



2011年北京外国语大学翻译硕士法语(二外法语)真题及详解Partie Ⅰ: Structure grammaticale et vocabulaire (35 points)1. C’est une question _____ je m’intéresse beaucoup. Il est très difficile d’y répondre en trois mots.A. àlaquelleB. de laquelleC. dontD. que【答案】A【解析】句意:这是个让我很感兴趣的问题。


s’int éresser àqch对某事感兴趣。

2. Si tu vois les plats qu’elle a _____ , tu n’hésiterais pas àvenir.A. préparéB. préparéeC. préparésD. préparées【答案】C【解析】句意:如果你看到她准备的菜,你就会毫不犹豫地来。


3. Tu te souviens encore du jour _____ tu es arrivée àBeijing pour la première fois?A. queB. quandC. oùD. dont【答案】C【解析】句意:你还记得你第一次来北京的那一天吗?因为先行词是jour,所以用où来引导。

4. J’ai appris le français _____ deux ans.A. pendantB. depuisC. pourD. dans【答案】A【解析】句意:我学过两年法语。














1. 原始人对自然界不只是简单地解释和探索,为了更好地生活,他们还要与自然做不屈的斗争,于是就创造了歌颂与自然作斗争的英雄的故事,如精卫填海、夸父逐日、鲧禹治水等。





















北京外国语大学2011年硕士研究生入学考试试题招生专业:复语同声传译科目名称:英汉互译(考试时间3小时,满分150分,全部写在答题纸上,答在试题页上无效)一、将下列段落译为汉语(25分)Print books may be under siege from the rise of e-books, but they have a tenacious hold on a particular group: children and toddlers. Their parents are insisting this next generation of readers spend their early years with old-fashioned books. This is the case even with parents who themselves are die-hard downloaders of books onto Kindles, iPads, laptops and phones. They freely acknowledge their digital double standard, saying they want their children to be surrounded by print books, to experience turning physical pages as they learn about shapes, colors and animals. Parents also say they like cuddling up with their child and a book, and fear that a shiny gadget might get all the attention. Also, if little Joey is going to spit up, a book may be easier to clean than a tablet computer.As the adult book world turns digital at a faster rate than publishers expected, sales of e-books for titles aimed at children under 8 have barely budged. They represent less than 5 percent of total annual sales of children’s bo oks,several publishers estimated, compared with more than 25 percent in some categories of adult books. Many print books are also bought as gifts, since the delights of an Amazon gift card are lost on most 6-year-olds. (210)二、将下列短文译为汉语(50分)Like most creatures on earth, humans come equipped with a circadian clock, a roughly 24-hour internal timer that keeps our sleep patterns in sync with our planet. At least until genetics, age and our personal habits get in the way. Even though theaverage adult needs eight hours of sleep per night, there are “short-sleepers,” who need far less, and morning people, who, research shows, often come from families of other morning people. Then there’s the rest of us, who rely on alarm clocks.For those who fantasize about greeting the dawn, there is hope. Sleep experts say that with a little discipline (well, actually, a lot of discipline), most people can reset their circadian clocks. But it’s not as simple as forcing yourself to go to bed earlier (you can’t make a wide-awake brain sleep). It requires inducing a sort of jet lag without leaving your time zone. And sticking it out until your body clock resets itself. And then not resetting it again.To start, move up your wake-up time by 20 minutes a day. If you regularly rise at 8 a.m., but really want to get moving at 6 a.m., set the alarm for 7:40 on Monday. The next day, set it for 7:20 and so on. Then, after you wake up, don’t linger in bed. Hit yourself with light. In theory, you’ll gradually get sleepy about 20 minutes earlier each night, and you can facilitate the transition by avoiding extra light exposure from computers or televisions as you near bedtime.But recalibrating your inner clock requires more commitment than many people care to give. For some, it’s almost i mpossible. Very early risers and longtime night owls have a hard time ever changing. Night-shift workers also struggle because they don’t get the environmental and social cues that help adjust the circadian clock. (305)三、将下列段落译为英语(25分)虽然导致不平等的原因很多,但我们可以大体上把它们分为三类。



北京外国语大学1.《中式英语之鉴》Joan Pinkham 、姜桂华著,2000年,外语教学与研究出版社。










5. 有关英语八级考试的书籍,以及英美政治、经济、文化等方面百科知识的书籍湖南师范大学暂无,复试科目为:听力、英语写作南京大学暂无,可用近年来国内出版的英语专业高级阅读、翻译、写作教材,以及任何大学语文教材南开大学暂无,参考《全日制翻译硕士专业学位(MTI)研究生入学考试指南》,外研社同济大学翻译硕士英语:暂无参考书,建议考生多阅读国内外英文报刊杂志,扩大词汇量,扩宽视野,培养中西文化比较意识。




中南大学翻译硕士英语,暂无英语翻译基础:1.《英汉—汉英应用翻译教程》,方梦之编,上海外语教育出版社,2004年2.《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》,叶子南编,清华大学出版社,2008年汉语写作与百科知识:1.《应用文写作》,王首程主编,高等教育出版社,2009年中山大学翻译硕士英语:1.英美概况部分参见《英语国家社会与文化入门》上、下册,朱永涛编,高等教育出版社,2005;2.其它部分不列参考书汉语写作与百科知识: 参照教指委公布的考试大纲北京航空航天大学翻译硕士英语:不根据某一教科书命题英语翻译基础:1. Dictionary of Translation Studies 上海外语教育出版社(2004年)2.《翻译研究词典》外语教学与研究出版社(2005年)3.《英汉互译实用教程》武汉大学出版社(2003年)汉语写作与百科知识:不根据某一教科书命题北京师范大学1.庄绎传,《英汉翻译简明教程》。



北京外国语大学英语翻译硕士专业考研必读信息复习经验经验指导1、抓住重点,快速复习2、建立框架,系统复习3、明确背诵,精确记忆4、区分主次,结合热点5、模拟训练,名师批阅6、押题模考,一战封侯一、北京外国语大学2011年翻译硕士MTI真题与答案I.Phrase TranslationAPEC:亚太经合组织(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)PPI:生产者物价指数(Producer Price Index)POS machines:销售终端机chartered plane:包机down-payment requirement:订金,首付,分期付款中的第一次付款makeshift hospital:临时医院bailout money:救助基金domestic abuse:家庭虐待home appliances:家用电器quantitative easing:量化宽松Big Bang:宇宙大爆炸House of Commons:(英国)下议院deposit reserve requirement ratio:存款准备金率Cantonese Opera:粤剧product placement ads:植入式广告经济刺激方案:economic stimulus package包容性增长:inclusive growth落地签证:landing visa黑帮:sinister gang二房东:sublessor紧凑型轿车:compact car潜规则:hidden rules留守儿童:left-behind children良性循环:virtuous circle无党派人士:non-party personage/Independent下半旗致哀:fly/hang/hoist a flag at half-mast to express mourning for the dead 玩忽职守:neglect of duty拆迁费:relocation compensation贫富两极分化:polarization between the rich and the poor厨房重地闲人免进:The kitchen,staff only.II.Passage translationSection A Chinese to English1,The Dead Sea,shared by Israel and Jordan,is the lowest spot on Earth.Its shoreline is about400meters below sea level.As the world’s saltiest large body of water,averaging a salt content6times higher than that of any ocean,the Dead Sea supports no life.With no outlet,the water that flows into the Dead Sea evaporates in the hot,arid air,leaving the minerals.The Jordan River is the chief source of the incoming water,but since the1960s much of its water has been diverted for irrigation.Its length has already shrunk by more than a third,and,while the sea will never entirely disappear due to evaporation slowing down as surface area decreases and saltiness increases,the Dead Sea as we know it could become a thing of the past.(育明教育注:本文选自The10Best of Everything:An Ultimate Guide for Travelers)参考译文:2,Cambridge psychologists and computer scientists have developed a mobilephone technology which can tell if a caller is happy,angry,bored or sad.The Emotion Sense technology will enable psychologists to show links between moods,locationand people.It uses speech-recognition software and phone sensors attached to standard smart phones to assess how people’s emotions are influenced by day-to-day factors.The sensors analyze voice samples and then place them into5emotionalcategories:happiness,sadness,fear,anger and a neutral category(such as boredom or passivity).Scientists then cross-reference these emotions against surroundings,the time of day and the caller’s relationship with the person they are speaking to.Results from a pilot scheme revealed that callers are happier at home,sadder at work and display more intense emotions in the evenings.(育明教育注解:本文选自ChinaDaily晚报)二、北外翻译硕士考研信息整理:考试科目:①101政治②翻译硕士外语(212俄语、213日语、214法语、215德语、217西班牙语选一)③357英语翻译基础④448汉语写作与百科知识年份专业方向政治外语两门专业课分数总分2016年英语学院英语口译(新)53209350英语笔译217高翻学院英语口译53未划分350专用英语学院(新)英语笔译53未划分3502015年英语学院英语笔译52202345高翻学院英语口译52209345 2014年英语学院英语笔译55211350高翻学院英语口译52199350 1.2016年北外英语MTI招生信息整理北京外国语大学16年有三个学院招生:1、高翻(口译)2、英语学院(笔译和口译)(★口译2016年刚开设)3、专用英语学院(笔译)(★2016年新开设)4、这三个学院,初试考的都是一样的,总体北外招生人数扩招了,英语学院新增了英语口译,笔译新开设了专用英语学院。



2011年北京第二外国语学院211翻译硕士英语考研真题During the first many decades of this nation’s existence,the United States was a wide-open, dynamic country with a rapidly expanding economy.It was also a country that tolerated a large amount of cruelty and pain—poor people living in misery,workers suffering from exploitation. Over the years,Americans decided they wanted a little more safety and security.This is what happens as nations grow wealthier;they use money to buy civilization.Occasionally,our ancestors found themselves in a sweet spot.They could pass legislation that brought security but without a cost to vitality.But adults know that this situation is rare.In the real world,there’s usually a trade-off.The unregulated market wants to direct capital to the productive and the young.Welfare policies usually direct resources to the vulnerable and the elderly.Most social welfare legislation,even successful legislation,siphons money from the former to the latter. Early in this health care reform process,many of us thought we were in that magical sweet spot. We could extend coverage to the uninsured but also improve the system overall to lower costs. That is,we thought it would be possible to reduce the suffering of the vulnerable while simultaneously squeezing money out of the wasteful system and freeing it up for more productive uses.That’s what the management gurus call a win-win.It hasn’t worked out that way.The bills before Congress would almost certainly ease the anxiety of the uninsured,those who watch with terror as their child or spouse grows ill,who face bankruptcy and ruin.And the bills would probably do it without damaging the care the rest of us receive.In every place where reforms have been tried—from Massachusetts to Switzerland—people come to cherish their new benefits.The new plans become politically untouchable.But,alas,there would be trade-offs.Instead of reducing costs,the bills in Congress would probably raise them.They would mean that more of the nation’s wealth would be siphoned off from productive uses and shifted into a still wasteful health care system.The authors of these bills have tried to foster efficiencies.The Senate bill would initiate several interesting experiments designed to make the system more effective—giving doctors incentives to collaborate,rewarding hospitals that provide quality care at lower cost.It’s possible that some of these experiments will bloom into potent systemic reforms.But the general view among independent health care economists is that these changes will not fundamentally bend the cost curve.The system after reform will look as it does today,only bigger and more expensive.As Jeffrey S.Flier,dean of the Harvard Medical School,wrote in The Wall Street Journal last week,“In discussions with dozens of health-care leaders and economists,I find near unanimity of opinion that,whatever its shape,the final legislation that will emerge from Congress will markedly accelerate national health-care spending rather than restrain it.”Rather than pushing all of the new costs onto future generations,as past governments have done, the Democrats have admirably agreed to raise taxes.Over the next generation,the tax increases in the various bills could funnel trillions of dollars from the general economy into the medical system.Moreover,the current estimates almost certainly understate the share of the nation’s wealth thatwill have to be shifted.In these bills,the present Congress pledges that future Congresses will impose painful measures to cut Medicare payments and impose efficiencies.Future Congresses rarely live up to these pledges.Somebody screams“Rationing!”and there is a bipartisan rush to kill even the most tepid cost-saving measure.After all,if the current Congress,with pride of authorship,couldn’t reduce costs,why should we expect that future Congresses will?The bottom line is that we face a brutal choice.Reform would make us a more decent society,but also a less vibrant one.It would ease the anxiety of millions at the cost of future growth.It would heal a wound in the social fabric while piling another expensive and untouchable promise on top of the many such promises we’ve already made.America would be a less youthful,ragged and unforgiving nation,and a more middle-aged,civilized and sedate one.We all have to decide what we want at this moment in history,vitality or security.We can debate this or that provision,but where we come down will depend on that moral preference.Don’t get stupefied by technical details.This debate is about values.阅读理解Obama Loses a RoundPublished:November24,2009While the jury is still out on what President Obama’s China visit has achieved for the long term, the president has most decidedly lost the war of symbolism in his first close encounter with China. In status-conscious China,symbolism and protocol play a role that is larger than life.U.S. diplomatic blunders could reinforce Beijing’s mindset that blatant information control works,and that a rising China can trump universal values of open,accountable government.During Mr.Obama’s visit,the Chinese outmaneuvered the Americans in all public events,from the disastrous town hall meeting in Shanghai to the stunted press conference in Beijing.In characteristic manner,the Chinese tried to shut out the public,while the U.S.unwittingly cooperated.The final image of President Obama in China that circulated around the world is telling:A lone man walking up the steep slope of the Great Wall.The picture is in stark contrast to those of other U.S.presidents who had their photographs taken at the Great Wall surrounded by flag-waving children or admiring citizens.Maybe Mr.Obama wanted a quiet moment for himself before returning home.But a president’s first visit to the wall is a ritual that needs to be properly framed. Mr.Obama could have waited until the next visit,when he could bring the first lady and the children.Instead,he went ahead by himself to pay tribute to China’s ancient culture.In return,the Chinese offered nothing,no popular receptions,not even the companionship of a senior Chinese leader.The trouble for the U.S.started at the town hall meeting two days earlier—a more scripted event than those organized with students for earlier U.S.presidents.There was no real dialogue,as a programmed audience,most of them Communist League Youth members,asked coached questions.The Chinese also rejected the U.S.request for live national coverage and defaulted on a promise to live-stream the meeting at ,the online version of China’s state-owned news agency.Mr. Obama scored a point when he managed to address the issue of Internet freedom after the U.S. ambassador,Jon Huntsman,fielded him the question from a Chinese netizen submitted online.Meanwhile,Chinese officials garnered from the meeting generous quotes from Mr.Obama affirming China’s achievements and America’s expressions of good will,which were turned into glowing headlines for the Chinese media.In this round of the propaganda skirmish,the U.S. scored one point while China reaped a handful.Mr.Obama was similarly shut out from addressing the public in Beijing.At the Beijing press conference,President Hu Jintao and President Obama read prepared statements and would not take questions from reporters.“This was an historic meeting between the two leaders,and journalists should have had the opportunity to ask questions,to probe beyond the statements,”protested Scott McDonald,the president of China’s Foreign Correspondents Club,but to no avail. In a final dash to break through the information blockade,the Obama team offered an exclusive interview to Southern Weekend,China’s most feisty newspaper,based in Guangzhou.Once again, journalists’questions were programmed and the paper censored.In protest,the paper prominently displayed vast white spaces on the first and second page of the edition that carried the interview. Propaganda officials are investigating this act of defiance.Only the Obama team knows for sure how they allowed themselves to be outmaneuvered. Unwittingly,the U.S.helped to produce a package of faux public events.Pundits argued that the visitors were not supposed to impose the“American way”on China and that America needs to respect Chinese practices.The argument is both patronizing and condescending.Increasingly,the Chinese public has been clamoring for greater official transparency and accountability,while the Chinese government has been making progress on these fronts.No one in his right mind would ask Mr.Obama to lecture Beijing on human rights.But the Chinese public deserves better accounting,no less than Americans citizens.To their credit,U.S.officials did try to get their message out online.But it was the Chinese bloggers who were most active in challenging official information control.They at least fought the good fight with growing confidence,a fight the Americans seem unable to wage effectively.Ying Chan is director of the Journalism and Media Studies Center at The University of Hong Kong.。







真题 网球是运动的芭蕾。/广州网球中心的舞台是兼有力和美的动感舞台。//集竞技与休闲为中 心。// 2个网 球场错落有致,形成有张力的轮廓,契合运动的动感美。
解析 网球是运动的芭蕾。 Tennis is knew as the ballet of ball game. 广州网球中心的舞台是兼有力和美的动感舞台。 The perform-stage of the Guangzhou Tennis Centre is a combination of strength and beauty. 集竞技与休闲为中心。 Together with 2 tennis grounds, The Centre could serve as either a professional tournament place
Build the framework of peaceful development for the relationship across the Taiwan Strait.
祸从口入 a close mouth catches no fire
知足常乐 content is happiness
水火无情 fire and water have no mercy
英语写作部分类似于专八,但有的学校可能更突出时效性,会出一些与时事文题。对于写作的建议就 是,多写多练多积累,最好有老师的批改,不可一味地求数量而忽视每一篇的质量。
3. 英汉互译大纲 考试目的 英语翻译基础是全日制翻译硕士专业学位研究生入学考试的基础课考试科目,其目的是考察考生的外 汉互译实践能力是否达到进入 MIT 学习阶段的水平。 性质范围: 本考试是测试考生是否具备基础翻译能力的尺度参照性水平考试。考试的范围包括 MTI 考生入学应具 备的外语词汇量、语法知识以及外汉两种语言转换的基本技能。 基本要求 ① 具备一定中外文化,以及政治、经济、法律等方面的背景知识。 ② 具备扎实的英汉两种语言的基本功。 ③ 具备较强的英汉/汉英转换能力。 英汉互译书目 庄绎传, 《英汉翻译简明教程》 , 外语教学与研究出版社 (2002) 冯庆华, 《实用翻译教程》 ,上海外语教育出版社(1997) 陈宏薇, 《新编汉英翻译教程》 ,上海外语教育出版社(2004) 王恩冕, 《大学英汉翻译教程》 ,对外经贸大学出版社(2009) 杨士焯, 《英汉翻译教程》 ,北京大学出版社(2006) 连淑能, 《英译汉教程》 ,高等教育出版社(2006) 刘季春, 《实用翻译教程(修订版) 》 ,中山大学出版社(2007) 冯庆华, 《英汉翻译基础教程》 ,高等教育出版社(2008 年) 专家解读:翻译基础,也可以称为翻译实务,由两部分组成的,即词语翻译和篇章翻译。 词语翻译这一部分因校而异。同学们在备考时,要好好研究自己目标院校的历年试题,抓住每个学校 考试的侧重点,进行针对性的复习。 在 150 分的翻译基础卷中,篇章翻译起码要占到 100 分,可能包括一到两篇的汉译英,以及一到两 篇的汉英。翻译的类型有散文、时文、经贸及外交类等,需要考生具备较高的翻译素质。









真题解析北外高翻学院2011真题解析真题第一段It is not a coincidence that the global economy is experiencing the most severe case of unemployment during the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.//Unemployment is highly dependent on economic activity;in fact,growth and unemployment can be thought of as two sides of the same coin:/when economic activity is high,more production happens overall, and more people are needed to produce the higher amount of goods and services.//And when economic activity is low,firms cut jobs and unemployment rises./In that sense,unemployment is countercyclical,meaning that it rises when economic growth is low and vice versa.第二段But unemployment does not fall in lockstep with an increase in growth./It is more common for businesses to first try to recover from a downturn by having the same number of employees do more work or turn out more products—that is,to increase their productivity.Only as the recovery takes hold would businesses add workers.As a consequence,unemployment may start to come down only well after an economic recovery begins.//The phenomenon works in reverse at the start of a downturn,when firms would rather reduce work hours,or impose some pay cuts before they let workers go.Unemployment starts rising only if the downturn is prolonged./Because unemployment follows growth with a delay,it is called a lagging indicator of economic activity.解析第一段It is not a coincidence that the global economy is experiencing the most severe case of unemployment during the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.在这次自大萧条以来最严重的经济危机中,全球经济正在经历着最为严重的就业困难,而这并不是一个巧合而已。








外国语大学翻译硕士考研真题答案解析与名师点评一. 英语翻译基础英汉短语互译:Bogor GoalsFTAAPzero-sum gameALSNASAgenomic variationozone depletionsinologybitcoinUNCEDpaparazziamino aciddigital divideexistentialismsilver-spoon kids十八届四中全矣亚太经合组织互联互通量化宽松公使衔参赞埃博拉病毒自闭症防空识别区负面清单房产税专利技术和而不同地沟油克人秀逆袭二、篇章翻译今年篇章翻译由以前的四篇改为了两篇,我也破天荒第一次翻译前打了草稿。




汉语写作与百科知识:一、名词解释尼罗河战略伙伴关系四大菩萨十字军中亚五国日心说元素周期律丝绸之路经济带金字塔APEC金砖四国九大行星三省六部的“六部”《牡丹亭》东盟IS (就是伊斯兰国)南北战争二十八宿《俄狄浦斯王》三一律“新寓言”派《菊与刀》北约辛《说文解字》二、应用文写作应用文是根据自己经历的某件事写一则消息,是新闻体裁的一种三、大作文大作文给一段材料,写一个人从火车上丢了一个鞋子,然后马上扔了另一个,说这只鞋留着也没用,有人捡到没准还能穿。



特别申明,以下信息绝对准确,凯程就是王牌的外国语大学翻译硕士考研机构!五、外国语大学翻译硕士考研初试参考书是什么外国语大学翻译硕士参考书很多人都不清楚,这里凯程外国语大学翻译硕士王牌老师给大家整理出来了,以供参考:英语方向:1、B assnett,Susan.《翻译研究》Translation Studies,外教社,2004.2、G entzler,Edwin. «当代翻译理论(第二版修订本)》Contemporary TranslationTheories,外教社,2004.3、马矣娟、苗菊编•《当代西方翻译理论选读〉〉,外语教学与研究,2009年。











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三、命题写作(60 分) 中国的韬略思想,源远流长,博大精深。据传说,先秦时期姜尚撰写了《六韬》,帮助
周王完成了灭商立国的大业;汉代张良也是凭借黄石公传授的《黄石公三略》建功立业。韬 略之学在秦汉时期得到广泛的运用,到三国时代,更是发展迅速,硕果累累。中国历史上韬 略人物之层出不穷,韬略理论之独特精辟,韬略范例之丰富多彩,在整个世界历史上都是罕 见的。韬略早已由诸子百家中兵家的学术,广泛应用于政治、经济、军事、外交等诸多领域。 以“谈韬略”为题,写一篇议论文,阐述你对此的见解和认识。要求字数不少于 800。
考证》标志着红学研究旧红学过渡至新红学阶段。 07.在中国戏曲史上出现过许多伟大的戏剧家,元代的关汉卿、马致远,明代的汤显祖、王
世贞,清代的“南洪北孔”等,都为后代留下了脍炙人口的戏曲作品。 08.早在先秦时期人们就开始了对汉字的研究,东汉许慎的《说文解字》在前人研究成果的
05.北京时代电影有限公司与央视电影频道斥资浩大,运用“高清”拍摄技术,将《三言二 拍》中的全部经典故事搬上荧屏。
06.胡适先生在《红楼梦》研究史上是一位举足轻重的学者,他在 1921 年发表的《红楼梦
更多资料下载: QQ: 1275181476 1398338755
更多资料下载: QQ: 1275181476 1398338755
25.美国学者诺尔曼·布朗在《生与死的对抗》中说:“人身上生本能与死本能的统一一旦 破裂,其结果就是使人成为历史性的动物。因为,永不安宁的快乐原则作为涅槃原则的 病态体现,正是那使人成为浮士德式的人的动力,而浮士德式的人乃是创造历史的人。”
基础上,系统分析了汉字的六种结构,学术上称为“六书”。东汉班固在《汉书·艺文 志》中更指出“六书”是汉字的“造字之本”。 09.中医学是我国传统文化中珍贵的遗产之一,它的特点是在“四诊”的基础上,依照“八 纲”之间相互对立统一的关系,对病人进行综合的辨证治疗。 10.伊斯兰教在中国的流传也引入了阿拉伯风格的建筑,以清真寺、塔和穆斯林墓地最为常 见。现存伊斯兰胜迹很多,特别是在中国的西北地区。但建筑时间较早的寺庙有四大清 真寺之说。 11.中国的饮食文化十分发达,按照各地饮食习惯和食物条件,形成了各地不同的风味,其 中最著名的便是“八大菜系”。 12.京剧是我国戏曲中流传最广、影响最大、表演艺术最成熟的一个剧种,不仅有一大批优 秀的传统剧目,而且涌现出了“四大名旦”以及马连良、张英杰等杰出的表演艺术家。 13.清代末期,随着戊戌变法的失败和《辛丑北京和约》的签订,满清王朝终于走到了山穷 水尽的地步。不久“辛亥革命”爆发,中国几千年的封建王朝统治最终土崩瓦解。 14.中国传统文化中,常常借花木的自然属性比喻人的社会属性,尤其是赞美高尚的人格情 操。例如“四君子”、“岁寒三友”等都备受人们喜爱。 15.中国是一个地大物博、历史悠久的国家,在民间传说中蕴藏着极为丰富的民族文化遗产。 其中,流传最广、影响最大的是著名的四大民间传说。 16.“五音”是中国古代五个音阶的总称,是在阴阳五行学说影响下产生的音乐形态,也是 中国古代音乐和音节形式的基础。 17.现代汉语有各种不同的方言,它们分布的区域很广。各方言之间的差异表现在语音、词 汇、语法各个方面,语音方面尤为突出。我国根据语音方面来划分了七大方言地区。 18.隋唐是中国书法艺术的鼎盛时期,涌现出“颜柳”、“大小欧阳”等许多著名书法家。 19.《诗经》是我国第一部诗歌总集,共收入自西周初期至春秋中叶约五百年间的诗歌三百 零五篇。《周礼·春官》中提出《诗经》的“六诗”说,而《毛诗序》改称之为“六义”。 20.哈罗德·品特是 2005 年诺贝尔文学奖得主,著作包括舞台剧、广播、电视及电影作品。 他被誉为萧伯纳之后英国最重要的剧作家,是英国荒诞派戏剧的代表人物。他的作品选 集近日由译林出版社引入,这是其作品首次授权结集引入中国。 21.14 至 16 世纪的文艺复兴是欧洲历史上一次伟大的思想解放运动,期间涌现了一大批杰 出的文学家和艺术家,其中最具代表性的就是“文艺复兴三杰”,包括“文坛三杰”和 “艺术三杰”,也称“前三杰”和“后三杰”。 22.阿拉曼战役是第二次世界大战北非战场上,轴心国司令埃尔温·隆美尔所指挥的非洲装 甲军团与英国中东战场司令克劳德·奥金莱克所统领的英联邦军队在埃及阿拉曼进行的 战役。 23.印度史诗时期的文学以两大民族史诗为主,此外还有属南方达罗毗荼语系的诗歌文学和 巴利语的佛教文学。两大史诗不仅是印度人民的巨大精神财富,同时也是印度后世各类 文学艺术创作汲取素材的重要来源。 24.在全球气候变暖的情况下,世界众多环境学家正密切关注着世界三大热带雨林的生态变 化。
2011 年北京外国语大学翻译硕士研

初试 01 卷:英汉互译
一、词汇翻译(30 分)
APEC PPI POS machines chartered plane down-payment requirement makeshift hospital bailout money domestic abuse home appliances quantitative easing Big Bang House of Commons deposit reserve requirement ratio Cantonese Opera product placement ads
03.随着《阿凡达》的热映,3D 电影在全球获得前所未有的关注。在第五届北京国际文化 创意产业博览会上,电影人、专家、制作公司汇聚一堂,热烈探讨着中国 3D 电影产业 的发展路径。
04.新华通讯社通过近 80 年的发展壮大,目前它已经形成了遍及全国全世界的记者网,并 用六种语言向国内外广播。国际上各国新闻传播媒介采用新华社的新闻越来越多,西方 四大通讯社长期垄断新闻的局面已经开始被打破。
Text C
网球是展示生命激情与活力的“运动芭蕾”,广东网球中心的建筑本身是展示力与美的 动感舞台,既优雅又富含现代元素。网球中心是集竞技、休闲于一体的立体体育文化公园。 两个网球场错落有致,形成富有张力的线条轮廓,契合体育运动所带来的动态之美。
Text D
பைடு நூலகம்
漓江是数千年来无数文人志士获得灵感的地方。两岸是连绵的山峰,平静的河水倒映出 魔幻般的美景,宛如童话一般。山峰在薄雾笼罩下时隐时现,令人陶醉。泛舟漓江,每个转 弯处都能找到新奇,或见懒洋洋的水牛拉着大车,或见渔民在狭窄的竹筏上悠然自得。
Text B
QQ: 1275181476 1398338755
Cambridge psychologists and computer scientists have developed a mobile phone technology which can tell if a caller is happy, angry, bored or sad. The Emotion Sense technology will enable psychologists to show links between moods, location and people. It uses speech-recognition software and phone sensors attached to standard smart phones to assess how people’s emotions are influenced by day-to-day factors.
The sensors analyze voice samples and then place them into 5 emotional categories: happiness, sadness, fear, anger and a neutral category (such as boredom or passivity). Scientists then cross-reference these emotions against surroundings, the time of day and the caller’s relationship with the person they are speaking to. Results from a pilot scheme revealed that callers are happier at home, sadder at work and display more intense emotions in the evenings.
二、应用写作(40 分) 为提高青年记者的外语水平,《北京日报》社希望选派 10 名记者到北京外国语大学英
语学院进行脱产进修,时间从 2011 年 3 月至 2012 年 2 月。为此,《北京日报》社人事处发 函与北外教务处接洽,希望得到对方的同意。请以《北京日报》社人事处的名义,按照需要 的格式撰写相关公文。所需具体内容可自己补充,字数不超过 400 字。
初试 02 卷:百科写作
一、名词解释(50 分)
01.APEC 领导人非正式会议于二十二曰至二十三日举行。领导人在会议第一阶段重点讨论 了全球金融危机的影响,以及当前各成员如何重振经济信心,保持本地区长期增长。
02.中国人民银行副行长易纲 14 日表示,中国会积极地参与这次国际金融危机的救援行动, 形式是多种多样的。这是易纲在国务院新闻发布会上对“中国政府继续购买两房债券” 作的表述。
经济刺激方案 包容性增长 落地签证 黑帮 厨房重地,闲人免进 二房东 紧凑型轿车 潜规则 留守儿童 良性循环 无党派人士 下半旗致哀 玩忽职守 拆迁费 贫富两极分化
二、篇章翻译(120 分)
Text A
The Dead Sea, shared by Israel and Jordan, is the lowest spot on Earth. Its shoreline is about 400 meters below sea level. As the world’s saltiest large body of water, averaging a salt content 6 times higher than that of any ocean, the Dead Sea supports no life. With no outlet, the water that flows into the Dead Sea evaporates in the hot, arid air, leaving the minerals. The Jordan River is the chief source of the incoming water, but since the 1960s much of its water has been diverted for irrigation. Its length has already shrunk by more than a third, and, while the sea will never entirely disappear due to evaporation slowing down as surface area decreases and saltiness increases, the Dead Sea as we know it could become a thing of the past.