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Site model
Text model
Pattern of behavior
Site model基地模式
According to Carol J. Burns and Andrea Kahn,site can generally be divided into three levels.在Carol J. Burns和Andrea Kahn看来,基地可分为三
Horizon 水平
Situaition 情境
According to ancient legend,the land and the sky apart from the chaos, the horizon is worthy of awe and easily overlooked. It's the distant, mysterious environment, but also background.传说中天与地从混沌中分开,地 平线是值得敬畏而又容易被忽略的。既是遥不可及、神秘莫测的它境,又是理所当 然、衬托他物的背景。
The concept of the Topography概念
The characteristics of the concept概念的特点 The features of the Topography场地的特性 The strategy of the Topography场地的策略 Problems and Research trends存在问题与研究趋势
David Leatherbarrow 1.The Horizon of Both Architecture and Landscape 视域的水平性; 2.Mosaic Heterogeneity镶嵌的异质性; 3.Neither Land Nor Material as Such不同于物理物质的大地或材料; 4.Not the Play of Forms in Light看作无形的量和轮廓时不同于形式; 5.Given Not Shown表达自己的方式是似是而非的,寓意深远; 6.Saturated with Traces of Praxis人类实践的记录和编年史。
Topography contains more than one level
site场地/ 基地
Refer to something is or a practice background指涉某物的所在处或某种实 践活动的背景时
place地点 /场所 Topograp hy land土地
Site of Control 控制区
Solid boundary, including private property and land planning line实体边界,包括私 人领地和规划红线用地
Site of Influence 影响区
It will be able to play a bounding force without the limit无需通过限定就能 发挥作用的包围力
2. Comprehensive perception of dynamic It is the tracing of body back to the track
The strategy of the Topography
Refers to the emotional identification 指涉情感可识别性
Refers to the large scale background 指涉大尺度背景
In the political ownership level 在政治所有权层面
The characteristics of the concept
Tjibaou Cultural Centre in Australia澳洲 Tjibaou文化中心
Frank Lloyd Wright's "Fallingwater"赖特的流水别墅
农野之家设计中,嘉义当地传统的“埕”活动空间、户内外融合贯通的生活空间、平原地景元素 等,加上现代的有机生态农园形成一幅现代田园生活之景。
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington,a right-angled triangle, formed by two straight flange connected with a certain angle, was embeded in a concave slope. when people slowly went into the concave slope, looking at the rows and rows of densely packed names carved in black granite, with the depression,the mood will be more and more heavy......华盛顿越战军人纪念碑,两个直边相连接并成一定角度的直角三角形嵌入凹陷的坡 地,当人们缓慢步入凹地,看见黑色花岗岩上那一排排、一行行密密麻麻的名字时,心情将随地势 的凹陷,越来越沉重„„
Conversion 转换
Richard Serra’s “Shift”塞拉的《转换》 The horizon is a continuous medium for adjacent space conversion, including visible matter space, also contains the spirit and culture of the visional horizon.地平线是相邻空间转换的 连续媒介,既包含有形可见的物质空间,也包含精神和文化上的虚幻 的地平线。
1. Static intention It show significance by establishing the visual relationship between specific cultural, historical information and terrain .
According to Webster's Dictionary and WordNet Dictionary
1.The description of specific places, towns, parishes, territory or a vast land , especially the accurate description and narrationin of any place and area at a fine detail ;对特定场所、城镇、领地、教区或 广阔的土地的描述,尤其是对任何场所和区域在微小详尽的细节上准确 科学的描绘和记述; 2.The relationship between the surface configuration as well as its man-made features and natural features;表面的构形以及它的人造 特征与自然特征之间的关系; 3.Accurate and detailed research on surface features of an area. 对某一地区的表面特征的精确而详尽的研究。
Site of Effect 效应区
The field on which design will impact 设计 行为会形成冲击的领域
New botanical garden in Barcelona designed by Carlos Ferrater ,
perfectly combinned with the unique local hilly topography. The architect designed a set of triangular grid system,thorough analysising the site from the different angles of morphology, topography and biology etc.. Its principle is same with the irregular triangular network model of GIS to simulate the terrain. 卡洛斯•菲拉特等设计的巴塞罗那新植物园,与当地特有的丘陵地貌完美地结合在
The pattern of irregular mass unit repeated in similar or fractal way 不规则块状的单元以相似或分形的方式重复出 现的格局
The Lena River Delta 勒拿河三角洲
The map overlooking the city 城市俯瞰图
Hidden 隐藏
Conversion is needed from the hidden to reveal 从隐藏到揭示需要转换
Conversion 转换
Hidden 隐藏
The draft of Le Corbusier 勒· 柯布西耶的草图 The slightly raised horizon implies that the hidden content 微微隆起的地平线暗示了其下 隐藏的内容
一起。建筑师从形态学、地形学和生物学等不同角度对基地进行深入的分析。设 计了一套三角形网格体系,其原理与GIS中用不规则三角网模型模拟地形殊途同归。
Tadao Ando ,Azuma House 安藤忠雄,住吉的长屋
The site is very narrow, and the building area is only 60 square meters. 1. Consider environment 2. Ignore the limit of site 3. simple material 4. Simple geometric patterns 5. The introduction of natural 6. Inheriting the local traditional residential mode. 基地非常狭窄,建筑面积只有60 ㎡。 1.考量周遭环境 2.排除基地限制 3.质朴的素材 4.简单的几何 5.强调引进自然 6.延续文脉,继承当地的传统居住 方式
Farmer House,won the first prize in site A,Earth Bound-2013 Student
Competition-Chiayi House农野之家在2013嘉义屋设计新秀学生竞赛中获得基地A的
In the design of Farmer House, It formed a modern pastoral scene by designing "Cheng" activity space of local tradition in Chiayi, living space between indoor and outdoor , plain landscape elements, and modern Organic Ecological Agriculture Park.在
The features of the Topography
Look at the front horizontally 平视下的地形学特征
Mosaic 镶嵌
Overlook the topography 俯视下的地形学特征
Come into it 进入其间的地形学特征
Biblioteka Baidu