惊奇\40 mass n. 1 团, 块, 堆 2 大量, 大批; 众多 3 群众 4 质量vt. & vi. (使)集中; 聚集 adj. 许多的, 大规模的, 群众的4 maturation n. 化脓,成熟3 meadow n. 草地, 牧场; (河边的)低洼地133 meaning n. 1 意思; 含义 2 重要性2 Mediterranean adj. (似)地中海的, (似)地中海沿岸国家的3 megawatt n. 兆瓦, 百万瓦特(电能计量单位)9 Melanesia n. 美拉尼西亚(西南太平洋岛群,词原意为“黑人群岛”)2 melt vt. & vi. 1 (使)融[溶, 熔]化; 溶解 2 (使)消散, 消失4 meteoric adj. 流星的,疾速的,大气的,辉煌而短暂的26 meteorite n. 陨星3 meticulous adj. 极仔细的; 一丝不苟的7 microbial adj. 微生物的,由细菌引起的2 microhabitat n. 小环境10 Micronesia n. 密克罗尼西亚(西太平洋岛群,意为“小岛群岛”)2 mild adj. 1 温柔的, 温和的, 和善的 2 轻微的, 不严重的3 温暖的, 暖和的3 mill n. 1 磨坊; 磨粉机 2 作坊, 工厂7 millennium n. 1 一千年, 千年期 2 千禧年, 全人类未来的幸福时代, 太平盛世35 mineral n. 矿物; 矿石; 矿物质2 minimal adj. 〈正式〉最小的; 极少的2 mite n. 1 螨 2 (尤指令人怜悯的)小孩3 一点点4 moderate adj. 1 中等的, 适度的, 不很大的 2 温和的; 有节制的 3 中庸的, 稳健的, 不走极端的vt. & vi. (使)减轻[缓和]; 节制8 moral adj. 1 道德上的, 有道德的 2 道义上的n. 1 教育意义, 寓意 2 道德, 品行, 道德规范2 mosses n. 苔藓17 motion vt. (向…)打手势, 示意 n. 1 (物体的)运动 2 手势, 动作 3 提议, 动议1 motivated adj. 有根据的,有动机的,由…推动的6 motivation n. 动力; 动机; 诱因8 motive n. 动机, 目的3 multicellular adj. 多细胞的7 multiple adj. 多重的, 多种多样的 n. 〈数〉倍数2 multiplied vt. & vi. 1 乘, (使)相乘 2 (使)增加3 (使)繁殖8 Murdoch n. 默多克(m.)3 NASA abbr. 〈美〉国家航空和宇宙航行局8 navigational adj. 航行的,航海的9 navigator n. (船或飞机的)领航员2 necrosis n. 坏疽,骨疽2 neurotransmitter n. 神经传递素2 nevertheless adv. 仍然, 然而, 不过 conj. 尽管如此, 然而7 niches n. 1 壁龛 2 合适的位置[工作等]7 nickel n. 1 〈化〉镍 2 (美国和加拿大的)五分镍币, 五分钱2 norm n. 1 标准, 规范 2 准则, 行为模式10 Norwegian adj. 挪威的 n. 挪威人,挪威语10 nutrient n. (食品或化学品)营养物, 营养品 adj. 营养物的, 营养品的1 nutritional adj. 营养的,滋养的2 nutritive adj. 营养的 n. 富于营养的食物10 oak n. 1 栎树, 橡树 2 栎木, 橡木2 obedience n. 服从; 顺从; 听话4 object n. 1 物体 2 对象; 客体 3 目标; 意向; 目的 4 可笑的人[事物]5 宾语vi. 不赞成, 反对; 抗议 vi. 以…为理由反对2 objectify vt. 使客体化, 使客观化, 使具体化2 objective n. 目标; 目的 adj. 客观的; 不带偏见的1 objectively adv. 客观地30 object n. 1 物体 2 对象; 客体 3 目标; 意向; 目的 4 可笑的人[事物] 5 宾语vi. 不赞成, 反对; 抗议 vt. 以…为理由反对38 occur vi. 1 发生; 举行; 存在 2 被发现; 想到[起]1 odor n. 气味,名声4 offshore adj. 1 近海的 2 向海的, 离岸的4 opportunistic adj. 机会主义的,机会主义者的16 opportunists n. 〈贬〉机会主义者36 organism n. 1 有机物, 有机体; 生物 2 有机体系5 organ n. 1 器官 2 风琴 3 机构 4 新闻媒体, 宣传工具; 机关报[杂志]29 origin n. 1 起点; 来源 2 出身, 血统7 originally adv. 起初; 原来3 originate vi. 起源于, 来自, 产生 vt. 创造, 创始, 开创; 发明2 originator n. 创作者,发明人7 outlet n. 1 出口, 出路 2 发泄的途径 3 经销店1 outnumbering n. 超过,超出数量2 outrigger n. 舷外支架,突出的梁,桁等7 outsider n. 局外人, 圈外人, 门外汉2 outwash n. 冰水沉积1 outweigh vt. 1 在重量上超过2 在重要性或价值方面超过1 outwit vt. 以智取胜, 以计击败1 oval n. 椭圆形 adj. 椭圆形的8 overwhelming adj. 势不可挡的, 压倒一切的; 巨大的2 oxide n. 氧化物9 oxygen n. 〈化〉氧, 氧气9 paleontologist n. 古生物学者3 pale adj. 1 苍白的, 灰白的 2 浅色的; 淡的 vi. 变得苍白, 失色, 变得暗淡2 pantomime n. 1 童话剧 2 童话剧(总称)3 (讲故事时)面部和身体的表意动作1 pantomimic adj. 哑剧的2 parades vt. & vi. 1 (使)集合接受检阅 2 游行; 列队行进n. 1 (部队的)检阅 2 游行 vt. 展示; 炫耀7 parental adj. 父母的12 particle n. 1 微粒, 颗粒, 〈物〉粒子 2 极少量 3 小品词29 particular adj. 1 特定的, 某一的 2 特殊的, 特别的, 特有的 3 (过分)讲究的, 挑剔的 4 详细的,详尽的n. 详情; 细目3 partner n. 1 伙伴, 同伙, 合伙人, 股东 2 同伴, 搭档 3 配偶, 情人 vt. 做…的搭档7 pathogens n. 病原体(物)2 Patricia n. 帕特丽夏(女名)13 pattern n. 1 型, 样式 2 花样, 图案 3 方式, 形式 4 榜样, 典范 vt. 1 模仿; 仿制 2 以图案装饰2 pebble n. 卵石, 小圆石10 peepshow n. 西洋景(通过小孔看的画片)2 penchant n. (强烈的)爱好, 嗜好3 penetrates vt.& vi. 1 穿过, 刺入, 渗入 2 了解 vt. 看穿1 perception n. 1 感知(能力); 觉察(力)2 认识, 观念, 看法2 percolating n. 渗透3 periodic adj. 周期的; 定期的, 定期发生的13 perspective n. 1 远景, 景 2 前途; 希望 3 透视 4 透视图 5 观点, 想法2 Peru n. 秘鲁7 Peruvian n. 秘鲁人 adj. 秘鲁的2 pest n. 有害的人或物, 令人讨厌的人或物2 petiole n. 叶柄,柄部2 Petrochemical n. 石油化工产品 adj. 石化的16 petroleum n. 石油9 physiological adj. 1 生理学的 2 生理的7 phytoremediation n. 植物修复2 pipeline n. 管道, 管线12 piston n. 〈机〉活塞2 pitted adj. 有凹痕的,去核的3 Pleistocene adj. 更新世的 n. 更新世2 plight n. 境况, 困境2 plugged adj. 塞紧的3 plumbing n. 1 装修水管的工作 2 (建筑物内的)水管装置2 plummet vi. 垂直落下, 骤然跌落2 plunging adj. 跳进的,突进的2 plus prep. 1 (表示包容)外加; 另有 2 (表示运算)加, 加上3 (表示数目)在零(度)以上, 正n. 加号, 正号adj. 1 正的 2 比所示数量多的 3 附加的, 称心的, 有利的3 Polynesian adj. (包括新西兰、夏威夷、萨摩亚等中太平洋群岛的)波利尼西亚的; 与波利尼西亚相关的n. 1 波利尼西亚人 2 波利尼西亚人后裔 3 波利尼西亚语5 pond n. 池塘2 pore n. (皮肤上的)毛孔, 微孔 vi. 仔细阅读, 熟读2 porosity n. 多孔性,有孔性3 powder n. 1 粉, 粉末 2 粉状物质 vt. 在…搽粉3 prairie n. (尤指北美的)大草原4 Precambrian n. 前寒武纪,前寒武层2 precipitation n. 1 匆促, 仓促, 鲁莽 2 沉淀, 析出3 (雨等)降落; 某地区降雨等的量3 predation n. 掠夺行为2 predator n. 1 食肉动物 2 奴役他人者(尤指在财务或性关系方面)2 presently adv. 1 不久, 一会儿 2 现在, 目前3 preserve vt. 1 保护 2 维持2 presidential adj. 总统的2 Presumably adv. 据推测, 大概, 可能7 prevailing adj. 占优势的,主要的,流行的4 prevalent adj. 普遍的, 盛行的, 流行的2 prizefight n. 职业拳击赛3 profound adj. 1 深度的; 深切的; 深远的 2 知识渊博的, 见解深刻的, 深奥的2 prolifically adv. 多产地,丰富地1 Prolonged adj. 持续很久的, 长时间的5 prone adj. 1 易于…的; 很可能…的 2 俯卧的8 property n. 1 财产; 资产; 所有物 2 房地产, 不动产; (一处)房地产 3 性质, 特性, 性能9 proportion n. 1 均衡; 相称, 协调 2 一物与他物在数量、大小等方面的关系; 比例 3 部分; 份儿1 proportionally adv. 按比例地,相配合地;适当地9 proposed adj. 被提议的3 protrude vt. & vi. (使某物)伸出; (使某物)突出1 Psychoanalyst n. 精神分析学家1 psychobiological adj. 1 生物学的2 生物的10 psychodynamic adj. 心理动力的,精神动力的6 pulverization n. 弄成粉,粉碎19 pump n. 泵, 打气筒 vt. & vi. 用抽水机汲水; 给…打气7 query n. 问题, 疑问 vt. 质疑, 对…表示疑问2 quivering adj. 颤抖的7 raft n. 木筏2 rafting n. 筏运1 rail vt. 将…围起来, 隔开 vi. 责备; 辱骂; 抱怨2 railroad n. 1 铁路, 铁道 2 铁路系统1 randomly adv. 随便地,未加计划地9 range n. 1 一系列 2 变化幅度, 范围 3 射程, 距离 4 (山)脉 vi. 变化 vt. 排列20 rapid adj. 〈正〉快的; 急速的12 rare adj. 1 稀少的, 罕见的 2 稀薄的 3 极好的, 极度的10 raw adj. 1 生的, 未煮过的 2 天然的; 未加工过的 3 未经过训练的; 没有经验的 4 刺痛的2 realm n. 1 领域; 范围 2 王国, 国度3 rear vt. 饲养; 养育 vt. & vi. 抬起 n. 1 后部, 背 2 臀部2 rebound vi. 1 弹回; 反弹 2 产生反作用; 未能奏效2 reburial n. 象牙12 recall vt. & vi. 回忆起, 回想 vt. 召回, 收回 n. 1 召回, 唤回 2 记忆力2 reduction n. 减少, 缩小; 减少的量, 降价3 redwood n. (美国加州产的高大的)红杉7 reed n. 1 芦苇; 芦丛 2 簧舌; 簧片1 reef n. 礁, 暗礁2 refinery n. 精炼厂1 Regrettable adj. 令人遗憾的; 使人懊悔的2 reign vi. 1 当政, 统治 2 占主导地位 n. 君主的统治, 君主统治时期, 朝代8 reindeer n. 驯鹿7 relics n. 废墟2 relocated vt. & vi. 迁移5 rely vi. 信任; 信赖; 依赖, 依靠15 remains n. 残余,遗迹,遗体2 replenish vt. 补充1 Reportedly adv. 据报道, 据传说4 representative n. 1 代表 2 代理人 adj. 有代表性的, 典型的11 resistance n. 1 抵抗, 反抗, 抵抗能力 2 阻力 3 电阻, 热阻1 respectively adv. 各自地, 各个地, 分别地5 retain vt. 1 保持; 保留 2 止住; 容纳8 retrieve vt. 1 寻回, 找回 2 恢复, 挽回 3 检索(储存的信息) 4 使某事物恢复旺盛状态vt. & vi. (指经过训练的狗)找到并衔回(被打死或打伤的鸟等)8 ridges n. 1 脊, 山脊 2 脊状突起4 rigid adj. 1 刚硬的; 僵硬的; 不弯曲的 2 严格的; 死板的; 不变的2 rigidity n. 坚硬,僵化,刻板,严格,刚性,硬度2 rigorously adv. 严厉地,残酷地2 rigor n. 1 (发热前的)寒战 2 (由惊吓或中毒等导致的身体)僵直, 强直2 roam vt. & vi. 随便走, 漫步, 漫游4 Romans n. 《罗马书》(《圣经·新约》中的一卷)5 runoff n. 流走之物,决赛,决定性竞选2 sago n. 西米,西米椰子2 Sahara n. 撒哈拉沙漠(非洲北部大沙漠),荒野1 sailfish n. 旗鱼11 saturated adj. 1 极湿的; 湿透的 2 〈化〉(溶液)饱和的6 schemes n. 1 阴谋, 诡计 2 计划, 方案 vt. & vi. 策划; 图谋2 schooling n. 教育, 学校教育5 screen n. 1 屏风, 帘, 纱窗 2 掩护物 3 屏幕 4 银幕; 荧光屏vt. 1 遮蔽, 掩护 2 放映(电影), 播放(电视节目) 3 审查, 甄选2 sculptor n. 雕刻家2 seasonal adj. 季节的, 季节性的, 随季节变化的2 seawater n. 海水4 section n. 1 章节 2 部分 3 部门, 科 4 截面, 剖面5 地区, 区35 sediment n. 沉淀物3 sedimentary adj. 沉积的,沉淀性的3 sedimentation n. 沉淀,沉降30 sediment n. 沉淀物8 seed n. 1 种子 2 种子选手 3 子孙, 后裔vt. 1 播种 2 除去…之种子 3 抽出种子选手 vi. 结籽4 segment n. 1 部分, 片段 2 瓣2 selenium n. 硒15 semiarid adj. 雨量非常少的,半干旱的2 semicircular adj. 半圆的9 semiskilled adj. 半熟练的3 semisubsistence n. 半自给5 Senate n. 参议院, 上院3 shallow adj. 1 浅的 2 肤浅的4 shaman n. 萨满教的道士,僧人或巫师2 Shang n. 商(中国古朝代名)7 shatter vt. 1 砸碎, 粉碎 2 大大扰乱; 毁坏2 sheer adj. 1 完全的; 十足的 2 陡峭的; 垂直的3 极薄的, 轻的, 透明的adv. 垂直地, 陡峭地 vi. 避开, 突然转向13 shrub n. 灌木6 sibling n. 兄弟, 姐妹2 silicon n. 〈化〉硅1 simulate vt. 1 假装2 模仿, 模拟2 simultaneously adv. 同时地7 sinking n. 沉没9 skeleton n. 1 骨骼; 骷髅 2 骨干, 框架 3 梗概, 提要8 skull n. 颅骨, 脑壳4 slabs n. 厚板, 平板, 厚片2 sleek adj. 1 光滑而有光泽的 2 保养得很好的, 脑满肠肥的3 时髦的2 slender vt. 使…光滑而发亮6 slick adj. 1 顺利而有效的, 不费力的 2 圆滑的, 油滑的 3 光滑的, 滑溜的4 slide vt. & vi. 滑动; 滑行 vi. 滑落, 跌落 n. 1 滑行, 滑落 2 幻灯片2 smear vt. 1 涂抹 2 弄脏, 弄污3 把…擦模糊4 玷污, 诋毁n. 1 污迹, 污斑 2 (显微镜的)涂片 3 诽谤, 诬蔑2 smoky adj. 1 多烟的, 冒烟的, 烟雾弥漫的 2 有烟熏味的, 烟状的2 sodium n. 〈化〉钠3 soilless adj. 不用泥土(培植)的2 solar adj. 太阳的, 日光的9 sophisticated adj. 1 老练的; 老于世故的 2 精密的, 尖端的 3 高雅的, 有教养的1 sophistication n. 强词夺理,诡辩,混合2 sorghum n. 高粱1 span n. 1 跨度, 跨径2 两个界限间的距离3 一段时间vt. 1 建造跨越(某物的)桥或拱; 横跨 2 跨越, 穿越, 贯穿3 speared n. 矛, 枪, 鱼叉 vt. 用矛刺, 用鱼叉捉3 spearheaded n. 先锋, 先头部队 vt. 当…的先锋, 带头8 spear n. 矛, 枪, 鱼叉 vt. 用矛刺, 用鱼叉捉75 species n. 1 物种, 种 2 种类; 类型1 Specific adj. 1 明确的2 具体的3 仅限于…的 n. 1 特效药 2 具体方面, 细节3 spectacles n. 眼镜4 spill vt. & vi. 溢出; 泼出 vt. 1 使跌落 2 泄露机密2 spin vt. & vi. 使…旋转 vt. 杜撰1 split vt. & vi. (使)裂开; (使)破裂7 splitting adj. 爆裂似的,极快的2 spot n. 1 斑点, 污点 2 地点, 场所3 少量 vt. & vi. 弄上污渍 vt. 看出, 认出2 spout vt. & vi. (指液体)喷出, 涌出 n. 管口, 喷口2 spring n. 1 春, 春天 2 弹簧, 发条3 泉, 源泉4 跳, 跳跃 vt. 蹦, 跳, 跃起, 突然活动vt. & vi. (使某物)借机械装置操作5 spray vt. & vi. 喷 n. 1 浪花, 飞沫 2 喷雾4 spraying n. 喷雾8 spread vt. & vi. 1 伸开, 展开, 摊开 2 (使)传播, (使)散布n. 1 范围, 宽度, 宽阔度; 连续的一段时间 2 传播, 蔓延24 stable adj. 1 稳定的; 安定的 2 沉稳[持重]的7 stage n. 1 阶段; 时期 2 舞台 3 演员的职业; 戏剧表演; 舞台生涯 vt. & vi. 上演 vt. 举行2 stained adj. 玷污的;褪色的3 starvation n. 挨饿, 饥饿; 饿死2 starve vt. & vi. (使)挨饿, 饥饿7 steady adj. 1 稳的, 稳定的, 坚定的 2 不变的70 steam n. 1 蒸汽 2 蒸汽动力 vt. & vi. 冒蒸汽 vi. (靠蒸汽)行驶 vt. 蒸煮7 stem n. 1 (花草的)茎, (树木的)干 2 词干 vt. 遏制[阻止](液体的流动等)2 steppe n. 特指西伯利亚一带没有树木的大草原2 stereotypical adj. 模板式5 stiff adj. 1 不易弯曲的, 硬的 2 僵硬的 3 拘谨的4 强烈的 5 严厉的6 难对付的7 坚定的8 太贵的adv. 〈口〉极度地; 非常8 storage n. 1 贮存, 贮藏 2 储藏处, 仓库7 storefront n. 店面(房), 铺面(房); 临街房3 strain vt. & vi. 1 拉紧 2 尽量利用; 尽全力 3 过滤n. 1 拉紧; 绷紧; 张紧 2 拉力; 张力; 应变 3 (演出的)音乐片段, 乐曲 4 写作或说话的方式或风格; 笔调; 语调9 stress n. 1 压力, 紧张 2 强调, 重要性 3 重力 4 重音 vt. 1 重读 2 强调2 stretched vt. & vi. 1 伸展; 拉紧 2 延伸 n. 1 伸展, 延伸, 延续 2 一段时间, 一段路程, 一段水域3 strict adj. 1 严格的, 严厉的 2 严谨的, 精确的 3 绝对的, 完全的4 strike vt. & vi. 1 打, 击 2 敲响; 报时vt. 1 攻击, 袭击; 侵袭 2 突然发现(矿藏等) 3 (突然)出现于(某人的)脑海中 4 给…以(深刻)印象vi. 罢工 n. 1 罢工[课, 市] 2 袭击, 攻击 3 突然发现; 走运2 strip vi. "脱光衣服" vt. 1 剥去, 脱去 2 剥夺, 夺走n. 1 脱衣; 脱衣舞表演 2 狭长的一块(材料、土地等) 3 (足球队员的)运动服3 stroke n. 1 一击 2 一画, 一笔 3 (游泳或划船的)划, 划法; 游法4 钟的敲声5 中风6 轻抚vt. 轻抚, 抚摸5 stunted adj. 成长受妨碍的,矮小的4 subject n. 1 主题; 题目; 问题 2 话题, 考虑的问题 3 学科, 科目; 课程 4 主语, 主词adj. 1 常有[常患, 常遭受]…的; 倾向于…的 2 须服从…的; 受…支配的 3 受约束[管辖]的, 不独立的 4 取决于…的, 有待于…的vt. 使服从, 征服, 制伏2 submarine n. 潜艇4 subsequent adj. 随后的, 继…之后的2 subside vi. 1 下降至较低或正常水平 2 (土地)下陷(因在地下采矿)3 (建筑物等)下陷 4 减弱, 减轻, 平静下来, 平息24 succession n. 1 连续 2 连续不断的人[事物] 3 继承, 继任; 继承权5 successional adj. 接连的,连续性的4 successive adj. 连续的, 相继的13 suck vt. & vi. 吸; 吮 vi. 舐; 吮吸1 suffer vi. 1 受痛苦; 受损害2 变糟, 变差 vt. 1 忍受, 容忍 2 容许, 允许3 遭受, 蒙受2 sugarcane n. 甘蔗,糖蔗7 survey vt. 1 眺望; 纵览 2 测量; 勘察 3 检查, 鉴定 4 通盘考虑, 回顾 n. 调查3 surveyor n. 测量员, 鉴定人7 susceptible adj. 1 易受影响的; 易动感情的 2 过敏的; 易受…感染的 3 能经受的7 swim vt. & vi. 游泳 vi. 眩晕 n. 游泳4 tactics n. 1 战术 2 策略, 手段5 tail n. 1 尾, 尾巴 2 尾部, 尾状物 3 尾随者; 随行者, 跟班 4 燕尾服 vt. 跟踪22 tailed adj. (通常构成复合词)有…(状)尾的!2 tailor n. 裁缝 vt. & vi. 裁制 vt. 调整使适应4 tankers n. 运送大量液体或气体的轮船[卡车]; 油轮; 罐车; 油槽车4 tannins n. 丹宁酸2 tap n. 1 塞子, 龙头 2 电话窃听3 轻敲, 轻拍vt. 1 割[打]开…取[放]液体 2 开发; 利用 3 窃听vt. & vi. 轻拍, 轻敲2 taro n. 芋, 芋头4 terrain n. 地形, 地面, 地域, 地带4 terrestrial adj. 1 地球的 2 陆地的; 陆上的; 陆栖的; 陆生的1 territory n. 1 领土, 版图2 管区, 营业地区3 地盘, 领域, 范围13 Texas n. 德克萨斯州(美国州名)。



托福词频_词根词缀_灵格思_Section08序号单词词频音标注释词根词缀同根词7007borne2[b?:n]的,由…运载的v.需要( bear的过去分词 );词根:N/A同根词:N/A7008borrower2[?b?r(r)]n.借钱人;词根:N/A同根词:N/A7009brackish2[?br?k??]adj.有盐味的,可厌的词根:N/A同根词:N/A7010brad2[br?d]n.曲头钉vt.用无头钉固定词根:N/A同根词:N/A7011brake2[bre?k]n.制动器,闸;vt.& vi.刹(车)词根:brak表示"破坏,中断"1:brake闸,刹车(brak破坏,中断+e→n.闸,刹车v.刹车)2:brake刹车(brak破坏,中断+e→n.闸,刹车v.刹车)7012bravery2[bre?v?r?]n.勇敢,勇气;词根:N/A词缀:-ery1.表名词,"行为,情况";2.表名词,"场所,地点"同根词:N/A7013breadbasket2[?bredbɑ:sk?t]n.<俚>胃,腹;词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7014breakup2[bre?k'?p]n.(关系、联盟的)终止;词根:N/A同根词:N/A7015breast2[brest]n.乳房,乳腺;vt.升高,攀登;词根:N/A同根词:N/A7016breathtaking2[?breθte?k??]adj.非常激动人心的;词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7017broadcaster2[?br??dkɑ?st?(r)]n.广播员,广播公司;词根:N/A同根词:N/A7018brood2[bru:d]vt.& vi.孵蛋;n.(雏鸡、鸟等的)一窝;词根:N/A同根词:N/A7019b2[bi:]英语字母表的第2个字母;词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7020bubbled2[?b?bld]过去式和过去分词 );词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7021buckskin2[?b?ksk?n]n.鹿皮,硝好的羊皮词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7022bulky2[b?lk?]adj.庞大的;词根:N/A 同根词:N/A7023burden2[b?:dn]n.负担,包袱;vt.使烦恼,劳累;词根:burd表示"承担"1:burden担子,负担(burd承担+en→n.担子,负担v.负担)2:burden负担(burd承担+en→n.担子,负担v.负担)7024burdensome2[?b?:dns?m]担的;词根:N/A同根词:N/A序号单词词频音标注释词根词缀同根词7025burgher2[?b?:g?(r)]n.公民,市民(现主要指某些欧洲国家中产阶级的市民或镇民)词根:N/A同根词:N/A7026buster2[b?st?(r)]n.庞然大物;词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7027bustle2[b?sl]vt.催促;n.喧闹;词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7028butler2[b?tl?(r)]n.男管家;词根:N/A 同根词:N/A 7029butte2[bju:t]n.孤立的丘词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7030buzzer2[?b?z?(r)]n.蜂鸣器,嗡嗡作声的东西;词根:N/A同根词:N/A7031bypass2[ba?pɑ:s]n.旁道,支路;vt.疏通;词根:N/A同根词:N/A7032cabinetmaker2[k?b?n?tme?k?(r)]细木工词根:N/A同根词:N/A7033cacti2[k?kta?]n.仙人掌;词根:N/A同根词:N/A7034calving2[kɑ:v??]v.生小牛( calve的现在分词词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7035campfire2[k?mpfa??(r)]n.营火,篝火词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7036candid2[?k?nd?d]adj.率直的,坦白的;词根:cand=white/glow,表示"白,发光"1:incandescent白热的;遇热发光的(in进入+candescent[[adj.发光的]]⒐狻鷄dj.白热的;遇热发光的)2:candescent发光的(cand白,发光+escent开始……的→开始发光的)3:candid坦白的,直率的(cand白,发光+id……的→白的→坦白的)4:incense香(in进入+cense=cand光→进入光→点香,引申为激怒)5:candela烛光(cand白,光+ela表名词→n.烛光)6:candidate侯选人(candid[adj.坦白的,直率的]+ate人→白色的人→候选人)7:incense激怒(in进入+cense=cand光→进入光→点香,引申为激怒)7037candlelight2[?k?ndlla?t]n.烛光;词根:N/A同根词:N/A 序号单词词频音标注释词根词缀同根词7038capitalism2[?k?p?t?l?z?m]n.资本主义(制度);词缀:-ism1.表示"具备某种性质";2.表示"学术或学术流派,行业";3.表示"行为,现象,状态";4.表示"疾病";5.名词,表示"各种主义,宗教"同根词:N/A7039captive2[k?pt?v]adj.被俘的;n.战俘,俘虏;词根:N/A词缀:-ive1.表名词,"人或物等";2.表形容词,"……的"同根词:N/A7040carcasses2[kɑ:k?s?z]名词复数 );词根:N/A同根词:N/A7041cardboard2[?kɑ:db?:d]n.卡(片)纸板;adj.硬纸板制的;词根:N/A同根词:N/A7042cardiac2[kɑ:d??k]adj.心脏(病)的;n.心脏病患者;词根:card1.=heart,表示"心脏,一致";2.=paper,表示"纸片"1:cardinal首要的,基本的(card心脏,一致+inal→心一样的→首要的)2:cardiac心脏的(card心脏,一致+iac→adj.心脏的) 3:cardinal[天主教的]红衣主教(card心脏,一致+inal→心一样的→首要的)4:tachycardia[医]心动过速(tarchy快+card心脏,一致+ia病→心跳快的病)5:electrocardiogram[医]心电图(electr电+o+card 心+io+gram图→n.[医]心电图)6:discard丢弃,抛弃(dis去掉+card纸片→把[废纸] 扔掉→抛弃)序号单词词频音标注释词根词缀同根词7043carnival2[kɑ:n?vl]n.狂欢节;词根:carn=flesh,表示"肉,肉欲"物]+ous……的→carnivorous食肉类的)2:carnal肉体的;肉欲(carn肉,肉欲+al……的→adj.肉体的;肉欲)3:incarnate具有肉体的,化身的(in进入+carn肉,肉欲+ate表形容词→adj.具有肉体的,化身的)4:carcass[动物]尸体;残骸(carc=carn肉,肉欲+ass 表名词→n.[动物]尸体;残骸)5:carnivore食肉动物(carni=carn肉,肉欲+vor吃+e →吃肉的[动物])6:carrion腐肉(carr=carn肉,肉欲→n.腐肉)7:reincarnate再具肉体,转生(re再+incarnate[v.体现,化身]→v.再具肉体,转生)7044catalogue2[?k?t?l?g]vt.为…编目录;词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7045catastrophe2[k?'t?str?f?]n.大灾难;词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7046catechism2[?k?t?k?z?m]n.教义问答(手册);词根:N/A同根词:N/A7047categorizes2[?k?t?g??ra?ziz]categorize的第三人称单数 )词根:N/A同根词:N/A7048cavern2[k?v?n]n.大山洞;v.挖空;词根:N/A词缀:-ern1.表形容词,"……方向的";2.表名词,"……场所"同根词:N/A7049caver2[?ke?v?(r)]n.探察洞穴的人;词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7050celebratory2[?sel??bre?t?ri]adj.快乐的,兴高采烈的词根:N/A 同根词:N/A 7051cellist2[?t?el?st]n.大提琴手词根:N/A同根词:N/A 序号单词词频音标注释词根词缀同根词7052centre2[?sent?(r)]n.中心;vt.& vi.置于中央;词根:centr=center,表示"中心"+centric[[adj.中心的]]→adj.古怪的,怪癖的,异乎寻常的n.古怪的人)2:central中心的(centr中心+al……的→adj.中心的)3:centric中心的(centr中心+ic表形容词→adj.中心的)4:centre中心,中央(centr中心+e→n.中心,中央v.集中)5:centrifuge离心分离机(centri=centr中心+fug逃+e→n.离心分离机)6:eccentric古怪的人(ec出+centric[[adj.中心的]]→adj.古怪的,怪癖的,异乎寻常的n.古怪的人)7:decentralize分散(de离开+central[adj.中心的]+ize表动词→离开中心)8:centre集中(centr中心+e→n.中心,中央v.集中)9:concentrate集中;浓缩(con共同+centr中心+ate做→中心共同→集中)7053cerebellum2[?ser?'bel?m]n.小脑词根:N/A同根词:N/A7054chafed2[t?e?ft]v.擦热(尤指皮肤)( chafe的过去式 );词根:N/A同根词:N/A7055chairperson2[?t?e?p?:s(e)n]n.主席词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7056chameleon2[k?'mi:l??n]n.变色蜥蜴,变色龙词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7057checkup2[t?ek?p]n.检查,核对;词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7058chem2[kem]abbr.chemistry 化学;词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7059chipmunk2[?t??pm??k]n.金花鼠词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7060chitin2[ka?t?n]n.壳质,角素词根:N/A同根词:N/A7061chopping2[t??p??]adj.波浪汹涌的,硕大强健的;词根:N/A同根词:N/A7062chord2[k?:d]n.(数学)弦;vi.和谐一致;vt.上…的弦;词根:N/A同根词:N/A7063chore2[t??:(r)]n.零星工作(尤指家常杂务);词根:N/A同根词:N/A序号单词词频音标注释词根词缀同根词7064christian2[?kr?st??n]n.基督教徒,信徒;adj.信基督教的,基督教的,基督教徒的;词根:N/A同根词:N/A7065chromatics2[kr?'m?t?ks]n.色彩论,色彩学词根:N/A同根词:N/A7066chronic2[kr?n?k]adj.慢性的;词根:chron=time,表示"时间"1:synchronous同期的;同步的(syn共同+chron时间+ous……的→adj.同期的;同步的)2:chronological按时间前后顺序的(chrono=chron时间+logical逻辑的→根据时间的逻辑来排列)3:chronic长期的;慢性的(chron时间+ic……的→adj.长期的;慢性的)4:anachronism年代错误(ana错+chron时间+ism状态→n.年代错误)5:chronograph精密计时器(chron时间+graph写,记录→记录时间)6:chronology年代学;年表(chron时间+ology学科→有关时间的学科)7:synchronize同时发生(syn共同+chron时间+ize表动词→时间相同→同时发生)7067chronicle2[kr?n?kl]n.编年史;vt.将(某事物)载入编年史;词根:chron=time,表示"时间"1:chronic长期的;慢性的(chron时间+ic……的→adj.长期的;慢性的)2:synchronous同期的;同步的(syn共同+chron时间+ous……的→adj.同期的;同步的)3:chronological按时间前后顺序的(chrono=chron时间+logical逻辑的→根据时间的逻辑来排列)4:chronometer精密计时器(chrono=chron时间+meter测量→测量时间→记时器)5:chronicle编年史(chron时间+icle表名词→n.编年史)6:anachronism年代错误(ana错+chron时间+ism状态→n.年代错误)7:synchronize同时发生(syn共同+chron时间+ize表动词→时间相同→同时发生)序号单词词频音标注释词根词缀同根词7068cigarette2[?siɡ??ret]n.纸烟,香烟词缀:-ette表名词,"小的东西或状态"同根词:N/A7069cinnamon2[s?n?m?n]adj.肉桂色的;词根:N/A同根词:N/A7070circulatory2[?s?:kj?l??t?:ri:adj.(血液或汁液)循环的词根:N/A同根词:N/A7071citation2[sa?'te??n]n.引用;词根:cit1.=quote,call,表示"引用,唤起";2.=citizen,表示"公民"1:excitant使兴奋的(excite[v.使兴奋,刺激]+ant表形容词→adj.使兴奋的)2:city城市,都市,全体居民,城邦(cit公民+y→公民居住的地方)3:citation引用,引证(cit引用,唤起+ation表名词→n.引用,引证)4:excitement兴奋(excite[v.使兴奋,刺激]+ment表名词→n.兴奋)5:recite背诵;演奏(re再+cit引用,唤起+e→再[把记的东西]引出)6:cite引用;引证(cit引用,唤起+e→v.引用;引证)7:resuscitate复活;恢复(re再+sus下面+cit引用,唤起+ate表动词→把下去的东西再引出→恢复;激活)7072citizenry2[?s?t?z?nri]n.公民成市民(集合称)词根:N/A词缀:-ry1.集合名词,通常放在一个完整的单词后面,表"整体";2.表名词,通常放在一个完整的单词后面,表"场地,物等";3.表名词,通常放在一个完整的单词后面,表"行业,学科";4.表名词,通常放在一个完整的单词后面,表"状态,性质"同根词:N/A序号单词词频音标注释词根词缀同根词7074civic2[s?v?k]adj.城市的;词根:N/A同根词:N/A7075clarinet2[?kl?r??net]n.[乐]单簧管;词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7076classicism2[?kl?s?s?z?m]n.古典主义,古典风格词根:N/A 同根词:N/A7077climatically2[kla?'m?t?kl?]adv.气候上,风土上词根:N/A同根词:N/A7078climber2[?kla?m?(r)]n.登山者,攀登者;词根:N/A同根词:N/A7079clogged2[klɑ:gd]v.(使)阻碍( clog的过去式和过去分词 );词根:N/A同根词:N/A7080closure2[kl(r)]n.(永久的)停业,关闭;vt.使结束,使终止;词根:clos=close,表示"关闭"1:close近的(close=clos关闭→靠拢→近的→接近)2:close接近(close=clos关闭→靠拢→近的→接近)3:enclosure包围,围绕(enclose[[v.包围,围绕]]→n.包围,围绕)4:closure关闭;停止(clos关闭+ure表名词→close的名词)5:closet壁橱;秘室(clos关闭+et小东西→关的小东西→壁橱)6:enclose包围,围绕(en进入+clos关闭+e→被关起来→包围)7:close关,靠拢(close=clos关闭→靠拢→近的→接近)8:disclose揭发;泄露(dis分开,打开+clos关闭+e→把关的打开→揭发)7081cloves2[kl??vs]n.丁香(热带树木的干花,形似小钉子,用作调味品,尤用作甜食的香料)( clove的名词复数 );词根:N/A同根词:N/A7082coalescence2[?k'lesns]n.合并,接合,联合;词根:N/A 同根词:N/A 7083coincident2[kns?d?nt]adj.<正>同时发生的;词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7084collagen2[?k?l?d??n]n.[生化]胶原蛋白;词根:N/A同根词:N/A7085collar2[k?l?(r)]n.衣领;vt.抓住,逮住;词根:N/A同根词:N/A序号单词词频音标注释词根词缀同根词7086colonel2[?k?:nl]n.上校词缀:-el表名词,"人或物等等"同根词:N/A7087colonizer2[k?l?na?z?(r)]民词根:N/A同根词:N/A7088coloration2[?k?l??re??n]n.染色,着色词根:N/A同根词:N/A7089comeback2[?k?mb?k]n.恢复,复原;词根:N/A同根词:N/A7090comer2[k?m?(r)]n.来者;词根:come表示"来"coming即将来到的)2:forthcoming即将到来的;现有的(forth向前+come来+ing正……的→forthcoming即将到来的;现有的)3:welcome受欢迎的(wel=well好+come来→n.&vt欢迎int.欢迎adj.受欢迎的)4:welcome欢迎(wel=well好+come来→n.&vt欢迎int.欢迎adj.受欢迎的)5:income收入,收益,进款,所得(in进入+come来→进来→收入,收益)6:outcomer外来者,外地人,陌生人(out出+come来+er人→n.外来者,外地人,陌生人)7:welcomevt欢迎(wel=well好+come来→n.&vt欢迎int.欢迎adj.受欢迎的)8:come来,来临,到达,出现(come来→v.来,来临,到达,出现)7091comfortably2[?k?mft?bli]adv.舒服地;词根:N/A同根词:N/A7092comic2[k?m?k]adj.喜剧的;n.连环漫画;词根:com=banquet,表示"宴会"1:comic喜剧的,滑稽的(com宴会+ic……的,或者表示人等→宴会有喜剧的意思→喜剧的,搞笑的)2:comic连环漫画杂志;喜剧演员(com宴会+ic……的,或者表示人等→宴会有喜剧的意思→喜剧的,搞笑的)3:encomium赞颂,颂辞(en进入+com宴会+ium表名词→开宴会庆祝→高度赞扬)4:comedy喜剧;喜剧性事件(com宴会+edy表名词→像宴会一样热闹)序号单词词频音标注释词根词缀同根词7094commend2[k?'mend]vt.推荐;词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7095communicative2[k?'mju:n?k?t?v]adj.爱说话的,好社交的词根:N/A同根词:N/A7096companionship2[k?m?p?ni?n??p]n.伙伴关系;词根:N/A 同根词:N/A7097comparably2[k?mp?r?bl?]adv.可比较地,同等地词根:N/A 同根词:N/A7098compartment2[k?m'pɑ:tm?nt]n.隔间(尤指火车车厢中的);vt.分隔;词根:N/A同根词:N/A7099comply2[k?m'pla?]vi.遵从;词根:ply1.=fold,表示"重叠,重复";2.折;3.弯;4.=full/fill,表示"满,填满"1:plywood夹板,合板(ply重叠,重复+wood木材→木材重叠→合板)2:reply[to]回答,答复,以…作答(re回+ply折→折回去→答复)3:supply补给,供给,供应品(sup下面+ply满,填满→在下面填满→补给)4:ply弯曲(ply折,弯→v.弯曲)5:imply意指,含…意思,暗示(im进入+ply重叠,重复→重叠表达→不直说→暗示)6:comply[with]遵照,照做,应允;顺从,服从(com共同+ply重叠,重复→[观点]共同叠在一起→同意)7100composite2[k?mp?z?t]adj.混合成的,综合成的;n.合成物,混合物,复合材料;词根:posit1.=put,表示"放";2.引申为"职位"(posit放+ive……的→确定"放"→肯定的,积极的,主动的)2:composite混合成的,综合成的(com共同+posit放+e→放到一起→混合物)3:apposite适当的,恰切的(ap加强动作+posit放+e→放得好→适当的)4:repository贮藏室,智囊团,知识库,仓库(re重新+posit放+ory场所,范围→重新[不断]放东西的地方→仓库)5:deposit存款;沉积物(de下+posit放→放下不用)6:imposition强迫接受(im进去+posit放+ion表名词→进去放[强放]→强加接受)7:deposit存放;使沉淀;付[保证金](de下+posit放→放下不用)8:posit安置(posit放→假设)序号单词词频音标注释词根词缀同根词7101compost2[k?mp?st]n.堆肥;vt.施堆肥;词根:N/A同根词:N/A7102compulsorily2[k?m'p?ls?r?l?]adv.强迫地,强制地词根:N/A同根词:N/A7103concede2[k?n'si:d]v.承认;词根:ced=go,表示"行走,前进"1:antecedent先行的;以前的(antecede[v.先行,先于]+ent……的→adj.先行的;以前的)2:unprecedented前所未有的(un无+precedent[n.先例;惯例]+ed……的→无先例的)3:procedure程序;手续(pro在前+ced行走,前进+ure表名词→在前面走完的程序)4:precedent先例;惯例(precede[v.在先,优于]+ent→预先走的东西→先例)5:concede承认;容许;[比赛结束前]认输;退让(con共同+ced行走,前进+e→共同向后走一步→让步)6:retrocede交还,归还(retro向后+ced走+e→往后走→把……归还)7:intercede调停;仲裁(inter在……中间+ced行走,前进+e→在二者中间走→调解)7104conceivably2[k?n'si:v?bl?]adv.令人信服地词根:N/A同根词:N/A序号单词词频音标注释词根词缀同根词7105concentric2[k?n?sentr?k]adj.同一中心的,同轴的adv.同一中心地,同轴地词根:centr=center,表示"中心"牡摹鷄dj.无中心的)2:centrifugal离心的(centri=centr中心+fug逃+al……的→逃离中心的)3:eccentric古怪的,怪癖的,异乎寻常的(ec出+centric[[adj.中心的]]→adj.古怪的,怪癖的,异乎寻常的n.古怪的人)4:center中心(centre[n.中心,中央v.集中]→n.中心)5:centre中心,中央(centr中心+e→n.中心,中央v.集中)6:centrifuge离心分离机(centri=centr中心+fug逃+e→n.离心分离机)7:decentralize分散(de离开+central[adj.中心的]+ize表动词→离开中心)8:centre集中(centr中心+e→n.中心,中央v.集中)9:concentrate集中;浓缩(con共同+centr中心+ate做→中心共同→集中)7106concertina2[?k?ns??ti:n?]n.类似风琴的六角形的乐器词根:N/A同根词:N/A序号单词词频音标注释词根词缀同根词7107concise2[k?n?sa?s]adj.简明的,简洁的;词根:cise=cut/kill,表示"切开,杀"的→adj.决定性的)2:concise简明的(con全部+cise切开,杀→把[没用的东西]全部切掉)3:precise精确的,清楚的(pre预先+cise切开,杀→预先切好→精确的)4:incisor门牙(incise[v.切,切割]+or物→切[咬]东西的东西→incisor门牙)5:excision删除,灭绝;切除(excise[v.割去,删去]+ion动作或状态→n.删除,灭绝;切除)6:precision精密,正确(precise[adj.精确的,清楚的]+ion表名词→n.精密,正确)7:incise切,切割(in进入+cise切开,杀→切进去)8:excise割去,删去(ex出+cise切开,杀→v.割去,删去)9:circumcise行割礼,割包皮(circum环绕+cise切开,杀→切一圈)7108concomitant2[k?n?k?m?t?nt]adj.伴随的,同时发生或出现的n.伴随发生的事;词根:N/A同根词:N/A7109concurrent2[k?n?k?r?nt]adj.〈正式〉同时发生的;n.[数] 共点;词根:curr=run,表示"跑,发生,快速做……"1:recurrent一再发生的;复发的,反复出现的(recur[v.[尤指不好的事]一再发生;重现]+ent……的→recurrent一再发生的)2:current当前的;流通的(curr跑,发生,快速做……+ent……的→跑的→流动[的])3:concurrent同时发生的,一致的(concur[v.意见相同,一致,互助]+ent……的→concurrent同时发生的)4:current电流,水流;潮流,趋势(curr跑,发生,快速做……+ent……的→跑的→流动[的])5:currency流传,流通;通货,货币(curr跑,发生,快速做……+ency表名词→流通货币[跑来跑去的钱])6:occurrence发生,出现,事件,发生的事情(occur[v.发生,出现;存在;想起,想到]+ence表名词→occurrence发生,出现)序号单词词频音标注释词根词缀同根词7111conductivity2[?k?nd?k't?v?t?]n.传导性,传导率,电导率词根:N/A词缀:-ivity表名词,由-ive+-ity组成,"由……能力或特性"同根词:N/A7112confederate2[k?n'fed?r?t]adj.联盟的,同盟的;n.同伙,合谋者,同党;v.联合,结盟词根:feder=league,表示"联盟"1:federal联邦的;联邦制的;联合的;同盟的(feder联盟+al……的→adj.联邦的;联邦制的;联合的;同盟的)2:confederate同盟的(con共同+feder联盟+ate……的,也可表名词→共同联盟,联合的)3:confederate同盟者(con共同+feder联盟+ate……的,也可表名词→共同联盟,联合的)4:federation同盟;联邦;联合;联盟;联合会(feder联盟+ation表名词→n.同盟;联邦;联合;联盟;联合会)序号单词词频音标注释词根词缀同根词7113confer2[k?n'f?:(r)]vt.授予,颁与;vi.商议,磋商词根:fer=bring/carry,表示"带来,拿来"1:transferable可转让的(transfer[n.&v.转移;转换; 转让;过户;迁移;改乘]+able能……的→adj.可转让的)2:inferable能推理的,能推论的(infer[v.推论,推断]+able能……的→adj.能推理的,能推论的)3:fertile肥沃的,富饶的;能繁殖的(fert=fer带来,拿来+ile能……的→能带来粮食→肥沃的)4:referee[足球等]裁判员(refer[v.参考,查询;提到,引用,涉及;提交,上呈]+ee人→被双方提及的人→裁判)5:offer出价,提议,意图(of一再+fer带来,拿来→一再带来→提供)6:deference敬意,尊重(defer敬从+ence表名词→n.敬意,尊重)7:transfer转移;转换;转让;过户;迁移;改乘(trans变换,交换+fer带→转移过去→转学,转移)8:offer提供,提议,出现(of一再+fer带来,拿来→一再带来→提供)9:defer敬从(de加强+fer带来,拿来→一再带来敬意)10:differentiate区分,区别;[使]不同(different[adj.不同的]+iate做→v.区分,区别;[使]不同)7114confirmation2[?k?nf??me??n]n.确认,认可;词根:N/A 词缀:-ation1.表名词,"行为,过程,结果";2.注:如果加在y结尾的单词后通常为去掉y加上ication.同根词:N/A序号单词词频音标注释词根词缀同根词7115congenial2[k?n?d?i:ni?l]adj.意气相投的;词缀:-ial=of,relatingto,characteriz edby……表形容词,"关于……的,有……的"同根词:N/A7116coniferous2[k?'n?f?r?s]adj.松类的,结球果的词根:fer=bring/carry,表示"带来,拿来"1:aquiferous含水的,蓄水的(aqui水+fer带来,拿来+ous……的→带来水的)2:referable可归[起]因于……的,可归入……的;与……有关的(refer[v.参考,查询;提到,引用,涉及;提交,上呈]+able能……的→能提到的,能找到原因的→可归于……)3:floriferous有花的,开花的,多花的,花盛开的(flori=flor花+fer带来,拿来+ous……的→带来花→有花的)4:fertilizer[fertiliser]肥料(fertilize[v.使受精;施肥于,使肥沃]+er表名词→n.[fertiliser]肥料)5:offering报盘,提供的货物(offer[v.提供,提议,出现n.出价,提议,意图]+ing表名词→n.报盘,提供的货物)6:deference敬意,尊重(defer敬从+ence表名词→n.敬意,尊重)7:transfer转移;转换;转让;过户;迁移;改乘(trans变换,交换+fer带→转移过去→转学,转移)8:differ不同(dif不同+fer带来→带来不同→不同)9:refer参考,查询;提到,引用,涉及;提交,上呈(re向后+fer带来,拿来→向后回过头来[看]已经带来的→参考,查询)10:suffer受苦(suf下面+fer带→带到下面去→受7117conjectural2[k?n'd?ekt??r?l]adj.推测的,好推测的词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7118consensus2[k?n?sens?s]n.一致;词根:N/A 同根词:N/A序号单词词频音标注释词根词缀同根词7119consent2[k?n'sent]n.准许,赞同;vi.同意;词根:sent=feel,表示"感觉"→adj.多愁善感的)2:consentient同意的,无异议的(consent[n.&v.[to]同意,赞成,答应]+ient=ent表形容词→adj.同意的,无异议的)3:dissension意见不合,纠纷,倾轧(dissent[v.不同意,持异议]+sion→dissension意见不合)4:scent气味,香味;香水(scent=sent感觉→n.气味,香味;香水v.嗅猎;察觉)5:resentment憎恨(resent[v.忿恨,不满]+ment表名词→n.憎恨)6:consent[to]同意,赞成,答应(con共同+sent感觉→共同感觉→同意)7:scent嗅猎;察觉(scent=sent感觉→n.气味,香味;香水v.嗅猎;察觉)8:assent同意,赞成(as一再,一样+sent感觉→一样的感觉→赞同)9:dissent不同意,持异议(dis分开+sent感觉→感觉不合→不同意)7120conservatism2[k?n?s?:v?t?z?m]n.保守主义;词根:N/A同根词:N/A序号单词词频音标注释词根词缀同根词7121considerate2[k?n?s?d?r?t]adj.体贴的,体谅的;词根:side1.=sit,表示"坐";2.放置;3.=旁边词缀:-ate1.表名词,"人或地位等";2.表形容词,"具有……的";3.表动词,"做,造成;使"1:side旁边的,侧面的(side旁边→n.边,旁边,面;adj.旁边的,侧面的)2:considerate考虑周到的,体谅的(consider考虑+ate……的→考虑到的)3:considerable值得考虑的,相当可观的(consider[v.考虑,细想;体谅,顾及;认为,把…看作]+able能……的→adj.值得考虑的,相当可观的)4:inside里面[的,地],内部[的,地](in进入+side边→adj.&n.&adv.里面[的,地],内部[的,地])5:outside外面[的,地],外部[的,地](out外面+side边→adj.&n.&adv.外面[的,地],外部[的,地])6:considerably相当地(considerable[adj.值得考虑的,相当可观的]+ly表副词→considerably相当地)7:consideration体谅,考虑(considerate[adj.考虑周到的,体谅的]+ion表名词→consideration体谅,考虑)8:residence住处,住宅(reside[v.居住,驻扎;属于]+nce→n.住处,住宅)9:president总统,校长,会长,主席(preside[v.[at,over]主持]+ent人→主持[的人])10:subside下陷;平息;下沉,沉淀(sub下+side坐→坐下去→平息)7122consolidation2[k?n?s?l?'den]n.巩固;词根:N/A 词缀:-tion表名词,"动作或状态等"同根词:N/A序号单词词频音标注释词根词缀同根词7123consonant2[?k?ns?n?nt]n.辅音,子音;adj.一致的;词根:son=sound,表示"声音"+ant……的→声音不[好听]的)2:supersonic超音速的(super超+sonic声音的→adj.超音速的)3:sonic音速的(son声音+ic……的→adj.音速的)4:consonant辅音(con共同+son声音+ant……的→声音相同的→和音的)5:dissonance不和谐[的音调](dis不+son声音+ance表名词→声音不一致)6:resonance回响,共鸣(resonant[[adj.回响的;洪亮的]]省鷑.回响,共鸣)7124consorted2[?k?n?s?:tid]v.结伴( consort的过去式和过去分词 );词根:N/A同根词:N/A7125contaminating2[k?n?t?mineit??]v.把…弄脏,污染( contaminate的现在分词 );词根:N/A同根词:N/A7126contingent2[k?n?t?nd??nt]adj.依情况而定的;n.分遣队;词根:ting=touch,表示"接触"1:tangible可触摸的(tang=ting接触+ible能……的→adj.可触摸的)2:contingent意外的,视情况条件而定的(con共同+ting接触+ent……的→根据大家接触的情况而定)3:contingency意外事件,可能性(con一起+ting接触+ency表名词→两件事接触[如两车相撞]在一起→意外事件)7127convergence2[k?n'v?:d??ns]n.集收敛;词根:N/A同根词:N/A。


序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 单词 the be of and a in to have it to for i that you he on with do at by not this but from they his that she or which as we an say will would can if their go 序号 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 单词 what there all get her make who as out up see know time take them some could so him year into its then think my come than more about now last your me no other give just should these people 序号 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 单词 also well any only new very when may way look like use her such how because when as good find man our want day between even there many those one after down yeah so thing tell through back still must 序号 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 单词 child here over too put own on no work become more old government mean part leave life great where case woman over seem same us work need feel system each might may much ask group number yes however another again






一、名词(Nouns)1. Application 申请2. Aspect 方面3. Benefit 利益4. Challenge 挑战5. Concept 概念6. Development 发展7. Effect 效果8. Factor 因素9. Goal 目标10. Impact 影响11. Issue 问题12. Knowledge 知识13. Limitation 限制14. Method 方法15. Opportunity 机会16. Principle 原则17. Resource 资源18. Solution 解决方案19. Strategy 策略20. Technique 技巧二、动词(Verbs)1. Analyze 分析2. Comprehend 理解3. Determine 确定4. Evaluate 评估5. Expand 扩大6. Illustrate 说明7. Improve 提高8. Maximize 最大化9. Organize 组织10. Promote 促进11. Recognize 认识到12. Require 需要13. Stimulate 刺激14. Suggest 建议15. Undermine 削弱16. Utilize 利用17. Verify 验证18. Weigh 权衡19. Yield 产生三、形容词(Adjectives)1. Accurate 准确的2. Appropriate 适当的3. Authentic 真实的4. Comprehensive 全面的5. Crucial 关键的6. Efficient 高效的7. Flexible 灵活的8. Inevitable 不可避免的9. Major 主要的10. Significant 重要的11. Substantial 大量的12. Unique 独特的13. Valuable 有价值的14. Versatile 多功能的15. Widespread 广泛的四、副词(Adverbs)1. Convenient 方便地2. Effectively 有效地3. Gradually 逐渐地4. Inevitably 不可避免地5. Moreover 此外6. Particularly 特别地7. Properly 正确地8. Significantly 显著地9. Simultaneously 同时地10. Virtually 实际上五、连词(Conjunctions)1. Although 尽管2. Furthermore 此外3. Hence 因此4. Moreover 此外5. Consequently 结果6. Nonetheless 然而7. Accordingly 相应地8. Likewise 同样地六、介词(Prepositions)1. Above 在...之上2. Below 在...之下3. Among 在...之间4. Beyond 超出5. Into 进入6. Throughout 贯穿7. Amongst 在...之中8. Within 在...内部七、代词(Pronouns)1. Each 每个2. Either 任何一个3. Both 两个/所有的4. Itself 它自己5. Somebody 某人6. Nobody 没有人八、名词性从句(Noun Clauses)1. That 该2. What 是什么3. Where 哪里4. When 何时5. Who 谁6. How 如何九、形容词性从句(Adjective Clauses)1. Who 谁2. Which 哪一个3. Whom 谁4. Whose 谁的5. Where 哪里十、副词性从句(Adverbial Clauses)1. Since 因为2. Although 虽然3. While 在...期间4. Before 在...之前5. After 在...之后以上是高频托福核心词汇表的一部分,掌握这些词汇将有助于你在托福考试中取得更好的成绩。

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1240 words; 402 groupsVocabulary Notes学习备注AabandonabandonmentAbundanceAbundantAccelerateAcceleratingaccessAccommodateAccompanyAccompanimentAccumulateAdaptAdaptableAdaptationAptaptlyAdeptAdoptOptionAdjustmentAdorn AdornmentAdverse Adversely AdversityAdvocateAesthetic AestheticallyAffect AffectedAlienAlloyAllyAlternative AlterAltitude Latitude AncestorAnnual AnnuallyAntiquate Antiquated AntiquityAppeal Appealing Appeal toApproachArchaeological ArchaeologyArmyArrayArtificialArtisanAscendDescendAscentAssembleresembleAssumeAssumptionAttachAttachedAttachmentAttainAttainmentAuroraAurora lightAvailablePrevailAvocationalVocationVacationAt the cutting edge of At one sessionAt intervalsAs a ruleAs a rule of thumbAs far north asAs suchAll butAll inclusiveA pivotal figureA premium priceA range ofBBarkBarnBarrenBarrierBasinBeamBlanketBlastBlockBlocksBoomBoonBowbowlBreezeBrillianceBucklebulkBy farBy a factor of Break all ties withBe characterized by Be taken byBe up toCCapacity CapabilityCarbohydrateCarnival CarnivorousCastCast offCastingCategoryCavityCeremonial CeremonyChamber Chamber musicChaosChillChillyChimpanzee GorillaChiselChopChoppyChordCordCirculate Circulation Circulation deskCivilianCivilityCivil rightClassification ClassifyClusterCoexistCohesion CohesiveCoilCoincide CoincidentCombustible CombustionCommissionCommonsenseCommunity CommunallyCompactCompeting CompetitivenessComplement ComplementaryComplex Complicated ComponentComposed of CompositionCompoundCompressCompriseConceptionConeConfine to ConfinementConflict ConflictingConfront EffronteryConiferConsequenceConserve ConservativeConstantConstituent Constitute Constitution ConstitutionalConstrain ConstraintConstrict ConstrictedConsumptionContainerContextContract Contraction ContractorConventional ConventionallyConvergeConvert ConverterConvict Convinced ConvincingCoral reef CoralsCoreCorrosion CorrodecosmicComic book comiccometCostumeCounteract Counterbalance CounterpartCrackCraft CraftspeopleCrudeCrude oilCrust CrustaceanCrystalline crystallizedCurriculumExtra curriculumConsort with Comply withCode of lawsDDawnAt the dawn ofDecline DecliningDecorate Decoration DecorativeDeference DeferentialDeform DeformationDegradation DegradeDehydrate DehydratedDeliberate Delicate DemolishDenseDensityDeposit Depression DeriveDescend Descendant DescentDestructionDetect DetectableDeterminantDeter DeterrentDevastate Devastation DeviceDiagonal DiagonallyDictate Diction Differentiate dinosaur Discard Discharge Dispense DisperseDistinct Distinction Distinctive Distinctively DistinctlyDistribute DistributionDiversification Diversified Diversion Diversity Divergence DiverDocumentationdomains Dominant Dominate DomesticDroughtDurableDraft animalDevoid ofDash offEEclipseSolar eclipseEcosystemElaborate ElaboratelyElectron NeutronEligibleElusiveEludeEmerge Emergence EmergingImmigrantEmissionEmitEngrave EngravingEnormousEnterprise Enterprising entrepreneurEnzymeErodeErosion Eruption Evaporate EvergreenEvident EvidenceEvolution EvolveExceedexcelExceptional ExceptionallyExcess ExcessiveExclusive ExclusionExecution ExecutiveExpand ExpansionExpenditureExplicitImplicitExtendExtended ExtensiveExternalExtinct Extinction distinctExtractExpress Expressive Express business Express trainFFacilitate Facilitation FacilityfacultyFactorFactionFeasibleFertileFertilize FertilizedFlexibility FlexibleFloatFlock toFluctuation fluxForage Forager Forge ForgeryFormat Formation Formalized Formulate FormulaFortFortify FosterFragile Fragility Fragment FractureFreightFringe marginFrustrate Frustrating FrustrationFunctioning FunctionFungi FungusFused Fusion FuseFrom a farFollow suitField researchFeed onGGalaxyGalleryGeneticGeneticallyGenerousGenuinelyGenuineGirderBeamGlacialGlacierGlandGlandularGravityGravitationalGrazeGrazing landGymnasticGymnasiumGo against the grain to Go brokeGive way toGet in the way ofHHabitatHabitHauntHauntedHighlightspotlightHomogeneousHorizonHorizontal HypothesisHeritageBequestLegacyHeavenHavenHold a large stake Hands onHands offIIdentical Identifiable IdentifyidentityideologyIlluminate IlluminationIllusionIllustrate Imaginary Imaginative ImmenseImmuneImmunityImpartImpersonal Impersonate Impersonation interpersonalImplicationimplyexplicitImportExportImposeImposingImpressiveImprovise ImprovisationInadequateIncongruity Incongruous IncorporateIndispensable DispensableInducible InductionIndustrialization IndustrializedIngenious IngeniouslyIngredientInhabitInhabitantInhibitInsightInspectionInspiration InspireInstinctively Institution InstitutionalizeInstructive InstrumentalistInsulation Isolation Isolated InsultingIntegral Integrate IntegratedIntense IntensiveIntentInteraction Interact withInterconnected InterconnectingInterdependent InterdependenceInteriorInferior InterlockingInternal ExternalIntoxication toxicnoxiousIntricate IntricatelyIntriguing IntrigueIntruder Intruding Intrusion InvadeInvertebrate VertebrateIrreverent IrreverenceIrrigate irrigationIn accord with In commonIn scaleIn term ofJJunctionJealousy zealousJournal JournalismKKeenKernel KeroseneLLaborious LaboriouslyLandscape Landmass LandslideLarvaeLavalaveLavatoryLatitude AltitudelayerLegumeLimestoneLimeLivelihood Living quarters QuarterLocomote Locomotion LocomotiveLogDialogueLumberTimberLuminosity LuminousLureallureLyricLong rangeLong range missileLight bulbBulbLiableLitter withLearn by roteMMagnitudeMagnifyMajorityMinorityMakeupMalleable MalleabilityMammalMammothManeuverManualmanipulate ManipulativeMantlemarginFringeMarineMaritimeMassiveMassMechanical MechanismMedia MediumMercantile Merchandise MerchantMetabolic MetabolismMeteorite Meteorologist AstrologyMetropolitanMicroorganismMicroscope MicroscopicMigrate Migration Emigrate Emigrant ImmigrantmimeMimeticMiniature Minimize Minuscule MinuteModerate ModerationModeModifyMolecular MoleculeMeltMoltenMonopolize MonochromaticMotifMotivation MotiveMultipleMultiply Multifaceted Multistory Multistory MultitudeMundaneDaneMunicipalMyriadMythMythology MysteriousMud mortarMost distinctiveNNarratorNarrateNeuronNeutronNeuterNucleiNucleusNickelDimeQuarterNoteScoreNot … so much as … Not as yetNerve cordNative toOObscureObscureCureOccurrenceOccurOffshoreOffspringOnsetSet onOpaqueAquaticOpticalOptimalOptimumOrganically OrganismOrganOrganicOriginality OriginateOriginOriental OrientationOrnamental Ornamentation AdornAdornmentDecorateDecorative AestheticOutputOverlap OverlappingOverwhelm OverwhelminglyOutbreak Outlet Overload Oversee OvertaxedOf scaleObject toPPackPackedPanePanelPantsParaphrase ParasitePasturePatentPatron Patronage PatrolPeculiarity peculiarPenetratingPerceive PerceptionPerishable PerishPerspective PigmentPitPlankChunkPlasterPlate Platitude PlatitudinousPoisonousPollen Pollination Pollinator Pollutant PollutePossess PossessionPotential PotencyPrecedePrecipitate PrecipitationPrecursorPredatoryPredominate Dominate PredominantlyPrehistoricPreservation PreservativePrestige Prevail PrevailingPrimal Primarily PrimatePrimeHeyday PrimitivePriority PrivilegeProceed Process ProclaimProdigious ProdigyProduceProliferation ProlificProminence ProminentPronouncedProperty ProprietorshipProponentProportionProsper Prosperity ProsperousPublicizePuebloPunch PuncturePry openProd sb. intoPreside overPostal servicePopular tuneQQuestQuarryQuarrelQuiescent QuietRRadiation Radical RadiusRaftRanchingRangeRang from… to… RealmReceptacle ReceptorRecipient RecipeReconstruct ReconstructionRectangular RectangleRefine RefinementRefreshing RefreshmentRegime RegimentationRegulate RegulatoryRejectRelease Replace Replenish RepresentationProduce ProductiveResembleRespective RespectivelyRestorationRestrict RestrictionRetailRetailerRetainRetreatRevealReverseReviseRevivalRevive RevitalizationRidgeRangeRitualRoostRoosterRudimentaryRuralSSanction Sanctuary SanctimoniousSatireSatiricScarceScaredSceneryScenicScentScratchSculptor Sculptural SculptureSeabedSectSectional SectorSediment SilicateSkullSliceSlopeSolderSoldierSolidarity SolidifySolidSoluble SolutionSophisticated SophisticationSpan overSparseSpecies Specification Specialized SpecimenSpectacular Spectacularly SpectatorSphere SphericalSpinalSpinal cord Spiral Spontaneous Spontaneously SproutSpurStabilize Stagecoach StapleStarvation StarveStatusSteepStrand StretchStriking StrikinglyString StringentStripStriveSubject to SubjectedSubmergeSubside Subsidize SubsidySubsist SubsistenceSubstantial SubstantiveSubstituteSubtleSuccessiveSufficientSummitSupreme SupremelySustain SustainedSwampSwarmSweepingSymbiotic symmetricalStock car racing Stand in the way of Speculate about Social distinction Slow breedingShort rangeSet aside forSea cucumberSelf sufficientTTavernTectonics Temporarily TenementTerminologyTermTerraceTerrainTerrestrialTextileTextureThreadTimberTimbreTolerance TolerateTopographical TopographyToxicToxinTraceTrackTrail TranscendTransfer Transform TransformationTranslucent transparentTransmit TransmitterTremendous TrembleTrendTread on TriggerTubeTurnpikeToll gateTwineTwistTorrential rainTo and froTime consuming Three dimensionalTestify toattestTake into accountUUndergoUndertakeUnravelUnprecedented Unpredictable UnpromisingUnsubstantiatedUpgradeUpdateUrbanSuburbUrbanismUrbanite Urbanize UrbanizationUtilityUtilitarian Utilization UtilizeFamily utilitiesVVaultVariableVarianceVegetationVerseVersionVertebrate mammalVesselViralVirusVolcanic VolcanoVulnerable volunteerWWardWard offWarehouse WareWaryWary of WatercourseWeather WeatheringWell being Well organizedWholesale WholesomeWillowpillowWrapWrap upYYield Yield toYawn YarnZ zealous jealous。



人大经济论坛特供---考研考博与留学专版-----词频释义表俞敏洪1A……第二页1B……第二页2A……第四页2B……第六页3A……第八页3B……第十页4A……第十二页4B……第十三页5A……第十五页5B……第十七页Aa pivotal figure (关键)人物pivot 轴心premium n.保险金 a.高级的,高价的a premium student 优秀学生a range of 一系列的东西(有顺序)a range from sth. to sth. 从...到...范围,排列不等abandon 抛弃,放纵 abandonment n. abbreviate v. 缩短,缩写 abbreviation n. abrasion n.磨损abstract (ab-去掉,stract 拉)a.抽象的 n.概要absurd a.荒谬的abundance (und-波浪) n.丰富,多'麦浪翻滚'undulate/fluctuate 波动accelerate (celer-速度)v.加速,不断增长celerity速度decelerate v.减速have access to 能够接触,靠近you have access to the libraryaccessible a.可靠近的acclaim v.欢呼,欢迎 acclaimed a.受人欢迎的accommodate v.给人提供食宿;与...相符,适应 (commod- 方便) commodity 商品accommodating a.乐于助人的accompany v.陪伴,伴奏 accompanist 伴奏者accompaniment n.陪伴物,伴奏accord v.和谐一致 (-ion琴)accordion 手风琴accumulate(cumul-堆积)v.聚堆积 cumulus 积云accustom v.使习惯 get accustomed to sth.customs海关tariff关税acquaintance n.熟悉,认识acronym(acr-高,-onym词)n.首字母缩略词acute a.敏锐的性急的,急性病chronic慢性病adapt v.适应环境 adaptable 能适应的adaptation 适应,改写本addictive a.(吸毒)上瘾的addict (dict-被命令做某事)v.使沉迷additive (add-加)添加剂,附加的adept a.老练的adjoining/ adjacent a.邻近的,毗邻的adjust (just-正确)v.调整,校准 adjustment n.adobe n.土坯,印第安人造房原料abode n.住所,住房adopt (opt-选择)v.收养,采纳 adoption n.adornment (orn-饰)n. 装饰 ornamentation 饰品advent n.来到 adventure n.冒险with the advent of 21 century随着21世纪的到来adverse(-verse转)a.不利的,逆反的~ wind 逆风~influence 不利影响adversity n.灾难,不幸,逆境 adversary n.对手,敌手advocate v./n.支持,拥护(者)esthetic a.感觉的 anesthetic (an-无)a.麻醉的aesthetic a.美感的,美学的affect v.影响,假装severe strom adversely affect our study affected a.装模作样的 affection n.友爱,友情affectation n.假装affiliate(fili-绳子,家族,一条线,儿子)v.变成...的儿子,和...联合,加盟进去,附加 filiale 子公司 filial 子女的,孝顺的afflict(flict-打击)v.折磨 conflict n.冲突affluent(flu-流动) a.富有的,丰富的agravating(grav-重)a.一再恶化的 gravity 重力gravitation 万有引力aggregate (greg-团体,是group的变体)v.总计aggregation n. 集合 gregarious a.群居的,社交的agitation n.激动,煽动 agitate v. 鼓动akin(-kin亲情关系) ~ to 和...相近,关系密切alchemy(chem-化学)n. 炼金术 chemistry 化学alder 赤杨树 older 老人坐在赤杨树下sloth 树懒algae n.海藻 algal a.alien n.外国人 alienate v.疏远all but + a. almost几乎+n. all except 除...之外所有的all inclusive 无所不包的allocate(loc-地方)v.分配(财富)alloy n.合金ally n.联盟,盟军alternate v.交替 alternative a.二中选一的altitude (-alt高)n. 高度 exalt 晋升,赞扬latitude 纬度,自由空间 longitude 经度aluminum 铝ambiance(ambi-两边) n.周围,氛围amenable a.负责任的,应服从的amiable a.和蔼可亲的amplify(ampl-大)v.放大 amplifier 扩音器ancestor(an-在前面ces-走)祖先annihilate(nihil-变成零)v.消灭,歼灭nihility虚无annual a.一年一度的anomaly (norm-规范)n.异常的人或物anonymous(an-无onym-名字)a.匿名的antibiotics(anti-抗bio-生理)a.抗生素的antiquate v.使古旧,废弃antique古董,过时的antiquated a.陈旧的 antiquity 古代apart from 除...之外besides;aside fromappeal v.上诉,呼吁,吸引力(to)appealing有吸引力的apprentice n.学徒,一再锻炼的人(practise)approach v. 接近(to sb.),方法aptly a.恰当的,得体的aquatic a.水的,水生的 aquarium 水族馆arch n.弧形,拱形门,主要的archaeology(archae-古代)n.考古学archipelago(archi-主要的)n.群岛以o结尾的词大量是意大利语,如:女高音-女中音-女低音 soprano-mezzo-alto architect n.建筑师arduous(ard-热情-ous过多)a.费劲的,劳累的 ardent n.热情arena n.斗牛场,竞技场arid a.干旱的armature n.盔甲armoraromatic a. 芬芳的 aroma n.芳香array(ray光线)v. 排列arthritis(arth-关节-itis炎症)关节炎arthrosis n.关节 hepatitis n.肝炎artificial a.人造的artisan(-san人)n.工匠,艺人 partisan游击队党徒as a rule 通常,总的来说as a whole/generallyas a rough thumb(拇指)大概来说as far as 就...来说;远到China's border is as far north as Mohe.中国边界北部远达漠河。



快 同速 根做 词…:N…/A+e→跑出去→远足)
9026 9027 9028
exoskeleton exp
9031 expressionless
9007 9008 9009 9010
9011 9012 9013
eradication escalation escalator escapist
escutcheon esoteric esteem
adj.地球外的,地球大气圈外 terr
1 [ˌekstrətəˈrestriəl] 的
2.=frighten,可怕,恐惧; 5:terrorist恐怖分子(terror恐怖+ist人→n.恐怖分
1:invade入侵,侵略,侵袭,侵扰(in进入+vade走→走 进去→入侵) 2:evade逃出,逃避(e出+vade走→走出去→逃避) 3:pervade弥漫,普及(per全部+vade走→走遍,遍 及)
1:vain徒然的,无益的,虚荣的,空虚的(vain=van空 →adj.徒然的,无益的,虚荣的,空虚的) 2:advanced高级的,年老的,先进的(advance[n.&v. 前进,提升]+ed表形容词→adj.高级的,年老的,先进 的) 3:evanescent渐消失的,易消散的,会凋零的(e出 +van空+escent开始……的→开始空出去的→渐消 失的) 4:vanity虚荣心,浮华(van空+ity表名词→心里空空 →虚荣心) 5:evanescence逐渐消失,容易消失,幻灭,瞬息(e出 +van空+escency开始→开始空出去→渐消失) 6:advance前进,提升(ad向+van前卫,先锋+ce→ n.&v.前进,提升) 7:vanish突然不见;消失(van空+ish表动词→空空 →消失) 同根词:N/A 同根词:N/A



世界上最权威的英语单词词频列表4091个最长用的1 6187267 the det2 4239632 be v3 3093444 of prep4 2687863 and conj5 2186369 a det6 1924315 in prep7 1620850 to infinitive-marker8 1375636 have v9 1090186 it pron10 1039323 to prep11 887877 for prep12 884599 i pron13 760399 that conj14 695498 you pron15 681255 he pron16 680739 on prep17 675027 with prep18 559596 do v19 534162 at prep20 517171 by prep21 465486 not adv22 461945 this det23 459622 but conj24 434532 from prep25 433441 they pron26 426896 his det27 384313 that det28 380257 she pron29 373808 or conj30 372031 which det31 364164 as conj32 358039 we pron33 343063 an det34 333518 say v35 297281 will modal36 272345 would modal37 266116 can modal38 261089 if conj39 260919 their det40 249540 go v41 249466 what det42 239460 there pron43 230737 all det44 220940 get v45 218258 her det46 217268 make v47 205432 who pron48 201968 as prep49 201819 out adv50 195426 up adv51 191661 see v52 185534 know v53 183427 time n54 179220 take v55 173414 them pron56 171174 some det57 168387 could modal58 167324 so adv59 165014 him pron60 163930 year n61 163469 into prep62 163081 its det63 160652 then adv64 153881 think v65 152619 my det66 151871 come v67 147618 than conj68 146029 more adv69 144554 about prep70 143801 now adv71 140063 last a72 138334 your det73 138151 me pron74 137026 no det75 135185 other a76 131417 give v77 128517 just adv78 128393 should modal79 125442 these det80 125430 people n81 124884 also adv82 124451 well adv83 123655 any det84 122128 only adv85 115523 new a86 114911 very adv87 113655 when conj88 113024 may modal89 112636 way n90 111058 look v91 110090 like prep92 108820 use v93 108710 her pron94 108524 such det95 103508 how adv96 103003 because conj97 102621 when adv98 101583 as adv99 100652 good a100 98899 find v101 97985 man n102 95001 our det103 94293 want v104 92699 day n105 91141 between prep 106 90473 even adv 107 89890 there adv108 89659 many det109 88862 those det110 86364 one pron111 85939 after prep112 84446 down adv113 83382 yeah interjection 114 79028 so conj 115 77612 thing n116 77245 tell v117 75588 through prep 118 75494 back adv 119 72774 still adv120 72059 must modal 121 71008 child n122 70947 here adv123 70676 over prep124 70164 too adv125 69978 put v126 69459 own det127 68362 on adv128 67999 no interjection 129 67842 work v 130 67219 become v131 67198 more det133 66894 government n 134 66556 mean v 135 65773 part n136 64447 leave v137 64423 life n138 64369 great a139 64118 where adv 140 63577 case n 141 63087 woman n142 62993 over adv143 62445 seem v144 62402 same det145 62350 us pron146 62248 work n147 62201 need v148 62185 feel v149 61912 system n150 61492 each det151 61446 might modal 152 61446 may v 153 61338 much adv154 60879 ask v155 60689 group n156 60607 number n157 60592 yes interjection 158 60498 however adv 159 60182 another det 160 59829 again adv161 59094 world n162 58449 area n163 58152 show v164 57776 course n165 57754 company n 166 57056 shall modal 167 56638 under prep 168 56483 problem n 169 56208 against prep 170 55899 never adv171 55704 all adv172 54966 most adv173 54468 service n174 54422 try v175 53396 call v177 52979 party n178 52703 high a179 52561 about adv180 52452 something pron 181 52227 school n182 51652 in adv183 51626 small a184 51537 place n185 51259 before prep 186 50877 why adv187 50548 while conj 188 50294 away adv189 50092 keep v190 49187 point n191 49022 house n192 48373 different a193 48177 country n194 48062 really adv195 47923 provide v196 47512 week n197 47234 hold v198 47185 large a199 47141 member n200 46285 off adv201 46228 always adv 202 46221 next det203 46145 follow v204 45867 without prep 205 45487 turn v206 45160 end n207 45042 within prep 208 44920 local a209 44496 where conj 210 44013 during prep 211 43894 bring v212 43792 most det213 43750 word n214 43740 begin v215 43635 although conj 216 43402 example n 217 43139 next adv218 42773 family n219 42341 rather adv221 41909 like v222 41617 social a223 41497 write v224 41351 state n225 41205 percent n226 41169 quite adv227 41162 both det228 41029 start v229 40858 run v230 40492 long a231 40460 right adv232 40381 set v233 40265 help v234 40114 every det235 39850 home n236 39819 month n237 39626 side n238 39315 night n239 39265 important a 240 39192 eye n241 39000 head n242 38656 information n 243 38608 question n 244 38204 business n 245 38053 play v246 37963 power n247 37892 money n248 37884 change n249 37836 move v250 37744 interest n251 37736 order n252 37675 book n253 37640 often adv254 37386 development n 255 37278 young a256 37231 national a 257 36665 pay v258 36575 hear v259 36360 room n260 36169 whether conj 261 35767 water n262 35758 form n263 35295 car n265 35058 yet adv266 35039 perhaps adv 267 34970 meet v268 34885 level n269 34807 until conj 270 34801 though conj 271 34775policy n 272 34753 include v 273 34603 believe v 274 34496 council n 275 34292 already adv 276 34178 possible a 277 34064 nothing pron 278 33888 line n279 33687 allow v280 33660 need n281 33423 effect n282 33300 big a283 32998 use n284 32923 lead v285 32899 stand v286 32798 idea n287 32786 study n288 32733 lot n289 32675 live v290 32484 job n291 32404 since conj 292 32309 name n293 32259 result n294 32231 body n295 32075 happen v 296 31927 friend n 297 31873 right n 298 31713 least adv 299 31630 right a300 31588 almost adv 301 31284 much det 302 31258 carry v303 31231 authority n 304 31143 long adv 305 31110 early a 306 31102 view n307 31082 himself pron309 30960 together adv 310 30930 talk v311 30857 report n312 30855 after conj 313 30775 only a314 30731 before conj 315 30675 bit n316 30624 face n317 30599 sit v318 30596 market n 319 30595 appear v320 30466 continue v 321 30454 able a322 30366 political a 323 30326 later adv 324 30218 hour n 325 30179 rate n326 30169 law n327 30166 door n328 29976 court n329 29943 office n330 29768 let v331 29722 war n332 29490 produce v 333 29194 reason n334 29147 less adv335 29141 minister n 336 29091 subject n 337 28981 person n338 28896 term n339 28887 particular a 340 28836 full a341 28772 involve v 342 28760 sort n343 28711 require v 344 28665 suggest v 345 28626 far a346 28600 towards prep 347 28321 anything pron 348 28300 period n349 28271 consider v 350 28216 read v351 28210 change v353 28035 process n 354 27784 mother n 355 27697 offer v 356 27673 late a357 27665 voice n358 27644 both adv 359 27632 once adv 360 27508 police n 361 27485 kind n362 27484 lose v363 27367 add v364 27303 probably adv 365 27221 expect v 366 27195 ever adv 367 27184 available a 368 27178 no adv369 27166 price n370 26953 little a371 26894 action n372 26889 issue n373 26856 far adv374 26748 remember v 375 26625 position n 376 26616 low a377 26556 cost n378 26553 little det 379 26304 matter n 380 26289 community n 381 26244 remain v 382 26191 figure n 383 26034 type n384 26018 research n 385 25990 actually adv 386 25987 education n 387 25966 fall v388 25788 speak v389 25781 few n390 25775 today adv 391 25635 enough adv 392 25614 open v393 25608 bad a394 25582 buy v395 25444 programme n397 25371 moment n398 25366 girl n399 25340 age n400 25272 centre n401 25066 stop v402 25041 control n403 25024 value n404 24816 send v405 24527 health n406 24380 decide v407 24370 main a408 24310 win v409 24252 understand v 410 24233 decision n 411 24205 develop v412 24148 class n413 24144 industry n414 24111 receive v415 24095 back n416 24002 several det417 23976 return v418 23931 build v419 23799 spend v420 23785 force n421 23742 condition n 422 23712 itself pron 423 23694 paper n424 23673 themselves pron 425 23629 off prep 426 23629 major a427 23533 describe v428 23497 agree v429 23484 economic a 430 23474 increase v 431 23409 upon prep432 23394 learn v433 23340 general a434 23259 century n435 23218 therefore adv 436 23216 father n 437 23188 section n438 23106 patient n439 23106 around adv441 23103 road n442 23092 table n443 23082 including prep 444 23008 church n445 22992 reach v446 22982 real a447 22959 lie v448 22926 mind n449 22899 likely a450 22864 among prep 451 22781 team n452 22751 experience n 453 22712 death n454 22703 soon adv455 22657 act n456 22601 sense n457 22363 staff n458 22297 certain a459 22237 student n460 22232 half det461 22180 around prep 462 22117 language n 463 22101 walk v464 22087 die v465 22040 special a466 22033 difficult a467 22010 international a 468 22002 particularly adv 469 21939 department n 470 21884 management n 471 21845 morning n472 21778 draw v473 21763 hope v474 21763 across prep 475 21727 plan n476 21712 product n477 21596 city n478 21585 early adv479 21575 committee n 480 21504 ground n481 21488 letter n482 21470 create v483 21454 evidence n485 21260 clear a486 21205 boy n487 21181 game n488 21044 food n489 21016 role n490 20950 practice n 491 20946 bank n492 20919 else adv493 20904 support n494 20902 sell v495 20839 event n496 20770 building n 497 20726 range n498 20694 behind prep 499 20678 sure a500 20660 report v501 20633 pass v502 20609 black a503 20586 stage n504 20544 meeting n 505 20517 sometimes adv 506 20488 thus adv507 20373 accept v508 20170 town n509 20168 art n510 20138 further adv 511 20113 club n512 20091 cause v513 20089 arm n514 20064 history n515 20060 parent n516 20001 land n517 19928 trade n518 19869 watch v519 19865 white a520 19856 situation n 521 19833 whose det 522 19808 ago adv523 19744 teacher n524 19639 record n525 19636 manager n 526 19628 relation n527 19565 common a529 19542 whole a530 19542 field n531 19539 free a532 19512 break v533 19459 yesterday adv 534 19344 support v535 19340 window n536 19260 account n537 19218 explain v538 19207 stay v539 19160 few det540 19152 wait v541 19151 usually adv 542 19138 difference n 543 19057 material n544 19046 air n545 19039 wife n546 19015 cover v547 18982 apply v548 18916 project n549 18913 raise v550 18900 sale n551 18866 relationship n 552 18858 indeed adv 553 18853 light n554 18828 claim v555 18757 form v556 18742 base v557 18717 care n558 18681 someone pron 559 18675 everything pron 560 18647 certainly adv 561 18579 rule n562 18540 home adv563 18511 cut v564 18433 grow v565 18432 similar a566 18418 story n567 18415 quality n568 18313 tax n569 18247 worker n570 18223 nature n571 18201 structure n573 18107 necessary a 574 18058 pound n575 18044 method n576 17958 unit n577 17947 central a578 17947 bed n579 17902 union n580 17880 movement n 581 17878 board n582 17836 true a583 17809 well interjection 584 17756 simply adv 585 17732 contain v586 17694 especially adv 587 17662 open a588 17635 short a589 17622 personal a590 17584 detail n591 17553 model n592 17461 bear v593 17415 single a594 17331 join v595 17226 reduce v596 17224 establish v597 17197 herself pron 598 17194 wall n 599 17193 face v600 17065 easy a601 17022 private a602 16976 computer n 603 16973 former det 604 16898 hospital n605 16860 chapter n606 16804 scheme n607 16776 theory n608 16731 choose v609 16647 wish v610 16646 property n611 16628 achieve v612 16622 financial a613 16579 poor a614 16555 officer n615 16509 up prep617 16487 director n 618 16477 drive v619 16402 deal v620 16392 place v621 16331 approach n 622 16288 chance n623 16281 application n 624 16270 seek v625 16247 cos conj626 16234 foreign a627 16233 along prep 628 16176 top n629 16138 amount n630 16077 son n631 16040 operation n 632 16038 fail v633 16008 human a634 16002 opportunity n 635 15911 simple a636 15903 leader n637 15872 look n638 15840 share n639 15837 production n 640 15812 recent a641 15767 firm n642 15748 picture n643 15747 source n644 15742 security n 645 15722 serve v646 15722 according prep 647 15688 end v648 15672 contract n 649 15644 wide a650 15635 occur v651 15627 agreement n 652 15626 better adv 653 15620 kill v654 15620 act v655 15602 site n656 15599 either adv 657 15552 labour n658 15538 plan v659 15502 various a660 15496 since prep 661 15491 test n662 15446 eat v663 15442 loss n664 15439 close v665 15416 represent v 666 15398 love v667 15370 colour n 668 15349 clearly adv 669 15292 shop n 670 15251 benefit n 671 15250 animal n 672 15242 heart n 673 15227 election n 674 15159 purpose n 675 15156 standard n 676 15140 due a677 15106 secretary n 678 15106 rise v679 15044 date n680 15034 hard a681 15024 music n 682 15020 hair n683 14961 prepare v 684 14960 factor n 685 14959 other pron 686 14956 anyone pron 687 14934 pattern n 688 14894 manage v 689 14873 piece n690 14861 discuss v 691 14812 prove v 692 14758 front n693 14739 evening n 694 14711 royal a695 14692 tree n696 14664 population n 697 14650 fine a698 14638 plant n699 14635 pressure n 700 14627 response n 701 14627 catch v702 14622 street n 703 14622 pick v704 14620 performance n 705 14609 knowledge n 706 14592 despite prep 707 14565 design n708 14546 page n709 14527 enjoy v710 14487 individual n 711 14482 suppose v 712 14440 rest n713 14437 instead adv 714 14434 wear v715 14420 basis n716 14416 size n717 14403 environment n 718 14402 per prep719 14379 fire n720 14348 series n721 14330 success n 722 14304 natural a723 14274 wrong a724 14248 near prep 725 14244 round adv 726 14214 thought n 727 14212 list n728 14196 argue v729 14178 final a730 14174 future n731 14155 introduce v 732 14149 analysis n 733 14141 enter v734 14119 space n735 14093 arrive v736 14032 ensure v737 14025 demand n 738 13990 statement n 739 13989 to adv740 13968 attention n 741 13921 love n742 13877 principle n 743 13852 pull v744 13691 set n745 13684 doctor n746 13682 choice n747 13673 refer v748 13669 feature n749 13668 couple n750 13625 step n751 13592 following a 752 13531 thank v753 13518 machine n 754 13509 income n 755 13503 training n 756 13475 present v 757 13471 association n 758 13466 film n759 13452 region n760 13386 effort n761 13337 player n762 13337 everyone pron 763 13308 present a764 13274 award n765 13249 village n766 13240 control v767 13237 organisation n 768 13236 whatever det 769 13223 news n770 13183 nice a771 13177 difficulty n 772 13156 modern a 773 13153 cell n 774 13106 close a775 13105 current a776 13103 legal a777 13083 energy n778 13014 finally adv 779 12996 degree n780 12952 mile n781 12942 means n782 12938 growth n783 12926 whom pron 784 12903 treatment n 785 12902 sound n786 12889 above prep 787 12883 task n788 12876 provision n 789 12867 affect v790 12862 please adv 791 12857 red a793 12853 behaviour n 794 12852 concerned a 795 12844 point v796 12819 function n 797 12801 identify v 798 12790 resource n 799 12760 defence n 800 12746 garden n 801 12745 floor n802 12713 technology n 803 12697 style n804 12671 feeling n 805 12644 science n 806 12634 relate v 807 12628 doubt n808 12623 horse n809 12606 force v810 12596 answer n 811 12591 compare v 812 12584 suffer v813 12583 individual a 814 12582 forward adv 815 12582 announce v 816 12549 user n817 12523 fund n818 12511 character n 819 12466 risk n820 12451 normal a 821 12444 myself pron 822 12442 nor conj 823 12406 dog n824 12382 obtain v 825 12381 quickly adv 826 12379 army n 827 12369 indicate v 828 12353 forget v 829 12328 station n 830 12296 glass n831 12294 cup n832 12286 previous a 833 12263 husband n 834 12249 recently adv 835 12242 publish v。



世界上最权威的+英语单词词频+列表世界上最权威的英语单词词频列表100.1M tokens, 939,028 typesconj (conjunction) 34 itemsadv (adverb) 427v (verb) 1281det (determiner) 47pron (pronoun) 46interjection 13a (adjective) 1124n (noun) 3262prep (preposition) 71modal 12infinitive-marker 1sort-order, frequency, word, word-class1 ***-***** the det2 ***-***** be v3 ***-***** of prep4 ***-***** and conj5 ***-***** a det7 ***-***** to infinitive-marker8 ***-***** have v9 ***-***** it pron10 ***-***** to prep11 ***** for prep12 ***** i pron13 ***** that conj14 ***** you pron15 ***** he pron16 ***** on prep17 ***** with prep18 ***** do v19 ***** at prep20 ***** by prep21 ***** not adv22 ***** this det23 ***** but conj24 ***** from prep25 ***** they pron26 ***** his det28 ***** she pron29 ***** or conj30 ***** which det31 ***** as conj32 ***** we pron33 ***** an det34 ***** say v35 ***** will modal36 ***** would modal37 ***** can modal38 ***** if conj39 ***** their det40 ***** go v41 ***** what det42 ***** there pron43 ***** all det44 ***** get v45 ***** her det46 ***** make v47 ***** who pron48 20XX年68 as prep49 20XX年19 out adv50 ***** up adv51 ***** see v52 ***** know v53 ***** time n54 ***** take v55 ***** them pron56 ***** some det57 ***** could modal58 ***** so adv59 ***** him pron60 ***** year n61 ***** into prep62 ***** its det63 ***** then adv64 ***** think v65 ***** my det66 ***** come v67 ***** than conj68 ***** more adv69 ***** about prep70 ***** now adv71 ***** last a72 ***** your det73 ***** me pron74 ***** no det75 ***** other a76 ***** give v77 ***** just adv78 ***** should modal79 ***** these det80 ***** people n81 ***** also adv82 ***** well adv83 ***** any det84 ***** only adv85 ***** new a86 ***** very adv87 ***** when conj88 ***** may modal89 ***** way n90 ***** look v91 ***** like prep92 ***** use v93 ***** her pron94 ***** such det95 ***** how adv96 ***** because conj97 ***** when adv98 ***** as adv99 ***** good a100 ***** find v101 ***** man n102 ***** our det103 ***** want v104 ***** day n105 ***** between prep 106 ***** even adv107 ***** there adv 108 ***** many det 109 ***** those det 110 ***** one pron111 ***** after prep112 ***** down adv113 ***** yeah interjection114 ***** so conj115 ***** thing n116 ***** tell v117 ***** through prep118 ***** back adv119 ***** still adv120 ***** must modal121 ***** child n122 70947 here adv123 ***** over prep124 ***** too adv125 ***** put v126 ***** own det127 ***** on adv128 ***** no interjection129 6784世界上最权威的英语单词词频列表2 work v130 ***** become v 131 ***** more det132 ***** old a133 ***** government n 134 ***** mean v135 ***** part n136 ***** leave v137 ***** life n138 ***** great a139 ***** where adv 140 ***** case n141 ***** woman n142 ***** over adv143 ***** seem v144 ***** same det145 ***** us pron146 ***** work n147 ***** need v148 ***** feel v149 ***** system n151 ***** might modal 152 ***** may v153 ***** much adv154 ***** ask v155 ***** group n156 ***** number n157 ***** yes interjection 158 ***** however adv 159 ***** another det 160 ***** again adv161 ***** world n162 ***** area n163 ***** show v164 ***** course n165 ***** company n 166 ***** shall modal 167 ***** under prep 168 ***** problem n 169 ***** against prep 170 ***** never adv172 ***** most adv173 ***** service n174 ***** try v175 ***** call v176 ***** hand n177 ***** party n178 ***** high a179 ***** about adv180 ***** something pron 181 ***** school n182 ***** in adv183 ***** small a184 ***** place n185 ***** before prep 186 ***** why adv187 ***** while conj188 ***** away adv189 ***** keep v190 ***** point n191 ***** house n192 ***** different a 193 ***** country n 194 ***** really adv 195 ***** provide v 196 ***** week n197 ***** hold v198 ***** large a199 ***** member n 200 ***** off adv201 ***** always adv 202 ***** next det 203 ***** follow v204 ***** without prep 205 ***** turn v206 ***** end n207 ***** within prep 208 ***** local a209 ***** where conj 210 ***** during prep 211 ***** bring v212 ***** most det214 ***** begin v215 ***** although conj 216 ***** example n 217 ***** next adv218 ***** family n219 ***** rather adv 220 ***** fact n221 ***** like v222 ***** social a223 ***** write v224 ***** state n225 ***** percent n 226 ***** quite adv 227 ***** both det228 ***** start v229 ***** run v230 ***** long a231 ***** right adv232 ***** set v233 ***** help v235 ***** home n236 ***** month n237 ***** side n238 ***** night n239 ***** important a 240 ***** eye n241 ***** head n242 ***** information n 243 ***** question n 244 ***** business n 245 ***** play v246 ***** power n247 ***** money n248 ***** change n249 ***** move v250 ***** interest n251 ***** order n252 ***** book n253 ***** often adv254 ***** development n256 ***** national a 257 ***** pay v258 ***** hear v259 ***** room n260 ***** whether conj 261 ***** water n262 ***** form n263 ***** car n264 ***** other n265 ***** yet adv266 ***** perhaps adv 267 ***** meet v268 ***** level n269 ***** until conj 270 ***** though conj 271 ***** policy n272 ***** includev273 ***** believe v 274 ***** council n275 ***** already adv276 ***** possible a277 ***** nothing pron278 ***** line n279 ***** al世界上最权威的英语单词词频列表low v280 ***** need n281 ***** effect n282 ***** big a283 ***** use n284 ***** lead v285 ***** stand v286 ***** idea n287 ***** study n288 ***** lot n289 ***** live v290 ***** job n291 ***** since conj292 ***** name n293 ***** result n294 ***** body n295 ***** happen v 296 ***** friend n297 ***** right n298 ***** least adv 299 ***** right a300 ***** almost adv 301 ***** much det 302 ***** carry v303 ***** authority n 304 ***** long adv 305 ***** early a306 ***** view n307 ***** himself pron 308 ***** public a309 ***** together adv 310 ***** talk v311 ***** report n 312 ***** after conj 313 ***** only a314 ***** before conj315 ***** bit n316 ***** face n 317 ***** sit v318 ***** market n 319 ***** appear v 320 ***** continue v 321 ***** able a 322 ***** political a 323 ***** later adv 324 ***** hour n 325 ***** rate n 326 ***** law n327 ***** door n 328 ***** court n 329 ***** office n 330 ***** let v331 ***** war n332 ***** produce v 333 ***** reason n 334 ***** less adv 335 ***** minister n337 ***** person n338 ***** term n339 ***** particular a 340 ***** full a341 ***** involve v342 ***** sort n343 ***** require v344 ***** suggest v 345 ***** far a346 ***** towards prep 347 ***** anything pron 348 ***** period n349 ***** consider v 350 ***** read v351 ***** change v352 ***** society n353 ***** process n 354 ***** mother n355 ***** offer v356 ***** late a358 ***** both adv 359 ***** once adv 360 ***** police n361 ***** kind n362 ***** lose v363 ***** add v364 ***** probably adv 365 ***** expect v366 ***** ever adv 367 ***** available a 368 ***** no adv369 ***** price n370 ***** little a371 ***** action n372 ***** issue n373 ***** far adv374 ***** remember v 375 ***** position n 376 ***** low a377 ***** cost n379 ***** matter n380 ***** community n 381 ***** remain v382 ***** figure n383 ***** type n384 ***** research n 385 ***** actually adv 386 ***** education n 387 ***** fall v388 ***** speak v389 ***** few n390 ***** today adv 391 ***** enough adv 392 ***** open v393 ***** bad a394 ***** buy v395 ***** programme n 396 ***** minute n397 ***** moment n 398 ***** girl n400 ***** centre n401 ***** stop v402 ***** control n 403 ***** value n404 ***** send v405 ***** health n406 ***** decide v 407 ***** main a408 ***** win v409 ***** understand v 410 ***** decision n 411 ***** develop v 412 ***** class n413 ***** industry n 414 ***** receive v 415 ***** back n416 ***** several det 417 ***** return v418 ***** build v419 ***** spend v421 ***** condition n422 ***** itself pron423 ***** paper n424 ***** themselves pron425 ***** off prep426 ***** major a427 ***** describe v428 ***** agree v429 ***** economic a430 ***** incr世界上最权威的英语单词词频列表ease v431 ***** upon prep432 ***** learn v433 ***** general a434 ***** century n435 ***** therefore adv436 ***** father n437 ***** section n438 ***** patient n439 ***** around adv 440 ***** activity n441 ***** road n442 ***** table n443 ***** including prep 444 ***** church n445 ***** reach v446 ***** real a447 ***** lie v448 ***** mind n449 ***** likely a450 ***** among prep 451 ***** team n452 ***** experience n 453 ***** death n454 ***** soon adv455 ***** act n456 ***** sense n457 ***** staff n458 ***** certain a459 ***** student n461 ***** around prep462 ***** language n463 ***** walk v464 ***** die v465 ***** special a466 ***** difficult a467 220XX年international a 468 220XX年particularly adv 469 ***** department n470 ***** management n471 ***** morning n472 ***** draw v473 ***** hope v474 ***** across prep475 ***** plan n476 ***** product n477 ***** city n478 ***** early adv479 ***** committee n480 ***** ground n482 ***** create v 483 ***** evidence n 484 ***** foot n485 ***** clear a486 ***** boy n487 ***** game n 488 ***** food n489 ***** role n490 ***** practice n 491 ***** bank n492 ***** else adv 493 ***** support n 494 ***** sell v495 ***** event n496 ***** building n 497 ***** range n 498 ***** behind prep 499 ***** sure a500 ***** report v 501 ***** pass v503 ***** stage n504 ***** meeting n505 ***** sometimes adv 506 ***** thus adv507 ***** accept v508 20XX年0 town n 509 20XX年8 art n510 20XX年8 further adv 511 20XX年3 club n512 20XX年1 cause v 513 20XX年9 arm n514 20XX年4 history n 515 20XX年0 parent n 516 20XX年1 land n517 ***** trade n518 ***** watch v519 ***** white a520 ***** situation n521 ***** whose det522 ***** ago adv523 ***** teacher n 524 ***** record n525 ***** manager n 526 ***** relation n 527 ***** common a 528 ***** strong a529 ***** whole a530 ***** field n531 ***** free a532 ***** break v533 ***** yesterday adv 534 ***** support v 535 ***** window n 536 ***** account n 537 ***** explain v538 ***** stay v539 ***** few det540 ***** wait v541 ***** usually adv 542 ***** difference n 543 ***** material n544 ***** air n545 ***** wife n546 ***** cover v547 ***** apply v548 ***** project n549 ***** raise v550 ***** sale n551 ***** relationship n 552 ***** indeed adv553 ***** light n554 ***** claim v555 ***** form v556 ***** base v557 ***** care n558 ***** someone pron 559 ***** everything pron 560 ***** certainly adv 561 ***** rule n562 ***** home adv563 ***** cut v564 ***** grow v565 ***** similar a566 ***** story n567 ***** quality n568 ***** tax n569 ***** worker n570 ***** nature n571 ***** structuren572 ***** data n573 ***** necessary a574 ***** pound n575 ***** method n576 ***** unit n577 ***** central a578 ***** bed n579 1世界上最权威的英语单词词频列表7902 union n580 ***** movement n581 ***** board n582 ***** true a583 ***** well interjection 584 ***** simply adv585 ***** contain v586 ***** especially adv 587 ***** open a588 ***** short a589 ***** personal a590 ***** detail n591 ***** model n592 ***** bear v593 ***** single a594 ***** join v595 ***** reduce v596 ***** establish v597 ***** herself pron 598 ***** wall n599 ***** face v600 ***** easy a601 ***** private a602 ***** computer n 603 ***** former det605 ***** chapter n 606 ***** scheme n 607 ***** theory n 608 ***** choose v 609 ***** wish v610 ***** property n 611 ***** achieve v 612 ***** financial a 613 ***** poor a614 ***** officer n 615 ***** up prep616 ***** charge n 617 ***** director n 618 ***** drive v619 ***** deal v620 ***** place v621 ***** approach n 622 ***** chance n 623 ***** application n 624 ***** seek v626 ***** foreign a627 ***** along prep 628 ***** top n629 ***** amount n 630 ***** son n631 ***** operation n 632 ***** fail v633 ***** human a634 ***** opportunity n 635 ***** simple a636 ***** leader n637 ***** look n638 ***** share n639 ***** production n 640 ***** recent a641 ***** firm n642 ***** picture n643 ***** source n644 ***** security n 645 ***** serve v646 ***** according prep 647 ***** end v648 ***** contract n649 ***** wide a650 ***** occur v651 ***** agreement n 652 ***** better adv653 ***** kill v654 ***** act v655 ***** site n656 ***** either adv657 ***** labour n658 ***** plan v659 ***** various a660 ***** since prep661 ***** test n662 ***** eat v663 ***** loss n664 ***** close v665 ***** represent v 666 ***** love v668 ***** clearly adv 669 ***** shop n670 ***** benefit n 671 ***** animal n 672 ***** heart n673 ***** election n 674 ***** purpose n 675 ***** standard n 676 ***** due a677 ***** secretary n 678 ***** rise v679 ***** date n680 ***** hard a681 ***** music n682 ***** hair n683 ***** prepare v 684 ***** factor n685 ***** other pron 686 ***** anyone pron 687 ***** pattern n689 ***** piece n690 ***** discuss v691 ***** prove v692 ***** front n693 ***** evening n694 ***** royal a695 ***** tree n696 ***** population n 697 ***** fine a698 ***** plant n699 ***** pressure n 700 ***** response n 701 ***** catch v702 ***** street n703 ***** pick v704 ***** performance n 705 ***** knowledge n 706 ***** despite prep 707 ***** design n709 ***** enjoy v710 ***** individual n711 ***** suppose v712 ***** rest n713 ***** instead adv714 ***** wear v715 ***** basis n716 ***** size n717 ***** environment n718 ***** per prep719 ***** fire n720***** series n721 ***** success n722 ***** natural a723 ***** wrong a724 ***** near prep725 ***** round adv726 ***** thought n727世界上最权威的英语单词词频列表***** list n729 ***** final a730 ***** future n 731 ***** introduce v 732 ***** analysis n 733 ***** enter v734 ***** space n 735 ***** arrive v 736 ***** ensure v 737 ***** demand n 738 ***** statement n 739 ***** to adv740 ***** attention n 741 ***** love n742 ***** principle n 743 ***** pull v744 ***** set n745 ***** doctor n 746 ***** choice n 747 ***** refer v748 ***** feature n750 ***** step n751 ***** following a 752 ***** thank v753 ***** machine n 754 ***** income n755 ***** training n756 ***** present v757 ***** association n 758 ***** film n759 ***** region n760 ***** effort n761 ***** player n762 ***** everyone pron 763 ***** present a764 ***** award n765 ***** village n766 ***** control v767 ***** organisation n 768 ***** whatever det 769 ***** news n771 ***** difficulty n 772 ***** modern a 773 ***** cell n774 ***** close a775 ***** current a 776 ***** legal a777 ***** energy n 778 ***** finally adv 779 ***** degree n 780 ***** mile n781 ***** means n 782 ***** growth n 783 ***** whom pron 784 ***** treatment n 785 ***** sound n 786 ***** above prep 787 ***** task n788 ***** provision n 789 ***** affect v 790 ***** please adv792 ***** happy a793 ***** behaviour n 794 ***** concerned a 795 ***** point v796 ***** function n 797 ***** identify v 798 ***** resource n 799 ***** defence n 800 ***** garden n 801 ***** floor n802 ***** technology n 803 ***** style n804 ***** feeling n 805 ***** science n 806 ***** relate v807 ***** doubt n808 ***** horse n809 ***** force v810 ***** answer n 811 ***** compare v812 ***** suffer v 813 ***** individual a 814 ***** forward adv 815 ***** announce v 816 ***** user n817 ***** fund n818 ***** character n 819 ***** risk n820 ***** normal a 821 ***** myself pron 822 ***** nor conj 823 ***** dog n824 ***** obtain v 825 ***** quickly adv 826 ***** army n827 ***** indicate v 828 ***** forget v 829 ***** station n 830 ***** glass n831 ***** cup n832 ***** previous a833 ***** husband n834 ***** recently adv 835 ***** publish v836 ***** serious a837 ***** anyway adv 838 ***** visit v839 ***** capital n840 ***** either det841 ***** note n842 ***** season n843 ***** argument n 844 ***** listen v845 ***** show n846 ***** responsibility n 847 ***** significant a 848 ***** deal n849 ***** prime a850 120XX年economy n 851 ***** element n852 ***** finish v853 ***** duty n854 ***** fight v855 ***** train v856 ***** maintain v857 ***** attempt n858 ***** leg n859 ***** investment n 860 ***** save v861 ***** throughout prep 862 ***** design v863 ***** suddenly adv 864 ***** brother n865 ***** improve v866 ***** avoid v867 ***** wonder v868 ***** tend v869 ***** title n870 ***** hotel n871 ***** aspect n872 ***** increase n873 1160世界上最权威的英语单词词频列表6 help n874 ***** industrial a875 ***** express v876 ***** summer n877 ***** determine v878 ***** generally adv879 ***** daughter n880 ***** exist v881 ***** used modal882 ***** share v883 ***** baby n884 ***** nearly adv885 ***** smile v886 ***** sorry a887 ***** sea n888 ***** skill n889 ***** claim n890 ***** treat v891 ***** remove v892 ***** concern n893 ***** university n 894 ***** labour a 895 ***** left a896 ***** dead a897 ***** discussion n 898 ***** specific a 899 ***** customer n 900 ***** box n901 ***** outside prep 902 ***** state v903 ***** conference n 904 ***** whole n905 ***** total a906 ***** profit n907 ***** division n 908 ***** throw v909 ***** procedure n 910 ***** fill v911 ***** king n912 ***** assume v 913 ***** image n914 ***** oil n915 ***** obviously adv 916 ***** unless conj 917 ***** appropriate a 918 ***** circumstance n 919 ***** military a920 ***** proposal n 921 ***** mention v922 ***** client n923 ***** sector n924 ***** direction n 925 ***** admit v926 ***** though adv 927 ***** replace v928 ***** basic a929 ***** hard adv930 ***** instance n931 ***** sign n932 ***** original a933 ***** successful a 934 ***** okay adv936 ***** aware a937 ***** measure n 938 ***** attitude n 939 ***** yourself pron 940 ***** disease n 941 ***** exactly adv 942 ***** above adv 943 ***** commission n 944 ***** intend v945 ***** beyond prep 946 ***** seat n947 ***** president n 948 ***** encourage v 949 ***** addition n 950 ***** goal n951 ***** round prep 952 ***** miss v953 ***** popular a 954 ***** affair n955 ***** technique n957 ***** drop v958 ***** professional a 959 ***** less det960 ***** once conj 961 ***** item n962 ***** fly v963 ***** reveal v964 ***** version n965 ***** maybe adv 966 ***** ability n967 ***** operate v 968 ***** good n969 ***** campaign n 970 ***** heavy a971 ***** advice n972 ***** institution n 973 ***** top a974 ***** discover v 975 ***** surface n976 ***** library n978 ***** record v979 ***** refuse v980 ***** prevent v 981 ***** advantage n 982 ***** dark a983 ***** teach v984 ***** memory n 985 ***** culture n986 ***** blood n987 ***** cost v988 ***** majority n 989 ***** answer v990 ***** variety n991 ***** press n992 ***** depend v 993 ***** bill n994 ***** competition n 995 ***** ready a996 ***** general n 997 ***** access n998 ***** hit v999 ***** stone n1000 ***** useful a1001 ***** extent n1002 ***** employment n 1003 ***** regard v 1004 ***** apart adv 1005 ***** present n 1006 ***** appeal n 1007 ***** text n1008 ***** parliament n 1009 ***** cause n1010 9993 terms n10119969 bar n1012 9963 attack n1013 9951 effective a 1014 9930 mouth n 1015 9928 down prep 1016 9912 result v1017 9901 fish n。



英语词频表(注:此词频表根据美国英语整理V#0A)13,918 Words34349 the13363 of10465 to10375 in8359 and7782 a5457 is4291 that4197 for3871 they3641 it3176 are2828 people2457 from2368 was2302 he2092 have2071 on2037 s (Probably means uses of 's.)1974 say1956 about1947 with1939 this 1873 be 1835 more 1753 also 1740 not 1717 as 1646 at 1642 says 1633 their 1616 will 1594 by 1573 has 1494 or 1486 years 1479 than 1437 can 1390 other 1378 new 1372 many 1278 states 1274 united 1258 an 1239 were 1237 one 1220 disease1177 scientists 1162 american 1102 who1093 some1088 world988 but976 his967 called957 these944 most910 had869 first856 year832 may829 mr791 said785 two755 she753 study725 there723 been706 countries 699 found697 its693 health666 however665 all661 experts651 children 651 could622 when617 would609 time602 used600 president 597 women584 them580 officials 572 researchers 572 space571 area564 water559 use554 during547 help526 do526 after512 into509 only507 percent500 animals 498 last493 each491 cells489 group487 state484 food478 if471 national 465 we460 government 459 because 459 now452 research 450 part450 areas447 work434 small433 her433 blood429 very420 made420 body414 no414 several413 city405 america404 like403 should401 such400 cancer393 earth392 ago389 you386 report385 around384 another380 so376 how374 important373 americans371 make369 international 369 money367 day364 three362 cause361 information 358 much355 doctors350 problems 350 then350 today 349 large 349 river 347 drug346 almost 342 did341 example 330 heart 328 human 324 tell322 medical 321 over320 what320 long316 before 316 system 313 way311 show311 life309 music 307 old306 against 305 include305 aids301 through300 number299 drugs297 where297 control297 young297 live296 washington 295 center291 groups288 place288 program287 take287 organization 286 known285 patients285 between284 out284 different 283 developing 282 university 282 those281 men280 ten279 treatment 279 high279 near278 later278 began277 south276 nations 275 must275 dollars 273 increase 273 person 272 plants 271 studies 270 doctor 270 africa 269 up268 major266 any266 every264 become 263 public 258 get256 see255 same255 special254 york253 companies 252 four252 members 252 brain250 family 250 became 249 often249 land249 early249 next248 war247 kinds245 air244 believe 240 spread 240 too239 support 236 find234 among234 country 233 white232 virus230 huge229 month228 team228 famous227 still226 died224 levels223 diseases222 environmental 222 federal220 being220 company220 develop220 developed218 provide218 prevent218 bush216 evidence216 end214 kind212 caused211 five210 agency208 does206 california 205 best204 took204 produce 203 animal203 home201 building 199 past199 north198 population 198 reported 197 able197 trees196 genetic 196 which196 causes195 cities194 risk193 millions 192 house192 even192 history 192 few191 times191 museum190 problem 190 great190 poor190 since190 change189 workers 189 good188 led187 products 187 reduce186 plan186 care186 infected 185 possible 184 station 184 parts182 earlier 182 similar 181 popular 181 week180 shows179 both177 him177 discovered 176 helped176 days175 protect 175 using175 changes175 until174 thousands 174 school173 yet173 medicine 172 others172 humans172 project171 twenty170 agriculture 170 findings 170 lead170 enough170 development 170 environment 169 linked169 congress 168 less168 china167 chemicals 166 working165 visitors 165 least165 built164 golf163 months162 wrote161 showed160 vaccine160 results160 tests160 need160 ship159 black159 increased 159 ancient159 usually157 action157 diabetes 157 age156 won156 african156 own156 mars155 older155 one-hundred 155 john154 recent154 ocean154 students 154 six153 amount153 grow153 know152 just151 recently 151 named150 future150 treat150 second148 damage148 man148 technology 148 nasa148 kilometers 147 death147 stop147 improve 147 farmers 146 want146 trade145 natural 145 effects 144 carbon144 meters 144 leaders 144 power 143 genes 143 lived 142 mexico 142 lives 142 song142 living 141 court 141 largest 141 computer 141 programs 141 book141 expected 140 mother 140 chemical 140 service 139 internet 139 serious 139 name139 thirty 139 continue 139 little138 created 138 red138 discovery 137 malaria 137 babies 137 difficult 137 efforts 137 might137 mister 137 europe 136 ways136 things 136 eat136 bacteria 136 energy 135 material 135 books135 objects 135 needed 134 industry 134 west134 extremely 134 move134 skin134 mizz133 play132 crops132 farm132 without 132 under132 produced 131 sea131 together 131 given131 plant131 southern 130 normal 130 back129 changed 129 announced 129 shuttle 129 result 128 english 128 involved 128 meeting 128 florida 128 foods128 better128 common128 top127 learn127 general127 killed127 taken127 designed 127 ever126 across126 --126 give125 treated125 science125 clinton125 fifty125 jazz124 military 124 pollution 124 device124 traditional 124 park123 eight123 longer123 weather122 department122 held122 reports 122 believed 122 modern122 likely122 local121 summer121 insects 121 released 121 former121 equipment 121 census121 along120 strong120 pictures 120 television 119 test119 again119 institute 119 campaign 119 rights118 taking118 production 118 social118 places118 harmful118 born118 committee117 religious117 education117 heat117 tissue117 parents116 wanted116 scientific116 substance116 quickly116 i115 cost115 hundreds115 woman114 begin114 administration 114 suffer114 left114 sometimes113 healthy113 george113 studied113 child113 flight113 half113 open113 including 113 carry113 mountains 112 office112 peace112 inside111 worked111 our111 atmosphere 111 plans111 agreement 111 sun111 received 111 down111 kill111 shown110 conditions 110 cases110 systems 110 gene110 century109 families 109 birds109 light109 published 109 western109 here109 nation108 rules108 party108 severe108 soon108 process108 done108 receive108 middle107 songs107 established 107 lake107 cannot106 devices106 idea106 die106 activities 106 union106 memorial105 hope105 records105 seven105 told105 create105 attack104 bones104 laboratory 104 never104 keep104 british104 especially 104 placed104 well104 carried104 spacecraft 104 within104 head103 while103 approved103 started103 training103 organizations 103 texas103 association 103 homes103 already102 central102 put102 planet101 period101 rock101 polio101 visit101 travel101 unusual101 college100 britain100 economic 100 protection 100 operation 100 means99 alzheimer99 statue99 european99 foreign99 dangerous99 right99 camp98 industrial 98 loss98 conference 98 protein98 legal97 san97 political 97 always96 look96 once96 your96 includes 96 chance96 played95 gave95 vietnam95 eggs95 come95 birth95 soldiers 94 successful 94 gas94 law94 story94 centers94 method94 sports94 two-thousand 93 agreed93 amounts93 games93 lack93 instead93 goal93 go92 big92 waste92 computers92 effective92 permitted92 dioxide92 india92 stem92 bone92 thought92 lost91 corn91 wife91 rate91 permit90 prize90 measures 90 events90 makes90 pieces90 far90 oil90 growth90 official 89 crew89 leave89 mothers 89 came89 business 89 main88 force88 lower88 suffering 88 rivers88 helps88 movement 88 words87 safe87 probably 87 victims87 return87 trip87 fish87 link86 effect86 effort86 sick86 director 86 scientist 86 build85 side85 served85 radiation 85 c85 affected 84 patient84 twelve84 schools84 written84 treatments 84 remains84 making83 safety83 east83 canada83 defense 83 questions 82 father82 fight82 hole82 security 82 included 82 organized 82 activity 81 higher81 columbia 81 surface 81 try81 pressure 81 reach80 provided 80 think80 act80 million 80 ability 80 growing79 parkinson 79 provides 79 tree79 senate79 why79 services 79 language 78 seen78 sure78 salt78 baby78 forces78 milk78 studying 78 flow78 weeks78 considered 77 fire77 launch77 wild77 wood77 soil77 northern 77 close77 performed 76 wildlife 76 free76 society76 buildings 76 forty75 methods75 sold75 sent75 teams75 affects75 holiday75 france75 bodies75 businesses 75 cut75 pain74 works74 weight74 w-h-o74 asked74 baseball 74 deal74 call74 tobacco74 contains74 opened74 liquid74 island74 temperature 74 illegal74 pacific73 laws73 church73 candidate73 size73 buy73 tuberculosis 73 wants73 condition73 korean73 hours73 smoking72 two-hundred 72 u-n72 asia72 deaths72 chinese72 added72 hot72 gases72 library71 climate71 continued 71 attacks71 examined71 adults71 series71 issues71 radio71 damaged71 drink71 meat71 community 71 leading71 list70 web70 getting70 feel70 twenty-five 70 vote70 green70 third70 spanish69 sand69 mosquitoes 69 infections 69 level69 affect69 fuel69 costly69 beautiful 69 low69 medicines 69 suffered 68 -68 infection 68 playing68 honor68 suggests 68 magazine 68 outside68 grew68 los68 russian68 indians68 job68 increasing 68 survive68 saint68 removed 68 eastern 67 gore67 measure 67 sell67 passed67 structure 67 insulin 67 ground67 private 67 everyone 67 banned66 set66 dinosaurs 66 deadly66 formed66 trying66 mount66 hard66 d66 planets 66 record66 russia66 hit65 agricultural65 angeles65 save65 violence65 proposed65 ships65 appear65 jobs65 destroyed65 chicago64 true64 nature64 monkeys64 fly64 destroy64 decision64 representatives 64 cape64 ice63 lose63 eighteen63 sound63 dunes63 cross63 concerned63 smoke63 fifteen63 presidential 63 policy63 lot63 search63 forced63 orange63 forests63 republican62 police62 based62 ozone62 engineering 62 moving62 clear62 volunteers62 success62 takes62 wedding62 reduced62 spend62 massachusetts 62 journal62 leaves62 completed62 mountain62 active62 themselves 61 dams61 hold61 one-thousand 61 substances 61 rich61 japan61 h-i-v61 protected61 prices60 female60 tall60 throughout 60 calls60 begins60 cell60 event60 covered60 newspaper60 larger60 olympic60 virginia60 supply60 stories60 recorded60 agent59 slowly59 powerful59 materials 59 names59 decide59 cats59 decided59 bill59 grown59 threat59 england59 governor59 coast59 expert59 vitamin59 short59 write59 responsible 59 art58 pandas58 testing58 civil58 concern58 above58 deep58 praised58 plastic58 orbit58 french58 nerve58 arrived58 creatures 58 democratic 58 necessary 58 met58 average58 map57 send57 rain57 improved 57 real57 forms57 army57 town57 dead57 ended57 attend 57 failed 57 piano57 physical 57 becoming 56 d-c56 mainly 56 lung56 james56 leader 56 alone56 elected 56 contain 56 fewer56 sky56 complete 56 projects 56 object 56 legs56 tiger56 stars56 start56 critics56 ban56 hospital56 circus55 woods55 professional 55 identify55 governments 55 criticized 55 oldest55 stopped55 nuclear55 starlink55 fourteen55 supplies55 microsoft55 alcohol55 learned55 academy55 election55 completely 55 francisco55 appeared55 understand 55 temperatures55 present54 suggest54 uses54 william54 rates54 product54 brought54 sheep54 tells54 estrogen54 progress54 room54 organs54 ordered54 harm54 answer54 warm54 kennedy54 sickness54 labor54 cholesterol 54 agencies54 january53 went53 hormone53 citizens53 continues 53 kept53 highest53 candidates 53 atlantis53 june53 tried53 consider53 species53 explorers 53 electric53 ninety53 type53 experience 53 danger53 beginning 53 mississippi 53 threatened 52 returned52 amish52 july52 face52 reached 52 player52 cold52 cows52 rise52 launched 52 awards52 voters52 australia 52 rice52 exhibit 52 treaty52 freedom 52 position 51 indian51 toward51 universe 51 zoo51 stone51 senator 51 watch51 aspirin 51 case51 hectares51 illinois51 meet51 interest51 off51 appears51 remove51 philadelphia 51 april51 fiber51 e-p-a51 delegates51 reason51 decrease51 pass50 smaller50 organisms50 wide50 vice50 influence50 choose50 fossil50 walk50 secretary50 having50 activists 50 bad50 current50 fat50 border50 question50 costs50 economy50 final50 needs50 financial 50 dust50 stay50 skills50 order50 spent50 votes50 nine49 immediately 49 seventy49 w49 read49 structures 49 festival49 hands49 increases 49 sales49 lewis49 islands49 muscle49 thousand49 cars49 competition 49 teach49 identified 49 supports49 simple49 clothes49 color49 wall49 utah48 notes48 piece48 documents 48 israel48 copies48 permanent 48 reserve48 honored。



40 chair‎man 41 chalk‎ 42 chanc‎e 43 chang‎e 44 chapt‎er 45 charm‎ 46 chat 47 cheap‎ 48 cheap‎ly 49 check‎ 50 cheek‎ 51 cheer‎ 52 chequ‎e 53 chick‎en 54 chief‎ 55 child‎ 56 child‎ren 57 chimn‎ey 58 China‎ 59 Chine‎se 60 choco‎late 61 choic‎e 62 choos‎e 63 chose‎ 64 chose‎n 65 Chris‎tian 66 Chris‎tmas 67 churc‎h 68 cigar‎ 69 cinem‎a 70 circu‎mstan‎ce 71 citiz‎en 72 city 73 claim‎ 74 class‎ 75 class‎mate
45 desk 46 destr‎oy 47 detai‎l 48 deter‎mine 49 deter‎mined‎ 50 devel‎op 51 devel‎opmen‎t 52 devil‎ 53 devot‎e 54 diamo‎nd 55 dicti‎onary‎ 56 did 57 didn't 58 die 59 diffe‎rence‎ 60 diffe‎rent 61 diffi‎cult 62 diffi‎culty‎ 63 dinne‎r 64 direc‎t 65 direc‎tion 66 direc‎tly 67 dirty‎ 68 disap‎pear 69 disco‎ver 70 disco‎very 71 discu‎ss 72 disea‎se 73 dish 74 displ‎ay 75 dista‎nce 76 dista‎nt 77 distr‎ict 78 divid‎e 79 divis‎ion 80 do
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spoil threaten govern indirect luxury shun equality base pierce dangerous edge bother loot dilemma absurd unspoiled abundance hold predictive favorable trim make a powder of loud pay back give up vibrant cancel sadly beneficial greeting examination fortuitous
smear detail join waste endurance smell bad impassively juicy limber implicitly maneuver equivalent swarm with warrantable stubbornly nature memento widespread cumbersome bravely roll senseless cram hurry away teeter court anger twist
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
smudge spell splice squander stamina stink stoically succulent supple tacitly tactic tantamount teem with tenable tenaciously tenor token ubiquitous unwieldy valiantly wallow wanton wedge whisk off wobble woo wrath wry
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
mar menace modulate oblique opulence opulent ostracize parity pedestal perforate perilous perimeter plague plunder predicament preposterous pristine profusion profuse prop prophetic propitious prune pulverize raucous reimburse relinquish resonant revoke ruefully salutary salute scrutiny serendipitous
v. v. v. a. n. a. v. n. n. v. a. n. v. v. n. a. a. n. a. v. a. a. v. v. a. v. v. a. v. a. a. n. n. a. 损坏;毁坏 威胁;危及 调整;调控 间接地;迂回地 富裕;富饶 富裕的/繁茂的 排斥;避开 同等;平等 底座;台座 穿孔;打眼 危险的;冒险的 周边;周围 烦扰;折磨 掠夺;抢劫 困境;尴尬处境 荒谬的;反常的 原始的;初期的 丰富;大量 极其丰富的 支撑;维持 预示的;预言的 有利的;吉祥的 修剪;删除 研磨成粉;变成粉状 喧闹的;嘈杂的 偿还;补偿 放弃 洪亮的;共鸣的 吊销;取消 沮丧的;悲观的 有益的 问候;v. v. v. n. v. ad. a. a. a. n. a. v. a. ad. n. n. a. a. ad. v. a. v. v. v. v. n. a.
弄脏;涂污 阐明;讲清 拼接;交接 挥霍;浪费 耐力;精力 发恶臭 泰然地;无怨地 多汁的;新鲜的 柔软的;易弯曲的 缄默的;默许的 战术;策略 相当于;相等于 充满;富于 守得住的;站住脚的 顽强地;不屈不挠地 要旨;大意 纪念品;信物 普遍存在的;无处不在的 笨拙的;不实用的 勇敢地;英勇地 打滚 放肆的;蛮横的 嵌入;塞入 突然转移;突然带走 摇摆;晃动 追求;恳求 愤怒;气愤 曲解的;弯曲的