


spring的通知 拦截环绕通知
在Spring中最基础的通知类型是拦截环绕通知(interception around advice)。
public interface MethodInterceptor extends Interceptor {
public void afterThrowing(Method m, Object[] args, Object target, ServletException ex) {
// Do something with all arguments
7.3.1. 通知的生命周期
每个通知都是一个Spring bean。一个通知实例既可以被所有被通知的对象共享,也可以被每个被通知对象独占。 这根据设置类共享(per-class)或基于实例(per-instance)的参数来决定。
类共享通知经常会被用到。它很适合用作通用的通知例如事务通知器(advisor)。这些通知器不依赖于代理对象的状态也不会向代理对象添加新的状态; 它们仅仅在方法和参数上起作用。
return rval;
}注意对MethodInvocation中proceed()方法的调用。 这个方法继续运行指向连接点的拦截器链并返回proceed()的结果。大多数拦截器会调用这个方法,返回一个值。 然而,一个类似任意环绕通知的MethodInterceptor,可以返回一个不同的值或者抛出一个异常而不是调用proceed方法。 但除非你有很好的理由,否则不要考虑这样做!
}当一个ServletException被抛出,下面的通知将被调用。 和上面的通知不同,它声明了4个参数,因此它可以访问被调用的方法,方法的参数以及目标对象:


电脑 编 程技 巧 与 维 护
常用Sr g pi 通知( n 拦截器 ) 的应用及实例解析
s bl , n h a tn b i . hsat l e brtst o mol ue f eea S r gnt e ( tret ) n ai t it adtem i a ait T i rc l oae h cm n sdo vrl p n o c i ecpo a dbs a i y n i ly ie a e y s i i n r c
d u l r e o bep c ) i

/ 共 部 分 代码 / 公
r t n tu ; e ur r e
} } 现 在 如 果要 调 用 对 象 B o B z p 的 方 法 过 程 中 执 行 一 些 ok i m l I 诸 如 日志 、安 全 认 证 方 面 的代 码 ,可 将 日志 的 代 码 独 立 出来 成 为 一 个 专 门 用 于 日志 记 录 的对 象 ,并 在 方 法 的 调 用 过 程 中 “ 织人 ”进 来 。
S r g 知 ( 截 器 ) 的创 建 及基 本的 部 署进 行 了详 细 的说 明 ,并 结合 实例 进行 了解析 。 pn 通 i 拦 关键 词 :公共 服 务 ;Jv b aaWe ;通 知 ; 实例 解 析
T e pl ao f o m nSr gN ti tn( tret) h pi tno m o pi of a o I ecpo A ci C n ic i n r



SpringAOP四种通知类型+环绕通知说明⽬录⼀、四种常见的通知类型注意⼆、环绕通知1、改动⽇志类 Logger.java2、改动配置⽂件分析AOP机制之环绕通知的见解其中有五个通知类型SpringAOP的四种通知类型:前置通知、异常通知、后置通知、异常通知⼀、四种常见的通知类型给出账户的业务层接⼝ IAccountService.java,为了便于演⽰这四种通知类型,我们就只留下了⼀个⽅法。

public interface IAccountService {void saveAccount();}给出账户的业务层接⼝的实现类 AccountServiceImpl.javapublic class AccountServiceImpl implements IAccountService{@Overridepublic void saveAccount() {System.out.println("执⾏了保存");//int i=1/0;}}给出⼀个⽇志类,⽤于打印⽇志public class Logger {/*** 前置通知*/public void beforePrintLog(){System.out.println("前置通知Logger类中的beforePrintLog⽅法开始记录⽇志了。

");}/*** 后置通知*/public void afterReturningPrintLog(){System.out.println("后置通知Logger类中的afterReturningPrintLog⽅法开始记录⽇志了。

");}/*** 异常通知*/public void afterThrowingPrintLog(){System.out.println("异常通知Logger类中的afterThrowingPrintLog⽅法开始记录⽇志了。



---Subject: Spring Festival Holiday Notice and Urgent Order ReminderDear [Department/Team Name],As the Year of the Tiger approaches, we would like to take this opportunity to inform you of our upcoming Spring Festival holiday schedule and to kindly remind you of any urgent orders that need to be processed before the holiday begins.Holiday Schedule:To ensure that our team has sufficient time to rest and rejuvenate, we will be observing the following holiday schedule:- Last Working Day: [Date]- Holiday Start: [Date]- Holiday End: [Date]- Return to Work: [Date]During the holiday period, our office will be closed, and there will be limited staff availability for urgent matters. Please be aware that any orders received after the last working day may experience a delay in processing and fulfillment.Urgent Orders Reminder:We understand that certain projects may require immediate attention, and we would like to remind you of the following:1. Order Deadlines: Please ensure that all urgent orders are placed by [Date]. This will give us ample time to process and dispatch them before the holiday begins.2. Order Confirmation: Once you have placed an order, please wait for our confirmation email. If you do not receive confirmation within 24 hours, please follow up with our customer service team at [Customer Service Email/Phone Number].3. Priority Processing: In the event of multiple urgent orders, we will prioritize based on the urgency and delivery deadlines. Please indicate any priority requirements clearly in your order.4. Inventory Levels: Due to the holiday season, certain products may be in high demand and limited in stock. We encourage you to check inventory levels and place orders accordingly to avoid any delays.5. After-Holiday Delivery: Please be mindful that shipping and delivery services may experience delays during the holiday period. To mitigate any potential issues, we recommend ordering well in advance of your required delivery date.Support During the Holiday:Although our office will be closed, our customer service team will be available to assist with any urgent inquiries via email and phone during the holiday period. Please note that response times may be slightly longer than usual.- Customer Service Email: [Customer Service Email Address]- Customer Service Phone Number: [Customer Service Phone Number]Final Reminders:- Communication: Keep in touch with your project managers or designated contacts for any urgent updates or changes during the holiday period.- Backup Plans: Have contingency plans in place for any projects that may be affected by the holiday schedule.- Well-being: Remember to take this time to rest and recharge. We look forward to your return with renewed energy and a fresh start in the New Year.We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this holiday season. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us before the holiday begins.Wishing you and your team a joyful and prosperous Spring Festival. May the Year of the Tiger bring you prosperity, good health, and happiness.Thank you for your continued support and dedication.Best regards,[Your Name][Your Position][Your Company Name][Contact Information]。



Happy Spring Festival!Dear Colleagues,As the year comes to an end and we approach the most importanttraditional festival in our country, the Spring Festival, we would like to take this opportunity to inform you about the holiday schedule and arrangements for our company.Holiday Schedule:Our company will be closed from [Start Date] to [End Date] to celebrate the Spring Festival. This period is a time for our employees to reunite with their families, enjoy the festive atmosphere, and participate in various cultural activities. We believe that this will help our team members return to work refreshed and rejuvenated.Office Closure:During the holiday period, our office will be closed. No business operations will be conducted, and there will be no email or phone support. If any urgent matters arise that require immediate attention, please contact the designated on-call personnel listed below.On-Call Personnel:- Name: [Name]- Position: [Position]- Contact Number: [Phone Number]- Email: [Email Address]Please note that the on-call personnel will be available during the holiday period to assist with any critical issues that may arise.Work Resumption:Our office will resume normal operations on [Resumption Date]. We kindly request all employees to report to work on time and ready to continue their duties with renewed enthusiasm.Preparation for the Holiday:To ensure a smooth transition into the holiday period, we would like to remind everyone of the following:1. Complete Outstanding Tasks: Please ensure that all pending tasks are completed or handed over to your colleagues before the holiday begins. This will help maintain continuity in our work processes.2. Backup Files: Please make sure to backup all important files and documents on your workstations. This will prevent any data loss during the holiday period.3. Security Measures: Please follow all security protocols to ensure the safety of our office premises and equipment. Do not leave any valuable items unattended.4. Personal Safety: We wish all employees a safe and happy holiday season. Please take necessary precautions to ensure your personal safety during the festivities.Cultural Activities:To make the most of this festive season, we encourage all employees to participate in traditional Spring Festival activities such as lantern shows, dragon dances, and family reunions. These events are not only a source of joy and entertainment but also a reflection of our rich cultural heritage.Wishing You a Joyous Spring Festival:As we celebrate the Spring Festival, we would like to extend our warmest wishes to all our employees and their families. May this holiday bring you happiness, prosperity, and good health.Thank you for your hard work and dedication throughout the year. We look forward to your return and the continued success of our company in the coming year.Happy Spring Festival!Sincerely,[Your Company Name] [Your Position] [Contact Information]。



springAop后置通知AfterReturningAdvice实现原理和代码案例Spring AOP(Aspect-Oriented Programming)是一种面向切面编程的方式,通过在代码中定义切面、通知、切点等元素,可以实现对方法的增强,例如在方法执行之前、之后、抛出异常时等插入特定的代码逻辑。

其中,后置通知(After Returning Advice)是一种在被通知方法成功执行后执行的通知。


Spring AOP提供了两种方式来实现后置通知:一种是使用基于配置的方式,另一种是使用基于注解的方式。


实现后置通知的步骤如下:1. 创建一个普通的Java类,作为目标对象,其中包含一个被通知的方法。

```javapublic class UserServicepublic void addUser(String username)System.out.println("Add user: " + username);}``````javapublic class LogAspectpublic void afterReturning(JoinPoint joinPoint, Object result)System.out.println("Method executed successfully: " + joinPoint.getSignature(.getName();}``````javapublic class AppConfigpublic UserService userServicreturn new UserService(;}public LogAspect logAspecreturn new LogAspect(;}``````javapublic class UserServiceTestprivate UserService userService;public void testAddUseuserService.addUser("testUser");}```5.运行测试类,控制台输出:```Add user: testUserMethod executed successfully: addUser```代码解析:- returning:定义一个Object类型的参数result,用于接收目标方法的返回值。











通过⼀个简单的demo来看看Spring事件通知的使⽤:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35// 定义⼀个事件public class EventDemo extends ApplicationEvent {private String message;public EventDemo(Object source, String message) {super(source);this.message = message;}public String getMessage() {return message;}}// 定义⼀个事件监听者@Componentpublic class EventDemoListener implements ApplicationListener<EventDemo> { @Overridepublic void onApplicationEvent(EventDemo event) {System.out.println("receiver " + event.getMessage());}}// 事件发布@Componentpublic class EventDemoPublish {@Autowiredprivate ApplicationEventPublisher applicationEventPublisher;public void publish(String message) {EventDemo demo = new EventDemo(this, message);applicationEventPublisher.publishEvent(demo);}}调⽤EventDemoPublish.publish⽅法来发布消息,EventDemoListener监听器接收到消息后对消息进⾏处理,打印出消息的内容:1receiver helloSpring事件通知原理⾸先我们跟踪publishEvent⽅法,这个⽅法在AbstractApplicationContext类中。



spring整合redis消息监听通知使⽤的实现⽰例⽬录问题引⼊1.1 过期问题描述1.2 常⽤解决⽅案分析1.3.整合SpringData Redis开发spring整合redis监听消息1. 配置监听redis消息2 测试消息结合redis的key失效机制和消息完成过期优惠券处理1 模拟过期代⾦卷案例2 配置redis中key失效的消息监听3 接收失效消息完成过期代⾦卷处理问题引⼊在电商系统中,秒杀,抢购,红包优惠卷等操作,⼀般都会设置时间限制,⽐如订单15分钟不付款⾃动关闭,红包有效期24⼩时等等。




1.1 过期问题描述在电商系统中,秒杀,抢购,红包优惠卷等操作,⼀般都会设置时间限制,⽐如订单15分钟不付款⾃动关闭,红包有效期24⼩时等等1.2 常⽤解决⽅案分析⽬前企业中最常见的解决⽅案⼤致分为两种:使⽤定时任务处理,定时扫描数据库中过期的数据,然后进⾏修改。



此种⽅式不会对数据库造成太⼤的压⼒1.3.整合SpringData Redis开发我们使⽤redis解决过期优惠券和红包等问题,并且在java环境中使⽤redis的消息通知。


SpringData Redis是Spring官⽅推出,可以算是Spring框架集成Redis操作的⼀个⼦框架,封装了Redis的很多命令,可以很⽅便的使⽤Spring操作Redis数据库。



(1)前置通知(Before advice):在某连接点(join point)之前执⾏的通知,但这个通知不能阻⽌连接点前的执⾏(除⾮它抛出⼀个异常)。

(2)返回后通知(After returning advice):在某连接点(join point)正常完成后执⾏的通知:例如,⼀个⽅法没有抛出任何异常,正常返回。

(3)抛出异常后通知(After throwing advice):在⽅法抛出异常退出时执⾏的通知。

(4)后通知(After (finally) advice):当某连接点退出的时候执⾏的通知(不论是正常返回还是异常退出)。

(5)环绕通知(Around Advice):包围⼀个连接点(join point)的通知,如⽅法调⽤。








春节活动通知英文作文高中英文:Spring Festival is coming soon, and I'm very excited to announce the activities we have planned for this special holiday. As we all know, Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival in China, and it is a time for family reunions and celebrations.First of all, we will have a traditional Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, also known as "团年饭" in Chinese. This dinner will include a variety of delicious dishes, such as fish, dumplings, and sticky rice cakes. These dishes have special meanings, for example, fish symbolizes surplus and wealth, while dumplings represent wealth and prosperity.In addition to the dinner, we will also have a variety of entertainment activities, such as lion dances, dragon dances, and traditional Chinese music performances. These activities will bring joy and excitement to everyone, andcreate a festive atmosphere.Furthermore, we will organize a "Red Envelope" exchange, which is a traditional custom during Spring Festival. Red envelopes, or "红包," are usually filled with money and given to children and unmarried adults as a symbol of good luck and blessings for the new year.Finally, we will end the Spring Festival celebrations with a fireworks display. In China, fireworks are a traditional way to welcome the new year and ward off evil spirits. The colorful fireworks will light up the sky and bring a sense of joy and hope for the year ahead.I'm really looking forward to these activities, and I believe they will bring us closer together as a community and create lasting memories.中文:春节即将到来,我非常兴奋地宣布我们为这个特别的节日策划的活动。



春节延期通知英语作文Spring Festival Postponement Notice。

Dear all employees,。

Due to the recent outbreak of the novel coronavirus, the company has decided to postpone the Spring Festival holiday. This decision has been made in order to ensure the health and safety of all employees and to prevent the further spread of the virus.The original dates for the Spring Festival holiday were from January 24th to January 30th. However, in light of the current situation, the company has decided to postpone the holiday until further notice. We understand that this may cause inconvenience for many of you who have made plans to celebrate the holiday with your families. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.We will continue to monitor the situation closely andwill provide updates on the new dates for the SpringFestival holiday as soon as possible. In the meantime, we urge all employees to take necessary precautions to protect themselves and their families from the virus. This includes washing hands frequently, wearing masks in public places, and avoiding crowded areas.We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this challenging time. The health and safety of our employees are our top priority, and we will do everythingwe can to support you during this difficult period.Thank you for your attention.Sincerely,。



春游通知作文英语作文Spring Outing Notice。

Dear all,。

Spring is coming and everything is full of vitality. In order to enrich our campus life and enhance our physical fitness, our school is going to organize a spring outing on April 10th. The details are as follows:Time: April 10th, 2021 (Saturday) 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.Destination: Xixi National Wetland Park。

Activities: hiking, boating, barbecue, sightseeing, etc.Meeting place: School gate。

Fee: 100 yuan per person (including transportation, entrance fee, barbecue materials, etc.)。

Notes:1. Please wear comfortable clothes and shoes for hiking.2. Please bring your own water, snacks and sunscreen.3. Please follow the school rules and regulationsduring the outing.4. Please pay the fee to your class teacher beforeApril 5th.We hope that all of you can participate in thisactivity and enjoy the beautiful scenery of Xixi National Wetland Park. Let’s embrace the spring together!Sincerely,。



英语作文春游通知Spring Outing Notice。

Dear all,。

Spring is coming, and it's time for us to go out and enjoy the beautiful nature. We are pleased to announce that our school will organize a spring outing on April 10th, and all students are welcome to join us.We will depart from the school at 8:00 am and head to the nearby mountain park. There, we will have a picnic, enjoy the fresh air, and take part in various outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and playing games. We will also have a chance to appreciate the blooming flowers and the stunning scenery of the park.To ensure everyone's safety, we kindly remind you to bring appropriate clothing and equipment, such as comfortable shoes, sunscreen, hats, and water bottles.Please also follow the instructions of the organizers and cooperate with your classmates during the outing.If you are interested in joining us, please sign up at the school office before April 8th. The fee for the outing is 50 RMB per person, which covers the transportation and the picnic. We also welcome volunteers to help with the preparation and organization of the outing.We hope you can join us and have a memorable spring outing together!Best regards,。



关于大学生学校春游的通知英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1NoticeTo: All college studentsFrom: Student CouncilSubject: Spring outingDate: March 10, 2022Dear students,With the arrival of spring, the Student Council is excited to announce the upcoming spring outing for all college students. This is a great opportunity for students to unwind, relax, and enjoy the beautiful spring weather together. Below are the details of the event:Date: April 15, 2022Destination: Sunflower FarmMeeting Point: College Main EntranceDeparture Time: 8:00 AMReturn Time: 5:00 PMActivities: Sunflower picking, picnic, team-building gamesPlease note that participation in the spring outing is voluntary, but we strongly encourage all students to join us for a fun day out. This is a great chance to bond with your classmates, make new friends, and create lasting memories.In order to participate, please sign up at the Student Council office by April 1st. The cost of the trip is $10 per person, which covers transportation and activities. Payment can be made in cash or via mobile payment apps.We hope to see you all there for a day of fun and relaxation. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the Student Council.Thank you,Student CouncilNote: In case of inclement weather, the spring outing will be rescheduled to a later date. Please stay tuned for updates on the Student Council notice board.篇2Notice for College Students' Spring OutingDear students,Spring is coming! To enrich your college life and enjoy the beauty of nature, the College Student Union has organized a spring outing for all students. This exciting event will take place on April 15th, 2022, and all students are invited to join us for a day full of fun and adventure.Here are the details of the spring outing:Destination: Sunflower ValleyDate: April 15th, 2022Departure Time: 7:00 AMMeeting Point: College main gateActivities: Hiking, picnicking, sightseeing, team-building gamesCost: $10 per person (includes transportation, entrance fees, and snacks)Please note that all students are required to sign up for the spring outing by April 10th, 2022. To register, please visit the College Student Union Office during office hours. Space is limited, so be sure to secure your spot early.On the day of the outing, please arrive at the meeting point on time. We will depart promptly at 7:00 AM, so please do not be late. Remember to dress comfortably, wear suitable footwear for hiking, and bring a water bottle and sunscreen.We hope that you will join us for this exciting spring outing and make unforgettable memories with your fellow classmates. If you have any questions or need more information, please feel free to contact the College Student Union.Let’s make the most of spring and have a fantastic time together!Sincerely,The College Student Union篇3NoticeTo: All college studentsSubject: Spring outingDear students,As the weather is getting warmer and the flowers are blooming, it is time for our annual school spring outing. Thespring outing is not only a chance to relax and have fun but also an opportunity to build friendships and create lasting memories.Date: April 20th, 2022Destination: Sunflower ValleyMeeting time: 8:00 AMMeeting point: School entrancePlease make sure to pack the following items:- Sunscreen- Hat- Water bottle- Snacks- Comfortable shoes- Camera- Picnic blanketWe will be traveling by bus to Sunflower Valley, a beautiful natural park with stunning views and various outdoor activities. There will be opportunities for hiking, picnic, and group games.Lunch will be provided by the school, but you are welcome to bring your own food if you prefer.Please note that this is a school event, and all students are required to follow the rules and instructions given by the teachers. Safety is our top priority, so please stay with your group at all times and inform a teacher if you need assistance.We hope that you will all join us for this exciting outing and make the most of this wonderful opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature and bond with your classmates.If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the school office.Best regards,[Name]Student Affairs Office。



Dear Colleagues,Subject: Spring Festival Holiday ArrangementsWe hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. As the year draws to a close, we would like to take this opportunity to inform you of the upcoming Spring Festival holiday arrangements for our company.Holiday Dates:To celebrate the traditional Spring Festival, which marks the beginning of the Chinese New Year, our office will be closed from the following dates:- Starting Date: [Insert Start Date, e.g., January 21, 2023]- Ending Date: [Insert End Date, e.g., February 3, 2023]Please note that the above dates are based on the official public holiday schedule. However, we understand that some of you may have personal commitments during this period. If you require additional time off, please submit your request for approval no later than [Insert Deadline, e.g., January 14, 2023].Office Closure and Remote Work Arrangements:During the Spring Festival holiday, our office will be closed. However, we will maintain a minimal level of operational activities to ensure the smooth running of our business. For urgent matters, please contact the designated on-call personnel listed below:- On-Call Manager: [Insert Name]- Contact Number: [Insert Phone Number]- Email Address: [Insert Email Address]For employees who are willing and able to work remotely during the holiday period, please inform your immediate supervisor of your availability. We encourage you to coordinate with your team members to ensure that critical tasks are covered and deadlines are met.Returning to Work:Our office will resume normal operations on [Insert Return Date, e.g., February 6, 2023]. Please ensure that you are back at work on this date, unless you have obtained prior approval for a late return.Health and Safety Reminders:As we approach the holiday season, we would like to remind everyone to prioritize their health and safety. Here are some tips to help you stay healthy during the Spring Festival:1. Practice good hygiene by washing your hands frequently and using hand sanitizer.2. Avoid crowded places and large gatherings to reduce the risk of contracting illnesses.3. Get vaccinated against common diseases to protect yourself and others.4. Ensure that you have enough rest and maintain a balanced diet.Wishing You a Prosperous Spring Festival:The Spring Festival is a time for family, reflection, and renewal. We would like to take this moment to wish you and your loved ones a prosperous and joyful Spring Festival. May the year ahead bring you good health, success, and happiness.If you have any questions or concerns regarding the holiday arrangements, please do not hesitate to contact the Human Resources Department at [Insert Contact Information].Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We look forward toyour safe and enjoyable holiday season.Warmest regards,[Your Name][Your Position][Company Name] [Contact Information]。



春节活动通知英文作文英文:Hello everyone,。

As the Spring Festival is coming, we have prepared some exciting activities for you to celebrate this traditional Chinese holiday. Here are the details:Firstly, we will have a dumpling-making competition. Dumplings are a must-have food during the Spring Festival, and we believe that everyone can make delicious dumplings with their own unique fillings. The competition will be held on the first day of the Spring Festival, and the winners will receive special prizes.Secondly, we will organize a lantern-making workshop. Lanterns are also an important part of the Spring Festival, and making lanterns can be a fun and creative activity. We will provide all the materials and guidance, and you cantake your lanterns home as a souvenir.Finally, we will have a traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting exhibition. Calligraphy and painting are traditional Chinese art forms that are closely related to the Spring Festival. We have invited some local artists to showcase their works, and you can also try to write some Chinese characters or paint some pictures by yourself.中文:大家好,。



春节放假英文邮件通知.doc春节放假英文邮件通知范文Subject: Notice of Spring Festival Holiday ArrangementDear Team,I hope this email finds you well.As we approach the Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year, I am writing to inform you of our holiday arrangements for the upcoming festive season.Holiday Schedule:The Spring Festival holiday will commence from Saturday, February 8th, 2024, and will conclude on Sunday, February16th, 2024.Regular work will resume on Monday, February 17th, 2024.Office Closure:Our office will be closed during the aforementioned period. All employees are expected to complete their work prior to the holiday and ensure that all necessary handovers are in place.Project Deliverables:Team leads are requested to review and confirm that all project deliverables are on track to meet deadlines before the holiday begins.Travel Arrangements:For those who plan to travel during the holiday, please ensure that you have made necessary arrangements and have shared your travel itinerary with your immediate supervisor.Emergency Contacts:Should there be any urgent matters that require attention during the holiday, please refer to the emergency contactlist provided in our internal directory.Safety Reminders:As you celebrate the festival, please remember to stay safe and adhere to all local regulations and health guidelines.Pre-Holiday Meeting:We will be holding a pre-holiday meeting on Friday, February 7th, 2024, to discuss the year's achievements, challenges, and plans for the upcoming year. Your attendance is mandatory.Post-Holiday Kick-off:On the first working day after the holiday, we will have a kick-off meeting to regroup and align our efforts for the new year.Celebrations and Activities:To celebrate the Spring Festival, we will organize a small get-together on Friday, February 7th, 2024, from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM. It will be a great opportunity to enjoy some festive cheer before we part ways for the holiday.Wishes:On behalf of the management, I would like to extend our warmest wishes to you and your families for a prosperous and joyful Spring Festival. May the year of the [Zodiac Animal] bring you health, happiness, and success.。



春节时的放假通知英语作文Notice of Spring Festival Holiday。

Dear all,。

As the Spring Festival is approaching, we are pleased to inform you that the company will have a holiday from January 24th to January 30th, and we will return to work on January 31st.During the holiday, the company will be closed, and all employees are required to take a break and enjoy the festival with their families. We hope that you will have a happy and safe holiday.Please note that if you need to contact the company during the holiday, you can send an email to our customer service department, and we will reply to you as soon as possible after the holiday.We also remind you to pay attention to your personal safety during the holiday, and do not forget to take precautions against the novel coronavirus.Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. We wish you a happy and prosperous New Year!Best regards,。



Spring⽇常笔记记录14--后置通知@AfterReturning 在⽬标⽅法执⾏之后执⾏。


该注解的 returning 属性就是⽤于指定接收⽅法返回值的变量名的。

所以,被注解为后置通知的⽅法,除了可以包含 JoinPoint 参数外,还可以包含⽤于接收返回值的变量。

该变量最好为 Object 类型,因为⽬标⽅法的返回值可能是任何类型。

1.增加接⼝⽅法:2.接⼝实现类:3.定义切⾯:package com.example.ba02;import ng.JoinPoint;import ng.annotation.AfterReturning;import ng.annotation.Aspect;import ng.annotation.Before;import java.util.Date;/*** @Aspect:是aspectj框架中的注解。

* 作⽤:表⽰当前类是切⾯类。

* 切⾯类:是⽤来给业务⽅法增加功能的类,在这个类中有切⾯的功能代码* 使⽤位置:在类定义的上⾯*/@Aspectpublic class MyAspect {/*** 后置通知定义⽅法,⽅法是实现切⾯功能的* ⽅法的定义要求:* 1.公共⽅法public* 2.⽅法没有返回值* 3.⽅法名称⾃定义* 4.⽅法有参数,推荐是Object,参数名⾃定义*//*** @AfterReturning:后置通知* 属性:1.value 切⼊点表达式* 2.returning ⾃定义的变量,表⽰⽬标⽅法的返回值的* ⾃定义变量名必须和通知⽅法的形参名⼀样。

* 位置:在⽅法定义的上⾯* 特点:* 1.在⽬标⽅法之后执⾏的* 2.能够获取到⽬标⽅法的返回值,可以根据这个返回值做不同的处理功能* Object res = doOther();* 3.可以修改这个返回值** 后置通知的执⾏* Object res = doOther();* myAfterReturning(res);*/@AfterReturning(value = "execution(* *..SomeServiceImpl.doOther(..))",returning = "res")public void myAfterReturning(Object res){//Object res : 是⽬标⽅法执⾏后的返回值,根据返回值做切⾯的功能处理System.out.println("后置通知:在⽬标⽅法之后执⾏的,获取的返回值是:"+res); }}4.编写测试类:5.运⾏结果:。



关于春游的通知简短范文英文回答:Notice: Spring Outing.Dear students,。

We are excited to announce that our school will be organizing a spring outing on April 20th. This is a great opportunity for all of us to enjoy the beautiful weather and relax before the final exams. Please read the following information carefully:1. Date and Time: The spring outing will take place on April 20th, starting at 9:00 am and ending at 4:00 pm. Please make sure to arrive at the designated meeting point on time.2. Destination: We will be visiting a local park with stunning scenery and various recreational facilities. Itwill be a perfect place for outdoor activities and bonding with classmates.3. Transportation: School buses will be provided to transport students to and from the park. Please be punctual and gather at the school gate at 8:30 am. Don't forget to bring your student ID card.4. Packing List: Remember to bring the following items:Sunscreen and hat to protect yourself from the sun.Comfortable shoes for walking and participating in outdoor games.Snacks and water to keep yourself energized throughout the day.Camera or phone to capture the memorable moments.5. Rules and Regulations: During the spring outing, all students are expected to follow the school rules andregulations. Respect the natural environment, maintain cleanliness, and ensure the safety of yourself and others.We hope that all students can participate in this spring outing and have a wonderful time together. Let's make lasting memories and recharge ourselves for the upcoming challenges. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the school office.Thank you for your attention and cooperation.中文回答:通知,春游活动。

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