2014-2015学年度第二学期二模九年级化学试题可能用到的相对原子质量:C-12 H-1 O-16 N-14 Ca-40 Cu-64一、选择题(本题包括10小题,每小题只有1个选项符合题意,共20分)1.春天来了,云龙湖景区十里杏花竞相开放,迎春花的映衬使风景格外优美,因此吸引了众多游人。
下列关于爆炸灭火的原因分析,错误..的是A.爆炸能使燃烧之处暂时缺氧B.爆炸气浪提高了可燃物的着火点C.炸起的沙土覆盖可燃物,隔绝空气D.此法能有效解决缺水地区的灭火6.右图为A、B两种物质的溶解度曲线,下列有关说法错误..的是A.在0~30℃时,A的溶解度大于BB.30℃时,A、B溶液的溶质质量分数相等C.使A从溶液中结晶,常用蒸发溶剂法D.40℃时150g饱和B溶液降温至10℃,析出40g的B7.下列说法或做法,没有..科学道理的是A.用石灰乳和硫酸铜溶液配制农药波尔多液B.服用含有小苏打的药物治疗胃酸过多C.铁锈与稀硫酸反应得到了黄色的溶液D.草木灰与铵态氮肥混用可以增强肥效10.针对化学方程式:3Cu+8HNO3 =3Cu(NO3)2 +2X↑+4H2O,以下叙述正确的是A.X的化学式为NO2B.硝酸与硝酸铜在反应中的质量比是8︰3C.反应中铜元素的化合价从0变为+2D.该反应属于复分解反应二、填空题(本题包括2小题,每空1分,化学方程式每个2分,共15分)11.(7分)请用元素符号、化学式或化学方程式,填写下列空白:(1)用于制作照明弹的金属:▲ ;(2)硝酸钾中含有的原子团:▲ ;(3)引起硫酸型酸雨的氧化物:▲ ;(4)黄色溶液中含有的金属离子:▲ ;(5)人体能直接吸收的糖类:▲ ;(6)测量空气中氧气含量的实验原理:▲ 。
2015年初三化学“二模”考前练习卷(2)(满分:100分考试时间:100分钟)可能用到的相对原子质量:H:1 C:12 N:14 O:16 S:32 Fe:56 Cu:64 Zn:65 Ag:108第Ⅰ卷(选择题共60分)一、选择题(本题包括30小题,每小题2分,共60分。
每小题只有一个选项符合题意)1.下列做法不利于社会可持续发展的是( )A低碳生活,节约能源B大量使用农药、化肥,增加粮食产量C.将秸秆粉碎后制作板材D.大力开发利用风能,替代化石燃料2.下列涉及到的变化是化学变化的是( )A.燃放烟花B.石油分馏C.稀有气体通电发光D.海水晒盐3.“毒豆芽”经检测含有尿素成分,过多的植物营养物质如尿素[CO(NH2)2]等进入水体会恶化水质,导致“水华”现象。
尿素属于( )A.混合物B.氧化物C.化合物D.单质4.某晚会现场采用LED节能光源,GaP(磷化镓)是光源材料,其中Ga为+3价,则P 元素的化合价为( )A.-5 B.-3 C.+3 D.+55.下列运动用品或设施中,主要用到有机合成材料的是( )6.规范的操作是化学实验成功的保障。
下列实验操作正确的是( )A.测定溶液的pH时,将试纸直接放人待测液中B.固体药品都可以直接放在天平的托盘上称量C.配制稀硫酸时,将浓硫酸沿烧杯壁慢慢加入水中,并不断搅拌D.用高锰酸钾制取所需氧气后,先将酒精灯熄灭再把导管从水槽中移出7.水是重要的资源,我们需要了解水、认识水。
下列说法错误的是( )A.水是最常用的溶剂B.电解水时加入氢氧化钠,是为了增强水的导电性C.肥皂水能区分硬水和软水D.海水中加入明矾可以使其变成淡水8.化学用语是学习化学的重要工具。
对下列化学用语的叙述正确的是( ) A.NaHCO3表示小苏打B.P2O5中磷元素的化合价为+2C .2Mg 表示2个镁元素D .2CO +O 2 点燃2CO 2属于置换反应9.化学就在我们身边,下列说法或做法不正确的是 ( )A .长期食用加铁酱油可以防治骨质疏松B .花香四溢,说明微粒是不断运动的C .加入纯碱能使蒸出的馒头疏松多孔D .干冰可用于人工降雨10.课本上有8个“基础实验”,以提升同学们的实验能力。
食盐水水 浓硫酸 2014~2015学年度第二学期网上阅卷适应性训练试题九年级化学 2015.05相对原子质量: H: 1 C: 12 N: 14 O: 16 Na: 23 Mg: 24 S: 32 Ca: 40 Fe: 56 Cu: 64 Zn: 65 Ba: 137一、单项选择题(本题包括15小题,每小题2分,共30分。
)1.2015年的“地球一小时”(Earth Hour)活动日,主题为“能见蔚蓝”,“能”意味着可再生能源能够带来改变,“蔚蓝”代表我们每个人对告别雾霾、寻回蓝天的期待。
下列做法不符合...这一主题的是 A .选择公交车作为出行工具 B .让衣服自然晾干,节约用纸,少用一次性塑料袋C .拒绝使用一次性木筷D .将废纸、饮料瓶等收集起来,焚烧处理2.下列变化属于化学变化的是A .汽油挥发B .光合作用C .海水晒盐D .石油分馏3.下列物质由原子构成的是A .蒸馏水B .氯化钠C .金刚石D .C 604.ClO 2是优良的饮用水消毒剂。
ClO 2中氯元素的化合价是A. +5B. +4C. +2 D . -15.已知反应2KMnO 4+7H 2O 2+3H 2SO 4====K 2SO 4+2MnSO 4+6O 2↑+10X ,则X 的化学式为A .SO 3B .H 2OC .H 2SD .SO 26.下列化学实验基本操作不正确...的是A.加热液体B.稀释浓硫酸C.蒸发食盐水D.检查装置气密性7.材料与人类生活密切相关,下列物品主要成分由有机合成材料制成的是A .全棉内衣B .电木塑料C .不锈钢餐具D .玻璃杯8.下列实验设计不能达...到实验目的的是9.以下说法正确的是A. CO 2、SO 2、CO 都是非金属氧化物,所以它们都能被氢氧化钠溶液吸收B. 氢氧化钠、氢氧化钙、氢氧化铜都是碱,所以它们都能使酚酞试液变红色C. 用pH 试纸测定某溶液的pH 时,pH 试纸不能被湿润,否则测得pH 一定会偏大D. H 2、CO 和CH 4三种气体可作燃料电池所需燃料的理由是:它们都能燃烧并发出大量的热Na 2CO 3溶液区别稀盐酸和NaOH 溶液 NaOH 溶液10.海水淡化可采用膜分离技术。
2014-2015学年第二学期初三年级英语学科二模考试试卷注意事项1.本试卷共六大题,满分100分(不含听力口语30分),考试用时100分钟;2.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考点名称、考场号、座位号用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡相对应的位置上,并认真榜对条银码上的准考号、姓名是否与本人相符合;3.答选择题必须用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,请用樣皮察干净后,再选涂其他答案;答非选择题必须用0. 5毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡指定的位置上,不在答题区钱内的答案一律无效,不得用其他笔答题;4.考生答题必须答在答题卡上,答在试卷和草稿纸上一律无效。
1. 1. It’s _____ world of wonders , ______world where anything can happen .A. a ; theB. a ; aC. the ; aD. / ; /2. She got up to get some sleeping pills but found there was _________ left at home.A. nothingB. noneC. somethingD. nobody3. ---My bike is broken. May I go ________ yours? ---Sorry, mine __________ broken down.A. on, isB. by, isC. on, hasD. by, has4. Have you heard the news that Jack ___________ Rose for almost 50 years?A. has been married withB. has married toC. has been married toD. has got married with5. ---What do you think of his new design?--- It’s of even practical value than the old one. He’s just a bookworm!A. greaterB. greatC. lessD. little6. When_______ what his plan for his summer holiday was, he got very excited.A. askingB. being askedC. was askedD. asked7. It _______ long ______ we know the result of the experiment.A. will not be, beforeB. is, sinceC. will not be, untilD. has been, after8. Surprisingly, the performance supposed to be popular ______ to be a great disappointment.A turned downB turned upC turned overD turned out9. Can you tell me how much___________________?A. you pay the book forB. you spend the book onC. the book take youD. you buy the book for10. How much _______she 1ooked without her glasses!A.well B.good C.best D.better11. --- Advertisements sometimes help people learn more about new products.--- But sometimes ads ________tell lies.A. had betterB. shouldC. mustD. may12. The teacher found him ________ and gave him some different homework to do every day.A. was cleverB. was a clever boyC. a clever boyD. clever boy13. The number of children who have lost parents to AIDS ___ to rise to over 26 million in 2017.A. are expectedB. is expectingC. are expectingD. expected14. --- Have you seen the film “Gone with the wind”?--- Yes, I ___ it three times when I was at college.A. has seen B saw C. had seen D. have seen15. ---It’s been a wonderful party. Thank you very much. ---________.A. With pleasureB. I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.C. No thanksD. It’s OK二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项徐黑。
2015年初三调研卷化学2015.05可能用到的相对原子质量:C–12 H–1 O–16 Na–23 C1–3 5.5 Fe–56 Ca–40选择题(共60分)单项选择题(包括30题,每题2分,共60分。
)1.联合国确定2015年“世界水日”的宣传主题是“水与能源”(Water-and Energy)。
如图所示实验操作,符合规范的是A.滴加液体B.滴管用后洗涤插回原瓶C.倾倒液体D.测定溶液的pH 7.分类是学习和研究化学的常用方法。
下列分类正确的是A.蒸馏水和矿泉水:硬水B.金刚石和石墨:碳单质C.生铁和玻璃钢:金属材料D.氧化钾和碳酸氢铵:盐类-2 8.下列关于“2”的含义的解释中,正确的是A .Zn 2+中的“2”表示锌原子带有2个单位的正电荷 B .2NO 中的“2”表示2个一氧化氮分子C .H 2SO 3中的“2”表示一个亚硫酸分子中含有2个氢元素D .Al 2(SO 4)3中的“2”表示3个硫酸根的化合价为-2价 9.化学与生活生产、环境保护、资源利用、能源开发等密切相关。
2014-2015学年第二学期九年级第二次模拟测试化学试卷(满分:100分;时间:100分钟)2015.5 可能用到的相对原子质量:C-12 H-1 O-16 Fe-56 Cu-64 Ca-40 Na-23N-14 S-32 Mg-24 Zn-65 Cl-35.5第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共40分)一、选择题(本题共15小题,每小题只有一个选项符合题意,每小题2分,共30分)1.能源问题、环境问题成为全国两会代表们关注的焦点之一,尤其是全国很多地区出现了严重的雾霾天气,给人们的生产、生活和健康带来了严重的影响。
下列有关说法错误的是( )A.计入空气污染指数的指标包括PM2.5微颗粒物B.禁止私家车出行,改乘公交车或骑自行车等C.减少化石燃料的使用,尽可能多地开发利用太阳能、风能、地热等D.废旧电池不能随意丢弃,应统一回收集中处理,以减少污染,同时可以回收金属资源2.下列发生化学变化的是( )A.将石油进行分馏B.用海水晒盐C.切割大理石作建筑材料D.用乙醇汽油作燃料驱动汽车5.建立宏观与微观的联系是化学特有的思维方式。
以下表述中正确的是( )A.图2、图3都属于锶元素321B .图3所表示粒子的化学符号是Sr C .锶原子的中子数为38D .锶原子的相对原子质量是87.62g7.扑灭用电设备发生的火灾,来不及切断电源时,可用装有液态四氯化碳的“灭火弹”, 灭火时,液态四氯化碳迅速转化为气态并覆盖在火焰上。
2015—2016学年度第二学期第二次模拟考试可能用到的相对原子质盘:H—1 0—16 Na—23 S—32 Cl—35.5第丨卷(选择题共20分)一、选择题(本题包括15个小题,广10小题每小题1分,1广15小题每小题2分,共20 分。
2015年九年级第二次质量检测化学试题可能用到的相对原子质量: C-12 H-1 O-16 Zn-65 S-32一、选择题:(每题只有一个答案符合题意,每题2分,共20分)1.“节约水资源,保障水安全”是2015年世界水日的中国宣传主题。
下列行为符合这一主题的是( )A .城市生活废水直接排入河流B .洗菜的水用来浇花C .禁止使用农药化肥,以防止水体污染D .用工业废水浇地2. 下列关于实验操作的描述不正确的是( )A .做细铁丝在氧气中燃烧的实验时,集气瓶内要预留少量水B .稀释浓硫酸时,将浓硫酸沿内壁注入盛有水的烧杯中C . 一氧化碳还原氧化铁实验时,先通一氧化碳后加热D .测定溶液酸碱度时,直接将pH 试纸伸入待测溶液中3. 对实验现象的观察和分析,有助于获得化学知识并学会科学探究的方法。
下列对实验现象的分析合理的是( )A .某无色气体能使燃着的木条熄灭,可证明该气体一定是二氧化碳B .硝酸铵溶于水会使溶液温度降低,可证明硝酸铵溶于水放热C .马铃薯片遇到碘酒后变成蓝色,可证明马铃薯中含有淀粉D .某溶液能使酚酞试液变红,可证明该溶液一定是碱溶液4. 我国民间有端午挂艾草的习俗。
艾草含有丰富的黄酮素(化学式为:C 15H 10O 2),有很高的药用价值。
下列有关黄酮素的叙述正确的是( )A .黄酮素属于氧化物B .黄酮素中碳、氢元素质量比为3:2C .黄酮素的相对分子质量为222gD .黄酮素有特殊气味说明分子在不断运动5. 下图是a 、b 、c 三种物质的溶解度曲线,下列分析不正确的是( )A .t2 ℃时a 、b 、c 三种物质的溶解度由大到小的顺序是a ﹥b ﹥cB .t 2 ℃时,将50g a 物质放入100g 水中充分溶解得到a 的饱和溶液(a 物质不含结晶水)C .将t 2 ℃时a 、b 、c 三种物质的饱和溶液降温至t 1 ℃时,所得溶液的溶质质量分数关系是b ﹥a ﹦cD .将c 的饱和溶液变为不饱和溶液,可采用降温的方法6. 化学用语是学习化学的重要工具,对下列化学用语叙述正确的是( )A .NH 3中N 元素显-3价B .4N ——4个氮元素C .镁离子——Mg +2D .氧化亚铁——Fe 2O 37. 下列关于“铁、铜、锌金属性强弱”的探究实验设计中,不合理的是( )A. 分别把金属铁、铜、锌加入到稀盐酸中B. 分别将金属铁和铜加入到硫酸锌溶液中C. 将金属铁分别加入到硫酸锌溶液和硫酸铜溶液中D. 分别将金属锌和铜加入到氯化亚铁溶液中9. 一定条件下,甲、乙、丙、丁四种物质在密闭容器中反应,测得反应前后各物质的质量分数如图所示,下列说法正确的是()A.丁一定是该反应的催化剂B.该反应的基本类型是分解反应C.该反应中乙、丙的质量比为3:17D.该反应中甲、丙的质量比为7:1010. 用下列实验操作可完成两个实验。
(5分)1. A. Where are my keys? B. John likes hamburgers. C. They have two basketballs.2. A. How much is this skirt? B. My birthday is in July. C. Who‘s your math teacher?3. A. Can you play the guitar? B. You can join the soccer club. C. He works at a radio station.4. A. I usually get up at 7:00 am. B. How does he get to school? C. Don‘t run in the hallways.5. A. Where are they from? B. Why don‘t you like tigers? C. We went boating yesterday.B)听录音,从每题A、B、C三幅图画中选出与听到的对话内容相符的一项。
(5分)6. A. B. C.7. A. B. C.8. A. B. C.9. A. B. C.10. A. B. C.C)在录音中, 你将听到一段对话及五个问题。
(5分)11. A. He went fishing. B. He went camping. C. He played soccer.12. A. This afternoon. B. Tonight. C. Tomorrow.13. A. 30 dollars. B. 40 dollars. C. 50 dollars.14. A. By car. B. By bike. C. By bus.15. A. His father. B. His brother. C. His cousin.D)在录音中, 你将听到一篇短文及五个问题。
2014-2015学年第二学期九年级英语二模2015. 05注意事项:1. 本试题分两部分。
2. 所有答案必须写在答题卷各题目指定区域内相应位置上。
(本大题共14小题,每小题1分,共14分)1. Teaching poor children in Northwest China is ________ fun and quite ________ experiencefor Judy.A. a; anB. /; anC. a; /D. /; /2. --- How much salt did you put in the soup?---I’m sorry to say, ________.A. nothingB. noneC. noD. few3. --- Look! He’s jumping so far!--- Hard to ________ his legs were once broken.A. knowB. findC. imagineD. realize4. How ________ the wind ________! I’m afraid he won’t arrive on time.A. terrible; is blowingB. terrible; soundsC. terribly; is soundingD. terribly; blowing5. Don’t be so sad. It isn’t your fault (过失) ________.A. in allB. first of allC. above allD. after all6. --- Shall we meet at the gate of the cinema at 9 a.m.?--- In fact we ________. The film ________ until 11 a.m.A. mustn’t, doesn’t beginB. mustn’t; beginsC. needn’t; won’t beginD. needn’t; will leave7. --- What made Mrs Smith unhappy?--- ________.A. Losing her walletB. She has lost her walletC. Because she lost her walletD. To lose her wallet8. This is really a wonderful evening. It’s years ________ I enjoyed myself so much.A. whenB. thatC. beforeD. since9. The road conditions there ________ to be very good, which was more than we hadexpected.A. turned outB. worked outC. picked outD. made out10. Thomas used ________ on the left in England, so he was not used ________ on the right inChina at first.A. to drive; to driveB. to drive; driveC. to driving; to drivingD. to drive; to driving11. --- My grandfather has never been to Hangzhou.--- . And I really want to pay a visit to the beautiful city.A. Neither am IB. Nor am IC. Me tooD. Neither have I12. ---There was little cheese in the fridge last night, ?--- , but I was too busy to get some then.A. was there; NoB. was there; YesC. wasn’t there; NoD. wasn't there; Yes13. --- Could you tell me ________?--- Almost one year.A. when was the underground in Wuxi builtB. How often you take the underground in WuxiC. how long the underground in Wuxi has been in serviceD. how soon will the underground in Wuxi be built14. --- Would you mind if I ask you some questions about your job?--- ________.A. Not at all, go aheadB. Yes, you’ve got itC. Never mind, you couldD. Yes, good idea二、完形填空先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2016年江苏省徐州市沛县中考化学二模试卷一、选择题1. 2015年9月29日,美国宇航局(NASA)宣布.有证据显示火星上存在流动的水和霜冻,下列关于水的说法正确的是()A.水凝固成冰发生了化学变化B.氢氧两种元素只能组成一种物质﹣﹣水C.冰水混合物中只含一种分子D.火星和地球上的水具有不同的元素组成2.下列对一些事实的解释正确的是()A.洗涤剂能除去油污是因为它具有乳化作用B.液氧做火箭升空原料是因为氧气具有可燃性C.水可以灭火是因为水降低了可燃物的着火点D.热胀冷缩是因为分子大小发生了改变3.生活中的下列做法不正确的是()A.用食醋除去暖水瓶中的水垢B.用燃烧的方法鉴别衣料中的羊毛纤维C.油锅着火时可以立即盖上锅盖D.碳铵与草木灰混合可以提高肥效4.下列是摘录某同学实验记录本中有关实验现象的描述,其中肯定有误的是()A.硫在氧气中燃烧,发出明亮的蓝紫色火焰B.在空气中打开盛浓盐酸的试剂瓶瓶塞,产生白雾C.在电解水实验中,与电源正负极相连的两极上产生的气体体积比约为2:1D.取少量氢氧化钠固体露置在空气中,其表面潮湿并逐渐溶解5.优质糯米胶绿色环保,其中因不含甲醛而减少了装修的污染.甲醛的分子结构如图所示,下列表述不正确的是()A.甲醛由三种元素组成B.甲醛是一种有机化合物C.甲醛的相对分子质量为30gD.甲醛中碳、氢、氧元素的质量比为6:1:86.氯化钠是一种重要且十分常见的盐.下列做法或说法中正确的是()A.氯化钠可由纯碱和盐酸发生中和反应制得B.氯化钠溶液中含有自由移动的Na+和Cl﹣C.蒸发食盐溶液时待水蒸干后才能停止加热D.配制100gl6%食盐水需要50mL的量筒7.归纳总结能使知识系统化,有利于提高素质和能力.下面是一同学对部分化学知识的归纳,其中都正确的一项是()A.物质的检验B.物质的鉴别①氧气一带火星的木条②二氧化碳﹣﹣澄清的石灰水①稀盐酸和稀硫酸﹣﹣加入石蕊试液②氧化铜和氧化镁一观察颜色C.物质的除杂D.物质的制备①二氧化碳(一氧化碳)﹣﹣点燃②铁(铜)﹣﹣氯化铜溶液①生石灰﹣﹣高温煅烧熟石灰②氢气一银片和稀盐酸A.A B.B C.C D.D8.实验中可能会出现一些异常现象,下列对异常现象的分析不合理的是()A.细铁丝在氧气中燃烧时集气瓶底炸裂﹣﹣集气瓶底部未放入少量水或细沙B.加热碱式碳酸铜粉末时试管破裂﹣﹣试管口未向上倾斜C.用pH试纸测定稀盐酸的pH值偏大一pH试纸预先用水润湿D.加热高锰酸钾制氧气时水倒吸入试管﹣﹣先熄灭酒精灯后撤导管9.如图装置可用来测定空气中氧气的含量.下列对该实验的认识中不正确的是()A.实验前一定要检査装置的气密性B.装置中饱和食盐水会加速铁粉生锈C.该实验也可说明氮气难溶于水D.铁粉不足会导致进入集气瓶中水的体积大于二、填空与简答题(本题包括3小题,计16分)10.请从①活性炭;②熟石灰;③聚乙烯;④硝酸钾;⑤碳酸钙中选择适当物质,用其序号填空.(1)可用于改良酸性土壤的是.(2)可用作农作物复合肥料的是.(3)能吸附水中色素和异味的是.(4)可用于包装食品的合成材料是.11.化学与生活、生产、科技息息相关,请结合你的化学知识回答下列问题.(1)春光烂漫,沁人心脾,在远处就能闻到花香,说明分子很小且.(2)为了保证饮用水的安全卫生,人们常向水中加入一种消毒泡腾片,其有效成分是二氧化氯.二氧化氯(化学式为ClO2)中氯元素的化合价为.(3)合理膳食有益于人体健康.一些新鲜的蔬菜和水果中因含有丰富的有机化合物能起到调节人体新陈代谢的作用.(4)C60是制作某种锂电池的原料,电池使用时能量转化形式是由转化为电能.(5)无人驾驶汽车处理系统的核心材料是高纯度的硅.工业制硅的反应化学方程式之一为:2X+SiCl4═Si+4HCl.该反应中,X的化学式是.(6)人体因摄入铁元素不足易导致的疾病是,服用药物硫酸亚铁(化学式为FeS04)可补充人体内的铁元素.某患者每天另需补充1.4g铁元素,服用的药物中含硫酸亚铁的质量至少为g.12.已知,A~E物质之间存在以下转化关系.其中A、C、D是单质,E是相对分子质量最小的氧化物,B为蓝色溶液.试回答:(1)物质E的化学式为.(2)A→D的基本反应类型为.(3)A和B反应的化学方程式为.(4)B中溶质的类别是(选填“酸”、“碱”或“盐”).三、实验与探究题(本题包括2小题,计19分)13.图1是实验室制取气体的常见装置.请思考作答:(1)写出装置图1中标号仪器的名称:a ;b .(2)若用加热高锰酸钾的方法制取并收集一瓶较纯净的氧气,选择的收集装置为(垓字母序号),A裝置试管口塞一团棉花的作用是.(3)实验室用双氧水和二氧化锰制取氧气的化学方程式为,反应结束后,欲回收容器中的固体物质,需进行、洗涤、干燥等操作,回收的二氧化锰能否继续作为双氧水分解的催化剂?(选填“能”或“不能”).(4)图2装置也可用于实验室制取CO2,它比B装置的优点是,若带孔隔板换成隔离铜丝网可以达到同样效果,如改用隔离铝丝网,则产生的后果是C02中混有一种杂质气体(填名称),同时也说明金属活动性Cu Al(选填“>”、“<”或“=”).14.小华在自家厨房中发现一袋未开封的白色粉末状食用物,包装袋上的字迹不太清楚,于是他带到化学实验室和小组同学一起探究其成分.【提出问题】包装袋内的白色粉末到底是什么物质?【猜想假设】猜想1:可能是食盐;猜想2:可能是淀粉;猜想3:可能是纯碱(化学式为);猜想4:可能是小苏打.【资料査阅】(1)有关物质的信息如下:物质氯化钠纯碱小苏打常温下的溶解度/g 36 21.5 9.6常温下稀溶液的pH 7 11 9(2)碳酸氢钠受热易分解生成碳酸钠和二氧化碳等,碳酸钠受热不分解.【实验探究】(1)小彤取样品放入适量的水中.搅拌形成了无色溶液.于是她排除了猜想.(2)小青取上述少量溶液,向其中滴加酚酞试液,溶液变红,他推断出该白色粉末一定不是猜想,小华由此现象认为猜想3正确,但小组成员都认为小华的结论不严密,理由是.【交流提升】小组成员认为可以通过加热或定量实验来确定粉末的组成.于是该小组又进行了下面的实验:方案实验操作实验现象实验结论1.加热法取一定量的样品于试管中,加热,将产生的气体通人澄清的石灰水猜想4正确2.定量法取15g样品,加入lOOmL常温下的水,搅拌【反思拓展】小苏打也可用作治疗胃酸过多的药剂,反应的原理为(用化学方程式表示).四、计算与分析题(本题包括1小题,计5分)15.黄铜是由铜和锌组成的合金,当含锌量小于35%时,塑性好,适于冷热加压加工、若增加锌的含量、则黄铜抗拉强度逐渐下降,甚至无使用价值,某兴趣小组对某黄铜样品进行探究,称取样品10.0g,再用100.0g稀硫酸溶液逐滴滴入,实验情况如图所示,求:(1)铜锌合金中,Zn的质量是g;(2)所用稀硫酸溶液中溶质的质量分数是多少?(请写出解题过程)2016年江苏省徐州市沛县中考化学二模试卷参考答案与试题解析一、选择题1.2015年9月29日,美国宇航局(NASA)宣布.有证据显示火星上存在流动的水和霜冻,下列关于水的说法正确的是()A.水凝固成冰发生了化学变化B.氢氧两种元素只能组成一种物质﹣﹣水C.冰水混合物中只含一种分子D.火星和地球上的水具有不同的元素组成【考点】水的性质和应用;水的组成;物质的元素组成;化学变化和物理变化的判别.【专题】空气与水.【分析】根据已有的水的组成以及水的构成进行分析解答即可.【解答】解:A、水凝固成冰没有新物质生成,发生的是物理变化,错误;B、氢氧两种元素能组成水和过氧化氢,错误;C、冰水混合物中只含水分子这一种分子,正确;D、火星和地球上的水具有相同的元素组成,错误;故选C.【点评】掌握水的组成和构成是正确解答本题的关键.2.下列对一些事实的解释正确的是()A.洗涤剂能除去油污是因为它具有乳化作用B.液氧做火箭升空原料是因为氧气具有可燃性C.水可以灭火是因为水降低了可燃物的着火点D.热胀冷缩是因为分子大小发生了改变【考点】乳化现象与乳化作用;氧气的化学性质;分子的定义与分子的特性;灭火的原理和方法.【专题】性质决定用途;化学知识生活化;物质的微观构成与物质的宏观组成;溶液、浊液与溶解度;氧气、氢气的性质与用途.【分析】A、根据洗涤剂除去油污利用的是乳化原理分析.B、根据氧气的性质进行分析.C、根据可燃物的着火点一般不会改变分析.D、根据物体热胀冷缩是因为分子间隔发生了改变进行分析.【解答】解:A、洗涤剂具有乳化作用,能将大的油滴分散成细小的油滴随水冲走,这些细小的液滴能随着水冲走,故用洗涤剂能较好的除去餐具上的油污,故正确.B、液氧做火箭升空原料是因为氧气的助燃性而不是可燃性,故错误.C、可燃物的着火点一般不会改变,水可以灭火是因为水可以降低可燃物的温度到着火点以下,故错误.D、物质的热胀冷缩,是因为粒子间的间隔随温度的变化而改变,故错误.故选:A.【点评】本题考查了物质的性质及用途,性质决定用途,题目基础性强,要牢固掌握.3.生活中的下列做法不正确的是()A.用食醋除去暖水瓶中的水垢B.用燃烧的方法鉴别衣料中的羊毛纤维C.油锅着火时可以立即盖上锅盖D.碳铵与草木灰混合可以提高肥效【考点】盐的化学性质;常见化肥的种类和作用;灭火的原理和方法;棉纤维、羊毛纤维和合成纤维的鉴别.【专题】元素与化合物;物质的鉴别题;化学与能源;常见的盐化学肥料.【分析】A、根据暖水瓶中的水垢的主要成分是碳酸钙,能与酸反应,进行分析判断.B、羊绒的主要成分是蛋白质,蛋白质燃烧时能产生烧焦羽毛的气味.C、灭火原理:①清除或隔离可燃物,②隔绝氧气或空气,③使温度降到可燃物的着火点以下.D、根据铵态氮肥与碱性物质混合后能放出氨气,降低肥效,进行分析判断.【解答】解:A、暖水瓶中的水垢的主要成分是碳酸钙,能与醋酸反应,可用食醋除去暖水瓶中的水垢,故选项说法正确.B、羊毛纤维的主要成分是蛋白质,燃烧时有烧焦羽毛的气味,可用用燃烧的方法鉴别衣料中的羊毛纤维,故选项说法正确.C、油锅着火时可以立即盖上锅盖,利用的隔绝氧气的灭火原理,故选项说法正确.D、铵态氮肥与碱性物质混合后能放出氨气,降低肥效;碳铵属于铵态氮肥,草木灰显碱性,碳铵与草木灰混合会放出氨气,降低肥效,故选项说法错误.故选:D.【点评】本题难度不大,掌握盐的化学性质、羊毛纤维的检验方法、灭火的原理、铵态氮肥的性质是正确解答本题的关键.4.下列是摘录某同学实验记录本中有关实验现象的描述,其中肯定有误的是()A.硫在氧气中燃烧,发出明亮的蓝紫色火焰B.在空气中打开盛浓盐酸的试剂瓶瓶塞,产生白雾C.在电解水实验中,与电源正负极相连的两极上产生的气体体积比约为2:1D.取少量氢氧化钠固体露置在空气中,其表面潮湿并逐渐溶解【考点】常见碱的特性和用途;氧气与碳、磷、硫、铁等物质的反应现象;电解水实验;酸的物理性质及用途.【专题】实验现象的观察和记录.【分析】A、根据硫在氧气中燃烧的现象进行分析判断.B、根据浓盐酸的物理性质进行分析判断.C、根据电解水实验的现象进行分析判断.D、根据氢氧化钠的性质进行分析判断.【解答】解:A、硫在氧气中燃烧,发出明亮的蓝紫色火焰,放出热量,产生一种具有刺激性气味的气体,故选项说法正确.B、浓盐酸具有挥发性,挥发出的氯化氢气体与空气中的水蒸气凝结成盐酸小液滴悬浮在空气中形成白雾.故选项说法正确.C、在电解水实验中,与电源正负极相连的两极上产生的气体体积比约为1:2,故选项说法错误.D、取少量氢氧化钠固体露置在空气中,其表面潮湿并逐渐溶解;故选项说法正确.故选C.【点评】本题难度不大,掌握常见物质燃烧的现象、酸的物理性质、碱的化学性质等即可正确解答.5.优质糯米胶绿色环保,其中因不含甲醛而减少了装修的污染.甲醛的分子结构如图所示,下列表述不正确的是()A.甲醛由三种元素组成B.甲醛是一种有机化合物C.甲醛的相对分子质量为30gD.甲醛中碳、氢、氧元素的质量比为6:1:8【考点】化学式的书写及意义;有机物与无机物的区别;相对分子质量的概念及其计算;元素质量比的计算.【专题】化学用语和质量守恒定律.【分析】A.根据物质的组成来分析;B.根据有机物的概念来分析;C.相对分子质量单位是“1”,不是“克”,常常省略不写;D.根据化合物中各元素质量比=各原子的相对原子质量×原子个数之比,进行分析判断.【解答】解:由分子结构模型可知,甲醛的化学式为CH2O.A.由甲醛的化学式可知,它是由碳、氢、氧三种元素组成的,故正确;B.甲醛是一种含碳元素的化合物,属于有机化合物,故正确;C.相对分子质量单位是“1”,不是“克”,常常省略不写,故错误;D.甲醛中碳、氢、氧元素的质量比为12:(1×2):16=6:1:8,故正确.故选C.【点评】本题难度不大,考查同学们结合新信息、灵活运用化学式的含义与有关计算进行分析问题、解决问题的能力.6.氯化钠是一种重要且十分常见的盐.下列做法或说法中正确的是()A.氯化钠可由纯碱和盐酸发生中和反应制得B.氯化钠溶液中含有自由移动的Na+和Cl﹣C.蒸发食盐溶液时待水蒸干后才能停止加热D.配制100gl6%食盐水需要50mL的量筒【考点】氯化钠与粗盐提纯;一定溶质质量分数的溶液的配制;蒸发与蒸馏操作.【专题】元素与化合物;溶液、浊液与溶解度;常见的盐化学肥料.【分析】A 、中和反应是酸与碱作用生成盐和水的反应,反应物是酸和碱,生成物是盐和水,据此进行分析判断.B 、根据氯化钠溶液的微观构成,进行分析判断.C 、根据蒸发操作的注意事项进行分析判断.D 、利用溶质质量=溶液质量×溶质的质量分数,可根据溶液的质量和溶质的质量分数计算配制溶液所需要的溶质的质量;进而溶剂质量=溶液质量﹣溶质质量,计算出所需水的质量,由所需水的体积判断所需量筒的量程.【解答】解:A 、纯碱是碳酸钠的俗称,和盐酸反应生成氯化钠、水和二氧化碳,该反应的反应物是酸和盐,不属于中和反应,故选项说法错误.B 、氯化钠是由钠离子和氯离子构成的,氯化钠溶液中含有自由移动的Na +和Cl ﹣,故选项说法正确.C 、蒸发时,待蒸发皿中出现较多量的固体时,应停止加热,利用余热将剩余液体蒸干,故选项说法错误.D 、溶质质量=溶液质量×溶质的质量分数,配制100gl6%食盐水,需氯化钠的质量=100g×16%=16g;溶剂质量=溶液质量﹣溶质质量,则所需水的质量=100g ﹣16g=84g (合84mL ),应选用100mL 的量筒,故选项说法错误. 故选:B .【点评】本题难度不大,掌握氯化钠的性质与用途、中和反应的特征、蒸发操作的注意事项、配制溶质质量分数一定的溶液的注意事项等是正确解答本题的关键.7.归纳总结能使知识系统化,有利于提高素质和能力.下面是一同学对部分化学知识的归纳,其中都正确的一项是( ) A .物质的检验 B .物质的鉴别①氧气一带火星的木条 ②二氧化碳﹣﹣澄清的石灰水 ①稀盐酸和稀硫酸﹣﹣加入石蕊试液 ②氧化铜和氧化镁一观察颜色 C .物质的除杂D .物质的制备①二氧化碳(一氧化碳)﹣﹣点燃 ②铁(铜)﹣﹣氯化铜溶液 ①生石灰﹣﹣高温煅烧熟石灰 ②氢气一银片和稀盐酸A .AB .BC .CD .D【考点】氧气的检验和验满;常见气体的检验与除杂方法;二氧化碳的检验和验满;金属的化学性质;碳酸钙、生石灰、熟石灰之间的转化;酸、碱、盐的鉴别.【专题】物质的制备;物质的分离和提纯;物质的鉴别题;物质的检验、鉴别与推断.【分析】A、根据氧气、二氧化碳的特性进行判断;B、根据酸的性质和氧化铜、氧化镁的颜色不同考虑解答;C、根据二氧化碳不支持燃烧,除杂质的方法考虑;D、根据碳酸钙高温煅烧、金属与酸反应的条件解答.【解答】解:A、氧气能使带火星的木条复燃、二氧化碳能使澄清石灰水变浑浊,故A说法正确;B、盐酸和硫酸都能使紫色石蕊试液变红,不能鉴别开,氧化铜属于黑色、氧化镁属于白色,能够鉴别开,故B说法错误;C、二氧化碳不支持燃烧,所以不能将一氧化碳点燃,除去铁中的铜,不能用氯化铜,因为氯化铜与铁发生反应,故C说法错误;D、碳酸钙高温煅烧生成氧化钙和水、氧化钙高温不能分解;银排在氢的后面与酸不反应,故D说法错误.故选A.【点评】本题考查了多个知识点,很好体现了化学源于生活,也服务于生产、生活,与生产、生活相关的化学知识已逐渐成为中考的热点,要加强记忆8.实验中可能会出现一些异常现象,下列对异常现象的分析不合理的是()A.细铁丝在氧气中燃烧时集气瓶底炸裂﹣﹣集气瓶底部未放入少量水或细沙B.加热碱式碳酸铜粉末时试管破裂﹣﹣试管口未向上倾斜C.用pH试纸测定稀盐酸的pH值偏大一pH试纸预先用水润湿D.加热高锰酸钾制氧气时水倒吸入试管﹣﹣先熄灭酒精灯后撤导管【考点】溶液的酸碱度测定;给试管里的固体加热;氧气的化学性质;制取氧气的操作步骤和注意点.【专题】常见仪器及化学实验基本操作.【分析】A、根据细铁丝在氧气中燃烧实验时熔化的溅落物会炸裂瓶底进行分析判断.B、根据给试管里的固体加热时,试管口未向下倾斜可能会使试管炸裂解答;C、根据pH试纸的使用及酸性的强弱与pH的关系分析;D、根据制取氧气的注意事项分析.【解答】解:A、细铁丝在氧气中燃烧时,为了防止高温生成物直接落在瓶底而使瓶底炸裂,需要在集气瓶底放少量水或铺一层细沙;故分析合理.B、给试管里的固体加热时,试管口未向下倾斜可能会使试管炸裂,而不是向上倾斜,故分析不合理;C、pH试纸预先用水润湿,会使盐酸的酸性减弱,pH偏大,故分析合理;D、加热高锰酸钾制氧气时先熄灭酒精灯后撤导管,会引起水的倒流,故分析合理;故选项为:B.【点评】本题难度不大,掌握常见化学实验操作的注意事项、实验数据处理或者误差分析的探究方法是正确解答本题的关键.9.如图装置可用来测定空气中氧气的含量.下列对该实验的认识中不正确的是()A.实验前一定要检査装置的气密性B.装置中饱和食盐水会加速铁粉生锈C.该实验也可说明氮气难溶于水D.铁粉不足会导致进入集气瓶中水的体积大于【考点】空气组成的测定;金属锈蚀的条件及其防护.【专题】空气与水.【分析】根据空气中氧气含量的测定方法进行分析解答即可.【解答】解:A、测定空气中氧气的含量必须检查装置的气密性,正确;B、食盐能加速铁的锈蚀,正确;C、氧气耗尽后水能进入集气瓶,说明氮气难溶于水,正确;D、铁粉的量不足,则氧气不能全部耗尽,会导致进入集气瓶中水的体积小于,错误;故选D.【点评】本题考查的是空气中氧气含量的测定,完成此题,可以依据实验中的注意事项解答.二、填空与简答题(本题包括3小题,计16分)10.请从①活性炭;②熟石灰;③聚乙烯;④硝酸钾;⑤碳酸钙中选择适当物质,用其序号填空.(1)可用于改良酸性土壤的是②.(2)可用作农作物复合肥料的是④.(3)能吸附水中色素和异味的是①.(4)可用于包装食品的合成材料是③.【考点】常见碱的特性和用途;常见化肥的种类和作用;碳单质的物理性质及用途;合成材料的使用及其对人和环境的影响.【专题】物质的性质与用途.【分析】物质的性质决定物质的用途,根据已有的物质的性质进行分析解答即可.【解答】解:(1)改良酸性土壤应该加入弱碱中和,故应选熟石灰.故选②;(2)复合肥是含有氮磷钾三元素中的至少两种,故应选硝酸钾.故选④;(3)吸附色素的物质要具有吸附性,活性炭具有较好的吸附性.故选①;(4)可用于包装食品的合成材料一般是聚乙烯等.故选③.【点评】本题考查了常见物质的用途,完成此题,可以依据物质的性质进行.11.化学与生活、生产、科技息息相关,请结合你的化学知识回答下列问题.(1)春光烂漫,沁人心脾,在远处就能闻到花香,说明分子很小且不断运动的.(2)为了保证饮用水的安全卫生,人们常向水中加入一种消毒泡腾片,其有效成分是二氧化氯.二氧化氯(化学式为ClO2)中氯元素的化合价为+4 .(3)合理膳食有益于人体健康.一些新鲜的蔬菜和水果中因含有丰富的有机化合物维生素能起到调节人体新陈代谢的作用.(4)C60是制作某种锂电池的原料,电池使用时能量转化形式是由化学能转化为电能.(5)无人驾驶汽车处理系统的核心材料是高纯度的硅.工业制硅的反应化学方程式之一为:2X+SiCl4═Si+4HCl.该反应中,X的化学式是H2.(6)人体因摄入铁元素不足易导致的疾病是贫血,服用药物硫酸亚铁(化学式为FeS04)可补充人体内的铁元素.某患者每天另需补充1.4g铁元素,服用的药物中含硫酸亚铁的质量至少为 3.8 g.【考点】利用分子与原子的性质分析和解决问题;有关元素化合价的计算;化合物中某元素的质量计算;质量守恒定律及其应用;微量元素、维生素与健康的关系及摄取方法.【专题】化学式的计算;物质的微观构成与物质的宏观组成;化学用语和质量守恒定律;化学与生活.【分析】(1)根据分子的特征分析回答;(2)根据化合价原则求出元素的化合价;(3)根据新鲜的蔬菜和水果含有大量的维生素分析回答;(4)根据能量的转化分析回答(5)根据质量守恒定律分析X的化学式;(6)根据化学式的意义分析计算.【解答】解:(1)春光烂漫,沁人心脾,在远处就能闻到花香,说明分子很小且不断运动的.(2)在二氧化氯(化学式为ClO2)中,氧元素的化合价为﹣2价,可推出氯元素的化合价为+4.(3)一些新鲜的蔬菜和水果中因含有丰富的有机化合物维生素能起到调节人体新陈代谢的作用.(4)C60是制作某种锂电池的原料,电池使用时能量转化形式是由化学能转化为电能.(5)在2X+SiCl4═Si+4HCl中,反应前有:1个硅原子,4个氯原子;反应后有:1个硅原子、4个氯原子和4个氢原子,因此2X中含有4个氢原子,故1个X的化学式为H2.(6)人体因摄入铁元素不足易导致的疾病是贫血,服用药物硫酸亚铁可补充人体内的铁元素.某患者每天另需补充1.4g铁元素,服用的药物中含硫酸亚铁的质量至少为:1.4g÷()=3.8g.故答为:(1)不断运动的;(2)+4;(3)维生素;(4)化学能;(5)H2;(6)3.8.【点评】本题所考查的知识与生活联系比较紧密,学会利用化学的知识来分析解答问题的方法是解答本题的关键.12.已知,A~E物质之间存在以下转化关系.其中A、C、D是单质,E是相对分子质量最小的氧化物,B为蓝色溶液.试回答:(1)物质E的化学式为H2O .(2)A→D的基本反应类型为置换反应.(3)A和B反应的化学方程式为Fe+CuSO4=FeSO4+Cu .(4)B中溶质的类别是盐(选填“酸”、“碱”或“盐”).【考点】物质的鉴别、推断;常见的氧化物、酸、碱和盐的判别;书写化学方程式、文字表达式、电离方程式.。
1.What day is it today?A.Monday B.Tuesday C.Mother’s Day2.Where is the woman from?A.China B.France C.America3.How’s the weather there?A.Warm B.Cold C.Hot4.What does Mrs. Black look like?A.Tall B.Smart C.Serious5.What’s the relationship(关系)between the two speakers?A.Salesman and customer.B.Husband and wife.C.Foreigner and student.第二节(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)听下面5段对话。
6.What does the woman want to buy?A.A red dress B.A red hat C.A purple dress 7.What will the weather be like this afternoon?A.Sunny B.Rainy C.Snowy8.What happens to the Qingjiang River?A.It's clean now B.People put dirty things into it C.It's dry9.Why hasn't the man thought about his summer holiday?A.He has no interest in the holiday.B.He doesn't know the holiday is coming.C.He is busy working at his lessons.10.What can John do to improve his spoken English?A.Go to an English Corner.B.Keep a diary.C.Listen to the tape.第三节(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)听下面3段对话或独白。
江苏省徐州市沛县、丰县等六县2016届九年级英语第二次质检试题参考答案一、选择填空1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 题号答B BC AD B C D A C B D A B C案二、完形填空16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 题号答C A AD B B A D A D B C A D A案31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42题号D C D C B A C A B D C B答案四、词汇43.service 44.team 45. Couple fortable 47.pieces48. simply 49. Fifth 50. Largest 51. Dang erous 52. tourists53. living 54.caught 55.running 56.to bea t 57. have worke d 58. di d五、任务型阅读59. steps 60.with 61.stop/keep/prevent 62.properly 63.hard/difficult64.Hold 65.ugly/bad 66.relaxed 67. need 68.alone69. Two years ago. 70. On school land. 71.Yes, they could.72.The idea of growing rice came from the school teachers.73.proud/glad/happy/pleased;make/get六、书面表达Liangliang is n o longer the boy he used to be – he has changed greatly. Onl y a year ago, he was overweight and a little lazy. He got tired easily and did not like sports. His favorite meal was fried chicken and chips. One day, he realized that he couldn't continue like this. So, he decided to change. He started to exercise. He ran in the schoo l playground every day. He also began eating a healthier diet of more fruits and vegetables, and less meat. These changes help ed him lose a lot of weight. He is now a very happy boy in very good shape, and he is always so active. From Liangliang's story, we learn a lot. Where there'a a will, there's a way.。
2015年江苏省徐州市中考英语二模试卷一、选择填空(每小题1分,共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.1. It is ______ easy work that we can finish it in a short time.A soB suchC so anD such an2. On 20 July 1969,Armstrong became the first man walked on the Moon()A whenB whichC whoD where3. ﹣I hear you've got a new iPhone 4S.______ I have a look?﹣Yes,certainly.()A MayB DoC ShallD Should4. --Jenny and Peter,could you tell me something about the new film?--Sorry,____________ of us has ever seen it.()A eitherB noneC bothD neither5. We have some organizations to help the poor in the western areas of China.()A taken upB set upC picked upD put up6. --Soccer first started in England in the 12th century,didn't it?--Yes,but now it all over the world.()A enjoysB is enjoyingC has enjoyedD is enjoyed7. I know a little about Thailand,as I ________ there three years ago.()A have beenB have goneC will goD went8. --Wow,you sound like an American.-- .I still have some trouble expressing myself.()A Yes,you're fightB Well,not quite like thatC I don't mindD You're welcome9. Jenny is on holiday now.I wonder_________________.()A when she came backB when she will come backC when did she come backD when will she come back10. --Mum,my little sister is crying ail the time.--Jane,be___________!She feels sick.You should take good care of her.()A lazyB patientC politeD fair11. We will have no water to drink __________we don't protect the earth.()A untilB beforeC thoughD if12. ﹣﹣How is Jack in the new school?﹣﹣He is doing very well,there is________to worry about.()A somethingB anythingC nothingD everything13. --Where did you go on holiday this winter?France?--You are We went on a seven-day tour to London.()A funnyB rightC coolD close14. Which is a traffic sign?()A B C D15. --Having many helps makes a task easier and faster to complete.--I think so____________.()A Many hands make light workB Too many cooks spoil the brothC The early bird catches the worm D The more you learn,the more you know二、完形填空(每小题15分,共1小题)根据短文内容,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项.16. Andi Davise, 49, used to cross the trail through the Phoenix Mountains Preserve with s ome other hikers before sunrise.This morning, however, she (1)________ nobody and heard only the sounds of animals.Some time later, Andi got to the steep slope(陡坡), she climbed up to the top using her hands.When she(2)________ reached the top, she noticed a dark shape several inches from her left foot.She was (3)________ and then looked carefully.It was a few seconds (4)________ she realized that the dog's eyes were open.A thin, dirty bull dog was looking at her. She greeted in a soft voice to show she was (5)________.The bull dog shook when hearing her voice.Andi inched closer and (6)________some water into the dog's mouth.He tried to stand up but thiled.(7)________ was wrong with his left front leg.Andi called her husband, Jason, but he didn't (8)________.She knew that if she didn't carry the dog down the mountain, he would die.She ca refully put her arms under the dog's body.He was so(9)________that he fell into her chest.Andi had great trouble going down the steep, rocky mount ainside with the 50-pound animal in her arms.(10)________her arms and back started aching, she didn't give up.The trip up had taken 30minut es (11)________going back down took twice that.Andi's husband received her messages at last.He and their son, Justin, jumped into the car and drove to (12)________ Andi quickly.Later that morning, an X-ray.(13)________ that the bull dog was badly hurt, he was likely to lose his left leg.A few (14)________later, the Davises; returned to the animal (15)________."The first thing he did was to give me a kiss, after that he went right to my son."An di said.(1)A metB invitedC phonedD shouted(2)A firstB thenC nextD finally(3)A movedB outgoingC surprisedD energetic(4)A afterB beforeC soD because(5)A honestB modestC friendlyD curious(6)A pulledB droppedC fellD pushed(7)A SomethingB NothingC D(8)A talkB contactC speakD answer(9)A weakB sureC excitedD afraid(10)A JustBC Still D(11)A whereB whenC whileD however(12)A pick upB put upC wake upD lift up(13)A wroteB saidC showedD explained(14)A minutesB daysC secondsD moments(15)A factoryB hospitalC farmD family三、阅读理解(每小题6分,共24分)阅读下面三篇短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项.17.(1)I ne cam is used for________.A taking a taxi .B travelling by train.C taking a bus .D entering the colleg e.(2)What does Lilian do according to the card?________A A bus driver .B A university student .C A college teacher .D A middle sc hool student.(3)You can NOT find________ in the card.A Lilian's age.B the price.C the card number.D the time limit.18. Manners are very important for our daily life.There are many different customs and h abits among different countries.We must fmd out and follow their customs so that they will not think us ill-mannered.Here are examples of the things that a person with good education should do. If you visit a Chinese family, you should knock at the door first.When the door opens, you will not move before the host says"Come in, please."After you enter the room, you would no t sit down until the host asks you to take a seat.When a cup of tea is sent to your hand, you should say"Thank you"and receive it with two hands.Before entering a house in Japan, it is good manners to take off your shoes.In European countries, even though shoes sometimes become very dirty, this is not done.In a Malay house, a visitor always leaves a little food to s how that he has had enough.In England, a visitor always finishes the food to show that he h as enjoyed it.The host will be pleased with that.You have to give your present in public in the Middle East to show it is not a bribe.But it's good manners to give your present in private in Asia.You mustn't give knives in Latin Amer ica because it suggests that you want to cut off the relationship.You mustn't give your food t o Arabia because it suggests that you think your host isn't offering you enough to eat."Come any time"means"I want you to visit me"in India.If you don't suggest a time at once, the India will think you are refusing the in, ration.But if an Englishman says"Come any tim e", they will think you are impolite if you start fixing a date.(1)People should know different manners in different countries because________.A actions speak louder than words.B when in Rome,do as the Romans do. C practice makes perfect. D the early bird catches the worm.(2)What is good manners in China?________A entering the room without knocking at the door .B leaving a little food before finishi ng it.C sitting down directly after entering the room.D receiving a cup of tea with two hands.(3)The underlined word"bribe"mean________ in Chinese.A 贿赂.B 盛典.C 礼物.D 珍宝.(4)Which is TRUE according to the passage?________A Chinese people often give presents in public.B Latin American people often send oth ers knives.C We can send some food to Arabian people.D An Englishman says"C ome any time"to show he's polite.19. April will bring a new product-the Apple Watch-into the market.Last week, the watch was firstly introduced by Tun Cook, Apple's CEO.The price of the watch will differ from 349to1, 099, depending on its size, strap and whether it is a sports or regular style.Apple engineers and designers have put in a lot of thought and hard work into creating this "small screen"on your wrist(手腕).The"sensor"on the screen not only detects your finger, but knows the difference betwe en when you are tapping, and when you are pressing harder.The watch also has"hal)tic feedback(触觉反馈)".You can send personal messages to your friend-such as drawing a star or a special sign with your fingers, or tapping the watch, say 3times, a nd your friend will receive those taps on their wrist.Besides telling the time, the watch will use bluetooth'to connect with your iPhone and show calls or text messages that come in.According to Tim Cook, the watch may open up a whole new area of applications that we h ad never thought of.Some car factories like BMW have developed an app that allows its car owners to open their cars with the watch.A Hotels'app may allow you to open the door to y our hotel room without worrying about losing the smart-card.And finally, even airlines are jumping in-passengers may be able to simply wave their wrist to check into their flight.The biggest use of the watch, however, is as your personal fitness coach.The watch can m easure your pulse (heartbeat) using a sensor at the bottom of the watch.It also has the s ame"accelerometer"as your iPhone, so it knows when you are moving, and also how much you are walking or running, It will remind you if you have been sitting for too long without much activity.Many stores are planning to stop selling FitBit devices(设备) to welcome the Apple Watch.Will Apple Watch really replace these devices and make f itness much more fun?(1)What product will Apple the company bring into the market?________A The apple.B The new mobile phone.C The apple watch.D The computer.(2)We can learn from the passage that the Apple Watch________.A is designed by Tim Cook.B was brought into the market last year.C sells at diff erent prices for different colours.D will come into the market soon.(3)With apple watch,you can________.A develop your own personal app.B connect your iphone with your ipad.C recei ve personal messages from your friends'iphone.D send personal messages to your frie nds'apple watches.(4)Many businesses help push for the uses of apple watch EXCEPT________.A hospitals.B hotels.C airlines.D car factories.(5)Many stores are planning to stop selling FitBit devices because________.A all of the devices are sold out.B they cannot make fitness fun.C they want to w elcome the Apple Watch.D Apple Watch can replace FitBit devices completely.四、词语运用(每小题5分,共16分)20. 从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空,其中有一个单词或词组是多余的.teeth; out of breath,especially,calm down,ridden,tasty43.I like moon cakes,________ those with fruit in them.44.Eating too much candy is bad for your________.45.I have never________a horse,but I'd like to have a try.46.Food on Mars would most probably be in the form of pills and would not be so________.47.He walked so fast that soon he was________.根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空.(每空限填一个单词)21. We watch the________.(raise) of the national flag in the playground every Monday morning.22. October second is my grandpa's________ (ninety) birthday.23. The teacher told us that the earth________(move) around the sun.24. Are you afraid of going out at night by________ (you),Lily and Lucy?25. Mother was very angry because I wrote________ (care).26. C)用所给动词中正确的形式完成短文.At 7:40a.m.,when Lisa (53)________ (have) at breakfast,there came a call.Twenty minutes later,she was with Ann,because Ann couldn't stop her baby from(54)________(cry).There,Lisa helped to wash Ann's three-day-old baby and it soon (55)________ (calm) down.It's Ann's first child and she was learning what(56)________ (do).After that,Lisa went to see Mr.Johnson,a rich old man who lived alone.His arm was broken and he couldn't wash or put on his clot hes himself.He had to (57)________ ( look ) after every day.Then Lisa got her second call that day.She went to a ho me for the elderly.There she worked with the old people until 2:00p.m.She answered their questions and helped them(58)________ (take)their medicine.She is busy every day but she likes her job and enjoys helping others.五、任务型阅读(满分30分)A)阅读短文,根据所读内容在短文后图表中的空格里填入一个恰当的单词.27. Four types of friends you need in your lifeDo you know that people will die early if they have no friends during their lifetime?The survey shows if you want to live longer and more happily,you need to have some friends who can share your sadness and happiness or can be helpful when you are in trouble.The following four types of friends are just what you need to keep the doctor away.1.A Loyal Best FriendEveryone needs a friend who will support you in different situations.This kind of friend kn ows all of your deepest and darkest secrets,but still loves you all the same.2.A Friendly NeighborThese days,a lot of people don't know their own neighbors.It's a shame,because some neighbors can be the most helpful people.Ifyou forget to lock the front door when you are on holiday,you can call your neighbors to lock it for you.So it's wonderful to have nice and helpful neig hbors.3.A WorkmateYou'll find it much easier to chat with someone than eating lunch alone every day.Your wor kmate doesn't have to be your best friend.If you two get along well with each other,you can always start going out with them outside of the office.4.A Friend From a Different CultureIf everyone had a friend from a different culture,the world would be a much better place.Remember that don't be friends with someone just because they're from a different culture.Instead,keep your mind open,and if you meet someone from other places,try to learn about their customs,values,and traditions.If you have such kinds of friends,you will surely live longer and more happily.59.________60.________61.________62.________63.________64.________65.________66.________67.________68.________.28. 阅读下面短文,按要求完成相关任务.Parents are the closest people to you in the world.They love you just because you are you.And they would do anything for you.Like a lot of middle school students,Zhanghua has a problem.She and her parents don't get on well."I really want to be my daddy's little girl.But it feels like he just doesn't understand.He jus t says something to me and doesn't listen",said Zhanghua.Do you and your parents also have problems?Well,why don't you all take a walk and have a talk on Saturday?It's the International Day of Families.It's on May 15,on that day people around the world give thanks for good things about their families and wor k on family problems.A study last year showed that 1500Beijing families had the same problem as Zhanghua's fami ly:The children,12to 15years old,didn't like talking with their parents much.They weren't happy at home.Of course,lots of kids feel that way.But you and your parents will be much happier if you can be frien ds.Here are some ways to have a good talk with them.◆ Find a good time to talk,like when you're eating dinner,going out for a walk or watching TV.◆ Tell them something you're interested in,or ask them about their lives when they were young.They love to talk about it.◆ Listen to them carefully,and look them in the eye.◆ Be honest.Your parents will trust you more.And a trusting family is a happy family.69.What's Zhanghua's problem?________70.Do Zhanghua's parents understand her?________71.What do people do on the International Day of Families?________72.将短文中划线的句子译成汉语.________73.can we have a go,xl talk with our parents?________.六、书面表达(满分20分)每年4月23日是"世界阅读日"(The World Reading Day).而随着生活节奏的加快、娱乐活动的丰富和现代化通讯工具的发展,书本是否离我们越来越远了呢?请根据下表提示,结合自己的观点,合理发挥,写一篇题为"Let's read more books!"的倡议书.注意:(1)表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;(2)必须包括表格中所有的相关信息,并适当发挥;(3)词数:80词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)(4)不得使用真实姓名、校名等.Let's read more books!Reading is a good habit.But nowadays more and more people2015年江苏省徐州市中考英语二模试卷答案1. B2. C3. A4. D5. B6. D7. D8. B9. B10. B11. D12. C13. D14. C15. A16. ADCBCBADADCACBB17. CBA18. BDAD19. CDDAC20. especially,teeth,ridden,tasty,out of breath21. raising22. ninetieth23. moves24. yourselves25. carelessly26. was having,crying,calmed,to do,be looked,take/to take27. happier,help,types,deepest,friendly,remember,yourself,better,making,with28. She and her parents don't get on well.,No,they don't.,People give thanks for good things about their families and work on family prob lems.,父母是这个世界上和你最亲近的人.,Yes,we can29. Let's read more books!Reading is a good habit.But nowadays more and more people are keeping away from readi ng.(说明读书少的原因)Students are busy doing homework.【高分句型一】Most people spend their spare time in watching TV,playing games on mobile phones,surfing on the Internet,so they don't have much time to read books.But reading is necessary and good.We learn a lot through reading.It helps us know about everything and the world.【高分句型二】It can not only enrich our life and broaden our horizons,but also helps us to learn to perfect our personality.It is useful to open our mind.Now that reading is good for us,let's develop a good habit of reading.(要提出自己的建议) I strongly suggest that every one of us should read at least one or two good books every term.。
(共5分)(二).对话理解(共5分)从A,B,C 三个答案中选出一个与你所听到的对话内容相符的答案。
录音听一 ( )6.A.Kate’s mother B. Mary’s sister C. Mary’s brother ( ) 7.A.To have a picnic B. To go fishing tomorrow C. To see a film ( ) 8.A.A policeman B.A visitor C.A cleaner ( ) 9.A.He is a doctor B .He is a writer C. He is a teacher ( )10.A.Today B. Last night C. Last week II.词汇(共15分) (一) 英汉互译.(10分)1.由…制作2. be used for3.偶然地,意外地4. take place5. allow sb. to do sth .6. 长大7.查明,找到8. have a point9..encourage sb to do 10.担心 (二) 根据汉语意思及首字母补全单词.(5分)1.. The Chinese use c_________ (筷子) instead of knives and forks.2. Do you like m (月饼) ?3. It is the first time that I speak in p (公共场合)4.Could you tell me where the r (公厕) is ?5. He has made a good d (决定) for you. III.单选.(共20分)( ) 1. He learns English by ____________ English songs.A. listenB. listen toC. listeningD. listening to( ) 2. He used _______ in Beijing, but he lives in Anhui now.A. to liveB. to livingC. liveD. living( ) 3.New computers ___ all over the world.A. is usedB. are usingC. are usedD. have used ( )4. The baby _________by his grandma.A. is looked afterB. are looked after D. look after ( )5. It will _____me too much time to read this book.A. takeB. costC. spendD. pay ( )6. Rice _____ in South China.A. growsB. is growC. is grownD. are grown ( )7.The Olympic Games ________ every four years.A. are heldB. were heldC. are holdingD. will held ( )8. My shoes and sweater were made _____ hand.A. inB. onC. withD. by( )9.—Do you know that there are many different ________animals in the zoo?—Yes, I do. I think some of them are _____scary.A. kinds of, kind ofB. kinds of, kinds ofC. kind of, kinds ofD. kind of, kind of( )10. The fruit should be well _____ during winter.学校 班级 姓名 考场 考号A. keepB. keptC. keepingD. to keep( ) 11. I have a _____ daughter.A. six years oldB.six year oldC. six-year-oldD. six-years-old( ) 12. He is too young. He is not _____ to join the army.A. old tooB. too oldC. enoughD. old enough( ) 13. You need _____ warm clothes, or you’ll catch a cold.A. to wearB. wearingC. wearsD. be worn( ) 14. I allow Tom _____ my computer.A. useB. usingC. to useD. uses( ) 15. Boys and girls, please stop _____ so much noise. It’s time for class.A. to makeB. to produceC. makingD. producing()16. The flowers__________ by the students yesterday.A. are wateredB. wateredC. were wateringD. were watered()17. Did you get your ears __________ ?A. pierceB. to pierceC. piercedD. piercing()18. He doesn't do this homework _________,though he has ________.A. enough carefully; enough timeB. carefully enough; time enoughC. carefully enough; enough timeD. enough carefully; enough time()19.—I think teenagers should be allowed to go out with their friends in the evening.—__________ .It’s not safe enough.A.I agree.B. I think soC.I don't knowD. I disagree()20.He is a bit ill. But he goes to school __________ at home.A. insteadB. instead ofC. instead of stayD. instead of stayingIV.完形填空.(共10分)The other day ,my friends and I talked about the rules that we have in school. At our school , we have to ______(1) uniforms every day. The problem is that all my classmates think the uniforms are ugly. We think young people should ______ (2) smart and so we would like to wear our own clothes. Our teachers believe that _____ (3) we did that, we would concentrate more ______ (4) our clothes than our studies. We disagree . We should feel ________ (5) and that is good for studying. If we can’t do that, we should be allowed to design our own uniforms. That would be a good way to keep ______ (6) teachers and students happy.It’s also probably a good idea for parents to allow teenagers to study in groups during the evening. I know we get noisy sometimes, _____ (7) we learn a lot from each other. We also think that vacations should be longer. At present, they’re too short. Longer vacations would give us time ______(8) things like volunteering. Last summer I had an opportunity to volunteer at the local hospital. But I couldn’t because I had to go back to school. It would be a good experience _____(9) me because I want to be a doctor ______ (10) I’m older.( )1. A. put on B. dress C. wear D. in( )2. A. see B. look at C. watch D. look( )3. A. if B. when C. before D. although( )4. A. in B. at C. on D. about( )5. A. comfortable B. most comfortable C. more comfortable D. comfortable ( )6. A. all B. either C. neither D. both( )7. A. and B. but C. so D. then( )8.A. doing B. do C. to do D. does( )9.A. to B. for C. with D. on( )10.A. when B. after C. before D. as soon asV.阅读理解.(共20分)A)篇When should you start to buy Christmas presents? One week before the day? Two weeks? Western children start buying presents months before Christmas Day. As the day comes nearer, children write lists of what presents they want to give and receive.Big shopping streets get crowded from late November. Everyone counts down "the number of shopping days left until Christmas". Stores put up colored lights, and Christmas trees. You will hear Christmas songs like Jingle Bells in shop after shop. Some stores offer many dolls, stuffed animals (填充动物玩具) and computer games. You can play with them to see if you like them - there are people to show you how things work.People try to get to the shops early, to buy presents before they sell out. In the week before Christmas, shops stay open late. Some stores open their doors at 9 am and close them at 9 pm, not 9 am until 5.30 pm as normal. It's very tiring for salespeople! Some people save for months before the holiday, to have enough money to spend on their friends and family.But not everyone goes shopping for Christmas presents. Some people like to make their own gifts and cards.1. Christmas shopping usually starts in _____. A. December B. November C. October2. You may NOT see ____ in stores during the Christmas season. A. computer games B. Jack-O-Lanterns C. colored lights3. People have to go to the shops early because _____.A. the shops close earlier than usualB. the shops open earlier than usualC. there might be a shortage of certain goods4. If you go shopping at 6pm on December 20, you'll probably _____.A. find a present to buyB. find the shops closedC. lose your way home 5. The best title for this passage is _____.A. Christmas treesB. Christmas partiesC. Shopping for ChristmaB)篇Last week, 169 Junior 1 students at No. 35 Middle School of Shenyang took their first no-teacher exam. After the teacher handed out the exam paper, he left the room and never came back. A student collected in the papers when the exam ended."That test was not only a test of knowledge, but also a test of moral (道德). We wanted to show students how important honesty is," said Cai Wenguo , the school's headmaster. The school says no cheating (作弊)happened in the test. Next year, it wants 80% of its exams to be without teachers. But students have different ideas."I was happy and excited during the exam because my teachers trusted (信任) me," said Lang Yudan, a 13-year-old girl in Class 11."Schools must trust students a lot not to use invigilators (监考人). But I think it is too early. Some students will cheat if there are no invigilators. And the students will not be able to ask for help when needed, 99 said Hua Sha."I don' t like having invigilators in exams. When they walk around the classroom, they make me nervous. I would get higher marks without them in the room because I would feel more relaxed," Liu Qingxi said."I think it's very important to have invigilators in exams. Many students want to check their answers with each other after they have finished papers. And they can also keep the classroom in order when something unusual happens. They may make me nervous, but I still think we need them," Shangguan Yuan said.Not using invigilators may be a good idea. But before using it, schools must tell students the importance of honesty and try to find ways to solve something unusual in exams. ( ) 6. The passage mainly talks about ______________. A. how to pass an exam B. how to make students honestC. whether invigilators are needed in exams( ) 7. No. 35 Middle School of Shenyang held a no-teacher exam to _________. A. let the students have a good rest B. teach the students in a better way C. help all the students pass the exam D. find whether the students were honest学校 班级 姓名 考场 考号( ) 8. From what the students have said, we know _____________A. invigilators really help them a lotB. not all of them agree with the headmasterC. something unusual never happens in exams( ) 9. What does Hua Sha think about no-teacher exams?A. It's a good idea to have no-teacher exams but something must be done first.B. If there are no invigilators, the students will certainly get lower marks.C. Exams without invigilators will never be held since students are not honest.( ) 10. In the sentence "And they can also keep the classroom in order when something unusual happens" "they" refers to (指)_____________.A. studentsB. headmastersC. invigilatorsVI句型转换.(共10分)1.The sweater is made of wool. (对画线部分提问)What the sweater of ?2.This book was written by Lu Ying .(改为否定句)This book __________ __________ by Lu Xun.3. I saw our math teacher go the office just now.(改为被动句)Our math teacher _____ _____ _ to go into the office just now.4. It was invented in 1888 .(对画线部分提问)______ was it _________ ?5. We should allow Teenagers to choose their own clothes.(同义句)VII.用所给词的适当形式填空.(5分)1. Many _______________(hero) died for their countries2. In spring, we can see green ______ (leaf) and grass everywhere.3. The Internet is ______ (wide) used in most families in our country today.4. English ________ (speak) by many people in the world.5.MP3 is used for__________(play)music.VIII情景交际.(5分)A. When was the telephone invented , do you know ?B. Yes , 1 .A. 2B. No , I think it was invented after the car.A. 3B. It’s used for talking with our friends and relatives .A. 4B. I think the car is more useful than the telephone .It can take us to everywhere we want to go .A. Would you like to buy a car some day ?IX书面表达.(5分)手机是现代人必备的通讯工具之一。
2014—2015学年度第一学期第二次检测试题 九年级化学【试题及答案】
2015—2016学年度第一学期第二次阶段检测九年级化学(满分80分,时间60分钟)本试卷可能用到的相对原子质量:H :1Cl :35.5 O :16 Zn :65 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共30分)一、选择题(本题共15题,每小题只有一个选项符合题意。
每小题2分,共30分) 1.下列变化中属于化学变化的是( ) A .汽油挥发 B .碳酸分解 C .煤 块压碎 D .干冰升华 2.下列图示实验操作中,正确的是( )3.下列措施中,不能..起到节约化石能源作用的是( ) A .采用风力发电 B .使用乙醇汽油C .使用太阳能电池为路灯供电D .治理被酸雨酸化的土壤4.硅酸钠()23Na SiO 是制作防火板材的原料之一。
其中,硅元素()Si 的化合价为( ) A .4- B .2- C .2+ D .4+ 5.下列物质中,属于合金的是( ) A .铁 B .钢 C .铝 D .铜6.在日常生活中,当燃气燃烧不充分火焰呈现黄色时,需要调节灶具的进风口,目的是( ) A .增大空气的进气量 B .提高火焰温度 C .增大燃气的进气量 D .减少空气的进气量 7.除去2CO 中混有少量2O 的最佳方法是( ) A .点燃 B .通过灼热的铜网 C .通过澄清石灰水D .通过灼热的木炭层8.潜艇中船员呼吸产生的二氧化碳能通过化学反应22222Na O 2CO 2X O +===+吸收,则X 的化学式为( ) A .NaOHB .2Na CC .2Na OD .23Na CO9.吹灭蜡烛,其主要的灭火原理是( ) A .隔绝空气 B .清除可燃物 C .降低蜡烛的着火点 D .使温度降到蜡烛的着火点以下 10.下列说法中,不正确的是( )A .为了维护人类生存的环境,应彻底消除温室效应B .能产生温室效应的气体除二氧化碳外,还有奥氧、甲烷等C .“低碳”生活指的是人们在生活中应努力减少二氧化碳的排放D .使用太阳能、风能等清洁能源是控制二氧化碳排放的有效措施之一 11.下列措施不能在一定程度上防止金属生锈的是( ) A .在金属表面涂油或刷漆B .在金属表面镀上一层耐腐蚀的铬C .制成耐腐蚀的合金D .用砂纸擦去铝制品表面的氧化膜12.在硝酸银、硝酸铜的混合溶液中加入一定量锌粉,反应停止后过滤,滤液仍为蓝色。