无人机 加拿大2028飞控-中文说明书 14 数据日志







Myflydream AP飞控 最新中文说明书

Myflydream AP飞控 最新中文说明书

MyFlyDream AutoPilot使用手册V1.0注意事项感谢您购买MyFlyDream 飞控(以下简称MFD AP或者AP).请根据本文档熟悉本产品及其操作方法. 本产品是一款精密的电子设备. 请仔细阅读本文档以防止设备受损.本产品只适用于模型娱乐用途, 请在遵守当地相关法律规定的前提下使用. 因可靠性和精度受多个因素影响: 强烈的电磁干扰, 恶劣的GPS星况或者其他若干原因都可能导致不理想的效果. 使用本产品导致的所有风险和后果由用户承担.我们保留不停改进和提高产品性能的权利, 所以本文档的内容不一定与您手上的产品规格完全符合, 请到我们的网站下载本文档的最新版本:1.系统的组成2.工作原理和特点MFD AP内建三轴陀螺仪,三轴加速度计,三轴电子罗盘以及气压计等传感器。



MFD AP的先进特性包括:1)全姿态的AHRS,最大滚动角速率为2000deg/s2)像素级的黑白双色OSD,刷新率>30fps,界面元素刷新无滞后3)集成对MFD AutoAntennaTracker(AAT)的支持,无缝接驳MFD自动跟踪天线系统4)通过OSD可实现所有参数的调节和航点的可视化设置,无须PC参与5)支持MAVLink协议,可以兼容开源地面站APM Planner,设置航点和实时显示飞行参数3.性能参数4.连接MFD AP的插针按功能可以分为A~J接口,如上图所示。


MFD AP可以用7~20V供电。



B)CH1~CH6 Input此接口与RC接收机连接,读取来自RC接收机的6 个PWM通道信号。


无人直升机 操作手册
北京七维航测科技股份有限公司 2015 年 09 月
Beijing SDi Science&Technology Co.,Ltd.
第一章 系统使用注意事项 ................................................................................................. 4 一、警告 ............................................................................................................................ 4 二、飞行注意事项 ........................................................................................................... 4 1、空管 ..................................................................................................................... 4 2、飞行区域 ............................................................................................................. 4 3、电磁环境 ................................................................................

无人机 加拿大2028飞控-中文说明书 12 MP2028g信息组

无人机  加拿大2028飞控-中文说明书 12 MP2028g信息组

swapPitchRoll 158
negPitch negRoll negYaw negX negY pitchScale rollScale yawScale gyPitchGain gyRollGain enableTelemetr y telemetry00 telemetry99
159 160 161 162 163 182 183 184 185 186 116
12 MP2028g信息组
MP2028g 允许存取很多操作控制和状态描述的信息组, MP2028g 信息组分为 10 类,如表 12.1 信息组种类 所示。
表 12.1 信息组种类
设置 PID
状态 伺服&飞控 原点 命令 传感器原值 反馈状态 其他
决定MP2028g如何稳定飞机的信息 组 定义MP2028g可能会用的起飞和着 陆跑道的信息组 追踪飞行器状态的信息组
4 升降舵辅助翼
104 方向舵配置 0 正常
1 V尾
2 分离式方向舵
3 方向舵禁止
109 当使用分立襟副翼伺服模 0 到 128
110 当使用分立襟副翼伺服模
187 发射时锁闭控制
188 达到解锁控制的速度
189 锁定的升降舵位置
climbThrottle 151
descentSpeed 7
descentThrottle 149
approachThrottl 8 e approachSpee 9 d takeoffElevator 10




中央处理器CPU ATMEL公司的AT91RM9200,工业级,主频200MHZ。


FLASH 1片512K的DATAFLASH;可扩充32M的FLASH,RC28F320J3C-125。






压力计集成IMU 两个MS5534A气压传感器,数字SPI总线,精度0.1mba,可获得气压高度与空速。

Analog Devices公司新推出的3轴加速度计与3轴陀螺仪集成器件ADIS16355,IMU整体解决方案,消除正交误差。



图13 YS09飞控正视图图14 YS09飞控后视图(2)北京普洛特无人飞行器科技有限公司的UP30/40飞控系统UP30性能参数:集成3轴MEMS加速度计、速率陀螺,GPS,空速传感器,及更高精度的全数字气压高度计供电范围扩展为4~26V,很多电动飞机的动力电可以直接给其供电体积相对UP20更小巧,仅为40X100X12mm3,重量26g外部接口和任务功能灵活且可以定制可内置3轴电子罗盘,支持3轴云台控制具备GPS/INS惯性导航功能,满足在丢星情况下返回起飞点舵机扩展到10~24个,分别可以执行飞行控制和其他任务支持国产低速通讯电台(最低波特率至1200bps),使得通讯距离更远、更可靠、误码率更低 2~6个10位AD,1路16位AD,充分满足任务数据采集需求大气数据探测能力,可以观测大气温压湿,以及风向风速具备UP20所具备的定时定距以及定点的航拍功能具备2路转速监测,特别适合于双发动机的无人机、无人飞艇的转速监测新的电气停车功能支持除了原来的磁电机发动机(如小松系列),还支持CDI点火的发动机(如3w等)支持全自动伞降;可连接超声波高度传感器实现全自动的滑跑降落,只需要在地面站上指定降落点与方向以及左右盘旋,飞控自动推算下滑航线。

无人机 加拿大2028飞控-中文说明书 3 安装

无人机  加拿大2028飞控-中文说明书 3 安装

3 MP2028g的安装MP2028g主机应该尽可能安放在飞行器的重心位置附近,且P2插头应该向前(飞行方向)。

MP2028g主机上安装插座的那一面应当朝上安装(如图 3.1 所示)。







表3.1 MP2028g设备组件的尺寸与重量组件尺寸/mm重量/gMP2028g主机 40×100 2870×40×23 28MP2028gAGL(超声波高度传感器)31×48×13 14MP-SERVO(伺服舵机控制板)MP-ANT34×25×10 321(GPS接收机天线)1用户可选择重量更轻的GPS接收机天线,如有需要请与MicroPilot联系。


表3.2 MP2028g主机接口当MP2028g主机所处的环境震动较强,则用户应当考虑对上述接口接口名称功能P1 伺服舵机P2 AGL、GPS、磁罗盘、串口、无线电遥控接收机信号输入P3 扩展功能借口进行加固。


图 3.1(接口位置)展示了MP2028g主机上各接口的位置。




无人机 加拿大2028飞控-中文说明书 7 加电自检与安装检查

无人机  加拿大2028飞控-中文说明书 7 加电自检与安装检查

7 加电自检与安装检查一旦MP2028g和舵机板安装配置完毕,请执行下列检查确保MP2028g 安装配置正确。

连接MP2028g COM通讯接口与PC端串口。






























无人机 加拿大2028飞控-中文说明书 10 MP2028g配置

无人机  加拿大2028飞控-中文说明书 10 MP2028g配置

10 MP2028g配置为当MP2028g安装与操作正确后,下一步是调整控制回路增益。























无人机 加拿大2028飞控-中文说明书 6 操作MP2028g

无人机  加拿大2028飞控-中文说明书 6 操作MP2028g

6 MP2028g的操作当加电以后,MP2028g主机会进入初始化过程。

在这个过程中,MP2028g 将标定传感器零位并等待GPS接收机锁定卫星。




如果自检过程中发生了任何重大错误,MP2028g也会作出报告(关于这些重大错误的详细描述,请参考表 6.1 重大错误)。















Hubsan 无人驾驶飞行器操作指南说明书

Hubsan 无人驾驶飞行器操作指南说明书

Watch the tutorial video and read the Disclaimer first.For detail information, please download User Manual at .OPERATION: Be extremely careful and responsible when using the Quad. Small electronic components can be damaged by crashes or by contact with water. To avoid injuries, do not fly a quad with broken or damaged components.Maintenance: Do not try to fix the quad by yourself. Please contact Hubsan directly or distributors authorized by Hubsan for technical support. For more information, please visit our official website at IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTES USAGE ADVICE《Disclaimer 》《Quick Start Guide 》Battery: Do not store the battery in humid areas or in temperatures higher than 60 degrees. U se a Hubsan charger to charge batteries. Keep the batteries away from children. Keep the batteries dry.-Do not fly the quad in crowded places, always be aware of the safety of yourself and others.-Do not fly in bad weather .-Never try to catch the quad while it is in flight.-This quad is intended for experienced pilots age 14+.-Take the battery out of the quad while not in use to avoid accidental injuries.Hubsan provides you with two files for your quad:IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTES1131. DOWNLOADING THEX-HUBSAN APP 655455636773. QUAD COPTER MOTOR LED INDICATOR 2. QUAD COPTER BATTERY2-1 INTRODUCTION 1-1 APP FUNCTIONS AND SETTINGS2-2 BATTERY INSTALLATION 1-2 GPS FUNCTIONS 2-3 CHARGING 4. START TO FLY 5. APP FLIGHT 5-1 CONNECT THE QUADCOPTER WITH APP 81011121314H507A TROUBLESHOOTING H507A SPARE PART CHART INFORMATION 6-1 INTRODUCTION 6-2 REMOVING PROPELLERS 6-3 INSTALLING PROPELLERS 86. PROPELLERS 8885.4 BASIC FLIGHT 5-2 COMPASS CALIBRATION 5-3 MAP MODE INTRODUCTION USAGE ADVICE CONTENTSThank you for buying a HUBSAN product. The H507A is designed to be an easy-to-use,multi-functional RC model, capable of hovering and acrobatic flight maneuvers. Please read this manual carefully and follow all the instructions. Be sure to keep this manual for future reference.Quadcopter Weight: 162g (including propeller guards )INTRODUCTION1. DOWNLOAD X-HUBSAN APPYou will need to download the X-Hubsan APP from the App Store (iOS) or G oogle Play (Android) to operate the X4 Star Pro.X-Hubsan is an APP designed for Hubsan products. Users can fly the quad, take pictures/videos and set flight parameters for the quad on the APP. We advise users to fly the quad within 50 meters and use the smart devices with large screens for optimal visualexperience. You can also buy the Hubsan relay (HT005) to go further distances (300m).1-1 APP FUNCTIONS AND SETTINGSVideoHome SettingsFlight Control X4 X4Map CalibrationMap Toggling Functions:Virtual Joysticks OnVirtual Joysticks Off Auto Take Off Auto Landing Not connectedNot connected1-2 THE GPS FUNCTIONWhen the copter's GPS has gained 6 satellites or more, below functions can be used:Waypoints/ Orbiting/ Follow Me / Return to Home (RTH).N/S2-1 INTRODUCTIONThe quadcopter battery is a rechargeable Li-Po battery rated at 7.6V and has a 550mAh capacity. The battery should only be charged with the provided HUBSAN charger to avoid overcharging.2-2 BATTERY INSTALLATIONInsert the battery into the battery compartment correctly.2. QUAD COPTER BATTERY2-3 CHARGINGConnect the battery to its USB charger, then connect the USB end either to a wall adapter or a USB device (such as a computer or mobile power charger (5V,1A)). The USB LED indicator blinks in red when charging, and turns solid after the battery is fully charged. Please unplug the charger and battery promptly afterwards.Charging time: ~200 minsLED Indicators:Fore LEDs are blue; rear LEDs are red.1. Power on: all 4 LED indicators flash simultaneously.2. Compass Calibration: 1)Horizontal calibration: the 4 LED indicators flash in a clockwise pattern. 2)Vertical calibration: the LED indicators flash two at a time) alternating sides.3. Quadcopter Calibration 4 LED indicators flash slowly.4. GPS Flight: 4 LED indicators remain solid.5. GPS Return : the 2 front LEDs remain solid, and the 2 rear LEDs flash slowly.6. Low Voltage: the 2 front LEDs remain solid, and the 2 rear LED flash rapidly.7. Disconnection: When the connection between the transmitter/smart device and quad islost, the 2 front LEDs will flash alternately and the 2 rear LED indicators will remain solid.3. QUAD COPTER LED INDICATORSTo prevent any injuries caused by improper operation, it is strongly advised that beginners learn to operate the quad under the guidance of the professional. It is very important to choose the right flight environment. Please refer to the disclaimer for a description of the ideal flight environment.4. START TO FLYSAFETY CHECKS BEFORE FLYING(1) Make sure that the quad and transmitter/smart device batteries are fully charged.(2) Make sure propellers are installed properly.(3) Insert Micro-SD card for pictures and videos prior to powering the quad on.(4) Check that motors arm properly after binding.(5) Make sure the camera lens is clean.(1) Power on the quad (hold down the power button until all four LEDs power on);(2) With your smart device's WIFI function) find and select Hubsan_h507a_XXXXXX. Password: 12345678.(3) Enter the X-Hubsan APP. Select the Hubsan H507A from the drop-down menu to enter the flight operation interface.5. APP FLIGHT5-1 CONNECT THE QUADCOPTER WITH APPSettings WIFI Wi-FiHubsan_h507a_XXXXXXCHOOSE A NETWORK......C ancelEnter Password Enter the password for”Hubsan_h507a-XXX”Join Password 123456785-2 COMPASS CALIBRATIONCompass calibration is required before every flight, otherwise the quad will not function properly. To avoid major in-flight issues) do not calibrate the compass near sources of magnetic interference.The APP will revert to its operation interface.Tap to shift between Camera mode and Map mode.Please check the help tips on APP for more details.5-3 MAP MODE5-4 BASIC FLIGHT6. PROPELLERS6-1 INTRODUCTIONThe 5.3 inch propellers are classified into A and B. Damaged propellers should be replaced in time.Propeller APropeller A Propeller B Propeller BAttach the propellers to their corresponding motors (both propellers and motors should be marked A and B). Gently but firmly tighten the propellers with the screw-driver. Propellers should be firmly secured to the motor shaft but not completely deadlocked. Match the “I” mark on propellers to the flat side of the indicated “D” gap on motor shafts when assembling (as shown on Figure 1)Notice: Mind the corresponding colors of the A and B propeller screws!Propeller B Propeller AIf a propeller needs to be changed:Use a screwdriver to unscrew propeller A clockwise from the motor shaft. Unscrew propeller B by unscrewing it counterclockwise.Propeller B Propeller BPropeller A Propeller A6-2 REMOVING PROPELLERS6-3 INSTALLING PROPELLERSUse a screwdriver and gently tighten the screw counterclockwise for propeller A. Gently tighten the screw clockwise for propeller B.Propeller B Propeller A Propeller APropeller BH507A TROUBLESHOOTING1. No GPS Signal !Make sure that you and the copter are outdoors. The flight environment must be open (without tall buildings or obstructions).2. Altitude Hold & Positioning not work!Check that the quad has 6 or more GPS satellites.3. Can't take pictures and videos!① Check if the Micro-SD card is inserted or not;②Check that the Micro-SD card is formatted correctly to either FAT32 or exFAT. The card should also be class 10 or higher.4. Can't fly back to Home Point!Check that the quad has 6 or more GPS satellites before flying.5. GPS signal lost!Check if there is any interference (ie: electric cables, radio towers)6. The quad or video shakes while flying.①Check the propellers. Replace broken or deformed propellers.②Check the screws on quadcopter are properly screwed in place.③Check if the motor shaft is broken or warped.7. No Wi-Fi Connection.Restart the quad.8.Unbind the quad and the APP before connecting the quad to the relay for flight. Otherwise) the connection between the relay and quad may fail.9.How to find back the quadcopter when it lost?Please search the quad copter according to its GPS coordinate recorded on the controller.H507A SPARE PART CHARTH507A-01 Body Shell H507A-02Lamp Base A/BTransparent yellowH507A-04Motor Holder GreyH502-12LED KitH507A-07Li-Po BatteryH502-07Motor HolderH507A-052.4G RXH507A-03 Propeller A/B YellowH502-06Motor BH502-11Motor ShaftH501S-13 Compass ModuleH502-08Shaft SleeveH507A-06Camera ModuleH502C-03ScrewH502-05Motor AH502-10Motor Gear BH507A-08GPS Module H502C-08USB ChargerH502-19ScrewdriverH502-20Propeller guardHT005 RelayINFORMATIONThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the local dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference,and(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Made in China.CAUTIONRISK OF EXPLOSION IF BATTERY IS REPLACED BY AN INCORRECT TYPE.DISPOSE OF USED BATTERIES ACCORDING TO THE INSTRUCTIONS.WARNING:HAZARDOUS MOVING PARTS KEEP FINGERS AND OTHER BODY PARTS AWAY.Do not leave the quadcopter charging unattended.Always disconnect the quadcopter from the chargerimmediately after charging is complete.This is not a toy, not suitable for children under 14.*************(China)。

无人机 加拿大2028飞控-中文说明书 11 指令

无人机  加拿大2028飞控-中文说明书 11 指令

11 指令此处列出的指令用于为MP2028g构建飞行计划。





指令缓冲区(线程)由0至3 编号。



















SLA-1 无人机用户手册说明书

SLA-1 无人机用户手册说明书

SLA-1User ManualSpecificationsWing span: 2000mm Length: 1400mmRC: 8-Channels Motor: 2820(920kv)Esc: 60A UBEC Battery: 4S 6000-20000mAh 18650 Servo: 1x15g digital metal-gear 2x28g digital metal-gear Propeller: 12x6 Payload:1-2kgFlight time:40-100mins Cruising speed:19m/sWind resistance:8m/s1. Fuselage2. Wing3. Horizontal stabilizer4. vertical stabilizer (fin)5. Wing joiner tube φ12x1200mm6. Tail screw M4x257. Wing screw M5x40 (Front)8. Wing screw M5x30 (back) 9. Data link (ground station)10. Antenna (aircraft autopilot)11. Antenna of RTK data radio12. Remote controller (RC) 13. Charger of RCName of the componentsWarning: Please stay away from the propeller after powering up the airplane. You shall take full responsibility for the injury caused by personal reasons.Airspeed meterRight wingLeft wing PropellerElevatorRTK antenna SwitchRTK antennaPower connectorConnectors of cameraand RTK dataAssemblyStep 1. Assemble the wingAssemble the wing with the joiner tube φ12x1200mm.Step 2. Assemble the finLoosen the nut (if necessary) on the wing, insert the fin into wing in place. Please note that the fin with earphone plug shall be on the right (shown as below) and installed in place.Earphone plug for elevatorHand nutEarphone plug for elevatorStep 3. Assemble the vertical stabilizerRemove the four tail screws, and connect the quick connector. And install the tail the four tail screws. Adjust the tail assembly to be parallel with wing, and tighten the nut on the wing to fix the tail assembly.Quick connectorTighten the nut lastlyStep 4. Camera installment ( fox example QX1)Connect the triggering wire to camera, and place the camera on camera mount in place. AND tighten the seat belt to fix the camera.Step 5. Assemble the wing assemblyRemove the two wing screws( M5x40 in the front) and two wing screws( M5x30 in the back). Fit the connectors on wing and fuselage, and place the wing assembly onto fuselage in place. Lastly tighten the four wing screws, and install the antennas.Trigger port on cameraTriggering wireStep 6. Battery installment (for example 18650 12000mAh)Place the battery in the seat, and tighten the belt.Antenna of RTKdata radioAntenna of autopilotdata link Front screwM5x40Back screw M5x30 ConnectorAs below after assembly:Flight ModesThe Futaba-T8FG transmitter is recommended to use in this airplane. There are 3flight modes for use.1.Manual Mode, under this mode the airplane is completely controlled by thepilot.2.Stabilize Mode,under this mode it can detect whether the control surfacesoperate correctly in autonomous flight.3.Auto Mode, under this mode the airplane can fly autonomously according to thepreset program.The pilot can switch the dial on transmitter to select the flight mode.This is the dial for Mode switch.Lowest position: Manual ModeMiddle position: Stabilize ModeUppermost position: Auto ModeWarning: please refer to the manual of the transmitter T8FG in Futaba website.Field Operation ManualWARNING: A careful preflight check is mandatory after the airplane is assembled.Prior to powering up:1.Check the airplanea)Visual check on the airframe, wing, tail, control surfaces etc. Make sure there isno damage or potential risk, especially the repaired area. Should you have anyquestions or concerns, please contact local supplier or the manufacturer.b)Check the bindiny mechanism, make sure that there is no damage in theconnection of wing, tail and airframe.c)Check actuating mechanism. Make sure there is no damage, loose fit ordeformation in the servos, pushrods, control horns and screws etc.d)Check the power system. Make sure the system is intact, and the motor istightly fixed in airframe, propeller and spinner are intact and firmly fixed, allscrews are firmly tightened.e)Check the wiring inside the cabin. All wires shall be intact. And the connectorsshall be connected securely. Pack the excess wires to make sure the wires arein order.f)Antennas, receiver, GPS and autopilot etc. electronic parts shall be securelyfixed, their connecting wires are correctly and well connected.g)Check the airspeed meter. Make sure it is securely fixed and the rubber tube isintact, and its air tightness is in good condition, especially the connection area.h)Check the camera, and make sure the triggering connector is well connectedand the wires should be orderly.i)Check the center of the gravity (CG). The correct CG shall be as below ( 95mmaway from the leading edge of wing.2.Check the power supplya)Check the battery energy of ground station. Make sure the remaining batteryenergy is enough for this complete flight.3、Click ”Reverse ”b) Check the battery energy for power supply of airplane. Make sure the batteriesare fully charged and the connections are in good condition.After all these items mentioned above are checked and in good condition, power up the ground station, RC, and the airplane. Then start the software –Mission planner - in the ground station. Set the flight plan and send the settings to the autopilot. Check the operation status of ground station and equipments. Detailed procedures are as below.After powering up:1. Check the RC: make sure the model and mode selection are correct, and thebattery energy of RC is enough for the full flight of this mission. 2. Check the control surfaces of the airplane:a) Select the Manual Mode by switching the dial to the lowest position. Andmove the sticks on RC to check whether the control surfaces operate correctly. If it is reversed, please modify the settings in FUTABA RC. Please refer to the manual of RC in FUTABA website.b) Select the Stabilize Mode by switching the dial to the middle position. Andhold the airplane in the air. When rotating the airplane to the left in the axis of flying direction, the left aileron should be down (view from tail to nose) and the right aileron should be up. And rotate it to the right, up, and down, the control surfaces should operate to stabilize the airplane. If there is any inversed control surfaces, please modify the settings in Mission Planner, procedures for modification as below.Step 1. Connect data linkAfter the airplane is completely assembled, power it up. Connect the data link radio to computer. Then start Mission Planner program, select connection port and baud rate, andclick “CONNECT” button. Normally please select “COM” port and baud rate at 115200 ( itcan be different).Connect/Disconnect buttonMain menu barConnectingStep 2. Compass calibrationWARNING: Please calibrate the compass whenever the airfield is changed.1)After the data link radio is successfully connected, it is mandatory to calibratecompass. Click “INITIAL SETUP”in the main menu bar, and select “Mandatory Hardware” ”Compass”in the left menu bar. Then tick “Use this compass”in Compass #1 and Compass #2. Then click “Live Calibration” to start the calibration.②Select “Compass”③Tick “Use this compass” in compass #1and #2.④Click “Live Calibration”2) Slowly rotate the airplane in 3 axes (pitch, row and yaw) respectively, at least twocircles for every axis. The white spots on the dialog box of “Progress ” are decreasing with the rotation of airplane. When all (or most) white spots disappear, the calibration is completed. Then click “Done ” ->”Yes ”->”OK ” to finish calibration progress.! If the white spots don ’t change while rotating, please check if the compasses are well connected.① Calibration is completed when all (or most) white spots disappear.Flight controller1)Home point setting and clear previous missionClick “FLIGHT PLAN” in the main menu bar. And click“ Read WPs” in the right sidedmenu bar. Thus the home point is set. Move cursor to the map on screen, and right click to select “Clear Mission”. Then the previous mission is cleared.2)Mission settingRight click the map and select “Takeoff”. ②Click “Read WPs” to set the home point.③Right click to clear previous mission.3)Draw mapping areaRight click the map and select “Draw Polygon” ->“Add Polygon Point”, then place the necessary points to form the mapping area. Moving the polygon points is also doable by holding left click after the polygon points are set.4)Waypoints planning①Right click to select “Takeoff”Right click the map to select “Auto WP” ->“Survey(Grid)”. There are 3 options on the right side of the window –Simple, Grid options and Camera Config –to set the waypoints parameters. And to get ideal waypoints the parameters need to be set according to the airplane conditions, the mapping requirements and payload etc. When all is set, click “Accept” to finish the waypoints planning.①Select one of the threeoptions to set parameters.Detailed method of waypoints planning as below:i.Set the camera( take SONY QX1 camera with 16mm lens for example). The sensor of QX1 is23.2x15.4mm, and its resolution is 5456x3632 pixels. Click “Camera Config”, and fill in theparameters of the camera. Then select “CAM_TRIGG_DIST” for the Trigger Method.resolutionSensorTrigger Methodii.Set the “Grid Options”.Set both “OverShoot” and “LeadIn” to 150 meters . Then set the “Overlap” and “Sidelap”according to requirement. And set “Dist between lines”, it needs at least 100 meters for the “Dist between lines” to ensure turn round smoothly. If the “Dist between lines” is less than100meters, we need to set “Min lane separation”( find it at “Grid Options” -> “AlternateLanes”).According to the formula “Dist between lines”*(n+1)>=100, we can get n>=(100-Dist between lines)/Dist between lines, n is an integer. And fill in the “Min lane separation with the n.Please note that “Photo every(est)” is the interval time of photographing. If it is set to lessthan 2 seconds, there may be photos missing. Reducing “Overlap” Or “Ground resolution” can increase the interval time.iii.Set the “ Simple”Set the “Angle” and “Altitude”. Please set the “Angel” according to the actual wing direction of flying field.When setting “Altitude”, please move cursor to the left side, and the contents on the left sideis refreshed. The corresponding Ground Resolution is visible. Reducing Altitude will increaseGround Resolution.iv.Do NOT select” Add Takeoff and Land WP’s” as they will be set manually.Click “Accept” to finish the setting.5)Landing point settingRight click the map to select “Draw Polygon” ->“Clear Polygon”. And left click to set a transition point ( if necessary, a transition between the waypoints and landing point).Please set the height of the transition point to 30-50 meters, and 150-200 meters away from the landing point.Right click the map to select “Land” to set the landing point.①Right click to clear polygon. ②Left click to settransition point.③Set the landing point.6) Write waypointsAfter procedures above are completed, click “Write WPs ” on the left side. Then click “Read WPs ” to check if all WPs are written correctly.7) Airspeed meter calibrationClick “ FLIGHT DATA ” on the main menu bar, and click “Actions ”, then select “PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION ” ->“Do Action ”. A message box pops up, but do not confirm anything for now.Block airspeed meter (by using a bottle in front of the head of airspeed meter to block it). Make sure there is no air motion in front of airspeed meter. Then click “Yes ” on the message box. Please note that do not form air pressure to the airspeed meter when① Click “ Write WPs ”.② Click “Read WPs ”.① Click “FLIGHT DATA ” on the main menu.② Click “Action s”③ Select “PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION ” ->”Do Action ”.④ Click “Yes ” after blocking the airspeed meter.Step 4. Carrying out the missionHold the airplane by hands. Please be aware of the propeller, keep your body away from the propeller!Turn on the switch inside the cabin.Switch the flight mode to Manual (switching a dial on transmitter). And place the throttle stick to the lowest right position for a few seconds to disarm the airplane.Then push throttle stick a little to check if it is disarmed successfully.After it is disarmed successfully, switch the flight mode to Auto. And the motor automatically starts, elevator up. Throw the airplane out horizontally after 3-5s.Step 5. Mission completedThe airplane will automatically land after preset mission is completed. Disconnect the battery firstly after it lands. Then take the camera out to get the pictures.Please conduct detailed inspection after flight.1. Check the flying platform●Airframe, check the fuselage, wing, aileron, and tail etc. to make sure there isno damage on them, especially the bottom of fuselage.●Bindiny mechanism, check the connection of wing, aileron, tail and fuselage etc.●Actuating mechanism, check servos, pushrods, control horns to make surethere is no damage on them.●Battery capacity, check the dump energy of power battery, battery for flightcontroller etc. to make sure the energy is enough for next flight.2. Check the equipments●Antenna, check the receiver, GPS, data radio to make sure there is no damage onthem and the connection among them is in good condition.●Flight controller, check the flight controller and its subsidiary bodies is in goodcondition, and make sure the damping mechanism is free from deformation anddamage.●Mission equipment, check the equipment and its connection are in goodcondition.●Image data, check the quality and quantity of images to make sure they meetthe requirements.Warning: Please do not modify the parameters if you are not familiar with it. You are responsible for the parameter modifications.。





























QTeles Digital LCD Display无人机用户指南说明书

QTeles Digital LCD Display无人机用户指南说明书

User GuideIMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS:The device has been tested for conformance to safety Array regulations and requirements, and has been certified forinternational use. However, like all electronic equipment, thedevice should be used with care. Please read and follow thesafety instructions to protect yourself from possible injury and tominimize the risk of damage to the unit.●Please do not place the display screen towards the ground to avoidscratching the LCD surface.●Please avoid heavy impact.●Please do not use chemical solutions to clean this product. Simply wipewith a clean soft cloth to maintain the brightness of the surface.●Please do not block any vent hole.●Please follow the instructions and trouble-shooting to adjust the product.●Internal adjustments or repairs must be performed by a qualifiedtechnician.●Please keep user guide for future reference.●Please unplug the power and remove the battery if long-term no-use, orthunder weather.FEATURES:4K HDMI input & loop output,1920x1200, Full HD resolution,500cd/m² high brightness,1000:1 high contrast,Wide Voltage:DC7-24VPlenty of Camera Auxiliary FunctionsDurable protectionUltra slim 20mm.YP-01170715-3CONTENT1. INSTALLATION & INITIAL SETUP (3)2. TOP&REAR PANEL FEATURES (4)3. DV BATTERY MOUNT PLATE (5)4. MENU SETTING (6)5. MENU OPERATION (7)6. ACCESSORIES (16)7. PARAMETERS (17)8. TROUBLE SHOOTING (17)1. INSTALLATION & INITIAL SETUPUnpackingCarefully unpack the device and verify that the accessories list under Chapter 6 are included.Inspect the unit for any physical damage that may have occurred during shipping. Should there be any damage, immediately contact the Service. Connections, Power-On and Initial SetupPlug the power supply into an AC power source.Attach the Power connector to the back of the monitor.Connect the required cables for the signal input and output.Press the Power button to turn the unit on.2.TOP&REAR PANEL FEATURES1. MENU Dial:2. Menu key: press the dial to display menu on the screen when screen islit.3. Options key: left or right sliding the dial in the menu screen to select thedesired menu option.4. Confirm key: press the dial to confirm the selected option.5. EXIT:6. To return or exit the menu function.7. F1、F2 User-definable buttonsF1:Peaking F2:Lever Meter8. Power on/off.9. Power indicator light.10. Earphone.11. HDMI output interface.12. HDMI input interface.13. DC 12V power input.14. Battery plate switch.3. DV BATTERY MOUNT PLATEStandard mounts process①First place battery plate into the slot, then slide the switch to left.②Then slide the battery plate down into the slot.Following two types of battery plates are suitable for this monitor, the standard option of battery plate model is F970.MODEL: F-970 MODEL: LP-E6DV Battery Mount Plate SpecificationModel F970 for battery of SONY DV:DCR-TRV series, DCR-TRV E series, VX2100E PD P series, GV-A700,GV-D800 FD/CCD-SC/TR3/FX1E/HVR-AIC, HDR-FX1000E, HVR-Z1C,HVR-V1C, FX7E F330.Model LP-E6 for battery of Canon DSLR:D Mark II/5D Mark III/EOS7D/EOS60D;4. MENU SETTINGBefore setting the functions, please make sure the device is connected correctly.3-1. F1~F2 User-definable function buttons:Select "MEMU -- SYSTEM -- F1 Configuration/F2 Configuration"to custom F1 / F2 shortcut settings. Then left or right sliding the dial to choose options.Select option via sliding to the left or right.Press to confirm option as default, then press EXIT to exit.Functions of F1-F2 buttons can also be customized: Center Marker, Aspect Marker, Check Filed, Underscan, Scan, Aspect, DSLR, Freeze, Peaking, False Color, Exposure, Histogram, Level Meter.F1-F2:2 user-definable function buttonsDefault function:F1:Peaking F2:Level Meter3-2. DialSliding the dial to activate the brightness bar when not under the menu displaySlide the dial to adjust the value of option directly.Press “EXIT” to exit if accidentally enter the menu.After enter the Volume menu, press the dial to select among of Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, Tint, Sharpness, Volume, and Exit.5. MENU OPERATIONWhen power on, press dial on the device, the menu of function setting will display on the screen.Sliding the dial to select the menu option;Then press the dial to confirm;Press “EXIT” button to exit menu.Adjust the general brightness of the LCD. For example, if you are outside in bright conditions, increase the LCD brightness to make it easier to view. ContrastIncreases or decreases the range between the bright and dark areas of the image. High contrast can reveal detail and depth in the image, and lowcontrast can make the image appear soft and flat.SaturationIncrease or decreases the amount of color in the displayed image. SharpnessIncrease or decrease the sharpness of the image. When the image sharpness is insufficient, increase the sharpness to make the image clearer.Color TempAdjust the color temperature to make the image warmer (Yellow) or colder (Blue). Increase the value to make the image be warmer, decrease the value to make the image be colder. User can use this function to strengthen, weaken or balance the image color according requirements. The standard white light color temperature is 6500K.Select On, it will appear “+” marker on center of screen.Aspect MarkerDisplay the different aspect of the displayed image .Safety MarkerDraw dotted line Marker on screen in case of image. This monitor has OFF, 95%, 93%, 90%, 88%, 85%, 80% preset to choose.GridThe grid feature displays a “thirds” overlay with two vertical and horizontal lines placed in each third of the image. Select “ON”or “OFF”to view or hide the thirds overlay.Thirds are an extremely powerful tool to help compose the shots. For example, the human eye typically looks for action near the points where the lines intersect, so it’s help to frame key points of interest in these zones.Note: Grid function is unavailable while activate Marker Mat.Marker Color & Marker Mat & ThicknessThe transparency of aspect mat can be adjusted from 0 to 7. Meanwhile, there are five alternative marker colors. The marker thickness can be set as 2,4,6. Users can choose abundant ratios or colors according to different background colors when shooting.The points where the lines intersect. intersectScanUse this menu option to choose Scan mode. There are three modes preset: ● Aspect:Select Aspect under Scan option, then use Aspect option to switch between several aspect ratio setting. For example:In 4:3 mode, images are scaled up or down to fill the maximum 4:3 portion of the screen. In 16:9 mode, images are scaled to fill the entire screen.In Full mode, images are scaled to fill the entire screen.● Pixel to PixelThe pixel to pixel is a monitor set to 1:1 pixel mapping with native fixed pixels, which avoids loss of sharpness due to scaling artifacts and normally avoids incorrect aspect ratio due to stretching.FunctionScan Aspect, Pixel To Pixel, ZoomAspect Full, 16:9, 1.85:1, 2.35:1, 4:3, 3:2 Underscan OFF, ONCheck Field OFF, Mono, Red, Green, Blue Zoom x1.5, x 2, x 3, x 4 Freeze OFF, ONDSLR OFF, 5D2, 5D3ZoomCan see the enlarged image by ( x1.5, x 2, x 3, x 4) ratios. To select the “zoom”under Scan, choose the times under Zoom option which underneath the Check Field option.UnderscanIf the image shows size error, use this setting to zoom in/out pictures automatically when receiving HDMI signalsCheck FieldUse the check field modes for monitor calibration or to analyze individual color components of an image. In Mono mode, all color is disabled and only a grayscale image is shown. In Blue, Green, and Red check field modes, only the selected color will be shown.DSLRUse the DSLR Preset option to reduce the visibility of on screen indicators shown with popular DSLR cameras. The available options are:5D2, 5D3The peaking is used to aid the camera operator in obtaining the sharpest possible picture. Select “On” to display colored outlines around sharp areas of the image.Peaking ColorUse this setting to change the color of focus assist lines to Red, Green, Blue, White, Black. Changing the color of the lines can help make them easier to see against similar colors in displayed image.Peaking leverUse this setting to adjust the level of focus sensitivity. If there are plenty of details of image with high contrast, it will display lots of focus assist lines that may cause visual interference. So, decrease the value of peaking lever to reduce the focus lines to see clearly. Conversely, if the image has less details with low contrast, it should be increase the value of peaking lever to see the focus lines clearly.False ColorThis monitor has a false color filter to aid in the setting of camera exposure. As the camera Iris is adjusted, elements of the image will change color based on the luminance or brightness values. This enables proper exposure to be achieved without the use of costly, complicated external equipment.Exposure & Exposure LeverThe exposure feature helps the user achieve optimum exposure by displaying diagonal lines over areas of the image that exceed the setting exposure lever. The exposure lever can be set to 0~100.HistogramThe histogram shows the distribution of the luminance or the black to white information along a horizontal scale, and lets the user monitors how close the detail is to being clipped in the blacks or whites of the video. The histogram also lets you see the effects of gamma changes in the video.The left edge of the histogram displays shadows, or blacks, and the far right displays highlights, or whites. If monitoring the image from a camera, when the user closes or opens the lens aperture, the information in the histogram moves to the left or right accordingly. The user can use this to check “clipping” in the image shadows and highlights, and also for a quick overview of the amount of detail visible in the tonal ranges. For example, a tall and broad range of information around the middle section of the histogram corresponds to good exposure for details in the midtones of your image.The video is likely being clipped if the information bunches to a hard edge at 0% or above 100% along the horizontal scale. Video clipping is undesirable when shooting, as detail in the blacks and whites must be preserved if the user subsequently want to perform color correction in a controlled environment. When shooting, try to maintain the exposure so information falls off gradually at the edges of the histogram with most forming around the middle. This will give the user more freedom later to adjust colors without whites and blacks appearing flat and lacking in detail.To adjust the volume for the built in speaker and earphone jack audio signal. Level MeterThe left side of the on screen meters displays lever meters showing audio levels for channels 1 and 2 of the input source. It features peak hold indicators which stay visible for a short time so the user can clearly see the maximum levels reached.To achieve optimum audio quality, ensure your audio levels do not reach 0. This is the maximum level, meaning that any audio that exceeds this lever will be clipped, resulting in distortion. Ideally peak audio levels should fall in the upper end of the green zone. If the peaks enter into the yellow or red zones, the audio is in danger of clipping.Switch between English and Chinese.OSD TIMERSelect the displaying time of the OSD. It has 10s,20s,30s preset to choose. Image FlipThe monitor support H,V, H/V three preset Flip modes.Back LightAdjusts the level of the back light level. If the back light value is increased, the screen becomes brighter.F1 Configuration & F2 ConfigurationSelect F1 or F2 Configuration" for setting. Dial left or right to choose settings, then press the Menu button to confirm the selection. After set it, the user can press F1 or F2 to pop up the function directly on screen.ResetIf there is any problem unknown, press to confirm after selected. The monitor will return to default set.6. ACCESSORIESStandard:1. Folding sun shade cover 1 piece2. Silicon rubber case 1 piece3. HDMI A/C cable 1 piece4. Battery plate(F970) 1 pieces5. Hot shoe mount 1 piece6. Manual 1 copy7. PARAMETERS8. TROUBLE SHOOTING1. Only black-and-white display:Check whether the color saturation is properly setup or not.2. Power on but no pictures:Check whether the cables of HDMI are correctly connected or not. Please use the standard battery.3. Wrong or abnormal colors:Check whether the cables are correctly and properly connected or not.Broken or loose pins of the cables may cause a bad connection.4. When on the picture shows size error:Press “MENU → FUNCTION → Underscan” to zoom in/out pictures automatically when receiving HDMI signals5. Other problems:Please press dial button and choose “MENU→SYSTEM→ Reset →ON”6. According to the ISP, the machine cannot function properly:ISP for program upgrades, non-professionals do not use. Please reboot your device if press accidentally!7. What's the external battery working time for monitor?The monitor supports SONY F970 battery(working time is about 3.5hours or above) and Canon LP-E6 battery(working time is about 1.5hours or above), we kindly suggest using original battery of SONY and Canon brand. The working time is not guaranteed if using non original battery. Note: due to constant effort to improve products and product features, specifications may change without notice.。



CAUTION:Stability - Wheelchair is designed to be safe and stable as long as center of gravity is maintained while going about normal activities. Care must be taken while performing activities that shift your center of gravity in the chair. Never reach so far that require you to shift in the seat or bend over out of the chair. When you have to reach for objects that require you to lean, be certain front casters are pointing in a forward position that extends the wheel base and will stabilize the chair.Ramps - Be sure of your own capabilities, limitations and strength before attempting to go up a ramp. Correct techniques on ramp negotiation should be shown to you by a qualified professional. Assistance is recommended when going up or down inclines greater than 10o . If you must stop on an incline, avoid sudden, abrupt movement when you resume movement. Because of backward angle of the chair, sudden abrupt movement could cause instability. Attempting to use the wheel lock brakes could result in accidental locking, tipping to one side, or cause a sudden stop. Avoid changing direction when going down an incline, as this could result in instability of tipping over.sentra heavy duty wheelchair extra wideItem #STD26DDA ShownFor use with allSentra Heavy Duty Extra Wide WheelchairsWEIgHT CApACITY: 700 LBSArmrest padArmrest Side panel Seat UpholsteryFootplateBrakesCap Hub Rear WheelHand gripRear WheelWHEEL LoCkS- Engage both wheel locks before getting in or out of chair, leaning forward in chair, or while in an elevator or wheelchair lift. Proper adjustment of wheel lock is at least 1/8” when locked. Locks are engaged by pushing handle completely forward. Adjustments to locks are made by loosening or tightening nut on the carriage bolt. Embed lock shoe at least 1/8” by sliding clamp toward rear wheel while handle is engaged in locked position. Tighten nut and bolt to secure in position. Test for correct locking action before actual use.TIRES - Solid rubber tires need minimal maintenance, but should be cleaned occasionally with a damp cloth. Replace if tires become severely worn or cracking appears.FRonT CASTERS - Casters should be checked periodically and lubricated occasionally. Lubricate by removing fork and greasing caster stem bearings. Lubricate wheel bearings by removing wheel from fork. Reassemble fork and wheel by tightening nuts until no play remains, but wheels roll freely. If nut is too loose, caster will shimmy, if too tight, chair will be hard to steer.REmovAL oF SWIng-AWAY FooT RESTS/LEg RESTS - Release lock by pushing on the front rigging lever. Swing-away foot rest /leg rest out and sideways. Lift to remove.ADjUSTIng LEngTH oF FooTREST/LEg REST - Whenadjusting length of foot rests or leg rests, user should besitting in wheelchair with feet on the foot plates. Loosenbolt on the clamp around support assembly. Raise orlower foot plate to desired position that will providemaximum support of thighs. Front rigging should not beso low that it causes uncomfortable pressure to thighsat front of seat upholstery. Footrest should not be lowerthan 2-1/2” from the ground to ensure clearance.ADjUSTIng/ELEvATIng LEg REST- Lift foot plate onleg rest assembly to desired position. Release leg restassembly and it will automatically lock into place. T olower, push out on leg rest lever and lower foot plate todesired position.WHEELS- Large rear wheels should be inspected atleast once a month to ensure proper tightness. If wheelwobbles or is loose, release lock nut and tighten axlebolt slightly. T est for proper tightness by learning chairto one side and spin adjusted wheel.gEnERAL CARE - Wipe chrome parts with a clean, softcloth at least once a week. All metal parts can be cleanedwith auto wax or similar poducts. If exposed to moisture,dry immediately. Do not use an abrasive cleanser thatwill scratch the finish.To opEn CHAIR - Open wheelchair by tilting to one sideand pushing down on seat rail until fully opened.To CLoSE/FoLD CHAIR - First fold foot plates to verticalposition. Grab seat with both hands at front and backedge and lift. Or, tilt chair to one side and lift up on seatrail.REmovABLE ARmS - Remove arms by depressing springbutton and lifting arms out of front and rear sockets.WARnIngDo not attempt to adjust or operate wheelchairwithout reading carefully all instructions in this manual.This wheelchair has not been approved as a seat thatcan be used within vehicles of any kind. Always transferwheelchair user to a vehicle manufacturers approvedseat and use safety restraints available.Do not operate this wheelchair on roadways, streets orany surfaces with vehicular traffic.Do not attempt to operate on inclines 10% or greaterwithout proper assistance.Be sure to completely engage wheel locks whengetting in and out of wheelchair or when in elevator orwheelchair lift.Wheelchair should be on a smooth, stable and level areawith wheel locks engaged before transferring user in orout of wheelchair.Do not adjust foot rests any lower than 2-1/2” from floor.When getting in or out of wheelchair, do not stand on orapply weight to foot rests.Before reaching or leaning forward, rotate casters tofront of the wheelchair engage wheel locks to helpprevent wheelchair from tipping over.Do not lean over or apply weight to the top ofwheelchair back. This can cause wheelchair to tip over.When trying to extend arms over back, only reach asfar as your arm can extend without having to alter yourseating position.DO NOT stand on wheelchair.DO NOT use wheel locks to slow your descent downan incline.Abruptly changing directions while going down an inclinecould cause instability or possible tipping over.Please read this manual carefully to insure safe usage and understanding of maintenance instructions. Congratulations on your purchase of a Drive wheelchair. Drive wheelchairs are a product of quality engineering and are manufactured to meet our own highly rigid specifications and will surpass all your expectations.。

Arkbird 标准版飞控 V3.1028 中文说明书

Arkbird 标准版飞控  V3.1028 中文说明书
细节问题说明书都有说明,使用前请仔细阅读说明书,注意细节和重要参数,以免遗漏重要信息,留下飞 行隐患甚至导致受伤! Arkbird-OSD 接线和界面讲解 视频说明书:/v_show/id_XNDgzMjQ4OTAw.html
九大功能介绍 目录 全部设备连接示意图 全部设备连接实物图 供电方式示意图 机身安装方法 遥控器设置 GPS 的使用 确定平衡模式辅助量正反 返航模式\设置失控返航 OSD 调参办法 CTL 姿态控制参数菜单 RTH 返航控制值设置菜单 OSD 界面设置 辅助量正反与三角翼混控\栅栏模式设置 航点设置 平衡返航的调试技巧 调节平衡模式\返航模式 常见问题解决 其他常见问题 注意事项
每次起飞,在可视范围内测试返航,注意观察返航方向箭头和 OSD 右下角飞控控制角度,查看飞机是否掉 头返航,在 30 米附近范围内盘旋。(盘旋左或右,由最近回家角度决定,所以也有可能 8 字飞行)。如果有 异常,请打到手动模式控制。
GPS 丢星后,若切到返航模式会进行丢星返航,按最后一次的经纬度计算返航角度返航,到达视野内应手 动控制降落。
Launch Assist
设置为 ON 打开后,切至平衡模式, 推油门将不输出油门, OSD 显示 “T (油
门量大小)”以及“ Launch”提示(下图)。 表示等待手抛。
手持飞机助跑, 速度大于 5kmph 后, 油门开启并自动控制起飞。注: 此功能仅在 GPS 卫星数大
请将遥控器上舵量设为 100%,微调尽量回中,通过调节机械舵孔、CTL 控制量大小改变舵量。 ROLL CTL 横滚控制量大小(百分比)相当于安装机械舵臂值
PITCH CTL 俯仰控制量大小(百分比)

Walkera Runner 280 无人遥控飞行器产品说明书

Walkera Runner 280 无人遥控飞行器产品说明书





· 电调与相关连接部件连接前,请确保所有电线和连接部件绝缘良好,短路会毁坏电调。

· 请务必仔细连接好各部件,若连接不良,您可能不能正常控制赛车,或出现设备损坏等其他不可预知的情况。

· 使用此电调前,请认真查看各动力设备以及车架说明书,确保动力搭配合理,避免因错误的动力搭配导致电机超载,最终损坏电调。

· 顶级竞赛专用:内置5种常用模式(如:零进角Zero Timing闪灯模式、一般练习模式、MODIFY 竞赛模式、STOCK 竞赛模式),适合所有竞赛,即选即用。

电调的设定参数可以导入导出,便于车 手相互交流和借鉴彼此的设定。

· 内置BEC升压电路,BEC最大输出电流高达6A,输出电压6V,无需额外的接收机电池,即可轻松驱动各种舵机。

03产品特色02注意事项06设置电子调速器设定油门行程1XERUN XR10 Pro-1S-Heavy DutyXERUN XR10 Pro 1S车用无刷电子调速器使用说明书01声明1. 连接马达:连接有感无刷马达与无感无刷马达的方式有差异,请务必遵照如下接线方式: · 连接有感无刷马达时:电调与马达相连有严格的线序要求,电调的#A/#B/#C必须与电机的#A/#B/#C三线严格一一对应,用6针感应线把电调与电机的感应口对接。

若有感无刷马达未接上感应线,则电调会工作 在无感模式,相当于电调连接无感无刷电机。

· 连接无感无刷马达时:电调与马达相连无严格的线序要求,电调的#A/#B/#C可以与电机的三线随意对接,若出现转向相反,任意交换两条马达线即可。

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表 14.6 当前命令
8 LocationN 原点以北位置,以英尺乘以 8 为 单位
9 dPitch
1024)。升降舵调节俯仰角通道 调节升降舵以减小目标俯仰角 和实际俯仰角的偏差。
10 gpsSpeed
GPS 接收机的速度,以英尺每秒 为单位
11 AGL
超声波变换器的原始输出-除 以 36.5 转换为英尺。若 AGL 板 没启用,此字段无定义。
1024/s×21 为单位(也就是将其
值除以 375 就得 degree/s
44 Body roll dot 横滚角点,在机体轴,单位同上
45 Body yaw dot 偏航角点,在机体轴,单位同上
46 targetheadin 目标航向角,以度为单位。横滚
12 GPS Status GPS 接收机状态。见表 39 的该字 段的详细描述。
13 Servo 1 ( 副 Servo 1 位置(数字舵机) 翼)
14 Servo 2(升降 Servo 2 位置(数字舵机) 舵)
15 Servo 3(方向 Servo 3 位置(数字舵机) 舵)
16 Servo 4 ( 油 Servo 4 位置(数字舵机) 门)
4 yDot
Y 向加速度,系统单位(g×100 -100 是 32 英尺每次方秒。
5 dRoll
目标横滚角,系统单位(弧度乘 以 1024)。副翼调节横滚角通道 调节副翼以减小目标横滚角和 实际横滚角的偏差。
6 Heading
GPS 航向角,以角度乘以 10 为单 位
7 LocationE 原点以东位置,以英尺乘以 8 为 单位
PC 时钟时间(hh:mm:ss)
GPS 方位东,以 degree 为单位,十进制
GPS 方位西,以 degree 为单位,十进制
俯仰角,以 rad×1024 为单位
横滚角,以 rad×1024 为单位
空速,以 feet/s 为单位
GPS 速度,以 feet/s 为单位
高度,以 feet×-8 为单位
当 GPS 时间在用户定义的字段中时,时间以从当星期周六 的格林威治时间开始经过的十分之一秒的数目记录。 MP2028 字段 GPS_TIME(字段 ID 号为 1224)以秒的十分 之一记录 GPS 时间。
比如电文文件中记录的 GPS_TIME 字段的值是 4879560(在 自动驾驶仪初始化点)。像如下方法将此值转化为日期时 间:
14 数据日志
MP 自动驾驶仪提供了为在飞行结束后进行飞行分析的丰 富的内部数据记录。MP 自动驾驶仪从飞行的开始(只要 GPS 的速度大于零)记录数据,并在缓冲区满时停止记录。 MP2028 在选中 fake GPS 后也开始记录数据,这在初始化 时告诉 MP2028 别等待锁定 GPS。数据在以每秒 5 次的速 率记录。数据志中所记录的字段列在表 14.1 中。数据志 在 GPS 锁定和传感器为零后自动清空。
control PID 向的速度
40 Climb state 爬升状态或机体在 Y 向的速度 或 velBodyY( 直 升机模式)
41 Correction 俯仰角点修正量
pitch dot
42 Correction 横滚角点修正量 yaw dot
43 Body pitch 俯仰角点,在机体轴,以 rad×
如何从 MP2028 上取得数据志在本手册的 45 页第 6 部分的 末尾有详细说明。
表 14.1 数据志字段
序号 字段
1 CurrentPitch 当前俯仰角值,系统单位(弧度 ×1024)
2 CurrentRoll 当前横滚角值,系统单位(弧度 ×1024)
3 dPAltitude 目标高度-取决于配置,或者是 俯仰角调节高度,或者是油门调 节高度反馈回路会调节俯仰角 或油门来减小目标高度和实际 高度的偏差。此字段值以英尺为 单位并乘以了-8(如-80 实际是 离地 10 英尺)。
接收机存的日历不完整或非当 前的 备份电池失效 信号处理错误 天线线路出错 GPS 工作频率存在干扰
xx00 xxxx xxxx xxxx 手动 GPS-微分修正忽略 xx01 xxxx xxxx xxxx 手动 GPS-带有微分修正 xx10 xxxx xxxx xxxx 自动 GPS-无微分修正 xx11 xxxx xxxx xxxx 自动 GPS-有微分修正
32.5872-32=0.5872×60=35.323 seconds 35 秒
用以上转换,我们得出电文从 GMT 星期五 15:32:35 开开 始记录。
标准电文记录在 HORIZON 文件夹的 stdtlm.txt 文件中。 该文件的格式描述见表 14.4。数据的记录速度取决于数
据链的传输速度和运行 HORIZON 的处理器的速度。 表 14.4 标准电文
x1xx xxxx xxxx xxxx 已定位
1xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx 获得 GPS 速度
下载数据志的过程在第 6 部分:操作 MP2028,第 35 页“数 据志”下。
PDOP 太高意味着星的数量足够,但位置较差并且不能定 位因为有太多错误。通常这种情况不会持续太长。
地面站记录两种遥测电文:标准电文和用户定义电文。用 户 定 义 电 文 只 有 在 启 用 时 才 被 记 录 ( 见 HORIZON 的 MP2028 .vrs 屏幕的“TLM”标签)。用户定义电文允许用 户指定每秒传输的字段。用户定义电文以 5Hz 的速率传 输。用户定义电文存在 HORIZON 文件夹的 tlm.txt 文件中。 每一列对应用户指定的字段。
xxxx xxx0 xxxx xxx1 xxxx xx0x xxxx xx1x xxxx x0xx xxxx x1xx x0xx xxxx
MP2028 在地上 MP2028 在空中飞行 RC CH5 开关在 CIC 模式 RC CH5 开关在 PIC 模式 MP2028 处于底电状态 电池电压正常 电台关闭(或超出传输范围)
26 GPS_POS_N GPS 位置(北纬度)
27 Current speed
当前速度,从空速变换器传来, 以英尺每秒为单位。
28 Target speed 需要速度,以英尺每秒为单位。
29 currentAltit 高度,以英尺乘以 8 为单位。 ude
30 cState
线程 0 的当前命令状态
成正比。Step 可以识别正在执行
的命令。用 256 整除并舍弃余数
可得 step。
说明了传感器的变化和 RC 连接 状态的变化。见表 14.2 该字段 各位全面描述。
温度传感器的原始输出。该值未 校准。
25 GPS_POS_E GPS 位置(东经度)
47 Event
字段 12(GPS 状态)和 23(CHANGED)在表 14.2 有深入 描述。这两个字段都包含许多包装在一起的元素。这些字 段用来检验数字是否转换为了二进制数字系统。窗口计算 器会将数字转换为二制。在窗口计算器中选择科学计算选 项以使能进行二进制转换。
表 14.2 状态改变字段
高度变化速率,以 feet×-8 为单位
航向角,以 degree×100 为单位
主电池电压,以 V×100 为单位
舵机电池电压,以 V×100 为单位
状态 2 比特字段
状态标志(字段 12)编码如下:
xxxx xxx1
GPS 已定位
xxxx xxxx xxx1 xxxx 电子综合器出错
xxxx xxxx xx1x xxxx 电池供电时钟出错
xxxx xxxx x1xx xxxx
xxxx xxxx 1xxx xxxx xxxx xxx1 xxxx xxxx xxxx xx1x xxxx xxxx xxxx x1xx xxxx xxxx xxxx 1xxx xxxx xxxx
xxxx xxx0
GPS 未定位
xxxx xx1x
PIC 模式
xxxx xx0x
CIC 模式
xxxx x1xx
RC 接收机的信号良好
xxxx x0xx
RC 接收机无信号
xxxx 1xxx
xxxx 0xxx
xx00 xxxx
MP2028 在 UAV 模式
xx01 xxxx
37 current Yaw 当前偏航角或机体在 X 向从盘旋

hover 点的偏移量
Offset X(直
38 Desired
需要的航向角或在 Y 向的机体需
heading 或 要盘旋角?
hover Offset
Y( 直 升 机 模
39 Heading
航向角控制 PID 模式或机体在 X
4879560/10 = 487956 seconds
487956/3600 = 135.54333 hours
135.54333 hours/24 = 5.64763 days 第 5 天
5.64763 -5 = 0.64763×24 = 15.54312 hours 15 时
15.54312-15=0.54312×60=32.5872minutes 32 分