【公开课课件】新人教版英语选修五 《Unit 4 Language study》

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4) “Is everything ready yet?” asked Hu Xin to the photographer. Hu Xin asked the photographer, “Is everything ready yet?”
3. Rewrite these sentences using inversion. First, find the phrase to begin with. Then change the word order of the sentence. Use the words or phrases underlined to rewrite these sentences.
Noun Adjective
to act like a person
profession professional trained for a particular job
education educational connected with the teaching of students
3. You will be able to write a good report only after you have acquired the information you need. Only after you have acquired the information you need will you be able to write a good report.
8) A I don’t mind losing that skill if it is not useful. B I want to _a_c_q_u_ir_e_ that skill if it is useful.
3. In the reading passage there are some adjectives that come from nouns. You form them by adding –al. Complete the table below. The first one is done for you. Can you add one of your own to the list?
6) A “This room needs a light clean,” explained the housewife. B “ This room needs a _th_o_r_o_u_g_h_ clean,” explained the housewife.
7) A The law allows people to defend themselves against a charge. B The law does not allow people to _a_c_cu__se_ themselves o_f_a crime.
4. He gave a lot of presents to his friends, but he has never given one to me. Never has he given a present to me though he gave a lot (of presents) to his friends.
2) A He did not steal the vase so he didn’t do anything wrong. B He did steal the vase so he is _g_u_il_t_y.
3) A She does not get absorbed in her studies for long. B She can _c_o_n_c_en__tr_a_t_e_o_n_ her studies for a long time.
4. Certain phrases can introduce an inverted sentence. Now use these phrases to complete the following sentences.
1) Only after _p_a_in_f_u_l_p_r_e_p_a_r_a_t_io_n_ did _I_d_o__w_e_l_l _in__th__e_l_a_st_e_x_a_m__i_n_a_ti_o_n_.
1. You will see so many seats only at a stadium in Beijing. Only at a stadium in Beijing will you see so many seats.
2. I have seldom been so upset. Seldom have I been so upset.
4) A The reporter went out with an untrained photographer. B The reporter went out with a/an _____p_ro_f_e_s_sipohnoatlographer.
5) A Chris is not interested in starting his new occupation. B Chris is _e_a_g_er_ to start his new occupation.
4. Only by doing _h_e_r_e_x_e_r_c_is_e_e_v_e_r_y_d__a_y could J_a_n__e_h_o_p_e__to__r_u_n_p_r_o_f_e_s_si_o_n_a_l_ly_ _a_g_a_in_ .
5. Only in a _fi_lm__ can _p_e_o_p_l_e_g_e_t_h_i_t_a_n_d_ n_e_v_e_r__fe_e_l_t_h_e_p_a_i_n_.
2. Complete Sentence B using a word or phrase from the reading passage which has the opposite meaning to the words underlined in Sentence A.
1) A By accident she broke that beautiful bowl. B She _d_e_l_ib_e_r_a_t_e_ly_ broke that beautiful bowl.
Noun Adjective
an official part of an activity following ideas
tradition traditional and methods used for a long time
something to do personal with oneself
2) Only then did I begin my work on designing a new bridge. I began my work on designing a new bridge only then.
3) Not only was there a Christmas tree, but also exciting presents under it. There was not only a Christmas tree but there were also exciting presents under it.
2) Not once did _y_o_u_c_o_m__e_t_o_s_a_y__y_o_u__ w__e_r_e_s_o_r_r_y_a_f_te_r__b_r_ea_k__in_g__th__e_v_a_s_e_ .
3. Seldom have I b_e_e_n__s_o_h_a_p_p_y__a_s_w__h_e_n m__y__so_n__g_r_a_d_u_a_t_e_d_f_r_o_m__u_n_i_v_e_rs_i_ty_.
Learning about Language
Discovering useful words and expressions
1. In the reading passage several expressions are used in an idiomatic way. Find them and fill in the chart. Add one of your own.
to report on an important event cover a story clever ways known to experts trick of the trade
to present the ideas fairly get the facts straight not to understand an ideas properly get to the wrong end of the stick this is the story this is how the story goes to get the story first get a scoop
1) Never will Zhou Yang forget his first assignment at China daily.
2) Only when you have seen what he or she does, can you cover a story by yourself.
3) Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know.
5. She is not only good at languages, but also at history. Not only is she good at language, but she is also good at history.
6. You can improve your English only by practicing it as much as possible. Only by practicing it as much as possible can you improve your English.
related to one’s occupation occupational job
Leaning about Language
Discovering useful structures
1. Find three examples of inversion in the reading passage.
7. I have never read sucre have I read such an exciting report.
8. She took part in a horse riding competition, and did not miss a jump once. Not once did she miss a jump when she took part in the horse riding competition.
2. Rewrite these sentence using normal word order.
1) I did not know how to use that recorder. Neither did he. I did not know how to use that recorder and he did not know, either.