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译著Nedjalkov, V. P. (ed.). 1983/1988. Typology of Resultative Constructions, trans. Bernard Comrie [C]. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.赵元任,1968/1980,《中国话的文法》(A Grammar of Spoken Chinese)[M],丁邦新译。
英文文献全文翻译全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:LeGuin, Ursula K. (December 18, 2002). "Dancing at the Edge of the World: Thoughts on Words, Women, Places".《世界边缘的舞蹈:关于语言、女性和地方的思考》Introduction:In "Dancing at the Edge of the World," Ursula K. LeGuin explores the intersection of language, women, and places. She writes about the power of words, the role of women in society, and the importance of our connection to the places we inhabit. Through a series of essays, LeGuin invites readers to think critically about these topics and consider how they shape our understanding of the world.Chapter 1: LanguageConclusion:第二篇示例:IntroductionEnglish literature translation is an important field in the study of language and culture. The translation of English literature involves not only the linguistic translation of words or sentences but also the transfer of cultural meaning and emotional resonance. This article will discuss the challenges and techniques of translating English literature, as well as the importance of preserving the original author's voice and style in the translated text.Challenges in translating English literature第三篇示例:Title: The Importance of Translation of Full English TextsTranslation plays a crucial role in bringing different languages and cultures together. More specifically, translating full English texts into different languages allows for access to valuable information and insights that may otherwise be inaccessible to those who do not speak English. In this article, we will explore the importance of translating full English texts and the benefits it brings.第四篇示例:Abstract: This article discusses the importance of translating English literature and the challenges translators face when putting together a full-text translation. It highlights the skills and knowledge needed to accurately convey the meaning and tone of the original text while preserving its cultural and literary nuances. Through a detailed analysis of the translation process, this article emphasizes the crucial role translators play in bridging the gap between languages and making English literature accessible to a global audience.IntroductionEnglish literature is a rich and diverse field encompassing a wide range of genres, styles, and themes. From classic works by Shakespeare and Dickens to contemporary novels by authors like J.K. Rowling and Philip Pullman, English literature offers something for everyone. However, for non-English speakers, accessing and understanding these works can be a challenge. This is where translation comes in.Translation is the process of rendering a text from one language into another, while striving to preserve the original meaning, tone, and style of the original work. Translating afull-length English text requires a deep understanding of both languages, as well as a keen awareness of the cultural andhistorical context in which the work was written. Additionally, translators must possess strong writing skills in order to convey the beauty and complexity of the original text in a new language.Challenges of Full-text TranslationTranslating a full-length English text poses several challenges for translators. One of the most significant challenges is capturing the nuances and subtleties of the original work. English literature is known for its rich and layered language, with intricate wordplay, metaphors, and symbolism that can be difficult to convey in another language. Translators must carefully consider each word and phrase in order to accurately convey the author's intended meaning.Another challenge of full-text translation is maintaining the author's unique voice and style. Each writer has a distinct way of expressing themselves, and a good translator must be able to replicate this voice in the translated text. This requires a deep understanding of the author's writing style, as well as the ability to adapt it to the conventions of the target language.Additionally, translators must be mindful of the cultural and historical context of the original work. English literature is deeply rooted in the history and traditions of the English-speaking world, and translators must be aware of these influences in orderto accurately convey the author's intended message. This requires thorough research and a nuanced understanding of the social, political, and economic factors that shaped the work.Skills and Knowledge RequiredTo successfully translate a full-length English text, translators must possess a wide range of skills and knowledge. First and foremost, translators must be fluent in both the source language (English) and the target language. This includes a strong grasp of grammar, syntax, and vocabulary in both languages, as well as an understanding of the cultural and historical context of the works being translated.Translators must also have a keen eye for detail and a meticulous approach to their work. Every word, sentence, and paragraph must be carefully considered and translated with precision in order to accurately convey the meaning of the original text. This requires strong analytical skills and a deep understanding of the nuances and complexities of language.Furthermore, translators must possess strong writing skills in order to craft a compelling and engaging translation. Translating a full-length English text is not simply a matter of substituting one word for another; it requires creativity, imagination, and a deep appreciation for the beauty of language. Translators mustbe able to capture the rhythm, cadence, and tone of the original work in their translation, while also adapting it to the conventions of the target language.ConclusionIn conclusion, translating a full-length English text is a complex and challenging task that requires a high level of skill, knowledge, and creativity. Translators must possess a deep understanding of both the source and target languages, as well as the cultural and historical context of the work being translated. Through their careful and meticulous work, translators play a crucial role in making English literature accessible to a global audience, bridging the gap between languages and cultures. By preserving the beauty and complexity of the original text in their translations, translators enrich our understanding of literature and bring the works of English authors to readers around the world.。
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若有任何资料省略,使用英文时,应用3个省略号在句中标出……,中文用6个若两句间的资料省略,英文应用4个省略号标出‥‥,中文用6个…… 。
最后再来复习一遍步骤吧:step 1:找到自己喜欢的文献综述。
step 2:提炼框架。
重复之前的方法,对其反复拆解、组装,最终得到完全属于自己的litera ture review。
那么我们需要做的也很简单:1. 翻到相关部分2. 关键词定位 (快速找到答案)3. 同义词替换 (降重)文献综述是一种通过对已有文献进行梳理、分析和评价的方法,以形成系统性的综合性文献报告,探讨某个问题的现状、发展趋势以及未来研究方向的方法。
下面是店铺带来的关于毕业论文英文参考文献的内容,欢迎阅读参考!毕业论文英文参考文献(一)[1]徐安律.原住民小说《圆屋》获美国国家图书奖[N].中华读书报,2012(004).[2]Coulombe,JosephL.ReadingNativeAmericanLiterature[M\. NewYork:Routledge,2011.[3]Erdrich,Louise.TheRoundHouse\M\.NewYork:HarperCollin sPublishers,2012.[J].作家,2013(12):1.[4]杨恒.弱者的失语法律的缺位--评美国国家图书奖获奖作品《圆屋》[J].博览群书,2013(6):84-88.[5]Said,Edward.CultureandImprerialism[M].NewYork:Vintage Books,1994.[6]Erdrich,Louise.LoveMedicine[M],NewYork:HarperPerennia l,1993.[7]罗世平.凝视:后殖民主义文学折射[J].国外文学,2006(4):122.[8]任一鸣.《后殖民:批评理论与文学》[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2008.[9]Halliday,Lisa.LouiseErdrich[J].ParisReview,2010(52):133-137.[10]温语晴.书写印第安文化的温暖和困境一美国当代作家路易丝·厄德里克和她的作品.[11]陈榕.《凝视》[A].《西方文论关键词》[C].ed.赵一凡.北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2011.[12]Russo,Maria.Disturbing the spirits[i]. New York TimesBook Review, 2012(10): 9[13]Said, Edward. Culture and Imprerialism[M]. New York: Vintage Books,1994.[14]Fanon,Frantz. The Wretched of the Earth[M]. New York: Grove Press,1968.[15]徐安律.原住民小说《圆屋》获美国国家图书奖[N].中华读书报,2012(004).毕业论文英文参考文献(二)[1] 陈鹏.高速公路服务区及收费站建筑节能研究[D].中南大学,2007[2] 清华大学建筑节能研究中心.中国建筑节能年度发展研究报告[M]2014.北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2014:39[3] 李慧玲.绿色建筑理念下的高速公路服务区建筑设计研究[D].西安:长安大学,2011[4] 公通字[2009]46 号.民用建筑外保温系统及外墙装饰防火暂行规定[S].新乡市建筑工程质量监督站印发.2009[5] 汤旭东.建筑工程中的现浇聚苯复合材料屋面保温技术[J].江西建材,2014,(11):45[6] 杨欣霖.高速公路服务区绿色建筑技术体系研究[D].西安:长安大学,2011[7] 欧志华,郭俊明.浅谈我国建筑节能50%设计标准的含义[J].建筑节能,2007,35(12):60-62[8] 邹惠芬,王国业,郭立杰等.严寒地区窗户热工性能对建筑能耗的影响分析[J].沈阳建筑大学学报(自然科学版).2009,25(5):982-986[9] 崔洪军,刘孔杰.国外服务区建设及研究现状[J].中国交通报,2008,(12):138-139[10] 郎松军.建筑结露的起因和防治方法初探[J].四川建筑,2002,22(Z1):201-203[11] 王金奎,史慧芳,邵旭.体形系数在公共建筑节能设计中的应用[J].低温建筑技术,2010,(5):98-99[12] 王丽颖,丘雨佳.对德国被动式居住建筑节能技术的考察[J].长春工程学院学报,2013,14(3):38-40[13] 赖有志,陆京海,杨军霞,张童.现浇轻质泡沫混凝土在屋面工程中的应用[J].施工技术.2011,40(14):79-94毕业论文英文参考文献(三)[1]蒋花,史志康.整合与对话一论《金色笔记》中的戏仿[J].当代外国文学,2007(2):78.[2]黄梅.女人的危机和小说的危机--女人与小说杂谈之四[J].读书,1988(01):5.[3]孙宗白.真诚的女作家多丽丝·莱辛[J].外国文学研宄,1981(3):70.[4]施旻.《金色笔记》是女性主义文本吗·一关于多丽丝·莱辛及其《金色笔记》的论争[J].东岳论丛,2000(5): 132-134.[5]李福祥.多丽丝·莱辛笔下的政治与妇女主题[J].外国文学评论,1993(4):40-43[6]黎会华·多丽丝·莱辛《金色笔记》中的现代主义技巧分析[J].外语研究,2003(6):73.[7]陈才宇,刘新民.金色笔记[M].北京:译林出版社,2000.[8]黎会华·解构菲勒斯中心:构建新型女性主义主体一《金色笔记》的女性主义阅读[J].浙江师范大学学报,2004(3):33.[9]韩小敏,纪卫宁.析伍尔夫与莱辛文学创作的相似性[J].理论专刊,2004(8):125-126.[10]姜红.有意味的形式[J].外国文学,2003(4):96-98.[11]徐燕.《金色笔记》的超小说艺术[J].宁波大学学报,2003(3):78-80[12]蒋花,史志康.整合与对话一论《金色笔记》中的戏仿[J].当代外国文学,2007(2):78.[13]卢婧.《金色笔记》的艺术形式与作者莱辛的人生体验[D].南京师范大学博士学位论文,2008.[14]佘海若.迟来的正义:被缚的自由女性一记2007年诺贝尔文学奖[J].今日科苑,2007(23): 19-24.[15]刘颖.建构女性的主体性话语一评多丽丝·莱辛的《金色笔记》[J].邵阳学院学报,2004(4).[16]范晓红.从《金色笔记》解读多丽丝·莱辛的生态整体观[D].南京师范大学,2011.[17]Brewster, Dorothy. Doris Lessing\M\. New York: Wayne, 1965: 161.[18]Spilka, Mark. Lessing and Lawrence: the Battle of theContemporary Literature,1975(16): 218-240.。
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1. 张三. (2019). 机器学习算法在数据挖掘中的应用研究. 中国计算机学会.
2. 李四, 王五, & 赵六. (2018). 人工智能的发展及其应用. 北京: 电子工业出版社.
3. 吕七, 刘八, & 陈九. (2017). 自然语言处理技术的最新进展. 人工智能, 25(3), 28-35.
1. Zhang, S. (2019). Application of machine learning algorithms in data mining. China Computer Federation.
2. Li, S., Wang, W., & Zhao, L. (2018). The development and applications of artificial intelligence. Beijing: Electronics Industry Press.
3. Lyu, Q., Liu, B., & Chen, J. (2017). The latest advances in natural language processing technology. Artificial Intelligence, 25(3), 28-35.。
在写英文专著时,适当引用相关的参考文献是必不可少的,下面是一些英文专著参考文献格式举例:1. 书籍:Smith, John. (2021). "The Impact of Climate Change on Global Ecosystems." Cambridge University Press.这是一本由约翰·史密斯(John Smith)撰写的关于气候变化对全球生态系统影响的书籍,出版商为剑桥大学出版社(Cambridge University Press)。
2. 期刊文章:Brown, Mary, et al. (2020). "The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare." Journal of Medical Research, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 123-135.这篇期刊文章由玛丽·布朗(Mary Brown)等人撰写,题为“人工智能在医疗领域中的作用”,发表于《医学研究杂志》(Journal of Medical Research),第45卷,第3期,页码为123-135。
3. 学位论文:Johnson, David. (2019). "The Effects of Social Media onAdolescent Mental Health." Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Harvard University.这是一篇由大卫·约翰逊(David Johnson)撰写的关于社交媒体对青少年心理健康影响的学位论文,未发表,毕业于哈佛大学。
4. 网络资源:World Health Organization. (2020). "COVID-19: Guidelines for Public Health Measures." Available at:https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/phm-measures.这是世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)关于COVID-19公共卫生措施指南的网络资源,可在https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/phm-measures上找到。
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Facilitating Outward Processing Operations in PRD to enterthe Mainland MarketThe importance of entering the Mainland marketChina introduced economic reform and the “open door” policy in 1979. A number of reform programmes were implemented in southern China such as the establishment of the Special Economic Zones and the introduction of tax concessions to attract foreign investments to the PRD. Many Hong Kong manufacturers seized the opportunity and began to relocate their production lines to the Mainland to take advantage of lower land and labour costs as well as the tax concessions offered.The sustained development of Hong Kong enterprises in Guangdong in the past two decades or so has helped achieve a “win-win” situation in the region. Hong Kong enterprises took advantage of lower production costs in the PRD region to enhance the competitiveness of their products in the international market. At the same time they created job opportunities in the region. Factories set up by Hong Kong-invested enterprises in Guangdong now stand at over 80000 and about 50% of them are outward processing operations (OPOs). Products processed by these OPOs primarily include textiles and clothing, electronic products, toys, clocks and watches. In 2003, 44% of Hong Kong’s exports to the Mainland were for outward processing, while 72% of our imports from the Mainland were related to processing trade1. The figures manifest the economic significance of outward processing trade to the economies of both Hong Kong and Guangdong. After more than two decades of economic development, the per capita income of PRD has substantially increased to a relatively welloff level. In 2003, the per capita GDP of Guangdong was $17,213 yuan (US$2,080), compared with the national figure of $9,101 yuan (US$1,100)2. With a rise in people’s purchasing power, there came the domestic consumer market.Against this background, the Business Council considered that measures to assist outward processing enterprise in selling their products in the domestic market should be explored. Domestic sales by OPOs could help meet the increasing demands of Guangdong consumers and facilitate the development of the domestic consumer market in the Mainland on the one hand, and open up great business opportunities for Hong Kong businessmen on the other.Study and work progressA task group so established under the Business Council had interviewed some enterprises with OPOs in the Mainland. On tax arrangements, it was understood that tax exemptions are granted on imported materials, equipment and machinery to OPOs set up by foreign investors including Hong Kong-invested enterprises in PRD, provided that the finished products must be exported and no domestic sales are allowed unless prior approval has been sought. These enterprises are generally known as “processing and assembly factory business” (PAFB)3. Since most of the materials, equipment and machinery are imported products, it is stipulated that, to prevent enterprises from making use of the PAFB tax arrangements as a means of smuggling, domestic sales of the finished products without prior approval and repayment of taxes may be regarded as smuggling. The task group also noted that under the existing regulations, foreign-funded OPOs might sell their products in the domestic market by means of the following options:(1) Switching from PAFB to Foreign Invested Enterprise (FIE)For OPOs with plans to engage in domestic sales, they have to switch their mode of investment to form FIEs4, either in the form of sole proprietorship or equity joint venture. FIEs are legal entities of limited liabilities, which can apply for import and export rights of goods as well as domestic sales right of finished products. FIEs are allowed to sell up to 100% of their products in the domestic market. They are subject to relevant custom duties, value-added tax (VAT), consumption tax and foreign enterprise income tax, and are required to conduct annual audit and fi le tax return.(2) Setting up a separate FIEAs an alternative to (1), foreign investors with OPOs may opt to set up separate FIEs to handle domestic sales, while their original export processing enterprises retain their focus on export business. This arrangement enables the OPO to sell into the domestic market without altering its mode of operation. However, this option requires additional investments and longer time to complete the process when comparing with the establishment of an OPO.(3) Export processing enterprises to sell into the domestic market through tax repayment Export and domestic sales are governed by separate accounting and tax schemes. Imported raw materials and components for export products can enjoy certain tax rebates, but customs duty and VAT will be levied when such products are sold domestically. If export processing enterprises choose to sell their products in the domestic market, they need to repay therequired taxes. For OPOs intending to market their products in the Mainland, a more direct option for them is to set up a separate FIE or to turn the existing OPOs into FIEs. However, this may pose some difficulties for certain OPOs (especially those small and medium size enterprises (SMEs)) as the options involve further investment and a departure from their original business. This is a business decision which rests with individual OPOs. The Business Council therefore focused its study on the major problems faced by OPOs in selling products in the domestic market through tax repayment.Future planThe Business Council will conduct further studies on the above ideas. In this connection, a questionnaire survey was being conducted by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries and The Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong to collect members’ views. Topics covered include the popularity of EDI online declaration among enterprises, as well as its effectiveness in reducing discrepancy in declaration details and verification by Mainland Customs. Once the findings are available, the Business Council will draw up specific proposals and raise them with the departments concerned.。
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IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. 42, NO. 4, APRIL 2006763A Nonlinear Time-Domain Homogenization Technique for Laminated Iron Cores in Three-Dimensional Finite-Element ModelsJ. Gyselinck1 , R. V. Sabariego2 , and P. Dular2Department of Electrical Engineering, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), B-1050 Brussels, Belgium Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Liège, BelgiumThe authors present a novel nonlinear homogenization technique for laminated iron cores in three-dimensional (3-D) finite-element (FE) models of electromagnetic devices. The technique takes into account the eddy current effects in the stacked core without the need of modeling all laminations separately. A nonlinear constitutive magnetic law is considered. The system of nonlinear algebraic equations obtained after time discretization is solved by means of the Newton–Raphson scheme. By way of validation, the method is applied to a 3-D FE model of a laminated ring core with toroidal coil. Index Terms—Eddy currents, finite-element methods (FEMs), homogenization, lamination stack.I. INTRODUCTIONTHE magnetic cores of electromagnetic alternate current (ac) devices are often laminated as this is an efficient measure for reducing the eddy current losses due to the time-varying flux. As a result, the eddy current losses, and the iron losses as a whole, have a limited effect on the device characteristics; they obviously affect the overall losses and thus the efficiency of the device, but to a lesser extent, e.g., the torque output. Accordingly, in two-dimensional (2-D) or three-dimensional (3-D) finite-element (FE) calculations, the stacked iron core is commonly assumed nonconducting and homogeneous (i.e., not -curve (linking laminated), and a nonlinear single-valued induction to magnetic field ) is adopted. Based on the FE results, i.e., the time and space distribution of the induction in the iron core, an estimation of the iron losses may be obtained a posteriori [1]. The FE analysis may be enhanced by considering a more involved constitutive law for the homogenized iron. A static or dynamic hysteresis model may be adopted, along with a one-dimensional (1-D) low-frequency eddy current model, in which skin and edge effects in the laminations are neglected [2]. In some applications, the eddy currents in laminated iron cores may considerably alter the overall behavior of the device under study. This may be the case in power electronic applications, where working frequencies and harmonic distortion are constantly increasing. Finely discretizing each separate lamination in an FE modeling is mostly out of the question. Such a brute-force approach would indeed result in huge memory requirements and calculation times. Dedicated homogenization methods are thus indispensable. In a frequency-domain FE analysis, considering nonsaturated iron, a complex reluctivity may be adopted in the homogenized core [3]. The frequency-dependent complex value follows from a 1-D lamination model, including skin effect [5]. This can be extended to the time domain by introducing skin-effect basis functions and additional degrees of freedom in the iron core [4]. Both approaches are limited to a linear magnetic material.Fig. 1. Variation of b; h, and j throughout lamination thickness.In view of the inherent magnetic saturation of many electromagnetic apparatus, nonlinear methods are of more practical interest. In this paper, the time-domain homogenization method is extended to the nonlinear case. After a brief outline of the method, it is validated by means of a 3-D test case. II. TIME-DOMAIN HOMOGENIZATION A. 1-D Model of a Lamination and Skin-Effect Basis Functions We consider a lamination of thickness that carries a magnetic induction , along, e.g., the axis, as shown in Fig. 1. A homogeneous isotropic material of conductivity is assumed. The magnetic field , equally along the axis, is linked to the induction by the reversible constitutive law . The current density is along the axis. Imposing a nonzero net flux and a zero current, the following symmetries hold: and . The 1-D eddy current problem is governed by the following partial differential equation: with (1)Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMAG.2006.872034Relevant to the homogenization are the induction averaged over the thickness and the sur. face magnetic field The resolution of (1) can be developed either in the frequency domain [3], [6] or the time domain [2], [3], [6]. The frequencydomain approach is limited to linear materials, having a constant permeability or constant reluctivity ,0018-9464/$20.00 © 2006 IEEE764IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. 42, NO. 4, APRIL 2006whereas the time-domain approach is applicable to nonlinear materials as well. and In the frequency domain, considering a sinusoidal of frequency (or pulsation ), the equivalent , with and the complex complex reluctivity representation of the and , has the following analytical expression:(2) where is the imaginary unit, and the penetration depth [5]. This complex reluctivity is straightforwardly adopted in a FE analysis, without any additional computational cost. Its imaginary part effects the eddy current losses. An approximate time-domain solution of (1) can be obtained with a 1-D FE model, possibly considering involved constitutive laws [6]. In order to minimize the number of spatial degrees of freedom, polynomial basis functions that are nonzero over are introduced for the complete interval interpolating and ; these are the so-called skineffect basis functions. The starting point is the expansion of (3) where the even polynomial basis functions , are orthogonal, if , and have unit value on the lamination surface, . The magnetic field is subsequently expanded considering the surface magnetic field and the even polynomial basis functions of order (4) where the latter are zero on the lamination surface, , and further determined so that and satisfy (1) identically, i.e., . These conditions produce then for equal to 2 and 4: and , respectively. When considering a finite number of basis functions, up to order for and order for , the constitutive law , whether linear or nonlinear, cannot be satisfied identically. It can be weakly imposed as follows: (5) which leads to equations in terms of , and . For instance, for the linear case with , a system of two linear differential equations is obtained, as follows: (6) or given function of time. By means of, with either e.g., the so-called -scheme, which amounts to the backward Euler and Crank–Nicolson scheme with equal to 1 and 0.5,respectively, a system of algebraic equations is obtained for each . time step from to For a given maximum error, the order of the spatial interpolation of has to be increased along with the frequency (or the relative lamination thickness ). Allowing a 1% maximum error on the equivalent complex reluctivity (2), a constant interpolation is valid up to roughly . and , Adding one or two interpolation functions ( respectively) extends the validity range to equal to 4 and 8, respectively [4]. In the nonlinear case with , the system (5) becomes(7) . The nonlinear algebraic equawith tions that result from the time discretization can be solved by means of the Newton–Raphson method. With given , the Jacobian matrix reads (8) is the differential reluctivity. The integration where in the interval , exploiting the symmetry with respect to , can be done numerically, by means of, e.g., the five-point . Gauss scheme for the case B. FE Implementation We consider an eddy current problem in a 3-D domain and its formulation in terms of the magnetic vector potential . The induction curl and the electrical field thus satisfy and curl . The current density is imposed in a subdomain and induced in another conducting subdomain . The vector potential is, e.g., discretized by means of edge basis function : . The weak produces as many equations form of Ampère’s law curl as degrees of freedom curl curl (9)is the vector constitutive law in and where denotes the volume integral in of the scalar product of the two vector arguments. The uniqueness of can be ensured by considering an edge co-tree in the nonconducting domain . We consider the case where consists of laminations of a stacked iron core. The insulating layers between the laminations are assumed to be negligibly thin (near 100% fill factor). We will further assume that the and vectors are parallel to the plane of the laminations, as is the case in the axisymmetric application example below. (See [4] for a more complete analysis, including nonnegligible insulation layers and perpendicular flux.) If the lamination thickness is small compared with the overall dimensions of the core, the surface magnetic field and the average induction vary little from one lamination to the next. On the basis of these quantities, continuous slowly varying fields can be defined in every point of the core volume ; the latter will be denoted by and as well. According to the 1-D lamination model presented above, depends onGYSELINCK et al.: A NONLINEAR TIME-DOMAIN HOMOGENIZATION TECHNIQUE FOR LAMINATED IRON CORES IN 3-D FE MODELS765Fig. 2. Contours for Ampère’s integral law: Contour C is linked with the current in the coil (j ) but not with the eddy currents in the laminations (j , resulting in zero net current parallel to the laminations), whereas contour C is linked with both.Fig. 3. 1/8th FE model of laminated ring core (discretization of homogenized core) with toroidal coil—zoom: current density in coil and fine discretization of the laminations.and induction components , the latter being equally the continuus vector extension of the components , introduced above. The weak form (9) can be simplified by considering curl curl curl (10)differential reluctivity tensor rials with scalar reluctivity follows:. For isotropic mate, this tensor can be written as(13) where is the unit tensor and the dyadic square of . In matrix notation (in 2-D case for sake of brevity), this becomesas this amounts to considering for Ampère’s integral law, contours that are not linked with the induced current density in the laminations (see Fig. 2). The eddy current term produced by in (9) thus vanishes. and the average induction in The induction in will be derived from the vector potential and its edge basis function interpolation defined in the whole do(with tree gauging throughout). This guarantees the main continuity of the average normal induction component at the in may boundary of . The additional quantities be interpolated with vector basis functions that are elementwise constant and are directed in two perpendicular directions in the plane of the laminations; these basis functions are further denoted by . We consider first the linear case, with constant reluctivity in and in , and with . Using the first line of (6), (10) becomes curl curl curl curl curl curl curl (11) The second line of (6) is weakly imposed in of the basis functions curl (12) Let us consider now a nonlinear relation between the local vectors and in the laminations, with curl in case of homogenization with . Equation (10) and the vector extension of (7) give after space and time discretization a system of nonlinear algebraic equations that can be solved by means of the Newton–Raphson method. Deriving the equations with respect to the unknowns and ) gives rise to the (coefficients of basis functions considering each(14) The contribution of is thus to the elements of the Jacobian matrix curl curl(15)III. APPLICATION EXAMPLE In order to validate the proposed homogenization method, we consider a field problem displaying symmetry with respect plane, and axisymmetry with respect to the axis to the (Fig. 3). The FE model consists of part of a laminated ring core (20 laminations, 0.5 mm, S/m, separated by 0.02-mm-thick airgaps), a toroidal 100-turn coil, and the air between the ring core and the coil [4]. A nonlinear -relation is considered for the iron, viz. with in A/m and in T. The linear case has been treated in [4]. Exploiting the symmetry fully, the FE model can be limited to the upper half of the geometry (ten laminations) and a wedge of arbitrary opening angle . Volume meshes of hexahedral and prismatic elements are obtained by circularly extruding (around the axis, over the angle in layers) a 2-D mesh of quadrangles and triangles of a radial cross section (in the plane). The brute-force calculations, with direct inclusion of the eddy currents, are carried out with a fine mesh, in which each of the ten laminations are discretized. An FE model of 1/128th of the complete geometry ( 1, 8 layers of hexahedra per lamination thickness, see zoom in Fig. 3) produces 14 406 spatial degrees of freedom for . The homogenization technique is applied to a much coarser mesh, with only six layers of hexahedra for the half-thickness and of the core (see Fig. 3). For a 1/8th model ( ), this leads a total of 8680 spatial degrees of freedom for . With the skin-effect approximation , there are 2304 additional degrees of freedom for .766IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. 42, NO. 4, APRIL 2006Fig. 7. 50-Hz induction components b (t) and b (t) at average radius (homogenization with n = 2). Fig. 4. Normalized flux versus time, calculated with fine model and homogenization method (n = 0 and n = 2).Fig. 8. 500-Hz induction components b (t) and b (t) at inner, average, and outer radius (homogenization with n = 2).IV. CONCLUSION A novel homogenization technique for laminated iron cores in 3-D FE models was proposed that can be used for time-stepping simulations with the magnetic vector potential formulation. The eddy current effects (including skin effect) in the laminations are accounted for by considering skin-effect basis functions and associated degrees of freedom in the homogenized core. The proposed homogenization method is validated by means a 3-D axisymmetric test case. The results agree well with those obtained with a fine model, i.e., in which all laminations are finely discretized and the eddy currents are directly modeled. ACKNOWLEDGMENTFig. 6. Current density in cross section of lower lamination (near inner radius) at 500 Hz obtained with fine model.Fig. 5. Variation of induction throughout thickness of lower lamination at 500 Hz, obtained with fine model (four equidistant instants in half a time period; at average radius).The research was partly carried out in the frame of the InterUniversity Attraction Pole IAP P5/34 for fundamental research funded by the Belgian federal government. P. Dular is a Research Associate with the F.N.R.S. REFERENCES[1] G. Bertotti, A. Boglietti, M. Chiampi, D. Chiarabaglio, F. Fiorillo, and M. Lazzari, “An improved estimation of iron losses in rotating electrical machines,” IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 27, pp. 5007–5009, Nov. 1991. [2] J. Gyselinck, L. Vandevelde, J. Melkebeek, P. Dular, F. Henrotte, and W. Legros, “Calculation of eddy currents and associated losses in electrical steel laminations,” IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 1191–1194, May 1999. [3] P. Dular, J. Gyselinck, C. Geuzaine, N. Sadowski, and J. P. A. Bastos, “A 3–D magnetic vector potential formulation taking eddy currents in lamination stacks into account,” IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 1424–1427, May 2003. [4] J. Gyselinck and P. Dular, “A time-domain homogenization technique for laminated iron cores in 3D finite element models,” IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 1424–1427, May 2004. ˘ fl, Eddy Currents. London, U.K.: ILIFFE [5] J. Lammeraner and M. Sta Books, 1966. [6] L. Dupré, O. Bottauscio, M. Chiampi, M. Repetto, and J. Melkebeek, “Modeling of electromagnetic phenomena in soft magnetic materials under unidirectional time periodic flux excitations,” IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 4171–4184, Sep. 1999. Manuscript received November 11, 2005 (e-mail: johan.gyselinck@ulb. ac.be).Time-stepping simulations with imposed sinusoidal current of same amplitude but of different frequencies (50, 250, and 500 Hz) are carried out. In order to reach steady state, three peare time stepped with the backward Euler scheme riods and . The flux linkage of the coil is calculated by integrating over the coil volume. Fig. 4 compares the flux waveforms obtained with the fine model (reference solution) and the homogenized model ( and ). One clearly observes the saturation and the effect of the eddy currents. The homogenization for all frequenmethod produces satisfactory results with cies considered, whereas with , it is sufficiently accurate only for the 50-Hz case. By way of illustration, Figs. 5 and 6 show some results obtained with the fine mesh and with the 500-Hz current. The variation of the induction throughout the thickness of the laminations is evidenced in Fig. 5. The circulation of the eddy currents with the 180 -turn at the lamination edge is depicted in Fig. 6. Figs. 7 and 8 show the transient and steady-state waveforms . of and obtained with the homogenization method。