低成本的私有化浪潮使得日本的数家大型家族式商业企业拥有了大量工业企业的控 制权,这些企业,特别是金银矿等矿山企业所创造的利润,使以三菱为首的一批家族 企业获得了稳定的资金来源和现金流支撑,强化了其在日本经济中的支配和垄断地位, 进而逐渐影响日本的社会以及政治。
19世纪末,日本开始以战争手段对外扩张。长期对外战争所需要的各类武器装备 和军需物资,为各大财阀所属的众多企业提供了持续且充足的订货。军事订货有其连 贯性及广泛性,以海军建设为例,只有钢铁、造船、重型机械、石油化工、武器装备、 通信联络等诸多类型企业密切配合,才能保证海军的装备数量和质量,提高其作战能 力。因此,各大财阀都积极参与其中,为日本军队提供装备,或是在占领区设立商社 等,掠夺当地资源,以满足本国工业对原材料的需求。这一时期,也是日本各大财阀 发展最快的时期之一。 随着经营规模的不断扩张,日本财阀原有的单纯的家族式管理体制对其自身的扩 张造成了阻碍,已不适应日本经济的快速发展。为了改善企业管理结构,进一步扩大 企业资金来源,各财阀开始普遍运用公司——这一新型的管理模式来对原有的企业结 构进行优化。公司制是与股份制不可分离的,这一时期财阀企业的一个重要变化,就 是开始引入外部资本,吸收外来投资来解决自身扩张过程中有可能遇到的资金问题。 所吸收的外部资本既包括股权融资,也有一部分公众资本。这一变化带来了两个结果, 一是财阀对于下属企业的总体持股比例开始下降,二是各级子公司的上市使得集团内 任意上市企业的股票都可以被本集团内任意其他企业持有,这便是富有日本特色的企 业间相互持股制度。但这种变化起初并未撼动财阀家族对所属企业的绝对控制权。财 阀直接控制的总商社仍然对下属企业拥有绝对控股权,供融资的股份只占其全部企业 股份总额的很小一部分。财阀的根本性质并没有改变,但这却标志着日本财阀开始了 向现代企业集团的转变。 既便如此,到了20世纪30年代,日本即将达到顶峰的对外军事扩张,由此带动的 国内经济以及国民高涨的热情仍然使财阀的股权份额继续发生变化。1936年,日本国 内所发行的股票市值总额达到了当年日本GDP总额的136%,说明了日本的资本市场已 经极为发达。由于所属企业大量上市,财阀对于下属企业的总体持股比例不断下降, 到1943年时,这一比例已经下降至大约30%。但是财阀直接控制的总商社对其第一层 子公司仍然绝对控股,且控股比例仍很高,平均值约在75%左右。
丰田生产方式的诞生背景丰田生产方式(Toyota Production System,简称TPS)是丰田汽车公司在20世纪50年代初期由其创始人丰田喜一郎和丰田产业公司第二代领导人丰田吉治共同开发的一种生产方式。
基于这一理念,丰田公司开始积极推行一系列变革,其中包括以下主要原则:1. 精益化思维:丰田公司提倡员工具有精益化的思维方式,即关注如何消除浪费和提高效率。
2. 流程化管理:丰田公司强调生产过程的流程化管理,即通过优化物料和信息的流动,使生产过程更加高效和灵活。
2009年日本国内生产总值居全球第二,2010年位居第三(中国当年排名第二,但日本人均GDP 为中国的十倍),2015年日本国内生产总值仍位居第三(中国位居第二,中国人均GDP 为日本四分之一)。
实际上,这些可见的GDP 统计数据中,不包含日本的海外资产。
从日本FDI [英文全称Foreign Direct Investment,意指对外直接投资。
抵制日货从自我做起!1、家用电器及办工器材等:索尼_SONY 佳能_CANON JVC TDK 松下_Panasonic 卡西欧_CASIO建伍_KENWOOD 爱华 _aiwa 精工_SIEKO 尼康 _NIKON 日立_HITACHI兄弟_Brother 先锋_Pioneer 东芝_TOSHIBA 八重洲_YAES 阿尔派_ALPINENEC 百乐 NTT 美能达_Minolta 斑马_ZEBRAKDDI Olympus 蜻蜓_Dragonfly DoCoMo 夏普_SHARP富士通FUJITSU TUKA 爱普生_EPSON 美上美_MITSUMI J-PHONE理光_Ricoh 京瓷_Kyocera KONIKA 三洋_Sanyo2、化妆品及日常洗化等资生堂_SHISEIDO DHC MILD 花王_KAO 狮王_LION诗芬_sifone 碧柔Biore 多芬_Dove 乐而雅_Laurier 高丝3、烟酒及食品等柔和七星明治食品四洲食品麒麟食品午后红茶LUCIDO 朝日啤酒 BOSS咖啡日清食品日本酒雪印食品 suntory茶4、车丰田_TOYOTA 威驰_Vios 风度_Cefiro 本田(或宏达)_HONDA 尼桑_Nissan途乐_Patro 马自达_Mazda 日产_Nissan 佳_Urvan 三菱_MITSUBISHI蓝鸟_Nissan 阳光_Sunny 十五铃_ISUZU 奇骏_X-trail 铃木_SUZUKI凌治_Harrier 塘玙Civilian5、服装等美津浓MIZUNO 爱斯克斯_ 日高_NIKKO 华高6、百货伊藤洋华堂_Ito Yokado_成都华堂 Ito Yokado 北京7、其它立邦油漆 TOTO卫浴富士胶卷FUJI FILM 松本电工爱眼眼镜精工眼横滨轮胎第一生命(制药武田** 田胃药森永化工)就在今年7月,三菱重工再度拓展在华市场,将新的店铺放在中国的二级城市,2012年内将增设到100家店。
17世纪由住友政友(すみともまさとも) 1585-1652 在京都创办的“富士屋”发祥而来。
从经营铜制乐器的商号开始,元禄4年 (1691年) 到取得别子铜山的经营权,之后283年铜的生产得以持续,住友也因此不断成长。
住友财团 - 财团历史19世纪中叶,日本市场逐步对西方开放,住友商社也更为广泛地在冶钢及炼钢等领域发展起来。
中 图 分 类 号 :K 1 . 3 35 文 献 标 识 码 :A 文 章 编 号 :10 -4 32 0 )20 2 .5 0 1 0 ( 80 . 1 1 4 0 0
1 1 4.7% ¨ J ̄ 5
功能 、组织 结构 和规 模经 济效 应等 的研 究 。 文试 图通过 本 考 察财 阀系 企业集 团形 成 的历 史条件 、 景原 因和历史进 背 程, 总结 第二次 世界 大战 后经济 复兴 和经 济高增 长时期企 业 集 团形成 的基 本规 律 , 察 财 阀系企 业集 团 的结构 , 考 揭
财 阀和新 兴大 企业结 合 而形成 银行 系三大 企业集 团。 形 从 成时 间看 , 阀系 企业 集 团早 于银行 系企 业集 团。 实力 财 从 看 , 阀系企业 集团强于银行 系企业集 团。 财 要研 究 1本企业 3
集团, 必须研究财 阀系企 业集 团。 我 国对 1本 企 业 集 团 的研 究 开 始 于 2 世 纪 8 3 O O年代 , 从 已有成 果 看 , 偏重 于经 济 学 范 畴 内 的 1本 企 业集 团 的 3
1 企 业集 团是第 二 次 世界 大 战 以后 形 成 的 法人 企 3本 业 联合体 , 实质 为垄 断资本 集 团。三菱 、三井 、 友 、 其 住 芙 蓉 、 一劝银 与三 和等六 大企业 集 团是 当代 1本 具有代 表 第 3 性 的企 业集 团。据统 计 ,19 年 ,1本 六 大 企业 集 团 的企 96 3 业数 仅 占全 国法人企 业总数 的 00 6 而 资产 占全 国总数 . %, 0 的 1 . 销 售 额 占 1 . %, 利 润 占 1 . %, 本 金 占 1 %, 4 25 2 纯 36 8 资
• 制定家训、家族宪法,告诫 自己和后人。 • 家族是社团法人,重视家名、 家业,家业永存。 • 通过领养、招婿等方式引进 优秀人才进入家族企业。
所有权和控制权(表决权)的四种分离模式。 • 在组织形态和结构上呈两极发展模式。一 是大企业、大集团模式,二是走中小企 业集群之路。
业主制和合伙制的家 族企业是日本最基本 的企业形态。 19世纪80年代以前
财阀企业或者以家族 为基础的控股公司是 日本家族企业最基本 的企业形态。
19世纪80年代 至第二次世界大 战结束
日本家族企业开始由 财阀结构逐渐演变为 财团形式的企业集团, 实行类家族式管理。
第二次世界大战 以后
Description of the contents
三井物产是三井财团的核心企业,也是 全球最大的综合商社。三井物产拥子公司 1100多家,在日本国内拥有34个机构,在 全球93个国家和地区设有事务所89个 。
是通过各种各样精心 设计的服务促进客户 的国际贸易活劢。
全球性地调劢信息、人 力、财力等资源和客户 共同努力,从而创建新 的业务、新的公司,幵 进入新的产业。
二战结 束
作为日本军国主义的工具,三井财阀和 其他财阀一样,经过了解散和复活的过 程。但是,三井财阀由亍同政府关系长 期较为密切,因而在解散中理所当然地 受到了更大的打击。
三井财阀的核心企业才走上正轨 。三井银 行、三井信托银行、大正海上火灾保险、 三井人寿保险等4家金融机构,恢复了经 营活力,为集团的重新集结和发展提供了 资金支撑 。
松下电器 NEC 朝日啤酒
住友仓库 住友林业
松散型 成员:
富士财团、三和财团、第 一劝银财团
特点: 起源于经济改革 以主银行为纽带 类似于“俱乐部”或“互助会”
合 作
富士财团 三和财团 第一劝银财团
财团在日本的影响 日本财团控制的行业
保险 地产
电子/数码/IT/通信/光电 轻工业
三和银行 东洋信托 日本生命 日商岩井 日棉 积水化学 丸善石油
夏普 日本电报电话公司(NTT)
帝人公司 日本通运
日立造船 科思摩石油
富士银行 久保田
富士生命(安田人寿) 安田海上 东京建物 大成建设 丸红商事 日本钢管 NKK
什么是财团? 财团(financial group)是金融资本
所控制的巨大银行和巨大企业结合 而成的垄断集团。它们通常由一个
垄断既然已经形成,而且操纵着几十亿资本,它就绝对不可避免地 要渗透到社会生活的各个方面去。 ——列宁
1. 引言1.1 日本家族企业探究日本家族企业是日本经济体系中的重要组成部分,承载着国家经济发展的重要责任。
2. 正文2.1 日本家族企业的历史背景日本家族企业的历史背景可以追溯到日本的江户时代。
目录奋斗目标简介日本六大财团介绍:三菱财团,三井财团,住友财团,富士财团,三和财团,第一劝银财团,当代日本三大金融控股集团的由来日本四大财团简介:日本财团简介三井财团简介:三井财团历史前身发展三菱财团简介:三菱财团历史住友财团简介:住友财团- 财团历史创立发展富士财团简介:富士财团- 发展历史我国对日本财团的研究“这次到日本来,就是要向日本请教”中国需掀第三次“学习日本潮”近年研究状况编辑本段奋斗目标日本财团创立于1962年的日本财团(Nippon Foundation)是一个国际化的非盈利的慈善机构,由日本著名的慈善家和企业家笹川良一出资创建。
国际市场价格体系和集团内部的竞争保证了 利益相关者的决策和控制行为始终受市场竞 争的制约
成本低,发展速度快 安全和稳定,对于发展中国家尤其重要
一些学者表明,既是公司股东又是债权人的 日本银行,在公司治理实践中,更加注重其 作为债权人的利益
并购活动发生频率低 董事会失察,董事和经理人员过着舒适安逸
的生活 只有20%的经理人员的薪酬计划与公司股票
财务杠杆的大量使用 KKR---美国最早、最著名的LBO/MBO公司 控制权市场理论的代表人物:迈克尔·詹森 垃圾债券之父---迈克尔·米尔肯
Main Markets Neuer Market
数据来源:Frankfurt Stock Exchange data 23
90年代,德国先后出台一系列的法律法规, 设立联邦证券交易委员会,以促进资本市 场的发展
大力发展“新经济”,设立Neuer市场, 要求更严格的信息披露
改革养老金制度 修订公司法,允许股票回购以及发行股票
90年代的美国公司接受“股东至上”的 企业理念,敌意、杠杆收购大幅度减少
股票期权计划的广泛采纳 机构投资者的兴起 董事会被认为是公司治理的核心
公司运 营
三井 三菱 住友 古河 久原 浅野 川崎( 松方) 大仓 铃木 岩井 安田 野村
制 造 业
流通业 金融业
煤 金 纤 造 陶 化 制 有色 造 电 商 海 银 保 证 炭 属 维 纸 瓷 学 铁 金属 船 机 业 运 行 险 券
△ △ △ △ △ ○ ○ ○ △ △△ △ ○ △ △ △ △ ○ ○ △ ○ △△ △ △ △ △ ○ ○ △ △ △ △△ ○ △ ○○ △ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○○
1887 年 7 月, 明治政府颁布了《所得税法》, 将纳税人分为五个等级, 开始对个人征收所 得税。其中规定, 对个人收入达 3 万日元以上者, 课以 3% 的所得税; 不足 3 万日元者, 将依 次减征税率; 个人收入 300 日元者, 征收 1% 的所得税。因当时商法尚未实施, 因此未对公司 和其他企业征收法人所得税, 仅依惯例, 由地方征收企业营业税。 产业革命时期后, 以纺织业为主的支柱型产业急速扩张, 推动了重化学工业的发展。继 而, 日本先后发动了侵华的甲午战争和日俄战争, 受战争需求的刺激, 又反过来进一步促进 了日本工业化的进程。尤其是日俄战争爆发后, 极大地刺激了日本的电力、煤炭、钢铁、机械、 造船、橡胶、合成纤维等产业的膨胀与勃兴, 并由此而改变了日本的产业结构。另一方面, 由
( 2) 发展最快的是合资会社, 至明治末年, 公司总数已超过 1 万家。究其原因, 一是注册 审批手续简单; 二是经营状况与财务不公开, 其相对封闭性迎合了投资者的偏好; 三是投资 额相对较少, 公司规模不大, 适合中、小型企业的发展。 ( 3) 株式会社处在高于合名会社而低于合资会社的中间地带。但因其公司规模大, 资本 含量高, 在企业结构中始终是日本的支柱企业。因此, 株式会社在“第二次企业勃兴期”起着
一、欧洲国家1990年代大公司控制权的比较表1 欧洲12国最大100家企业1990年代的所有权注:引自torben pedersen&steen thomsen(1997),“european patterns of corporate ownership:a twelve-country study”,journal of international business,fourth quarter,1997,pp768. 表中数据为企业数目,括号内为资产比例。
Question One:Compare the post-war Keiretsu inter-firm structure in Japan with the pre-war Zaibatsus. Explain the reasons w hy the Keiretsu were important to Japan’s economy in the 1950-1990 period,and why they are now considered to be a major cause of its current structural problems.IntroductionThis paper reviews major theoretical and empirical work on comparing the Keiretsu and Zaibatsus as well as the importance of Keiretsus in the process of Japan development during the 1950s to early 1990s. Firstly,I compare the pre-war Zaibatsus with the post-war Keiretsu in concepts,history,structures and governance perspectives. This article will reviews major theoretical and empirical work on vertical and horizontal Japanese keiretsu. I then discuss changes in the Japanese economy during the post-war period from 1950s till 1992 Japanese economic decline and their implications for the persistence and continued benefits of each form of inter-corporate grouping followed by a discussion of facts regarding the role of keiretsu in the Japanese economy. Thirdly,this article will analyse the structural problems of Keiretsus on the globalisation context.Backgrounds of Zaibatsus and Keiretsus in JapanJapanese Zaibatsus developed mostly from the Meiji era (1868-1912). By the turn of the century,Japan had given birth to several groups of widely diversified companies,each of them owned and operated by a single family. With the wealth expansion of these families,they became the nation’s new aristocracy,the “financial cliques” or t he Zaibatsus. The Zaibatsu is generally understood to be a diverse group of large industries controlled by a single family,usually through a central holding company.According to Miyashita and Russell (1994),a Zaibatsu is “nothing more than a large industr ial combine” on its initial strcuture. The actual growth of the Zaibatsus began in 1914,World WarⅠ,Japan supplied munitions and other goods to the Allies. Without the competition from European companies,Japanese firms were free to expand internationally. During that five years,the export of Japan increased 266%. The Big Four----Zaibatsus are Mitsui,Sumitomo,Mitsubishi and Yasuda used their profits to start their own bank. The Americans initially wanted to dissolve all the zaibatsu after World WarⅡ,as they saw them as undemocratic and the finance behind the militaristic government of the 1930's (see ).Even though Japan's economy made huge strides in economic reformation after the WWⅠ,the Zaibatsu interests began to enter the political arena to support their interests. Their activities became entwined with the government in wartime Japan. Eventually,the Potsdam Declaration that was signed in 1945 required the liquidation of the Zaibatsu to democratize Japan's post–war economy. As explained in the previous article,by 1945 the zaibatsu had grown to control a significant portion of Japanese trade and industry. In addition,for the purpose of controlling economic power,special provisions were included in Japan's Antimonopoly Act for the specific purpose of forbidding holding companies and limiting the acquisition by financial enterprises of stock of other companies. In hindsight these provisions might appear to have been ineffective barriers to the creation of excessive economic control and equally ineffective as measures to ensure competition in Japan's economy. These arguments were made when Japan enacted the Act for partial Amendment of the Antimonopoly Act in 1997 by which act Japan finally eliminated the 50–year old ban on holding companies.Compare pre-war Zaibatsus with the post-war KeiretsusThe zaibatsu is a diversified group of businesses owned by a family. Mostly had origins in non-manufacturing sectors in mining,shipping and most importantly,banking. Then diversified not by integration but by shareholdings and representatives on Boards of Directors of separate firms. The Keiretsus are conglomerates similar to pre-war Zaibatsus but not family owned and with a bank at its heart and with one of the following forms (Miwa,):1. General trading company able to handle gigantic and diverse volume of commerce2. Production oriented group3. Distribution oriented group based on network of small retailers4. Large retail or RR companiesWithin years of dismantling the Zaibatsu,changes on both the domestic and international fronts are thought to have led to a relaxation of regulations upon the concentration of economic power in Japan. On the latter front,following the establishment of communist China,U.S. foreign policy toward Japan could be seen shifting to one supporting a shoring up of Japan's economic power. Secondly,industrial growth and increased production capacity in Japan supported the U.S. need for supplies during the Korean War. Under this circumstance,the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) helped Zaibatsus to reform with personnel and new organizational structure. The personnel system including dispatching senior managers form main banks and sogo shosha to smaller firms aims to tight the horizontal connections in order to keep a controlled decision making process. Keiretsus include horizontal and vertical company relationships,and sometimes business ties that are held together not by capital but by mere transactionalrelationships among enterprises. The central role of main banks in corporate governance greatly distinguishes these groups from the Zaibatsus.Viewing this development from Zaibatsu the Keiretsu as a whole,the following two points seen characteristic. First,in the pre-war Zaibatsu the links in the enterprise groups were centred on the commercial sector of their businesses. On the contrast,the post-war Keiretsus were paying attentions on heavy and chemical industry sector. Second,the Zaibatsus linked vertically and topped by a holding family for the whole group. By comparison,the Keiretsus are centred on financial institutions (main banks) and linked the enterprises horizontally with newly formed enterprise groups.PEST analysis on the importance of Keiretsus in Japan’s post-war developmentPolitical:Competitions among countries had a great impact on the development of Japan. The government set the industrial structure of the country with high-standard processing trade (Russell,1994). Keiretsus’ horizontal networks can be a competitive advantage due to the networks can supervise the whole process from manufacturing to retailing. With the assistance of sogo shosha’s entry to certain country-wide markets,Japan can easily sustain this “input-output synergies” competitive advantage.The Mitsui China Representative office vice president Wei of once mentioned in an interview “We won’t manufacture illegal things,but we are able to manufacture anything else with the Keiretsu networks.”( see ).Economical:During the 1950s to 1990s,Japan experienced three depressions:the oil price increased in the 1970s made the GDP growth rate in Japan came to a negative growth in 1974 (see ). The Plaza Accord indirectly let to the bubble economy in Japan. Faced a relatively unfavourable domestic economical context,thecompetitive advantage of Keiretsus including the Big Six and other firms are making efforts to strengthen their own groups,and at the frontiers of the new industries which have been developed in Japan since the war,they have been competing against one another with out quarter in equipment investment. This is not only in the case of oil-chemicals industry but also in the motor vehicles. Nine manufacturers in addition to Toyota and Nissan are competing to increase their shares in the market. In this case,Japan’s productive potential has risen rapidly a nd has realized a degree of high growth which is literally the highest In the world.Apart from external competitive advantages,the internal financial networks also made a great contribution to the rapid growth of Keiretsus and in return to the whole Japan economy. The input-output synergies made the profit-trapping possible. What’s more,the main bank financing and cross-shareholding promoted the capital market of Japan developed fast as well as way to maintain anti-takeover and encouraging risk taking situation.Social and technological:The labour force assessment of Keiretsus can be identified as follow,until quite recently,a continual supply of superior labour of both with good quality and readily adaptable to modern technology was available. Additionally,the Keiretsus’ tendency to invest was never subject to restriction from this aspect. The new personnel rotation and loan of personnel system make sure the connection between banks and firms. This system enable the banks to supervise the debts and operations of the firms. As for the firms,they may obtain the essential financial supports and advanced management.In sum,the situation of Japan post-war economy growth was owing to the network structural protection and development. These Keiretsus made efforts in equipmentinvestment,intending to get practically all new industries into their hands on the basis of funds collected from the pipelines of the powerful financial Keiretsus,so that they might strengthen their control of the industries.The changing global contextThe bursting of Japan’s ‘‘bubble economy’’ led to an economic downturn in the 1990s. Because of deflation,decreasing consumer demand,stagnation of real GDP,a fall in property and land prices by 80% between 1991 and 1998 as well as a rapid growth of unemployment. Widespread changes in capital markets and inter-firm networks in Japan were accompanied by more fundamental restructurings of corporate performance systems,labour relations and employment practices. Competition from cheaper imports increased at the same time as domestic demand fell overall. As a result there were unprecedented declines in Japan’s overall industrial production rate in 1997 and 1998. The keiretsu system remained strongly in place throughout the first half of the 1990s. Nevertheless,the tendency move toward globalization of capital markets in Japan and ongoing regulatory change may potentially impact networking and performance implications in the 21st century.These keiretsu are an effective system of minimising transaction costs,and an efficiency gain that has contributed to Japan's economic success. But the system has often been criticised for excluding outside firms from markets and,more particularly,as a barrier to foreign firms entering the Japanese market. Although keiretsu relationships appeared in the 1930s,it was in the 1950s that they were rapidly consolidated. In the post-war years,larger corporations chose their trading partners in areas such as production and distribution,and set about forming close,long-term business relationships. The keiretsu were a response to the intense competitivepressures which existed among Japanese firms;certainly,their primary purpose was not to exclude foreign firms. The keiretsu system resulted from corporate competition within the Japanese economy,and became established as a link between firms that was economically rational,and suited to Japanese-style management. However,the system of keiretsu relationships began to be seen as an unfair barrier.With the process of globalisation,plentiful cheap capital from the group's own banks financed a wild dash for global market share in the fast-moving global markets. It is hurting the keiretsu:When the world moved on to Microsoft Corp. and Intel Corp. of the computer technology. These competitions are costing the keiretsu plenty. ''This is not a temporary change due to the recession,'' says Hiroshi Okumura,a Chuo University professor who studies the keiretsu. ''These groups have become weak because of a structural change in the economy.'' (Business week,1999).Over the last decade,many of the keiretsu car manufacturers of Japan have experienced a huge shift in their external environment. Some of the major drivers of change include the sustained economic slowdown in Japan,an increasingly globalized world and changing customer-supplier relationships. These changes have forced keiretsus to reinvent themselves and,in some cases,to completely dissolve the traditional keiretsu structure. As globalization continues to progress,it has become clear that Japanese firms will have to start shifting their productions centers in order to stay competitive. This will be difficult for many Japanese firms due to the fact that interacting with other non-keiretsu companies will require learning a different business culture. Shedding the less desirable qualities of Keiretsu has allowed many Japanese firm flourish on the world stage. By looking outside of their own keiretsu group,firms are establishing international manufacturing agreements with moreindependent firms who are able to produce products for much less then in Japan. Some of the standout Japanese companies that have reach out to foreign suppliers and manufacturers is Toyota. While most of Japan was going through the lost decade,Toyota was actively establishing new partnerships with western firms in both the Americas and Europe. Not only was Toyota unafraid of reaching out to new markets and business partners,it made maintained diversified supply chains and manufacturing locations as to maximize profits and competitiveness.According to the report from Japan National Statistic institution,the cross-shareholding rate of the Keiretsus dropped from 93% in 1987 to 83% in . Diversification without regard for return on equity has been costly in terms of lower credit ratings. The conservatism of the Keiretsu has caused them to lag behind in fast-changing,globalised markets. As the executive vice-president of Mistubishi Research Institute,Danno Koichi,noted in a recent paper (see ),the competition brought about by the expansion of US companies,the integration of the Western European market,the birth of the euro,and the information-technology revolution has hit Japanese companies hard.Structural reforms being undertaken by the Japanese government may change the country's corporate landscape,while moves by more companies to seek alliances outside their Keiretsu-- as Mistubishi Oil and Nikko Securities of the Mistubishi family did -- may well hasten the deconstruction of these corporate entities. ConclusionThis paper reviews major theoretical and empirical work on comparing the Keiretsu and Zaibatsus as well as the importance of Keiretsus in the process of Japandevelopment during the 1950s to early 1990s. Firstly,by comparing the pre-war Zaibatsus with the post-war Keiretsu in concepts,history and structures,we conclude that the Keiretsus are the reorganised Zaibatsus. Keiretsu are the close,long-term business relationships established by large corporations with select groups of smaller firms,and they are linked through investment and the exchange of personnel. Then this article offered a discussion of the growth in the Japanese economy during the post-war period from 1950s till 1992 contributed by the Keiretsus’ networks. Thirdly,in the globalisation context,the Keiretsus are regarded as having structural problems. These problems limit the sustainable competitive advantages of Keiretsus to develop into the global market. So the changes are on the process for a reforming of Japan economy.ReferencesAnon 'TIME TO OVERHAUL JAPAN'S KEIRETSU MODEL' (1999),BusinessWeek,3620,p. 114Bremner,B,Thornton,E,& Kunii,I (1999),'FALL OF A KEIRETSU',BusinessWeek,3620,pp. 86-92Kawai,N. (,Spring Issue 85). Shifting Gears. J@pan Inc. ,pp. 10-12 McGuire,J,& Dow,S (),'The persistence and implications of Japanese keiretsu organization',Journal of International Business Studies,34,4,pp. 374-388 Miwa,Y,& Ramseyer,J (),'Does Ownership Matter?Evidence from the Zaibatsu Dissolution Program',Journal of Economics & Management Strategy,12,1,pp. 67-89,Business Source Premier,EBSCO host,viewed 5 May . Miyashita,K. and Russell,D. (1994),Keiretsu:Inside the Hidden Japanese Conglomerates McGraw-Hill,Inc.Shimotani,M (1995),'The Formation of Distribution Keiretsu:The Case of Matsushita Electric',Business History,37,2,pp. 54-69,Business Source Premier,EBSCO host,viewed 1 May'The Japanese Zaibatsu' (1946),Vital Speeches of the Day,12,13,p. 394,Business Source Premier,EBSCO host,viewed 5 May .Tong,A,& Richardson,J (),'The rise--and fall?--of the keiretsu',Asian ChemicalNews,9,385,p. 14。
1.战前日本的公司形态与财阀企业的株式会社化 [J], 任朝钢
2.论日本财阀系企业集团的形成及其特征 [J], 王文英
3.日本"财阀"商事企业座次更替伊藤忠取代住友跻身前三住友商事16年来首度亏损,伊藤忠凭借投资中国挤入前三 [J], 陈言
4.日本财阀式家族制企业向现代法人企业形态变迁的启示 [J], 王鹏远;朱颖妮
5.关于日本的“下请制”——兼谈日本的企业系列与独立系企业集团 [J], 胡欣欣因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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Question One: Compare the post-war Keiretsu inter-firm structure in Japan with the pre-war Zaibatsus. Explain the reasons why the Keiretsu were important to Japan’s economy in the 1950-1990 period, and why they are now considered to be a major cause of its current structural problems.IntroductionThis paper reviews major theoretical and empirical work on comparing the Keiretsu and Zaibatsus as well as the importance of Keiretsus in the process of Japan development during the 1950s to early 1990s. Firstly, I compare the pre-war Zaibatsus with the post-war Keiretsu in concepts, history, structures and governance perspectives. This article will reviews major theoretical and empirical work on vertical and horizontal Japanese keiretsu. I then discuss changes in the Japanese economy during the post-war period from 1950s till 1992 Japanese economic decline and their implications for the persistence and continued benefits of each form of inter-corporate grouping followed by a discussion of facts regarding the role of keiretsu in the Japanese economy. Thirdly, this article will analyse the structural problems of Keiretsus on the globalisation context.Backgrounds of Zaibatsus and Keiretsus in JapanJapanese Zaibatsus developed mostly from the Meiji era (1868-1912). By the turn of the century, Japan had given birth to several groups of widely diversified companies, each of them owned and operated by a single family. With the wealth expansion of these families, they became the nation’s new aristocracy, the “financial cliques” or the Zaibatsus. The Zaibatsu is generally understood to be a diverse group of large industries controlled by a single family, usually through a central holding company. According to Miyashita and Russell (1994), a Zaibatsu is “nothing morethan a l arge industrial combine” on its initial strcuture. The actual growth of the Zaibatsus began in 1914, World WarⅠ, Japan supplied munitions and other goods to the Allies. Without the competition from European companies, Japanese firms were free to expand internationally. During that five years, the export of Japan increased 266%. The Big Four----Zaibatsus are Mitsui, Sumitomo, Mitsubishi and Yasuda used their profits to start their own bank. The Americans initially wanted to dissolve all the zaibatsu after World WarⅡ, as they saw them as undemocratic and the finance behind the militaristic government of the 1930's (see .wa-pedia.).Even though Japan's economy made huge strides in economic reformation after the WWⅠ, the Zaibatsu interests began to enter the political arena to support their interests. Their activities became entwined with the government in wartime Japan. Eventually, the Potsdam Declaration that was signed in 1945 required the liquidation of the Zaibatsu to democratize Japan's post–war economy. As explained in the previous article, by 1945 the zaibatsu had grown to control a significant portion of Japanese trade and industry. In addition, for the purpose of controlling economic power, special provisions were included in Japan's Antimonopoly Act for the specific purpose of forbidding holding companies and limiting the acquisition by financial enterprises of stock of other companies. In hindsight these provisions might appear to have been ineffective barriers to the creation of excessive economic control and equally ineffective as measures to ensure competition in Japan's economy. These arguments were made when Japan enacted the Act for partial Amendment of the Antimonopoly Act in 1997 by which act Japan finally eliminated the 50–year old ban on holding companies.Compare pre-war Zaibatsus with the post-war KeiretsusThe zaibatsu is a diversified group of businesses owned by a family. Mostly had origins in non-manufacturing sectors in mining, shipping and most importantly, banking. Then diversified not by integration but by shareholdings and representatives on Boards of Directors of separate firms. The Keiretsus are conglomerates similar to pre-war Zaibatsus but not family owned and with a bank at its heart and with one of the following forms (Miwa, 2003):1. General trading company able to handle gigantic and diverse volume of commerce2. Production oriented group3. Distribution oriented group based on network of small retailers4. Large retail or RR companiesWithin years of dismantling the Zaibatsu, changes on both the domestic and international fronts are thought to have led to a relaxation of regulations upon the concentration of economic power in Japan. On the latter front, following the establishment of communist China, U.S. foreign policy toward Japan could be seen shifting to one supporting a shoring up of Japan's economic power. Secondly, industrial growth and increased production capacity in Japan supported the U.S. need for supplies during the Korean War. Under this circumstance, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) helped Zaibatsus to reform with personnel and new organizational structure. The personnel system including dispatching senior managers form main banks and sogo shosha to smaller firms aims to tight the horizontal connections in order to keep a controlled decision making process. Keiretsus include horizontal and vertical company relationships, and sometimes business ties that are held together not by capital but by mere transactional relationships among enterprises. The central role of main banks in corporate governancegreatly distinguishes these groups from the Zaibatsus.Viewing this development from Zaibatsu the Keiretsu as a whole, the following two points seen characteristic. First, in the pre-war Zaibatsu the links in the enterprise groups were centred on the commercial sector of their businesses. On the contrast, the post-war Keiretsus were paying attentions on heavy and chemical industry sector. Second, the Zaibatsus linked vertically and topped by a holding family for the whole group. By comparison, the Keiretsus are centred on financial institutions (main banks) and linked the enterprises horizontally with newly formed enterprise groups.PEST analysis on the importance of Keiretsus in Japan’s post-war developmentPolitical: Competitions among countries had a great impact on the development of Japan. The government set the industrial structure of the country with high-standard processing trade (Russell, 1994). Keiretsus’ horizontal networks can be a competitive advantage due to the networks can supervise the whole process from manufacturing to retailing. With the as sistance of sogo shosha’s entry to certain country-wide markets, Japan can easily sustain this “input-output synergies” competitive advantage. The Mitsui China Representative office vice president Wei of once mentioned in an interview “We won’t manufacture illegal things, but we are able to manufacture anything else with the Keiretsu networks.”( see .mbalib.).Economical: During the 1950s to 1990s, Japan experienced three depressions: the oil price increased in the 1970s made the GDP growth rate in Japan came to a negative growth in 1974 (see .stat.go.jp/english/index.htm). The Plaza Accord indirectly let tothe bubble economy in Japan. Faced a relatively unfavourable domestic economical context, the competitive advantage of Keiretsus including the Big Six and other firms are making efforts to strengthen their own groups, and at the frontiers of the new industries which have been developed in Japan since the war, they have been competing against one another with out quarter in equipment investment. This is not only in the case of oil-chemicals industry but also in the motor vehicles. Nine manufacturers in addition to Toyota and Nissan are competing to increase their shares in the market. In this case, Japan’s productive potential has risen rapidly and has realized a degree of high growth which is literally the highest In the world.Apart from external competitive advantages, the internal financial networks also made a great contribution to the rapid growth of Keiretsus and in return to the whole Japan economy. The input-output synergies made the profit-trapping possible. What’s more, the main bank financing and cross-shareholding promoted the capital market of Japan developed fast as well as way to maintain anti-takeover and encouraging risk taking situation.Social and technological: The labour force assessment of Keiretsus can be identified as follow, until quite recently, a continual supply of superior labour of both with good quality and readily adaptable to modern technology was available. Additionally, t he Keiretsus’ tendency to invest was never subject to restriction from this aspect. The new personnel rotation and loan of personnel system make sure the connection between banks and firms. This system enable the banks to supervise the debts and operations of the firms. As for the firms, they may obtain the essential financial supports and advanced management.In sum, the situation of Japan post-war economy growth was owing to thenetwork structural protection and development. These Keiretsus made efforts in equipment investment, intending to get practically all new industries into their hands on the basis of funds collected from the pipelines of the powerful financial Keiretsus, so that they might strengthen their control of the industries.The changing global contextThe bursting of Japan’s ‘‘bubble economy’’ led to an economic downturn in the 1990s. Because of deflation, decreasing consumer demand, stagnation of real GDP, a fall in property and land prices by 80% between 1991 and 1998 as well as a rapid growth of unemployment. Widespread changes in capital markets and inter-firm networks in Japan were accompanied by more fundamental restructurings of corporate performance systems, labour relations and employment practices. Competition from cheaper imports increased at the same time as domestic demand fell overall. As a result there were unprecedented declines in Japan’s overall industrial production rate in 1997 and 1998. The keiretsu system remained strongly in place throughout the first half of the 1990s. Nevertheless, the tendency move toward globalization of capital markets in Japan and ongoing regulatory change may potentially impact networking and performance implications in the 21st century.These keiretsu are an effective system of minimising transaction costs, and an efficiency gain that has contributed to Japan's economic success. But the system has often been criticised for excluding outside firms from markets and, more particularly, as a barrier to foreign firms entering the Japanese market. Although keiretsu relationships appeared in the 1930s, it was in the 1950s that they were rapidly consolidated. In the post-war years, larger corporations chose their trading partners in areas such as production and distribution, and set about forming close,long-term business relationships. The keiretsu were a response to the intense competitive pressures which existed among Japanese firms; certainly, their primary purpose was not to exclude foreign firms. The keiretsu system resulted from corporate competition within the Japanese economy, and became established as a link between firms that was economically rational, and suited to Japanese-style management. However, the system of keiretsu relationships began to be seen as an unfair barrier.With the process of globalisation, plentiful cheap capital from the group's own banks financed a wild dash for global market share in the fast-moving global markets. It is hurting the keiretsu: When the world moved on to Microsoft Corp. and Intel Corp. of the computer technology. These competitions are costing the keiretsu plenty. ''This is not a temporary change due to the recession,'' says Hiroshi Okumura, a Chuo University professor who studies the keiretsu. ''These groups have become weak because of a structural change in the economy.'' (Business week, 1999).Over the last decade, many of the keiretsu car manufacturers of Japan have experienced a huge shift in their external environment. Some of the major drivers of change include the sustained economic slowdown in Japan, an increasingly globalized world and changing customer-supplier relationships. These changes have forced keiretsus to reinvent themselves and, in some cases, to completely dissolve the traditional keiretsu structure. As globalization continues to progress, it has become clear that Japanese firms will have to start shifting their productions centers in order to stay competitive. This will be difficult for many Japanese firms due to the fact that interacting with other non-keiretsu companies will require learning a different business culture. Shedding the less desirable qualities of Keiretsu has allowed many Japanese firm flourishon the world stage. By looking outside of their own keiretsu group, firms are establishing international manufacturing agreements with more independent firms who are able to produce products for much less then in Japan. Some of the standout Japanese companies that have reach out to foreign suppliers and manufacturers is Toyota. While most of Japan was going through the lost decade, Toyota was actively establishing new partnerships with western firms in both the Americas and Europe. Not only was Toyota unafraid of reaching out to new markets and business partners, it made maintained diversified supply chains and manufacturing locations as to maximize profits and competitiveness.According to the report from Japan National Statistic institution, the cross-shareholding rate of the Keiretsus dropped from 93% in 1987 to 83% in 2003. Diversification without regard for return on equity has been costly in terms of lower credit ratings. The conservatism of the Keiretsu has caused them to lag behind in fast-changing, globalised markets. As the executive vice-president of Mistubishi Research Institute, Danno Koichi, noted in a recent paper (see ), the competition brought about by the expansion of US companies, the integration of the Western European market, the birth of the euro, and the information-technology revolution has hit Japanese companies hard.Structural reforms being undertaken by the Japanese government may change the country's corporate landscape, while moves by more companies to seek alliances outside their Keiretsu-- as Mistubishi Oil and Nikko Securities of the Mistubishi family did -- may well hasten the deconstruction of these corporate entities.ConclusionThis paper reviews major theoretical and empirical work on comparing theKeiretsu and Zaibatsus as well as the importance of Keiretsus in the process of Japan development during the 1950s to early 1990s. Firstly, by comparing the pre-war Zaibatsus with the post-war Keiretsu in concepts, history and structures, we conclude that the Keiretsus are the reorganised Zaibatsus. Keiretsu are the close, long-term business relationships established by large corporations with select groups of smaller firms, and they are linked through investment and the exchange of personnel. Then this article offered a discussion of the growth in the Japanese economy during the post-war period from 1950s till 1992 contributed by the Keiretsus’ network s. Thirdly, in the globalisation context, the Keiretsus are regarded as having structural problems. These problems limit the sustainable competitive advantages of Keiretsus to develop into the global market. So the changes are on the process for a reforming of Japan economy.ReferencesAnon 'TIME TO OVERHAUL JAPAN'S KEIRETSU MODEL' (1999), BusinessWeek, 3620, p. 114Bremner, B, Thornton, E, & Kunii, I (1999), 'FALL OF A KEIRETSU', BusinessWeek, 3620, pp. 86-92Kawai, N. (2009, Spring Issue 85). Shifting Gears. Jpan Inc. , pp. 10-12McGuire, J, & Dow, S (2003), 'The persistence and implications of Japanese keiretsu organization', Journal of International Business Studies, 34, 4, pp. 374-388Miwa, Y, & Ramseyer, J (2003), 'Does Ownership Matter? Evidence from the Zaibatsu Dissolution Program', Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 12, 1, pp. 67-89, Business Source Premier, EBSCO host, viewed 5 May 2011.Miyashita, K. and Russell, D. (1994), Keiretsu: Inside the Hidden Japanese Conglomerates McGraw-Hill, Inc.Shimotani, M (1995), 'The Formation of Distribution Keiretsu: The Case of Matsushita Electric', Business History, 37, 2, pp. 54-69, Business Source Premier, EBSCO host, viewed 1 May 2011'The Japanese Zaibatsu' (1946), Vital Speeches of the Day, 12, 13, p. 394, Business Source Premier, EBSCO host, viewed 5 May 2011.Tong, A, & Richardson, J (2003), 'The rise--and fall?--of the keiretsu', Asian Chemical News, 9, 385, p. 14. . . .wa-pedia./economy/zaibatsu.shtml.. ..。