2010 Targeted covalent drugs of the kinase family
中国化药注册分类(旧分类、新分类)Classification of Registration of Chemical Drugs in China (The Old Classification and the New Classification) 旧的注册分类是来源于2007年10月1日实施的《药品注册管理办法》(局令第28号)的附件2《化学药品注册分类及申报资料要求》(此注册分类实际在28号令之前就实施的,早期历史文件不再追溯)。
The old classification of registration dated from the Annex 2 “Registered Classification of Chemicals and Requirements of Application”of “Administrative Provision of Drug Registration” (Board Order No. 28), which implemented on October 1st, 2007 (Actually, this category had been implemented earlier than the date of the implementation of the 28 orders, and the early history file is no longer traceable).旧的药品注册分类如下:/ The old classification of registration of drug is as follows:进口化学药品申报,申请未在国内外获准上市销售的药品,按照注册分类1的规定报送资料;其他品种按照注册分类3的规定报送资料。
也可以报送ICH 规定的CTD资料,但“综述资料”部分应按照化学药品《申报资料项目》要求报送。
Etyma & Affix
FDA Glossary
临床实验 标准药物 药物产品 原料药 副作用 国家处方集 美国药典
Clinical Trial Standard Drug
Drug Product Drug Substance Adverse Effect
National Formulary The United States Pharmacopeia
Pharmaceutical terms
处方 prescription; recipe 穿透促进剂 penetration enhancers 磁性药物制剂 magnetic medicinal preparations 大分子 macromolecule 当量 equivalent weight 当量定律 equivalent law 当量浓度 normality 当量溶液 normal solution 等张溶液 isotonic solution 低聚糖 oligosaccharide 滴定 titration 滴定曲线 titration curve 滴丸剂 pill 递质 transmitter 电解 electrolyzation 电解质 electrolyte 定向药物制剂 directed pharmaceutical preparations
Pharmaceutical terms
消除速率常数 elimination rate constant 效价 potency 效价单位 potency unit 效价强度 potency intensity 效应 effect 协同作用 synergism 兴奋性 excitability 悬浮液 suspension 选择性 selectivity 血管内给药 intravascular administration 血管外给药 extravascular administration 血浆 plasma 血浆蛋白结合率 plasma protein binding ratio 血清 serum 血药浓度 blood concentration 血液制品 blood products 药—时曲线 drug-time curve 时曲线 药峰浓度 peak concentration of drug 药峰时间 peak time of drug 药剂等效性 pharmaceutical equivalence 药敏试验 drug sensitive test
OxyContin® History Society and Culture
OxyContin® History Society and Culture
• 半合成阿片,1916年首次由德国研制成功,有记 载的临床使用为1917年。 • 近年羟考酮的临床处方量快速增加,国际麻醉药 品管理局2009年公布的数据显示:
5 WHO是以一个国家(地区)的吗啡(羟可酮)用量作为衡量这个国家 (地区)癌痛治疗状况的重要指标
6 合理用药——综合费用并不高
• 1825例患者的平均日剂量为38.6±41.3mg(5mg~499.3mg) • 55.2% ≤30mg, 75.1% ≤40mg, 86.8%≤60mg
• 第8周时,主要不良反应为:
– 便秘(12.01%)
– 恶心(1.52%) – 嗜睡(0.97%) – 无力(0.65%) – 呕吐(0.54%) – 排尿困难(0.54%)
• 随用药时间延长,不良反应发生率逐渐降低
– 第1周:43.9% – 第8周:16.88%
120 100
99.6 89.1 53.6
80 60 40 20 0 <30分钟 13.2
者首次用药起 效时间在1小 时之内
30~45分钟 45~60分钟
靶向PD-1/PD-L1的新策略:降解剂、双功能分子及共价抑制剂王志杰1,2,廖晓彤2,郭 霞1*,陈建军2**(1南方医科大学深圳医院, 深圳518100;2南方医科大学药学院, 广州510515)摘 要 靶向细胞程序性死亡受体-1(programmed cell death protein-1, PD-1)/细胞程序性死亡配体-1(programmed cell death ligand-1, PD-L1)已成为最具前景的肿瘤免疫治疗靶点之一。
关键词 PD-1/PD-L1;肿瘤免疫;降解剂;双功能分子;共价抑制剂中图分类号 R914;R730.3 文献标志码 A文章编号 1000−5048(2024)01−0005−10doi :10.11665/j.issn.1000−5048.2023112702引用本文 王志杰,廖晓彤,郭霞,等. 靶向PD-1/PD-L1的新策略:降解剂、双功能分子及共价抑制剂[J]. 中国药科大学学报,2024,55(1):5 − 14.Cite this article as: WANG Zhijie, LIAO Xiaotong, GUO Xia, et al . New strategies for targeting PD-1/PD-L1: degraders, bifunctional molecules and covalent inhibitors[J]. J China Pharm Univ , 2024, 55(1): 5 − 14.New strategies for targeting PD-1/PD-L1: degraders, bifunctional molecules and covalent inhibitorsWANG Zhijie 1,2, LIAO Xiaotong 2, GUO Xia 1*, CHEN Jianjun 2**1Shenzhen Hospital, Southern Medical University, Shenzhen 518100; 2School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Southern MedicalUniversity, Guangzhou 510515, ChinaAbstract Programmed cell death protein-1 (PD-1) / programmed cell death ligand-1 (PD-L1) has been considered to be one of the most promising targets for tumor immunotherapy. At present, both monoclonal antibody drugs and small molecule inhibitors targeting PD-1/PD-L1 are facing bottlenecks. Numerous researchers have tried to explore different strategies to block the PD-L1/PD-L1 pathway, hoping to improve the effects of tumor immunotherapy. This review focuses on the degraders, bifunctional molecules and covalent inhibitors that target PD-L1, aiming to provide inspiring insights for the development of anti-PD-1/PD-L1 drugs.Key words PD-1/PD-L1; tumor immunotherapy; degraders; bifunctional molecules; covalent inhibitorsThis study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 82173668,No.82373706)恶性肿瘤是21世纪最大的健康和发展挑战之一,严重威胁着人类的生命健康,已成为“全球头号杀手”之一。
靶向给药系统(targeting drug delivery system)能够选择性作用于病变部位,控制药物的分布与释放,提高药效和降低毒副作用,已成为癌症治疗领域的研究热点之一。
关键词:靶向给药系统;药物载体;合成高分子材料Research progress of high polymer material in targetingdrug delivery systemAbstract:to review high polymer materials for target drug delivery system and disscuss the present obstacles. Targeting drug delivery system is one of the most concerned research fields in cancer treatment because it can bind selectively and react with the target diseased sites at the cellular or sub—cellular level,making distribution and release of drugs in a controlled manner,thus enhance therapeutic effects and reduce toxic and side—efects on normal cells.Key words:targeting drug delivery system;drug carrier;synthetic polymer;引言靶向给药系统( targeting drug de livery systems,TADS)是指药物载体通过局部或全身血液循环而使药物选择性地浓集定位于靶组织、靶器官、靶细胞或细胞内结构并在该靶部位发挥治疗作用的给药系统, 近年来靶向给药系统的研究已经成为国内外药剂学研究的重点之一。
20060628 EMEA/CHMP/QWP/251344/2006 基因毒性杂质限度指南(转载中英文)London, 28 June 2006CPMP/SWP/5199/02EMEA/CHMP/QWP/251344/2006TABLE OF CONTENTS 目录EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 内容摘要 (3)1. INTRODUCTION 介绍 (3)2. SCOPE 范围 (3)3. LEGAL BASIS法律依据 (3)4. TOXICOLOGICAL BACKGROUND 毒理学背景 (4)5. RECOMMENDATIONS 建议 (4)5.1 Genotoxic Compounds With Sufficient Evidence for a Threshold-Related Mechanism具有充分证据证明其阈值相关机理的基因毒性化合物 (4)5.2 Genotoxic Compounds Without Sufficient Evidence for a Threshold-Related Mechanism不具备充分证据支持其阈值相关机理的基因毒性化合物 (5)5.2.1 Pharmaceutical Assessment 药学评价 (5)5.2.2 Toxicological Assessment 毒理学评价 (5)5.2.3 Application of a Threshold of Toxicological Concern 毒理学担忧阈值应用 (5)5.3 Decision Tree for Assessment of Acceptability of Genotoxic Impurities基因毒性杂质可接受性评价决策树 (7)REFERENCES. 参考文献 (8)EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 内容摘要The toxicological assessment of genotoxic impurities and the determination of acceptable limits for such impurities in active substances is a difficult issue and not addressed in sufficient detail in the existing ICH Q3X guidances. The data set usually available for genotoxic impurities is quite variable and is the main factor that dictates the process used for the assessment of acceptable limits. In the absence of data usually needed for the application of one of the established risk assessment methods, i.e. data from carcinogenicity long-term studies or data providing evidence for a threshold mechanism of genotoxicity, implementation of a generally applicable approach as defined by the Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC) is proposed. A TTC value of 1.5 μg/day intake of a genotoxic impurity is considered to be associated with an acceptable risk (excess cancer risk of <1 in 100,000 over a lifetime) for most pharmaceuticals. From this threshold value, a permitted level in the active substance can be calculated based on the expected daily dose. Higher limits may be justified under certain conditions such as short-term exposure periods.基因毒性杂质的毒理学评估和这些杂质在活性药物中的可接受标准的测定是一件困难的事情,并且在现有的ICH Q3X指南中也没有详细的规定。
Quality Control 质量控制
State Drug Administration 国家药品监督管理局
Total Quality Control 全面质量管理
United States Pharmacopeia 美国药典
Pharmaceutical terms
半衰期 half-life period; half life time 包衣片 coated tablet 薄膜衣 film-coating
Pharmaceutical terms
饱和溶液 saturated solution 必需脂肪酸 essential fatty acid 变态反应 allergy; allergic reaction
稳态血药浓度 steady state plasma concentration
Pharmaceutical terms
消除速率常数 elimination rate constant
效价 potency
效价单位 potency unit
效价强度 potency intensity
效应 effect
Pharmaceutical terms
生物半衰期 biological half life
生物利用度 bioavailability
生物制品 biological product
生药 crude drugs
手性药物 chiral drug
受体 receptor
体积比浓度 volume by volume concentration
Pharmaceutical terms
2010年药典第三部英文回答:In 2010, the third edition of the Pharmacopoeia was published, which set forth the requirements and standardsfor pharmaceutical substances and preparations. Thisedition aimed to ensure the quality, safety, and efficacyof medicines used in the healthcare industry. It included guidelines for the identification, testing, and control of active pharmaceutical ingredients, as well as theformulation and labeling of finished products.The Pharmacopoeia serves as a vital reference for healthcare professionals, including pharmacists, physicians, and regulatory authorities. It provides them with comprehensive information on the quality and standards of medicines, allowing them to make informed decisions regarding patient care. For example, if a physician prescribes a particular medication, they can consult the Pharmacopoeia to ensure that the product meets the requiredspecifications and is safe for use.One of the key features of the 2010 edition is the inclusion of monographs, which provide detaileddescriptions and specifications for individual drugs ordrug classes. These monographs cover a wide range of topics, including the physical and chemical properties of the drug, the recommended dosage forms and strengths, and the analytical methods for testing its quality. By followingthe monographs, pharmaceutical manufacturers can ensurethat their products are consistent with the established standards.Moreover, the Pharmacopoeia also addresses the issue of impurities in pharmaceutical substances. It sets limits for impurities, such as residual solvents, heavy metals, and microbial contaminants, to ensure that medicines are free from potentially harmful substances. These limits are based on scientific evidence and are designed to protect patient safety. For example, if a medication contains excessive levels of a particular impurity, it may pose a risk to the patient's health. The Pharmacopoeia helps to prevent suchsituations by providing guidelines for testing and controlling impurities.In addition to the standards for pharmaceutical substances, the Pharmacopoeia also includes guidelines for the formulation and labeling of finished products. These guidelines ensure that medicines are formulated in a way that maximizes their stability, efficacy, and safety. For example, the Pharmacopoeia may specify the acceptable range of pH for a particular oral solution to ensure itsstability over time. It may also provide labeling requirements, such as the mandatory inclusion of certain warnings or precautions on the product packaging.中文回答:2010年,第三版药典出版,规定了药物物质和制剂的要求和标准。
J. Antimicrob. Chemother.-2010-Chopra-2598-601
Repurposing FDA-approved drugs to combat drug-resistantAcinetobacter baumanniiSidharth Chopra 1,Maria Torres-Ortiz 1,Leslie Hokama 1,Peter Madrid 1,Mary Tanga 1,Kristien Mortelmans 1,Krishna Kodukula 2and Amit K.Galande 2*1Center for Infectious Disease and Biodefense Research,SRI International,Menlo Park,CA,USA;2Center for Advanced Drug Research,SRI International,Harrisonburg,V A,USA*Corresponding author.Tel:+1-540-438-6621;Fax:+1-540-438-6601;Email:amit.galande@Received 5August 2010;returned 16August 2010;revised 23August 2010;accepted 24August 2010Objective:The rising occurrence of drug-resistant pathogens accentuates the need to identify novel antibiotics.We wanted to identify new scaffolds for drug discovery by repurposing FDA-approved drugs againstAcinetobacter baumannii ,an emerging Gram-negative nosocomial drug-resistant pathogen.Materials and methods:In this study,we screened 1040FDA-approved drugs against drug-susceptibleA.baumannii ATCC 17978and drug-resistant A.baumannii BAA-1605.Results and discussion:Twenty compounds exhibited significant antimicrobial activity (MIC ≤8mg/L)againstATCC 17978while only five compounds showed such activity against BAA-1605.Among the most notableresults,tyrothricin,a bactericidal antibiotic typically active only against Gram-positive bacteria,exhibited equi-potent activity against both strains.Conclusion:The paucity of identified compounds active against drug-resistant A.baumannii exemplifies itsability to resist antimicrobials as well as the resilience of drug-resistant Gram-negative pathogens.Repurposingof approved drugs is a viable alternative to de novo drug discovery and development.Keywords:Gram-negative infections,cyclic peptides,tyrothricinIntroduction Drug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii has the distinction of simultaneously being a National Institute of Allergy and Infec-tious Diseases (NIAID)Category C pathogen and one of the six most dangerous multidrug-resistant (MDR)microbes in the Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA)rogues’gallery.1It accounts for 6%of Gram-negative infections in intensive care facilities in the USA,with mortality rates as high as 54%having been reported by the IDSA.Isolation of MDR Acinetobacter soared from 6.7%in 1993to 29.9%by 2004,emphasizing the need for newer and better drugs.2‘Iraqibacter’infections have gained notoriety with regard to trauma associated with soldiers in the Persian Gulf and Vietnam.In recent years,the pharma-ceutical industry has reduced antimicrobial drug development programmes for a multitude of reasons,including antibiotic resistance and lower profit margins.Even newly FDA-approved drugs such as linezolid (2000)and daptomycin (2003)do not target the emerging nosocomial Gram-negative pathogens,thus exacerbating the dearth of new drugs.3Repurposing or repositioning of FDA-approved pharma-cotherapies for off-label use is considered to be a less risky enter-prise than de novo drug discovery and is a more systematic approach to identifying new classes of antibiotics and scaffolds in response to the continuous rise of MDR pathogens.Several examples of successful repurposing include buproprion (Wellbutrin),which was developed to treat depression,but has found use in smoking cessation (marketed as Zyban)and duloxetine (Cymbalta),which was developed to treat depression and is being used to treat stress urinary incontinence.4In this study,we screened the Microsource US Drug Library against drug-susceptible (DS)and MDR strains of A.baumannii.The purpose of this screening effort was 2-fold.First,we wanted to identify any non-antimicrobial drugs exhibiting signifi-cant activity against A.baumannii .Second,we wanted to get an overview of the biological activity of the panel of existing antimicrobials against the DS and MDR A.baumannii .We hypo-thesized that comparing the biological activities of different classes of antibiotics against DS and MDR A.baumannii would identify the patterns and extent of drug resistance and provide #The Author 2010.Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy.All rights reserved.For Permissions,please e-mail:journals.permissions@J Antimicrob Chemother 2010;65:2598–2601doi:10.1093/jac/dkq353Advance Access publication 22September 20102598 at Academy of Military Medical Sciences OF Chinese PLA on January 9, 2011 Downloaded fromstrategies for developing the next generation of antibacterials targeting MDR bacteria.Materials and methods Compounds and libraryThe drug library procured from Microsource,Inc.(http://www./usdrugs.html)contained 1040drugs that have reached clinical trial stages in the USA and have been assigned US Phar-macopeia (USP)status.The library was provided in a 96-well plate format with aliquots of 10mM stocks of drugs in DMSO.Other antibiotics were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St Louis,MO,USA)and solubilizedaccording to the manufacturer’s instructions,and aliquots were stored at 2208C.Bacterial strains and growth conditions The A.baumannii strains were procured from the ATCC (ATCC,Manassas,V A,USA).ATCC 17978is a DS strain isolated in 1951from a 4-month-oldinfant with fatal meningitis.It exhibits susceptibility to the majority of clinically utilized antibiotics.BAA-1605is an MDR strain isolated from the sputum of a Canadian soldier who served in Afghanistan in 2006and exhibits resistance to ceftazidime,gentamicin,ticarcillin,piperacillin,aztreonam,cefepime,ciprofloxacin,imipenem and meropenem,but is susceptible to amikacin and tobramycin.Mueller–Hinton broth II (MHB II)(Becton Dickinson)was used to propagate the bacteria.The library was initially screened at a single concentration point ( 16mg/L)according to CLSI guidelines (CLSI,Wayne,PA,USA)to ident-ify ‘hit’compounds against both strains.5The 96-well plates were incu-bated at 378C for 18–24h and the antimicrobial activity was determined by visual inspection.The MIC of the active compounds was determined and was defined as the lowest concentration of the com-pound that inhibited visible growth after 24h.We defined significantantimicrobial activity as MIC ≤8mg/L against either strain.The exper-iments were conducted in duplicate and the results are shown in Table 1.ResultsOnly a small percentage of the compounds tested (20/1040or 1.92%)exhibited significant antimicrobial activity (MIC ≤8mg/L),despite the high prevalence of known antibiotics.Those com-pounds that did exhibit activity fell into classical antimicrobialdrug categories.In comparison with polymyxin B,13drugsexhibited comparable or better activity against ATCC 17978whereas only 1drug exhibited comparable activity againstBAA-1605.This extremely low number of compounds significantlyactive against BAA-1605is a testament to the ability of MDRA.baumannii to resist antimicrobials.Among the most potent class of compounds identifiedagainst ATCC 17978were the fluoroquinolones,especially gatifloxacin,gemifloxacin,levofloxacin,moxifloxacin and sarafloxacin,with MICs ,0.04mg/L,even though BAA-1605was resistant to all of the fluoroquinolones tested.However,not all fluoroquinolones exhibited equally potent activity,as evidenced by an increasing range of MIC from enrofloxacin to lomefloxacin (Table 1).On the other hand,doxycycline HCl exhibited significantly potent activity (MIC 0.37mg/L)while kanamycin A sulphate and minocycline HCl exhibited moderate activity against Table 1.Drugs significantly active against A.baumannii strains (sorted by increasing MIC values against ATCC 17978)Name of drug CAS number Target(s)MIC (mg/L)ATCC 17978BAA-1605Levofloxacin 138199-71-0DNA gyrase , 160738-57-8DNA gyrase , HCl 91296-87-6DNA gyrase , HCl 186826-86-8DNA gyrase , mesylate 204519-65-3DNA gyrase , 93106-60-6DNA gyrase 54-64-8multiple 0.150.15Pefloxacin mesylate 149676-40-4DNA gyrase HCl 17086-28-1,564-25-0protein synthesis 0.37 3.00Ofloxacin 82419-36-1DNA gyrase HCl 127-33-3protein synthesis acid 14698-29-4DNA gyrase 42835-25-6DNA gyrase B sulphate 1405-20-5,1404-26-8cell envelope 2.03 1.01Lomefloxacin HCl 98079-52-8,98079-51-7DNA gyrase 70-30-4multiple HCl 13614-98-7,10118-90-8protein synthesis A sulphate 25389-94-0,59-01-8protein synthesis 80621-81-4RNA polymerase 4.91 4.91Tyrothricin 1404-88-2cell envelope 7.957.95CAS,Chemical Abstract Service.Repurposing drugs to combat drug-resistant A.baumannii 2599JACat Academy of Military Medical Sciences OF Chinese PLA on January 9, 2011 Downloaded fromATCC17978,but all were ineffective against BAA-1605(Table1). Highly significant polymyxin B activity against both strains(MIC 1.01–2.03mg/L)was observed.Three antibiotics exhibiting equipotent activity against both strains were thimerosal,rifaximin and tyrothricin(Table1). DiscussionA.baumannii’s ability to survive in a multitude of natural environ-ments,combined with its ability to acquire an impressive range of antibiotic resistance determinants,renders it a successful nosocomial pathogen.Recent comprehensive genomic studies on A.baumannii have identified multiple alien islands on its genome acquired through horizontal gene transfer,a number of which have been extensively linked to drug resistance.6Our screening efforts have confirmed there are very limited options to combat A.baumannii when considering existing approved antibiotics.Our systematic efforts for repurposing drugs for treating A.baumannii have highlighted several important observations. First,only20drugs exhibited significant activity against ATCC17978,a1.92%hit rate.This extremely low hit rate sup-ports the idea that even the DS strain of A.baumannii is naturally resistant to many of the old and new classes of approved antibacterials.It is known that tetracycline-resistant bacteria demonstrate increased susceptibility to semi-synthetic tetracyclines such as minocycline and doxycycline.Indeed,minocycline has been shown to be effective against A.baumannii strains resistant to doxycycline or tetracycline and imipenem.7Our study showed a similar trend,with doxycycline exhibiting a significant MIC against BAA-1605(Table1),which suggests that semi-synthetic tetracyclines could potentially be used for the MDR strains.This, however,was not true for minocycline HCl;although its activity against ATCC17978was significant,it lost potency against BAA-1605(Table1).The loss in potency of the tetracycline class of compounds against BAA-1605is probably mediated by a combination of efflux pumps and ribosomal protection protein(s).Our screening also identified thefluoroquinolone class as exhibiting extremely potent activity against ATCC17978 (some MICs,0.03mg/L)(Table1).This gain,however,was offset by the complete absence offluoroquinolone activity against BAA-1605,epitomizing class resistance.Resistance to fluoroquinolones in A.baumannii is mediated by mutations in quinolone resistance determining regions in the gyrA and parC genes,which have been demonstrated for BAA-1605.8Since MDR A.baumannii is being encountered with increasing fre-quency in the clinic,the identification offluoroquinolones as pos-sessing potent activity against DS strains but not against MDR strains does not bode well for the use offluoroquinolones as a long-term treatment strategy.We also identified the antimicrobial peptide family(specifi-cally cyclic peptides)as possessing equipotent activity against ATCC17978and BAA-1605(Table1).Tyrothricin is a complex mixture of polypeptide antimicrobials consisting of gramicidins ( 15%)and tyrocidins( 85%).The precise molecular compo-sition of this complex mixture remains unclear,as mass spec-trometry studies indicate a mixture of over30compounds.9It is important to highlight that tyrothricin is primarily used as an antibiotic against Gram-positive bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus.Our study,however,suggests that this mixture of peptide antibiotics could also be used effectively against A.baumannii. Recently,antimicrobial peptides such as rBPI2and cecropin P1 have demonstrated potent activity against polymyxin B-resistant A.baumannii.10Currently,tyrothricin is available for topical application only,since systemic intake can lead to severe side effects.Even though tyrothricin can be repurposed for wound infections caused by A.baumannii,developing peptide therapies for systemic infections is challenged by cost,manufacturing, delivery and toxicity issues.The synergistic activity of tyrothricin with other clinically utilized antibiotics needs to be further studied.Rapidly developing antibiotic resistance is hindering efforts to discover novel and effective antibiotics for treating pan-resistant bacteria.Our studies indicate that an effective antibiotic for MDR A.baumannii could emerge from semi-synthetic tetracyclines and antimicrobial peptides.Our screening effort also provides insights into the chemical biology of antibiotic resistance, which may be helpful in selecting scaffolds for the next generation of antibiotics.For example,we found that while levofloxacin and related molecules are highly effective against ATCC17978,the MDR BAA-1605strain shows resistance to the entire class.To provide a long-term solution to the problem of drug resistance,it will be important to develop systems-level models of antibiotic resistance pathways.Systems biology approaches are likely to identify targets that can delay the development of resistance.To the best of our knowledge,this study presents thefirst systematic effort for preliminary repur-posing approved drugs to tackle the growing menace of MDR A.baumannii.FundingThis work was supported by SRI International Internal Research and Development(IR&D)grants.Transparency declarationsNone to declare.References1Boucher HW,Talbot GH,Bradley JS et al.Bad bugs,no drugs:no ESKAPE!An update from the Infectious Diseases Society of America. Clin Infect Dis2009;48:1–2.2Lockhart SR,Abramson MA,Beekmann SE et al.Antimicrobial resistance among Gram-negative bacilli causing infections in intensive care unit patients in the United States between1993and2004.J Clin Microbiol2007;45:3352–9.3Fischbach MA,Walsh CT.Antibiotics for emerging pathogens.Science 2009;325:1089–93.4Boguski MS,Mandl KD,Sukhatme VP.Drug discovery.Repurposing with a difference.Science2009;324:1394–5.5Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute.Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing:Seventeenth Informational Supplement M100-S17.CLSI,Wayne,PA,USA,2007.Chopra et al.2600 at Academy of Military Medical Sciences OF Chinese PLA on January 9, Downloaded from6Fournier PE,Vallenet D,Barbe V et al .Comparative genomics of multidrug resistance in Acinetobacter baumannii .PLoS Genet 2006;2:e7.7Coelho JM,Turton JF,Kaufmann ME et al .Occurrence of carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii clones at multiple hospitals in London and Southeast England.J Clin Microbiol 2006;44:3623–7.8Seward RJ,Towner KJ.Molecular epidemiology of quinolone resistance in Acinetobacter spp.Clin Microbiol Infect 1998;4:248–54.9Tang XJ,Thibault P,Boyd RK.Characterization of the tyrocidine and gramicidin fractions of the tyrothricin complex from Bacillus brevis using liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry.Int J Mass Spectrom Ion Process 1992;122:153–79.10Urban C,Mariano N,Rahal JJ et al .Polymyxin B-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii clinical isolate susceptible to recombinant BPI and cecropin P1.Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2001;45:994–5.Repurposing drugs to combat drug-resistant A.baumannii 2601JACat Academy of Military Medical Sciences OF Chinese PLA on January 9, Downloaded from。
Unit1 Genetically modified foods -- Feed the World?If you want to spark a heated debate at a dinner party, bring up the topic of geneticallymodified foods. For many people, the concept of genetically altered, high-tech crop production raises all kinds of environmental, health, safety and ethical questions. Particularly in countries with long agrarian traditions -- and vocal green lobbies -- the idea seems against nature.如果你想在某次晚宴上挑起一场激烈的争论,那就提出转基因食品的话题吧。
In fact, genetically modified foods are already very much a part of our lives. A third of the corn and more than half the soybeans and cotton grown in the US last year were the product of biotechnology, according to the Department of Agriculture. More than 65 million acres of genetically modified crops will be planted in the US this year. The genetic is out of the bottle.事实上,转基因食品已经成为我们生活重要的一部分。
小学上册英语第三单元自测题(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The country known for the Great Pyramid is ________ (埃及).2.I saw a ________ climbing the tree.3.My best friend has a ________ (玩具名) that is ________ (形容词). We love to trade toys and share our ________ (名词).4.The _____ (star/planet) is bright.5.What do you call a large body of saltwater?A. LakeB. RiverC. OceanD. Stream答案:C6.The _______ can be very colorful in the spring.7.The soup is ___ (hot/cold) today.8.The _____ (蜜蜂) helps flowers grow by pollinating them.9. A chemical change results in different ________ than what you started with.10.What is the capital of Zimbabwe?A. HarareB. BulawayoC. MutareD. Gweru答案:A11. A __________ is a major factor in climate change.12.What do we call a person who studies the relationship between humans and technology?A. TechnologistB. SociologistC. AnthropologistD. Environmental Scientist 答案: A13.The coldest place in the universe has been found in a ______.14.The sun is _______ (很亮).15.The sun is ______ (bright) during the day.16. A __________ is formed by the accumulation of sediments in a coastal area.17.The cat loves to chase _______.18.Machu Picchu is an ancient site in ________ (秘鲁).19.Many _______ require specific light conditions.20.What is the capital of France?A. BerlinB. MadridC. ParisD. Lisbon答案:C.Paris21. A salt is formed from the reaction of an acid and a _______.22.The capital of Malawi is ________ (马拉维的首都是________).23.What do you call a young female elephant?A. CalfB. JuniorC. PupD. Kid答案: A24.The parrot mimics sounds it hears from _________. (人)25.Listen and match.听录音,连线。
92食品与药品Food and Drug2021年第23卷第1期抗血管生成药物的研究进展与临床应用尤燕打牟卫伟2(1.正大天晴药业集团股份有限公司,江苏连云港222062; 2.烟台市食品药品检验检测中心,山东烟台264670)摘要:血管生成(angiogenesis)在恶性肿瘤和视网膜病变等疾病过程中发挥着重要作用。
关键词:血管生成;抗血管生成药物;小分子靶向药物;单抗药物中图分类号:R969R453.9文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-979X(2021)01-0092-06DOI:10.3969/j.issn.l672-979X.2021.01.019Research Progress and Clinical Application of Antiangiogenic AgentsYOU曲,MOU Wei-wei2(1.Chiatai Tianqing Pharmaceutical Group Co.,Ltd.,Lianyungang222062,China;2.Yantai Centre f or Food andDrug Control,Yantai264670,China)Abstract:Angiogenesis plays an important role in the course of diseases such as malignant tumors and retinopathy. With the gradual disclosure of the regulation mechanism of angiogenesis,new breakthroughs have also been made in the research and development of anti-angiogenic drugs.Currently,there are more than ten kinds of anti-angiogenic targeting drugs successfully approved for marketing,mainly including small molecule multi-target vascular targeting drugs,macromolecular single-target vascular targeting drugs,and endogenous pan-target vascular targeting drugs.This article reviews the theoretical basis of the anti-angiogenesis strategy the development of related drugs in recent years, and its application in clinical treatment.Key Words:angiogenesis;anti-angiogenic drug;small molecule targeting drug;monoclonal antibody血管生成(angiogenesis)指在已有的血管上以出芽的方式形成新的毛细血管,是一个动态过程,受机体的严密调控。
血药浓度和药效的关系英文作文The Relationship between Blood Drug Concentration and Pharmacological Effect.The relationship between blood drug concentration and pharmacological effect is a crucial aspect of pharmacology and therapeutics. Understanding this relationship is essential for optimizing drug dosing, maximizing therapeutic outcomes, and minimizing the risk of adverse drug reactions. In this article, we will explore the intricacies of this relationship, considering various factors that influence it.Blood Drug Concentration.Blood drug concentration refers to the amount of a drug present in the bloodstream at a given time. It is typically measured in micrograms or milligrams per milliliter of blood. The concentration of a drug in the blood is determined by several factors, including the doseadministered, the route of administration, the drug's absorption rate, its distribution in body tissues, and its metabolism and excretion by the body.The blood drug concentration is directly related to the concentration of the drug at the site of action. In most cases, the therapeutic effect of a drug is achieved whenthe drug reaches a certain concentration at its target site. Therefore, understanding the relationship between blooddrug concentration and pharmacological effect is crucialfor effective drug therapy.Pharmacological Effect.Pharmacological effect refers to the biological response elicited by a drug. It can be either therapeuticor adverse, depending on the desired outcome of the treatment. Therapeutic effects are those that are intendedto alleviate or cure a disease, while adverse effects are those that are undesired and potentially harmful to the patient.The pharmacological effect of a drug is determined byits interaction with biological receptors. These receptors are specific proteins present on the surface of cells that recognize and bind to the drug, triggering a biological response. The affinity and selectivity of a drug for its receptors, as well as the concentration of the drug at the site of action, determine the pharmacological effect.Relationship between Blood Drug Concentration and Pharmacological Effect.The relationship between blood drug concentration and pharmacological effect is typically described by a concentration-effect curve. This curve plots the pharmacological effect against the blood drug concentration, showing how the effect changes as the concentration varies.The concentration-effect curve typically has a sigmoid shape, with a low-concentration range where the effect is minimal, a middle range where the effect increases rapidly with increasing concentration, and a high-concentration range where the effect plateaus or even decreases due totoxicity or receptor saturation.The shape and characteristics of the concentration-effect curve vary depending on the drug and the pharmacological effect being studied. Some drugs may have a steep concentration-effect curve, with a rapid increase in effect as the concentration rises, while others may have a more gradual relationship between concentration and effect.Factors Influencing the Relationship.Several factors can influence the relationship between blood drug concentration and pharmacological effect. These include:1. Drug Properties: The physicochemical properties of a drug, such as its solubility, stability, and lipid solubility, can affect its absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion, thereby influencing blood drug concentration and pharmacological effect.2. Route of Administration: The route of drugadministration (e.g., oral, intravenous, intramuscular) can affect the rate and extent of drug absorption and distribution, which in turn affects blood drugconcentration and pharmacological effect.3. Patient Factors: Patient-specific factors such as age, gender, body weight, and underlying diseases can influence drug metabolism, excretion, and receptor sensitivity, thereby affecting the relationship between blood drug concentration and pharmacological effect.4. Drug Interactions: The presence of other drugs inthe patient's system can interact with the drug of interest, affecting its absorption, distribution, metabolism, or excretion. These drug interactions can either potentiate or antagonize the pharmacological effect of the drug, altering the relationship between blood drug concentration and effect.Conclusion.The relationship between blood drug concentration andpharmacological effect is complex and multifaceted. Understanding this relationship requires a comprehensive understanding of drug properties, patient factors, and the interactions between drugs and the body. By optimizing drug dosing and monitoring blood drug concentration, clinicians can maximize therapeutic outcomes and minimize the risk of adverse drug reactions, ensuring safe and effective drug therapy for their patients.。
ContentsTHE ELEMENTS AND THE PERIODIC TABLE01. ......................................................- 3 -THE NONMETAL ELEMENTS02. ..................................................................................- 5 -GROUPS IB AND IIB ELEMENTS03. ............................................................................- 7 -GROUPS IIIB—VIIIB ELEMENTS04. ............................................................................- 9 -INTERHALOGEN AND NOBLE GAS COMPOUNDS05. ...........................................- 11 -06. ....................................- 13 -THE CLASSIFICATION OF INORGANIC COMPOUNDSTHE NOMENCLATURE OF INORGANIC COMPOUNDS07. ....................................- 15 -BRONSTED'S AND LEWIS' ACID-BASE CONCEPTS08. ..........................................- 19 -09. ..........................................................................- 22 -THE COORDINATION COMPLEXALKANES10. ..................................................................................................................- 25 -11. .............................................................................- 28 -UNSATURATED COMPOUNDSTHE NOMENCLATURE OF CYCLIC HYDROCARBONS12. ...................................- 30 -SUBSTITUTIVE NOMENCLATURE13. .......................................................................- 33 -14. .......................................................- 37 -THE COMPOUNDS CONTAINING OXYGENPREPARATION OF A CARBOXYLiC ACID BY THE GRIGNARD METHOD15. ..- 39 -THE STRUCTURES OF COVALENT COMPOUNDS16. ............................................- 41 -OXIDATION AND REDUCTION IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY17. ............................- 44 -SYNTHESIS OF ALCOHOLS AND DESIGN OF ORGANIC SYNTHESIS18. ..........- 47 -ORGANOMETALLICS—METAL π COMPLEXES19. ................................................- 49 -THE ROLE OF PROTECTIVE GROUPS IN ORGANIC SYNTHESIS20. ...................- 52 -ELECTROPHILIC REACTIONS OF AROMATIC COMPOUNDS21. ........................- 54 -POLYMERS22. ................................................................................................................- 57 -ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY AND PROBLEMS IN SOCIETY23. ............................- 61 -VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS24. ......................................................................................- 63 -QUALITATIVE ORGANIC ANALYSIS25. ..................................................................- 65 -VAPOR-PHASE CHROMATOGRAPHY26. .................................................................- 67 -INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY27. ..................................................................................- 70 -NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE (I)28. ..............................................................- 72 -NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE(II)29. ..............................................................- 75 -A MAP OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY30. ......................................................................- 77 -THE CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS31. ................................................................- 79 -CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM AND KINETICS32. ........................................................- 82 -THE RATES OF CHEMICAL REACTIONS33. ............................................................- 85 -NATURE OF THE COLLOIDAL STATE34. .................................................................- 88 -ELECTROCHEMICAL CELLS35. .................................................................................- 90 -BOILING POINTS AND DISTILLATION36. ...............................................................- 93 -EXTRACTIVE AND AZEOTROPIC DISTILLATION37. ............................................- 96 -CRYSTALLIZATION38. ................................................................................................- 98 -39. ...................................................................................- 100 -MATERIAL ACCOUNTINGTHE LITERATURE MATRIX OF CHEMISTRY40. ...................................................- 102 -01. THE ELEMENTS AND THE PERIODIC TABLEThe number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is referred to as the atomic number, or proton number, Z. The number of electrons in an electrically neutral atom is also equal to the atomic number, Z. The total mass of an atom is determined very nearly by the total number of protons and neutrons in its nucleus. This total is called the mass number, A. The number of neutrons in an atom, the neutron number, is given by the quantity A-Z.The term element refers to, a pure substance with atoms all of a single kind. To the chemist the "kind" of atom is specified by its atomic number, since this is the property that determines its chemical behavior. At present all the atoms from Z = 1 to Z = 107 are known; there are 107 chemical elements. Each chemical element has been given a name and a distinctive symbol. For most elements the symbol is simply the abbreviated form of the English name consisting of one or two letters, for example:oxygen==O nitrogen ==N neon==Ne magnesium ==MgSome elements,which have been known for a long time,have symbols based on their Latin names, for example: iron==Fe(ferrum) copper==Cu(cuprum) lead==Pb(plumbum)A complete listing of the elements may be found in Table 1.Beginning in the late seventeenth century with the work of Robert Boyle, who proposed the presently accepted concept of an element, numerous investigations produced a considerable knowledge of the properties of elements and their compounds1. In 1869, D.Mendeleev and L. Meyer, working independently, proposed the periodic law. In modern form, the law states that the properties of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers. In other words, when the elements are listed in order of increasing atomic number, elements having closely similar properties will fall at definite intervals along the list. Thus it is possible to arrange the list of elements in tabular form with elements having similar properties placed in vertical columns2. Such an arrangement is called a periodic Each horizontal row of elements constitutes a period. It should be noted that the lengths of the periods vary. There is a very short period containing only 2 elements, followed by two short periods of 8 elements each, and then two long periods of 18 elements each. The next period includes 32 elements, and the last period is apparently incomplete. With this arrangement, elements in the same vertical column have similar characteristics. These columns constitute the chemical families or groups. The groups headed by the members of the two 8-element periods are designated as main group elements, and the members of the other groups are called transition or inner transition elements.In the periodic table, a heavy stepped line divides the elements into metals and nonmetals. Elements to the left of this line (with the exception of hydrogen) are metals, while those to the right are nonmetals. This division is for convenience only; elements bordering the line—the metalloids-have properties characteristic of - both metals and nonmetals. It may be seen that most of the elements, including all the transition and inner transition elements, are metals.Except for hydrogen, a gas, the elements of group IA make up the alkali metal family. They are very reactive metals, and they are never found in the elemental state in nature. However, their compounds are widespread. All the members of the alkali metal family, form ions having a charge of 1+ only. In contrast, the elements of group IB —copper, silver, and gold—are comparatively inert. They are similar to the alkali metals in that they exist as 1+ ions in many of their compounds. However, as is characteristic of most transition elements, they form ions having other charges as well.The elements of group IIA are known as the alkaline earth metals. Their characteristic ionic charge is 2+. These metals, particularly the last two members of the group, are almost as reactive as the alkali metals. The group IIB elements—zinc, cadmium, and mercury are less reactive than are those of group II A5, but are more reactive than the neighboring elements of group IB. The characteristic charge on their ions is also 2+.With the exception of boron, group IIIA elements are also fairly reactive metals. Aluminum appears to be inert toward reaction with air, but this behavior stems from the fact that the metal forms a thin, invisible film of aluminum oxide on the surface, which protects the bulk of the metal from further oxidation. The metals of group IIIA form ions of 3+ charge. Group IIIB consists of the metals scandium, yttrium, lanthanum, and actinium.Group IVA consists of a nonmetal, carbon, two metalloids, silicon and germanium, and two metals, tin and lead. Each of these elements forms some compounds with formulas which indicate that four other atoms are present per group IVA atom, as, for example, carbon tetrachloride, GCl4. The group IVB metals —titanium, zirconium, and hafnium —also forms compounds in which each group IVB atom is combined with four other atoms; these compounds are nonelectrolytes when pure.The elements of group V A include three nonmetals — nitrogen, phosphorus, and arsenic—and two metals — antimony and bismuth. Although compounds with the formulas N2O5, PCl5, and AsCl5 exist, none of them is ionic. These elements do form compounds-nitrides, phosphides, and arsenides — in which ions having charges of minus three occur. The elements of group VB are all metals. These elements form such a variety of different compounds that their characteristics are not easily generalized.With the exception of polonium, the elements of group VIA are typical nonmetals. They are sometimes known, as the, chalcogens, from the Greek word meaning "ash formers". In their binary compounds with metals they exist as ions having a charge of 2-. The elements of group ⅦA are all nonmetals and are known as the halogens. from the Greek term meaning "salt formers.” They are the most reactive nonmetals and are capable of reacting with practically all the metals and with most nonmetals, including each other.The elements of groups ⅥB, ⅦB, and VIIIB are all metals. They form such a wide Variety of compounds that it is not practical at this point to present any examples as being typical of the behavior of the respective groups.The periodicity of chemical behavior is illustrated by the fact that. excluding the first period, each period begins with a very reactive metal. Successive element along the period show decreasing metallic character, eventually becoming nonmetals, and finally, in group ⅦA, a very reactive nonmetal is found. Each period ends with a member of the noble gas family.02. THE NONMETAL ELEMENTSWe noted earlier. that -nonmetals exhibit properties that are greatly different from those of the metals. As a rule, the nonmetals are poor conductors of electricity (graphitic carbon is an exception) and heat; they are brittle, are often intensely colored, and show an unusually wide range of melting and boiling points. Their molecular structures, usually involving ordinary covalent bonds, vary from the simple diatomic molecules of H2, Cl2, I2, and N2 to the giant molecules of diamond, silicon and boron.The nonmetals that are gases at room temperature are the low-molecular weight diatomic molecules and the noble gases that exert very small intermolecular forces. As the molecular weight increases, we encounter a liquid (Br2) and a solid (I2) whose vapor pressures also indicate small intermolecular forces. Certain properties of a few nonmetals are listed in Table 2.Table 2- Molecular Weights and Melting Points of Certain NonmetalsDiatomic Molecules MolecularWeightMelting Point°CColorH22-239.1'NoneN228-210NoneF238-223Pale yellowO232-218Pale blueCl271-102Yellow — greenBr2160-7.3Red — brownI2254113Gray—blackSimple diatomic molecules are not formed by the heavier members of Groups V and VI at ordinary conditions. This is in direct contrast to the first members of these groups, N2 and O2. The difference arises because of the lower stability of πbonds formed from p orbitals of the third and higher main energy levels as opposed to the second main energy level2. The larger atomic radii and more dense electron clouds of elements of the third period and higher do not allow good parallel overlap of p orbitals necessary for a strong πbond. This is a general phenomenon — strong π bonds are formed only between elements of the second period. Thus, elemental nitrogen and oxygen form stable molecules with both σand π bonds, but other members of their groups form more stable structures based on σbonds only at ordinary conditions. Note3 that Group VII elements form diatomic molecules, but πbonds are not required for saturation of valence.Sulfur exhibits allotropic forms. Solid sulfur exists in two crystalline forms and in an amorphous form. Rhombic sulfur is obtained by crystallization from a suitable solution, such as CS2, and it melts at 112°C. Monoclinic sulfur is formed by cooling melted sulfur and it melts at 119°C. Both forms of crystalline sulfur melt into S-gamma, which is composed of S8 molecules. The S8 molecules are puckered rings and survive heating to about 160°C. Above 160°C, the S8 rings break open, and some of these fragments combine with each other to form a highly viscous mixture of irregularly shaped coils. At a range of higher temperatures the liquid sulfur becomes so viscous that it will not pourfrom its container. The color also changes from straw yellow at sulfur's melting point to a deep reddish-brown as it becomes more viscous.As4 the boiling point of 444 °C is approached, the large-coiled molecules of sulfur are partially degraded and the liquid sulfur decreases in viscosity. If the hot liquid sulfur is quenched by pouring it into cold water, the amorphous form of sulfur is produced. The structure of amorphous sulfur consists of large-coiled helices with eight sulfur atoms to each turn of the helix; the overall nature of amorphous sulfur is described as3 rubbery because it stretches much like ordinary rubber. In a few hours the amorphous sulfur reverts to small rhombic crystals and its rubbery property disappears.Sulfur, an important raw material in industrial chemistry, occurs as the free element, as SO2 in volcanic regions, asH2S in mineral waters, and in a variety of sulfide ores such as iron pyrite FeS2, zinc blende ZnS, galena PbS and such, and in common formations of gypsum CaSO4 • 2H2O, anhydrite CaSO4, and barytes BaSO4 • 2H2O. Sulfur, in one form or another, is used in large quantities for making sulfuric acid, fertilizers, insecticides, and paper.Sulfur in the form of SO2 obtained in the roasting of sulfide ores is recovered and converted to sulfuric acid, although in previous years much of this SO2 was discarded through exceptionally tall smokestacks. Fortunately, it is now economically favorable to recover these gases, thus greatly reducing this type of atmospheric pollution. A typical roasting reaction involves the change:2 ZnS +3 O2—2 ZnO + 2 SO2Phosphorus, below 800℃ consists of tetratomic molecules, P4. Its molecular structure provides for a covalence of three, as may be expected from the three unpaired p electrons in its atomic structure, and each atom is attached to three others6. Instead of a strictly orthogonal orientation, with the three bonds 90° to each other, the bond angles are only 60°. This supposedly strained structure is stabilized by the mutual interaction of the four atoms (each atom is bonded to the other three), but it is chemically the most active form of phosphorus. This form of phosphorus, the white modification, is spontaneously combustible in air. When heated to 260°C it changes to red phosphorus, whose structure is obscure. Red phosphorus is stable in air but, like all forms of phosphorus, it should be handled carefully because of its tendency to migrate to the bones when ingested, resulting in serious physiological damage.Elemental carbon exists in one of two crystalline structures — diamond and graphite. The diamond structure, based on tetrahedral bonding of hybridized sp3orbitals, is encountered among Group IV elements. We may expect that as the bond length increases, the hardness of the diamond-type crystal decreases. Although the tetrahedral structure persists among the elements in this group — carbon, silicon, germanium, and gray tin — the interatomic distances increase from 1.54 A for carbon to 2.80 A for gray tin. Consequently .the bond strengths among the four elements range from very strong to quite weak. In fact, gray tin is so soft that it exists in the form of microcrystals or merely as a powder. Typical of the Group IV diamond-type crystalline elements, it is a nonconductor and shows other nonmetallic properties7.03. GROUPS IB AND IIB ELEMENTSPhysical properties of Group IB and IIBThese elements have a greater bulk use as metals than in compounds, and their physical properties vary widely.Gold is the most malleable and ductile of the metals. It can be hammered into sheets of 0.00001 inch in thickness; one gram of the metal can be drawn into a wire 1.8 mi in length1. Copper and silver are also metals that are mechanically easy to work. Zinc is a little brittle at ordinary temperatures, but may be rolled into sheets at between 120° to 150℃; it becomes brittle again about 200℃-The low-melting temperatures of zinc contribute to the preparation of zinc-coated iron .galvanized iron; clean iron sheet may be dipped into vats of liquid zinc in its preparation. A different procedure is to sprinkle or air blast zinc dust onto hot iron sheeting for a zinc melt and then coating.Cadmium has specific uses because of its low-melting temperature in a number of alloys. Cadmium rods are used in nuclear reactors because the metal is a good neutron absorber.Mercury vapor and its salts are poisonous, though the free metal may be taken internally under certain conditions. Because of its relatively low boiling point and hence volatile nature, free mercury should never be allowed to stand in an open container in the laboratory. Evidence shows that inhalation of its vapors is injurious.The metal alloys readily with most of the metals (except iron and platinum) to form amalgams, the name given to any alloy of mercury.Copper sulfate, or blue vitriol (CuSO4 • 5H2O) is the most important and widely used salt of copper. On heating, the salt slowly loses water to form first the trihydrate (CuSO4 • 3H z O), then the monohydrate (CuSO4 • H2O), and finally the white anhydrous salt. The anhydrous salt is often used to test for the presence of water in organic liquids. For example, some of the anhydrous copper salt added to alcohol (which contains water) will turn blue because of the hydration of the salt.Copper sulfate is used in electroplating. Fishermen dip their nets in copper sulfate solution to inhibit the growth of organisms that would rot the fabric. Paints specifically formulated for use on the bottoms of marine craft contain copper compounds to inhibit the growth of barnacles and other organisms.When dilute ammonium hydroxide is added" to a solution of copper (I) ions, a greenish precipitate of Cu(OH)2 or a basic copper(I) salt is formed. This dissolves as more ammonium hydroxide is added. The excess ammonia forms an ammoniated complex with the copper (I) ion of the composition, Cu(NH3)42+. This ion is only slightly dissociated; hence in an ammoniacal solution very few copper (I) ions are present. Insoluble copper compounds, execpt copper sulfide, are dissolved by ammonium hydroxids. The formation of the copper (I) ammonia ion is often used as a test for Cu2+ because of its deep, intense blue color.Copper (I) ferrocyanide [Cu2Fe(CN)6] is obtained as a reddish-brown precipitate on the addition of a soluble ferrocyanide to a solution of copper ( I )ions. The formation of this salt is also used as a test for the presence of copper (I) ions.Compounds of Silver and GoldSilver nitrate, sometimes called lunar caustic, is the most important salt of silver. It melts readily and may be cast into sticks for use in cauterizing wounds. The salt is prepared by dissolving silver in nitric acid and evaporating the solution.3Ag + 4HNO3—3AgNO3 + NO + 2H2OThe salt is the starting material for most of the compounds of silver, including the halides used in photography. It is readily reduced by organic reducing agents, with the formation of a black deposit of finely divided silver; this action is responsible for black spots left on the fingers from the handling of the salt. Indelible marking inks and pencils take advantage of this property of silver nitrate.The halides of silver, except the fluoride, are very insoluble compounds and may be precipitated by the addition of a solution of silver salt to a solution containing chloride, bromide, or iodide ions.The addition of a strong base to a solution of a silver salt precipitates brown silver oxide (Ag2G). One might expect the hydroxide of silver to precipitate, but it seems likely that silver hydroxide is very unstable and breaks down into the oxide and water — if, indeed, it is ever formed at all3. However, since a solution of silver oxide js definitely basic, there must be hydroxide ions present in solution.Ag2O + H2O = 2Ag+ + 2OH-Because of its inactivity, gold forms relatively few compounds. Two series of compounds are known — monovalent and trivalent. Monovalent (aurous) compounds resemble silver compounds (aurous chloride is water insoluble and light sensitive), while the higher valence (auric) compounds tend to form complexes. Gold is resistant to the action of most chemicals —air, oxygen, and water have no effect. The common acids do not attack the metal, but a mixture of hydrochloric and nitric acids (aqua regia) dissolves it to form gold( I ) chloride or chloroauric acid. The action is probably due to free chlorine present in the aqua regia.3HCl + HNO3----→ NOCl+Cl2 + 2H2O2Au + 3Cl2 ----→ 2AuCl3AuCl3+HCl----→ HAuCl4chloroauric acid (HAuCl4-H2O crystallizes from solution).Compounds of ZincZinc is fairly high in the activity series. It reacts readily with acids to produce hydrogen and displaces less active metals from their salts. 1 he action of acids on impure zinc is much more rapid than on pure zinc, since bubbles of hydrogen gas collect on the surface of pure zinc and slow down the action. If another metal is present as an impurity, the hydrogen is liberated from the surface of the contaminating metal rather than from the zinc. An electric couple to facilitate the action is probably Set up between the two metals.Zn + 2H+----→ Zn2+ + H2Zinc oxide (ZnO), the most widely used zinc compound, is a white powder at ordinary temperatures, but changes to yellow on heating. When cooled, it again becomes white. Zinc oxide is obtained by burning zinc in air, by heating the basic carbonate, or by roasting the sulfide. The principal use of ZnO is as a filler in rubber manufacture, particularly in automobile tires. As a body for paints it has the advantage over white lead of not darkening on exposure to an atmosphere containing hydrogen sulfide. Its covering power, however, is inferior to that of white lead.04. GROUPS IIIB—VIIIB ELEMENTSGroup I-B includes the elements scandium, yttrium, lanthanum, and actinium1, and the two rare-earth series of fourteen elements each2 —the lanthanide and actinide series. The principal source of these elements is the high gravity river and beach sands built up by a water-sorting process during long periods of geologic time. Monazite sand, which contains a mixture of rare earth phosphates, and an yttrium silicate in a heavy sand are now commercial sources of a number of these scarce elements.Separation of the elements is a difficult chemical operation. The solubilities of their compounds are so nearly alike that a separation by fractional crystallization is laborious and time-consuming. In recent years, ion exchange resins in high columns have proved effective. When certain acids are allowed to flow down slowly through a column containing a resin to which ions of Group III B metals are adsorbed, ions are successively released from the resin3. The resulting solution is removed from the bottom of the column or tower in bands or sections. Successive sections will contain specific ions in the order of release by the resin. For example .lanthanum ion (La3+) is most tightly held to the resin and is the last to be extracted, lutetium ion (Lu3+) is less tightly held and appears in one of the first sections removed. If the solutions are recycled and the acid concentrations carefully controlled, very effective separations can be accomplished. Quantities of all the lanthanide series (except promethium, Pm, which does not exist in nature as a stable isotope) are produced for the chemical market.The predominant group oxidation number of the lanthanide series is +3, but some of the elements exhibit variable oxidation states. Cerium forms cerium( III )and cerium ( IV ) sulfates, Ce2 (SO4 )3 and Ce(SO4 )2, which are employed in certain oxidation-reduction titrations. Many rare earth compounds are colored and are paramagnetic, presumably as a result of unpaired electrons in the 4f orbitals.All actinide elements have unstable nuclei and exhibit radioactivity. Those with higher atomic numbers have been obtained only in trace amounts. Actinium (89 Ac), like lanthanum, is a regular Group IIIB element.Group IVB ElementsIn chemical properties these elements resemble silicon, but they become increasingly more metallic from titanium to hafnium. The predominant oxidation state is +4 and, as with silica (SiO2), the oxides of these elements occur naturally in small amounts. The formulas and mineral names of the oxides are TiO2, rutile; ZrO2, zirconia; HfO2, hafnia. Titanium is more abundant than is usually realized. It comprises about 0.44%of the earth's crust. It is over 5.0%in average composition of first analyzed moon rock. Zirconium and titanium oxides occur in small percentages in beach sands.Titanium and zirconium metals are prepared by heating their chlorides with magnesium metal. Both are particularly resistant to corrosion and have high melting points.Pure TiO2 is a very white substance which is taking the place of white lead in many paints. Three-fourths of the TiO2 is used in white paints, varnishes, and lacquers. It has the highest index of refraction (2.76) and the greatest hiding power of all the common white paint materials. TiO2 also is used in the paper, rubber, linoleum, leather, and textile industries.Group VB Elements: Vanadium, Niobium, and TantalumThese are transition elements of Group VB, with a predominant oxidation number of + 5. Their occurrence iscomparatively rare.These metals combine directly with oxygen, chlorine, and nitrogen to form oxides, chlorides, and nitrides, respectively. A small percentage of vanadium alloyed with steel gives a high tensile strength product which is very tough and resistant to shock and vibration. For this reason vanadium alloy steels are used in the manufacture ofhigh-speed tools and heavy machinery. Vanadium oxide is employed as a catalyst in the contact process of manufacturing sulfuric acid. Niobium is a very rare element, with limited use as an alloying element in stainless steel. Tantalum has a very high melting point (2850 C) and is resistant to corrosion by most acids and alkalies.Groups VIB and VIIB ElementsChromium, molybdenum, and tungsten are Group VIB elements. Manganese is the only chemically important element of Group VIIB. All these elements exhibit several oxidation states, acting as metallic elements in lower oxidation states and as nonmetallic elements in higher oxidation states. Both chromium and manganese are widely used in alloys, particularly in alloy steels.Group VIIIB MetalsGroup VIIIB contains the three triads of elements. These triads appear at the middle of long periods of elements in the periodic table, and are members of the transition series. The elements of any given horizontal triad have many similar properties, but there are marked differences between the properties of the triads, particularly between the first triad and the other two. Iron, cobalt, and nickel are much more active than members of the other two triads, and are also much more abundant in the earth's crust. Metals of the second and third triads, with many common properties, are usually grouped together and called the platinum metals.These elements all exhibit variable oxidation states and form numerous coordination compounds.CorrosionIron exposed to the action of moist air rusts rapidly, with the formation of a loose, crumbly deposit of the oxide. The oxide does not adhere to the surface of the metal, as does aluminum oxide and certain other metal oxides, but peelsoff .exposing a fresh surface of iron to the action of the air. As a result, a piece of iron will rust away completely in a relatively short time unless steps are taken to prevent the corrosion. The chemical steps in rusting are rather obscure, but it has been established that the rust is a hydrated oxide of iron, formed by the action of both oxygen and moisture, and is markedly speeded up by the presence of minute amounts of carbon dioxide5.Corrosion of iron is inhibited by coating it with numerous substances, such as paint, an aluminum powder gilt, tin, or organic tarry substances or by galvanizing iron with zinc. Alloying iron with metals such as nickel or chromium yields a less corrosive steel. "Cathodic protection" of iron for lessened corrosion is also practiced. For some pipelines and standpipes zinc or magnesium rods in the ground with a wire connecting them to an iron object have the following effect: with soil moisture acting as an electrolyte for a Fe — Zn couple the Fe is lessened in its tendency to become Fe2+. It acts as a cathode rather than an anode.。
中国化药注册分类(旧分类、新分类)Classification of Registration of Chemical Drugs in China (The Old Classification and the New Classification) 旧的注册分类是来源于2007年10月1日实施的《药品注册管理办法》(局令第28号)的附件2《化学药品注册分类及申报资料要求》(此注册分类实际在28号令之前就实施的,早期历史文件不再追溯)。
The old classification of registration dated from the Annex 2 “Registered Classification of Chemicals and Requirements of Application”of “Administrative Provision of Drug Registration” (Board Order No. 28), which implemented on October 1st, 2007 (Actually, this category had been implemented earlier than the date of the implementation of the 28 orders, and the early history file is no longer traceable).旧的药品注册分类如下:/ The old classification of registration of drug is as follows:进口化学药品申报,申请未在国内外获准上市销售的药品,按照注册分类1的规定报送资料;其他品种按照注册分类3的规定报送资料。
也可以报送ICH 规定的CTD资料,但“综述资料”部分应按照化学药品《申报资料项目》要求报送。
❖ The unbound drug concentration in plasma represents a more accurate therapeutic index than the drug concentration in whole plasma since a drug may often reversibly bind to plasma proteins.
❖ Drug concentrations in whole blood may not be an appropriate therapeutic index because drugs can bind to or enter blood cells.
❖ 只有游离型药物可以透过血管内皮层并分布到各组织,进 而到达其作用位点。
❖ 然而,为确定血浆中游离药物的浓度,需要使用复杂、 灵敏的分析方法以区分游离药物与结合药物。
❖ Based upon the assumption that the plasma drug concentration is directly proportional to the therapeutic effect of the drug, plasma drug concentration is thus regarded as an index to evaluate drug concentration at the site(s) of action and the therapeutic effects of the drug.
左西孟旦对急性冠脉综合征合并急性心力衰竭的作用研究现况孟祥旭;滕伟【摘要】急性冠脉综合征会出现急性心肌缺血、心功能受损和心律失常,进而导致急性心力衰竭的发生.而急性心力衰竭又反过来使得急性冠脉综合征的病情变得更加复杂,在治疗过程中,往往需要正性肌力药物来控制病情.而传统的正性肌力药物会增加心肌耗氧量,反而增加患者死亡率.近几年来,左西孟旦作为一种不增加心肌耗氧的钙增敏剂应运而生.根据许多研究,它已被认为适合用于急性冠脉综合征导致的急性心力衰竭患者中.并逐渐发现,左西孟旦除了"钙增敏"作用之外,还有其他的有助于病情改善的作用.现综述目前为止关于左西孟旦在急性冠脉综合征合并急性心力衰竭中作用机制和疗效评价的研究报道,旨在能更加全面地认识该药物在急性冠脉综合征合并急性心力衰竭中的作用并为进一步挖掘其潜能提供思路.%Acute coronary syndrome(ACS)can cause acute myocardial ischemia,impairment of heart function,and arrhythmia,which lead to acute heartfailure(AHF).AHF,in turn,makes the condition of ACS more complicated.The positive inotropic drugs are often needed to control the illness during the process of treatment.The traditional inotropic agents will increase myocardial oxygen consumption,and improve themortality.Levosimendan,as a calcium sensitizer,which is a inotropic effect that does not increase myocardial oxygen consumption,came into being in recent years.According to many studies,it has been thought to be suitable for patients with AHF caused by ACS.Nowadays,people have gradually found that in addition to"calcium sensitization"of levosimendan,there are other factors that help to improve the condition.This review summarizesthe reports so far on the mechanism and efficacy of levosimendan in the treatment of ACS complicated with AHF,so that people can fully understand the role of levosimendan in ACS complicated with AHF and provide ideas for further exploring of its potential.【期刊名称】《心血管病学进展》【年(卷),期】2018(039)003【总页数】4页(P394-397)【关键词】左西孟旦;急性冠脉综合征;急性心力衰竭【作者】孟祥旭;滕伟【作者单位】河南大学第一附属医院心血管内科,河南开封475000;河南大学第一附属医院心血管内科,河南开封475000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R541.4急性冠脉综合征是导致急性心力衰竭最常见的原因之一。
一、 概述 二、新型抗肿瘤药物(实例) 三、靶向药物的现实和展望
一、 概述
抗肿瘤药物占全球药品市场总销售额的4.6%, 年 增速15%以上,2004年,全球抗肿瘤药品市场规 模已突破238亿美元,2010年将突破500亿美元。
目前世界上抗肿瘤药物最畅销的主要品种除紫杉 醇(销售额为10亿美元左右)外,还有吉西他 宾、拓朴替康和多西紫杉。新技术推动抗肿瘤新 药不断问世,对原有品种逐步产生替代。
全球抗体药物市场增长迅猛,1999 年销售 额仅12 亿美元,2004 年飙升到105 亿美 元,年均复合增长超过50%,成为生物制 药增长最快的领域。
2007年,单抗类药物的联合销售额超过 240亿美元,预计2007-2012年间的年销售 额增长率将为14%。而同一时期,传统小 分子药物销售额的增长要慢得多,特别是 到2010-2012年间,小分子药物受到仿制 药竞争增长率预计仅为0.6%
抗体药物是以细胞工程技术和基因工程技 术为主体的抗体工程技术制备的药物。由 于其特异性高,性质均一,可针对特定靶 点向制备,抗体药物应用于各种疾病治疗、 特别是肿瘤治疗的前景备受关注。
单克隆抗体是近几年研发的热点和全球批 准上市最多的一类生物技术药物,占在研 生物技术药品的31%。美国FDA 已批准了 24 个抗体药物上市。全球有200 多家公司 正在研发335 个治疗用单抗药物,其中100 多个已进入临床研究。
传导通路 酪氨酸激酶受体通路 G蛋白连接受体通路 TGF-通路 TNF通路 Wnt通路 Integrin传导通路 Hedgehog传导通路
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Available online at Targeted covalent drugs of the kinase familyJuswinder Singh,Russell C Petter and Arthur F KlugeIn the past decade tremendous progress has been made toward a new class of therapeutics termed ‘targeted covalent drugs’,in which structure-based approaches are employed to create small molecules that inactivate their protein target through targeted covalent attachment to a specific cysteine.In the kinase field,this approach is demonstrating promise in overcoming the potency,selectivity,and efficacy challenges currently faced by reversible kinase inhibitors,with several advancing into late stage clinical testing.This design paradigm has been successfully applied to making drug candidates for epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR),Her2,and Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (Btk).Here we review recent pre-clinical and clinical advances with targeted covalent kinase inhibitors,and the potential for broader application of the approach.AddressAvila Therapeutics,100Beaver Street,Waltham,MA,United States Corresponding author:Singh,Juswinder (jsingh@ )Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 2010,14:475–480This review comes from a themed issue on Next Generation TherapeuticsEdited by Michael Gelb and Adrian Whitty Available online 6th July 20101367-5931/$–see front matter#2010Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.DOI 10.1016/j.cbpa.2010.06.168IntroductionRecent successes in targeted cancer therapy have made kinase inhibition the preeminent point of intervention in developing novel anti-cancer agents.The persistent chal-lenges in kinase inhibitor drug discovery have been poor selectivity across the family of kinases and the high intracellular concentrations of the endogenous competi-tive substrate,ATP.The principal mechanism to address these challenges has been the design and development of reversible,ATP-competitive inhibitors.Highly targeted covalent,irreversible inhibitors afford an alternative mechanism to overcome these challenges,and inhibitors in this class exhibit distinct pharmacology:remarkable selectivity,prolonged pharmacodynamics relative to exposure,and the potential to overcome resistance mutations by virtue of time-dependent inactivation.Historically,irreversible inhibition has been a proven approach for many classes of drug targets [1,2 ],though most of these covalent drugs were discovered throughserendipity.Despite the ubiquity of drugs that operate by irreversible mechanisms,concerns about potential modi-fication of off-target proteins have led pharma to avoid this approach [2 ].A new approach to the discovery of targeted irreversible inhibitors using structure-based design has been exemplified in the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)family of kinases.This approach,reviewed by Fry in 2000[3],offers an attractive route to a new therapeutic class of kinase inhibitors with potentially superior profiles and exceptional selectivity.Over the past decade,the unique benefits of targeted,covalent kinase inhibitors have been proven.Specifically,covalent inhibitors have demonstrated exceptional potency in overcoming endogenous ATP competition and selectivity that is largely orthogonal to that afforded by conventional,non-covalent inhibitors.In addition,sustained potency in the face of resistance mutations has emerged as an important attribute of this mechanism.To date,five irreversible kinase inhibitors have been introduced into clinical study (Figure 1),though taken together the kinases targeted by irreversible inhibitors represent only a small fraction of all kinases targeted by therapeutic agents (Figure 2).This review focuses on their design,progress pre-clinically and clinically,and some thoughts on the path forward.Informatics as an organizing tool for initiating inhibitor designThis review highlights progress in the design of drugs based on targeting a rare cysteine found in the ATP binding site of EGFR and a few related protein kinases.In the 1990s it was recognized that the potential reactivity of the thiol sidechain of cysteine residues allowed the kinase family of protein drug targets to be organized into subgroups that could be selectively targeted for irrevers-ible inhibition by covalent modification [4].A seminal proof-of-concept experiment showed that thioadenosine covalently inactivated EGFR by forming a disulfide bond with Cys797.This study demonstrated that a particular kinase suitable for targeted covalent inhibition could be identified by informatics,and that a specific,covalent inhibitor could be designed by modeling an electrophilic group based upon the binding mode of an existing revers-ible inhibitor.Subsequent alignment of all the kinases in the human genome [5]and systematic matching of their structural domains led to the identification of 10kinases that share a cysteine that structurally corresponds to Cys797in EGFR (Figure 3).In the intervening years since the original proof-of-concept finding,there has been explosive growth in the number of x-ray structures for kinases,including EGFR,and the small molecules thatCurrent Opinion in Chemical Biology 2010,14:475–480reversibly bind to them [6],thus greatly expanding the opportunities for design of targeted covalent inhibitors.Mechanism-based and structure-based design of ErbB family kinase inhibitorsThe key design process is to identify that portion of a high-affinity ligand that is proximal to the targeted cysteine and install electrophilic functionality at that position with geometry that is compatible with the for-mation of the critical bond.In a refinement of this approach,a general base is included at an adjacent site on the inhibitor to accelerate bond formation by activat-ing the reacting Cys [7](Figure 4).Refinements in the linker that position the warhead near the cysteine thiol,and modifications in the original scaffold itself,can also play a key role in optimizing selectivity and target inac-tivation rate.Irreversible inhibitors that emerge from such an optimization program are rapid inactivators of the targeted kinase,but exhibit remarkable selectivity,both with respect to other kinases and other proteins more generally.Several 4-anilinoquinazolines,a common scaffold in reversible EGFR inhibitors,have been transformed into irreversible inhibitors by substitution with acrylamide as the electrophilic warhead.These compounds exhibit low reactivity with DTT in enzyme assays and with gluta-thione in cellular assays,showing that their reactivity toward nonspecific thiols is low.Successful modification of the target kinase required proper positioning of the warhead relative to the target cysteine,in that congeners bearing an acrylamide in a less-than-optimal geometry476Next Generation TherapeuticsFigure1Cys-targeted covalent kinase inactivators in clinical development.Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 2010,14:475–480were poor inactivators.Most compelling was the demon-stration that these irreversible inhibitors outperformed their reversible counterparts in tumor growth inhibition in vitro and in animal models [8–10].This was a con-sequence of the covalent drug achieving more complete inhibition of EGFR signaling and more durable inhibition of the target once silenced since return of activity was dependent upon protein resynthesis.The generalizability of this approach toward EGFR and Her2was demon-strated using an irreversible inhibitor based on a thieno-pyrimidine scaffold with a tunable acetylenic warhead that demonstrated superior efficacy in a xenograft model compared to the reversible inhibitor,lapatinib [11].Several heterocyclic scaffold –warhead combinations were explored by teams within Parke-Davis,Wyeth,Boehrin-ger-Ingelheim,and others,in the search for drug-like leads of the ErbB family of kinases as potential candidates for cancer therapy [3].Ultimately,in each case,an acryl-amide or a substituted acrylamide proved to be the war-head of choice for imparting potency against the enzyme and in cells,and in obtaining good in vivo activity.Fiveclinical candidates have emerged from optimization of leads generated from the application of a modular design paradigm:the 4-anilinoquinazoline series yielded CI-1033[12]and BIBW2992[13]and the 4-anilino-3-cyano-quinoline series yielded neratinib and pelitinib [14].The structure of PF-00299804,also an irreversible ErbB inhibitor,has not been disclosed.Clinical progress for ErbB-targeted covalent drugsA first generation of ErbB family targeted drugs,in-cluding the reversible inhibitors (gefitinib,erlotinib,and lapatinib)and monoclonal antibodies (e.g.,cetux-imab and trastuzumab)has been shown to produce therapeutic benefit against a variety of cancers.These drugs address the overexpression of EGFR and Her2,as well as activating somatic mutations that drive increased signaling by ErbB family proteins in many cancers.However,their effectiveness has been blunted by issues such as a significant number of non-responding patients and a decreasing response-rate during drug treatment [15,16].Targeted covalent drugs of the kinase family Petter,Kluge and Singh 477Figure2A schematic representation of the human kinome family members:(a)Those family members currently being targeted in clinical trials with reversible,small-molecule inhibitors (data taken from /chembl ).(b)The three targets currently being pursued clinically using irreversible covalent inhibitors,which represents a small fraction of the total drug target space.Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 2010,14:475–480With three irreversible inhibitors in late-stage clinical testing there is optimism about the first approval for a targeted covalent drug [17 ].Neratinib is an irreversible,dual EGFR/Her2inhibitor that,like the approved revers-ible drug lapatinib,targets the inactive conformation of the kinase.Recently,results from a Phase 2trial com-posed of breast cancer patients with tumors positive for ErbB-2,who either had or had not undergone previous trastuzumab therapy,showed neratinib had substantial clinical activity and was well tolerated.The objective response rates were 24%among patients with prior tras-tuzumab treatment and 56%in the trastuzumab-naı¨ve cohort.Pfizer has recently announced advancement of neratinib to Phase 3trials for metastatic breast cancer [18–20].Two irreversible inhibitors,BIBW2992and PF-00299804,which are dual inhibitors of EGFR and Her2,are in pivotal Phase 3trials for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)[13,21].A major challenge for the treatment of NSCLC patients,some of whom achieve dramatic responses to the reversible EGFR inhibitors erlotinib/gefitinib,is the de-velopment of drug resistance.In approximately 50%of patients who relapse there is evidence of resistance due to mutation at T790M in the kinase binding site [15,16].Initially,it had been assumed that T790M resistance was due to loss of affinity of the drug to the kinase binding site,however x-ray crystallography studies show that the drugs can adopt similar binding modes and have relatively modest differences in affinity to the T790M form of the protein and to WT [22].It appears that the basis for resistance in cells is due to an increased affinity for ATP to the T790M mutant form of the enzyme making it more difficult for a reversible drug to compete with the mM-levels of intracellular ATP [23 ].The irreversible inhibitors BIBW2992and PF-00299804retain some activity against the T790M mutant of EGFR.This is probably a consequence of time-dependent inac-tivation,wherein covalency overcomes high competing concentrations of ATP,enabling silencing of the drug target given sufficient residence time on the mutant protein [24].Detailed cellular profiling in 98cell lines of 11irreversible inhibitors,including BIBW2922,along with 10reversible inhibitors showed relatively modest activity against the T790M mutation [25 ].It remains to be seen if effective inhibition of T790M mutant protein with the inhibitors BIBW2992and PF-00299804can be achieved at clinical doses that do not lead to unaccep-table toxicities mediated by inhibition of wild-type EGFR.Recently,a novel chemotype,an acrylamide-substituted 2,4-dianilino-5-chloropyrimidine,has been reported that shows potent inhibition of T790M mutant EGFR [26 ].Interestingly,this lead has only modest activity against wild-type EGFR.This mutant-selective profile may turn out to be useful in a clinical setting to enable a greater therapeutic window in inhibiting mutant EGFR while minimizing toxicities mediated by the inhibition of wt-EGFR [27,28].478Next Generation TherapeuticsFigure3Ten kinases unified by sequence alignment of cysteine in EGFR.Figure4Selective formation of the key covalent bond with Cys797on EGFR.Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 2010,14:475–480Btk as a drug target for targeted covalent inhibitionTargeted covalent inhibition has also been applied to Bruton’s tyrosine kinase(Btk),an enzyme that infor-matics has identified to contain a Cys at a structurally equivalent position to that seen in EGFR.Exciting pre-clinical and emerging clinical data with an irreversible small-molecule inhibitor support the covalent approach.Btk is expressed in B-cells and is critically involved in their proliferation,development,differentiation,and sur-vival.Btk represents an exciting target for discovery of drugs modulating the B-cell receptor(BCR)pathway [29,30].Its role in the autoimmune disease X-linked agammaglobulinemia(XLA)has been traced to a mutation in the human Btk.The prominent role of Btk in the BCR signaling pathway and its highly restricted expression pattern makes Btk an attractive drug target for B-cell lymphomas and leukemias.Btk has been reported to be highly phosphorylated in follicular lymphoma patient cells compared to non-malignant B-cells from patients[31].The activated B-cell(ABC)subset of dif-fuse large B-cell lymphoma(DLBCL),which is associ-ated with the lowest5-year survival rate(30%),expresses genes normally induced in human peripheral B-cells after BCR stimulation and has a gene expression profile suggesting these cells are in a chronically activated BCR state[32].Recently,the importance of Btk for survival of the activated B-cell-like subset of DLBCL has been reported[33 ].Historically it has been difficult to design selective inhibi-tors of Btk;however,recently there has been substantial pre-clinical and clinical progress in defining selective compounds that irreversibly inhibit Btk.The covalent inhibitor PCI-32765(Figure1)has recently entered clinical development and was identified through a struc-ture-based design program similar to that used for inhibi-tors of the ErbB family targets.Beginning with a reversible1-cyclopentyl-4-aminopyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimi-dine core structure with a diphenyl ether that imparted good activity against Btk and the Src-family kinases,the cyclopentyl was replaced by3-piperidyl,which was then substituted with an acrylamide warhead for bonding to the target cysteine in Btk[34].In addition,a series of2,4-dianilinopyrimidine-based irreversible inhibitors have been developed that exhibit potent activity against the Btk enzyme[35].Enzyme and cellular data for two of these,AVL-101and AVL-291,were presented at the Annual Meeting of the AACR in April,2009. Preliminary evidence of clinical activity was recently reported for PCI-32765in selected patients with relapsed or refractory B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in a Phase 1b study(51st meeting of the American Society of Hema-tology,2009).A‘covalent probe’was used to quantify occupancy of the target,Btk,and thereby correlate phar-macodynamics(PD)of Btk inhibition with administered dose.The covalent probe assay uses afluorescently tagged probe derived from PCI-32765that can covalently bond to any Btk in the sample not already bonded to a molecule of the drug candidate.This probe was added to peripheral blood mononuclear cell(PBMC)lysates from clinical trial subjects,ex vivo.PD studies showed the average drug occupancy of Btk in patient PBMCs was 89%at4h post-dose and77%at24h post-dose.Ex vivo stimulation assays showed near complete functional inhi-bition of the Btk responsive Fc e receptor signaling path-way in basophils and substantial inhibition of the BCR pathway.The ability to correlate target occupancy with dosing in humans represents a powerful aspect to the targeted covalent inhibitor approach and should enable a rational approach to defining a suitable dose in patients. ConclusionsThe current clinical progress with targeted covalent kinase inhibitors underlines their promise as novel thera-pies.We expect that ongoing clinical success with the current targeted covalent inhibitors will stimulate interest in broader application of the approach.Despite the major effort on kinase inhibitor drug discovery in the pharma-ceutical industry,the primary focus has been on revers-ible non-covalent inhibition.Given the challenges in achieving potency and selectivity across the family,the adoption of alternative mechanisms of action for inhibi-tors is warranted and the data provided in this review support the benefits of targeted covalent inhibition.To date,approximately10%of the human kinome has been targeted with inhibitors in clinical development,almost all of which are reversible inhibitors.An analysis of protein kinases suggests that approximately20%may be amenable to a Cys-based targeting approach[36]. 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