
3. 体细胞高频突变(Ag刺激下)
成熟B细胞 (基因已重排形成功能基因) 抗原、Th、CK
活化、增殖、分化 (生发中心) 亲和力↑(成熟) V区发生高频率的突变 改变特异性→新克隆产生→多样性↑ die
各种亲和力BCR的B细胞(升高和降低) 选择
• 组合造成的多样性:如 BCR 的多样性
VH DH JH Cμ 编码完整μ/δ链 VL JH Cμ
前B细胞在发育为未成熟的B细胞后,只表达mIgM,与骨髓自 身抗原结合后,发育停滞。此时通过受体编辑改变受体特性,形 成对自身抗原无反应性的细胞克隆继续发育成熟。若受体编辑不 成功,则被克隆清除,形成自身耐受。
酸 相 50 残 应 40 基位 的 置 30 变上 异 氨 20 率基
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 Igl 链 的 氨 基 酸 序 列
• 连接造成的多样性:在V、J或V、D、J片段的连接处可有一定的变化
• 体细胞高频突变引起的多样性:在已成熟的 B细胞发育过程中,V区
V D J VDJ IgH 、 、l链的组合 不准确的连接 核苷酸插入 可能出现的组合 Ig基因重排及高频突变

B细胞及其介导的免疫应答B淋巴细胞分化发育在中枢免疫器官中的分化发育1. 祖 B 细胞(pro-B cell)--表达 Igα/Igβ 异源二聚体2. 前 B 细胞(pre-B cell)--表达 μ 链及替代轻链,表达 pre-BCR3. 未成熟 B 细胞(immature B cell)--表达 BCR,为 mIgM4. 成熟 B 细胞(mature B cell)--同时表达 mIgM 和 mIgD——活化后只表达一种在中枢免疫耐受的形成克隆清除未成熟B细胞表达mIgM,若与自身抗原结合,导致B细胞凋亡,发生克隆清除,称为B细胞的阴性选择。
表面分子BCR-IgαIgβ复合物BCR识别抗原,Igα、Igβ 转导 BCR 接受的抗原刺激信号。
1. 膜表面免疫球蛋白(mIg)B细胞抗原受体(BCR)B细胞特异性表面标志BCR包括 mIgM 和 mIgD2、Igα/Igβ(CD79a/CD79b)胞质区较长,含有ITAM结构,转导抗原与BCR结合所产生的信号。
B细胞共受体促进BCR对抗原的识别及B细胞的活化CD19、CD21 和 CD81 非共价相联,形成 B 细胞的多分子共受体,增强 BCR 与抗原结合的稳定性并与 Igα/Igβ 共同传递 B 细胞活化的第一信号。
免疫学 T and B cells

Receptor recognizes self antigen
Apoptosis or anergy
Edited receptor now recognizes a different antigen and can be rechecked for specificity
Transfer fetal liver cells
Normal bone marrow
Mature B cells
Defective bone marrow
No Mature B cells
免疫细胞 Cells of the Immune System
白细胞 中性粒细胞 占白细胞总数比(%) 60~70 细胞总数(x109/L) 2.4~7.4
嗜酸粒细胞 单核细胞 淋巴细胞 树突细胞
0.1~1ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
1~3 6~10 25~35 0.1~1
• 受体和配体均存在膜型和可溶性两种形式,均参与了共
刺激信号的介导和调节 • 共刺激分子的相互作用及其网络调节
• TCR识别抗原,经CD3分子传递信号至细胞内 • 保证T细胞被抗原活化后产生的适应性免疫应答具有 严格的抗原特异性
• T细胞与抗原提呈细胞或靶细胞表面的协同刺激分子 相互作用 • 扩大适应性免疫应答的免疫效应,使已活化的T细胞 发生克隆扩增,并分化为效应T细胞

(二)活化信号2 (共刺激信号)
* 初始Th的激活:APC(DC)向初始CD4+T细胞提供双 信号及CK,使之活化增殖分化成效应Th细胞;
* B细胞递呈抗原:B细胞通过BCR摄取抗原,处理成抗原 肽,与MHC II分子结合成复合物表达于细胞膜表面;
* 效应Th细胞与B细胞的特异性结合:Th细胞的TCR识 别B细胞递呈的抗原肽-MHC II复合物(双识别),Th-B 细胞特异性结合;
(早期)IgM (晚期)IgG抗体
主要内容 1. B细胞对抗原的识别 2. B细胞活化、增殖和分化 3. 体液免疫应答产生抗体的一般规律 4. B细胞介导的体液免疫应答效应
(一)初次免疫应答(primary immune response) ①潜伏期(lag phase) ②对数期(log phase) ③平台期(plateu phase) ④下降期(decline phase)
并将抗原降解为肽段,形成抗原肽-MHC-II类分子 复合物,供抗原特异性Th细胞识别
主要内容 1. B细胞对抗原的识别 2. B细胞活化、增殖和分化 3. 体液免疫应答产生抗体的一般规律 4. B细胞介导的体液免疫应答效应
TD抗原刺激B细胞活化——需双信号 第一信号(抗原刺激) 第二信号(Th细胞信号) Th细抗原主要激活B1(CD5+)细胞。 产生的抗体主要为IgM。 不受MHC限制,无需APC和Th细胞辅助。 不能诱导抗体类型转换、亲和力成熟和记
忆性B细胞形成。 特点:应答发生快。 意义:快速、有效清除病原体。
主要为细菌胞壁成分,如脂多糖 具丝裂原成分 高浓度时,其中的丝裂原可非特异性激活B

医学免疫学-B细胞Antigen-activated B cells differentiate into centroblasts that undergo clonal expansion in the dark zone of the germinal centre During proliferation the process of somatic hypermutation SHM introduces base-pair changes into the V D J region of the rearranged genes encoding the immunoglobulin variable region IgV of the heavy chain and light chain some of these base-pair mutations lead to a change in the amino-acid sequence Centroblasts then differentiate into centrocytes and move to the light zone where the modified antigen receptor with help from immune helper cells including T cells and follicular dendritic cells FDCs is selected for improved binding to the immunizing antigen Newly generated centrocytes that produce an unfavourable antibody undergo apoptosis and are removed A subset of centrocytes undergoes immunoglobulin class-switch recombination CSR Cycling of centroblasts and centrocytes between dark and light zones seems to be mediated by a chemokine gradient presumably established by stromal cells in the respective zones not shown 14 Antigen-selected centrocyteseventually differentiate into memory B cells or plasma cells d Th cells stimulate B cells to produce Abs of different heavychain classes isotypes Heavy chain class switching is initiated by CD40L-mediated signals and switching to different classes is stimulated by different cytokines Ig heavy chain class isotype switching 蠕虫 Ig heavy chain class isotype switching Mechanisms of Ig heavy chain class switching e Affinity maturation in Ab responses Affinity maturation is the process by which the affinity of Abs produced in response to a protein Ag increases with prolonged and repeated exposure to that Ag The increase in affinity is due to point mutations in the V regions and particularly in the Ag-binding HVR of the Abs produced Affinity maturation occurs in the germinal centers of lymphoid follicles Affinity maturation in antibody responses – somatic mutation Control of Affinity Affinity MaturationFive B cell antigenreceptors -all specificfor but withdifferent affinities due to somatichypermutationof Ig genes inthe germinal centre B B B B B Only this cell that has a high affinity for antigen can express CD40Only this cell can receive signal 2 Only this cell is rescued from apoptosis ie clonally selected The cells with lower affinity receptors die of apoptosis by neglect Affinity maturation in antibody responses - Selection of high affinity B cells The anatomy of humoral immune responses A fraction ofthe activated B cells which are often the progeny of class-switched high-affinity B cells do not differentiate into Ab secretors but instead become memory B cells Germinal Centers Function to generate B cells that produce antibodies with increased affinity for the inducing antigen affinity maturation Germinal Center Reaction Activated B cells give rise to Centroblasts 中心母细胞 - localize in follicle undergo rapid cell division and turn on machinery that causes somatic mutation in V-regions Centroblasts give rise to Centrocytes 生发中心细胞 - migrate to the FDC-rich region of the Germinal Center - survival is dependent on interaction with FDC-bound Ag and presentation of Ag to T cells - centrocytes that successfully compete to bind antigen eg by having higher affinity BCR and to receive T cell help are selected and may differentiate into long-lived plasma cells or memory B cellsAssociation of antigen with FDC in the form of an immune complexwith C3d and antibodies attached Antigen enters the germinal centre Complement receptor 3 Ig Fc receptor FDC surface The filiform dendrites of FDC develop beads coated with a thin layer of immune complexes The Immune complexes bind to Fc andcomplement receptors on the FDC dendrites The veils ofantigen-bearing dendritic cell surround the beads and the layerof immune complexes is thickened by transfer from the dendriticcell These beads are then released and are then called ICCOSOMES Iccosome formation and release DC veils Iccosomesblack coated particlesbind to and are taken up by B cell surface immunoglobulin YY Y Iccosomes bearingdifferent antigens B Uptake of IccosomesAntigen by B cellsAnti- B cell Surface Ig captures antigen Cross-linking of antigen receptor activates B cell Activated B cell expressesCD40 CD40 Germinal Centers 3 B cell response to TI-Ag TI-1 Bcell mitogen activate B cells - Antigen crosslink to BCR and mitogen receptors Or simpely crosslink mitogen receptors in ahigh dose LPS TI-2 activate mature B cells directly -the repeated epitopes combine with BCR→ BCRcross-linking→produce IgM bacteria capsularpolysaccharides 3 Immune response of B cells to TI-Ag No Th helpno memory early effect T Dependent Antigens TI-1 AntigensTI-2 Antigens Induces response in babies Yes Yes No Induces response in athymia No Yes Yes Primes T cellsYes No No Polyclonally activates B cells No Yes No Requires repeating epitopes No No Yes T Dependent Independent Antigens Examples TD Diptheria toxin influenza heamagglutinin Mycobacterium tuberculosis TI-1 Bacteriallipopolysaccharides Brucella abortis TI-2 Pneumococcalpolysaccharides Salmonella polymerised flagellin TDActivate B-1 and B-2 B cells TI-1 Activate B-1 and B-2 B cells TI-2 Activate only B-1 B cells Primary immune response- longer latent phase- smaller peak response lower Ab titer- remaining in the serum at detectablelevels for much shorter periods- lower average affinity- usually IgM 4 General features of Ab responses in vivo The immune response followed by secondary antigenic challenge - shorter latent phase - bigger peak response higher Ab titer- remaining in the serum at detectable levels for muchlonger periods - higher average affinity - usually IgG Secondary immune response Features of primary and secondaryantibody responses B-cell surface markers 1 BCRcomplex BCR mIg VH VL----Ag binding site mature B cellsmIgM and mIgD Function specifically recognizes antigenIgIg CD79aCD79b heterodimer cytoplasmic domains containITAM Function transduce the signals that lead to B cellactivation Antigen receptor-mediated signal transduction in B cells CD19CD21CD81complex CD21 CR2 C3dR EB virusreceptor CD19CD21CD81 interactions with complementassociated with antigen play a role in antigen-induced B-cellactivation 2 Co-receptors The role of the coreceptor in B cell activation 1 CD40 interacts with CD40L Th cell 2 CD80 B71 CD86 B72 Expressed on activated B cellsand other APCs 3 ICAM-1 CD54LFA-1CD11αCD18 mediatecell-cell interaction and co-stimulation 3 Co-stimulatorymolecules CD20 function is unclear It is suspected that it actsas a calcium channel in the cell membrane CD22Inhibitoryreceptor with ITIM motif CD32 FcRII Inhibitory receptorCytokine receptors Complement Receptors Toll-like receptorsMHC 4 Other receptors 3 Subtype of B cells Conventional Bcells B-2 cells B-1 cells expression of CD5 CD5 Two Bcell lineages B B cell precursor B Mature B cell B2 B cells Plasma cell Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y PC IgG B Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y IgM - no other isotypes B Distinct B cellprecursor B1 B cellsPrimitive B cells found in pleura and peritoneum B-2 cellsconventional B cells Recirculating follicular B cellscirculate between LN follicles and blood mIg IgM IgD ProduceIgG after antigenic stimulation in the presence of T helpercells B1 cells CD5 Many of the first Bcells that appear during ontogeny express CD5 a markeroriginally found on T cells express mIgM no mIgD They respondwell to TI-Ag and may also be involved in the Ag processing and presentation to T cells Functions 1 produceanti-bacterial IgM the first line of defence against microorganisms 2 produce polyreactive Ab clearanceof denatured self components 3 produce auto-Ab thereby participating in the pathogenesis of some autoimmune diseases Comparison of B-1 and B-2 B cell properties PropertyB-1 cells B-2 cells N regions FewExtensive V region repertoire Restricted Diverse Location Peritoneumpleura Everywhere RenewalSelf renewal in situ Bone marrow Spontaneous Ig production High Low Isotypes IgM IgMGADECarbohydrate specificity Yes Rarely Protein specificity Rarely Yes Need T cell help No Yes Somatic hypermutation of Ig No High Memory development No Yes Yes Rarely Rarely Yes No Yes Carbohydrate specificity Protein specificity Need T cell help Specificity requirement for T cell help suggests strikingly different typesof antigens are seen by B-1 and B-2 B cells 4 Function of B cells1 Production of antibody Abs prevent microorganism from entry into cells and eliminate microorganisms by opsonization causing phagocytosis complement activation and toxin neutralization2 Ag presentation to T cells3 Immune regulation Secretion of cytokines TNF IFN IL-12 →M DC NK B cell Co-stimulation of T cells→T cell proliferation Y Y Immune effector mechanisms against extracellular pathogens toxins NEUTRALISATION Y Toxin release blocked Prevents toxicityNEUTRALISING ANTIBODIES Adhesion to host cells blocked Prevents invasion Bacterium Y Toxin Fc receptor binding Effector mechanisms against extracellular pathogensOPSONISATION OPSONISATION Phagocytosis Bacteria inextracellular space Ab Effector mechanisms against extracellular pathogens COMPLEMENT Activation Bacteria in plasma Ab COMPLEMENT Phagocytosis binding Complement Fc receptor Lysis Opsonisation ADCC B cell-mediated humoral immune response Humoral immunity is mediated by antibodies andis the arm of the adaptive immune response that functions to neutralize and eliminate extracellular microbes and microbial toxins It is more important than cellular immunity in defending against microbes with capsules rich in polysaccharides and lipids TD-Ag T cell-dependent TI-Ag T cell-independent Response to TD-Ag 1 B cells recognize TD-Ag a BCR directly recognizes B cell epitopes b IgIg transfer the first signal c Signaling pathways d Effect of coreceptors CD21CD19CD81 Transduction of signals by the B cell receptorIga Igb Intracytoplasmicsignalling domains Extracellular antigen recognition domains The cytoplasmic domains of the Iga and Igb contain Immunoreceptor Tyrosine -based Activation Motifs ITAMS - 2 tyrosine residues separated by 9-12 amino acids -YXX[LV]X6-9YXX[LV] BCR Signaling I BCR Signaling II The roleof co-receptors CD19CD21CD81 in B cell activation 2 Role of Th cells in humoral immune response to TD-Ag For a protein Agto stimulate Ab response B cells and Th cells specific for that Ag must come together in lymphoid organs and interact in a way that stimulates B cell proliferation and differentiation a Activation and migration of helper T cells Th cells that have been activated to differentiate into effector cells interact with antigen-stimulated B cells at the edges of lymphoid follicles in the peripheral lymphoid organs The interactions of Th cells and B cells in lymphoid tissues b Presentation of Ags by B cells to Th cells B cells that bind protein Ags by their BCR endocytose these Ags process them in endosomal vesicles display MHC II-peptides for recognition of Th cells B cells and Th cells recognize different epitopes of the same protein Ag Ag presentation by B cells to Th cells c Mechanisms of Thcell-mediatedactivation of B cells Th cells that recognize Ag presented by B cells activate B cells by expressing CD40L and by secreting cytokines IL-2 IFN- IL-4 IL-5 IL-6 IL-13 etc Mechanisms of Th cell-mediated activation of B cells Key components of T cell help CD40L triggers CD40 - synergizes with BCR signals to promote mitosis cytokine eg IL4 signals also contribute FasL triggers Fas - BCR signaling protects from apoptosis T cell derived cytokines influence differentiation isotype switchingIL2 IL6 promote differentiation IL4 - IgG1 IgE IFNg - IgG2a IgG3 TGFb and IL5 IgA Many other molecules involved in T-B interactions eg ICAM1LFA1 ICOSICOSL CD30CD30L CD27LCD27 OX40LOX40 Lie Wang 汪洌浙江省杭州市浙江大学紫金港校区医学院科研楼A810-814 医学院免疫学研究所 B lymphocytes and Humoral Immune Response The discovery of B cell immunity 1954 - Bruce Glick Ohio State University Studies on the function of the bursa of Fabricius a lymphoid organ in the cloacal region of the chicken Bursa was later found to be the organ in which antibody producing cells developed –antibody producing cells were thereafter called B cells Mammals do not have a bursa of Fabricius Transfer marked foetal liver cells Origin of B cells and organ of B cell maturation No Mature B cells After birth development continues in the bone marrow Normal bone marrow Defective bone marrow Mature marked B cells in periphery B cell development starts in the foetal liver B cell development in the bone marrow B Regulates construction of an antigen receptor Bone Marrow provides a MATURATION DIFFERENTIATION MICROENVIRONMENT for B cell development Ensures each cell has only one specificity B Checks and disposes of self-reactive B cells B Exports useful cells to the periphery B Provides a site for antibody production B Secreted Factors - CYTOKINES 2Secretion of cytokines by stromal cells B Bone marrow stromal cells nurture developing B cells Types of cytokines andcell-cell contacts needed at each stage of differentiation are different Stromal cell 1 Specific cell-cell contacts between stromal cells and developing B cells Cell-cell contact Bone marrow stromal cell Maturing B cells B B Stromal cell B lineage commitment HSC hematopoietic stem cell MPP淋巴系髓系多能前体细胞 ELP earliest lymphocyte progenitor ETP early T-lineage progenitor CLP common lymphoid progenitor HSC Development and migration of B cells An overview Stages of differentiation in the bone marrow aredefined by Ig gene rearrangement B CELL STAGE IgH GENE CONFIGURATION Stem cell Early pro-B Late pro-B Large pre-BGermline DH to JH VH to DHJH VHDHJH Pre-B cell receptor expressed Ig light chain gene has not yet rearranged B cell receptor Transiently expressed when VHDHJH CHm is productively rearranged Iga Igb signal transduction molecules CHm Heavychain VHDHJH Light chain VLJLCL VpreB l5 Pre- B cell development is coupled with rearrangement of heavy-chain B cell development is coupled with rearrangement of heavy-chain Bcell development is coupled with rearrangement of heavy-chainB cell development is coupled with rearrangement of heavy-chainB cell development is coupled with rearrangement of heavy-chain B cell development is coupled with rearrangement of heavy-chain Splicing of IgM and IgD RNA Cm1 Cm2 Cm3 Cm4 Cd1 Cd2 Cd3 pA1 VD J Cm1 Cm2 Cm3 Cm4 Cd1 Cd2 Cd3 V D J AAA RNA cleaved and polyadenylated at pA2 V D J Cm IgM mRNA V D J Cd IgD mRNA Cg1 Cg3 Cd Cm V D J Cm1 Cm2 Cm3 Cm4 Cd1 Cd2 Cd3 DNA pA1 pA2 V D J Two types of mRNA can be made simultaneously in the cell by differential usage of alternative polyadenylation sites and splicing of the RNA RNA cleaved and polyadenylated at pA1 AAA B cell development is coupled with rearrangement of heavy-chain 6000 heavy chains combined with 320 light chains 19X106 Abs Ligation of the pre-B cell receptor 1 Ensures only one specificty of Ab expressed per cell Large Pre-B Stromal cell Unconfirmed ligand of pre-B cell receptor 2 Triggers entry into cell cycle ALLELIC EXCLUSION Expression of a gene on one chromosome prevents expression of the allele on the second chromosome 1 Suppresses further H chain rearrangement 2 Expands only the pre-B cells with in frame VHDHJH joins Evidence for allelic exclusion Allotypes canbe identified by staining B cell surface Ig with antibodies aabb ab Y B b Y B a Y B b Y Y B a b Y B a AND ALLOTYPE- polymorphismin the C region of Ig –one allotype inherited from each parentSuppression of H chain rearrangement by pre-B cell receptor prevents expression of two specificities of antibody per cell Refer back to Dreyer Bennet hypothesis in Molecular Genetics of Immunoglobulins lecture topic Y Y Y Y Suppression of H chain gene rearrangement ensures only one specificity of Ab expressed per cell Allelic exclusion prevents unwanted responses B Self antigen expressed by eg brain cells S aureus Y Y Y Y Y B S aureus Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Anti S aureus Antibodies Y Y Y Y Y Y Anti brain Abs One Ag receptor per cell IF there were two Ag receptors per cell Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Anti S aureus Antibodies Prevents induction of unwanted responses by pathogens Allelic exclusion is needed for efficient clonal selection All daughter cells must express the same Ig specificity otherwise the efficiency of the response would be compromised Suppression of H chain gene rearrangement helps prevent the emergence of new daughter specificities during proliferation after clonal selection S typhi Antibody S typhi Allelic exclusion is needed to prevent holes in the repertoire Exclusion of anti-brain B cells ie self tolerance Y Y B B One specificity of Agreceptor per cell S aureus Anti-brain Ig AND anti-S aureus Ig Y Y Y B B IF there were two specificitiesof Ag receptor per cell Anti-brain Ig B B Deletion Anergy ORanti Saureus B cells will be excluded leaving a hole in the repertoire BUT Y Y Y B B 1 Suppresses further H chainrearrangement Ligation of the pre-B cell receptor 1Ensures only one specificity of Ab expressed per cell Large Pre-B Stromal cell Unconfirmed ligand of pre-B cell receptor 2 Triggers entry into cell cycle 2 Expands only the pre-B cells with in frame VHDHJH joins Large Pre-B Large Pre-B Large Pre-B Large Pre-B Large Pre-B Large Pre-B Large Pre-B Large Pre-B Large Pre-B Large Pre-B Proliferation Y Immature B cell Light chain expressed IgM displayed on surface IgM Ligation of the pre-B cell receptor triggers entry into the cell cycle Large pre-B Many large pre-B cells with identical pre-B receptors Large pre-B Intracellular VDJCH chain VL-JL rearranges Proliferation stopsPre-receptor not displayed Small pre-B B Y Y Y Y B Small pre-B cell No antigen receptor at cell surface Unable to sense Ag environment May be self-reactive Immature B cell Cell surface Ig expressed Able to sense Ag environment Can now be checked for self-reactivity Acquisition of antigen specificity creates a need to check for recognition of self antigens Physicalremoval from the repertoire DELETION Paralysis of function ANERGY Alteration of specificityRECEPTOR EDITING B cell self tolerance clonal deletionImmature B cell recognises MULTIVALENT self Ag B Clonaldeletion by apoptosis Y Y B Immature B B Small pre-B Small pre-Bcell assembles Ig Y B cell self tolerance anergy B Y Y Y B AnergicB cell IgD normal IgM low Immature B cell recognises solubleself Ag No cross-linking Y Y B Immature B B Small pre-B Smallpre-B cell assembles Ig IgM IgD IgD IgD Receptor editing A rearrangement encoding a self specific receptor can be replacedV C D J V V V Y B B Receptor recognises self antigen B Apoptosisor anergy Y B B Edited receptor now recognises a differentantigen and can be rechecked for specificity C D J V V V V Arrest development And reactivate RAG-1 and RAG-2 Y Y Y Y Y Y MatureB cell exported to the periphery Y Y B cell self tolerance exportof self tolerant B cells IgD and IgM normal IgM IgD IgD IgD IgDIgM IgM IgM Immature B cell doesnt recognise any self Ag Y YB Immature B B Small pre-B Small pre-B cell assembles Ig B Antigen-activated B cells differentiate into centroblasts thatundergo clonal expansion in the dark zone of the germinal centreDuring proliferation the process of somatic hypermutation SHMintroduces base-pair changes into the V D J region of therearranged genes encoding the immunoglobulin variable regionIgV of the heavy chain and light chain some of these base-pairmutations lead to a change in the amino-acid sequenceCentroblasts then differentiate into centrocytes and move tothe light zone where the modified antigen receptor with helpfrom immune helper cells including T cells and folliculardendritic cells FDCs is selected for improved binding to theimmunizing antigen Newly generated centrocytes that produce an unfavourable antibody undergo apoptosis and are removed Asubset of centrocytes undergoes immunoglobulin class-switch recombination CSR Cycling of centroblasts and centrocytesbetween dark and light zones seems to be mediated by a chemokine gradient presumably established by stromal cells in therespective zones not shown 14 Antigen-selected centrocyteseventually differentiate into memory B cells or plasma cells。
医学免疫学-第三章 抗原

第一节 抗原的性质与分子结构基础
一. 抗原的基本特性:
(Immuogenicity):抗原 刺激机体产生免疫应答, 诱生抗体或致敏淋巴细胞 的能力。
(immunoreactivity):抗 原与其诱生的抗体或致敏 感淋巴细胞特异性结合的 能力。
T immunoreactivity
应答产物发生反应所显示的专一性,即某一种特定抗原只 能刺激机体产生特异性的抗体或致敏淋巴细胞,且仅能与 该抗体或对该抗原应答的致敏淋巴细胞特异性结合。
特异性是免疫应答最重要的特点。 T,下,有针对性地清除病原体/异物
B细胞 A
T细胞 B
2.胸腺非依赖性Ag(thymus independent
antigen TI-Ag):此类Ag刺激机体产生抗体时, 不需要T细胞辅助,又称T细胞非依赖抗原。
内源性抗原(endogenous antigen):在抗原提呈细胞内 合成的抗原
如:病毒抗原,肿瘤抗原 抗原肽-MHCI类分子 主要 被CD8+ T细胞识别
外源性抗原(exogenous antigen)
来自抗原提呈细胞外的抗原,如APC通过各种方式吞噬 的各种病原体 抗原肽-MHCII 由CD4+ T识别
糖蛋白、脂蛋白和多糖类、脂多糖都有免疫原性,但脂类 和哺乳动物的细胞核成分如DNA、组蛋白是难以诱导免 疫应答。

B淋巴细胞与T淋巴细胞、巨噬 细胞和树突状细胞之间的相互作 用对于免疫反应的调节具有重要
B淋巴细胞与其他免疫相关领域 的研究还包括对B淋巴细胞发育 、分化、迁移和凋亡等方面的研
B淋巴细胞在免疫疗法中具有重要作用,可以 用于治疗癌症、自身免疫性疾病和感染性疾 病等。
针对B淋巴细胞的免疫疗法主要包括抗体治疗 、细胞免疫治疗和基因治疗等。
抗体治疗是利用针对特定抗原的抗体来阻断 或激活信号通路,从而达到治疗目的。细胞 免疫治疗则是利用B淋巴细胞或其产物来激活 或抑制免疫反应。基因治疗则是通过修改B淋 巴细胞的基因来增强其抗肿瘤能力。
B淋巴细胞在抗原刺激下,分化为浆 细胞,分泌特异性抗体,发挥免疫应 答作用。
B细胞在产生抗体后,部分细胞转化为 记忆B细胞,当相同抗原再次入侵时, 记忆B细胞能够快速增殖分化,产生大 量抗体,发挥二次免疫应答作用。
B细胞能够调节T细胞和NK细胞的活 性,对细胞免疫应答起到重要的调节 作用。
01 02
自身免疫性疾病是指机体对自身抗原发生免疫反应而导致自身组织损害 所引起的疾病。B淋巴细胞在自身免疫性疾病的发生和发展中扮演重要 角色。

第三讲 B细胞和抗体
• 补体蛋白 • 专职吞噬细胞
• NK细胞
• B细胞起源于骨髓中的干细胞 • 在骨髓中产生的早期阶段,B细胞通过选择基因片段来编码组成其
受体(BCRs)的两种蛋白质,这些受体继而占据B细胞表面的位置 • 抗体分子几乎与BCRs完全相同,唯一的区别是在其重链末端缺乏
• 在B细胞成熟的过程中,体细胞高突变发生得相对较晚,事 实上,能持续产生IgM抗体的B细胞通常不会经历体细胞的高 突变
• 不依赖T细胞就能激活的B细胞通常不发生体细胞高突变和类 型转换
• 浆细胞——抗体工厂 • 记忆细胞
• 在非T细胞依赖的B细胞激活过程中,是不 会产生记忆B细胞的
• 在T细胞依赖型激活中,第二种信号通常由Th细胞提 供,在激活的Th细胞表面有CD40L的蛋白
• 当CD40L插入B细胞表面上的CD40蛋白时,共刺激信号 就被发送出去了,而且BCRs被交联,B细胞也就被激 活了
• 在对特定抗原的应答中,也有些原初细胞很少或干脆不需要T细 胞的帮助就能被激活,这种模式被称为非T细胞依赖型激活
形式排出体外(粪便中细菌50%) • 作为被动抗体
• 过敏性休克是由肥大细胞脱颗粒引起的 • 防御能穿过保护屏障的寄生虫的感染 • 组胺 • 接触过敏原,产生IgE抗体
过敏原 脱颗粒
抗体类型转换是由转换发生时B细胞所遇到的细胞因子所控制 的:
某些细胞因子或者其不同组合能影响B细胞从一种类型转换 成另一种类型
• IgM抗体:当原初B细胞第一次被激活时就主要制造IgM抗体, 第一抗体
• IgM抗体最初是在感染过程中产生的,非常善于激活补体级联反 应,又称为“修复补体”
Small pre-B
Immature B
Immature B cell recognises soluble self Ag
Anergic B cell
B cell self tolerance: export of self tolerant B cells
• CD32 即FcγRⅡ-B,抑制B细胞的活化。
第三节 B细胞的亚群
适应性 免疫
• B1细胞产生于个体发育的早期, 分布于肠道固有 层和胸、腹膜腔中。其抗原受体与所产生的抗体 可以相对低的亲和力与多种不同的抗原表位结合, 称为多反应性(polyreactivity)。 • B1细胞在对蛋白质的反应中无重 要性,但可对碳水化合物刺激产 生较强的应答,主要产生低亲和 力的IgM类抗体。
2019/2/11 13
②重组酶还未连接时末端脱氧核苷转移酶可 将数个核苷酸通过一种非模板编码的方式 加到DNA的断端。
B淋巴细胞(B lymphocyte)
第9 章 学习要点
一、掌握B细胞主要表面分子及其生物学作用; B细胞的生物学功能。
二、熟悉BCR多样性产生的机制,B细胞中枢耐 受的形成;B细胞的亚群。 三、了解B细胞的分化和发育。
免疫学 第3章 受体与信号:B细胞和T细胞受体

不同特异性抗体可变区 的氨基酸顺序比较显示, 变异仅集中在其中一些 独特的区域(占总氨基 酸的15-20%),这些区 域被称为超变区 (hypervariable regions);其余区域称 为框架区(framework regions)
2002年,Sydney Brenner, H. Robert Horvitz & J.E. Sulston, S.Africa, USA & Great Britain, 器官发育和 细胞死亡(凋亡)的遗传调控。
2008 Harald zur Hausen, Franҫoise Barré-Sinoussi & Luc Montagnier. Germany,France & France. HPV导致 宫颈癌的作用(H)和HIV的发现 (B & M)
第三章 受体与信号:B细胞和T细胞受体
Receptors and Signaling: B and T-Cell Receptors
第三章 受体与信号:B细胞和T细胞受体
• 抗原和抗原结合分子 • 抗体:B细胞抗原受体 • TCR: T细胞抗原受体 • B细胞和T细胞受体信号 • B细胞和T细胞受体的产
宿主的遗传组成 宿主的抗原结合分子
(MHC,BCR和TCR等)基 因严重影响免疫原性 抗原的免疫方式
免疫剂量、免疫途 径与免疫次数 佐剂的使用
定义:当与抗原混合一起注射能增强抗原免疫原性的物质。 佐剂增强免疫原性的主要表现方式:

第二节 B细胞的表面标志
B细胞表面受体 ? BCR-Igα/Igβ复合物 ? 辅助受体:CD19、CD21、CD81 ? CD分子:CD40、B7-1/2 ? CR:CR1(CD35)和CR2(CD21) ? CKR:IL-1R、IL-2R、IL-4R、IL-5R ? FcR:FcgRII、FcaR、FcmR、FceR ? 丝裂原受体:PWM
不成熟B细胞 如与抗原结合,易使膜受体交联, 产生负信号,使 B细胞处于受抑状态,不能继续分化 为成熟B细胞。这种作用可能是使自身反应 B细胞克 隆发生凋亡,是形成 B细胞自身耐受的机制之一。
多克隆immature B 自身抗原
丝裂原即多克隆激活剂,可非特异性激活某 一类淋巴细胞的全部克隆。
B 细胞
B细胞表面的丝裂原受体与 T细胞不同,因此 刺激B细胞转化的丝裂原也不同。
美洲商陆( PWM ) 对T、B细胞均有致有丝分裂作用
脂多糖(LPS) 是常用的小鼠 B细胞丝裂原
第三节 B细胞亚群及功能
B 细胞的概述
B淋巴细胞( B lymphocyte )简称B细胞,是免 疫系统中的抗体产生细胞。 B淋巴细胞的命名是由于 在禽类发现 法氏囊 (Bursa of Fabricius ),故于 1957 年把在法氏囊中分化成熟的淋巴细胞称为抗体 产生细胞, 1962年正式命名为 B淋巴细胞。
CRⅠ (CD35) CRⅡ(CD21)
C3b受体, 是 C3d 受 体 , 其
一种免疫黏附 与补体结合可

Ig类别转换 记忆B细胞的产生
V基因 D基因 J基因
• 抗体存在于体液中。黏膜下和腺体内浆细胞产生 的分泌型IgA主要存在于黏膜局部及分泌液中。 • 抗体的效应功能是在与抗原结合后激发的,不同 结构,不同部位和不同类型的抗体具有不同的效 应机制。
• TI抗原-----直接刺激B细胞产生抗体无需T细胞辅 助的抗原性物质,主要包括细菌脂多糖,荚膜多 糖等。 • TD抗原-----需要抗原提呈细胞的参与及T细胞的 辅助,才能刺激刺激B细胞产生抗体的抗原性物 质,天然蛋白大多为TD抗原。
• TI抗原的结构特点是具有多个重复出现的抗原决 定基并呈线性排列,与BCR结合后使之出现交联 而活化 • 应答特点:
• TD抗原的结构复杂,表位繁多且分布无规律
• B细胞的BCR能直接识别游离的天然抗原,但针 对其产生免疫应答需要T细胞的辅助
• 应答特点:
• B细胞活化也需要双信号刺激 • 第一信号(抗原特异性信号):BCR与抗原决定簇结 合引起BCR交联,通过Ig/Ig将信号传至细胞内。
Effect of humoral immunity
1. 中和作`用 2. 调理作用 3.补体活化 4.参与炎症反应 5. ADCC 3.补体活化 细菌
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的B细胞。在B细胞增殖和分化中起重要的调 节作用。是B细胞特异性标志。 CD22 :特异表达于 B 细胞,其胞内段含 ITIM , 是B细胞的抑制性受体,能负调节共受体。 CD32:即FcRIIb ,负调节B细胞
主要为FcγRⅡ-B1分子,含一个ITIM (immuno-receptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motifs) 基序。 FcγRⅡ(CD32):FcγRⅡ-A、FcγRⅡ-B1 和FcγRⅡ-B2 功能:FcγRⅡ-B1+IgG抗体(可溶性的)结合, 抑制初始B细胞对抗原应答的活化。
第二节 淋巴细胞
前体细胞分化成熟而来。 功能:介导体液免疫;APC(抗原提呈细 胞);分泌细胞因子,调节免疫应答。
二、 B细胞的分化发育
第一阶段发生在骨髓 : 骨髓中的pro-B细胞丢失 CD43,即转化为pre-B细胞,进而发育为μ+的不成 熟B细胞;进一步发育为μ+δ +的成熟B细胞。B细胞 分化的非抗原依赖期,进行阴性选择。 第二阶段发生在外周免疫器官: 接受抗原刺激后, B细胞可发生类型转换,最终分化为浆细胞。 B细 胞分化的抗原依赖期,进行阳性选择。
分布于除浆细胞外的B细胞谱系发育的各个阶 段,是B细胞的重要标记。CD19是 CD19/CD21/CD81信号复合物中的一个成分, 可与多种激酶结合,促进B细胞激活。
个PKC/PTK磷酸化部位。 分布:表达于成熟的B细胞、滤泡树突状细胞, 以及咽部和宫颈上皮细胞,是B细胞的重要标 记。 功能:CD21与C3d结合,增强B细胞对抗原 的应答和诱导免疫记忆。与EBV结合,导致B 细胞转化和增殖。
结构:TNFR-SF。 分布:表达于成熟B细胞、某些上皮细胞和内 皮细胞、淋巴样并指细胞、滤泡树突状细胞 以及活化的单核细胞。 功能:CD40L-CD40结合是B细胞活化的第二 信号。
2.5.7、CD20、 CD22、 CD32
表达smIgM、 smIgD、IgGFc-R、 C3bR、丝裂原受体 及CD19、20、21等
无免 疫应 答功 能
smIgM同自身抗原结合可 产生抑制信号,导致自身 反应性B细胞处于无功能 抑制状态,产生自身耐受
具有接受抗原的刺激并发 生增殖分化的能力,是抗 体产生的源泉细胞;其中 部分可成为记忆性B细胞
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
来于骨髓淋 巴样干细胞, 无smIg表达, CD19+
无smIg表达,但 胞浆中出现链, 同时有MHC-II表 达,CD19+、20+
膜表面出现单体 IgM,开始表达 CD21,CD19、20、 MHC-II类分子表达 量增多
(2)B细胞重要标志,表达于前B细胞到成熟B细胞各 发育阶段。
-BCR复合 物,胞外区为IgSF,其胞浆区有ITAM。 分布:表达于除浆细胞外B细胞发育的各个阶 段,是B细胞特征性标记。 功能:可结合B细胞内信号分子中SH2结构域, 从而介导由BCR途径的信号转导。
性 质 初次产生的时间 更新的方式 自发性Ig的产生 特异性 分泌的Ig的同种型 体细胞高频突变 对碳水化合物抗原的应答 对蛋白质抗原的应答 免疫记忆 B-1细胞 胎儿期 自我更新 高 多反应性 IgM>IgG 低/无 是 可能 少/无 B-2细胞 出生后 由骨髓产生 低 单特异性 IgG >IgM 高 可能 是 有
2.7、抗原递呈细胞(antigen presenting cell, APC)
概念:指能摄取处理抗原,将蛋白质降解 成肽片段,并同MHC分子结合,一同表达在细 胞膜表面,提供给T细胞识别活化的一类高度 专门化的细胞。 主要包括:树突状细胞、巨噬细胞和B细胞。
蛋白基因可发生体细胞高频突变,再加上抗 原的选择,留下了表达高亲和力BCR的细胞 克隆。此为亲和力成熟或B细胞的阳性选择。
2.5.1、CD19和CD21分子: CD19 CD21(CR2) CD81(TAPA-1) 功能: (1)增强BCR识别抗原产生的信号补体系统活化 C3d片段 与Ag结合 同CD21和BCR结合 协同受体与 BCR交叉连接 增强BCR识别抗原产生的信号。
2.6、 B细胞亚群及功能
CD5+):主要识别非蛋白质抗原, 介导TI-Ag产生抗体。B1介导免疫应答的特点 是不发生体细胞突变,无亲和力成熟,产生 低亲和力的IgM,无免疫记忆。 B2细胞(CD5-)即成熟的B细胞,主要识别 蛋白质抗原TD-Ag,产生高亲和力抗体,行 使体液免疫功能,有免疫记忆。
面表达mIgM,此时能识别自身抗原的B细胞 克隆以其BCR(mIgM)与骨髓中出现的自身 抗原发生结合,产生负信号,发生细胞凋亡。 这是B细胞自身耐受------中枢耐受产生的机制。
结构:胞外区为IgSF,CD80胞内区短,有钙调蛋 白依赖的磷酸化部位;CD86胞内区有3个PCK磷酸 化部位。 分布:静止单核细胞和树突状细胞CD80表达低、 CD86表达高,活化T、B和单核细胞表达均高。 功能:CD80/86与CD28结合为T细胞的活化提供重 要的协同刺激信号(co-stimulating signal)。 CD80/86与CTLA-4结合亲和力高于B28,抑制T细 胞活化。