The necklace Blues




Language points
4. pay back 偿还 pay off
At last he paid off the debts.
还清 /pay for
You have to pay back the money you borrowed.
I have paid 20 yuan for the tapes.
What was the real price of Jeanne’s necklace?
How much did Mathilde’s dress cost her ?
7. Which sentence expresses the main idea of the story?
A.Mathilde lost the borrowed necklace and had to work hard for ten years to pay it back.
5. Mathilde did not want to wear a flower to the ball because_____ .
A. she didn't like flowers B. people were not allowed to wear a flower at the ball C. it would look shabby(寒酸的) to wear a flower D. flowers would bring her bad luck
1.The story is told _____. inverse order narration order(叙述) flashback order(倒叙) time order



19.No longer is computer technology confined to any one country; ___ than in Europe.
A)hardly this more is true B)seldom is this more true
C)little this is mone true D)nouhere is this more true
A)are B)is C)doD)has
23.Finally, the thief handed everything ___ he had stolen to the police.
A)which B) what C)whateverD)that
24.___ the temperature, ___ water turns into steam.
37.We learn from the first paragraph that ___.
A) the 20-pound note is the highest value in the world
B) the 50-pound note is the highest value in the world
A)having been fined B)to have been fine
C)to be fined D)beng fined
22.The atmosphere is as much a part of the earth as ___ its soils and the water of its takes, rivers and oceans.
D) The Bank usually chooses politicians for a new note.



Alexandre DumasListe des œuvres selon la bibliographie de Hugo P.Thieme (1901La Chasse et l’Amour (théâtre), 1825232La Noce et l’Enterrement (théâtre), 1826243Henri III et sa cour (théâtre), 18294Christine, ou Stockholm, Fontainebleau et Rome (théâtre), 18305Napoléon Bonaparte ou Trente Ans de l’Histoire de France (théâtre), 1831 6Antony (théâtre), 18317Charles VII chez ses grands vassaux (théâtre), 18318Teresa (théâtre), 1831 259La Tour de Nesle (théâtre), 1832 2610Souvenirs d’Anthony, 183511Chroniques de France : Isabel de Bavière, 183512Kean (théâtre), 183613Piquillo (opéra-comique)2714Caligula (théâtre), 18372815Mademoiselle de Belle-Isle (théâtre), 183716Acté, 183717La Salle d’armes / Pauline, (roman), 183818 Le Capitaine Paul, 183819Le Capitaine Pamphile, 183920La Comtesse de Salisbury, 183921L'Alchimiste (théâtre), 1839 2822Crimes célèbres, 1839-1841 2923Napoléon, 184024Othon, l’archer, 184025Les Stuarts, 184026Maître Adam le calabrais, 184027Le Maître d’armes, 1840 – 1841 3028Praxède, 184129Aventures de Lydéric, grand-forestier de Flandre, 184130Nouvelles Impressions de voyage (Midi de la France), 184131Excursions sur les bords du Rhin, 184132Souvenirs de voyage : Une année à Florence , 184133Un mariage sous Louis XV (théâtre), 1841 3134Jeanne la pucelle, 1429-1431, 184235Le Speronare, 184236Le Capitaine Arena , 184237Halifax (théâtre), 1842 3238Le Chevalier d'Harmental, 18423339Le Corricolo, 184340Les Demoiselles de Saint-Cyr (théâtre), 1843 3441Louise Bernard (théâtre), 1843 3442Filles, Lorettes et Courtisanes, 184343Georges, 184344Ascanio ou l'Orfèvre du roi, 1843 3545Amaury, 1843 3546Le Laird de Dumbiky (théâtre), 1844 3447Sylvandire, 1844 3648Fernande, 1844 3749Les Trois Mousquetaires, 18443650Albine ou le Château d’Eppstein, 184451Cécile ou la Robe de noces, 184452Gabriel Lambert, 184453Louis XIV et son siècle, 184454Contes : Histoire d'un casse-noisette38, Le Roi des taupes et sa fille, La Bouillie de la comtesse Berthe, etc. 1 55Vingt ans après, 1845 3656La Guerre des femmes, 184557Le Comte de Monte-Cristo, 1845 – 18463658Une fille du régent, 18453659La Reine Margot, 184536,3960Les Médicis, 184561Les Frères corses, 184562Le Chevalier de Maison-Rouge, 1845 – 18463663La Dame de Monsoreau, 1846 3664Le Bâtard de Mauléon, 1846 3665Joseph Balsamo, 1846 36 – Inspiré de la vie de Giuseppe Balsamo66Les Deux Diane, 1846 3567Impressions de voyage : De Paris à Cadix, 184768Les Quarante-Cinq, 18473669Catilina (théâtre), 18483670Hamlet, prince de Danemark (théâtre), 18483571Le Vicomte de Bragelonne ou Dix ans plus tard, 1848 3672Les Mille et Un Fantômes, 1849 4073Le Collier de la reine, 1849 36 – Inspiré de l'affaire du collier de la reine74La Femme au collier de velours, 185075La Tulipe noire, 185076Le Trou de l’enfer, 185077La Colombe, 185078La Chasse au chastre (théâtre), 18503679Montevideo ou Une nouvelle Troie, 185080Le Drame de quatre-vingt-treize, 185181Impressions de voyage : Suisse, 185182Ange Pitou, 1851 3683Olympe de Clèves, 1851 3684Conscience l'innocent, 185285Un Gil Blas en Californie, 18524186Histoire de la vie politique et privée de Louis-Philippe, 185287La Maison de Savoie, depuis 1555 jusqu'à 1850, 4 vol., 1852-1856Emmanuel Philibert (t. 1, 1852), Léone-Léona (t. 2, 1853), Mémoires de Jeanne d’Albert de Luynes, comtess Publié exclusivement en Italie et réutilisé en partie dans Le Page du duc de Savoie (1855), La Dame de volup 88La Comtesse de Charny, 185389Le Pasteur d’Ashbourne, 185390Isaac Laquedem, 185391Les Drames de la mer, 185392Ingénue, 1853 4393La Jeunesse de Pierrot, 185494Une vie d’artiste, 185495Catherine Blum, 185496Saphir, 185497Vie et Aventures de la princesse de Monaco, 185498Le Marbrier (théâtre), 18544499La Conscience (théâtre), 185445100Le Capitaine Richard, 185435101Les Mohicans de Paris, 1854-1855 45102Souvenirs de 1830 à 1842, 1854103La Jeunesse de Louis XIV (théâtre), 1854104La Dernière Année de Marie Dorval, 1855105Marie Giovanni, journal d’une parisienne, 1855106Le Gentilhomme de la Montagne (El Salteador), 1855107Le Page du duc de Savoie, 185546108Les Grands Hommes en robe de chambre : César, Henri IV, Richelieu, 1855 –1856109Mémoires d'une aveugle ou Madame du Deffand, 1856 47110Les Compagnons de Jéhu, 1856111Les Crimes célèbres, 1856112La Tour Saint-Jacques (théâtre), 185648113Le Fils de la nuit ou Le Pirate (théâtre), 1856 – En collaboration avec G114Un cadet de famille ou Mémoires d'un jeune cadet, 185650115L’Homme aux contes, 1857116Charles le Téméraire, 1857117Le Meneur de loups, 1857 51118L'Invitation à la valse (théâtre), 185735119La Dame de volupté ou Mémoires de Jeanne d’Albert de Luynes, comte47120Les Louves de Machecoul, 1858 51121Black, 1858 51122De Paris à Astrakan, 1859123Jane, 1859124L'Île de feu, 1859 52125Le Fils du forçat ou Monsieur Coumbes ou Histoire d’un cabanon et d’u51126La Maison de glace, 1860127La Route de Varennes, 1860128Mémoires de Garibaldi, 1860129Une aventure d’amour, 1860130Le Roman d'Elvire (opéra-comique)53131Le Père La Ruine, 1860 51132Le Père Gigogne, contes pour les enfants, 1860133La Marquise d’Escoman, 1860 51134L'Envers d'une conspiration (théâtre), 1860 54135Une nuit à Florence sous Alexandre de Médicis, 1861136Les morts vont vite, 1861137Bric-à-brac, 2 vol. 1861Recueil de courts textes publiés dans différents journaux (Le Pays, La Presse, Le Mousquetaire, Le Monte-C 138La Princesse Flora, 1863139La San Felice, 1863140La Boule de neige, 1863141La Dame de volupté ou Mémoires de Jeanne d’Albert de Luynes, 186346142Pietro Monaco sua moglie Maria Oliverio e i loro complici, 1864Publié exclusivement en Italie dans L'Indipendente du 4 mars au 9 avril 1864 (7 chapitres).143Les Deux Reines, 186447,46144Lady Hamilton, 1865145Le Fils du forçat, 1865146Les Blancs et les Bleus, 1867147Les Hommes de fer, 1867148La Terreur prussienne, souvenirs dramatiques, 1868Publications posthumes :149Ali Pacha, 1862Chronique inachevée parue dans L’Independente, en novembre et décembre 1862 et publiée en version intégr 150Création et Rédemption, 1863151La Fille du marquis, 1863152Le Prince des voleurs, 1863153Robin Hood le proscrit, 1863154L’Île de feu, 1863155Le Comte de Moret, 1865Paru en feuilleton dans Les Nouvelles. Première édition en livre en 1946 dans une version abrégée puis en ver 156Parisiens et Provinciaux, 1867157Le Chevalier de Sainte-Hermine, 1869Ce dernier roman, publié initialement sous forme de feuilleton en 1869, a été exhumé des fonds de la Biblioth 158Création et Rédemption : Le Docteur mystérieux / La Fille du marquis, 1872159Le Prince des voleurs / Robin Hood le proscrit, 1872-187350160Grand Dictionnaire de cuisine, 187356L’édition originale contient plus de 3 000 recettes ; en 1882, Alphonse L161Le Roman de VioletteRoman érotique longtemps attribué à Alexandre Dumas (mais aussi àGu大仲马作品目录整理:cygnuszzzHenry III and His Court亨利三世和他的宫廷(戏剧)e (théâtre), 1831Anthony安东尼奈斯尔塔拿破仑The Tragic Story of Stuart Mary,Queen of Scots苏后玛丽惨史The Conspirators / The Chevalier D'Harmental阿芒得骑士Ascanio阿斯加尼奥The Three Musketeers 三个火枪手Castle Eppstein; The Specter Mother爱泼斯坦堡et sa fille, La Bouillie de la comtesse Berthe, etc. 1844Twenty Years After二十年后The Women's War裙钗之战The Count of Monte Cristo 基督山伯爵La Reine Margot玛戈王后The Knight of the Red House红屋骑士La Dame de Monsoreau / Chicot the Jester蒙梭罗夫人Joseph Balsamo 风雨术士——巴尔萨莫男爵The Forty-Five Guardsmen 四十五卫士哈姆雷特,丹麦王子(戏剧)The Vicomte de Bragelonne(usually split into three parts: The Vicomte de Bragelonne, Louise de la Valliere, and布拉热洛纳子爵The Queen's Necklace 王后的项链The Black Tulip 黑郁金香Ange Pitou / Taking the Bastile昂热·皮都, Mémoires de Jeanne d’Albert de Luynes, comtesse de Verrue, surnommée la Dame de Volupté (t. 3, 1855), De Victor Améd Page du duc de Savoie (1855), La Dame de volupté(1863) et Les Deux Reines (1864)42.The Countess de Charny 夏尔尼伯爵夫人V, Richelieu, 1855 –1856The Companions of Jehu 双雄记vec Gérard de Nerval, Bernard Lopez et Victor Séjour49The Wolf-Leader 恶狼司令comtesse de Verrue, 1857 47et d’un chalet, 1859 51The Memoirs of Garibaldi加里波迪回忆录Le Pays, La Presse, Le Mousquetaire, Le Monte-Cristo, etc.) entre 1853 et 1858. Le deuxième tome a été réédité en 1877 sou186346avril 1864 (7 chapitres).The Whites and the Blues白与蓝mbre et décembre 1862 et publiée en version intégrale en 2009.Robin Hood罗宾汉livre en 1946 dans une version abrégée puis en version intégrale sous le titre Le Sphinx rouge en 2008.The Last Cavalier最后的骑士ton en 1869, a été exhumé des fonds de la Bibliothèque nationale de France et publié pour la première fois en 2005.du marquis, 1872大仲马美食词典onse Lemerre publie une version condensée constituée uniquement de recettes sous le titre Petit Dictionnairei àGuy de Maupassant), publié en 1883 à Bruxelles puis en 1992 au Mercure de France57. Lors de sa publication aux1855), De Victor Amédée III à Charles Albert (t. 4, 1856)fois en 2005.nnaire de cuisine ; dans les années 1960, une édition de Mon Dictionnaire de cuisine réintègre une grrs de sa publication aux éditions La Musardine en 199958, Jean-Jacques Pauvert dévoila le véritable auteur : la marquise H. deune grande partie des anecdotes biographiques, références historiques et récits de voyage de la versiotable auteur : la marquise H. de Mannoury d'Ectot.version originale. On doit peut-être à Leconte de Lisle la part importante qui y est donnée aux épicex épices et aux recettes exotiques.。



英美音乐与文化(华南理工大学)解忧书店JieYouBookshop期末考试1单选(2分)Which of the following about culture and music is false?A.Culture includes a lot of things.B.Culture shapes music.C.The way of communication is part of culture.D.Music defines culture.正确答案:D你选对了2单选(2分)What can you learn from the song “Raindrops Keep Fallin’ On My Head"?A.Music relates to life reality.B.Music is the result of culture.C.Music helps understand culture.D.Music gives inspiration.正确答案:D你选对了3单选(2分)Which of the following is not the right way to learn English through music?A.Relate English songs to their cultural background.B.Accept your understanding of the songs as final.C.Make sure you know the lyrics.D.Think about the genres and themes of English songs.正确答案:B你选对了4单选(2分)Regarding cultural influence, which of the following is true?A.Well-educated people are less influenced by culture.B.No one can escape the influence of culture.C.People witho ut being educated won’t be influenced by culture.D.People can only be influenced by their own culture.正确答案:B你选对了5单选(2分)Regarding the evolution of music genres, which of the following is false?A.Music genres may grow rise and fall over time.B.Rock music is the one that has been popular through the decades since its birth.C.Music genres of each decade are almost the same.D.Every decade has its unique music styles.正确答案:C你选对了6单选(2分)Which of the following is false about “Chorus”?A.Chorus usually appears in a song more than once.B.Chorus includes the most catchy melody in songs.C.Either melody or lyrics in chorus may changeD.Chorus is the focus of the song.正确答案:C你选对了7单选(2分)The most important element of a song is __________.A.IntroB.VerseC.ChorusD.Bridge正确答案:C你选对了8单选(2分)Which one of the following is false about music genres?A.Most popular music genres include jazz, blues, rock, country, among others.B.Music genre refers to the similarities in form, style, or subject matter.C.Music genres may overlap.D.There is a clear line between each music genres.正确答案:D你选对了9单选(2分)The legendary blues musician B.B. King’s master piece is _________.A.“Cry Your Blues Away”B.“Stop Breakin’ Down”C."Killing Floor"D.“The Thrill Is Gone”正确答案:D你选对了10单选(2分)Regarding the history of the blues, which of the following is false?A.The blues helped to unify Africa Americans from different origins, creating a new cultural identity.B.The history of blues goes along with the history of country music.C.The history of the blues goes along with the history of jazz.D.The history of the blues also has to do with the history of the recording industry.正确答案:B你选对了11单选(2分)The blues has its influence on a lot of music styles, like _________.A.jazz and reggae.B.rock and roll, jazz and reggae.C.rock and roll, and country.D.rock and roll, and contemporary R and B and soul.正确答案:D你选对了12单选(2分)The blues had a huge impact on society, especially on ____________.A.women rights and civil rights.B.human rights and women rights.C.race relations and women rights.D.race relations and civil rights.正确答案:D你选对了13单选(2分)From its birth to today, the blues has been played by ___________.A.only white musiciansB.only Latino musiciansC.only black musiciansD.both black and white musicians正确答案:D你选对了14单选(2分)Country music has its roots specifically in __________ ?A. England downtownB.Australian farmlandC.Scotland HighlandsD. American west正确答案:D你选对了15单选(2分)The country and western music merged in 1920s to 1950s because of ____________.A. all of the other choicesB.the availability of recorded music in rural areasC.the U.S people, such as the soldiers, working togetherD.the historical event such as World War II正确答案:A你选对了16单选(2分)The country music began to gain popularity in _____________.A.1980sB. 1970sC. 1920sD.1960s正确答案:C你选对了17单选(2分)The lyrics of the country music is usually about the life of _____________.A.the Black peopleB.the middle-class peopleC.the people in rural areasD.the US pilgrims正确答案:C你选对了18单选(2分)The lyrics of R&B are usually about _________.A.the ambition of the younger generationB.the daily house chordsC.the western cowboysD.the struggle and triumph in life正确答案:D你选对了19单选(2分)Which of the following is not the sub-genre of R&B?A.Hip-hop Soul.B.Quiet Storm.C.Urban Pop.D. Gospel.正确答案:D你选对了20单选(2分)R&B has influenced many other music genres especially _________.A. electricB.heavy metalC.gospelD.pop正确答案:D你选对了21单选(2分)What is the implying meaning of "Alternative Rock"?A.It indicates its difference from the mainstream rock music.B.It refers to its mainstream status in music.C.It covers the major musical features of this sub-genre.D.It demonstrates its wide popularity.正确答案:A你选对了22单选(2分)The most obvious difference between R&B and rock is __________.A.content of lyricsB.musical structureD.tempo正确答案:D你选对了23单选(2分)Which of the following fashions is the result of rock music?A.Diamond necklace.B.All of the other choices.C.High heels.D.Black leather jackets.正确答案:D你选对了24单选(2分)“You rock!” or “That rocks!” means that person or that thing is ___________.A.coolB.hardC.solidD.abundant正确答案:A你选对了25单选(2分)The longest running Beatles song on the charts is ___________.A.“Imagine”B.“Hey Jude”C.“Love Me Do”D.“the Fab Four”正确答案:B你选对了26单选(2分)The most significant musical element in Rock and Roll is __________ .A.lyrics structureC.vocal harmonyD.distortion of electric guitars正确答案:D你选对了27单选(2分)1 “Imagine” is a song co-written and performed by English musician John Lennon. The best-selling single of his solo career, its lyrics encourage the listener to imagine a world at peace without the barriers of borders or the divisions of religion and nationality and to consider the possibility that the whole of humanity would live unattached to material possessions. Lennon hoped that the softer and beautiful melody would bring the song to a wider audience, who hopefully would listen to his message.2 Lennon later felt that this song should have been a Lennon/Ono (Lennon’s wife, a Japanese) collaboration. Shortly before his death, Lennon said that much of the song’s “lyric and content” came from his wife Yoko Ono, and in 2017, she received a co-writing credit. He got the initial idea from Yoko’s book Grapefruit, which is a book of instructions, with things like “Imagine the sky crying...” or “Imagine you're a cloud.”3 Some people have wondered if Lennon included a message in the video for this song as well. In the video, Lennon is dressed as a cowboy and Yoko Ono is dressed as an Indian squaw.4 Lennon wrote this on a brown Steinway upright piano. In 2000, George Michael paid over $2 million for the piano that Lennon wrote this on, and then returned it to the Beatles museum in Liverpool. John’s piano has since been “on tour” to various world locations promoting peace.5 This was not released as a single in the UK until 1975, when it hit #6. Shortly after Lennon’s death in 1980, it was re-release d in the UK and hit #1. It was replaced at #1 by Lennon’s “Woman,” marking the first time an artist replaced himself on top of the UK charts since The Beatles followed “She Loves You” with “I Want To Hold Your Hand.”In 2002, “Imagine” was ranked the second best single of all time in a UK survey and used almost equally with national anthems performed at some of the biggest events across the globe. Whatis/are the reasons?A.Because it is simple and easy to sing.B.Because it is a song of peace.C.All of the other choices.D.Because it is a song of positivity and hope.正确答案:C你选对了28单选(2分)1 “Imagine” is a song co-written and performed by English musician John Lennon. The best-selling single of his solo career, its lyrics encourage the listener to imagine a world at peace without the barriers of borders or the divisions of religion and nationality and to consider the possibility that thewhole of humanity would live unattached to material possessions. Lennon hoped that the softer and beautiful melody would bring the song to a wider audience, who hopefully would listen to his message.2 Lennon later felt that this song should have been a Lennon/Ono (Lennon’s wife, a Japanese) collaboration. Shortly before his death, Lennon said that much of the song’s “lyric and content” came from his wife Yoko Ono, and in 2017, she received a co-writing credit. He got the initial idea from Yoko’s book Grapefruit, which is a book of instructions, with things like “Imagine the sky crying...” or “Imagine you're a cloud.”3 Some people have wondered if Lennon included a message in the video for this song as well. In the video, Lennon is dressed as a cowboy and Yoko Ono is dressed as an Indian squaw.4 Lennon wrote this on a brown Steinway upright piano. In 2000, George Michael paid over $2 million for the piano that Lennon wrote this on, and then returned it to the Beatles museum in Liverpool. John’s piano has since been “on tour” to various world locations promoting peace.5 This was not released as a single in the UK u ntil 1975, when it hit #6. Shortly after Lennon’s death in 1980, it was re-released in the UK and hit #1. It was replaced at #1 by Lennon’s “Woman,” marking the first time an artist replaced himself on top of the UK charts since The Beatles followed “SheL oves You” with “I Want To Hold Your Hand.”Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A.Beatles’ She Loves You and I Want To Hold Your Hand all hit #1 in UK too.B.Imagine hit #1 at its first release.C.John Lennon’s Imagine, Woman hit #1 in UK.D.In 1980, Imagine hit #1 in UK.正确答案:B你选对了29单选(2分)1 “Vincent” is a folk song by American singer-songwriter Don McLean written as a tribute to Vincent van Gogh. It is also known by its opening line, “Starry Starry Night”, a reference to V an Gogh's painting The Starry Night. The song also describes different paintings done by the artist. It was created on the 100th anniversary of the midpoint of Van Gogh’s life.2 Van Gogh painted “Starry Night” after committing himself to an asylum in 1889. He wrote that night was "more richly colored than the day," but he couldn't go outside to see the stars when he was committed, so he painted the night sky from memory.3 The lyrics, "Paint your palette blue and gray" reflect the prominent colors of the painting, and areprobably a reference to Vincent's habit of sucking on or biting his paintbrushes while he worked. The "ragged men in ragged clothes" and "how you tried to set them free" refer to Van Gogh's humanitarian activities and love of the socially outcast as also reflected in his paintings and drawings. "They would not listen/They did not know how" refers to Van Gogh's family and some associates who were critical of his kindness to "the wretched." "How you suffered for your sanity" refers to the schizophrenic disorder from which Van Gogh suffered.4 McLean wrote the lyrics in 1971 after reading a book about the life of the artist. McLean told The Daily Telegraph February 24, 2010 the story of this song: "In the autumn of 1970 I had a job singing in the school system, playing my guitar in classrooms. I was sitting on the veranda one morning, reading a biography of Van Gogh, and suddenly I knew I had to write a song arguing that he wasn't crazy. He had an illness and so did his brother Theo. This makes it different, in my mind, to the garden variety of 'crazy' – because he was rejected by a woman [as was commonly thought]. So I sat down with a print of Starry Night and wrote the lyrics out on a paper bag."5 McLean was going through a dark period when he wrote this song. He explained to The Daily Telegraph: "I was in a bad marriage that was torturing me. I was tortured. I wasn't as badly off as Vincent was, but I wasn't thrilled, let's put it that way."6 The following year, the song became the number one hit in the UK Singles Chart and No. 12 in the US. Coincidentally, it spent 12 weeks on the HOT 100. In the US, "Vincent" also peaked at number two on the Easy Listening chart. Billboard ranked it as the No. 94 song for 1972.7 Talking about the song on the UK show Songbook, McLean said: "It was inspired by a book. And it said that it was written by Vincent's brother, Theo. So what caused the idea to percolate in my head was, first of all, what a beautiful idea for a piece of music. Secondly, I could set the record straight, basically, he wasn't crazy.According to the passage, what inspired Don McLean to write "Vincent"?A.A painting by Vincent van Gogh.B.A book written by Vincent van Gogh.C.His bad marriage.D.A book written by Theo.正确答案:D你选对了30单选(2分)1 “Vincent” is a folk song by American singer-songwriter Don McLean written as a tribute to Vincent van Gogh. It is also known by its opening line, “Starry Starry Night”, a reference to Van Gogh's painting The Starry Night. The song also describes different paintings done by the artist. It was created on the 100th anniversary of the midpoint of Van Gogh’s life.2 Van Gogh painted “Starry Night” after committing himself to an asylum in 1889. He wrote that night was "more richly colored than the day," but he couldn't go outside to see the stars when he was committed, so he painted the night sky from memory.3 The lyrics, "Paint your palette blue and gray" reflect the prominent colors of the painting, and are probably a reference to Vincent's habit of sucking on or biting his paintbrushes while he worked. The "ragged men in ragged clothes" and "how you tried to set them free" refer to Van Gogh's humanitarian activities and love of the socially outcast as also reflected in his paintings and drawings. "They would not listen/They did not know how" refers to Van Gogh's family and some associates who were critical of his kindness to "the wretched." "How you suffered for your sanity" refers to the schizophrenic disorder from which Van Gogh suffered.4 McLean wrote the lyrics in 1971 after reading a book about the life of the artist. McLean told The Daily Telegraph February 24, 2010 the story of this song: "In the autumn of 1970 I had a job singing in the school system, playing my guitar in classrooms. I was sitting on the veranda one morning, reading a biography of Van Gogh, and suddenly I knew I had to write a song arguing that he wasn't crazy. He had an illness and so did his brother Theo. This makes it different, in my mind, to the garden variety of 'crazy' – because he was rejected by a woman [as was commonly thought]. So I sat down with a print of Starry Night and wrote the lyrics out on a paper bag."5 McLean was going through a dark period when he wrote this song. He explained to The Daily Telegraph: "I was in a bad marriage that was torturing me. I was tortured. I wasn't as badly off as Vincent was, but I wasn't thrilled, let's put it that way."6 The following year, the song became the number one hit in the UK Singles Chart and No. 12 in the US. Coincidentally, it spent 12 weeks on the HOT 100. In the US, "Vincent" also peaked at number two on the Easy Listening chart. Billboard ranked it as the No. 94 song for 1972.7 Talking about the song on the UK show Songbook, McLean said: "It was inspired by a book. And it said that it was written by Vincent's brother, Theo. So what caused the idea to percolate in my head was, first of all, what a beautiful idea for a piece of music. Secondly, I could set the record straight, basically, he wasn't crazy.Regarding the writing of (Starry, Starry Night) , according to this passage, which of the following is NOT right?A.The song Vincent was completed within a very short time and was written on a paper bag.B.In the following year of this song being released, it was more popular in US than it was in UK.C.This song, and Van Gogh's painting, reflect what it's like to be misunderstood.D.Van Gogh was not appreciated until after his death, and his struggles to be understood were something many musicians also felt, including a young Don McLean.正确答案:B你选对了31单选(2分)1 “Vincent” is a folk song by American singer-songwriter Don McLean written as a tribute to Vincent van Gogh. It is also known by its opening line, “Starry Starry Night”, a reference to Van Gogh's painting The Starry Night. The song also describes different paintings done by the artist. It was created on the 100th anniversary of the midpoint of Van Gogh’s life.2 Van Gogh painted “Starry Night” after committing himself to an asylum in 1889. He wrote that night was "more richly colored than the day," but he couldn't go outside to see the stars when he was committed, so he painted the night sky from memory.3 The lyrics, "Paint your palette blue and gray" reflect the prominent colors of the painting, and are probably a reference to Vincent's habit of sucking on or biting his paintbrushes while he worked. The "ragged men in ragged clothes" and "how you tried to set them free" refer to Van Gogh's humanitarian activities and love of the socially outcast as also reflected in his paintings and drawings. "They would not listen/They did not know how" refers to Van Gogh's family and some associates who were critical of his kindness to "the wretched." "How you suffered for your sanity" refers to the schizophrenic disorder from which Van Gogh suffered.4 McLean wrote the lyrics in 1971 after reading a book about the life of the artist. McLean told The Daily Telegraph February 24, 2010 the story of this song: "In the autumn of 1970 I had a job singing in the school system, playing my guitar in classrooms. I was sitting on the veranda one morning, reading a biography of Van Gogh, and suddenly I knew I had to write a song arguing that he wasn't crazy. He had an illness and so did his brother Theo. This makes it different, in my mind, to the garden variety of 'crazy' – because he was rejected by a woman [as was commonly thought]. So I sat down with a print of Starry Night and wrote the lyrics out on a paper bag."5 McLean was going through a dark period when he wrote this song. He explained to The Daily Telegraph: "I was in a bad marriage that was torturing me. I was tortured. I wasn't as badly off as Vincent was, but I wasn't thrilled, let's put it that way."6 The following year, the song became the number one hit in the UK Singles Chart and No. 12 in the US. Coincidentally, it spent 12 weeks on the HOT 100. In the US, "Vincent" also peaked at number two on the Easy Listening chart. Billboard ranked it as the No. 94 song for 1972.7 Talking about the song on the UK show Songbook, McLean said: "It was inspired by a book. And it said that it was written by Vincent's brother, Theo. So what caused the idea to percolate in my head was, first of all, what a beautiful idea for a piece of music. Secondly, I could set the record straight, basically, he wasn't crazy.In paragraph 7, what did Don McLean mean by saying “set the record straight”?A.He wanted to keep his hits on the top of the chart in UK.B.He wanted to keep his hits on the top of the chart in US.C.He wanted to correct a misapprehension by people to Van Gogh.D.He wanted to correct a misapprehension by his wife.正确答案:C你选对了32单选(2分)1 Watching movies or television shows as a way to “passively” learn a language sounds like a language learner’s dream. That is.2 Passive la nguage acquisition is one of those myths that preys on the lazy “couch beast” inside eachof us that tries to get something without putting forth any effort. Learning a language takes work. You just can’t become fluent by passively listening to a language.3 Movies and TV shows can help, but not if you plant yourself in front of a screen for eight hours a day. You’re no more likely to learn a language doing this than you are to become a pilot by watching aeroplanes. You just need the right approach and mindset. Here are some suggestions.Don’t just watch the movie. Study it. Viewing a movie for entertainment means you aren’t focused on learning the language. Treat the movie like you would a textbook, and study the material. Break things up into consumable, repeatable segments. A two hour movie is too much language to absorb at once. Break it up into segments of 10 minutes or less, and review them multiple times until you have really learned something of substance.4 Engage with the material. A movie is an open book on body language, accents, inflection, pronunciation and many other areas of language learning. Don’t just sit on your hands! Get involved in the story, act out parts, repeat lines and body movements and make the language come alive!5 As with movies and television shows, listening to music is often seen as a magic path to learning a language. The problem is that songs are written poetically so they aren't usually a good source for everyday grammar and vocabulary.6 Listening to songs does have its place in a language learning mission — as long as you have the right approach. Instead of repeating myself, I’ll just recommend that you do the same as you would for movies or television shows: study the music (don’t listen passively), repeat segments (to r eally understand the material) and engage with the song (don’t just listen — sing!).7 One additional fix is to recognise that song lyrics often take creative license with a language, so while they are helpful to your studies, keep in mind that it is the equivalent to studying poetry. According to this passage, why does the writer of this passage suggest that watching movies or television may be like a language learner’s dream?A.Because watching movies or television may not involve any effort.B.Because watching movies or television may take too much time.C.Because watching movies or television may have too much to enjoy.D.Because watching movies or television may not contribute to language learning.正确答案:D你选对了33单选(2分)1 Watching movies or television shows as a way to “passively” learn a language sounds like a language learner’s dream.2 Passive language acquisition is one of those myths that preys on the lazy “couch beast” inside each of us that tries to get something without putting forth any effort. Learning a language takes work. You just can’t become fluent by passively listening to a language.3 Movies and TV shows can help, but not if you plant yourself in front of a screen for eight hours a day. You’re no more likely to learn a language doing this than you are to become a pilot by watchingaeroplanes. You just need the right approach and mindset. Here are some suggestions.Don’t just watch the movie. Study it. Viewing a movie for entertainment means you aren’t focused on learning the language. Treat the movie like you would a textbook, and study the material. Break things up into consumable, repeatable segments. A two hour movie is too much language to absorb at once. Break it up into segments of 10 minutes or less, and review them multiple times until you have really learned something of substance.4 Engage with the material. A movie is an open book on body language, accents, inflection, pronunciation and many other areas of language learning. Don’t just sit on your hands! Get involved in the story, act out parts, repeat lines and body movements and make the language come alive!5 As with movies and television shows, listening to music is often seen as a magic path to learning a language. The problem is that songs are written poetically so they aren't usually a good source for everyday grammar and vocabulary.6 Listening to songs does have its place in a language learning mission — as long as you have the right approach. Instead of repeating myself, I’ll just recommend that you do the same as yo u would for movies or television shows: study the music (don’t listen passively), repeat segments (to really understand the material) and engage with the song (don’t just listen — sing!).7 One additional fix is to recognise that song lyrics often take creative license with a language, so while they are helpful to your studies, keep in mind that it is the equivalent to studying poetry.According to this passage, to maximize language learning potential, how to use a movie to learn language?A.Study the movie, break it into pieces, and review several times.B.Watch the movie and study it.C.Focus on the language, break it into segments, and review multiple times.D.Study the movie, break it into pieces, review and engage.正确答案:D你选对了34单选(2分)1 Watching mo vies or television shows as a way to “passively” learn a language sounds like a language learner’s dream. That is.2 Passive language acquisition is one of those myths that preys on the lazy “couch beast” inside each of us that tries to get something without putting forth any effort. Learning a language takes work. You just can’t become fluent by passively listening to a language.3 Movies and TV shows can help, but not if you plant yourself in front of a screen for eight hours a day. You’re no more likely to learn a language doing this than you are to become a pilot by watching aeroplanes. You just need the right approach and mindset. Here are some suggestions.Don’t just watch the movie. Study it. Viewing a movie for entertainment means you aren’t focused on learning the language. Treat the movie like you would a textbook, and study the material. Break things up into consumable, repeatable segments. A two hour movie is too much language to absorbat once. Break it up into segments of 10 minutes or less, and review them multiple times until you have really learned something of substance.4 Engage with the material. A movie is an open book on body language, accents, inflection, pronunciation and many other areas of language learning. Don’t just sit on your han ds! Get involved in the story, act out parts, repeat lines and body movements and make the language come alive!5 As with movies and television shows, listening to music is often seen as a magic path to learning a language. The problem is that songs are written poetically so they aren't usually a good source for everyday grammar and vocabulary.6 Listening to songs does have its place in a language learning mission — as long as you have the right approach. Instead of repeating myself, I’ll just recommend th at you do the same as you would for movies or television shows: study the music (don’t listen passively), repeat segments (to really understand the material) and engage with the song (don’t just listen — sing!).7 One additional fix is to recognise that song lyrics often take creative license with a language, so while they are helpful to your studies, keep in mind that it is the equivalent to studying poetry. According to this passage, what is the writer’s purpose of writing this passage?A.To share techniques on how to effectively use movies to boost language learning.B.To show how to adjust some popular language learning approaches to level up language skills.C.To demonstrate how to learn language through songs and movies.D.To introduce some of the most popular language learning strategies.正确答案:B你选对了35单选(2分)1 On average, Americans spend just over 32 hours a week listening to music in 2017, up 5.5 hours over last year. How is this possible? Technology. At home, at work and traveling in between, people are consuming more music than ever before, from more devices.2 New technology and the latest gadgets allow listeners to seamlessly engage with music anywhere, anytime. Smartphones, laptops and tablets are among top devices for music engagement at home, and radio still dominates in-car listening, but new technology is becoming more and more relevant.3 Music listeners use an average of 3.4 devices in a typical week to engage with music (teens and Millennials average 3.8). Those who currently pay for streaming services use an average of 4.8, while weekly AM/FM radio streamers use an average of 5.5.4 While smartphones, laptops and television are still the most popular ways we listen to music, newer tech is becoming more mainstream, further personalizing at-home and in-car music experiences. Consumers are now incorporating voice-controlled devices and high-end specialized headphones into their weekly listening habits.5 U.S. music listeners value both quantity and quality, with 30% saying they’re willing to pay more for top-quality music technology. That number climbs to 40% among Millennials.According to this passage, how many hours a week did Americans spend on listening to music in。



N e c k l a c e道具:音乐(德彪西《月光曲》)约翰施特劳斯《蓝色的多瑙河》。

男士西服一套礼服至少2套桌子椅子两张(单人椅)沙发公园长椅门纸做的窗户玫瑰花请柬玫瑰花珍珠项链手链及一些首饰梳妆盒扫帚抹布水桶“十年后”的牌子人物:旁白 Mathilde, Pierrir, Forestier和她仆人,Minister,comerade,舞会4对音乐(德彪西《月光曲》)旁白,玛蒂尔德上场,站在窗边凝视窗外,沉思,而后慢慢走向舞台中央,坐下,梦想,神情随旁白内容而变化。

[旁白]:she was one of those pretty and charming young creatures who sometimes are born, as if by a slip of fate, into a family of clerks. She had no dowry['da?(?)r?], no expectations, no way of being known, understood, loved, married by any rich anddistinguished [d?'st??gw??t] man; so she let herself be married to a little clerkof the Ministry['m?n?str?] of Public Instruction.She dressed plainly['pleinli] because she could not dress well, but she was unhappy as if she had really fallen from a higher stationMathilde suffered ceaselessly, feeling herself born to enjoy alldelicacies['del?k?s?z] and all luxuries['l?k?(?)r?z].第一幕 [接到请柬]旁白:One day, Pierrir recieved an education bureau[?bj??r??] party invitation ,and so happy to go home to prepare to show it to Mathilde皮埃尔上场,音乐中断。



你的兴趣英语作文My Interests。

I'm totally into cooking. It's like my therapy session after a long day. Chopping veggies, sizzling pans, and the aroma of spices dancing in the air—it's pure bliss. Plus, experimenting with new recipes is my jam. Who knows, maybe I'll stumble upon the next big culinary masterpiece!Music is my soulmate. Whether it's the raw emotion of blues or the upbeat rhythm of pop, I'm hooked. Sometimes, I lose myself in the lyrics, feeling every word like it's my own story. And don't even get me started on live concerts. The energy pulsating through the crowd is electric, and I'm just there, soaking it all in.Nature is my sanctuary. There's something magical about hiking through lush forests or lounging by the beach, feeling the sun kissing my skin. It's where I go to recharge, to reconnect with the earth and myself. And let'snot forget about stargazing. Those twinkling lights in the night sky? They speak to something deep within me,reminding me of how vast and wondrous the universe truly is.Books are my escape hatch. Give me a cozy nook and a captivating novel, and I'm in paradise. From fantasy realms filled with mythical creatures to gripping mysteries that keep me guessing until the very end, each book is a journey waiting to be embarked upon. And the best part? I get tolive a thousand lives without ever leaving my armchair.Sports fuel my competitive spirit. Whether it'sshooting hoops with friends or hitting the trails for a morning run, I thrive on the adrenaline rush. There's just something exhilarating about pushing my limits, striving to be better than I was yesterday. And when I finally reachthat finish line or score that winning goal, the sense of achievement is unparalleled.Art is my muse. From vibrant paintings that ignite my imagination to thought-provoking sculptures that challenge my perspective, I'm constantly in awe of the creativegenius around me. And who says art has to be confined to galleries? I find beauty in the graffiti-strewn streets and the colorful murals adorning city walls. It's all about finding inspiration in the unexpected.Movies are my guilty pleasure. Whether it's a heartwarming rom-com or a spine-tingling thriller, I'm always down for a cinematic adventure. And let's not forget about movie marathons with friends, complete with popcorn and endless debates about plot twists. It's the perfect way to unwind and escape reality, if only for a couple of hours.Technology is my playground. From coding apps tobuilding websites, I love diving into the digital world and exploring its endless possibilities. And with every new gadget that hits the market, I'm like a kid in a candy store, eager to get my hands on the latest tech and seewhat it can do. Who knows, maybe one day I'll invent something revolutionary!Fashion is my form of self-expression. Whether it's rocking a vintage find or experimenting with bold colorsand patterns, I love playing dress-up and seeing where my creativity takes me. And let's not forget about accessorizing. A statement necklace here, a funky pair of socks there—every outfit tells a story, and I'm here to make mine unforgettable.Travel is my addiction. There's nothing quite like exploring new cultures, trying exotic foods, and making memories in far-off lands. From bustling cities to tranquil countryside, each destination has its own charm and allure. And with every passport stamp, I'm reminded of just how vast and diverse our world truly is.。


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The Grand Budapest Hotel
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时间 9:00 10:30
6月12日(周日) 编号
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时间 8:30
6月14日(周二) 编号
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第四册Unit1Lead inTask 1Enraged, fuming ,furious , irritated, livid, outraged, blow up, flare up, fly into a fury/rage,hit the roof 、Horrified, scared,terrified, scared to death, paralyzed with fear, feel a shiver run down one’sspine、Beaming, cheerful,joyful, thrilled, as happy as a king, in seventh heaven, on top of theworld, over the moon、Blue,brokenhearted, cheerless, depressed, heartbroken, down in the dumps, in lowspirits, get (a case of) the blues, out of sorts、Task 2C BD A DListening InTask 1A C D C BTask 2(1) families (2) chemicals (3) information (4) certain symptoms (5) selfesteem (6) thinking patterns (7) mood (8) divorce (9) physical abuse (10) financial difficulties (11) stress (12)anxietyTask 3B D A A CLet’s Talk(1) shy (2) crying (3) scared (4) came down (5) fun (6) nice (7) two sisters (8) argue (9) touch (10) bad time (11) speak (12) fortable (13) brother (14) adults (15) children (16) secondary (17) growing up (18) learnFurther Listening and SpeakingTask 1:owner ; running ; drop ; run; local ;yelling ; lives ; As he was picking himself up, he saw a large man, almost seven feet tall ; The bartender nervously handed the big man a beer,hands shaking ; I got to get out of town! Didn't you hear Big John is ingTask 2A B C C DTask 3T F F T FViewing and speakingTask 1(1) Seven / 7 (2) 150 (3) favourite (4) bridge (5) 111 (6) fast (7) Simple (8) trusted (9) stupid (10) did (11) No way (12) ultimate (13) limits (14) skywards (15) £60 (16)cheapUnit1 TestPart IC D B C DPart II(1) over (2) panionship (3) lover (4) definition (5) scarce (6) diary (7) sight (8) After he learned he had defeated the enemy fleet,he spoke his last words with a smile:Thank God,I've done my duty、(9) In a workforce made up entirely of happy people,the petitive edge would soon be lost、(10) It may take centuries before philosophers and scientists can arrive at a clear definition ofHappinessPart IIIB A DC CPart IVA D C ABC BD A AUnit 2Lead inTask 1f d a e h i b c jBasic listening practiceBACDBListening inCAADBTask 2(1) the end (2) discounts (3) Tshirts (4) bigname brands (5) Interchangeable pieces (6) black trousers (7) several times (8) simplest (9) stylish and fashionableTask 3ABACDlet’s talkTask 1wealthy ;clothing styles ;figure ;slimmer; construction ;light ;larger ;Formal; brightly colored ;the rich and the poor ;one class; occasions ;Poorer peopleFurther listeningTask 1CAABATask 2BABABTask 3She chose two colors, then built her wardrobe around them、She has a pair of black dress slacks, with black shoes to match、If she wears that with her turquoise silk blouse and a matching necklace and earrings, she will look dressed up、If she wears a Tshirt with the black dress slacks, she is more casual、If she brings a pashmina, or another dress scarf, she can dress up the Tshirt into casual chic、Her suitcase will be nearly empty, with lots of room for shopping、Viewing and speakingTask 1(1) bining clothing with new technology (2) brandnew style (3) new industrial design solutions (4) electronics and fashion (5) into your collar (6) went into partnership with (7) bring them together (8) the modernday worker (9) 600 pounds 10) to what we might expectUnit testPart ICBCBDcontest ;queens; outgoing ; cheers ; title ; tours ; performed ;A beautiful womanhas very great powers to convince,and we have done a great job、Women's liberation organizations in the United States regularly demonstrate、All the same,some Australians were hoping the twohour show would draw world attention to the be、Part IIIADCBBPart IVCDADD BCBDBUnit 3Lead inTask 1drought; earthquake; flood ;forest fire ; landslide ;snowstorm ;tsunami ; typhoon ;volcanic eruptionBasic listeningDACBCListening inBCADCTask 2BBABATask 3drought ; tsunami ; undersea ; result in ; dry spell; flood ; water supplies ; famine ;agriculture ;heavy rainfall ; melting ;swell ; manmade damsLet’s talkTask 1Erupted ;burying ;few ;overseas; rescue; injured; damaged; islanders; seven ;biggest ;close; aftershocks ;trap;20 million pounds; diseaseFurther listeningTask 1BADACTask 21、Since the pany was posed entirely of men over 65, there was doubt that they would be of any assistance、But the farmer called the pany anyway because the fire proved to be more than the small town fire department could handle, and there was no other help available、2、The truck drove straight toward the fire and, instead of stopping in front of the fire, drove right into the middle of the flames、3、After an hour of intense fighting, they had extinguished the fire、4、After an hour of intense fighting, they had extinguished the fire、5、The captain said, "The first thing we're going to do is to get the brakes fixed on that stupid fire truck、" That suggests that they drove right into the middle of the flames because of useless brakes rather than bravery、Task 3ABCDCViewing and speakingTask 1rescued ;worst flooding ;surprise; flooded ;my son's ;crews ;burst ;hit ;save ;high tide ;furniture ;normal; puter system ;drugs ;heavyUnit TestA C C D DPart IIat , section, connects, bottom, shining, As, cross,Ten minutes later,as we were looking out the window,we saw everyone was running away from something、A huge flood was streaming down the mountain、Wwere standing on a high place,so we could see everything、It was reported that the flood destroyed a big area and approximately 300 people were killed or disappeared that day、Part IIIA B B D CPart IVB D AC CD A B D A Unit 4 Lead inc d a e h f i g b Basic listening CBABDListening inTask lCBDAATask 2Relationships ;marketing manager; in conflict with ;expenses ;ended in vain ;training administrator ;visited ;establish ;closer relationships; longterm ;picked upTask 3CDDCALet's talkTask 116 ;features; brief ;eight ;paper ;guidelines ;interviews ;treatment ;e back; Deadlines ;meet; guidance ;scaryFurther listeningTask 1DBCACTask 2BABABTask 31、They gathered for lunch to wele the new Chief Executive Officer, Carl Martin, and say goodbye to the departing CEO, Dick Jackson、2、The departing CEO left three numbered envelopes for the new CEO、3、The message read, "Blame your predecessor、" So, the new CEO held a press conference and tactfully laid the blame at the feet of the previous CEO、4、The message read, "Reorganize、" The new CEO did it, and the pany quickly rebounded、5、The message said, "Prepare three envelopes、" It implied that it was time for Carl to leave and give three similar envelopes to the next CEO、Viewing and speakingTask 1earning ;live on ;frustrating ;head ;chasing; television ;editor; launching ;basis ;privilegedUnit TestD D A D DPart IIexpensive ,declined ,averaged ,pared ,agency ,floor ,acmodation、But the biggest climber of all was Dublin,with the Irish capital jump nine places to the tenth among the world’s most expensive office location、Globally,most office locations continued to register declines in occupancy costs last year,reflects the weak and uncertain global economy environment、In Euro terms,London is some 17 perce cheaper than last year,but in dol terms it is virtually unchanged、Part IIID C A D BPart IVA B D C A D D C C DUnit 5Lead inBABCBasic listening practiceBCACDListening inTask 1BACCDTask 2BABABTask 3DCBCALet's talkTask 1(1)supermarkets (2) a factory (3) capacity (4) kitchen (5) mercial (6) six / 6 (7) against (8) my own (9) appeal (10) larger (11) highrisk (12)gamble (13) oneman (14) supportFurther listening and speakingABCDATask 2TTFFFTask 31、She had experience as a career counselor who had counseled hundreds of people about career changes、But when her husband lost his job, they were both caught unprepared、2、They were unprepared to tell their children, unprepared for the mix of emotions, and most dramatically, unprepared for the sudden loss of routine in their lives、3、She saw her husband sitting in their home office patting his forehead and muttering to himself, "Now what am I supposed to do?"4、In the bookstore they found lots of books about job search, but not a single book on the daytoday challenges people face when they get laidoff、5、They had gathered enough interesting material for a book on career transitions—the book they needed but couldn't find last July、Viewing and speakingTask 1(1) turn things around (2) uggestions (3) expectations (4) how many(5) three million (6) target (7) salespeople (8) market (9)brand (10) problems (11) challenges (12) money (13) hard task (14) salesmen (15) investment (16) experienced (17) negotiationUnit testPart ICDCBDPart II(1)positive (2)reasons (3)try (4)figure (5)maintain (6)curve (7)path(8)It’s clear that job hopping benefits theemployee , not the employer、(9)the trick with job hopping is to make sureyour resume always shows that you make a huge contribution wherever you go 、(10)You can show that you are loyal to apany by exceeding their expectations with your outstanding performance、Part IIICBDACPart IVABDCD CDBBAUnit 6Lead inStonehenge, crop circle, UFO, Great Pyramid, statueson Easter island, Maya civilizationBasic listeningCCADBListening inTask 1CBADCTask 2(1) terrible (2) misfortune (3) reflection (4) damaged (5) heaven (6) pick (7) washed(8) Some people claim that the number is bad luck because 13 people sat down for the Last Supper before Jesus was crucified(9) Friday the 13th of any month is considered especially bad or unlucky, and Friday the 13th of March is the worst of them all(10) they mean that every seven years a person undergoes a plete change in personalityTask 3falling stock markets ;even more superstitious ;much less; constructive action; less lucky; worked; more satisfied; exams; trust ;revisionLet's talkTask 1mystery; inside out ;largest ;three million ;outside ;inner ;his theory ;used up; the base ;137meter ;purpose ;tall, narrow ;100,000 or so; radarFurther listening and speakingTask 1ABDDBTask 2AABBATask 31、The magician did the same tricks over and over again、2、The captain's parrot watched every show and began to understand what the magician did in each trick、Once he understood that, he started shouting in the middle of the show、3、Each time the parrot revealed one of his secrets, the audience roared with laughter、The4、performance he intended to be dark and mysterious turned into a edy、4、The ship collided with an enormous iceberg and sank、The magician found himself on a piece of wood, in the middle of the ocean, and the parrot was by his side、5、He said, "OK, I give up、But I hope you'll tell me what trick you are going to do with the boat、"Viewing and speakingTask 1feet ;shapes ;theory ;manmade ;look after; experts ;a million ;outer space ;extraterrestrial ;conceivable ;circle maker ;image ;explain ;genuine; lifting out of ;rubbish; mystery ;mysterious; farmers ;catch ;appear ;landscapeUnit testPart IDACCCPart II(1)discover(2)eager (3)died(4)convincing(5)writing(6)Indians(7)taught(8)The Easter Islanders lived on sweet potatoesthey farmed 、These sweet potatoes came from the Americas、(9)Remember that the distances involved weregreat ,further than the distance from Europe to the closet place in theAmericas、(10) a few American Indians could have reached Easter Island, because of a storm, and brought the seeds of sweet potatoes with themPart IIIBDACDPart IVADDDC ABCCCUnit 7Basic listeningAADBCListening inTask 1DCAABTask 2DCAABTask 3Rest; Sunday; industrial revolution; God ;sixday work week ;late 19th and early 20th ;relaxation ;great boon ;consumer spending ;Second World War ;two days ;do not work ;religious activitiesLet's talkTask 1heldback ;transport ;highest ;subsistence ;lower ;2,000kilometer ;minerals ;potential ;developme nt ;number one ;tourism ;only two ;landscapes ;fascinating ;muting ;tourist ;ruined ;history ;traditional; mistakesFurther listening and speakingTask 1AABBBTask 2CABBDTask 3ABCDCViewing and speakingTask 1book ;search engines ;real customers ;judge ;250 pounds ;two days / 2 days ;partying ;click ;targetingUnit 7 testPart ICABDDPart II(1)when(2)petitiveness(3)unmanned(4)regularly(5)extra(6)households(7)Previously(8)To serve these new shoppers it is alsonecessary for more stores to remain open and thus more people to work onweekends、(9)Weekends are days when people can safelysleep in and about the ill effects of a hangover、(10)One area in which the weekend has remainedunaffected is education, where school is are shut on Saturdays and Sundays、CABDDPart IVCACDB AACBBUnit 8Lead inTask 1cafdgheTask 2GM crops,stem cell,genetic map,cloningBasic listening practiceBACACListening inTask 1BAADDTask 2Research ;genes ;journal; warn ;productivity ;grow ;survivalPlant breeders have already used preliminary information from the rice genome to create experimental strains of rice that better resist cold and pests;The new map could better explain more than just rice、Rice shares a mon ancestor with other cereal crops ;While significant progress has been made in the analysis of the rice genome, the mapping of the human genes is also making headway;Task 3CBDADLet’s talkTask 1Kitchens, opposed, pletely, law , no way, GMingredients, choice, Tougher, any content , the public, fear, safer, naturally,cheap, decideFurther listening and speaking(1) biotechnology (2) rejected (3) special labels (4) 73 percent to 27 percent / 73% to 27% (5)a new type of tomato (6) against (7) save lives (8) improve the human condition (9) medicines(10) conventional foodsTask 2AABBATask 3DBACCViewing and speakingTask 1trees, native genes, onion, taste, poisonous, testedUnit testPart ICBDBDPart II(1)yield(2)identify(3)central(4)abnormal(5)how(6)to(7)signals(8)The most important potential application ofhuman stem cells is perhaps the generation of cells and tissues、(9)Stem cells, directed to differentiate intospecific cell types, will offer a source of replacement cells and tissues、(10)It may bee possible to generate healthyheart muscle cells in the laboratory and then transplant those cells intopatients with chronic heart disease、Part IIIBDCACPart IVBDCAC ABBADUnit 9Basic listening practiceACDBAListening inTask 1CDCABACDCBTask 2Downtown; loan ;security; agreed; against ;underground ;settle;That will be $5,000 in principal, and $20、30 in interest 、We're very happy to have had your business, and this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we are a little puzzled、Where else in Manhattan can I park my car for two weeks for only $20、30 and expect it to be there when I return ?Task 3DBCADLet’s talk1、the costs of natural resources and theenvironment2、High energy consumption and uncontrolleddischarge of wastes3、Both the economy and environmental costs4、Traditional GDP minus the costs ofresources and environmental damage5、Effectively restrict enterprise’s impulseto expand6、The benefits”green GDP”brings willoutweigh the demands imposed on enterprises7、To introduce the green GDP index system8、Balanced, sustainable development9、The prosperity of future generationsFurther listening and speakingTask 1CDDABTask 2FTFTTTask 3(1)in display(2)90 percent(3)largest(4)city and country(5)folded(6)sidedoors(7)outdoors(8)shower(9)top(10)ride(11)cells(12)innovativeUnit testPart IACDCDPart II(1)measure(2)modest(3)showed(4)weakest(5)reluctant(6)economic(7)Analysis(8)Inflation rose at a relatively speedy 3、3percent rate in the second quarter , the same as at the start of(9)Other data on Friday showed consumer spirits havebrightened a bit this month while business activity has picked up in theMidwest、(10)When you bine the first quarter and the secondquarter, we’re growing at 3、75 percent , which is a very strong, sustainablegrowth rate、Part IIIBCDACPart IVADDAA DCBBAUnit 10Basic listeningDCABCListening inTask 1future needs ;shares ;risk ;banks ;30 ;a half ;rate ;capital loss ;interchangeably ;savingsTask 2DBCCATask 3ABBAALet's talkTask 11) they must sort out their cash flow problem by selling a part of the business to investors、2) it's a realistic amount to take this manufacturing business forward、3) they must update their initial business plan4) it's time to put on the suit and try to sell part of Cyclepods to an investor、5) so I'll have to、、、maybe get the heavies in or something、6) The most important thing James needs to do over the next two months is to raise cash7) Cyclepods can't do anything without an updated business plan、8) it's back to basics for a fun evening of number crunching and spread sheets,9) it's time for a professional andconsidered rehearsal to get his sales pitch just right、10) Presentation skills are going to be crucialFurther listening and speakingTask 1Task 2CBDACTask 31、He has been following the roller coaster ride of his stock portfolio and it's driving him mad、2、Stocks are pretty hard to predict、So she has put her money into hedge funds、3、A hedge is a way of reducing risk、A hedge fund is a pany that creates a stock portfolio that tries to balance the market activity、4、Analysts examine stocks to assess which ones are likely to go up, and which will likely go down、5、He says that if he leaves his money with a fund manager, perhaps the manager can trade his stocks in a more profitable way、Viewing and speakingTask 1cash ;easy ;results ;pay ;bills; head; 26 percent / 26% ;close the deal; figures ;idea ;plan ;fine ;business guide ;;voting rights ;say ;strong point ;investment ;150,000 / 150000 ;26 percent / 26%1、He has been following the roller coaster ride of his stock portfolio and it's driving him mad、2、Stocks are pretty hard to predict、So she has put her money into hedge funds、3、A hedge is a way of reducing risk、A hedge fund is a pany that creates a stock portfolio that tries to balance the market activity、4、Analysts examine stocks to assess which ones are likely to go up, and which will likely go down、5、He says that if he leaves his money with a fund manager, perhaps the manager can trade his stocks in a more profitable way、Unit testPart IBDCDBPart II(1) individual(2)owned(3)managed(4)invest(5)ownership(6)shareholders(7)investors(8)shareholders are often able to own agreater and more diverse number of stocks than if they invested directly in thestock market、(9)The investment management panysponsoring the fund issues new shares to investors and buys back shares frominvestors wishing to leave the fund(10)The sponsor dose not buy back or issueshares after a closed end fund is launched , so theinvestor must trade themthrough a broker、Part IIICDCAAPart IVBCADB CDADB。



给妈妈买衣服跟售货员对话英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Buying Clothes for Mom: A Dialogue with the SalespersonSalesperson: Good afternoon, ma'am! How can I help you today?Me: Hi there! I'm looking for some clothes for my mom. Do you have any suggestions?Salesperson: Of course! Is there a specific style or color your mom likes?Me: She prefers classic and elegant styles, and she looks great in pastel colors.Salesperson: Noted. Let me show you some options. How about this floral blouse? It's in a soft pink color and has a lovely lace detail.Me: That looks perfect! I think she'll love it. Do you have it in her size?Salesperson: Yes, we do. What size does your mom usually wear?Me: She's a size medium. Can I also see some pants to go with the blouse?Salesperson: Of course! How about these white trousers? They are high-waisted and would pair nicely with the blouse.Me: Great choice! I think she'll appreciate the versatility of these pants. Do you have them in a size 8?Salesperson: Yes, we do. Would you like me to wrap them up as a gift for your mom?Me: Yes, please. And do you have any accessories that would complement this outfit?Salesperson: We have a beautiful pearl necklace that would look stunning with this ensemble. Would you like to add it to your purchase?Me: That sounds lovely! Please include the necklace as well. Thank you so much for your help.Salesperson: You're welcome! I'm sure your mom will be thrilled with her new outfit. Have a great day!Me: You too! Thank you for your excellent service. Goodbye!As I left the store, I felt confident that I had chosen the perfect outfit for my mom. With the help of the salesperson, Iwas able to find a stylish and elegant ensemble that I knew she would love. I couldn't wait to see her reaction when she unwrapped her gift. Shopping for clothes for loved ones can be a joyful experience, especially when you have knowledgeable and helpful salespeople to assist you.篇2Title: Buying Clothes for Mom - Conversation with the SalespersonOne day, I decided to buy a new outfit for my mom as a surprise. I walked into a clothing store with a big smile on my face, ready to pick out the perfect gift for her. As I browsed through the racks of clothes, a friendly salesperson approached me.Salesperson: "Hello, can I help you find something specific today?"Me: "Yes, I'm looking for a new outfit for my mom. It's her birthday soon, and I want to surprise her with something special."Salesperson: "That's so sweet of you! Is there a particular style or color that your mom likes?"Me: "She loves wearing pastel colors, especially blues and pinks. And she prefers clothes that are comfortable and easy to move in."Salesperson: "Great, I have a few options in mind that I think your mom would love. Let me show you some pieces."The salesperson led me to a section of the store filled with flowy tops and soft trousers in various shades of blue and pink. I looked through the clothes and found a beautiful pastel blue blouse that I knew my mom would adore.Me: "This blouse is perfect! Do you have it in her size?"Salesperson: "Let me check for you. What size does your mom usually wear?"Me: "She's a size medium."The salesperson quickly went to the back of the store to search for the blouse in my mom's size. A few minutes later, she returned with the blouse in hand.Salesperson: "Here you go, this is the blouse in a size medium. I hope your mom likes it."Me: "Thank you so much! This is exactly what I was looking for. Do you have any recommendations for matching bottoms or accessories?"Salesperson: "I would suggest pairing this blouse with a pair of white trousers or light blue jeans. As for accessories, a delicate necklace or a pair of dainty earrings would complement the outfit nicely."I took the salesperson's advice and picked out a pair of white trousers and a simple silver necklace to go with the blouse. I couldn't wait to see my mom's reaction when she opened her birthday gift.Me: "Thank you for all your help! I really appreciate it."Salesperson: "You're welcome! It was my pleasure assisting you. I'm sure your mom will love the outfit you chose for her."With a smile on my face, I paid for the clothes and left the store feeling excited to surprise my mom with her new birthday outfit. I was grateful for the helpful and friendly salesperson who made the shopping experience enjoyable and successful.篇3Buying clothes for my mom is always a special experience for me. I always want to pick out the perfect outfit that suits her style and makes her feel beautiful. Recently, I went shopping for a new outfit for my mom and had an interesting conversation with the sales clerk that I would like to share.Sales Clerk: Hello, how can I help you today?Me: Hi, I'm looking for a nice outfit for my mom. She likes classic styles and usually wears black or navy blue.Sales Clerk: Great! We have a lot of options that I think she will love. What size does she wear?Me: She usually wears a size medium. Do you have any suggestions?Sales Clerk: How about this navy blue blouse with a ruffle neckline? It's very elegant and would look great on her.Me: That looks perfect! Do you have it in a size medium?Sales Clerk: Yes, we do. Let me go grab it for you.After trying on the blouse, I decided to pair it with a pair of black dress pants and some silver jewelry. The outfit looked amazing and I knew my mom would love it.Me: Thank you so much for your help. I think my mom will be thrilled with this outfit.Sales Clerk: You're welcome! I'm sure she will look beautiful in it. Is there anything else you need?Me: No, I think that's everything. Thanks again for your help.As I left the store with the perfect outfit in hand, I couldn't wait to surprise my mom with it. I knew she would love it as much as I did, and that made the shopping experience even more special. Giving back to my mom is always a great feeling, and I was grateful to the helpful sales clerk who made the process so enjoyable. Happy shopping for your loved ones!。



专科英语复习资料一. 单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。


I have ___B____ question to ask you。


\ B.a C. the2。

I didn’t think maths __ A____ difficult for Tom.A。

is B. are C. was D。

were3. _B___do you go to see your Granny?Four times a month.A。

How long B。

How often C. How soon D. How many4. I think foreign languages are ___C _____ than science.A. interesting B。

the interestingC. more interestingD. most interesting5。

Her parents are __A_____ professors.A。

both B。

all C. any D. some6. I didn’t know __A __to do with it。


What B。

Which C. Why D. When7。

___A___ expensive the sweater is !A。

How B. What C。

How a D。

What a8. —-——__B_ have been in this city?-——- For about two weeksA. How often B。

How long C。

How soon D. What time9. —Is John coming by train?—He should, but he ____d___ not。

He likes driving his car.A. mustB. canC. needD. may10. --——Whose advice do you think I should take?--——-。



THE NECKLACE项链Mathilde Loisel was one of those poor girls, pretty,charming and romantic,who,in spite of their romantic dreams,are married to a mediocrity.Her husband was a clerk in the Ministry of Education.世上有些贫穷人家的姑娘,身段漂亮,相貌迷人,而且充满罗曼蒂克的想法。



One evening her husband came home with an air of triumph.一天晚上,她丈夫神采飞扬地回到家里。

“I have something nice for you,”he said,giving her a large envelope.“我有样好东西送给你,”他说道,递给她一个大信封。

She tore open the envelope,which contained the following printed card:她拆开信封,里面装着一张请柬,上面印着:“The Minister of Education and Madame Georges Ramponneau have the honour to request the company of Monsieur and Madame Loisel at the office of the Ministry on Monday evening,January 18th.”“教育部长乔治·朗蓬诺夫人敬请卢瓦泽尔先生及夫人光临1月18日星期一晚上在本部大楼举行的晚会。

”She did not seem delighted.On the contrary,she flung the invitation card on the table,and said spitefully:她似乎一点也不高兴,反而把请柬扔在桌上,没好气地说:“What's that to me?”“那跟我有啥关系?”“Why,my dear,I thought you'd be pleased.You like a dance,don't you?You hardly ever go out,and this is really a good chance for you.I had no end of trouble to get it.Every one wants it,you know.All the officials will be there,but only a few clerks are invited.”“嗨,亲爱的,我原以为你会高兴的。



英语译林必修二第二单元作文范文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Summer VacationThis summer was the best summer ever! I had so much fun and did a bunch of cool things. First I want to tell you about the camping trip my family went on. We drove way out into the woods to this campground with a lake and everything.Setting up the tent was kind of hard. My dad had to read the directions like a million times. He got really frustrated but my mom thought it was funny. Once we finally got it up, it felt like a little house made of fabric. It was kind of cramped inside but that's part of the fun of camping I think.We had a camping stove to cook meals on. My dad tried to make scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast but he burned the eggs a little bit. They tasted a little bit like fire but I smothered them in ketchup so it was ok. For lunch we had sandwiches and chips. Dinner was hot dogs and canned beans heated up on the stove. Not as good as my mom's cooking at home but it felt special eating outdoors.The best part was sitting around the campfire at night. My dad built a huge fire and we roasted marshmallows for s'mores. I got marshmallow goo all over my face and hands but I didn't care. We told ghost stories and my dad's were so scary I could barely sleep that night even zipped up safely in my sleeping bag.The next day we went hiking on some trails by the lake. I saw a bunch of cool bugs and plants I had never noticed before in the city. My mom is like a nature expert so she told me the names of all the trees and bushes. We saw a family of deer too which was awesome! We brought a picnic lunch and ate it by the lake's edge. The water looked so clear and refreshing. I couldn't resist and went swimming even though it was still pretty cold.Later we went fishing at another spot on the lake. I didn't catch anything but my dad reeled in 3 little fish! He threw them back but I was still impressed. We saw a couple jumping out of the water while we were sitting there. I wonder if they were trying to catch flies or something?On the last night we had a big bonfire on the beach and my dad's friend from work came with his family to join us. All the kids including me played endless games of hide and seek and tag until we were exhausted. Just before bed we all mades'mores again and I think I had like 5 of them because they're so good!The drive home felt really long but I didn't mind. I slept most of the way. As soon as we got back I ran straight to my room to play with my toys and see my pet lizard Bongo again. It was awesome being back home but I already couldn't wait for our next camping trip!A couple weeks later, my family went to Florida to visit my grandparents and go to Disney World. I was so excited because I had never been on a plane before or to Disney! The flight seemed to take forever and my little sister cried a lot because her ears hurt. I watched movies and played video games on the little screen on the back of the seat in front of me so the time went by quicker.My grandparents gave me and my sister the biggest hugs when we got to their house. They live in a sunny community for retired people. It kind of felt like a vacation resort with pools, golf courses, and restaurants everywhere. My grandpa took us to the putting green to practice our golf skills. I'm not very good at golf but it was fun trying. We also went to the beach a couple of times.I love the ocean! Building sandcastles and playing in the waves never gets old.But the main event was Disney World! My parents got us passes for a week so we went to a different park every day. I don't even know where to start with how amazing it was. The Magic Kingdom had the iconic castle and classic rides like Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, and the Haunted Mansion. I don't know why ghost stuff seems less scary at Disney.At Epcot we got to see rides and food and culture from so many different countries. I tried foods I had never heard of before篇2My Big FamilyHi there! My name is Lily and I'm 9 years old. I live with my parents, grandparents, aunt, uncle and two cousins in a big house. We're one big, happy family! Let me tell you all about us.First, there's my mom and dad. My mom's name is Emily and she's a nurse at the hospital. She works really hard taking care of sick people. My dad is called Robert and he's a teacher at my school! He teaches math which is one of my favorite subjects. I love it when he helps me with my homework.Then we have my grandparents who live with us too. Grandma Rose loves cooking and baking. Her chocolate chip cookies are the best! She always makes them for my birthday. Grandpa Jack used to work at a factory but now he's retired. He spends his days reading the newspaper, watching TV and taking naps. Sometimes I join him for an afternoon nap - it's so cozy snuggling up next to him on the couch.My aunt Jessica is my mom's sister. She moved in with us last year after finishing college. Auntie Jess is really cool and funny. She lets me borrow her makeup sometimes to play dress-up! Uncle Mike is married to Auntie Jess. He's a bit quieter but he's super smart and always answers all my curious questions about science and nature.Finally, I have two cousins around my age - Emma and Liam. Emma is 10 and Liam is 8. We have so much fun together! We love playing make-believe games and exploring the backyard to look for cool bugs and stuff. Sometimes we get into tiny squabbles over sharing toys but we always make up quickly.With so many people in the house, it can get a little noisy and chaotic at times. But I love having my awesome big family around me. There's always someone to play with, someone to help me with my homework, someone to bake yummy treats. Wehave family movie nights, game nights, we go on trips together during summer break. It's never boring!One of my favorite things is our big family dinners. We squeeze around the dining table, passing around dishes of my grandma's delicious cooking. We talk and laugh and share stories about our days. Those are such happy, cozy times.Sometimes my parents argue a little, like when Dad forgot to take out the trash or Mom nagged him about leaving his socks on the floor again. Or Grandpa will get grumpy if we kids are being too loud when he's napping. But we're family - we'll always love and forgive each other no matter what.Having a huge family does mean we go through a ton of groceries, school supplies, clothes and other stuff pretty quickly. And our utility bills are kinds high too with so many people using electricity, heat and water. My parents work really hard to provide for all of us. I try to help out by keeping my room clean, doing well in school and being a good girl.When I grow up, I'd love to have a big family of my own someday - maybe with 3 or 4 kids! I could never imagine living all alone in a tiny apartment or house. That would be way too quiet and lonely for me. A nice, noisy, chaotic, loving family is where I'm happiest. I'm so lucky and grateful for mine!So there you have it - that's my crazy, wonderful family! We might be a bunch of very different people but we're closest friends too. We support each other, learn from one another and make so many happy memories together. Family issa precious gift and I thank God for giving me such an amazing one. I love my big family to the moon and back!篇3My Summer Vacation AdventuresThe final bell of the school year rang and we all cheered because summer vacation had officially begun! No more waking up early, no more homework, and two whole months of fun and freedom. I had so many exciting plans for how I wanted to spend my summer.The first week, my parents took me and my little brother to the beach. We stayed at a cute little beach house right by the ocean. Every morning, I would wake up to the sound of the crashing waves and the smell of the salty sea air. After wolfing down my breakfast, I'd run outside and spend all day playing in the sand and swimming in the cool water. My brother and I had competitions to see who could build the biggest sandcastle. He always tried to cheat by kicking mine over when I wasn't looking!One day, we found all sorts of pretty seashells along the shoreline and made jewelry out of them for our mom. She loved her new necklace and bracelet.On the fourth day, we went on a boat tour to look for whales and dolphins. The tour guide said we were very lucky because we spotted three huge whales! They were amazing—spouting water high into the air and flapping their giant tails. I also saw some dolphins jumping and playing in the waves next to our boat. It was incredible to see those magnificent creatures up close in their natural habitat.After our beach trip, we visited my cousins in another town for a few days. They have a huge backyard with a swimming pool, trampoline, and tree house. We all took turns jumping on the trampoline and doing flips. Their puppy Rufus kept trying to jump on too which was really funny. We had sleepovers in the tree house a couple nights and roasted marshmallows over the fire pit. One night we heard something rustling in the bushes and thought maybe it was a bear! But it turned out to be just a family of rabbits. Phew!For the fourth of July, we watched the most spectacular fireworks show I've ever seen. The bursts of colors were so bright against the night sky—reds, greens, blues, purples, andshimmery silver rain. Some of the fireworks exploded with a thunderous boom that shook the ground. Others twinkled and sparkled softly before fading away. My favorite was the smiley face firework that made everyone "ooh" and "ahh."In mid-July, my family took me to a dude ranch in the mountains for a week. I got to go horseback riding every single day! The first couple times I was a little nervous because the horses were so big. But my instructor was really nice and helped me get comfortable with the horses. Soon I was riding all over the trails, trotting and cantering alongside the other ranch guests. We saw deer, elk, bears, and even a bald eagle up close! One night we had a chuck wagon dinner and sang silly cowboy songs around the campfire.For my birthday in late July, my parents surprised me with tickets to see my favorite baseball team play. We had awesome seats right behind home plate. Between innings, the mascot came over and posed for pictures with me. I was even chosen to throw out one of the opening ceremonial first pitches! My throw was a little off target but the player caught it. Then I got to keep the game ball as a souvenir. We all pigged out on hot dogs, Cracker Jacks, and ice cream during the game. And my team won!The last couple weeks of summer, I went to day camp at our community center. We did tons of fun activities like swimming, arts and crafts, hiking, archery, and playing all sorts of camp games. I made a lot of new friends and didn't want camp to end. For our final camp night, we put on a talent show for our families. My best friend and I did a hilarious comedy skit where we pretended to be bungling spies. We even wore disguises with fake mustaches and sunglasses. Everybody thought we were a riot and gave us a standing ovation at the end!On the final night before going back to school, my family hosted a big barbeque and pool party for all our friends and relatives. We grilled burgers and hot dogs, had a cannonball contest off the diving board, and played endless rounds of volleyball and marco polo in the pool. When it got dark, we had a campfire and roasted s'mores. We stayed up really late, laughing and sharing our favorite summer memories before finally crashing for the night under the stars.Wow, I can't believe how quickly those two months just flew by! This was definitely one of the most fun and adventure-filled summers ever. I made so many wonderful memories that I'll never forget. Although I'm a little sad that vacation is over, I'm also excited to go back to school and篇4My Favorite Things to DoHi, my name is Lily and I'm in 5th grade. I really like my English class this year because we get to learn about all sorts of fun activities and hobbies in Unit 2 of our textbook "Yilin". Our teacher Mrs. Park always makes the lessons really engaging and interactive. I'm excited to tell you about some of my favorite things we've learned about so far!One activity I think is super cool is skateboarding. In the textbook, there were pictures of kids riding skateboards and doing tricks at the skate park. It looks like so much fun, but also a little scary! I really want to try it though. My dad said when I'm a little older he'll take me to the skate park and help me learn. I think skateboarding would be a great way to get exercise and work on my balance and coordination. I'd love to learn how to do an ollie or a kickflip one day. For now, I'm practicing on myride-on scooter in our driveway.Another hobby I'm really interested in after our unit is photography. The textbook had an interview with a kid who loved taking pictures of nature, animals, and interesting things around her neighborhood. I got a cute little digital camera formy birthday last month, so I've been trying to take it with me everywhere I go to capture fun moments. My favorite photos so far are some I took of squirrels in the park near my house. I also like taking pictures of my friends making silly faces. Maybe I'll start my own photography blog or Instagram account to share my pics!One section that I didn't find as exciting was about stamp collecting. Don't get me wrong, I can understand how some people might really be into it as a hobby. But staring at tiny stamps in a book just doesn't seem that thrilling to me. I'd much rather be out skateboarding, taking pictures, or doing other active things. To each their own though! My grandpa actually has a really cool stamp collection from when he was a kid that he let me look through. The old stamps did have some pretty designs at least.For art, I'm not the best artist but I do like doing fun little crafts and projects. My favorites are things like making friendship bracelets, painting on canvases, or sculpting with clay. Art class is definitely my favorite "special" at school each week. I also take piano lessons once a week, which I don't love practicing for but I am getting better. Hopefully music will start to be more fun for me as I improve.As for sports, I absolutely love playing soccer! I've been on a recreational team in my town since I was in kindergarten. Soccer is such an exciting game and I love being part of a team and working together with my friends to try and score goals. I'm not the star player or anything, but I work really hard and never give up. My dreamwould be to make the school team when I get to middle school next year.Those are some of the main hobbies and activities we've covered in our English unit so far. I've learned about ones I want to try like skateboarding and photography. I've also thought more about ones I'm already doing that I really enjoy, like reading, art, music, and sports. Mrs. Park has promised we'll be learning about even more fun stuff like hiking, camping, coding, and other cool hobbies that kids can pick up.I feel like this unit has really opened my eyes to how many interesting activities there are to try as hobbies. It's giving me lots of ideas for things I may want to pursue more seriously in the future. Who knows, maybe I'll get really good at photography or skateboarding and it will turn into more than just a casual hobby for me one day? For now though, I'm justexcited to keep learning about new potential interests. I can't wait to see what other fun hobbies we'll discover next in Yilin!篇5A Day in the Life of a Primary School StudentHi there! My name is Emily and I'm a 10-year-old primary school student. I want to tell you all about a typical day in my life. It's a pretty busy schedule, but I enjoy most of my daily activities and responsibilities. Let me walk you through it!My day starts really early at around 6:30 am. My mom comes into my room and gently wakes me up. As much as I'd love to sleep in longer, I know I have to get ready for school. I groggily get out of bed, wash my face, brush my teeth, and get dressed in my uniform - a white polo shirt, navy blue skirt, and black shoes.Next, it's breakfast time! My favorite is when my dad makes pancakes or french toast. But on this particular morning, I had a bowl of cereal with milk and a banana. My parents always remind me that breakfast is the most important meal of the day to fuel my brain. After gulping it down, I pack up my backpack with my textbooks, notebooks, pencil case, water bottle, and snack.The school bus arrives at 7:30 am to pick me up. I live pretty close, so it's just a 10 minute bus ride. I chat and joke around with my best friend Sophia who also rides the bus. When we get to school, we head straight to our homeroom class.The first class of the day is math, which runs from 8:00 to 9:20 am. I'll be honest - math isn't my favorite subject. We've been learning about fractions and decimals, which can get pretty confusing! But I try my best to pay attention, take good notes, and ask the teacher questions if I don't understand something.After math, we have a short 20 minute snack and recess break. I love this part of the day because I can run around with my friends, play on the swings and slides, and just have some free time. For my snack, I had an apple, granola bar, and juice box that I packed from home.The next class is English reading and writing from 9:40 to 11:00 am. This is one of my stronger subjects. Our teacher reads us classic children's books like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and then we discuss the themes, characters, and plots. We also work on our writing skills through fun creative stories and journaling. I really enjoy expressing myself through words.From 11:00 to 11:50 am, we have science class. We've been learning about the different states of matter - solids, liquids, andgases. It's been really cool doing hands-on experiments to understand the concepts better. Just last week, we made little balloon rockets by blowing into bottles and watching them shoot across the room! Science is probably my favorite subject after English.We break for lunch from 11:50 to 12:30. I always pack a lunch from home - a sandwich, carrots and hummus, a granola bar, and a juice box. I sit with Sophia and a couple of other friends. We talk about our morning so far, what we did last night, and what we want to do over the upcoming weekend. Lunchtime is really nice to reset and recharge for the afternoon.After lunch, we have history and social studies from 12:30 to 1:30 pm. I find learning about ancient civilizations, explorers, and major historical events to be fascinating. But I have to admit, memorizing all those names and dates can get a little tedious.From 1:30 to 2:30 pm is my Chinese language class. My parents want me to learn their native tongue, even though English is my primary language. I can understand and speak it pretty well, but reading and writing Chinese characters is still really hard! I'm getting better at it though with regular practice.Finally, we have P.E. and art/music for the last period from 2:30 to 3:30 pm. I absolutely love P.E. because I'm very active andathletic. We play different sports and games like soccer, basketball, and dodgeball. Art and music classes are also fun for being creative and expressive.At 3:30 pm, the school day ends and I head to theafter-school program until my parents get off work. There, I work on any outstanding homework assignments, read for pleasure, or play educational computer games. Around 5:30 pm, my mom picks me up and we head home.Once at home, I change into comfortable clothes and have a snack like yogurt or fruit while relaxing for a little bit. Then it's time for dinner around 6:30 pm - my parents cook dishes from their Chinese culture like stir-fries, noodles, or dumplings. SO delicious!After dinner, I take a shower and then work on any remaining homework until around 8:30 pm. My parents don't let me stay up too late since I'm still young. I get ready for bed around 9:00, read for a little while, and then lights out at 9:30. Though I may protest a little, I know I need lots of sleep to have energy for another busy day tomorrow!That's a typical day in my life as a 10-year-old primary school student. It's a packed schedule juggling academics, extracurriculars, and responsibilities. But I really enjoy learningnew things, having fun with friends, and growing as a person. I feel very fortunate to get a good education and be surrounded by such a supportive family. While challenging at times, I cherish the routines and experiences of being a primary school kid. Thanks for following along with my daily life!篇6My Super Fun Summer VacationHooray, school is finally out for summer! I've been counting down the days until summer vacation. No more waking up super early, no more homework, and no more boring classes. Just playdates, summer camp, family trips, and lots of fun for two whole months!This summer is going to be the best one yet. My parents promised to take me and my little brother Danny on a big family road trip. We're going to drive across the country and see so many cool places. I'm most excited to go to the Grand Canyon. I've seen pictures and it looks totally awesome and humongous! We're also going to Yellowstone National Park to see the geysers and hopefully spot some bears, bison, and other wildlife. I just hope we don't run into any angry mamas protecting their cubs. That could be scary!My dad is really into history, so we're stopping at some old Indian cliff dwellings along the way too. Those should be neat to explore, but I bet they'll be a bit boring compared to the national parks. Mom says we can't complain though because learning about history and different cultures is important. Easy for her to say!When we're not on our epic road trip, I'm going to Day Camp most weeks. They have tons of fun activities like swimming, arts and crafts, sports, and even some cool field trips planned. My best friend Jacky from school is going too, so we'll get to hang out every day. We're going to have a blast. Hopefully she doesn't ditch me again to hang out with the older girls like she did last year. That was not cool at all.There's also going to be plenty of lazy summer days to just veg out at home too. I can finally binge all my favorite shows without my parents nagging me about homework. Danny and I will set up a lemonade stand to try and make some extra spending money. Maybe we can save up enough for that new video game we both really want.Oh, and I can't forget about the best part of summer...NO SCHOOL! That means I get a break from the endless cycle of quizzes, tests, book reports, and math worksheets. No morestressing out about grades or being stuck inside a classroom while it's beautiful outside. This summer will be all about freedom and fun.Our big neighborhood block party is happening again this July too. They close off the streets and we all bring foods from our different cultures to share. There's always the most delicious treats! My mom makes her famous homemade tamales that are so good. The Torres family down the street has the most amazing chilean empanadas. The Patels make these crazy good vegetable samosas too. After we stuff ourselves, there are games, bounce houses, water balloon tosses, and other activities for the kids. We stay out playing until it gets dark and the parents set off fireworks. It's such a blast!Towards the end of summer, my family always goes camping for a long weekend at the lake. We rent a little cabin, but spend most of the time outside swimming, fishing, hiking, and roasting s'mores over the campfire. Those nights under the stars are magical. One year we even saw a family of deer getting a drink from the lake at sunset. They were so graceful and beautiful.Those are just some of the awesome things I have lined up for my summer vacation. Between our big road trip, day camp, lazy pool days, camping, and celebrating the 4th of July, it'sguaranteed to be an absolute blast! School may be important, but in my book, nothing beats these carefree days of summer. Here's to making the most of every single one!。



电影英语名词练习40题1. In the movie "Frozen", Elsa is a _____.A. princessB. queenC. witchD. fairy答案:B。

本题主要考查对电影《 冰雪奇缘》中人物角色的了解。

选项A“princess”公主;选项B“queen”女王,Elsa 在电影中是女王;选项C“witch”女巫;选项D“fairy”仙女。

2. In "The Lion King", Simba is a _____.A. lionB. tigerC. leopardD. wolf答案:A。

此题考查对电影《 狮子王》中主角的认知。

选项A“lion”狮子,Simba 是狮子;选项B“tiger”老虎;选项C“leopard”豹子;选项D“wolf”狼。

3. In "Harry Potter", Hermione is a _____.A. wizardB. witchC. elfD. fairy答案:B。

本题聚焦于电影《 哈利·波特》中的人物。

选项A“wizard”男巫;选项B“witch”女巫,Hermione 是女巫;选项C“elf”精灵;选项D“fairy”仙女。

4. In "Spider-Man", Peter Parker is a _____.A. supermanB. batmanC. spider-manD. iron man答案:C。

这道题关于电影《 蜘蛛侠》中的角色。

选项A“superman”超人;选项B“batman”蝙蝠侠;选项C“spider-man”蜘蛛侠,Peter Parker 就是蜘蛛侠;选项D“iron man”钢铁侠。

5. In "Alice in Wonderland", the Mad Hatter is a _____.A. kingB. princeC. hatterD. soldier答案:C。



颜色可以影响我的感觉的英语作文Colors Make Me Feel Different WaysDid you know that colors can make you feel different emotions? It's true! The colors around us don't just look pretty, they can actually change how happy, calm, or energetic we feel. Different colors send different messages to our brains that impact our moods and emotions. Isn't that wild?Let me tell you about some of the colors I see a lot and how they make me feel.RedThe color red is very intense and powerful. It's the color of fire engines, stop signs, and my favorite red crayon. When I see red, it makes me feel energetic, excited, and even a little aggressive sometimes. My heart beats faster and I get really pumped up. That's why red is used for stop signs and fire trucks - it gets your attention quickly!At school, I don't like when my papers get marked up in red pen because it makes me feel anxious and upset. The bright red ink screams at me that I made mistakes. I much prefer when teachers use other colors to make corrections.OrangeThe color orange is a lot like red in that it's very energizing and vibrant. Looking at orange makes me feel active, cheerful, and creative. I love using my orange colored pencils and markers to draw pictures. Orange reminds me of the sun, oranges to eat, and playing outside on bright sunny days. Doesn't it make you think of fun things too?YellowYellow is such a happy, sunny, energetic color. It always makes me smile when I see yellow flowers, my yellow raincoat, or a yellow plastic plate at breakfast time. The color yellow helps me feel upbeat, warm, and friendly. I like to use yellow a lot when I'm coloring pictures of suns, baby chicks, and other cheerful things.Sometimes too much yellow can be overpowering though. A completely yellow room would probably make me feelrestless and uncomfortable after awhile. A little bit of yellow is great, but not too much!GreenAaahhh, green is one of my favorite colors. It's such a calming, fresh, natural color that reminds me of trees, grass, and nature. When I'm feeling anxious or upset, surrounding myselfwith the color green tends to make me feel more relaxed and at peace. Looking at green plants and trees outside my window helps me take deep breaths and cool down.At school, we have green rectangular shaped pillows that we can sit on during story time. Snuggling up on one of those green pillows instantly puts me in a tranquil mood to listen to our teacher read aloud. Green is very soothing that way.BlueThe color blue is another favorite of mine. It has a fascinating way of making me feel calm, intelligent, and confident. Shades of blue like the morning sky, robins' eggs, and the cool ocean give me a sense of peace and clarity. I do my best work and feel very focused when I'm surrounded by blues.Sometimes though, if I look at too much dark blue, it can make me feel a little sad or melancholy. But pale blues, turquoises, and soft sky blues lift my spirits right up. Isn't it interesting how different shades of the same color can make you feel contrasting emotions?PurpleWhen I see the color purple, it makes me feel very imaginative and creative. Looking at luxurious, rich shades ofpurple gets my mind dreaming up all sorts of fanciful ideas and stories. I love coloring with my purple crayons and markers to draw whimsical pictures of mythical creatures. Purple engages my imagination like no other color!On the other hand, too much bright purple can sometimes make me feel a little frustrated or irritated for some reason. Maybe it's too vibrant of a color? I have to be in the right mood for bright shades of purple.PinkThe color pink is definitely a feminine, sweet, pretty color that makes me feel happy and celebratory. It's a very nurturing, gentle, caring color. Decorating with pink puts me in a cheerful, affectionate mood. I love pink flowers, pink stuffed animals, and getting pink cupcakes on my birthday.However, sometimes pink can come across as too sweet or immature. I try to not overdo it with pink because I am getting older now. A little pink here and there is nice, but too much of it feels babyish.BlackWhenever I see the color black, I automatically feel a sense of sadness, heaviness, or mystery. Black makes me think ofdarkness, villains, nighttime, and being scared or worried. I tend to avoid using a lot of black in my artwork because it feels depressing to me.That said, black can also make me feel very sophisticated, formal, and elegant if it's used in the right way - like a black tuxedo or black pearl necklace. Just depends on the specific situation and how it's styled.WhiteThe color white has a very purifying, clean, innocent quality that makes me breathe a sigh of relief. Surrounding myself with pure white spaces or objects automatically helps me feel at peace, refreshed, and relaxed. I love white fluffy clouds, white sandy beaches, and clean white bedsheets. White represents a fresh start.Sometimes though, too much stark white can make me feel like a space looks cold, harsh, or uninviting - like a hospital room. So white is great in smaller doses or mixed with some warmer accent colors.Isn't it incredible how different colors impact how we feel? Some make us happy, some make us sad. Some relax us, others energize us. Some colors inspire us while others frustrate us. Ourbrains definitely have fascinating connections to different hues that elicit all sorts of emotions and associations.From now on, I'm going to start paying closer attention to what colors are around me and how they make me feel in different situations. Maybe I'll start using more blues and greens in my bedroom to create a calm space. Or bring in some splashes of yellow and orange with colored pencils when I need an energy boost. The colors we surround ourselves with can influence our emotions more than we realize.Next time you're feeling a certain way, stop and think about the colors around you. Maybe they are impacting your mood without you even knowing it! Isn't that an amazing super power colors have? I'm so grateful we live in such a vivid, colorful world. It keeps things interesting for sure!。



英语描写人物的作文朋友外貌短句全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Here's a 2000-word essay describing a friend's appearance in short English sentences, written in a tone suitable for elementary school students:My Best FriendMy best friend's name is Emily. She is my age. Emily is very pretty. She has long brown hair. Her hair is shiny and soft. Emily's eyes are big and green. Her eyes are like emeralds. Emily has a small nose. Her nose is cute and button-like. Emily's lips are full and pink. Her smile is bright and cheerful.Emily has a round face. Her cheeks are rosy. Emily's skin is smooth and clear. She has a few freckles. Her freckles are adorable. Emily is a little shorter than me. She is also a bit chubbier. Emily is not too thin or too fat. She looks just right and healthy.Emily always dresses nicely. She likes to wear pretty dresses. Her dresses are colorful and flowy. Emily also wears skirts a lot.Her skirts are pleated or ruffled. Emily's shirts are cute too. She has many shirts with bows or lace. Emily's sweaters are soft and cozy.For shoes, Emily loves sandals. Her sandals have straps and buckles. Emily's sneakers are white with patterns. Her sneakers light up when she walks! Emily has fancy dress shoes too. Her dress shoes are shiny and have small heels.Emily wears bows in her hair. Her bows match her outfits. Emily also wears pretty headbands. Her headbands have flowers or ribbons. Emily likes to accessorize with necklaces too. Her necklaces have charms like hearts or stars.In the winter, Emily bundles up. She wears a puffy coat. Her coat is purple and very warm. Emily also has fuzzy boots. Her boots protect her feet from snow. Emily wraps up in scarves and hats. Her scarves are long and striped. Her hats have pom-poms on top.Emily looks so nice every day. Her outfits are super cute. Emily takes good care of herself. She brushes her hair daily. Emily's hair is never tangled. Emily bathes regularly too. She always smells fresh and sweet.Emily uses a little makeup sometimes. She wears lip gloss that tastes like strawberries. Emily also uses shimmery eyeshadow. Her eyeshadow makes her eyes sparkle! Emily loves getting her nails painted too. Her nails have designs like polka dots or rainbows.Not only is Emily pretty, she's nice too! She is my very best friend. Emily is kind and caring to everyone. That's why I cherish her so much. Emily's inner beauty matches her outer beauty. I feel so lucky she is my bestie!篇2My Best Friend JennyJenny is my bestie! She is the nicest girl in my whole class. I will tell you all about what she looks like.Jenny has long brown hair that goes past her shoulders. Her hair is very straight and shiny. Sometimes she wears it in braids or a ponytail. I think her hair is so pretty!Jenny's eyes are a really cool green color. They are big and bright. She has long eyelashes too. Her eyes sparkle when she smiles really big.Jenny has freckles on her cheeks and nose. I like counting how many freckles she has. I think the freckles make her look cute and happy. They move around when she is talking or laughing.Jenny's teeth are very straight and white. Her smile is my favorite thing about her whole face. When she grins really wide, you can see all her teeth. Her smile makes me smile too!Jenny has a small nose that turns up a little bit at the end. I think her nose looks nice and not too big or too small. It fits her face perfectly.Jenny is a little bit taller than me. We're both pretty short though since we're only in 3rd grade. Jenny is skinny but not too skinny. She's the perfect size.Jenny always dresses really colorful and fun. She wears shirts with rainbows or unicorns or things like that. Her favorite colors are pink and purple. She has sparkly shoes sometimes too!On Jenny's left arm, she has a birthmark. It's in the shape of a heart which I think is so cool! We both think her heart birthmark is the neatest thing.Those are all the details about what my bestie Jenny looks like. She is the prettiest girl in our class. Her smile always makes me happy when I see it. I'm so lucky she is my friend!篇3My Best Friend JessicaJessica is my best friend. She is a girl. She is nine years old like me. We are in the same class at school. Jessica has long brown hair. Her hair goes down past her shoulders. Sometimes she wears it in a ponytail. Other times she wears it down. Jessica has green eyes. Her eyes are a pretty light green color. They almost look yellow in some lights. Jessica has freckles on her nose and cheeks. I think her freckles are cute.Jessica is a little shorter than me. She is four feet tall. I am four feet two inches tall. Jessica is skinny but not too skinny. She looks healthy. Jessica always wears pretty clothes. She likes skirts and dresses. Her favorite colors are pink and purple. She has pink shoes with rainbows on them. Jessica has pierced ears. She wears little diamond stud earrings.Jessica smiles a lot. Her smile shows her teeth. Her teeth are very white and straight. She has dimples in her cheeks when she smiles big. Jessica has a nice laugh. It sounds like little bellsringing. I love when Jessica laughs at my jokes. Jessica's skin is light brown. It looks tan because she plays outside a lot. Jessica doesn't have any scars or scratches or bruises. She is very careful.Jessica has long fingers. Her fingernails are painted different bright colors. Sometimes red, sometimes blue, sometimes yellow. Jessica wears a watch on her left wrist. It has a pink plastic band. There are hearts on the watch face. For her birthday last year her parents got her a gold necklace. The necklace has a little heart charm. Jessica always wears the necklace.There are some things about Jessica I don't like. I don't like that her nose is pointy. It looks like a little bird beak. I also don't like Jessica's big forehead. I wish her hair covered more of it. Jessica has big ears too. I think her ears stick out funny. But I still think Jessica is very pretty even with her big ears and forehead and pointy nose.Jessica is my best friend because she is fun and nice and smart. She is the prettiest girl in our class in my opinion. Even though she has some flaws like the big forehead and ears, Jessica is beautiful to me. Her green eyes and freckles and smile make her face look perfect. I hope we stay best friends for a very long time!篇4My Best Friend TinaTina is my best friend. She is my age. We are both nine years old. We go to the same school. We are in the same class.Tina has long brown hair. Her hair goes past her shoulders. She has bangs in the front. Her bangs cover her forehead. Her hair is thick and wavy. It shines in the sunlight.Tina's eyes are green. Big green eyes. Her eyes sparkle when she smiles. Her smile shows white teeth. Straight white teeth. Her teeth are perfect.Tina's face is round. She has rosy red cheeks. She has a small nose. Her nose is cute and button-like. Her ears stick out a little. She has tiny ears. Cute little ears.Tina has tan skin. She played outside a lot. Her skin gets tan easily. She has a few freckles. Freckles on her nose and cheeks. I think freckles are cool.Tina is short for her age. She is the shortest in our class. But she is not the smallest overall. She is kind of chubby. Just a little bit chubby.For clothes, Tina likes dresses. She wears dresses a lot. Flowery printed dresses. Dresses with bright colors. Her favorite dress is yellow. The yellow sundress with white flowers.Tina always wears her hair down. Never in braids or ponytails. She says its too hard. Too much work for her. She just lets it hang loose.She has very small hands. Tiny little hands. Her fingers are short and stubby. She bites her fingernails sometimes. Her nails are always trimmed.Tina does not wear makeup. We are too young for that. No makeup is allowed at school. I doubt she even knows how.For accessories, she wears jewelry sometimes. Little kid jewelry from Claire's. Plastic bead bracelets and necklaces. She owns tons of those.That's what Tina looks like. She has brown hair, green eyes, and tan skin. Cute freckles on her face. Chubby but very short. She loves wearing bright colored dresses. That's my best friend, Tina!篇5My Best Friend LucyLucy is my best friend in the whole wide world. She is 10 years old, just like me. Lucy has pretty brown eyes that sparkle when she smiles. Her eyes crinkle up at the corners when she grins really big. Lucy's hair is blonde and super long. It goes almost all the way down her back! Her hair is straight and silky. Sometimes she wears it in braids or a ponytail. Other times she just leaves it down.Lucy's face is round like a circle with cute chubby cheeks. Her nose is little and button-like right in the middle of her face. She has nice pink lips that stretch into a big smile a lot of the time. Lucy has dimples too! They pop out on both of her cheeks when she beams that huge grin.Lucy is kind of short for her age. But she is still taller than me by a couple inches. Lucy has a skinny build and lean arms and legs. Even though she is little, she is very strong! She can climb the monkey bars and run really fast during gym class. Lucy never gets tired easily.My friend always dresses in colorful clothes with lots of patterns like stripes, polka dots, or flowers. She really likes bright pinks, purples, blues, and greens. Lucy's clothes are fun and cheerful just like she is. She hates wearing boring black, white or gray. Her favorite outfit is rainbow tie-dye shirts with jean shorts.Lucy has small feet for her age too. But she loves wearing silly socks that go up past her ankles. Her socks usually have goofy designs like puppies, rainbows, unicorns or donuts on them. She thinks the crazier the pattern, the better! Lucy's shoes are always sparkling white sneakers to play hard in.For school, Lucy always wears her long blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail with a bright scrunchie. She loves scrunchies with bows or fun shapes like stars or hearts on them. Lucy wears glasses too for reading and doing work. Her glasses are purple and rectangular shaped. They look super cute on her smiley face!On really cold days, Lucy bundles up in a puffy bright blue coat that goes past her knees. She has a matching blue hat with pom-poms on the top that covers her cute ears. And she wears rainbow striped mittens to keep her hands toasty warm. No matter how cold it is outside, you can always see Lucy's rosy red cheeks and bright smiling face.Lucy has a couple birthmarks too that I think are neat. There's a tiny brown one right by her left eye, kind of like a beauty mark. And she has another one on her left arm that's bigger and looks like a splotchy freckle. I tell Lucy that her birthmarks are like her special cosmic stardust from when she crash-landed on Earth from outer space!I just love how my best friend Lucy looks. With her big bright smiles, her shining eyes, and her colorful outfits, she brightens up any room she walks into. Lucy is the happiest and most fun person I know. She makes me smile every single day with her bubbly personality and positive attitude. I'm so lucky she's my bestie!篇6My Friend SarahSarah is my best friend. She is 10 years old like me. Sarah has light brown hair that is very long. Her hair goes almost all the way down her back. Sarah's hair is straight and shiny. She has bangs that cover her forehead a little bit.Sarah has green eyes that are a pretty light green color. Her eyes are round and big. Sarah has long eyelashes that frame her eyes nicely. Her eyelashes are blonde colored.Sarah has a small nose that is a little bit pointy at the end. Her nose fits her face well. Sarah's cheeks are round and rosy. She has dimples in her cheeks when she smiles really big.Sarah's mouth is small with thin pink lips. Her teeth are very white and straight. Sarah has a nice smile that shows her dimples. Her smile makes me smile too.Sarah has a slender neck that is long for her age. Her shoulders are small and bony. Sarah is pretty skinny overall. She is tall for our age and has long arms and legs.Sarah's skin is very fair and pale white. She has some freckles across her nose and cheeks. The freckles are light brown in color. Sarah gets sunburnt easily because her skin is so pale.Sarah is very pretty with her green eyes and brown hair. She looks a lot like her mom who is also very pretty. Sarah's face is symmetrical and all her features go well together.I like how Sarah looks. She is my best friend and I think she is beautiful inside and out. Sarah may be skinny but she is strong and athletic. She is always smiling and laughing which makes her face glow.That is what my best friend Sarah looks like. She has long brown hair, green eyes, and a nice smile. Sarah is skinny but tall with long arms and legs. Her skin is very pale with some light freckles. Overall, Sarah is a very pretty girl who I admire a lot. I'm lucky to have such a great friend.。



七上人教版第九单元英语作文范文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Awesome Summer Vacation!Yay, it's finally summer vacation! No more getting up super early and going to school. Summer is the best time of year because you can sleep in late, play outside all day, and don't have any homework. This summer I got to do so many fun things!The first week of vacation, my family went on a big trip to Beijing. We took the fast train called the bullet train to get there. It went zoooooooom and got us to Beijing in just a few hours! In Beijing, we saw so many amazing sights. We went to the Forbidden City which used to be where the emperors lived. Everything there was decorated with dragons and looked so fancy. My little brother tried to go in one of the doorways but the guard stopped him because only the emperor was allowed to go through those doors back in the day. Haha!Next we visited the Great Wall of China. I couldn't believe how long it stretched on and on over the mountains. We had toclimb up a ton of steep steps to get up on the wall itself. When we got to the top I was out of breath but the view was incredible! You could see the wall snaking across the hills in both directions.I felt like a mighty warrior guarding China from invaders. We took some really epic photos on the wall that I'm going to frame and hang in my room.After Beijing, we went to Xi'an to see the Terracotta Warriors. Can you believe those life-sized clay warrior statues were buried underground for over 2,000 years before they were discovered? And there are thousands of them! Each one has a different face and expression. I tried to make the same serious face as the warriors but my dad said I just looked silly. We also got to walk along the Ancient City Wall that surrounds Xi'an. It was so cool imagining armies defending the city from up there hundreds of years ago.When we got back home, my cousins came over and we had a huge waterballoon fight in the backyard. We split into two teams and tried to soak each other. I got completely drenched but it felt awesome on such a hot summer day. Afterward we cooled off with ice cold watermelon slices. Yum!A few weeks later, my best friend had a birthday party at a trampoline park. We jumped around for hours, doing crazy flipsinto the foam pit. I was a little scared at first but got braver and started trying out trickier moves. I didn't quite nail the backflip but I got some major air! We also played trampoline dodgeball which was an extreme workout. I was exhausted at the end but had a blast.On the 4th of July, we always go watch the big fireworks show downtown. We got there really early to get a good spot on the hill overlooking the park. I had a glowstick necklace and we played with sparklers while we waited for it to get dark. Finally the first fireworks started bursting overhead - brilliant reds, whites, blues, and greens filling up the sky. Some looked like shimmering willow trees and others had crazy spinning effects. The finale was absolutely epic with fireworks going off nonstop in every direction. I can't wait until next year's show!Toward the end of summer, we went camping in the mountains. We hiked a few miles into the woods carrying all our gear to find the perfect campsite by a creek. My dad showed me how to pitch the tent and build a fire pit. We gathered lots of wood and got a nice campfire going. Then we roasted marshmallows and made delicious s'mores! You can't beat a camping s'more. At night we bundled up and gazed at the millions of stars you can't see in the city. I tried to count theshooting stars but lost track. We listened to the creek gently flowing and coyotes howling way off in the distance. It was a little spooky but really peaceful too. I love falling asleep in a tent, surrounded by nature.On the last day of vacation, our whole family went to a water park. We went on tons of crazy waterslides, including a couple really steep ones that made my stomach do flips. The wave pool was awesome too - they make these perfect surfing waves you can boogie board on. My brother and I had a competition to see who could stay on their board the longest. There was also a lazy river that you could just float along and relax. In the afternoon we played swimming pool basketball and volleyball until we were completely worn out.Sadly summer vacation is over now and I have to go back to school. But we crammed in so many incredible memories that I'll never forget this amazing summer. I got to see amazing sights, have awesome adventures with friends and family, and just chill out too. I feel refreshed and recharged, ready to take on the new school year. Maybe next summer we can take a trip to the beach or go camping again. I can't wait!篇2My Awesome Summer VacationYay! Summer vacation was the best! I had so much fun doing all kinds of cool stuff. Let me tell you all about it!The first week, my family went to the beach. We drove for like a bajillion hours to get there, but it was totally worth it. The beach was amazing with soft golden sand and bright blue water.I spent hours building the most epic sandcastle ever with my little brother. It had towers and a moat and everything! Then we went swimming in the ocean. The waves were huge and kept knocking me over, but I didn't care because it was so refreshing.After the beach, we went camping in the mountains. Sleeping in a tent was a little scary at first with all the forest noises at night. But my dad made us feel safe by telling spooky stories around the campfire. During the day, we went on awesome hikes and saw all sorts of cool plants and animals. My favorite was the deer family we spotted drinking from a stream. They were so pretty with their big eyes and spotted fur.The highlight though was definitely the camping trip with my best friend Jake and his family. His dad is hilarious and told the funniest jokes around the campfire. We stayed up late every night roasting marshmallows and trading scary stories to try and freak each other out. Jake is the master of scary stories, but Ididn't let him see me get spooked. During the days, we went on long hikes, had stick sword fights, and splashed around in the lake. Getting so muddy drove our moms crazy, but we thought it was awesome!My grandparents also visited for a week, which was lots of fun. Grandpa took me fishing at the local pond and taught me all his secret tips for catching the biggest fish. I caught a huge bass that was almost as long as my arm! Grandma is an amazing cook and made the most delicious pies - cherry, apple, you name it. We played tons of board games as a family too. I always beat Grandpa at Monopoly because he's such a sore loser.For the last two weeks, I attended nature camp which was a total blast. We learned all about the outdoors by going on cool nature hikes, canoeing on the lake, and camping overnight. My favorite part was the rock climbing though! It was kinda scary at first being up so high, but our instructor taught us the right techniques. By the end, I was scrambling up even the hardest climbs no problem. I felt like a real rock star!One of the camp activities was an environmental project where we learned how to reduce waste and protect nature. Our group focused on cleaning up litter around a local stream. It was pretty gross at first, but we managed to clear out tons of junk likeplastic bottles, old tires, and even a rusty bike! Afterward, the stream area looked way better and cleaner for the animals. It felt awesome knowing we made a difference.Well, that was my super fun summer vacation! I got to do so many cool outdoor activities and make amazing memories with my family and friends. I can't wait for next summer already. Staying cooped up indoors is no fun at all compared to all those awesome adventures! Summer rocks!篇3My Favorite HolidayHi friends! Today I want to tell you all about my favorite holiday. Can you guess what it is? It's Christmas! I love Christmas sooooo much. It's the most wonderful time of the year!Christmas is celebrated on December 25th every year. It's a special day when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. My family is Christian, so Christmas is a very important holiday for us. But even if you aren't Christian, Christmas is still a really fun time!There are so many great things about Christmas that I love. First of all, I love all the decorations! In my town, they put up huge Christmas trees with lights and ornaments in the park anddowntown areas. Many houses are decorated too with lights, inflatable Santas, reindeer, and more. It looks so pretty and festive! At my house, we put up a Christmas tree and decorate it together as a family. I love putting the ornaments on the tree. We have some really special ones, like the one I made in kindergarten from a popsicle stick. Haha, it's so ugly but we still put it on the tree every year!Another thing I love about Christmas is all the baking and special food. My mom makes the most delicious Christmas cookies - sugar cookies, gingerbread men, peanut butter blossoms. Yum! I love decorating the sugar cookies with frosting and sprinkles. We also have a big Christmas dinner with turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and more. For dessert, there's Christmas pudding and pie. I definitely eat way too much during Christmas, but it's so worth it because the food is amazing!Of course, one of the most exciting parts of Christmas is the presents! I have to admit, when I was really little, the presents were probably my favorite part. I would make a hugeeee list for Santa of all the toys and games I wanted. Now that I'm older, I realize Christmas isn't just about getting presents though. It's about spending time with family, being thankful for what youhave, and celebrating traditions. But I still LOVE opening presents on Christmas morning! Ripping off the wrapping paper, seeing what's inside - it's just so exciting. My parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles are always so generous too. Even though I know the importance of the holiday isn't about the gifts, it's still really fun to get them!Another great Christmas tradition is going to look at the Christmas lights in our neighborhood. My family and I bundle up in our coats, hats and mittens and we walk around looking at all the beautiful light displays people have put up. Some people go really overboard decorating their houses - I've seen ones that sync the lights to music! It's so pretty and magical. Afterwards, we go home and drink hot chocolate to warm up. Mmmmm, nothing beats delicious hot chocolate after being out in the cold.Christmas just wouldn't be the same without Christmas movies and music too! I watch allllll the classic Christmas movies like Elf, The Polar Express, Home Alone, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, and so many more. They always put me in the Christmas spirit and make me laugh a lot too. And you can't have Christmas without Christmas music! I never get tired of hearing songs like "Jingle Bells," "Frosty the Snowman," "Rudolph theRed-Nosed Reindeer," and "Santa Claus is Coming to Town." It just feels like Christmas when you hear those songs!On Christmas Eve, my family and I go to a special church service. We sing Christmas carols and hear the story of Jesus's birth. When I was little, the kids would do a nativity play acting out the story. It was so fun to dress up as an angel or a shepherd! After the service, we go home and I get to open one present before bed - it's my dad's family's tradition. Then in the morning, we wake up so early because we're all so excited! We run downstairs to see what Santa brought, open our presents from our family, and eat a special Christmas breakfast like cinnamon rolls or an egg casserole. The whole day is just filled with joy, laughter, and lots of food.Christmas really is the most amazing time. From the decorations and lights to the food, presents, movies, and traditions, there's just something magical about it. I feel so warm and happy inside, and thankful for my wonderful family. Spending that special day together, playing with my new toys and watching movies in our pajamas - those are some of my most favorite memories every year. I can't wait for next Christmas! I'm going to start making my wish list for Santa now.Just kidding...kinda! Christmas will be here before we know it! Ho ho ho!篇4My Favorite Holiday - Christmas!Christmas is my number one favorite holiday of the whole year! I get so excited for it starting in November. The decorations, the trees, the lights, the cookies, and of course the presents! What's not to love?My family has lots of fun Christmas traditions. We always get a real tree a few weeks before Christmas and decorate it together. Dad does the lights first while me and my little brother Andy string popcorn and cranberries to make garlands. Mom puts on Christmas music and we all sing along. Then we take out allllll the decorations we've collected over the years - colored balls, tinsel, candy canes, and lots of special ornaments.Every year I make a new handmade ornament at school. Last year I made a popsicle stick frame with a photo of our dog Rufus inside. The year before that was a pinecone owl covered in brown fabric scraps and decorated with googly eyes. I have a whole box just for my special ornaments that I've made since I was a tiny kid. Decorating the tree is my favorite part!After the tree, we go totally overboard decorating the rest of the house too. We have Santa figurines, reindeer statues, snowmen and snowflake decorations everywhere. Dad puts up lights outside along the roof and windows. Mom hangs wreaths on all the doors. And we always have a million candles giving everything a cozy glow. Our house looks like a winter wonderland!Another tradition is baking Christmas cookies together as a family. We make dozens and dozens of different kinds - sugar cookies, gingerbread people, peanut butter blossoms with Hershey Kisses on top, snowballs, and Mexican wedding cookies. We save some to eat at home, but most of them get packed into tins and boxes to give as gifts to friends, neighbors, and teachers. Our kitchen is a huge mess by the end but it smells incredible! I love eating the cookie dough when Mom's not looking.On Christmas Eve we always go to church for a candlelight service. We sing carols and act out the Nativity story. Last year I got to be an angel! After church we come home and get in our coziest pajamas. We turn off all the regular lights and just have the tree and candles lit. Dad reads 'Twas the Night Before Christmas while we sip hot chocolate loaded with marshmallowsand candy canes. Then we put out milk and cookies for Santa before finally going to bed.I never sleep very well on Christmas Eve because I'm too excited! I'm always the first one up super early on Christmas morning. I jump on Mom and Dad's bed yelling "It's Christmas! It's Christmas!" and wake everyone up. We all race downstairs in our pajamas to see what Santa brought! Under the tree there are always mountains of festive wrapped boxes and stockings overflowing with little gifts and treats.For the next few hours it's pure chaos and wrapping paper flying everywhere as we take turns opening our presents. Mom makes a special Christmas morning breakfast with cinnamon rolls, sausages, eggs, and fresh-squeezed orange juice. We play with our new toys and video games all day in our pajamas. For dinner we have an enormous feast - roast turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberries, and pie for dessert! I'm always completely stuffed by the end of the night.After all the buildup and excitement, I'm always a little sad when Christmas is over. But I know it will come back again in another year! As soon as the holiday is done, I immediately start making plans for how I'll decorate my room and the tree and what kind of ornament I'll make for next Christmas. It's never tooearly to start the countdown to my favorite time of year! Christmas is just the absolute best.篇5My Awesome Summer Vacation!Hi friends! I'm super excited to share with you all about my totally awesome summer vacation this year. It was the best one ever!The first stop was my grandparents' house in the countryside.I love going there because they have a huge yard with lots of space to run around and play. My grandpa also has this really cool vegetable garden where he grows yummy tomatoes, carrots, and other fresh veggies. He taught me how to pull out weeds and water the plants. It was hard work but so much fun!After spending a week at my grandparents', my family went on a big road trip. We packed up our car with snacks, games, and all our suitcases. The first place we visited was the seaside! I had never seen the ocean before and it was totally amazing. The water was a gorgeous blue-green color and the waves crashed against the sandy beach. We went swimming, built sandcastles, and even found some pretty seashells. My little brother tried to eat one before my mom stopped him!From the beach, we drove to a national park in the mountains. There were tall trees everywhere and lots of hiking trails to explore. One day, we went on a nature walk with a park ranger who showed us different plants and animals. We spotted a family of deer drinking from a stream! Another day, we went whitewater rafting down a rushing river. I was a little scared at first with all the big splashes, but it ended up being a total blast.The final stop on our road trip was a big city that we had never visited before. There were so many tall skyscrapers and bright lights everywhere! We went up to an observation deck on the top floor of one building and you could see the entire city from up there. At night, we rode in one of those double decker tour buses and drove around looking at all the famous sights like museums, statues, and beautiful gardens lit up with colorful lights. We also got to eat at lots of yummy restaurants with foods from all around the world.After our amazing adventures, it was time to head back home. I had the best summer making so many incredible memories with my family. I can't wait to go on another fun trip next year! I'm already counting down the days until summer vacation comes again. What did you guys do over your summer break? I hope you all had as much fun as I did!篇6My Exciting Trip to the Science Museum!Last weekend, my family and I went on a really cool trip to the Science Museum. I was super excited because I love science and learning about how things work. The Science Museum has all sorts of awesome exhibits about different science topics. I couldn't wait to explore it all!When we first got there, we went to check out the space exhibit. There were real rockets and spacecraft on display! I saw models of the Apollo rockets that took astronauts to the moon. I also got to learn about how the rockets work with the fuel and the engines. My favorite part was getting to experience what it feels like to launch into space in this simulator. You get strapped into a little capsule and it shakes around like a real rocket blasting off! It was a blast (get it?)!Next up was the physics section. This part was mind-blowing. There were all these wild experiments that showed forces, motion, energy and other physics concepts in action. One exhibit let you roll different shaped objects down a ramp to see which ones went faster. Another had levers and pulleys you could use to lift really heavy things. But the best one was this verticalcycling trail where you could ride a bike around a loop-the-loop track. Using momentum and gravity, you could actually cycle upside down! I felt like a daredevil scientist.After that, we visited an area all about electricity and magnetism. They had cool demonstrations of static electricity, like making your hair stand on end with a Van de Graaff generator. There were also experiments where you could see electromagnetism at work by making magnetic fields move objects around. I even got to build my own simple circuits and make a little light bulb turn on. Electrical engineering is so fascinating!The museum also had tons of other exhibits on topics like the human body, the Earth's environment, chemistry, math, engineering and more. We got to walk through a gigantic mouth model to learn about teeth and digestive health. There was a wildlife habitats area with recreations of different ecosystems. And there were tons of hands-on stations where you could mix chemicals, build structures, and play with math puzzles. I spent hours going from one thing to the next in total amazement.One of the highlights was the museum's Idea Factory. This was a special maker space area where you could dream up your own inventions and try building them. I decided to make my ownsimple robot using motors, batteries, wires and recycled materials. The staff members there were super nice and helped me figure out how to put it all together. After a bunch of trial and error, I finally got my little bot working! It could scoot across the table by itself. I felt like a proud inventor.Overall, my trip to the Science Museum was an incredible experience. I had such an amazing time learning about science in a fun, interactive way. All the exhibits were engaging and hands-on, making science feel like an awesome adventure. I can't wait to go back again sometime. The museum really brought science to life and showed how applicable it is to the world around us. After this trip, I'm even more intrigued by science and all the incredible discoveries that are yet to be made. Maybe I'll grow up to be a famous scientist or inventor myself one day! The possibilities feel endless when you understand the amazing principles that govern our universe. Science is truly the coolest!。



<0171)《美国文学史及选读》复习思考题答案15>I. Write out the authors’ names of the following works. (Benjamin Franklin T. S. EliotJames Cooper Walt WhitmanJames Baldwell Ernest HemingwayJoseph Heller John SteinbeckWilliam Faulkner Mark TwainWashingtonIrving Ernest HemingwayRobert Frost Toni MorrisonRalph Ellison Eugene O’NeillJohn Steinbeck Allan PoeF. Scott Fitzgerald Tennessee Williams WashingtonIrving Robert FrostNathaniel Hawthorne Herman MelvilleEugene O’Neill Mark TwainWilliam Faulkner Robert FrostArthur Miller James CooperH. D. Thoreau Henry JamesWhitman Jack LondonJack London O’NeillII. Define the following literary terms. (20>Beat generation:The term was coined by Jack Kerouac in 1948 to refer to a group of disillusioned writers following World War Two. Later, this literary and cultural movement continued into the 1960s. The Beat Generation must not be confused with the Lost Generation of writers. Spokesmen and representatives of the Beat Generation were Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg and others. They revolted against an America that was materialistic, belligerent andfrustrating. Social, intellectual and sexual freedom was advocated. Traditional culture and normalsocial behavior were attacked and violated. Many of them were drug addicts wearing long hair anddirty clothes. They were fond of slangs and jazz. Masterpieces created by writers of this groupHowl and Other Poems, which were regarded as include Kerouac’sOn the Road and Ginsberg’spocket Bibles of that generation. Other prominent Beats include William S. Burroughs, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Gregory Corso, Michael McClure, and Neal Cassady. The Beat Generation, had greatly influenced the countercultural movements of the 1960s and the adolescents and adults inother countries. In England, the “angry young men” made an echo and imitated the American “beatnik.”Protagonist: the principal character in a play or story。







我们常说的blue sky就是指蓝天。

Blue还可以用来形容一种颜色的暗淡阴沉(如:eyes were blue with sadness),或是形容一种情感,比如blue可以表示思念的心情。

这就是为什么有时候我们会说“I'm feeling blue”来表达自己感到忧郁或消沉的状态。


比如deep blue,表示深蓝色,常用来指深邃的海洋或深邃的眼睛。

Light blue则表示浅蓝色,可以细分为baby blue(象牙白或浅蓝色)和sky blue(天蓝色)等不同的浅蓝色调。

还有一些复合词或短语如ice blue(冰蓝色)、navy blue(海军蓝)等,表示特定的蓝色色调。


例如英文中常用的短语“out of the blue”就意味着突然地、出乎意料地。

“blue blood”是指贵族,来自于他们蓝色的血管更清晰可见的传统相信。

有时还会用到“blue chip”来形容资本市场中一些可靠的公司股票。

“singthe blues”则是一个用来形容痛苦或不愉快的情感的乐曲、传统、风格。


在英文中,“blue-eyed boy”通常指受宠爱的人、宠儿,而“blue-collar”则表示蓝领工人,这两个短语都包含了蓝色作为关键特征。

“blue ribbon”是指一种奖励、认可或是评价的标签,常用来表示一种最高荣誉或称号。




我的衣服样式英语作文Title: My Clothing Style。

When it comes to my clothing style, it’s more thanjust fabric draped over my body; it’s a reflection of my personality, mood, and self-expression. Each piece I choose tells a story, conveying my tastes, interests, and values. Let’s delve into the intr icate tapestry of my wardrobe and explore the threads that weave together to form my unique style.First and foremost, comfort is paramount to me. I believe that when you feel comfortable in what you wear, it radiates confidence and ease. Therefore, my clothing choices often gravitate towards soft fabrics like cotton and linen, allowing for unrestricted movement and breathability. Whether it’s a cozy sweater or a flowy dress, I prioritize garments that make me feel at ease throughout the day.While comfort lays the foundation, style adds the flair.I tend to favor a blend of classic and contemporaryelements in my outfits. Timeless pieces such as tailored blazers, crisp white shirts, and well-fitted jeans are staples in my wardrobe. They serve as versatile building blocks that can be effortlessly mixed and matched to create a myriad of looks. However, I also enjoy incorporating trendy pieces to inject a dose of freshness into my ensemble. Whether it’s a statement accessory or a fashionable silhouett e, I’m not afraid to experiment with new trends while staying true to my personal aesthetic.Color plays a pivotal role in defining my style palette. I’m drawn to a harmonious blend of earthy tones, muted hues, and pops of vibrant colors. Earthy tones like olive green, rust brown, and mustard yellow evoke a sense of groundedness and connection to nature. Muted hues such as soft greys, blush pinks, and dusty blues exude a tranquil and understated elegance. Meanwhile, pops of vibrant colors like fiery reds, electric blues, and sunshine yellowsinfuse energy and dynamism into my outfits. By carefully curating a color palette that resonates with me, I create acohesive and visually pleasing wardrobe that reflects my personality and mood.Patterns and prints add another dimension to my style repertoire. From classic stripes and timeless polka dots to whimsical florals and abstract motifs, I embrace a diverse range of patterns in my clothing. Each pattern carries its own symbolism and conveys a different mood or aesthetic. For instance, stripes exude a sense of nautical charm and timeless sophistication, while florals evoke a romantic and feminine allure. By artfully combining various patterns and prints, I create visually captivating and dynamic outfits that capture attention and spark conversation.Accessories serve as the finishing touches that elevate my outfits from ordinary to extraordinary. Whether it’s a statement necklace, a bold scarf, or a sleek pair of sunglasses, accessories allow me to showcase my creativity and individuality. They are like the punctuation marks that punctuate my sartorial statements, adding depth, texture, and personality to my look. I believe that accessories are the secret weapons of style, capable of transforming asimple outfit into a fashion statement with just a flick of the wrist or a toss of a scarf.In conclusion, my clothing style is a reflection of who I am—comfortable, stylish, and effortlessly chic. From the fabrics I choose to the colors I adore, every aspect of my wardrobe is a deliberate expression of my personality, mood, and self-expression. Through a harmonious blend of comfort, style, color, pattern, and accessories, I create asartorial narrative that is uniquely mine—a tapestry of textures, hues, and motifs that celebrates the art of dressing and the joy of self-expression.。

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The necklaceAlong the beautiful coast of Sicily, a story about faith and love is circulated among the people. The story is well-known that even the most unsophisticated kid can recite the story. Yet only the elderly know the original version of it. Instead of saying “long, long ago”, they always begin the story with “be careful of where you are standing. Thousands of years ago, this place was full of towering trees with wild beasts among. Thousands of years ago, the peninsula of Sicily was totally different from now. The whole land was undulating with low hills. Luxuriant vegetation covered ninety percent of it. Under those green shelters, it was paradise for the wild. Every day after the horizon finished its last bite of sun, you could hear a mix of roar and scream. The original fear, hidden in the depths of your heart, drowned you into deathly stillness. Even the boldest warrior would feel a sense of dread.A serial sound of branches breaking suddenly came alive. Thishuman-shaped creature staggered across the wood. It was easy to tell that this “it” was a woman carrying a heavy black sack. The old humpback dragged the bag hard. She went deep into the forest and nimbly hid herself in a creepy lair which was only half way outside in the air as the other part was concealed by a low hill.The woman put the bag down, sat on a flat rock beside it and then lit a fire. She cut off the rope tying the bag. Inside it, there was a beautiful girl.She was wearing a purple skirt. On her neck, there was a brilliant necklace, shining, dispelling darkness from approaching. It was a royal symbol, showing this girl was a princess. After starring at her pray for a while, the old woman managed to lift her plump body up and walked out with this evil smile on her face.Five miles away at the same time, a small village was brightened by lights. Soldiers were yelling everywhere, looking for the King’s missing daughter Joey. Aghast by the news, John, a blacksmith, fell into deep sorrow. He knew Joey well. In fact, they fell in love when the first time Joey and her father came to visit the village. Joey did not mind even though John was just a blacksmith. That was why John found her special. “Now that it is Christmas Eve, I cannot even be with you. Wherever you are, I will find you.” Thinking about all the happy memories they had shared, John made his decision.“Have you got any idea?”“Sh, do not be so loud. T ell you what, I saw a witch, carrying a bag, running away from the castle and heading for the forest!”“Oh yeah? And what makes you so sure that the princess was in the bag?”“I know what I saw. There was something alive in the bag…” This private conversation between two passing-bys caught John’s ear. He ran home, picked a silver sword he had made for Count William, grabbed a smallbag and started on his journey to rescue his love.To get to the forest, John must cross a river first. That night the water seemed to be turbulent. Hundreds of red shiny eyes hidden under the waves were staring at him. Those crocodiles looked as if they had not eaten for a long time. They were all waiting there, famished. The chilling sight did not shake John. He took an alarm clock out of his bag. With the “tic tock” sound it made, the crocodiles became extremely enervated. They did not even want to move when John walked across the river on them.On the other side, Joey, was awake. She was tied to a chair. In front of her, the old woman in a black robe was using a big spoon to stir up some concoctions in a gigantic bowl.“He is coming for you, you see.” After five minutes of silence, the woman spoke to her first, “although there was no way for him to find you, I still admired his courage.”The girl turned her head away.“Fine. You will see him. By that time he would have been dead anyway.”Hurry up! John said to himself. It was half an hour to midnight. He was disappointed seeing a huge bush of brambles cut his way. He whipped out his sword and made his own way. Those plants seemed to be endless, with hazardous stabs on them. John was trying to hasten to Joey’s rescue, yet he had to be very careful.Finally, the last tentacle of these plants was cut off. John could see the edge of the low hill vaguely. That was when the ground started to shake. John heard that something was approaching him violently. When he turned around, he saw a giant, with an enormous hammer in his left hand. If it was a day before, John might be scared as hell. However now, for love, nothing could be considered as a problem. He nimbly stepped out of the way to allow the giant to run past. After avoiding the attack, John threw the sword to the ground as it was too heavy, and took out a catapult from his small pocket. The giant was hit at his back side of head. He lost his consciousness immediately. After taking down the giant, John looked for his sword everywhere, but it was gone. One step closer, he soon forgot about the sword and headed for the lair.A few minutes ago, just after John threw his sword, the old woman managed to steal that. She came back with a disappointing expression on her face. She untied the princess and told her that John was killed and showed her the sword with some blood on it for ratifying. She took the sword in suffocating silence. Tears then filled her eyes. She ran up to the roof and sat there reticently.The night was so beautiful with stars twinkling. The moon was so bright that it almost seemed pale. Some wildlife was making eerie sounds. Deep forward, you could a girl shouting faintly. All the views brought joyful memories to Joey. At last, she could not stop crying andcommitted suicide with John’s sword on the roof.Just a few seconds later, John made it to the lair.“I’m sorry, honey. You are way too late. She has already dead. When was that? Mm… God, it was like a year ago!” The woman started to act again. “See, this was hers.” She gave John the necklace that Joey owned. It was authentic. Besides him, nobody else was allowed to touch her necklace. Feeling a deep sense of sorrow, John could hardly move. He held the necklace in his hand and lumbered out.Ever since then, people lost the happy and optimistic John. Every time they saw him, he was holding that necklace. For he looked blue every day, he gained the name of “Blues”.。
